The Professional
Letter From the President
Letter From the ED
PGA CEO Seth Waugh Visits MAPGA
President’s Award
2021 Hall of Fame Class
Professional of the Year
Bill Strausbaugh Award
PGA Professional Development Award
Teacher of the Year
Larkin Gross Wins First Tournament of 2020 Season
Kelly Newland, PGA Named MSGA ED
Player Development Award
Youth Player Development Award
Assistant Professional of the Year
David Wortman Citizen of the Year
Merchandiser of the Year (Private)
Merchandiser of the Year (Public)
Merchandiser of the Year (Resort)
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DCP Cancels 2020 Seaon
Salesperson of the Year
Earle Hellen Sports Media Award
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The Professional
From The
Josh Tremblay, PGA Section President
Dear MAPGA Professionals, I want to start out by stating that I hope you, your families, your staff and friends are all healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic. We as PGA Professionals have been challenged to perform under circumstances like we have never seen. Our board and Section Staff reached out to many MAPGA Professionals and tried to offer support and lend an ear to those in need. As you can imagine, the responses ranged from some professionals who were out of work with courses closed to those who were busier than ever with limited staffing. As we now re-open and slowly work back towards normal operations, please continue to reach out to your fellow MAPGA Members and Associates for guidance, idea sharing and support. We are uniquely positioned due to our skill sets to drive this game forward. Golf has been given an opportunity during this period of social distancing. I know this fall will be busier than usual for most of us with events shifting to later in the season. Make sure that you are helping to be an asset to your facility and driving engagement…share best practices with each other so we can be even more successful coming out of these times. Your Board of Directors has been meeting virtually to deal with ongoing changes to the Section Calendar as well as planning for various scenarios this fall. The Fall Chapter meetings will be held virtually and we’re still looking at possible options for the Fall Section Meeting. Please continue to utilize the website as a resource and the News & Notes emails to stay up to date with changes. The MAPGA Section Staff is doing a great job this spring with being flexible with members, sponsors and junior golf families to represent us in the best light.
The Professional Volume V, Issue I Editor: Ben Smith Contributing Writers: Jon Guhl Ben Smith
Please know that I am always available if you have an idea, a concern or just want to share your insights. If you have not done so, record your video tips and submit them to the Section office to earn some extra money and help us build our database of PGA Professional instruction videos to bolster our social media presence. Don’t forget to play some golf, whether in tournaments or with golfers at your facility. Stay safe and I hope to see many of you in person during the second half of 2020. Warm Regards, Joshua Tremblay, PGA MAPGA President
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The Professional Dear MAPGA Professional, I want to start this letter by recognizing your perseverance and patience in getting your facilities through these unprecedented times. Some of you were shut down longer than others but your responsibility, care, and hard work has allowed golf to be a “safe space” for our many customers. Your continued diligence has even allowed us to grow the game during this challenging time. We reopened the office to an alternative work schedule on June 1. That is, about half our staff work from the office each week, the other half continuing to work from home. We clean the office each Friday afternoon in advance of the following week. I would like to publicly give credit to our amazing staff team who kept working for our members benefit throughout the office shutdown, to include marking 21 member courses in May/June. As a result of the shutdown, one of the programs we began was the Video Content Program for our social media channels. Realizing we were going to be without much of our typical content, we have offered MAPGA professionals the opportunity to send us instructional content videos for us to publish online. We are able to pay $50 per video for up to four videos per professional. This idea came from MAPGA Section Vice President Andy Weissinger as a way to give back to our PGA professionals while meeting our content needs. To date, we have received 92 videos from 28 professionals, paying out $4600. Our Board committed to pay up to $200,000 if all participate, so please consider submitting up to 4 videos by December 1st if you would like to participate.
From The
Jon Guhl Executive Director
While most of your facilities are busier than they have ever been, many are reporting that revenue isn’t necessarily up, given reductions in lesson and/or outing revenue. Hopefully, you were able to take advantage of some of the resources provided by the Federal Government (PPP, EIDL) or the PGA (Golf Emergency Relief Fund). We are still awaiting Phase 2 statistics, but Phase 1 of the GERF paid out over four million dollars to 3,300 deserving members of the golf industry. As we follow the Back2Golf Guidelines, I again applaud you for your hard work and diligence on behalf of your customers. Golf is seen as a safe sport, and we have not had any major outbreaks associated with golf. Let’s hope this explosion in rounds will lead to a major boost to our sport. A number of our rounds seem to be new or relapsed golfers, with a number of families beginning to play together. It is my hope that you, our front-line professionals, can capture those groups and develop them into consistent, core golfers. With every crisis, there is an opportunity. Let’s hope something good comes out of this COVID crisis. I think the COVID shutdown has caused us all to think about things differently. Some of these changes I think will ultimately benefit us all. For example, who knew virtual education seminars would be so well received? We held 19 MAPGA education seminars through Zoom that had almost 500 attendees! I think those will return this winter as a viable education alternative. Other Sections were caused to have online meetings and even elections. They have proved the technology works and gives us some options should they be needed. Finally, I think this health crisis has given us all some perspective on what is important in our lives. Something that seemed imperative in February may now seem trivial now. So hug your loved ones, appreciate that our industry is a safe haven for our customers, and continue to do your part for our Association and our game! Sincerely, Jon Guhl Executive Director
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The Professional Seth Waugh (right) joins Josh Tremblay at the 2020 MAPGA Spring Meeting on March 9th.
He addressed many topics ranging from the effects of the Coronavirus to the move to Frisco. We also had a Member Q&A session where Seth answered more specific questions about many different topics.
The MAPGA is tremendously grateful that PGA of America CEO Seth CLICK HERE to watch the vidWaugh was able to visit our Sec- eo of the Town Hall Meeting. tion for this years Spring Meeting. Waugh joined D-10 Director John Madden and MAPGA President Josh Tremblay on stage in a Town Hall Meeting style presentaion. EXPERTS IN THE GAME AND BUSINESS OF GOLF
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The Professional
MAPGA President’s Award
Josh Tremblay (left) hands Greg Jones the President’s Award at the Spring Meeting
Greg Jones, PGA of Baltimore
do for his association, commu- PGA Membership in 1989, the nity and facility” says MAP- same year he became the Head CC, was honored with the 2020 GA President Josh Tremblay. Professional at Hunt Valley. He President’s Award at the MAPaccepted his current position as GA Spring Meeting. Greg was Greg Jones was born in Balti- Director of Golf at Baltimore picked personally by MAPGA more, MD and was introduced Country Club in 2003. Through President Josh Tremblay for his to golf by his Father at the age Greg’s leadership and collabocontinued support of Section of 13 by taking him to play at ration, the Baltimore Country programs and events, and for the Mount Pleasant and Clifton Club’s Caddie Program develhis tireless effort and dedication Park Golf Courses. His first job oped the first Evans Scholar to the game of golf. “I selected in the industry was working from the state of Maryland. AdGreg for the President’s Award as a range boy at the Elkridge ditionally, he is heavily involved because he is the consummate Club. After attending golf in the First Tee of Baltimore and professional and his eagerness school in Florida, he moved to has been instrumental in hostto lead. He is a humble, hard Hunt Valley Golf Club where ing many MAPGA events at working individual that doesn’t he worked for 25 years, start- Baltimore Country Club. Greg seek out praise but rather sup- ing on the range and in the bag epitomizes what is means to be ports his team and lets them room where he learned from a PGA Professional. He has take the spotlight. I couldn’t his mentor John Haines, PGA been a role model in the comthink of a better role model (MAPGA Hall of Fame Class munity as well as giving back than Greg Jones when asked of 2004). Greg was elected to to his association and facility. what a PGA Member should
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The Professional
The MAPGA is proud to announce its Hall of Fame Class of 2021! Ms. Troy Beck (mostly at Glenn Dale GC) and the late Dean Hurst (Bayville GC) will join as the 54th and 55th members of the Middle Atlantic PGA Hall of Fame early next year. Beck, 65, is entering based on her sterling playing credentials after spending her whole career at Glenn Dale GC in various positions. Troy played in 4 majors (1984 & 1985 US Open, 1994 & 1995 McDonald’s LPGA Championship) and 13 LPGA Tour events. She won LPGA National T&CP Championship at Woodlands Country Club in Texas in 1994. She was named the MAPGA Women’s Player of the Year four times in 1993,1994,1998, and 2003! Troy was selected as a player, and she is
quite accomplished as listed above. But she also has done more than play tournaments. She served on the National LPGA Board and was an LPGA Section President (2003-07). Troy Beck Golf Academy was noted for its Junior Golf Programs. Junior Golfers played over 5000 rounds at Glenn Dale annually. Troy was recognized as the MAPGA Junior Golf Leader of the Year twice, in 1992 and 2000. She was awarded the prestigious LPGA Nancy Lopez National Award in
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The Professional the Section chairs to become elected as Section President in 2010. Dean was selected as MAPGA Professional of the Year in 2007, the Bill Strausbaugh Award Winner in 2001, and the Horton Smith Award winner in 2003. Dean was a very popular delegate at National PGA meetings, and kept the MAPGA at the foreThe late Dean Hurst, who passed away in front with his charisma and leadership. 2017, was the first professional at Bayville GC in 1995 and guided the club through its formative years to the outstanding facility it is today. Dean was elected Section Secretary in 2006 and progressed through 2008, presented to an LPGA member that exemplifies the qualities of Leadership, Passion, Giving and Approachability. She was also recognized as the LPGA Northeast Teacher of the Year in 1995.
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The Professional
ohn “J.P.” Lunn has been a
member of the Middle Atlantic PGA since 1990 and has volunteered to serve his Chapter and Section in some capacity since 1997, most recently ending his term as the 48th President of the Middle Atlantic PGA. For his unwavering dedication and service in the Middle Atlantic PGA, J.P Lunn has been named the 2020 Professional of the Year, the highest honor paid to an active PGA Professional. In addition to his father’s introduction to the game, J.P. learned even more about the game from a few local PGA Professionals. His first lesson was with Jerry Coleman, who was the PGA Assistant Professional at Orchard Park CC. Around 1984, a PGA Professional named Lonnie Nielsen allowed J.P. to spend all
day, every day throughout the summer, “just hanging around” at Crag Burn Golf Club in East Aurora, New York. He learned about club repair and golf operations and even caddied for Lonnie when he played in Section or National events. With a commitment to serving the Section, J.P. has served as a Board member of the Middle Atlantic PGA for 16 of the last 18 years. As a newly elected member, he started working on the Membership Committee reviewing applicants as they presented materials for membership. Since then, he held all the offices at the Chapter level, as well as maintaining a seat on the Section Board of Directors and served as the Education Chair. In 2011, J.P. was elected as a Director at Large for the Section Board of Di-
rectors, then as the Secretary, Vice President and President in subsequent alternating years. J.P.’s philosophy for golf is the same as it is for his business and personal life: he has and will always try to personalize his relationships with everyone that he meets. As a PGA General Manager, his performance was recognized by Golf Inc. Magazine as Golf ’s Most Admirable Operator. This national award is given to those who distinguish themselves by demonstrating consistent excellence in directing a successful, profitable golf course operation that upholds the highest standards of quality and customer service.
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fellow PGA Professionals has been a passion for Jay for the past 20 years. Mentored early in the profession by Larry Murphy, a Minnesota PGA Section Hall of Fame member, Jay learned firsthand that the success can be measured in how one mentors and coaches those around him.
he earned his degree and PGA professionals through the new Membership in 1998 through the associate orientation. Often, he PGA Golf Management Program. has followed up with associates to ensure they have mentors or Jay began his professional career need any assistance. In his tenat Blueberry Pines Golf Club in ure, Jay has been motivated to 1996 where he stayed until 2000. assist all golf professionals in From 1997-2014 Jay spent time forwarding their careers. Elevat multiple TPC Courses; Scott- en assistant professionals in his sdale, Myrtle Beach, and Poto- tenure have moved on to take on mac at Avenel Farm. In 2015, Jay their own facilities and their own headed to Washington Golf & mentoring opportunities. Jay truCC as Director of Golf and has ly believes that mentoring is one been there since. Throughout of the greatest gifts a PGA prohis career Jay has earned many fessional can provide. Jays’ goal awards, 2011 First Tee of Mont- has always been to give back to gomery County “Bob Metz” Ser- the game more than he has revice Award, 2014 MAPGA Presi- ceived. Jay is the current Central dent’s Award, 2014 TPC Network Chapter President and has served Golf Professional of the Year on the Employment, Memberand the 2018 MAPGA Private ship, and Sponsorship commitClub Merchandiser of the Year. tees within the MAPGA Section.
Jay Dufty was born January 23, 1973 in Morris, MN to parents Doug and Karen Dufty and has one sister, Paula. He was first introduced to the game at the age of 7 by his father who was the Head Wrestling Coach and professor of Sports Medicine at the University of Minnesota-Morris. His first golf related job was at Oxbow CC in Fargo, North Dakota as a caddy before working at Moorhead CC As a member of the Section under Mr. Murphy through high Membership Committee, Jay has school. Jay went to college at New met many aspiring assistant golf Mexico State University where
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The Professional
NEW S S E C O R P S AWARD We have always been “early” on awards (i.e., we named the Awards class of 2020 in Fall of 2019). Continuing to award “early” creates an additional layer of difficulty given the unusual nature of this year, with many pro shops still closed and player development and teaching programs not yet started. Thus, our Board decided to shift our awards selection period to happen during the current year (instead of a season “early”). Thus, the 2020 class will remain as this year’s class, and we will begin to solicit nominations for the
‘21 class in June ‘21 and announce the award winners in Fall ‘21, then honor them at the Spring ‘22 Banquet. This means the current 2020 class will still get their banquet in Spring of 2021.
While the numbering of the years may make this hard to follow, this adjustment allows us to rightfully honor the 2020 class, to not skip an award class, and recognizes that this is not a normal year for an awards process.
Hey coach. How does this sound – Less range time. More income. Better results. Ikonik is an online platform built for golf coaches to deliver personalized & effective training for their students. Sign up today at and learn how to grow your coaching business for the better. There is power in your process. We just help you deliver it. Follow us @ikonikgolf
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The Professional
has attempted to inspire his fellow golf professionals through education and mentoring. In his presentations and education events, Mark tries to give the PGA Professionals and Associates in attendance some simple and easy ways to make a difference in the games of their members and guests, and to increase their value at their facilities. Mark understands how important this education can be to his fellow PGA Professionals for career enhancement and job retention. Mark Russo was born July 15, 1976 in Upper Marlboro, MD to parents Ron and Bobby Russo and has one sister, Elena. Mark began playing golf very late in life, having picked up the game on his own at the age of 17. Mark’s dad, a retired Navy commander, introduced him to sports early on in life, but there were no
golfers in the family at the time. Digest “Best in State” rankings for Maryland in 2017 and 2019. He began working at Night In the Middle Atlantic Section, Hawk Golf Center in high school Mark received the 2018 MAPas a summer job and he soon GA Teacher of the Year Award. picked up a club and began to love to hit balls. He then went Mark believes that his success has to Towson University, where he come from two things: commuplayed hockey for the Tigers. nication and caring. If you care about what you do as a professionMark took his first assistant pro- al and show the person in front of fessional job in 1997 at Marlbor- you that you care about them as ough CC. He held the Assistants well, you will have success. Then job and the Head Profession- you need to communicate clearly al jobs at MCC as well as the and honestly with each and evThe CC at Woodmore. While ery person. If you can commuat Woodmore, Mark began the nicate clearly while showing a PGA program and was elected student that you care about them to membership in May 2005. In as a person first and a student March 2012, Mark left his job second, you will be successful in at Woodmore and founded MR helping them love the game and Golf Instruction at Night Hawk forge a strong relationship with Golf Center. Since then, Mark them that will last a long time. has been recognized by his peers for his skills and passion for the game, being named to the Golf
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The Professional
Jim Estes is a pioneer and mentor
of working with Past PGA of America President Max Elbin. Jim went in the adaptive golf arena, and PGA to college at the University of Maryprofessionals are using his adap- land where he studied Economics. tive curriculum in group settings He then turned pro in 1988 and was and private coaching programs elected to PGA Membership in 1993. nationwide. To date, Jim has introduced more than 5,000 post- 9/11 Jim Estes began his professional veterans and their family mem- career at Bonnie View CC in 1991. bers to the game of golf—a game During his time there he was the many of these individuals would 1991 Assistants Champ. Jim then have never had access to. Since its moved to Evanston GC and served founding, the SMGA has provid- as the Assistant under Illinois PGA ed, free of charge, more than 2500 Hall of Fame Member Hal Member custom-fitted club sets to wound- from 1992-1995. During his time ed veterans, and through a lifetime there he earned honors as the 1994 membership program, offers vet- Assistants Champ, 1995 Illinois erans five maintenance golf lessons PGA Player of the Year, and the 1995 per year with PGA professionals. PGA National Player of the Year. Jim Estes was born August 12, 1964 in Washington D.C to parents Dr. James and Rosemary Estes and has one sister, Cheryl. He was first introduced to the game at the age of 7 by his father with a set of Sam Snead Young Champs. His first golf related job in 1978 was at Burning Tree Club as a caddie where he had the honor
novator of the Year and received the President’s Award and was recognized as the MAPGA Player of the Year. In 2013, Jim became the Owner/ Operator of Jim Estes Golf and has continued that to this day. From 2008 to present Jim has been awarded the Growth of the Game Award and was on the Golf Digest list of Best Teachers in Maryland in 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2019. He is ranked 6th in the state of Maryland for 2019-2020 by Golf Digest.
Jim’s teaching philosophy encompasses a holistic approach that focuses on improvement of permance by addressing factors such as physical assessment, a skills asFrom 1996-2000 Jim played on the sessment, mental approach, and Nike Tour and PGA Tour, winning course management. He identifies the Inland Empire on the Nike Tour the source of an individual’s physiand becoming a PGA Tour member cal power and consistency based on in 1998. After his time on tour, Jim each body type and identifies physbecome the Director of Instruction ical limitations. He has a burning at Olney Golf Park from 2001-2012. passion to help his students grow.. During that time, Jim was recognized as Golf Magazines 2008 In-
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Larkin Gross Wins In First Event of 2020 Tournament Season
The Professional
St. Michaels, MD – The 2020 tournament season got off to a late start, but The Links at Perry Cabin made the wait worthwhile. The 6,700 yard, par-72 layout provided a beautiful backdrop for the playing of the Panacea Life Sciences MAPGA Stroke Play. The Pete Dye-design proved to be scorable, but there was plenty of trouble lurking.
steady golf to start the season. He made two bogeys to one birdie on the front nine and carded a clean back9 (1 birdie, 8 pars) to come in with an even-par (72). Cramer’s day was more up and down as he made three bogeys on his first nine for a 3-over 38. He came back strong on the back, making two birdies and an eagle to come in with an even-par 72 to tie Schuller.
Larkin Gross of Springfield Golf & Country Club got off to a hot start, making birdie on his first three holes of the day. He made two more birdies and a bogey on the front nine to go out in 4-under (31). On the back nine, Gross would use on eagle and birdie to come in with a 2-under (35). The impressive 6-under (66) gave Gross the win by three strokes over Chris Abbott of Kinloch Golf Club and Daniel Bengtson of Cattail Creek Country Club.
Frank Ferguson of Washington Golf & Country Club took the win in the 60-69 Division. Ferguson used two birdies on the front nine to keep him at even. A couple of bogeys on his back nine brought him in with a 3-over (75).
We would like to thank the team at Panacea Life Sciences for being the title sponsor and helping this event happen post-COVID. We would also like to thank Lorente Golf and Corkcicle for their presenting sponsorIn the 50-59 Division, we had a tie at the top with Rick ships. A final thank you to John Mlynarski, PGA and Schuller of Stonehenge Golf & Country Club and Ste- his staff at the Links at Perry Cabin for being gracious ve Cramer of Golf Galaxy – Columbia. Schuller played hosts.
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The Professional
Kelly Newland, PGA Named Executive Director of Maryland State Golf Association Newland begins new role on Jan. 1, 2021 Lutherville, MD – June 1, 2020 The Maryland State Golf Association (MSGA) Board of Directors announced today that it has named Kelly Newland, PGA, to be the association’s next Executive Director, effective January 1, 2021. Newland will be the organization’s fourth Executive Director, succeeding William K. Smith, who has announced his retirement effective at the end of the year.
Newland has served as the MSGA Director of Rules & Competitions since 2015, leading a tournament operation which conducts nearly 50 events each season. In his new role as Executive Director he will be responsible for leading the MSGA’s professional staff, overseeing the association’s strategic planning and administration, and working with the association’s board, volunteers and membership, which includes more than 145 member clubs and 40,000 golfers. “The MSGA has been a very important part of my life over the last five years,” said Newland. “Our board, great staff, and volunteers have provided me the opportunity to put roots down, start a family and create a home here in Maryland. This organization has given me a sense of community and allowed me to pursue my passion for our great game. I look forward to bringing a renewed focus to the association’s long-term goals, partnerships and events and continuing to be part of our terrific team of staff and volunteers.” The MSGA Board of Directors conducted a national search to fill the position beginning in February. “We are very grateful for the outstanding candidates who expressed interest in becoming our Executive Director,” said Selection Committee Chair Cliff Patterson. “In the end, Kelly’s experience, hard work and dedication to the organization made it clear to us that he is the best fit for the role.” “Since the MSGA was founded in 1921 we’ve only had three Executive Directors: the patriarch of the Association, Jack Emich, after whom our headquarters is named; Emmet Gary, after whom our Turf Grass Scholarships at the University of Maryland are named. And of course Bill Smith, who has selflessly dedicated himself to the Association for 35 years,” said Alexander B. Martin, MSGA President. “It seems somehow fitting that, as we look forward to our centennial year, the Association will be led by such an outstanding young person as Kelly.” Before joining the MSGA Newland, a PGA Member Professional and Eastern Kentucky University Business Administration / PGA Golf Management graduate, served as the Director of Junior & Senior Competitions for Golf House Kentucky (including the Kentucky State Golf Association and Kentucky PGA Section) and Director of Junior Golf for the Gateway PGA Section. He has also worked and volunteered for several local, regional and national golf competitions since 2006.
Article from
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The Professional
John Scott’s background of play-
ing, coaching, and teaching enable him to communicate effectively with golfers of all abilities. Combining both his enthusiasm and knowledge, he is able to help his students pursue their personal goals and grow the game. John Scott Rattan was born November 26, 1981 in Silver Spring, Maryland to parents Richard and Peggy Rattan and has one brother, Josh. His journey in golf began at an early age when he would go to Montgomery Country Club in Latonsville, Maryland with his brother and father, an avid golfer, to play and practice. John Scott played both baseball and golf heavily through his sophomore year at Watkins Mill High School. Through his hard work John Scott became an accomplished amateur. He was the Maryland High School Champion
in 1999 and in 2000 he was named as the Washington Post All Met Golfer of the Year. While in college at the University of Tennessee, he earned 2004 All SEC 2nd Team and All SEC Academic Team honors in golf and was the 2005 WMGA Men’s Amateur Champion.
in State since 2015 and is currently ranked 3rd in Maryland.
John Scott’s first job in the golf industry was at Columbia CC while in high school working as a range attendant under Bob Dolan in 1997. Bob went on to become his golf coach and mentor through high school and college. By 2006, John Scott began playing golf professionally. In 2013, after two seasons of coaching at the collegiate level, he began teaching full time at Bethesda CC. He moved to Congressional CC in 2017 where he now teaches. He has been a PGA HOPE instructor and has participated in the Folds of Honor Program. He has been a member of the Golf Digest Best Teachers
John Scott learned from his father, who was a school teacher for 41 years, to create a positive impact on students by creating strong relationships and connecting with them on a daily basis. He learned early on that coaching and teaching is about relationships and that “good is what you get, not what you are” from his father. He takes that philosophy into every lesson and instills that mindset into his teaching every day. He owes a heartfelt debt of thanks to all who have helped, taught, coached and mentored him in his journey.
John Scott feels fortunate to teach players of all abilities, including those currently playing on the PGA, Korn Ferry and Symetra Tours, and many Division 1 colleges.
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Billy is regularly called upon by
Billy graduated from Bethesda Chevy Chase High School in 2000, playing on the golf and ice hockey teams all 4 years. He then attended Methodist College (currently Methodist University) was enrolled in the PGM Program and graduated with his PGA Membership in 2006.
other PGA Professionals, locally and nationally, to consult about improving junior golf programs, teaching junior golfers and the role of the coach. He has a strong presence on social media that promotes the game, positivity and inspires others. He is upfront and honest with parents and will cusBilly Hoffman started his golf catomize lessons and training to fit reer at Chevy Chase Club pickthe junior golfer’s level of interest. ing the range, working in the bag room and caddying. Billy started Billy (William) Hofmann was his professional career at Conborn June 21, 1981 in Washinggressional Country Club in 2006 ton D.C to parents Mike and and in 2008 moved to Westwood Pressie Hofmann and has two Country Club, where he is curbrothers, Brad and Eric. Billy’s rently employed. During his time parents had a golf club in his as a PGA Professional, Billy has hand at a very young age. He received many recognitions. He spent most of his summers hangis a 3-time APA Player of the ing out at the golf course playYear, has competed in 5 National ing and practicing sun up to sun Assistants Championships, and down. Both of Billy’s parents and played in the 2009, and 2019 PGA brothers grew up playing golf. National Championships. He was
also recognized as one of Golf Digest’s Top Instructors in Virginia from 2017 – present, U.S. Kids Top 50 Teachers in 2018, and chaperoned a student to the National Drive, Chip & Putt Event in 2017. Billy believes that he has a responsibility to help build the character of each student and to make golf instruction FUN for them. He finds something in common or something he can use to connect with his students to make them feel comfortable in a learning environment. His philosophy is to build character, build the athlete and then build the golfer.
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The Professional
Roger Welch delivers a high level
enjoyed being at the golf course and had no issues being there all of service with a great level of foday. That led to the decision of cus and concern. It was apparent becoming a PGA professional. upon his arrival at Washington Golf and Country Club he had the As an amateur Roger achieved “IT” factor. This trait is not somemany honors, including; Division thing that can be coached. Roger II Junior College National Chamis engaged with the membership pion in 2002, Southern Maryland and does a great job relating with Amateur Champion in 2004 and a large cross segment of members 2005, United States Public Links through lessons, playing, club fitParticipant in 2004 and 2005, ting, merchandising and assisting Missouri Valley All-Tournament with organizations of the club. Team in 2005, Southern Illinois Men’s Golf Team Captain in Roger was born September 30, 2005 and 2006, Missouri Valley 1982 in Prince Fredrick, MD to All Conference in 2006, and was parents Dennis and Peggy Welch Inducted to College of Southern and has one brother, William. Maryland Hall of Fame in 2014. Roger was introduced to golf by his father hitting golf balls with Roger became a golf professional old antique clubs on the farm he in 2006 but took a hiatus from golf grew up on in Southern Marybetween 2008 and 2012. In 2012, land. When his dad retired from Roger and his now wife Amanda the Maryland State Police, he moved to Cape Girardeau, Mispicked up part time jobs at local souri where Roger got hired as a golf courses. Over time, Roger
First Assistant at Cape Girardeau Country Club. Later that year Roger was promoted to Head Professional and stayed in that position until 2015 when he was hired as the Senior Assistant Golf Professional at Washington Golf & Country Club. He was named Head Professional in early 2020. Roger feels very fortunate to have great people in his life. He has a very supportive family, friends and coworkers. His personal philosophy is to try and learn something from everyone he meets. With that mindset he discovers things he doesn’t like and does like and uses them accordingly. Every year Roger sits down and reflects on his professional goals that were set. This has been a very good exercise for him to continue growing as a PGA Professional.
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E T A D UP PGA Jr. League is continuing this year with a few changes, the biggest one being the cancellation of the PGA Jr. League Postseason. The PGA of America has combined the Summer and Fall seasons to give captains more time to run PGA Jr League based on when they are able to begin programming at their facilities. Also, Back2Golf and PGA Jr League have provided updated conditions of play. Even with the changes made to the 2020 Season we are excited to be able to offer this wonderful programming to our Professionals and their players. We see PGA Jr. League as a wonderful opportunity for juniors as other sports programming have been cancelled for the summer and fall.
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Michael Millen was born in New York City on November 10, 1949 to Dr. Robert S. Millen and Barbara Bobcock Millen. Dr. and Mrs. Millen also had a daughter Martha Millen Brosnahan and son R. Woody Millen. Michael was introduced to the game of golf early, at the age of four, by his parents at the Piping Rock Club in New York. To say that Golf is close to the family is an understatement. His great grandfather Daniel Chauncey was the President of the Metropolitan (Met) Golf Association in New York and the United States Golf
Association (USGA). His father served as a board member for the New York State Golf Association.
his term as President in January of 2020. In addition to his work with the VSGA he also has served on the Southern Golf Association’s Board of Directors since 2013, MAGA Board of Directors since 1999 including serving as President in 2008, and the USGA Regional Affairs Committee since 1994.
Michael earned his Bachelors at Lynchburg College and his Masters in Landscape Architecture from the University of Georgia. Michael has played in the British, French, and German Amateur Championships as well as varied state Michael and his wife of and regional champion- 22 years Mary Jane Diships throughout his career. vine have a son Daniel Chauncey Millen. Michael has served on the Virginia State Golf Association’s Board of Directors since 1998, ending
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The Professional
Michael Adkins has been se-
the age of 12, when his father in- phy at Green Spring Valley Hunt troduced it to him at The Ports- Club is quite simple; he sourclected as the recipient of the 2020 mouth Elks in Portsmouth, Ohio. es the best products and studies Private Merchandiser of the Year industry trends to stay one step Award for his dedication and Michael attended Campbell Uni- ahead of the market. He has three success at Green Spring Valley versity in their PGA Golf Manage- marquee brands that are defined Hunt Club. Since taking over the ment Program and was a part of as the clubs “three pillars” and are operation in 2016, Michael has their Jones Cup Team for 3 years. complimented by introducing a worked hard to establish mer- He became a golf professional in new brand in the spring and fall to chandise goals, standards, and 2005 and was elected to PGA Mem- add variety while acting as a test to increase overall presentation, as bership in 2010. Dan Colvin, Fish- earn a role in the shop. By keeping well as improve sales and gain ers Island Club Director of Golf; looks fresh and new each season, member loyalty. Michael is very Jim McLean, Jim McLean Golf it creates excitement and exciteproud of the team he works with, School Owner; Kevin Murphy, ment creates sales. Lastly, Michael as he knows the pride and pas- McArthur Golf Club Head Profes- educates his team on the products sion they possess is instrumen- sional; Peter McDonald, RedStick and have them become very fatal in the success of his golf shop. Golf Club Head Professional were miliar with benefits of material, all mentors to Michael throughout fit and performance so they can Michael was born May 15, 1984 his career. In 2019, Michael joined better educate the membership in Wheelersburg, OH to parents the MAPGA Northern Chapter during their shopping experience. Paul and Bev Adkins and has one Board of Directors and developed He has also searched the market sister, Michele. Michael was for- a community partnership with for bespoke products that are most tunate to spend his childhood The First Tee of Greater Baltimore appropriate for lifestyle gifts. This in a small town in Ohio where to offer a Caddie Program at the has been a great success for the community relationships and Green Spring Valley Hunt Club. club to be the one-stop-shop for family businesses were staples. holidays, personal celebrations Golf came into Michael’s life at Michael’s merchandising philoso- and even housewarming gifts.
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The Professional
Andy Weissinger has been select-
ed as the recipient of the 2020 Public Merchandiser of the Year Award for his outstanding merchandise and professional golf shop management at the Eaglewood Golf Course. Andy was born on November 23, 1976 in Norfolk, Virginia to parents George and Mary-Ellen Weissinger. He started playing golf regularly at age 13 because it gave him an opportunity to be outside, to be involved athletically, and spend some great time alone with his dad. Andy received a golf scholarship to Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Religion with a concentration in Pastoral Studies. Turning pro in 1997 at Ivy Hill Golf Club in Forest, Virginia, Andy worked there as an Assistant Golf Professional until 1999. He then worked at Chesapeake Golf Club in Chesapeake, Virginia as a PGA
the customer what they want. This means that they rotate the brands but also the place and way they are displayed. He also encourages competitive pricing and price matching on almost anything that is of the current year. He finds that training staff to be knowledgeShortly after Lake Wright, Andy able, courteous and appreciative became the Head PGA Profes- along with not being afraid to ask sional at Honey Bee Golf Club in for a customer’s business is key. Virginia Beach from 2001-2003. In 2003, Andy moved up onto Andy attributes his personal sucVirginia’s Peninsula as the Head cess to keeping things simple – and PGA Professional at the Pines Golf fun! He feels that golf is a game Course at Fort Eustis and was pro- and games are played to have fun. moted to PGA General Manager If he can show someone how much in 2005. In 2013, Andy was ap- fun golf is, then they will naturalproached and agreed to take on the ly become a lifelong golfer. Andy additional responsibility as PGA believes that you should always be General Manager at Eaglewood willing to try something new and Golf Course a short way down the that it is okay to fail as long as you road on Langley Air Force Base. learn to be better and keep moving forward. He feels truly blessed that When asked, Andy explained that he has had the opportunity to help his merchandising philosophy is so many people fall in love with the to keep things fresh and to give game that has given him so much. apprentice from 1999-2001 where he eventually became the Head Professional. Andy was elected to PGA membership in 2001 and in that same year, he began working at Lake Wright Golf Course in Norfolk as the Head PGA Professional.
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Brian Alley has been selected as
the Merchandiser of the Year for the Resort his outstanding merchandise and professional golf shop management at The Highland Course at Primland. Brian previously won the award in 2017. Born to Dennis and Verneice Alley in Winston-Salem, N.C. on September 3, 1983, Brian grew up playing all sports, but mainly baseball. It wasn’t until the age of 12 that he began playing golf and was actively competing in tournaments by the age of 14. He credits family friend Cotton Chitwood, and relative Ronald Young for introducing him to golf and being advocates of the game. When Brian was 14, he became a golf cart attendant Hemlock Golf Club Walnut Cove, N.C. and eventually was a part of two high school state championship golf teams at North Stokes High School.
that their logo requires a lot of detail and attention, they rely on vendors who understand and appreciate attention to detail combined with high levels of communication to make things run smoothly. Since they are fortunate to be on the high end of the market, they offer only high quality, durable merchandise. Brian also finds that personalized and genuine service provided to guests along with knowledgeable and happy staff influence how well they do. In summary Brian shares Brian lists Tommy Ziglar, PGA now that their recipe is quality prodat Great Oaks Country Club; Curt ucts with friendly, knowledgeable Bennett, PGA; Claude Brusse, PGA, staff at an exciting destination. Jeff Fraim, PGA and Dick Wilson, PGA as his mentors in golf since Brian says his philosophy at Primjoining the PGA professionally. land Resort is to truly care about the experiences the guests have At Primland their merchandising when visiting. Attention to detail philosophy begins with establishing from booking their reservation ungreat relationships with vendors, til the customer leaves the properguests, and staff members. With ty is what brings their guests back. little storage at the golf shop, Brian says they depend on quick turnaround times from vendors. Given Brian graduated from Methodist College PGM School with a B.S. in Business Administration and earned his PGA Membership in 2007. Primland Resort was the first place he began working as a PGA Professional, while also working as an assistant golf professional at The Everglades Club in Palm Beach, Fla. during the winters of 2007 and 2008 and at Yeamans Hall Club in the spring of 2009.
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DCP Qualifying Season Canceled, 2020 National Finals Rescheduled AUGUSTA, Ga. – On March 13, it was announced that the 2020 Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals had been postponed due to the impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19. After thoughtful deliberation, and with the guidance of public health experts, the Founding Partners have provided the following update: The 2020-21 Drive, Chip and Putt qualifying season, set to begin May 2, was canceled, given the continued effect of COVID-19 on scheduling during the time period critical to the success of local qualifying. Ultimately, the Founding Partners determined cancellation was the most responsible measure to take in protecting the health of everyone involved in this national endeavor, which includes tens of thousands of participants, their families and all those essential to staging hundreds of qualifying events across all 50 states. This year’s Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals originally scheduled for April 5, 2020, will be rescheduled for April 4, 2021, the eve of the Masters Tournament. Each National Finalist will be invited to compete at Augusta National Golf Club in the same age division for which he or she previously qualified in 2020, regardless of their age on that date. Purchasers of Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals tickets will be sent a refund in May and guaranteed the opportunity to purchase tickets for the National Finals next year. Article via
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The Professional
Bob Fikac and Tim Girard of Capitol Golf Cars have won the Salesperson of the Year Award for their outstanding service, support and dedication to the Members and Apprentices of the MAPGA
Bob Fikac was born September 11, 1963 in Alexandria, Virginia to his parents Bob and June. He has one brother, Jim. Bob was introduced to the game of golf at age thirteen by his great grandmother, Lula McPhail who was a member of Mount Olive Country Club in Mount Olive, North Carolina. Bob graduated cum laude with a Bachelor’s Degree from Elon College in 1985 and was elected to PGA membership 4 years later, in 1989. Bob began his career in the golf industry as an Assistant PGA Professional at Bethesda Country Club (1985-1990) and Caves Valley Golf Club (1991-1992) before becoming the Director of Golf at Lowes Island Club (1993-2009). He went to work for GL Cornell selling golf cars in 2010, which was later purchased by Horizon Distributors in 2011. In September 2019 Bob, Tim and their third partner Dennis Burke
purchased the Club Car Distributorship from Horizon and started Capitol Golf Cars. His personal philosophy is customers first! He explains that it is that simple. He was taught that your customer is not an interruption of your work, they are the reason for it! Therefore, you must do everything you can to make them feel they are the highest priority on your list. Things don’t always go perfectly, but as long as your customer knows that you have their best interest in mind and that you are working to resolve their issue, you will earn their trust and respect. Be honest, be considerate of your customer’s business, and be available! Tim Girard was born May 6, 1976 in Glens Falls, New York to his parents Michael and Bonnie. He has a brother Michael and sister Valerie.
Tim earned his Bachelors degree at Colgate University where he played offensive tackle on the school’s football team. He served as team captain and received All-American honors his senior year. He began to play golf at age 10 with his grandfather who was an avid golfer. Tim has a vivid memory of trying to hit the ball into the neighbor’s yard which was about 50 yards away. It was when Tim began successfully hitting them in the neighbor’s yard that his grandfather began to take him to the driving range and eventually a local golf course. Tim received the 2015 & 2017 Horizon Distributors Regional Business Development Representative of the Year and the 2017 Horizon Distributors National Business Development Representative of the Year awards.
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The Professional
The Capital Golf Gang is a weekly golf radio show airing on ESPN radio in Washington, DC. These three personalities, joined by Executive Director Jon Guhl, talk local and national golf, promoting PGA professionals and events. They spend their air time talking golf, grumbling about slow play, and solving the world’s issues.
Steve Czaban is one of the most
has one older brother Jim, who is a DC based food and drug law atexperienced daily sports talk radio torney. And one younger sister, hosts in the nation. In his 26 year pro- Ann Marie, who works in publicafessional career, Steve has worked for tions for the DC based “Newseum.” every major syndicated sports talk network (Sporting News, ESPN Ra- Czabe was co-host with longtime dio, Fox Sports Radio, Yahoo Sports DC radio veteran Andy Pollin on Radio, SB Nation Radio), filled in the “The Sports Reporters” from as a guest host for popular nation- 2000-2013 where they would disal personality Jim Rome, and has cuss and dissect everything from worked locally in markets including the Redskins, Wizards, Nationals, Santa Barbara, Chicago, Milwau- Caps, Maryland basketball and footkee, Charlotte and Washington D.C. ball, local college basketball, golf
handicap will never dip below an eight unless he is fired or wins the lottery! He also says that if he were President for a day, he would declare every Monday a national golf holiday. Steve created, in 2000, and directed a Ryder Cup style amateur golf event in the DC area called “The Potomac Cup” that ran until 2010.
Ron was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 10, 1970 to his and more. In August of 2013, Cza- parents Jim and Joan Voyles. He Steve (or “Czabe” as his friends and be teamed up with former Redskins was one of 6 children and grew listeners have always called him) is TE Chris Cooley for “The Drive: up attending open wheel raca native of Fairfax County, Virgin- With Cooley and Czabe” – a show es throughout the Midwest. His ia. He was born on June 1, 1968 that is currently the afternoon drive grandfather Johnnie Parsons won and grew up on what he jokingly show on ESPN980 from 4-7 p.m. the 1950 Indy 500 and his family calls the “mean streets of McLean”. has 50 career starts in the same race. His father is a retired federal work- In his free time, Czabe is an avid er, his mother a retired teacher. He golfer who is convinced that his Ron was introduced to golf by
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The Professional friends at the Zionsville Golf Club at the age of 10. He grew up playing golf and finished 3rd in the 1988 Indiana High School State Golf Championship. This was in addition to playing football where he served as the captain of the 1987 Indiana State High School Football Championship team at Zionsville High School. He received a scholarship to the University of Maryland where he not only earned his Bachelors degree but played for golf Fred Funk and Don Slebodnik. Ron owns a medical equipment company, Medtraxx and is a member at The Cannon Club, where he serves as Chairman of the Golf Committee. He lists winning the 2004 MSGA State Publinks Championship and winning the 2019 Middle Atlantic Father Son Championship with his 11 year old son as two of his other golf accomplishments.
John was born on December 6, 1968 in Westport, Connecticut to his parents Bill and Mary Ronis. He began playing golf at the early age of two when he was introduced by Don Saylor at River Bend Country Club. During the summers he would help at Wayland Country Club where he later became the Head PGA Professional. John attended the University of Connecticut where he earned his Bachelors Degree in English and was either the number one or two player during his collegiate golf career. He also served as a three year captain of both his high school and college teams. John was a Massachusetts Amateur qualifying medalist and quarter finalist and was named the Massachusetts, Lowell Sun High School player of the year in 1987.
John was elected to PGA Membership in 1995 while he was the Head PGA Golf Professional at Wayland Country Club. Following that he was a First Assistant Professional a Congressional Country Club for a year before becoming the Director of Instruction at Woodmont Country Club where he remained for 19 years. He is currently the Executive Director of Instruction at River Creek Club, a position he accepted in 2018. John currently coaches the Loudoun County High School Golf team. In addition to his accomplishments on the course he gives back to the community by serving as the President of Loudoun Aces Travel Baseball, an organization that serves over 200 children, and gives a scholarship in the name of his band (Just South of 7) to Loudoun County High School.
With the cancellation of the PGA Professional Championship, John O’Leary of Trump National Golf Club qualified for the PGA Championship by virtue of being in the Top-20 of the 2019 PGA Player of the Year Rankings. The Championship will take place August 6-9 at TPC Harding Park in San Francisco, CA. Good luck, John!
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MAPGA Staff Jon Guhl
Bob Heintz, PGA
Executive Director
Assistant Executive Director/ Tournament Director
Eric Southard
Assistant Tournament Director
Ben Smith
Communication Manager
Collin Elphic
Junior Golf Director
Kristine Hofmann Membership Director
Claire Jansa, PGA
Player Development Coordinator
Tasita Garcia
Jeff Santillo
PGA Works Fellow
Jordan Koller Junior Golf Intern
Junior Golf Intern
JT Moore
Junior Golf Intern