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Sew 5 0 Adorable Projects in 10 Charming Themes

susan cousineau

general instructions: quilts Refer to these basic inscrucdons to piece, assemble and bind your quilts.


Piece the ijuilt tof^

general instructions: pillows Note: I use a J4" (6mm) seam allowance

A Add a hanging sleeve

for the 14" x 14" (36cm x 36cm) square Sey/ing a sleeve onto the back of your

Sew the strips ri

quilt rriakes it easy to display using a

diagonal seams (i.e, at a

rod or dowel.

one continuous strip. Trim the excess

also a sale method

*r with angle) into

When piecing the blocks o f your

for hanging your quilt as it prevents

febric leaving a Vt" (6mm) seam allow­

quilt, ptacc the fabric pieces right sides

potential distortion and damage, which

ance. Press the seams open.

together and sew using a

other hanging methods sometimes


seam allowance. Refer to the finished project photo to

pillows. However, If you prefer to use a taiger 54" (13mm) seam allowance, accordingly. (Cut 14H" (37cm) squares for die pillow fix>nc ar>d back instead of 14" (36cm], and 5)4" (14cm] squares for the patchwork pillow fronts instead of 5*

straighter and Ratter against the wall.

Refer to the individual project


Clip the seam allowance at the

instructk>ns to cut the pillow backing

corners, turn the pillow right side out and

and complete the front of the pillow.


(The instructions for the pillow fronts

just adjust your fabric measurements

cause. It may also keep your quilt hanging


{13cm].) Remember to adjust the width

are basically the same as for the quilt blocks. Therefor«, to avoid unnecessary repetition in the pillow instructions, I will reference the quilt project in that chapter to com ple» th(* pillow front)



wflth polyester fiberlill. Slip stitch the opening closed. (If using a pillow insert, you can also add small pieces of fiberfitl to fill out and add fiminess to the sides and corner edges. This may be necessary

piecc the three rows of each quilt. Then

To determine the size o f fabric required

measurements of the ground patterns for

sew the three rows together to form the

for your h^glng sleeve, first m f asure

the Frog Pond (see page 25) and Blossom


quilt top

the width of your quilt. You will want

Bunny (see page 35) collections and any

together. Sew around the edges of the

to cut a strip of febric approximately

ribbon or rickrack trims according to

pillow using a V (6mm) seam alk>wance.

RerrM^mber that fiberfill is always an

1'-2* (3cm -Scm ) less than this width

ertsure that they are sewn within rhe

Be sure to leave an opening large enough

optk)n if you are uncertain about the fit


necessary seam allowances.

at the bottom to insert the pillow form

o f any pilfow insert.)

Press the seam ^ w a n a s in c«ie directioa preferably toward the darker fabric or in the direction that will create the least amount of bulk. Pressing seam

Since you will be folding the sleeve prior to sewing you’ll want to double the

It easier to line up the seams in each row.

finished size, I decided to use a 3" (8cm)

M d the border

of the fabric Sew the side bordere first. Press and trim. Sew the borders to the.top and bottom. Press and trim.

O A ssm hk the layers

cut a 6‘ (15cm) wide strip. Fold the fabric strip right sides together, aligning the long edges, Sew along the short edges usinga

quilt and sleeve are even. Sticch the sleeve to the quill with an approximate (3mm*6mtn) seam albwance,

hand'Stitch the bottom edge of the

sides of the quilt top and backing facing together, Smooth out any wrinkles on the fabric and batting. Pin the thfc« layers together, then stitch-in*the«ditch akingthe seams (or quilt as detJred).

sleeve onto the quilL


Add the binding

Cut five IVi (6cm) wide binding strips along the width of the fabric.


6lcm ), 22'



(56crn x S6cm) and 18" x 18" P

the back so that the top raw edges o f the

After the binding is sewn (see Step 5),

bottom layers of the quit with the wrofig

siies; 24' X 24" (61cm

side out and press. Center the sleeve onto

irwrhes larger than the finished size of your

Baste the batting in between the top and

Tl^ese projects are featured in three basic

(6mm) seam

allowance. Trim the corners, uirn right

Cue the bacMng fabric and batting several quilt top.

thickr>ess among different manufacturers.

general instructions: chenille wall hangings

sleeve, so to double that ri>easurement. I

Cut four 3" (8cm) strips along the width

as pillow inserts can sometimes vary in

(or stufTwithfiberfill).

allowances in opposite directions makes


pin the two pillow pieces right sides

Press the binding strip in half lengthwise, wrong sid^ together.



(.«cm X 46cm).



Stitch around the edges o f the

wall hanging and around each of the four cher>ille squares using a J4-H" (6-10m m ) seam allowance (You wHIl be stitching through the three layers, which

Refer to the individual project instruc­

will give a quilted efftct,)

tions to cut the backing and batting and Beginning in die middle of one side and

complete the front of the wall hanging

with raw edges aligned pin the binding

The square piece of batting is generally cut

tothequlk top.

1'(3cm ) smaller due to the unfinished

Leaving a tail approxin^cely 8* (20cm) long at the beglnrang sew the binding to the quilt top using a

(6mm) seam



Trim the raw edges even as necessary.

edges o f the wall hangings.



Note: To avoid unnecessary repetition for

such as a running sUich, along the seams

» m e o f these instructions, I frtVrence the

o f the four chenille corners using four

quilt project from chat same collecck>n.

snands o f the desired color floss. Not«: I added decorative stitching to

Stop stitching H" (6mm) from the comer of the quilt and backstitch. Remove



only some o f the designs.

the quilt. Fold up the binding strip ac a

8f«d bottom layers witfi che wrong sides

45’ angle, away from the quilt, then fold

of the cheniHe top and backing facing


It down even with che raw edge of the

together. Smooth out any wrinkles in the

for hanging, or add a hangir\g sle«ve.

Trim the baiting and badcing fabric even

chenille f^jric and batting Pir^ thf three

with the edges of the quilt top.

liyers together.

Stitch two plastic loops along the top

-1 8 -^

np: The unfinished edges of the cheniKe add to the charm of these whimskial v«lf hangings. However, if you want a more finidied edge, simply trim any stray threads or fibers with sharp scissors and spray the edges with a fray preventative.

Blanket sdcch around ihe top of thve cactalls with the white floss. Add a Mack funning screch along each side of the seem. Blanket scicch around the flowers with th« p e e n floss and around the flower centers with the yellow floss. Sew a 'A' (13mm) yellow button onto each flower center. Cut two 14“ (36cm) pieces of the jumbo white rickrack Baste the rickrack onto the two ground pieces, approximately I V (4cm ) from the bottom. Swch to secure,

squares of the assorted prints.

Referring to the pattern insert, trace and

Cut two 5" X 5" (13cm x 13cm) squares

cut two frogs from the green Mt. two

o f white chenille for the center blocks.

rr>edium flowers and four eyes from the white felt, four pupils from the black fielt. four cattail stems from the tan ielc and four cattail tops from the brown felt. iiiiuiK M iiiiiiim m i

Prep'are the iwo f?aichwork blocks Cut sixteen 5” « 5" (13cm x 13cm)

Foibw the Kisible Web Appliqué

Rcfen-ing to the pattern insert, uace and cut two small flowers fix>mthe ydtow felt. l-ollow the Fusible Web Appliqué instructions to fuse two circular flower centers using the green doc fabric.

IK (lK m ) yards qutit baivng, 4S ' (I14cm ) wide

instnjctlon« to /use six frog spots using

28* (72cm) jum bo wfiite rickr»dc

Che green dot fabric and two circular

B iiie the flowers onto the center o f the

14‘ (36cm) jum bo green rtekrick

flower ceriteri using the green, white and

chniile squares.

DMC coccon embroidery flo i* >VhiK, »310

yellow platd («bric.

(black), #3364 (gr«en) m d »727 (ysiow) Regular or Hghtwcighc pap#f-b*diid fusiWe web Two W* (13mm ) ydiow buttons, { ' « W

the green floss and around the circular

pattern for placement, baste the frog

centers with the white floss.

(13mm) v^ itc buctoni. w o H ' (lOmm) white

pieces, cattails and flowers onto che febric

buttons and a

squares. Remember to reverse the place'

(6mm) y*(ldsv button

AAaieriafs and To d s (p ay» 1*1 0 ) Panem ¡nsert

Blanket stitch around the floweni with

Referring to the project photo and

ment of the pieces on the bottom bteck.

S«w a W (10mm) white button onto the center of each flower.

Lay the squares out for each block as

Blanket stitch around the dragonfly's

Referring to the project photo for

desired, with the chenille flower square

wings with the yellow fioss and around

placement, baste the flowers so chài

in the center of the three rows. (Use

A e body with the green floss. Add a

they overlap the tops o f the rickrack

the project photo as a guide.) Sew the

black running stitch for the antennas and

stems. Baste the leaves, one onto each

patchwork squares together, connecting

che curlicue underneath. Add two Wack

side of che rickrack stem. (Note that the

the squares for each row first, then

French knots for the eyes and four green

position of the leaves is reversed on each

sewing the rows together.

aoss stitches, one onto each dot,

chenille piece.)

Sew'a y< (6cm) yellow button onto the

Blanket stitch around the flowers vwth

dragonfly for che nose,

che green floss and around the circular

the yellow and white stripe print.


stitch around the leaves with the white

Referring to ihe pattern insert, trace and

Cut two

cut the dragonfly body from the white

of white chenille.


Prepare the ¿Iragpnfly block

Cuca 10H" X I4'(27cm x 36cm) piece of

feic and four spots from the yeilow felt.

centers with the white floss. Straight

Prepare the two flcwer hfoch X 14" (23cm x 36cm) pieces

Referring to che pattern insert, trace and

Follow the fusible Web Appliqué

cut two large flowers from the yellow fiHt

instructions to fuse dragoniiy wings at a

and four leaves from the green felt.

slight angle to the fabric square, using the green dot fabric.

Follow the Fu-sible Web Appliqué instructions to fuse two circular flower

Referring to the project photo and pattern insert for placement, baste the felt body and four dots onto the wings.

frog pond patchwork pillow

centers using the green doc fabric Cut two 7* (18cm) pieces of the jumbo green rickrack for the flov^^er stems. Baste each o f the rickrack pieces to the chenille, beginning from the bottom center. Secure them with a running stitch using

floss, then add three running stitches along the center. Sew a H' (13mm) white button onto the center of each flower.


Compélete (he ^uiit

Refisr to the General Instructions on page 16 to: Piece the quilt top. Add the border. Assemble the layers. Add a hanging sleeve.

the green floss (or you can machine stitch

N o tr The hanging sleeve can be added

if desired).

after the binding if chat is your preferred technkjue. Add die binding.

fab ric

A Frog Pond baby shower theme is perfect for parents who are decorating their nursery in a gender-ncutxal yellow or green color scheme. look for frog- and bug-thefned party decorations, tabletop accessories and favors.

o fth e backing fabric.

Cut a W X 14" (36cm x 36cm) square

(orpo(y«sc«t ñberW)

: 5 ’ X S ' d k m >« lic m ) »qWHW

Baby Shower Idea


.'lUMlItilÜüMUHrMíHi": 14' (36cm3 tquar* pillow form

C O T T O N P R IN T S V u »n *d yillow iiK i


p rilli

< 14* (36cm K 36cm)s<)u»iv

white and Regular 0»

^•»'. coter pfipt (bic-fcif'g) ir a ; of green doc pflnt (flosvir c*nc«r)

::-;s N iL iE r • 5' ;'3 cm * 13cm)

DMC cottofi tmbfDidery fioss;


re-ii « -.Usevifhiw cN*niH« if ya\j «n c e :he block on the iMCB * ft.; c«n H jb K iun tr>«h«r T c n c - ~rM ite » noe ivjuUWe,

(|reen) papw-badced ftisible web

W (13w m ) yellow butrón (Use a (lOmni) wtiits button if you wane to

to t (vTttll flow«)

«n c

-.«iiow fell if you warn U>

- c r f t : ock on ch* qgtti.

Refer to the quilt inscrucrions to

make a patchwork fkxiver block for the pIBow fronc using the eight fabric squares and the chenille square for die center.

O'Vitcn th e bkxl« O^I che quÜt.)

N ote:) chose to vary the color of the

Materi*)» artd Toob (pages fi-lO)

ct-ienille square and fek flower, but you

Pattern inwrt

can finish it to n^atdi che quilt exactly if youpref^.

Be sure to read the Techniques section an d the inelivicioal project insüuctions

FELT :jc a c


thorou ^iy before you begin. Use tM> a r a n á ojem broideryjhssforaH stitchm$ ur^iessotiiefwtie stated.



Refer to the General Instructions on

p ^ e 18 to finish the pillow.

frog pond pillow

frog pond bib i ' i i * jS i i i i i

fab ric C O T T O N P R IN T S Two 1 4 'X 14" (3<5cm >: 36cm)


supplies 14* (36cm) square piltevv fomi

OMC cotton embroKlefy floM: whk«. »JiO

ofgr«n print (jtround)

(blackX *3364 (green) and *737 (yeUo*iV)

iTOfp irK] ffM c, ^ k e and )/eilow pUid prt>t <ftoww center)

Regular or Jightweight paper-Utcked iuilble web H*(13mm) yellow button ^Aateriak and Tools (page 8 -1 0 )

w o o l . fB L T

Blanket sticch around the frog with

the white floss and around the eyes with the black floss. (There is no need to stitch


che raw edge.) Add a white running sotch

Refer to the quilt instructions to

around the pupils, Trace, then backstitch

make a frog Wock for the pillow front

U « moucli svi(li cfie blück f\oa. Sticch a

using a 14- X 14“ (36cm x 36cm) fabric

Stench khtJt« each «id of th# mourK

square. You will use the other square ft>r

Add the nostriU wiih the black floss using

che pillow backing,

Aiatin stitch.

i^ tttrn tnsere


12* H 12' (30CID w 30cm) sqiare o f green feh (frog) Scraps o i brown and tanfeJt (cattaits),

Be sure to read the Techniques section

w h i» ftii (frog-i eyes and medium

an d the indhidual p rojea instructions

ftower) and Mack « t (frogi p u p *)



Cut two IV X 14* (36cm X 36cm)

squares of che yeltew gingham.

(or polyescer fiberfill) 14" (36cm) j u n ^ white nckrack

r x 1 6 '(1 1 cm * 41cm) piece

Scrapi of gfwn dot prirw {jp o u on



RefertotheCenerallnscnjcoonson page 18 to finish che pillow.


With the edges aligned, baste the

bib-shaped batting onto the wrong side o f the back fabric bib piece

thoroughly before you begin. Use tvw strands o f em broidery floss Jo r all stitching 5

unless otiwrvAse stated.

Pin the two bib pieces right sides

together. Sew around che edges of the bib

fab ric

8c sure 10 ntod the Techniques section


thoroughly before you begn. Use two

% yard (Km ) ytUow dot ixint Scrapi of green dot print (frog), white

an d the individual project mstructions

usings H* (6mm) seam allowance, leaving . the neck area open for turning.

Clip the cunres of che seam allow­

itronds o j em broidery floss fo r all stitching


unless otherwise stated.

ance. Turn the bib right side out and press.



‘abric (eyes) and black fabric (ptipili)


Referring to the pattern insert, trace

and cut two bib shapes from che yellow

'>2*x 12’ (30cm x 30cm) H|Dar« of quilt baiting

dot pfir>t and one bib shape from the

DMC cotton embroidery ilo«-


«M (e and 1310 (black) ^agular or iightweghc pJpe^back•<l fiisibJeweb

Close the neck opening with a

zigzag stitch.

8 Cut a JOM^ócm) piece o f bias tape. Line up che center o f the bias tape and

3C* (76cm> o f J4* (6mm) wide whit#


aaoble-fokled bias tape

instructions on page 1 3 to fuse a frog

baite the tape into position. There should

Vaurials and Tooii (pagcf A -10)

onto one of th i Wb pieces (aligning the

b e equal lengths o f the bias tape on each

!> a r ^ insert

raw edges along che bottom). Fuse the

side o f the bib.

Folloiv the f usible Web Appliqué

the center of the neck opening, then

eyes, then ihe pupils, using the white and black fabrics respectively.


Trim the ends to the desired length.

Stitch the bias cape from end to end, catching the bib around the neck area. Knot the ends If de«fed.

V 2 6 -P » -'

frog pond chenille wall hanging Be sure Co read the Techniques section


an d the individual project instructions

yellow chenille square onto the center of

thoroughly before you begn. Use two

a white cheniile square. There should be 5*


(13cm) on each side of the square Basie

embroidery floss fo r all stitching

unki$ otherwise stated.

aasc e th e 1 4 "x l4 *(3 6 c m x 3 6 cm )

the green chenille ground piece ortco the bottom of the yellow chenillc squaw,


Cue two 24“ X 24“ (61cm X 61cm)

squares of white chenille. Cue a 14" x 14"


(36cm X S6cm) square and four 5" x 5‘

chenille ground piece with four scrarxls

(13cm X 13cm) iquares of che yellow

of the white fbss and around rhe yellow

chenille. Referring co the pattern ir\sert,

chenille square with four strands of the

trace and cut the ground piece from the

green floss.

Blanket stitch around the green

pastel green chenille.


2 Cuta2rx23‘(58cmx5a:tii)

Referring co the profea photo and

pattern insert for placement, basce the

square of the quilt batting.

frog pieces, cattails and flower onto the

N o t« Due COthe unfinished edges,

yellow cheniile square.


rhe batting shodd be approximately 1” (3cm) less in toul size compared co che chenille squares.


button trim. Referring to the pattern insert, trace

and cuc a frog from the green feIc, five


mediunn flowers and two eyes from che white felt, two pupils from che black felt, cwo cattail stems from the tan felt and

Baste the four 5’ x S’ (13cm x I3<m)

yellow chenille squares, or>e onto each corner. Basie the four remaining fioweis onco tiie cencers of che four

cwo cattail cops from the brown felt


Refer to rhe quilt instructions for the

(rog blocks to embroider and add chc

squares. Embroider and add buctons as described in the quilt instructions for che frog blocks.

Follow che Tusible Web Appliqué

li»(ruc(kins on page 13 co fuse three frog spots usifig the gre«i dot print and five circular flower cenœrs using the plaid print.


Refer to the General Instrucciom

on page 18 to complete the wall bunging.

------'2 8 ''



blossom bunny quilt


Be sure to read the Techniques section


Blanket sciixh around the bunnies with

an d the individual project insuuctions

the pink fk>ss and arour>d the inner ears

thoroughly before you begin. Use two

with the white ftoss. The «yes are two

strands o f embroidery floss fi>r all

gr^en French knots. Sew a pink button

stitching unless otherwise stated.

for che rwse onto each bunny, directly underneath the eyes. Backstitch a small

Prepare the three bunny blocks Cut three 14" x 14“(36cm x 36cm)

line from the center o f the nose with the pink floss.

squares of ttte avK>rced pink prir^ts (or

blanket stitch around the flowers with

three squares of the same print).

the green floss. Add a pink running

Referring to che pattern insert, follow the Fusible Web Appliqué instructions on page 13 to fuse three ground pieces onto the bottoms of the 14' x 14*

stitch around the circular fioviwr centers. Straight stitch around the leaves with white, then add three running stitches along the center of each leaf.

(36cm X 36cm) squares using the g^een

Add the decorative flower stems usirig a

floral print.

running sticch and the green floss. The

Blanket stitch alung the top of the ground piec.es with the v»*ite floss. Cut three 14" (36cm) pieces of jumbo white rickrack. Diste the rickrack onto the three ground pieces, approximately IK* (3cm) from the bottom. Stitch to secure, fteferring to the pattern insea trace and cut three bunnies and three circular flower centers from che white felt, three medium fiowersfrom the pink felt and six leaves from che pastel green felt. Follow the Fusil>te Web Appliqué insrruccjons co fuse six inner ear pieces using the pale ^reen prints.

curlicue leaves aie backstlcched in green. Sticch the pink ribbon fiowers onto che cop o f each stem. Apply Wush to bunnies’ cheeks using a cotton swab.


Prepare the three f^aichwork hloch Cut twenty-four 5" x 5' (13cm x 13cm) scjuares of the asscw^ted pnnts. C u tth reeSx 5*(13cm x 13cm) squares of white chenille for the center blocks. Folfciw the Fusible Web Appllqu^ in«ructk>f\$ to fuse three small fiowers

Referring to ihc project photo for

onto the centers of che chenille bbdcs

placement, bisce the bunny pieces, leaves

using the assorted pink prints, Fuse three

and fiow m or^to the three fabric square«.

f?ower centers onto the flcjwers using the

Vary che placement of the motifs on each block as showr» in che photo.

pale green princ. Blanket scitdi around the flowers with the green fioss and arour^d the flower centers with the white floss. Sew a white buuon onto the center of each flower.

- ' ‘■ 3 2



Lay out che squares for each block as desired with the fiower square in the center of the three rows. (Use the project photo as a guide.) Sew the patchwork squares togecher.


blossom bunny pillow

Compiete the ¿juilt

Refer co che General instructions on pages 16 to: Piece che quilt top. Add the border.

fab ric

Assemble the layers.



1Vvot4' X 14'<36cm >: 36cm) m o r e s of pink dot pnnt

T x1i"(i8cmx4icw)p«ceof greet) floral princ (ground) Scrapi Of pil< grew dot print (inner fa n )

W O O L FELT 11“ x 13*(28crn * 53cm )p i««o fw h iw {bunny attd (knv^ center} Scrip of pink Wt (medkim floww) and pa$:H gre«n


supplies U"* {J6cm ) tquare pillow' term (Of ¡wly«i*rftberfill)

'V 'PIf; :■;flllliiii

l<i' iJikm) luml» whi« ncfc-ack OMC cw tw ' »mixotUiff Vflou; w hiie

«604 (pink) snd <305^>;g>«r->) fteffjlir or !ighcw«ight papii-tHicted fuiible web H '(l9m rri) pink bu«ort

■.Blosspm Bunny Quilt. ' ■ Simply refer to the quilt : "■ instructions to make your ' i',: 14" X 14" (36cm >: 36cm) bunny .. I block.XheticùtsixteenS" x - 5 ” , r , (J3ciri y 'l-Scm) squares of- . coordinanhg Caloric to make a : ‘ -chanixing patchwork border. SeW the squarss around the center block to piece your quiif : top, then finifth according to.thc. : getterai<(Ulitlftg instruction«^ •§iItermg.your.measureraenti.: »- as necessary);

« ’■(19mrn) pink nbbon Rower ^nk blush and cotton swab MKcrials artd Toott (pages £-1 0 ) Pinfrn insert

8e sore to read the Techntquei section an d the individuai project irKtructions thorough!-/ bcj»re you begin Use two •'iv '•

«trcwrfs o f m broideryfiossjor ail stitching vm^s othi^vWiie it&ted.


Cuc cwo 14" X

U"i36cm x 36cm)

«juares of ibe pink dot princ.


Refer ro the quiicinstruccions to

make a bunny biock for the piHov/ fronc usirtga 14* X 14"(56cm x 36cm) fabric square. You will use the ocher square for chepiflow backing.


Reierto cheCeneralinstructioreon

page IS ro finish the pillow

blossom bunny blanket

1 f


-^ 37

blossom bunny chenille wall hangini fab ric

i iH n iin iiH iiH f iiiiiitiiM iii C O T T O N P R IN T S Scrapi o f pale y iw i gingham prtnt ( if w r e in ) and pate green dot print (flower centers)

Be sûre to read the Techniques section


and the individuai project instructions

cheniHe ground piece with four strands

Blanket stitch around the green

thoroughly b ^ r e you begn. Use two

of the white floss and around che pink

strands o f embroidery fiossfor aH stitching

chenille square with four strands of the green fioss.

C H E N IL L 5 Two a -i- x W 'W lc m x 61cm) K}w»re» o f whtce chenille


U ' X 14" (36CTI K 36cm) square and four

squaresofwhite chenille. C u c a li'x 14‘

pla^ment, baste che bunny, leaves

5’ x S '(l3 cm > * 1?cm) squares o f pink chenitk

(36cnn x 36cm) square and four 5" x S"

arid flower onto the pink chenille

7 X

(13cmx 13cm) squares of the pink

center square.

( 18cm X 41cin) pie<e o f

p»Kd gtwn chenillf (ground)

W O O L FELT 11’ K 1 3 '(28cm M J3 ctti) piece of white f«lc (bunny ar»d flower center)

Cutcwo24" X 24"(61cfn X e itm )

chenille. Referring to the pattern ir>$ert. trace and cut che ground piece from che piece of pastel green chenille,

supplies litiiiiirc-mmmiiiiiiniii! K ? l'( S 8 c m x Sficiri) square of quilt batting


square of the quiii: batting. Note: Due to the unfinished edges, the batting should be approximatdy 1’

OMC cctton «mbrwdery ftess: white,

(Jem ) less in total size compared to rhe chenille squares.

R e^lar or )ighc'w«l|hc paper-backed fusiW* web

H" (19mrr>) pirik ribbon flower Pink blush and conon swab Two T (Jem ) plastic loops (for hanging) Materials and TocK (pages 8 -1 0 ) Patterr» Insert


Refer to rhe quilc instrucdons to

embroider and to add cheeks, button

Cut a 23" X 23" (58cm X 58cm)

#«04 (pink) and *S0S3 (green)

« ' (19mm ) pir>k button


Referring to che proi'ect pboco for

nose and a pink ribbon flower.

Scrapi o fw h ia f«lt (small flowefs), pink felt (medium fluwer) and pastel green felt (leayes)



8asteth efo u r5"x S” 03cm x13cm )

pink chenille squares, one onto each corner. Baste the four white ftowers onto the centers o f the four squares. Blanker sritch around che flowers with che pink floss and around che flower centers with

Referring to che pattern insert, trace

t:he white

and cut a bunny, four small flowers and a medium flower center from the white fek. a medium flower frwn the pink felt and two leaves from the green feic.


Refer to the General Instructions G " '/ ;

on page 18 co complete the wall hanging.

Sweet Idea


Follow the Fusible Wtib Appliqué

inaruccions on page ) 3 co fuse two inrier par pieces using die pale green gingham print and four small flower cencers using ilie pale green doc prim.


Bascethe1'}"x14'‘ (3 6cm x 3& m )

pink chenille square onto the ceniw of a white chenilte square. There should be 5" (l^ m ) on each side of the square, Baste rhf green chenille ground p î e » onto the bottom of the pink chenille squari,


ibs make great baby shower gifts and are the perfect way to use up those excess scraps of fabric. Just follow the general cutting and assembly instructions for the bibs in the Frog Pond and Jungle Chic chapters, and add a cute Bower motif and some rickrack trim.

blossom bunny fairy usi^ ìèM kì^ M Ì

fab ric



and cut two bunny pieces from die white

Referring co the patrern insère, trace


Straight scicch around the cwo (eaves

with the white floss. Then add chree


chenille, two wing pieces from che pink

running scltchesalong the cencer of

Scnpi of pink dot p'int (innet e iii) and

chenille and a laige flower from the bright

each leaf,

lime green print (flower center)

pink chenille, Trace and cut two leaves

Two 15* X z r (JScm x W cm ) j« # c « of while

8 Tjeabow vflrhtheiO *(25cm )picce

chenill« (bunny)

of )6' (3mm) wide pink doc ribbon. Stitch

from the lime green felt (or fleece),


T w o J r x 1 9 * ( 3 0 c m x 4 « c fn )

follow the Fusible Web Appliqué

pieces of pink chentlle (wing*)

instructions on page 13 to fuse cwo inner

Scrap of bright pink chenille (Ur|e <k>wer)

ears onco one ofthe bunny pieces using

N o te You can iubsticwc pink felt or use a pink cotton pnm with funbi* web

che pinkdot princ. Fuse a laige flower

instead o f the brijjht pink chenilkj,

center using the lime green princ.



Scraps of lime green felt (le*vei) N e tt; You can »ubstitute fleece for the lime grwn feit.

bottom of the rickrack seen


Pin che two bunny pieces wrong

sides together. Blanket stitch around che bunny using four scrands o fthe peen

Blanket stitch around the inner ears

flois, leaving an opening large enough

with the green Hoss. Add two green

for stuffing. Scuff the bunny wich fiberfill,

French knots for che eyes. Sew on the

then blanket stitch the opwiing closed.


pink button foi the nose, then backstitch

'n!!!llll|I{IM >linill!iltl< Polynter fiberfill

a line approximateiy 1%' (3cm) from the

DMC cotcon embroidery ftoa.' whit»,

the pink floss.

center of the now using four strands of

»776 (pink) and «90? (lime green)

the bow and pink rosebud onto the


Pin the cwo wing pieces wrong

sides together. Sew around che edges of the wings using your preferred sdcching technique, leaving an opening latge

Regular or lightweight paper-backed fusible web


» * (13mm) white button

lime green rickrack Baste it into position

Not*: Since die edges o f che wings will

n r (2Scm ) of

(3mm) wide pink dot nbbon

C uta6H "(l7cm )pieceofth ejum bo

enough for stufling.

X *(l3m m ) pink button and

onto che center of the bunny, approxi­

be concealed with the boa trim, you can

* * (I9cnm) pink nbbon rosebud

mately 2" (Scm) from the bottom, for

use a machine scicch, which v/ill be fascer

O i'(1 7 c m ) jum bo lime peen rickrack

the flower stem. Secure it with a running

than hand-sevMng with a decorative

54* (137cm ) white marabou boa trim

stitch using the white floss (or you can

embroidery sciccK

tem an en t fabric adhciive (»uch u Fabfi-Tac)

machine stitch if desired).


«ftnriafe and Toob (p a«« 6> 10)

5 Besure to read

Techniques section

m d the mdivicfual pm jK l imUuctions ^KTOug^fy before you

Stufl" che wings v/ith fiberfill, then

stiich the opening dosed. Cuc a 54“

top of the stem. Baste che cwo leaves, one

(1 37cm) piece of the white boa trim.

onco each side of the stem.

Adhere the boa trim using permanent fabric adhesive.

Use two

is o f em broidery fo s s fo r all stitching s otherwise stated.

Baste che chenille flower onto the


Blanket stitch around che flower with

four scrands of the green floss. Blanket

1 2

scicch around the flower center with the

the bunny.

v\rtiite floss. Stitch tfie wt»ice button onto the flowwœnwr.

Stitch the wings onto the back of

star gazer chenille wail hanging star gazer patchwork pillow fab ric


iHiiiiiMiiiiiniiiiniiiiiMiM C O T T O N P R IN T S


Cut two 18" X 18* (46cm X 46cm)

Refen'ing co the project photo and

squares erf bkic chenille. Cut a 10" x

partem insert for placemeni, baste the

ICT (?Scm X 2Scrn) square and four

giraffe pieces, with the strai^t edges

4" X 4*(10cm X 10cm) squares of the

aligned, onto the k»wer left corner of the

aeam chenille.

cream chenille square,

W* X W (25cm X 2Scm) square ami four 4 ' x 4”

2 CutalT-x17'(43cmx43cm)


(10cm X 10cm) squares o f crcvn chtniHe

square of the quilt batting.

chenille square with four «rands of che


N o t« (Due to the unfinished edges, the

brown floss. Refer to rhe quit instructions

\r *

ir ( 3 0 c f n X 30cm) jq uart of u n feit (giraffe)

batting should beapproximately 1* (3cm)

for the giraffe blodc co embroider the

less in total size compared to the chenille

giraffe picces,

Scraps of felt (Jtar*), brown fi»(C(spots on giraffe) and Wue fpit (nose jnd Iwrnt on giraffe)


su p p lies


Scraps o f blue princ (inner « r » )

C H E N IL L E Two 18* X 18" (4 icm x 46cm) iquaresofWue chemll«


8 Referring to the pattern insert, trace

and cut a giraffe from the can felt, three

i r X i r (43cm X 43cm ) jquir« o f quilt batting OMC cotton en>broider>' (tea: ecru, *727 (yeHow> « 3 « (brown) and *1S7 (Nu«} RiguJar w ligh tw ojbi paper- h ick « l fusible web

Blanket stitch around the cream

Baste the three stars, fmbroider and

add buttons as described in the quilc instructions for che giraffe or scar blocks.

spots from the brown felt, a nose and two horns ftnm the blue felt and three stars from the )«ftlow feft.



cheniUe squares, one onto each comer.

Three »• (13m m ) p ile blue buttons Tnw> 1* (Jctn ) plaKic <oop* (for hanging)


MaceriaU and Tooh (pages 8-1 0 )

instructkîns on page 13 to fuse two inner

Panern insert

ear pieces using the bkie print.

FoUow che f usftile Web Appliqué


Refer to the General Instructions

on page 18 to complete the wall hanging. If desired, add a decorative running scitch around che four corners using four


iiiinihUiHiiiiiUitiiiiiMiit C O T T O N P R IN T S Eijtfil S * » V ( iJc in X 13cm> squares of rnoftw j Wufc t>rown and ydlow printt 14' H 14’ (J6cm X 36em) squiw Of

pnni (backing)


sut jpplies

ituniiuiirtiiiiiiiUiihiiHii iiiuiHtiiiimmmm

1 Cut a 14’ x i V (36cm X 36cm) square

14* (36cm )

of the backing fibnc.

pillow ionn

(or polyester fib«ftB)

Be sure to read the Techniques sectton


an d the individual project instructions

cream chenille square onto the center of

B a ste ch e l0 'x 1 0 ’ (25cm x 25cm )

thoroughly before you begin. Use nvo

a blue chenille square. Thene should be 4‘

strands qfem bn id ery floss fo r alt

(10cm) on each side of the square

strands of che brown floss.

stitching unicss o t h e r m e stated.

DMCtocton em broxitry flo»n #83« (brown) h'(i3m nn>paieblu« button MK«rlatsandToo{t(p»g^*B 10} Pattern mserc

S ' w y (15cm X 13cm) square o f cr*am cfwnitl*


ReW to rh< quilt inscruaions to

make a patchwork star block for i,he pillow ffOPt, u^ing the eight febrtc squarci

and the chcnlile square for the center.

♦♦f ♦t ♦f ♦

ViHi ewi tubsdtuce anoth« ^ b rk if fhengle is not available,

Be sure to read riie Techrtkuja section

W O O L fE L T

thoroughly before you begin Use two


S c n p o iy *fe w felt (star)

strands o f embroidery floss Jo r oil stitching

page 18 to finish the pillow.

an d the indit/idual pro)Kt imtfuctions

unless otherwise stated.

Refer to thtr Genetal Instructions on


lU♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I '

ou can create inexpensive waft artVsyhaming a speda\ * memory! S art by purchasing a variety of picture frames ^ ^ ^ 4 at your local dollai store. For the nursery, frame the newbom’s ♦ # 4’ ♦ handprint or footprint at birth, three months, six months, etc. ♦ ^ < Por toddlers, frame their precious artwork. Use shadow boxes ► ;# ♦ ♦ ♦ to display three-dimtnstonal keepsake items. Or you can use ^ p h o t o tramfer paper to add digitalimages onto your fabric to ^


Decorating Tip

m ake m em o ry crafts such as pUlows and quilts. W




♦ ^







♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ *


^' ^

^ ^


^ ^








star gazer blanket

fab ric



pieces of blue dot or solid blue fleece,

Cut cwo 30" X 36" (76cm X 9 k m )

C O T T O N P R IN T S Scraps of blue print (irfter cars)


Note: i use l yard (7m ) o f 60" (1S2cm) wide rteecc cut in half, so 5tw piece» nwy

Cuta 10' X W (2Scm x 25cm)

square of cream fleece,


and cut a g ira^ from the tan fleece, tiiree giraffe spots from die brown fleece,

piece of cream fleece

a star from die yellow fieece and a nose

U ' X i r (30cm X 30cm ) square

and two horns fix)m the blue fleece.

pivce o f Uf) ftcece (girdrTe)

rteea (nose and horns)



follow the Fusible Web Appliqué

instructions on page 13 to fuse two inner ear pieces using che blue print.


5 DMC couon embroidery floss: «cm, #'?37 (yellow), *838 (brown) and #157 (blue) Regular or lightweight pape^-backed fuiiiblii web Mltorials and Tods and (pages 8-1 0 ) P a ism insert

fle sure to r e a d the Techniques section and the individual project instructions thonughly before you begin. Use two stm ids o f em broidery fioss fo r all stitching

Basce the 10" x

W(2Scm x 25cm)


Baste the scar so Ehac it overlies the

cop rj^ ied ge. Add a brown running stitch afound d^e edges of th« star.


With the edges aligned pin the

two blanket pieces right sides together, i^w around the edges of the blanket using a searn ailowance of ap^rc«imately H“ (10mm). Be sure a? leave an opening laige enough for turning.

fîeece square approximately 6’ (15cm)

Not«} Fteece fabric tends to stretch and

from che right side ar«J 6" (IScm ) from

shift a bit so I gerietaHy use more than a X"

che bottom o f o o t Of the blanket pieces.

(6mm) seam allowance.

Ó Referring fo the project photo and


pattern insert for placement, baste the

comers. Turn che blanket r i^ t side out,

giraffe pieces, wiiti the scraighc edges

then stacch die opening dosed.

aligr^ed, onto the lower tefc corner ofthe cream fleece square.

unless otherwise stated. y

Blanket stitch around the fleece

square with liw brown floss.


the yellow floss. Add two brown French knots fef che giraffe's eyes.

tie »lively sin»ller<o allow for »dva|e

H « ie (spots on giraffi*) and blue

inner ears with the brown fioss, Srrai^t stitch around che nosre and horns with

Referring rotlTepaccern insert, trace

10'‘ x10"{25cm x2& cm )»q iiaw

Scraps of yd k w fteece (star), brown

Bianliet sritch around che giraffe

with the blue floss, around the three spots wicli che ecru floss and around the


T\vo 3<y X 36* (76cm k STcm) p«c«* of blue dot nr Mitd blue fleece


Trim xtK seam allowana! at the

star gazer pillow


su p p lies

in iim im iiin iiiiiN fiia iiti

im n iiin iiiiitn n tiH iu iM ii


U ’ (36cm) «joflf« pillov»- form

5<mps o f blue print (inner car»)

(orpolyssw fitwrfitl)

C H B N lllE

O M C c w o n e m broidcf>- floss: e c a i, #727 (v«el»ow), #8 JS (b ro w n ) *fhJ # 1 5 7 (b lu e )

Two 14* X 14*<36cm x 36tm )

Regular orli^(w«i(|f)t (MfHr-backed fusible wfb

KjUftfes of blue ctxsnille 10' H icr (2Scm X 2Scm) K}uarc


1 Cun.wo14'’xl4’'(36cmx36cm) squaresofthebluechenille

y>‘ (13mm) pale blue bijcto« Materials and Tooh (pasef 1-10)


Refer co che quHc initruciiom co

fnake ihe giraffe blod< fbi the pillov/ front usingonffof che ^4" x 14'*(36cm x 36cm) chenille squares, You will use the otiier sq v iart

t^tern insert

for the plHow backing.

Nott: You cari tubscitute aroth«r fabric ir chenille is not available,

W O O L FELT i r K 12* (30cm X 30cm) squat«

8e sure to rcari tht Techniques section


an d the tndivdual proj^t instruciiows

page IS to finish the pillow.

o fu n f^ c (giraffe)

thoroughly bsjo n you begin. Use tm3

k f ip s of yelltjw felt (star), bfown feic (»poM

strands o f em hm idefy floss fo r all stJiching

on jprsfie) and Wue feic (now and horn»/

unless otherwite Hated'

• 52

Keiiff 10 che General iinscrucrjons on

Sw eet Idea


his charming gift bag is a great way to use leftover scraps of fabric. It makes the perfect baby shower gift when filled with small toys or bath products, and Mom can use the bag to store nursery essentials. Adjust your fabric measure­ ments as necessary to make larger gift bags for quilts and blankets. Cut two 11" X 18" (28cm X 46cm) pieces of fabric (or cut fabric to your desired size) and decorate the front piece with a star block appliqué, a button and rickrack trim. After stitch­ ing your motif, pin the two pieces right sides together and sew along the bottom and two sides, leaving the top side open. To make the casing, fold the top edge over approximately ii“ (13mm) and press. Fold the edge again approximately 1" (3cm) and press. Stitch along the.top and bottom edges of the casing. Clip the comers, turn and press. Cut a small slit in , thiCenterofthecasingthrough the top layer of die fabric only. -xfCut ÿ,pi«cc.flf nbbon, approxf* ;,. ; ' TOately (iO%m) in len^tJS: _ " l«ògài of th i rtbbon thro<%h » , tfceiia«tag '

Sweet Idea


ibs make great baby shower gifts and are the perfect way to use up those excess scraps of fabric. Just follow the general cutting and assembly instructions for the bibs in the Frog Pond and Jungle Chic chapters, then add a star motif and some rickrack trim.

1 jungle chic quilt fab ric

Be sure to read the Techniques section


artd the individual project instructions


thoroughly before you begin. U u two

Twwvy-foiir 5‘ x S* (13cm x 13cm) sq usm

strartds ofem broideryfloisfor oil stitching

of«M oni(ig'«erv brcwn 2nd can prints N ottt 1UHI th e a m e combination o f eight

unkss otherwise stated.

I m p * of »iw n ed Bf«ri princ» (inner ears)


pTCfare the giraffe block

Yi y«ttl {Wm) «f green pfini (binding)

Cut a 14" X 14" (36cm x 36cm) square of

IH yard* (1WfH) any color print

che pale greer^ chenille,

(b « W » i and hanging stecvc)

Cut a 10" X 10“ (25cm x 25cm) square of

C H E N IL L E ThreeM” »« 14”(36cm X 36cm)

Prepare, the monkey hhck

Guta 14" X 14" (36cm X J6cm) square of che pale green chenille. Cut a 10" X 10" (2Scm x 25cm) square of the cream chenilte.

[MiHHfor un» fhree patchwork blocks.

rt Vifd ¡Wni) of brown print (border)


the cream cheniHe.

Referring to che pattern insert, trace and cut a monkey head from the brown fell,

instructions to fuse two inner ear pieces

cuc a giraffe from the tan felt, three giraffe

using one of the assorted green prints.

N»r«i Vou <«n «ubKicuK arHXher fabttc

ctW)W» n rwc avaiUblr.

spots from the brown felt and a nose and two horns from thegre«n felt,

Baste the cream dienille square onto the center o f the green chenille square,

Fdiow the Fusible Web Appliqué

Bbnket stitch around the cream


irwtructions on page 13 to ftjst* two inner

chenille square with four strands of che

Two IT* X i r (30cm X 30cfn) jquare*

ear pieces using one of che assorted

brown floss,

^ u n Wt { ffr if k and Iton^ mane) S a a p to f l«n

M t (llertX h«ad and monkey's eye piece) arui green fdt (rwtes. loners and horns on ¿¡121?«)


iiitiiiimimniiutiiiiiHitii 1>iy»rdi(1« m ) quilt batp n g,'{5'(n 4cm )w id e DMC cottoti embroidery ffoss: ecru, ^ 3 B (brown), ♦««) (green) and »738 (tan) R««ular or liji^hiweiefit paper-backed fiisibUl \vfb «ndTodi (page« 8 -1 0 )

the pale green cheniHe

in the center. (Use che phoro as a ^ kiei)

Hie eyes are two brown French knocs.

PosiDon the G block co the right of che

Cut a 10" X 10" (25cm x 25cm) square of

Straight «itch around che nose widi che

giraffe, the M block to the left of the

the cream chenille.

ecru floss. Trace, then backstitch the . mouth with che green fk»s5.

Referring to the patcern insert, trace and cut a lion mane from che tan felt a lion

monkey and the t block to che righi o f the lion. Sew the patchwork squares together.


the ® w n felt

Prepare the three patchwork blocks

f-bllow the t^usible Web Appliqué

Cuc twenty-four 5" X 5" (13cm x 13cm)

Refer to che General lnstrucrion,s on page

instructions to fuse two inner ear pieces

squares o f cfie assorted prints.

16 to;

using one of the assi>rted green prints.

Notes i use che same combinaclon of

head from the cream felt and a nose from


Complete the

eight prints for the three blods.

Piece the quilc cop.

the center of the green chenilte square.

Cuc three 5" x 5" (13cm x 13cm) squares

Add the border

Blanket stitch around the cream

of the cream chenille.

Assemble the layers.

chenillesquare with four strands of the

Referring to the pactem insert, trace and

Add a hanging sleeve.

brown floss.

cut a C.

and L from the green felt.

NoMtt The hanging sleeve can be added

Referring to the projea photo and

Basce the letters onco the centers o f the

pattern insert fior placement, baste the

chenilte squares.


Blanket stitch around die letters wich che

Add the banding.

lion pieces onto the center of the cream chenillesquare.

after che binding if that is your preferred

ecru fios&

Referring to iho pnsjea photo and

(monkey's n>outh). brown W :

(monlify's h**d and spots on giraffe), cneam

htu»m irwort

green ixints.

desired, vwth che chenille letter squares

around che head with che brown floss.

piece from the tan felt and a nose from

Referring to the pactem irwefï, trace and

Lay out che squares for each block as

inner ear pieces with che green fioss and

the green felt. Follow the Fusible Web Appliqué

Blanket sticch around the mane and

Cut a 14“ X 14T (36cm x 36cm) square of

Baste the cream chctiille square onto

squares o f pak green chenille

13cm) iquarrf of cream cbcrvile

Prepare thi lion block

an eye piece fron^ the cream felt, a mouth

T h f» TO' * 10" (25cm x 2Scm) t q u iw and three S ' x 5* ( 13cm x


Baste the cream chenille square onto die

pattern insert fer placement, baste the

center of the green chenille square.

monkey pieces onto the center of the

Referring to the project photo and

cream chenille square.

pattern insert for placenient, baste the

Blanket stitch around the head with the

prafTis pieces, vwch the straight edges

ecru floss, around the eye piece with the

aligned, oaco the lower left corner of the

brown floss, around the mouth piece

cream chenille square.

with the green fioss and around the inner

Blanket oltci) around the cn«m chenille square wich four wrands o f the brown floss,

ear piecw wich the tan floss. The eyes are two brown French knots. Straight

Blank« stitch around the giraffe with

the brown floss and the eye accents with

the green floss, around ihe spots with

the green.

the ecru floss and around ch« inner ear pieces with the brown ftoM, The eyes are two brown French knots. Straight stitch around the nose and horns with the ecrufiosa


Baby Shower Ideas

sdtch around the nose with theecru fîoss. Trace, then backstitch che mouth with


he Jungle Chic collection inspires a “Wekomc the Wild One” gender-neutral baby shower. There are oodles of jungle- and safari-themed party items available in just about any color scheme. Or, if you’re celebrating the gender of the new arrival, you can easily use a pink monkey llieme (Funky Monkeys) for a girl or a blue giraffe theme (Star Gazer) for a boy.


jungle chic giraffe, monkey and lion pillows

jungle chic bib

..iwiiisiaS." ...-.iSiSSis

fab ric


tiitim tiitiiiiium iitiH M tii

and cuc two bib shapes from rhe green,

C O T T O N P R IN T S H yard (Hm)

princ and one bib shape from the batting.


With the edges aligned, basce the

bib-shaped batting onco che wrong side ofthe back fabric bib piece.

green phnc

Scrap of t»n pUkl print (lion mane)

W O O L VELT Scrip» of cretm feic (lion head) and

Referring ro the patcern tnserr, trace

fab ric



Follow the Fusible Web Appliqué


Pin the two bib pieces righc sides

inscruCTions on page U co fuse the lion’s

together. Sew around the edges of che bib

mane using che tan plaid prim,

using a

(6mm) seam allowance, leaving

the neck area op^n for turning,

supplies m iiiiiiiK iM titim im iiiiiii 1 2 '(30crnx 30cm ) square o f quiit bawir^g


Regular or lightweight paper-baclffid fusible web 30" (76cm) o f V (6mm) wide white double-folded bias u p e


Clip the curves of che seam allow­

ance. Turn the bib right side oui and press. 4

Referring to che phoco and pattern

inserc for placement, baste the head and


nose onto che bib.

zigzag sciccli.

Close the neck opening with a

Biankec stitch around che mane with


Cut a 30" (76cm) piece of bias

the green floss and around the head

tape, Line up che cencer of che bias cape

Be sure to reud the Techniques section

with the brown floss. Add a green cross

and che center of the neck opening, chen

an d the individual projea instructions

stitch onto the center o f the nose. The

baste the tape irico position. There should

thoroughly before you be^n. Use ttw

eyes are two brown French knots. Trace,

be equal lengrhs of che bias tape on each

strands o f embroidery floss fo r all sbtching

chen backsdcch che nr»outh wich che

side of rhe bib.

unkss otherwise stated.

green floss.


Trim the erids co the desired length.

Scicch che bias tape from end co end, cacching rhe bib around the neck area. Knot the ends if desired.

Baby Shower Idea f the new mom is a sewer, ask guests to use coordinating fabric scraps and trims instead of traditional gift wrap for their baby shower gifts. (To help coordinate the color scheme, include fabric swatch samples that match the nursery in the invitations.) Mom can use the stash of fabrics to make baby-related crafts and nursery décor projects. It’s a great way to recycle and tfainkgreeni

I ti

thorooghfy before you beffn. Use two

DWC con on cnibroi<lcty floss: ecru, »836

stronds o f embroider'^ floss fo r all stifccfiing


(bfowr»), *S60 (afeer^) and *738 (can)

unless otherwise statPM.


Regular or ttfhtwetghl paper-backed fusible web

T w o l 4 'x i 4 “(36cm x36em ) squares of p ^ s gnntri chenille

Materials and Took (pages 8-1 0 )

Scraps of assorced green princs (ir>n$r ears)

Patterrk ins*rt

1 Cuc two 14" X 14" (36cm X 36cm)

10* X 10“ {25crri x 2Scm) square

squads o f the pale green chenille for

of cream chmilis

each pillow.

fabric if chenille is not availaUe,




Refer to the quilt instmccions to

make che desired biock (^raffe. monkey

of tan W i (giraffe and lion's mane)

or lion) for the piltow front using a

Scraps o f u n feit (monkey^ mouth), brown

14“ X 14" (36cm X 36cm) chenille square.

felt (mon<ey's head and spots on giraffe),

The ocher square will be used for the

cream felt (lion’s bead arid monkey'» eye piece) and green felt (notes and horns on giriffe)


an d the indiuidual project instructions

polyester fiberfill) (fi>r each pillow)

TWO 12* X 12’ (30cm X 30cm) iq u ar«

Mwcritó and Tools (|ja«es 8-1 0 ) l*at(cmirt(«n


Be sure to read the Techniques section

»iiiin n iiiiiM iM iiiiiiim iii 14' (36cm ) square pillow form (or

Trace and cuc a iion's head from the

cream felt and a nose from the green feic.

DMC coiion cmbrokier/ n o s ; *838 (brown) and <fS80 (green)


su p p lies

pillow backing,


f^efer co the General Instructions on 18 to finish the pillow.

T ) emember that using a chenille fabric in your pillow design is XV purely optional. The monkey pillow on A e bed demonstrates how you can be creative ifi your fabric choices by using a wool feVt pUybiV cottoT\pivnt. foi; ^ dvttereift twist otv the design. You can carry over this same look to the quilt and the other pillows in the collection.

^ â– > j

monkeys quilt

Cuc a S’ (13cm) piece of the pink and brown ribbon. Trim the en ds o f rhe


Pre}s>are the two flower COM blocks

ribbon at a slight angle so that they align wich the edges o f the cupcake bottom. Baste and sticch the ribbon

fab ric

8e sure to read the Techniques section

C O T T O N P R IN T S TWO 14* X

X 36cm)

Mtuarn c?fp<nk du( print


thoroughly before you begin. Use tv/o itrands o f embtxtideryj f o a ^ r d t stitching U fika otherwise itated.

a i t t t i o f dark brown print Shtfw i 5'>15* {1 3cm K 13cm) square* of «•orted pknk »rtd brown prints INM ) I utv th * um tcom binacion o f eight prtnts for rtii rwo p*cdiwork btocfcs. Jcnips o i pink and brown print (inner ears)


Pref?are th e tw o m o n k t y block s

Cuc two 14' X 14‘ (36cm x 36cm) squares o f che pink doc print. Cut two 10’ X 10 * (25cm k 25cm)

liy w d (H m ) o f brown p»ini (bindinj)

squares o f che cream (or white) cheniHe.

o f « iy color prirw

(bickiag and h t r ^ sleeve)


P reffa re th e tw o p a t c h w o r k b lo c k s

Cut si«een 5“ x S" (13cm x 13cm) squares of the asiorced princs.

Baste the chenlRe squares onto che

and around the cherry w th brown floss. Referring to the patcern insert, trace and cuc two hearts from che pink fek, with

Use permanent ^bric adhesiv« to adhere

one in reverse.

che pink marabou boa trim onto the

centers o f the 14" x 14" (36cm x 36cm)

Baste ihe heams ac a slight angle onto the

Stitch a pink ribbon flower onto the top center o f each heart.

O lc m X S6cm) pktoe of cream cheroRe

brown floss. lay out the squares for each block as

sobttitiRe anocher

w o o l . FULT Scraps o f pink W t («wa-iarge flowers, cupcake

Referring to die pattern insert, trace and

the ccncer. (Use the phoco as a guide.)

Wt. two eye pieces from ü ie cream fell,

Sew che patchwork squares cogecher.

two mouth pieces from the u n felt and

noses), cream Wt (monkeys' eye picces),

two noses from che pink ielt.

O Preffare the cuf^cake block

brown fek (monV»;«' heads, c u p c ^ cop(»ng and flower cone cw ters) and tan feh (cor>es, cupcake top and monkeys' mouth pieces)

su^ijplies 1U yards (1K>n) Quih batting, 4S*<114cm ) wide 0V1C cotton «mbrokiefy fk»s: ecru, (plokV H U (browf\) and «738 ( o n ) Rftular Of UfhtWiHgnt p•pe^bac!«fd fusible web 5 ' (13cm ) of H" (3cm) wide pink and brown M'ip<?d ribbon Se«f> r (3cm ) pink ribbor flower? f,’ (16cm ) oljMi Tfttiaboi» b o a trim Prrmarwot fcbric Mhesjve (such as fabii*Tac) M JM iiik and Tools (pages 8 - 10) Paoern in w t

desired, with the chenille heart square in

eut two monkey heads from che brown

boctom and cherry, hearts, and ntonkeys'

Follow tlw Fusible W^eb Appliqué mstructions on page 13 to fuse two inner ear pieces onco each feic monkey head u w g the pink and brown pnnt. Referring to the project photo and monkey pieces onto the center trf the

Blanket stirch around the heads and noses with che e cai floss, around che eye pieces with ^ e brown fkss, around the and

ait>und che inner ear pieces wkh che can npss. The eyes are two brow i French knots. Trace, then backstitch the mouchs v « h the brown f^oss and the eye accents wirii the pink fîoss,

che cream chenilte.

cut a cupcake bottom and cherry from the pink feit, a cupcake top from the tan felt and a copping piecc from die brown felt.

chentHe squares,

mouth pieces with the pink

Cut an 11" X 14" (28cm x 36cm) piece of

Referring co the panern inserc, u-ace and

p«cern insert fix placement, baate the

Stitch chree pink ftower trirm spaced evenly along the ritAwn piece.

Blanket sdtch around the hearts with che

squares. Blanket sticch around che

Nett) Vbu u n

sides of the cupcake with the brown Ross, fk»s, around che topping wich ecru fk>ss

chenille squares with four scrand&of the

b b nc if chenille Hrwc available

cut cwo extra-large flowers from the pink

Blanket sdtch around che boccom and around the top of che cupcake v»4th pink

? * y 0 1 c m X 15cm) squares, and an IT* k 14*

T n » W* K 10' (3Scm x 25cm) squares, tw o

Referring to the pattern inserc. trace and

Cuc two 5" X 5* (13cm x 13cm) squares

brown floss.

Referring to che photo and pattern insert for placement, baste the cupcake pieces onto the center of che chenille background.

14’ (22cm x 36cm) pieces

bottom of the cupcake.

o f the cream cheniHe

cencer o f the cheniHe squares.


of che dark brown princ.

piece approximately H* (16mm) from the


Jlyard (Hm) o f p jt * pnnt (border)

m ymxb


an d the mdividuai pmject instructions

Cut cwo 8 « "

feic two circular ftower centers from die brown fielt and two cones from che tan felt.


Complete the ¿jtsih

ftefer co the General Instructions on page 16 to:

funky monkeys patchwork pillow

fab ric




14’ (Sóctn) tiquar« pHlüw form

using a 14“' X 1<)'' (36cm x 36cm) fabric jquare. You will use che o rh » squafc for the pillow backing.

and the mdividuaf project imtructiom thoroughiy before yov begin Use i»w strflrtrfs o f em broidery ^o.wf w all stitching unless otherwise stoted.

Refer (o fhfi Cenerai instruaions on

page 18 to ftnish the pillow.

OMC cotton «mbroWsry floss: *838 (b rw n )

of «sorted pink and brown prints 1^' X w* (36cm X 36<ir) febric


O H E N IL L E y < S '(13cm X 13cm) »quire oic«f»m c^en^lle

1' (krn) piflVribbcr) <krt«r Mamiais


a - 10)

P a u e m in s e rt


Cut i. 14" X 14" (36ctn X 36cm) square

of die ticking rubric,



niakc a patchwork hearf Hock for che pillow front using the dghc fabric squares and ihe chenille square for the cencer,

Noeei You can s u b s tw « »noWer ^bnc if ctienilk i» noc avolinbk,


(or pobw««f fHjerfiil)

C i^c S" X s’ (13cm X 13cm) sqya«»


make a mcwikey block for the pillow front

8e sure to read the Techrwjwes \ection



w o o l


Sifapo fpink fd t (heart)

Be sure to re&d the Techniques section arid Lhc individual prejecf instructions thotou ^ ly b tfo iey o a be^n. Use fiw scrands ofenybtvidf.fyfiossjo'faii stitchinn unleis otherwise ituud.

-'-m m


Reler to che General Instructions on

page 18 COfiniih the pillow.

funky monkeys chenille ’ lansin

funky monkeys cupcake pillow fab ric fa b ric 'tiiMiiiminiiiirniiimuit C H £ N I I .I E '.VO U ' K I V

cream chenille square onto the « n te r of

Scraps of pink and bro-zvn print (ir\nir ears)

10" X 10" (25cm X 2Scm) square and

a pink chenille square. There should be 4"

four4 x 4 "(1 0 a ti x lOom) squares of che

(lOcm) on each side ofthe square.

10“ X ic r (25ctn X 25cm) tqu*r« and four 4* x 4‘ (lOcm >< ltk:m ) squares of cream chenille

(5 Blanket stitch around che cream 2

C u c a lT 'x ITC^Scm x-iScm )

square of the quilt batting.



Scraps o f pink f«l( (cupcake bottom

che batting shouJd be approximately 1" (3cm) less In total sire compared co the

>rovi»n fdt (cupcake topping)

chenille squares.

su p p lies

su p p lies



i r X t r (43cm X 43cm) s^^la<eoí^ilt batting


(or polyesttr fibefftll)

(pink), #83« (brown) and >f73i (tan)

and cut a monkey head from the brown

OMC c otto n «mhtoidery floss: ecru,

I ^ U r o r lightweighi paper-Oackid fusibte web

felt, an eye piece liom the crram fell, a

Two r (3cm ) plasiic kwps (ior hanging)

mouth piece from che can felt and a nose

Matenak and Tools (pagMB* 10)

from the pink liglc

ifKl brown *trip«d ribbon

Refer COd^e quilt instrucciorts COembtoider.


Three r (3cm ) pir^k ribbon flowers


6‘ (l5 cm ) pir^k marabou boa tnm

R ^rring to the project photo and

patcerr) insert for placement, baste the

Referring to the pattern insert, trace

Pauern insert

follow the Fusible Web Appliqué

i^ermaiient htbric adhesis'e (sucK as Fabri-Tac)

Be sure to read the Tr.chniques.section

instructions on page 13 to fuse two inner

ivvatenals and JocHi (pages 8 - 10)

an d th e indwiciucilprofect m a v c th n s

ear pieces using th e pink an d brown princ

Pattern Insm


cream chenille square.

DMC cotton embroidery ite»s;ecni,#3716

5" ( t3cm ) » * (3crn) wide pink

brown floss.

monkey pieces onto the cenrer of the

14" (36cm ) square pillow form

»3716 (pifik) and »838 (brown)

chenille square widi four strands of the

Notts Due ro the unfinished edges,

Scraps of p ir* fd t (nose), cfcam Wt (eye piece), brown felt (head) and ran feh (mouth piece)

and cherty), t in feit (cupcake top) and

Baste che K T x 10" (25cm i< 25cm)

cream cheniile.

squares o^br|gl\t plnkch«ni1le

nutKticute anocher fabric ii chenlHo

I K K «Viilibl«.


squares of bright pink chenille. Cut a

T W o i r x t B ’ (<icmx*t<Scm)

chenille N ot*! You





(56cm X 36cm)

Cuttwo 18" X I8“('i6cm X 46cm)


Baste the four 4 ' x 4" { lOcm x 10cm)

crram cherjilie squares, one onto each corner.

thoroughly before you begin Use tivo


stmnds o f em broideryfioss f o r all stitching

on page t8 to complete the wall hanging.

R ekr co che General /nstfuctions

If desired, add a decorative runriing

unless otherwise stated. Be sure to read the Techniques section

stitch around the four corners using four

an d the individual project instructions

strands o f brown ftesi

thoroughly before you beffn. Use tu/o itrandi q f em broidery floss Jo r all stitching unkss oi^itrwlid seated.

1 CutcwoU“ 14"(36cmX36cm) X

squares of th i cream chenille.

4 -t #


4 ,' 4


Refer to che quilc instructions to

make a cupcake biock ior the pillow



1 ^ eep the walls a neutral shade and bring in the color and theme i \ . for the child’s space with the accessories you choose (such as the projects in this book). This will save you money in the since you won't have to keep repainting 01 wallpapering the room as your child’s tastes change. It’s much quicker and to changc the accessories.

^ ^

front using one of the W i36cin) square


chenille piecev You will use the other square for che pillow backing.



Refer to cheGenerat Instructions on

page 18 to finiih the pillow.


i* ♦

Decorating Tip


4 ’

' #■ ’«■


^ <

74^ 4 . ^

¿ ■}.- i

f* : - : \ f _ „ , ,...,;s

-.-/ 'i •/v

•Í-,; "• -•/••'•» .i ■ ;,- á I

Blanket sticch around che elephants and tail accents with che brown flosi around the feet wid» ti^e whice Ross swkI around che ears wiil> che green fk>s&. Add a single


Complete the ^uih

Refer to the General Instructions on p 16 t a

brown French knot ro each eíephanc for che eyes. Add a yellow running scitch

mango tango quilt

around che docs with a single white cross sticch in che cencer. Blanket stitch around the flcjwer with the orange floss. Straight scitch around the fbwer center wich the green floss. Stra^hc

Be sure to read tiw! TechniqtJSi stiMon

Baste the flower pieces onco che cencers


arid the individual project insuuctions

o f the chenille squares.


thoroughly before you begin. Use two

fa b ric Two 14“ »

£36cm X 36cm ) Mjuar« o f martge.

]wHo k <kt>p gre«n Ard browbrn rrHjIncoinr print

sironds o f em broidery fiosi ^ ¿ill stitching ufitess otherwise suited.

M" X 27V (36cm M70cm) piece o f o ra n ^ . fHkkvs' «rtd lime jfc e n stripe prim Sixceen $ ' x 5 ' (13cm x 13cm ) squar« of


Prepare ¡he two polka dot hhcks

aiforted yeflo'.v, oriin^, brow a a n and lime green p rim N * tR I iM th« same comtHnation of princ« ibr tfi« two patchwork bbcks.

Cut cwo 14“ X 14" (36cm x 36cm) squares of the multicoior prlnC.

Blanker stitch around che ftowefs with the brown floss. Straight scitch around the fiower cencers with the white floss. Sew a %“ (6mm) yellow button onco the cencer of each flower. Lay che squares out for each block as desired, wich the chenille flower square

Scrapi of can «rip« prim (elephants’ ear»)

Cut two 9" X 9 ' {23cm x 23cm ) squares

in the cencer, (Use riie photo as a guide.)

Hy»rd<Hm) of bfown print (bofdw)

of the white chenille.

Sew che patchwork squares together.

H yard (Wm) o f lime green ptint (bindirn) 1«y#rd»(lW m) t>f »ny color print (backin$ and h»n|ing sleeve)

Baste the cheniHe squares onco The center of the 14* X 14" (36cm x 36cnn) squares. Blanket sticch around che chenille squares

C H E N iL i.E T«vo y X 9“ ( 2 k m X 23cm ) iquaws and two

with four strands of the brown floss.

5* X 5* (1 k m X 1Jem ) squares o f whit« chfrnHe

Referring co che pattern inserc, trace and

N o t« You can subsiitute anotf^er

cut six pdlca dotK two from the orange

fabric If chenirt* it not avaibble.


fdt, two from ihe brown felt and cwo


Prepare the depharti block

Cue a 14“ X 27W“ (36cm x 70cm) piece o f (he orange, yellow and lime green stripe prim, Referring co che paccern inserc trace and cut cwo elephants from the orange feic

from the green feic

four feet from rhe brown fdc, sixdots and

o f o n n g t W ( (S t p h a m s )

Referring to che project photo for

three leaves from the lime green felt, two

Scraps of omng» M t (potka dots and ftow«r

placement, basre rhe polka docs onco che

caiJ accents anda small flowerfrom the

<*nuri). iimegrcer» felt (small ikrwert.

chenille squares, alternating the place-

white fielt and a small flower center from

rr>em o f the dots fo r each block.

che yellow felt. Remember to cu t one

Two W « 12" (30cm x 30cm) pieccs

»ive*, poHca d o « snd dots on elephantt). brown (ill (potk* dots and elephant»’ k n \ wf.it« feit (sm^l fbwer and tail ittenv») i.nd yiiife"# W t (flo 'W center)

elephant in reverse so it will be facing the flbnket sticch around the orangp docs


with the brown fioss. around chc brown

su p p lies

dots with che whice floss and afound che

Fallow the Fufcibie Web Appliqué instruc­


green dots wich the orange f^oss,

tions on page 13 to fuse twto elephant

1 » yard» (IHm ) c)Uitt hanin|,45' (114cm ) wkl* OMC cotton entbitrtdery f?oss: white. t t W (brown),

(lime yeen X »744

ears using the tan stripe print.


Prepare the two patchwork hhcks

Regular <x l^tvHfight paper-backed Fusible web

Cuc sixteen 5” x 5" (13cm x 13cm)

%' (6mfti) or#r>|t button and tw o

squares of che assorced princs.

¡4' ($mm ) yellew bunom

Referring to the phoco and pattern for placement, baste the cwo elephanc

(ytdkrw) *n d «608 (orange)

Cur rw nS' x

VfTVrm x l^ m 'isouares

pieces facing cach other, with the flower and leaves in the center, orwo the stripe orint fabric

scitch around the leaves wich the brown floss then add three loinning stitches along che cencer. Sew a J4* (6mm) orange button onto the flow«^ center.

Piece the quilt top. Add che border. Assemble the layers.

mango tango patchwork pillow

fab ric (HIIIMtM initllliillMUIItlll C O TTO N


Eijfht 5 ' X S *(U c m x 13cm) squares erf assorwd yvKotv, Ofanpi. brown, u n and l«n« green princt 1 4' X 14* <)«<m X 36cm ) fabric squar« (t»ckin *)

su p p lies


im M iM iiiinM iiM iiiniim ii K '(3 6 c m ) square piUow fornì

o fthe bacldng fabric

C uta U 'x 1-i“(36cm X 36crin)square

OMC cotcon embroidery floiK wfme am) *830 (brovm) M‘ (tim m) yeHow butioft .M awiak and Toob (page*

y X S*{11cm K )>cm) sq u ireo fv ih iw ch w illi

Pattern insert



if not available.

Scrip « f limn gfetm fdc (smat) Aower) and oraPiji Wr (flower center)

Be sure to read the Technique fecthn cmd th e individual project irrstruclions thoroughly befortyou begin. Use two itrands o j em broidery floss f o r all stitching unless otherivise stated.

supp lies


H n iiiim titiuiiH iM iitiiiiJi

squares of the plaid print.



Two 14* X 14' (56cm X 36cr>) »quares of


orange, yHlow and liirtg ir m {)laki piint

make a patchv/ork flower bkxk for the

Scrap o f can tcript print (cKphan t*] «ar)

pillow front, using che eight Wwic squarei aod the chenille square ktr che cencer.

N octi Vb(i CAr) (ubicituu! another


fab ric niiiiiitiitU M iiiuiH iH iinti C O TTO N

(Of polyeaer ftberfill)


mango tango pillow


Refer to the General Instructions on

page 18 to finish the pillow.



(or polyester fitoerfti) OMC cottof* emb«»defy fioss; >**>ite.


(browfiX *471 (lime g«er>). *744 (veHow) and * t i » {orange)

make an elepliarn bkxk for ihie pillow

Regular or |.jr.tWTri^t paper backed fustble web

12'x12*{30cm x30ctt»)tqw M f

y (6fwr\) orange button

of orange Me (elxpha'it)

^^acpiaH and Tci<tls (pagn 2-iQ )

Scraps o f lime green Wt (l<av«i attd d o ii

Pattern inwn

front using a 14' x ^A' (36cm x 36cm) fabric square. You will use thè other •vquare for the pilkw bactìng. in either directioa as shown on the

used for th » proten). b< w n («rfetJhant's accent) and yellow fdt (flower c*nte»)

Refer CO[he quHt instructions to

Not«: You a n face the elephant motif

on dephanc iVKC (hat only tw o leaves arv fcetX whke W t (small ticwer » rii tail

Cut two 1 4 'X 14“ (36cm X 36cm)

14'*{36crp) square pillow form

center quilt bkick. Refer to this phoco for fie sitre to read the Techniques secOon

pfacement of the flower and two leaves

an d the ir\dividual pn ject instruaio»K


tivroughly btforeyou begin. Use t m strand'i o f embroidery fo s s fo r all stitching unless ctheriViie stated.


Refer to the General Instrucckxis on

page 18 to finish the pilkiw,


mango tango chenille wall hanging fab ric

Be sure to read the Techr^iques section



and the individual project instructions

cheniKe square with four strands oi the


thorou^iy before you begjw, Uiff two

browf> floM.

S crip o f tan «fipe priftt (elephanc’» ear)

strands o f embroidery fioss fo r all stitchir^


unless otherwise stated.



»<W (ilc m X 61cm) o f l}ri|ht ydlow cheniHe

14' X H * (Mem X 36cm) square artd four 5 ' * V

1 Cuc cwo 24' X 24' (61cm x 6lcm )

( )3cm K 13cm) »quare» of liir« gre«n chenilW

iQuares of bright yellow cheniHe. Cut a


fUankcc sEttch around rhe green

Reien'ing COthe preset phoco and

pattern for placement, basie the etephant pieces onto the ceruer of che green chenille square.

14“ x l-rO é c m ^ 36cm)square and four

12* X 12* (JOcm X 30cm) squaw

S' X 5" (13cm X 13cm) squares of the

o foian giW t(rlephan t)

lime green chenille.


Refer to the quilt instructions to


Scraps o f hn>e jiee n W t (dots on e i e f ^ t ) . brown Wt (elephat»l $ fcetX white felt (small flowers arxl cail accent)


arid ydlow Wt {flower ceftten)

square of che qulit batting.

sut 3Ües HlliiUIIMflllllMIKMIIHins

C u ta33'x23'(58cm i< 58cm )

Note: Due to the unftnrshed edges, the batting should be approximately T

33* X 23’ (SBcfP X 58cm) square of quilt hatting

(3cm) less in total size compared to rfie

DMC coiw n •rnbroidery ftoss white,

chenille squares.



Seven M* (Snim) orvige buooru

and cut an elephant from

2H yardt (2»m ) 1’ (3cm ) wide whke

felt, two feet from the brown fdt. three

pom-pom trim (opriona))

dots from the Üme green felt, a tail accent

f’ermar>cfit fabric adhesive <uKh

and sever» small flowers from the white

aa Fabii-Tu} (opciorul)

ielt and che seven circular flowei centers

Two r(3ciT«) plwDC loo|K (fer hanging)

from che yeBow felt

Referring to the partem insert, trace orarige

M aiw i^i arid Tods (8 -1 0 )



foot and the other cwo overlapping the two edges of the green chenille square. Blanket stitch around che flowers with the flower centers with the green

Regular or li|^(weighi paper-backed ^sibl« web


Referring to the project photo, baste

three of the flowerfk one onto die front

the orange floss, ^raighc stitch around

«83« (brown^ «471 (Ifmcgreci-.), «744 (yeliow) and


floss. Sew the orange buttons onto the flower centers.


Basce the four 5" x $" (13cm x

13cm) green chenille squares, or>e onto each comer. Baste the four remaining fiowers onto the centers of the four squares. Embroider and add button trims

Follow the rusible Web Appliqué

as in Step 9.

inscmctioTW on page 13 to fuM the elephant’s ear using the tan stripe princ



Refer to the General Instructions

on page 18 to complete the wall hanging, Baste the 14' K 14' (3«cm « 3<crn)

!f desired, use permanent fabric adhesfve

green chenille square onto the cencer c^a

to adhere the pom-pom trim to the back

yellowchentlle square. There should be 5“

of the wall hanging.

(13cm) on each side of the squat«.



posh poodle quilt fab ric

Be sure to read the Techniques section ar\d the individual project mtructiom


thorous^ly befiire you begin. Use £ivo

Two 1<f X 14“ <36cm * 36cfn) squares oi pink, whia and Wack<lot prim

st.rar>dii o f embroidery fo s s f o r aJI stitching

rw<Hvc5’ X 5“ (i3cm x l3em) tquirei af ittw w d pink and black piinis H a w »use the same combination of iix prin« h t ihe rwo paahwofk btecks.. 9W' X 14* (24cm X 36cm) ptecc of bfack-and'White dot print



two purse Mocks

Cuc two 14" X 14" (36cm X 36cm) squares of che ptnk chenille, Referring to che patcern insert, trace

unless othermaa suited.

artd cut tw o6 ' x 9“(iScm x 23cm)


Pnfiare the mo fooilk blocks

rectsrigujar purse pieces and two handles from the blade feit, two miniature fiower

Cue two 14" X 14“ (3<icm x 36cm)

acccnts from the pink felt and two

squares of rhe pink, white and Wack

miniature flower centers from the

dot print.

white felt.

>4yard (>4m) of black print for the binding

Refeiring to ihe patcern insert, trace and

fcrflow che fusible Web AppBqui instruc-

1H yards (IK m ) of any color pnni

cuc two poodle bodies and six fluffy fur

tbns on page 13 co fuse two purse flaps

{backing and hanging sleew)

pieces from che pink felt, two heads and

using che black-and-white plaki print.


four legs from che v^ire felt and che four

Two J4’ * l-i" (3 6 c w )« 3iem ) squarti «f pink

paws from the biack fdc.

Scmp^ of bladc-and-whice pldid (punt Aap) V,yard (>im) ofwhiw »nd pink f>rlni. (border)

pattern insert for ffecemenc, baste die poi)dle piece* onto the carter ofthe

W O OL FELT Two 11" X i r (28OT1X 30cm) |>tecw of pink feic (poodle bodie») Tw o9"xl2' (23cmxa0cm) pteoesof black felt (purwt) Scraps of pink felt (fluffy for p ie«* exEra-large flower and rrnniacure l^owtr aeccnn for puTies), biack felt (pur.w bandia« and poodles' paws) and white fet<(poodles' heads and legs and fiower c«nte«)

14" X 14“ (36cm x 36cm) squares.

DAACcottort embroidery fioM: whlfft »776 (pink) and «I0 (b l«,'li) ftjfguiaf or lightweight papff-bac^ disible v«fa

1S* (4£cm) pink marabou boa trim

Blanket stitch around the purses and handles with che white fk»s, arcamd tfie fiaps wich the pink fioss and around t*ie fiower acoiots with che biack floss, Add

fluffy fur pieces wiih the biack floss,

a pink oinning stitch around che drailar

around che head and legs with the pink floss and around the paws with the white fioss. The e)«s are two black fVench knots. Sew a H* (10mm) black button for

fiower cancers. Sew 8

(6mm) black button onto each

flower center. Cuc the pink marabou trim ^ to two 9“ (2 k m ) pieces. Use permanww febrtc

Cuc two W (2Scm) pieces of (I1<ton) wide

the centers of the pink chenille squares.

Blanket stitch around the bodies and

each nosff.

su p p lies 1H yards (1W m ) quilf ba«ing,

placement, baae tfie purse pweces onto

Referring to th« project photo and

Not«< Yoo can *<il>itlritwianotfttf ^ ic if chtrtifo i» not miUhie.

Heferring to che phoco and pattern for

(3 mm)

black-and-white <bt ribbon and tie each

adhesive to adhere die trim onto the cop «dgcsofthe purses.

piece inro a bow, Sdcch a bow and a pink ribbon floww onto the ieft sWeof each poodle head.


Pfefan iht. rihhon fiovt>sr khck

Cut a

Two )4" (Sm m ) bfack buaons, tw o W (lOmm)

X 14" (24cm x 36cm) piecxof

Wack-and-white dot print.

black buaons and a f (3cm) W«tt buuon 2<y (Slcm ) of H” (3mm) wid«

h errin g to the pattern insert trace and

Wacit'and-white dot ribbon

cut an ®{tra«large flower from the pink

Two V (19mm ) pink nbbwi ffo w m

felt in d an extra-large flower center f t w

14' (36cm) o f 1W (4cm ) wide

(h^ white felt.

Wack-aod-whiw dcK ribboti

It bbdc adhesiv* (such i i I'Jbri-Tac) M aterial and To d s (pages it -10) Pacccm in s e t


1 Cuc two 14"


W (36cm x 36cvn)

squares of ihe pink chenille.


Refer to the quilt instructions to

make a purse block for che pillow front ustiiga 14" X 1 4 '(36cm >t 36cm)chenille squire. You will use the other square for the pillow backing.


Refer COthe General Instructions on

page 18to finish the pillow.

posh poodle pillow

fab ric C O T T O N P R IN T S

supplies hi--

'i;,. .

14" v36cm) square pillow fotm (or j» ly « te f fibeifiH) OMC cotton «mbfoidwy Itoss: white, «77« (pink) and #3 H) (Mack)

TWO 14* X 14’ (36cm x 36cm) tquares of pink, white in d bbck dot princ

w o o l , PELT 11* X i r (2«cm K 30cm) piece

H’‘ (lOmm)Wack buixon lOi* (25crr) of M" (Vnm ) wide

o fpinkfrtt (ttody)

bUrtc-atvi-white doc ribbon

Sc«{K o f pink Wt (fluffy fitt |>ieces), w hi«

H" (19mm) pink ribbon flower

Wt (hrad and toft») *nd blade felt (pawO

posh poodle flower pillow

8« sure to read the Techniques section

fab ric


strands o f em broidery fioss f o r ail stitching


14' (36cm ) square pillow form

unkss oOicrwise sutled.

Two 14* X 14' (36cm x 36cm)

an d the mdividval project instructions thoroughly b^ ore you b ^ . Use two

ofWack-and-whiie doc prlr«


Cuc rwo 14" X 1 4 '(36cm X 36cm)

s<|uar«s of the doc print.

1H yards (liim ) of 1" (3cm) wWc white pom-pom wim (optional)


Refer 10 the quilt instructions

Permanent f*bnc adhesive (such

COmake one of the poodle blocks


for the pillow froni uiing a 14’ x 14’

M iteriab and Tools (pages 8-1 0 )

(36cm X 36cm) febric square. You will use

Piltern insert

the other square fof the pilbw backing.


Soaps of pink felt (e«ra-lar#B flowir) and white W t (flower centtr)

OA ^ cottofi wnbroWery ftoss:

1‘ (3cm ) W»ck bytwfi 2 8 '(7 lc m )o f1 « *(4 c m )w ib c Wack-and-whltftdoi ribbon

page 18 to


Cui:twol4’’ {36cm )pi«:esofche1K "

(4cm) wide doc ribbon. Tor the pillow front, basce the two pieces of ribbon or»co one of the fabric squares so that

Wiatwlal} and Tool» (isges a-iO )

they intersect, appraKimately S* (13cm)

Paium im m

from the top (horironta! piece) and 5 ' (13cm) from che left side (vertic^ pieceX Refer to che quilt insiructiow to sciccii

Be sunt to tead the Techniques section an d the individual project instructions thoroughly before you b ^ . Use two strands o f embroidery fioss f o r all stitching

Refer rotlw General Imtmccions on

Cut two 14" X 1 4 '(36cm X 36cm)

squares of the dot prinL

(orpolye$»rfib«fiH )

*776 (pink) and »310 (black)



the ribbon and apply the flower motif so ch»r it overtaps the two ribbon pieces in the center. You

use the other square

for Utepilkw backing.

unless otiienvise stated.

the piltow. If desired use

permanent fabric adhesive to adhere


d>e pom-pom trim around che edges of

page 18 to finish ihepiltow

the pillow.

'9 3 '


posh poodle chenille wall hanging fab ric C H E N IL L E TwoaA’ xîi'iilcm xéicm )

Be sun to n a d the Techniques section


an d the inévidual project instructions

chenille square with fiaur strands o f the

thorau^ly before you begin Use itvo

black floss.


stnwds ofem broidery floss f o r olì st/ich/ng

1 4"« 14"<3tfcmK «tm )K)u»Tieandfoui'S''x 5'

uti/ess o^ervvise stated

( J3 c m x }'icm )ïq ü v «ofw hitech en ill9

W O O L PÉI.T l2 '(M < ;m x » :m )p ie c e oipink Wt(body)

1 C ut;i:w o24"x24"(61an x61cm ) squares of pink chenille. Cuc a 14" X 14*

U n p t o f plnk feit (fiUTy fur t» « e s ami

(ü6cm X 36cm) square and four

d«»). whiwWr (h<*d. legs and dots)

5* X 5“(13cm X ì3cm ) squares o f the

in d black fek (p»wi and dor»)

white chenille,

sup p lies: 23“ X 23* (SBcm K 58cm) square o i quili batting

DMC coaon embfoldery fto« whi». #776 (pink) »nd*3tO(Wacl() H* ( 10m m)


10" (?5crfi) o f li ' {imm) wide MKk/ind-whiw dm rtbbon


wtiiw pom-pom ir«io (opiiooal) Perm aoe« ftbric »ifheswe (such as fabrt-Tac) (optional)

poodle pieces onco the center o f die white cheniHe square.


Refer to die quilt instructions to

bow and pink ribbon flower. C u ta 2 3 *x 2 3 ‘ (58cm x 58cm )

square of che quilc baccir^. Notts Due (o the unfinished edges, rhe baccing should be approxlmattiy 1* (3c:m) less in cocal size corrtpared co che chimHle squares.


Referring lo the pmjecc photo and

' patcern Insert for placement, baste the

embroider and to add a button nose,


B aste th e F o u r5''x S "03cm x l3cm )

white cheniHe squares, one onco each corner. Baste che pink, white and black dots, one of each onco each of the four squares, Blanket sUtcb around the pink

K '(19m m ) pint tlitbonflovv»r 2J4 yartb (2iiffi) of T (3cm ) wide


Blanket stitch around the white

dots wich the black floss, an>und the Referring co the pattern insert, trace

and cut a poodle i?ody. three fiufly fiir

white dots with che pink floss and around the black dots wich the whice fioss.

pieces and four dots from the pink fek, a

Iwo 1' (3cm) pluck loops (Ibr harging)

poodle head; two legs and four docs from

Maceriais and Tool» (pages 8 - >0)

(he whice felt and two paws and four

Patiern ¡«ere

dots from the black felt



Refer to the General Instructions on

page 18 coctMTiplwe che wall hanging. If desired add a decorative running stitch around the four corners using

Baste the W x l-i' (36cm x 36cm)

four strands 6 f black floss. If desired use

white chenille square onto the center o f a

permanent fabric adhesive to adhere the

pink chenille square. There should be

pom-pom mm around th et«ck of the

y (13cm) on each <lde of the square.

wall hanging.


bayou buddies quilt Be sure to read the Techniques section

Blanket stitch around the frogs and

arid the individua! project instructions

flowers with the black floss and around

thorou ^ly be/ort!you begin. Use tivo

the ponds with che yellow floss. Straight

strands o/em broideryjhssjor all stitching

Mitch around the flower centers wich

unless otherivise stated.

the trfue fk»s. Add a biack running stitch around the eyes and pupils. Satin stitdi

1 Priffan the two frog blocks

the nostrils with black floss. Trace, chen

Cut two 14*x 14* (36ctn x 36cin) squar«

Add a black french knot at the ends of

of th« muitUstripe print

each mouth.

Citt two 10' X IO” (25cm x 2Scm) squares

Baste che two tongues underneath the mouths (alternating the position). Add a

of rhe white chcnille Referring to the pattern insert, trace and cut two frogs from the lime green felt (or fleece), two ponds from the blue felt, four eyes and two small flowers from che white felt, four pupils from the black frfi, two tongues from the red felt and

while, «310 (bUclcX«907

(tim« yw n ).

squares of the assorted prints.

white chenille. Referring to the pattern insert, trace and

centers o fthe }4*x 1-i"(36cnn x 36cm)

cut two dragonfly bodies from the yellow


felt and two wings from the blue felt.

Referring to the project photo and

Baste the dragonfly p i«es at a slight

pattern insert for placement, baste the

angfe ooco the center of the chenille

frog pieces, por>ds and flowers onto the

squares (ftidng cencer).

the bottom frog is looking up. Alternate the position of the flowers as welt) Set the tongue pieces aside until after the

l y (64cm) )um bo whtu rici04ck

mouthi arò stitched.

Pattern injcn

Cut sixreen 5* x S" (13cm x i Jem )

Baste the chenille squares onto che

*I57(b M an < H ^ 4*(y «l!o w )

MatenaU and Toolt (png« 8-1 0 )

Prepare the two patchwork blocks

C u ttw o S 'x 5"(13cm x 13cm) squares of

chat che top frog is looking down and DAAC con on e(nbfO(d«ry Aoti:


yellow Wt.

alternate the poiiaon of the pupils so

1WywdJ ( l» r n ) ¿¡uilc btcrinfr 45' ( 1 14cm) wide

white runtilng Hitch around each tongue.

two circular flower centers from che

white chenille squares. (Remember to

supp lies

backstitch the mouths wich Wack floss.

Blanket oitch around the wings with the biack floss. Add a running stitch around the bodies and two tiny cross stitches for the eyes using a single strand o f biack floss. The noses are white Ftench knots. then backstitch the ancennas with four strands of the green floss.

Blankpt stiifh «round the chenillc squares using four strands o f the green (k>ss. •

Lay out the squares for each block as de^red.with the chenille dragonfly square in the center. (Use the j^ o to as>a guide.) Sew the patchwork squares together.



Priffare (he alligfitor hhck

Referring to the phoco and pattern insert for pbcemem, baste the alligator pieces

Cut a 12M’ X 27W' i32o n x 70cm) piece of the blue gingham.

onto che omter of the blue gingham fabric In between the rickrack trim. Sec

Cut cwo 12K''i32cm) pieces of jumbo

rhe three teeth aside until after the

white rickracl<. Baste, then stitch the two

mouth is stitched.

pieces vcfcically. approximately 2 K“ (6cm) from each side. Referring to the pattern inserc, trace and CLfc an alligator irom che lime green felt (or fWce). fi\< ipocs from rhe blue felt, three sa le s from rtie yellow felt, two eyes and ihrw t«eth ^ m the white fHt and two pupils from the black felt.


Refer to the quilc instructions to

m ake an alligator block Ibr the pillow front using the 14" x 23* (36cm x S8an ) piece of blue gingham with the rickrack trim, You will use the ocher piece for the pilkiw backing, (Nore thac che alligator wlf be overlapping the rickrack crinx)

4 2

Cut two 14" (36cm) pieces of jumbo

white rickrack. Biste, then stitch the cwo

Refer COthe quilt inscruccions to


picces vertfcaliy onto the front of one


of the pillow pietK, approximately 2’A'

page 18 to finish the pilfow, using fiberfill

(6cm) from each side.

to stuff rather than a pillow form.


Refer to the Cenerallnstructkarw on

bayou buddies pillow

fab ric



14* (S6cm) square pillovt' form

T w o 14* K 14* ( J 6c r p x J 6c rn ) s q u ares o f W u«,

(or jMijwsier fiberfill)


Cut two 14“ x l-i" (36cm X 36cm)

squares of the multi-stripe print.


white, «310 (blackj, «^07(lime gK«ri),

2 ReferEochequiltinstructionsto


*157 (blue) and »744 (yeibw)

make a frog block for the piltow fronc

Í0' X 10" (ascm XJScm)

M«crial$and Took (page* « -1 0 )

using a 14" X 14" (36cm x 36cm) fabric

assorted blue, yeHow and lime gr*»n prints

PiCtirn insert

square. You will use the ocher square for

14‘ X 14" (J6cm K 36cm) »quire

che pillow backing,

o f any color hbn< (backing)

yellow, Jimegreeii *nd white multi-scripa print

square of-A-hKciKmllG

DMC cotton embroidefy fioss;

Nfit«iYou<an c»r* >ulKtituceinothef fibric

C O T T O N P R IN T S Eight 5* X

S' ( l^ m

X 13cm) tq uitis of

(h«nill» h n u available.

14' (36cm ) square pllow form (or polyester fibcffid) OrWC cotton embroidwy floss; viAilte, #310 (bind;) end #?07 (lime greer)


Materiali arid Tocrfi (pages 8-1 0 )

m a k e a p a tc h w o rk d rag o n fly b lo c k fo r

fle sure to read the Techniques section

lO 'n ll'U S fm x ito n ) piece of lime gr«>rt felt (op fiMce) (frog)

ortd the indiwi/oa/project initri/c:inm


thoroughly h^ore you begin Ute two

page 18 to finish the piSow.

Refer to che Cer\efal Instructions on

R efer t o t h e q u ilt in s tru ctio n s Co

ihe p illo w

Pattern inters



Cut a 14" X 14" (36cm X 36cm) square

of the backing fabric

th e c e n te r,

N o t« You can subHitut»anc{b«r

Be sw e to read (he Techniques section

fabric if chenille it not avaiUMe.

an d

individual project instructions


tìiorougilily before you begin. Use two


v/hite W i (eye* snd itnall flower). Msck

Scraps of blue felt (dragonfiy winj»)

s£ran<is o f m btv id ery Jioss fo r aii


feic (pupil») and »wl felt (tongue)

aad yellow felt (dragonfly ljtfd>-)

stttching u n im otherwise stated.

7* X i r (19cm * Jicin ) pieceof blue felt (pof^l)

itraflds o f embroidery p o is jo r u/f Mching

Scrsps of ViHo-Zf f#H (ftewef center),

wfii’ess otherwise stated.

fro n t, u sin g t h e e ig h t fe b r ic

sq u a res arid th e c h e n ille sq u a r e fi3>’

5 ' x 5 ’ (1 3 c r rx i5cm)$i|U3ftfor white chenillc



R efer t o c h e G en era l In stru c tio n s o n

18 t o

finish t h e pillow.

princess lily quilt fab ric HillsiitiUiiHiM i-.lniinitui

C O T T O N P R IN T S Two 85*' X H ' (2 1 o t X 36 c m )p i« c « o f a mukicotof pawH pfini in pink, yeflow and green Tip: Lcxjk far fairy-tale or prmc#«ihemed prinu. I chow c m wi(h flowen and ddicace tcroiH. Sixtw r S* »1 S ' (13cm x 13cm) iquaics o f as»on«d ptnk. ydiow, (avepdcr tn d p w \ prints N o t*: I use th e same corrtbinMlon of e i ^ print« ior the tw o pa(chwi>tk Wocki. Scraps of pinV dot print (ch«ek»)

Be sure to read the Techniques section

Baste che crovwis onto the center o f the

an d the indwdual project instnictjons

chenille squares.

thoroagfily before you begjn. (jsc two strands o f embroidery floss fo r all sütching unkis otherwise stated.

1 Prepare the tveo crown hhcks Cue two 14" x W (36cm x 36cm) squares of the laverxier chenüie. Cuc cwo 10' x lO^<25cm x 25cm) squares of ch« whice chenille.

Blanket scitch around each crown with the lavender fioss. Lay out the squares tor each block as deiired, vwch the chenille crown square in Uw center. (Use che phoco as a guide.) Sew the patdw«>rk squares together. Scitch three pink pom-poms onto the pointed tips of each crown,

»4 yard (Km ) of yellow prini (bo rtir) K yard (h m ) of lavrnd« print (binding

Referring to the pattern inserc trace and

m yards (tWm) ofany cotof print

cut two Iai|;e crowns from che yellow felt,

(backkiy and banging ileeve)

six rcxirtd jewels from the lime green fek

Cut a M’ X 14* (30cm x 3dcm) piecc of


and two hearts from the pink fdc.

the white chenille.

T w o K ’ x 1 4 '(1 6 c m x « c m ) squam of lav«n<i«r chfniiie Tviro W XIIJ' (iScrp n 25im ) Hjuarts. two 5* x 5 * ( 1 3 c m x H cm )» q ii« W in ili l y x 14*

Baste the white chenille squares onto

Referring to the pattern insen:, trace

the centers of Uie lavender cheniUe

and cut a frog from che Hnwgreen feU, a

squarei. Blank« sticdi around the w/htre

small aow n from the yellow felt, a Bps

chenille square using four strands of the

piece fiwn the pink fdt. two eyes from

N o u ; You can ju b K itu » anoth*f

green f^oss.

the whke felt and cwo pupfls from the


Referring to the project photo and

f olfow the Fusible Web Appliqué instruc­

erf iime green fd t (frog)

crown pieces onto the cenœrs of the

tions on page 13 to fuse the cheeks onto

Two i r X n ‘ (28cm x 28cm) m u re *

white chenille squares.

the firog using the pink dot print.

of yellow fell (large cro w »)

Blanket scitch around the oowns wth

Referring to the photo and pattern for

d o ti on th e ctowi»). yetew W t (h# »ts and

the iavencief floss and around rhe jewels

piacemenc basie (he crown a «d frt^g

smafler crowru), pinic ick (beam and iifB).

vi/ith the yellow floss. Add a white

pieces onto the ccn tet of che chenille

running stitch around the hearts.


A Prepare the two {patchwork bh<ks

yellow flow, around the crown with the

S c r ^ o f kmegreen fe(( (hearti and/ewel

white fek (#y«») artd Wack ftit (pwfils)

su p p lies IVi yards (J }4m) <jui!t battm*, 4 5 ' (1l4crr>) wide DMC cocuTT^ oinbroid«'y ilou: whicr. »310 (bfack). «727(ye(lowi «200

Ulanket stitch around the frog with che

Cut sixteen V x S ' (i3cm x I3cm) squares of cho «ssorced princs.

(lavender) and »907 (titnt X’«*r') Regular v b ^ w e ig h i p«p*ivb»ekid fusible web

Cut two 5" x 5’ (13cm x 1 3cm) squares

Nine J4' (13m m ) pink pom-pomt

of whice chenille.

Six y (I9mn>) »ibbon fowbudi: two pink, tw o ye<tow and tw o b m d w MMcriab and lo ots (page* S - 10)

lavender <!oss, arourvj the chettks and lips with the white floss and around the eyes with the black flos& Use a black runn«r% witch to secure the pupils. Add A ree black straight stitches for the eyefashes.

Referring to the pattern insert, t r a a and cut two small oowns from ttw yellow feit

Pattpn Injerc

black fdL

pattern Insert for placement, baste the

i r X 12* (28cm X 30cm) p i« »


Prepare the frog hhck

(3Ccm X 36cm ) pttce o f whit» ctx^He

fabric i^ctwniile i} not available.

‘n ^ fJ


Trice, then backsritdt the riywjth with {he

floss, be^fviing at each ^

end of che mouth.

109 - V


the üps. Add a black French knot at each

1 Cuu1^*x14''i36cmx 36cx:rT' of the backing fabric


Refer ro thequllf fr^cructior^ns


make a paichwoftiicrown Nocki: f/ piKow froni, using the eight and rhe chenille squ^refor rhe c c «


» reed the Techniques section th i

project insxructiom

v"::'0‘j gr;y o ^ m y o u begin. Use t m fys^'ss s;e>*^efQkkryfioss j o r aH stitchmg




Refer COthe General instruc!c ti

page 18 rofinidi the pillow.

princess lily crown pillow

princess lily pillow .........


fab ric



14" (36ciT>) square pillow ibrm (or poly«terfib«nfill)


Cuc two 14" X 14“' (36cm X 36cm)

squares of che lavender dienitte. Iwo W X •)4'' (Jfein « ,^m) squire* of tavpnrte»' cheniile

«ju»« uf-whiwclwilte N o « i Vou c«n iobKituM another

OhSC. to u o n embroidery flo»; white. *72^ (ydlow), « 0 9 (tavKrtder) and »907 (ilm« green) Materials and Tocis (pages 8 -1 0 ) PsKsern insert

fabric ifclwniifeiit ooi availaW«.

Hi iure to read the Technicfuss iecihn

11' X H* (2#<m u 3Acm) square

m d the inciividt/ai projeci m tm ctm s

Scraps, ol' fim«» g'P»»n felt (jewe* on crovrti) »nd fe!t (heart)

Refer to the quilt instruccions CO

ihoroughly before you be^n U« iiw oJ embroideryfloii for aii niichmg ur)iess otherwise stated

fab ric

supp lies

tU M ilfiltU lliiniiliC iU iiii:



14' (36cn>) Kjuaw pdtow form

Scraps o f prnfc dot princ (c^weki)

using one of th« 14' x 14" (36cm x 36cm) chenille squares* Vou will use che ocher


(ttack), #72" iyif««v»-) and #209 (lavender)

Tw ol<S'x14" (3SCITI X 36cm)

Regular or tighiwnHjKlU paper-backed fusible wH)

squares c f whia? cheniHi

Tlirife >4“ (1Smm ) pirrk pom porm

N o t« Vou c«n subKttuw another fabric if cheniile ii not availabl#,


1?4 y w d s ( l ^ ) is^vWier marabou boa critn I’erm itwnt ^ i c Kjlnsive (such as FAri-T»c)

Refer co the General Instruccions on

page 18 to ftni^ the piltov/.


Cut two 14" X 14" (36cm x 36cm)

sqtares o fth e white chenille.


Refer to the qui!r instruaions CO

make a frog block for the pillow iroftc using a 14" X 14" (36cm x 36cm) chenille si^jare. You'ii us® the other square for the pillow backing,

A'iawriats »nd Tools (pages 8-iD )

n'xir(28cmx3£lcnn}pl€c^ of iimc green fiefc (frog)


Pscterr^ inser?

pir>k feit (lips)

Refer to the General Instructioni.


Scaps of yeflow felt {im ill ci’ewn), wiVte feit (eyes), faiacic feic (pupils)


(or pdyester W>eil'iil) OMC cod on embroklcry floss: w hi«. #310

make a crown block for the pillow front

square for th? pillow tracking.

wool- fElT of yellow felt (lar^ crownj


ia s k

6e sure t&rtad tht Techniques sectiofl and the indmdualprojea instructions thoraushljf b ^ m you begin. Use two sirancis o f smbral^fyfloss.for all stitching

unless otherivise itated

113 fv~

18 Eo fifiish the piitew. Use

permanenc fabric adhesive to adhere the nw abou trim around theedges of pittow,

t a S 'l

princess lily crown pillow

fab ric



H" (Jócm )-square pillow form (or polyeHer fibefAH)

Iwo W ''* l 4 '’ *;3«crnx.«cm }

iquare* of lavpftfiw ctwniile

Oh'C. touon embfoidcry flo»: white. *727 (yellow). #209 (lavetKler) »»id »W 7 (Hm* *<ien)

W x W ( 2 S c fV 'A - Jia n )

iqu»« ufv^•Nt«ciwitie Not« Vau cm subMKu» another /ibric if CheniHe w noc avfailaWe.

wool. F!si,T

NUteriais and Tools (pagn í-lO ) Pitsem ifwert


Cuc two 14" X 14" (36cm X 36cm)

squares of ihe'avender chenille.


Refer to the quik Inscruccions co

using ofw of th«

x 14" (36cm x 36cm)

chenille squares. Vou will use rhe ocher

Be $ure to read the TechntquffS secthn iwd the individuQl projeU instmarons

Scraps of Unf feit (jewd dots on crovvn) jnd pink fek (heart)

•itmnds o j embroidery^^oiifor all uhching

ihoroughly b ep re you be-^n. Uie t w unless otherwise stated,

fab ric



14* (36cm ) iiiu3hff piltow fotm

Scraps of pint dot prirw (<lwekt)

make a crown block for the pillow fronc

square ibr rfiit fjitlow tsacking,

i r X I f (2itm i* ?Jcm}square of yetlov/ felt (lari^ crown)

princess lily pillow


C H E N IIL E Two U '5« 14' (36cm* 36cm) squares of wtiiaj chenilte NoHr You csn subjcitww anothw fabric if clienitle it not avaitibi».


(Of poiyesMfftbcrfifl)

OMC coftori errbfoklcrv floss: whice, *310 (black), #75? and #209(lax'endw) Regular cr

paper-t>»cked <Wib(«r web

T\\rttt >4'' (ISm m )

pom poms

IK yíTíísíllitm } Iss-íífliler marabou boa ctim l»erfnar«n{: fjb ijc sdlnsivc (such as f Arí'T*c)

Refer co the General inscruccions on

page 18 to fini^ itic ptilov/.

W OOL F E ir irxl2*{2Scm x30cnn}ptec^ of lime green feft (frog) Scraps of yeUow felt {small crewfl), wlvte fdc (eyes), black W t (pupils) lOtJ pink felf (lips)

Cut iwo 14" K 14" (36cm X 36cm)

squares of the white chenille.


Refer to the quilt instruaions co

make a frog block for che pillow front using a 14" X 1-ii'' (36cm x 36cm) chenille square. You'll use die other s q w e for i)>e pillow backing,

^'íawríab »^d Toolk (pages 8 -1 0 )


PsRerrx inwfi

Refer to the G eftm l Inscfucti0n&

on psge 18 co finish the piitow. Use Be w re tQ m d iht Techniques section an d the in^M 'dmlprojea instrucehns thoroughly b ^ r e you begin Use twv strm ds qfembr&lderyfloss fo r all stitchmg unless otherM se stated.


permanenc fabric adhesive to adhere the maralxju trim around che edges of ttie


R S "

îfS ÿ

priricess lily chenille wall hanging fab ric C O T T O N P R IN T S Scrap? of pink doc print (cheeks)


Be s u h to read the Techniques seoion


and the individual project instructions

white chenille square onro the center

Basce the 14" x 14’ (36cm x 36cm)

ihoroughly before you begin. Use two

of one of the lavender cheniile squarest

itronds o f avbrokiery fioss f o r ail sdtchmg

There should be 5' {13cm) on each sideof

unless otherwise stated.

che square.

Two Z r X 24" (61cm X 61cm) iqw re* of liiventkf chenille W ' X 14- I36cm X 36cm) sqiarc and four 5* x S'

1 Cut two 2 4 'X 24" (61cm X 61cm)


(iJcrp K 13cm)K|iure$ofMhicecheniRe

squares^of lavender chenill«. Cut a

chenille square with four strands of the


14" X 14‘ (36cm X 36cm) square and four

pink floss.

1 l*x l2*{28cfn> < 30cm ) piece

S* X 5" (13cm X 13cm) sqiures of Ihe

of lime green Wt (frog)

v^ihite chenille.


Scraps of yellow ftjlt (smsll crown), pink felt (lie jrii and lips), whtte fdt (eyes) and buck Wt(pupiis)


Zy X 33" {S8cm r U cm ) square o f quilt batting DMC couon *mbw«dery d o » »310 (W*ck), *? 3 ? (ytlksw), #209 (lavender) And

Cut a 23" X 23-(58cm X 58cm)

Three M' (15mm) pink pom-poms Four V (19mm) yettow ribbon nsysbuds tw o r ( k m ) piasiic loops (for hanging) Materials and Tod* (pjges 8 -1 0 ) Pattern insert

crown and frog piece.s onto che center of the white chenille square.

Note: Due to the unfinished edges, th f batting should be approximately 1" (3cm) (ess in total size compared co the chenille squares.



Refer to the quilt iretructions to

embroider and add pom-pom trims to the crown,

(lime green)

Repiiir or llghtwvishi paper-backcd funble

Referring rathe project photo and

pattern inserc for placement, basce che

square of the quilt batting.


Biankec stitch around the white

Referring to the pattern insert, trace

and cuc a frog from the lirtie griît-n felt, a small crovwi from the yellow felt, four hearts and a lips piece from the pink felt, tvvoeyes from the white felt and two pupils from rhe black felt.


Bastei:hefoLir5"x5’ (l3 c m x 1 3 cm )

whice chenille squares, one onto each comer. Baste the four hearts onto the centers of the four sqtiares. Blanket stitch around che hearts with the white floss. Stkch a yellow ribbon rosebud onto the top center of each heart.


Follow the Fusible Web Appliqué

insrrucrions on page 13 co fuse two cheeks onco the frog using the pink dot print.


Refer to the General Instruccions

on page 18 to complete the wall hanging. If desired, add « detoritive ainning stitch around ihe four corners using four scrands of che lime green floss.

114 “ -

'I J



Follow the Fusible Web Appliqui instnjaions to fuse three leaves onto each ydk>w felt square using die pale green dot print Fuse an extra-large ftewer or\co each yeilow l^t square using the lavendaf dot print. Batte the felt flower centers. Fuje the smaller flower centers to che flowers using die pink dot print. ftasie ihe yellow fek squares onto the centers o f the pink chenille squares. Referring to che project photo aiid patcern iraert for placement, baste the butterfly pieces onto the 14’ x 14" (36cm X 36cm) squares. Blanket stitch around the butterfly bodies

running sticch around che crean felt flower centers.

floss. Add a pink running stitch around

1H yanh ( t Hm) qui't b u tn g , <tS* ( 1 1 ^ ) wi<}e

the pale green dots with an ecru crass

6' ( iScm) lumbo pali

stitch ir> the centef Trace, then backMitch

OMC cotton efnbrokl«ry IIom: «cru,

the aniennai wrfth the lavender floss. The

•37l6(pfnk), #J6«(pw n).«09

eyes are two lavender Frendi knots. Add

(l«veAdcr)4Jid 1777 (ydtow) Regultr or tghtweighc p«ptf-bKk«d fusifaie web

three ptnk crow stitches spaced eveniy along the body.

Nioe J4‘ (13mm ) itwnder buooftk, ivro V (1 i r i m ) ydk)w butioro, tw o H* ifim m ) pir»k buttons and ftvc H ' (6mm) yedowbuttom 10- (2Scm) of H" {3m m ) w kk funk doc nbbon » ' (i9m m ) ptnk ribbon (owbud

Matenak and Touh (pagn I- 10) Pattern insen

lavender ftossand aiound che pink ftower centers with the ecru floss. Add a green

with the green floss, around the wings

around the yellow dots w th the ecru


the pink floss, arourxi the teaves with die

with the laventier fioss and around the cheeks with the ecru floss. Straight stitch

supp lies

blanket stiich around the squares with the green fioss, ansund the flowers with

Sew a %" (3mm) pink button for each rtCKe,

Saw four Vi" (13mm) lavender buttons onto che comers of each yellow felt square anda V (13mm) yeilow button onto each pink flower center.

butterfly garden quilt

li t'

■ ü iü ü i


Be sure to read tiie Techniques section

fab ric inoiitiMnmiiiNiiiiitiaiii

and the individual project imtructions


thoroui^ly before you b ^ n . Use two


Prepare the ¡tm stjuare flower blocks

Two W X M" ( J6em x 3fcn») tq u v B

strands o f embroidery fioss ^ all st/ich/ng

of pais green and pink <lor«l {Him

unless otherwise itated.

jqtores o f the bright pink chenille.

1 Prepare tht two butterfly blocks

Cut two 9" X 9* (23cm x 23cm) squares

TWeKi ? X 5*(13cm k llern ) iq u v«s« assorted pink, in m livtndK indiivMovr prns. N o t« I use che i4iTM-combmcoon

of six prinu ^ the cwo Woda Scrapsoi lavender dot p r^ ftowefs), paie green doc pnm (VBM ii »)d piftk dot print (cheeks and Acwtr cam n)

Cut two 14" X 14" (36cm x 36cm) squares of the paie green and pink flora! prmt.

H yard<Km) of pink pnnt (bincing)

Referring u> the pattern insert trace and

yards (1 ) ^ ) o f any cotor p rt«

cuc cwo butterfly bodies from che cream


Cut tvw 14" X 14" (36cm x 36cm)

o f the yellow Wt and cwo extra-large llower centers from the cream felt. Foltow the Fusible Web Appliqui instruaions to fuse three leaves onto

V4yard (Km ) of lavender print

each yelk>w Wt square using the pale green doc print Fuse an extra-large flower onto each yellow felt square using the

(baddng and h a n ^ slecye)

fric cwo wings from the pinic felt, eight

C H E N iL L E

large dots from the yellow felt and eight


small dots from the pastel green felt.

Saice the felt flower centers.

Pollow the Fusible Web Appliqué

Fu*e che smaller flower cencers to che


flowers using the pinkdot print.

squares of bright pink chenille 9h* X W (24cm * 36cm) i^ e of o«am cheniile



Notet You can substtoia anodw fabncif chenille» noc tvtUtbk.


page 13 to fuse two

cl>eek$ onto cath felt butterfly uiing the pink dot princ. Referring to the project photo and paiiern insert fot placement, basce the

Two 12* X i r (30cm X 30cm) squares ofyeUowfeh

(36cm K 36cm) squares.

butterfly pieces onto the 14*’ x 14'

lK y a ird s (1 }^ )q u ik b in in ^ 4S*<1l4cm)wide

the pink floss, around the k2aves with die lavender floss and around the pink flower

with che green floss, around the wings

running stitch around the cream felt

with the lavender floss and around the cheeks with the ecru floss. Scraighc stitch

the pale green docs with an ecru cross


stkch In ihe center. Trace, dten backsdrch

DA^C cotton embroidery n o » ; M ru

the aniennas with the lavender floss. The

#3716 (pbk), *368 (greenV f?C9

eyes are two lavender frendi knots. Add

6 ' (IScm ) fumbo pate

the green floss, around the flowers v«th

centere with the ecru Ross. Add a green

floss. Add a pink running stitch around

iliiOllllllltllHiUHIIIM lUli

dlanket stitch around the squares with

Blanket stitch around the butterfly bodies

around the yellow dots vwth the e a u

su p p lies

\he yellow felt squares onto che cw tcfs o f the pink chenille squares.

Two 13' X 1y (33tm x 3Jcm) iqusrcs of pink M r (buneffVwngs}

Scraps of pink W i (exua-Uije fhmiX yeilow fdt(doo on wings vtd flow« center), cream fMt (bunefff)« bodwand flow« cencers) ar>d pattd green M t (leaves, dots on vnngsanti flower cw w )

lavcndar doc print,

(lavender) ar)d 9777 (yc4knw)

rhreei pink crow stitches spaced evenly

Regular or H igh tvi^ t ptptr'bMked ^siU e web

along the body.

Nine H* (13mm) lavender butMW», iwo H’ (13mm) yelkJw buttons, tw o M* (tm m ) pink

Sew a 5<" (3mm) pink button for

buttons and 6ve H’ (6mm) ycdmv buttons

each nose.

10" (2Scm ) o f M" (3m m ) wide ptnk doc ribbon M* (19mm ) pink ribbon rosebutf Materiak and Tools (panel B -10J Pattern insert


flower centers. Sew four

(13mm) lavender buttons

onco the comers of each ydlow fek square and a %' (13mm) yeilow but»3n onto each pink flower center.


Prepare the rectaaptiar

fio w e r

R eferr^ to che project photo for leaves onto che chenille block.

Cut a 9h" X 14" (24cm x 36cni> piece of cream cheniHe,

butterfly garden felt accent

^ Preffare the iwo patchwork hhcks

placement, baste the flo>ver pieces and Cuc tviireive 5" x 5" (I3cm x I3cm) squares o f che assorced princs. Blanket sckch arourtd d>e flower wich che green Ross and around the pale green

Lay ouc th e squares for each block as

Referring co che pacKfn insert, trace and

flower center with the pink floss. Straight

desired to make chree rov« of cwa (Use

cut an extra-large fiower from the pink

sticch around the leaves w kh the lavender

the projea phoco as a guide.) Sew che

Be sure to read the Techniques section


feft, an extra-large ftovwr cencer from the

floss, chen add three yellow rur»nlng

patchwork squares togedier.

a n d the individuai p rojea imtructiorfs

skies cogecher. Pin che two body piece

ydiow felt and cwo leaves and a smaller

scitches ak>ng the center. Add a lavender

flower center from die pastel green felt,

running sotch around che yellow flovw-r


Complete the quik

center. Add five decorative swirls, one Cui a 6* (IScm ) piece o f che jumbo pale gr«<fn rickrack for die fiower siena Basce

onto each petal using a running sticch and tlie ecru floss,

16 co;

Sew a )4" (13nriin) lavender button onto

Piece the quilc cop.

using a green mnning sritch (or machlnc

che fiowff center and a %" (6mm) yellow

scitch if dewed).

buccon onco the center of each decora­ tive swirl.

£>JOfOUgh/y before you begin. Use two

layers onto che c«^ter o f the front

strandi o f embroideryfioss fo r (tfl stitching

decorated wing piece. Sec aside che back

unless otherwise stated.

wing piece, vrfiich will be scicched on lacer.



Refer K) che General Instructions on page

th« rickrack piece from the boctom cencer onto the chenille block. Secure

Place the tvM body pieces wrong

Referring to the pattern insert, trace

'Blanket scitch ansund the body with

and cut iwo buiterlly bodies from the

the green floss, scicching through the

cream frft, twc? wings from the pink fdi;

wing piece where it overlaps. This will

Add che border.

four large dots from cheyeltow feic and

secure die body onto che front of the

Assemble die layers.

four smalt docs from the pascet green feic.

wings, Be iiure to leave an opening large enough for stuffing with fiberfill,

Tie a bow with a 10' (25cm) piice of the

^ Innging sleeve,

pink dot ribboa Stitdi the bow and pink tosebud «H O the top of the flower stem.


sleeve can be added '•’* technique.

if that is your prefcnred

Add che binding.

Folkw che Fusible Web Appliqué

inscruccions on page 1 3 to fuse che cheek


circles using the pink dot princ. Blankec

blanket stitch the opening dosed.

fab ric

scicch around d « cheeks v^ch che


ecru floss.


C O T T O N P R IN T S Scraps or pink dot piwt (chnk»)

W OOL FELT Two i r X i r (33C1TI * 33cm) ■QUW5 of pink fek (buoerflywings) ScQps of cfcam M r (butiBfiy bod)^

A romantic garden party gathering is a wonderful way to celebrate a spring or summer baby shower. Use the But­ terfly Garden collection as inspiration, decorating with lots of pastel bugs snd blossoms. Use terra-cotta garden pots to serve yiimmy desserts or fill miniature pots with sweet treats as take-home favors.

Place the cwo’A^ng pieces wrong

slcte toother. Rn if desired. Blankec Add two French knocs for the eyes

wich che lavender ftoss. Scicch a


stitch around the wings with the lavender floss, leaving an opening targe enough

pink button for the nose. Add three

for scuffing. Scuff che wings, chen blanket

pink cross sticches spaced evenly along

scicch the opening cfosed.

ydlow irfi (docs on wingi) ami paw) green fek (dot* on w«gs)

ihe body.


A i Referring COthe project phoco and

i i ' (10mm) wWe pink doc ribbon, Scicch


Cut a 12" (3Cfcn>) piece of the

pattern insert for placement, baste che

the ends of the ribbon onco


yellow and green docs onto one of rhe

the svings for a hatiger. Scicch or glue

DMCcotton «mbfoidify ftaiK«er«, #3716 «36S (gre«n) and

wing pieccs. Stfiight scicch around che

the rosebud crims onco the ends of

yettow dots viiirh che e a u ftoss. Add

che hanger.

liH ín iU tílM IllilitlIllij!' "

Baby Shower Idea


Stuff the body with fiberWi,dien

Re«iiUr or (Ighfwdshr pipr tachad ^isbie web H‘'(írrw)pinkbünon i r O0cm)of pinkdot nbbon (farhwp r’j 2sr TwoK'(t9nvR)|' fl M il 'tmtH* 8'{30cm)of34*i lavender dw rftte* Pefimneniàboc«

cc^ of

a pink running tticch around the pale peen dots widi an ecru cross sticch in

ihe cencer.



Cut cwo 10“ (2Scm) pieces o f the

(3mm) wkle pink dot ribbon and tie each piece into a bow. Sdtch or ^ue che

CuEtwo'l’ (10cm)|:Hece5ofche

lliw ic itr dot ribbon. Use permanent

ttacadh esive co glue the ends into alsqplh ape. Use a ciny dab of the adhoiM i 10 adhere che antennas co che la cfca f Û * ftoTK body piece


bows just abc»/e che rosebud crims.

butterfly garden flower pillow


Be sure to read the Techniques section

K ' (Mem) square piHow form

thorou^’ily before you begin. Use iwo

(or potyescer fiberfill)

stiands o f em broidery fhss Jo r all stkching

flower), p»le green d ot print (leavw)

Oii'lC cotton embroidety floii; ecru, « i 7 i i (cink), »368 (y e e c) and «209 ilaventiw)

unless otherwise stotcc/,

and pink dot print (rtcwet center)

fab ric

an d the individual project instructions

iiiiiiiKiiiiiimiiKiiiiiimii C O TTO N PRI NTS Scrips of lis'emlcr <Jot print (exna-targe

CHE NU . L E Tw oI4*x14*(3«cm >« 36cm) »quar« ftf brtEhi pink chenilie N etei You a n tubtijtuie aoocher fibfic ifctwilB» ik ti« avaiUbfe.

Regular or ligh tw e^t paper-hacketl futftile web Butu>r»; four Vi' ( t Srrxn) lavender


an«JaH’ (l3mm)ye}foy.

squares of che briglu pink chenille.

Cut two 14" X

(36cm X 36cm)

Materiaii and Tod i (paijas 8-1 0 ) Pattern insert


Refer to the quHt instruaions to

make a flower block for the pillow front

12’ x iriJtKriTi « SOcm) square o f yettowfeft

usinga 14” x

Scrap of cream Wc (llower cerKer)


(36cm x 36cm) chenille

square. You wili u&e the other square for che pilbw backing,


Refer to the Ceni.'Tid Instructions on

page 18 to finish the pitew.




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