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M. Ángeles Peñalver Izaguirre


about (02)

research experimental (03)

teaching (04)

urbanism (05)

construction design -

architectural cv & portfolio


about Personal Information María Ángeles Peñalver Izaguirre Architect Date and Place of birth. Septiembre 12, 1986 Cartagena. Murcia. (Spain). Contact. C/ del Aguilón nº 11. Bajo 3A. Madrid. 28045. (Spain). Email. mapeiz@hotmail.com Telephone number. (+34) 699 676 382

Education Complutense University of Madrid. Spain. [current] Socio-Cultural Analysis of Communication and Knowledge

National Distance Education University. Spain. [current] Social and Cultural Anthropology

University of Alicante. Spain. Graduate with High Honors in Architecture (Master’s equivalent)

Academic Experience while Studying at Other Institutions: University of Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. Spain. Recipient of Seneca Scholarship

Anadolu University. EskişehirTurkey. Recipient of Erasmus Scholarship

High Res. Portfolio



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Professional Work Experience in Architecture and Academia

2016 – Current

Architect in estudio Herreros. Madrid.

. Management and Elaboration of contents

. Graphic Design and Communication Strategy of Tacubaya Strategic Plan. Tacubaya, Mexico

. Tender design and Construction for a house in Ayala36. Madrid, Spain

. Design and Construction of the Drawing and Printing Fair, GABINETE Art Fair 2017. Madrid, Spain


. Revision, Update and Implementation of Communication Strategy: CV and WEB

. Graphic Design and building signage for the International Convention Center Ágora. Bogotá, Colombia

. Display and Graphic Design for SOLO Collection: City in Progress in Centro Centro Cibeles. Madrid, Spain

. Tender design and Construction for the SOLO Collection Spaces. Madrid, Spain

. Concept design for the facade and landscape of the Residential and Public Facilities Complex. Casablanca, Morocco

. Restricted Competition of Innovation Labs + students Center and Residence in Aalto University Campus. Otaniemi, Finland

. Restricted Competition of the Masterplan for the “Mountain Man” block in Aalto University Campus. Otaniemi, Finland

. Restricted Competition of Housing blocks in Aalto University Campus. Otaniemi, Finland

. Graphic Design. Project: The designer designed by Humans. 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial. Istambul,Turkey

Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) in Berkeley University. California.

. Course: “When new meets old”

Directed by Alejandro Salazar Jasbon

Oslo Triennale Commision. Oslo.

. Elaboration of the “Hypermap Afterbelonging”

In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and studioänimal

Honorific collaborator teacher with the Graphic Design and Cartography department. Alicante.

. Course: “ Espectador Emancipado” . In Collaboration with Tatiana Poggi

Collaborator in OSS Office for Strategic Spaces. Madrid.


. Edition and Graphic Design. Project: Historia de la Escuela

. Edition and Graphic Design. Project: Ensanche!

Oslo Triennale Competition in Oslo. Afterbelonging. Oslo.

. Project: Place of Placeness. In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta, studioänimal and Virgina Frutos


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Cover for Parola d’Arte Webzine. Italy.

. “Kowloon Walled City: A lobotomy’s tale” project

2014 - 2016

In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta

Project Leader in Arenas Basabe Palacios Arquitectos. Madrid.

. Restricted Competition for a New Residence Hall. Madrid, Spain

. Video Game as a tool for a new negociated and process-based urbanism. A new rural-urban development of Höganäs’s periphery



explanatory video

. Interior Design of a Hall Residence. Madrid, Spain

. Graphic Design and Communication Strategy of a COMIC with the collaborative planning process of the district Wildgarten PUBLISHED IN:


. Tender design for a Single-Family Housing in Madrid, Spain PUBLISHED IN:


. Concept Design for a Cultural House. Madrid, Spain

. Restricted competition for the production of a New Public Space in the former CRISTALL Factory. Mocow, Russia PUBLISHED IN:


. Competition of the Wien Museum Extension. Vienna, Austria . Competition of an Urban Planning Design for a polluted land. Austria . Collective Housing. Vienna, Austria PUBLISHED IN:


. International Competition of the Holcim Global Awards for Sustainable Construction . Competition of an Urban Planning Design. Wolfsburg, Germany

. Restricted competition in 2 phases of a Hybrid Building in the Landstraßer Hauptstraße 148 A. Vienna, Austria PUBLISHED IN:


International Competition of the New Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki.

. International Competition for the New Guggenheim Museum. Helsinki, Finland

2013 - 2014

In Collaboration with Adhoc msl, David Jiménez Iniesta and Tatiana Poggi

Researcher/ Grant Holder at the University of Alicante.



. Research Project: The Architecture and Urbanism of the Campus of the University of Alicante as a Teaching Tool

Energy Analyst.

. Analyzing proposed projects and Issuing Energy Calculation Certificates with ce3x program

PFAPFF. Preserve Fable – About – Architecture Factory Facilities.

. International Competition EUROPAN 12. Kaiserslautern, Germany With David Jiménez Iniesta and studioanimal.


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Competition BUBBLEHEIM. . First Online Architecture Competition Transiarte. Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and studioanimal


Competition SUPER-LOCUS. . Steelcase Competition In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta

Competition VODAFONE PLAY!

. Restricted Competition for Carrión building. Madrid, Spain In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and studioanimal

Competition LA CIUDAD NO ES PARA MI. . National Pladur Competition 2012 In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta

Competition PARIS MARKET LAB. . Market Lab 2012 International Competition In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta

Competition KELEBEK. . International Competition Cevisama Indi 2012 In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta

Competition NO ES SÓLO HISTORIA (IT IS NOT ONLY HISTORY) . Graphic Design Competition. Cartagena, Spain


In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and María Prieto Navarro

Competition LOVE IS IN THE AIR. . International Competition Thinkspace Urban Borders THINKSPACE In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and Ana Conesa Outeda


Competition A LA SOMBRA DE LOS PINOS. . National Pladur Competition 2010 In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and Manuel Belso Ros

Competition GAMUSINO. . International Competition Cevisama Indi 2010.


Collaboration with Moho Arquitectos and Grupo Aranea. . PH06 Urbanistic workshop focus in León city. León, Spain.


Competition MUSICALITE. . Graphic Design Competition L’Artistica magazine. Novelda, Spain.

DJ Arquitectura and Grupo Aranea. . PH04 Urbanistic workshop focus in Tomiño. Vigo, Spain.

Collaboration with Martín Lejarraga Arquitecto.


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Jury Member at the Final Review of the UC Berkeley Summer School. Alicante, Spain . Course: “When new meets old”

Directed by Alejandro Salazar Jasbon

Exhibition “13 años de PFC”. Alicante, Spain . Project: “Kowloon Walled City: A lobotomy’s tale” Exhibition in Hong Kong University, Hong Kong . Project: “Kowloon Walled City: A lobotomy’s tale”


Exhibition in COAC. Barcelona, Spain . Project: PFAFF. Preserve Fable – About – Architecture Factory Facilities Exhibition in Akademie der Künste .Berlin, Germany. . Project: PFAFF. Preserve Fable – About – Architecture Factory Facilities


Collective exhibition LIGHTNESS VI_ARQU. MÚSICA LUZ = espacio sonido sombra. Madrid, Spain


International Workshop “Middle Town”


. Organized by Japan Foundation lead by Kiyoshi sei Takeyama, Luis Gallego and Pilar Garcés. University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain.

EILC Turkish Course . Hacettepe University. Ankara, Turkey Collective exhibition HOME SKIN 2010. Valencia, Spain . Project: ‘Gamusino’


Exhibition pH06 paisajes Habitados. . Leon University. León, Spain Jury + Final Review. . Project: ‘Granjas petrolíferas de producción doméstica’. University of Alicante. Alicante, Spain.


Exhibition Espacios Naturales by Architectural Association of Alicante (CTAA). Workshop Vivienda y Espacio Doméstico en el s XXI by Juan Herreros. . La Casa Encendida. Madrid, Spain Workshop Canon Artístico, Arte Moderno by Tomás Llorens. . University of Alicante. Alicante, Spain


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Honors and Recognitions

Project: Urban Variations. First Prize. 2015. Restricted Competition for the production of a new public space. Moscow, Russia PUBLISHED IN: ** Oct 2015_morethangreen Blog.

Project: A LOBOTOMY’S TALE 10/10. High Honors.Final Thesis Project. Alicante, Spain (FINALIST in the International Competition IS ARCH 2014) (FINALIST in the international Competition ARCHIPRIX AHMEDADBAD 2017) PUBLISHED IN: ** Sep 2014_morethangreen Blog. ** Oct 2014_Afasia Blog. ** Nov 2014_Plataforma Arquitectura.

Project: PFAPFF. Preserve Fable – About – Architecture Factory Facilities Honorable Mention. 2013.Europan 12 Competition in Kaiserslautern, Germany PUBLISHED IN: ** July 2014_Europan Germany Catalogue. ** June 2014_Europan Spain Catalogue. ** May 2014_ COAM Magazine nº 368 Magazine. Text by Gonzalo del Val. ** February 2014_ Afasia Blog. **December 2013_METALOCUS. **December 2013_Edgar González.

Project: BUBBLEHEIM. Finalist. 2013. Architecture Competition Transiarte (FEATURED PROJECT IN ARQUIA PRÓXIMA COMPETITION 2014) http://fundacion.arquia.es/ca/concursos/proxima/ProximaRealizacion/FichaDetalle?idrealizacion=5626 PUBLISHED IN: ** April 2014_ Afasia Blog. http://afasiaarq.blogspot.com/2014/04/studio-animal.html#more **May 2013_Edgar González. **May 2013_Online exposition Transiarte Competition. http://transitarte.es/exponline./#/Finalistas/Finalista%204/BUBBLEHEIM_A.jpg

Project: KELEBEK. 3rd Prize. 2012. International Competition Cevisama Indi. Valencia, Spain.

Project: A LA SOMBRA DE LOS PINOS. 2nd Prize. 2011. Competition Pladur. Lisbon, Portugal

Project: GAMUSINO. 1st Prize. 2010. International Competition Cevisama Indi. Valencia, Spain. PUBLISHED IN: ** Included in ASCER CERAMIC CATALOGUE. ** March / April 2010_ Cerámica Información (nº3/1). ** February 2010_ Diario Información. Alicante newspaper.


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Spanish (native) // English (fluent) // Turkish (basic)

Software skills Acad (2017) // Photoshop // Premiere // Indesign // Illustrator // Rhinoceros // VRay 7Microsoft Office // ce3x (Energy Certificates European program)


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research experimental Project: A Lobotomy’s Tale

/In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta

//FINAL DIPLOMA PROJECT// (10 / 10 University of Alicante. 2014) (Finalist in IS ARCH Awards. 2014)

A Lobotomy’s Tale questions the official story about the Kowloon Walled City , Hong Kong (KWC), trying to dismantle through four exercises the main axioms which give form to a myth.


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Project: Place of Placeness

/In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta, StudioÄnimal and Virginia Frutos

/OSLO TRIENNALE COMPETITION// Research about tangibles and intangibles on Airbnb


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Films & popular memories Creation of a common urban and domestic imaginary of wishes through the world of fiction. The idea of the “truly authentic sense of City� based on a collage of different sources. There is therefore an idea of New York that has more to do with Woody Allen's filmography or sitcoms rather than its real context. Cinema and Fiction as constructors of subjectivities.

Travel guides and literature They had been sustituted by blogs and online guides which are updated regularly

Wishes & E

1. Annie Hall 2. King Kong 3. Friends 4. Breakfast at Tiffany's 5. Home Alone 2

Traveling is an experience heavily fueled by two families of emotions that determine the landscape of its setting: on the on other hand, as a result of these expectations, we find the whishes that everybody yearns for a new experience. The memor stereotyped wishes. Cinema, internet, television and literature are four vehicles of this shared knowledge, built through th and it is supplemented by additional information that could have with particular interests, and that is powerfully suppor


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"We can remember it for you" Is a short story by American writer Philip K. Dick, first published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in April 1966 and adapted to cinema in 1990 as "Total Recall" Is the story of a simple and ordinary man whose greatest desire is to visit Mars. Unable to afford it he visits a company which offers implanted memories.

Youtubers as experts Experts who share their knowledge in very specific themes: fashion, party, food, sports... Almost a real time documentary.

Apps: About subjetivities Technology changed the way to urdestand tourism. Like a local, Instagram or Tripadvisor are just some of the examples of existing apps who are used as trivel guides. Main difference with a simple City Guide its a real time feedback generated by the users with their evaluations and comments


ne hand we have the expectations with which one faces a trip, and that are linked to our personal history.On the ry about a place we've never visited, the desire to visit this place, is built on shared resources, and thus, somewhat he wish of certain agents to a particular place. Expectations are the result of the interpretation of this knowledge, ted by what we have called 'expert subjectivities': opinions on specific topics at all possible formats on the internet



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The constructi of the idea of space with the passage of tim

Odor & home memories Fresh tea, roasted chicken, cloying air freshener, his cologne, smelly feet, the heat of the stove...

Permanence Used bath products used, dirt in the sink, disorder...

Accords Agreements generated by daily contact with neighbors. Bikes do not get to the site, no noise later than two o'clock ...

Fresh Products

Expiration and timing with objects


The sense of belonging and its relationship with objects, places and people. Construction of the link space/time through framed photographs, pictures, drawings hanging on the fridge, presents, family portraits, souvenirs, books, cds memories.

Domestic i

“A house is not a home” . Airbnb success lies in the marketing experience of domesticity idea of home as a set of tangibles and intangibles aspects. Our link with objects and s house is a junction of… [dreams, illusio


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A place to find you An Address, a number, a phisical place to find you

My language is my homeland. Belonging trough media.


e me

Technology Techonology as a way to be linked with the world. My house is where I have Internet.

Landscape Sound Ambience

My house my rules The house turned into the haven of privacy and disconnection, but also the political place that generated agreements and rules of coexistence. At home do not smoke, television is not seen at meals...


Arriving home

y at a relatively reasonable price, but what really builds the imaginary of domesticity? The space but also with memories, sounds, smells ... As the poem of Raimund Abraham “The ons, death, birth, mutations, (…) infinity]”

The set of protocols with back home. Your dog barking and scratching at the door. A hug and a kiss. Wipe your feet on the welcome doormat. Put on slippers at home door. Coats hanging on the rack. leave the keys in the ashtray hall...


architectural & portfolio Part of the cv team will travel to HK to live a real Place of Placeness experience

One year away Triennale...

Madrid based theatre company La Belloch begin working on the performance for the Triennale

Three months away Triennale...

Bedroom in Kowloon City Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Chi Ming

Info about this hosting This is a nice and comfortable bedroom in an apartment located at the center of Kowloon City and this is the part of town where the pace is much slower.


Chi Ming wants to share his mother

In this profile, the host show his apartment in HK and talks about all Airbnb requirements (including 2 dogs).In comments bellow is said his mother was the flatmate. We think this is an unsurpassable oportunity to test in person what we are trying to explain: is a real Place of Placeness experience!



Place of Placeness is the support of our effort to contribute with crit The foundation of this fictitious company is the pretext with which intends to travel to a place and feel like a local. We believe that this e real issues with which Airbnb merchadises. We propose a double format which has as a link a Real Place of Plac involves a cultural gap (language, customs‌) and also implies sharin with ChiMing, a Hongkonese that shares his Kowloon Appartment w discovered, and real interest is that he will not be with us at home, on HK to live and document the experience. With this we propose two f work on developing a scenic proposal that stages the experience in H hand, the set design itself will explain the format and document the

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During theTriennale...

5 clues for the intervention in the OAT

Theatre of Science Aldo Rossi


The construction of a temporary real life trough everyday Part of the team will replace Chi Ming in his role of son, documenting the experience for the proposal on the OAT

Barbie Mansion Mattel


Transformer Prada OMA Rem Koolhaas


Ikea Heights David Seger



tical and ironical positioning regarding to the Airbnb policies. our team proposes an analysis of the experience of someone who experience taken to the extreme helps to understand what the

ceness Experience. We have searched for an Airbnb Profile which ng a domestic space with someone. Thereby we have come upon with two dogs and his mother. The peculiarity that we have nly manages the profile. So our team will travel for a month to formats. On one hand “La Belloch� Theater Company would Hong Kong and engages the visitor to the Triennial. On the other extracted reflection of that experience.

Needles and Opium Robert Lepage


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Project: Bubbleheim

/In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and StudioÄnimal

/SPONSORED BY THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE// (Finalist of 1st online architecture Competition Transiarte. 2013) (Featured project in ARQUIA PRÓXIMA competition. 2014)

Inflatable Infrastructure itinerant the villages of Spain.


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Project: Hypermap Afterbelonging

/In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and StudioÄnimal

/OSLO ARCHITECTURE TRIENNALE/ Mapping Diagram about Agents, Sites and Topics of the Oslo Architecture Triennale


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TEACHING Project: El Espectador Emancipado: A propósito del ritual /In Collaboration with Tatiana Poggi

//PROFFESOR AT DESIGN STUDIO PROYECTOSZERO // (2015/2016) “El espectador emancipado, a propósito del ritual” is the title of the course imparted in Project Zero subject of the Architecture Degree in the University of Alicante during the school year 2015- 2016. Jacques Rancier’ s text “Le spectateur émancipé” is our starting point far the pedagogy of the course, intending to place the student as a spectator to whom provide the capacity of final emancipation, of a spectator who feels himself as an actor, able to generate a critical thought about what surrounds him, reconsidering the pre-established. A ritual is an action protocol conducted for its symbolic value. We can consider ancestral actions, based in any religious belief, but they can also be linked to secular acts as contemporary as consumerism, poli tics, sport, traditions or a community’ s historical memory. In this course a series of rituals and existing ceremonies are analysed. Action protocols as examples of architectures that create new relationships between human and no-human agents through the processes. This would be about the student being able to identify the tangible and intangible aspects of these actions, through the connection with the objects and the space, but with the memories, the sounds and the smells as well. These ceremonies will be religious ancestral riles such as the Wayu dance from Colombia, the Jewish circumcision, the naked man Haraka Matsuri festival or a gipsy wedding; together with rituals that come up in the contemporaneity such as the Black Friday, the world championship of the virtual game League of Legends, or the United States Prom. The selected rituals must consist of three specific parts, as generators of their own identity, far their analysis: 1. The scenography, as the physical environment described in the form of measurable agents, quantifiable. 2. The clothing, as the specific attire necessory for the ceremony development. 3. The protocol action, as the temporory process, able to be divided in x parts that define the action.


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/In Collaboration with David Jiménez Iniesta and Studio Änimal

//INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION EUROPAN 12// (Honorable Mention. 2013)

Refurbishment of an old sewing machine factory in Kaiserslautern to generate a new green neighborhood.


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/estudio Herreros //PRIVATED COMMISION/

Design and Construction of the Drawing and Printing Fair, GABINETE 2017. Madrid, Spain


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