Note: Bold page numbers refer to tables and italic page numbers refer to figures. abrasivity 85, 86 accuracy 143, 214, 327, 328, 331 adhesion 148, 186, 344 aggressive waters 48 Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) 5 analytical solutions computational methods 209–210 deep tunnels 226, 228–230 anisotropy 58, 59 geotechnical materials 58 annulus 74, 236, 292 aperture 65 aquiclude 34 aquifer 34, 76, 104, 105, 147, 231, 291 aquitard 37 arching effect 221 asbestos 50 asbestos-bearing rock masses management 109–110 atterberg limits 85 auxiliary methods 191–197, 193–195 axial symmetry 210, 223 bentonite slurry 178, 276, 277 biodegradability 108 Bit Wear Index (BWI) 85 block theory 230 borehole 87, 256, 322 expansion tests 91 exploratory boreholes and sampling 79–80 boundary conditions 59, 205–207, 217, 217, 219, 231 boundary value problem 68, 237 Brenner Base Tunnel 37 brittle behaviour 47 brittleness value 86 bulkhead 279 BWI see Bit Wear Index (BWI)
bypass 130, 342 by-product 107, 111 carbonation 335, 336 carbon dioxide 49 carbon footprint of tunnel construction 114–115 carbon monoxide 49 Carranza Torres, C. 271 cataclastic rocks 75 Cesana tunnel 113 chemical hazards 17 chimney-like failure mechanism 224 circular economy 114, 360 clayey materials 61 clogging potential, in TBM tunnelling 85–87 closed-mode tunnelling 325 coastal sedimentary deposition 147 codes and partial factors 250 cohesion 74, 85 collapse condition 211 compensation grouting 192 compressibility 59, 83 compression tests, uniaxial 81–82 compressive strength 61, 62, 64–67 of rock discontinuity surface 82 of rock matrix 81 computational cost 204, 212–214, 224, 233 computational methods analytical solutions 209–210 excavation phase axisymmetric approach 222 hydro-mechanical coupling 215–217 three-dimensional analyses 218 2D fixed geometry analyses 222–223 integrated/derived solutions 210 limit analysis 211 limit equilibrium method 211 solutions for stability analyses 210