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16. Usability evaluation

The evaluation of this application had been done in two ways: qualitative and quantitative methods. Testing has been done among five stakeholders (real estate brokers).

16.1 Qualitative evaluation :


In qualitative methods, users are given eight usual scenarios and tasks from their routine.

Method: Think aloud.

Their actions have been observed and listed out the observations for each scenarios and tasks. From the observation, inferences and insights are tabulated along with above information.

16.2 Quantitative evaluation :

Incase of quantitative evaluation, it had been done based on the Usability testing tool developed by Prof. Anirudha Joshi. Then they were asked to perform the tasks and each user will be observed that how much time they take to complete the task, where they got stuck, which part they forgot, got confusion etc. Their performance was rated to do further analysis at last and decided the level of usability of the application among actual users.

So, based on the tasks given during the qualitative evaluation, the usability levels are graded for rating of about 0-5. The grading has been done by self for the respective goal parameters.

Qualitative method:

Qualitative method:

Qualitative method:

Fig 16.1c

Quantitative evaluation:

Fig 16.2b

16.3 Inferences from the quantitative evaluation:

As per the graphic result shown, the learnability and ease of use elements which are at high level (2.86) which shows it works in decent manner among less tech savvy users - real estate brokers. Ease of communication is at 2.6 - which assures that users whose interaction with this application is manageable. In the next level, speed of use is at 2.45. It reveals that this tool will fit in to the brokers’ routine with quiet level of practice and usage. The subjective satisfaction is at 2.4 which also shows that people have less emotional engagement with the application. Finally, the error free usage level is at 1.8 which means there are frequent misconceptions and diversions that occur in application usage to be recovered.

16.4 Evaluation for the project outcome:

The stakeholders were allowed to have an application walkthrough.

Post-test questions (after the walkthrough): Comparing the old procedure with new procedure after using the application. Questions were on experiential elements: how they feel, how it helps them in managing their routine tasks (regarding real estate) etc. Based on the likert scale, the users had given the ratings for their experience with the application.

Inferences from the above evaluation shows that:

- Stakeholders are familiar with whatsapp UI and compare with it. - Stakeholders look for quick action icon for taking notes in default screen. - They are able to quickly identify tasks with profile (customer name). - They prefer taking screenshots than sharing through menu. - They prefer attachments than typing text.

FInally, the average rating of 4 (aaprox.) which shows that this tool will be better replacement for the current task management methods for real estate brokers..

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