Emapepeza v2 issue15

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Training course to be designed for DTT installers!

Minister of Communications, Faith Muthambi.

By Nthambeleni Gabara (SAnews) Government will design a course for those who want to become accredited installers of set top boxes (STBs) in preparation for the switch to a digital migration broadcasting system, Communications Minister Faith Muthambi said on Friday (July 3). “As the department begins the process of distributing set top boxes for the digital terrestrial television (DTT) migration project, it is our duty to ensure that many communities and young

people become involved in this economic activity. “My department, together with the Department of Labour, will design a course for those who want to become accredited installers of set top boxes so that they can have formal training and the expertise necessary to install these boxes,” she said. In order to view digital television signals on an ordinary analogue television set, consumers will need a set top boxes. The STBs convert the

EMAIL: mapepezacn@gmail.com digital broadcasting signal for reception on an ordinary analogue television set. If consumers have not acquired a set top box by time the analogue signal is switched off, they will no longer be able to view the existing terrestrial television broadcasting services. Government has committed to providing free set top boxes to five million households who cannot afford to buy them. Minister Muthambi was speaking during an Imbizo on DTT at the local multi-purpose centre in Ratanda, outside Heidelberg in Gauteng. Addressing the local residents who came in large numbers, the Minister said the details of this DTT project will be advertised in various community newspapers in due course. She wanted to see young people taking advantage of the many benefits of the digital migration process, including telling their own stories as documentary producers and film makers. “We all have the responsibility to make a meaningful contribution to the country’s economic growth and development. We as government will provide the platform, but it is up to you young people to grab the op-


VOL.2 - #15 24 JUL- 7 AUG 2015

portunity provided,” she said.

Vuk’uzenzele to advertise government jobs

Minister Muthambi announced that in the coming weeks, her in-house monthly publication Vuk’uzenzele, will start advertising government jobs in their editions, to the sound of ululations in the hall. Vuk’uzenzele is widely and freely distributed across the country. “This is another effort from the Department of Communication to make the process of searching for work easier for communities and young job-seekers. “We are a pro-poor government which was put in power by poor people, now we want our people to get government advertised jobs on their doorsteps – at Thusong Service Centres and all government departments - this shows that we are caring government,” she said. Minister Muthambi said she had engaged entities such as ICASA, the MDDA, Film and Publication Board and Brand SA, to start using the platform of community media to advertise their offerings and possible vacancies.






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BRICS Bank opens for business

Stephen Seakgwe


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The BRICS New Development Bank opened its doors on Wednesday, July 22 to its head office in Shanghai, China. The long-heralded New Development Bank (NDB) or the BRICS Bank officially commenced business on June 15 with the first meeting of its board of governors in Moscow. The NDB with about $50 billion (about R600 billion) in capital to invest in public infrastructure will compete with institutions where the US has considerably more influence—organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The agreement was signed by the five member states — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South


Its initial subscribed capital of $50 billion will be equally shared among the founding members. It will have a three-tier governance structure — a board of

As agreed by the five countries, the first chair of the board of governors has been nominated by Russia, the first chair of the board of directors by Brazil, and the first president by India. South Africa has appointed two people in the NDB governance structure, namely; Tito Mboweni (as BRICS non-executive director), and placed as executive vice-presidents is Leslie Maasdorp. An African regional centre of the bank will be based in Johannesburg, South Africa. “The bank’s establishment will be an important achievement for financial cooperation among BRICS members,” said China’s

by Mapepeza Reporter

Gauteng Premier's call for strong partnerships and collaboration between government and the private sector was well received during the first-ever Gauteng Infrastructure Investment Conference (GIIC).


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The bank has an initial authorized capital of $100 billion.

governors, a board of directors, a president and vice presidents.

First-ever Gauteng Infrastructure Investment Conference promises Public-private partnerships for investments.

The aim of the two day conference (16-17 July) was to promote mutually beneficial and transformative partnerships between government and the private sector (businesses and industries), which will contribute in transforming Gauteng Province into a globally comRATANDA, HEIDELBERG, NIGEL, DEVON, DUDUZA, TSAKANE, petitive City Region and a ideal destination for investment and tourism. KWA-THEMA, VOSLOORUS, KATLEHONG, SPRINGS, BALFOUR (DIPALESENG) AND SEDIBENG DISTRICT (VEREENIGING/VAAL)

Africa — on July 15 last year during the sixth BRICS summit. The board of governors recently appointed members of the BRICS board of directors and the management led by the president, Kundapur Vaman Kamath. The board meet in Moscow also discussed rules regarding procedures and the bank’s five-year development strategy. The bank will aim to “promote reform of global economic governance” China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei had said.

A range of issues were discussed during the conference, which included finding innovative solutions for the delivery of strategic infrastructure in the Gauteng City Region. The conference committed to bridge the gap in infrastructure planning and development between government and the private sector. Deliberations were aimed at strength-

Finance Minister Lou Jiwei. The Chinese government is providing $10 billion as prescribed for the initial subscribed capital. The BRICS central bank governors also signed an operating agreement on the $100 billion monetary fund. The BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) will come into force on 30 July, Head of the Russian Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina said after the meet on Tuesday in Moscow. “Several other documents will be adopted to regulate the operation of governing bodies – the Governing Council and the Standing Committee,” said Nabiullina. TBP

A keynote by Minister in the Presidency, Hon. Jeff Radebe on the opening day at this year’s GIIC at Gallagher Estate in Midrand.

ening partnerships and collaboration between government and the private sector in the quest to build Gauteng as a globally competitive city region and Africa’s industrial revolution leader. The conference also discussed investment opportunities in the following areas: New Post–Apartheid Cities, Energy, ITC, and Broadband Connectivity, Aerotropolis, Water and Sanitation and Inner City Regeneration. “The Gauteng Infrastructure Investment Conference is a partnership in action between government and the private sector and a programmatic commitment to work together to make Gauteng a globally competitive City Region and a preferred destination for investment and tourism,” said Premier Makhura.

for Gauteng, so that you can understand the inspiring vision and programme we have adopted as a country and province to build a society of our dreams. “We also came here to solicit your views on our infrastructure plans, and enlist your partnership and support in making them a reality and I trust that we have done so with this conference”, said Premier Makhura.

The private sector showed an interest in investing in bankable strategic infrastructure projects that were presented during the conference. “We came here to sell our vision

The next Infrastructure Investment Conference will take place on 27- 28 July 2016, where the provincial government has committed to report on progress on the number of infrastructure projects that would have been initiated since this inaugural conference, concluded Premier Makhura.

Mapepeza Community Newspaper


South African Cabinet approves Bills! Cabinet has approved four amended bills including the introduction of the Criminal Matters Amendment Bill, 2015 into Parliament. Briefing reporters at a post Cabinet media briefing on June 25, Minister in the Presidency responsible for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe, said the amendments provide for changes to the laws pertaining to infrastructure-related offences such cable theft, telephone lines.

Cabinet also approved the introduction of the revised Promotion and Protection of Investment Bill, 2015 into Parliament.

“Stricter provisions are provided for the granting of bail, sentencing of offenders and creating a new offence to criminalise damage to essential infrastructure caused by tampering or interfering with the functioning of basic services through criminal activity,” the Minister said.

“This is in support of the National Development Plan’s (NDP) objective of promoting investment and export growth to stimulate sustainable growth and development in South Africa,” Minister Radebe said.

He said the Bill, once passed, will ensure that mechanisms are put in place to safeguard infrastructure, in which much needed public investment is placed, to ensure that the country meets its economic growth targets and increases employment.

The Minister further said Cabinet approved publication of the Copyright Amendment Bill, 2015 in the Government Gazette for wider consultation.

Promotion and Protection of Investment Bill

“The Bill reaffirms that South Africa remains open to foreign investment, provides adequate security and protection to all investors, and preserves the sovereign right of the South African government to pursue developmental and transformational public policy objectives.

Copyright Amendment Bill

The Bill amends the Copyright Act, No 98 of 1978 and the Performers Protection Act, No 11 of 1967, which are outdated as they do not consider developments at multi-lateral

Secretary General celebrates his birthday in Sedibeng! by Mapepeza Reporter

On Saturday, June 20, political veteran and ANC secretary-general, Gwede Mantashe, celebrated his 60th birthday which was held at the Emerald Casino. In attendance it was the political elites, the organisers of the birthday were Gwede Mantashe Foundation supported by Mrs Nolwandle Mantashe. On Sunday (June 21), the Sedibeng District Municipality’s councillors together with the Gwede Mantashe Foundation, visited Lebohang Centre for the Mentally Retarded to donate the birthday cake. Mrs Nolwandle Mantashe complimented the mayor for the good initiative of caring and developing skills for the underprivileged and disabled people in Sedibeng.

Sedibeng District Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Simon Mofokeng (left) delivering the cake donated to Lebohang Centre for the Mentally Retarded, in honouring ANC Secretary-General, Gwede Mantashe’s 60th birthday. The mayor was accompanied by the Gwede Mantashe Foundation.

level nor do they have provisions that deal with digital issues. “The Bill addresses the licensing of copyright work/ material in relation to commissioned work to prevent commercial exploitation. “This will help government to address the plight of musicians and performers by ensuring that royalties are paid on time by recording companies and broadcasters as most of them are dying as paupers,” Minister Radebe said. Public Service Commission Amendment Bill Cabinet also approved the introduction of the Public Service Commission Amendment Bill, 2015 to Parliament. This amends the Public Service Commission Act 46 of 1997. “The Bill deals with the instance of a renewal of a Commissioner’s term and also provides for the chairperson to designate one of the commissioners to act as the chairperson during the absence of both the chairperson and the deputy,” the Minister said. – SAnews.gov.za

OPERATION FIELA SWEEPS ON BENONI – 44 ARRESTED AND EXPLOSIVES CONFISCATED! The joint-operation comprising of EMPD (Ekurhuleni Metro Police) and SAPS members, conducting the operation based on intelligence gathered, swooped on Benoni and Kingsway on Tuesday (21 July) from 11am until 10 pm. Arrests totalling forty-four were made during the operation which included illegal miners and undocumented persons. Two full truckloads of equipment used in illegal mining were seized. In Thokolize, Fizela, Ndhlovu and Bheka Streets in Kingsway, 31 ‘phendukas’ ( bowl with perforated bottom to sift water and soil from gold dust), 37 phenduka stands, 34 iron-pot stone crushers, five four pound hammers, several 20ltr drums, oxygen cylinders, spades and a bottle full of mercury were confiscated. Over and above, explosives, explosive wires and detonators were also seized. In Benoni 35 taxis operating illegally in Voortrekker road were impounded. One person was arrested for possession of nyaope. Eleven illegal miners were arrested as well as twenty-eight undocumented foreigners. Three arrests were made for possession of explosives, one person for possession of a stolen vehicle and one shebeen shut down. All the suspects were charged at Benoni police station and appeared in the Benoni Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, 22 July.


About 224 pairs of shoes were handed over to Indawo on the 17 July 2015. All these shoes were donated by Heidelberg Mall shoppers. Michelle Amorim the GM of Heidelberg Mall was doing the handover on behalf all who donated a pair of shoes to the less fortunate.

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Sedibeng the first municipality to pass bylaws for initiation schools


Born: 03-08-1950 Died: 16-07-2015

byRofhiwa Tshitahe As a way of curbing deaths at the initiation schools, the Sedibeng Municipality has developed a policy guideline for operation and management at their municipality. The municipality has also appointed an operational committee which comprises of representative from the South African Police Services, Traditional Healers Association, Department of Education, members from the civic association, Community Police Forum representatives, medical nursing, environmental health and emergency medical services. The adopted policy stipulates that no one shall operate an initiation school without being registered with the municipality and a registration certificate shall be issued based on the minimum requirements that are water, shelter and sanitation.

to ensure that the initiate submits a premedical examination certificate prior the operation stating clearly that the initiate is free from any medical conditions such as diabetes, HIV and Aids, STIs, TB and hypertension amongst others. For hygiene purposes, the instruments used for incising must be medically recommended by a practitioner and used once per initiate. The traditional surgeon must use the prescribed medication from medical practitioner to treat the initiate. The initiation school must be conducted during school holidays unless the initiate is not a scholar. Admission of initiation is 18 years and above, and for persons below 21 years a written consent from a guardian before being initiated is needed.

Funeral Service of the late Nonkantolo ‘Kanto’ Matilda Zwane will be on For purpose of environmental hygiene Saturday, 25 July 2015. evaluation health officers shall do regular The policy also emphasizes that it is the Time of departure from responsibility of a traditional surgeon monitoring. the Methodist Church (Corner Mazibuko and RATANDA’S ‘JENENE’ GETS 15 YEAR CONVICTION FOR RAPE AND HOUSE BREAKING! Nhlapo Streets) to EkuthuA 35 years old, Lucky “Jenene” Nhlanhla option of a fine. her clothes and rape her at Thenjekwayo Street leni Cemerary (Ratanda Buthelezi, appeared before Heidelberg Regional Count 02 – Rape – 10 years imprisonment – Ext. 23 – Ratanda Location. Ext. 23) will be at 11h00 Court on July 21 for house-breaking with intent without an option of a fine am. to commit rape and rape. Through community information and thorHe was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years It is alleged that the 34 years old victim was ough investigation by D/Sgt. Vuyisile Moses Funeral Service provided imprisonment without an option of a fine. asleep when the suspect forced door open with Zaba from Vereeniging Family Violence, Child by Nkango Funerals Count 01- House breaking with intent to com- unknown hard object, gain access into the Protection and Sexual Offences Unit led to the mit Rape – 05 years imprisonment without an house, threatened her with a knife to undress arrest and conviction of the suspect.

LESEDI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Interested parties are hereby invited to submit a bid for a tender within the Fleet Management Section at Lesedi Local Municipality for the supply and delivery of a minibus TENDER NO: 08/2015: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A MINIBUS Queries for the abovementioned bid may be directed to Mr. Sonnyboy Mosoma at Tel: (071) 919-8181 or (016) 330 0402 during office hours Mon to Fri 08:00 – 16:00. CLOSING DATE: 07 AUGUST 2015 Tender documents together with the terms of reference which are important for the preparation of the proposal/tender will be available from Sibulelo Nxathi at the Supply Chain Office of the Municipality, Heidelberg, as from 27 July 2015 at a non-refundable fee of R848-00 payable at the rates and taxes hall during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:00. Only bank guaranteed cheques, cash or EFT will be accepted.

The bid must be sealed in an envelope marked: TENDER NO: 08/2015: TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF A MINIBUS – FLEET MANAGEMENT SECTION Bids must be placed in the Tender Box situated at the Development and Planning Department Municipal Building, c/o of Du Preez and H F Verwoerd Street, Heidelberg, on or before 07 August 2015 at 12:00 and will be opened in public. Tender Box will be open during office hours Monday – Friday, 07:30 – 15:30. No e-mailed or no faxed bids will be considered. The LLM reserves the right not to accept the lowest priced proposal or any proposal in part or in whole. It normally awards the contract to the tenderer who proves to be fully capable of handling the contract and whose proposal is technically acceptable, has meaningful empowerment credentials and / or financially advantageous to the LLM. LLM reserves the right to negotiate rates, for purposes of creating uniformity and the tenderer, by responding to this tender, agrees to abide by such negotiated rate which may be changed from time to time by agreement between the parties. Any bid not suitably endorsed or comprehensively completed as well as bids completed in pencil will be regarded as invalid bids. All objections and complains must be lodge within 14 days and in writing to the municipal’s managers office. The 80/20 preference procurement point system will apply and preference will be given to bidders who are able to demonstrate the following:

a) Price b) B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution

80 points 20 points

NB: All service providers must submit their B-BBEE Verification Certificate from Verification Agency accredited by the South African Accreditation Systems (SANAS) or Registered Auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board (IRBA) or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the Close Corporation Act (CCA) in order to claim preference points. It is a condition of bid that the taxes of the successful bidder must be in order, or that satisfactory arrangements have been made with South African Revenue Service (SARS) to meet the bidder’s tax obligations. Additionally no contract shall be concluded with any bidder whose municipal rates and taxes and service charges are in arrears. A MAKHANYA MUNICIPAL MANAGER





Mapepeza Community Newspaper


Some of the chemicals and equipment confiscated by the police

A house was reported to be on fire at Hallgate plots in Nigel, on Tuesday (21 July) night around 9pm. When the fire department and metro police responded, it was discovered that the house on fire was actually used to manufacturer drugs. Three suspects were arrested. Dozens of litres of fluid chemicals in containers and kilograms of chemicals in powder form as well as the equipment used to manufacture ecstasy, mandrax

and cat were seized by the police. Two of the suspects are Malawians both aged 25 and the third is a local 54yr old man believed to be the owner of the plant. They were all arrested and charged with possession of chemicals normally used in producing illicit substances. The charges were laid at Nigel police station. The SAPS forensics team took over the scene and the confiscated chemicals were taken through to SAPS laboratory in Tshwane for tests.


This year’s winners of 2015 Miss Kgoro Ya Thutho High School(from left): Vuyelwa Motloung (1st Princess), Dineo Motaung (Queen), Sibongile Motloung (2nd Princess). The contest took place on Saturday, July 11 at the Ratanda Multipurpose Hall. The next beauty pagent will see the crowning of Miss Ratanda Secondary School on 15 August 2015 at the same venue. For more information, contact Lloyd Love Ent. on 081-551-9543

The Executive Mayor planting a tree for Nelson Mandela day celebrations as members of the community look on.

Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor Cllr Mondli Gungubele rolled up his sleeves and joined hands with the community of Winnie Mandela Section in Tembisa on July 20, to plant 67 indigenous trees and to purify the Kaalspruit stream in honour of Nelson Mandela’s legacy. On Solomon Mahlangu Road and D.M. Morokane Drive were swamped with residents who heeded the call to devote 67 minutes of goodwill to better other people’s lives.

“It is up to all of us to make our country a better place to live in, and as the City of Ekurhuleni we want to emphasize the importance of caring for the next person and nurturing the environment as those were the ideals that Mandela stood for,” said Gungubele. The number 67 is derived from the years the celebrated international icon dedicated to the struggle for the emancipation and equality for all South Africans.

Mapepeza Community Newspaper


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