Phenomena Magazine - December 2012 - Issue 44

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EDITORIAL Hello and once again we come to another Christmas Edition. It seems to come round so fast... In this issue we have provided two small, but fascinating articles by Terry Stokes, one of which is very current. We have been busy constructing the new Phenomena Magazine website which will be launched sometime over the next 6 weeks. All back issues will then be available to download for free. However, if you want to get hold of any of the back issues beforehand, simply contact us with your request and we will e-mail over the issues. I’ve been asked to lecture at Birmingham UFO Group next month, so for those wishing to come along, simply get in touch with Dave at BUFOG for the details of date, time and location. I have also been busy filming for a new TV show which is due out next year and making a few changes to the front cover of Phenomena Magazine for the New Year. Making it look a little more professional. I’m sure you’ll like it. Some exciting projects to take on board also. Some include working with investigator and film maker Don Philips. Don’t forget, we have a two day event taking place in March 2013 in Liverpool with some amazing speakers. You can find details included in this issue if your interested in attending. You may have noticed, this months Spookology article by our regular columnist is missing. Richard Holland is very busy at the moment with a number of new project on the go and apologises for not having the time this month, but he will be back in force in the New Year. Finally, for those who missed out on the British UFO Research Organisation’s conference this year in London... Don’t worry. The DVDs are now available. Check out how to get hold of them in this issue. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enlightening New Year. Thanks.

SUB-EDITORIAL For years now prophets and seers have been predicting that come December the 21st (or sometimes the 22nd or 23rd), just about everything from the Apocalypse and End Times will occur. This also includes alleged biblical events like ‘The Rapture’, when all true believers will be whisked up to the heavens while poor sods (like us) will be left to grub around in the Satanic wars and disasters that will supposedly follow. All of this is based on nothing more than sheer conjecture and assertions based on literal interpretations of scripture with absolutely no basis in fact. Also, without a single shred of evidence or proof. Mind you, all those who are whisked away will eventually return when all the fighting is done and enjoy peace and tranquillity amongst what is left, (not much by all accounts) and again this is based on the same fevered speculation and wishful thinking. So, dear readers, with that happy thought may I wish you a very merry and safe Christmas and an abundantly prosperous and successful New Year…er…umm… maybe.

CONTENTS Page 2: A Difficult Exorcism. Most call-outs rarely work to plan; the thing to keep in mind is balance, balance in thought, balance in action and balance in spirit. It was the Catholic exorcist to the diocese of Chelmsford who told me that when he was new to the area he had to visit the Warley mental asylum at Brentwood in Essex back in 1968. Terry Stokes explains why such incidents are often dangerous rituals... Page 5: The Klein Continuum. Although this article is of necessity partly speculative and based upon the report of a strange sighting received from a witness in the Far East, the possibilities behind it might lie hidden in mathematical formulae developed in the late 19th century. The notion of the Klein bottle (or flask) was first devised in 1882 by a German mathematician, Felix Klein. Brian Allan investigates… Page 10: A Message from the Overlord of Doom. It is a sad time when still, after all the evidence has been provided, the science behind the facts that have been repeatedly brought to the table and the increasing amount of people waking up to the real truth in our world; there are certain members of our family, friends and community that are still absolutely blind to the bars of oppression and lies that have surrounded them... Page 11: Steve Johnson - Future Seer. Over the last decade SEP, (The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology) has been documenting and collating evidence of Mr. Johnson’s claims. Now... Most of you who read this will be aware of the ability of precognition. Those that believe they have had visions or information pertaining to future events within their lifetime. Rarely is there much evidence.. That is... Until Now! Steve Mera Reveals... Page 17: Jimmy Savile - The Man Behind The Mask. As a very small boy I realised I could look at peoples hands and see visions of their later life, and have always been available for charitable events and anything from hospital open days to school fairs, raising money for every charity from animal sanctuaries, hospital open days to saving church spires across Britain. So... I thought I’d provide details of Jimmy Savile’s reading. Terry Stokes Reveals... Page 21: Darker Side of the Paranormal. The Interest in séances, Ouija boards and spirit communication has risen thanks to TV shows such as Most Haunted and our haunted lives. These shows have also given birth to ignorance and the problems that have arisen from these foolhardy attempts to dabble in the paranormal. Consequently, they have destroyed lives. Jock Brocas looks into the darker side of the paranormal…

Editorial Contact: Steve Mera - Sub-Editorial Contact: Bian Allan - Spookology Columnist: Richard Holland - Also... Tune into Planet X Radio Show on City Talk 105.9fm every Sunday evening from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. Featuring guest speakers on all subjects of the strange, profound and unexplained. Join Neal Atkinson, Dan the Man, Jackie Heighway and Planet Expert Steve Mera. Visit the Planet X Facebook Page, Follow us on Twitter and listen to the show live at:


Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Terry Stokes, Richard Holland, Neal Atkinson, Liger Doomstar-AKA John O’Brien, Rob Waugh, Thomas Durante, Sara Malm, Jock Brocas, John Prytz, Lorin Cutts & KTPF & Planet X Radio.

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44

Page 25: An Introduction to the Resistance. This year I began to notice that a colleague of mine, Chase Kloetzke was leaving remarks on Facebook about being fed up with how the mainstream media mishandles serious paranormal and UFO research. Chase's comments were notable given her impressive credentials in this subject: 20 years with the Department of Defense, and manager of the MUFON Star Team. Lorin Cuttes explains... Page 27: SETI Versus The Trickster Gods. SETI scientists, fortunately, do not spend their time looking at the raw data on their monitoring screens that are linked to their radio telescopes. Fortunately, modern technology has produced the computer. Computer software algorithms scan the raw data quick-smart and can immediately weed out 99.9% of all the radio junk. John Prytz explains...

Also Featured: Latest paranormal news from around the World... Book and dvd reviews. Events and Conferences. Advertisements and much more...

A Difficult Exorcism By Terry Stokes

Most call-outs rarely work to plan; the thing to keep in mind is balance, balance in thought, balance in action and balance in spirit. It was the Catholic exorcist to the diocese of Chelmsford who told me that when he was new to the area he had to visit the Warley mental asylum at Brentwood in Essex back in 1968. Now he had never been there before so no one knew him, or that he was a priest, he was well wrapped up against the weather, and it was a bitter cold day when he was asked to visit a mentally ill Catholic patient, he arrived with a scarf pulled high over his dog collar, and as he walked carrying an unmarked brief case with the sacraments inside, some patients began pointing at him hysterically, and one threw herself to the ground foaming at the mouth and screaming blasphemously at him and his bag of tricks. This episode would have shaken anyone, but he told me over lunch that even the coldest hearted cynic would have been hard pressed to explain this. He said he felt that he was surrounded by poor souls, and many of those were possessed by unclean spirits. The ontological beginnings of much psychiatric illness, is in the spiritual realms, and some psychiatrists recognise this, and will work with healers and exorcists, remember that exorcism, or as it now increasingly known, ‘deliverance’ or ‘spirit rescue’, must be a part of any healers skills repertoire, and some priests will also work with freelance exorcists but many will not, for me the patients welfare is all that counts, and I have seen remarkable results from suchlike experts as the Rev. Christopher Neil-Smith, David Tyndall and the great Muslim mystic Samnam Hussein, and I like to think I learned from them all, although I believe the greatest I ever saw was the holy hermit Dom Robert Petit-Piere, who would just place his hand on their head and ask in gods name for the spirit to leave, just like that. The following case occurred in the summer of 1976 and was perhaps the most awful that I ever witnessed. There had been a lot of talk that a London tower block flat, had a malevolent entity which was capable of serious poltergeist phenomena, so asking a hard nosed cynic to drive me there immediately after we had a telephone call for help, this man an ex army boxing

champion was a very tough cookie who believed in nothing, but was all that was available to drive me there at such short notice, and I joked with him that he was to be my ‘Familius’, a medieval Latin name for a magicians assistant. We saw that very few of the flats were numbered, so in knocking on various doors to find which was the one we wanted, some areas stank of stale urine and at last we found that the haunted flat, was owned by an unpopular man called ‘Filthy Frank’. The door had no doorbell or knocker and it bruised my knuckles to try to be heard above the blaring pop music from someone far above, eventually Frank came to the door and asked us inside. It was immediately apparent that Frank was mentally ill, he had a whole collection of anti-depressant medication on the kitchen shelf, the scars of a self-harmer showed all up his arms, this with various tattoos with skulls, daggers and ‘I love hash’, ‘mum’, ‘death’ and ‘Arsenal F.C’, this, coupled to the pile of alcohol cans in the corner, made me think the this was more in the realm of a psychiatrist. However this is a common mistake, there are interwoven categories between sanity, mysticism and demoniacs, and no one who has been contaminated by lower realm entities can be entirely sane, it’s very much the chicken and the egg conundrum, which came first? Nevertheless the flat had a low menacing atmosphere in which concentration was difficult, and with the blaring pop music in a nearby flat, I asked Frank to explain what was happening, to my surprise he described a textbook haunting, which did not please me at all, if this man was telling the truth, we had something very nasty here. I had not completed my customary meditation and prayer routine in the rush to get there, nor had I prepared or fasted properly assuming this to be another false alarm. Frank said he would often talk to this creature and called it Cyril, at this my skeptical driver was choking back laughter and hid his face behind a newspaper, Frank then said “Watch this” and called to this ‘Cyril’ in a peculiar voice, and a saucepan fell from the rack in the kitchen, followed by another and then stuff began to rain in

on us cutlery, pans, cloths, medication containers, football flags and a pair of Wellingtons, Frank hid behind the settee and said “He always does that”. My sceptical driver Tom was in shock and his face said it all, but I was very concerned that we had a powerful demonic intelligence, which may pose a real problem for us to remove. In asking Tom the driver to read a biblical passage and to read it over and over and take no notice of what may be going on in the room, I realised we had what is known technically as a ‘Symphile’, these creatures live parasitically off the life force of a human being, and both it and Filthy Frank had an infernal relationship which shared the same energy, these are well known in nature, such as the hippopotamus who will allow the little bird into its mouth to take the ticks from its gum, in exchange for the bits of food stuck between its teeth, and to remove this creature and send it to the bottomless pit, may cost Frank his life. Frank told us about his horrendous depressive spells, and that his doctor refused to come again until he cleaned up the place, and stopped talking nonsense about this “Cyril” when a strange wind came from no where and blew round the flat, the front door rattled furiously, and I hurriedly began the

Exorcism - a religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities (the satanics) from a person or an area which they are believed to have possessed. Depending on the spiritual beliefs of the exorcist, this may be done by causing the entity to swear an oath, performing an elaborate ritual, or simply by commanding it to depart in the name of a higher power. The practice is ancient and part of the belief system of many cultures and religions. Requested and performed exorcisms occurred rarely until the latter half of the 20th century where the public saw a sharp rise due to the media attention exorcisms were getting. There was a 50% increase in the number of exorcisms performed between the early 1960s and the mid1970s.


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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

A Difficult Exorcism By Terry Stokes

In Catholic Christianity, exorcisms are performed in the name of Jesus Christ. A distinction is made between a formal exorcism, which can only be conducted by a priest during a baptism or with the permission of a Bishop, and "prayers of deliverance" which can be said by anyone. The Catholic rite for a formal exorcism, called a "Major Exorcism", is given in Section 13 of the Rituale Romanum. The Ritual lists guidelines for conducting an exorcism, and for determining when a formal exorcism is required. Priests are instructed to carefully determine that the nature of the affliction is not actually a psychological or physical illness before proceeding.

exorcism rite. Very strange guttural sounds issued from Franks throat, and I felt great resistance to what I was trying to do when suddenly as if a giant hand took me in the small of my back and thrust me to the ceiling where the wire to the light bulb, wound its way round my neck, choking me, Tom had stopped reading, and just stood watching in shock, I could not breathe or speak, the light was right in my face and although I could not see with the brightness, my eyeballs stood out like organ stops. After what seemed an age I fell from the ceiling bringing down the light and a load of plaster, I motioned to Tom he must keep reading aloud the 23rd psalm, Filthy Frank cowered in the corner, the wind came again, bringing dust into our faces, and in the best voice I could I shouted; ”in the name of god go to your place of rest” then the huge picture window shattered into a thousand pieces, but the pieces were on the outside, as if a great force had escaped from inside the room. The smell of decay and wretchedness was gone as the fresh air from outside

entered the room, and we all regained our composure, I agreed to take a large glass of whisky from one of Franks not very hygienic glasses, and went to walk outside to gather my thoughts. I sat on a wall out in the street and began to shake uncontrollably, as I looked at my watch, it was three AM: we had fought this beast for over four hours, I looked up at the stars in the sky and wept, I was in an exhausted state, suddenly I noticed a courting couple walking past; they were watching me curiously, they probably thought I was drunk.

It took several weeks to get back to normal, physical and emotional depletion is common in these instances, and I had awful nightmares where I awoke in a sweat and great fear. One of the strangest things was that Tom my cynical driver went totally the other way, and began to believe too much in the paranormal fields. As in every other aspect of life, balance is all…


December 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor Shower. Considered by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicoloured meteors per hour at their peak. The peak of the shower usually occurs around December 13 & 14, although some meteors should be visible from December 6 - 19. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini. This year the new moon will guarantee a dark sky for what should be an awesome show. Best viewing is usually to the east after midnight from a dark location. December 21 - December Solstice. The December solstice occurs at 11:12 UTC. The South Pole of the earth will be tilted toward the Sun, which will have reached its southernmost position in the sky and will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44 degrees south latitude. This is the first day of winter (winter solstice) in the northern hemisphere and the first day of summer (summer solstice) in the southern hemisphere. Here dear reader we should be careful, after all if the doomsayers are correct we might all be dead, in which case you won’t be reading this, but they’re not and you’re not; so read on! December 28 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 10:21 UTC. Page 3

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Luton Paranormal Society

Formed originally from an amalgamation of regional UFO societies and individuals, our subject encompasses history, archives, investigations and research and is well known across the U.K. and also internationally. BUFORA works with other organisations which share a similar ethos and approach to investigations and research. Interested in becoming a paranormal investigator...? It seems this subject is quickly becoming one of the most recognised pastimes in the UK. A thorough and in depth look at the subject of paranormal investigation, collecting data, interviewing techniques, on site surveying and environmental tests, administration and report forms, analysis, using equipment in the right manner, the scientific approach and parapsychology. You can find out all this and much more in: THE PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS HANDBOOK

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Steve Mera takes you on another journey into the world of the Strange and Profound. This book contains a number of investigations Stephen has carried out as well as concise information pertaining to investigation techniques and details of some of the many things that have been reported to him throughout 25 years of investigating... Available at for just £6.95





The Klein Continuum By Brian Allan.

Although this article is of necessity partly speculative and based upon the report of a strange sighting received from a witness in the Far East, the possibilities behind it might lie hidden in mathematical formulae developed in the late 19th century. The notion of the Klein bottle (or flask) was first devised in 1882 by a German mathematician, Felix Klein, and shares many of its attributes with the earlier ideas of August Mobius and his famous ‘Mobius strip’. Both sets of equations are rather beautiful mathematical constructs illustrating the concept of multiple dimensions using two or three-dimensional objects. They are also the precursors to what many theoretical physicists believe may be the existence of an invisible, hyperspatial multiverse existing in parallel with our own physical reality. In this unearthly realm magic and science are effectively interchangeable and the line between fantasy and reality becomes increasingly blurred. Interestingly, the existence of an infinite and ever expanding multiverse helps to corroborate two major religious paradigms, that of genesis and nirvana, creation constantly occurring within the timelessness of paradise. It is also another example of ancient mystical and religious beliefs finding resonances in the equations of cutting edge science... Page 5

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

The Klein Continuum By Brian Allan.

The Mobius surface can be regarded as a ‘real’ object in the sense that tangible models can be made demonstrating its function. On the other hand, the Klein bottle, although requiring an additional dimension in order to fully exist, can be approximated in three dimensions by intersecting itself and because of this it is regarded as a dimensional hybrid. However, the mathematical models that they represent may eventually lead to a breakthrough in multi-dimensional travel. It has sometimes been suggested that certain speculative writers like H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur C Clark, Brian Lumley and others, inadvertently breached the dimensional veil and gained glimpses and insights into the hidden nature of reality; perhaps this gift (or curse) is more prevalent than it first appears. This chapter was prompted by reports of a recent encounter in Singapore exactly describing such an occurrence. In keeping with other similar encounters, shortly after the event the witness experienced a series of eerie occurrences. The person who supplied the account does not wish to be identified and is only referred to by the initials, ‘TWL’.

It seemed to be waiting for someone, I am really not sure.

The Account of TWL.

3. Solid and very tough looking yellow brown carapace. Cover entire body. The body looked similar to the skin of Armadillo. Very scaly. 4) About 7 - 8 feet in height. An enormously hugelooking “bird”. I only saw the back view. Not the front. Sorry, I can't provide the facial feature. It would have easily freaked me out if I saw its face.”

What follows is taken with permission and verbatim from a communication received from the witness know only as TWL. The events described took place in May 2004. “I worked in a school here in Singapore. It was late in the afternoon that day. No one was around and I was the chief examiner then. I was pretty stressed with all the workload. Could the stress have gotten the better of me, rendering my normal sane-self to “hallucinate” conditionally? The moment I saw it, I wasn't afraid. There was no chilling sensation. It was about 20 feet away on an upper level of the building I was on. I could see it because the school interior is “open” with skylight coming from the roof windows. The image of it is still very fresh in my mind [from] when I made contact with it till this very day I was only stricken with intense fear a while later and intensified to a point of hysteria when I got home even though at that point of contact I was just filled with so much scientific curiosity, and keenly observing how strange looking such a bird was for perhaps a mere 2 seconds before I realized that something was seriously wrong. I remembered the bird-like thing did not appear in a flash nor vanish in a jiffy.

Well, one of my geeky colleagues commented that the cloaking field overheated and was not working at that time and so I have dubious honour of witnessing it malfunctioning. Or perhaps it was waiting for me? I really don’t have any [idea], the VicePrincipal was on her way back and I got a lift from her when she saw me. Was I somehow protected? I could recall the exact detail of the bird thing because it was perching on a level on top of me for at least 2 or 3 seconds before it moved away. I only saw its back. I looked away after detecting that something was wrong. I was a bit fearful as I began to understand that I have just encountered an unearthly being. I have listed the morphological details of the creature for your scrutiny: 1. Bird-like with wings. They were closed. It is nothing like anything I have ever seen. No known birds on earth are that big. 2. Wings are not feathery type.

By nature of the distances involved, a face-to-face interview with the witness was impracticable therefore all contact was via the Internet, but in spite of this my impression is that the witness is both sincere and reliable. What we must now decide is what was actually seen. The Klein Continuum. Several years ago a British paranormal researcher, the late Ted Holiday, wrote a book entitled, ‘The Goblin Universe’ and in it he proposed the existence of a reality, hidden close alongside our own and inhabited by an entire zoo of bizarre entities. When one reads the accounts of apparently sane and welladjusted people describing their weird encounters with strange, unearthly beings, perhaps there is more than a hint of truth in this. It has been suggested that this proposed alternate reality is one way of explaining the existence of many strange creatures glimpsed over the millennia, like elves, fairies,

goblins, trolls, lake monsters…and extraterrestrials. A similar theory was developed in the mid 1960’s by the respected American researcher and author, John A. Keel, while investigating sightings of a strange, non-human entity at Point Pleasant in West Virginia, USA. Due to its ungainly and frightening appearance the entity became known as ‘The Mothman’, something that resonates slightly with the description we have just read and Keel’s research indicated that its appearance might herald disasters. What the possible existence of alternate realities does not explain, however, is how these unearthly beings traverse the tenuous membrane separating the two continuums. Likewise, it has also been mooted that the creatures do not exist in any real, physical sense. Instead, they inhabit a genuinely supernatural, half-formed world of possibilities and can only gain a foothold here through the use of the electrochemical processes stored in the human brain. There is yet another even more bizarre explanation; perhaps these entities are able to use the astonishing capacity of the human brain itself as a type of organic supercomputer. In effect a ‘dimensional dialler’ capable of creating a bridge between realities and in the course of this chapter we shall examine these, and other, possibilities.

Mothman is a legendary creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from 15 November 1966 to 15 December 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register dated 16 November 1966, entitled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird...Creature... Something". Mothman was introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970, later popularised by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, claiming that Mothman was related to a wide array of supernatural events in the area and the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, was based on Keel's book.

There have been many accounts of alleged encounters with extraterrestrial spacecraft and their occupants that mirror, almost exactly, stories that have been handed down for millennia in folklore. Those who choose to view the subject of extraterrestrial visitors in isolation have named their belief the ‘extra terrestrial hypothesis’ or ETH and in general refute the possibility of any other explanation for the appearance of these beings here on earth. On the other hand there are groups who only accept the possibility that these entities are, in fact, revenants from the beginning of time that have been interpreted in a number of ways reflecting the social and cultural development of the society that encountered them. There is however a third way that may explain the differences between the two paradigms. It seems likely that the two viewpoints can happily merge into a single, complimentary, unified whole, generating a third and more sensible view that acknowledges the validity of both positions. Doing so would help explain many of the ‘high strangeness’ cases that lie outwith both camps.


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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

The Klein Continuum By Brian Allan.

In other words, if ET’s and their craft visit us, why shouldn’t other and possibly more exotic beings also arrive here using different methods? Assuming that theoretical physicists are correct and innumerable universes surround us, how might it be possible to contact them? Brian Allan is a Scots born author and is currently the editor of Paranormal Magazine. He is a lifelong ‘hands on’ researcher into the mysteries and contradictions posed by paranormal phenomena and has devoted his life to seeking answers to some of these anomalies. Brian is the Editor of Paranormal Magazine and has also recently joined the Phenomena Magazine team as Sub-Editor. Find out more about Brian and the books he has wrote at:

Psychotronics. If reports that merely drawing an electrical circuit on paper can have the same effect as a conventional, hard wired circuit are true (a part of the strange and varied phenomena associated with ‘psychotronics’), then could just thinking an appropriate formulae have the same effect? In the case of psychotronics, this non-physical ‘technology’ relies on the energy inherent in every human being. In the past it has variously been referred to as animal magnetism, odic force, prana, chi and orgone, but is now called bioplasmic or psychotropic energy. Those who championed the use of this power source have generally been sidelined and reviled by conventional science; in fact one of the better known proponents of this latent and ubiquitous energy, Dr Wilhelm Reich, constructed allegedly therapeutic devices called orgone cabinets and was jailed for his efforts, mainly due to the efforts of the American Medical Association. The most recent examples of psychotronic devices were those devised during the 1960’s and 70’s by Robert Pavlita, a Czechoslovakian textile designer, they are usually small, strangely shaped objects, each with a single, discrete function. They are energised by staring at them, after which, depending on their individual function, they can spin rotors, attract non-metallic particle and, surprisingly, purify contaminated water. The secret lies, according to Pavlita, entirely in their shape, for example, eastern European dairy product manufacturers discovered that yoghurt kept fresh for longer if stored in hexagonal containers, which may be an example of form affecting function. This in turn carries faint resonances with the idea that there are, throughout space and time, certain immutable laws governed by mathematics and geometry. The number 1.618, better known as the ‘golden mean’ or ‘divine proportion’ is an example of this. Manifestations of this mathematical constant are found in the construction of many medieval cathedrals and other man-made structures and were often central to the mystery surrounding the secrets of

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

stonemasons’ guilds. In nature it is found in many artefacts like the shells of sea creatures like the nautilus, where design, functionality and purpose marry in a glorious relationship of beauty and harmony. As we saw at the beginning of this chapter, based on the Mobius strip the mathematician, Felix Klein, created a quasi three-dimensional object with four-dimensional properties, but now, in recent times, theoretical physicists have created mathematical forms possessing eleven or more dimensions. Regrettably they have not yet devised a means of interacting them, which brings us back to the possibility of creating gateways using pure, focussed consciousness. If chaos magic functions by initiating change at the quantum level, could visualising the appropriate space/time equations produce a similar effect? Is it conceivable that meditating on the properties of the Klein bottle could actually project consciousness into a different continuum? It has been argued that stigmatics defy logic and display the wounds of the crucified Christ through sheer ecstatic transports brought about by meditation, so perhaps the necessary mechanism to do this lies within our own brains. While this method might be sufficient to allow human beings, under their own volition, the ability to expand their consciousness into other dimensions, it still does not explain how creatures from alternate realities are able to physically arrive here. The Neural Gateway. Since a variety of bizarre creatures can and do physically appear in this continuum how do they achieve this feat? As theorised earlier in this article, is it possible that the human brain can be accessed externally and manipulated into opening a portal between the dimensions? Perhaps it is possible that creatures wishing to gain access here create formulae similar to our own using the brains of unwitting human beings. If this is the case, then they are able to create a gateway that functions on demand in two directions. In our reality and at our level of understanding this feat is theoretically achievable by the manipulation of almost unimaginably powerful electromagnetic fields that physically rend the space/time barrier, almost in the manner of a black hole. This ‘brute force’ method does not, however, appear to be required by these unearthly visitors, besides to do so would almost certainly sunder the

immediate area of space where the gateway materialised. It may be possible that rather than juggling these unbelievable forces; they ‘think’ themselves here instead, using the neural matrices and circuits of the human brain to achieve the transit. Reducing themselves to a coherent energy pattern by using the brain as a processing conduit capable of transmitting their energy through the interface from one state to another. There is however another, even more alarming possibility, could these entities exist as race memories preprogrammed into the ‘junk DNA’ of the human genome, in effect hidden in plain sight? Could they be in a perfect symbiotic relationship, permanently attached to the very essence of certain human beings, hidden but completely aware, just awaiting the correct set of circumstances to arise allowing them to materialise? Perhaps they are even able to do this at will, and for this to occur we must enter a realm that few would seriously contemplate, but perhaps now there is a need for a better understanding of mystical practises and beliefs for we are surely now in the realm of magic. If ever an example of Arthur C Clarke’s famous dictum ‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’ was appropriate it is in this application. The people who have become the new magicians and wizards are the scientists and quantum physicists who are continually puzzling over the locks sealing the genie of reality in its bottle. Perhaps one day soon the final lock will be unpicked and the theory of everything set free and we must hope that we are able to control it. As regards the bizarre vision seen by ‘TWL’, what it was can only be guessed at, but perhaps he did indeed catch a glimpse of ‘something’ normally hidden from the rest of society. Perhaps this is one of the entities that are said to inhabit the multiverse of possible universes that convinced with our own, because we only live in a miniscule part of an infinite realm of possibilities. Whatever it was it did not harm the witness, nor did it even seem to acknowledge his presence or even care. This one of those truly indescribable and surreal encounters that some of us have: there is no, and can never be, a satisfactory explanation. But perhaps it is yet another tiny brick in the wall of evidence that will ultimately lead to the truth...

Don’t Believe, Don’t Disbelieve, Think!

The Other Sides of Paul Kimball is one of Canada’s leading UFO and paranormal researchers, both through his work as an award-winning documentary filmmaker (2005 EBE Awards for Best UFO Film and Best Historical Documentary for Aztec: 1948, 2007 EBE award for Best Historical Documentary for Best Evidence; nominated for a total of seven other EBEs from 2005 to 2007), and as a researcher, writer, and speaker. He has appeared on television, radio (Coast to Coast, CBC Morningside, Binnall of America, Strange Days Indeed, The Paracast) and in person at conferences and symposiums in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to discuss the UFO phenomenon and the paranormal. Paul also stars with Holly Steven's in the TV series 'Ghost Cases', assisted by UPIA.

Visits Paul’s Amazing Blog Spot at:

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A Message From The Overlord of Doom By Liger Doomstar

It is a sad time when still, after all the evidence has been provided, the science behind the facts that have been repeatedly brought to the table and the increasing amount of people waking up to the real truth in our world; there are certain members of our family, friends and community that are still absolutely blind to the bars of oppression and lies that have surrounded them... They seem to revel in moaning about world events, but as you know; when you attempt to communicate an excellent description of the details, consequences and motives behind such events the tabloid brained recipient automatically closes up and it becomes somewhat impossible to get through to their logical mind. A 'mind-block' apparently falls into place. This has led me into pontificating on the whole subject of dismantling this programming of the common mans beliefs and opinions that has been deeply imbedded through a mainstream media system that is owned by a mere 5 Rothschild funded corporations. You will have noticed that the people who generally sit around reading tabloid newspapers and watch a lot of mainstream television, all seem to have the same beliefs and opinions. So, logically, this should mean that if we can break the code for one (a hard task that many of you have accomplished on a one-to-one personal basis with a friend) then surely we must be able to break the code that brainwashes them all at the same time. As we are each definite Creators of the reality we individually experience then it is this change that we must believe to see in ourselves that wants to see our fellow humans awaken to their true spiritual might. Many of you right now may be suffering with the “Ego Lesson” at this moment in your life. This lesson is one that is taught to us all repeatedly because with personal success comes pride and that appears to be a negative emotional frequency that immediately attracts it’s likewise reaction from the metaphysical Universe. As we advance spiritually into the 5th Dimensional entities that we already, naturally are, others will identify themselves and you will quickly realise that these unfortunate individuals must have had their heads up their own rear ends for the last fifteen years to still hold the mentality of believing everything that the television tells them to. An all out attack on these sheep-minded people’s beliefs and opinions always reacts with conflict, i.e. their EGO gets in the way! In reality; some people have had such a hard or sheltered life or even dysfunctional upbringing so anything that even mildly contests what they have seen with their own eyes, (which are 90% of the time pointed at the ground or their mobile phone) is beyond their right brained mental capacity to even begin to comprehend. The current educational system is excellent at locking the door to the right brain creative potential that each of us possess. I would suggest, and this may sound controversial but as you can tell my name and title do suggest that some intent at this puzzle may play out for you to discover in time, we use the sheep herding tactics and tricks of corporate advertising and entertainment to unlock those mental doors that have long been closed. We are all standing as brothers and sisters in this Age of Doom, we each have a responsibility to our children and their children to uphold. Many are not ready for the great change that is coming, many would prefer it if all their rights were removed to make them feel safer. They are the people that shouldn’t voice their opinion until they have scrutinized factual evidence that investigates, describes and debates the pros and cons from several separate investigative sources before voicing their own opinion. This is a harsh judgement but it is one that the awakened can get around by enticing their friends into reading, watching or searching for something that offers evidence to suggest that there is a far greater scheme at play on a Global basis against Nature itself. By merely pointing the way to the Rabbit Hole, be it through ghosts or the paranormal; every closed mind has a secret door... Ensuring that you yourself know enough to at least know something about a lot of things then merely asking the individual with the closed mind “What annoys them or what fascinates them?” About the world, it then becomes the equivalent of asking the dwarf before the secret gate of the mind-maze:

“How do I get into the labyrinth?” - You will often find (now that you have asked the right question) that their response will tell you: “You gets in; THERE!” - And a passage way will magically be revealed.

It is up to each of you, who pride yourself in being an awakened conscious spirit; to succumb to the humbleness of knowing that you cannot change a man or woman’s beliefs or opinions without them actually, maybe even accidentally discovering or stumbling across it for themselves; when it is their ‘own baby’ – they look after it. Some of you who read this have sought this knowledge for yourself, some of you found it by an act of chance. Others have been sent here because they were subconsciously convinced by a peer enough to begin to desire a better understanding of what they thought they knew. Truth... Has a resonance that we can feel deep inside on a molecular level. The truth ‘rings right’ and we each instinctively KNOW the truth when we hear it. We can tell in our hearts when the truth hurts also. I hope you have found enjoyment, empowerment and strength in these words that I have written for each of you. A storm is coming and when the dust settles we will stand at the forefront of a New Age. This time to come will see us free from the tyrannical oppression that we now suffer under and it will be up to each of us to show how to set precedent in redeveloping mankind into a more co-habitable species that lives side by side with nature and itself, in peace and harmony.

Last night as I laid one of my daughters down to sleep, she whispered: - “I love you Daddy, I don’t want you to die...” I reminded her of how many lives we have already lived together, of the eternity we have spent as one in the ether and of how we will always, always have each other forever and ever and ever. My beautiful little girl instinctively knew what I said was true... And so did I.... May you emulate peace, love, understanding and excellence, Your Loving Brother,

Liger Doomstar - The Overlord of Doom...

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Steve Johnson: Future Seer By Steve Mera

Future seer Over the last decade SEP, (The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology) has been documenting and collating evidence of Mr. Johnson’s claims. Now... Most of you who read this will be aware of the ability of precognition. Those that believe they have had visions or information pertaining to future events within their lifetime. There have been countless tests carried out over the years and conclusions reached suggest such an ability may be evident in a number of individuals, and such forms of evidence are usually far and few between. I have studied this subject in depth and discovered very little supporting evidence throughout the world, however, there seems enough to warrant continued research in this field. I have over the last 30 years of investigation and research been confronted numerous times by those claiming to possess precognitive abilities. Unfortunately, the information obtained from these people is usually weak with high chance factors. I had over time come to realise that such abilities are rare and finding evidence even rarer. I had become rather sceptical and dismissive of such claims... That is... Until I met Steve Johnson.

A US 2 O 201 our I a D d on RA 23r son nform hat r t G i n e t h s N b o n PA tem r. J ail u cide ter” p Se ad M e e-m an in ys la da E ! e h d h ds “W w an egar two IBL e r D sho n in plac RE tio took INC

As months passed into years, the documentation had grown into thousands of pages. On one particular occasion Mr. Johnson had telephoned me to say that he had just sent me an e-mail in regards a dream involving bombs, flowerbeds, gardens, a van, the Queen, and someone called Blair. The following morning as I sat drinking a cup of tea and watching the news channel, a report of someone being arrested who was driving a van and said to be planting bombs, or fake bombs, in flowerbeds which was connected to the Queen being in vicinity. Of course, this person was arrested by police. The whole event caused a bit of a stir. Well... You can image my face as I spat my tea out. Since that time, I have come to respect and understand Mr. Johnson’s hardship in regards his ability and how it affects him, his family and his life. He continues to forward e-mails to me regularly and has produced many conclusive precognitive hits. Such an ability should not go unheard of, so... I had, after almost ten years of documenting and collating evidence, convinced Mr. Johnson to take his story to the public...

Around ten years ago I received a telephone call from Mr. Johnson claiming to have precognitive abilities. Like so many others, I would need the evidence. Mr. Johnson went on to say that he had been having experiences for many years and that he had decided to seek out a parapsychologist in hope of a scientific establishment confirming his ability. I have to say, I was rather shocked,. Rarely does anyone contact me asking to be put to the test. Even though I was very sceptical I found Mr. Johnson interesting and also a rather inflated opinion of himself in regards his so called gift. He stated “I am gonna blow your mind”. Well... That was it!.. You cannot wave such a carrot in front of me and not expect me to bite. All I could think was... You better have the readies or I’m gonna show you up. I’d had my fill of so called psychics and mediums. I agreed to take on Mr. Johnson’s case and put him on a monitoring program where he was to submit his information pertaining to alleged precognitive dreams via e-mail, direct to our office and left it at that, thinking he would simply ’go away’. I was mistaken. Over the following three months, Mr. Johnson did exactly what he claimed he was going to do. ‘He blew my mind’... It was not long until Mr. Johnson’s e-mails shown evidence of being directly associative with events that took place a few weeks later. Surely this could not be true... But then came another e-mail, and another... I was completely taken back. In all my years of research and investigation I had never come across anyone quite so gifted. I was unprepared for the Tsunami of information sent almost daily by Mr. Johnson. As I read the e-mails talking of terrorist attacks and worldly disasters I took a hard gulp. Were these the things to come? Even though I was excited with the anticipation, I hoped such terrible events would not come to pass. I was wrong... One after another the events unfolded on national television news channels. I was going to have to step up my research methodology and statistical analysis, taking on board chance factors and target hits. Page 11

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Steve Johnson has now appeared on numerous national and international radio stations. He is also avidly followed by hundreds of people worldwide that have experienced the same thing as I. Evidence of his precognitive ability. Steve Johnson and myself are currently conducting lectures around the country. If you would like Steve to visit your organisation or lecture at a conference, then simply get in touch with us at Phenomena Magazine. I assure you, this gentleman is not to be underestimated. Check out Steve Johnson on numerous radio shows via Youtube. Pang Radio and Planet Xtra both feature Steve discussing his ability to truly see events from the future... Check him out at

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New and Available Books from Warwick Associates, History Press, John Hunt & Others.

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A UFO Hunters Guide Author: Bret Leuder Publisher: Weiser Books ISBN: 978-157863-487-3 Price: $19.95


This remarkable and extremely well written book is a real tour-de-force into the often perplexing subject of UFOs and Ufology. It is by turns absolutely logical and head shakingly obscure, but such is the infuriating nature of the phenomenon. This is a real treasury of often hard-to-find information, which succeeds in bridging the gap between hard-edged scientific paradigms to the opposite end of the possibility spectrum. It’s all here, everything from the traditional extra terrestrial hypothesis (ETH) to the neo-mystical, almost occult significance placed on the phenomenon by those operating at its ragged edge and the author succeeds in steering a course between the two extremes with remarkable openness and honesty. This is just as it should be, because the truth, if and when it is finally revealed, will be somewhere in the middle. Just about all the major players are represented, everyone from the notorious George Adamski and the enigmatic Bob Lazar to the sadly mistreated Paul Bennewitz and celebrated commentators like Jenny Randles, Jacques Vallee, Linda Moulton Howe and Stanton Freidman also find their place. We even find mention of the occultist and magician Aleister Crowley who was also involved at one level and it is here that we also encounter magickal groups like the Golden Dawn etc. The short section in the book on how the investigator should prepare spiritually is especially appropriate here. No aspect of Ufology, no matter how tangential, escapes the eye of the author as he examines all the major cases like Area 51, Roswell, various military bases, the Bermuda Triangle and Skinwalker Ranch. He also includes the disturbing yet fascinating alleged goings on at Montauk and the possibly linked and truly enigmatic subject of Nazi UFO’s: nothing is off limits in this book. The author also includes a selection of ‘top tips’ scattered throughout the text, each one taken from experts in the field and all highly relevant to those who are serious about the subject from the experienced researcher to the absolute beginner. Where the book really succeeds though is due to the fact that the author does not act as a censor or a judge, because much of Ufology is so subjective that it is almost impossible to define. Bret Leuder uncritically (and sensibly) draws the information together, sets it out in clearly defined sections and allows the reader to make up their own minds about what is right and what is wrong, what is acceptable and what is impossible (although when dealing with Ufology its often hard to tell the difference). This book is valuable reference work and research tool for those who have a genuine desire to learn about this subject in an open minded fashion: highly recommended!

Title: In Between Myths Author: Tom Marriot Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/ Humour Publisher: CreateSpace ISBN: 978-1-4699-5016-7 Price: None Stated While Paranormal does not usually review works of fiction, this was something a bit out of the ordinary. The book is an utterly unique and original collision of genres, which are successfully combined into something that is genuinely laugh out loud funny as well. The author, Tom Marriot, has succeeded in taking the mythological gods of old and giving them a thoroughly modern setting. The plot concerns Henry Lomax, a thoroughly disillusioned loner and cryptozoologist and his search for the truth behind the standard mythology of the ancient gods who bestrode the earth aeons ago. In his search we encounter the Minotaur whose labyrinth is still in Crete and who, when Lomax calls, is eagerly awaiting deliveries from Parcel Force and harbouring grudges against King Minos among other things. Actually, the verbal exchanges between Lomax and the Minotaur are worth the book price alone; did I mention that the Minotaur is a Billy Ocean fan? No? Well apparently he is! Lomax’s quest also takes him to meet Poseidon, who is working as a rather surly lifeguard under the name of ‘Ed Nooips’ and is forced to keep the equally legendary Kraken in his swimming pool at his home. It is clear that the old Gods are aware of one another and that they are no longer in the unique position of yesteryear. At another point Lomax is persuaded to take the place of a marriage counsellor and preside over a session with Zeus and his wife Hera. It is during this segment that we first encounter Lamia, who, amongst other things, has the ability to remove her eyes; we encounter this rather worrying lady again towards the end of the tale. The book continues on a course that veers from the wildly funny to the almost nostalgic, until we have a final encounter between Lomax, the enigmatic Jack, who has been feeding him information and is actually the son of Zeus, and the decidedly scary, violent and ever hungry Lamia (incidentally, due to her unusual dietary requirements I’ll never think of ‘jelly babies’ in quite the same way again). This book is a welcome antidote to the long list of stuffy factually tomes written about mythology, it is witty, incisive yet never loses its sense of wonder, buy it and enjoy!


Eerie Britain 2 Ten more of Britain’s most terrifying and peculiar real-life stories By Matt Forde Hauntings and legends frighten and fascinate us. They twist our imaginations; make shadows into spectres, and the dark places in our homes into things to fear. Yet, for all of that, we cannot seem to turn away from them. Perhaps this is because, at their heart, these stories are so very human. Death, fear, revenge, hate and love: ghost stories and similar tales of terror bring to us all the facets of good drama set against an otherworldly mise-en-scène. Eerie Britain 2 tells the stories behind ten more of the most intriguing and irresistible places to be found scattered around the British Isles; places whose stories have been whispered for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years. This small and ancient land has long been riddled with the many crumbling castles, cob-webbed mansions and creaky old public houses that Britain possesses it is no surprise that a generous slice of them have picked up a few non-corporeal non-paying guests over the centuries. Indeed, in some places the resident spooks are packed in like sardines in a tin can. So, draw the curtains, cut yourself an extra large piece of that chocolate cake you’ve been saving for Maud (she doesn’t deserve it anyway), throw another log onto the crackling fireplace and snuggle into the heavy folds of a warm blanket as we cast a glance at ten more of the most petrifying places, ghoulish goings-on and horrifying haunts to ever grace the British Isles. This second instalment from Matt Forde is one of those books you just cannot put down until you have finished it. From strange eerie lighthouses, mysterious coaches, haunted halls, ghostly cemeteries, spectres, vampires, and all things that go bump in the night. A truly fascinating book that includes a glossary of terms and explanations. Matt has certainly delivered a spine tingling read for all those who wish to curl up in bed with their Kindle... Just remember to leave the light on. Well worth downloading yourself a copy as soon as possible. Also, look out for the first volume as well... Just a good. Available on Amazon for the Kindle for Just £2.96.


Title: Supernatural Series 7 Director: Various Genre: Supernatural/Horror Format: DVD & BlueRay Extras: Deleted Scenes, documentaries and gag reel Price: £30 from HMV, but prices vary depending on seller This is the seventh series of an awards winning, surprisingly good and enduring supernatural US import, so assuming you are unfamiliar with the previous six series the back story goes like this. There are two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who are modern day demon hunters who are looking for the father. Following the death of their mother in a suspicious fire, the boys grow up pretty much on the road following their father from town to town. Their father describes himself as a ‘hunter’: however he does not hunt animals, he hunts demons, vampires and other supernatural creatures. On one hunt their father vanishes and the two brother set out to find him. Conveniently there is a journal recounting the father’s adventures and the brothers use this in their ongoing quest for him while saving humans who are tormented by the denizens of Hell. The brother eventually find their father who tells them that their mother was killed by the demon Azazel and the demon can only killed by a legendary weapon created by the iconic gun-maker Samuel Colt. This, the latest incarnation of the series, which has twenty-three episodes, finds the brother still locked in combat with even more supernatural foes, but this time they also have to contend with souls condemned to Purgatory. There is also a kind of evil supernatural, literally hellish, collective known as ‘Leviathan’ that can inhabit the bodies of human beings. One rather quirky addition to the mix is the appearance of a demonic character called ‘Crowley’, a ‘crossroads demon’ who can make deals with human beings. This is an obvious homage to the notorious late Victorian eccentric and sorcerer Aleister Crowley: the writers have obviously done a bit of homework, something that also shows in the reference to ‘crossroads’ which is a traditional location for contacting the hordes of hell. Overall this collection is a must for fans of the series, but it would have helped if there was some kind of retrospective to allow new watchers the chance to get acquainted with the characters and the story line. That said, each tale stands up on its own and the set can be bought and viewed on that basis alone.


It’s not drugs talking – I have proof UFOs exist Says Shaun Ryder

Mars One finds more than 1,000 volunteers for one-way trip to planet in 2023 The Mars One organisation has revealed details of its plans to land four astronauts on the Red Planet in 2023, with four additional 'crew' arriving every two years. By Rob Waugh The Mars One organisation has revealed details of its plans to land four astronauts on the Red Planet in 2023, with four additional 'crew' arriving every two years.

LEGENDARY drug user Shaun Ryder has come clean about his new addiction – to flying saucers.

The organisation said that it had had more than 1,000 volunteers for the mission, who emailed in via the foundation's website. Selection of the astronauts will begin next year, the Dutch organisation says. The trip to the planned 'colony' would be one-way - and the astronaut volunteers will live and die on Mars. Mars One aims to finance a mission to Mars via donations from corporations, people - and by creating a reality show-style 'media event' around the training and selection of its astronauts. The Dutch company is backed by Nobel prize winning physicist, Gerard 't Hooft - and by Paul Romer, co-creator of Big Brother. Mars One also announced that it had become a not-for-profit foundation. "With more than 850,000 unique visitors to the website, Mars One has received thousands of emails," the Dutch company said in an email today. "Among those emails were more than one thousand requests from individuals who desire to go to Mars--well before the launch of the Astronaut Selection Program. Furthermore, Mars One is supported by a large groups of advisers and ambassadors, among them an astronaut, a Nobel prize winning physicist and several NASA scientists."

The Happy Mondays frontman and reformed hellraiser has revealed details of a recent trip to Chile where he filmed his forthcoming History Channel show Shaun Ryder On UFOs. The dad-ofsix said: “Chile is the f*****g UFO capital of the world. The Chilean Air Force — they don’t keep anything secret, man. “It’s like, ‘Come in and have a look at our film, we’ll give you everything we’ve got’ and they do. “I’ve seen some absolutely mindboggling stuff from Chile. I’ve got their pilots to say they’ve encountered stuff that is just not of this world. “They filmed something that is definitely a UFO flying in and out of their airplanes at 6,000mph. This one thing looks like Star Wars Storm Troopers coming down from the sky on what looked like old-style pogo sticks. “They’re coming down to the ground and when they see that they’ve been spotted they go back up to the sky. That’s authenticated footage. And no, it’s not the drugs talking.” The Happy Mondays play the Camden Roundhouse on December 19 and 20 – visit

KE$HA has confirmed she reckons she DID have sex with a ghost - and revealed details of the spooky romp for the first time.

Bas Lansdorp, co-founder and President of Mars-One offers, “A foundation more accurately represents how the Mars One team feels about this mission, and how the world has embraced our plan, even in this early stage. "We receive so many kind and supportive emails, people offer donations or offer to help in whatever way they can. The conversion to a foundation represents that going to Mars is something we do as a united world.” In the first half of 2013 Mars One will launch the Astronaut Selection Program, a search to find the best candidates for the 'next giant leap of mankind'. The search will be global, open to every person from every nation. As a Foundation, Mars One will be the owner of the human outpost on Mars, the simulation bases on Earth, and the employer of the astronauts, both in training here on Earth, and those on Mars. Arno Wielders, co-founder and technical director of Mars One: “Sending humans to Mars has been my dream for twenty years. Evidently, I am not alone--we have received emails from over fifty countries." "People in thirty seven countries have purchased our merchandise, demonstrating their support for Mars One. Regardless of their background, people are positive about this optimistic event that we believe will bring people of Earth a little bit closer together.”

Did ABC reporter catch a GHOST on camera while reporting from one of America's most haunted houses? By Thomas Durante

The US pop star says the spirit began “caressing” her body while she was at home before taking things further. The 25-year-old previously spoke about her ghost sex experience during an interview in September. But during a chat with US TV host Conan O'Brien last night, she lifted the lid on the romp - even recreating part of it with the funnyman presenter. When asked if it was true she had slept with a ghost, she replied: “I did go to the bone zone with a ghost.” As he quizzed her further, she went on: “Do you want details? I don’t know his name but he was in my house. He started caressing me. “It was a sexy time, it wasn’t like sex.” The Tick Tock singer made her initial ghost sex claim during a chat about her new album Warrior, which came out this week. Speaking of the inspiration behind the tracks, she said: “There are so many weird topics on this record, from having sexy time with a ghost to getting hypnotized and going into past lives.”

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

A Louisiana reporter filming a segment on a haunted house became a part of the story when a 'spirited' guest made a surprise appearance on camera. Vanessa Bolano, who works for the ABC affiliate WGNO in Matairie, was doing a report this week at the historic Myrtle's Plantation in St Francisville for a story about haunted happenings. But as she looked over the video of her report in the edit room later, she noticed something strange. Can you spot the ghost? WGNO reporter Vanessa Bolano does her report from Myrtle's Plantation in St Francisville, not noticing the object floating behind her. What is it? Bolano was filming a segment on the haunted house when a 'spirited' guest, top right, made a surprise appearance. Just as Bolano describes the 12 ghosts that allegedly live on the grounds of the plantation, one appeared to make its television debut, as something can be seen floating behind her. Neither Bolano nor her cameraman had noticed the object during filming. Bolano says that strange figure appeared as she was standing in the French Bedroom, which is widely believed to be the most haunted room in the house. Myrtle's Plantation is regarded as one of the most haunted sites in America.

'UFO spent four hours hovering above our rural home', claims family after capturing video footage of 'spinning lights' in the sky.

Michael Jackson’s got Will.I.Am Scared.

By Sara Malm A family has spoken of the terrifying moment they saw a UFO hovering above their house for four hours. Morag Ritchie, 50, was awoken in the middle of the night by flashing lights in the sky over the family home in rural Scotland. The grandmother-of-one woke her family up and her daughter’s fiance caught the shocking images of four blinking lights on video. Sighting: Morag Ritchie said she saw the UFO hovering over her house in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire for four hours. The UFO: Scott Bower, Morag's daughter's fiance, captured the strange lights in the sky above their home. Morag said: ‘We live in a very rural area so I never have my curtains closed and I like looking at the night sky. ‘I just woke up all of a sudden and looked out of the window to see all these twinkling lights - they looked like they were moving. ‘I was quite apprehensive about it. I’m standing there looking at it and I’m thinking “is it watching me?”, so I went around the house telling everyone and they all came to have a look.' Mrs. Ritchie describes seeing a circular object hovering and spinning around above her home in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. ‘My husband is a fisherman and he’s spent many hours looking up at the night sky, so he was quite sceptical when I told him, but even he admitted it was strange when he saw them.' Right there: Morag Ritchie in their back garden pointing towards the part of the sky where she saw the UFO on Saturday night.

Will.I.Am feels haunted by Michael Jackson. He fears his hi-tech home studio is haunted by Michael Jackson’s ghost. The Voice judge, 37, has refused to use it since working with Jacko just before his death in 2009. When the megastar died aged 50, switched to making music on his laptop. And he said: “I can take it anywhere.”

Dan Aykroyd: “Bill Murray is still not part of Ghostbusters sequel”.

She says: ‘Eventually we all went back to bed. I woke up a further two times, the second time was about four hours later and it was still there, but when I next woke up it was daylight and they had gone. ‘It was there for so long that even all the way out here, someone else must have seen it, but perhaps they’ve been too shy to come forward about it.' Morag’s daughter, Cara, 27, had got out of bed to feed her baby at 3am on Saturday night when she first heard about the sighting. She said: ‘At first I thought it was just a plane, but my mum said it had been there for a few hours and there was no noise or anything. ‘I was quite mesmerised by it all to be honest although my fiance Scott, was pretty scared. ‘He was smoking at the back door where you could see the lights from and he was genuinely frightened, he kept the door half open so he wasn’t actually fully outside.' Strange: Flashing lights are not usually decorating the skyline at the back of the Ritchie family home where they appeared last weekend. The mother-of-one added: ‘I didn’t really believe in UFOs or anything like that beforehand. You hear lots of stories, but you don’t really believe them. ‘But this was really really strange. After seeing what I’ve seen, I’m genuinely wondering if there are actually aliens out there now.’ Although 95 per cent of all UFO reports can be explained, UFO expert Malcolm Robinson admitted he was baffled by the footage Scott captured. He said: ‘I’ve looked at the footage and there appears to be four lights in a line intermittently flashing which could be anything. ‘But it’s strange. Many suspected UFO sightings are actually Chinese lanterns, but it’s not them this time - no way. ‘It’s very interesting to a researcher like me but at the moment we won’t have any answers for a couple of weeks at least when I find out if there were any other sightings or aircraft in the area at the time.’ Civil Aviation Authority spokesman Tony Finnegan said: ‘It could be a light aircraft or military aircraft, but at 2am in the morning, it’s unlikely to be civilian. ‘We aren’t able to find out what aircraft were in the area at the time, but there was increased activity of northern lights last week, so I suppose they would be a possibility.’

Actor DAN AYKROYD has thrown up more mystery about the planned GHOSTBUSTERS 3 movie by insisting former castmate BILL MURRAY will not be part of the project. Earlier this month (03 Dec 12), the two actors' co-star Harold Ramis was quoted as saying Murray was back onboard for the much-anticipated sequel but it has emerged the comment was a hoax. And now Aykroyd insists the movie will be going ahead without the man who portrayed Dr. Peter Venkman in the past two Ghostbusters films. The Blues Brothers star tells Esquire magazine shooting will start at the end of 2013. He says, "Had Billy chosen to do the Eisenberg/Stupnitsky (screenwriters) script of two years ago, it would be out this summer, and it would be a massive hit. If Billy had said yes, it would have satisfied his performance and what he wanted in the movie, it would have satisfied his performing skill and how he wanted to be depicted in the movie, it would have satisfied the studio, the writers who wrote it, everybody. "Then when he said, 'Absolutely not, I'm not in this,' we had to go and really rethink things. He abrogated his say in the project, abrogated his rights to have any say in it by refusing the third offer from the picture company, which his lawyer put before him, and Billy said, 'No, I can't respond.' Now we have to move on." But Aykroyd insists that doesn't mean Murray won't be welcomed back if he ever chooses to reprise his Venkman character: "We'll always leave a hole for him. He's always there. He can always come back at any time and be rebuilt into it, as far as I'm concerned."

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Jimmy Savile: The Man Behind The Mask A Palm Reading by Terry Stokes

This article is especially timely given what is now common knowledge about the late Jimmy Savile: it also shows just how uncannily accurate the ancient forms of divination can be. (Brian Allan, sub-ed Phenomena)

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Jimmy Savile: The Man Behind The Mask A Palm Reading by Terry Stokes

As a very small boy I realised I could look at peoples hands and see visions of their later life, and have always been available for charitable events and anything from hospital open days to school fairs, raising money for every charity from animal sanctuaries, hospital open days to saving church spires across Britain. It was as a result of appearing at a charity event where I was invited to a party to read hands that I met the famous DJ and compere Jimmy Savile who was just one of the guests. Jimmy was very intelligent and claimed he himself had good intuitive faculties, but said he did not have much time for this stuff. Remember that Jimmy Savile was at the top of his profession, a national figure who associated with royals film stars and politicians like Prime Minister Edward Heath and also Menachim Begin. Showbiz folk are very secretive about their private lives and rightly so, many a scurrilous journalist has wrecked the life of an aspiring performer. A palmist, medium or any psychic for that matter, must obey the doctor/patient code and like a priest or a psychiatrist should not repeat any conversations, but Jimmy has broken his trust with the public, so I feel I can talk about the man beneath the mask, the accompanying palm-print was taken at Scarborough in 1976. (1) His handprint shows a lifeline with many crossing small lines indicating a very difficult early life, Jimmy was one of seven children who was never shown any love or affection. Children who have had no love do not know how to experience it later, they cannot give what they never had and sex often takes the place of love. If the bonding process is not formed up to the age of six, the Royal college of Psychiatrists says that the damage to the psyche lasts the whole life, and Jimmy claimed he had never had a real relationship. He had dressed as a woman for a while and met men in public toilets, but could not connect with other human beings; incidentally the press has claimed Jimmy was a coal miner, but this conflicts with what he told me. In fact much of what is in Wikipedia does not agree with what Jimmy said, I was not even sure that ‘Savile’, was his proper name.

He did say he was sexually abused as a boy and he said this always affected his sleeping and would often get up in the night and just drive about, and this nocturnal insomnia is echoed in his handprint, psychologists say that when one is sexually abused one can stay emotionally static at that point, and no matter how much older you become, you are still emotionally and sexually at that age and still attracted to children of that age. 2 These two lines, along with the fragmented heart-line, thin central finger sections and the two lines attacking the lifeline shows the changeability and an unsettled emotional infrastructure this always means sexual experimentation and a desperation to find the sexual identity and satisfaction and it usually ends badly, the combination of these two known technically as a "girdle of Venus" and the "Via Lasciva" from medieval palmistry, Christian manuscripts from millennia ago also highlight these points. Romans 15;4 “For whatever was written in former times was written for our instruction”. These two together show a restless emotionality with a deep need to experiment. The psychiatrist Ruth Seiffert worked with sexually disturbed people such as this at the Maudesly Hospital and I advised Jimmy to chat with one of the experts there such as Ruth. The jumble of palmer lines is known to palmists as a “full hand” and shows someone who runs on nervous energy and Jimmy's manic stage antics were legendary. The fact that he used cigars, shell suits and heavy jewellery is known to psychology as “affectations”, but these were just stage props behind which he could hide.

About The Author. T. Stokes has many years of combined practise and blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled to 10 years training in the Harry Edwards school of spirit mediumship and guidance, and trained with mediums Doris Collins and Doris Stokes, and psychiatrists Henry Rey and Joyce Mcdougall, and accessing the wisdom of the multimedical and multispiritual arenas of the Indo/Pak subcontinental energy flow disciplines such as Hasthricka and Il-Mul-Kaff, have meant a sharpening and honing of clairvoyant skill ranges which can take a subject from pre-birth through the main events of the life, to the present day. Giving release from emotional turbulence with heartscape counselling, including assessment of problematic psychological postures. With caring advice and pointers on emotional anatomy and karmic infrastructure. Book of Isiaah 49-16. ”for behold I have engraven thee on the palms of my hands”. This particular style is known to experts as, “ Jungian Holistic Psycho-Chirology” T Stokes is known world wide as the “HOLISTIC PALMIST”. Page 18

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Jimmy Savile: The Man Behind The Mask A Palm Reading by Terry Stokes

Sir James Wilson Vincent "Jimmy" Savile (31 October 1926 – 29 October 2011), OBE, KCSG, was an English DJ, television presenter, media personality and charity fundraiser. He hosted the BBC television show Jim'll Fix It, was the first and last presenter of the long-running BBC music chart show Top of the Pops, and raised an estimated £40 million for charities. After his death, hundreds of allegations of child sex abuse and rape became public, leading the police to believe that Savile may have been one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders. Savile was conscripted to work in the coal mines as a Bevin Boy during the Second World War. He began a career playing records in, and later managing, dance halls. His media career started as a disc jockey at Radio Luxembourg in 1958 and on Tyne Tees Television in 1960, and he developed a reputation for eccentricity and his flamboyant character. At the BBC, he presented the first edition of Top of the Pops in 1964 and broadcast on BBC Radio 1 from 1968. Between 1975 and 1994 he presented Jim'll Fix It, a popular television programme in which he arranged for the wishes of viewers, mainly children, to come true. During his lifetime, he was noted for a fundraising and supporting charities and hospitals, in particular Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire. He was described in The Guardian as a "prodigious philanthropist" and was honoured for his charity work. He was awarded the OBE in 1971 and was knighted in 1990.

He had an Ectomorphic body typology, which is the body for runners, acrobats, cyclists and distance athletes, Jimmy did all these at various times. 3 The forward thrusting first or Jupiter finger in the right hand with Jupiter as the highest mount shows that Jimmy was concerned about his career future at that time. Although outwardly confident he was anxious to know which direction to take and the little or Mercury finger divorced from its colleagues shows his sexuality was divorced from the rest of his personality, and not part of the whole sum of who he was. This can be seen with those who have secret sex lives, I used to ask for palmprints of those imprisoned for sex offences and this mark did occur very often. 4 The thinness in section of the little finger along with other ‘palmar’ signals are strong abuse signals indicated on his lifeline at around age 12-14 by a sharp opposition line cutting right through. This particular lifeline formation in Tibetan palmistry is called the sign of the Tortoise, and shows someone with a hard shell, but is quite different inside, soft and sensitive, but someone who can negotiate all obstacles albeit at their own pace. I advised Jimmy that his sensitivity in the gastric arena meant a vegetarian diet would suit him better and he would later on become very well educated in all dietary aspects. Age forty shows a landmark time and Jimmy became despondent and reflective at this time, although people have come forth and said Jimmy was their friend, this man since boyhood had never known a real friend and when he earned big bucks did not really trust anyone to be close. His headline shows a rational, practical minded man, and the headlines kink upwards at the end like a scorpions tail, often seen with Scorpio sun-signs like Jimmy and shows a deep inbuilt fear of being poor like his family during his childhood. This longing for financial security often shows as a substitute with those who never had the early emotional security that many of us take for granted.

In October 2012, almost a year after his death, an ITV documentary examining claims of sexual abuse against Savile led to broad media coverage and a substantial and rapidly growing body of witness statements and sexual abuse claims, including accusations against public bodies for covering up or failure of duty. Scotland Yard launched a criminal investigation into allegations of child sex abuse by Savile over six decades, describing him as a "predatory sex offender", and later stated that they were pursuing over 400 lines of inquiry based on the testimony of 300 potential victims via fourteen police forces across the UK. By late October 2012, the scandal had resulted in inquiries or reviews at the BBC, within the National Health Service, the Crown Prosecution Service, and the Department of Health.


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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

5 The ‘Andropause’ or male menopause can be a difficult time of readjustment for men, and Savile really began to slide downhill from this point and others colluded with him to conceal his abuse of children and vulnerable adults, much has come out recently on this topic. Jimmy suffered this himself, yet passed it on to others in the most horrific ways and the large square shown at (6) indicates his secret was kept safe within a box. The square is the luckiest sign in palmistry and his lasts almost until his death at aged 84. His death was the signal people that could now speak out, those that protected him know that this is, at last, coming to the public domain. A tragedy that this otherwise talented man should so abuse the trust of so many innocent children...

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Darker Side of the Paranormal By Jock Brocas

The Interest in séances, Ouija boards and spirit communication has risen thanks to TV shows such as Most Haunted and our haunted lives. These shows have also given birth to ignorance and the problems that have arisen from these foolhardy attempts to dabble in the paranormal. Consequently, they have destroyed lives. Walk into any spiritual‐ ist church and they will tell you that there is no entity such as Satan and demons do not exist; it is merely a wandering or grounded spirit looking for help. The truth is different and ignorance does not afford you safety. Demons do exist and the darker side of the paranormal is very danger‐ ous. A simple quasi attempt to communicate with a discarnate entity or dabble in aspects of the occult without the proper protection will undoubtedly open a pandora's box of problems...

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Darker Side of the Paranormal By Jock Brocas

More often than not you will certainly not recognize the signs and symptoms of a possession or of a darker force until it is too late. By then, the gateway is open and your simple attempts to cleanse and clear could be little more effective than trying to blow out a trick candle - THE FLAME ALWAYS RETURNS.

spirit and used to spell out messages to the sitting individuals. During the late 1800s, planchettes were widely sold as a novelty or a parlour game that was patented by the businessman Elijah Bond and Charles Kennard. These boards are still sold today in there millions. The Spiritual Aspect.

The problem that we face is that by our very nature we are an inquisitive species and we will study what we do not understand - thus attempting to gain some kind of reason for knowledge. Often we will try to control the outcome of something in any way possible even to the detriment of ourselves - believing that we have achieved the Unachievable. Let's look at a few of these. Ouija Boards.

It is widely known and accepted that the board is used for occult practices but it must be understood that the board is not the problem; it is merely a tool with which the user can focus his or her intent. The intention behind the use of the board is the problem. The user will normally sit with the intention of contacting discarnate entities. Now this is all very well but what if you do not understand how to discern.

This is perhaps the simplest and most misunderstood method of spirit communication. According to some sources (Chinese occultists), the first historical mention of something resembling a Ouija board is found in china around 1200 B.C., a divination method known as fuji "planchette writing". Other sources claim that according to a French historical account of the philosopher Pythagoras, in 540 B.C. his sect would conduct sĂŠances at "a mystic table."

This is one of the first spiritual gifts that you should develop. It is not enough to be able to utilize your psychic faculties without understanding the internal power of discernment. It is said that a demon can come in the form of light - how can the trusting individual tell the difference. Using an Ouija board is like setting light to an explosive charge. You create what your thoughts dictate and if you have the pure intent that you wish to contact spirit - you will.

The first use of the Ouija board came with the spiritualist movement in the mid-19th century. Divination at that time was used to gain messages in many ways such as using a planchette that would be controlled by the

The trouble is which ones. I was once contacted by a mother in the north of England who had stupidly decided to use a Ouija board with her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend. Nothing much actually happened

or so it seemed and over a short period of time - paranormal events started to occur in their home. The troubling aspect was that the target of the events was the young daughter. It was she who experienced the episodes including voices, seeing spirits, having nightmares and a general upset throughout her life. Slowly and surely, the mood in the home changed and life seemed out of control. Electricity would blow and objects would disappear. Eventually the mother admitted that one evening they decided to play spirit games and used a makeshift board - a simple piece of paper and glass as a planchette. They had seen this time and time again on TV and thought nothing of it. The mothers desire to become psychic was so strong that she used her own family to get there. Blinded by her own desires she created a portal in the home which invited spirits to communicate - any spirits, and that is when things went disastrously wrong. Before she came to me, she had requested the help of other mediums, and the mediums who came in actual fact could not deal with the problem due to their misunderstanding of the Darker aspects of the Paranormal.

The Author. Jock Brocas is a professional Psychic Medium who was natural from birth yet developed later in life. Jock has dedicated his later years to his own spiritual development and the professional development of his psychic and mediumship gifts. Being a professional Psychic Medium is very rewarding but also has its inherent problems. Nevertheless, Jock believes in the sanctity of mediumship and takes his work as a psychic medium very seriously. Jock is known for giving irrefutable evidence and some of which can be validated much later. Jock is passionate about the science of psychic mediumship and works closely with many professionals in this field. He does not give general information that some psychics throw out and prefers the protocol of scientifically controlled telephone appointments. Jock very rarely gives psychic readings face-toface unless prebooked.

Using The Board.

As I have mentioned the board works by intention only and is not the harbinger of some mysterious power. Through this intention, you create a portal with which unseen entities can communicate or visit. Page 22

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

Darker Side of the Paranormal By Jock Brocas.

The Author. Jock developed his psychic gifts and mediumship later in life when he was visited by a spirit. At first, this visitation shocked him and terrified him, which led him into the true vocation he was here for, a psychic medium's life. He learned from his past and recognized that he was being groomed to work for spirit all his life - from growing up with spiritual leaders and spending time with religious communities - the path was being prepared. He is also a trained vocalist and is currently working on an Album to be released at some point in the future. Jock Brocas (Psychic Medium) has studied many martial arts in the past and dedicated his later years to the study of Budo. He has amalgamated what he has learned in Budo and as a psychic medium to help change individuals lives for the better.

These entities will more often than not be grounded spirits or darker entities with malice on their mind. Why someone feels that they can contact a loved one who has crossed over to the spiritual plain (heaven) I don't know. But suffice to say that if I was in Heaven - I would not want to return to this dark energy we call earth. The only spirits that can be contacted through the utilization of the board are spirits who have not crossed and often these are lower vibratory entities.

Often in cases that present evidence of demonic influence, there will often be heard

Demoniac Activity.

noises of animals scratching or clawing and even growls not of this world. The signs and symptoms of possession can be so subtle or right in your face. If you experience any of these - consult a professional immediately.

A demonic entity may attach itself to a grounded spirit and thus get a piggy back ride - right to your playground. Think about this, do you really want that happening? Investigating Spirit Activity. Using Ouija boards is not the only way that problems can occur. In this day and age we can see more and more 'Ghost Hunters' turning up and anyone with an interest in the paranormal can start researching ghosts or spirits. The problem we have here is that it needs some form of interaction between the investigator and the spirit entity. We are seeing time and time again, investigators calling on spirits or even challenging them which is like playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun. Professional researchers will always use a professionally trained medium as they know that they need someone who can control and discern spirits. Other nonprofessional investigators rely on themselves and do not have the luxury of using professional mediums. This is candy to the entity and the games can begin. One thing you must realize is that we are all energy in motion and are spirits in human form not the other way around. Therefore, it makes sense that these spirits already have a handle on manipulation of energy and know exactly your thoughts and your fears. Never challenge the spirit - for you can't fight what you can't see or feel. SĂŠance's. A SĂŠance is a group of people - headed by a professional medium and a scribe (who takes notes) - that meets with the soul intention of speaking with the dead. In the correct circumstances and with the right professionally trained people, this can be an effective way of experiencing trance communication. However, in most instances the sĂŠance carried out by most people is done through sheer inquisitiveness by untrained and unstable individuals. This is another method of 'Calling on spirits' and can be more bother than it is worth. By calling on a spirit you are sending out an invitation for any spirit to contact you and even if you think it is good and from the light - you can be a victim of deception and deception that could cost your life. I said before that a demon can come in the form as a being of light and if you do not

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have the power of discernment mastered you are inviting all sorts of problems.

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

I mentioned previously that you could be inviting demons and allow me to build on this. A demon can show itself in the form of light - yet it cannot by definition stand anything from the light and if questioned will show its weakness. However, infestation can start slowly and develop into a full blown possession without anyone knowing. There are 5 stages to Demonic possession; 1. Invitation, 2. Infestation, 3. Oppression 4. Obsession, 5. Possession. Even in our modern times, satanic cults are springing up everywhere and even the Vatican has been subjugated by satanic influences. So secret are these cults that they could be going on in your next door neighbours house without your knowledge. With that in mind - you have a war that is going on right now in the unseen planes of the spirit realm and this war is for the souls of mankind. Is it so difficult to believe that with all the negativity - that Satan and his legion of demons are just waiting for the right invitation and dabbling in the occult for fun and without the proper training or experience is opening a portal straight to Hell!!! Identifying the Activity. There are obviously signs and symptoms of diabolical activity and some of these will be more easily noticeable than others. For instance you may start to smell putrid odours such as rotting flesh and will have no cause for the stench. You may also note that religious icons that you may have are often removed, damaged or defiled. The person who may be infested will show a dislike to religious artifacts and may react badly in their presence. There will be an increase in argumentative episodes or even violence.

Clearances. You can take part in as many clearance rituals as often as you like, but the truth is, if you are infested with diabolical spirits, it will take more than a simple cleansing to be rid of the influences that surround your family, your property and your own life. A clearance using ancient remedies such as sage and cedar will only work in certain occasions such as a grounded or trapped entity that is looking for help rather than being the cause of mischief. If you attempt to use a clearance on a darker entity - you will only anger this spirit and you will cause far more devastation and destruction than you realize. The truth is that Prayer is your best weapon until you can reach out to a suitably qualified individual. I am one of those individuals but have found myself out of my depth at times and always have to revert to the Catholic Church or a suitable religious leader. There is no honour in trying to be a hero sometimes it is better to change tactic than admit defeat. Finish on a High Note. Now all this may sound quite scary and in reality it is, but one thing that you should take from this article is that the realm of spirit and psychic ability is not an easy task to take on. Like all things in life there is the great balance of positive and negative and if you do not understand the balance of its nature - you will surely fall into a dark abyss that can be difficult to get out of. Keep a true heart and study under a reputable source...

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“TomsGadgets is the paranormal one stop shop for paranormal and ghost hunting equipment and we are the only stockists of the MEL meters in the UK.” Tom Cook, Managing Director of Mel 8704R Pro Navigator, Mel 8740R Vibe and Mel 8704R REM ATDD are available from TomsGadgets is the gadget store with a difference, supplying a full range of quality corporate products all under one roof. For further press information, please contact: Alex Woodfield, TomsGadgets, 0845 456 2370




An Introduction to Resistance By Lorin Cutts

Sometime around the middle of 2012 I began to notice that a colleague of mine at the Global Radio Alliance, Chase Kloetzke, was leaving remarks on Facebook about being fed up with how the mainstream media mishandles serious paranormal and UFO research. Chase's comments were notable given her impressive credentials in this subject: 20 years with the Department of Defense, and then serving as the manager of the MUFON Star Team during a difficult transitional period for the organization. I wondered what had happened to Chase to make her so critical of the media. The UFO subject has definitely had an uncomfortable relationship with the mainstream media; more often than not it is seen as entertainment rather than serious news worthy of the investigative coverage afforded to other subjects. Chase's views struck a chord with me, since I have had several negative experiences with media coverage of this subject. In 1996 a case I was investigating had been sold to the general public by the mainstream press as nothing more than the planet Venus, and a multiple radar return was explained away as a cathedral spire. There are obviously thousands of tales just like this and it begs two questions: is this part of a cohesive cover up of unexplainable event data and, if so, how is this being executed on such a large scale? With all of this in mind, I approached Chase in October and suggested we form an official campaign ... and The Resistance was born. We launched a Facebook page (http:// right before I went on a trip abroad for a few weeks. The timing was awkward, but offered a twist of fate as one of the people I would be staying with in London is an executive at the BBC… "sleeping with the enemy" as my friend Race Hobbs put it! After talking to Chase about the experiences that formed her views I learned that, that among many other things, Chase was approached about a year ago regarding the filming of a pilot for a TV show– as then untitled. "They sent me over the script and I was like – you have to be kidding me. They wanted me in a tank top and waist level in a river – pretending there were snakes in there to add drama as we went about our UFO investigation." Chase Kloetzke A suspiciously similar TV show was aired in the summer of 2012 – possibly one of the least credible and most over the top UFO Page 25

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

shows ever created by the mainstream media – Chasing UFOs. Is this really the kind of garbage that we have to endure over such a potential significant subject? In May of this year, Renegade Productions, a production company working under contract to the BBC received a lot of attention after most of the 12 participants and film crew were detained facedown at gunpoint at a security gate within the Area 51 facility in Nevada. They had all ignored the "use of deadly force authorized" signs and were within the base perimeter. This event and the documentary "UFO Conspiracy Road Trip" received some attention in the national press in the UK and in the UFO research community and I asked my executive friend from the BBC (who prefers not to be named) about this sorry episode. "What everyone has to realize is that any documentary that is being made for BBC3 isn’t going to be a serious documentary. The demographic for this channel is early 20’s up to 35 and a documentary about UFOs on BBC3 was never going to be a serious documentary – it is going to be purely for entertainment". The presenter of the documentary, comedian Andrew Maxwell, seemed to believe that this was more than just entertainment. “Luckily, when the sheriffs turned up this deputy had a sense of humour. It had been rung through to him that I was an Irish comedian leading these UFO nutjobs, that I didn’t believe any of it and was there to DEBUNK it for the BBC.”

(reference: http:// This just adds insult to injury: putting the lives of UFO experiencers and researchers at risk under the pretext of entertainment, which is then used to attempt debunk the subject? It’s not hard to see why getting involved in such projects is potentially very damaging for the seriousness and credibility of this subject. Richard Dolan did an excellent expose of this whole affair on his "Truth Out Radio" show. His interview with Franky Ma, the only participant who did not get detained at Area 51, is available on the Global Radio Alliance’s archives at

At the opposite end of the scale was the well -made and sadly missed "UFO Hunters". One of the stars of this show, Pat Uskert, was one of the first people to join our campaign. Pat has said that the finished version of the show was vastly different from his original demo called "UFO Road Trip". (This is available to view on YouTube and it's interesting to make a comparison between the two shows.) Pat was critical of his experience of being put through the TV Machine: "What is happening on TV is designed entirely around ratings. It is sensationalism to attract bigger audiences for more advertising. You won't find truth there." Pat Uskert Peter Robbins has also done some sterling work regarding the historical aspect of UFOs and their treatment in the mainstream media. He has lectured extensively on this subject and his data indicates that there does appear to be a very clear campaign to disniform the public via the mainstream media from the very birth of the modern UFO era. “But what they are is another question. A question, it seems, which is never accorded the courtesy of an honest answer. And so the shell game has continued down through the decades." Peter Robbins We need to change this. We aren’t calling for a boycott of mainstream media participation, but we can all exercise judgment when approached to appear on TV, documentaries, and other media projects. If you feel passionately about this subject and want to see it presented in a serious and respectful way, then don’t participate in shows that are going to bring the subject into disrepute. Let’s all be mindful and not contribute - as much as feasibly possible - to anything that could potentially be a hatchet job or sensationalistic reality TV made strictly for entertainment. They do nothing to advance the credibility of this subject, and provide ammunition for people who want to ridicule it. Don’t become complicit in the cover up. Utilize alternative media sources as much as possible. We all have a responsibility to take this subject out of the tabloid hit pieces and find other ways to get it into the homes of everyday people so it is shown in a respectful and serious light. We know there is an enormous interest in this subject: Google currently returns over 248 million hits on the search term "UFO". It’s time to wake up and get serious about the media’s mishandling of what is potentially the biggest story of our time.

Show Your Support.

An Introduction to Resistance By Lorin Cutts

So here is our attempt to outline what we hope to achieve in the coming months, and we ask if you will join us by liking our page and following our progress.

Show Your Support.

THE RESISTANCE MANIFESTO. We hereby call on all members of the UFO and paranormal / research community, who are serious and passionate about getting real facts and truth out, to join us in THE RESISTANCE. This is a call to boycott participation in mainstream media hit-pieces concerning these subjects and draw attention to the often unfair and imbalanced way the UFO and paranormal subjects are treated within the mainstream media. This year has seen the sadly predictable continuation of ever more ridiculous, showbizzy, Holywoodesque or Reality TV style nonsense. If the lamestream media are making a show about UFOs and the paranormal, they are more than likely to be operating with a predetermined agenda, namely: 1) to entertain/numb the masses 2) to make money via advertising spots during the show and possibly in some cases 3) discredit any real phenomena that might exist and/or attempt to control opinion. Don't become complicit in the cover-up! Stand up against the corporate media's gross misrepresentation of the seriousness of these subjects. We've all seen it - the X Files theme music on news reports, the talk of little green men, the Lara Croft type UFO researcher, the continual focus on places like Area 51 that are less and less relevant and have been covered ad nauseam, and the over-dramatic night vision shots - whilst chasing nothing at all. We live in changing times. Start your own production companies and utilize alternative media outlets, make your own documentaries, put them on YouTube and Vimeo, bypass the BS, bypass the cover-up. We do not need the mainstream media to tell us what to say or do - to determine what the focus is on, or to tell us what to think or believe. We will not wait any longer for the lamestream media to approach this subject with the seriousness it deserves. We are the Resistance and we will not play their game. Please join us. Chase Kloetzke & Lorin Cutts.

Chasing UFOs - “Is this really the kind of garbage that we have to endure over such a potential significant subject”?

UFO Hunters - Pat Uskert to the left. "What is happening on TV is designed entirely around ratings. It is sensationalism to attract bigger audiences for more advertising. You won't find truth there."

Lorin Cutts "We need to change this."

Franky Ma Expose On Truth Out Radio

Chase Kloetzke - "They sent me over the script and I was like – you have to be kidding me. They wanted me in a tank top and waist level in a river – pretending there were snakes in there to add drama as we went about our UFO investigation." Peter Robbins “But what they are is another question. A question, it seems, which is never accorded the courtesy of an honest answer. And so the shell game has continued down through the decades." Page 26

Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

SETI Versus The Trickster Gods By John Prytz.

SETI stands for the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, and the usual ways and means of doing that is to scan the heavens with radio telescopes looking for an intelligent radio signal from ET. Some of the nasty flies in the SETI ointment are deciding the direction to look at and the frequency to scan for. Fortunately, modern technology can focus in on those specific stellar candidates highly likely to be homes to ET (at high sensitivity), or sweep broad areas of the sky (at less sensitivity) and search multiple frequencies at a go. The nasty fly in that ointment is that any individual or team of individuals would quickly be overwhelmed with data such that separating the signal(s) from the noise would be so time consuming as to prohibit scientists from searching at all. SETI scientists, fortunately, do not spend their time looking at the raw data on their monitoring screens that are linked to their radio telescopes, 24/7/52. Fortunately, modern technology has produced the computer. Computers do most of the hard yakka – the tedious bit of sifting through the massive amount of radio chaos for the potential tiny bit of radio pattern. Computer software algorithms scan the raw data quick-smart and can immediately weed out 99.9% of all the radio junk, the hiss, static, cosmic microwave radiation left over from the Big Bang, lightning discharges, and other background natural radio noise. The remaining potentially interesting 0.1% will then be looked at by another computer, this one with wetware software – the human brain that resides inside the SETI scientist. Now 99.9% of the interesting 0.1% that remains after the initial computer software algorithms have done their thing will no doubt be shown the WPB (garbage bin) after the SETI scientist has done his or her wetware analysis. Most post-computer residue is eliminated as having a terrestrial and human origin – this radio station; that orbiting satellite's transmission, etc. The types and ranges of artificial radio signals generated by humans are well catalogued and understood. It's unlikely an artificial terrestrial signal will be mistaken for ET – at least not for long.

The 0.1% of the 0.1% that remains after 1) rejections by the computers and after 2) initial investigations by the SETI scientist is now getting really interesting, but again most of that can eventually be traced to various unexpected or unsuspected terrestrial emissions (say from top secret installations or satellites) and/or more likely as not various natural extraterrestrial ‘signals' like those given off by pulsars that upon initial detection seemingly mimic ET. Anything left after that, to the SETI scientist, is in the category of ‘WOW'. SETI has indeed found a ‘WOW' signal, but it was a quickie one-off, never to be ‘heard' again. Now SETI scientists (like all good scientists) have a protocol that requires data to be verified. In the case of SETI, an interesting ‘WOW' signal needs to be verified, first by the home telescope by turning the telescope away then back to the original position. If the signal continues when the telescope is moved away, the source is local. If the signal cuts out but returns when the telescope in put back into it's original configuration, the source is probably far away – like somewhere out there. Hopefully, after some elapsed interval of time, when the telescope returns to the same celestial coordinates, the signal will be there.

The signal also has to be verified by one or more other telescopes. The upshot of all of this checking and doublechecking is that the ‘WOW' signal can't be just a quickie one-off with no message content or intelligent pattern in the background noise. One very long burst would do it, or even an on-again, off-again, on-again pattern over lengthy durations, but it can't be a one-off quickie that leaves no chance for verification – that's the key; verification and especially independent verification. Alas, to date, one unverified ‘WOW' signal, or so I thought. Based on the emphasis given to it in most books dealing with SETI, the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, as practiced by scanning the heavens with radio telescopes for ET's radio (electromagnetic – EM) communication beacons or general EM leakage, the SETI community has experienced many initially anomalous radio signals, but only one that had remained unsolved and unresolved – the ‘WOW' signal.

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

SETI Versus The Trickster Gods By John Prytz.

The ‘WOW' signal was detected at the "Big Ear" radio telescope at the Ohio State Radio Observatory (since demolished to make way for a golf course) in August of 1977. To this day it 1) remains unexplained and 2) remains unverified. I thought that had been the be-all-and-end-all of anomalous signals. However, I've been corrected by a senior astronomer at America's SETI Institute who emailed me the following: "Also, the WOW signal is only one of nearly a thousand signals that were detected, and whose origin remains unknown. It has the benefit of a catchy name." So what's our SETI scientist telling us here? Well, that on at least 1000 occasions radio telescopes have detected short-duration, non-repeated, non-verifiable signals that have all the hallmarks be being artificial in origin and thus worthy of a SETI scientist's attention. Now I didn't realize that traditional SETI had so many, if not unknown ‘WOW' ‘signals', at least unknown ‘miniwow' ‘signals' (my phrase). But doesn't that strike you, the reader, as decidedly odd? I mean, it's pretty straight-forward to double-check and reacquire terrestrial ‘signals', even if they originate from our space probes somewhere out there. It would be rare indeed for there to be a one-off terrestrial ‘signal' that was picked up but a ‘signal' that never existed before or after that detection event. Assuming therefore that these thousand mini-wows aren't terrestrial, then they must have an extraterrestrial origin. So, if the thousand ‘mini-wow' unknowns are extraterrestrial in origin isn't it odd each and every time the SETI community goes back to reacquire the ‘signal' in order to verify the bona-fides as to the precise nature of that ‘signal', it proves to be quickie one-off? I mean a few times is understandable, but a thousand times? I'm reminded of that James Bond quote from "Goldfinger" – ‘Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but three times is enemy action'. I assume that the distribution of these ‘mini-wows' must be pretty random, for if they all came from the same area in the heavens that itself would be in itself telling. This is fascinating – it almost seems if some sort of cosmic joker is playing endless April Fool's pranks on the SETI community. It must be quite frustrating. Now IMHO a real ETI radio signal wouldn't just last all of two seconds, never to reappear again. Even if the point-of-origin were on the surface of an extrasolar planet such that the beacon swept across us very quickly, it would still reappear to one or more of our terrestrial radio telescopes the next time the extrasolar planet rotated that point-of-origin into view again. Earth's rotation doesn't really count – if a radio telescope picks up an anomalous ‘mini-wow' signal from a target that's just sinking beneath the western horizon then it's easy of those astronomers to alert in real time another radio telescope facility further to the west where the target is still visible, and thus continue the monitoring. The only quasi-quickie one-off natural extraterrestrial phenomena I can think of are gamma ray bursts, but SETI scientists know about them and I doubt they would be detected by radio telescopes anyway since gamma rays are high energy (short wavelength) relative to radio waves (long wavelength). Is there an answer? Well, yes, there is, but it's so out in left field that it is in left field's left field. However, if the SETI community can't suggest anything better, here goes nothing! Let's start off assuming that there currently exist extraterrestrials monitoring Planet Earth in their spaceships – call them UFOs. Let's further assume that these extraterrestrials have been monitoring Planet Earth for multi-thousands of years. Let's further assume that way back then those extraterrestrials were known collectively as the polytheistic gods. Every culture had a mythology that had at its base a motley collection of polytheistic ‘gods'. At least one of those ‘gods' was known as a ‘trickster god'. It might have been called Loki in Norse mythology or Raven and Coyote in Native American Indian mythology, or Hermes and Prometheus in Greek mythology or Krishna in India but tricksters they were. These trickster gods were mischievous practical jokers, but often not in a funny ‘ha-ha' vein. In fact at one time or another most of the ‘gods' liked to play practical jokes on their peers and on us lesser mortals too, again, not always in the funny "ha-ha – gotcha" mode. So, fast-forward to the present, I can well imagine some extraterrestrial(s) up there in orbit around Earth in their flying saucer(s) having a bit of fun. They'd beam down a quickie artificial radio signal, say to some radio telescope of other, and then turn off the signal. While the poor SETI radio astronomers were busy trying to verify this ‘wow' event, the extraterrestrial(s) were laughing their antenna off at their trickster prank! I'm sure humans aren't the only intelligent species who like to play practical jokes and invent puzzles, paradoxes and riddles. The trickster ‘gods' would perfectly fit the bill as cosmic jokesters. Yet another trickster-related phenomenon could be the mystery of the LDE's – Long Delayed Echoes. If you send off a radar pulse to the Moon say, you'd expect a return within a few seconds, not say a minute or an hour or a day later. If you did, an addition to the expected principal's echo's time interval, it would be a scientific anomaly of the highest order with the delayed echo having a decidedly unknown or uncertain origin. Well, such sporadic LDE's have in fact happened starting in 1927 (through to the present) with no apparent consistency. It's like sending a radar signal to the Moon at noon getting the expected few second echo and then another secondary echo one minute later; repeating the exercise at one pm with the principal few second delay echo received, but another unexpected delayed echo coming now five minutes later. In short, the phenomena is fleeting and non-repeatable and (shades of the ‘WOW' signal) nonverifiable. Though various hypotheses have been suggested, none can adequately explain the sum total of LDE's. An alien space probe (often termed a Bracewell probe) within our solar system is one of those hypotheses whereby the probe sends back a terrestrial radar/radio signal in order to attract attention to itself and therefore the existence of ETI. Of course the space probe could be a ‘manned' spaceship, with at least one crewmember a trickster ‘god'. Now I'm not making this LDE - sometimes termed long-delayed radar or radio echo - phenomena up. It's well documented in the scientific literature. But why stop there? If trickster ‘gods' wanted to have a bit of relatively harmless fun with us humans, well perhaps they're behind the crop circle business! Now the absurdity of ET coming across light-years of space away with a motive just to dabble in agricultural (crop circle) graffiti has been pointed out by others. I quite agree. But, if ET were already here (and agricultural graffiti wasn't the motivation) and some ET's have a wicked sense of humor and like to befuddle the humans, well that's a motive! Then too there are all those outrageous flying saucer tales spun by the ‘contactes' mainly in the 1950's though not confined to just that decade. Not only were they rubbished by the mainstream UFO skeptics, they were rubbished by most nuts-and-bolts UFO researchers. At best the ‘contactees' were delusional; at worse fraudsters – though nobody was ever charged and convicted with any intent to defraud. So, are we to believe their tales of rides in flying saucers to the home abodes (like Venus and Saturn) of the angelic-like ‘Nordics' – the Space Brothers whose cosmic message preempted those of the 1960's Hippies? Probably not you'd say because the ‘contactees' were obviously delusional or fraudsters. Or, might the ‘contactees', and through them their readers, have been the victims of cosmic pranksters – our trickster ‘gods'? The ‘contactees' could easily have been relatively innocent victims of a massive hoax. You can hear the tricksters now – "ha, ha – fooled you – again". And so not to discriminate here, there are also tricksters among the various mythologies' fairyfolk that range from just slightly mischievous to downright malevolent. Depending on who or what you want to pin the blame on, well, there's a vast population of the potentially guilty to point fingers at!...

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Phenomena Magazine: December 2012 - Issue 44:

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