Phenomena magazine may 2016

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MAPIT 2016 Brought to you by MAPIT: Est. 1974.

EDITORIAL Hello all, as always we have the usual selection of world class articles, news and reviews but I am pleased to announce that Steve and Don from the Phenomena Project, along with Nick Kyle who is now also involved as an independent observer, have been back to Seattle in the USA to con‐ tinue with the investigation at the house in the suburb of Bothell. The occupant, Keith Linder, continues to experience difficulties due to the paranormal influences that are still present, in fact the situation is so bad that he is in the process of moving out to new accommodation. However there is no longer anything profoundly evil and dangerous at the tree a short distance away from the house that appeared in last months edition and an article will appear once we have the infor‐ mation to hand. There are indeed some interesting times ahead, and Phenomena Magazine will be there leading the charge: watch this space...

Brian Allan

Brian Allan: UK Editor.

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Mike Oram, John Pickering, Sean Casteel, Timothy Green Beckley, Richard R. Richie, Jenny Ashford, Erich Von Daniken, Jeff Nisbet, Dr. Sharen Oester and Dr. Dave Oester, Tracie Austin, Ibtissem Menad, Jonathon Dillon, Paul Christian, Stephen Jones, Sophie Evans and David Keane.

Construction & Design: Founder: Steve Mera UK Editor Contact: Brian Allan

Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez

International Distribution: United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Canada, Russia, Greece, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil, Japan and Argentina.

PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE 17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, United Kingdom. Tel: 07866 685835 WWW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.CO.UK

DISCLAIMER Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted arti‐ cles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any mate‐ rial featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position 01

The PM Team Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e-nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Rockstand Distributors - India, Lavinia Pallott Distributor: Italy, Tim at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer Rodney Howarth, Columnist Tracie Austin, Distributor Robert Snow, & Australian Correspondent & Reporter Dan Monroe.




Page 03: Whispers from Beyond ‐ EVPs and Orbs: By Dr’s. Sharon Oester and Dave Oester of the IGHS. This article represents a sort of legacy passed on to those of us who remain on this side of reality. It also serves as a suitable reminder of the kind if work carried out by the late Dave and Sharon Oester. Both sadly missed. They founded the long standing International Ghost Hunters Society in the U.S. and dedicated their lives to the research and investigation of all things paranormal, including the analysis and study of Elec‐ tronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and the possible Orb phenomena... Page 07: Curiosities: By Erich Von Daniken. For 45 years, I have maintained a squeaky‐clean archive. Therein is a section with the keyword “Curiosities.” For my new book, Impossible Truths, recently released by Kopp Verlag, I fished a few exam‐ ples from this collection of impossibilities. One such oddity is the Petrified Forest of Patagonia/Argentina. Located in the Deseado Department, south of the village of Fitz Roy, lies the strange National Park called the Monumento Natural Bosques Petrificados de Santa Cruz where the petrified forest can be found... Page 11: Powerplay ‐ The security services, sex, death and magick: By Brian Allan. It is indeed strange that those who have the most, in material terms at least, also appear to be afflicted with a terminal ennui that runs a terrifyingly close parallel to an instinct for self destruction. And so it was in the born again freedom of the 1960’s when the rich and powerful came out to play and became mired in a web of promiscuous sex, scandal, alcohol, the use of illicit drugs and, perhaps inevitably the ultimate thrill…black magick. Brian Allan explains... Page 17: Conscious consideration V conspiracy theory ‐ Capital Conundrums: By Richard R. Richie. As previously stated in previous articles, the ability to enter into extensive detail on a given subject, is very limited given the space allocated, therefore, covering the mountain of misinformation pedalled as fact is not the main objective in these writings. Rather, it is hoped that by providing evidence of some of the very obvious and blatant official fabrications, it may prick a ‐ perhaps previously dormant curiosity in some, to investigate further. Richard R. Richie examines the 7/7 London Bombings. Page 21: Lets Talk Paranormal: By Tracie Austin. Let’s Talk Paranormal has produced many wonderful TV shows over the years with numerous unforgetta‐ ble guests. Throughout 2016, LTP would like to share some of those shows with Phenomena Magazine readers in the form of a dedicated article each month. I hope you enjoy reading them and stay tuned for future ones! In this article Tracie Austin examines the difference between being psychic and being a re‐ mote viewer? FM Bonsall has the answer. He shares with us his experiences of remote viewing... Page 25: UFO Repeaters ‐ Part 2: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley. The term “UFO Repeater” was coined early on in the history of the modern UFO era to describe individuals who seemed to have nonrandom UFO encounters and who had even established an ongoing “relationship” with the flying saucer occupants. Why these Repeaters were separated from the pack, so to speak, and granted a kind of cross‐species friendship – as well as the invitation to repeatedly photograph the ships & some occupants remains unknown. Sean Casteel & Tim Beckley reveal part 2 of their fascinating article... Page 31: The Black Cross of Scotland ‐ Has the long‐lost relic been found at last?: By Jeff Nisbet Over the centuries pieces of the mysterious black cross of Scotland were widely distributed around the ever‐growing Christian world. By the end of the Middle Ages there were reputed to be so many pieces that Reformationist John Calvin quipped: “If all the pieces that could be found were collected together, they would make a big ship‐load ‐‐ yet the Gospel testifies that a single man was able to carry it.” Genuine or not, fragments of the cross were made abundantly available. Jeff Nisbet explains…

Dr. Sharon Oester & Dr. David Oester

03 Erich Von Daniken

07 Brian Allan

11 Richard R. Ritchie

17 Tracie Austin

21 Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

25 Jeff Nisbet


Steve Mera Page 37: The Black Knight Satellite: By Steve Mera. During the 1950s, (yet some reports claim the 1940s) something very strange manifested. The discovery of a mysterious unknown satellite orbiting earth in a polar orbit. Allegedly broadcasting something to un‐ known agencies long before the humans race had the technology to accomplish such a feat. There are even rumours that Tesla himself managed to pick up on the transmissions of this mysterious object in 1899. Black Knight has sparked theories in regards ETs, however could there be a more rational explanation?


And much more!

Also Featured: Latest UFO AND paranormal news from around the World, Book reviews, Events and Conferences, Astronomical DATA, Advertisements and much more. 02

Whispers from Beyond ‐ EVPs and Orbs: By Dr. Sharon Oester and Dr. David Oester, both dearly departed of the International Ghost Hunters Society (IGHS).

Editors note: This article represents a sort of legacy passed on to those of us who remain on this side of reality. It also serves as a suitable reminder of the kind if work carried out by the late Dave and Sharon Oester. Both sadly missed. Let me share a little about our own investi‐ gation techniques. We do all of our EVP recordings during the daytime. We gave up doing night time investigations several years ago as we have the same success during the day as we do at night, plus it is so much easier and safer conducting inves‐ tigations during the day where we can see where we are walking. Walking around cemeteries at night is more of a Hollywood version of ghost hunting. Ghosts are just as active during the day as at night. We rec‐ ommend doing investigations during the day; this eliminates the dust orbs captured at night with the flash. We never trespass on private land; this is illegal and can be dangerous. In addition, closed sites at night are usually open during the day. This is the advantage of recording ghost voices over taking pho‐ tos at night. At night, any flying insects and floating dust particles appear as orbs in digital photos and suddenly folks think they have captured ghost orbs. Air currents so soft that the living ignores, but will carry hundreds of airborne dust particles and some will float in front of your camera lens as you snap the shutter thereby capturing a single orb or multiple orbs in the resulting photo. See the Sony statement on white circular spots on the top part of our home page at I have heard some idiotic sceptics claimed that EVP recording are actually from radio stations or cell phones. However, ask them to duplicate recordings from their mysteri‐ ous radio stations or cell phones calls and they cannot duplicate it. In fact, we have recorded over 5,200 ghost voices and none of the voices originates from cell phones or from mysterious radio stations. Modern digital recorders do not receive radio sig‐ nals or cellular telephone signals. Yes, years ago when we had tubes in public address systems, we could pick up a local radio sta‐ tion if tuned just right, but not today with IC chips. I do not run from an investigation scream‐ ing that I am scared or carry a weapon for protection against the ghosts that haunts a place. Ghosts are already dead, so carrying a weapon to protect oneself from a ghost

borders on stupidity probably from a form of brain fart brought on by a failure to understand the fundamental nature of death. However, stupidity is a decipher‐ able form of discipline employed by those who are purveyors of falsification whose sole purpose is to gratify other like‐ minded individuals with fear and dread. I would like to share an insight into EVP recordings. When listening to the raw wav file, the voice or voices heard may not be the correct interpretation of said voice or voices. Everyone has a mindset and when they listen to the voice or voices, they think they hear certain words. However, after filtering the wav file, a new interpre‐ tation of the words may occur. I get EVP segments sent to us with an explanation of what the segment says, but when I listen to the EVPs, I hear something en‐ tirely different. I can also develop a mindset and later will listen to an archived recording and hear something entirely different than I origi‐ nally heard. This is normal and is part of the weirdness of recording ghost voices. This does not happen often, but it does happen. There are EVP recordings that are crystal clear and never change, but those EVPs that are down closer to the noise level are the hardest to understand. I recommend EVP for those just starting out in ghost hunting simply because it eliminates the problems associated with digital cameras, which capture dust orbs without any problems. Any audio re‐ cording device, including cell phones can successfully capture ghost voices. I like using a digital recorder; it does not need to be expensive with a lot of bells and whistles. Even Wal‐Mart carries 03

inexpensive digital recorders that will work for recording ghost voices. The best part of EVP recording is that cap‐ turing ghost voices can be done during the day and not at night. It is far safer to con‐ duct investigations during daylight hours, especially for women. Sharon and I do all of our EVP recordings during the day. We never have problems with sites that close at night, but open during the day to the public. This myth that ghost hunting must be done at night is false and misleading and can be dangerous. I am happy to report that all of the dust orb photos sent to us for evaluation come from people who are not IGHS members, but from novices who think that every round sphere in their photos must be ghosts. The public is very confused about orbs simply because far too many ghost hunters post their dust orbs and call them ghost orbs. Even TV ghost hunters will show dust orbs as proof of ghosts! A little common sense goes a long ways when one learns to police their own photographs by eliminating all of the possible causes for the orbs. At night, when using flash, the photogra‐ pher will see sparkles when the flash dis‐ charges. These sparkles are the airborne dust particles floating in the air in front of the camera lens. The sparkles will show up as orbs in the photograph depending on how far away from the camera flash. Most orbs are very close to the camera lens and may appear white or washed out. The further away, the smaller the orbs will appear and generally, they appear as transparent orbs. This means that you can see through the orbs. Ghost orbs are solid with texture, never transparent.

Whispers from Beyond ‐ EVPs and Orbs: By Dr. Sharon Oester and Dr. David Oester, both dearly departed of the International Ghost Hunters Society (IGHS).

Some dust orbs have outer borders and some do not have this thick line around the orb. People see faces in orbs due to the irregular surface condition of dust particles and of moisture droplets. Ghost orbs do not have faces in them since they are solid with textured backgrounds. Anytime someone claims they can see a face in orbs, rest as‐ sured that the orb is a dust particle, just as the face in the moon is due to the craters and mountains on the surface of the moon. There are a lot of myths and misunder‐ standing about ghost research and equip‐ ment that I would like to clear up. Because of the TV shows and movies, people are misinformed and confused about investiga‐ tions. Including which equipment works the best. One of the biggest misconceptions in ghost research is that the more equipment you have, the better the results you will achieve. Not only have we found this to be untrue, but many active researchers have found this to be the case as well. The more equipment a person has, the more there is to carry and the more the focus is on using the equipment rather than the purpose for being there. One exception to that is a system used by a friend and fellow ghost researcher, Jim Wyrick who uses multiple digital recorders, which he strategically places around the investigation site. His recorders are re‐ cording in various areas and his hands are free to video tape the area. Jim’s method has proven to be very effective. Jim uses two types of equipment; multiple digital recorders and a video camera with night shot mode. This allows him the free‐ dom to move around an area and if there are spirits in the shadows around him, he is recording in those areas as well. When he is finished with the investigation, he collects his recorders and returns home to evaluate the material he gathered at the site. He has achieved some excellent results using this method. He has chosen to use equipment that he knows works well for him and yet has not invested in expensive equipment that is difficult to manoeuvre and use in the field. Though people are under the impression that expensive, high‐tech equipment will assure results during investigations, it is not realistic. We know people who have bought equipment they could not afford and though it is impressive to look at, the re‐ sults provide no better documentation than a hand‐held recorder and a camera. It seems people interested in ghosts and learning more about life after life are easily swayed to believe the myth that ghosts will appear or react more to expensive, special equipment than to simple equipment and

the intentions of sincere ghost research‐ ers. They still apply their own desires for bigger and better to capture the ultimate ghost proof to a realm we are still trying to understand. We have seen ghost hunters spend hours setting up cameras in every room of a building and a “command center” where they can spend the night monitoring every room. I have tripped over the heavy cords laying all over the floor and yet when all was said and done, the investigation was a wash. Yet, someone walking through the building with a camera and recorder docu‐ mented the presence of spirits. Not even the presence of a TV crew can command spirits to appear or react. This leads me to another myth. People have the idea, because of the in‐ fluence of television shows, that because they go hunting ghosts, they will find and document them every time. That is just not true. Normal people conduct investi‐ gations all the time without results. They know to expect that when they go out if they are trained and knowledgeable about ghost research. We have provided infor‐ mation regarding lunar cycles, solar 04

storms, and electrical storms; peak condi‐ tions that enhance ghost activity since the IGHS began in 1996. Because spirits are electromagnetic in nature, certain condi‐ tions improve the chances of documenting ghost activity, not because our equipment is more high‐tech, but because the spirits are strengthened by the conditions in our physical realm. I remember when the Producer and cam‐ era crew from Nightline spent three days with us in Oregon. We lived in a very haunted house at the time but the ghost of Amelia never made her presence known while they were around. We took the crew to our former cottage along the Oregon coast because it too was very haunted and we experienced activity there all the time. We could only hope that something of a paranormal nature might occur while film‐ ing in the cottage. The crew was shocked when they started to film with us down in the basement and discovered all their batteries were dead. That is something they double check be‐ fore going to film. Nothing appeared on the footage they shot in or around the cottage and nothing else occurred as the

Whispers from Beyond ‐ EVPs and Orbs: By Dr. Sharon Oester and Dr. David Oester, both dearly departed of the International Ghost Hunters Society (IGHS).

filming progressed. Everyone present knew what happened when the sound man dis‐ covered all the batteries were dead even though nothing happened on camera to prove it. Nothing was captured on film at the haunted theatre, the high school thea‐ tre, or at the cemetery late at night. There are no guarantees paranormal activity will occur and to suggest that it will is a total deception. We established the IGHS because people wanted to know more information and a place to share their pictures and their own experiences. We created our Home Study courses for the same reasons and people wanted to learn how to investigate ghosts and haunted sites in the ways that were successful for us and safe. Women who were afraid to go out and investigate alone wanted to know what they could do and people who were disabled wanted to know if ghost research was something they could do too. We were able to share what we learned about ghost research in this way.

Our wrote our books and e‐books so we could share our personal experiences, and those of others who wanted their stories shared, with people who wanted to learn more and relax with some true ghost sto‐ ries. The basic equipment we sell is field tested by us and has provided quality, credible evidence of life beyond the grave. We teach people how to use it effectively and why it works in ghost research. We know people will not get results every time they use it a digital recorder because it will not pick up spirit voices every time. Real ghost research takes patience and perseverance, an open mind and the in‐ tention of documenting life after life for knowledge. Set the myths aside, forget the TV shows and Hollywood movies and instead, use minimal equipment and listen to your gut feelings. Some of the best pictures of the ghosts have been captured because some‐ one listened to their feelings and turned in time to snap a picture. People may lead


you to believe in myths, but your inner voice, gut feelings and/or intuition will never deceive you!

Above: Dr’s. Sharon Oester and her hus‐ band Dave Oester ‐ Both dearly departed and missed. (David was a good friend and will sadly be missed: PM) The International Ghost‐ hunters Society IGHS:

Upcoming Event

ERICH von DÄNIKEN LEGACY NIGHT Chariots of the Gods Chronicles 1966 – 2016 October 15, 2016 London, UK

Announcing the most anticipated event of the year, the godfather of the Ancient Astronaut Theory, Erich von Däniken, returns to London after 25 years for his first ever live‐streamed webcast event. This sensational two‐hour production, brought to you by Zohar Entertainment Group, in partnership with Media Invest Entertainment, will honour the past and future of author and researcher Erich von Däniken on the 50th Anniversary of his groundbreaking work, Chariots of the Gods. The inaugural live‐streamed event will be globally broadcasted live from BAFTA’s historic Princess Anne Thea‐ tre on October 15th, 2016. Our production team is elated to utilize the latest webcasting technology to share the magic with audiences via their digital devices around the world. Our thrilling evening includes three captivating components. First, the keynote presentation will be delivered by none other Erich von Däniken. This segment of the night promises unique insights on the scientific contributions and influ‐ ences from Erich’s work spanning the globe and extending through time and space. Join the journey as Erich showcases his most monumental and influential speeches, describing his findings and breakthroughs in developing the Ancient Astronaut Theory. Next, the Master of Ceremonies shall discuss this illustrious legacy with Erich von Däniken himself. We will voyage with Erich as he shares his thoughts on the struggles, challenges and successes of his celebrated career. Following the keynote address, the bold new trajectory of Erich von Däniken’s legacy will be unveiled. This explosive announcement will reveal developments from the creative geniuses behind the highly anticipated Chariots of the Gods 360‐degree entertainment franchise by Media Invest Entertainment. We are pleased to host the Executive Team of Media Invest Entertainment, who will present this electrifying news showcasing the very best from diverse immersive entertainment fields, including architecture, media, music, and much much more. For Gala Night attendees, the eve‐ ning will conclude with a VIP Cocktail Reception. This capstone to the night will host a book signing with Erich von Däni‐ ken, in which he can interact with the audiences and meet partners and sponsors.


Curiosities: By Erich Von Daniken

For 45 years, I have maintained a squeaky‐ clean archive. Therein is a section with the keyword “Curiosities.” For my new book, Impossible Truths, recently released by Kopp Verlag, I fished a few examples from this collection of impossibilities. The great sand sea of the Saad Plateau is located in south‐western Egypt. Since 1932, curious pieces of money‐green glass have been repeatedly discovered. Men call these anomalies Libyan Desert glass. In July 1999, the British magazine New Scientist wrote that over 1000 tons of the strange material have surfaced to date, the largest single piece weighing 26 kilos. Initially, they sus‐ pected the glass must have been created by a meteorite impact. But no trace of a crater could be found in the vicinity. Similarly, even if the hot gases of a celestial body crossed the area without impact, there should still be some traces, furthering the riddle. For this to have occurred, locations of desert glass would be more or less on a straight line. But they aren’t. The glass is comprised of 97% Silicon, and looks like a green‐blue gem. In an analysis published in the scientific journal Nature, the geologist Dr. Spencer said: “It’s easier to assume that the stuff fell from the sky.”

A mystery of a different kind is located in Patagonia/Argentina. There, located in the Deseado Department, south of the village of Fitz Roy, lies a strange National Park called the Monumento Natural Bosques Petrificados de Santa Cruz. At a typical National Park, you expect really splendid landscapes, snow‐capped mountains, blue lakes, and bizarre rock formations. But you will find nothing like that at the Bosques Petrificados. This is a petrified forest. Not a forest as we imagine it, for though the area is filled with tree trunks ‐ all of them are petrified. Experts estimate this petrified forest to be about 70 million years old. There is a per‐ fectly natural explanation for these fossils. Tens of thousands of years ago, the cellu‐ lose of the wood turned to stone because the trees were pelted by volcanic ash and stopped receiving air. The length of iso‐ lated trunks can be up to 50 meters, with roots still in the ground. Some fragments, however, remain mysterious. They lie around the forest in eight or 12 equal cut blocks. The cracks through the stems ap‐ pear in a manner that looks like they have been separated with a saw. Usually, the stems can be seen splitting into the wind,


while fragments of differing density are distributed throughout the trunks. Regard‐ ing adhesions, grain patterns, and knots in the growing branches ‐ none of these fea‐ tures interface with the petrified trees.

Also, the individual pieces are often the same length. Who was capable of such sawing millions of years ago? In the early 1970s, the Russian geologist Dr. Nikolai Gontscharow from the Moscow University of Arts and Industry worked on a cultural atlas of the world. As he stood in front of the finished work, he said it looked like the five‐sided pieces of a leather foot‐ ball. The markings of important sites of all cultures revealed the impressions of a multi‐cornered football, where the cut

Curiosities: By Erich Von Daniken

lines resembled the seams of a football and ran along five corners. A Russian newspa‐ per, Kosmosomlskaya Pravda, wrote: “Many ancient cultures had no random location, but were exactly at the intersec‐ tions of this system. So it was with the Indus Valley civilization of Mohenjo‐Daro, Egypt, Northern Mongolia, Newgrange in Ireland, Easter Island, Peru, and even Kiev, the mother of Russian cities. Along the seam where the gigantic plates collide, stretched the petroleum areas of North Africa and the Persian Gulf. The same thing is observed in America from Califor‐ nia to Texas.” The network showed ghostly sections, where so far no artefacts have been en‐ countered. So the distance of Nazca in Peru to Giza in Egypt is the same as the one from Teotihuacan in Mexico to Giza. And Angkor Wat in Cambodia is located equal distance from Mohenjo‐Daro to Easter Island to Nazca. Was there X‐millennia ago ‐ I dare not even attempt to use figures ‐ something like a Global Planning Committee? Determining where groups of people had to settle? Were the oldest cultures intention‐ ally situated on points that had everything to do with resources such as petroleum, minerals, etc.? Who commanded these people? For what? And when in the course of time will we admit that these phenomena have taken place, even though they seem like a fairy tale? Does humanity have a legendary past behind it?...

Dear All, In an effort to keep Phenomena Magazine at the forefront of the subject we all love, Steve and I have decided to combine our distribution lists with another online magazine that just has to be one of the very, very best of its kind in the world today. I am talking about none other than the famous and near iconic ‘Conspiracy Journal’. Very shortly you can expect to receive a copy of this excellent and free magazine in your inbox. You will also find that, despite its title, it’s well written and researched articles cover subjects with which you are already familiar and are very similar in their subject matter to those in Phenomena Magazine. We are sure you will find it a fascinating and informative read. Incidentally, by way of exchange, our distribution lists are now with Conspiracy Journal (CJ) and the magazine will now be sent to those on the CJ list. Brian Allan: PM UK Editor. 08




Powerplay ‐ The security services, sex, death and magick: By Brian Allan

It is indeed strange that those who have the most, in material terms at least, also appear to be afflicted with a terminal ennui that runs a terrifyingly close parallel to an in‐ stinct for self destruction. And so it was in the born again freedom of the 1960’s when the rich and powerful came out to play and became mired in a web of promiscuous sex, scandal, alcohol, the use of illicit drugs and, perhaps inevitably the ultimate thrill…black magick. In many ways the values of the 1960’s were a juddering ham‐ mer blow to the lynchpins of the rigid, class ridden and elitist cohorts of the UK when, as a direct result of the social changes created by the Second World War, much had changed and from their perspective the world would never be the same again. This new era of ‘flower power’ and liberal empower‐ ment, not to mention the explo‐ sion in the recreational use of drugs, irrevocably and perma‐ nently changed the social land‐ scape. To a great extent the ‘old order’ had also changed and the hidebound elite whose indiscre‐ tions enjoyed automatic censor‐ ship and concealment now found themselves exposed to the glare of egalitarian openness. It might not have mattered too much had those who chose this risky (and frequently risqué) lifestyle only been the bored and/or idle rich. In that context they might have enjoyed their brief flare of fame (or notori‐ ety) and been exposed by the sensation seeking gutter press as rich wastrels who were good for column inches and little else. However, the lifestyle also attracted those who would have been better served by avoiding the siren song of excess. Every circus needs a ringmaster, for indeed a circus it was, and in this case the master, in more ways that one, was an influential and talented society osteopath and sometime portrait artist, the late Dr Stephen Ward. However, before we look behind the veil of obfuscation and misdirection still surround‐ ing the wild drug and alcohol fuelled parties he organised for the powerbrokers, politi‐ cians and their associates, we should look at the man. Stephen Ward was born in 1912 into an Anglican family; and his father, Arthur

Ward, was the Canon of Rochester Cathe‐ dral. Stephen was initially educated at High‐ gate School in London, but few years later in 1920 the family moved to Torquay when Arthur Ward was appointed Vicar at the church of St Matthias. Stephen’s early life was relatively uneventful until, aged seven‐ teen, his family wanted him to attend uni‐ versity, but he refused and moved to Lon‐ don then Hamburg where, in 1929, he found employment as a translator at the German branch of the oil giant, Shell. In

1934 Ward’s mother convinced him that his future lay elsewhere and he travelled to America to study Osteopathy at the Kirks‐ ville Collage in Missouri. During this time he developed a deep and abiding love of America and the warmth and friendliness of its people, which was a sharp contrast to the ‘stiff upper lip’ iciness that typified much of English society. After the Second World War, where he served with the Royal Armoured Corps, Ward worked for the Osteopathic Associa‐ tion Clinic in Dorset Square in London. It was here that he met and treated several extremely influential and powerful people including the iconic wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill, cabinet minister Duncan Sandys, (the Minster for Aviation), the artist Feliks Topolski and film stars Ava Gardiner, Mary Martin (mother of ‘Dallas’ actor Larry Hagman) and Mel Ferrer. His exclusive cli‐ entele slowly built up allowing him to open his own clinic at Cavendish Square in the immediate vicinity of the epicentre of ex‐ pensive private medicine in fashionable Harley Street. It is interesting that given the 11

nature of what Ward later became involved in, that Duncan Sandys was also embroiled in a notorious sexual escapade involving the Duchess of Argyle and the actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Among those he also befriended were Lord Astor, who allowed him free use of a cot‐ tage on his sprawling Cliveden Estate, and also Sir Roger Hollis, at that time the head of MI5. He also socialised with such people as Sir Anthony Blunt, the aforementioned actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr, Prince Philip, the Marquis of Milford Haven and the then notorious slum landlord, Peter Rachman. It was these associa‐ tions coupled to his need to ingratiate himself further that almost by osmosis lead to him to become what was in effect a pimp supplying attractive young women such as Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice‐Davies (to whom Ward had at one point proposed marriage) for the many parties he hosted at the cottage on Lord Astor’s estate. It was during this period that he met the individuals who were to play such an im‐ portant part in the scandal that brought down a government and led to his death, suppos‐ edly through suicide. The parties/orgies were one thing, but it was his association with the communist sympathiser and spy Anthony Blunt and latterly Yevgeni Ivanov, the Soviet Naval Attaché that ultimately destroyed the repu‐ tation and career of John Prufumo, the anachronistically named ‘Minster for War’ in the Conservative government. The act that finally brought down Profumo was his sworn declaration to parliament that he had not had an affair with the call girl Christine Keeler. The truth or otherwise of the situa‐ tion is, quite typically in situations like this, fluid. Profumo was indeed having an affair with Keeler and that is known, but probably unaware that she was also sleeping with Ivanov. The fear, as far as the British government was concerned, was due to what is euphe‐ mistically known as ‘pillow talk’, when state secrets might find their way to the Soviet Union. Bad enough you might think, but it is strongly implied that Stephen Ward was in fact an MI5 asset and attempting to entrap

Powerplay ‐ The security services, sex, death and magick: By Brian Allan

Ivanov using the classic ‘honey pot’ ruse. In fact the entire affair was part and parcel of a convoluted spy network involving the so called ‘Cambridge Five’, which included the Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures, Sir An‐ thony Blunt, Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, John Caircross and Donald Mclean, all of whom were under intense scrutiny from the secu‐ rity services. Even this group may not have been the final summation, because the English university system was a fertile recruiting ground for Soviet talent spotters like Arnold Deuch and there may well have been other spies delib‐ erately allowed to remain at large to suit the Machiavellian plans of the British secu‐ rity services. It is also possible that more were uncovered, but persuaded to act as double agents. An interesting observation made about British security is that the end always justifies the means and that was made by a member of the Russian security services; a back‐handed compliment if ever there was one. The network of spies at this time was an international spiders web of intrigue reach‐ ing into all the powerbases of the military and government in the UK and all of them had been ‘turned’ by charismatic and ur‐ bane individuals like Anthony Blunt, who escaped prosecution by informing on his former associates. Even then there are suspicions that some of them were in fact double and even treble agents operated (or ‘run’ as the saying goes) by the Soviet Un‐ ion, the United States and of course the United Kingdom. Bear in mind that all this was happening during the heightened sus‐ picion and paranoia surrounding the ‘Cold War’ when nuclear war between the super‐ powers was a very real risk and spying was rife. In any event, as part of the fallout from the whole sorry affair, Ward was arrested un‐ der the Sexual Offences Act 1956 on charges of living off immoral earnings and Christine Keeler was arrested for prostitu‐ tion. At this point MI5 denied all knowledge of Ward and insisted that he never told them about Profumo’s involvement with Christine Keeler and by implication Yevgeni Ivanov. During the 1963 trial, followed a severe character assassination at the hands of the prosecution counsel, Mervin Griffin‐ Jones, Ward overdosed on barbiturates and was found in a coma from which he never awoke and died a few weeks later. The trial was concluded on the 5th of August 1963 with no sentence passed. Did Ward jump or was he pushed, the answer to this is unknown, but there is little doubt that he was privy to some juicy and highly embar‐ rassing titbits of information and he may well have been assassinated ‘just in case’. Well, this tidies away all the aspects of the affair that were fit to be seen, but it did not

of course reveal all that had occurred nor those involved; especially those who had been involved. Another aspect of what came to be known as ‘The Profumo Affair’ that was also over looked, almost certainly deliberately, was the fact that in addition to being an osteo‐ path and gifted artist, Ward was also a practising magician. The ‘poolside parties’ he organised at the cottage on the Clive‐ den Estate of Lord Astor, although un‐ doubtedly louche and lascivious affairs, were window dressing for the other, much, much, darker ‘games’. This infor‐ mation did not emerge until after the death of Ward when he could no longer be called upon to testify, although, that said not all of those present at the parties would have been privy to the excesses of the magickal rituals invoked by Ward; they were only for a privileged few initi‐ ates seeking more intense thrills. It is doubtful that even among this elite there were very few who, at the outset at least, would have been aware of the risks involved. While the actual use of sorcery by Ward and his inner circle had no appar‐ ent practical purpose other than to pro‐ vide an extra level of excitement and channel for boredom, but it now seems that there was much more to it than that. However, before we return to that the involvement of the security services with magick goes back for some considerable way, right back to the Elizabethan magus, Dr John Dee in fact. John Dee was a truly remarkable man, he was an alchemist, a mathematician, an astrologer and of course a magician, a real polymath and he also created (or tran‐ scribed depending on how one views it) the Enochian alphabet. This strange selec‐ tion of enigmatic glyphs and shapes was apparently given to him, by the ‘angels’ he observed using magickal techniques and a bizarre scrying device made of obsidian (volcanic glass). He is also known to have been deeply involved with Sir Francis Walsingham who founded the first 12

effective English Secret Service during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st and it has been mooted that Dee’s ‘Enochian’ sym‐ bols were in fact used as form of code to convey secret messages. Curiously enough the code number as‐ signed to Dr Dee was 007, the same as Ian Fleming’s creation Jams Bond, and of course Fleming was also involved to some extent with magick through the medium Helen Duncan and of course the almost ubiquitous and notorious magician Aleister Crowley, more of whom later. The use of the Enochian language has become part and parcel of various types of magick and is frequently used in the rituals involved. Another character involved with both the security services and magick was Sir Fran‐ cis Dashwood, founder of the ‘Hellfire Club’, which had much in common with the more lurid excesses of Stephen Ward and his associates. The security interest was more due to the importance of the attendees at the Hellfire Club than any‐ thing else. Dashwood attracted some de‐ gree of infamy in another context too when he undertook the ‘Grand Tour’ of Europe, something that at the time was practically de rigeur for young men of his wealth and Status. After joining the Ma‐ sonic Order in France he then went to Italy where he developed markedly anti‐ Catholic views. These were formed when he observed the stark differences between the wealth of casual ostentation of the Church and the crushing poverty of the majority of their devout flock. This found expression when he disrupted a Mass and openly insulted the Pope, however in the long term it did him no harm and he even‐ tually was elected to the British Govern‐ ment and became Chancellor of The Ex‐ chequer. We have briefly mentioned Aleister Crow‐ ley; a man who has become almost ubiqui‐ tous as far as magick is concerned. Despite his largely deserved notoriety, Crowley always claimed that he worked for, or at least co‐operated with, British Intelligence

Powerplay ‐ The security services, sex, death and magick: By Brian Allan

during both the First and Second World Wars. It is also strongly hinted that he was directly involved in the interrogation of Rudolph Hess and was brought in specifi‐ cally to do this by none other than Ian Fleming who knew him and in particular his encyclopaedic knowledge of the occult. Fleming was himself at least peripherally involved in another aspect of magick when he was instrumental in the arrest of the Scottish medium Helen Duncan who, during a séance, revealed that the HMS Barham had been sunk with a considerable loss of life when this was still closely guarded se‐ cret. The propaganda and news manage‐ ment during wartime was almost a form of magick in its own right, a primitive type of thought control. In more recent times we find that L. Ron Hubbard a former member of US navy Intel‐ ligence and the inventor of Scientology, was deeply involved with Jack Parsons, one of the co founders of the Jet Propulsion Labo‐ ratory (JPL) in Pasadena California. Both Hubbard and Parsons (a noted magician who was known and liked by Crowley) at‐ tempted to operate a ritual known as the ‘Babylon Working’. In fact Crowley, fearing the damage that could be caused, tried to talk them out of conducting the ritual but they went ahead anyway, and the results of this are unclear. The idea was to open a ‘portal’ and allow the Goddess Babylon access to the continuum, it is interesting t note that this was done immediately before 1947 and the supposed UFO incident at Roswell and all that has ensued since. When asked out this the Scientology move‐ ment becomes rather coy, and assures the questioner that Hubbard was observing Parsons lest he divulge details of the secret rocketry research that he was working on. As it happens, Parsons rather like Stephen Ward, was killed in mysterious circum‐ stances when there was an explosion in is garage. He had, we are told, been working with highly volatile chemicals as part of his research into solid rocket fuels. If so, his employers must have been extremely lax about what they allowed to leave the site, especially if this dangerous material was being worked on in a domestic environ‐ ment. The most recent collaboration between the security services and magick must surely be the events surrounding the so called ‘Stargate Project’ when certain carefully selected people were trained to ‘remote view’ objects and individuals thousands of miles away. It has been rumoured that the remote viewers were able, in some situa‐ tions, to travel off planet and even travel in time. However the source of funding for the project ceased in 1995 although it has been reported that three of the best remote viewers were seconded onto another as yet unnamed project. The original idea came from a genuine fear that the Russians had

begun a similar project as far back as 1977 when US Army Intelligence (INSCOM) instituted the forerunner to Stargate and called it ‘Gondola Wish’. If we can accept, even hypothetically, that the intelligence services can and do forms of magick they must therefore consider it viable so, of Ward and his initiates were not simply looking for enhanced sexual thrills then what were they doing? In some cases sexual excess is essential to rituals that involve Tantric practises such as those used by the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), therefore what Ward was doing was legitimate, but again why? Was it because some of his coven were in impor‐ tant positions and wanted to guarantee that they would remain so, was it because of power or influence or was it simply money? It has been alleged that magick and those who practise it are interested in attaining sex, power and money and sometimes all three. What is clear is that Ward was involved in magickal practises that were extremely dangerous. If so then these rituals can and do leave an un‐ healthy residue, a sort of ‘psychic stench’ in an around the area they are practised, and so it was with the cottage on the Cliveden Estate. Following the demise of Ward and the break up of his circle of friends the cot‐ tage was used and lived in by various peo‐ ple, but now there was an ‘atmosphere’ attached to it. There were reports of ‘bumps in the night’ and also frequent glimpses of terrifying apparitions, but more worryingly there was full blown poltergeist phenomena. This continued for some time, so much so that arrange‐ ments were made to have the place exor‐ cised and the man chosen to perform this rite was a noted Anglican exorcist, the late Dom Robert Petit‐Pierre. According to Dom Robert, the place took a full two days of concentrated effort to expunge it of whatever had taken hold of the 13

building. The exorcist was certain that Ward had indulged in black magick and Satanism and the exorcism was one of the most complex and dangerous he had ever undertaken. He described the entities he encountered as among the very worst he had ever come across; he called them ‘zombie‐like shadows’. Evidently it was success and there were no reports of further disturbances there, but it took a great deal in terms of health from the exorcist It is also claimed that following the end of the ‘Cold War, that Dom Robert was invited by the Kremlin to conduct an exorcism: this may have been due to the number of souls who became trapped there. It is also claimed that it was from this building that the orders were given to murder tens of millions of Christians during the dark days of Stalinism. Dom Robert described the building as ‘heavy, morose and brooding’, although this seems to have been somewhat alleviated after he left. So what to make of it all, there can be no doubt that, to repeat the cynical phrase attributed to the British Secret Services, that ‘the ends always justify the means’ and if that involves magick then so be it. It is also likely that murder would be justifi‐ able in that context as well hence the timely removal of Stephen Ward before any more highly embarrassing and damag‐ ing revelations surfaced. Ward was one, but how many other ‘accidents’ and ‘suicides’ have there been and how many more will be ‘removed’ in the future. What is of even more concern is that if this has happened once one can almost guar‐ antee can and will happen again and in‐ deed may be happening right now , (Dr David Kelly anyone?) We can only hope that when it does resur‐ face (and it will) that any indiscretions are discretely removed from public view be‐ fore anyone else gets hurt…or killed...


IMPORTANT NOTICE! It is fair to say, in this day and age, that the disconnect between mainstream media “reality” and what is really going on is getting to the point where many people in society are not being told the full story—about almost everything and anything. In geopolitics, we see media organisations such as Al Jazeera willing to totally fabricate events and broadcast them via BBC, CNN, ABC and other licen‐ sees. In what is needlessly called “alternative health”, we see the might of trans‐ national drug companies steering government health policies as well as affecting personal sovereignty in the form of forced vaccinations, freedom of choice in the treatment of serious disease, and the right to be able to purchase health prod‐ ucts of our choosing.

In explorations of “fringe sciences”, including subjects such as the Expanding Earth theory or the Electric Universe theory, we see the unexplained anomalies regarding energy, gravity, electricity and biology, being ignored, suppressed or ridiculed. I believe that it is in the open‐minded exploration of such anomalies, that we actually further our scientific understanding of our universe. In discus‐ sion of consciousness and the paranormal, we again see mainstream media re‐ porting distorted versions of events, misreporting factual data, not reporting it at all, and again, outright ridicule (snigger factor). The fact of the matter is that people want to know more about who we are as spiritual beings, about the role of consciousness in determining how we experi‐ ence life, and the role our inherent beliefs have on how we live and treat other people. I believe that the vast majority of people on this planet want to live in peace and harmony with each other, and I also believe that there are forces at work, including the military‐intelligence‐industrial complex, that desire and profit from manufactured conflict. We live in an era where a growing number of people are stepping up to blow the whistle on illegal and suppressed informa‐ tion. Information they believe is in everyone’s interests to be made public. Un‐ fortunately, despite the assurances of protection to whistleblowers from world leaders, we actually see the opposite—the suppression and persecution of such people. And finally, we live on a planet where the way in which we live is dramatically affecting the entire ecosystem. Meas‐ urable levels of chemicals are found in the air over the entire planet—in the groundwater of every continent, and in the oceans everywhere. Why is it noble to focus on CO2 and energy sav‐ ing, while ignoring the death, disease and destruction of our habitat and life forms, including our own? I have cre‐ ated the Alternative News Project (ANP), not as a vehicle to fight the current mainstream manufactured reality, but instead to provide a vehicle for like‐minded, independent thinkers, to help create something new. Some‐ thing better. Instead of endless searches on the Internet, we will bring you the news, every day, right across the spectrum of hundreds of non‐ mainstream news Topics. We have called it a Project, as it is not just about information—it is about the building of a global community through the distri‐ bution of information. The ANP is the first time that independent thinkers of the world (i.e. you) have a centralised location not only to see more of what is going on in your world than ever before, but where you also have the opportunity to send alternative news and information from anywhere across the globe. You are the real key to our project, because by receiving informa‐ tion you can inform others and by con‐ tributing your knowledge to us, we can broaden our scope of services around the globe. As such, the ANP is designed to be a community‐based interactive news and information project by the people for the people. Welcome aboard the ANP, and thanks for being part of the adventure. Duncan Roads and the ANP team index.php?referrer=phenomena 14






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Conscious consideration V conspiracy theory ‐ Capital Conundrums: By Richard R. Ritchie

As previously stated in previous articles, the ability to enter into extensive detail on a given subject, is very limited given the space allocated, therefore, covering the mountain of misinformation pedalled as fact is not the main objective in these writ‐ ings. Rather, it is hoped that by providing evidence of some of the very obvious and blatant official fabrications, it may prick a ‐ perhaps previously dormant curiosity in some, to investigate further, the multitude of other fabricated fairy stories which, through many manipulative methods, have become widely accepted as historical, or should I say 'hysterical' fact. This research may result in a expanding desire for a deeper insight into what 'truth' may be, and ultimately leads to an insight beyond which, the majority of minds can aspire too or are capable of attaining. A wish for a wisdom beyond the madness of human hubris. This has always been a terrifying state for most, who in their comfortably coshed consciousness continue in their coma, but a priority path, for any awake and aware enough to desire personal enlightenment in all aspects of Earthly experience. Animated automatons never question beyond their programmed parameters and are totally ignorant of the more terrifying alternative, already initiated and implemented in the planned programme of 'Trans‐humanism'. Robots already roam the Earth and dead people can be seen in their hordes in any shopping mall. On the seventh of July 2005 London experi‐ enced a murderous attack in which over fifty people died. It was alleged that this was carried out by four young Muslim men, who killed themselves during their individ‐ ual attacks on:‐ three underground trains and one transport vehicle, strangely enough; (or perhaps not) this was exactly the envisaged fictional scenario of a B.B.C. drama documentary programme shown one year earlier, involving members of gov‐ ernment, emergency service chiefs and military officials. Also; strangely enough! on 7/7, there was an emergency mock terror drill being enacted and carried out (as was reported live on Television that day) led by crisis management consultant Peter Power, at exactly the same time and locations as the ones attacked. He said the client he was acting for had selected these sites inde‐ pendently at an earlier time and in his inter‐ view on the day, he at inferred it was a real time event and a thousand people were involved. When interviewed a few years later, ‐ he amended his statement to imply

that it had involved only a handful of peo‐ ple from a thousand strong company's personnel and was totally office based. That still leaves the odds of an exact rep‐ lica of actual events just randomly being enacted at exactly the same time, same locations and on exactly the same day as a 'googol'! That's 1 followed by one hun‐ dred 0's?

the four alleged perpetrators arriving at Luton Station at 7.22. to buy their return tickets, (four suicide bombers buy return tickets?) This photo has a number of oddities in it, not least being the railings behind one of the men appearing both in front and be‐ hind him at the same time, along with

Again; strangely enough! as with so many false flag events, security camera's situ‐ ated at the points of interest, failed to work leaving no visual record. Those nu‐ merous defective surveillance devices included in these mysterious malfunctions were situated on or at; the railway, the underground, the bus and the streets, and on this day all failed, at all of the sites, leaving only one very curious photo, of

evidence of many other digital anomalies. The only other photograph shows the men at 8.26 at Kings Cross ticket barrier which, is an impossibility, as the only other train from Luton to arrive in time, was the ear‐ lier train which left at 7.25 arriving at 8.23 but this would leave only three minutes to disembark, make their way to the ticket barrier in heavy rush hour conditions, car‐ rying large rucksacks through the


Conscious consideration V conspiracy theory ‐ Capital Conundrums: By Richard R. Ritchie

underground tunnel that takes at least 7 minutes to negotiate at the best of times. What is not now in question however is the simple fact that; the 7.40 train stated by the official report as the one the four alleged bombers boarded and which arrived at London's Kings Street Station in time to catch the three tube train targets, ‐ was unexpectedly cancelled that day? The next train, which was running late, did not arrive until two of the underground trains in‐ volved had already left the station. Some of the many other disparities include:‐ eye witnesses stating they saw no one fitting the alleged perpetrators descriptions on or in the carriages or bus, a bus, which again, strangely enough, was the only one di‐ verted that day, witness statements in com‐ plete contradiction of the official narrative, carriage flooring upraised rather than de‐ pressed, indicating an explosion from below the floor rather than on top of it, the actual type of explosives used has never been identified, an explosive expert just hap‐ pened to be alongside the bus and available for interview on T.V. to give his 'expert opinion’ on the events in Tavistock Square and has since vanished. Who were the ter‐ rorists announced as shot by the police on Canary Wharf as reported by the media on the day? There are (as usual) hundreds of glaring inconsistencies and impossibilities in the official account as pumped out by the me‐ dia along with their deliberate obfuscation of facts, i.e.; the many family members, relatives, friends, eye witnesses and experts whose opinions, evidence and beliefs differ from and/or raise doubts over the events and who are never, ever reported from, nor given a chance to air their views, or pro‐ vided with a platform by the mainstream media, who; according to their charter, are legally bound to give an 'unbiased and fair' account of all news and world events. Unfortunately, this is not the case, as all mainstream media and especially the B.B.C. need a licence to operate and this is gov‐ ernmentally controlled, also financially in the B.B.C.s case. Any country considered by the Western governments to be an, 'unfriendly' nation are usually described as dictatorships whose media is controlled by their autocratic and tyrannical despots or ‐ in other words; their governments. Why; when your government controls the infor‐ mational outlets in the West would you believe them to be any different or any more truthful than any other controlled outlet? Should you wish to find a balanced and fairer assessment or reporting of events, then you must look beyond and behind the agendas of controlled media. There are many alternative avenues to pursue should one desire an informed view but as always,

be aware of any who may profit either financially or personally from these, as well as who gains? but on balance, when a report gives a critical review of the myriad versions and examines each aspect from an unbiased stance it usually proves to be trustworthy. As I write this article there have been several incidents in the past week, which underline the bias and mis‐ representation of events by propagan‐ dised media. Just the other day the 'Panama Papers' of the law firm 'Mossack Fonseca' were re‐ leased by a 'whistleblower' and nearly all the British press devoted their front pages and main headlines to vilifying President Vladimir Putin of Russia, because he hap‐ pened to know one of those exposed and was friendly with him. None seemed out‐ raged or gave any detailed coverage to the fact that the British Prime Ministers father, British Lords and tycoons had also been exposed as gross, high profile, tax avoiders? A video was uploaded to the internet showing a Israeli soldier deliberately mur‐ dering a Palestinian, who, it was alleged, stabbed another soldier. Although already shot and immobilised, he was left unat‐ tended, moaning and moving his head slowly from side to side, as many medics, ambulances, assorted soldiers and onlook‐ ers attended to other matters. After his colleague was put in an ambulance, the soldier inspected the body of another (seemingly dead) Palestinian before mov‐ ing down to the spot where the injured young man lay. He took aim and shot him in the head. This was not even reported on the day by Western media even though it was and is a blatant war crime. Most of the human suffering and crimes committed in the land of Palestine are never reported on. Another 'whistleblower'; a former high ranking member of the C.D.C. (Centre for Disease Control) has come forward to state that, they have known for years of the dangers inherent in certain vaccines but are controlled by vast and powerful Pharmaceutical companies, whose 18

financial interest are the power and prime motivators in any and all circumstance. He singled out and condoned the use of the M.M.R. vaccine as being highly toxic, dam‐ aging and dangerous, especially to young black males, and stating that; these facts along with their birth certificates had been deliberately omitted from the records. Dr. Andrew Wakefield's research into and on the terrible side effects caused by vac‐ cines has already been verified by inde‐ pendent research and other immunologists and as confirmed by this 'whistleblower' from the C.D.C., any doctor, like Andrew Wakefield, who questions or exposes the risks, dangers, side effects and deaths aligned or linked to vaccines, will have their reputation, career and livelihood destroyed. I am not inferring that all or any of these facts or incidents be accepted without question, but what I am stating as a fact is; none of the above are being ques‐ tioned, reported, discussed, debated or fairly and openly investigate by any of the mainstream, and most of all ‐ if there are doubts on any of these subjects – why the hell not? As stated at the beginning of this article there is neither time nor space to cover the multitude of deceptions and crimes committed previously or presently by those in power. Not only Western Media but all Media is used as a tool by individual countries and power elites to propagan‐ dise, manipulate and control their popula‐ tions. What is possible, is; for those who read these articles to make their own choices by undertaking their own investi‐ gations, asking the unasked questions, opening their minds to the infinite possi‐ bilities in and beyond this world, this life, and this ‐ so called, reality. Make it a rule to never follow any idea or theory just because you are told to do so, it's a fact and everybody else believes it to be true, you will be making a fool of your‐ self if you challenge it and that includes those points posited here.Be your own guide and acquire enough knowledge to grant you the wisdom to judge without condition, fear or prejudice...

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C. Phenomena Magazine


Lets Talk Paranormal: By Tracie Austin

Let’s Talk Paranormal has produced many wonderful TV shows over the years with numerous unforgettable guests. Throughout 2016, LTP would like to share some of those shows with Phenomena Magazine readers in the form of a dedicated article each month. I hope you enjoy reading and will stay tuned for future ones! Remote Viewing with my special guest FM Bonsall. What is the difference between being psychic and being a remote viewer? My guest FM Bonsall has the answer. He shares with us his experiences of remote viewing Mars, the Moon, UFOs and their occupants, and much more! Find out how remote viewing can be an advantage. Remote viewing has always been of great interest to me, and although I do have to some degree a natural psychic ability, I have never personally had the opportunity to explore Remote Viewing, unlike my Let’s Talk Paranormal guest FM Bonsall, who in fact has made a very interesting and successful career from it. What is Remote Viewing exactly? It’s the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using subjective means, in particu‐ lar, extrasensory perception or “sensing with mind.” My guest had yet to come up with a real short definition of it, but in a nutshell he described it as “Systematic ESP.” Based in Las Vegas at the time of appearing on the show, he explained to me how he became involved in Remote Viewing itself. He told me that after hearing about Remote Viewing in the news back in 1995 concerning a Military Remote Viewing Unit that the CIA had to let go, of how this peaked his interest into the whole Remote Viewing subject, the Paranormal, and Psychic Functioning. As FM knew that the Government were involved with this unit, his fascination on the subject grew. This led credence and confidence in FMs mind that the subject was indeed very real, and began to research the topic which later led to his involvement with the operations and training officer of the military’s remote viewing unit who ran the program called Stargate back in 1997. FM began his personal training with the officer which later led him to become then the Chief Operations Officer for the next three years. I had asked FM was it true that the Government had in fact been involved with Remote Viewing (psychic spying) for the last twenty years or so? FM confirmed that indeed it was at least twenty years of the Governments involvement in an operational capacity, but some thirty years or more for the research side of things, including research contracts. FM gave an example of a Stanford University Student who had a natural psychic ability that was researched, and who had made a study of himself; a gentleman by the name of Ingo Swann who had risen to great heights of recognition in the Remote Viewing world. He called him‐ self a “consciousness researcher” who had sometimes experienced “altered states of consciousness. Ingo developed a step by step methodology by which he actually perceived things psychically, and who then trained people in this skill. The institution (Stanford University) received positive feedback, that this step by step procedural ESP technique actually worked, and that the more time one was to concentrate on a target, the closer it made target contact. A natural psychically born person will talk about what they are seeing and feeling, FM said, whereas a trained remote viewer is based on psychological evidence; he will monitor the mind for visual images, as well as all of the auditory talk that is going on inside the head, the kin‐esthetics of what is felt of position and motion, the emotions of people at the target and discriminating that from their own emotions. A remote viewer is therefore trained to operate in all modalities of the way we process information FM said, and the way in which we process psychic information, because we understand that the “missing link” for us is “how does that psychic target that’s distant in space and time get to us?” But once we know that missing information is here in the mind, it is then processed the exact same way with informa‐ tion being received through the regular senses, it’s pretty technical he said, but essentially a remote viewer is a psychic that is covering the whole spectrum of human perception per se. FM confirmed my question that we do not necessarily have to be psychic though to do this work, anyone can in fact learn the techniques of how to Remote View. He said that what remote viewers have found over the number of years that he had been involved with the subject is that, anyone who comes to receive training and instruction all performs extremely well, some who even develop into “virtuoso’s” in the subject of Remote Viewing, but clearly stated that every‐ one can operate and function psychically without exception. I asked my guest if a certain age range mattered and is more adept to remote viewing than oth‐ ers. He said, as a matter of fact, yes. He suggested that he personally did not know of any professional remote viewers under the age of 30, but that there does seem to be a problem area in the age range from around 18‐24 years; it just seems that those people do not do so well he said. He is not sure why this is the case, but that if you are 30 years of age or older you are definitely the target market. He told me that he personally knows 50 year old people that learn remote viewing and perform fantastically. I asked if that might be because of brain development after a certain age. He said that they do speculate that at root because first of all, all of us are naturally intuitive and that we are all born with that evolutionary streak in us that allows us to perceive psychically. Whereas a natural psychic is getting information that they may or may not be able to make sense of. But a person that is 50 years old, well travelled, highly intelligent and well educated has acquired what is referred to as “labels,” so that when they are perceiv‐ ing psychic information, the information that comes in on a psychic channel has got to be bounced off the left hemisphere of the brain, and a label has to be pulled out of associative memory to come up with a certain label so that the information can be objectified to make sense to the person. Being a professional remote viewer, if I was to look at this in relation to the paranormal subject he said, and I decided to remote view for example a UFO and that was my target, and we wanted to access information on it’s propulsion system, I could create all the sketches in the world that I wanted to, but would probably be at a complete loss for words in trying to explain the way that the propulsion system works because I would have no labels to refer to, I would not have the language to translate what it is that powers this thing, so that is where the education and the experience comes into play here. 21

Lets Talk Paranormal: By Tracie Austin

Over the course of FM’s remote viewing career, he has remote viewed some highly interesting targets; some of which amongst other things, are strange anomalies sitting on certain planetary bodies in our solar system, the Moon and Mars to name a few. The photo below shows what is called “The Shard” which FM remote viewed as a blind target in 1997, which he explained is the remnants of a domed structure and now of what remains of it. He could not remember exactly what had been inside the dome or what the purpose of it had been. This may stretch the credulity with some people he said, but it was definitely part of a domed structure on the moon. I asked FM if there was a difference in remote viewing the present and the past. He said it is just as easy to remote view something in the present time as it is in the past and in the future. It does appear that for most things that are random like sporting events or something obscure as lottery numbers, of which at this point he said he had remote viewed successfully lottery numbers almost 4 weeks out in advance, even in the California daily 3 lottery, and questioned himself that these are numbers generated by computers, so how random is that? So we can remote view into the future. But as an example he said, we can take 4 or 5 remote view‐ ers and target them on the future of something or some event, and what happens is that some‐ times all the viewers will come back with different information. Based on this, it then shows us that we have gone too far out in time where it appears this event is not a done deal as yet. So how far into the future can we go, I asked? It depends on what you are remote viewing he said. If for example it’s a large geological event such as a catas‐ trophic earth quake exceeding 8.0 on the Richter scale, you could say that because of it’s momentum it’s then easier to pick up and it’s a done deal. We know it’s coming and there is nothing we can do to change it. So with remote viewing we can go way out into the future, but when we do go out to the extreme limits it does get a little wild. So what about the accuracy of remote viewing I asked FM. In any remote viewing session he said, as a trained professional re‐ mote viewer, and there is not too many out there, any of their individual sessions are about 80% accurate, plus or minus 5% on any particular piece of data, but it is a high level of accuracy. If you have 2 or 3 remote viewers on the target you can actually hit 100% accuracy that’s mutually corroborated. I asked FM what was one of the most strange and bizarre targets he had ever remote viewed. A part from viewing the inside of a comet he said, it would have to be the “Carlos Diaz” photograph of the orange coloured UFO. He explained that this remote viewing task was given to him as a blind target of which he had remote viewed back to where it had originally come from. It simply “popped in” inter‐dimensionally he said, and showed a long space time tube with it. But what was interesting about it he said, was what was at the other end of it – very conscious life forms, sentient beings about 3ft in height and looking somewhat like lizards or salamanders. It’s very interesting he said because these beings absolutely know when they are being remote viewed, unlike humans on this planet. He mentioned that he had remote viewed a few ascended masters from India and said that personally he has seen them basically turn their heads and look up into mid air as he remote viewed them, and that their attention immediately switched back to him. It’s totally fascinating FM said and ex‐ pands the mind even further, but some of them do not take too kindly to it. For anyone wishing to learn how to remote view for themselves, I asked FM what the next step would be. He advised that it’s probably better to learn from someone under private instruction and that it’s important to have someone showing you what to do. Learning from a book or video can be difficult, and so enrolling into a remote viewing workshop is highly recommended. It’s not so much of what you can do with remote viewing he said, but it’s what you become as a remote viewer, the whole practice of remote viewing which is connecting the conscious mind with your personal unconscious, which is connected to the matrix, the global unconscious and what you are doing is opening up a pipeline which gets bigger and bigger between conscious mind and your unconscious mind. That pipeline becomes a well worn pathway and that you do actually become very quickly much more intuitive, much more psychic. With the skills that we teach you, we implement the idea of not immediately quashing those psychic flashes and insights that everyone gets, and the logical side of the left hemisphere instantly crushes it within fractions of a second. We teach people to focus and to hold that information when they receive it. Even after attending a weekend training session, people notice that their awareness is heightened, you widen your perceptional boundaries greatly. There are drawbacks to this too unfortunately; your senses are heightened to the traffic noise for example which becomes much louder than usual, or that the grass is so much greener than what you had originally perceived it to be.

Recommended Reading: Penetration is about one of the means by which we can learn about those not of this earth and vice versa—telepathy. Do we have the means to answer some very important questions that many have been asking for quite a long time? This book discusses undeveloped human telepathy and contrasts it with the probable existence of fully developed alien telepathy, which may have many different forms. Ingo also explores the fact that we officially know far more than we're admitting about the Moon ‐‐ its origins, its atmosphere, its occupants and many other unusual features.



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UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 2: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

THE SKY‐WATCHERS OF WARMINSTER, ENGLAND Tim Beckley writes warmly of visiting his old friend Arthur Shuttlewood who ran a newspaper in the small British hamlet of Warminster, England, located not far from Stonehenge. Beckley was in the UK to deliver a lecture on UFOs at the House of Lords and had taken a detour to what was long her‐ alded as a flying saucer and paranormal hotspot. While on a sky‐watch in Warminster one night, Beckley and Shuttlewood blinked a flashlight on and off at what they took to be a UFO in the sky. Every time they blinked at it, the ship would appear to swing back and forth like a pendulum. To this day, Beckley wonders if he had made genuine contact with a UFO that night. But the UFO Repeater that Beckley chooses to emphasize in the new book is the late Bryce Bond, a radio deejay who ended up having several encounters in Warminster over a period of days. Bryce had come to interview Shuttlewood for broadcast back in the U.S. and was surprised to see how “blasé” Shuttlewood was about the frequent sightings. Bryce would later tell the story in a book called “UFOs: Keys To Inner Perfection,” which is also available from Global Communications. Bryce writes that: “Arthur then said quietly, ‘I’m very glad you’re here tonight, Bryce. There in front of us is a UFO. Notice the triangle shape and colored lights going around? That is a very good sign.’ It then started to lift off in a weird pattern – then just disappeared. I was flabbergasted! It was so close. While describing that one on tape for American listeners, another one popped up about 25 degrees along the horizon. This one was a very brilliant white, while the other was a blaze of colored lights. This was the highlight of my British trip: a close sighting; yet I honestly felt spiritually close to the lights in the field.”

Sean Casteel with Timothy Green Beckley 25

UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 2: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

That same night, Bryce telepathically “reached out” and asked the higher intelli‐ gence to make contact again. There fol‐ lowed a missing time experience, after which he heard the sound of a crop circle being made in a nearby wheat field. Bryce would have many more experiences of direct contact with the Space Brothers and came to feel he had been charged with the mission of explaining their good intentions for mankind. He even quit his radio job to devote himself to spreading the word full‐ time. Literally thousands of witnesses from all over the world besieged Cradle Hill in the sleepy little community of Warminster, England, to bear witness to some unusual celestial sights that defied explanation.. The Warminster "Thing" started it all when a woman on the way to church was pressed to the ground by a high‐pitched whining sound as a UFO stood motionless in the sky. In Italy, honest to goodness space people have been known to walk amongst us. The Friendship Group say a hundred or more of their members sighted and photographed both the occupants and the ships. The aliens were said to be gigantic, and their typical UFO was a dome‐shaped vehicle. There are some who believe that Italian photographer Antonio Urzi has created a hoax with the many photos that have been taken through the skylight window in his bathroom. One of Marc Brinkerhoff's most popular photos is of a humanoid peering out of the porthole of a spaceship. Marc says that all of the space beings he has en‐ countered look remarkably human, almost as if they were posing as soap opera stars in order to hide their true identities. ITALIAN CASES OF UFO REPEATERS Continuing in this international vein, we come to Italian cases where people have had repeated contact with the UFO phe‐ nomenon. The name Antonio Urzi has become quite well known among UFOlogists for his ongo‐ ing ability to capture video images of UFOs from his home in Cinisello Balsamo. The craft he has photographed run the gamut from singular balls of light to swarms of spherical, luminous objects that resemble “flotillas” or small fleets. Antonio has also recorded images of structured metallic discs pivoting and standing still in the air and dome‐shaped craft silently hovering, rotating and shining until they disappear to the naked eye. A journalist named Maurizio Baiata has written extensively about Antonio and says he can vouch for Antonio’s sincerity. The debunkers of Antonio’s videos generally harp on the fact that he has simply pro‐ duced too many of them to be credible and that they are “too good to be true.” But Baiata points out that in several instances the sighting and Antonio’s ability to film the

Above: Warminster Intuitive art by Carol Ann Rodriguez event took place in the presence of other witnesses, to include professional camera operators from the most important Italian TV networks. There is also the famous Friendship case of 1956 that took place in Pescara, Italy. It is claimed that human‐ looking aliens engineered a mass contact event involving more than 100 people who were eager to learn their highly ad‐ vanced extraterrestrial ways. The aliens spoke perfect Italian and said they were a confederation of different people from throughout the known universe. As is often the case with Space Brother‐type aliens, they said they came in peace to attempt to prevent Earth from succumb‐ ing to its own increasingly evil tendencies. The aliens said they kept themselves hid‐ den from the world’s general population because the masses were not ready for this kind of direct contact. They had been on Earth for many years but had lived on secret bases around the world and in some cases had established human identi‐ ties, living among us unnoticed. 26

Another Italian who believes in kindly, blessed aliens is Giorgio Bongiovanni, a stigmatic who is continually suffering the wounds of Christ as they spontaneously erupt on his body. Giorgio’s first stigmata happened in 1989, when a luminous being appeared and told him the universe is abundant with intelligent life and that men are visiting Earth in highly advanced disc‐ shaped spacecraft. His stigmata are in‐ tended for the faithful to have a sign they can believe in during the traumatic Earth changes to come.

UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 2: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

MARC BRINKERHOFF Another contactee that Tim Beckley counts among his friends is fellow New Yorker Marc Brinkerhoff. Marc, for his part, counts the aliens among his friends as well. As is frequently the case among UFO Repeaters, the UFO occupants established a bond with Marc that began in his childhood. At age five, Marc saw a large, silvery sphere, “like the metal ball in a pinball machine,” that was utterly silent. He remembers “receiving a feeling of great love from it.”

Marc began regularly photographing UFOs in the 1970s and has been doing so ever since. He adamantly believes the Space Brothers have kindly intentions for the hu‐ man race and will never stage a mass land‐ ing in an effort to conquer the planet.

“UFO Repeaters” includes many of Marc’s photos as well as a detailed chronology of his many loving encounters with the Space Brothers, from childhood to the present. He can seemingly summon the ships at will sometimes and frequently photographs them from his apartment window. SEDONA, ARIZONA, AND TOM DONGO The UFO hotspot known as Sedona, Ari‐ zona, is another scene of Tim Beckley’s intrepid adventuring. He visited a local resi‐ dent there named Tom Dongo, a veteran of the paranormal who conducts jeep tours of the area and has had a long history of UFO encounters with many photos to show for it, some of which are included in the new book. But why Tom Dongo, you ask? “A hundred times I have said – why me?” Tom said in an interview with Beckley. “This stuff has been going on for over 25 years now, and I have written six popular books regarding many of these inexplicable occurrences. Why is it that I have such strange paranormal

happenings around me, sometimes on a continuous basis? I don’t understand it. I don’t have a clue. I have had many bor‐ derline‐psychotic explanations from, usu‐ ally, well‐meaning people as to the reason behind this activity. Maybe I will never know why.” If you’re someone who has worked past “borderline‐psychotic explanations,” you will no doubt be fascinated by reading more of Tom’s story and seeing some of his photos. THE NIGHT WATCHMAN IN TURKEY Another international case that has at‐ tracted much attention recently are the photos taken by a night watchman in the town of Kumburgaz, located on the coast of Turkey. The late UFOlogist Dr. Roger Leir was a prominent advocate of the case before his death, having been on the scene of one of the Turkey sightings. But it is the aforementioned Turkish secu‐ rity guard, Yalcin Yalman who has pro‐ vided the most direct evidence. On sev‐ eral occasions between 2007 and 2009, Yalman scanned the heavens – apparently knowing when the objects were going to appear – and videotaped UFOs in flight over the sea on the coast of Marmara. Yalman was able to film many such video segments, some during the day while accompanied by witnesses with whom he spoke while he was filming. An expert video analyst named Mario Valdez of Santiago, Chile, was brought in by Turkey’s National Council for the Study of Science and Technology to study the footage. Valdez concluded that, “The ob‐ jects in the footage have the structure of a specific material that is definitely not made up by any kind of computer 27

animation, balloon, prop, model or special effects used for simulation in a studio.”

ROB HARTLAND OF AUSTRALIA Aussie Rob Hartland says he has taken more than 20,000 digital photographs of the daytime sky in his Perth home, and a small percentage of them reveal possible extraterrestrial spacecraft when enlarged. His photos received media coverage in both his hometown newspaper, “Perth Now,” on April 27, 2013, and on the “Open Minds” website here in the U.S. two days later. “It began when he was taking photos of clouds to test out a new camera,” the Perth newspaper reported. “He noticed a ‘smudge’ that, when enlarged and en‐ hanced, ‘had some structure to it, suggest‐ ing it could be some sort of craft in the sky.’ He says since then he has identified a dozen different UFOs, including round, square and saucer‐shaped craft, posting the photos on his website – wispy‐ – for extraterrestrial buffs and skeptics to ponder.” Hartland explained some of his methodol‐ ogy, saying that he usually focuses the camera on the edges of mid‐ to high‐ altitude clouds. “I take about 30 shots at a time,” he told the Aussie paper. “In ten to fifteen

UFO repeaters continue to photograph unidentified craft en masse—no explanation in sight! ‐ Part 2: By Sean Casteel & Timothy Green Beckley

minutes, I’ll take 300 to 400 images. Then I connect the camera to the computer. I zoom in and enhance any little thing I note on the images and you get these craft in anywhere from two percent to twenty per‐ cent of the shots. “Some of them appear to have transparent canopies,” Hartland continued, “and in some shots it looks like there could be oc‐ cupants inside. I always say ‘could’ rather than ‘is.’ There is always doubt. But UFO stands for ‘unidentified flying object,’ and, as far as I’m concerned, these aren’t identi‐ fied. It’s possible some are manmade, but I don’t think they all are. There’s no way it is a bird or insect or plane. They look totally different and these craft move much faster.” Hartland began taking his photos in Novem‐ ber 2012 using a new Sony Cybershot DSC‐ RX100 camera. According to Jackson Flin‐ dell, the picture editor of another Aussie paper, “The Sunday Times,” Hartland’s im‐ ages “did not appear to have been tam‐ pered with, but dust on a digital camera’s image sensor could cause anomalies in digital photographs, while powerful magni‐ fication could also distort images in some cases.” Hartland holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and said he had no history of mental illness or drug abuse. He insists that he never alters his photos, though he acknowledged many people would find his claims hard to be‐ lieve. As is frequently the case with indi‐ viduals who are able to repeatedly photo‐ graph UFOs, Hartland’s initial photos were captured quite accidentally. But a routine eventually developed in which the ships seem to “obligingly” show up as he photo‐ graphs the clouds around his home. PHOTOS GALORE! WHO COULD ASK FOR MORE? At the risk of “repeating” myself, I heartily recommend the newly released “UFO Re‐ peaters: Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” if only for the sheer fascina‐ tion the reader will inevitably find in looking at the book’s more than a hundred photos. If one can put aside the essentially irresolv‐ able issues of “authenticity” and still man‐ age to take the photos at face value in the absence of complete endorsement by the so‐called scientifically debunking “experts,” the book offers a treasure trove of exciting shots of UFOs that are beautifully repro‐ duced. All a photo debunker can say, at best, is that a given photo hasn’t been tampered with and must therefore be labeled as an “unknown.” But the reader may more likely happily make the leap of faith that the vari‐ ous “chosen” photographers have captured genuine images of alien hardware in flight – ships that are playfully posing for their

“own” and whose reality is taken for granted as being quite definitely “known.” And read‐ ing the many case histories in the book that involve the aliens befriending some few mor‐ tals among us may offer the kind of reassurance that any UFO believer would want: the aliens are not only here, they seem to really like some of us! SUGGESTED READING UFO REPEATERS! – SEEING IS BELIEVING – THE CAMERA DOESN'T LIE‐Repeaters‐Seeing‐Believing‐Camera/dp/1606111914 ref=sr_1_1ie=UTF8&qid=1427248744&sr=8‐1&keywords=ufo+repeaters+beckley THE SAUCERS SPEAK – CALLING ALL OCCUPANTS OF INTERPLANETARY CRAFT‐Speak‐Calling‐Occupants‐ Interplanetary dp/1606111329/ref=sr_1_23 s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1427250449&sr=1‐23 The Authentic Book Of Ultra‐Terrestrial Contacts: From The Secret Alien Files of UFO Researcher Timothy Green Beckley‐Book‐Ultra‐Terrestrial‐Contacts‐Researcher/ dp/1606111213/ref=sr_1_60 s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1427250683&sr=1‐60




Amazing value. Subscribe now and get a massive saving. For Phenomena Magazine readers only. 29



The Black Cross of Scotland ‐ Has the long‐lost relic been found at last?: By Jeff Nisbet

This is the tale of a famous relic, considered lost for almost 500 years. It begins in 326 AD, when Constantine, the first Christian emperor of Rome, sent his mother, Helena, on a mission to the Holy Land in search of relics of the Judeo-Christian tradition. While there, Helena found several buried crucifixes. One of them, by miraculously curing a dying woman, was believed to be the “True Cross” upon which Christ had suffered and died... 31

The Black Cross of Scotland ‐ Has the long‐lost relic been found at last?: By Jeff Nisbet

It was an archaeological find for the ages, and a brilliant marketing coup. Over the centuries that followed, pieces of the cross were widely distributed around the ever‐growing Christian world. By the end of the Middle Ages there were reputed to be so many pieces that Reformationist John Calvin quipped: “If all the pieces that could be found were collected together, they would make a big ship‐load ‐‐ yet the Gospel testifies that a single man was able to carry it.” Genuine or not, fragments of the cross were made abundantly available. Some were presented to heads of state. Others were enshrined in churches along the lucrative pilgrim trails. Still others were captured and recaptured during the Cru‐ sades. While some still survive, others be‐ came lost to the historical record. One of these now‐lost pieces found its way to Scotland, and was given a name: The Black Cross, a.k.a. ‘The Holy Rood’. When the Normans conquered England in 1066, Hungarian‐born English princess Margaret fled to Scotland, married Malcolm III, and became the mother of three subsequent Scottish kings. From Hungary, it’s claimed, she brought a relic of the True Cross, and was accompanied by a William “The Seemly” Sinclair. William was allegedly a member of the family that would later build Rosslyn, the Da Vinci Code chapel, but his‐ torians have yet to verify his existence. Margaret died in 1093, clutching her pre‐ cious cross, and was canonized in 1250. The cross remained in Scotland for 130 years, during which its reputation was en‐ hanced with a miracle. On Holy Cross Day, 1127, Margaret’s son King David I went hunting near Edinburgh, and was thrown from his horse when a beautiful but angry white stag startled it. David was saved from the stag’s furious charge by the sudden apparition of a cross between its antlers, causing the stag to turn away. In gratitude, David founded Holyrood Abbey near the spot where the miracle occurred, and his mother’s Holy Rood became the abbey’s most prized possession. In 1296, however, King Edward I of England seized the cross and took it to London, where it remained for 32 years. In 1328, by request of Scotland’s King Robert the Bruce, it was returned to Holyrood, but was again lost to the English at the 1346 battle of Neville’s Cross. For the next two centuries the cross was given pride of place in the relic collection of nearby Durham Cathedral until the English Protestant Reformation of 1540, when it was lost forever ‐‐ or was it? There is yet another legend that connects the Sinclairs to the cross. One Simon Sin‐ clair is said to have retrieved the cross from Durham, hiding it in Rosslyn Chapel. Once again, though, historians can find no record

of this particular Simon. Nevertheless, there is a document that may lend some support to the story. In 1546, just six years after the cross is lost to history, Marie of Guise, mother of Scot‐ land’s beloved Queen Mary, strikes a curi‐ ous contract with William Sinclair of Ross‐ lyn. In it, she pledges to “keep secret” what was shown to her, and the nature of that secret has been debated ever since. Per‐ haps it was the Black Cross. Indeed, of all speculations made about Rosslyn, Scot‐ land’s newspaper of record, The Scotsman, has said that possession of the relic is “the least bananas.” Besides the fact that William and Marie were both Catholics in a country that would predictably soon become Protestant, it would have been folly to let such a national treasure fall into Protestant hands, since the staunchest Protestants looked upon all such objects as idolatrous. And as the Eng‐ lish Reformation had shown, Catholic prop‐ erty would soon become easy pickings for the gentry. If William had the cross, why should he not keep it? As it happens, there is evidence the Sinclairs may have done just that. Two years ago I received a data disc con‐ taining 88 Rosslyn‐related photographs. One was of a rough wooden cross inside a reliquary. Upon further inquiry I discovered there is a very small handful of people who believe this cross was fashioned from the wood of the True Cross, and that it is in the possession of the current Earl of Rosslyn, but I’ve been unable to discover whether or not they also believe it to be the Black Cross, or simply a relic acquired more re‐ cently. Inside the reliquary stands a woman, look‐ ing up and outward from the foot of the cross. Nothing hints at her identity. Is she the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, or Mary Magdalene, believed by some to have been 32

the wife of Jesus and mother of his chil‐ dren? While we cannot be sure, Biblical tradition relates it is Mary Magdalene who first witnesses the risen Christ, making no mention that his mother witnessed the event. Also in the reliquary are two angels, each holding a scroll that, when read as one, reads EX LIGNO SSME CRUCIS DOMINI NOSTRI JESU CHRISTI (From the Wood of the Most Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ). While the use of the letters U and J argues against the reliquary being older than 16th century, since before that time the letters V and I were used instead, even a reliquary made as recently as the 16th century still fits into the period the cross may have been retrieved from Durham by the historically nebulous Simon Sinclair. While researching this article, I consulted a 1903 translation, with editorial notes, of The Rites of Durham, four Latin scrolls containing an inventory of the cathedral’s pre‐Reformation relic collection. The scrolls relate that two crosses were carried to the Battle of Neville’s Cross. One is de‐ scribed as carried “by two or three men,” while the other is described as “but a palm in length.” This smaller cross, the editor suggests, would have been carried around the neck of King David II, son of the man who, ironically, had asked for the return of the Black Cross just 18 years earlier, King Robert the Bruce. Why, we may ask, was Margaret’s cross called the “black” cross? The prevailing wisdom is that the relic was contained inside a much larger cross made of ebony, a black wood, encrusted with gold and jewels, and bearing an ivory image of Je‐ sus. While it is easy to believe that such a treasure may have been intentionally lost to history, why must it have been lost with the “true” cross still inside? A careful read‐ ing of The Rites suggests a reason why both crosses may be considered black.

The Black Cross of Scotland ‐ Has the long‐lost relic been found at last?: By Jeff Nisbet

They are described as appearing “smoked all over,” which may mean that the wood had been considerably darkened by centu‐ ries of devotional candle smoke, and the cross in the Rosslyn reliquary certainly fits that description. To better understand this humble relic we should ask how Margaret acquired it. As the daughter of exiled Eng‐ lish Prince Edward, she was born in Hungary during a period of social turbulence. King Stephen I, who had won Hungary for the Catholic church of Rome, had been dead for only seven years by the time she was born, and while her English patrimony is certain, the patrimony of her mother, Agatha, is still widely disputed, although it has been pro‐ posed that Agatha was, in fact, the dead king’s daughter. Now enshrined in the Parliament building in Budapest, the Crown of Saint Stephen is the most‐venerated object in Hungarian his‐ tory. This crown, we are told, was raised by King Stephen upon his coronation, making the Virgin Mary the Queen of Hungary, and all subsequent kings of Hungary servants of the crown. Atop this crown is a gold cross that does not seem to belong there, and perhaps it isn’t meant to. It looks dispropor‐ tionately small, pushes crudely through an icon of Jesus, and is bent at an angle. Éva Kovács, in The Hungarian Crown and Other Regalia, states her belief that this cross is a substitute for an original double‐ barred relic of the True Cross, noting that the ancient Hungarian coat of arms bears a double‐barred cross. Kovács continues that renowned Hungarian genealogist, Szabolcs Vajay, “called to my attention a strange incident in the crown’s history which had completely escaped everybody’s attention. Before Queen Isabella handed over the regalia to Ferdinand in 1551, she broke the cross off the crown’s peak for her son, John Sigismund. According to a contemporary Polish chronicler, John Sigismund wore this cross on his chest till the end of his life, ‘… because he who possesses this cross will again come into possession of the missing parts which, subjected to the power of the cross, had belonged to it.’” [Italics mine] What are we to make of the words “the missing parts?” Is it conceivable that Mar‐ garet and her family, possibly in line of suc‐ cession to the contested throne of Hungary, had taken the two horizontal bars of the original double‐barred cross with them when they returned to England, and that a smaller single‐barred cross had been fash‐ ioned from the remaining upright bar, which sat atop the Holy Crown until Queen Isabella broke it off and gave it to her son? Could Scotland’s Black Cross have been fashioned from those two missing bars, and is there any more evidence, however tenu‐ ous, that connects the Scottish cross to the Hungarian cross?

Yes, there is … • The Scottish legend of David I’s encoun‐ ter with the white stag is curiously similar to the Hungarian legend that a white stag led the brothers Hunor and Magor to Scythia, which in turn led to the founda‐ tion of the Hun and Magyar people. And regarding Scythia, the signers of Scot‐ land’s famous Declaration of Arbroath, the inspiration for America’s own Declara‐ tion of Independence, stated that their forebears came from “Greater Scythia.” • A time‐honored tool of genealogists is Onomastics, the study of name origins. While the patrimony of Agatha, mother of Scotland’s Margaret, is one of the great unresolved questions of medieval geneal‐ ogy, let’s consider that a tribe called the Agathyrsi is supposed, by Greek historian Herodotus, to have originated in the Scythian plains of what is now the Ukraine, and that a male contingent of the Agathyrsi is supposed, by others, to have made their way to Scotland, agreeing to a contract with the indigenous peoples guaranteeing a tradition of future matri‐ lineal descent in return for wives. This theory has a history of raising hackles in various camps by touching on the un‐ popular theories of British Israelism and the origins of the blue‐painted Picts ‐‐ and yet the Onomastic similarity between Agatha and Agathyrsi remains.

damaged. Why was the damage done to Hungary’s most treasured artifact never repaired? Why does the cross look dispro‐ portionately small, and why does it push crudely through an icon of Christ? Are we being quietly persuaded to consider there was once a different cross atop the crown than the one we see today, and are we to wonder what happened to it? Might there also be a message encoded in the angle at which today’s cross is tilted, and might that be the reason it was never repaired? Could that angle be telling us the fate of the original relic? Of the several photographs of St. Stephen’s Crown I was able to obtain, only one showed a directly frontal view of it, and from that perspec‐ tive the cross appears to be left‐leaning at an angle of 22.5 degrees. Three years ago, in Atlantis Rising #76, I published an article speculating the north/ south line along which lay several UK megalithic sites was a post‐diluvial prime meridian lying precisely 33 degrees west of the Great Pyramid at Giza, so I admit to being predisposed to think along geodesic lines, and to draw conclusions therefrom. I was nevertheless astonished to find that Buda Castle, seat of the Hungarian Kings, and Dunfermline Abbey, where Hungarian‐ born Margaret of Scotland was both mar‐ ried and buried, are separated by 22.5 degrees of longitude.

Regardless, let’s think more about the mystery behind the bent cross currently atop the crown. Depictions of the crown prior to the 17th century show an upright cross. Those after show it bent, presumed

Is the angle of the small bent cross atop the Holy Crown telling us that the cross went thataway? Well, there is yet another element of the crown that may be saying precisely that. Around the lower circle of


The Black Cross of Scotland ‐ Has the long‐lost relic been found at last?: By Jeff Nisbet

the crown are affixed enamel portraits of four angels, two saints, an emperor, and a king. Only the king holds a cross – Géza I of Hungary, who reigned from 1074 to 1077. Éva Kovács says that this cross, with its stylized foliage, represents the wood of the True Cross. Géza’s eyes are cast suspiciously towards the cross, which he holds at a 22.5‐ degree angle, and there is no cross on his crown. The crown he wears is not the St. Stephen’s crown we know today, and one arm of the 22.5‐degree angle points to the area where the relic cross may have been originally fixed. It has been widely assumed that at least some part of today’s crown dates back to Stephen’s coronation, but that may not be so. In 1981, a team of in‐ ternational experts studied the crown for the first time, and generally concluded that even the lower and older part of the crown cannot date back earlier than 1067 ‐‐ thirty years after Stephen’s death. So what hap‐ pened to the original? Margaret’s family left Hungary in 1057, ten years earlier than the date given by experts for the crown we have known since. Could it be that Margaret and her siblings, as grandchildren of Stephen, were strongly advised to abandon the Hungarian line of succession before returning to England, and took parts of the True Cross and the original Crown of St. Stephen with them when they left? And might today’s Holy Crown be a storyboard on which the truth of the matter has been written? While the appearance of the original crown is unknown, Éva Kovács speculates it may resemble “the diadem set with gems and provided with a pinnacle decoration of lilies that can be seen in King Stephen’s portrait embroidered on the man‐ tle,” the coronation robe considered the only part of the Hungarian royal regalia that dates back to Stephen’s reign. On the obverse side of the Great Seal of King David I of Scotland, Margaret’s son sits on his throne, wearing a crown similarly pinnacled with lilies. In his left hand he holds the Royal Orb topped with a single‐ bar cross, and in his right he holds a sword, inclined towards his crown at the by‐now‐ familiar angle of 22.5 degrees. Directly above the crown, but not attached to it, floats a second cross, marking the begin‐ ning and end of the seal’s inscription As David sits, he gazes over the Orb towards the east, and seems to be saying, “Aye, we have your crown and your cross – and we bloody well mean to keep them.” This was the point at which my original investigation ended, but there proved to be one more story the Crown of King Stephen had to tell, and it is perhaps the most re‐ markable of all. It concerns Saint Andrew, Scotland’s patron saint. How Andrew be‐ came the patron saint of Scotland is an interesting story that seems to have been cobbled together for the popular

imagination from rather suspect accounts. In the 4th century, a Greek monk named Regulus was told by an angel to hide some of the saint’s corporeal remains from the Emperor Constantine’s relic hunt, men‐ tioned at the beginning of this article, and to sail west with them. Wherever they were shipwrecked, the angel said, they should found a church. Unsurprisingly, Regulus and the relics were shipwrecked in the land now known as Scotland, at a place now called Saint Andrews, more well‐known today as The Home of Golf. The Pictish king of that land, promised victory over his enemies by an apparition of the dead saint, dedicated the church founded by Regulus to Saint Andrew and his Christian God. Four centu‐ ries later, during the Battle of Athelstane‐ ford, the Picts are once more heartened on to victory by divine intervention – this time the appearance in the sky of the X‐shaped cross that Andrew was supposedly crucified on by his own instruction, not feeling wor‐ thy of a death on a cross of the same con‐ figuration as Christ’s. Or so we are told. Tidy tales, still accepted by the faithful, to explain how Andrew, whose ministry never took him anywhere near Scotland, became that country’s patron saint. His ministry did, however, take him to Hungary, where he was well revered at the time Margaret and her family lived there. Since the first ap‐ pearance of the Saint Andrew’s Cross as a Scottish national symbol is on the seal of the Guardians of Scotland, dated to the late 13th century, one might be forgiven for suspecting that it was 11th‐century Marga‐ ret who made Andrew a household word, and that the legends of Regulus and Athel‐ staneford were specifically written to pre‐ date her appearance on history’s stage. It should be noted that the first mention of a Bishop of Saint Andrews is in 1108, fifteen years after Margaret’s death. Which brings us back to the Crown of St. Stephen …Andrew is one of eight apostles portrayed on the upper bands of the crown. He is shown only with a book, not with the X‐shaped cross that has become his symbol in Scotland, but we know that he is Andrew because it says so above his head. All of the apostles’ portraits were made using an ancient process known as cloisonné, a sev‐ eral‐step decorating technique. First, the artist would inscribe the outline of the finished piece on a metallic base; then, metallic wires would be attached to that base, conforming to the inscribed outline; and finally the areas separated by the wires would be filled in with enamel paints. It is a painstaking process, affording several chances to correct any obvious mistakes that might have been made along the way. When you look at the accompanying por‐ trait of St. Andrew, then, does it not beggar 34

belief that the completed cloisonné por‐ trait of Saint Andrew shows his index fin‐ ger to have been more than twice the length of a normal index finger? Not only that, is it not astonishing that the finger’s middle joint does not, like a normal joint, turn inward towards the palm, but instead turns sideways, then bends around the thumb, pointing to the northwest at an angle of precisely 22.5 degrees. Is he saying he was taken that away, too? While mainstream history, leavened by ecclesiastic dogma, is careful not to step on too many toes, and keeps an ever‐ vigilant eye on which side of the bread the butter’s on, the truth of things is often written between and beneath the lines of venerable source documents, waiting for its day. Might not Margaret, living in a time when Hungary was not ready to accept a monarch who was half English and England was not ready to accept a monarch who was half Hungarian, have decided to marry into the royal bloodline of a third country – Scotland? We might guess what dowry she brought… In a 2006 Scotsman interview with Roddy Martine, author of The Secrets of Rosslyn, one of the more circumspect books about the chapel, Martine admits “there is a fairly strong possibility that the Holy Rood of Scotland is concealed there because it was certainly taken there on several occa‐ sions for safekeeping.” Elsewhere in the interview, Martine de‐ scribes Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code as “a rollicking thriller but it is fiction.” And regarding The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, the book that Brown’s central story‐ line – that Jesus married and had children with Mary Magdalene – was first pre‐ sented in, Martine is not quick to discount the theory. If such a bloodline exists as described, he says, then it could be gene‐ alogically traced to the UK’s present ruling monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, adding that the current Earl of Rosslyn is Commander of the elite London Metropolitan Police unit charged with protecting the royal family, “So there could be something in it.” As far as the Earl’s supposed possession of the Black Cross is concerned, my experi‐ ence while investigating the February 2010 discovery of bones at the chapel, later published as The Rosslyn Bones, has shown that any questions I ask of the Rosslyn Chapel administration will remain unan‐ swered. I am hoping someone else would like to do the asking. END More of Jeff Nisbet’s articles can be read on his website at and on his shelf.

Paranormal Horror: Jenny Ashford

Contact Jenny Ashford via Facebook if you have any queries


Paranormal Horror: Jenny Ashford

Contact Jenny Ashford via Facebook if you have any queries


The Black Knight Satellite: By Steve Mera


The Black Knight Satellite: By Steve Mera

During the 1950s, (yet some reports claim the 1940s) something very strange mani‐ fested. The discovery of a mysterious un‐ known satellite orbiting earth in a polar orbit. Allegedly broadcasting something to unknown agencies long before us humans had the technology to accomplish such a feat. There are even rumours that Tesla himself managed to pick up on the trans‐ missions of this mysterious object in 1899. Tesla reportedly intercepted a signal unlike any of the natural sources from Earth such as electrical storms that he had already investigated thoroughly. He announced that he was receiving regular signals from an outside intelligent source. Today there are many that believe he was listening to a transmission from an orbiting satellite of unknown origin later called by some the Black Knight. The truth of the matter is... Tesla was more than likely tuning in to the regular transmissions of pulsars, fast‐ spinning neutron stars which emit a rhyth‐ mic signal. In the 1920s mysterious signals were again detected by amateur radio operators. These were originally of Earthly origin, how‐ ever, their timing was unusual. A signal would first be received then a second re‐ peated signal received just a few seconds later. These Long Delayed Echoes (LDEs) were difficult to explain in terms or radio waves bouncing off atmospheric layers. Then TIME magazine announced that the United States had apparently detected the mystery object as it orbited overhead and immediately thought it was some type of Russian spy satellite. However, this initial story was crushed as the U.S. Department of Defence announced that they had in fact identified it as part of an Air Force Discov‐ erer satellite that had gone astray. In 1954 the St. Louis Dispatch and the San Francisco Examiner reported on the strange orbiting craft and asked, whether or not there was 'something' up there six years before the first successful launch of a Polar Orbit Satellite? Aviation Week and Space Technology also featured a small article about the mystery on August 23rd 1954. They wrote: 'Pentagon scare over the observance of two previously unobserved satellites orbiting the earth has dissipated with the identification of the objects as natural, not artificial satel‐ lites. Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, an expert on extra‐ terrestrial bodies from the University of New Mexico headed the identification pro‐ ject. One satellite is apparently orbiting around 400 miles out, while the other object is around 600 miles from the earth. Penta‐ gon officials thought momentarily the Rus‐ sians had beaten the U.S. to space explora‐ tions'. Though the discovery of an Earth‐orbiting

satellite was reported in a couple of news‐ papers and the respected astronomer Clyde Tombaugh (who discovered Pluto) being involved, the articles were actually a couple of synopses of a book written by the ufological author Donald Keyhoe (1897‐1988). Interest throughout the years was grow‐ ing in regards the mystery object after it was seen shadowing the Sputnik 1 Space‐ craft in 1957. When Sputnik 2 was launched a month later, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Vene‐ zuela allegedly photographed it again shadowing the satellite. According to sev‐ eral reports the unknown craft was in a Polar orbit and at that time neither the U.S. or Russia possessed the technology to place and maintain a satellite in a Polar orbit.

NASA records show their first Polar orbit‐ ing satellite to be launched in 1960. Such orbital paths are commonly used for earth mapping techniques and observation. More recently the mysterious craft has 38

been nicknamed the Black Knight due to its unusual shape and dark colour. What this object is intended to do remains some‐ what of a mystery. The phrase ‘Black Knight’ is extremely common, I was unable to determine when that particular name first became a part of this story. It seems improbable that the name would have come from any space‐faring nations at the time, as it's such a common name and has probably been assigned to any number of real government / military projects. In February 1960 there was a further re‐ port that the United States Navy had de‐ tected a dark, tumbling object in an orbit inclined at 79° from the equator with an orbital period of 104.5 minutes. Its orbit was also highly eccentric with an apogee of 1,728 km (1,074 mi) and a perigee of only 216 km (134 mi). A mysterious object on an unusual orbit... At the time the Navy was tracking a fragment of casing from the Discoverer VIII satellite launch which had a very similar orbit and later became a suit‐ able excuse for the strange craft.

The Black Knight Satellite: By Steve Mera

During the 1960s, interests were once again fueled after astronomers once again lo‐ cated the object on its Polar orbit and tracked it. Its weight was estimated to be over 10 tons. Around the same weight as NASAs heaviest artificial satellite. Also, the craft was moving twice as fast as any other orbiting satellite. By this time both superpowers had satel‐ lites in equatorial orbit around Earth, but polar orbit meant that the satellite could actually see every part of the planet, yet neither the Americans or Russians admitted owning it. This was a time of deep‐rooted suspicion and espionage not just with each other but now seemingly with extra‐ terrestrials too. Due to the freedom of in‐ formation act (FOIA), declassified informa‐ tion now released suggested that the mys‐ terious object was in fact connected to a Corona spy satellite under disguise. The US Discoverer research satellite programme was apparently a cover for the Corona pro‐ ject which was intended to photograph sensitive sites in the USSR. What NASA tells us is...The mystery object reported was an unexpectedly large piece of debris from Discoverer VIII released when it jettisoned its film recovery capsule (known as a “bucket”). Discoverer VIII’s bucket was lost as the satellite’s eccentric orbit made it impossible to recover, the satellite itself apparently burned up on re‐entry in March of 1960. However, if that is the case, then any debris should follow suit, yet continued observations of this object continue... Several reports demonstrate Grumman Aircraft Corporation's interest in the Black Knight. On September 3rd 1960, only seven months after the unknown craft was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at the Grumman Aircraft Corporation's Long Island facility managed to snap the object as it passed over. At that time the orbiting craft could be seen as a red light in an East to West orbit. The photographs brought about the construction of the Grumman Aircraft Corporation committee, but the data re‐ ceived from observations and photography

were never released to the public. What on earth was this object and... what did they find? As we know, astronaut Gordon Cooper made his heroic orbit of earth in 1963. On his final orbit he apparently reported see‐ ing a green glowing object in front of his Mercury 9 capsule and moving towards his spacecraft. This was confirmed by the Muchea tracking station in Australia. 39

Again, the object was reported to be trav‐ elling East to West. NBC were quick to pick up on this and wanted to know more, but were instructed not to ask Cooper any questions. The amusing part of this report was the official explanation for the myste‐ rious green object... were “high levels of carbon dioxide, which caused hallucina‐ tions“. Also, let’s not forget astronaut John Glenn’s alleged comment... ‘There’s Critters Out There!’

The Black Knight Satellite: By Steve Mera

In 1973, a gentleman by the name of Dun‐ can Lunan from Scotland went back and looked over old signals from the 1920s to see if he could make sense of them. By plotting the delay times against the order in which the echoes were received he could apparently create diagrams and star charts. By deciphering them Lucan came to a con‐ clusion that the signals must be being trans‐ mitted by some type of intelligent probe which was originally from the star Epsilon Böotes... (better known as Izar) and that this probe had been in the vicinity of our moon for around 13.000 years. Of course... it does not take a genius to work out Lunan was ‘not’ a professional astronomer but a science fiction writer. Interestingly, Lunan never gave mention to the name ‘Black Knight’, but... he did come up with the 13.000 years, which may have somehow been mixed into the same pot as the Black Knight. He never personally linked his Epsi‐ lon Böotes hypothesis with the Black Knight, it would seem that others have been responsible for this.

An object photographed in 1998 during the STS‐88 mission has been widely claimed to be this “alien artefact”. However, it is more probable that the photographs are of a thermal blanket that had been lost during an EVA. But further photographs have emerged, sparking new interests and theo‐ ries. Secret spy satellite, alien craft, or some type of misidentifications. Whatever the Black Knight is, it has got a reputation for turning up on NASA photographs... As far as I am aware, there are around 3000 man‐made satellites in working order around our planet, (probably more if we were to count the secret spy satellites and other devices in orbit). NASA has stated the Black Knight was nothing more than part of the Discoverer VIII. A piece of large debris floating around earth. However if the debris of old and damaged satellites are to be taken into account the number of orbiting objects increases dramatically. Ever since the Soviet Union launched their first artificial satellite into orbit in 1957, numerous countries have sought to com‐ pete. Most satellites nowadays are used for communication, navigation and explora‐ tion. A few for surveillance and other secret stuff. Satellites are often visible passing overhead as the sunlight reflects back to‐ wards the Earth. Some may even be seen to blink on and off as they do their thermal roll. One side of the satellite is reflective to prevent the sun from heating up delicate circuitry whilst the other side is non‐ reflective since there is no necessity to shield the whole satellite which of course would be costly. Of course... one such satel‐ lite is impossible to miss, the largest satel‐ lite currently in orbit, the International Space Station, at a huge 100m across. How‐ ever, these satellites are relatively 40

The Black Knight Satellite: By Steve Mera

unexciting in comparison to the mystery surrounding one very old dark satellite... Though there is somewhat of a legend sur‐ rounding this satellite in regards it being 13,000 years old. Speculation or disinforma‐ tion? Either way, it lends hand to much debate. The origin of the ominous name is part of the enigma; it is impossible to dis‐ cover who first called it the Black Knight or indeed why. Probably the most recent and most cited ‘evidence’ for the existence of the Black Knight satellite are the photographs taken by the crew of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Endeavour whilst in low Earth orbit during 1988. These images are often labelled ‘the smoking gun’. The most definite proof of the existence of this satellite. However, on more careful analysis this strange structure seems to resemble a piece of space debris. The truth is... this mysterious black object is probably nothing more than a thermal blan‐ ket (a Trunnion Pin Thermal Cover) that had somehow become dislodged during an EVA. According to the respected space historian James Oberg in his superb history of the incident ‘STS‐88 and the Black Knight’, the lost blanket burned up when it fell out of orbit about a week after it was lost. The only officially documented reference to ‘Black Knight’ comes from the papers in regards the Blue Streak rocket. A British made rocket used between 1958 and 1965 and for those ufologists out there, the very same rocket that popped up in the Jim Templeton Cumberland Spaceman case... A video feed from the ISS showed a similar object in 2014, which again sparked debate. Information currently circulating the inter‐ net gives mention to the military and space programs of both the US and Russia having acknowledged at least the possibility of the Black Knight’s existence. So... claims of a 13.000 year old satellite originally from Epsilon Böotes, reportedly been spotted numerous times and photo‐ graphed by NASA astronauts as it travels its Polar orbit, transmitting unusual signals down to earth for many a year; in reality this is not the case. It would seem that ‘Black Knight’ is a jumble of completely unrelated stories; reports of unusual scien‐ tific and astronomic observations, authors apparently promoting fringe ideas, talk of classified spy satellites and so called experts over‐interpreting photographs. As for the received radio transmissions and secondary delayed signals, there can be numerous explanations for such long delayed echoes. In fact there are about 15 plausible expla‐ nations. None of these includes orbiting alien satellites of course; although if an alien craft decided to enter earth’s orbit, record numerous transmissions, and then transmit them back to us 8 seconds later, it could well have the same effect.

seen on NASA footage that may very well be some type of extraterrestrial craft or intelligent creatures living in space. There are many further photographs of other unexplained objects in orbit of Earth...

However, on this particular occasion I think we may be able to put the long mystery surrounding the Black Knight satellite to bed. Despite the rational explanations for the Black Knight satellite the stories continue... Saying, it's ‘up there’ in the darkness right now, just outside the Earth's glow. It slowly tumbles deliberately sweeping smoothly along its unrelenting orbit. Watching, lis‐ tening. Does it really exist? And if so... what is its purpose. The mystery surround the Black Knight satellite is sure to con‐ t i n u e . . . Whatever the truth is...

There are of course a number of things 41

In 1945, the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki became the first and last victims of the atom bomb, the most destructive man-made force our planet has ever known. Or were they just the latest in a long line of Armageddon-level events? Is it possible that our civilization is, in reality, just one of many? Did previous cultures blossom, develop, and thrive, only to destroy themselves, tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago, with the same atomic technology? These are the controversial and thought-provoking questions at the heart of Nick Redfern's Weapons of the Gods, which argues that many ancient civilizations cracked the secrets of the atom, only to become the victims of its awesome, terrifying power. Still others may have been destroyed by hostile aliens with their own nuclear arsenals. Where is the evidence? The answer is shockingly simple: it's everywhere. It's just a matter of knowing where to look for it, from the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the ancient Pakistani culture of Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan, to the Lonar Crater in India and the revelations in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, two ancient Sanskrit texts that describe nuclear warfare thousands of years ago.


Upcoming Event

May 6 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 19:29 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. May 6, 7 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Eta Aquarids is an above average shower, capable of producing up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. Most of the activity is seen in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, the rate can reach about 30 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust particles left behind by comet Halley, which has known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from April 19 to May 28. It peaks this year on the night of May 6 and the morning of the May 7. The new moon will ensure dark skies this year for what could be an excellent show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky. May 9 - Rare Transit of Mercury Across the Sun. The planet Mercury will move directly between the Earth and the Sun. Viewers with telescopes and approved solar filters will be able to observe the dark disk of the planet Mercury moving across the face of the Sun. This is an extremely rare event that occurs only once every few years. There will be one other transit of Mercury in 2019 and then the next one will not take place until 2039. This transit will be visible throughout North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, and parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. The best place to view this event in its entirety will be the eastern United States and eastern South America. (Transit Visibility Map and Information) May 21 - Full Moon, Blue Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 21:15 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Flower Moon because this was the time of year when spring flowers appeared in abundance. This moon has also been known as the Full Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon. Since this is the third of four full moons in this season, it is known as a blue moon. This rare calendar event only happens once every few years, giving rise to the term, “once in a blue moon.” There are normally only three full moons in each season of the year. But since full moons occur every 29.53 days, occasionally a season will contain 4 full moons. The extra full moon of the season is known as a blue moon. Blue moons occur on average once every 2.7 years. May 22 - Mars at Opposition. The red planet will be at its closest approach to Earth and its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year and will be visible all night long. This is the best time to view and photograph Mars. A medium-sized telescope will allow you to see some of the dark details on the planet's orange surface. 43

Book Reviews Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Price:

Conan Doyle & the Mysterious World of Light Matt Wingett Life is Amazing 978‐0‐9572413‐5‐0 £12.99

This new book, the first of a trilogy, concentrates on the material, some of which has never appeared in book form before, that Conan Doyle contributed to the spiritualist and occult journal, ‘Light’. This material gives a previously unrealised insight into the life, times and thinking of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and how his fascination with spiritualism took root and flourished. The well‐ researched and crafted narrative makes the journey of discovery both interesting and fascinating: fortunately, and unlike other works of this kind, it is also accessible. Conan Doyle was an eager convert to the possibilities of spiritualism and along with such luminaries as the physicist Sir William Crookes and, surprisingly, Carl Jung, worked tirelessly in promoting the subject to just about anyone who would listen.Unfortunately, like many whose enthusiasm borders on obses‐ sion, he was also duped by frauds, which did little to enhance his reputation. On the other hand he was also in contact with many of the most prominent mediums of the time, whose provenance has often been challenged, but never disproved: D.D. Home is a prime example. I have no hesitation in recom‐ mending this work to anyone with an interest in the afterlife and who wants to learn a little more about one of the literary giants of recent times. There is a hardback option for £25 and there is also a signed limited edition of only 50 copies, only available direct from the publisher and priced at £50. Discounts are available on the books if ordered direct from‐discounts. The password is DoyleDiscount1.

Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Price:

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Tales Sue Reader Pegasus 9781784650889 £8.99 or 9.99 Euros

This new book from Sue Reeder, who is a psychic artist, is an eclectic (albeit uncritical) collection of paranormal encounters told by those who experienced them. Some are ephemeral and some are not, some are gentle and reassuring, but others describe in some detail just what can and does happen when the dark side of the paranormal decides to reveal itself. After a chapter describ‐ ing the author’s personal contact with the other side, the rest is divided into chapters featuring cases drawn from around the UK and Ireland, then further afield to Australia, the USA and Canada. Each case, and there are a considerable number, involve everything from premonitions and hauntings to genuinely scary encounters with poltergeists and each case is referenced to the person who experienced it. It’s also a book that does not have to be read in any particular order and the reader can open it at any page to discover the frequently terrifying world of the paranormal. Two of the reports that catch the eye are ‘Robin Hoods Grave’ and also ‘A Poltergeist in Essex’, and there are many, many more, but there are no attempts to explain how the phenomena operates, which may actually work in the book’s favour, because there is absolutely no consensus as yet. Overall the book is undemanding, reasonably priced, well‐written and gives a good overview of a subject that, despite the best efforts of the ‘experts’, simply refuses to go away.

Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Price:

The British Witch; The Biography P.G Maxwell‐Stuart Amberley 978‐1‐4456‐5543‐7 £10.99

This impressive new book manages a rare feat: it is both scholarly and readable, something that is by no means easy to achieve. The preface, which is well worth reading, sets out the stall very well indeed and explains exactly what the author is trying to do here. This is not an attempt to demonise witchcraft or those who practise it, but it does separate the fact from the fiction and in the process lays to rest many preconceptions about the subject. It starts, appropriately enough, almost in prehistory and works forward in time to cover the politics and prejudice and shows how anyone who was a healer and made their own medicines, or was a midwife (a very risky occupation indeed) or a troublemaker, were taking a real risk. Why? Due to a toxic mixture of the ignorance, prejudice and superstition that was abroad in those dark days. The church, (predictably), does not come out of it well, but the sheer hypocrisy of the ruling classes (and the church was part of that too) is laid bare, because they used it to suit their own ends. If there is one criticism about the book it is not due to its erudition, style or presentation; it is a practical one and it is the typeface, which is rather small. However, it is one of the best books this reviewer has read on the subject and is worth every single penny on the cover price.





Ex‐cop claims aliens in famed British UFO encounter were 'interested in secret stash of nuclear weapons'

MAY 2016

In December 1980, the base was on high alert as Soviet troops were massing on the border of Poland over Lech Walesa and the rise of the solidarity movement and there was a US hostage crisis ongoing in the Middle East. Gary, from Scunthorpe, Lincs, now edits UFO Truth ezine. He added: "This information now provides for the first time a genuine motive as to why UFOs turn up at the bases in late December 1980 at a time of world crisis and clearly implies to me that a huge cache of illegal nuclear weapons posed a potential destabilis‐ ing threat to the Earth." The latest twist comes after two retired radar operators at the base claimed the UFO travelled 120 miles in eight seconds. Ike Barker and Jim Carey tracked the unidentified target making a sharp right angle turn on radar and said it was not man‐made. However sceptics claim the UFO was a lighthouse, the re‐entry of a satellite or a meteor, despite high radiation readings taken by experts at the landing site.

Gary guarding the supplementary storage area at RAF Honington in 1984

The UFO travelled 120 miles in just 8 seconds. An incredible speed. The astonishing first‐ person accounts from two witnesses of an actual phenomenon form part of a new documentary. Two former radar operators have revealed how a UFO travelled 120 miles in less than EIGHT SECONDS during Britain's most famous close encounter. Ike Barker and Jim Carey have given their first in‐depth interviews since the incident at RAF Bent‐ waters, in Suffolk ‐ hailed as the world's best documented case. They were on duty in the air traffic control tower when the unidentified target was tracked on radar during a spate of bizarre sightings in late December 1980.

By Jonathon Dillon: Mirror

The revelations have been made by Gary Heseltine after officers claimed a UFO spotted at RAF Bentwaters travelled 120 miles in eight seconds. A former police officer has come forward with astonishing information which he says sheds new light on Britain's most famous UFO case. Gary Heseltine, 56, claims a UFO visited RAF Bentwaters as extra‐terrestrials were interested in a 'secret' stash of nuclear weapons at the American airbase. The incident, dubbed the British Roswell, made the front page of the now defunct News of the World and has sparked several books and documentaries. Gary, who clocked up almost 24 years in the British Transport Police, claims the deputy base commander, Colonel Charles Halt, told him the Suffolk airbase had the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in Europe. UFOs reportedly buzzed Rendlesham Forest and the nearby USAF base over three nights in late December 1980. During one close encounter, Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston says he even touched a small triangular craft describing it as "smooth to touch" with strangle symbols similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs before it zoomed away. Col Halt led a small team of experts into the woods when the UFO returned two nights later and made a 20‐minute tape recording as he described the object as like a 'red winking eye'. He also filed a memo detailing the incident to the British Ministry of Defence which was released under auspices of the Freedom of Information Act a few years later. The most controversial aspect of the incident are reports the UFO fired beams of light into the 'weapons storage area' ‐ a term used by the military for nuclear bunkers. Retired detective Gary claims Col Halt told him that RAF Bentwaters had "more nuclear missiles in the weapons storage area (WSA) than anywhere else in Europe". He says the high‐ranking USAF official made the shocking admission as they toured the base and Rendlesham Forest for a documentary, which was never made. Col Halt is one of the highest ranking military witnesses in the world to have talked about UFOs. Gary, who guarded nukes while serving in the RAF Police, said: "As my wife Lynn and I walked with Colonel Halt through Rendlesham Forest I clearly re‐ member him saying 'that there were more nuclear weapons in the WSA at Bentwaters than anywhere else in the whole of Europe' and he laughed that the peace protesters who were just up the road camped outside Greenham Common were oblivious as to where they really were." Backing up her husband, Lynn said: "I clearly remember Colonel Halt saying that there were 'more nuclear weapons in the WSA at Bentwaters than anywhere else in Europe'. It has always stayed with me because of the fact that the peace protesters at Greenham Common had been duped." However Col Halt told "My comment to Gary was, 'It appears the beam was in or near the weapons storage area'. "Keep in mind I was a mile or more away. I never made such a statement about weapons to Gary. Those are his conclusions." The UK and US governments have always had a policy of neither confirming nor denying that weapons of mass destruction were stored at the base. If the USAF base did indeed have nukes it could have contravened UK/US armament treaty obligations of the day.


On December 26, a small team of security police officers reported seeing a triangular shaped craft land in Rendlesham Forest, just outside the base. And, two nights later, Deputy Base Commander Lt Col Charles Halt and several other USAF personnel observed strange flashing lights moving through the woods. The military team watched in awe as the glowing object fired a laser beam of light on the ground near their feet before it flew away. Meanwhile, reports came in over their radios that the UFO was firing beams into the weapons storage bunkers, which housed the biggest stockpile of nuclear missiles in Europe at that time. Halt, who made a recording of the incident on a pocket tape re‐ corder, later filed an official report to the UK Ministry of Defence ‐ dubbed the 'Halt Memo' ‐ giving details about the case, which was released under the US Freedom of Information Act. However sceptics have debunked the sightings as satellites, meteors or the Orfordness lighthouse a few miles away. But speaking in a new documentary called UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, the retired USAF air traffic controllers say the craft they tracked was not man‐made. Ike Barker said: "It wasn't like any radar target I've ever seen. "It was travelling at an extremely high rate of speed. It passed over the con‐ trol tower and then it stopped. I've never seen anything like the maneuverability that happened with this object. "It was orange in colour and it popped into my mind that somebody was flying a basketball out here. There were lights around the centre but not like navigation lights. "It was more like portholes, as if you were seeing the lights from the inside coming out. It hovered momentarily, reversed its course and went back out a high rate of speed." Carey, a tech sergeant with the 2164th Communications Squadron, said the unknown target made a sharp right angle turn at high speed before it left the area. He said: "It was just phenomenal to see it go that fast. I said that can't be one of ours. No jet can make an immediate right hand turn." The radar experts, who did not report the sighting to their superiors over fears it could ruin their careers, are among more than 150 mili‐ tary witnesses who have reported UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile sites since the 1940s. Declassified US government and KGB documents from the former Soviet Union have also revealed how missile launch systems have mysteriously malfunctioned, causing panic among military chiefs during the Cold War. American researcher Robert Hastings, who has produced the documen‐ tary and written a book on the ominous incidents, believes these incursions are a warn‐ ing to humanity. He said: "My opinion is that those who pilot UFOs are visitors from elsewhere who engage in provocative actions against American and Russian nuclear missile sites to send us a message that we humans are playing with fire ‐ that to engage in nuclear warfare is essentially suicide." Retired UK police detective Gary Heseltine, who now edits the UFO Truth ezine, said: "The testimony of the two radar operators should once and for all put to bed the ludicrous sceptical theories that the military personal were confused by the Orfordness lighthouse. "Their testimony clearly highlights that UFOs were interested in the base and that beams were shone down into the nuclear storage bunkers. "Every high school child, politician and university college student should be shown this docu‐ mentary." The new evidence has come to light as Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta told CNN News that the American people "can handle the truth" about UFOs.


Mystery of winged tiny 'human skeletons' found in 'basement of old London house'

White House evades UFO ques‐ tion as Barack Obama 'moves close to X‐Files revelation'

The gruesome exhibits were said to have been the collection of Thomas Theodore Merrylin. By Paul Christian ‐ Mirror Skeletal winged bodies of fairies, werewolves and aliens were said to have been found in the basement of an old house in London. The macabre collection features what ap‐ pears to be a range of mythical beasts, in cases and jars in gruesome poses. Fairies seen with their flesh rotted away and their wings nailed to display boards are joined by sinis‐ ter‐looking contorted alien bodies and hairy humanoid remains. The hoard also featured sketches of Jack the Ripper victims Catherine Eddowes and Elizabeth Stride along with alleged human hearts and other organs preserved in jars.

The heat is on an official spokesperson as UFO revelations are reported to be on the President's agenda before he leaves offices By Jonathon Dillon ‐ Mirror This is the moment a White House spokesper‐ son dodges a question about the Roswell incident ‐ only to be warned: "You're not going to get off easy like that." White House press correspondent April Ryan quizzed press secre‐ tary Josh Earnest about the famous incident during a media briefing. It is the second time the spokesman has come under fire from reporters about UFOs in a week. Another correspondent had earlier asked Earnest about Area 51 and whether Barack Obama would "beat Hillary Clinton to the punch" by revealing America's secrets about extra‐terrestrials. The questions follow weeks of publicity of the Democratic presidential candidate's pledge to release Government‐ held UFO files, if she wins the election in November.

Bodies of strange creatures were allegedly found in a basement. The gruesome exhibits were said to have been the collection of Thomas Theodore Merrylin, who was described as "a rich aristocrat and biologist in the 1800s". A blog post about the supposed finds claimed: "In 1960 in London at the time of clearing the site for construction of a new residential neighborhood, the old long‐abandoned mansion belonged to Thomas Theodore Merrylin was set for demolition. "In the basement of the home, builders have dis‐ covered several thousand small wooden boxes tightly sealed. "Imagine their surprise when they began to find inside the bodies of strange mythical creatures, which seemed to have been living only in fairy tales." The shocking artifacts were revealed by artist Alex CF, who claimed Merrylin’s diaries refer to "all sorts of advanced ideas that didn’t exist at the time, such as quantum physics and the multiverse theory." His diaries also allegedly contain scientific explanations for many of the mythical‐looking specimens in his collection. Alex CF claims to be the curator of the collection. But the story is actually well‐crafted narrative pieced together by the artist. Commenting on the pieces, one online commenter, called James Campbell, wrote: "Did this guy raid the props department of Hammer films I mean come on people. "If specimens like this had actually been found the British Museum would have dedicated a whole wing to it." And another, called Trey Wait, added: "Obviously fake, but still really, really cool! I'd love to have this stuff..."

Earlier this month, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell also asked Hillary Clinton's spokesman Brian Fallon about her being declared the "first ET candidate." Ryan, who is also Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Net‐ works, asked Earnest: "There’s this increased interest in Roswell. You’re doing your dance at the podium about it. Is there a such a thing "Are you keeping quiet because of security concerns? Are we to think that there might be life beyond here? You need to answer this." Earnest, appearing nervous and drinking water after being put on the spot, replied: "I’ll just say, April, there are some questions that even the White House Press Secretary doesn’t have answers to, and this is one of them." Unhappy with his response, she hits back: "You’re not going to get off easy like that." The Roswell incident happened in July 1947 when a 'flying saucer' allegedly crashed in the New Mexico desert. Witnesses claim the military recovered the wreckage and alien bodies but the US Airforce said it was a weather balloon with crash test dummies on board. Stephen Bas‐ sett, America's only lobbyist on the ET/UFO issue, believes President Obama is on the brink of telling the world the truth. He told Mirror online: "When Andrea Mitchell and April Ryan pressed the White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest for comments on the


breaking story about the Clinton/ET/ Disclosure/Rockefeller Initiative connection, a milestone was reached. "This campaign issue is now publicly seen as inside the White House. Almost certainly more questions will be raised in the West Wing in the coming weeks." Grant Cameron, an expert on US presidents and UFOs, said: "For the third time in a week the White House is asked if the ET story is for real. "The last time this happened was in 1997 when Bill Clinton's aide Webb Hubbell put out his book 'Friends in High Places' and then you have to go back to 1954 with President Eisenhower. "The blood is in the water and the reporters have started to circle. These questions go to confirm that the president is the Wizard of Oz behind the cover ‐up." The US commander in chief has been in office since 2009, but the last days of his presidency could be defined by an X Files revelation. Barack Obama is close to making a groundbreaking announcement regarding UFO and extra‐terrestrial activity before he leaves office, it's been reported. The US President is under pressure thanks to similar disclosure promises made by the campaign of Democratic candidate for Obama's replacement, Hillary Clinton. Stephen Bassett, execu‐ tive director of US‐based Paradigm Research Group (PRG), believes that there could be a massive an‐ nouncement to come. And he says David Cameron will follow suit almost immediately after. The 69‐year‐old has been lobbying the White House to release these details for 20 years and is excited about being "on the brink" of discovering the truth. "This will be a reality this year and across the front pages of newspapers across the world, he told the Daily Express, adding that "ET is real". "The most significant news story that has ever been broken." "We are going to get disclosure this year. I am not sure who will win the election, but I think Obama will be the disclosure president. "He will be looking at a Nobel Prize for making an announcement like that. "I am 85% sure Obama will make the announcement before he leaves office and within days your Prime Minister David Cameron will follow." The possible revelations would come just months after Clinton told a US talk show that she was keen on transparency of information on ET and UFOs. Campaign manager John Podesta also spoke about releasing top‐secret files. The Democratic candidate spoke out on Jimmy Kimmel Live as she leads the race against Bernie Sanders for the party's nomination for November's election. She has followed in the footsteps of her husband Bill, who appeared on the show in 2014 and was asked if he ever looked into UFOs or Area 51 ‐ a top secret airbase rumoured to "back engineer" alien craft. Bill said "sort of" but added there were no dead aliens there. Speaking for the first time on TV about the issue, she told Kimmel: “I’m going to do it again. There’s a new name for UFOs. It’s unexplained aerial phenomena. "That's the new nomenclature. I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that as public as possible. “If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there. If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, we ought to share it...”


EgyptAir Flight 804 'could have been brought down by meteor' in shock new theory for investigators

Is this ghostly figure hovering in the ruins of Norfolk castle the 'She‐Wolf of France'?

By Stephen Jones ‐ Mirror A startling new hypothesis being considered is that parts of a meteor that broke up in the Earth's atmosphere could have taken out the plane over the Mediterranean. A shock new theory has emerged on the EgyptAir Flight MS804 tragedy ‐ it could have been blown out of the sky by a meteor. A rock meteorite weighing about 10,000 tonnes hit the earth's atmosphere last Tues‐ day travelling at 67,000km/hour, which Mirror Online reported at the time. During entry the fireball is known to have broken up into tens of thousands of fragments ‐ the largest of which landed in Argentina. Each smaller fragment ‐ estimated at between five and 60cm in diameter and travelling at a lower speed ‐ was projected to fall anywhere between Greenland and Australia between Wednesday and Friday. Crucially however most was expected to fall in the region of the Middle East and it's now emerged authorities were notified in ad‐ vance of the disruption it would cause.

Could fragments of this meteor seen breaking up over New York have hit the downed EgyptAir Flight 804? EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed over the Mediterranean in the early hours of Thursday morn‐ ing as it came into land 20 minutes from Cairo Airport. All 66 passengers travelling from Paris were killed. Russia was the first country to issue a warning bulletin about the meteor entering the atmos‐ phere ‐ and it particularly emphasized the risk to air traffic. A warning was even sent to the commander of an anti‐aircraft weapons system with S‐400 missiles it has deployed in Syria, cautioning that the meteorites could trigger its alarm systems. The bulletin said the meteor had been detected by Okno ‐ a Russian space sur‐ veillance station located in Tajikistan ‐ as it approached earth. Its trajectory was then plotted by its Kanopus satellite. Amazingly it was filmed by officers in a New York police car who spotted the dazzling fireball passing overhead. Nearly a week after the EgyptAir tragedy there is still no concrete explanation of what happened ‐ and investigators say the first official report won't be released for another month.


Paranormal investigators believe they have captured the ghost of Queen Isabella of France on camera By Sophie Evans & David Keane ‐ Mirror The chilling image, unveiled by members of the Essex Ghost Hunting Team, is believed to show Queen Isabella of France and her pet wolf. Paranormal investigators believe they have captured the ghost of Queen Isabella, the 'She‐ Wolf of France', and her pet wolf on camera in the ruins of an English castle. The haunting image, unveiled by mem‐ bers of the Essex Ghost Hunting Team, shows the shadowy figure of a woman with a dog‐like creature at her feet. It was taken at the medieval Castle Rising in Norfolk, where the wife of King Edward II spent much of the last 30 years of her life in the mid‐1300s. It depicts the ghostly pair hovering in the White Room, one of the castle's upper rooms thought to be haunted by beautiful Isabella. Leader of the ghost hunting team, known only as Andy, snapped the chilling picture using a full spectrum camera, which allowed him to capture infra‐red light, similar to night vision. The paranormal investigator, from Witham, Essex, said he heard the sound of a 'long dress swishing along the stairs' outside the room just moments before taking the image. He also said his team heard the noise of a wolf howling multi‐ ple times through the night ‐ although their voice recorders did not pick up any sound. He said: "I was in the White Room, which is a lovely room thought to be where she spent a lot of her time sewing and so on. There were around seven of us in the room at the time. "My friend turned to me and whispered 'can you hear anything?' so I listened carefully and it sounded just like the sound of a long dress swishing over the stones coming up the stairway outside. "I de‐ cided to take a picture to see what I might capture and then realised that there was what appeared to be a figure stood in the middle of the room. "When I looked at it on the small lens I didn't initially think much of it. "It was definitely interesting and I showed everyone but it wasn't until later when we looked at the picture on a computer that I realised just what I had caught on camera.

"There is a clear figure that from the clothing and the shoulder pads looks like someone wearing medieval dress. They even look to have something on their head, like a Queen might wear. "But what is most striking is the fact there is a dog‐ like shape at her feet. It is very clear and considering that she was known as the 'wolf Queen', it made everyone think that what I had captured could have been the ghost of Queen Isabella. "There was a lot of excitement that night when people saw the picture. Everyone was talking about it as it is quite striking." Queen Isabella, portrayed as having had an unlikely affair with William Wallace in Mel Gibson's Braveheart, earned her fearsome reputation due to the rumour that she had arranged the murder of her husband. However, it was the 18th Cen‐ tury poet Thomas Gray's bloodthirsty depiction of her ripping apart her hus‐ band with 'unrelenting fangs' that brought the She‐Wolf moniker into popular culture. Isabella's ghost has long‐ been rumoured to haunt the upper floors of the castle. Andy, who has been a paranormal investigator for over 30 years, sent the picture to the former head custodian of Castle Rising, Norman Fahy. Norman inspected the image and could find no evidence of tampering. Andy said: "I was not scared by what I captured on the camera. When I am doing an investigation there is a lot of adrenaline so it is more exciting than anything. "My aim with our paranormal investigations is to find proof of life after death. At the end of the day this is just a picture. It is evidence to a degree but it is not clear, so I do not take it as the proof I'm looking for. "However it is a very exciting image to capture and has provoked a lot of debate among the ghost hunting community, so I was very pleased to get it. "There is no explanation for what caused the figure to appear in our mind, none whatsoever. We doubt every image like this and are always sceptical from the outset. We all dismissed it at first but once we saw the level of detail in the figure and the wolf, everyone went crazy. Many people said it was the best potential ghost capture they had ever seen..."

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I’m often amazed at our lack of knowledge about history. Ordinary people are hungry for this information, yet the organizations responsible to disseminate these facts seem to have an agenda to keep us in the dark. This is especially true when it comes to our ancient human history.

Noah’s Ark has been found. Why are they keeping us in the dark? ‐ News Item: By Ibtissem Menad.


Noah’s Ark has been found. Why are they keeping us in the dark? ‐ News Item: By Ibtissem Menad.

I won’t hold you in suspense with this arti‐ cle: The Ark of Noah has been found. It’s real. I’ll describe the evidence in some de‐ tail and end with the historical and religious implications. How It Was Discovered. In 1959, Turkish army captain Llhan Durupi‐ nar discovered an unusual shape while examining aerial photographs of his coun‐ try. The smooth shape, larger than a foot‐ ball field, stood out from the rough and rocky terrain at an altitude of 6,300 feet near the Turkish border with Iran.

Capt. Durupinar was familiar with the bibli‐ cal accounts of the Ark and its association with Mount Ararat in Turkey, but he was reluctant to jump to any conclusions. The region was very remote, yet it was inhab‐ ited with small villages. No previous reports of an object this odd had been made be‐ fore. So he forwarded the photographic negative to a famous aerial photography expert named Dr. Brandenburger, at Ohio State University. Brandenburger was responsible for discov‐ ering the Cuban missile bases during the Kennedy era from reconnaissance photos, and after carefully studying the photo, he concluded: “I have no doubt at all, that this object is a ship. In my entire career, I have never seen an object like this on a stereo photo.”

In 1960 the picture [above] was published in LIFE magazine under the heading of Noahs Ark? That same year a group of Americans accompanied Capt. Durupinar to the site for a day and a half. They were expecting to find artifacts on the surface or something that would be unquestionably related to a ship of some kind. They did some digging in the area but found nothing conclusive and announced to the anxiously

waiting world that it appeared to be a natural formation. Most of the global media turned away from the find and it became a non‐story. In 1977 Ron Wyatt visited the site. Obtaining official permis‐ sion, Ron and others conducted more thorough research over a period of sev‐ eral years. They used metal detection surveys, subsurface radar scans, and chemical analysis — real science — and their findings were startling. The evidence was undeniable. This was the Ark of Noah.

Geologists believe it was originally over 1000 feet higher in the mountain and en‐ cased in a shell of hardened mud. They think that an earthquake in 1948 cracked the mud shell and revealed the structure. This is confirmed by stories from the sur‐ rounding villagers who tell of its “sudden appearance” around that time.

The Visual Evidence.

Biblical accounts of the Ark describe it as having as many as six levels. The assumed shape of the Ark seems consistent with the bulge [C] in the middle of the object. In fact, as we will soon learn, radar scans of the structure suggest that this bulge is the collapsed debris of these levels. Although most people think of the Ark as being rec‐ tangular, that only applies to the top decks. The sleek shape of the hull is neces‐ sary to enable the huge ship to remain stable in the water and survive tremen‐ dous waves.

The first part of the survey was to exam‐ ine the object and take its measurements. The shape looked like hull of a ship. One end was pointed as you would expect from bow [below: D] and the opposite end was blunt like a stern. The distance from bow to stern was 515 feet, or exactly 300 Egyptian cubits. The average width was 50 cubits. These were the exact measurements mentioned in the Bible. On the starboard side (right) near the stern there were four vertical bulges protruding from the mud [B], at regular intervals, that were determined to be the “ribs” of the hull [see below]. Opposite to these, on the port side, a single rib [A] protrudes from the mud. You can see its curved shape very clearly. Surrounding it are more ribs, still largely buried in the mud, but visible upon close examination. Remember that this object, if it is the Ark, is extremely old. The wood has been pet‐ rified. Organic matter has been replaced by minerals from the earth. Only the shapes and traces of the original wood remain. Perhaps this is why the expedition in 1960 was disappointed. They antici‐ pated finding and retrieving chucks of wood, long since eroded. From the posi‐ tion of the object in the middle of an obvi‐ ous mud flow, it is obvious that the object slid down more than a mile from its origi‐ nal location. 50

Ground Penetrating Radar. The human eye needs to see reflected light to recognize an object. To visualize what remains below the earth, scientists use microwaves which can penetrate the ground and bounce back when they hit something solid. This technique is com‐ monly used to locate oil and other miner‐ als. Called Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), the apparatus us made from an antenna that transmits, then listens to receive the “echo” and prints the result on a piece of paper. The delay and strength of this echo tell the geologists how solid and at what depth the objects are under the earth. The team of geologists didn’t scan the entire object. Instead, they marked out lines that crossed the object with yellow tape. Then they dragged the antenna (about the size of a lawnmower) over the lines and watched the output on the paper recorder. When they got a strong “hit” —

Noah’s Ark has been found. Why are they keeping us in the dark? ‐ News Item: By Ibtissem Menad.

meaning there was something solid under‐ neath — they would record the position on the tape [above]. Later, when they made a map of the object, the tape and the loca‐ tion of the “hits” they realized that there was indeed a structure underneath the mud.

Even more surprising were laboratory analyses which not only revealed that the petrified wood contained carbon (proving it was once wood) but there were iron nails [above right] embedded in the wood! We like to imagine that humanity evolved in a neat sequence of eras, each

the metallic mixture because it does not exist in metallic form in nature. This im‐ plies an extremely advanced knowledge of metallurgy and engineering. Characteristics of an iron‐aluminium alloy have been in‐ vestigated in The Russian Chemical Bulle‐ tin (2005) and reveal that this alloy forms a thin film of aluminium oxide which pro‐ tects the material from rust and corrosion. The addition of titanium would provide added strength. This seems to have worked. The rivets have survived from antiquity! The Surrounding Areas.

“This data does not represent natural geol‐ ogy. These are man made structures. These reflections are appearing too periodic… too periodic to be random in that type of natu‐ ral pace.” – Ron Wyatt of SIR Imaging team.

The radar cans revealed this structure [above] under the mud. The symmetry and logical placement of these objects shows that this is unmistakably a man made struc‐ ture, most likely the Ark of Noah.

named after the technology that was dis‐ covered. We have the Stone Age (where man developed arrows and stone tools), the Bronze Age (where metals were com‐ bined and heated to make tools and household items) and lastly the Iron Age (where iron and steel objects were made by heating iron ore and adding other ma‐ terial — like charcoal — to strengthen it). The Iron Age is usually placed at 1200‐ 1000 BC, yet we have iron nails being used in this extremely old construction.

Artefacts Retrieved From The Ark.

But Wait… There’s More!

Using the GPR, Ron Wyatt discovered an open cavity on the starboard side. He used an improvised drill to make core sample inside this cavity and retrieved several very interesting objects. Below you can see the artefacts which were sent for laboratory analysis. On the left is the bore hole [see below], followed by what turned out to be petrified animal dung, then a petrified ant‐ ler and lastly a piece of cat hair.

The most surprising find was discovered with sensitive metal detectors. The team located several strong “hits” that, when dug up, revealed large disc shaped rivets. From simple observation of the metal it was possible to see where the rivet had been hammered after being inserted through a hole [below]. If rivets being used in ancient construction doesn’t im‐ press you, this surely will.

Perhaps the most significant find from the Ark itself is a piece of petrified wood. When this was first found it appeared to be a large beam. But upon closer examination it is actually three pieces of plank that have been laminated together with some kind of organic glue! This is the same technology used in modern plywood. Lamination makes the total strength of the wood much greater than the combined strength of the pieces. This suggests a knowledge of con‐ struction far beyond anything we knew existed in the ancient world. Examination reveals the glue oozed from the layers. The outside of the wood appears to have been coated with bitumen.

An analysis of the metal used to make the rivets revealed that they were a combina‐ tion of iron (8.38%), aluminium (8.35%) and titanium (1.59%). Remember these trace metals have sur‐ vived petrifaction and so do not indicate the exact content in the original material. (see Report from Galbraith Labs). We know the aluminium was incorporated in 51

Several miles from the location of the Ark, huge stones were discovered, some stand‐ ing upright while others lying on the ground. These stones, weighing many tons, have holes carved in them. Scientists have determined that they were anchors and the holes would have been their attach‐ ment to a ship with hemp rope.

Often these stones will have crosses carved in them, from centuries ago when pilgrims made the journey to visit the Ark. Yes, the Ark was well known in the Middle Ages and even before. And its location was recorded in many historical documents. “And the Ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.” – Genesis 8:4‐5 The Gilgamesh Epic (650 BC) gives Mt. Nisir as the landing place of the Ark. The local name for the town where the Ark was found is Nasar. The annals of Ashurnasur‐ pal II of Assyria (833‐859 BC) places it south of the Zab river (correct). Theophilus of Antioch (115‐185 AD) said the Ark could be seen in his day in the Arabian moun‐ tains. Later Church Fathers also mention the Ark as late as the mid 7th century. In the 13th century, Willam, a traveler, stated for the first time that Mt. Masis was the Ark location (present‐day Mt. Ararat). Ptolemy’s Geographia (1548) mentions the mountains of Armenia as the place of land‐ ing. So does the traveler Nicolas de Nicolay (1558). Pilgrims to the site would gather bits and pieces of the petrified wood which would be used as charms to ward off evil. When they encountered the anchors, they had no doubt about their association with the Ark. They often carved one big cross to represent Noah and smaller crosses repre‐ senting his family. Noah’s ark is very real, and has been discovered in Turkey... ZEN OF BEN





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