The Middle Atlantic Professional
Newsletter Date: January 2015
The e-newsletter of the Middle Atlantic PGA Inside this issue: President’s Perspective: Preparing for the 2015 Season Section Direction: Reviewing the Past & Planning for the Future
The 2015 golf season is right around the corner and the MAPGA Section Staff is excited to make it another outstanding year. Be sure to check the upcoming dates for tournaments and meetings.
2015 Award Winners and Hall of Fame Inductee Eyes on Employment: Mentoring Assistant Professionals Player Development Discussion: Creating an Effective Player Development Plan Chapter Chat
Important Dates: February 2 MSR Monday—Springfield G&CC (8am-4pm) February 66- 8 DC Golf Show—Chantilly, VA February 12 Town Hall Meeting—Bayville GC February 23 MSR Monday—Salisbury CC (9am-5pm) March 2 MAPGA Spring Membership Meeting—Fredericksburg, VA March 1010-12 Mid Atlantic Merchandise Show— Gaithersburg, MD March 14 MAPGA Hall of Fame & Awards Banquet—Baltimore, MD
President’s Perspective: Preparing for the 2015 Season MAPGA Members Coordinator / Foundation and Apprentices, Activities Director. This position is critical for us in growing the game I hope you had a at the Section level, in addition to great h o l i d a y helping MAPGA professionals at season and were able to spend the local level. If you are time with your family and friends. interested, please contact 2015 looks to be a very busy Executive Director Jon Guhl about year for the MAPGA. this job opening. He will be First I would like to congratulate accepting resumes by email up to Section Membership Director January 30, 2015. Our goal is to Kelly Lawson and her husband have the new employee in place Chris for the new addition to by March 15, 2015. their family. Leona Rose Lawson was born on January 6th. We The PGA Merchandise show was look forward to seeing our this week in Orlando. This is newest junior golfer on the always a great event to catch up MAPGA Junior Tour in the near with old friends, continue your education, network or just browse future. the many vendors for the latest As most of you are aware, and greatest in the golf industry. I Stephanie Jennings took a new always like to take advantage of job in Michigan. Because of her the many education seminars and departure, we have an opening classes during the show. This is a for a new Player Development great opportunity to get
recertified or to make yourself more valuable at your current or future job. The MAPGA staff and Sponsor Committee will be very busy at the show obtaining new sponsorships for the Section. We also use the time to thank those who have supported us in the past. The monies received from our partners help to provide support to the many programs that we provide you at the Section and Chapter levels. If you do business with a company that doesn’t sponsor a program at this time, please reach out to them and ask them to get involved. It can be for a tournament, continuing education seminar, or a Section or Chapter meeting. (Cont. on page 2…)