Place of placeness mangeles peñalver izaguirre

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Find every kind of lifestyles: people alone, families, couples; living in all kind of different places: houses, apartments, cabins...

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Look for hosts with unique lifes who live alone, together or in family; in apartments or houses all around the world.

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Feel at home (of other) anywhere in the world. Get more informationabout how to live another lifes

In just a few seconds you can have access from your iPad to all destinations you are able to imagine

See how Airbnb hosts are willing to create a really intense sense of belonging around the world: choose a lifestyle anywhere in the world and live an experience that will change your life

Just choose a destination you can review the hundreds of profiles that make up our community worldwide

Place of Placeness Have you ever wanted to live in the mountains of the Alps but you're snowed under with work? Do you dream of a live at the ocean but you can't float the bill?. Then Come to Place of Placeness where you can buy an ideal life, cheaper, safer and better than the real thing! A real holiday is a pain in your ass. Lost Luggage, bad weather, scammers‌ When you travel with us everything is Perfect. When you come to Place of Placeness you get First Class experiences: ideal families, perfect houses, sense of belonging! So don't let life pass. Choose Place of Placeness, Our Life is your Life!, Your Family everywhere!

Films & popular memories

"We can remember it for you"

Creation of a common urban and domestic imaginary of wishes through the world of fiction. The idea of the “truly authentic sense of City� based on a collage of different sources. There is therefore an idea of New York that has more to do with Woody Allen's filmography or sitcoms rather than its real context. Cinema and Fiction as constructors of subjectivities.

Is a short story by American writer Philip K. Dick, first published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in April 1966 and adapted to cinema in 1990 as "Total Recall" Is the story of a simple and ordinary man whose greatest desire is to visit Mars. Unable to afford it he visits a company which offers implanted memories.

Youtubers as experts Experts who share their knowledge in very specific themes: fashion, party, food, sports... Almost a real time documentary.

Travel guides and literature They had been sustituted by blogs and online guides which are updated regularly

Apps: About subjetivities Technology changed the way to urdestand tourism. Like a local, Instagram or Tripadvisor are just some of the examples of existing apps who are used as trivel guides. Main difference with a simple City Guide its a real time feedback generated by the users with their evaluations and comments

1. Annie Hall 2. King Kong 3. Friends 4. Breakfast at Tiffany's 5. Home Alone 2

Wishes & Expectations Traveling is an experience heavily fueled by two families of emotions that determine the landscape of its setting: on the one hand we have the expectations with which one faces a trip, and that are linked to our personal history.On the other hand, as a result of these expectations, we find the whishes that everybody yearns for a new experience. The memory about a place we've never visited, the desire to visit this place, is built on shared resources, and thus, somewhat stereotyped wishes. Cinema, internet, television and literature are four vehicles of this shared knowledge, built through the wish of certain agents to a particular place. Expectations are the result of the interpretation of this knowledge, and it is supplemented by additional information that could have with particular interests, and that is powerfully supported by what we have called 'expert subjectivities': opinions on specific topics at all possible formats on the internet


5 stars Hosts

Canned love

The user profile as the way to present ourselves as hosts and the generation of a virtual reputation through the system of evaluations of your stay. Became a Certified Host

Otherness Filters and stereotypes If Airbnb filters allow us to know if the apartment provides internet, wifi, shower gel, towels or if it has kitchen or living room... Then let our host tells us if he is open to include their pets, their children, their parents or sexual relations. The experience does not come built by the apartment but everything around it.

What is that is exactly the same about every single vacation you have ever taken? You!, You are the same. No matter where you go, there you are. It's always the same old you. Let me suggest you take a vacation from yourself. We offer you a choice of alternate identities during your trip. Why would you prefer to visit LA as a loser when you can go as a playboy? Place of Placeness and take a vacation of yourself!

Reborn Babies, Cat Cafes, Japanese Love Hotels, Wife catalogs, Escorts... We buy love, buy sex, buy pet fidelity, buy pack experiences... The era of the commodification of desire. An all included pack

Belongings The sense of belonging and its relationship with objects and places. Used metro tickets in your pockets, family portraits in the wallet, supermarket loyalty cards, house keys, a ring, wrinkled bills, your favorite restaurant card, ATM extracts, visas, passports and identity documents. Construction of belonging and affective bonding with objects.



A place to find you An Address, a number, a phisical place to find you

My language is my homeland. Belonging trough media.

The construction of the idea of space with the passage of time

Odor & home memories Fresh tea, roasted chicken, cloying air freshener, his cologne, smelly feet, the heat of the stove...

Permanence Used bath products used, dirt in the sink, disorder...

Accords Agreements generated by daily contact with neighbors. Bikes do not get to the site, no noise later than two o'clock ...

Technology Techonology as a way to be linked with the world. My house is where I have Internet.

Landscape Sound Ambience Fresh Products

Expiration and timing with objects

My house my rules The house turned into the haven of privacy and disconnection, but also the political place that generated agreements and rules of coexistence. At home do not smoke, television is not seen at meals...


The sense of belonging and its relationship with objects, places and people. Construction of the link space/time through framed photographs, pictures, drawings hanging on the fridge, presents, family portraits, souvenirs, books, cds memories.

Domestic intangibles “A house is not a home” . Airbnb success lies in the marketing experience of domesticity at a relatively reasonable price, but what really builds the imaginary of domesticity? The idea of home as a set of tangibles and intangibles aspects. Our link with objects and space but also with memories, sounds, smells ... As the poem of Raimund Abraham “The house is a junction of… [dreams, illusions, death, birth, mutations, (…) infinity]”

Arriving home

The set of protocols with back home. Your dog barking and scratching at the door. A hug and a kiss. Wipe your feet on the welcome doormat. Put on slippers at home door. Coats hanging on the rack. leave the keys in the ashtray hall...

Part of the team will travel to HK to live a real Place of Placeness experience

During theTriennale...

5 clues for the intervention in the OAT

Theatre of Science Aldo Rossi

TYPOLOGY One year away Triennale...

Madrid based theatre company La Belloch begin working on the performance for the Triennale

The construction of a temporary real life trough everyday Part of the team will replace Chi Ming in his role of son, documenting the experience for the proposal on the OAT

Barbie Mansion Mattel


Three months away Triennale...

Transformer Prada OMA Rem Koolhaas

Bedroom in Kowloon City Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong



Chi Ming

Info about this hosting This is a nice and comfortable bedroom in an apartment located at the center of Kowloon City and this is the part of town where the pace is much slower.


Chi Ming wants to share his mother

In this profile, the host show his apartment in HK and talks about all Airbnb requirements (including 2 dogs).In comments bellow is said his mother was the flatmate. We think this is an unsurpassable oportunity to test in person what we are trying to explain: is a real Place of Placeness experience!

Ikea Heights David Seger


Dramatizing domesticity

Place of Placeness is the support of our effort to contribute with critical and ironical positioning regarding to the Airbnb policies. The foundation of this fictitious company is the pretext with which our team proposes an analysis of the experience of someone who intends to travel to a place and feel like a local. We believe that this experience taken to the extreme helps to understand what the real issues with which Airbnb merchadises. We propose a double format which has as a link a Real Place of Placeness Experience. We have searched for an Airbnb Profile which involves a cultural gap (language, customs…) and also implies sharing a domestic space with someone. Thereby we have come upon with ChiMing, a Hongkonese that shares his Kowloon Appartment with two dogs and his mother. The peculiarity that we have discovered, and real interest is that he will not be with us at home, only manages the profile. So our team will travel for a month to HK to live and document the experience. With this we propose two formats. On one hand “La Belloch” Theater Company would work on developing a scenic proposal that stages the experience in Hong Kong and engages the visitor to the Triennial. On the other hand, the set design itself will explain the format and document the extracted reflection of that experience.

Needles and Opium Robert Lepage



"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" is a science fiction story that Philip K Dick wrote in 1966 and adapted into a film in 1990 by Paul Verhoeven, under the title of "Total Recall". It tells the story of a simple and ordinary man whose greatest desire is to visit Mars. Unable to afford it, he goes to a company that offers a service that restores this experience through implanted memories. We understand that Airbnb proposal is close to this tale. What apparently seems a simple agreement between host and guest, actually is a positioning of a tourist who is opposed to conventional hiker "all included" package. This tourist is looking for a "real" experience. He wants to live the city as if he were truly a citizen of it, and that includes the feeling of domesticity at home. Place of Placeness is a reflection of that, through the radicalization of this model, shows the logical, protocols, tangibles and intangibles that make it possible. The format of this reflection is an exciting futurible leading to limit the tourist experience, with the powerful slogan “Our life is your life”, an interpretation of Airbnb slogan “Our home is your home”. Place of Placeness is the support of our effort to contribute with critical and ironical positioning regarding to the Airbnb policies. The foundation of this fictitious company is the pretext with which our team proposes an analysis of the experience of someone who intends to travel to a place and feel like a local. We believe that this experience taken to the extreme helps to understand what the real issues with which Airbnb merchandises Is housing which itself generates the feeling of domesticity on Airbnb? What is making real our fantasies of true ownership and domesticity in the house of a stranger? Perhaps this idea of "genuine" experience lies in the construction of a city's common urban and domestic imaginary, visited in the world of fiction and taken as "the truly authentic". Domesticity of these houses is not only generated by the architectural established by the host as you can see in the internet profile, but the emotional and human component surrounding it. Live like a local is not only about the staff you use. It is not about midcentury furniture. It is not about art on the walls. We claim for the importance of intangibles you cannot see in the profile of an Airbnb host. Then, the home has now become a place with another role, now theatrical, performative. The house is no longer the place of intimacy. It becomes a space for representation. The thing is that “a house is not a home”. Airbnb success lies in the marketing experience of domesticity at a relatively reasonable price, but what really builds the imaginary of domesticity? The idea of home as a set of tangibles and intangibles aspects. Our link with objects and space but also with memories, sounds, smells ... As the poem of Raimund Abraham “The house is a junction of… [dreams, illusions, death, birth, mutations, (…) infinity]”

Bedroom Source: Airbnb

One of the dogs Source: Airbnb

Bedroom Source: Airbnb

Travel is an experience heavily fueled by two families of emotions that determine the landscape of its setting: on the one hand we have the expectations with which one faces this trip, and that are linked irrevocably to the personal history of everyone. In the other hand, and as a result of these expectations, we find the whishes that everybody yearns for a new experience. The memory about a place we've never visited, the desire to visit this place, is built on shared resources, and thus, somewhat stereotyped wishes. We understand that cinema, internet, television and literature are the four main transmission vehicles of this shared knowledge, built through the wish of a certain agents to a particular place. Expectations are the result of the interpretation and assimilation of this knowledge, and its supplement -different in each subject- by additional information that could have with particular interests, and that is powerfully supported by what we have called 'expert subjectivities': opinions on specific topics at all possible formats on the internet. In the world of tourism are commercialized houses, cars, culture, folklore, food, sex ... It would be possible to buy a "complete package genuine experience" in which, as in "The Truman Show" "the Game" or the aforementioned "Total Recall" also we buy a wish? A perfect family, two children, a high-end car, a haven of peace ... This is Place of Placeness: a thought about what means in our era live as other… as a local, for example.

Bedroom Source: Airbnb


Living Room Source: Airbnb

We propose a double format which has as a link a Real Place of Placeness Experience. We have searched for an Airbnb Profile which involves a cultural gap (language, customs…) and also implies sharing a domestic space with someone. Thereby we have come upon with ChiMing, a Hongkonese that shares his Kowloon Apartment with two dogs and his mother. The peculiarity that we have discovered, and real interest is that he will not be with us at home, only manages the profile. So our team will travel for a month to HK to live and document the experience. With this we propose two formats. On one hand “La Belloch” Theater Company would work on developing a scenic proposal that stages the experience in Hong Kong and engages the visitor to the Triennal. Actors will be performing this experience and will invite to visitants to play with them and live ChiMing life. Theater start from reality, but is not reality, so the exercises to be undertaken will leave invented situations, initially close to the reality of the participant but subject to dramatic rules that can produce the illusion of reality. The aim of work that will develop through this improvisation technique will be that participants behave organically when they are on stage, that means, listen really, look really, talk about truth and react truth to given circumstances and some naturally situations that are not true, are imaginary, but will be able to live here and now for the first time that invented situation. The prototype will be the stage for this performance. The prototype itself will explain the format and document the extracted reflection of that experience.

Abstract & Work Protocol

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