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Why broker need an app to perform few set of tasks for few live customers?
Brokers routine includes searching for the property, gathering details about property by meeting various informers, people & friends known and unknown circle. They need to travel a lot for visiting and confirming the availability of land/plot. Out of those many will not be sold or bought that time. But they may be available in future. They also need to know the current valuation apart from guideline value of particular place. It differs from place to place. Customers believe them if they know the land valuation of particular area. Successful transactions may be less but the resource gathering for future transactions must be done. As the live transactions are few and has less no.of tasks till closing the deal. But for other routine tasks they should be noted, maintained and tracked for future transactions. In this way, this mobile application helps broker in effective customer resource management along with task and time management.
Target users are the real estate- land/plot brokers from the outskirts of the city. This application focuses on individual real estate brokers in tamilnadu. The procedure for registration of property and officials hierarchy is same for villages and cities in India. But the stamp duty cost, guideline value and registration fees differs. Also the power of attorney procedures and property laws are same in India.