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Note: Bold page numbers refer to tables and italic page numbers refer to figures.
abrasivity 85, 86 accuracy 143, 214, 327, 328, 331 adhesion 148, 186, 344 aggressive waters 48 Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) 5 analytical solutions computational methods 209–210 deep tunnels 226, 228–230 anisotropy 58, 59 geotechnical materials 58 annulus 74, 236, 292 aperture 65 aquiclude 34 aquifer 34, 76, 104, 105, 147, 231, 291 aquitard 37 arching effect 221 asbestos 50 asbestos-bearing rock masses management 109–110 atterberg limits 85 auxiliary methods 191–197, 193–195 axial symmetry 210, 223
bentonite slurry 178, 276, 277 biodegradability 108 Bit Wear Index (BWI) 85 block theory 230 borehole 87, 256, 322 expansion tests 91 exploratory boreholes and sampling 79–80 boundary conditions 59, 205–207, 217, 217, 219, 231 boundary value problem 68, 237 Brenner Base Tunnel 37 brittle behaviour 47 brittleness value 86 bulkhead 279 BWI see Bit Wear Index (BWI) bypass 130, 342 by-product 107, 111
carbonation 335, 336 carbon dioxide 49 carbon footprint of tunnel construction 114–115 carbon monoxide 49 Carranza Torres, C. 271 cataclastic rocks 75 Cesana tunnel 113 chemical hazards 17 chimney-like failure mechanism 224 circular economy 114, 360 clayey materials 61 clogging potential, in TBM tunnelling 85–87 closed-mode tunnelling 325 coastal sedimentary deposition 147 codes and partial factors 250 cohesion 74, 85 collapse condition 211 compensation grouting 192 compressibility 59, 83 compression tests, uniaxial 81–82 compressive strength 61, 62, 64–67 of rock discontinuity surface 82 of rock matrix 81 computational cost 204, 212–214, 224, 233 computational methods analytical solutions 209–210 excavation phase axisymmetric approach 222 hydro-mechanical coupling 215–217 three-dimensional analyses 218 2D fixed geometry analyses 222–223 integrated/derived solutions 210 limit analysis 211 limit equilibrium method 211 solutions for stability analyses 210
modelling approaches and calculation methods 204–209 numerical methods
DEM 214–215
FDM 214
FEM 211–214 support and reinforcement systems 223–224 conceptual design see feasibility studies conditioned soil 108, 109, 279 cone penetrometer test 87 consolidation 83–84 consolidation work 173 constitutive laws 216, 347, 205, 206, 212, 237 elastic-perfectly plastic 220 plastic and elastic–brittle 73 construction 19–20, 20, 165–166 design 10, 20 constructive defects 335 contact law 214 conventional grouting 192 convergence 5–6, 212, 215, 270 conveyor belt 112 core rotary drilling 79 corrosion 188, 335, 336, 338 countermeasures design/implementation of possible 21 engineering forecasting of potential 19 coupled approach 231, 233 creep 58, 329 deformation 157 crisis management 10 cross-hole testing method 92 CRSH 156 cutterhead 174, 175, 197, 232 cutters (cutter tools) 85, 175 cyclic mechanical tests 84
DAC test technology 322 Darcy’s law 59 Débat Public procedure 357 deep tunnels analytical solutions 226, 228–230 integrated/derived solutions 225–226 stability analysis 227 deformability modulus (stiffness modulus) 69, 273 degradation phenomena and damages 334–336 DEM see discrete element method (DEM) density 37, 59 rock 82 derived solutions computational methods 210 deep tunnels 225–226 design approaches 5–6 design codes 250 Design Geological and Geotechnical
Reference Model (DGGM) 143, 145 design process management 10–11 detailed design 10, 35, 296 DGGM see Design Geological and
Geotechnical Reference Model (DGGM) dilatancy 74 dilatancy law see plastic potential dip 65, 68 dip direction 64, 68, 269, 299 direct shear test 66 discontinuity systems 64–65 discontinuous medium 236 discontinuum approach 210, 230, 252 discrete element method (DEM) 214–215 domain reduction method 238 down-hole testing method 92 drained conditions 60, 224, 225, 329 drillability 85 drill and blast (D&B) 105 drilling tool 197 ductility 287, 306 dynamic mechanical tests 84 dynamic rock burst hazard 153–157, 154
Earthquakes 149, 336 ecotoxicity 108 ecotoxicological test 108 effective stresses geotechnical materials 58–59 elasticity 57 elastic–perfectly plastic constitutive law 220 electrical resistivity 92 emergency and rescue design criteria 128–129 key performance indicators (KPIs) 18 environmental assessment 108, 108 environmental impact of a tunnel 101–102, 106, 114, 115, 291 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certification 114 excavated muck management 105–107 excavation-damaged zone (EDZ) 236 excavation material containing asbestos, management of 110–112 excavation methods 166 conventional method 167–169 drill and blast 169–172 drill and split 173–174 excavator with shovels or with ripper tooth 175 high-energy impact hammer 174–175 roadheader 174 full-face mechanized tunnelling method 175–184 excavation phase 251
conventional tunnelling 251–252 design of pre-improvement techniques for tunnelling 260–266, 261–263 dewatering and drainage 256–259, 257, 258 pre-confinement by means of face reinforcements 254–255 pre-support by means of forepoling techniques 252–254 sequential excavation 252 conventional tunnelling, first-phase and final support design 266–275 empirical methods 267–269 lining design in squeezing materials 275 mechanized tunnelling 275–290 numerical methods 272–274 exploratory adits 321 extensometer 319, 320, 327 extrusometer 322
face extrusion 191, 208 face pressure 175, 177, 178, 324 face reinforcement 173, 195, 196 pre-confinement by means of 254–255 failure mechanism 211, 224, 254, 300, 301 failure surface 210, 234, 300 fault filling materials, tectonized rocks and 75–76 fault rocks 28 classification of 29 problems in the characterization of 75–76 FDM see finite difference method (FDM) feasibility studies (feasibility design) 10 FEM see finite element method (FEM) final design 80 finite difference method (FDM) 214 finite element method (FEM) 211–214 firedamp 49, 131 fire design, material behaviour relevant for 307 flat dilatometer tests (DMT and SDMT) 88 flat jack test method 90 flow rule 57, 211, 220 forepoling techniques 252–254 fractured/karst system 36 fracture mechanics 288 free-field condition 235, 302, 304 free span 166, 185, 187, 191, 193, 196 freezing 261–263 friction bolt 188 full-face mechanized tunnelling method 175
gas 48–49 gaskets 293 geognostic surveys in tunnelling 34 geological investigations 38–40 geological model 159 geological model, features and hazards 25–26 geological strength index (GSI) 68, 150 geophysical prospection 325 geophysical testing methods 91, 91–93 geostructural survey 39 geotechnical investigation 56–57, 96 geotechnical materials, hydro-mechanical characterization of 57–60 geotechnical model 159 geotechnical unit 95, 331 geothermal gradient 42, 42 grain size distribution 59, 108 ground failure 305–306 ground penetrating radar 93 ground reaction curve (GRC) (convergence–confinement curve) 223 ground reinforcements 192–193 ground shaking, seismic loads 302–305 groundwater 32, 36, 37 groundwater regime, influence of tunnelling on 231–232 grouted bolts 188 GSI see Geological Strength Index (GSI); geological strength index (GSI)
hardness 85, 86 high-resolution imaging instruments 339 Hoek–Brown criterion 62, 69, 73 homogenized mechanical parameters 206 horseshoe shape tunnels 6 hydraulic conductivity 59 hydraulic fracturing test method 90 hydraulic hazards, category of 17 hydraulic parameters, in situ tests for determination of 93, 94 hydraulic tunnel 345 hydrogen sulphide 49 hydrogeological conceptual model of system tunnel-aquifer 32 in tunnelling 37 hydrogeological hazards, in tunnelling 32 hydrogeological investigations 38–40
igneous rocks 26 index tests, for cutting tools optimization 85, 86 in situ stress conditions 70–71 in situ surveys and investigations planning and execution of 76–80 exploratory boreholes and sampling 79–80 site investigations 76–78 in situ testing and monitoring 80 survey 78–79
in situ tests 87 for determination of hydraulic parameters 94 geophysical testing methods 91 rock mechanics tests 87–91, 90–91 soil mechanics tests 87, 88–89 inspections of tunnels 336–337, 337 instrumental 338–339 visual 338 intact rock elements mechanical properties of soil and 60–64 stiffness 62–64 strength 60–62 interferometry 326–327 Italian State Railway Standard Codes 7
jet grouting 192, 263–264, 266 joint see discontinuity
karst phenomena 36, 50, 51 key performance indicators (KPIs) 18 kinematic method see kinematic approach of limit analysis kinematic variables 206 KPIs see key performance indicators (KPIs)
landslides 299–301, 336 large strain approach 207 laser scanning 321, 339 Lefranc test 94 LEM see limit equilibrium method (LEM) limit analysis integrated/derived solutions 211 limit equilibrium method (LEM) 208 limit tensile strain method 296 lining against fire, design of 306 material behaviour relevant for fire design 307 spalling 307–308 lining degradation phenomena 335 liquefaction 305 lithology 26 loading system stiffness (LSS) 152 logistical constraints 16 long-term response 207 Lotschberg Base Tunnel, Switzerland 37 low-pressure grouting 192 Lugeon test (packer test) 74
maintenance 334 activities, repair works and protective measures 340–341 manchette pipe 192, 195, 196 mass communication 351 mechanical hazards, category of 16 mechanical parameters
homogenized 206 mesh 212, 214 metamorphic rocks 50, 62 methane 48–49 Mohr–Coulomb criterion 60, 62, 66, 73, 228 monitoring of tunnels 336–337 mucking 148, 149, 175 multi-surface plasticity model 206, 213
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) 109 nitrogenoxides 49 non-linear differential equations 209 numerical convergence 212 numerical error 205, 212 numerical instability 212, 215 numerical solution 212–215, 219, 234
observational method 297–298 open mode 183, 324 over-coring test method 90 overthrust 36
parametric study 205, 290 partial derivative differential equations 204 partial factor method 96 particle finite element method (PFEM) 208 peak particle velocity (PPV) 235 peak strength 72–74 penalty function 214 penetrometer test 87 percussion drilling 79 permeation grouting 192, 197, 261–264 persistence 65 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 130 physical hazards 17 piezometric surface 34, 36, 147, 231, 257, 259, 260 plane strain model 207 planning/feasibility study 14–15, 15 choice of mitigation measures 17 constraints identification 15–16 risk acceptability criteria 17 risk assessment/evaluation/allocation 16–17 tendering strategies 15 plastic and elastic–brittle constitutive laws 73 plastic constitutive law 210, 211 plastic hardening 57 plasticity geotechnical materials 57–58 plasticity model, multi-surface 213 plastic potential 57, 213 plate loading test method 90 Poisson ratio 62, 64, 228 pollutant emission 133
pore pressure 45, 60, 80, 219, 235, 319, 327 porosity 59, 60 portal 102–103, 103 preliminary design 35, 78, 237, 248, 282, 304 “Prevention through Design (PtD)” approach 123, 133 project acceptance strategies 351–362 pumping tests 94
quartz-rich soils 148
radioactive elements 17 radon 49 Rayleigh damping 235 refurbishment works 341–342 design 346–347 structural improvement 344–345 water control methods 342–344 representative elementary volume (REV) 206, 252 residual risk assessment/evaluation 19, 20 residual strength 74, 75, 288 risk allocation 17 risk analysis 17, 25, 145, 159 risk evaluation 25 risk management 13–21, 140 risk mitigation 25 rock block 65 rock bolts 188 rock burst 46–48, 150–153 rock discontinuities 64–66, 83 rock mass 64 classification systems 67–68 conditions 75 mechanical properties of 68–70 post-peak behaviour for 74–75 stiffness 70 strength 69–70 rock mass rating (RMR) 67–68, 68 rock matrix 61 compressive strength of 81 stress–strain curve of 64 uniaxial compressive strength of 81 rock mechanics tests 87–91, 90–91 rock TBMs 175, 177, 179–180 rock wedges, stability of 230 rotary drilling 79
satellite interferometry 326 scaling 172, 174 Schmidt hammer tests 66 screw conveyor 175, 177, 279, 325 sedimentary rock 24, 26, 52, 71 segmental lining (or segment lining) 86, 251, 275, 282–284, 284, 285, 292 seismicity 42–43 seismic loads 301–302 ground shaking 302–305 seismic tomography 40 self-drilling bolts 188 shallow tunnels 224–226 cavity response in inclined strata 227 soil behaviour in 71–72 stability analysis 224, 226–227 shear strength 60, 61, 66, 83, 161, 188 of discontinuities 66–67 Sheorey’s theory 41 Simplon Tunnel 51 small-scale prototype tests – extrusion tests 84–85 sociopolitical constraints 16 sodium lauryl ether sulphate (SLES) 107 soil mechanics tests 87, 88–89 soils deposits 147 soil stiffness, decay of 84 solid skeleton 58 soluble rocks 148 spalling (or slabbing) 47 spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) 93 squeezing 44–46, 45, 46, 47 stability analysis deep tunnels 227 shallow tunnels 224, 226–227 standard penetrometer test (SPT) 87, 88 static approach of limit analysis 208 steel ribs 187 strain hardening 58 strain softening 58 strain-softening behaviour 74 stress, natural state of 40–42 structural element 165, 196, 214, 224, 249 sulphur dioxide 49 support reaction curve (SRC) 270 support technologies 185 final lining 189–190 first-phase lining 186–188 surface monitoring 325–329, 326 surfactant 107 swelling 43–44, 44, 83–84, 148
TBMs see Tunnel Boring Machine (TBMs) technological constraints 16 tectonics 27–30, 28–30 tectonized rocks, and fault filling materials 75–76 tensile strength 60, 61, 82, 288 terrestrial interferometry 327 thermal scanning 339 thermo-mechanical coupling 239 time discretization 212, 234 time domain 237, 282
total stress 59, 61, 64, 82, 235, 279 Tresca criterion 220 triaxial tests 82 truss element 224 tunnel and underground water, interference between 104, 104–105 Tunnel Boring Machine (TBMs) 6, 184, 324 double-shield 178 operational parameters 325 rock 175, 177 tunnelling, clogging potential 85–87 tunnel design, hydrogeological surveys in different stages of 35 tunnel engineering 3–4 requirement 3 tunnel excavation, displacement field induced by 294–296 tunnel face in soils, mechanical response of 224–226 deep tunnels analytical solutions 226 integrated/derived solutions 225–226 shallow tunnels integrated/derived solutions 225 stability analysis 224 tunnel–landslide interaction 238 tunnelling-induced displacements, effect on buildings of 296–297 tunnelling projects, ground investigation for 79 tunnel lining 300 tunnel management system (TMS) 336 tunnel monitoring 319–320 conventional tunnelling 320, 320–322 mechanized tunnelling 322–325 tunnel transversal sections 9 tunnel water inflow 231–232
ultimate limit state (ULS) approach 250 evaluation of 250 ultimate limit state (ULS) calculations 329 uncertainties and risks 140–141 preliminary assessment of geological and geotechnical sources of 145–149 preliminary assessment of other sources of 149–150 uncoupled approaches
SSI 233 uniaxial compression tests 81–82
vane shear test (VST) 89 vane tests 87 ventilation design criteria 131–132 ventilation systems 131 goal and design principle of 132–133, 134, 135, 136 viscosity 58 geotechnical materials 58 viscous damper 215 visual inspections 338 Void Index 147 volume loss 178, 280 vulnerability 42, 253, 265, 330
wall strength 65, 66 water, aggressive 48 water-bearing structure, identification and hydraulic characterization of 76 water management 6 waterproofing approaches 291–292 waterproofing technologies 292–294 water table 34, 35, 45, 104, 150, 171, 191, 197, 231, 231, 344 drainage of 291 level 292 monitoring 34 wire mesh 187, 344
yield function 57–58 yielding 57, 58, 72 Young’s modulus 62, 70, 81