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Maria P aula Bola単os portfolio of illustrations

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Maria Paula Bolaùos Colmenares Maestra en Artes Visua les Universidad Javeriana Children’s books illustrator and designer 2009

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Books: These are books that were illustrated, wrote and designed by Maria Paula Bola単os. Some of this works have a lready been published or printed in Colombia and latinamerica. 1 . Rana 2 . Camila 3 . Libros Serie infantil BanRep.

click on the image to see the book

1 . Rana Published on 2005 ISBN. 958-97602-9-5 G a n a d o r p re m i o d e l B a n co d e l L i b ro d e Ve n ez u e l a Categoria infantil originales 2007: h t t p : / / w w w . b a n co d e l l i b ro . o rg . ve /

click on the image to see the book

2 . Camila Published on 2005 ISBN. 958-97602-7-9

click on the images to see the books

3 . Libros serie infantil del Banco de la RepĂşblica p r i nt e d o n 2 0 0 9 S a l a infant i l de la s colecciones de arte d el B an co d e l a Re p Ăşb lica

I l l u s t ra t i o n s : These are images that illustrated books, words, and idea s that made part of different projects. Some of this works were published or printed on Colombia. 1 . Un mundo a tu medida 2 . Momentary laps of rea son 3 . Lenguajes y saberes infantiles 4 . Buena s noches

1. Un mundo a tu medida

2. M l o r click on the image to see the book

3. Buena s noches

ot h e r s : These are some illustrations and some sketches that might be interesting too.

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