DD Module2 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Mannik Singh

(877805) Xiaoran Huang + Studio 03

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

The three fabrication techniques discussed in the reading were, Subtractive, Additive, and formative. The former involves the removal of material from a solid volume to generate desired indents, shapes, forms and volumes using electricity, chemicals or mechanical work. Additive fabrication is the addition of thin layers of material to generate a desired shape. It is done by slicing up of a digital model into tiny, almost 2D layers, which then is used up by a 3D printing machine to generate the product. The latter, on the other hand, uses mechanical forces, steam, heat and/or restricting forms to deform a solid into a desired shape. CNC fabrication uses a dedicated computer system to perform the controlled movement of the machine head using a set of coded instructions (G-Code). The common CNC machines use a 3-Axis(X axis, Y axis, and Z axis) setup for the machine head, allowing construction of basic shapes. Other CNC setups include, 2, 4, 5 , 6 axes which allows for construction of more complex shapes (as in the case of the latter three) or basic shapes (as in the case of the former). The technology has the potential to create shapes that are complex but really accurate. These machines can be easily modified to create different iterations for a low price hence, mass customisation is made possible.


Week Three

Surface Creation

The process of creating surfaces using grasshopper’s scripting was very simple – I had to create over the top drammatic surfaces which besides complimenting each other, also balanced the form of each other, i.e. if one of the shapes was extremely curvy, the other one would be extremely flat. The surfaces, to me, represented a dance routine between a couple, and thats what I wanted to incorporate into my scheme. The scripting aspect of the grasshopper made possible for many iterations, by-passing most of the model making process in rhino. I played with surfaces and baked surfaces with which the waffling was possible; most of the shapes that I wanted to create made waffling impossible, which was something I took into consideration from the beginning.


Week Four

Panels & Waffle

The particular shape of the panels spark interest, owing to the sharp simple geometry forming complex shapes. There is a definitive boundary between the interior and exterior, which conceal the users’ privacy. There is a gradual shift in the panelling size creating a more dynamic user experience. Flatness of panels balance the protruding stellated forms on the obverse, furthermore, it allows them to appear prominent.

A hollow waffle structure allows for the creation of an interior volume. It acts as a threshold, conveying the user from the structure. The shape of the structure,makes the ceiling converge in, while still reflecting the openness owing to the hole on the top.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

The Waffle structure’s components were seperated using grasshopper and then baked. Laid out piece by piece onto the X plane and text tag was added to identify indiviual parts. The Panels were unfolded using the unrollsrf comman d and then tabs were added onto it using the PtTabs command so as to make it a proper shape. I used colour coding for the panels and therefore separated them from each other using some distance. The Biggest setback was the thickness of the Waffle Structiure fins which were to thin and some were burnt in the process.


Week Five

Something that complimented my waffle structure, that was my main aim while tackling this process. Using similar interesting 3D panel extrusions I went ahead with creating an interesting object which reflected the overall sceme of my design process. I wanted to create an intersecting geometry that interacted with the surface envelope creating a lighter, more open space which allowed for the accomodation of public and private. A space had to be dramatic and therefore, increasing the user experience. The shadows created by those forms had to be consistent yet dynamic, therefore I carefully booleaned the cube. Various thresholds, and circulation paths can be generated by rotating and/or scaling the object.


Week Five


What are some of the spacial qualities of your model? How does it address porosity and permeability? There was a will to create an intersecting intersecting geometry that interacted with the surface envelope to create a lighter, more open space. The accomodation of public and private was taken well care of to form space what was dramatic and therefore, increasing the user experience. The shadows created by those forms had to be consistent yet dynamic, therefore I carefully booleaned the cube. Various thresholds are created and circulation paths depending on the orientation and scale of the object, the pictures in the appendix will further reflect on it.


BLACK = Page Size/Trim Line

Week Six

Task 01



1.2 {149, 37, 149}


{149, 0, 75}







{149,37,149} {99,0,149}

{149,149,149 }




{132,149,149} {99,149,149}



Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Grid Points

{0,149,149} {0,99,149} {0,75,149}


{0,0,149} {149,149,0}









Paneling Grid & Attractors

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}




{Index Selection}






{Attractor Point Location}

{Point Attraction }

{Random Attraction}





Task 01 Matrix I played with surfaces and baked surfaces with which the waffling was possible; most of the shapes that I wanted to create made waffling impossible, which was something I took into consideration from the beginning. Similarly I played with the offsetting and grid points and got the surface which suited my scheme. 1.4 was mixed with 2.1 which was further panelled to form 3.4.


BLACK = Page Size/Trim Line MAGENTA = insert artwork in this area

Week Six Task 02








Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z)

{206,-37,167} {238,-99,146}

{124,261,77} {155,199,56} {Random Attraction without Magnitude}

{Random Attraction with magnitude of 2}





{Scaled Platonic Octahegdron}



{Curve Attraction}

{Curve Attraction}



{Scaled (using point attractor) Stelliated Tetrahedron}


{Scaled. stelliated Icosahedron}


Task 02 Matrix I wanted something that complimented my waffle structure. Using similar interesting 3D panel extrusions I went ahead with creating an interesting object which reflected the overall sceme of my design process. I wanted to create an intersecting geometry that interacted with the surface envelope creating a lighter, more open space which allowed for the accomodation of public and private. A space had to be dramatic 1.4 was used to further up on my design and then 2.4 was used to boolean the surface, forming an iterations as above. I used iteration 3.4 to further work up on to form my final object.


Week Six

Final Isometric Views


Appendix Task 1- Inspiration

The Surfaces were meant to be abstracted into the dance form – salsa, where the two surfaces rested on each other so elegantly and so cohesively that the resultant form would reflect their partnership.


Appendix Task 2

The object when scaled and alligned properly act as interesting dynamic spaces which interact with the user equally dynamically.



Task 2 - Inspiration

The Ceiling of Friday Mosque of Ifasahan, Iran


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