Phenomena magazine april 2016

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MAPIT 2016 Brought to you by MAPIT: Est. 1974.

EDITORIAL This month sees the first of an exclusive series of articles by the near legendry founder of ancient astronaut research, Erich von Daniken, to appear in the magazine and we also have the first re‐ port concerning what occurred when the Phenomena Project in the form of Don Phillips and Steve Mera paid its first visit overseas, in this case to Bothell, which is a suburb of Seattle in the good old U.S.A. Although Don and Steve had originally gone to investigate the goings on at the home of one of Bothell’s residents; they inadvertently became involved in a potentially much more alarming (and possibly deadly) encounter. What occurred makes for fascinating, if a little worrying, reading; be sure to keep the lights on! Apart from that The Project continues to forge ahead with more valuable information being gathered all the time. Mr Nick Kyle, who heads up the Scottish Society for Psychical Research (SSPR), is now on board as an independent observer, so the team is getting stronger all the time. Soon those who continue to deny the reality of other states of existence are going to have to take cover, because the truth is closer than they think...

Brian Allan Brian Allan: UK Editor.

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Mike Oram, John Pickering, Sean Casteel, Timothy Green Beckley, Richard R. Richie, Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D, Jenny Ashford, Erich Von Daniken, Archie Lawrie, Piotr Cielebias, Michal Kusnierz, Stacy Liberatore, Jake Polden, Portland, 5 on your side ‐ KUSA, Jane Sinclair, Jon Austin, Corey Charlton, & Construction & Design: Founder: Steve Mera International Distribution: United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Canada, Russia, Greece, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil and Japan

UK Editor Contact: Brian Allan Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez

PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE 17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, DISCLAIMER M23 1AH, United Kingdom. Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted arti‐ Tel: 07866 685835 cles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT are not responsible for articles WWW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.CO.UK

that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any mate‐ rial featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.

Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non‐Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’. 01

The PM Team Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e-nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Rockstand Distributors - India, Lavinia Pallott Distributor: Italy, Tim at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer Rodney Howarth, Columnist Tracie Austin, Distributor Robert Snow, & Australian Correspondent & Reporter Dan Monroe.




Erich Von Daniken Page 03: Undesirable Change: By Erich Von Daniken. 25 years ago, the American author Budd Hopkins presented the results of a long‐term study, in which sev‐ eral other U.S. scientists assisted. Hopkins claimed some people had been abducted by aliens and even carried extra‐terrestrial implants. The scientific response to Hopkins revelations was uniform. Abducted by aliens? All nonsense... Multiple publications on the same subject emerged in the following years. Public opinion remained unchanged. However, nowadays it’s more openly excepted. Erich Von Daniken explains. Brian Allan Page 09: The Phenomena Project ‐ Demons in Seattle Uncovered ‐ The Tree: By Brian Allan. What I have learned over the past four years, has caused me to radically re‐evaluate just about every as‐ sumption I had made regarding an afterlife and what it might look like. Based on my previous research and encounters I had more or less assumed that there had to be one, although not necessarily the one ascribed to by a religious belief system. My conclusions on the matter tended to gravitate around physics, especially the laws of thermodynamics. That is until I became aware of Phenomena Project. Brain Allan explains. Piotr Cielebias & Michal Kusnierz Page 15: Wave of Flying Triangles and Boomerangs over Poland: By Piotr Cielebias, and Michal Kusnierz. In 2013‐14 Polish UFO researchers received numerous reports about unidentified aerial devices in form of triangles and boomerangs. Being silent, often camouflaged and active only at night, those objects were breaking basic safety rules and posing potential danger to citizens. Numerous anomalous elements men‐ tioned by witnesses are paired with fact that most sightings took place in vicinity of large military installa‐ tions. Piotr Cielebias, and Michal Kusnierz ask the question, where are these strange objects from?... Archie Lawrie Page 23: The Case of the Naughty Boy: By Archie Lawrie. Happily, fewer children than adults have their little lives cut short and those lives, while they are being lived, are not usually as complicated and traumatic as those of we adults. So‐called “mature grown‐ups” seem to get themselves into all sorts of intrigues and nonsense before they finally “shuffle off this mortal coil”. Such things are reflected in the percentage of times a child entity will be brought to my notice as opposed to an adult one. Perhaps the ratio is about 30 to 1 or thereabouts. Archie Lawrie explains... Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley Page 29: UFO Repeaters ‐ Part 1: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley. The term “UFO Repeater” was coined early on in the history of the modern UFO era to describe individuals who seemed to have nonrandom UFO encounters and who had even established an ongoing “relationship” with the flying saucer occupants. Why these Repeaters were separated from the pack, so to speak, and granted a kind of cross‐species friendship – as well as the invitation to repeatedly photograph the ships and some occupants – remains a big unknown. Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley explain... Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D. Page 35: Unraveling the Mystery of Roman Flexible Glass or Unbreakable Glass (Vitrum Flexile): A Chemical Perspective: By Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D. The first known description in history for the invention of flexible glass or unbreakable glass (vitrum flexile) was during the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar (from 14 A.D. to 37 A.D.). Saint Isidore of Seville recounted the stories by Petronius (ca. 27 A.D.–66 A.D) and Pliny the Elder (23 A.D.–79 A.D). Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D. describes this incredible discovery...







Page 45: Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory ‐ Miracles in Manhattan: By Richard R. Richie. Anyone who open‐mindedly investigates the events of September the eleventh 2001 must wonder if those that still accept the so called; 'official explanations', also ponder in disbelief at the pile of unclaimed teeth below their pillows, along with those rotting carrots and mouldy mince pies below their empty sock be‐ decked mantelpiece. This is one of the most glaringly, egregious examples of Governmental 'False Flags' in modern times, along with the most moronic attempts to obfuscate the obvious. Richard R. Richie explains.. Page 51: UFO and Paranormal News from around the world: By Varied Authors. Each month Phenomena Magazine picks some of the most interesting news items that have appeared throughout the world, such as UFO sightings, Crop Circles, Ghostly encounters, Science and NASA news, Conspiracies, Supernatural occurrences, mysteries, strange creatures and cryptozoology, fortean events and the profound. If you have an interesting news item, then please feel free to send it over to Phenomena Magazine and we would be pleased to include it.

Richard R. Richie

45 Various Authors

51 And much more!

Also Featured: Latest UFO AND paranormal news from around the World. Book and DVD reviews. Events and Conferences, Astronomical DATA, Advertisements and much more. 02

Undesirable Change: By Erich Von Daniken

25 years ago, the American author Budd Hopkins presented the results of a long‐ term study, in which several other U.S. scientists assisted. Hopkins claimed some people had been abducted by aliens and even carried extra‐terrestrial implants. The scientific response to Hopkins revelations was uniform. Abducted by aliens? All non‐ sense...

Multiple publications on the same subject emerged in the following years. Public opin‐ ion remained unchanged. In the German‐ speaking world, we received the spotless documented work of Dr. Johannes Fiebag regarding abducted people. There was no significant societal reaction. Next, Dr. John E. Mack followed with the stunning title: Abductions. One could not ignore Dr. Mack. He was not only a Professor of psychiatry and medicine at the most prestigious uni‐ versity in America, Harvard University in Boston, but also a coveted American Pulit‐ zer Prize winner. John Mack’s response to his scientific colleagues and all the sceptics of the world was devastating: yes, this was the result of his research. The abductees are not lying, sperm samples were taken from several men, artificial insemination occurred, and the occurrences were not wishful thinking of the victims. Obviously, the Harvard scholar admits, “we are partici‐ pants in a universe that is teeming with intelligent life forms, from which we have cut ourselves off.” I personally knew John Mack quite well. We were speakers at the same conferences and privately discussed many issues.

Mack was disappointed with the reactions among the public and particularly in scien‐ tific journals. He said abductions of people by UFOs were too crazy to believe, they strained our reason. Scientists and jour‐ nalists, who generally don't believe in UFOs, were also unconvinced by the facts. The brain denied ‐ displaced ‐ the uncom‐ fortable truths. The sceptics know the usual arguments against UFOs and, with the certainty of a sleepwalker, that there are no UFOs ‐ it cannot be. The indoctri‐ nating shield is perfect, the brain blockade is total. And people who, after all, can believe in UFO kidnappings are considered utterly absurd. They see no reason for such behaviour by UFO crews, if they exist at all. On page 42 of his book (American Edi‐ tion), Dr. Mack mentions several tiny im‐ plants with a kind of glassy fibrous coat‐ ing. Although the curious items were ana‐ lysed chemically and physically, you could not do anything with it. We do not know the function of the implants. The scientific analyses of the small items revealed noth‐ ing about the implants’ internal character‐ istics. At a restaurant in Istanbul, Dr. Mack told me that it seemed similar to how we mark or tag the earlobe of a wild bear with a ring. Other animals see this ring, marvel at and sniff it, but do not know what it is. You need to come to terms with the existence of the ring. What happens now? Are we actually just some kind of giant zoo’s inhabitants, being watched by guards? This idea was developed by Dr. James Deardorff and is called the Zoo Hypothesis. The more I discover, the more irrational our behaviour seems.


Both YouTube and Google circulate UFO films en masse. Some of the fake ones are obvious – others are simply real and sensa‐ tional. As are those in which scientists, veteran politicians, and high‐ranking ex‐ military officers stand before the camera to personally confess that they lied to the public when they were still in service. The top space experts add to this by explaining their changes of mind in the latest spotless documented UFO literature. Like Monsieur Yves Sillard, the former General Director of the French space agency CNES (similar to NASA in the U.S.). In 1998, Mr. Sillard was NATO’s Secretary General of Science and the Environment. Truly, no lightweight. Today, he admits: “The objective reality of undefined air phenomena, better known as UFOs, can no longer be doubted...the climate of distrust and misinformation, not to mention the ridicule surrounding report collection, reveals a surprising form of intellectual blindness.” Or Major‐General Denis Letty, a former fighter pilot and later Chief of French air defence: “the UFO phe‐ nomenon is real and not a figment of imagination…sometimes totally unknown and noiseless objects enter our air space and exhibit properties that our technical resources on earth cannot imitate. And these objects appear steered by a kind of intelligence.” In one online film, a former U.S. Air Force Colonel, Robert Salas, confesses that he served as an officer on Echo Flight sites at an Air Force base in Malmstrom, Montana (USA). Echo Flight sites were very unique ‐ they were the launching point for intercon‐ tinental nuclear missiles. On March 16, 1967, a red object appeared near the base

Undesirable Change: By Erich Von Daniken

and every nuclear warhead went from on‐ alert status to off. Every indicator light in the base turned red, one by one. All this occurred, despite every missile silo being half a kilometre away from the next and each site had an independent power source. Now Colonel Salas has confirmed the close encounter of 1967 on‐camera and reveals that everyone on base was ordered to speak to no one about the incident. One man, Mr. John Fife Symington III, who served as the Governor of Arizona (USA) from 1991‐1997, tells an even more dra‐ matic tale. On March 13, 1997 (not so long ago!), he and many others observed a huge delta‐shaped UFO near Phoenix, Arizona that moved silently and slowly above their heads toward Squaw Peak Mountain. Gov‐ ernor Symington exclaimed, “as a pilot and former Air Force officer, I can say with cer‐ tainty that human hands have built nothing remotely similar to that object.” Despite the clear indicators and hundreds of wit‐ nesses throughout Arizona, the governor lied to the public for months prior ‐ and with brazen language and local media sup‐ port. Why? Today he admits on‐camera that he wanted to dampen nascent hys‐ teria. Similar UFO confessions have been viewed worldwide millions of times. The scientific community seems entirely disinterested. Then there is the 100‐part series, Ancient Aliens, on the U.S. History Channel with an additional audience of millions. This show has been running since the end of 2010 in many countries, and the History Channel has confirmed that Ancient Aliens was the most successful TV series they have ever produced.

Does this change anything? Finally, there are about 200 million books on the subject of extraterrestrial visitors in the past and present times. Plus, hundreds of millions of magazine pages that report extraterrestrial sightings around the world. These have triggered a resounding chorus: is this an

actual phenomenal controversy in reputa‐ ble print media? Are these TV programs factual? Recently, a group of scientists at the Har‐ vard‐Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CFA) announced that roughly 4.5 billion Earth‐like planets exist in our galaxy alone. Until then, many believed that the chance to discover any Earth‐like planets ‐ not too hot but not too cold ‐ was mini‐ mal. Astrophysicist Dr. Courtney Dressing, Director of the CFA team, said at a press conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA):

“We have always thought that we would have to scour vast distances before finding an Earth‐like planet. Now, we re‐ alize that another Earth is probably already in our cosmic neighborhood, waiting to be discovered.” Those who want the truth now know. We are not alone in our universe. Aliens vis‐ ited Earth thousands of years ago and they are watching us today. But the offi‐ cial scientific establishment does not want to know. What is wrong with our society? Are we becoming that lazy? Or engorged with information? Is the human race blind to both history and reality? Journalists typically pounce on sensations when they can be proven. This is both sensational and provable. Why have no big magazines reported on it? Why are no

television news outlet debates taking place? On television, day in and day out, more absurd things than aliens are dis‐ cussed. But the extra‐terrestrial issue, whether in the past or today, is excluded from the media. Despite varying contra‐ dictions in the abductees’ tales that Dr. 04

Mack investigated 20 years ago, all agree on one point. The extra‐terrestrials made them understand that our science has developed a twisted causality principle. It has hampered what we classify as ordinary citizen’s logic. The picture that scholars give us is sometimes totally wrong. That does not surprise me. One merely has to recall religious sciences or the nonsense that human‐produced carbon dioxide is to blame for climate change. As if climates have not been changing continuously for millennia, without car exhaust or factory gasses or our planet’s almost eight billion inhabitants. Yes yes! The “Establishment” is to blame. This society is organized into hierarchies. It’s the very top layer of the hierarchy that does not allow us to explore the extra‐ terrestrial issue. They see themselves as guardians of reason. For them, any extra‐ terrestrial intelligence is unreasonable. Their ego ‐ screaming, “we are the great‐ est!” ‐ cannot tolerate extra‐terrestrials. UFOs harm their fragile brains. Alien visi‐ tors from past millennia are their anath‐ ema. Why? They believe we super humans emerged from a long evolutionary process, how could we have heavenly teachers? Give me the penitent’s cloth! Out into the rains of ridicule! All religions, new and old, proclaim the return of their divine teach‐ ers. Even if it wasn’t exactly on December 21, 2012 as the Maya thought. The intellectual elite, the top scientists, the editors‐in‐chief, they all know that we have long been observed by aliens, that there is very real documentation on UFOs, and that our blue planet has been visited at least once in the distant past by extra‐ terrestrials. Then why the silence? It is a lack of moral courage that does not allow anyone to publicly admit to previous er‐ rors, even in the face of new findings. Psy‐ chological studies call this behaviour “displacement.” Their alpha animal minds must enforce their own rationality. Al‐ though they speak of the freedom of the press, it only applies to their limited rea‐ son. Dear God, forgive them not, for they know very well what they do. Very warmly yours, Erich von Däniken. Relevant Reading... Hopkins, B.: Intruders. Hamburg 1991. Strieber, W.: Communion. New York 1987. Strieber, W.: Transformation – The Breakthrough. New York 1988. Fiebag, J.: Contact – UFO Abductions in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Munich 1994. Mack, E. Abductions – Human Encounters with Aliens. New York 1994. Deardorff, J.W.: Examination of the Embargo Hypothesis as an Explanation of the Great Silence. Journal of the British Inter‐ planetary Society 40, P. 373‐379. 1987. Kean, Leslie: UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Break Their Silence. Rottenburg 2010. Press Conference, Feb. 6, 2013 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dpa‐Meldung. Däniken, Erich von: Twilight of the Gods. Rottenburg 2009.

Erich von Daniken Bio

Erich von Däniken Bio Erich von Däniken was born on April 14, 1935 in Zofingen, Switzerland. Raised in a religious family, Erich von Daniken was educated at the renowned Collège St-Michel in Fribourg, Switzerland. It was there that his quest for truth commenced as he started to question the nature of god, belief and religion.

citizenship from the city of Nazca, where he extensively researched the world famous Nazca Lines. Thru this time, he continued his writings and was published widely across the globe. In the fall of 1987, he became an honorary member of the Cordon bleu du SaintEsprit Order together with the German astronaut Ulf Merbold. Shortly thereafter, Erich von Däniken received the Premio Lourenço Filho in gold and platinum in Brazil. (Lurenço Filho was a Brazilian educator comparable to the Swiss Heinrich Pestalozzi).

After his schooling, Erich von Däniken began a bustling career in the hospitality industry – all while staying immersed in ancient holy writings and unsolved archaeological puzzles. In between shifts at hotels and restaurants, Erich’s time was completely occupied with travel, research and writing articles on his findings. His diligence paid off and his early writings gained an audience in European and Canadian magazines. In 1966, Erich was promoted to become the director of a first-class hotel in Davos, Switzerland. During this time, completed his first book manuscript. Two years and many rejection letters later, Chariots of the Gods was published in 1968 and subsequently syndicated in the German weekly magazine Die Zeit via instalments.

All thru the 1990s and 2000s, Erich von Däniken kept exceptionally active by expanding his writing and exploring new media. Subsequently, his ideas gave birth to myriad films, documentaries and television series. Most notably, in 2009, the US television channel History began a revolutionary series, entitled Ancient Aliens, about Erich’s hypotheses. The Ancient Aliens series garnered the highest audience rating History has ever received. This success launched continued filming and by March of 2016, this series will boast a total of 120 shows while running in many languages throughout the world.

The success of this initial work was seemingly contagious: with over 800,000 copies sold within the first year, The New York Times wrote that a new virus - “Dänikenitis” - had broken out. Carrying this momentum through 1974, Erich authored four additional books that expounded on the initial theories in Chariots of the Gods. In 1975, Erich von Däniken received an honorary doctorate (Dr.h.c.) from the University of Bolivia, as well as honorary

Presently, Erich von Däniken keeps busy with speaking engagements across the world and has written a regular column for the Swiss newspaper Blick am Abend since February of 2011. By March of 2016, 128 columns will have been published and the series is planned to continue...


Upcoming Event

ERICH von DÄNIKEN LEGACY NIGHT Chariots of the Gods Chronicles 1966 – 2016 October 15, 2016 London, UK

Announcing the most anticipated event of the year, the godfather of the Ancient Astronaut Theory, Erich von Däniken, returns to London after 25 years for his first ever live‐streamed webcast event. This sensational two‐hour production, brought to you by Zohar Entertainment Group, in partnership with Media Invest Entertainment, will honour the past and future of author and researcher Erich von Däniken on the 50th Anniversary of his groundbreaking work, Chariots of the Gods. The inaugural live‐streamed event will be globally broadcasted live from BAFTA’s historic Princess Anne Theatre on October 15th, 2016. Our production team is elated to utilize the latest webcasting technology to share the magic with audiences via their digital devices around the world. Our thrilling evening includes three captivating components. First, the keynote presentation will be delivered by none other Erich von Däniken. This segment of the night promises unique insights on the scientific contributions and influences from Erich’s work spanning the globe and ex‐ tending through time and space. Join the journey as Erich showcases his most monumental and influential speeches, describing his findings and breakthroughs in developing the Ancient Astronaut Theory. Next, the Master of Ceremonies shall discuss this illustrious legacy with Erich von Däniken himself. We will voyage with Erich as he shares his thoughts on the struggles, challenges and successes of his celebrated career. Following the keynote address, the bold new trajectory of Erich von Däniken’s legacy will be unveiled. This explosive announcement will reveal developments from the creative geniuses behind the highly anticipated Chariots of the Gods 360‐degree entertainment franchise by Media Invest Entertainment. We are pleased to host the Executive Team of Media Invest Entertainment, who will present this electrifying news show‐ casing the very best from diverse immersive entertainment fields, including architecture, media, music, and much much more. For Gala Night attendees, the evening will conclude with a VIP Cocktail Reception. This capstone to the night will host a book signing with Erich von Däniken, in which he can interact with the audiences and meet partners and sponsors.



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The Phenomena Project ‐ Demons in Seattle Uncovered ‐ The Tree: By Brian Allan

Authors Note: What I have learned over the worlds theory’, originally formulated by the effectively act as his ‘guardian’ during inves‐ tigations, it would certainly fit. As it hap‐ past four years, especially in relation to physicist Hugh Everitt. what follows, has caused me to radically re‐ pens, during the Skype call because Don, via evaluate just about every assumption I had This implies that a virtually limitless num‐ a digital voice recorder, was asking Becky made regarding an afterlife and what it bers of possibilities result from every single questions on my behalf, for the first time might look like. Based on my previous re‐ action we either take or don’t take. In other rather than have to be prompted I was able search and encounters I had more or less words reality is like tree with many to decipher for myself the replies that assumed that there had to be one, although branches where every quantum outcome emerged. The words I heard were, ‘That is not necessarily the one ascribed to by any possible is simultaneously realised. These correct’ and I heard this twice within a few religious belief system. Formerly my conclu‐ possibilities fan out like the strands of an minutes in response to questions that Don sions on the matter tended asked: it goes without to gravitate around physics, saying that I was greatly especially the laws of ther‐ impressed. modynamics and the notion that consciousness, which is There are also a few things after all a form of energy, about the choice of name simply changed state after Becky’s uses, is this her death and carried on. How‐ own name? Because if ever, when I met Don Phil‐ ‘she’ really is an angelic ips that changed and this entity, then why use the has caused me to re‐ name of a human being evaluate my thoughts on rather then ‘her’ own? To this matter, not in the con‐ make her more acceptable tinuation of consciousness to us perhaps? Evidently It was discovered that this old wooden lodge situated close to the as such, but rather in what this will be revealed in due ominous looking tree used to be a mortuary... that form may take. course. I now believe it to be a much more fluid and invisible spider’s web reaching far into the I did suggest to Don and Steve that maybe subtle state of existence, which in some future. Some theorists even go as far as to her identity was hidden in plain sight in the ways mirrors our own. After I accepted that imply that at the quantum level at least, the name she used, i.e. ‘Becky Michaels’ with universe literally splits in two with each the emphasis on the surname, ‘Michaels’. Is what Don was doing was valid, demonstra‐ ble and repeatable it allowed me to accept action taken to give all possible outcomes. this a reference to the archangel St Michael, that there are several possibilities. This something that Don has already encoun‐ change of opinion was also due to some of If Becky has access to that information, tered in one of his earlier exchanges with the answers he received from the beings on (which might be a possible source for the Becky? So far this has not been clarified, if the non‐physical side of reality with whom Akashic Records) then she must be aware indeed it ever will be. In addition there is he is in regular communication. It also of all the possible outcomes and tries to the name of the location they visited in made me aware that, based on personal guide Don into making the correct choice. Seattle, i.e. Bothell, might this be broken experience, there are some very real dan‐ This however also leads to the question, down into two syllables, Bot and Hell, espe‐ gers there and the subject is not one to be best outcome for whom, Becky or Don? It cially ‘Hell’. Is there also a message here, or trifled with or taken lightly. I am not by any also invites further questions regarding just a chance joining of letters? Perhaps, but means a religious person, but as you will Becky’s true nature and what kind of infor‐ it has also been suggested that it appears see, some of what occurred left me with no mation the other, non‐physical side is able there is nothing random about anything choice other than draw comparisons with to access. In other words, and providing of that has happened so far. scripture. course that the theory is correct, everything we do will already have occurred. It is also true that during his investigations Demons in Seattle Uncovered Don has had more than his fair share of Following Don and Steve’s return from Se‐ Regarding the real nature of Becky, this encounters with entities that could well be attle there was a lengthy three‐way Skype might well have been answered now be‐ defined as either ‘hellish’ or demonic, some‐ call between the three of us and the impli‐ cause Don has determined that Becky may thing that is clearly illustrated in what fol‐ cations of what was said are both fascinat‐ be an angelic being! This came about when, lows. Don has said that Becky mentioned ing and extremely far reaching. By implica‐ a few months ago towards the end of 2015, beings called ‘the witnesses’ who were tion, ‘Becky’, the entity with whom Don Don lost contact with Becky for a while, the sometimes present, could this be a refer‐ communicates, is apparently able to see break lasted for around two weeks. When ence to The Watchers and by inference to into the future and may even have the abil‐ contact was re‐established he asked Becky the Nephilim and the Annunaki? I asked this ity to either arrange the order in which where she had been and the answer that and Don once again referred the question to events occur, or perhaps she already came back was ‘Heaven’. This was not what Becky. The response that came back is as‐ knows. This possibility seems to create he expected to hear, and again the implica‐ tonishing, albeit enigmatic, because accord‐ resonances with some of the more outré tions are staggering, but astonishing as it ing to Don the reply was, “He is on the right theories of quantum physics and the bizarre was and based on his past experiences with lines”. I could actually hear something being proposition called the ‘many worlds this being and how she seemed to said on the recorder, but due to the lack of 09

The Phenomena Project ‐ Demons in Seattle Uncovered ‐ The Tree: By Brian Allan

clarity on the Skype connection I could not decipher it for myself. It should be pointed out that both the Nephilim and the Annunaki have biblical (angelic) relevance, especially in the Old Testament and the Jewish Midrash (a means of interpreting words in the Torah) and given the enigmatic nature of Becky and her associates on the ‘other side’ this opens up a range of possibilities. Previously when mentioning beings such as these, Becky has also told Don about yet another race she called ‘The Lightertons’, although who or what they are remains a mystery. Even the spelling is a phonetic best guess. As already alluded to, the encounters Don has had with demonic entities in the past finds particular relevance with what re‐ cently occurred during the Seattle trip un‐ der the aegis of the Phenomena Project.

The Tree The day before they were due to return to the UK, Don and Steve went to a diner along with Keith Liner (home owner), to meet a lady who was an expert on the local Native American tribe that used to inhabit this area. After they had talked for a while the woman, Jenny, mentioned that there was a Native American burial ground out‐ side the diner, so they made their way out‐ side. There were number of headstones there, but Don sensed that no one was buried there; these stones were purely symbolic and partly ornamental. Jenny was surprised that he knew this and revealed that some time ago, when the area was being developed the bodies were disin‐ terred and moved to another location, but the stones were left ‘in situ’. As they walked a little further, a matter of only a few yards, Don felt a powerful blast of energy emanat‐ ing from a tree, so powerful in fact that it almost floored him. Although surprised, he stepped back a pace then re‐entered the area, he did this several times and each time he felt the same blast of energy. He said to Steve and Jenny that he could sense something here, he then asked Becky why he was feeling this energy and she replied that there were people under here, or words to that effect. After that they drove back to the house where they were staying, Don asked Becky to be more specific, asking when the bodies were interred there. He half‐expected this to be some considerable time ago, but she was very specific, saying “20th Century”. At the time they accepted this and went about making preparation for their return home.

With only a matter of hours before the flight, Don knew he had to return to the tree from which he had sensed the energy radiating, so they got back into the car and returned to the diner and the tree. When they pulled into the car park and were around 20 feet from the tree, even inside the car Don could still sense the powerful energy emanating from it. As they emerged from the car Don picked up a voice on his recorder; the voice said with remarkable clarity, “Come to us”. The three of them, Don, Steve and Patty (a close friend), looked at one another be‐ cause what was said was coming from more than one voice; there were several and all saying the same thing, “Come to us”. At this point Don felt compelled to drop to his knees and take hold of the underbrush, which he did, and as he did so the tremendous rush of energy came back. Then the voices said, “Kneel down before us”. This barrage of voices continued for some considerable time and among the re‐ sponses that Don recorded were such statements as, “You can have the best of it” and “You can levitate”. These were so clear that Steve, who was standing around 15 feet away, could also hear what was being said, Patty, perhaps wisely, returned to the car. Then the voices said, “Up, up”, and Steve commented, “Don, this does not seem to be paranormal, this is super‐ natural and it is not what I study”. He then added that if anything of that nature did occur he was not going to hang around to watch it. The voices were still being re‐ corded and such statements as, “You should be with us” and “You should be one of us”, were heard. The loudest of these was the rather worrying comment that said, “Beelzebub wants you”. This was followed by another statement, “We want your power for ourselves”. The odd thing about the recordings was not what was being said, but more the way in which the entities said it; it was not normal conver‐ sational speech, but oddly staccato, as if each word was being enunciated quite separately. Don is candid that these ‘conversations’ are not unusual and pretty much par for the course having occurred many times during his previous investiga‐ tions. They comprise the same baleful invita‐ tions to join and/or become a part of whatever he is communicating with and it is evidently Becky that helps keep him safe. This is probably much needed, be‐ cause the implications of the responses coming from more than one voice are extremely worrying. If you think about it, the bible even mentions this in Luke 8:30, when Jesus specifically asks for the name of a entity that is possessing a man and the response was, ‘My name is legion for 10

we are many’, because many demons had entered him. I’m not saying that this actu‐ ally is the case here, but it’s worth bearing in mind. After they returned to the car Don realised that he could not just walk away from this and leave things as they were, so he got back out again and went back to the tree where he performed what can only be described as a ‘super exorcism’. This is a powerful ability that Don possesses when he is able to summon up what can be de‐ scribed as a ‘wild talent’ or perhaps ‘power’, which may or may not be derived from Becky and her associates. Whatever it is, it is able to drive out whatever entity (or entities) it is aimed at and up till now it has worked every single time, although Don does admit that it is extremely draining on him: Steve was a witness to all this.

When Don was finished it became clear that whatever had been there had either been moved on or forced out, although just what he is doing and how he does it is a matter for conjecture. Don himself likens it to a build up of energy and he can feel it building up within him and then he re‐ leases the ‘energy’ at whatever he is trying to remove. He has done this on physical objects as well, when he caused two dows‐ ing rods to move without touching them. After this the group drove back to the house they were staying in and after a short wait said their goodbyes and re‐ turned to Seattle airport and the flight home. What occurred at the tree beside the diner is startling example of the strange, almost unreal nature of the world we live in and just how tenuous reality is. If these entities are around us on what must be a semi‐ permanent basis and can observe us too, then we have reason to be very cautious when we get involved in paranormal re‐ search. This is simply because, to quote Nietzsche, ‘Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you’. I know from personal experience that in‐ deed it does and sometimes it does much more than simply gaze, so, perhaps when Don gazes into the abyss, which is effec‐ tively what he does in each and every in‐ vestigation, then the beings that dwell there can and do become aware of him. In that case it is just as well that he has some‐ one on his side to take care of his wellbe‐ ing, his soul if you like, and Becky seems capable of doing just that...

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Innovative Conference Showcases Future of Energy Bastrop/Austin Texas.— After two years without a conference GlobalBEM is back with an informative program that should interest all. Connecting the dots between technology, consciousness, health, the economy, the environment, grassroots activism and crowdfunding! GlobalBEM, Breakthrough Energy Movement hosted their first conference in Holland 2012, where the organization featured world-renowned speakers and scientists presenting on topics like zero-point energy, low-energy nuclear reactions, magnetics, and quantum disentanglement. The second addition was in Boulder Colorado 2013 and they are now ramping up for the third event this Spring. GlobalBEM hopes to ignite discussion and activism around breakthrough energy—which the group defines as an abundant energy source that produces zero emissions and is clean, safe, reliable, and affordable. The conference will feature over 10 notable scientists, industry insiders, and creative thinkers focused on the science and future direction of breakthrough energy solutions. Presentations and discussion panels will cover emerging energy technologies like zero-point, magnetic, hydro, plasma, and cold fusion low-energy nuclear reactions. Prominent speakers, such as Patrick Wood, Reuben Langdon, Ken Rohla and others are scheduled to present. GlobalBEM aims to provide a place for conference attendees to formulate strategies for research sharing, prototype development, and funding of large-scale breakthrough energy projects. Speakers will share resources for do-it-yourself breakthrough energy projects in an open-source format. The conference will be held at the Bastrop Convention Center in Bastrop/Austin Texas on May 28&29. Single, multi-day, and student passes are available. Registration and more information can be found at GlobalBEM, Breakthrough Energy Movement is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization based in the Netherlands. What began as a small group quickly evolved into a worldwide international network of scientists, researchers, academics, artists, business owners, and the general public. It is dedicated to supporting the development of breakthrough energy through hosting conferences, producing media, and act as a facilitator for a global community, a reunion of humanity calling for the new energy paradigm.






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AN AIR FORCE COLONEL’S THIRTY YEAR FIGHT TO SILENCE AN AUTHENTIC UFO WHISTLE BLOWER Like many within the subject of Ufology, I have taken the time to read the fascinating account of Larry Warren in ‘Left at East Gate’. A fascinating book compiled by Larry and Peter Robbins. It is... for me.. The most significant book you could ever read on the subject of UFO encounters. The incidents that surround Rendlesham forest have left their mark on the landscape of British ufology forever. The scale of secrecy and the attempt to silence Larry Warren’s efforts to get the truth out have now become obvious and shameful. Many of our readers will recall the book ’Encounters in Rendlesham Forest’ by Nick Pope, and the seemingly deliberate attempt to discredit the work Larry and Peter had carried out, also to purposely ignore their years of research and Larry’s association with this monumental incident. Larry and Peter’s response was swift and accurate in the release of ‘Deliberate Deception - a case of disinformation in the UFO community’. An absolute ‘Must Read’. But now, an even darker twist to the tale has emerged, as Colonel Charles Halt divulges in yet more slanderous remarks against Larry Warren. The time has come to finally set the record straight once and for all... An outstanding book that left me gobsmacked! (Steve Mera PM). Now available at Amazon for just £9.65. 14

Wave of Flying Triangles and Boomerangs over Poland: UFOs or secret NATO craft?: By Piotr Cielebias, and Michal Kusnierz

In 2013‐14 Polish UFO researchers received numerous reports about unidentified aerial devices in form of triangles and boomer‐ angs. Being silent, often camouflaged and active only at night, those objects were breaking basic safety rules and posing po‐ tential danger to citizens. Numerous anomalous elements mentioned by wit‐ nesses are paired with fact that most sight‐ ings took place in vicinity of large military installations. That creates the question of whether we are dealing with something of human origin, connected with the civil war in the Ukraine or a new face of the UFO phenomenon. The increased activity of tri‐ angular/boomerang‐shaped UFOs in Poland began in the spring of 2013, although oc‐ casional sightings of objects with the same characteristics took place in earlier years. A debate about the origins of those objects was born amongst Polish UFO research‐ ers. Unfortunately main‐ stream TV, press and officials (both civil and military) keep silent despite fact that many incidents took place in close vicinity to military installa‐ tions and some witnesses had an army background. In the course of analyzing the sight‐ ings two main hypotheses appeared. They were partially based on reports of the fa‐ mous Belgian UFO wave as well as NIDS (National Insti‐ tute for Discovery Science, a group based in the USA and funded by the Las Vegas based millionaire Robert Bigelow) which reports on triangular/boomerang‐ shaped unidentified flying objects. The first hypothesis assumes that those objects are secret American aircraft tested or operating over Poland (it’s impossible that such sophisticated machines could be constructed and deployed by Polish Army). The idea is backed by fact that some earlier US covert operations, involving secret CIA operations, were conduced on Polish terri‐ tory. Moreover, the recent tensions in Ukraine (bordering Poland to the east) and the increasing number of US Army person‐ nel in Poland suggests that these craft may be of military origin (though it must be remembered that the wave began circa half ‐a‐year before the conflict began).

The second hypothesis focuses on anoma‐ lous features of the objects and their strange appearance, which makes them similar in nature to traditional UFOs. Tri‐ angles/boomerangs manifest themselves in various forms (in fact each one is differ‐ ent) and they display flight characteristics unlike any conventional craft involving extraordinary maneuvers, acceleration

and lack of sound. Some were reported to deploy a kind of "flawed masking" – this had the effect being more attention‐ grabbing than camouflaging. But the most important and worrying aspect is that with their elusive, uncontrollable noctur‐ nal activity those objects, appearing mostly over inhabited areas, pose a possi‐ ble danger. Summary of sightings: The following summary lists the most interesting sightings of triangular/ boomerang‐shaped UFOs from period 2013‐2014 and also includes four earlier cases worthy of attention. They were reported to: Piotr Cielebias and Michał Kusnierz, Arkadiusz Miazga, Damian Trela, Arkadiusz Kocik and Bogdan Zabielski. 15

The summary was compiled from reports and witness accounts published or ar‐ chived by the previously mentioned re‐ searchers. Sandomierz (swietokrzyskie), October 31st 2008, 6:10 pm: An architect, Piotr G., coming out his par‐ ents’ home noticed a very fast, boomerang ‐shaped object high in the sky. "It came from the south‐ east and in total silence headed in a north‐western direction. I think that it was about 330000 ft over ground. Its rims seemed hazy, as if camouflaged. I would compare its structure to dirty, waving water. The objects body seemed to be surrounded with a kind of white‐red ‘field’. It was dot‐ ted with numerous points of lights also red in color" ‐ he said. The object was "enormous" and in witness’ opinion was undoubtedly of a "technological nature". What’s more, nearly the same thing was witnessed about a week later in Aarhus by Polish émigré, Mrs. K.C., who went outside to smoke a cigarette and saw a huge object moving slowly over‐ head. Its structure seemed "jelly‐like". The woman was accustomed to seeing mili‐ tary planes since she worked at a military base in North‐ ern Poland before moving to Denmark. (Reported to: Piotr Cielebias and Michal Kusnierz). Wikłow area, (lodzkie), September 16th 2010, 22:30: Michal D. and his fiancée were driving on a highway from Czestochowa to Radomsko. Despite being nighttime there was consid‐ erable traffic on the road. Suddenly, a dark triangular object about 30 ft wide ap‐ peared over the road remaining at altitude of about 450 ft. At first glance in looked as if the object was "disabled": "From behind a small elevation a black triangle appeared having lights in the corners. At first I took it for a plane landing, but there’s no airfield in the area. It was moving really slowly. Two of the lights were steady, but one

Wave of Flying Triangles and Boomerangs over Poland: UFOs or secret NATO craft?: By Piotr Cielebias, and Michal Kusnierz

blinked as if ‘broken’. When I passed under the object (it was hovering over the road so it was inevitable), I had an opportunity to look at its ‘propulsion system’ and structure. It wasn’t smooth at all but covered with ‘appendages’ (dice‐like amongst others) protruding from its underside" ‐ Michał D. reported. In his opinion the craft "propulsion system" was composed of three round nozzles that emitted out a "curved light or flame" (illuminating the craft from below). In the meantime the witness woke up his fiancée informing her of the phenomenon. He noticed that other drivers were slowing their cars to watch the odd manifestation. One other independent witness confirmed the event. (Reported to: Arkadiusz Miazga, Piotr Cielebias, Michal Kusnierz). Poznan, Lazarz district (wielkopolskie), February 14th, 6 pm: The following case is disputable although it includes a photo of a possible triangular object taken from the distance. The man claims to have seen a gray‐dark, triangular object hovering low over a neighboring housing estate: "At first I take it for illusion of some kind. It was at dusk. The weather was good with cirrus clouds at high altitude. The region of the sky with triangle was clear" ‐ he admitted. The witness took two photos showing blurry object. He claims that then the triangle moved in his direc‐ tion and when it departed, two F16’s from Krzesiny AFB appeared. (Reported to: Piotr Cielebias, Michal Kusnierz). Hrubieszow (lubelskie), August 20th 2011, before 5 pm: Very detailed report from an anonymous witness who showed considerable orienta‐ tion in aerial and military technologies, and contained description and drawings of an unidentified triangular object hovering over the city peripheries: "I saw triangular object over western horizon, made of some kind of silvery metal. It was rotating around its axis but didn’t change position. Based on a set of estimations and comparisons I assume the minimal length of its side to be more than 45 ft. It was about 1.5‐1.8 miles away and still seemed big" ‐ the witness men‐ tioned. The Hrubieszów sighting contained a high‐strangeness detail – according to the observer as the object disappeared it looked as if it was gradually "imploding". (Reported to: Piotr Cielebias, Michal Kus‐ nierz). Biala (dolnoslaskie), April 2013, evening: A young man performing domestic duties went outside and saw a formation of three lights rising up from behind nearby trees. "That thing rose up dozens of meters in the air and stopped. After a while the object began to change its position and then I could clearly see that it was in the form of isosceles triangle" ‐ he said. The witness called his wife who also saw the lights

departing toward Chojnow. (Reported to: Damian Trela). Lubliniec (slaskie), August 3rd 2013, ~ 10 pm: This very emotional report came from a Lubliniec woman who went outsider with her dog and observed large (circa 60 ft wide) boomerang‐like object passing slowly over her estate. The UFO was fully camouflaged, but its passage across the starry sky was noticeable: "I returned home at about 10 pm and immediately went outside with my dog. I perceived a movement in the sky. Because there are no lanterns, the sky was perfectly visible. Generally, ‘it’ was moving very slow and low over the ground. The complete lack of sound left me in awe. The objects lights seemed dim and their color was the same as that of stars; they also were set sym‐ metrically. The objects body color was identical as that of the sky. Therefore at first I thought the thing was transparent" ‐ she said. The mentioned craft wasn’t a "perfect boomerang" but possessed a "bulge" in the rear part (between the arms). The camouflage was described as "movie‐like". The estate of apartment houses where the sighting took place is inhabited by numerous soldiers from a Special Forces Base in Lubliniec. (Reported to Piotr Cielebias and Michal Kusnierz) Losice (mazowieckie), August 3rd 2013, ~ 10 pm: This one is a rare rural sighting. Losice lies close to eastern border of Poland which is also a NATO boundary. It was witnessed by a young, reliable couple living in a da‐ cha: "A big object was flying low over the ground remaining soundless. It was surely a single object because there was a patch of ‘darkness’ in the sky ‐ some kind of matter obscured the stars. We were far from city glow and it was quiet. We noticed the object at the same moment. 16

We don’t know what it was. Its structure, movement and lack of sound prompted me to assume that it was a UFO" ‐ said one of the witnesses, Mr. Rafal K. (Reported to: Piotr Cielebias, Michal Kusnierz). Dobrzykowice (dolnoslaskie), August 3rd 2013, ~ 11 pm: The Dobrzyowice sighting was the last in a series of three that took place on August 3rd between 10 and 11 pm in various part of Poland. Differences between witnesses’ descriptions suggest that they weren’t caused by a single craft. Dobrzykowice sighting was witnessed by an engineer and astronomy passionate: "I saw a row nine of lights moving at high altitude. Those nine points formed a clear array. One was at the front, while each arm was composed of four lights. Their brightness was compara‐ ble to that of a satellite" ‐ he said. (Reported to: Damian Trela). Elizowka (lubelskie), August 14th 2013: A very intriguing report came from Mr. Karol ‐ an amateur astronomer who in a lengthy e‐mail reported seeing a triangular object unlike the other ones mentioned. The "craft" was probably heading into higher parts of the atmosphere and was observed with a telescope: "The top of the triangle was oriented up […]. I saw some other details while watching the object gaining altitude. It was in the shape of an isosceles triangle in which the color and ‘oscillations’ looked like flames. The object was crimson red and there was a symmet‐ rically set, golden isosceles triangle in‐ scribed into it.. (Reported to: Piotr Ciele‐ bias, Michał Kusnierz). Pabianice (lodzkie), October 13th 2013, midnight: "I went to the balcony to smoke a cigarette when I saw a strange thing in the sky. It was like stars ‐ yellow lights that were quickly passing over Pabianice from

Wave of Flying Triangles and Boomerangs over Poland: UFOs or secret NATO craft?: By Piotr Cielebias, and Michal Kusnierz

north‐east (i.e. from Lodz to Lask). The thing looked like a row of stars with a hazy, wa‐ tery glow around (shaped like a boomerang of enormous size). It lasted just 5‐7 seconds. […] The object looked like a boomerang or parachute (something of this kind) ‐ it seemed curved, rounded and as if partially transparent. [There was] No material out‐ line, but rather a haze or fog" ‐ reported Mr. Mateusz ‐ a man in his 30s living in an apartment in Pabianice center. (Reported to: Piotr Cielebias and Michał Kusnierz). Goldap (warminsko‐mazurskie), April 26th 2013, 1:30 am: The witness ‐ introducing himself as a mili‐ tary officer, said he accidentally perceived a strange "craft" passing over cirrus levels (of cloud) in Goldap. The object resembled the letter "V" with a blunt end, moving with the opened part ahead. On the object hull were positioned some lamps changing colors from light‐green and blue to yellow and violet. The man was shocked by the objects size and the possibility that "such amazing thing is cruising across Polish skies". The soundless object remained in his sight for about 150 seconds. It’s worth noting that the region where the sighting took place, located by the Russian border, is known for sightings of unusually shaped crafts in pre‐ vious years, with another triangle seen in 2003 in Bartoszyce. (Reported to: Bogdan Zabielski). Szczecin (zachodniopomorskie), middle of May, ~ 11 pm: "Wrapped in blankets, we were observing the sky hoping to see meteorites. We sat in the middle of the garden and stared at the north‐western sky and that was the direc‐ tion the object was heading in. It was soundless and passed over us. [...] It looked as if ‘plasmatic’. Its frontal part seemed sharp and there were some ‘shadows’ of circular points on the sides that we took for lamps of some kind. I was stunned with the sight and so was my daughter. After a while two military jets followed. [...] Based on visual estimations, it was about three times bigger than them. The object seemed trans‐ parent and only its contours appeared as if illuminated by some unknown source of light" ‐ said the female witness. (Reported to: Arkadiusz Miazga). Grudziadz (kujawsko‐pomorskie), August 3rd 2014, 2 am: "I woke up and went to the balcony to cool down. After a while I saw a moving satellite, then another two small points of light mov‐ ing across the sky" ‐ wrote the witness who at about 2 am saw an unusual thing – a large, dark, triangular object followed strapped to another plate‐like UFO. "It was 2000‐2500 ft in the air. I saw it for circa two seconds. It was two times bigger than the ‘ultra‐light’ planes that often take off from the local airfield but 3‐4 times quicker. It came soundlessly" ‐ the observer added.

It’s worth to mention that a nearly identi‐ cal sighting took place two days earlier in Zory (slaskie) but the report is less de‐ tailed. (Reported to: Arkadiusz Miazga) Legnica (dolnoslaske), August 6th 2014, 11 pm: "My mum went to the balcony to watch falling stars. After a while she said to me that she saw a brilliant object […] and then noticed a huge ‘shadow’ similar in shape to a bird silhouette. She saw in the sky a triangular object made of tiny amber ‐colored (or reddish), non‐blinking lights. […] It was bigger than an airplane and was very high in the sky. After a while the thing shot away with tremendous speed, it over‐ took one of the falling stars and disap‐ peared. It all lasted a few seconds" ‐ the witness reported. The mentioned object was similar to an arrowhead and had an additional ‘line’ between two outer arms.

Piekary Slaskie, Brzozowice district (slaskie), September 20th 2014, ~8 pm: Mrs. G. who went outside to light a ciga‐ rette during a family meeting, noticed a very strange object just above her: "Suddenly I saw a passing plane but one that was strangely illuminated. I thought that it would come down in Pyrzowice, but the alleged plane was approaching me in total silence. […] It came just over me. It was a big triangle. It soon flew away but after a while… stopped, came back and hovered above [me].. At first I began to laugh […] and after some time it came to me that it must be something highly un‐ usual. I ran for my daughter but upon returning, the craft was gone" ‐ she re‐ ported adding that the object was as big as "two passenger airplanes" and pos‐ sessed deep red lights along its perimeter. There was also a "pillar of light" coming from its underside. (Reported to: Piotr Cielebias and Michał Kusnierz). There were also other sightings, some made from a distance and others very close but perplexing. Such a sighting took place on September 9th 2013 in Sokolka where two men standing on balcony saw the seconds‐long passing of a flying trian‐ gle dotted with lights. Other reports involved objects of unusual shapes but comparable to planes (one such a thing was seen just on September 17

25th 2014, in Lublin, not so far from the Ukrainian border; the object was the size of an F16 ‐ according to the witness, it traveled just 300 ft over the ground but at some point departed with enormous speed). The real scale of triangle/ boomerang UFOs sightings remains un‐ known because the matter is not covered by the mainstream media and probably only some witnesses decide to report their sightings. Conclusions Triangular/boomerang UFO sightings raise several serious problems including: the origin of those objects, their connection to military installations, their anomalous be‐ haviour and possible danger posed to citi‐ zens due to safety rules transgressions.The now non‐existent NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) research group (led by a Dr. Kelleher) tried to solve some of

these problems by putting forward some hypotheses. One suggested that flying triangles/boomerangs from a new, special family of secret military devices (perhaps advanced blimps) used for transportation. But the great diversity amongst the objects and the somewhat reckless tactics of their operators made that hypothesis flawed. The conclusions of the NIDS reports about exotic aerial machines are comparable with our observations: those objects are both elusive and prone to strange manifes‐ tations; surely they aren’t prototypes and for unknown reasons they tend to appear over inhabited areas. In other words, de‐ spite their quasi‐familiar technological form, they remain highly anomalous. Despite these facts, one still can find some arguments for boomerang/triangles of military origins. Amongst the mentioned sightings many took place in vicinity of military bases (Sandomierz, Poznan, Hrubi‐ eszow, Lubliniec, Grudziadz). The current situation in Ukraine may prompt some NATO decisions connected with the reloca‐ tion of some of top‐secret flying machines used in both transportation and surveil‐ lance of Poland. The weak point of those allegations and connections with Ukraine is that these exotic craft were seen mostly in western and central parts of the country and (most importantly) that we find no recognizable "types" or tactics amongst the objects.

Wave of Flying Triangles and Boomerangs over Poland: UFOs or secret NATO craft?: By Piotr Cielebias, and Michal Kusnierz

Assessing the mentioned reports from a military‐technological perspective one would be shocked by the total lack of care by those who operate the machines literally just over the people’s heads. Providing that the military possess such a superb technol‐ ogy, it’s hard to believe that they would risk flying over city centers and housing estates. Proponents of that hypothesis should also ask themselves, what would be the conse‐ quences if one of objects crash‐landed somewhere in Lubliniec, Wiklow or Pabi‐ anice. Anomalous behaviors are clearly seen in the cases mentioned here. They include: craft shapes that are unusual or useless in aero‐ nautics, the lack of sound generated by engines, extraordinary acceleration rates, strange disappearances and other aspects noted in classical UFO report. Therefore it may be not so wrong to suppose that trian‐ gle/boomerangs form a branch of complex UFO phenomenon e.g. in Jacques Vallée’s interpretation assuming that it’s rather a mental process than a material phenome‐ non and it’s able to evolve. Flying triangles could be the next "stage" of UFOs after epoch of flying saucers. The whole process is driven by a mysterious

"meta‐intelligence", which one can learn about from Dr Vallée works. Without help and comments from military and other official sources, it would be hard to deter‐ mine the exact nature of the phenomenon. The Polish Army and government officially don’t comment on UFO‐related events and since the accession of Poland to NATO, the topic is nearly "stigmatized" in mainstream TV and press. The best example of how Polish citizens perceive Army politics is that most (if not all) won’t contact military or Police in cases of UFO sightings fearing that they would be ridiculed or ignored. The standards are exactly opposite from Bel‐ gium where a rash of triangular UFOs evoked a serious reaction from state and military officials. Sources: Piotr Cielebias’ and Michal Kusnierz’s web‐ site: Damian Trela’s blog: Arkadiusz Miazga’s blog: Arkadiusz Kocik’s and Bogusław Zabielski’s blog:


About authors: Piotr Cielebias is a historian and writer spe‐ cializing in fringe science, the paranormal and ufology, regular contributor of Nieznany Swiat and Michał Kus‐ nierz is an orientalist, writer and paranor‐ mal researcher, owner of site he co‐runs with Piotr. Both of them have writ‐ ten a (yet unpublished) book in English on UFO phenomenon in Poland entitled "Land of High Strangeness". E‐mail contact:

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Dear All, In an effort to keep Phenomena Magazine at the forefront of the subject we all love, Steve and I have decided to combine our distribution lists with another online magazine that just has to be one of the very, very best of its kind in the world today. I am talking about none other than the famous and near iconic ‘Conspiracy Journal’. Very shortly you can expect to receive a copy of this excellent and free magazine in your inbox. You will also find that, despite its title, it’s well written and researched articles cover subjects with which you are already familiar and are very similar in their subject matter to those in Phenomena Magazine. We are sure you will find it a fascinating and informative read. Incidentally, by way of exchange, our distribution lists are now with Conspiracy Journal (CJ) and the magazine will now be sent to those on the CJ list.





The Case of the Naughty Boy: By Archie Lawrie

Happily, fewer children than adults have their little lives cut short and those lives, while they are being lived, are not usually as complicated and traumatic as those of we adults. So‐called “mature grown‐ups” seem to get themselves into all sorts of intrigues and nonsense before they finally “shuffle off this mortal coil”. Such things are reflected in the percentage of times a child entity will be brought to my notice as opposed to an adult one. Perhaps the ratio is about thirty to one or thereabouts...although one would have to look at thousands of cases to get any sort of reliable and accurate ratio.


The Case of the Naughty Boy: By Archie Lawrie

The happenings which take place, say in a family home, and which have been brought about by the presence of a child entity are usually very different to those things that happen in a home haunted by an adult ghost. There is always a child‐like “feel” about most of those less common cases and that is because children from Earth are still children in the afterlife and as such carry out childish pranks and similar that adult ghosts don’t usually get themselves involved in. There is also the telltale clue that if a child‐haunting is taking place, more things happen to the living children within the family home than to the adult members of it. In short, there is a lot of “messing about” and not very much fear and alarm. You also find things like the younger chil‐ dren of the family (perhaps up to about eleven years old) seeing the ghost‐child from time to time, while children who are about two years to three and a half years old can have a very strong bond with the entity child. Such an entity child may be completely invisible to the adults but per‐ haps entirely visible to the youngster. It is not all that uncommon to see a three‐year‐ old holding a simple conversation with someone unseen to us or holding out a physical object in the hope that it will be taken by hands which we know cannot hold our physical things. On most occasions the invisible “person” is probably a kindly adult from the world be‐ yond ours (perhaps with a 90% chance of being female) but it might well be a little ghost child just “wanting to play” with an Earth‐child. I sometimes get the impression that such “lost” entities are lonely creatures who crave contact with we humans and as such I find myself being very sorry for them. Per‐ haps that is why I hate it when I hear of attempts being made to chase off entities by threatening them with everything from exorcisms, to curses, to voodoo. They need help.... not chasing away! (Important note for researchers:‐ It should be noted that whilst poltergeist action is very often of a childlike nature it is not necessarily linked to child ghosts and is a completely different form of psychic ac‐ tivity from the cases that are being de‐ scribed in this book. Over the years an erro‐ neous impression has grown up that all poltergeist activity is centered around the spirits of departed children: that is totally incorrect. The complex actions of polter‐ geists will be dealt with in another publica‐ tion written by myself). The Case of the Naughty Boy. In early December 2001 I received an agi‐ tated call from a Mrs. Harrison to the effect that her daughter, Jenny, (16 years) was losing her friends because there seemed to

be some sort of entity in the house which was appearing (for the most part) as light and dark flitting shadows. Regretfully it also moved around the room when the girl and her friends were present. Besides that, the tape recorder in the girl’s bed‐ room would, at times start up by itself as if an invisible finger was pushing the ap‐ propriate button. (This latter clue is, in itself, very poor evidence of anything at all but when taken with the other things might be considered a useful possible addendum). Perhaps, more disturbingly, both parents as well as Jenny herself had felt an invisi‐ ble hand attempting to push them for‐ ward towards the top of the stair if they stood still for a minute on the landing at the top of it. The family concurred on the fact that the attempted “push” never seemed to be any serious attempt at top‐ pling them headfirst downstairs but merely a sort of childish prank to startle them and see them jump with fear. (In the “Murdered Child” story which comes two stories further on you will see another ghost child enjoying teasing peo‐ ple) Jenny also felt a presence in her bedroom at times and occasionally sitting near her and her friends in the livingroom. The young friends seemed to sense something too although I will never know whether or not Jenny discussed the possible presence of an entity with them and by doing so, planted the seed of fear in their young and susceptible minds. One by one the girl’s friends began to hesitate before visiting Jenny in her house and it was this fact that eventually caused the family to phone me asking if I could investigate the matter. (A word for potential investigators:‐ As usual with such incoming calls, I was sworn to secrecy by the lady who phoned, which always indicates that at least those people involved consider their problem to be very genuine. Whether it finally turns out to be the problem they think it is al‐ ways remains to be seen and, indeed, it may even end up as psychic activity of quite a different nature to that initially envisaged. The main thing for the investi‐ gator is to be a good listener, for the per‐ son on the other end of the line has a problem that they are finding hard to articulate, far less understand, and sym‐ pathy is one of your early requirements. Many things you will hear will be quite outrageously strange to most peo‐ ple ...and that is why they are so hesi‐ tant...but you must be totally reassuring and say that they are not the only people who encounter things of such a nature. That usually puts them at ease by letting them know that it is unlikely that they are 24

going to tell you something that you have not already encountered before in your psychic investigations. Being reassuring is very important, particu‐ larly at an early stage in communication but not to the degree of claiming that you will come straight along and solve the problem right away, banishing whatever has invaded their home forever. Such talk would be foolish, for while you might wish to rush right over to help this poor family the practicalities of your life will no doubt mean that you won’t be able to visit them for a few days at the earliest. Also it should be pointed out that until you visit the site of the activity you cannot possibly suggest a reason for the cause of it, far less guaran‐ tee to remove it from their lives. You must inform the family that once you all meet, you and they will together move forward towards a solution after consider‐ ing all the implications and that, in the finality of things, you cannot guarantee anything.) With the approach of December 20th and the Christmas holidays, Mrs. Harrison was beginning to get very worried about the situation and it was agreed that I should visit the family home on the evening of December 24th, Christmas Eve. This was not the ideal evening but I had a mounting backlog of visits to make and the urgency requested of me, along with the chance to reduce this backlog of cases, was tempting. I collected Francesca, the medium with whom I often work, from Central Edin‐ burgh and we drove about six miles south to find the appropriate house, arriving on site at about 6pm on a dark, rainy and very cold winter’s night. The property was a smart‐looking and well‐ kept Council house (both internally and externally) which was one of several which had been built on a children’s playpark in the mid 1930s. Perhaps that fact had something to do with the presence of the main (child) entity we found on the prop‐ erty for we never did have the time on that particularly festive evening to look more deeply into the reason for that spot being the locus of the psychic activity. Francesca and I were offered coffee and Christmas fare upon arrival but we asked that this kind offer of food and drink be kept as an option after we had done the work we had come to perform.

The Case of the Naughty Boy: By Archie Lawrie

After Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Jenny had We later pointed out to the family, when told us some of their story once more we all we were having coffee and Christmas pies walked upstairs and into the bedroom that if they really wanted they would no where much of the activity was centered. doubt be able to get a name from the It is significant at this point to remind read‐ local newspaper offices for the death ers that I rarely tell Francesca anything at all must have been newsworthy in the 1940s about a case before arrival on site because at some point. I never, at any time, wish to accidentally bias her in any way. Consequently I had While in Jenny’s bedroom Francesca came never passed on to her the information that across the spirit of Mrs. Harrison’s late there was “something” at the top of the mother and she was able to give very stairs...although Mr. Harrison had told her precise details of this deceased lady to her that at times there were footsteps to be daughter as proof that she was present heard coming from the attic. with the family. I watched as Francesca’s hand went up to the brooch on her lapel I was therefore particularly taken by the as she talked. I have worked with this fact that Francesca stopped at the top of medium for a long time and I know by now that such a hand movement is not the stairs and looked around herself, obvi‐ some sort of aimless motion but is a pre‐ ously feeling something. “Oh , there is a cursor to something meaningful .....and hectic energy here!” she said in a very defi‐ sure enough, within a few seconds she nite way and then went on to describe that was asking Mrs. Harrison if her mother the energy was hurtling about hither and had had a particular liking for nice thither in a very restless manner. This tal‐ ented lady then began to home in mentally brooches as this was what the dear lady on whatever or whoever was responsible was telling her. The answer was, of for the rapid and erratic energy move‐ course, in the affirmative. ments. Francesca said that she felt the pres‐ ence of an energetic and mischievous little Francesca also went on to tell Mrs. Harri‐ boy of about 14 years. She felt that in his son that her mother was informing her day he had been an absolute little terror that the annual collection of Christmas who had perhaps been responsible for lead‐ cards was growing nicely and she even ing more ordinary little boys into all sorts of named the part of the house where the troublesome situations. The lad presented cards were always stored. The house‐ himself to her as a small boy for his age holder then confirmed not only that she with short trousers and this dated him to was indeed a collector of Christmas cards but that the place of storage mentioned before the late 1940’s for after that period had also been correct. all male children wore long trousers or jeans in their teenage years. (It might interest psychic researchers to The story gradually emerged that during a know that this was the second time in a year that Francesca and I had been told by warm summer the boy and his friends had a departed human spirit not only that delighted jumping off a nearby viaduct into pretty Christmas and Birthday cards were a local river...perhaps some sort of ritual which separated the older and more ma‐ being collected by a householder but pre‐ ture boys from the younger “small fry”. cisely where they were being stored. Was Anyhow, when it came to the turn of this this coincidence (if there is such a thing) or particular lad to jump from the viaduct his something more?) brash nature seemed to leave him and he, himself, realized that jumping from such a We did not dally over this particular client height into a river many feet below was for it was already approaching 8pm and something to be reckoned with! we had another family to see that Christ‐ mas Eve ...and 50 miles further south! We did, however, have time for those nice hot This tough kid was afraid but he dared not mince pies and coffee and a final chat. show that to his fellows! After much trepi‐ dation, and seeing a nearby tree bending Jenny was told by us what mental attitude to take up if she was once again “got at” over the river he decided that the easiest by the juvenile entity. If, however, things way to tackle this daunting task was to happened as they usually do then we launch himself into the outgrowing knew that Jenny might never have to put branches of the tree so that they would break his fall and allow him to slither down our suggestions into being for once a de‐ more gently onto the surface of the flowing parted spirit is communicated with then river. Perhaps the theory was good enough that, by itself, is sometimes enough to make a growing psychic event calm down thinking but alas, as the boy fell through the to a quiescent state once more. One of tree he said that his head struck a thick branch so that when he finally hit the sur‐ the things we suggested that Jenny does if face of the water he was already uncon‐ she finds that her own mental will‐power scious and unable to swim to the side. The alone is not dissipating the entity is to call boy, whose name was never actually sought upon her deceased Grandmother for help. Try saying... “Please Granny, pull back that (because of lack of time) drowned and his little boy who is annoying me. I don’t wish body later recovered from downstream. 25

him any harm but he frightens me and my friends at times and we don’t like it! Ask him to back off, please!” That may sound strange and even stupid to readers new to knowledge about the na‐ ture and workings of the psychic world but I know from experience that if difficulty is encountered in making satisfactory contact with an entity then one way around the problem is to get hold of a second entity who WILL converse and ask them to “pass the message on”. That sounds strange doesn’t it! But it works! Researchers might also like to know that while there are no hard and fast rules and regulations con‐ nected with the world beyond this, there are general guidelines that one can look to and in this case there are three you might like to know about:‐ Firstly, if footsteps are heard in an over‐ head situation (as in the attic above) then it is often (but not always) the likelihood that an entity met his end in this life by something connected with height. That, in itself, could be a wide range of things from hanging to falling downstairs. In this par‐ ticular case, the boy’s fall from the bridge just might have accounted for the symbol‐ ism. I can think of probably a dozen or so cases where the psychic world appears to use such symbolism. I have no idea why this should be but without doubt symbol‐ ism is a mechanism used by the other side. The second thing in this case to which I would like to draw the researcher’s atten‐ tion is that child entities often seem to want to lock onto child humans of roughly the same age as they themselves had been when they died. It might therefore have been expected that of all the people in the house to experience the presence of the lad, Jenny (and her friends) would be cho‐ sen for such meetings of the two worlds. Thirdly, it could be expected that the de‐ ceased little boy would get up to pranks like playing with radios and tape recorders (if, indeed that really did happen) for the character of the individual in death is pre‐ cisely the same as that of the person in life. A cheery old lady is a cheery old lady is a cheery old lady and a naughty little boy will be just that when he moves into the world beyond this one. He’d fiddle with radio knobs in life or death. We left the house and a happier and more knowledgeable household at about 8.00pm and walked to our car with our heads bent down for intermittent snow was now blowing against us. Strangely enough, although it was Christmas Eve, 2001, we had another case to go to that evening and so we headed still further south and away from our respective homes. That second case later came to be called, “Three in a Bed” and you have probably read it already in chapter two...


IMPORTANT NOTICE! It is fair to say, in this day and age, that the disconnect between mainstream media “reality” and what is really going on is getting to the point where many people in society are not being told the full story—about almost everything and anything. In geopolitics, we see media organisations such as Al Jazeera willing to totally fabricate events and broadcast them via BBC, CNN, ABC and other licen‐ sees. In what is needlessly called “alternative health”, we see the might of trans‐ national drug companies steering government health policies as well as affecting personal sovereignty in the form of forced vaccinations, freedom of choice in the treatment of serious disease, and the right to be able to purchase health prod‐ ucts of our choosing.

In explorations of “fringe sciences”, including subjects such as the Expanding Earth theory or the Electric Universe theory, we see the unexplained anomalies regarding energy, gravity, electricity and biology, being ignored, suppressed or ridiculed. I believe that it is in the open‐minded exploration of such anomalies, that we actually further our scientific understanding of our universe. In discus‐ sion of consciousness and the paranormal, we again see mainstream media re‐ porting distorted versions of events, misreporting factual data, not reporting it at all, and again, outright ridicule (snigger factor). The fact of the matter is that people want to know more about who we are as spiritual beings, about the role of consciousness in determining how we experi‐ ence life, and the role our inherent beliefs have on how we live and treat other people. I believe that the vast majority of people on this planet want to live in peace and harmony with each other, and I also believe that there are forces at work, including the military‐intelligence‐industrial complex, that desire and profit from manufactured conflict. We live in an era where a growing number of people are stepping up to blow the whistle on illegal and suppressed informa‐ tion. Information they believe is in everyone’s interests to be made public. Un‐ fortunately, despite the assurances of protection to whistleblowers from world leaders, we actually see the opposite—the suppression and persecution of such people. And finally, we live on a planet where the way in which we live is dramatically affecting the entire ecosystem. Meas‐ urable levels of chemicals are found in the air over the entire planet—in the groundwater of every continent, and in the oceans everywhere. Why is it noble to focus on CO2 and energy sav‐ ing, while ignoring the death, disease and destruction of our habitat and life forms, including our own? I have cre‐ ated the Alternative News Project (ANP), not as a vehicle to fight the current mainstream manufactured reality, but instead to provide a vehicle for like‐minded, independent thinkers, to help create something new. Some‐ thing better. Instead of endless searches on the Internet, we will bring you the news, every day, right across the spectrum of hundreds of non‐ mainstream news Topics. We have called it a Project, as it is not just about information—it is about the building of a global community through the distri‐ bution of information. The ANP is the first time that independent thinkers of the world (i.e. you) have a centralised location not only to see more of what is going on in your world than ever before, but where you also have the opportunity to send alternative news and information from anywhere across the globe. You are the real key to our project, because by receiving informa‐ tion you can inform others and by con‐ tributing your knowledge to us, we can broaden our scope of services around the globe. As such, the ANP is designed to be a community‐based interactive news and information project by the people for the people. Welcome aboard the ANP, and thanks for being part of the adventure. Duncan Roads and the ANP team index.php?referrer=phenomena 26



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UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 1: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

I have written here previously about the newly published book from Timothy Green Beckley’s Global Communications, “UFO Repeaters: Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” But there remain several exciting case histories in the book that deserve coverage. The term “UFO Repeater” was coined early on in the history of the modern UFO era to describe individuals who seemed to have nonrandom UFO encounters and who had even established an ongoing “relationship” with the flying saucer occupants. Why these Repeaters were separated from the pack, so to speak, and granted a kind of cross‐ species friendship – as well as the invitation to repeatedly photograph the ships and some occupants – remains a big unknown. This is one of many mysteries the book “UFO Repeaters” presents to us, the UFO community. It includes the case histories of some specially selected shutterbugs PLUS many of the photographs the “chosen ones” were given to take. In every case, proof that the images were a simple matter of camera trickery has never been forthcoming and one can take the photos at face value in good conscience. None of the people behind the camera ever sought publicity, fame or money from the photos. All they wanted was to understand the mystery they found themselves bound up in. Sean Casteel with Timothy Green Beckley 29

UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 1: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

ELLEN CRYSTALL Ellen Crystall’s initial experience with UFOs happened in 1971, shortly after she had moved from her native New Jersey to Holly‐ wood, California, to begin a career in music. On her very first day in her new apartment, some of the other residents informed her that UFOs appeared nightly and they made a habit of sitting outside to watch. Though Ellen considered herself to be a nominal believer in the phenomenon, she was nev‐ ertheless surprised to hear about real‐world UFOs from her neighbors. The ships did indeed show up on a regular basis, sometimes with as many as 30 ob‐ jects moving in the nighttime sky. One night Ellen decided to go to a small hill about a mile from her apartment complex and try to photograph the ships. The UFOs dutifully appeared, and Ellen snapped off four shots and then another three from the same loca‐ tion the next night. Ellen writes that she quickly regretted not taking more photos; she had hesitated to take any at all because her neighbors had said the aliens might be offended. After Ellen had a frightening encounter with what seemed to be a low‐flying ship chasing her down a Hollywood street, she flew home to New Jersey the next day and did not discuss her experiences with anyone. In spite of her terror, she continued to study the subject. When Ellen read an article in the now‐defunct “OMNI Magazine” about UFOs, she contacted writer Harry Lebelson and told him about her California experi‐ ences and the photos she had taken. Lebel‐ son invited her to accompany him to Pine Bush, a rural Orange County, New York, community nestled in the hills and valleys some 60 miles upstate from Manhattan. He said a couple who had frequent UFO sight‐ ings lived there and might have something in common with Ellen. “Thus began my most intensive, revealing – and continuing – field study of UFOs through direct observation,” Ellen would later write in her book, “Invasion: They Come In Silence.” “And when I say ‘field,’ I mean precisely that. I was to find myself in various fields and farm pastures in pursuit of elusive, wily but seemingly playful UFOs – and in search of answers to some very serious questions,” she added. After that first visit to Pine Bush in July of 1980, Ellen would return there many times to photograph the ships. The UFO occu‐ pants always “greeted” her in their ambigu‐ ous but playful ways and obligingly let her take photos to her heart’s content. But when Ellen took her first roll of film from Pine Bush to a local Fotomat store, the pictures showed bizarre bursts of multicol‐ ored lights, and “sprays” of shooting dis‐ charges and splashes of different hues were all over the film. Where were the triangular

ships she had seen so clearly? It would take two years before Ellen came to un‐ derstand what had likely happened with the photos. “Photography is a ‘two‐edged sword’ for UFOlogists,” she writes. “Everyone keeps hoping for a ‘definitive’ photo – the clear‐cut ‘real’ picture of a craft in the sky. I understand and share those hopes, but I have to say, after my years of UFO photography and research, I’ve come up with some starting informa‐ tion.” In an effort to understand why the ships she had seen were not in the actual pho‐ tos, she consulted several expert scien‐ tists. Scientists who specialized in radia‐ tion physics finally provided a possible answer. All film sold over the counter is sensitive to shortwave radiation that is outside of the visible spectrum of the naked human eye. She deduced that the sprays or bursts of light in the photos must be due to shortwave radiation be‐ tween what she and the others had seen and the film’s level of sensitivity. Also, Ellen learned from textbooks on physics that any object surrounded by ultraviolet rays will, when photographed, be blurred on the film as well as show up as bluish, globule‐type patterns of light. This explains why so many UFO photos are often disappointing flashes of light. Even other UFO Repeaters who seem chosen by the aliens to regularly take such photos are sometimes subject to these same limitations, and Ellen has done the field a service by helping to catalog some of the details of the radiation spectrum problem for the non‐physicists in the UFO community. Ellen also writes that she once felt over‐ come with waves of love and compassion coming from the UFO occupants; this sense of a caring bond is another factor that unites many UFO Repeaters. Under regressive hypnosis, Ellen recalled a 30

contact experience from early childhood that made her wonder if she was another alien abductee with a lifetime of encoun‐ ters behind her. With or without conclu‐ sive photographic evidence, Ellen was un‐ deniably caught up in the UFO phenome‐ non in a way that few others can claim to equal. Though many of Ellen Crystall's pho‐ tos may at first seem to be ill‐defined, if you spend enough time looking you will find that the meandering lights take on a form and shape of their own. This is a pic‐ ture of two alien beings standing in front of a portal that had been opened to either their home planet or another dimension. UFO Repeater Ed Walters took “responsibility” for the UFOs that ap‐ peared over Gulf Breeze, Florida. The late WOON Radio talk show host, Joe Ferriere, holds a strip of film showing some pretty weird heavenly strangers in the sky. He had the uncanny ability to show up where UFOs were being seen. This cigar‐shaped object hovered over a wooded area just outside of Cumberland, Rhode Island. ELIZABETH KLARER Another female voice in the choir of Re‐ peaters is Elizabeth Klarer, who was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, which was at the time a province of South Africa. Eliza‐ beth was a well‐respected member of high society in South Africa, and her husband was a major in the South African Air Force. Elizabeth herself worked for Air Force In‐ telligence. After reading about the experiences of legendary contactee George Adamski in the 1950s, Elizabeth recalled that she had been receiving occasional telepathic mes‐ sages from a friendly space alien named “Akon” since her childhood. While her sudden return of memory has been mocked as “all‐too‐convenient,” it is never‐ theless true that contactees and abductees often experience such recall after their memories have been “reactivated” by

UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 1: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

some triggering mechanism, such as read‐ ing Adamski’s books in Elizabeth’s case. Sometime around 1955, Elizabeth, using a Brownie Box Camera, took a series of pho‐ tos – in the presence of two witnesses – of a metallic disc‐shaped object slowly ap‐ proaching in the darkening South African sky. Some of these photos are included in “UFO Repeaters,” and they are remarkably sharp. Elizabeth claimed to have been carried up to a mother ship and taken to the home planet of Akon, her childhood alien contact. She became pregnant after intercourse with Akon and gave birth to a son. Her son was unable to return to Earth with her and stayed behind to be raised and educated on the aliens’ planet. The entire process – the trip, lovemaking, pregnancy, delivery, and return voyage – is said to have required less than four months. While her Akon/pregnancy story was en‐ thusiastically received in South Africa when she told the tale at lectures, most North American and European UFO researchers found it too farfetched to take seriously. It wasn’t until the 1980s and 90s that such stories became rather commonplace and the existence of an extraterrestrial genetics program that produced human/alien hybrid babies was firmly established as perhaps the primary alien motive for abducting hu‐ mans in the first place. ED WALTERS The photos of what could be alien space‐ craft taken by Gulf Breeze, Florida, building contractor Ed Walters continue to be con‐ troversial. Photo analysis experts have ex‐ amined the photos in minute detail, often using computer enhancement techniques and a darkroom method called “light blast‐ ing” that brings the sometimes hazy images into sharper focus. If Ed’s photos are real, they rank as some of the most dramatically clear UFO photos ever captured on film. It was November 1987, and Ed was sitting alone in his home office when he happened to glance out the window and saw an un‐ usual light across the street that was par‐ tially obscured by a 30‐foot pine tree in his front yard. Unable to see whatever was there clearly enough, Ed went to his front door and opened it. He saw a bluish‐gray craft that was “right out of a Spielberg movie that had somehow escaped the film studio.” Ed saw the craft glowing and gliding along like a cloud in total silence. He realized this was no movie prop gone astray, and his first thought was to call the police. Thinking that no one would believe him without any proof, he went back inside and grabbed the old Polaroid camera he frequently used on his construction job sites. Ed took his first photo as the craft came from behind a

small tree. He recalls that he felt a mind‐ numbing sense of shock and awe as he struggled with his camera. He was next rendered unable to move and was told, “We will not harm you. Calm down.” He remembers feeling like he was suspended four feet off the ground and then abruptly dropped back down on the pavement. Feeling confused and wonder‐ ing if he was suffering some kind of hallu‐ cination, he saw his Polaroid photos scat‐ tered on the ground where they fell as he took them. “There it was, on the film,” Ed would later write in his book “The Gulf Breeze Sight‐ ings.” “It hadn’t been my imagination or some sort of hallucination. What I had seen was real. It wasn’t a comforting thought.” For Ed, it was the beginning of a long or‐ deal for him and his family. He submitted the photos anonymously to the local newspaper, “The Gulf Breeze Sentinel,” hoping to find out if others had also seen the UFO. As his true identity began to emerge, the publicity the photos received would result in interest from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who would con‐ duct an official investigation and supply Ed with a special “tamper proof” camera in the hope of proving any future photos to be genuine. Well‐known optical physi‐ cist Bruce Maccabee suggested that Ed also use a “stereo camera” setup to cap‐ ture better quality photos that would prove the distances and sizes of the craft and thus silence the naysayers. An accusation surfaced that Ed had faked the photos using a model that was found in a home he and his family had vacated months before in an attempt to shield themselves from constant public scrutiny. 31

MUFON again stepped in to investigate the charges and found that the alleged model did not correspond exactly to the ships in Ed’s photos. Meanwhile, the UFOs continued to make themselves apparent to Ed, putting Ed in the category of UFO Repeaters who have an ongoing photographic “relationship” with the ships. Several of Ed’s photos are included in “UFO Repeaters.” “I can’t believe that Ed Walters was a phony,” Tim Beckley comments in the new book. “I don’t for one second think that he stuck a model into the walls of his attic so that someone would find it later and he would have the last laugh. He just wasn’t that sort of guy. And, besides, others did see the UFOs in close proximity to where Ed lived. He caused quite a hubbub for a number of years.” JOE FERRIERE Woonsocket, Rhode Island’s Joe Ferriere is another case of a UFO Repeater who re‐ ports positive encounters with the UFO occupants that began in childhood. “I am approximately four years old,” Joe recalled. “This memory is so clear, even though most people cannot remember that far back. It’s precise, but it’s short. It’s just a brief glimpse. I am sitting in the backyard and I am playing in a sandbox with my little pail and my little shovel when all of a sudden I am aware of the presence of a huge silver colored – I want to call it a rocket ship. It looked like some‐ thing out of a Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon movie. It had no wings. It was enormous and very, very low to the ground. I was a little bit afraid of it, but then I noticed that there were a lot of windows on this thing and that there were people smiling and waving and apparently having a great old

UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 1: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

time. I called to my grandmother to come out and see it, but by that time it was gone.” Joe has a second childhood memory from a few years later, this time of a group of UFOs that overflew his schoolyard and were seen by his schoolmates as well. He recalls even the teachers pointing at the UFOs as they passed through the sky. When Joe told his grandfather what had happened, the old man replied that there was life on other planets and someday Joe would meet them. His grandfather seemed to be speak‐ ing from personal knowledge, which dem‐ onstrates the familiar pattern of UFO and other sorts of paranormal experiences run‐ ning along family lines. In 1962, when Joe was an adult and work‐ ing at a dye factory, he observed, along with three coworkers, a fleet of silent UFOs flying in a V‐formation. This sighting trig‐ gered a compulsive urge in Joe to study the subject of UFOs, and he began to search for people who could give him answers, includ‐ ing UFOlogist Tim Beckley. A few years later, Joe sighted a tube‐ or cigar‐shaped ship at a moment when he had his camera handy; he began to take his first of what would come to be many UFO photos. After he had taken a couple of shots, a door fell open in the craft, expelling a spherical object from within. He was un‐ decided about which object he should fol‐ low when the small sphere moved away swiftly. He then took two more photos of the larger object.

“No one can doubt that these are wonder‐ ful pictures of an unknown craft,” writes Beckley about his old friend Joe. “And Joe has taken others in the Woonsocket area,

including spherical blasts of light in the sky bear that out. Perhaps the most heralded as well as a top‐shaped UFO. He has also Mexican contactee of the 1950s was taxi had his share of strange experiences that driver Salvador Villanueva. In late August would seem to indicate even more that he 1953, Salvador was trying to repair his was ‘hand‐selected’ to get the word out. I broken down cab out in the country near know there are many other photos that Ciudad Valles. He was joined unexpectedly Joe took that I hope will surface eventu‐ by two pleasant looking men, 4.5 feet tall, ally.” Some of Joe’s remarkable photos wearing one‐piece gray corduroy garments are – you guessed it! – reprinted in “UFO that covered even their feet and wide Repeaters.” shiny belts. They had metal collars and small, black, shiny boxes on the back of MEXICAN AND their necks. They carried football‐type SOUTH AMERICAN REPEATERS helmets under their arms. As it was rain‐ Mexico and South America are not with‐ ing, Salvador invited them to take shelter out their fair share of repeat UFO in his cab. The two visitors accepted his offer, and a strange conversation ensued that lasted all night. The visitors told Salva‐ dor they were from another planet, which Salvador scarcely believed. But he agreed to accompany them to their craft. He noticed that the mud puddles did not wet their feet and that their belts glowed whenever the mud was repelled. The UFO looked like two soup plates joined at the rim, with a shallow dome with portholes, and rested on three spheres. Salvador was invited in, but he refused. Glowing white, the vessel zigzagged upwards and then shot off vertically with only a faint whis‐ tling sound. A 40‐foot circle of broken bushes was later found at the site. Because of the novelty of the incident, Salvador was propelled into the media spotlight in a country only just becoming aware of OVNIs, the Mexican acronym for UFOs. Hispanic UFO researcher Scott Cor‐ rales contributes a chapter to “UFO Re‐ peaters” in which he discusses the UFO phenomenon as it impacts the lives of everyday people in the Latin regions of the Western Hemisphere. Those people often witnesses. The flying saucer occupants do “repeat business” with the aliens, who seem to be just as interested in our cross all borders as they “contact their neighbors to the south, and a multitude of own...” still and camera images from the region End of Part 1 32





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Unraveling the Mystery of Roman Flexible Glass or Unbreakable Glass (Vitrum Flexile): A Chemical Perspective: By Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D.

The first known description in history for the invention of flexible glass or unbreak‐ able glass (vitrum flexile) was during the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius Cae‐ sar (from 14 A.D. to 37 A.D.). Saint Isidore of Seville recounted the stories by Petronius (ca. 27 A.D.–66 A.D) and Pliny the Elder (23 A.D.–79 A.D) of an unknown inventor who brought to Tiberius Caesar a drinking bowl made of a flexible glass (Vitrum flexile) ma‐ terial. Caesar threw the flexible glass (vitrum flexile) bowl to the floor and the glass bowl was dented but not shattered or broken. For over 1500 years, this story re‐ counted by Saint Isidore of Seville has been con‐ sidered a myth since no flexible glass artifact has ever been discovered. In this article, it will be demonstrated that the invention of flexible glass or unbreakable glass (vitrum flexile) during Roman times was possible and feasible with the technology that was available to the Romans. The chemistry used by the Romans to produce this material will also be discussed. It was feasible that boron trioxide (borax) was available to the ancient world and to the Romans. Since, borax contains both boron and sodium (Na2B4O7∙10H2O) it is proposed here, that the ancient Roman inventor could have produced a earlier type of Borosilicate glass where after heating (SiO2 with borax) at extreme temperatures over 1,600°C or 2,912°F, a combined borosilicate glass of SiO2. B2O3.Na2O could have been obtained. The resultant compound produced (SiO2. B2O3.Na2O ) would have similar properties to modern day Borosilicates and be consid‐ ered an unbreakable or shatter‐proof glass. Introduction The first known description in history for the invention of flexible glass or unbreak‐ able glass (vitrum flexile) was during the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius Cae‐ sar (from 14 A.D. to 37 A.D.). Saint Isidore of Seville { (born Ca. 560 A.D. – died April 4, 636 A.D.) served as Archbishop of Seville for more than three decades and is considered the last scholar of the ancient world}

recounted the stories by Petronius {(ca. 27 A.D.–66 A.D.), a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero and Pliny the Elder (23 A.D.– 79 A.D.), a Roman author, naturalist, and natural philosopher} of an unknown inven‐ tor who brought to Tiberius Caesar a drink‐ ing bowl made of a flexible glass (Vitrum flexile) material. As the story was told by Petronius and Pliny the Elder, Caesar threw the flexible glass (vitrum flexile) bowl to the floor and the glass bowl was dented but not shattered or

broken. The inventor then repaired the bowl using a small hammer. Fearing that this new flexible glass or unbreakable glass (vitrum flexile) material would undermine the value of gold and silver, Caesar (after the inventor swore that he was the only person to know about the secret of manu‐ facturing the flexible glass material) had the inventor beheaded. For over the 1500 years, this story recounted by Saint Isidore of Seville has been considered a myth since no flexible glass artifact has ever been dis‐ covered. In this paper, however, it will be demonstrated that the invention of flexible glass or unbreakable glass (vitrum flexile) during Roman times was possible and feasi‐ ble with the technology that was available to the Romans. The chemistry used by the Romans to produce this material will also be discussed.

The probable discovery of an earlier form or type of Borosili‐ cate glass in Roman times. 35

Borosilicate glass is a very special type of glass that is manufactured with the use of silica (chemical compound that is an oxide of silicon with the chemical formula SiO2) and boron trioxide (an oxide of boron and is a white, glassy solid with the formula B2O3). Borosilicate glass has a remarkable physical property that allows for a very low coeffi‐ cient of thermal expansion (the tendency of a material to change in volume in response to a change in temperature) of approxi‐ mately 3 × 10−6 /°C at 20 °C , which makes this glass very resistant to thermal shock as compared to other typical glass (that does not contain bo‐ ron trioxide). This glass is considered unbreakable or shat‐ ter‐proof because of this very special physi‐ cal property and it is sold today using the trade names Pyrex, Simax, and Kimax, etc. A german glass‐ maker Otto Schott was the first devel‐ oper of Borosilicate glass in modern times and sold these glass products using the brand name Duran in 1893. The Corning Glass Works in 1915 introduced Pyrex to the market and this name became synonymous with Borosili‐ cate glass in the English‐speaking world. Borosilicate glass is produced by the addi‐ tion of boron trioxide (B2O3) to traditional silica sand (SiO2), and soda (Sodium Carbon‐ ate with the chemical formula Na2CO3, is the sodium salt of carbonic acid and is very soluble in water). Prior to the production, each raw material (SiO2, B2O3 and Na2CO3) is pulverized and granulated to a uniform particle size. These materials are then mixed together and heated to tempera‐ tures over 1,600°C or 2,912°F. This ex‐ tremely high temperature melts the ingre‐ dients and allows them to thoroughly mix to create molten glass. The resultant mol‐ ten glass mixture typically requires longer heating (up to 24 hours) to remove excess bubbles that can lead to a weaker struc‐ ture. The combined chemical formula for Boro‐ silicate glass is SiO2.B2O3.Na2O. The typical weight percentages and chemical

Unraveling the Mystery of Roman Flexible Glass or Unbreakable Glass (Vitrum Flexile): A Chemical Perspective: By Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D.

components that make‐up Borosilicate glasses are as follows: The major compo‐ nents are (silica) SiO2 with a weight per‐ centage of approximately 81% and (boron trioxide) B2O3 with a weight percentage of approximately 13% and a minor component of (Sodium Oxide) Na2O with a weight per‐ centage of approximately 4% (with other smaller weight percentage amounts of mi‐ nor components). It should be noted that, Borosilicate glasses melt at higher tempera‐ tures (820 °C or 1,510 °F) than typical ordi‐ nary glass (that do not contain boron triox‐ ide) (570°C or 1,058 °F). Therefore, it was feasible that boron triox‐ ide (borax) was available to the ancient world and to the Romans. Legend states that the Babylonians and Egyptians used borax four thousand years ago in metal‐ lurgy, mummification and medicine. The first written reference for borax can be found in the Indian text Arthasastra, about 300 B.C. (“Borax, which goldsmiths use for welding”). Borax glazes were used in China as early as 300 A.D.6 The Romans had extensive trade routes or trade links with countries such as India and the Indian sub‐continent. Medie‐ val (from about 1200 A.D. to 1500 A.D.) goldsmiths would later import the chemical borax. Borax is also known as sodium bo‐ rate (with the chemical formula of Na2B4O7∙10H2O) and is an important boron compound. It is a mineral and a salt of boric acid. Powdered borax is a white crys‐ talline material that is easily dissolved in water. Borax is naturally occurring boron trioxide. It should also be noted, that hot springs and vent streams around Rome also contained naturally occurring boron triox‐ ide. Interestingly, the invention of glassblowing coincided with the establishment of the Roman Empire in the 1st century B.C. The Romans enhanced the spread and domi‐ nance of this new technology. Glassblowing was greatly supported by the Roman gov‐ ernment and glass was being blown in many areas of the Roman world. An exam‐ ple of Roman high technology regarding blow glass is the Lycurgus cup. The Lycur‐ gus Cup is a 4th century Roman cut glass cage cup (a type of luxury late Roman glass vessel) made of a dichroic glass (a glass that displays two different colors by undergoing a color change in certain lighting condi‐ tions). The dichroic effect is achieved by making the glass with tiny proportions of nanopar‐ ticles of gold and silver. Nanoparticles of gold and silver are dispersed in colloidal form throughout the glass material. The Lycurgus cup shows a different color de‐ pending on whether or not light is passing through it (red when lit from behind and green when lit from in front). The cup is

About the Author: Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D holds a Ph.D. in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry from the State Uni‐ versity of New York at Albany. He received his Ph.D. in November 1987 for his thesis entitled “Chemical Model Systems for Dioxygen‐ Activating Copper Proteins” and was a postdoc‐ toral fellow at Rutgers University in 1988–1989. His research at Rutgers was in the area of pep‐ tide synthesis utilising transition metal chemis‐ try.

composed mainly of a high weight percent‐ age of SiO2 (approximately 74%), Sodium Oxide (Na2O) (approximately 14%) and Cal‐ cium Oxide (CaO) (approximately 6%). The Lycurgus cup is considered "the pinnacle of Roman achievements in glass‐making" and is on display at the British Museum. Since, borax contains both boron and sodium (Na2B4O7∙10H2O) it is proposed here, that the ancient Roman inventor could have produced a earlier type or form of Borosili‐ cate glass where after heating (SiO2 with borax) at extreme temperatures over 1,600°C or 2,912°F, a combined borosilicate glass of SiO2.B2O3.Na2O could have been produced (with the required weight per‐ centages of approximately 80% SiO2, ap‐ proximately 13% B2O3 and approximately 4% Na2O). The resultant compound would have similar properties to modern day Borosilicates and be considered an un‐ breakable or shatter‐proof glass.

After his postdoctoral fellowship, from 1989 to 2003 Dr Cohen was one of the owners of Essen‐ tial Dental Systems (manufacturer of dental composites and dental materials) where he was Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of Dental Research. Dr. Cohen has had over 100 papers published in peer‐reviewed journals (such as Journal of the American Chemical Society, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Journal of Endo‐ dontics and Autism, etc.) and has obtained 16 US patents. These papers cover a variety of areas such as inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, biomedicine, autism, physical chemistry, den‐ tistry and more. Dr. Cohen’s article “Debunking Element 115 (Ununpentium) as an Alien fuel Source for a Propulsion System: A Chemical Perspective.” was published in Phenomena Magazine Vol. 80, December 2015. Dr. Cohen can be reached via email at ebic‐



Saint Isidore of Seville recounted the sto‐ ries by Petronius (ca. 27 A.D.–66 A.D) and Pliny the Elder (23 A.D.–79 A.D) of an un‐ known inventor who brought to Tiberius Caesar a drinking bowl made of a flexible glass or unbreakable glass (Vitrum flexile) material. Caesar threw the flexible glass (vitrum flexile) bowl to the floor and the glass bowl was dented but not shattered or broken. For over 1500 years, this story re‐ counted by Saint Isidore of Seville is consid‐ ered a myth since no flexible glass artifact has ever been discovered. It is feasible that boron trioxide (borax) was available to the ancient world and to the Romans.

1. Isidore of Seville (2006). The Etymologies. Translated by Stephen A. Barney, W. J. Lewis, J. A. Beach and Oliver Berghof. Cambridge Univer‐ sity Press.

Borax is also known as sodium borate (Na2B4O7∙10H2O) and is an important boron compound. It’s a mineral and a salt of boric acid. Since, borax contains both boron and sodium (Na2B4O7∙10H2O) it is proposed here, that the ancient Roman nventor could have produced a earlier type of Borosilicate glass where after heating (SiO2 with borax) at extreme temperatures over 1,600°C or 2,912°F, a combined borosilicate glass of SiO2. B2O3.Na2O could have been obtained. The resultant compound produced (SiO2. B2O3.Na2O, with the required weight per‐ centages of approximately 80% SiO2, ap‐ proximately 13% B2O3 and approximately 4% Na2O) would have similar properties to modern day Borosilicates and be consid‐ ered an unbreakable or shatter‐proof glass.

5. Wolters, J. (2001). Löten im Mittelalter, in: Europäische Technik im Mittelalter: 800 bis 1400; Tradition und Innovation; ein Handbuch, U. Lindgren ed., 4. edition, Gebr. Mann, Berlin: 187‐203.


2. Pfaender, H.G. (2012). Schott Guide to Glass. Springer & Springer, The Netherlands, 2nd re‐ vised edition. 3. Werner, V. (1994). Glass Chemistry; Springer‐ Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K; 2nd revised edition. 4. Grieb, H. (2004). Theophilus and the shrine of VitusA goldsmith’s technique in the mirror of ancient references. Proceedings of Metal, Octo‐ ber; 443‐452.

6. Emsley, J. (2001) Nature’s Building Blocks: An A–Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 7. Cummings, K. (2002). A History of Glassform‐ ing. University of Pennsylvania Press., London: A&C Black/Philadelphia. 8. BARBER, D.J.; FREESTONE, I.C. (1990). AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ORIGIN OF THE COLOUR OF THE LYCURGUS CUP BY ANALYTICAL TRANS‐ MISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY. Archa‐ oeomerty 32, 1: 33‐45.

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Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory ‐ Miracles in Manhattan: By Richard R. Richie

Anyone who open‐mindedly investigates the events of September the eleventh 2001 must wonder if those that still accept the so called; 'official explanations', also ponder in disbelief at the pile of unclaimed teeth be‐ low their pillows, along with those rotting carrots and mouldy mince pies below their empty sock bedecked mantelpiece. This is one of the most glaringly, egregious exam‐ ples of Governmental 'False Flags' in mod‐ ern times, along with the most moronic attempts to obfuscate the obvious. There is tremendous amounts of evidence available, completely destroying and disproving official explanations, far too much to be covered in this brief summary but let's look at the most flagrant of the 'Hans Christian Anderson' fables proffered by gov‐ ernmental sources, and apply reason, logic and sanity. The towers were bought by Silverstein Proper‐ ties, even though they were described as "an asbestos bombshell" and which the N.Y. Port Authority had tried to obtain permission to demolish on several occasions but were le‐ gally prohibited from so doing. An insurance policy was taken out only six weeks prior to 9/11, by Silverstein Holdings with a specific clause included, this covered any attacks on the buildings by terrorists, and would result in the company not only receiving the in‐ sured value of the properties but also re‐ leased them from any further obligations incurred under the 99 year lease agreed. At the time of the attacks there had been, only $124 million paid by Silverstein Proper‐ ties, so, not only did they get their initial $124million payment back but also de‐ manded, double the agreed insurance pay‐ ment as there were two buildings. $3billion was the total insurance coverage, yet, $4,550,000,000 is the payment so far, with further legal action pending, this will take the total payout to $7.1 billion. Not bad for buildings that only remained upright until that date, due to the prohibitive costs of disassembling them floor by floor.

There is also the payout from building 7 of the W.T.C. complex which Larry Silverstein's company also owned, and which netted him a further $700 million in insurance, even when he admitted on camera, that along with 'the commander' of the New York City fire department, they had agreed to, "pull the building", a technical term used in the demolition industry for the controlled destruction of a building. Every morning he ate in the restaurant at the top of the North Tower except on 9/11 because; his wife had fortuitously reminded him that particular

morning, of a forgotten dermatologist’s appointment. Other members of his family also found excuses for not being present at their usual breakfast venue, which was lucky for them, as all who did use it ‐ died that day. No investigation of insurance fraud or criminality has ever been initiated or even hinted at? Police, firemen, and many witnesses in and around the buildings spoke of the explo‐ sions that took place prior and during the events including the W.T.C. caretaker and hero; 'William Rodriguez, who saved so many lives by re‐entering the building to unlock the doors which were preventing access and escape. At first he was treated and feted by the establishment as a great example of American valour but when he refused to stop talking about the explosions which originated in the basement prior to 45

the aircraft strike, the people who emerged from the lower levels, with their skin burnt off and hanging from their arms, the impos‐ sible destruction in the foyer area, which the testimony of firemen on the scene ver‐ ify and state could not be caused by aircraft hitting a point so high above. He was then shunned by mainstream media, the offers of lucrative employment were rescinded, leaving this 'great example of American heroism', as the media described him previ‐ ously, broke and homeless. Thankfully; Jimmy Wal‐ ter, a person of inde‐ financial pendent means, who at first, set out to disprove the ri‐ diculous 'Government Knowledge' slurs against his great Nation, which had so infuriated and offended him, used his own money, to hire proficient and profes‐ sional investigators and researchers. On receipt of the resulting inde‐ pendently funded infor‐ mation and evidence gathered and garnered by and through them, he realised the appalling truth it now presented him Shocked by what he had learned, and al‐ though it was the an‐ tithesis of his own previ‐ ously held beliefs, he once again used his own finances to independently fund and pro‐ duce a documentary in 2004 entitled 'Confronting the evidence'. He had also learned through the same sources of William Rodriguez's plight and was so disgusted and embarrassed at what had become of this brave individual, that he became his benefactor, financing William to tour, testify and enlighten persons to the facts of 9/11, all over the world. Jimmy Walter has since been forced, (not through legislation) but through constant threats, harassment and attacks both physical, psy‐ chological and to his property, possessions and reputation, all ignored by authorities when reported, to leave the country he loves and at one time believed in with all his heart. Please check this and all the vast amounts of further evidence on Larry Silverstein.

Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory ‐ Miracles in Manhattan: By Richard R. Richie

When the second plane hit the tower, somehow the nose can be seen emerging perfectly intact on the other side of the building even though it is built from the same material as a coke can? (it can be viewed occurring during the recording taken from one of the hovering media heli‐ copters covering the story that day, unfor‐ tunately, or perhaps not! at the precise moment of impact the helicopter slipped slightly to the side of its hovering position, leaving no time to adjust or rectify the live feed images broadcasted and presenting the 'miraculous' picture of an undamaged nose cone emerging from the building)? This led to a hysterical and heated disagree‐ ment amongst those believing no planes hit the buildings, it all being computer gener‐ ated effects, digital photo‐shop etc., or those against this theory and believing planes or missiles must have hit the build‐ ings. Debate lost out to dissent, reasoning and research lost in rancour and ridicule. Human arrogance created the very condi‐ tions those guilty of carrying out the atroc‐ ity desired ‐ discord. Those with open minds accepted that neither, both or even more possibilities may exist and probably did and continued searching for answers. One thing that is sure is the buildings did not fall ‐ "No, No, I saw them fall with my own eyes" No you did not, what you saw was the impossibility of two heavily rein‐ forced steel structured buildings, standing 417mtrs and 415mtrs tall, consisting of 110 stories, specially designed to withstand, not one but multiple aircraft collisions, disap‐ pearing and dissolving into a cloud of mi‐ croscopic, pyroclastic flowing dust. As did building 7, a 47 story 226mtr high building, again disappearing (not falling) at free fall speed due to minor office fires and which somehow was known to be going to col‐ lapse some time beforehand. This 'miracle' of precognition was reported as having already occurred when the B.B.C. along with some American media stations de‐ scribed the building's collapse, over twenty minutes before it actually happened? No steel structure has ever before or since completely collapsed due to fire or fires no matter how intense or widespread. On what basis would it be presumed that office fires would result in the total collapse of W.T.C. 7? When the dust had cleared there was not even enough debris from the tons of steel, concrete, furnishings, and interior struc‐ tures, of the 110 story high buildings to even reach the height of its original ground level foyer? In fact, aerial photos taken soon after reveal huge holes, where a vast mound of structural material should have been seen on all of the W.T.C. buildings. The entire interior structures have com‐ pletely disappeared. There are still hun‐ dreds of bodies not recovered from the

buildings and the biggest piece of furnish‐ ing found was half a telephone dial. How is this possible in a 'pancake collapse' as stated by officialdom? 'Miraculously' ‐ a paper passport managed to escape the furious flames that melt steel and fell to Earth revealing the iden‐ tity of one of the hijacker's, Oh!‐ by the way, that was the only passport out of the thousands of victims to fall from the sky, but it is as strange as the amazing asbes‐ tos people who were able to walk through the inferno of flames turning steel to mol‐ ten liquid metal at the central heat source i.e. the very point where the plane im‐ pacted, and its kerosene jet fuel exploded to reach a miracle in science and physics; a temperature capable of melting steel, but, somehow, it seems, incapable of harming people. They were seen soon after, waving from this gaping holocaust hole in an attempt to attract rescue. None of them were that fortunate. There was also the aircraft engine that fell into the street that day and was later proven to not be the type of engine used on either of the planes. Wonder where it came from? It's good that something was found in New York because there was nothing found anywhere else. In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where flight 93 crashed, there was only a large trench in the ground with some scattered debris around its edges. No plane was found, nor any bodies, or human remains, nor any luggage, seats, engines, equipment, or jet fuel on the ground. Fire chief Terry Shaffer said he thought "the Earth literally opened, swallowed the aircraft and closed up". There are many first responders veri‐ fying this account and using similar de‐ scription of astonishment at the lack of any sign of a crashed passenger jet. Wal‐ lace Miller, the coroner for the area states "This is the most eerie thing. I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop". 46

At the 'Pentagon'; no video was ever re‐ leased showing a plane hitting the struc‐ ture, only a strange vapour trail, bearing no resemblance to an aircrafts exhaust. There were dozens of cameras on, in and around the 'Pentagon' both official and otherwise. Those were all commandeered and never returned to their owners, nor were any ever shown to prove what actu‐ ally struck the building, the cause given being; "a threat to national security". What state secret and security would showing flight 77 approaching and hitting the most heavily protected building in the world endanger? Once more the aircraft, passengers, lug‐ gage etc. etc., miraculously vaporised, due to extreme heat we are told. This is obvi‐ ously the same type of kerosene heat that leaves passports undamaged even while melting metal, as the wooden furniture, paper, books etc., that surround and are in direct contact with the impact site are untouched, not even singed by the heat from the vanished , vaporised passenger plane. What was this miracle material which these items were made from? Major Douglas Rokke PhD, U.S. Army states; "When you look at the damage it was obvi‐ ously a missile". USAF Col. George Nelson (ret) an expert on aircraft accident investigations for over 30 years said; "I didn't see damage on the sides of that hole, anything that would say an aircraft that size would have gone through a 16ft to 18ft hole". Take a look at the photo's prior to the roof collapsing 20 minutes after impact. Miraculously; the only section to have been recently reinforced and renovated with steel and concrete containing mainly unoccupied offices, took the full force of the attack and just by chance of course, was where the papers relating to the miss‐ ing $2.3Trillion dollars that Defence Secre‐ tary Donald Rumsfeld had reported

Conscious Consideration V Conspiracy Theory ‐ Miracles in Manhattan: By Richard R. Richie

unaccounted for only the day before, had been stored. This amount of money could give every person in the country, man, woman and child, $8000 dollars each, it has yet to be accounted for? There are thousands upon thousands of glaring errors, anomalies and downright lies in the official version of the events of 9/11, but these are for you to check out for your‐ selves as the space and time allotted here, preclude an extensive and detailed account of them all. Here, only a few examples of the mountainous miraculous occurrences of that day are provided and clearly distin‐ guish the divergence between; 'cognitive dissidence' and common sense, or should I say uncommon sense as it is seemingly becoming a rare state for the human mind. Four aircraft, crew passengers, luggage, engines etc., all vanish with virtually no trace. No bodies are ever found nor identi‐ fied not even parts of bodies. All because aircraft kerosene somehow defies physics at all of the separate sites, to reach scien‐ tifically impossible temperatures, that don't just burn and melt but completely vaporise all objects except paper and wood? Build‐ ings, concrete, steel, furnishings, bodies all disappear in a controlled collapse, leaving only a fraction of the debris that should have been present. Over 1116 bodies were never recovered from the towers. In all recorded building collapses all bodies have been recovered almost intact. People walk through alleged steel melting, furiously fiery furnaces without harm? Firemen, physicists, policemen, architects, global and American politicians, engineers, bomb disposal experts, explosive experts, C.I.A. and F.B.I. agents, Military veterans of all ranks and backgrounds, pilots, all state that the official version is impossible. Fran‐ cesco Cossiga, the ex Prime Minister of Italy stated " The attacks were run by the C.I.A. and Mossad and it's common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies".It matters not if it is a few lies, a lot of lies or all lies, the question is :‐ Why are they lying and why is the media collaborating in the deception? If they can slaughter and destroy, in plain sight, on camera, in front of the world, and use fabricated factitious nonsense as an explanation, knowing; (a) it will be accepted and promoted as fact, and (b) that the pub‐ lic, are now, either totally apathetic and/or so emotionally and materially mentally programmed, their nonsensical narrative will be embraced without question, then what are they up to that's not in the public eye? This is a fraction of the empiric evi‐ dence available to any who wish to look beyond the Walt Disney story still being pronounced as fact. Look for yourself and decide what is the most believable explana‐ tion and ask why when thousands of

witnesses, professionals, politicians and experts give accounts and opinions disput‐ ing the official narrative, are they de‐ nounced and ridiculed by the media, in‐ stead of instigating investigations, inter‐ views and open debate of their expertise as would be the case with any other event? Just this week, as I am writing this article, the front runner for the Republican nomi‐ nation for President of the United States :‐ Donald Trump, has stated that there should be an open investigation into the events of 9/11 with particular focus given to the Saudi Arabian governments in‐ volvement. Now, this is not him agreeing that this was an 'inside job', but it is him stating, he believes the official Govern‐ mental explanation of events and who and what was behind them, are wrong. When a person who will possibly be the next President, states he has doubts about the official account of 9/11, it should receive and initiate, a huge media debate and global coverage. Mr Trumps did not. This does not imply that I believe he is an expert nor in fact a person fit for a presidential office but who of the candi‐ dates are? I can fully comprehend why over fifteen hundred 'Architects and Engineers, along with 'Pilots for 9/11 truth', demolition experts, military and explosive experts prefer to remain within the bounds of their particular expertise, especially with the smoking gun of building 7, finally be‐ ing admitted by the governmentally con‐ trolled N.I.S.T. (National Institute of Stan‐ dards and Technology) as falling at free fall speed and in so stating, disproves and destroys the explanation and findings in their original report. This is the correct way in which to present undeniable evi‐ dence of lies and cover up to public view, in a manner which, they can comprehend and finally fully grasp the implications this now implies. However; it would be remiss of me to omit the work of the scientist and physicist Dr Judy Wood, whose expert analyses and highly detailed personal investigation leads to the conclusion that, an (as yet) unknown weapon or technol‐ ogy was used. (I would suggest alongside more conventional methods). I recom‐ mend you research her work and make your own assessment. 47

Again the evidence of scientific anomalies is undeniable and it was she who coined the often used phrase 'dustfication', rather than collapse when referring to what hap‐ pened at the W.T.C. I would again plead that all concerned with exposing the cover‐ ups and lies of 9/11, respect each other and their search for truth. Only those who perpetrated this 'New Pearl Harbour' truly know what technology and methods were used to accomplish this horror and how it was completed. One of the Elephants in the room that is hardly ever referred to is the category 3 'Hurricane Erin', which reached its closest point to New York city on the morning of 9/11 and which should have prior to and on the day, been covered by media and given rise to weather warn‐ ings and alarms, none of which happened. Look it up on the net. Was it indeed an energy source as claimed by Dr Wood? To think that there has been no advance be‐ yond the destructive energy weapons of the forties such as the atomic bomb is beyond naivety. What my personal thoughts are on this are of no consequence as they are without empiric proof and so remain probabilities and theories, but I remain very open minded about the use of all, or some, of the possible methods now available to our governments, which they have, as yet, not disclosed the discovery of and often use of, to public knowledge. One more thing I would urge readers to view is a relatively new documentary available on 'You Tube' but better bought on D.V.D. so as to lend support to independent investigative docu‐ mentary's and journalism, entitled 'Incontrovertible' by Tony Rooke. There are so many individuals who have risked ca‐ reer, family, fortune and even life in their desire to reveal the cloak from behind which, mankind is manipulated. Not only in present day but throughout history. Many died unheard of and unheeded and so it continues today. What you must question about all that is presented to you as truth is always 'who profits'? Those with no financial, material or personal interest, tend to be sources much more reliable and trustworthy than those controlled vested interests. Be aware also that there those with ambitions beyond the materialistic mirage of wealth and power, are bringing to fruition a long desired outcome that is not in or for the benefit of any human, animal or spiritual life on this planet. Finally, please, as always do your own research...

Upcoming EventÂ

April 7 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 11:24 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. April 18 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation. The planet Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation of 19.9 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the planet low in the western sky just after sunset. April 22 - Full Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 05:24 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Pink Moon because it marked the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the first spring flowers. This moon has also been known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Growing Moon, and the Egg Moon. Many coastal tribes called it the Full Fish Moon because this was the time that the shad swam upstream to spawn. April 22, 23 - Lyrids Meteor Shower. The Lyrids is an average shower, usually producing about 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by dust particles left behind by comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, which was discovered in 1861. The shower runs annually from April 16-25. It peaks this year on the night of the night of the 22nd and morning of the 23rd. These meteors can sometimes produce bright dust trails that last for several seconds. Unfortunately this year the glare from the full moon will block out all but the brightest meteors. If you are patient, you should still be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Lyra, but can appear anywhere in the sky. 48

Upcoming Event


Book Reviews Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN:

Annunaki: False Gods from Nibiru Who Still Rule Us Sasha Alex Lessin Ph, D. and Janet Kira Lessin CreateSpace 2015 1‐: 1490334246, 13: 978‐1490334240

With the death of Zecharia Sitchin (1920‐2010), many wondered if any number of facets of the scholar’s work could ever be verified. Was the asteroid belt the remnants of the other half of Earth, an ancient parent planet known in ancient texts as Tia‐ mat? Are the world’s little‐g gods really all related within the same family of ET’s which have come from an additional planet within our solar system known as Nibiru in the Jewish tradition? And possibly most important of all, does this “12th planet” exist, and if it does, does it orbit Earth in roughly 3600‐year cycles? There are many more examples. But before Sitchin died, he passed his legacy to two researchers who he knew would not just carry on his work, but do it in the spirit of which it was originally in‐ tended: to help humanity wake up to its unfortunate but true origins and be able to free itself from them. Dr Sasha Alex Lessin and Janet Kira Lessin have been given the arduous task of sifting through Sitchin’s notes and fleshing out more detail of the relation‐ ships and incidences which wound up affecting humanity’s adolescent upbringing. In other words, this is humanities history. In addition, they claim that some of them never left and walk among us today preparing for the return of their planet, which some claim is already close to Earth. If you were a fan of Sitchin’s work, Annunaki: False Gods from Nibiru Who Still Rule Us will be for you as well. See also, Annunaki: Legacy of the Gods (2015).

Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Price:

The Shiva Syndrome Alan Joshua Burst Books 9781771552066 £12.32 (Amazon)

Science Fiction or something else? If ever there was a book that richly deserved to be made into a film it is this one. It starts off at full tilt in a secret mind research lab in Russia where experimental mind research goes horrifically wrong, creating a black hole that devastates the city, leaving a mile‐deep anomalous crater. The hero of the piece, Beau Walker, is a research psychologist who, along with other experts, is coerced into helping the US government work with the Russian authorities to uncover what happened to prevent such an event recurring. One gets the feeling from the subjects mentioned in the book, shamanism, The Stargate Project, the frequently strange goings on at Ft Meade, Jim Chan‐ non’s First Earth Battalion, hemi‐synch technology and experiments at the outer edges of consciousness, that this might also be a handbook describing what could actually happen should science and technology succeed in expending the limits of what is possible in terms of consciousness and how this might inter‐ sect with our perceived ideas about reality. Anyone who has seen the film ‘Lucy’ will get the idea, but more so. Well plotted and written, this is an absolute thrill ride of a book that is almost impossible to put down: it might also cause the reader to wonder what really does go on (MK‐Ultra for example) in some of the secret government laboratories dotted around the world.

Title: The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth Author: Gordon Asher Davidson Publisher: Self Published 2015 ISBN: 978‐0983569138 Reviewed by Bret Lueder President and co‐founder of the Center for Visionary Leadership in San Rafael, California, USA, social activist and author Gordon Asher Davidson has recently released his third book, The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance is Transforming Dark‐ ness and Creating a New Earth (Self‐published 2015). It is the culmination of his experience over 38 years of social activism and 50 years of learning the art of meditation. It is his vision of a new Earth along with pertinent meditations and a quick‐reference guide on how to get there. Davidson describes many of the ills of to‐ day’s world including unfair banking laws, social injustice and pollution, among a plethora of others. Then he describes how people working behind the scenes in institutions which many people see as evil, are really trying to work for the greater good of all humanity. Former US President Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Pope Francis are all part of this “Light Alliance.” They are allegedly preparing humanity for The Day of Revelation in which Galactic civilizations will make themselves known, new economies will be installed, criminals will be arrested, new high technology will be introduced and the world will be set right on all fronts. It’s hard to believe given some of the things that the aforementioned big names have become known. But I hope he is right.





APRIL 2016

Are there buildings on VENUS? UFO hunters claim newly released maps show 'huge cities and artificial structures'

Woman says Jesus on cross showed up in ultrasound By Portland

Call it a divine surprise. A Evansville, Indiana woman says a holy image showed up in a recent ultrasound photo. Aley Meyer's ultrasound picture of her baby boy appears to show an image of Jesus on the Cross. Meyer says she didn't even notice the image until about a week later when someone pointed it out to her. In just a few hours, the picture spread like wildfire, going viral on Facebook. While Meyer is getting a kick out of the interest in the picture, she also likes to think the image is a subtle message from above.

"She was like, do you see this? And I was like, see what? And she pointed to it and she's like it looks like Jesus hanging on the cross. And so we took a picture of it and blew it up on my phone to get a closer look and it is so much detail. you can see the hair and his legs crossed at the bot‐ tom and everything," says Meyer. "Everybody's just shocked. Everybody's like I have to see that I have to see that, so I was having to drive this thing all over town to show my grandparents who don't have Facebook and things like that."

By Stacy Liberatore ‐ Mail Online.

It seems aliens, in the eyes of UFO hunters at least, aren't content with just building on Mars. Recently published images of Venus appear to show ‘huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements’, according to one researcher. He says the buildings were created by some kind of alien race. YouTube and alien hunter mundodesconocido put a video together explaining the large cities he claims he found while analyzing the collection of photos. He even created 3D models of the structures. ‘Artificial bizarre shapes appear to be cities and seem to have elements that emit light,’ he said in the video. Mundodesconocido takes viewers on a tour through the 'great city' on Venus, showing raised structures all over the planet that could be alien apartment complexes or just craters on the surface. These images came from the Magellan probe that was shipped off to Venus in 1989, which arrived a little over a year later to collect data. Its mission was study land forms and tectonics, impact processes, erosion, deposition, chemical processes and the planets interior.

It's Pac‐Man! Mysterious footage of 'shape‐shifting UFO' looks like video game character hovering above earth

Man visiting Stanley Hotel captures eerie image By 5 on your side ‐ KUSA

"It appears to be nothing more than an image of a person rounding the corner of A Houston man who was visiting Estes the first landing on the main staircase," Park’s Stanley Hotel recently captured a the Society wrote. "The photographer has ghostly image when he tried to take a stated they did not look at the image until panoramic photo of the stairwell and the following morning and knowing what lobby. Henry Yau says he doesn't remem‐ we do about human memory, it is not out ber anyone standing in the grand stairwell of the question to conclude that they just when he took the photo. He didn’t notice did not remember seeing someone when the figure seemingly standing in the the photo was taken. It is being over middle until the next morning. A paranor‐ analyzed by 'experts' and many conclu‐ mal investigator told 9NEWS he believes sions discussed, however using the basic he sees two images there. The Rocky scientific process it is most likely a person Mountain Paranormal Society came to a on the stairs." different conclusion.

By Jake Polden ‐ Mail Online. A UFO enthusiast claims to have been sent footage that shows a glowing white shape‐shifting craft hovering above the earth. The footage was captured by a stunned motorist who filmed the bright lights apparently patrolling the planet at 3am. In the clip the main light, which takes on the shape of Pac‐Man, is flanked by three others, which appear and disappear over the course of the video. According to the video maker, the mobile phone footage was captured high in the sky above a petrol station in the centre of Kansas. After videoing and photographing the alleged space craft, the stunned filmmaker sent the clip to UFO enthusiast Tyler Glockner. The video was then posted to popular YouTube channel secureteam10, along with a caption that claims the footage is 'mind‐bending'. Narrating over the top of the video, Glockner says: 'I am unnerved just watching the footage because I think we really have something here. 'For the first time in a while we have something that is not just a blurry dot in the sky, we have a craft here that is manoeu‐ vring, it's changing its shape. 'It has what looks like windows that are emanating a white glowing light from the inside.' Since appearing online, extra‐terrestrial enthusiasts have commented to share their excitement in the latest sighting. One wrote: 'Amazing piece of footage, really pre‐ cious. We don't get these every day.' While another said: 'I don't think it was shape‐shifting but rather changing the arrangement of its lights.' A third dismissed it however, writing: 'Another weather balloon.'


The Stanley Hotel famously inspired Stephen King to write “The Shining,” after he and his wife stayed there and were the only guests. Rumours that the hotel was haunted has prompted a visit from the show Ghost Hunters, where they explored paranormal instances where people were seen hiding in hallways and ghostly chil‐ dren were heard playing.

According to the Stanley Hotel’s website, the ghosts of F.O. and Flora Stanley still try to run the business as if they are still alive.“Flora’s antique Steinway can be heard playing in the dead of night, and Mr. Stanley has been captured in photo‐ graphs surveying the goings‐on in the billiards room, once his favorite place,” the Stanley’s website reads.


How does NASA's EmDrive actually work?

Hillary Clinton tells 'alien abduc‐ tee' national security could block UFO truth bid By Jon Austin ‐ Express

Scientists have been coming up with new ideas to explain how the contro‐ versial propulsion system works. The electromagnetic propulsion engine, which some scientists believe could herald a new era of spaceflight by replacing conventional chemical rocket engines, has been a hot topic recently. EmDrive allegedly works by converting electrical power in to thrust without the need for propellant through a process that scientists argue is in direct violation of the laws of physics. Now in a renewed effort to understand exactly what is going on inside the controversial engine, researchers have been mulling over possible explanations for its peculiar behavior. One new hypothesis, which has been presented by Mike McCulloch from Plymouth University, suggests that the anomalous propulsion being generated by the drive is the result of something known as "the Unruh effect" which asserts that an accelerating observer will see black‐body radiation where a sta‐ tionary observer will see none. In other words, the universe warms up when you accel‐ erate and, according to McCulloch, the inertia is the pressure that this Unruh radiation is exerting on the accelerating body. "At very small accelerations, the wavelengths of Unruh radiation become so large they can no longer fit in the observable universe," he said. "When this happens, inertia can take only certain whole‐wavelength values and so jumps from one value to the next. In other words, inertia must [be] quantised at small accelerations." Whether this turns out to be what is causing the EmDrive's thrust how‐ ever remains to be seen.

US PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Hillary Clinton has conceded she may be blocked from revealing if the truth about alien visitations is "out there" if it is deemed to compromise national security. Mrs Clinton, and her campaign manager John Podesta, have been claiming for months she will open the so‐called top‐ secret X‐Files if she makes it into the White House. But, taking part in a radio talk show with a man who claims he was abducted by aliens, she accepted she could be blocked. The Democrat frontrunner was campaigning in East Harlem, New York, when she took part in the Power 105.1 Breakfast Club.

Is This the Ghost of George Washington Asked by one of the show's hosts, Lenard Caught on Camera? McKelvey ‐ also known as Charlamagne the

The disclosure movement has long called for the release of all information about UFOs and alleged alien visitations from world govern‐ ments, and is huge in the USA, where many sightings are reported. It has led to some speculation Mrs Clinton may be just paying lip service to secure millions of voters across the country.

“I mean, if there’s some huge national security thing and I can’t get agree‐ ment to open them, I won’t, but I do want to open them because I’m inter‐ ested”. ‐ Hillary Clinton

God ‐ who believes he was abducted by aliens several times, if she would really de‐ liver on her quest for truth about UFOs and the top‐secret military base Area 51 in the Nevada desert, she said simply, “I am.” How‐ ever, she added a caveat that she will not be able to release any files that are closed due to national security.

Alejandro Rojas, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine and Open‐, said in an article about the radio show: "There has been a lot of debate as to why Clinton keeps discussing UFOs when asked. "Typically, politicians gloss over the topic or make a joke of it. However, she has repeatedly answered confidently that she intends to look into the matter. "The cynical view would be that Clinton has no interest in

She said: "I mean, if there’s some huge na‐ tional security thing and I can’t get agree‐ ment to open them, I won’t, but I do want to open them because I’m interested.” She was also pressed on whether she believes in aliens, adding: "I don’t know. I want to see what the information shows. "But there are enough stories out there that I don’t think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen, making them up. "I think that people see things. What they see, I don’t know. But we have got to try to give people information. I believe in that.”

the topic, she is just pandering for the 'UFO vote'.” But he said that politicians who previ‐ ously dabbled in the issue had damaged their campaign, so she may have a genuine inter‐ est. But, UFO expert Lee Speigel believes the “UFO vote” could number in the millions. A 2012 National Geographic survey found 36% of Americans believe ET’s have visited Earth, while a staggering 80 per cent think the US government is covering this up for fear of the potential impact on society. We await Clin‐ ton’s response should she become presi‐ dent...

Image credit: Lisa Moulden / Joshua P Warren

By Jane Sinclair A photo taken recently in Maryland reveals a shadow figure that some believe could be the ghost of former United States President George Washington. The image was taken by Lisa Moulden, author of ‘Presidential Souls’, at an unnamed tavern in Maryland. The ghostly figure appears to be a solid object in the photograph, as opposed to a shadow cast against the wall. Paranormal investigator Joshua P Warren has studied the photograph in detail, and suggests on his website that this silhouette could be the phantom of George Washington himself. He claims that the tavern where the image was taken is said to have been frequented by the president during his lifetime. Joshua also states that other photographs were taken before and after which showed no figure. Speaking on radio talk show Coast to Coast AM, Joshua explained that the image was taken by author Lisa Moulden, who claims she has had spiritual contact with multiple former presidents. Just before taking the image, Lisa had allegedly been discussing Washington with other tavern visitors. The venue has report‐ edly had a history of ghostly sightings of the Founding Father.



Woman dies while hunting legendary monster

Does consciousness occur in 'time slices'?

Scientists have shed new light on how we experience the world through our perception of consciousness.

Roquel Bain was struck by a train while seeking a creature that is said to lure people on to the tracks. & A cross between a man, a goat and a sheep, the bizarrely named Pope Lick Monster allegedly lives underneath a Norfolk Southern Railway trestle over a small creek in Louisville, Kentucky. Local legends claim that the creature leads trespassers to their doom by hypnotizing them in to walking on to the tracks where they meet their demise in front of an oncoming train. In this particular case, tourist Roquel Bain and her boyfriend had been in the area to go on a paranor‐ mal tour of Waverly Hills Sanatorium but had decided to visit the infamous trestle in an attempt to hunt down the Pope Lick Monster beforehand. What happened next remains unclear, but it ended with the couple stranded in the middle of the trestle with a train speeding towards them. Without enough time to reach safety, Bain was struck by the locomotive and killed while her boyfriend narrowly escaped by dangling over the edge. A police investigation later revealed no evidence of drugs, alcohol or foul play. The incident follows on from another near‐miss that occurred on the same trestle two yeas ago when an Eastern High School graduate was photo‐ graphed with his legs danging over the side. "The Pope Lick Monster didn't get us, but a train almost did !" he wrote.

Understanding how consciousness works has intrigued both scientists and philoso‐ phers alike for centuries, but while it is something that we experience every day without even thinking about it, conscious perception remains a very difficult thing to describe or explain. One theory sug‐ gests that consciousness occurs as a constant stream similar to how you might experience a movie at the cinema, while another implies that our conscious per‐ ception consists instead of a series of individual moments stitched together in to a seamless, cohesive whole.

"The reason is that the brain wants to give you the best, clearest information it can, and this demands a substantial amount of time," said researcher Michael Herzog. "There is no advantage in making you aware of its unconscious processing, because that would be immensely con‐ fusing." The team believes that the period of time in which the processed data is experi‐ enced consciously may last only 50ms before new sensory information is re‐ ceived and the process repeats. Some‐ how the brain is able to effectively com‐ bine all of this together in to a single flow of events. "Metaphorically, such a repre‐ sentation is akin to the answer to the question of how were your holidays: 'We enjoyed the colours of the Tuscan

Mystery 'body possession' epidemic sweeps through Malaysian schools, causing teachers and pupils to collapse while 'being pinned down by evil spirits' Now however scientists in Switzerland have put forward a third possibility ‐ one that takes in to account both of the previous theories by suggesting that consciousness is comprised of 400ms "slices" of time that are processed uncon‐ sciously before we become aware of them.

landscape for three days and then went to Venice for four sunny days at the sea'," the study authors wrote. "The response is a compressed post‐hoc description regarding the temporal features of the trip, even though the actual event was spread over a long period of time."

Couple encounter a huge cat in the Cotswolds Students claim they are seeing evil spirits such as female vampiric ghosts The incident of mass hysteria saw 20 students sent home from one school One teacher also complained of being physically pinned down by a spectre Religious leaders have been invited into schools to remove the 'bad spirits' By Corey Charlton ‐ Mail Online Schools in Malaysia have been struck by a mass hysteria 'epidemic' in which students claim they are having visions of female vampiric ghosts and are being physically pinned down by evil spirits. Called 'body possession phenomenon', one bizarre incident saw 20 female students sent home from a single school after complaining of being over‐ whelmed by it. Yesterday reporters attempting to speak with students at one school were not al‐ lowed entry but heard screams coming from inside classrooms. Education chiefs in the Kota Baru region are now using shamans and religious leaders to try and clear the schools of the supposed 'bad spirits', the Straits Times reported. The latest school to be struck by the hysteria was SMK Pengkalan Chepa 1, which avoided spreading it by sending five female students home for the day. Those affected by the bizarre hysteria claim to be overwhelmed by bad spirits and see spirits such as the pontianak, a type of female vampiric ghost popular in Malaysian folklore. Pontianaks are said to be the spirits of women who died while giving birth who return to prey on men. Teacher Norlelawati Ramli, 32, even claimed she felt something pinning her down after she tended to a student who was complaining of seeing demons. Wiru Sankala, a traditional medicine expert, told the website the hot weather and earlier reports of the hysteria were perpetuating the problem.

53 A terrified couple in England have sketched a creature that they encountered while out driving at night. Robert and Nicola Ingram had been passing through Croome Court in the early hours of the morning when they caught sight of a large, black, four‐legged beast at the side of the road. "It was petrifying. It looked like it was on steroids," Robert said of the incident. "We'd heard rumours about an escaped panther in the area, but we'd thought it was a load of nonsense." "But when I saw this animal with my own eyes, I was stunned. It was enormous, far too big for a fox or a dog. It must have weighed about 9 stone ‐ about the same as a slim adult." "It looked right at us and walked up to the car. It then lowered the front of its body and looked like it was going to pounce," Robert continued. "We just slammed the car into reverse and went as far as we could. It was terrifying."

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Enlightening Times Magazine is a ‘Free’ online magazine and blog where you can find all the latest information on things of a spiritual nature. A well established magazine that is full of fascinating infor‐ mation. Well worth a read.

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DVD Reviews Phenomena Magazine regularly receive DVDs from producers and distributors and we provide a review of the movie / documentary by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your DVD reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: The Children of Men Director: Alfonso Cuaron Main Cast: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, Chiwetal Ejifor, Clare‐Hope Ashitey Distributor: Fabulous Films Price: £14.99 This is yet another action packed glimpse into the dystopian future that we seem destined to sleepwalk into. Set in 2027 in a world tottering on the edge of chaos, the UK is one for the few countries left with anything like a functioning, albeit authoritar‐ ian, government, and as a result is deluged with immigrants. For some reason all over the world women have became infertile and no children have been born for the past eighteen years: no children, no future, ergo no hope. Then, in the UK, one young woman is found to be pregnant and a disillusioned government employee, Theo, played by Clive Owen, is coerced by his es‐ tranged activist, freedom fighter wife (played by Julianne Moore) into getting her out of the country to a place of safety. This is a futuristic, remarkably well thought‐out, well‐plotted action drama that really does pull no punches. It is frequently extremely violent and presents a worry‐ ing picture of what could happen should society really break down, and immigration is an issue we are already grappling with. This Academy Award nomi‐ nated film, which was voted one of the ten best of the decade, is a thought‐provoking, action filled examination of what could happen if things start to go badly wrong for humanity. Well worth a watch.

Title: Director: Main Cast: Distributor: Price:

Snow White: A Tale of Terror Michael Cohn Sigourney Weaver, Sam Neil, Monica Keena Fabulous Films £14.99

This originally made for TV film is most definitely not the Disneyfied fare one has become used to over the years, oh no, this is much, much darker fare indeed. The story is much the same though, a beautiful young woman and an evil stepmother, the Wicked Queen played to good effect by Sigourney Weaver who manages to carry the film almost singe handed, received an Emmy Award nomination for her role. There is also a group of miners, although there is only one dwarf amongst them, and as one would expect there is even a rather frightening talking mirror. The film actually received two well‐deserved Emmy nomina‐ tions for make up and costume design (Weaver is unrecognisable in her other role as the crone who gives Snow White the poi‐ soned apple). Although not especially scary, in the closing stages of the film, when the wicked stepmother meets her end, it man‐ ages to change gear and presents some memorable moments. Overall not bad at all, if a little pricey.

Title: Main Cast: Distributor: Price:

Lucky Man Series One James Nesbit, Eve Best, Sienna Guillory Universal £26.99 (Amazon)

This rather off‐beat offering from Stan Lee of Marvel superhero fame, raises all sorts of interesting speculation about the nature of luck. Can we literally make our own luck or is there another power at work? In this new TV series, the hero of the piece, Lon‐ don detective Harry Clayton (played by the excellent James Nesbitt), wakes up one morning following a passionate encounter with a mysterious woman to find a strange, ancient bronze bracelet permanently strapped to his wrist. This bracelet appears to allow him to control his luck, something that becomes essential when the owner of a casino to whom he is deeply indebted turns up dead (Clayton had a big‐time gambling habit). Set in present day London, each episode features Nesbitt in a series of inventive, tight scrapes which he bests through the intervention of the bracelet, but there is surely a price to be paid. But what is it? This is a fascinating and refreshing take on the conventional type of police dramas that appear on the box, well worth a look. This DVD is due for release on April 4th.

Title: Tales That Witness Madness Director: Freddie Francis Main cast: Donald Pleasance, Jack Hawkins, Joan Collins, Kim Novak, Suzy Kendall, Mary Tamm. Distributor: Fabulous Films Price: £14.99(DVD) £19.99 (Blu‐Ray) This is a good example of the kind of horror anthologies that used to appear on a regular basis in the late1960’s early 70’s and this one is no better (or worse) than the rest. It features four uncanny tales featuring the inhabitants in the care of a psychiatrist (played with typical aplomb by Donald Pleasance). The tales involve the imaginary friend of the young boy, the ‘friend’ in this case is a tiger, there is also a time travelling penny‐farthing bicycle and the photograph of a particularly stern looking man. The third tale involves a husband who gets rather too friendly with tree, much to the annoyance of his wife, and the last story involves voodoo, cannibalism and magic. None of the tales end well for those involved and involve much gore and likewise Jack Hawkins and Donald Pleasance both meet nasty ends. The title carries an ‘18’ certificate which reflects how things have changed since it was made, because now it would almost certainly be a ‘15’. All good stuff although not especially scary, maybe a curry and six pack of beer might help things along.


This is not just another book about Roswell. It's not about any of the events surrounding one of the most famous UFO incidents of all time. It's not even about any of the men or women involved in the recovery of a spaceship and its crew in the summer of 1947. Rather, it's about the aftermath--the lifetime impact Roswell has had on the families who were forced to live with the truth while accepting the government's account of the incident, then forced to face years of suppression and fear of reprisal from a government sworn to protect them. Despite the government's best efforts to explain it away, after nearly 70 years, Roswell is a story that just won't disappear. Parents who were present during or immediately after the incident may have passed on, but their children know what happened‚ and have paid dearly for their knowledge. These are their stories. You will finally learn the truth about: The daughter of a witness to an alien body who discovered that her phone had been bugged for years. How the U.S. Air Force tried to change the mind of the son of the Roswell intelligence officer in 1995. What really became of the son of the principle witness, who disappeared in 1960.These are stories worth reading that force you to think about why the government would go to such lengths to keep these families quiet.


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