TAKEMAHALA!IT’SFREE!ONE AUGUST 2022 VOL.9 ISSUE #8 Engaging, Educating and Empowering Communities DISTRIBUTED IN COMUNNITIES OF : • SEDIBENG DISTRICT • CITY OF EKURHULENI • JOHANNESBURG • GERT SIBANDE DISTRICT (MPUMALANGA) Fast 11 Mapepezawin Kit! 8 ImbokodoHonoring 5 President comes to the Vaal 4 The community of Ratanda in the Lesedi Local Municipality has been living under a dark cloud. Recently, there has been a rise in incidents of abductions, hijacking and other serious crimes. On Friday, July 7, Lebohang Msimang (22) mysteriously died after allegedly being ‘controlled’ by unknown people who claimed to be prophets. Some of the perpetrators were wearing police uniform. Before her passing, Lebohang reportedly sought for police to help but could only explain her experience to family. The Lesedi Faith-Based Organization led a peaceful march on Sunday, August 7, heading towards the Ratanda Police Station starting from the ground near Ratanda Mall. Community members joined the various church denominations in the march against gender-based violence, rape, human trafficking, hijacking and murder among other crimes affecting our community. Reverend Simon Maduna thanked the community of Ratanda in coming together to support the local law enforcement in their efforts to Ratanda churches seek God’s help! SEE MORE INSIDE www.mapepeza.online MORE STORIES INSIDE MAPEPEZA - Home Affairs is recruiting 10,000 unemployed graduates! - Sedibeng TVET College looking for private student accommodation - The time is now for Women in 4IR

of cables, overhead lines, transformers and conductors costs Eskom approximately R4 billion per year. The arrests and convictions are an indication of what we can achieve if we collaborate with different stakeholders to fight electricity crime,” Maitisa said.
A cleaning supervisor and a foreign national have been each served with a 15 year sentence for drug dealings after being found with drugs at the O.R Tambo International Airport.
Published by: Mapepeza Community Newspaper (Pty)Ltd Reg No: 2015/028747/07 BBBEE Level 1 company (100% black) EMAIL: WEBSITE:CALL/WHATSAPP:newspaper@mapepeza.online(+27)0782218002www.mapepeza.online
Izinyoka sentenced for stealing half a ton of Eskom cables!
Eskom has welcomed the conviction and sentencing of three cable thieves, who stole at least 564kg of the power utility’s aluminium overhead conductor cable.
While a fatality has been off icially reported following the administration of the COVID-19 Janssen vaccine, the South African Health Products and Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has emphasized that benefits of the vaccine greatly outweigh any adverse events that may occur following immunization. The assertion follows the death of a patient, who was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre (GBS) Syndrome after receiving the COVID-19 Janssen “Thevaccine.causality assessment was conducted by the National Immunisation Safety Expert Committee (NISEC) through a thorough methodology that is guided by the World Health Organization (WHO) and this is a methodology that is utilised by regulators across the world. “In this assessment, there is a conclusion that this case of GBS was associated with the event the individual had received the COVID-19 Janssen vaccine,” SAHPRA CEO, Dr Tumi Semete-Makokotlela, explained. Addressing a media briefing on adverse events following immunization on Thursday (August 4), Semete-Makokotlela said SAHPRA authorized the COVID-19 Janssen last year in March for the administration of those who are 18 years and “Havingolder.looked at the ongoing review on vaccine safety, the review of the potential risk of GBS and this tragic case as well, we are convinced that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine in terms of preventing serious and severe COVID-19 infections and death, greatly outweigh the very rare GBS and other adverse events,” said Professor Marc BlockBlockmanman. is a Professor in the Internal Medicine department, and consultant in the division of Clinical Pharmacology at Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town. He is recognized as an expert on International, National and Provincial Drug Policy and serves on SAHPRA as chairperson of the pharmacovigilance expert committee and member of the clinical expert committee. “GBS is a rare entity that affects the immune system of patients. It affects about 100 000 people globally, which is a small group of patients that are affected in the world. “It is about 1 in 100 000 patients that may have GBS. It is characterized by this very rapid, progressive and ascending weakness, which means the weakness starts from the lower limbs and eventually ascends up the body. “It may cause limb weakness, it has the potential to affect the respiratory system, which may require the patient to be assisted with a ventilation and it may affect the brain as well,” Blockman said. Since the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, commonly known as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, more than 37.2 million doses been adUpministered.untilthe 15 July 2022, just over 6 200 adverse events have been reported to SAHPRA, which indicates a reporting of adverse events of just around 0.017%.
Gauteng MEC for Public Transport and Roads Infrastructure, Jacob Mamabolo, has welcomed the commencement of the mediation process between the Gauteng eHailing Partners Council (GEPCO) and e-hailing technology companies, Uber and Bolt.
The forum also sent their word of thanks to Leiutenant Colone Selota (Ratanda Police Station Commander), Mr Themba Mahlangu of the Lesedi Traffic department and ackowledge the Lesedi Local Municipality Speaker Councillor Mpemvu and Emfuleni local municipality representatives, including the Xolani Maduna and the Community Protection Forum (CPF).
One person ‘officially’ dies from COVID-19 vaccine in Mzansi! fight crime in the community.
“On behalf of the Lesedi Faith based Organisation we would like to say thank you the community members who attended and believed that the peaceful demonstration we had was needed by the community. We say thank you Bazalwane for your conduct the discipline.”
Gauteng Safety, Health, Environment, Risk and Quality Manager, Kith Maitisa, commended the National Prosecuting Authority for netting a conviction and hefty sen“Thefttence.
Gauteng Education MEC Mr Panyaza Lesufi wishes to express his deep concern over the recent acts of arson at Barcelona Primary School in Etwatwa, Ekurhuleni which allegedly began on Tuesday, August 2.
The City of Ekurhuleni wishes to notify commuters on the resumption of the Harambee bus service, as of Monday, August, 8.
According to Eskom, Bafana Masilela, Antonio Munyathi and Gutu Gumba stole the cable in 2018 and were arrested following a tip-off to the power utility. “The three were arrested… in a sting operation at a scrap yard in Boksburg, after the scrap dealer tipped off an Eskom security contractor. “A sting operation, which led to the arrest of the three cable thieves, was set up between the scrap dealer, security contractor and the police at the scrap yard. The convicts remained in custody since their arrest and appeared 47 times in court before they were sentenced. “[Eskom] urges all those who may be aware of any form of electricityrelated criminal acts to report them by calling the Eskom Crime Line on 0800 112 722 or the South African Police Service (SAPS). The tip-offs can also be done anonymously,” Eskom Masilelasaid.and Munyathi were sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, while Gumba was sentenced to 15 Eskomyears.
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“We also pray that God speeds up the healing process of Lebo’s family and friends and the community at large. We also pray that justice prevails for Lebo and her family to find closure,” said Rev. Maduna.
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“The objective of the operation was to raise public awareness on substance abuse, do mestic violence ,and Road safety. Roadblock was conducted as well as Stop-and-search by Gauteng Traffic working closely with SAPS and community safety. More than 300 pam phlets were distributed and one on one talk with the victims who have been shy to come to the police station was conducted,” said Hei delberg spokesperson Constable Doris Nkosi.
The young community of Devon in Lesedi Municipality experienced an event like no other when the Gauteng Provincial Gov ernment’s youth empowerment initiative, Tshepo 1 Million, came to the area. Ambassadors of the programme were joined by various local partners like the Meshack Thabudi Foundation, Harvest Outreach Center and the Lesedi Local Municipality.
3Mapepeza Vol. 9 Issue 8: AUGUST 2022
A partnership between communities and law enforcement is one of the many ways that crime can be combated in our society. Recently, the local women in uniform joined hands with social partners in spreading the word on the crimes facing women.
Thulisile Ndlovu, also known as Sis Thuli, talked about how young job seekers can become ‘hus tlers’ by venturing into other activities like being freelancers and utilizing their skills to make an income.“Onething you’ve mentioned is that there’s a lack of opportunities and some are far away. You must be able to market yourself to your commu nity as well and find opportunities around your people,” she said. Tshepo 1Million is the Gauteng Province's youth empowerment initiative here to help you access information and opportunities for FREE!
Devon youth get access to jobs and opportunities through Tshepo 1 million activation!
The police have share the following advised to people who have become victims of crime to: • Break the cycle of violence • Act against abuse • Break the silence • Do not look away • Report any form of abuse To get help, call the police toll-free number on 0110810111. To speak to social worker for assistance and counselling dial (0800 GBV GBV) 0800428428 DSD toll-free number. To request social worker dial *120*7867# (FREE) from your cellphone.
The event featured discussions, exhibitions, competitions, entertainment, presentations and much more. The Tshepo 1 Million team also per formed a captivating play called Call Me When You Arrive, which highlights the hardships of young girls in our society.
The activation at the Impumelelo Sports Ground on Thursday August 8, is for youth between the ages of 18 to 34 who are job seekers and others looking to be job-creators as entrepreneurs. The dialogue session also gave some of the at tendees to share their challenges and issues when it comes to looking for work opportunities. The representatives of Tshepo 1 Million offered their insight in response to the grievances raised. One of the main points raised by the youth of Devon was the access to opportunities. The community is on the far-east side of Gauteng and the area is mostly rural.
on how to prevent crimes like domestic abuse, gender-based violence and road safety tips were given to residents of Heidelberg shopping at the local mall.
Covered By Wendy Tshabalala
31st Aug
The programme offers young work-seekers, hustlers and entrepreneurs access to a range of learning and earning opportunities to support your hustle.
The T1M data FREE mobi site is filled with a vari ety of resources to give you the boost you need to make your moves. The website does not charge data for usage, so it's available to all who need access to business, jobs, skills and more on: https://tshepo.datafree.co/
Women-led Road safety awareness campaign for Heidelberg residents
The campaign was conducted by Heidelberg Police’s Social crime prevention officer Con stable Nkosi and Officer Constable Makinana from the VFR Unit, Alpha Trauma Center Lesedi Traffic Department’s superintendent Monica Mkhize, Department of Social Devel opment and the Lesedi Library Services and other Awarenesspartners.material

Residents of the Sedibeng Dis trict Municipality have high lighted housing, sewerage, poor service delivery and un employment as some of the key areas that government should urgently address to improve their lives. The residents were expressing their views at the District Development Model Presidential Imbizo led by President Ramaphosa at the Sharp eville Cricket Grounds in Gauteng, on Friday (August 12).
Responding to questions and chal lenges raised by the residents, Pres ident Ramaphosa said although the district and the country as a whole faces challenges, government is determined to resolve these. “As a country we have many chal lenges but…much as we all have challenges, these challenges are being addressed….one by one. The one challenge that really stood out…was the sewerage that was just flowing into the Vaal river. I’m glad to hear that…this challenge of sewerage, of sanitation is being ad dressed on an ongoing basis and Minister [of Water Senzo] Mchunu… is addressing this,” he said.
The Provincial Government’s plan called ‘Growing Gauteng Together (GGT) 2030’ has identified a num ber of investment projects in the Sedibeng District, such as :
Addressing media in Pretoria, Mot soaledi said the department has more than 350 million civic paper records relating to birth, marriages, deaths and amendments.
Home Affairs is recruiting ten thousand unemployed graduates!
Presidential Imbizo comes to Sedibeng District!
Unemployment concerns raised Turning to the high unemployment rate in the district – which stands at some 64% – the President told the gathering that the Vaal Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is pivotal to the revitalisation of industry and consequently more employment of people in Sedibeng.
“[The DDM] is a break with the past that we have had and here at local level, at district level, it is aimed at making sure that our communities who have felt neglected in the past are part of the whole process of re solving the challenges as they are properly and fully consulted.
“By far unemployment is the big gest challenge. The Gauteng government has am bitious plans to revitalise Sedibeng by developing agriculture, by de veloping logistics, tourism and in dustries as well.
• The Savannah City housing devel opment; • Vaal River City and the Vaal Uni versity Village precinct; • A cargo airport and logistics hub;
The Sedibeng District Municipality is home to the Emfuleni, Midvaal and Lesedi local municipalities and faces one of the highest unemploy ment rates in Gauteng, high pov erty levels, service delivery and in frastructure challenges. High unemployment was mainly borne out of the de-industrialisation of the area, following the decline of the steel, mining and manufactur ing However,industries.various government-led interventions – including the Vaal River SEZ, which is expected to create at least 170 000 jobs – are underway to add sustainable eco nomic growth to the area and cre ate quality jobs. “That is a serious number of jobs that will be created right here in Sedibeng,” the President said.
Home Affairs Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, on Thursday (Au gust 11) announced that his department is set to recruit 10 000 unemployed young gradu ates for the digitisation of its civic paper records. The digitisation of civic services re cords was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on 10 February 2022.
• The Vaal Special Economic Zone;
“The category of records dates back to 1895, which necessitates care, and reliable systems that will bear tolerance for digitisation purposes. These records are in all provinces and the bulk of them are in Gaut eng, North West and the Western MotsoalediCape.” said his department is increasingly using technology to improve the way it renders services to the people and to improve the security of documents. The unemployed youth the depart ment is recruiting, Motsoaledi said, should be qualified in Information Technology or Document, Informa tion and Records Management, ob tained from institutions of higher learning (universities, universities of technologies and technical vo cational education and training col Successfulleges).
youth will be paid a sti pend ranging from R5 000 for entry level positions to R9 500 for techni cal support level positions, and R14 250 for manager level positions. This cohort will be required to sign a three-year contract linked to the duration of the project. Motsoaledi said the project will run over a three-year period, effective from November 2022 until October The2025.hiring of the young unem ployed graduates will be done in collaboration with the Department of Employment and Labour. Since this is Womens’ Month, to honour the heroines of the 1956 march to the Union Buildings, Mot soaledi said 60% of the intake will be young women and 40% will be young men. “The department will partner with relevant stakeholders to facilitate training of these recruits. “Training offered will be relevant to the jobs for which they are contract ed to perform. Continuous learning and development interventions will be provided to enhance their em ployability and/or allow them to leverage on entrepreneurial oppor tunities beyond the project,” Mot soaledi said.
Mapepeza4 Vol. 9 Issue 8: AUGUST 2022
At the Sedibeng Investment Confer ence held last year, local investors made commitments and pledges worth some R40 billion to the Vaal River SEZ and its operationalisation is expected to reignite Sedibeng’s Toindustrialisation.addressservice delivery chal lenges, at least R700 million has been dedicated to rehabilitating the Vaal Sewer System and funding is being sourced to upgrade bulk in frastructure, electricity, roads, wa ter and sewerage.
“Ministers…keep going back to those areas where there are issues they have to address. This goes to show that we treat these types of engagements with you in this type of Imbizo very seriously and we want to be able to follow up on the issues that you have raised,” Presi dent Ramaphosa said.
President Ramaphosa (Centred) along with leaders from cabinet, provincial and local government at the DDM Presidential Imbizo in Sharpeville.
• The AB InBev investment project; • The Vaal Marina development (Midvaal) • Logistics and mining investments in Lesedi; and • The Gauteng Highlands projects. Vaal people want houses On housing, President Ramaphosa said the Human Settlements De partment – which has some seven mega projects in the area – will look into complaints heard from people living in hostels. “I believe that from housing, the Minister [of Human Settlements Mamoloko] Kubayi has conceded that over many years, we have not paid attention to our hostels. Many of our people still live in hostels and we have basically neglected them. I’d like to see us go to those hos tels and revamp them and even go to those apartments where there is water and sewerage and revamp them,” he said. The President was firm with his as sessment of service delivery not only in the Sedibeng District but in local municipalities throughout the “Ourcountry.municipalities must pay at tention to what needs to be done so that our people live with dignity. We want to see an improvement in the lives of our people from a ser vice delivery point of view from now on. We cannot, in this place which used to be the industrial hub of the country, allow our people to live in squalor; in a dirty place,” President Ramaphosa said. The President assured the commu nity that their issues will not be put on the back burner at the end of the launch and said the DDM approach assures that these challenges are properly addressed.

Recently, the Centre launched a livelihood Hub that will see more young people starting their own businesses and participating in co operatives that are envisaged to create jobs for young people. The Centre’s overall goal is to groom and foster a generation of commer cial and social entrepreneurs who would become agents of change in their families resulting from skills training programs. This will also contribute towards the eradication of poverty amongst the youth and women in townships.
“We honour and celebrate you Mbokodo!”
Written By Lawrence Mashabela Men were advised to avoid bottling up their emotions during a Vosloorus Men’s Confer ence themed ‘Father and Son Dialogue’ that was held at the Christ Ministries Church on Saturday, July 23. The conference was held by the residents of Vosloorus in partnership with Vosloorus SAPS, Detective Commander Colonel Phago, Flash Commander Captain Matshika, Sector Managers Sargent Nogologwe, Sargent Mdlazi, and Com munication Officer Constable Nhlapo, together with other stakeholders Cpf, Iziduna (Hostel Chiefs), Johannesburg-Vosloorus Taxi Associa tion, Clinix Health Group, Social Development, Psychologist and the Ekurhuleni Metro Police.
The 64-years old Marabe, affection ately known as Mme Lizzy, started Bokamoso in 2000 partnering with a Roman Catholic Priest who was interested in educating young peo ple technology and computer skills as they were still using typewriters at the “Whentime.westarted it was just me, the priest, and a few members of the church back then, as the major ity of the congregation was uninter ested” said Marabe. She reiterated that it takes perse verance, determinization and hard work to build an organisation like Bokamoso which is solely intended to change lives of the people. “We had struggled for six years un til in 2006, the MEC of Social De velopment at the time, who was in a quest to find projects and Nonprofit Organizations that are pio neered and or led by women, and they found that in our area Evaton in Sebokeng, there was a Roman Catholic church project that I was involved in called Children’s Room. So, in 2006, we received the first funding from the Gauteng Depart ment of Social Development”, ex plained Marabe. “I was basically encouraged by the significant challenges that dispro portionately impacted women and young girls in our communities”, she added. In 2010, Marabe was at the fore front of partnering with Gauteng Department of Social Development to start food bank in Sedibeng to distribute food parcels to the needy around Sedibeng Region. “At the time I didn’t know even where to start but my philoso phy was never about attaining any wealth or social status, it was largely centered around community benefiting from our programmes, especially young people, and I am glad that we managed to deliver that and today this food bank is helping many poor communities. With the department’s consistent involvement, the centre has turned out to be this incredible success.
Lawrence Mashabela works at the Gauteng Social Development and writes on his own capacity
Wiseman Langa who was part of the group that organized the conference pointed out that it was important for the conference to take-place be cause men need to be taught how to behave and conduct themselves. “Most of the crimes, GBV and domestic vio lence acts are committed by men so that has to Throughchange. this conference we are teaching young and old men to live good lives and make sure they don’t end up in jail. To a large extent we want to keep Vosloorus safe. “This conference is a continuation of the aware ness campaign against the ills in societies that we held last year. At that time we walked to KwaZulu-Natal to raise awareness against the ills in the societies, espe cially GBV. “We are also going to have a prayer session against the ills in the societies at Faith Mission Church on July 27,” said Langa .
The Ward 64 councillor Thekiso Motsopi said the conference must happen in other parts of “WeVosloorus.arehosting the conference here in Exten sion 14 today, but it must happen in other areas of TheVosloorus.”Colonelof the Vosloorus SAPS, Solly Phako said most of the cases they deal with of GBV, domestic violence and crimes are committed by “Menmen. should change the way they behave and act. We as men are leaders and we need to act like leaders. We have to be role models to the young men,” said Phago.
a moment to hon or women like Elizabeth Marabe (pictured) who against all odds, remain deeply committed to sup porting both young girls and boys in the townships of Vaal, through establishing a well-run and flour ishing Centre of Excellence called Bokamoso Skills and Development Centre.TheCentre, which was established two decades ago, is currently mak ing a huge contribution in provid ing young people with work-based technical skills and development.
A Clinical Psychologist of Clinix Health Group Thembelani Lephoto said he is happy that they are engaging as men today. “As men we have a lot of problems but the soci ety requires us to be strong. And from my side I think that it is one of things that make men to act in a violent way as men. “I advise all men to express their feelings. Ex pressing your feelings helps you as men because you will never resort to violence as a man,” Le photo added. Vosloo men advised to avoid bottling-up feelings!
Although women have made great strides in our society, they still face many challenges that need to be addressed head-on, some of these challenges that hinder progress include among others poverty, inequality, un employment, teenage pregnan cy and gender-based violence. As we mark Women’s Month in South Africa, we should all cel ebrate women who led purposeful action to redress inequality in the hope of a better future for their communities, children and them selves. We pay tribute to more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in a protest against the extension of the Pass Laws to women. Let us observe and acknowledge the work done by all women who have made invaluable contributions to our communities and society at large.Itisa time when we should all re flect on past struggles and accom plishments and deepen our efforts to eradicate the remaining inequali ties in our Furthermore,society.we must recognize acts of courage and determination by women who have made signifi cant contributions to the change that we see and enjoy today. We must celebrate women who rise against all odds to change the lives of the needy. This year’s women’s month is cel ebrated under the theme “Women’s Socio-Economic Rights and Em powerment: Building Back Better for Women’s Improved Resilience”. This theme reflects the courage and resilience of women in society. Women’s Month continues to be a powerful platform that unifies te nacity and drives action for gender parity while celebrating the social, cultural, economic and political achievements of women. In this year’s Women’s Month let us all acknowledge and applaud women across all spheres of society and in every corner of South Africa for their continued diligent work of uplifting other women, especially young girls. They must continue to be the champions of hope in our communities.Letustake
“Today, I am happy to sit back, watch it grow and making a differ ence in our community, especially helping young women who are at the receiving end of many social ills that continues to affect our com munities”, said Marabe. She stated that she is confident that when she retires, the work will continue to serve the community and empower the youth. Marabe unequivocally thanked the Depart ment’s unwavering support and decision and they remain deeply committed to supporting women and girls’ economic security, pre venting and responding to all forms of gender-based violence.
5Mapepeza Vol. 9 Issue 8: AUGUST 2022
Let us all celebrate the achievements of women while recognizing the barriers they continue to face!
Marabe said their aim is to fight and alleviate poverty through entrepre neurship development programs that focus on incubating and men toring emerging entrepreneurs.

Theguidelines.college website will be opened from 10 August 2022 until 31 August 2022 to allow owners of private accom modation to register their interest and information. Registered private accommodation owners will be called to a briefing meeting after the 31st August 2022. All enquiries should be directed to privateaccomodation@sedcol.co.za
SEDIBENG TVET COLLEGE is a public college under the Department of Higher education and Training (DHET). The Sedibeng TVET college consists of four campuses, namely Heidelberg, Sebokeng, Vereeniging and Vander bijlpark campuses.
The Gauteng Provincial Legisla ture has called for the overhaul in the resolving of petitions that have piled up over the years. Petitions Standing Committee (PSC) at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL), led by Hon. Ezra Letsoalo, has said that they do not have full control in the whole jour ney of petitions. The current model, based on the Petitions Act, is untenable in the long run. So we decided to combine all petitions, including those of the municipalities and national depart ments where relevant. “We are resetting the system,” said Letsoalo in his address on Monday morning, July 25 at the Petitions Standing Committee Media Briefing in TheJohannesburg.currentbacklog is over 657 on going petitions for the period Au gust 2008 – August 2021. These petitions are yet to be resolved as the responding authorities have not adequately addressed issues/com plaints as raised by communities. Petitions allow members of the public to directly place their issues before their legislative arm like lo cal municipal councils, legislatures and Parliament. People use peti tions to formally submit their col lective grievances that plague their communities, asking government to intervene. Petitions are a Con stitutional right of every South Af Letsoalorican. said that instead of people waiting for six months or more to get feedback on a petition submit ted, the legislature said the new approach aims to accelerate turna round time to within two months. A majority of petitions are related to RDP housing, which falls under the Human Settlements Depart ments. Letsoalo said that the new system will aim to give the rele vant departments and institutions the petitions and work with them to develop plans to close them ef ficiently.
The College hereby invites interested Landlords who provide accomodation for student residence to register their data on the college website www.sedcol.co.za/privateaccomodation
Landlords must have capacity of a minimum of 10 rooms to be considered for accreditations not withstanding other requirements as per accommodation accreditation
Letsoalo said that the PSC will be working with institutions, execu tives and departments in making sure that the resolution of the peti tions is coordinated and not done solely by the legislature.
The college offers accommodation allowance to all de serving students through NSFAS bursary scheme at all campuses. Since the college doesn’t have the in-house student accommodation, the college is looking into ac crediting private residence for the purpose of accommo dating students in accordance with the approved Bursary guidelines in preparation for 2023.
The Legislature, headed by the Speaker Hon. Ntombi Mekgwe and the Leader of Government Business, MEC Panyaza Lesufi also signed an agreement at the event to have the petitions backlog cleared. The GPL has taken this intervention step in an effort to ensure that the petitions backlog is responded to and Petitionscleared.from the various service departments and municipalities range from misallocation of RDP homes; municipal bylaws infringe ments, requests for extended op erating hours at health care facili ties; street calming measures and development of educational infra structure.
Legislature calls for close to 700 petitions to be resolved in Gauteng!
Named after the late anti-apart heid activist and artist, Thamsan qa “Thami” Mnyele, the awards are aimed to celebrate artists by giving them the recognition they deserve. The competition encourages prep arations of artistic contemporary expressions in the following me dia: • Paintings; • Prints; • Drawings (ink works, pastels, gouaches and water colors); • Sculptures and reliefs; • Decorative art pieces, collages, ceramics; • Textile pieces; • Digital art and photographs; and • Illustrations and graphical post Entriesers. for this year’s edition will be divided into two steps which are as follows: Step one – This is online regis tration or submissions via Thami Mnyele Fine Arts Awards online portal from 01 August 2022 and will close on 27 August 2022 at 16h00. Interested participants must register their entries by using the link: https://tmfaa.ekurhuleni. gov.za Step two –This is a physical art work drop-off which must be couriered or hand delivered from 24 August 2022 to 27 August 2022 between 09h00 and 19h00 at the Coen Scholtz Recreation Cen tre, Mooifontein Road, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park. Applicants will be charged a nonrefundable entry fee of R50.00 per Shouldartwork.an applicant decide to with draw an application or not finish the application process, the entry fee will not be refunded. Entries submitted without pay ment of the entry fee will not be considered for the competition. No entries will be received after the registration dates, or outside the stipulated times rewarded for your art works by entering the Thami Mnyele Fine Art Awards!
- Mapepeza Reporter Get
The referral system of petitions is one of the key areas where the backlog is caused. “It is only the petitions committee that runs af ter departments, because we don’t have the necessary workforce to be able to do that. But when we have a fully-fledged committee, then we’ll start to see results,” said Letsoalo speaking at the briefing. Letsoalo also said that the legisla ture aims to strengthen the elec tronic submission of petitions, responding to the technological needs of today and help those who submit petitions to track the pro gress Anotheronline.pillar of the new plan is to take the petitions system to the people of Gauteng, increasing the committee’s engagements with communities. The initiative will in clude public education and creating petitions committees based in local Letsoalomunicipalities.said that it’s time that those who are responsible for en suring that petitions are resolved, regardless of the roles they serve, put their head on the block and get working in getting answers for the people of Gauteng.
Local artists and creatives are called to enter their works of art for the annual Thami Mnyele Fine Art Awards, hosted by the City of Ekurhuleni. Entries are open from Monday, August 1 to Saturday, August 27, and participants from the age of 18 years are eligible to participate.
Mapepeza6 Vol. 9 Issue 8: AUGUST 2022 Mapepeza 5VOL. 9 ISSUE #7 - JULYSUPPLIER2022 REGISTRATION - Second Intake: 2022 INVITATION TO REGISTER SUPPLIERS/SERVICE PROVIDERS INTO THE SEDIBENG TVET COLLEGE SUPPLIER DATABASE Existing and potential suppliers are hereby invited to submit their sup plier registration application forms Various goods and services required are: COMMODITIES Accommodation and Conferencing Uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment Borehole and Irrigation services / Equip ment Travel agency Electrician / Electrical Contractor Security services Plumber Cleaning chemicals and services Hardware Supplies and Equipment Hygiene and pest control Books/LTSM Catering equipment and Catering services Courier services Stationery and Cartridges Building contractor Office Furniture Locksmiths Supply of Diesel Workshop / Training facilitators Transport services • Bus Services • Mini-bus taxi services Professional Services • Audit services/Preparations of AFS/Asset Verification. • Architectural Engineers • Structural Engineers • Electrical Engineers • Quantity surveying • Project managers Refurbishment (buildings)/Civil Works • Tiling • Plumbing • Brickwork • Roofing • Electricity • Paving • Etc. (please specify) Information technology • Computers and printers • Inter communication systems • Computer programmers + programmes (software) • Computer consumables • Computer cabling/trunking systems Workshop equipment (Machinery) • Fitting and Turning • Mechanical Engineering • Engineering and Related Designs (ERD) • Civil Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Information Technology • Etc. (Specify) Marketing and Advocacy • Advertising • Events management • Promotional material • Printing and binding services • Branding and publication Workshop Machinery – Service and Main tenance • Fitting and Turning • Mechanical Engineering • Engineering and Related Designs (ERD) • Civil Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Information Technology • Etc. (Specify) Workshop Consumables • Fitting and Turning • Mechanical Engineering • Engineering and Related Designs (ERD) • Civil Engineering • Electrical Engineering • Information Technology • Etc. (Specify) Other – please specify NB: RFQ ABOVE R30 000.00 WILL BE ADVERTISED ON COLLEGE WEBSITE FROM THE 15 JULY 2022, PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR ACCESS. http://sedcol.co.za/frmProcurementQuoteList.aspx Please note that a Maximum of 3 three-commodity categories will be registered per supplier. The supplier’s registration forms will be available on our website (www. sedcol.co.za). Fully completed forms with all the required supporting documents must be emailed to suppliersdatabase@sedcol.co.za The closing date and time for receipt of the applications is 31 July 2022 at 12:00 Queries pertinent to these documents may be addressed to: Ms SR Modise Tel No. 016 420 2551 E-mail. Sibongile@sedcol.co.za Office of the Chief Executive Officer/Principal reserves the right to accept or reject any application without being obliged to give any reasons in this respect. ADVERT FOR PRIVATE ACCOMODATIONSTUDENT

7Mapepeza Vol. 9 Issue 8: AUGUST 2022 It seems the South African digital sector hasn’t quite grasped the age-old law of supply and demand. Technology companies are scrambling for capable female professionals to help shrink the gender gap and advance diversity, but the pool of available talent is low.
“There is a huge lack of skills in industries related to 4IR, which is booming. As businesses set up sustainable ways to digitise and become more competitive, developing a people pipeline for now and the future is critical,” adds Prudence Aggressive campaigns to recruit, hire, retain, and promote female talent is simply not enough. Both the private and public sector needs to commit and invest in learnerships, bursaries, skills development programmes and internships for women to help diversify their workplace. Not only is this good for business, improving productivity and innovation that in turn has a positive knock-on effect on their bottom line, but in doing so businesses can also benefit from several incentives like accessing available SETA grants and skills funding, tax rebates, as well as advancing their B-BBEE scorecard.
Equipping even more talented females with the right critical skills of the future starts at the grassroots level and Prudence Mathebula (pictured) - shareholder and Managing Director of Dynamic DNA is tackling it head on through her 4IR4HER
Human Settlements Deputy Minister, Pamela Tshwete, has told the people of Ratanda that title deeds are not a licence to sell government subsidized houses or RDPs. “A title deed is proof of ownership of an asset that must be handed over to future generations. We discourage people who sell their houses after receiving their title deeds. This, including the renting out of houses, is a bad habit that we must collectively address as a matter of urgency,” Minister Tshwete said. She was speaking during the handover of title deeds to beneficiaries at Obed Mthombeni Nkosi in Ratanda, Lesedi Local Municipality on Wednesday (August 10).
The right aptitude and attitude It all boils down to aptitude and attitude and Boitumelo Tshepe, currently on the Dynamic DNA 4IR4Her programme, has both in spades. A maths whiz at school and with an older sister studying web development, Boitumelo knew that a career in IT was a no brainer, but the only thing she was lacking was the qualification and experience.
The dichotomy is worrying especially for a sector that prides itself with being one step ahead of everyone else. We have known for some time now that women are grossly underrepresented in the digital sector, holding less than 25 percent of South African tech jobs but if things carry on as they are, women risk completely out-skilling themselves from future tech jobs in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).
Themovement.twenty-six-year-old, Sowetoborn entrepreneur isn’t surprised that South African women tend to gravitate away from STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degrees at university level. A career in ICT never crossed her mind when she was embarking on her studies, and it was only after completing her diploma in marketing and advertising that she fully realised how valuable an ICT qualification could be in paving the way to more exciting and rewarding caFromreers. working on the internet and designing software and apps to implementing cyber security systems and coding trendy games, the career opportunities are endless (and pay cheques just as great), but women need to have the right qualifications and experience first. Prudence is determined to change the belief that a career in ICT leads to boring male jobs and upskill as many of South Africa’s underprivileged and unemployed 15-34-yearold women as possible. Her training and skills development company, Dynamic DNA, partners with top ICT vendors across the country, providing a variety of fully accredited, specialist courses for digitally savvy female candidates who have the right cognitive abilities, behaviours, and values, but not the qualification to “Withmatch.women making considerable strides in fields that were previously male dominated, the lines of career limitations have blurred. There are more career choices available to women now than ever before, allowing them to take charge of their own destiny. It is so important that women start to view their career in technology as a major life-changing opportunity,” says Prudence.
Human Settlements Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi, and MEC Maile on the following day, handed over newly built houses and title deeds to mostly women beneficiaries at Impumelelo township in Devon (pictured below). rentingwarnedresidentsagainstselling,newhouses!
The Deputy Minister, together with Gauteng Human Settlements MEC, Lebogang Maile, told the community that receiving title deeds does not mean they should sell their Thehouses.Deputy Minister, MEC and Lesedi Municipality Mayor Mluleki Nkosi, personally handed over almost 500 title deeds, with the remaining 700 title deeds handed over to the beneficiaries by department officials later in the day. They warned that the selling and renting of fully subsidised government houses, also known as Breaking New Ground (BNG/ RDPs), has caused challenges not only for government but also for beneficiaries who often become indigent again. “A qualifying beneficiary can only benefit from one house from government. Our system is able to detect and prevent double dipping. “Sadly, in the eyes of the nation, we are sometimes seen as a government that does not care about the lives of those in need. This results in people finding themselves destitute again and homeless after selling their houses,” Tshwete Mailesaid. said government is committed to responding to all the concerns raised regarding challenges in the allocation of newly built “Wherehouses. there have been problems, we have been responding as government and we will continue to do so. We are intensifying our campaign to give title deeds to housing beneficiaries. The plan is to hand over these homes, together with a title deed, on the same day,” said Maile. After hearing of some of the issues at Obed Nkosi, the deputy minister visited some of the new homes that have been damaged by weather and poor workmanship in the area. She has delegated the provincial and local government officials to deal with the issues. The event at Obed Mthombeni Nkosi was part of a community engagement programme ahead of the Presidential Imbizo scheduled to take place on Friday, August 12, in TheSharpeville.imbizois aimed at assessing service delivery through the implementation of the District Development Model (DDM), to enable integrated and responsive planning, implementation and budgeting across all spheres of government. Maile said the Gauteng Human Settlements Department plans to hand over 11 000 title deeds during 2022/2023 financial year. He said in the previous financial year, close to 9 000 title deeds were given to beneficiaries in the Meanwhile,province.
To find out more go to www.dynamicdna.co.za or contact +27 (0) 11 759 5940 e time is now for Women in Tech as 4IR skills demand climbs!
Thanks to Prudence’s 4IR4HER programme, Boitumelo is now in her final year of a Level 5 National Certificate in Information Technology Systems Development course, learning about object oriented and Fourth Generation language programming, website development, multimedia, and e-commerce, and she is also a student in software development at SheTUT. is also getting hands on experience in mobile and database development in her practical at Cloudsmiths, one of the fastest growing companies within the salesforce ecosystem in Southern Africa. “I have learnt so much already and am so excited to enter the workforce and begin my career,” she says excitedly, with only a few months left before she graduates in 2023. The buck doesn’t stop with women Boitumelo is a shining example of how programmes like 4IR4HER can make a significant difference to the lives of everyday women. Yet for Prudence to meet her aim of developing baseline skills and creating employment opportunities for 5,000 underprivileged women in the local tech industry, she needs the invaluable support of big business.

Tjaart van der Walt, Lythe Pillay, Karabo Madonsela and Divan Vlok combined to complete the four-lap final in 3:07.01, with the United States securing victory in 3:04.47. In other events, Danielle Verster finished ninth in the women's 1 500m final (4:16.36), Aron Alvarez Aranda was ninth in the men's discus throw final (59.36m) and Karabo Motsoeneng was 18th in the women's 5 000m final "We(18:35.51).oughtto be happy with this overall performance which sees us finishing sixth. In a competition that was so tough for everyone, we are proud that many of our athletes reached the semi-finals and finals. "It's a major achievement for South Africa's future and we believe that this is now the core that is about to take over the senior level as most of our senior athletes will soon be facing the end of their careers," said Enoch Skhosana, the Acting President of Athletics South Africa.
Tjaart van der Walt, Lythe Pillay, Karabo Madonsela and Divan Vlok combined to complete the four-lap final in 3:07.01, with the United States securing victory in *3:04.47.OnDay 5, the SA women's 4x400m relay quartet - Precious Molepo, Anje Nel, Colene Scheepers and Simone de Wet - ended fourth in their heat in 3:36.52 (and not 3.56.32) to break the South African U20 record.
The tournament was coordinated by Moses Motaung and Sello Tau.
Manchester United manager, Erik ten Hag, has added to his backroom team with the appointment of Benedict ‘Benni’ McCarthy as a first-team coach. The former Bafana Bafana striker is the country’s all-time top scorer with 31 goals. He is also the only South African to have lifted the UEFA Champions League, doing so with Porto in 2003/4 Season. Locally, Benni has been a coach locally for premier league sides Cape Town City F.C and Amazulu. The 44-year-old also represented the likes of Ajax, Blackburn Rovers and West Ham United during his distinguished career.
Finishing fifth in the final, the national men's 4x400m relay team produced the best result for the squad on the sixth and last day of competition.
SA Minemedalists:deKlerk - gold (shot put), bronze (discus throw) Lythe Pillay - gold (400m) Brian Raats - silver (high jump) Benjamin Richardson - bronze (100m).
On Sunday (August 8), South African golfer Ashleigh Buhai secured her first Major title, the LPGA, with a four playoff hole win at the Women's Open at Muirfield in Scotland. This makes her the first South African female golfer to win a Major tournament in our democratic era. Congratulations to Ashleigh, your triumph will pave the way for more golfing excellence from this nation of ours.
The top players 1. The best Goalkeeper – Bonginkosi De Kock 2. The best defender – Teboho 3.TshabalalaLeading goal scorer – Thabang 4.DubePlayer of the tournament – Njabulo Kunene 5. The best coach of the tournament – Paseka Mochana
In soccer, the new season of the DSTV Premier League has begun and the competition is fierce at teams battle it out. In fact, it's soccer fever all around with premier leagues resuming all over the world. In a proud moment for Mzansi's football, Stellenbosch F.C played a sterling style of soccer the United Kingdom and beat hosts Leicester City by 7-2. Our boys have been crowned Premier League Next Generation champions.
Ratanda Fast 11 win U-15 tournament! Briefs
A soccer tournament was organized by Tholulwazi Skills & Development Centre at the Obed Nkosi Sports Ground in Ratanda. The aim of the tournament was to keep the youth out of the street, promoting a drug-free society and to encourage the players to play on a professional level in the future. Players from eight local teams in the area battled it out for the prizes, which included a soccer kit sponsored by Mapepeza. The tournament took place from July 23, with the finals held a week later on the 31st. Quarter Finals 1. Lesedi Unite Academy (2 - 0) Young Generation 2. Tshwarahanang FC (1 - 0) Special One 3. Power FC (0 - 7)Fast Eleven 4. City Stars (4 -2 pen) Fire United Semi Finals 1. Fast Eleven (3 - 1) City Stars 2. Lesedi Unite Academy (3 - 2 pen) Tshwarahanang Finals Lesedi Unite Academy (0 - 3) Fast Eleven
Mapepeza8 Vol. 9 Issue 8: AUGUST 2022 Mapepeza WINNER OF 2019 GAUTENG SPORTS AWARDS: Community Media of The Year Sports Sports
“The centre organized the tournament trying to let young people to focus on good things around them, we believe that playing is good for children. We want to create the platform for the young ones to share the issues of life with us. We were blessed to have Ama Girls wase Kasi to entertain spectators and players before the finals began. We would also like to thank Mapepeza newspaper for their wonderful contribution, the winning team got themselves a new quality soccer kit. This brought joy to the young ones we really appreciate, we hoping for more sponsors to make this dream come true. We planning to have another tournament focusing on young girls, we are requesting companies to assist to make this happen,” said Tholulwazi Skills and Development Centre.
The national team produced South Africa's best overall result in 22 years at the World Athletics U20 Championships which came to a close in Cali, Colombia on Saturday night, August 7. Though it was not their biggest medal haul at the biennial junior spectacle, the SA squad finished fifth in the final standings with five medals (two golds, one silver, two Itbronze).wasthe squad's best result in the medals table since the SA team finished third at the 2000 edition in Santiago, Chile.
Speaking on behalf of the publication, Stephen Seakgwe said that this is the first of many investments into local sports. More kits will be given to deserving teams in upcoming games and events. “We hope the investment will go a long way in growing talent into greats,” said Seakgwe.
-MaPePeZa SPOrTs RePOrTer Team SA make history at the World Athletics U20 Championships!
These players won themselves prizes including the opportunity to study the Computer skills for three months at Tholulwazwi Skills and Development Centre worth R1500.00, per player for free. The skills will assist these boys to accomplish the skills to better their lives in the future. It was also the opportunity for the South African Mens Health Conference (SAMHC) to establish the Boys Clubs, to start discussions about the issues affecting them.