Phenomena magazine december 2015

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MAPIT 2015 Brought to you by MAPIT: Est. 1974.

EDITORIAL Ghosts and TV ‘Para-porn’ In recent years there has been an explosion of information on TV about the supernatural, and to be fair it is a subject that never loses its mysterious appeal. This has come in various guises, but mainly in confrontational and exploitative programmes like Most Haunted, the TV show that was once credited with single-handedly saving the Living TV channel. I suppose you could call the attraction a form of ‘para-porn’ in the way it flaunts the subject for public edification. All of these shows (including the ones using studio audiences and highly paid alleged mediums) make one serious and fundamental mistake; they assume that the departed actually want to be contacted; how do they know that? The fawning approach of some psychics who preface every question to the other side with the words ‘with respect’ fools no one, and what’s more there is no guarantee they can do what they say. However, such is the lure of the unknown that they are well paid for effectively destroying an area deserving serious research. Oh and one last thing, just to prove that I’m not a crusty old grouch;... A very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe, and above all, Peaceful New Year to each and every one of you...

Brian Allan

Brian Allan: UK Editor.

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Mike Oram, John Pickering, Peter Robbins, Gerry Warner, Paul Dale Roberts, Piotr Cielebiasz, Edward Crabtree, Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D, Alejandro Rojas, Chris Brown, Malcolm Robinson, Richard Lawrence, Neil McDonald, Jin Austin, Joanne Vella, Colin Wilson, Simon Black and Tara MacIsaac.

International Distribution: United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, Canada, Russia, Greece, Italy, Spain, India, Brazil and Japan

DISCLAIMER Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine. Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’. 01

Construction & Design: Founder: Steve Mera UK Editor Contact: Brian Allan Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez

PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE 17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, United Kingdom. Tel: 07866 685835 WWW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.CO.UK

The PM Team Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e-nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Rockstand Distributors - India, Lavinia Pallott Distributor: Italy, Tim at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer Rodney Howarth, Jamie Williams Graphic Designer, Distributor Robert Snow, & Australian Correspondent & Reporter Dan Monroe.



AUTHORS Piotr Cielebiasz

Page 03: Flying Triangles and Boomerangs Invading Poland: By Piotr Cielebiasz. Recent years brought into light some spectacular encounters with flying triangles and boomerang-shaped UFOs over Poland. Reports peaked in 2013. Most of them involved close-range sightings of huge soundless crafts often seen over populated areas and in vicinities of military installations. That situation prompted some researchers to bond the series of sightings with secret, nocturnal NATO or (strictly speaking) American activity over Poland. But… could they have been something extraterrestrial? Cielebiasz investigates…

03 Peter Robbins

Page 11: The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers & Authors - Part 3: Peter Robbins. Part of the myth and legend which has accompanied Ufology for decades is that certain people who’ve immersed themselves in the work, and perhaps gotten too close to the truth, or a significant truth about UFOs, have been murdered to keep them quiet. These allegations have attached themselves equally to civilian investigators as well as to specific individuals in government... Peter Robbins reveals his final installment of his fascinating article. Page 21: Elemental - My story from the beginning: By Gerry Warner. While I am not an expert, I am also not a novice when it comes to metaphysical, mystical, or spiritual terrain as I have studied such things most of my adult life. However, I never expected to go from a spectator to a participant to this degree. The phenomena has been manifesting in my presence, (regardless of my geographical location), since July of 2011. Whatever these things are they continue to amaze me and allow themselves to be photographed. Gerry Warner explains... Page 27: Debunking Element 115 - By Dr. Brett I. Cohen Ph.D. Bob Lazar in the 1980s claimed to have worked with the super heavy element 115 (Ununpentium (Uup)). His theory was that Uup served as the fuel and propulsion system for alien aircraft. In this paper, a chemical perspective of Uup is described where Uup is a highly radioactive element, all of the stable isotopes of Uup have very short half lives (within milliseconds), and are thermodynamically unstable and the feasibility that gram quantities could exist and be stored for over many years is impossible. Dr. Brett Cohen explains...

11 Gerry Warner

21 Dr. Brett I. Cohan, Ph.D


Page 33: Witness says orb gave him insight into UFO and crop circle technology: By Chris Brown. Nearly three years later, one witness of several who saw a mysterious orb and flying disk in 2011 is still compelled to share what he learned from the encounter. He says the orb communicated information about flying saucer propulsion and how crop circles are formed, and left him with the feeling that it was important he share this information with scientists. This profound encounter was experienced by numerous witnesses. A case that deserves further recognition. Chris Brown describes their experience...

Chris Brown

Page 39: UFO and Paranormal News from around the world: By Varied Authors. Each month Phenomena Magazine picks some of the most interesting news items that have appeared throughout the world, such as UFO sightings, Crop Circles, Ghostly encounters, Science and NASA news, Conspiracies, Supernatural occurrences, mysteries, strange creatures and cryptozoology, fortean events and the profound. If you have an interesting news item, then please feel free to send it over to Phenomena Magazine and we would be pleased to include it.

Various Authors

Page 45: Demonology - A look at Demons: By Paul Dale Roberts, Demonologist. Up to now I have been involved in over one thousand investigations and about one third of them have been called ‘demonic’ by the client. Out of four hundred supposed cases of that kind, I have only seen three that may have actually been demonic, because genuinely demonic cases are a rarity. If a client says that they have an attachment I will give them a Baptist baptism (total immersion into water). Many people do not realize that baptism is also a basic form of exorcism. Paul Dale Roberts explains...

Paul Dale Roberts

Page 51: Moscow Enthusiasts set up Russian Yeti expedition club: By Edward Crabtree. Valery Sushkov lays out before him the business cards and envelopes of the new Russian Yeti Expedition club. These feature an amiable looking cartoon of a snowman with the legend (in English) `Mountains and forests` above it and beneath that (in Russian) `In the footsteps of the snowman`. The post-box address is in Tashtogol, the administrative centre of Kemerovo which some call the `Switzerland of Siberia`. Sightings of this strange creature reach into the thousands. Edward Crabtree explains...

Edward Crabtree




51 And much more!

Also Featured: Latest UFO AND paranormal news from around the World. Book and dvd reviews. Events and Conferences, Astronomical DATA, Advertisements and much more. 02

Flying Triangles & Boomerangs Invading Poland: By Piotr Cielebiasz

Recent years brought into light some spectacular encounters with flying triangles and boomerang-shaped UFOs over Poland. Reports peaked in 2013. Most of them involved close-range sightings of huge soundless crafts often seen over populated areas and in vicinities of military installations. That situation prompted some researchers to bond the series of sightings with secret, nocturnal NATO or (strictly speaking) American activity over Poland. The opposite stance says that those objects are too far exotic and advanced to be of military origin and what’s more, they break safety rules posing danger to citizens.

Piotr Cielebiasz 03

Flying Triangles & Boomerangs Invading Poland: By Piotr Cielebiasz

One of the most interesting early Polish encounters with flying triangle took place on May 16th 1980 when a glider pilot saw in Działoszyn area (łódzkie) an object he described as a dark-grey triangle “thin as a sheet of paper”. In next years reports about similar objects had been appearing sporadically. They intensified from 2008 onwards, reaching peak in 2013. Similarity and integrity of those reports as well as a fact that most of eyewitnesses were deemed highly reliable ones make the situation very intriguing. It’s definitely something going on above the heads of Polish citizens though the Army remains deaf to any questions. Earlier sightings On October 31st 2008, at about 6:10 pm, Mr. Piotr G. - an architect from Sandomierz (małopolskie) was on his way home from his parents’ house. Catching a chance glimpse of the sky, he saw an abnormal “artifact” flying over the city. His case initialized series of reports about huge boomerang-shaped objects that seem to use some kind of camouflage. The witness explained: “That thing appeared from the south-west and in complete silence departed towards the northeast. It must have been over 10 thousand of meters above. The object’s peripheries seem to be slightly blurred as if masked. They looked as if made of waving, muddy water while the object’s hull seemed to be surrounded with some ‘field’ or red-white mist. I got an impression that it was dotted with numerous lights also red in colour.” The boomerang departed in the blink of an eye, probably making a sharp turn before disappearance from Mr. Piotr’s eyes. What’s interesting, in the same period Mrs. K. C. - Polish living in Aarhus (Denmark) saw something almost identical. When she went out to smoke a cigarette on a cold November 2008 evening she notices a huge, camouflaged “thing” rolling slowly over the area: “It was definitely something solid but its consistency resembled glass or jelly something moving and illuminated up in some points” - she reported. Another one spectacular encounter, that time involving a typical flying triangle, took place on September 16th 2010 in Wikłów (śląskie) area between Częstochowa and Radomsko, at about 10:30 pm. That case seems unique since the observers’ car passed directly beneath the UFO. “Suddenly a black triangle emerged from behind a nearby hill and approached the road. At first I took if for a plane but there’s no civilian airport in the area. Then I noticed that it had the perfect shape of a triangle. It was moving very slowly. Two of three lights located in the corners shone continuously while the last one was ‘blinking’ as if defunct. When we drove below the object I could see its ‘propulsion

system’ elements and the hull structure. That craft wasn’t flat and smooth at all! It was covered with some protuberances (involving cubic shaped). The bottom part seemed quite flat but the sides were uneven” - the witness said. When the triangle appeared the main witness who was driving the car shouted to his sleeping fiancé: “There’s some UFO overhead!” He also noticed that other cars slowed down which suggested that also other motorists saw it. Arkadiusz Miazga - an ufologist who examined that case said that the object’s side was at least dozen of meters in length. The UFO span was equal to the road width. According to the witness estimations it was 50150 m. above and all black but remained well visible thanks to light emitted by numerous “nozzles” on the bottom, forming a circle in each one corner of the craft. In April 2011 in Poznań (wielkopolskie) took place a sighting of flying triangle during which the witness managed to catch a blur photo of the distant object: “I noticed some dark-grey triangle hovering in the south-western skies over Poznań. I was observing it from Łazarz district. At first I took it for an illusion of some kind. The sky was darkening but not so black. The weather was excellent: cirrus clouds at a high altitude, clear skies and that triangle in the background.” The witness said that he frantically tried to catch a photo and managed to snap two shots. Only a dark spot can be seen on them. But there’s another one interesting detail: “When that thing disappeared, a pair of F-16 set off from Krzesiny AFB” - the witness reported. Rare daylight sighting of triangular object (but from longer distance) took place on 04

August 20th 2011 at about 16:45 in Hrubieszów (lubelskie) area. Silvery object was hovering silently 2-3 km away from the witness and seem to be rotating around it axis. The witness, who is trained in aircraft spotting, estimated the UFO side length for more than 15 meters. “I hold a university degree and I’m very skeptical about reports on things that ‘could be seen in the sky’. But I’m unable to explain the provenience of the object and couldn’t find anything resembling it in catalogue of civilian and military aircrafts” - he added. Wave of 2013 2013 wave of flying oddities sightings started with unusual incident in Biała (dolnośląskie) that took place at the turn of April and May when a young couple saw lights forming triangular shape that seemed to be strapped to a solid object: “That thing rose up from beyond the forest and remained motionless in the sky. After a while the object began to adjust and then I could clearly see its corpus in a shape of isosceles triangle. I couldn’t believe my eyes and called my wife” - said Krzysztof. The most spectacular events took place late at night of August 3rd. They involved two sightings of triangular objects in Dobrzykowice (dolnośląskie) and Łosice (mazowieckie) - locations in two opposite parts of the country as well as encounter with a camouflaged boomerang over housing estate in Lubliniec (śląskie). The witness of the last one incident became alarmed seeing a partially masked, huge, boomerang-shaped mass. “Strolling with my dog I noticed that something is moving in the sky. Because there’s no lighting by the blocks and on the opposite side of the

Flying Triangles & Boomerangs Invading Poland: By Piotr Cielebiasz

street, there was no glow and the sky was clearly visible. I became examining it more closely. Generally, it was flying over very slowly and at low level. I was amazed that everything took place in complete silence. The lights of the object seemed pale and looked like stars but they were set symmetrically. The object’s hull must be of the same color as the sky. At first I thought that the craft is transparent but when I focused on some stars on its flight path, after some time I noticed that it was obscured by the object. So it must be definitely something solid” - the woman revealed. According to her the UFO was about 60 meters over while its span (from a tip of one arm to another) was about 20 meters. But the most shocking fact was that the boomerang seemed to be partially camouflaged. The witness explained: “When looking at it, one got an impression that it’s a computer-generated image. It looked like a movie effect used to show something invisible to the viewer but equally observable due to some refractions.” An incident in Lubliniec occurred at about 10:30 pm. At the same time in the Eastern part of the country Mr. Rafał K. and his fiancé witnessed a flyby of an unidentified triangular craft over their dacha in Łosice: “It was huge and soundless. A dark solid mass could be seen between the lights. Some kind of matter obscured the stars. We both spotted the object at the same time and watched it for a few seconds. We don’t know what it was. Its structure, style of flight and complete lack of sounds prompt me to count it among unidentified aircrafts” - he said. 9 or 10 lights on the UFO’s surface were a grayish-white in colour. Due to the lack of any reference points the witness was unable to determine the object’s flying altitude but he added that he got an impression that it was “below civilian jet level”. Something similar with identical number of lights was seen roughly at the same time by an amateur astronomer in Dobrzykowice 400 km away from Łosice. In an interview with ufologist Damian Trela the witness said that the UFO resembled “V” letter with one light at the front and two sets of four lights forming its arms: “Their brightness can be compared to that of satellites so they were relatively dim - of 3 or 4 magnitude, all uniform in shape” - said the witness adding that he also was unable to identify the craft. Another one report on triangular object came from August 14th from Elizówka (lubelskie). Mr. Karol M. - amateur astronomer submitted a very detailed report on a strange aerial phenomenon he observed with a telescope. In short, he claimed that after noticing some strange thing in the sky, he decided to examine it closely. It turned out that it was a “scarlet triangle” with

golden triangle inscribed into it. According to the observer, the object must be rising up toward upper atmosphere making some detectible “vibrations”. Another masked boomerang was seen on 13th October by Mateusz O. who lives in the center of Pabianice city (łódzkie). In the midnight he went on his balcony to smoke a cigarette noticing some unidentified lights flying over city at fast pace: “They looked like stars - yellow lights moving over Pabianice from north-east to west, so from Łódź area to Łask. The object resembled a set of stars which strange, jelly-like glow revealed shape of boomerang or glider of enormous size. The sighting lasted for just about 5-7 seconds” - said Mr. Mateusz adding that after the strange experience he woke up his wife and began an Internet search on similar incidents. There were many other cases, often of exotic nature. On September 25th 2011 something resembling “futuristic craft” in rough form of a triangle awoke a young woman from Baborów (opolskie). Seeing the flying curiosity she alarmed her sleeping brother and father. On September 29th 2013 a pair of men from Sokółka (podlaskie) saw an enormous, triangular craft that zipped across the sky leaving them in awe. Surely many more incidents remain undisclosed and others would surface in the future. But there are also urgent questions deserving an appropriate explanation. The most important one is: Who is responsible for those risky, nighttime flybys over the heads of unaware citizens? No official reaction Our small wave of flying oddities cannot be compared to the famous Belgian flap of 1989-90. The first difference is in media coverage. While Belgian events focused strong public attention, in today’s Poland no one from mainstream media seems to be seriously interested in national UFO sightings. The fact is that most serious ufologists in Poland avoid sensation-seeking 05

journalists and reporters. Fortunately also UFO witnesses, knowing that TV crew or some narrow-minded reporters can make woo-woo even from serious people, prefer contacting UFO groups than media. The other difference is the official attitude to UFO problem. After Poland accession to NATO, topics related with unidentified objects became highly stigmatized from unknown reasons. Reports from military pilots that previously weren’t so rare are literally gone. It’s even unknown what is going on with possible airprox incidents both in civilian and military aviation. The politics of Polish Army toward UFO phenomenon can be described in two words: “scorn” and “silence”. There’s even no negation because there’s no official discussion on it. There’s also no tradition of transparency and public dialogue within Polish military circles so asking them about the origins of camouflaged boomerangs and silent triangles is futile toil. But we were lucky enough to collect reports from people who observed those objects from close distance. All of them were adult, reliable and - in some cases - well trained observers. There’s no doubt that they saw something they couldn’t explain. But the problem grows large when we realise that those objects seriously broke safety rules, appearing unexpectedly over populated areas and busy motorways. As it turned out, many answer to our questions can be found in the works of other researchers, mainly in partially forgotten reports of NIDS which studied the riddle of flying triangles and similar objects in the beginning of 21st century. Americans or not? Polish triangles and boomerangs preferred nighttime flybys at various altitudes. But the most interesting remark is that they usually appeared in vicinities of military bases. Lubliniec holds Special Commando Regiment, Hrubieszów - a recon unit, Pabianice lies closely to Łask where a military

Flying Triangles & Boomerangs Invading Poland: By Piotr Cielebiasz


unit and 32nd AFB is located and so on. Today there’s also no doubt that there exist advanced, huge, officially yet-to-be introduced type of drones as Taranis, nEUROn, X -47 and other that look quite exactly as the UFOs described above. But what about the most mysterious aspects as exotic camouflage, noiselessness or reckless cruising just above people’s heads? Specialists from National Institute of Discovery Science – now a defunct organization devoted to paranormal and UFO research, at the beginning of century analyzed reports from longtime flap of triangular UFOs over USA, noticing that most sightings took place in vicinity of US Army bases. Colm Kelleher NIDS director stated that those objects were secret American aircrafts - advanced dirigibles with sophisticated propulsion system used mostly for transportation purposes. It’s possible that rise in triangle and boomerang UFO sightings in Poland is connected with activity of advanced American aircrafts? That possibility cannot be discounted. Long-time an affair with secret



CIA prisons in Poland set up without citizens’ knowledge suggest that there would be more US covert projects in Poland. It’s also worth mentioning that from 2012 US Army staff is basing in Łask. But there are also details making the above scenario less reliable. Kelleher in his analyses noticed some strange behavior of flying triangles. As he stated, their makers don’t behave as with other secret aircrafts and those exotic machines - as it was stated before - appear over populated areas, often in direct vicinity of witnesses. That strange manner was also noticed in Polish cases, for example in camouflaged boomerangs which despite their sophisticated disguise for some reasons remained clearly visible. Moreover, if Americans indeed perform some covert operations over Poland, why do they do it so clumsy and carelessly? Malfunction in some of these crafts can result in crash and scandal - but most important - also in possible victims. But the problem remains - whatever those triangles and boomerangs are,

they do their own things without revealing their provenience. But if we look wider at the problem of those objects, it will turn out that it’s a worldwide phenomenon of coherent nature and early cases as Działoszyn or better known Lubbock or Hudson Valley sightings made it much more complicated…


About author: Piotr Cielebiaś - writer, publisher and journalist dealing with fringe science and paranormal phenomena. Regular contributor for “Nieznany Świat” magazine and - the biggest Polish web portal. With Michał Kuśnierz he runs INFRA group registering UFO reports and paranormal phenomena from Poland. Contact: His new book, and his first in English, and published by Flying Disk Press, UFOS OVER POLAND – The Land of High Strangeness, is out now on Amazon. Photos and graphics (captions) 1) Photo from Poznań 2011. ( 2) Sketch of Wikłów Triangle. (Arkadiusz Miazga Archive) 3) Artist interpretation of boomerang (Sebastian Woszczyk,


4) “V”-shaped light formation. (Damian Trela Archive) 5) Gigantic boomerang. ( Sebastian Woszczyk, 6) Witness graphic depicting triangular in 2011 (


TITLE: UFOS OVER POLAND – The Land of High Strangeness. AUTHOR: Piotr Cielebias. PUBLISHER: FLYING DISK PRESS, 4 St Michaels Avenue, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England, WF8 4QX. PRICE: £6:95 (GBP) and $10.50 (USD) ISBN: 978-0-9934928-0-8 Available on Amazon.

As we know, UFOs are a global phenomenon and although there have been one or two books written about UFOs in Poland, there has not been one book which has comprehensively covered the full shooting match. Well that was until now! This book has it all, from historical UFO sightings, wartime UFO reports, Polish alien abductions, pilot encounters, Polish UFO Crashes and much, much more. Quite an astonishing book and one which I personally found totally fascinating, particularly so for the immense amount of data that the author provides, most of which that has never been published in English before. What I found of particular interest was when the author states (page 4) that the Catholic Church was responsible for the cultural and historical holocaust of the Polish identity! The author further states that in the main, anomalous aerial phenomena were first recorded in the medieval period. Indeed he refers to the last great Polish King, Jan III Sobieski (1629-96) who, whilst engaged in a battle with the Turks, saw a strange aerial phenomenon. But as far as the first so called modern era of Polish UFO accounts go, that would (according to the author) appear to come from the 19th century where again a number of strange things were seen in the skies above Poland. The author does accept that not all UFOs may come from deepest space; he is of the opinion that there is a lot of truth in what French UFOlogist Jacque Vallee has to say. Vallee says that maybe we should be looking at dimensions as part of the answer to the UFO enigma and the author quite rightly states the fact of how wide and diverse the UFO subject really is. Everything from the shape and size of the entities seen to the many different and varied UFO craft that have been seen. And what about the direct lack of contact? All this makes him wonder that the UFO subject is not as cut and dried as we would like to think it is. All in all I found this a most fascinating book, it clearly shows that Poland as a country has also been touched by the UFO presence and also has a rich history of weird and wonderful events. The author has done a marvelous job in bringing all the best cases to our attention and you won’t find a better book on Polish UFOlogy (or UFOlogy in general) anywhere. A cracker, get it on your book shelf NOW. A big thank you should also go to publisher and UFO researcher Philip Mantle as this is his first venture into the publishing world. 07





‘I believe this document has huge implications not only for the Rendlesham Forest incident but Ufology in general: An absolutely MUST READ’. - Steve Mera.


AN AIR FORCE COLONEL’S THIRTY YEAR FIGHT TO SILENCE AN AUTHENTIC UFO WHISTLE BLOWER Like many within the subject of Ufology, I have taken the time to read the fascinating account of Larry Warren in ‘Left at East Gate’. A fascinating book compiled by Larry and Peter Robbins. It is... for me.. The most significant book you could ever read on the subject of UFO encounters. The incidents that surround Rendlesham forest have left their mark on the landscape of British ufology forever. The scale of secrecy and the attempt to silence Larry Warren’s efforts to get the truth out have now become obvious and shameful. Many of our readers will recall the book ’Encounters in Rendlesham Forest’ by Nick Pope, and the seemingly deliberate attempt to discredit the work Larry and Peter had carried out, also to purposely ignore their years of research and Larry’s association with this monumental incident. Larry and Peter’s response was swift and accurate in the release of ‘Deliberate Deception - a case of disinformation in the UFO community’. An absolute ‘Must Read’. But now, an even darker twist to the tale has emerged, as Colonel Charles Halt divulges in yet more slanderous remarks against Larry Warren. The time has come to finally set the record straight once and for all... An outstanding book that left me gobsmacked! (Steve Mera PM). Now available at Amazon for just £9.65. 10

The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers and Authors - Part 3: By Peter Robbins

Part of the myth and legend which has accompanied Ufology for decades is that certain people who’ve immersed themselves in the work, and perhaps gotten too close to the truth, or a significant truth about UFOs, have been murdered to keep them quiet. These allegations have attached themselves equally to civilian investigators as well as to specific individuals in government... The final part of Peter Robbins fascinating article. 11

The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers and Authors - Part 3: By Peter Robbins

Dr. John Mack Dr. John Mack was a distinguished American psychiatrist whose unique credentials made him someone we in the abduction research community could point to with pride. He was best known for his research into how extraordinary experiences can affect personal, societal and global transformation, and his random death as the victim of a traffic accident was immediately and understandably suspect by many who worked with him or who followed his work. Learning that this irreplaceable individual ‘just happened’ to be mowed down by a drunken driver as he crossed a street did not sit well with any of us.

If scientists had tried to piece together an alien abduction researcher – hardly the most revered field of professional study out there – with establishment credentials which would have demanded respect from even the most hardcore skeptic, Dr. Mack would have been the product of their efforts. Born in 1929 into a socially prominent New York family, Mack received his undergraduate degree from Oberlin College and his medical degree from Harvard (Cum Laude) where he served a Professor of Psychiatry for many years. His academic and humanitarian accomplishments were many and varied. In 1983 for example, he was invited to testify before Congress on the psychological impact of nuclear arms on children. Aside from maintaining a busy private practice and keeping up with his teaching responsibilities, John became a specialist in teenage suicide which he wrote extensively about earlier in his career. I first heard of him in this capacity several years before we met when I was working as a crisis intervention volunteer. Dr. Mack went on to found Boston’s Center for Psychology and Social Change, the Program for Extraordinary

Experience Research (better known as PEER, and renamed the John Mack Institute following his death), and was also the founder of the Psychiatric Wing of Cambridge Hospital in Boston. He was also the author of several books, including Abduction, Passport to the Cosmos and A Prince of Our Disorder, a psychological biography of T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) for which he received the Pulitzer Prize; extraordinary credentials indeed. John Mack’s interest in UFO abductions was sparked by a meeting with Budd Hopkins in 1992. As he told me with a smile, he at first thought that Budd might be delusional, but once he had had an opportunity to familiarize himself with some of Budd’s scrupulously collected and evaluated data, and meet with some of the people who claimed to have had such experiences, his views on the subject shifted one hundred and eighty degrees. That same year he served as a co-chair of the Abduction Study Conference held at MIT. I met him is my capacity as Budd’s assistant and liked him from the start. John was amazingly well read and well traveled and possessed a wonderfully selfeffacing sense of humor. In my opinion, my BFA placed me several light years beneath his doctorate, clinical work and numerous academic achievements, but the fact was I had considerably more experience in abduction studies and working with abductees than he, and he always treated me as a respected colleague, irregularly seeking my opinion on questions surrounding the phenomenon. Given the controversial nature of this research, especially among academics, and John’s increasingly high visibility in the field, Harvard Medical School appointed a committee of peers in 1994 to review his clinical care and treatment of people who had shared their alien encounters with him. It was the first time that the distinguished college had censured a faculty member since Timothy Leary had been called on the carpet for his controversial support of LSD use in the nineteen sixties. After a grueling fourteen month investigation, during which the psychiatrist was called on to meet with the committee with his lawyer present, the Dean of Harvard’s Medical School, quote, “reaffirmed Dr. Mack’s academic freedom to study what he wishes and to state his opinions without impediment.” This decision was greeted with wide support by many of his colleagues at Harvard. In 1993 or early 1994 John asked me to proofread his manuscript for Abduction, and when I discovered an error which would have proved embarrassing to him had it gone into print, he was truly appreciative, inscribing my copy “To our number one sleuth.” Over the years, we had 12

quite a number of disagreements as to the nature of the abduction phenomena, but they never got in the way of our friendship or our professional relationship. When I could, I attended his lectures, always with great interest, and shortly after Left At East Gate was published, he invited me to lecture on it to the staff and guests of the Psychiatric wing of Cambridge Hospital with special emphasis on managing stress in UFO studies. It was one of the sharpest audiences I’ve ever addressed, and the questions they put forward the talk were incisive, respectful and sincere. This brings us to September 27, 2004. John had traveled to England to speak at a T.E. Lawrence Society Symposium in Oxford. His afternoon presentation had been so warmly received that he was asked to stay and present an additional talk later in the day. He was returning ‘home’ that evening (he was staying with friends in London), and as he stepped into a crosswalk on Totteridge Road, was struck and killed instantly by an intoxicated truck driver whose license had been suspended several times previously for drunken driving. I’ve not had it confirmed, but John may have looked the wrong way as he stepped into traffic, an unfortunate trait that many of us American, right-side of the road drivers share. On October 7, 2005, the driver, Raymond Czechowski, pled guilty of “careless driving while under the influence of alcohol.” Dr. Mack’s family (he left two sons, three grandchildren and an x-wife) submitted a statement to the court which read in part, “Although this was a tragic event for our family, we feel that Mr. Czechowski’s behavior was neither malicious nor intentional, and we have no ill will toward him since we learned the circumstances of the collision. … We all believe John Mack would not want Mr. Czechowski to go to jail. As for ourselves, our grief will not be lessened by knowing that he is incarcerated.” Presiding Judge Linda Stern appreciated the family’s statement and generous sentiments, but disagreed, noting that “a message must be sent. You shouldn’t drive with alcohol in your blood.” At the time of the accident Mr. Czechowski’s blood/ alcohol level had been recorded at ninety seven mgs of alcohol in one hundred ml’s of blood. The legal limit in the UK is eighty mg’s. Czechowski was sentenced to fifteen months in prison and had his driver’s license suspended for three years. With good behavior he served only about six of his fifteen month sentence. I’m afraid that I’m not nearly as generous of spirit as John’s family were, and felt and continue to feel that the punishment in this case came woefully short of fitting the crime. As in Graham Birdsall’s death, this is a case that almost screams for a world class

The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers and Authors - Part 3: By Peter Robbins

villain to blame the tragedy on, and in a way there’s nothing I would have liked more than to have uncovered an appropriately evil conspiracy to blame for taking such an important person from us. But this was not the case. It was just a drunken driver doing what drunken driver’s do. And given the specifics of the accident, of his coming around the corner at exactly the moment he did, I do not believe that even the most practiced covert ops team could have carried it off and made it seem like the accident that it was. Like it or not, senseless loss is a part of life, and likely a more common aspect of it than is diabolical premeditation. I can only count myself fortunate to counted him as a colleague and a friend. James Forrestal This final case is the one I’ve explored the most extensively, and was actually the first of the above to have occurred. James Forrestal was a man whose presence and policies dominated the news from 1940 until 1949, but today relatively few Americans have ever heard of him. The question here is did the man who headed up the creation our modern Department of Defense and served as its first Secretary take his own life, or was it taken from him?

The official account has it that early on the morning of May 22, 1949, the Secretary tragically fell to his death from a sixteenth story window at the Bethesda Naval Hospital where he was being treated for depression. But this account doesn’t hold up under study. Forrestal’s death was precipitated by a profound nervous breakdown, brought on no doubt by a combination of factors. He was a complex, driven man who over the years assumed tremendous responsibilities in his public life while his private life suffered, in part as a result.

His life read something like a novel, much of which resembled F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Born in a small town in upstate New York, he attended Princeton, went on to head a Wall Street brokerage, married an editor at Vogue, and become a full-fledged member of New York society. In 1937 at the request of the president he relocated to Washington and became a financial advisor to President Roosevelt, then Undersecretary of Navy, then a wartime Secretary of Navy. Following cessation of hostilities, President Truman asked him to lead the creation of the new Department of Defense which he successfully accomplished. Forrestal was sworn in as its first Secretary on September 17, 1947. But we need to backtrack several months to get some perspective on the situation he inherited that day. Kenneth Arnold’s June 24th UFO sighting in Washington State had of course become the subject of national, then international press coverage. Then two weeks later, something, or things, crashed less than eighty miles from here. Forty-eight hours later the story was international news. When National Security Act was passed by Congress On later that month, the President immediately named Forrestal to be the new Secretary of Defense. The act’s passage also brought into existence the National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Central Intelligence Agency, and Dr. Vannavar Bush’s Research and Development Board.On September 17 Chief Justice Fred Vinson administered the oath of office to Forrestal, but the ceremony was very much a last minute affair. That afternoon, in route by battleship from a state visit to Brazil, President Truman sent a message to Washington instructing that the swearing in proceed immediately. No explanation was unusual change in plan. After reviewing all of the imaginable conventional explanations for the aerial unknowns, the newly-released classified report, Project “SIGN” turned its attention to the possibility of “Space Ships” and bluntly noted: “If there is an extra terrestrial civilization which can make such objects as are reported than it is most probable that its development is far in advance of ours. … Such a civilization might observe that on Earth we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing rockets. In view of the past history of mankind, they should be alarmed. We should, therefore, expect at this time above all to behold such visitations.” One of the report’s closing remarks may have had particular resonance for the Defense Secretary: “…they (the aerial occupants) must have been satisfied long ago that we can’t catch them.” With the 13

most advanced, modern and awesome defense apparatus in history at his command, James Forrestal was unable to affect the situation he’d inherited even in the most rudimentary way, and to the best of our knowledge, nothing that he authorized or attempted during his tenure at Defense altered the UFO situation one iota, and that had to weigh heavily on the Secretary. Following the election of a new president it is considered standard procedure for all standing appointees to submit their resignations for the president to accept or reject. The President accepted Forrestal’s resignation on March 3. On March 28, the day of his retirement, James Forrestal joined Defense Department employees for a change of command ceremony at which the President presented the retiring Secretary with the Distinguished Service Metal, the highest civilian decoration authorized by Congress. The recipient, both surprised and moved, reacted in a truly unsettling way, and after receiving the decoration from Truman steps to the microphone and said, “It’s beyond my…” Clark Clifford, a young advisor of Forrestal’s and a future Attorney General was in attendance and remembered, “Unable to respond to the President’s generous words of praise, Forrestal is lead speechless from the room. It was suddenly apparent to everyone there that something was terribly wrong”. Following the ceremony, Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington, who had regularly challenged Forrestal’s authority, was overheard telling the now former Defense Secretary, “There is something I would like to talk to you about.” While there is no record of what Symington said, the effect on Forrestal was deeply upsetting, if not traumatic. He was found several hours later sitting at his now-former desk, staring at the wall and repeating the phrase “You are a loyal fellow. You are a loyal fellow.” Once outside the Pentagon, Forrestal seemed bewildered and a shocked aide arranges for the nearby chauffer of the President’s chief science advisor, Vannavar Bush, to drive him back to his Georgetown home. Once there, he called Ferdinand Eberstadt who arrived soon after. Eberstadt was taken aback by his old friend’s manner and appearance and recalled Forrestal telling him that he was a total failure and considering suicide. The Secretary was also convinced that certain persons in the White House had formed a conspiracy to “get him” and had finally succeeded. The columnist Drew Pearson, who had a long-standing vendetta against the former Secretary, made the following entry in his diary on April 1, 1949: “Forrestal seems to be off his beam. While Tom Clark (Truman’s Attorney General) was in Florida last week, Forrestal called him every day

The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers and Authors - Part 3: By Peter Robbins

worried about something, wouldn’t say what…” The next morning, April 2, Forrestal and Eberstadt flew to Hobe Sound Florida where friend and future Secretary of Defense Robert Lovett has a home. Lovett met them at the airfield and When Forrestal stepped from the plane, Lovett was shocked by his appearance but nonetheless tried to joke with him. “Jim, I hope you brought your golf clubs because the weather here has been just perfect for golf,” to which Forrestal replied, “Bob, they’re after me.” Over the next three days James Forrestal attempted to take his life several times; Lovett called it the worst three days of his life. At the request of the Navy, Captain George M. Raines flew to Hobe Sound. Raines was Chief of Neuro Psychiatry at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. Dr. Raines learned of the Secretary’s suicide attempts from Lovett and Eberstadt, but refused to see or examine their friend, insisting that he could not until the family’s psychiatrist of record arrived. Forrestal’s wife Josephine and/or his brother Henry, had already chosen the renowned Dr. William C. Menninger. Regrettably the doctor would not be able to arrive until the next day and Raines maintained that he was duty-bound to wait until the famous clinician arrived. Lovettt could only lock his guest in a bedroom for the night after cleaning out the medicine cabinet. The following afternoon the two doctors conducted an examination of the patient, then consulted. Together they decided that the best course of action would be confinement at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Dr. Menninger, now Forrestal’s psychiatrist of record, then flew back to his clinic in the Midwest, and though he continued to be briefed on the Secretary’s progress, never saw his patient again. Dr. Reins accompanied Forrestal on the flight from Florida to Maryland. During the drive from the airfield to the hospital he had to be restrained to keep him from throwing himself from the moving car. The patient was admitted to the hospital and once secured in a room on the sixteenth floor, a twenty-four hour Marine guard was put on his door. For most of the first month the patient was kept sedated. For a week there was no mention of Forrestal’s breakdown or hospitalization in the press or on the radio, almost unimaginable by today’s journalistic standards. The Times first ran its first story on April 8. One of the first people the patient called when he is allowed phone privileges was Washington’s Monsignor Maurice J. Sheehy. Monsignor Sheehy was a highly regarded prelate who was friendly with many Capitol Hill insiders. Forrestal had drifted from the Church over the years and asked the Monsignor to help him return to it. Sheehy agreed and made plans for an initial visit to Bethesda.

While hospitalized, Forrestal telephoned the White House and was insistent that someone be sent over to check for a bug in the wall of his room. The White House sent Admiral Sidney Souers, the first Secretary of the National Security Council and a future Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Admiral Souers, one of President Truman’s closest confidants and advisors, assured the patient that the room was free of any listening devices. Secretary of Defense Johnson visited Forrestal on April 27 and reported that his predecessor looked fine and would be discharged in two to three weeks. By May 17 Forrestal had gained twelve pounds since his confinement five weeks earlier, and visitors and hospital personnel alike seemed in agreement that his condition was improving. Bethesda Naval Hospital records noted that “Forrestal continued in good spirits throughout all of the twentieth and the twenty first. He shows no signs of depression, was well dressed, shaved, and in good appetite.” On Friday May 20 Henry Forrestal telephoned the hospital. He had decided that his brother should complete his recovery in the countryside and informed hospital administrators that he would be arriving to take custody on Sunday, May 22.That same Friday Secretary of Navy John Sullivan met with Monsignor Sheehy, a meeting set up at the Monsignor’s insistence. Since first speaking with Forrestal the Monsignor has visited the Bethesda Naval Hospital on six separate occasions and each time been told that the Secretary was unable to see him. Increasingly frustrated, the Monsignor took his case directly to Sullivan, who in turn contacted hospital administrators and was given assurances that Sheehy would be able to see the patient in time, but not enough time as it turned out. James Forrestal had two days left to live. Official accounts of his death vary slightly, but follow this basic line. Early on the morning of Sunday May 22, staff psychiatrist Commander R.R. Deen was asleep in the room next to Forrestal’s. The Secretary’s regular attendant had not shown up for his shift and Hospital Apprentice R.W. Harrison had been assigned to look in on Forrestal. The patient appeared to be sleeping at 1:30 AM but was awake at 1:45 when the apprentice attendant found him copying a Sophocles poem out of an anthology. Harrison asked if the Secretary wanted a sleeping pill but it is declined. Allegedly Harrison then forgot to lock the Secretary’s door behind him and reported to Commander Deen’s room (or to the hospital security station on another floor) where he updated the officer. When he checked the room five minutes later it was empty and a search was immediately begun. 14

A few minutes later the seventh floor duty nurse reported hearing a loud noise from her window. It was the sound of Forrestal’s body hitting the overhang of the third floor roof. Hospital authorities surmised that the patient, finding his door unlocked as he wrestled with a sudden bout of suicidal depression, stopped writing, walked across the hall to the efficiency kitchen, pushed open the unsecured screen window, knotted his bathrobe sash tightly around his neck, tied the free end to the radiator below the window, then lowered himself out of the window and was killed when the knot at the radiator end of the sash slipped its mooring. He was fifty seven years old. A first brief report on the tragedy appeared on page one of the Sunday New York Times Late Edition. It was entitled “Forrestal Killed in 13-Story Leap.” Full coverage followed in the next day’s edition. (Note: While Forrestal went out of a 16th floor window, he landed on the 3rd floor roof.) In their May 23rd article, “Forrestal’s Leap Laid to Depression,” Captain Raines lamented that “..the former Secretary of Defense took his life in a sudden fit of despondency “extremely common” to the severe type of mental depression he suffered.” That day a five-man Naval Medical Board was convened to investigate the death. It was led by the head of the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda. Two days later, Josephine Forrestal, who has remained in Paris throughout her husband’s confinement, returned to Washington, and without benefit of even a cursory investigation, absolved everyone of blame in her husband’s death. That afternoon, with six thousand in attendance, James Vincent Forrestal was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. President Truman gave the eulogy which was followed by a nineteen Howitzer salute. The Naval Medical Board ended its hearings on May 30, having seen fit to conclude its investigation after only seven days. For the next two weeks “Navy and National Military Establishment press sections” promised to release the report but do not. July nineteenth’s Times reported that “Considerable mystery surrounds a delay in releasing the report made by the special naval investigating board that inquired into the death of James V. Forrestal. Naval press officers gave the impression that at least a summary of their findings would be made public.” On October 11 Navy Secretary Matthews make public the investigating board’s report absolving “all” of any blame in Forrestal’s death. The report concluded that: 1), The body found on the third floor ledge

The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers and Authors - Part 3: By Peter Robbins

2), That he died of injuries sustained in the fall, 3) That his behavior prior to death “was indicative of a mental depression, and 4) That the treatment and precautions in the conduct of the case were in agreement with accepted psychiatric practice and commensurate with the evident status of the patient at all times. Considering the investigation’s ultra-bland findings, why the need to delay release for five months? Driving home a ‘casualty of war’/‘operational fatigue’ rationale by both government and media greatly helped the Americans public to accept Forrestal’s death as a suicide. The Times editorialized, “His tragedy is directly traceable to his overwork on behalf of the country. … when it was announced that he was in the hospital with the diagnosis of “operational fatigue,” it was instantly understood that there was every reason why he should be there.” This so-called “operational fatigue” referred to was traceable back to the time he was sworn in as Defense Secretary. Forrestal’s friend, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Arthur Krock recalled, “From the time of his appointment as Secretary of Defense in 1947, my wife had begun to detect inner disturbances in Forrestal that I had not.” And in late 1949, columnist Drew Pearson wrote, “the Defense Secretary’s nervous deterioration dated back over two years.” Both observations, one from a good friend, the other from an outspoken enemy, support the notion that Forrestal’s mental problems begin at about the time he was sworn in as Defense Secretary. The so-called “Cutler Memorandum” dated July 14, 1954 was found in the National Archives and our colleague Stanton Friedman has done a great deal of research to validate its authenticity. The memo confirms that a “MJ-12 Special Studies Project” did indeed exist, though the memo does not specify what the group’s mandate is. The Memorandum from Truman to Forrestal was dated September 24, 1947. The Truman Library has confirmed that this was the only day during the entire second half of 1947 that the President met privately with just Secretary Forrestal and Dr. Vannavar Bush. Uncharacteristically, the President’s appointment calendar does not note the reason for or subject of their meeting. Immediately following the tragedy the New York Times assigned its features reporter Walter H. Waggoner to be the paper’s lead journalist on the story. Among other things, Waggoner established the following within hours of Forrestal’s plunge, and I quote: 1. “There were indications that Mr. Forrestal might also have tried to hang himself.

The sash of his dressing-gown was still knotted and wrapped tightly around his neck when he was found, but hospital officials would not speculate as to its purpose.”

his mind and tried to climb back in the window.” So – why would he have stopped writing mid-word? The most common sense explanation I can grasp is that he was interrupted mid-word.

2. “Mr. Forrestal had copied most of the Sophocles poem from the book on hospital memo paper, but he had apparently been interrupted in his efforts. His copying stopped after he had written “night” of the word “nightingale.”

As for the theory that he’d tried to hang himself, but out of a sixteenth floor window, subsequent investigation established that the free end of Forrestal’s bathrobe sash had never been tied to the radiator, or anything else for that matter. If foul play was not involved, it meant that Forrestal himself must have knotted the sash around his own neck, tightly, then lowered himself out of the window, then changed his mind, indicated by the fingernail scratch marks investigators found on the window sill.

3. “…reports from his doctors and hospital authorities had indicated steady progress toward his recovery.” 4. “It had been accepted that continued treatment would have brought Mr. Forrestal to complete recovery in a matter of months.” And 5, the very last line of May twenty third’s lead article: “On the window sill from which Mr. Forrestal jumped were marks suggesting he might have changed 15

While none of us can say with certainty what a desperately depressed and suicidal person is capable of doing, the patient on the sixteenth floor would have to have acted in the highly unusual manner just described. Either that or that one or more individuals tied the sash around his neck,

The Controversial Deaths of UFO Investigators, Researchers and Authors - Part 3: By Peter Robbins

then assisted him out of the window. For what it is worth, no mental health professional I’ve spoken with about the particulars of such a suicide scenario – and I’ve spoken with quite a few over the years – has ever heard of an attempt like it, successful or not, the consensus being that jumpers jump, and those who intend to hang themselves do just that. Why was Hospital Apprentice R.W. Harrison, who had never had any previous contact with the V.I.P. patient assigned to Forrestal on this particular night? One account has it that the regularly assigned attendant did not appear for his shift that night due to drunkenness, something that had never occurred previously. For what its worth the regular attendant had become very close to Forrestal, and had been characterized as thinking of him as a father figure. Then there’s the matter of Monsignor Sheehy. Given that Forrestal had expressed a desire to return to the Church, and by implication the sanctity of the confessional, from the point of view of anyone who considered the Secretary to be a security risk, Father Sheehy would have been the last person the he should have been allowed to speak with. And in six attempts to see him, The Monsignor had never gotten beyond the reception area. More, on Monday morning May 23 after learning of Forrestal’s death, the Monsignor returned to the hospital for a seventh time. Shortly after arriving there a hospital corpsman came up to him though the crowded reception area and quietly said into his ear, “Father, you know Mr. Forrestal didn’t kill himself, don’t you?” The corpsman then disappeared into the crowd before Monsignor Sheehy could say a word. On May 20, Henry Forrestal had informed the hospital that he would be taking charge of his brother on Sunday May 22. Following James’ death that morning, Henry became convinced that his brother had been murdered, a view he maintained for the rest of his life. And he wasn’t alone in this belief. Arnold A. Rogow’s book “James Forrestal: A Study of Personality, Politics and Policy” is a scholarly and insightful work based in great part on the author’s numerous interviews with many who were closest to Forrestal, including Dean Atchison, Clark Clifford, Louis Johnson, Robert Lovett, Arthur Krock, Henry Forrestal, Dr. William Menninger, Dr. George Reins and Harry S. Truman. Rogow, a professor of history at the University of California, was anything but a conspiracist, however early in the text he made this statement: “Officially of course, Forrestal committed suicide on May 22, 1949, but among those close to him, there are even a few that are certain he was murdered, or if not murdered, that his death was very much desired by individuals and groups who in

1949 held great power in the United States.” As the man charged with the defense of the nation, responsibility for addressing the UFO threat – for that is how it was officially perceived at the time, fell solidly on his shoulders. The Secretary was famously known throughout his civilian, military and governmental careers for personalizing his failures and successes, and given the sweep and depth of his department’s failure to understand or affect the paradigm shattering situation he’d inherited, and as a result, came to see his own life as a profound failure as well. The Secretary finally broke under the strain on the day he retired and I’m convinced that he perceived his situation with little or no self-delusion. He now found himself in a freefall he could never recover from. For such a highly placed official, showing weakness in public was not forgivable. Real men did not have nervous breakdowns in 1949 – in the minds of many of the alpha males in government it simply could never happen, least of all to this larger-than-life competitive presidential advisor, Navy Secretary, Defense Secretary and key planner of the modern American defense establishment. Even if he ‘recovered,’ they could never fully trust him again. I think he understood this and saw the writing on the wall: if he did not ‘do the right thing,’ that is, take his own life, others would certainly take it from him.

individuals who have shown the desire and predisposition to become involved and remain involved is responsible research, a certain amount of stress and anxiety will be a given. But it is important work, and when approached in a scientific, methodical and principled way, may represent a far greater contribution to society than most of the sleepwalkers who populate the world are capable of imagining. Even in the extreme cases of those who’ve been taken from us before their time, it’s the quality of the lives they lived and the contributions they made that we should remain focused on, no matter what the circumstances of their deaths. So here’s to them, and to those who continue to do that work. They didn’t allow their lives to be governed by fear and neither should we. Thank you for your time and attention. References: 1. The UFO Encyclopedia, 1st and 2nd editions, Clark, Jerome, Omnigraphics, Detroit, 1992 and 1998 2. The UFO Encyclopedia, Sachs, Margret, Perigee (Putnam), 1980 3. The UFO Controversy in America, Jacobs, David, U. of Indiana, 1975 4. The Philadelphia Experiment, Moore, William & Berlitz, Charles, Grosset & Dunlap, 1979 5. Other Mysterious Deaths: Lest We Forget, Schellhorn, G. Cope, UFO Universe Magazine, 1997 6. Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science, Druffel, Ann, Wildflower Press, Columbus, NC, 2003 7. Majic Eyes Only, Wood, Ryan, Wood Enterprises, 2005 8. UFOs, JFK and Elvis, Belzer, Richard, Ballantine Books, 1999 9. Above Top Secret, Good, Timothy, Sedgewick & Jackson, London, 10. The Flying Saucer Story, Le Poer Trench, Brinsley, Spearman, 1967 11. Liquidation of the UFO Investigators, Binder, Otto, Saga’s Special UFO Report, Vol 11, 1971 12. Taken, Turner, Karla, Keltworks Press, 1994

And Forrestal did attempt to throw himself on his sword, but was prevented from doing so at each turn. However once the prescribed therapy had been given a chance to produce some results, the patient on the sixteenth floor grew stronger, and its fair to say, began to recover his sense of self and his will to live. This turn of events unfortunately sealed his fate and made it necessary for others to complete the job for him. James Forrestal’s mental collapse had to be treated as a priority national security matter of the first magnitude: the man knew everything, and might say anything. I don’t believe the decision to force him out of that window was in any way personal. It was simply the only way to resolve what this ‘inner circle’ had likely come to perceive as the single greatest potential security risk in the Western world. In my opinion, James Forrestal’s death is an undeniable case of a life terminated because, at least in part, he knew too much about UFOs. Some of the implications of what UFOs represent are so potentially disturbing, and so disruptive to society as we know it, that I have no doubts that there are those who are capable of just about anything in their efforts to keep the subject from us, and to keep it in its place as an idiot child of history, politics and the media. For those 16

13. The Forrestal Diaries, Millus, Walter, Editor, Viking Press, 1951 14. James Forrestal: Driven Patriot by Hoopes, Townsend & Brinkley, Douglas, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD, 1992 15. “Unification Act Signed,” NY Times, July 27, 1947 16. “Forrestal is Sworn in Suddenly,” NY Times, September 18, 1947 17. “Wallace Criticizes Truman Order On Rush Swearing In of Forrestal,” NY Times, September 17, 1947 18. Demands Truman Tell What Emergency Caused Haste in Swearing In Forrestal,” NY Times, September 19, 1947 19. Eisenhower Briefing Document of November 18, 1952, 8 pages 20. Memo from the President to Secretary Truman, September 24, 1947 21. “New Air Unit Operating,” NY Times, September 28, 1947 22. UFOs and the National Security State, Dolan, Richard, Hampton Roads Publishing Co., Charlottesville, VA, 2002 23. Memoirs” Krock Arthur, Funk & Wagnalls, NY, 1968 24. FBI Memorandum to J. Edgar Hoover, January 31, 1949 25. USAF Incoming Classified Message, January 31, 1949 26. Project SIGN, February 1949, page 25 27. “Thousands Look On As New Defense Secretary Takes Oath,” NY Times, March 29, 1949 28. “Forrestal Gets Distinguished Service Metal; Outgoing Secretary Speechless at Surprise,” NY Times, March 29, 1949 29. Counsel to the President, Clifford, Clark, Random House, NY, 1991 30. “Forrestal Is Treated in Naval Hospital For Nervous and Physical Exhaustion, ” NY Times, April 8, 1949 31. “Forrestal ‘Looks Fine,” NY Times, April 27, 1949 32. UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, Keyhole, 2000 33. “Forrestal Killed in 13-Story Leap; U.S. Mourning Set, Nation Is Shocked,” NY Times, May 23, 1949 34. “Hospital Absolved By Mrs. Forrestal,” NY Times, May 26, 1949 35. July 18, “Forrestal Data Held Up – Report on His Death Promised but It Is Not Released,” NY Times, July 19 1949 “Navy Absolves All In Forrestal Leap,” NY Times, October 12, 1949


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While I am not an expert, I am also not a novice when it comes to metaphysical, mystical, or spiritual terrain as I have studied such things most of my adult life. However, I never expected to go from a spectator to a participant to this degree. The phenomena has been manifesting in my presence, (regardless of my geographical location), since July of 2011. 21

Elemental - My story from the beginning: By Gerry Warner

However, it was precipitated in one prior singular experience in October of 2010 at what has become known as a hotbed of otherworldly activity at James Gilliland's ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake Washington, (I have also attached the original article you covered regarding this below). As you know, it was there that I captured the "feline" looking photo which is the first attachment from the latest batch I sent to you which was also in your article. Fast forward to July of 2011 and the phenomena escalated dramatically and continues to this present day. To be clear, the manifestations in the photos are not smoke, fog, vapour, photoshop, etc....they are all quite authentic. I have surmised they may be anything from Nature Spirits/Elementals, (the Air Elementals called "Sylphs" to be precise), to ancestral spirits, to guides/guardians, angels/ demons, to psychokinetic projections, or even manifestations of myself in past, future, or parallel lives, timelines, or dimensions. Fanciful speculations aside, they could be nothing more than a very subtle species or organism in the natural world that has yet to be fully recognized or researched.... anything is possible and I do not hold to any fixed opinion or theory until or unless more concrete insight reveals itself. As to their identity if that could be ascribed to them, I have not taken any possibility off the table including the notion that they could very well be forces from a nether existence toying with me and I have just been lulled into a false sense of security. But if they did intend me any kind of ill will, I think I would know it by now. I do not think they are hostile or malevolent as I have not experienced the tell-tale signs and aberrations in my life that are typically consistent with negative or parasitic entities. I have used at least three separate models of digital cameras with the exact same results. As to the authenticity of the photographs, it is relevant to point out that when photos are taken at night, most cameras automatically increase the ISO setting. The higher the ISO setting, the more sensitive to light the photos will be. In order for the camera to take in enough light on a lower shutter speed, the ISO setting is set higher. This also increases noise or grain in the photo. The reason this is significant is that in the photos you can see that the ISO noise is consistent throughout the photograph, as in, it is seen both on the background of the image as well as the phenomena itself. This indicates that the manifestations have been captured in the photo rather than added in afterwards via graphic editing software. Many may understandably regard the photos as paranormal though in some ways I

lament the degeneration of what that word has become in popular culture and commercial exploitation, (present company excluded naturally as you handle such matters seriously and with a high degree of intelligence). Consequently, I do not regard myself as a "ghost hunter" and regard such terminology to be pejorative. That said, I remain convinced that the reality of what is at work in the photos is something significantly more complex and altogether different than characterized by conventional paranormal references. And my sense is that it's something very personal. On a few rare occasions I have taken individuals to accompany me to witness for themselves and without exception, none 22

walked away disappointed...while a couple people left the experience a bit disturbed. However, I do not make it a practice to take people along because it is a matter of integrity to me to honour the phenomena without turning it into some kind of sideshow. My approach has always been with considerable respect, humility, and gratitude and I cannot imagine these consciousnesses, (which is truly my conviction at the very least as to what they may be), sharing space with those who possess ulterior motives or negative intentions. In the beginning I thought the manifestations were attached to me or tending my way, but have since come to the conviction that this kind of phenomena must be

Elemental - My story from the beginning: By Gerry Warner

ubiquitous and its just a matter of tuning into their frequency much like a radio. I agree with others who have researched such things more rigorously that the substance within the photos is most likely plasma-based considering 99% of the observable universe is composed of this fourth state of matter. But plasma seems to be only a vehicle utilized for whatever consciousnesses these may be as their true essence, purpose, and meaning remains a mystery to me. Assuming some kind of inter-dimensional door has been opened, I think at any given moment, anything could be coming through, both positive and even negative. I am keenly aware of the pareidolia factor and so I guard my objectivity as much as possible while trying not to look for "faces in the clouds." However, there is very evident structure, form, geometry, and even facial features in the photos that are clearly inconsistent from smoke, fog, or similar substances. There tends to be a membranelike, stringy-gooey-liquid, almost gossamer element to the manifestations as well as many of them demonstrating dense plasma concentrations or asymmetrical energetic emanations, tendrils, and projections. There is also often a distinct edge from the manifestation itself and the background which smoke, fog, etc would never do. I do not consider myself mediumistic, but whatever may be at work in regards to the photos, there seems to be a psychical element to it while a relationship of sorts has clearly been established between them and me. There is no doubt they are as aware of me as I am of them. Oddly enough though, I have had no overt communication with them save that some may have come through in a forgotten dream state, altered state of consciousness, etc. That said, I have noticed patterns when I am in a state of joy, happiness, etc, they manifest with more frequency, complexity, and intensity...also in size. Often they appear not only in my direct field of vision, but when I have randomly taken shots behind me without even looking, they are present. I have captured the photos in all weather conditions though when it is windy, they don't show up perhaps due to their fragile and wispy composition. However, in what would be otherwise optimal conditions, if I am mentally preoccupied, distracted, or just in a negative mood, they are less likely, if at all, to manifest. As far as I can tell, this may be consistent to a degree with quantum physics, namely, the laws of intention and that the observer affects the observed reality. In order to know when to take the photo, I can see them with the naked eye as they pass through the focus light of my cameras as is shines while I keep the focus button held can also see them on the

camera screen as they pass. Other than my camera, I do not use any technical equipment because I am convinced that as the answers are revealed, they will do so more organically and overtly. I have captured the photos in over a dozen different locations between western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. However, I deliberately avoid "haunted" places, cemeteries, etc. as I have no interest in such areas nor do I possess the qualifications to handle other, perhaps dangerous, phenomena may be stirred up. All of the locations I have gone to have been quite benign as far as concentrations of anomalous activity is concerned. At this stage I will continue taking the photos and hopefully answers will emerge. However, even 23

if they do not, I am content to simply appreciate the experiences and embrace them at face value for their own sake. In the most fundamental terms when it comes to an explanation of the experiences, I think John Keel had the last word when he said in the Mothman Prophecies, and I paraphrase, "You noticed Them, and They noticed that you noticed Them." The entire matter could very well be that simple. (Editors note: the quote from the late John Keel mentioned here by Gerry Warner seems to resonate strongly with a telling comment made by the philosopher Nietzsche, when he said, “Battle not with monsters lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you�)...


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By Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D.

Bob Lazar in the 1980s claimed to have worked with the super heavy element 115 (Ununpentium (Uup)). His theory was that Uup served as the fuel and propulsion system for alien aircraft. In this paper, a chemical perspective of Uup is described where Uup is a highly radioactive element, all of the stable isotopes of Uup have very short half lives (within milliseconds), these isotopes of Uup are thermodynamically unstable and the feasibility that gram quantities could exist and be stored for over many years is impossible. Since 2003, no more than 50 atoms of this super heavy element, Uup has been synthesized and observed. Lastly, the predicted melting point of Uup is 400oc, which is far less than the 1740oc stated by Lazar.


Debunking Element 115 - (Ununpentium) as an alien fuel source for a propulsion system: A Chemical Perspective: By Dr. Brett I. Cohen Ph.D

The super heavy element, element 115 (Ununpentium (Uup) (its temporary name and symbol) with an atomic number of 115, also known as eka-bismuth) was first synthesized in 2003 and reported in February 2004 by Russian scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and a team of American scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California. It is an extremely radioactive element. Radioactive decay (nuclear decay or radioactivity) involves the loss of energy (by emitting ionizing radiation) resulting from the nucleus of an unstable atom. A material is considered radioactive if it emits ionizing radiation such as; alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays. Uup was artificially produced from the bombardment of atoms of Americium-243 with ions of calcium-48. This resulted in the detection of only four, (4) atoms of Uup (its most stable known isotope, Uup-289 which has a very short half life) and decayed (by emission of alpha-particles) in approximately 200 milliseconds. Photons with certain energies agreed with the expected energies for X-ray radiation and can be used as a 'fingerprint' for a given element in order to successfully detect such element. Recently, in 2013 Rudolph, et al. At the Lund University in Sweden (over a three week long experiment) also claimed that the fusion reaction of Americium-243 with calcium-48 lead to the detection (by

measuring photons in connection with its alpha decay) of approximately 30 atoms of Uup-288 and Uup-287 (both isotopes of Uup have extremely short half life’s of approximately 220 milliseconds). This research corroborates the first observations in 2003 by Russian scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna for the synthesis and discovery of Uup. Those in the UFO community are very familiar with the story of Bob Lazar and his claims to have worked in the 1980s as a scientist. Bob Lazar claims that Uup serves as the fuel and propulsion system for alien aircraft. A brief description is as follows: inside the reactor, Uup was bombarded with a proton and Uup was converted to Element 116 (livermorium with chemical symbol of Lv) which according to Lazar immediately decays and releases a small amount of antimatter. The antimatter from the reaction above is kept separated from matter. The matter and antimatter are allowed to collide and annihilate each other. This reaction results in the totally near 100% efficiency, where heat is converted to electrically energy (thermoelectric generator). It is also claimed that the alien aircraft used 223 grams (about a half of pound) of Uup and that this would last for 20 to 30 years. It should also be noted that only a very few atoms of Lv (element 116) have ever been


synthesized and detected. It too was synthesized and discovered by the same Russian scientists at Dubna in 2000 and Lv also has an extremely short half life similar to Uup. Regarding the above reaction as described by Lazar, Dr. David L. Morgan has provided a clear, concise critique regarding the physics. Dr. Morgan states, that the nuclear physics regarding the reaction of Uup in order to cause an antimatter propulation device violates "a whole handful of currently accepted physical theories and demonstrates an obvious lack of understanding of current physical theories". From a chemical perspective, however, many physical properties of Uup are not described. For example, when working with a material that is new, physical properties are important for its complete understanding. Properties such as; boiling point, electro-negativity, valance, electron affinity, ionization (energies), hardness, modulus, and conductivity, for example, are vital. Here, only the melting point of 1740oC is given. A survey of the chemical literature reveals that two separate papers predict (with the use Lindemann's criterion) that the most stable form of Uup will be in the solid phase with a melting point of 400oC. The melting point of a solid material is the

Debunking Element 115 - (Ununpentium) as an alien fuel source for a propulsion system: A Chemical Perspective: By Dr. Brett I. Cohen Ph.D

temperature at which a phase transformation occurs (for example, solid to liquid) at atmospheric pressure. The theory behind the Lindemann criterion for such a phase transformation is that the average amplitude of thermal vibrations increases with increasing temperature. Melting of a solid material initiates when the amplitude of vibration becomes large enough and adjacent atoms partially occupy the same space. The Lindemann criterion states that melting of a solid material is expected when the root mean square vibration amplitude exceeds the threshold value. Therefore, many chemical concerns arise regarding the amount of Uup and its only stated physical property (melting point) as described by Lazar. Firstly, Uup is a highly radioactive element and handling such a element would be difficult. Secondly, it is obvious from the fusion reaction of Americium-243 with calcium-48 that the isotopes of Uup (for example, Uup-289, Uup-288 and Uup-287) were observed to have very short half lives (within milliseconds) and could only be detected over multi-week experiments. Therefore, these isotopes of Uup are thermodynamically unstable. Thirdly, it would be unfeasible that 223 grams of Uup could be synthesized and stored for over 20 to 30 years. Since 2003, no more than 50 atoms of this super heavy element, Uup has been synthesized and observed. The likelihood that gram quantities of Uup would exist are impossible. It would be highly unlikely that the fusion reaction found in the stars could produce Uup naturally, as is done with lighter elements such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Lastly, the predicted melting point of Uup found in the chemical literature is 400oc, which is significantly less than the 1740oc stated… Author Biography Dr. Brett I. Cohen, Ph.D. email: Brett holds a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry/ Bioinorganic Chemistry from the State University of New York at Albany. He received his Ph.D. in November 1987 (Ph.D. Thesis entitled, "Chemical Model Systems for Dioxygen-Activating Copper Proteins"). Post-Doctoral Fellow at Rutgers University (1988-1989}. His research at Rutgers was in the area of peptide synthesis utililizing transition metal chemistry. After his Post-Doctoral Fellowship (1989-2003), he was one of the owners of Essential Dental Systems (manufacturer of dental composites and dental materials) where he was Chief Executive Officer and V.P. of Dental Research. He has published numerous papers (well over 100) in peer-reviewed journals (such as Journal of American Chemical Society, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Journal of Endodontics and Autism, etc.) and has obtained 16 U.S. Patents. He has published papers in a variety of areas such as: Inorganic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Biomedical, Autism, Physical Chemistry, and Dental, etc...

References 1. Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; Utyonkoy, V. K.; Lobanov, Yu. V. et al. (2004). "Experiments on the synthesis of element 115 in the reaction 243Am(48Ca,xn)291−x115". Physical Review C 69 (2): 021601. 2. Rudolph, D.; Forsberg, U.; Golubev, P. et al. (2013)."Spectroscopy of element 115 decay chains". Phys Rev Lett. 13; 111(11): 112502. 3. 4. Lazar: Cosmic Whistleblower (2015) at the Internet Movie Database ( 5. Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; Utyonkov, V.K.; Lobanov, Yu.V. et al.(2000). "Observation of the decay of ^{292}116". Physical Review C 63: 011301. 6. Morgan, D. L. (August 26, 1996). "Lazar Critique" 7 . Haire, R. G. (2006). "Transactinides and the future elements". In Morss; Edelstein, Norman M.; Fuger, Jean. The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements (3rd ed.). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media. ISBN 1-4020-3555-1. 8. Fricke, B. (1975). "Superheavy elements: a prediction of their chemical and physical properties". Recent Impact of Physics on Inorganic Chemistry 21: 89–144. 9. Lindemann F.A. (1910). "The calculation of molecular vibration frequencies". Physik. Z. 11: 609–612. 10. Nelson, D. R., (2002). Defects and geometry in condensed matter physics, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521-00400-4. 11. Philip H. (2008). Solid state physics: an introduction. Wiley-VCH. p. 67. ISBN 978-3-527-40861-0.


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Witness says orb gave him insight into UFO and crop circle technology: Posted by Alejandro Rojas, constructed by Chris Brown

Nearly three years later, one witness of several who saw a mysterious orb and flying disk in 2011 is still compelled to share what he learned from the encounter. He says the orb communicated information about flying saucer propulsion and how crop circles are formed, and left him with the feeling that it was important he share this information with scientist. Chris Brown says, “I really want to try hard this next year getting our encounter out more.” He feels that his sighting has not received enough attention. To give me a better idea of what he experienced, and an unbiased look into an investigation of it, he sent me a report from the Oregon chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). The report was put together by field investigator Jason Ingraham and Assistant State Director Keith Rowell.

Brown says he had an iPod Touch with him, but couldn’t figure out how to use the video function before the object was out of sight. A few minutes later an orb came from the area he had lost sight of the disk. It flew right over him and his neighborhood. Brown says the neighborhood dogs were barking at the object. Just past his neighbor’s home, the object stopped and then moved down and out of sight. The MUFON investigators say that during an interview with a neighbor, they discovered there may have been other witnesses to this event. Brown’s neighbor, Britney (a pseudonym used by the investigators to maintain her anonymity) says she knew of a group of campers on a nearby mountain that night. One of them told her they had seen “an object with purplish colored lights around

west. Then they heard a loud noise at the end of their block and the area lit up like lightning. They said the sound was like a fire-cracker, but the light lasted longer than just a flash.

Area of the second sighting. (Credit: Keith Rowell)

Brown and his son then noticed a basketball-sized orb floating in the middle of the street about ten feet away. It was about four feet off of the ground moving slowly in their direction. The report gives this description of the orb: "The orb-shaped object was lime green, blue, and white around its perimeter. This glowing part was about beach ball sized. The clear glass-like center part was a smaller basketball size. Inside this clear spherical part was a brilliant red, tear-drop shape. This interior red part moved around with tremendous activity and energy (it seemed). Also, the glass-like spherical part appeared to be rotating backward around a horizontal axis as it floated along. Years later, Brown is still excited about the event. He writes, “We could see the clear sphere and the red liquid in the middle!” Brown continued, “It went spinning by us so close I could have touched it! It would have melted my hand off and made me sick I’m sure!”

Location of the first sighting. The red star marks where Brown saw the UFO. (Credit: Keith Rowell)

According to the report, the encounters began on August 18, 2011 at approximately 9 pm in Sublimity, Oregon. Brown was getting ready to water his front yard when he saw a disk-shaped object in the sky off in the distance. The object had two rows of lights around its perimeter. The top row was yellow, and the bottom was blue. There were also red lights on the underside. Wanting to get a better look, Brown dropped the hose and ran to the end of his street. He reported that the object slowly moved back and forth a few times before moving to the south and disappearing behind the trees and houses in the neighborhood.

the perimeter and a red colored bottom zig-zagging back and forth before suddenly disappearing.” This sighting had an emotional effect on Brown, because this was the first time he had seen a UFO, He had a mild interest before, but this event shocked him. However, his next encounter was even more dramatic. A few days later, on Friday, August 26, Brown was outside watering the lawn with his nine year-old son just before midnight when they saw a streak of yellow light shoot across the sky from east to 33

Brown made this rendition of the orb on Photoshop. (Credit: Chris Brown)

As it moved past them, it began to move closer to the ground until it hit the ground with a loud bang 20 feet away from Brown

Witness says orb gave him insight into UFO and crop circle technology: Posted by Alejandro Rojas, constructed by Chris Brown

and his son. It had come to the ground at a manhole cover and disappeared leaving sparks. Once it was gone, there was no evidence it had been there at all. At about that same time, Brown’s wife came out of the house with a friend who had been visiting and was then leaving. Britney had also just come home. Brown and his son were still excited, and Britney had come over to see what the excitement was about. Meanwhile, Brown’s wife went back into the house after her friend drove off. As the three who were left were talking, another yellow streak shot across the night sky.

Brown’s son said he also saw as dark object with four headlight-like yellow lights on its corners. In the middle of the object was a dark blue grate. Brown and Britney didn’t see this object. Brown told investigators that when the orb object was closest to him, he felt he was given some sort of knowledge. He said he was transfixed on the object as it passed, and he wondered how the thing operated. That information then came to him. He felt that the information he received was also related to how other UFOs operated and how crop circles were made.

Drawing and description of the last object seen by Brown’s son. (Credit: Chris Brown)

He was also left with the feeling that it was important that he share this information with scientist. Here is what he had to say about the technology: "The bubble of energy was pulling power from the power lines. When it was doing this the diamond in the middle reflected 2 times more light (or appeared to)? It was able to pull power off any power line. I think that’s how they all fly in formation and pull power off the same grid. They probably can all power off each other. After seeing this object I did some research of the videos that are online and have a theory how they can work with regards to crop circles as well”. The MUFON investigators checked the manhole cover where the orb disappeared for any unusual electromagnetic reading, but they found none. In fact, they admit all they had to go on was the testimony of the witnesses. However, they did find the witnesses to be sincere and credible, and they did not believe the testimony to be a hoax.

Drawing of the orb by Brown’s son. (Credit: Chris Brown)

Brown continues to try to share his story with as many people as he can. He says he just wants to “help educate everyone about ufo orbs” and their technology. He has recently created a Facebook page, where he plans to post more information, and is soliciting others to help share is new found knowledge, as he was compelled to do. Alejandro Rojas is a radio host for Open Minds Radio, editor and contributing writer for Open Minds magazine as well as For several years Alejandro was the official spokesperson for the Mutual UFO Network as the Director of Public Education. As a UFO/ Paranormal researcher and journalist, Alejandro has spent many hours in the field investigating phenomena up close and personal. Alejandro has been interviewed by media organizations around the world, including the largest cable and network news agencies with several appearances on Coast to Coast AM.

Drawing of the streaking object made by neighbour.


Witness says orb gave him insight into UFO and crop circle technology: Posted by Alejandro Rojas, constructed by Chris Brown

Drawing to the left is of the orb with a description of the technology given to Brown. Above Drawing describing the formation of crop circles. (Both drawings Credit: Chris Brown).

Whatever these strange crafts were, they currently remains unknown...

December 7 - Conjunction of the Moon and Venus. A conjunction of the Moon and Venus will take place on the morning of December 7. The crescent moon will come with 2 degrees of bright planet Venus in the early morning sky. Look to the east just before sunrise. December 11 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 10:29 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. December 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor Shower. The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by debris left behind by an asteroid known as 3200 Phaethon, which was discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. It peaks this year on the night of the 13th and morning of the 14th. The crescent moon will set early in the evening leaving dark skies for what should be an excellent show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Gemini, but can appear anywhere in the sky. December 22 - December Solstice. The December solstice occurs at 04:48 UTC. The South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its southernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44 degrees south latitude. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere. December 21, 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower. The Ursids is a minor meteor shower producing about 5-10 meteors per hour. It is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tuttle, which was first discovered in 1790. The shower runs annually from December 17-25. It peaks this year on the the night of the 21st and morning of the 22nd. This year the waxing gibbous moon will be bright enough to hide most of the fainter meteors. If you are patient, you might still be able to catch some of the brighter ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Ursa Minor, but can appear anywhere in the sky. December 25 - Full Moon. The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 11:11 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Cold Moon because this is the time of year when the cold winter air settles in and the nights become long and dark. This moon has also been known as the Moon Before Yule and the Full Long Nights Moon. December 29 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation. The planet Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation of 19.7 degrees from the Sun. This is the best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the planet low in the western sky just after sunset.



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IMPORTANT NOTICE! It is fair to say, in this day and age, that the disconnect between mainstream media “reality” and what is really going on is getting to the point where many people in society are not being told the full story—about almost everything and anything. In geopolitics, we see media organisations such as Al Jazeera willing to totally fabricate events and broadcast them via BBC, CNN, ABC and other licensees. In what is needlessly called “alternative health”, we see the might of transnational drug companies steering government health policies as well as affecting personal sovereignty in the form of forced vaccinations, freedom of choice in the treatment of serious disease, and the right to be able to purchase health products of our choosing.

In explorations of “fringe sciences”, including subjects such as the Expanding Earth theory or the Electric Universe theory, we see the unexplained anomalies regarding energy, gravity, electricity and biology, being ignored, suppressed or ridiculed. I believe that it is in the open-minded exploration of such anomalies, that we actually further our scientific understanding of our universe. In discussion of consciousness and the paranormal, we again see mainstream media reporting distorted versions of events, misreporting factual data, not reporting it at all, and again, outright ridicule (snigger factor). The fact of the matter is that people want to know more about who we are as spiritual beings, about the role of consciousness in determining how we experience life, and the role our inherent beliefs have on how we live and treat other people. I believe that the vast majority of people on this planet want to live in peace and harmony with each other, and I also believe that there are forces at work, including the military-intelligence-industrial complex, that desire and profit from manufactured conflict. We live in an era where a growing number of people are stepping up to blow the whistle on illegal and suppressed information. Information they believe is in everyone’s interests to be made public. Unfortunately, despite the assurances of protection to whistleblowers from world leaders, we actually see the opposite—the suppression and persecution of such people. And finally, we live on a planet where the way in which we live is dramatically affecting the entire ecosystem. Measurable levels of chemicals are found in the air over the entire planet—in the groundwater of every continent, and in the oceans everywhere. Why is it noble to focus on CO2 and energy saving, while ignoring the death, disease and destruction of our habitat and life forms, including our own? I have created the Alternative News Project (ANP), not as a vehicle to fight the current mainstream manufactured reality, but instead to provide a vehicle for like-minded, independent thinkers, to help create something new. Something better. Instead of endless searches on the Internet, we will bring you the news, every day, right across the spectrum of hundreds of nonmainstream news Topics. We have called it a Project, as it is not just about information—it is about the building of a global community through the distribution of information. The ANP is the first time that independent thinkers of the world (i.e. you) have a centralised location not only to see more of what is going on in your world than ever before, but where you also have the opportunity to send alternative news and information from anywhere across the globe. You are the real key to our project, because by receiving information you can inform others and by contributing your knowledge to us, we can broaden our scope of services around the globe. As such, the ANP is designed to be a community-based interactive news and information project by the people for the people. Welcome aboard the ANP, and thanks for being part of the adventure. Duncan Roads and the ANP team index.php?referrer=phenomena 38






Ghostly figure captured on film by paranormal investigators at St Bartholomew’s Cemetery

Common sense or cover up? NASA reveals why it WON'T speak about UFOs and conspiracies

NASA has explained why it is unwilling to comment on speculation about anomalies and "Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) appearing in some of its pictures and videos. By Jon Austin: Express The US Space Agency is regularly accused by so-called UFO investigators of covering up evidence that aliens have visited Earth and other planets like Mars because it refuses to discuss or even acknowledge the "discoveries" on images of the galaxy. Thanks to the array of information, video and data released online by NASA, alien investigators are able to spend hours trawling through reams of archive images from the 1969 moon landings through to the latest pictures beamed back from Mars and dwarf planets Pluto and Ceres. Or they can sit glued to live stream cameras looking out from the International Space Station (ISS). There are so many people doing it there are now almost daily claims of UFOs being seen on the ISS live camera or an array of different things being found in close-up images of the surface of Mars, including giant mice, bears, crabs, and even aliens and their homes, or the ruins of alleged ancient Martian civilisations. NASA has dismissed much of the Mars "findings" as pareidolia - a visual phenomena that means the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects and shapes in patterns or tecturs like the surface of a planet. However, it has been loath to say specific anything about the large number of alleged UFO sightings from the ISS or in Moon and other celestial body photographs. Scott C Waring, editor of the UFO Sightsings Daily website claims it is all part of a major cover up to hide the truth from the masses and that it even quickly shuts down the ISS camera when a UFO comes in range. But NASA astronaut Drew Feustel said the agency simply does not have time to "pay much attention to the media" about such issues. He said: "You can’t stop people from making up stories where there


aren’t any. “If you want to believe the moon landing is a hoax, ok, but it is much better to believe reality." He revealed the stance to Alejandro Rojas, editor of Open Minds magazine, which covers the UFO phenomena. Mr Rojas also found out the NASA position from an unnamed source. He said: "I recently attended a press event at NASA’s Johnson Space Center for the DVD and Bluray release of the movie The Martian. "I was able to talk to one of NASA’s PR people."

He was asked about a recent alleged UFO spotted in an image tweeted by astronaut Scott Kelly from the ISS. Mr Rojas said: "The PR employee did not want to go on the record, but said they were aware of the story about the Scott Kelly image. "Although, this PR person was aware inquiries were made, the people asking about the image were directed to the proper department. "The PR representative did not know why NASA had not responded to question about the image, but said that often they just have nothing to say... Whatever these anomalies are, turning up on NASA videos, it seems that we may have to wait to get an answer.


By Joanne Vella: Blacktown Advocate Using a high spectrum camera, paranormal investigators have captured what they believe is an ‘anomaly’ at St Bartholomew’s Cemetery in Sydney’s west and it’s an image that will undoubtedly have sceptics scoffing and believers transfixed. Fuelling a sceptic’s cynicism, the image was captured on Halloween night when one of the regular tours was held at the Prospect cemetery — known to locals as “St Bart’s”. The anomaly was snapped at the burial place of explorer William Lawson and other early settlers. Many believe the cemetery and church, opened in 1841 and destroyed by fire in 1989, is haunted. Four members of Sydney South West Paranormal Investigators team were near the grave when they heard a whining sound. As they often do on the tours across Sydney, the team took about 300 photos. The unusual image was captured on the 209th frame. But it was not until film was developed that “a very large anomaly’’ was captured. “We think it’s moving towards us. It has legs, arms. We think it’s a male,’’ lead investigator Kelly Ryan says. “We’re not claiming this is the spirit of a human being, we’re just saying this is an anomaly. “The reason we know that is that there were only four of us there, it was quite a controlled environment. “It’s opened more questions. There has been sightings there before.’’ Tour guide and local historian Hazel Magann is unsure of whose image it is but she is adamant about her aversion to that section of the gravesite. “I close down. I kept having horrendous feelings near where that photo was taken,’’ Magann says. She says a scout group once saw her being followed by a short man as she walked in the direction of the M4 motorway. Her research revealed Thomas James Willis, aka the Penrith Jockey, born in 1834 in Middlesex England, could haunt the site. Willis’ mother Mary is buried under the tree where the anomaly was captured. But Magann believes his spirit is there because of his daughter Emily, who died in 1863. She was just three years old. Many have also spotted a girl who appears to be the same age darting towards the M4 motorway. “She’s a very naughty girl, very much a prankster,’’ Magann says. “She can never leave the site. I can tell you that.” Members of the paranormal team, which has ventured out to St Bart’s since August, also say they spotted a girl with a similar description running around only to see her disappear shortly afterwards. “I think with that place, the more we investigate the more questions we ask,’’ Ryan says. “We’ve had some interesting encounters there. “This one, we would say, this is not actually haunted but intelligently haunted. They know you’re there. Our team members have had visual sightings. “We get regular battery drains when I put out my equipment.’’ “St Bartholomew’s is a very interesting place. “I think a lot of people who are still resting there are very connected to the church and the land.’’ As for the most recent image, Ryan welcomes scrutiny. “It doesn’t matter what evidence we have, there’s always going to be sceptics. We love sceptics because it keeps us honest.” This spooky photo is likely to be debates for quite sometime.


Ghosts really do exist!

After extensive research, I have come to the conclusion that Chagford does indeed have more ghosts than any small town I have visited. And I believe Dr Wiseman is at least partly right, in that the answer lies in magnetism - the magnetism of the Earth itself. It is often connected with granite, like that on Dartmoor. Lines of this force can be traced by good dowsers, who call them 'ley lines'. The whole area around Chagford is surrounded by them. For some reason, these lines seem to provide the ideal environment for ghosts. Again and again, I have found that haunted houses lie on the crossing point of ley lines. And I am certain that in some odd way, these lines can record powerful, tragic emotions, like magnetic tapes. Chagford is plainly a place that is full of such 'recordings', echoes of the past and there are many more scattered the length of Britain. Whatever, the psychologists say, I know what I've seen and heard. Ghosts do exist...


By Colin Wilson: Mail Online As Vice-President of the Ghost Club Society for the past 25 years I have looked into many cases of ghost sightings so when I read in the Mail yesterday that an eminent psychologist, Dr Richard Wiseman, has claimed that ghosts definitely do not exist, I knew he was talking nonsense - not least because I have actually talked to a ghost, as I shall describe later. I never cease to be amazed by the gall of scientists who declare they have now proved the non-existence of spirits or the soul or second sight or telepathy when thousands of ordinary people can contradict them from their own experience. In the British Journal Of Psychology, Dr Wiseman and his colleagues describe how they investigated two famous haunted sites - Hampton Court Palace and the South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh - and noted that in the most 'spooky' areas there are strong magnetic fields. Magnetism, they say, can influence the mind into thinking it is sensing the presence of a ghost. So can such conditions as cold and damp. Their conclusion is that ghosts are all in the mind, that what you might think is a ghost is nothing more than the brain's reaction to tiny changes in light, temperature, smell or magnetic field. What I find incredible is that these scientists - from Edinburgh and Hertfordshire Universities - have apparently failed to take a close look at the wealth of scientific research into ghosts that has been going on since 1882. This was the year that a group of scientists and intellectuals decided to create a society for studying ghosts and hauntings under the strictest conditions. Within a few months, they had so much proof that not one of them had the slightest doubt that ghosts were real. One of their best documented cases is that of an old chimney sweep, Samuel Bull, who died of 'sooty cancer', leaving a bedridden widow in a tiny cottage with eight other family members. Nine months after his death, the six children became nervous, declaring that there was someone outside the door. Then one day, Samuel Bull, looking quite solid, walked into his widow's bedroom. Everyone was terrified, but as these appearances continued over months, even the children got used to it. Samuel would stand by his widow's bed, his hand on her forehead - she said it felt firm but cold. One visit lasted more than an hour. The Society For Psychical Research, who investigated the case, had no doubt it was genuine. Samuel Bull was the most common type of ghost. He looked like a real person. But another type is so common that thousands of cases have been recorded - the poltergeist, or noisy ghost. Poltergeists throw things, cause objects to fly around, and often make such a racket that they drive people to nervous breakdowns. I have studied many cases, and have concluded that they are basically mischievous, emptyheaded spirits with nothing better to do - the football hooligans of the spirit world. In fact, there are so many poltergeists about that there is probably one within ten miles of where you live. I once tested this by asking around my local area of Cornwall. In no time at all I had located more than a dozen. My most striking supernatural experience came in 1978 when I was invited to our local television station in Plymouth to meet a pretty nurse named Pauline McKay. When placed in a hypnotic trance, Pauline would talk in a strong Devon accent and declare that her name was Kitty Jay, a milkmaid who had committed suicide in the late 18th century, and whose grave on Dartmoor is a tourist attraction. But Pauline had never heard of her, nor did she know of the existence of Jay's Grave. As Pauline lay in the studio with closed eyes, she told me how she had gone to Canna Farm, near Chagford, the most haunted village in England, looking for the labourer who had made her pregnant, and then hanged herself in the barn. Because she was a suicide, her body was buried at a crossroads on the edge of the moor, an attempt to confuse her spirit should it walk. Pauline pronounced Chagford in the old way - Chagiford (it was spelt Chageford) - and the detailed manner in which she described Kitty's death left us all horrified and convinced. Later, we took Pauline along to Canna Farm. She became obviously upset but, without prompting, led us into the farmyard, and turned left into the barn. There she showed us the beam on which Kitty hanged herself, and the farmer verified that she was correct. Yet Pauline had never visited the West Country in her life. So what is there about the little town of Chagford that makes it one of the most haunted places in England?

By Tara MacIsaac: Epoch Times In Beyond Science, Epoch Times explores research and accounts related to phenomena and theories that challenge our current knowledge. We delve into ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities. Share your thoughts with us on these sometimes controversial topics in the comments section below. If a person travels back in time and kills her own mother, well that’s pretty sinister— but it also creates for her an existential paradox. How does she exist if her mother doesn’t give birth to her? Quantum computing theory was plagued by a similar paradox. It could be used to solve very complex mathematical problems, but to do so could seriously mess with time. An international team of scientists has developed a way, however, for quantum computing to use time travel without breaking causality. They published their study Nov. 24 in the journal Quantum Information. The key is using open time-like curves (OTCs) instead of closed time-like curves (CTCs). Both are time-loops, which are made possible within Albert Einstein’s General Relativity theory by travelling through wormholes. The CTCs create causal paradoxes, similar to the woman killing her mother in the past. This happens because an object entering a wormhole can interact with causal factors in its own past. But, in the case of OTCs, the object cannot interact with those factors. “[It] is completely isolated from anything that can affect its own causal past during the time-travelling process,” the study states. “This naturally occurs, for example, in instances where the wormhole mouths are spatially separated.” Deutschian timelike curves. (a) depicts a physical visualization of a CTC, where an object entering one mouth of a wormhole at some point tA may jump to a prior time tB (with respect to an chronology respecting observer) and interact with its past self via some unitary U. (b) In the special case where no interaction occurs, we obtain an open timelike curve. This naturally occurs, for example, in instances where the wormhole mouths are spatially separated.

So how does this help solve complex equations? Foundational constraints of quantum theory are broken. For example, “the uncertainty principle can be violated, and arbitrary unknown quantum states can be cloned to any fixed fidelity,” the study explains. Scientists are able to bend the rules that make solving some equations seemingly impossible, thus making the solutions possible. Before the recent findings, it was thought that this rule-bending brought with it the paradox of broken causality. With OTCs, however, the study explains: “The timetravelling particle has the potential to break causality, [but] its complete isolation ensures that causality never actually breaks.” The rules can still be bent to solve the equations, but the paradox of broken causality is avoided. (Potentialy... This could be a significant break-through in the attempt to solving the Quantum Time Travel Paradox)...



NASA-funded study: Over 32 advanced civilizations have collapsed before us, and we're next in line

By Simon Black As any long-time reader of this column knows, we routinely draw from historical lessons to highlight that this time is not different. Throughout the 18th century, for example, France was the greatest superpower in Europe, if not the world. But they became complacent, believing that they had some sort of 'divine right' to reign supreme, and that they could be as fiscally irresponsible as they liked. The French government spent money like drunken sailors; they had substantial welfare programs, free hospitals, and grand monuments.

A video interview of a retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong did with Keith Morrison of Dateline NBC had surprising results. Spong: I don’t think Hell exists. I happen to believe in life after death, but I don’t think it’s got a thing to do with reward and punishment. Religion is always in the control business, and that’s something people don’t really understand. It’s in a guiltproducing control business. And if you have Heaven as a place where you’re rewarded for you goodness, and Hell is a place where you’re punished for your evil, then you sort of have control of the population. And so they create this fiery place which has quite literally scared the Hell out of a lot of people, throughout Christian history. And it’s part of a control tactic. Morrison: But wait a minute. You’re saying that Hell, the idea of a place under the earth or somewhere you’re tormented for an eternity – is actually an invention of the church? Spong: I think the church fired its furnaces hotter than anybody else. But I think there’s a sense in most religious life of reward and punishment in some form. The church doesn’t like for people to grow up, because you can’t control grown-ups. That’s why we talk about being born again. When you’re born again, you’re still a child. People don’t need to be born again. They need to grow up. They need to accept their responsibility for themselves and the world. Morrison: What do you make of the theology which is pretty quite prominent these days in America, which is there is one guaranteed way not to go to hell; and that is to accept Jesus as your personal saviour. Spong: Yeah, I grew up in that tradition. Every church I know claims that ‘we are the true church’ – that they have some ultimate authority, ‘We have the infallible Pope,’ ‘We have the Bible.’… The idea that the truth of God can be bound in any human system, by any human creed, by any human book, is almost beyond imagination for me. I mean, God is not a Christian. God is not a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindi or Buddhist. All of those are human systems, which human beings have created to try to help us walk into the mystery of God. I honour my tradition. I walk through my tradition. But I don’t think my tradition defines God. It only points me to God.

Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus Researchers investigating the mysterious Oak Island, located on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, have made a startling announcement regarding the discovery of a Roman ceremonial sword and what is believed to be a Roman shipwreck, radically suggesting that ancient mariners visited North America more than a thousand years before Columbus. Evidence of the finding, which was exclusively revealed to Johnston Press and published in The Boston Standard, was uncovered by researchers involved in The History Channel’s series Curse of Oak Island, which details the efforts of two brothers from Michigan as they attempt to solve the mystery of the Oak

Island treasure and discover historical artifacts believed to be concealed on the island.

J. Hutton Pulitzer, lead researcher and historic investigator, along with academics from the Ancient Artifact Preservation Society, have compiled a paper on the finding, which is scheduled to be published in full in early 2016...


They held vast territories overseas, engaged in constant warfare, and even had their own intrusive intelligence service that spied on King and subject alike. Of course, they couldn't pay for any of this. French budget deficits were out of control, and they resorted to going heavily into debt and rapidly debasing their currency. Stop me when this sounds familiar. The French economy ultimately failed, bringing with it a 26-year period of hyperinflation, civil war, military conquest, and genocide. History is full of examples, from ancient Mesopotamia to the Soviet Union, which show that whenever societies reach unsustainable levels of resource consumption and allocation, they collapse. I've been writing about this for years, and the idea is now hitting mainstream. A recent research paper funded by NASA highlights this same premise. According to the authors: "Collapses of even advanced civilizations have occurred many times in the past five thousand years, and they were frequently followed by centuries of population and cultural decline and economic regression." The results of their experiments show that some of the very clear trends which exist today - unsustainable resource consumption, and economic stratification that favors the elite - can very easily result in collapse. In fact, they write that "collapse is very difficult to avoid and requires major policy changes." This isn't exactly good news. But here's the thing - between massive debts, deficits, money printing, war, resource depletion, etc., our modern society seems riddled with these risks. And history certainly shows that dominant powers are always changing. Empires rise and fall. The global monetary system is always changing. The prevailing social contract is always changing. But there is one FAR greater trend across history that supercedes all of the rest... and that trend is the RISE of humanity. Human beings are fundamentally tool creators. We take problems and turn them into opportunities. We find solutions. We adapt and overcome. The world is not coming to an end. It's going to reset. There's a huge difference between the two. Think about the system that we're living under. A tiny elite has total control of the money supply. They wield intrusive spy networks and weapons of mass destruction. The can confiscate the wealth of others in their sole discretion. They can indebt unborn generations. Curiously, these are the same people who are so incompetent they can't put a website together. It's not working. And just about everyone knows it. We're taught growing up that 'We the People' have the power to affect radical change in the voting booth. But this is another fairy tale. Voting only changes the players. It doesn't change the game. Technology is one major game changer. The technology exists today to completely revolutionize the way we live and govern ourselves. Today's system is just a 19th century model applied to a 21st century society. I mean - a room full of men making decisions about how much money to print? It's so antiquated it's almost comical. But given that the majority of Western governments borrow money just to pay interest on money they've already borrowed, it's obvious the current game is almost finished. When it ends, there will be a reset... potentially a tumultuous one. This is why you want to have a plan B, and why you don't want to have all of your eggs in one basket. After all, why bother working so hard if everything you've ever achieved or provided for your children is tied up in a country with dismal fundamentals? If you agree with me, then feel free to share this article with your friends below so they also can get a plan B in place. They'll be glad they did. Our goal is simple: To help you achieve personal liberty and financial prosperity no matter what happens. I guess, what will be... Will be...

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Phenomena Magazine often provides details in regards not only well established organisations, but also newcomers to the subject of UFO and Paranormal investigation and research. If you would like to have your details pinned to our community notice board, then please feel free to contact us and we will gladly place it in our next issue. Please note: In the near future, Phenomena Magazine will be charging for all forms of advertisements...

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WWW.SSPR.CO.UK mation of Formed originally from an amalga uals, our regional UFO societies and individ s, investiga, archive history sses subject encompa across the tions and researc h and is well known U.K. and also internationally. ions which BUFORA works with other organisat h to investigashare a similar ethos and approac facts through a tions and researc h. We seek the ve approach and scientific and factually evaluati tors are our fully trained team of investiga in all types of course gh a thorou require d to pass vehicle sky, the sightings, whethe r it is lights in effects or high strange ness cases.



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By Paul Dale Roberts: Demonologist

I wrote this article several years ago and I recently updated it as best I could. Up to now I have been involved in over one thousand investigations and about one third of them have been called ‘demonic’ by the client. Out of four hundred supposedly cases of that kind I have only seen three that may have actually been demonic, because genuinely demonic cases are a rarity. If a client says that they have an attachment I will give them a Baptist baptism (total immersion into water). Many people do not realize that baptism is also a basic form of exorcism designed, according to the Catholic Church, to free us from original sin. I will also conduct a Roman Catholic blessing of their home and call upon the help of God's angels. I am very successful with my baptisms and house blessings, plus, my wife, Deanna Jaxine Stinson, will conduct a metaphysical house cleansing using sage and most recently with Palo Santos wood as well.

They made claim that they saw a black mass in the hallway that would come every night at two or three am. This black mass demon would sexually attack both of them; both women had bite marks on their necks, shoulders, chest and thighs. I did not stay around to watch this demon attack because of the baseball incident. Nowadays, when people tell me they have an attachment, I don't hesitate in giving them a baptism. Because of my fight with the demonic I received the name...the Demon Warrior, my inspiration for calling myself ‘The Demon Warrior’ came from

When a human is inhabited or 'taken over' by a demon the possessed human will have no control over their own will. In recent times most cases of demonic possession have been diagnosed as mental illness and possibly still are. The Catholic Church in the shadow of Josephus is known to identify and exorcise real demonic possession.

This event occurred in the town of Lockford, CA in 2006 and involved two women, one in her sixty’s and the other one, her god-daughter, was in her thirty’s; they both raised parrots for a living and both women seemed very sweet and nice. When I conducted the interview with the sixty-year-old, her face started to distort into something evil.

I ran out of the house in fear of my life, I am not afraid of ghosts nor am I afraid of demons, but I am afraid of a living human being holding a weapon. I truly believe these two women were possessed.

Homer used the term demons and gods more or less interchangeably: Demons were thought of as intermediaries between men and gods. Some people even thought that demons were once men, while others thought that demons were once angels and that they followed Lucifer in his coup against God and were banished to Earth. We now think of demons as malignant spirits that are here to do us harm. To be a good demonologist one must be able to identify certain demonic attributes, let's at some of them. Demonic Possession:


She told me in her interview that she had visions of killing men by bashing their brains out with a baseball bat. Fifteen minutes later I saw the god-daughter dancing, twirling around in a circle carrying a baseball bat. She had a maniacal look on her face and was laughing hysterically.

at conducting an exorcism or identifying a demon for that matter. Failed attempts can actually lead to death, but we'll talk about that later, so where did this term ‘demon’ come from?

Demonic Influence on Mankind: Most people felt that demonic activity increased during the rise of Nazism and World War II. the Knights Templar. Hello. My name is Paul Dale Roberts, demonologist and occult investigator. That is one of the perks of being a writer; I can basically give myself any title that I want. But, let me digress; why would I call myself a demonologist? Have I ever exorcised a demon out of a possessed person? The answer is 'no'. Have I ever investigated a demonic home? The answer is 'no': but, I will tell you that I do know something about demons and in this article I will reveal some of this knowledge. Some of our greatest demonologists have had failed attempts 45

According to many spiritual leaders, demons set in motion events that led to the formation of groups like the Peoples' Temple and David Koresh's ‘Branch Davidian cult’. The main talent of demons is their ability to turn mankind from God and lead us to destruction, one example of this was the mass suicide using poisoned Kool-Aid at the Peoples Temple compound in Guyana under the malign influence of reverend Jim Jones. The Waco destruction that David Koresh initiated when his Branch Davidian cult were confronted by the ATF

Demonology - A look at Demons: By Paul Dale Roberts

and the FBI is another. From the seventy’s to the eighties strange murders were taking place in the eastern states of the US in which the suspects were telling the police that God told them to commit murder. Many people believe that what these murderers saw or heard was not God or an angel, but was a demon using the disguise of either God or an angel to influence the suspect to commit a random murder.

Bringing Demons into Our Lives: Demons live in an out-worldly realm and they need a ‘portal’ or doorway to enter our reality, many people believe a portal can be opened using an Ouija Board. Other portals could be within ourselves: e.g. paranoid schizophrenia could be a link to altered mental states that may be connected to a strong psychic ability. Drugs such as LSD create altered state of consciousness that may open inner portal within us that may allow a demon to inhabit our bodies. Inter-dimensional portals are not always just for demons as in the case of the Skin Walker Ranch in Utah. This was a portal that opened up near ranch and allegedly allowed UFOs, huge otherworldly creatures, a bullet-proof werewolf and flying orbs of light to manifest. This portal also reportedly caused poltergeist activity and even vanishing and mutilated cattle. So-called experts claim that perhaps the UFOs are interested in the Gilsonite deposits near and around that ranch, but that doesn't explain away the ‘bullet-proof werewolf’ that appeared. Gilsonite is also known as Uintaite, a naturally occurring hydrocarbon resin with distinctive physical and chemical properties. The family that lived on the Skin Walker ranch were terrorized by the entities that seem to be flowing from this portal. Perhaps the legend of American Indians that inhabited the area around this ranch and were claimed to be ‘skin walkers’ or ‘shapeshifters’, were influenced by this mystical portal. It makes you think that all

things paranormal may just be connected, because even demons seemed to make their appearance from the portal at the eanch. Perhaps portals into the unknown can lead us like some Stargate into other dimensional realities where energy beings, werewolves, demons and aliens may exist. Let's take a look at a list of demons, this is only a partial list as there are many other type of demons in existence.

UFOs, Demons and Angels: Some Ufologists and religious leaders associate UFOs with angels and demons. Even the evangelist Billy Graham thought that perhaps UFOs could be angels, because it appears that aliens are aware of our aura and what we call ‘heaven’. Take for example the famous case of the alien abduction of Betty Andreasson; one of the aliens that

Incubi and Succubi - who stimulate lust and perversion Acham - the demon of Thursday Alrinach - demon of shipwrecks Alocer - demon of astrology Any - the presiding demon of Hell Anamalech - the demon of bad news Andras - the demon of discord Aquiel - the demon of Sunday Arachula - evil spirit of the air Ardad - demon that leads travellers astray Ascaroth - demon of spies and informers Asmodeus - The Destroyer, mentioned in Book of Tobias Astaroth - one of the Chief devils Baal - One of the great demons Bechard - the demon of tempests Bechet - demon of Friday Behemoth - demon of animal strength Belial - demon for the Sidonians Beezebub - one of the Princes of Hell BelphegorBraathwaate demon of Ignorance Bucon - the demon of hatred Byleth - one of the Kings of Hell Cheitan - demon of smoke Familiars - they assist witches Fates - are known to alter destiny Lanithro - demon of the air Leges - demon of Hypocrisy Legion Leviathan Lsun-Tgotret spirit of adultery Lucifer - light bearer Mammon Marching Hordes - who bring about war Mastiphal - one of the Princes of Darkness Saalah - demon that lures you into the woods Satan-Tenebrion - Spirit of darkness Verdelet - demon who carries witches to the SabbathThe demons that are associated with the Seven Deadly Sins are: Lucifer – Pride Mammon – Avarice Asmodeus – Lust Satan – Anger Beelzebub – Gluttony Leviathan – Envy Belphegor - Vanity and Sloth Nightmares - they were once thought to be of demonic origin and are known to disturb our sleep with visions of horror. Poltergeists - mischievous spirits. (Note: some paranormal investigators do not believe poltergeists are demons: they believe poltergeists manifest in the projected energy from a child going through puberty stages) 46

Demonology - A look at Demons: By Paul Dale Roberts

abducted her told her that her real home is a world of light, where ‘The One' resides. The alien continued to say that all humans will experience this world. If this alien was aware of a world of light, wouldn't this alien also know about a world of darkness that perhaps demons live at? The alien claimed that humans are inter-dimensional beings, because we enter this reality through birth and leave this reality through death. Another abductee claims her alien abductor said we are only mere vessels that harbour a living energy entity, which could be interpreted as our soul. How can we identify demonic activity? The appearance of black smoke, black mist or black fog, the odd behaviour of occupants that live in a demonically haunted home, things such as signs of defecation or urination around the home. Unusual vomiting activity by occupants. Strange behaviour and abnormal cursing by occupants. Convulsions, unusual shaking, eyes out of focus. Objects around the home being violently thrown around. Extreme anger and hatred felt by one of the occupants of the home. Domestic violence within the household. The main purpose of the Demon that is deliberately haunting a home to create chaos and discord within the family, to break up the family unit and to turn the family away from God and their beliefs Getting Rid Of Demons: The best way to cast out a demon from a home is to contact your church. Methods used include encircling the possessed occupant and placing your hands on their body. Pray for a 'hedge of protection' for this person. A hedge of protection that will bring angels who will chase out any demon spirits out of this home. Placing religious paraphernalia throughout the home; figurines and images of angels should be placed strategically throughout your home. Blessing the home with your preacher or priest using holy water and also burning sage, the same principle applies in Catholic churches when incense is burned. The family leader should initiate the prayer throughout each room of the house and lead the demon towards an exit from the home. The clergyman should suggest what prayers to read. People of the Catholic faith make the sign of the cross in the name of God, they call upon their faith and demand the evil entity to leave their home and go back to where it came from. Call upon God and his army of angels to protect your home through prayer. Successful exorcisms of demons were reputedly performed by the late pope John Paul II three times in 1978, 1982 and the year 2000. Jesus, also an exorcist of particular note, is known to have cast out powerful demons on six separate occasions.

There have been tragic failures of course such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Spanish Inquisition, but I will talk about Anneliese Michel who died in 1976. Anneliese had epilepsy and the family stopped her treatment for this disease and consulted their church. The Catholic Church carried out an exorcism that indirectly lead to the death of Anneliese who she died of malnutrition. The parents and the priests involved were charged with negligent homicide, which inspired the movie 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose'. Another failure was Maricica Irina Cornici, a mentally ill nun at the Romanian Orthodox Church monastery in Romania, who was chained to a cross for three days by an Orthodox priest and four nuns. The priest, Fr. Daniel Petre Corogeanu, and the nuns after a lengthy trial were charged with murder. Some of our greatest minds were influenced by demons. Take Leonardo da Vinci, he was allegedly influenced by Lucifer the light bearer and personification of the Morning Star. Yes, Leonardo followed the old Luciferan way, which as legend has it influenced his paintings. A classic and notorious case of mass demonic possession occurred in Loudun, Vienne in France, in the year 1634. The nuns were taken over by erotomania. They screamed out blasphemies and started displaying their genitalia. The demons that were blamed in this mass hysteria were Balan, Iscaron, Leviathan and Behemoth. 47

This scandalous event led to the horrendous torture and eventual burning-at-thestake of the priest Urbain Grandier. The event became immortalised in the literary work of Aldous Huxley, The Devils of Loudon’and also in Ken Russell’s genuinely shocking film ‘The Devils’. This award winning film was banned outright in several countries because of the unflinching way Russell portrayed the events leading up to Grandier’s gruesome death and also the manner in which the supposedly possessed nuns (and their obsessive Mother Superior) behaved. Special Note: The notorious work by H.P Lovecraft called ‘The Necronomicon’ is a work of fiction but something fictitious may actually manifest into the writer, in other words the writer can be influenced by writing about something of a demonic nature. The sons of Adam should never consult or speak of the Necronomicon, because lustful and angry demons surround us and we should always hold onto our faith in case we are ever confronted by a demonic entity. Demonic activity in a home is a rarity and from the 1000 plus investigations I have been on, I have seen people that may be possessed. We do not scoff or ignore any claims of demonic hauntings, we are here to seek the truth and if you feel you are a victim of a demonic haunting, please do not hesitate to get in contact with meat:

Book Reviews Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Price:

The Moor, The Mason and the Alien: A Call to Action Richard Smith Create Space 9781511667982 $14.95

I was initially hard-pressed to categorise this new book. Was it a work of fiction, was it factual or was it a strange combinati on of two distinct parts? The truth is I’m still not certain. The book, which has two sections (or ‘movements’ as the author calls them), uses an unsettling and dizzying mixture of irreverence, allegory and analogy to get its point across; an example of this is where ‘The Empire of Orion’ segues neatly into corporate capitalism, big business and power a.k.a the USA. In some ways it seems that the author, Richard Smith, is reinventing the wheel here, because what he discusses in the book has, over the years, appeared elsewhere in slightly different forms. For example, on the first page of quotes there is an observation from Robert Morning S ky taken from ‘The Terra Papers’ and here Morning Sky, perhaps unknowingly, resonates with comment first made by Charles Fort when he says that, ‘We are their property’. That said, the work is nothing if not consistently engrossing and, true, much of what Smith says resonates powerfully with the, albeit parlous, state of the world today. Basically the book links such diverse subjects such as ET interve ntion in human development and alien abduction, white freemasonry, spiritualism, occultism, ancient history, especially as it relates to the Moors, and, per haps inevitably, politics. It comes to the conclusion that if we don’t stop messing with the planet we are all screwed. Yes the book is interesting and yes it gives a fairly unique insight into the reason things are the way they are, but the reader has to be in the right state of mind to take it in. The author is a recognised speaker and authority on all things extraterrestrial and from what he says it is clear that he has a passion for the subject and the book does have a poin t, although perhaps he might have tried another way of saying it; nonetheless it does repay and reward careful reading.


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The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ET’s, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and other Entities Rosemary Ellen Guiley Visionary Living 9780985724337 $19.95 Bret Leuder

For over 40 years author and researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley has been studying a wide variety of paranormal situations. What do they possibly all have in common: the Djinn. Djinn are the name of a race of beings that, in Middle Eastern traditions, were banished from Earth by Allah after having been granted a 25,000-year reign. Some liken them to demons, but others, like Guiley, see the Djinn as a separate race. They were supposedly made angry with humans when God pushed them out of Earth to make room his new creation. Ever since that time they have been trying to find a way to reclaim their stolen land. The Djinn live hundreds of years, have advanced mental powers and can supposedly shape-shift, which is why, maintains Guiley, they have been able to remain hidden for thousands of years. In fact, says Guiley, one Djinn can project multiple forms simultaneously. “Overlapping phenomena among ET’s, Shadow People and Djinn,” describes Guiley, “include nighttime visits, missing time, paralysis, glowing lights around the mysterious visitors, brilliant lights in the background, a host of [associated] entities of varying sizes and shapes and hybrid offspring.” In fact the connections go further as Guiley ties Archons, Faeries and inter-dimensionals to this mysterious breed as well. Often over-looked with hypnotic regression and under-appreciated in paranormal investigations, the Djinn are responsible for many of these kinds of entities, she says. The Djinn Connection is a tour-de-force of cross-cultural Djinn knowledge and investigative experience.

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Soul Love: Music of the Heart with Light-Vibration Irmgard-Ramaela Huwyler Self Published Bret Leuder

Have you ever wanted to connect with your soul? Well if so, Irmgard Huwyler’s latest CD just might be of help. By day the Swissbased former banker is an experienced Life Coach, someone who helps people to find their way in life. By night Huwyler sings, chants and plays crystal bowls to help people find their way to their souls. Seelen-Liebe, or “Soul Love,” is the informally-trained singer/musician’s second CD of similar work. “The sounds of the crystal bowls lead us back to our soul’s origin,” said Huwyler at Mt Shasta City, Cali fornia in August of 2015 while she was an opening act on a book tour with Omnec Onec, ‘The Lady from Venus’. “Through the sound of the crystal bowls you are abl e to come into a deep relaxation and deep healing meditation.” These sounds can be downright eerie, too. At several points on the CD, usually leading into and out of beautiful songs like “All-Embracing Peace,” “Goodness of Heart” and “Heavenly Gratification,” the dominance of the crystal-bowl tones would send chills up my spine. The tones are designed to flush out imbalances within an individual so they can be healed. Apparently I have some work to do on myself if I am to interact with my soul. However, the entire CD has the feel of a Lord of the Rings movie soundtrack putting the listener into that “otherworldly” mind set.


Dr. Robert Young obtained his Ph.D in Metaphysics, specialising in Parapsychology, from the Institute of Metaphysical Humanistic Sciences and is the founder of The Office of Parapsychological Studies, based in Nottinghamshire, UK. He has also studied with The Scientific Establishment of Parapsycholopgy in Manchester, UK and The American Institute of Parapsychology, now acting the Institute’s representative in the UK. He is a member of the Rhine Research Centre and a leading figure in the British parapsychological research community. This book makes a fascinating read and has educational value. Not only does it provide significant information pertaining to the study of parapsychology but also incorporates scientific investigation and research of paranormal phenomena. An absolutely ‘Must Read!’ - Steve Mera SEP Founder. 49


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By Edward Crabtree

Valery Sushkov lays out before him the business cards and envelopes of the new Russian Yeti Expedition club. These feature an amiable looking cartoon of a snowman with the legend (in English) `Mountains and forests` above it and beneath that (in Russian) `In the footsteps of the snowman`. The post-box address is in Tashtogol, the administrative centre of Kemerovo which some call the `Switzerland of Siberia`.


Moscow Enthusiasts set up Russian Yeti expedition club: By Edward Crabtree

Full of ebullience, the 44 year old Sushkov explains this venture. He set it up this June with himself as the Director. So far it is selffinanced. Can this do for Russia what the Loch Ness monster did for Scotland? `There will be two branches`, he says. `A scientific one, and a tourist one. We are launching an internet portal with detailed information about the project`. On either side of him sit two older gentlemen: Igor Burtsev and Andrei Stroganoff. As long standing snowman advocates, they are a part of the team. Triumvirate. Sushkin, a geography specialist, works for ROSCOSMOS where he heads the ground-based space tourism for Baikinour and Vostochny. No idle dreamer, he made up one of the 83 adventurers who partook in the Millennium International expedition to Antarctica in December 1999 under the behest of the United Nations. He stresses that his pursuit of the snowman is not a newfound one. His grandparents from Voronezh passed on tales of their own meetings with the hairy man-like ape. Later, in his travels around the world, he would hear again of the yeti. `With my 23 years of experience of tourism` says Sushkin. `I am in a good position to launch this initiative. I intend to start on the Kemerovo area with the slogan: `Mount Shoria: motherland of the snowman``.

quarter. Last year the British human genetics expert, Bryan Sykes published his book The Nature of the Beast (with Coronet). Subtitled `The first scientific evidence for the survival of ape-men into modern times`, this marked an attempt to bring the latest cutting edge DNA testing equipment to bear on the question. Much of the purported physical evidence for Bigfoot, in the form of hair and blood samples proved to belong to mundane animals such as bears and goats. The Oxford professor does go on to look anew at another celebrated case. In the mid-nineteenth century a `wild woman` -hairy and with great strength – was captured in Abkhazia (between Russian and Georgia) and was seen by many people. She even had some offspring. It was Burtsev who, in 1971 disinterred the skeleton of one of her sons from a graveyard in Tkhina. This eventually ended up in the hands of a private collector in Moscow. Sykes managed to get hold of an incisor tooth from this skull. A `major surprise` is how Sykes describes the fact that he could find no match for the mitochondrial D.N.A of this sample. All that he could say was that it emerged from Africa and speculated that it belonged to an `antique race of humans` who arrived in the region over a hundred thousand years back. He adds that they `might well still be there to this day`.

Mount Shoria forms the southern part of Kemerovo and this taiga region, a part of the Altai mountain range, becomes a ski resort in winter. A number of alleged sightings of a yeti have been recorded there. Sushkov sustains business contacts in the locality. Igor Burtsev has taken on the role of President. As Russia’s veteran yeti stalker he has been one of the leaders of this field for almost fifty years. He boasts many links with his counterparts in North America. This summer he spent some time in Michigan to promote his new book Approaching Bigfoot: Siberia, Kuzbass and Beyond. For a week last September he played a part in a Japanese TV documentary, shot in the Caucuses by the TV Company Zitby. This was broadcast in Japan on the 7th October. The expedition leader consists of Andrei Stroganoff. This hardy 64 year old technician from the Moscow Agricultural Institute is a keen hiker. Born in Bitsa, he developed a passion for scouting around places with a mysterious reputation. In September 2014 he announced the finding of a tree bark with strange vertical striations down the side. This was located in the Solnechnogorsk district where people had witnessed the snowman (Moscow times, 18th September, 2014). Shadowy appearance. Burtsev and Stroganoff left the city to follow up a snowman sighting made in June of this year. A 28 year old man whilst fishing in Reshetnikovo in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region observed man-like ape creature wading through the water. Later his 55 year old father, Mikhail Zhuravlyov snapped camera shots of footprints and unusual stick structures in the nearby woodland. On July 10th Burtsev and Stroganoff arrived to investigate. They camped out in the forest and endured a rainy night without any incidents.On returning home they noticed that an automatic camera which they had set up had snapped twelve images of an unidentified silhouette moving behind their tent. The two have plans to return to the site. Surprise announcement. Such tales may strike many as the escapades of harmless cranks. Some succour, however, has turned up from an unexpected

Shot in the arm? Russian snowman research remains overshadowed by the Bigfoot industry in North America. There `squatching` (hiking while on the lookout for the `big guy`) is a popular past-time for men of a certain age: here it belongs to a small core of men in their seventies and eighties who struggle without funding. Burtsev even plans to send a letter to Mr Putin himself to ask for assistance in this matter. The arrival of Sushkov on the scene promises the input of a younger generation of snowman enthusiasts. Could his overt play at the tourist market generate the kind of interest they need? `The Russia Yeti expedition aims to be the focal point which brings together all those who are concerned with this mystery` Sushkov says. `We mean business and we are looking for sponsors`... 52



FEEL FREE TO SEND US YOUR DVD FOR INCLUSION AND REVIEW Phenomena Magazine regularly reviews DVDs from producers and distributers and we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have a DVD reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: Main Cast:

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Movie & Documentary Reviews

Fear The Walking Dead Kim Dickens, Cliff Curtis, Frank Dillane, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Mercedes Mason, Lorenzo James Henrie, Rubén Blades. Entertainment One Blu-Ray and DVD (both on two discs) £24.99

Well, if they struck gold first time round then there is no shame in AMC keeping mining the same productive seam and so it is with this release, ‘Fear The Walking Dead’, which is the spin-off first series from the blockbuster ‘The Walking Dead’. This new take on the zombie franchise is not a prequel as such, but actually covers the period when Rick Grimes the ‘hero’ (if that’s the correct term), of the first series was laid up in a hospital bed. Fortunately for fans of the zombie/horror genre it is equally, and relentlessly, gory. The DVD’s features all six of episodes of series one (unsurprisingly another series has already been commissioned) and each one stands on its own, which is a telling endorsement of the consistently high standard of writing, acting and effects .Is there a downside? Yes there is, but only a v ery minor one. While the series contains bucket-loads of chills and heart-attack inducing behind-the-sofa moments, it does spend a couple of episodes scene setting and character building and since most of the target audience will have seen the original, then perhaps the full-on action could have kicked in a bit sooner. However, as I said this is only a minor gripe since the spin– off is every bit as good as the original. Highly recommended.

Title: The Shift has hit the Fan No. of Discs: 2 Actors: Stanton Friedman, Sacha Stone, Michael Tellinger, Foster Gamble, & Richard Dolan Price: $24.00 on Amazon A Film by Patty Greet: Reviewed by Bret Lueder - Crop circles are sending a message to humanity, says filmmaker Patty Greer. She says that the crop-circle makers are telling humanity that, “the shift has hit the fan,” and the only way out is with love gained through the increased knowledge of the Self. This same basic message has been consistently repeated to Contactees around the world since the 1950’s. For example, an alleged alien named “Grahama” of the “Asta Command” highjacked British TV airwaves in 1977 to deliver this kind of message to the population. But if deforestation, fracking and chemtrails are causes of severe concern, then various free-energy machines, 3d printers and the elimination of money as a means of exchange are some of the solutions. What would be the biggest benefit for the people of Earth if they did not have to worry about survival issues, war, competiti on or bills? “[The] evolution of global consciousness!” said an enthusiastic Greer in a recent interview. “There has never been a more important time in human history to share the truth with the public. This was the purpose of The Shift Has Hit the Fan movie: To look at the ills [of society] that must end immediately and [then] focus on real solutions.”

Title: Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension Actors: Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw, Ivy George, Chloe Csengery Running Time: 88 Minutes Directors: Gregory Plotkin Producers: Jason Blum, Oren Peli Price: £9.99 on Amazon This is number six in the series but if you haven't seen the other five it doesn't matter. It helps a little if you have but the stories not reliant on having seen them. If you have this picks up from number three, there is some reference to the ending of five which ended by closing the loop but this moves off in a new direction. Three; if you remember was a prequel as to how it started back in the seventies well this picks up with a new family finding the main camera, from three, and some of the tapes shot on it and the story line ties them in with the witches coven cult's, from five, paranormal manifestations which are still active despite the coven having moved on. So the evil paranormal manifestation, from five, is gradually terrorising the family through the youngest child, but can only be seen when viewed or recorded through the camera from three, but it's finding the camera and viewing the tapes that conjured the manifestation and allows it to communicate with the viewer via children already recorded on the tapes. I was somewhat surprised by this one as I'd noted a steady decline in quality and believability with each new episode and had assumed this would continue the downward spiral but it didn't, it seemed to find new impetus, the very first one is still the best one, The first one was simple and undramatic, but unnerving to watch, where as all the ones that followed on after have relied on special effects and all the usual horror movie tricks as does this one. But none of the others, after the first, had much of a fear factor or shock value this one however does have it's moments that gave a bit of a chill. Though they could have been helped by the cinema having the heating turned down low. Some people are saying this is the last in the series but the ending of this one, is by no means the end, leaving it wide open for another? One thing that puzzled me; the paranormal dimensional tunnel into another plain of existence (View the poster and box cover) would it have soil walls? Soil is of our world; surely inter dimensional paranormal space would be made of something more ethereal than common dirt. Review by Ratty.


The author of this incredible book first contacted SEP - (The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology) back in 2004 and made some rather fantastic claims; that he had the ability to predict future events. The authors precognitive ability seemed to be themed around acts of terrorism and natural disasters. He also claimed that numerology was prominent in his life coupled with profound incidents of synchronicity and coincidences. At this point SEP opened a case and instructed him to document his experiences and send them via electronic means, so to be time and date stamped. This process could easily be constructed, the means of e-mailing SEP with regular information to which he has been doing since early 2004. Under normal circumstances, most individuals that contact SEP are often deluding themselves in regards their abilities. Very rarely do we have a potential candidate to study over a long duration. 'Extraordinary claims deserve extraordinary evidence'. Since the founding of SEP in 1996, we have had very few people contact us in regards having themselves tested, monitored or recorded in hope of an extrasensory perception manifesting. Rarely do parapsychological departments and/or organization’s have such people contact them. Most, usually contact the newspapers, magazines, TV shows or radio stations in hope of jumping on the poorly scientific media train. Since 2004 SEP have performed statistical analysis on many of his claims and found a large number of them to be significantly below chance factor. He had shown consistency in his results... Results that will amaze you, as they did the researchers. This incredible book is just one year through the eyes of the author and how he managed to cope with such an incredible yet profound psychic intrusion‌ An absolutely 'Must Read! - Steve Mera: SEP Founder. 55

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