Phenomena Magazine - February 2012 - Issue 34

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EDITORIAL Seeing that Dave’s sub-editorial is quite large this month, mine is going to be short and sweet lol... A huge influx of investigations has descended upon UPIA over the last three weeks which required urgent response. Several of them working along side Greater Manchester Police. Amongst the mayhem we have kept a cool head and continued to construct our magazine, update our records, design several new forms and purchase some amazing equipment. We hope you enjoy our February issue and look forward to receiving new articles and feedback. Many Thanks.

SUB-EDITORIAL Well the New year has come and gone, as have the multitude of Chinese Lantern UFO reports for both that and the Chinese New year. Very pretty though they are. I still feel they need to be controlled by the government, lots of small fires and animal injuries have been caused by their over usage. The UPIA have been overrun with exotic cat reports in the UK, some images from our visits will appear in this issue. We were contacted by Greater Manchester Police to assist with sightings, and thereafter, media and local council also requested our assistance. Potential prints have been casted, and some other test results are due to be returned. To assist Phenomena Magazine, We have created a satellite site. 'The Paranormal Review' has been developed to offer a direct location where all book, DVD and equipment reviews from the world of the paranormal and its related subjects will appear. Related matter will not be the only subjects reviewed and promoted. We would also like to offer reviews for History and Archaeology as well as the paranormal sphere. Mysteries, UFO related, Cryptozoological, Exopolitics, Esoterical, Beliefs, Ancient Earth, Conspiracy theories, The Occult, Witchcraft, Demonology, Ghosts, Haunting, Poltergeists, Crop Circle Phenomena, Alien Abduction, Alien Interaction, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Time Slips, Missing Time Incidents, Secret Experiments, Secret Facilities, Spontaneous Human Combustion, Astronomy, Animal Mutilations, Spirituality, Near Death Experiences and much more.... And dont forget. The same subjects are offered in this very magazine, so lots of areas for interested authors to submit their articles.

Contents Page 2: The Shaggy Dog: A Tale From The Isle of Arran. A strange creature has been reported as looking like a abnormally large black dog, sometimes as solid as a normal looking dog, othertimes it is etheral or ghost-like. It's eyes are usually bright like lights, usually round and red like glowing embers. The creature is often reported to be the size of an adult bear or a large calf. It's fur often looks slightly shaggy or messy. By Judith Jaafar. Page 5: The Legend of Molly Leigh. Most people in North Staffordshire are aware of the legend of Molly Leigh, the Burslem witch. Many remember childhood games daring each other to recite the lines “Molly Leigh, Molly Leigh, Can’t catch me” while running round her grave in St. John’s churchyard, fearful that Molly might appear to those brave enough to recite the verse three times. Dave Sadler visits the location... Page 9: The Southampton Disappearance. Throughout my years of investigation and research I have read numerous articles in regards strange and profound disappearances, but never thought I'd be involved in such an investigation... That is until I received a surprising telephone call from a crime division police officer from Southampton UK, who claimed to be involved in an investigation in regards an odd disappearance. Steve Mera reports… Page 11: The Nights Sky. During years of investigation and research into the UFO phenomena. Countless times it has been necessary to have a reasonably good understanding of the night sky and what you can expect to see on a clear night. That is... If you can find a patch of sky in the UK where it isn’t raining. By request, this new monthly feature by Dave Sadler will give you a brief rundown what you can expect to see... Page 13: A Question of Time. It is my opinion that the UFO subject cannot be solved or explained without looking at the whole subject. It would appear that the UFO subject directly relates to other phenomena: synchronicities, dreams, symbology, psychic and other paranormal and spiritual phenomena. For those looking exclusively for a “nuts and bolts” answer to the UFO subject… I ask that you now open your minds. By Lorin Cutts. A special thanks to all our contributors. If you would like to contribute yourself, please contact Phenomena Magazine at:


Steve Mera, Dave Sadler, Richard Holland, Robert Young BSc. Lloyd Pye, Lorin Cutts, Neal Atkinson, Judith Jaafar, Matt Forde, Jackie Heighway, Kirst D’Raven, Paganmay, Louise Gray, Bella Battle, Bryan Allan & Malcolm Robinson. PHENOMENA MAGAZINE EDITOR: STEVE MERA PHENOMENA MAGAZINE ASSISTANT EDITOR: DAVE SADLER


Due to UPIA and MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / UPIA are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT / UPIA do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT & UPIA investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UPIA, MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine.

Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’.

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34

Page 19: The Bloody History of Samlesbury Hall. Nestling amid leafy boughs, a short distance from the meandering River Ribble, Samlesbury Hall stands as a reminder of England’s turbulent religious past. While the hall’s long history tells of religious persecutions, unrequited love, premeditated murder and even decapitation, its recognisable black oak and white quatrefoils now stand in mute witness to far more peaceable goings-on. By Matt Forde. Page 23: Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal? In the way-back-when of my time editing Paranormal Magazine, I jokingly coined the term ‘Spookology’ in one of my editorials. I was writing in response to a certain amount of reader confusion regarding the likes of the Owlman, Black Dogs and other weird things that inhabit the twilight world of the paranormal. In this regular feature Richard Holland will be looking deeper into Spookology... Page 25: Britain’s Most Haunted House? The Ancient Ram Inn. Is the Ancient Ram Inn in Wotton Under Edge in Gloucestershire Britain’s most haunted house? Originally the title belonged to Borley Rectory in Surrey, which was extensively investigated by early Parapsychologist Harry Price in the early 40s. The title then moved to Chingle Hall in Preston, Lancashire. But is the Ancient Ram Inn the most haunted building in Britain? Robert Young BSc. investigates...

Plus, Latest News from around the world, Advertisements, Conferences and Events, Book reviews and much more...

The Shaggy Dog: A Tale From The Isle of Arran By Judith Jaafar

It was the summer of 1969 and I was fifteen years old. We were in the place I love best in all the world, the island of Arran in the Firth of Clyde, fifty or so miles down river from Glasgow. “We” were a family of seven Glaswegians, Mum, Dad and five siblings spending the month of July in our usual haunt, Bridge Farm, a couple of miles east of the hamlet of Shiskine on the String Road. We’d been coming here for years, renting the farmhouse from Colin and Martha Currie who, along with their three children, would move out to the bothy across the yard for the duration of our stay. Our days were spent helping out on the farm, milking and herding the cattle, baling hay, digging potatoes, shooting rats in the barn, mucking out the byre, helping the local farmers with dipping and shearing the sheep, collecting eggs etc, etc. And fishing, lots of fishing. For us would-be-farmer townies it was an idyllic break, and one that was fully maximised by Colin who had a willing and happy unpaid workforce for a whole month. My lacerated fingers (from baling string) and bulging biceps were the talk of the neighbourhood, and the subject of much respect and admiration from the local youth. But something different happened that year, to me at least. I was offered a job! Mary Currie, a relative of Colin’s, and one of the landowning gentry on the island, decided she needed some weekend help in the kitchen at the local hostelry she owned, the “Shepherd’s Howff”, at Shiskine. (Howff is a phonetic rendering as I can’t remember exactly how the Gaelic word was spelled, but it means “crook”). As I was fifteen, I was legally allowed to be employed, as long as I didn’t hang about in the public bar. The pay offered was minimal, but the proposition took my fancy as I’d never been employed before and the whole idea was novel and fun. I put it to my parents and, as to be expected, they were doubtful about the whole enterprise. I was only fifteen and I didn’t need to earn any money (as they saw it), and why would I want to go and work in a pub? They were both non-drinkers and viewed drinking culture with some disdain. Much discussion and pleading ensued, assurances that I would only be in the back kitchen

Geoff Holder gives mention to similar strange incidents in his book: The Guide to Mysterious Arran.

were given, and eventually they agreed that I could try it for one night, on condition that my father or one of my older brothers would drive me there and pick me up at closing time. I had to agree to the drop-off, but in an age where there were no mobile phones, in fact there were no landlines most places either, and not at our farm, I wheedled my way into being permitted to walk home alone, because I didn’t know what time I would finish. My mother was not happy, but Dad relented and agreed, as long as I faced the oncoming traffic on my two mile walk back to the farm! Dad spoiled me, as I was the only girl and by many years the youngest of the family, whilst also sensing that now was the time for me to flex some of my bulging muscles of independence. So off I went that Friday night, brother Gerry driving me, to my first paid employ. It was a lovely evening, warm and balmy on the outward journey, and with the standing stones of Machrie Moor clearly visible. At other times, these Neolithic megaliths would be shrouded in Scottish mist for days on end. I spent an eye-opening night at the pub, my first introduction to institutionalised drinking and the leering glances of old farmers and shepherds. What fun for a young woman! I managed to escape around 10pm, and started on the longish walk home. The night was clear and starlit, vaguely light as it is in Scotland in the summer, and slightly chilly, so I donned my beige Shetland wool sweater that I’d taken with me, just in case. Being careful to walk facing the oncoming traffic (there was none), I wended my not-at-all-weary way

towards Bridge Farm, musing over the events of the evening, particularly my sight of Mary Currie dishing out garden peas onto people’s plates with her bare hands – Health and Safety eat your heart out! I was in a good and lighthearted mood, not a care in the world, and had a few shekels in my pocket. I knew all the locals and this island like the back of my hand, so was completely and utterly comfortable with my lonely journey home, just how I liked and wanted it.

This is a guide to everything supernatural, paranormal, folkloric, eccentric and, above all, mysterious that has occurred on the small, windswept isle of Arran and is a fascinating introduction to the heritage of this spectacular part of Scotland.

I was thinking what to do with this money, save it or blow it on something my Mum would thoroughly disapprove of, when I became aware, at a distant sensory level, that I suddenly had company. I looked to my left and saw a huge black dog pacing me, padding along, totally silently, in the middle of the narrow tarmac road, eyes ahead, and paying no obvious attention to me. I was startled, to say the least. I had no warning of its approach, no sound and no barking and no sight of it approaching the road via the fields on either side. I had had a bad experience with an unfamiliar dog as a young child so was always wary of them, unless it was a dog I knew well (we had our own family dog whom I loved), but my vaguely uneasy astonishment soon gave way to a strange acceptance of my unannounced travelling companion. We walked on together for some few minutes, my mind exercised about where this hound had come from, when I decided to have a really good look at this creature so I could describe it to the local farmers, in case it was a local Page 2

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The Shaggy Dog: A Tale From The Isle of Arran By Judith Jaafar

The fiery red eyes and the blood-curdling howls of ghostly Black Dogs have long haunted the pages of British literature. From Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles to the sinister Padfoot in the tales of Harry Potter, time and again nail-biting stories have been woven around the legend of mythical huge dogs. Phantom Hounds? This creature has been reported as looking like a abnormally large black dog, sometimes as solid as a normal looking dog, othertimes it is etheral or ghostlike. It's eyes are usually bright like lights, usually round and red like glowing embers. The creature is often reported to be the size of an adult bear or a large calf. It's fur often looks slightly shaggy or messy, often it appears to shimmer or glow like parts of it are on fire. It's teeth and fangs are long as well as it's claws.

phenomenon belonging to somebody. And phenomenon it was! Even at that tender age of fifteen I was already trying to rationalise. The beast was huge, and I mean huge, somewhere between the size of an Irish wolfhound and a donkey. Its back was level with my waist. I averted my gaze, knowing already, at a deep level, that there was something seriously wrong with this scenario. We walked on. Next surveillance glance I took in its coat, black and slightly long and shaggy, but shiny and almost smooth, sort of like a setter. Its ears were pricked up, however, not like a setter at all. Confusion. I had never seen a dog like this in my life, nor in any literature I’d read or pictures I’d seen. I couldn’t see its muzzle properly at this point, and was too reticent to run in front of it and have a look. At this point I stopped walking out of sheer bemusement, but strangely not fear. The dog stopped also after a few paces when it realised I was not following. When it slowly turned round to gaze back at me, I was shocked to the core. Its eyes were red, the colour of dying embers in a fire, glowing dully with no source of reflection anywhere in the environment. I was stunned and immobilised, fascinated and perplexed, but never fearful, which is strange in itself. It waited patiently until I had mustered enough gumption to start walking again. Although I wasn’t really afraid I did feel the need to get home at this point. And so we continued our journey, me wondering, and goodness knows what was in its mind. A few minutes after this mutual gazing, a car came careening round a bend at high speed, with no headlights, and on my side of the road. In the fraction of a second it took me to register what was happening, the dog had leapt across the road and softly pushed me into the verge, a ditch actually, with a little stream running through. I felt its breath on my face, not at all unpleasant but warm, and I got up soaking, alive and uninjured. The car didn’t stop. If I had disobeyed my father’s instructions, I would have been safe. We continued our journey home. I can’t begin to tell you what my feelings were at this point. This weird beast had saved my life and continued to escort me. My mind was buzzing, with road accidents and supernatural interventions. I walked the last mile in a daze, my

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

faithful companion at my side. When we reached the bridge at Bridge Farm, I turned to look at the monster hound with the glowing red eyes. I am not ashamed to admit that I thanked him for saving life and limb. I turned for a moment to look towards the lights of home, and when I looked back to say goodbye to my saviour, he had gone, as mysteriously as he’d appeared. And it was a “he”, of that I’m sure. My parents were still up, of course, and waiting for me. They had no idea of what I was about to relate. My mother’s reaction was predictable. “What a lot of nonsense, it was a local sheep dog whose reactions were swifter than yours”. Yeah, right, Mum. Sheep dogs are that huge and have glowing red eyes. Paradoxically, my mother was the most “fey” person I have ever known, and consistently denied her Highland gift (she’s a Campbell/ McEwan). That’s the subject of another story altogether. My father (of Irish stock), however, was intrigued and asked me so many questions. After a lot of ruminating, he did offer to me that I’d been in the company of a hell hound that, contrary to expectation, had been sent to assist a human, not to terrify. He decided I’d been immensely favoured, but did quiz me about whether I’d been imbibing at the pub! I most definitely wasn’t. I did work at the Shepherd’s Howff after this, but was always taken there and

collected by one of my family. I never saw my spooky canine friend again, but enquiries with the local community went something like this, “Ah, the black hound. We thought he’d died with our fathers. None of us has ever seen the beast. You’re special.” Maybe I did inherit my mother’s and father’s Celtic seeing, for this was not the only strange experience I’ve had in the west of Scotland. In June of 2011 I visited Arran again after a long number of years of absence. On our return journey my partner and I found ourselves lingering in the tourist information office at the ferry terminal in Brodick, waiting for our sailing back to the mainland at Ardrossan. My attention was caught by a cartoon postcard depicting a mythical giant who lived on Arran and who was wont to have altercations with a giant from Ulster who had envious eyes on the western isles. This Arran giant had an equally giant black dog whom he used to exercise on Machrie Moor, and whom he tied up to a ring in one of the standing stones across from Bridge Farm. I knew nothing about this legend until that day in 2011, and it fairly gave me pause (paws?) for thought.

What a strange world we really do live in...


DON’T MISS IT! A Basic Guide to the Intervention Theory of Origins of the Universe, of Life, of Hominoids, and of Humans. Version 10.20

© Lloyd Pye, 2011 This eBook is 350 pages in a large font for ease of reading on computers and hand-helds. It has 230 photos and illustrations. It contains 40,000 words. Most people read at 200 to 250 words per minute, so this will require about 3 hours. Those 3 hours will rock your worldview.

I seriously suggest reading this book. I have read many similar works which touch on this subject, but no one does it quite like Lloyd Pye. He goes to great endeavours to simplify scientific jargon and terminology. In this easy to understand version with helpful pictures, Lloyd takes you on a fascinating journey into the world of evolution, religion, humanity and that burning question we all have... ‘Where did we come from?’ Probably the most intriguing book I’ve ever read. Get your E-Book copy today! Steve Mera: Editor - Phenomena Magazine Page 4

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The Legend of Molly Leigh: The Witch of Burslem By Dave Sadler

Molly Leigh (1685– 1746) was an English woman who was accused of witchcraft, died before being tried, and had her grave disturbed following claims that she still haunted the town. Page 5

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The Legend of Molly Leigh: The Witch of Burslem By Dave Sadler

Most people in North Staffordshire are aware of the legend of Molly Leigh, the Burslem witch. Many remember childhood games daring each other to recite the lines “Molly Leigh, Molly Leigh, Can’t catch me” while running round her grave in St. John’s churchyard, fearful that Molly might appear to those brave enough to recite the verse three times. I can certainly vouch that the large, crooked tomb has a certain presence to it. Molly was born Margaret Leigh in 1685, near to the town of Burslem in North Staffordshire. The industrial revolution had yet to transform the area so Burslem was little more than a small country town, hemmed in to the North by the bleak Staffordshire Moorlands. It’s claimed that Molly was something of an oddity from birth – choosing to suckle from animals and chewing on stale bread even before her teeth had developed. She was not helped by her famed bad looks, and the early death of her parents forced her into a lonely existence on the outskirts of town, keeping the cows through which she earned a meagre living. She was a regular sight around Burslem as she delivered milk, her pet blackbird perched on her shoulder. Even before the rumours of witchcraft began Molly was subject to accusations of selling bad milk. It’s unclear precisely how and why the rumours did begin, but local people began to claim that the blackbird was a sign of witchcraft. The local Reverend Spencer did little to abate the situation by publicly claiming Molly rarely attended church – in those days a serious misdemeanour. The story goes that, angered by the Reverend’s claims, Molly sent her blackbird to spy on him at his favourite drinking haunt, The Turk’s Head. It’s alleged that when the bird appeared on the pub sign the beer turned sour and the customers suddenly developed rheumatism. What’s more, the Reverend fetched his gun and took a shot at the bird but missed. He was bedridden for days after with mysterious stomach pains. Molly’s unpopularity grew and grew, until the people of Burslem began to blame her for anything unexplained or unfortunate that happened to them. She became increasingly unwelcome in town, and apparently lived out the rest of her days in solitude aside from her pet blackbird. It was said that the bush outside her cottage, a favourite perch of the blackbird, never blossomed. She died in 1748. Molly’s death was just the beginning of a local myth. Legend has it that shortly after her burial, a group led by Reverend Spencer went to Molly’s cottage in search of the malevolent blackbird.

Looking through the grimy windows, they found no bird. Instead, they were shocked to see Molly herself sitting peacefully by the fire in her rocking chair mumbling to herself, “Weight and measure sold I never, Milk and water sold I never” Rumours of witchcraft were re-ignited and spread throughout the town. Had the townspeople of Burslem really lived all these years with a powerful witch amongst them? What would be the revenge for her ill treatment? Matters were not helped when the blackbird became a regular sight around town, pecking and harassing people and crowing into the small hours.

St. John’s Church St. John’s Church

Molly Leigh’s Cottage

According to the most popular version of the tale, the folk of Burslem soon had all they could take of the troublesome bird and Reverend Spencer decided to take action. He summoned together a group of local priests to deal with Molly once and for all. One midnight in April, they travelled to the graveyard at St. John’s with a mysterious sack. They set to the earth with shovels – it must have been an oddly amusing sight to see a group of priests toiling away like farmhands. However, holy men or no, they succeeded at the grim task of exhuming Molly’s body and drove a stake through her heart. The blackbird was grabbed from the sack and bundled, still alive, into the coffin. The lid was swiftly resealed, and then pet and owner were re-interred. It appears that the actions of the Reverend and his gang of cronies worked.

It’s natural that over time, and especially given the amount of pubs in the town, a number of different versions of such a popular tale have cropped up. However, the intriguing thing is that the legend, in any form, has endured for so long. There are no other local folk tales that seem to capture the imagination quite like Molly’s. Its legacy is visible today through Halloween dares, a play about her life, and through the claims to lineage of The 20th-century witch Sybil Leek, who claimed to be a descendant of Leigh's, and took to keeping a crow, named Mr Hotfoot Jackson, around with her, just as Leigh had done. Whether witch or victim, Molly Leigh’s story has become one of the most told in the area, and her grave a popular attraction for folklorists and dares alike.

St. Johns Church. "The old parish church, dedicated to St John the Baptist, was rebuilt of brick early in the 18th century, except the ancient stone tower, which still remains, and contains six bells, purchased about twenty years ago. The benefit is a rectory, in the patronage and incumbency of the Rev C Hebert, MA, who has a handsome rectory house at Middleport, and is also rural dean."

Molly Leigh’s Grave

There are still reports of Molly roaming Burslem, and black shades seen in the graveyard, but most versions of the story have it that her influence over the folk of Burslem ends with her reburial.

Molly’s Tomb

If anyone summons the courage to run round the grave three times, calling out to Molly then let me know... Page 6

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

Unknown Phenomena Investigation Association This blog has been developed to offer interested parties a honest and unbiased account of modern day paranormal investigation, Analysis of media reports and images and re-education regarding the likes of the 2012 reports. It is also hoped we may change the mindset of most modern day paranormal investigators, and fans of Media driven paranormal tv shows, that all is not as it seems. Natural, medical, physiological, psychological and other areas of known means can result in most reported Paranormal and UFOlogical instances PARANORMAL NEWS ON FACEBOOK


A group chronicling all news from within the paranormal world. Ghosts, UFO's, Cryptozoological, Weird and much more will be added in its particular area. Due to Facebook rules and regulations and copyright protection, all news will be added as a link with a header explaining the link. Please add all links in the correct discussion group. Feel free to invite those you feel may find this tool of use or add links themselves.

EUROPES ROSWELLA UFO CRASH IN MID WALES. On a dark winter's night in January 1983, the sleepy Welsh village of Llanilar near Aberystwyth was allegedly buzzed by a strange flying craft, which hit trees, scattered shiny metal debris over four fields and flew off apparently unaffected.

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One farmer witnessed the debris and clean up operation; one national newspaper carried the story; one civilian investigation team made it to the site; one collection of strange metallic debris remains. This is Mark Olly’s trip into the world of UFO folklore and investigation into the claims of the alleged UFO crash. My friend and colleague Mark Olly is an author, musician, historian, archaeologist and lecturer. Best known for writing and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky History Channel's popular television series "Lost Treasures." Here he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally important hidden mysteries. Dave Sadler: Phenomena Magazine




Don’t Believe, Don’t Disbelieve, Think!

The Other Sides of



Paul Kimball is one of Canada’s leading UFO and paranormal researchers, both through his work as an award-winning documentary filmmaker (2005 EBE Awards for Best UFO Film and Best Historical Documentary for Aztec: 1948, 2007 EBE award for Best Historical Documentary for Best Evidence; nominated for a total of seven other EBEs from 2005 to 2007), and as a researcher, writer, and speaker. He has appeared on television, radio (Coast to Coast, CBC Morningside, Binnall of America, Strange Days Indeed, The Paracast) and in person at conferences and symposiums in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to discuss the UFO phenomenon and the paranormal. Paul also stars with Holly Steven's in the TV series 'Ghost Cases', assisted by UPIA.

Visits Paul’s Amazing Blog Spot at:

Sight, Southern Illinois Ghost Hunting Team, was created so that we can have a better understand of what the paranormal field is all about. If your looking for answers and you want our team to investigate your location, we have the equipment to investigate Residential and small to medium commercial buildings, depending on the amount of cameras needed, we are equipped with high quality equipment and custom equipment, and we Handel any case with great professional ease. We are ready for anyone who is ready to receive answers, whether its paranormal or debunked as something that might have been missed. We guarantee to find the answers, weather is by our evidence or by locating someone who can give us the answers your looking for. Thanks for trusting Sight, with 20 years of combined experience in the paranormal field.

To contact us call 309-244-5693, or email us at, leave a detailed voice mail, or a description of what all is going on, and I or one of the team members will get back to you asap. Your safety is number one.

I had to take the painting out of storage for an interview with a TV show so I decided to once again record overnight. I recorded for six hours and along with the usual noises I recorded a smoke like mist (see link below). At first it looks like smoke rising then it suddenly seems to take another form and change direction. There is no way there could have been any smoke or mist in that room. The footage can be seen on Youtube at: The painting will be featured on the new season of William Shatner's Weird Or What.

Previously featured in Phenomena Magazine: The story of the Anguished Man Painting and the paranormal disturbances that surround it are truly fascinating and one which is most certainly worthy of further study... Steve Mera: PM Editor.

The Southampton Disappearance By Steve Mera

Throughout my years of research I have read numerous articles in regards strange and profound disappearances, but never thought I'd be involved in such an investigation... That is until I received a surprising telephone call from a crime division police officer from Southampton UK.

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The Southampton Disappearance By Steve Mera

Missing! While looking for the statistics on how many people just disappear each year around the globe, the one thing that has become apparent is the sheer disappointment and heart ache that follows. Here are some facts from the U.S. released in October 2002. 800,00 under 18 years of age 2,000 a day. 58,000 abducted by non family members, 115 victims to stereotypical kidnappings that result in ransom demands and death or the kidnapper indents to keep the child. And that’s just children, not adults. Over 200,000 adults a year disappear in the UK and Ireland that's around 550 per DAY!

I remember this very clearly... It was August 4th 2003. The telephone rang and a police officer from Southampton by the name of detective Paul Ronson asked if I could assist with a rather peculiar investigation. He did not want to go into detail over the phone so I arranged to meet up with him to discuss the case. A few days later I came face to face with Officer Ronson who informed of the peculiarities of this particular investigation… Michelle Richards, her husband Paul and 5 month old child, Thomas lived a a three bedroom house on a relatively new housing estate about three miles out of Southamton town center. Paul Richards, an office worker had just got his new company car. A Rover, and it was in green... his favourite colour. Paul was generally a man of habit and every other Friday he would go out with his friends to a local public house. Paul had finished work on this particular Friday, got in around 5.45pm, had his tea and went upstairs to get changed. He was to leave his house around 7.30pm so to meet up with his friends. He was particularly excited as he was going to show off his new company car for the first time. Paul rushed upstairs to get ready whilst his wife Michelle was left to clear the kitchen and put the pots away. Around 15 minutes later, Michelle had cleaned up and was making herself a cup of coffee in the kitchen when she realised that Paul had been upstairs a while. She thought to herself, had Paul gone out without saying goodbye? Michelle walked to the bottom of the stairs and listened... It was completely quiet. Thomas was asleep in the lounge and no noise was coming from upstairs. Michelle shouted out for Paul, but there was no answer. She looked around and could clearly see Paul's new company car sat outside the house. Surely he must still be in Michelle thought.

probably playing a joke and wait for him to get in. Michelle did just that.

She waited... and waited... expecting Paul in at around 10.30pm... but it was now 11.15pm, and still no sign of him. Michelle rang her mother back. She was now becoming a little panicked. Michelle's mother told her to calm down and to wait a little longer. Michelle waited until 12.40pm before ringing her mother back. She was now concerned and considered ringing the police. Michelle's mother agreed. At approximately 1.10am Michelle rang the police and reported her husband missing. The desk officer took some notes but informed Michelle that her husband would have to have been missing over a day before they officially would log a missing persons report. Michelle was upset and agreed to ring the police back weather or not her husband turned up. Michelle spent the best part of the early morning talking with her family… The following day, Paul had still not turned up. Michelle's mother had called round to see her and waited till 8.30pm before ringing the police herself. It was arranged that a police officer will attend the home in the morning to collect a statement. It was now Sunday morning. Officer Steven's attended the family home and obtained a statement…

Over the following three weeks Michelle was visited numerous times by police officers and questioned. The police had even considered foul play carried out by Michelle herself. An official missing persons was now logged. Michelle was beside herself, upset and distraught. Time went on... and on a Monday, exactly three weeks and three days later, Michelle was cooking food in the kitchen around 7.48pm when she heard a bang come from upstairs. She listened quietly and could clearly hear someone milling about upstairs. She reluctantly walked to the bottom of the stairs and shouted out 'Who's up there?'. Then what she heard completely amazed her... A voice replied, 'It's just me, shutting the cupboard doors'. Michelle recognised the voice immediately. It was Paul's. She ran, stumbling up the stairs, ran into the bedroom and saw Paul standing there with his brush in his hands.

She flung her arms around him, crying and sobbing. 'What's wrong? What's happened'? Asked Paul. Michelle replied 'Where have you been?' 'What you talking about, I'm just getting dressed?' said Paul. Michelle tried her best to explain that he had been missing for over three weeks. Paul refused to believe her and thought she was joking. In fact, it took over a day for Paul to be fully convinced her had somehow mysteriously disappeared and had no recollection of what had happened to him in the time he was missing...

Michelle shouted up for Paul again, but there was silence... Michelle decided to go up and investigate. She walked into their bedroom and immediately noticed Paul's car keys on the side of the dressing unit. There was no sign of Paul, nor any evidence to suggest he had got changed. She called out to Paul again, shouting 'You dare bloody jump out on me and you've had it'. She searched the upstairs expecting Paul to jump out at her. But there was no sign of him. Puzzled, she went back downstairs to look around for him. He was clearly not in the house or garden. Michelle thought it was strange. If Paul had gone out, he had not got changed, not taken his new car, not taken his keys with him, and never said goodbye. Strange… Michelle telephoned her mother who only lived around the corner from her. She told her what had happened, but Michelle's mother told her that Paul was Page 10

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The Southampton Disappearance By Steve Mera

Police attended the home and after interviewing Paul and Michelle again were perplexed. One officer even explained that it was a criminal offence to waste police time and resources, indicating that he did not believe their story. As far as Paul was concerned, he had gone upstairs to get changed, got some clothes out of the wardrobe, shut the doors and grabbed his hairbrush when Michelle shouted out to him 'Who's up there'? It was all so very confusing... Paul had no idea that he had been missing, for him, there simply was no missing time... The police report was eventually closed with no explanation or conclusion met…

Another missing persons report was filed and the old case file once again became active. Michelle has gone under several forms of questioning in regards wasting police time and suspicion has fallen onto her in regards playing jokes. The thing is... THIS TIME... PAUL DID NOT RETURN!!!

Now... By an odd twist of fate, the report was placed in a file, presumed never to be opened again. But that was not the case. Nine months later, the police station received another telephone call from Michelle. Crying and sobbing on the phone, she said 'It's Happened Again'! Michelle had once again been cleaning up after tea and Paul had gone upstairs to get changed, but after several minutes Michelle heard nothing but silence. She went to the bottom of the stairs and shouted up to Paul. Once again she was met with a chilling silence... Just as last time, Paul's keys were on the dressing table, he had not changed clothes and again HE WAS GONE!!!

When asked Michelle states, if he should suddenly turn up, I'm just gonna grab a few things and were are not stepping in this house again. The police report sat on a shelf for a number of years as an unknown, and due to auditors the police officer in charge was asked to conclude, and at this point decided to seek alternative assistance. Unfortunately, I was unable to provide any relevant information. The house was no different than many others.

To date, Michelle still lives in that three bedroom house. It now almost been 9 years, and Paul has not returned. Michelle's mother has asked her to move in with her, but Michelle refuses to leave the family home. Just in case Paul comes back.

None of the equipment I brought in gave any unusual readings. Just as the police, I could find no reason to think there was foul play nor a joke being played on the police. Psychological assessment of Michelle and her mother indicated a real trauma, which would suggest she and her family members were telling the truth. Many believe such experiences to be UFO related, however neither Michelle nor her husband had ever seen a UFO or had any associated experiences. For now, the case still remains unsolved and Michelle, still sits there every night in hope and anticipation of her husband finally re-appearing...

Missing. The American tourist who went missing for four days in Glencolmcille has told gardai she has no idea what happened to her. Kelly Jones (41), who is originally from Texas but lives and works in Charleston, South Carolina went missing from a hostel in Malinmore in September 2011. The mystery was never solved...

Special Thanks to Sky Watcher:


The Night Sky - February 2012 - By Dave Sadler The Moon: First quarter 31/01/2012 04:10 / Full Moon 07/02/2012 21:54 / Last quarter 14/02/2012 17:04 / New Moon 21/02/2012 22:35 First quarter 01/03/2012 01:22 / The crescent Moon passes close by the Pleiades on the 1st of the month. The Planets on 1 s t February 2012 Sun Mercury Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Rise: 0753 0801 0913 1054 2021 1019 0003 0927 / Transit: 1221 1206 1455 1912 0303 1725 0517 1530 Set: 1649 1612 2038 0236 0941 0035 1031 2133 In Summary: Mercury will be in conjunction with the sun and not visible this month. Venus will be an evening object setting some 4 hours after the Sun. Mars will be visible all night. Jupiter will be visible for the first half of the night. Saturn will be a morning object. Planetary Conjunctions: At the end of February a series of conjunctions takes place between the Moon, Jupiter and Venus, starting from the 25th of February and continuing until 26th March , Firstly, the Moon will pass close by Venus on the 25th of February and then catch up Jupiter on the 26th/27th of February... Then, in March, Venus will start to close in on Jupiter in readiness for a close approach on the 11th and 12th of March. Finally on the 25th of March a crescent Moon catches up with Jupiter and then passes very close to Venus on the 26th of March. The Stars at 8pm GMT on 1 s t February 2012: North – Cepheus, Draco and the two bears are nicely placed. East – Gemini, Cancer and Leo are nicely placed for viewing. Orion is in the south-east. South – Perseus, Taurus, Orion and Canis Major are all nicely placed for viewing West – Perseus is high up with Pegasus and Andromeda nicely placed. Venus can be seen low in the west near the Circlet of Pisces – on the border with Aquarius. Meteors: There are no major meteor shower in February.

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Beyond Best Evidence: The UFO Enigma is a feature-length documentary that will take the cases shown in Best Evidence, as well as a couple of new ones that highlight what appear to be some of the more "high strangeness" aspects of the phenomenon, and explore with the three key possible explanations with world's leading experts on the subject, as follows: 1. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings represent proof of visitation to Earth by advanced extraterrestrials from another world, most likely within what proponents term of "local galactic neighbourhood." 2. Interdimensional Hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO sightings involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that co-exist alongside our own. It also holds that UFOs are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural forces and creatures. 3. Psychosocial hypothesis - This explanation maintains that UFO Sightings can be explained by psychological or social means, examples of which include wishful thinking, hallucinations, hoaxes, and misidentification of prosaic objects, such as satellites, aircraft, or natural phenomena. To learn how you can help and more information, visit: Many Thanks, Paul Kimball.

Formed originally from an amalgamation of regional UFO societies and individuals, our subject encompasses history, archives, investigations and research and is well known across the U.K. and also internationally. BUFORA works with other organisations which share a similar ethos and approach to investigations and research. Interested in becoming a paranormal investigator...? It seems this subject is quickly becoming one of the most recognised pastimes in the UK. A thorough and in depth look at the subject of paranormal investigation, collecting data, interviewing techniques, on site surveying and environmental tests, administration and report forms, analysis, using equipment in the right manner, the scientific approach and parapsychology. You can find out all this and much more in: THE PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS HANDBOOK

We seek the facts through a scientific and factually evaluative approach and our fully trained team of investigators are required to pass a thorough course in all types of sightings, whether it is lights in the sky, vehicle effects or high strangeness cases. IF YOUR INTERESTED IN UFOs THEN THIS IS THE PLACE TO VISIT:

Steve Mera takes you on another journey into the world of the Strange and Profound. This book contains a number of investigations Stephen has carried out as well as concise information pertaining to investigation techniques and details of some of the many things that have been reported to him throughout 25 years of investigating... Available at for just ÂŁ6.95



In each issue of Paranormal Magazine, we hope to bring you examples of such phenomena at work and even more besides. If we can supply possible answers, we will, so stay with us because the journey may prove to be all you ever hoped for.


A Question of Time By Lorin Cutts

It is my opinion that the UFO subject cannot be solved or explained without looking at all of the experiences of UFO witnesses and contactees, no matter how seemingly unexplainable or bizarre.

LORIN CUTTS British UFO researcher Lorin Cutts became fascinated with the subject after his first encounter in Portugal in 1993. After returning to the UK he began to accumulate as many books on the subject as he could, and spent days photocopying every back issue of “Flying Saucer Review” at the Imperial College Library in London. On the advice of FSR editor, Gordon Creighton, Lorin began investigating some of the UK’s most intriguing multiple witness sightings.

It would certainly appear that the UFO subject directly relates to other phenomena: synchronicities, dreams, symbology, psychic and other paranormal and spiritual phenomena. For those looking exclusively for a “nuts and bolts” answer to the UFO subject… I ask that you now open your minds. No matter how hard civilian researchers have tried, we are hardly any further down the road than we were in 1947 in terms of trying to find detailed answers to the UFO subject. Sure, we know with certainty that there is a legitimate phenomenon present, but beyond that, what else do we really know for sure? Only, perhaps, that nothing is as it seems. Towards the end of his life the godfather of modern ufology himself, Dr J. Allen Hynek, talked of the need to put on one’s “spiritual glasses” in order to solve the UFO problem. One thing we do have is a large number of eyewitnesses working to interpret and make sense of highly unusual encounters and experiences, and sometimes these experiences are so far from the Hollywood standard as to seem ridiculous. Are we to simply discount those witnesses whose experiences do not fit neatly into our pigeon-holed, preconceived ideas about what this subject should be about? Do you think that if I were going to make up a tale of alien* contact, I would choose to tell you about a small grey dog turning into a grey being? No! I am highly aware of just how crazy that makes me sound. I would have done anything to have a pretty spaceship with multi-coloured lights descend and take me aboard, something comparatively easy for people to wrap their heads around. After all, that is how “alien” contact is SUPPOSED to be, right? Well, in my experience and from my research of others, it rarely is. Talk to many lifetime UFO experiencers and they may have had a few of those stereotypical scenarios – bright lights through the window, then surrounded by beings before finally being whisked aboard a craft etc. – but often these account for only a small percentage of the paranormal experiences they have throughout their lives. So are we to simply discount and ignore the more nonsensical and way-out accounts? Definitely not, because within these accounts may well lie the information and clues to Page 13

bring this subject – and all of us – into the 21st century. Please note, that whenever I refer to “alien” – I do not automatically assume that these beings or representations of beings necessarily come from other planets or outer-space. I thought I’d start out with a subject that is a little light-hearted. Of course anything to do with high strangeness – or indeed UFOs in general – is rarely easygoing and inevitably leads to further questions, not just about the UFO subject but often fundamental questions about the nature of the universe and our place within it. A few months after I began to work with lifetime UFO/alien experiencers and attempted to make sense of their stories and experiences, something strange started happening to me.

As I began to research this phenomenon, I was intrigued to find that it had happened to other UFO researchers and experiencers. Greg Bishop of the UFO Mystic blog experienced a similar experience the night before interviewing the late Karla Turner, PhD, back in 1994. Karla was a tireless researcher of the abduction phenomena in the 1990’s, and her untimely death was a great loss to our subject. Greg wrote: “One experience made me wonder about not just Turner herself, but the whole subject of abductions in general. On the night before our interview, I woke up four or five times: at 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc. This is the only time this has happened in my life. Turner and others later told me that this was a little-known experience of many who had claimed anomalous interludes with the UFO phenomenon”.

This started creeping into my conscious awareness during the summer of 2011 when I realized that I was waking up at the same time every few nights. I’d stir, look at my phone, and notice it was 3:33. As the days went on, I became aware that I was also looking at the clock during the day to see it was 3:33 in the afternoon. Over several weeks, I made mental notes as to how often – and when – I was looking at clocks wherever I went. I worked out that roughly 80% of the time I was checking a clock or my phone to see that the time was made up of the same numbers – 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, etc. About 10% of the time I checked the time when the clocks showed 12:34, 3:45. 4:56; the remaining 10% of the time, the numbers were different and non-sequential.

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The late Karla Turner PhD Slightly concerned by this, I actually took a few days off from my UFO work to process this information. My next port of call was our best friend/ enemy – Google. Well lo and behold, many other people appeared to be having this experience – and not just us crazy

Lorin’s first major investigation was the Wash Incident from 1995, one of the UK’s little known UFO gems. This case included multiple military and police witnesses, multiple radar returns, and coastguard and civilian flight witnesses. Lorin was able to obtain witness statements from the police and radio transcripts before the inevitable information embargo was enacted. By the time the usual excuses were wheeled out by the authorities in charge, Lorin was already faxing his research off to UFO magazines.

A Question of Time By Lorin Cutts

LORIN CUTTS In 1996 Lorin was lucky enough to arrive at the Julia Set crop formation opposite Stonehenge within hours of its creation. This was to have a lasting and profound effect on Lorin and he moved to that area of England the following year, where many more interesting UFO experiences ensued. Ten years later he moved to another UFO hotspot, Sonora, California, and once again he was back in the thick of the action. This provided the catalyst to spearhead him into serious UFO research and writing on the subject.

UFO people. In true internet fashion, it was being attributed to everything from demonic possession to guardian angels wanting to speak with us, and all points in between. My own experiences with this ebbed and flowed. I’d have a week without it, then a week where it was beyond ridiculous. It was also happening to my housemate, in fact it started happening to her before it had started with me. She’d wake up in the middle of the night and see the digital clock was at 3:33. This happened over and over and even affected one of my dogs, Lucy. Normally Lucy was calm throughout the night, but on one particular night she whined to go out. This was highly unusual. My housemate got up to open the door to the backyard thinking duty needed to be done, but Lucy just looked up at the night sky for several minutes and then came back in. As my housemate climbed into bed she noticed that time again. 3:33 Both my housemate and I would also wake up needing the bathroom at the same time, only to find it was again that time. Just as my sanity was beginning to crack, something else happened.

Lucy At the time I was working on-call for the railroad. The phone rang in the middle of the night and I took my call, only to be told by the dispatcher that my on duty time was 03:33. I arrived at work to find that my paperwork had been issued by the dispatcher at 03:33 (this is the only time that my paperwork has ever been issued at the same time as my call time – one of our duties is to check the time stamp on the paperwork). Fast forward to the end of my trip. I walked into my hotel room to see the bedside clock proudly displaying – yes, you guessed it 3:33 pm. What the hell was happening to me? It was like I was trapped in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Was Rod Serling about to appear out of the closet and say something smoothly cool and mysterious? I needed something – anything – to break the tension.

Rod Serling of The Twilight Zone. I went to bed, but I was restless and eventually just got up to think, trying to make sense of it all. I decided that if it happened again that night when I was called for my train home, then I would probably need institutionalizing. I went to sleep, shutting my eyes almost in fear. I eventually got to sleep, but not without a lot of brain traffic as I processed my new found reality. A few hours later I gained consciousness but dared not open my eyes right away. I turned to face the place where the digital clock sat on the cabinet and slowly began to squint my eyes open. There in front of me were the large red numbers.

Suzanne Chancellor is a Los Angeles based lifetime UFO abductee/ experiencer/contactee and former manager of rock bands. In fact, in a double synchronicity, Suzanne actually used to manage one of my favourite bands of all time, The Alarm (see how this all works?). Suzanne told me that her last experience with “alien” beings had occurred in July 2011 and started with her eyes opening to see her digital clock displaying 3:33! She then turned towards the doorway of her bedroom and there in the doorway stood three typical, small, grey beings. The experience was the most recent of many she has had with various entities and her story is fascinating and varied. What is particularly interesting to me about Suzanne’s case is that she has never undergone hypnotic regression, therefore all of Suzanne’s accounts are from conscious memory – and free of any possible contamination by this highly controversial practice. This particular experience wasn’t stressful or lengthy and the intruders soon vanished into thin air.

1:11 I laid back on the bed and nervously contemplated the situation. It was like I was being played with like a lab rat in a cage. But by whom? What? How did this come to be? And why me? But I still had to get past 3:33 yet. I waited nervously for the call. Eventually the phone rang and I knew that if I was told to go to work at that time, I was pretty much done for… at least as far as my sanity was concerned. After staring at the phone as it rang a few times, I bit the bullet and picked up. The robotic voice of the autocaller began its monotone, inhuman message. “You are called to work the IG4SE (miscellaneous train symbol) at 03:32 hours… have a safe day”. I had to laugh. Hysterically. I had felt so close to breaking point. I didn’t want to be the victim of this cosmic joke any longer, so “they” had spared me… at least for now. Is this how the edge of sanity felt? I returned home and began to think about it less and less. It kept appearing and disappearing, ebbing and flowing. During this time of relative calm I discovered that one of the very experiencers I’d been working with had something highly relevant to add to all this.

Suzanne Chancellor. I thought about the time synchronicity over and over. I began asking questions about how this could possibly happen. Was this something interacting with our reality, our consciousness, the very fabric of our time? Was it the universe telling me something meaningful? Communicating with me? Or was this just life, the way the universe operates and – in the grand scheme of things – ultimately meaningless? A simple coincidence? After all, are we not programmed to look for patterns in things as part of some innate survival instinct? Wasn’t part of the human condition to search for meaning in things, no matter how small or trivial? I thought about the widespread phenomenon I’m sure a lot of us are aware of: waking a few seconds before ones alarm goes off. Is part of our subconscious mind aware of time and clocks and our need to wake at certain times, even when we are asleep? Was it possible that I was subconsciously training myself to look at the clock at these times? Perhaps there Page 14

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A Question of Time By Lorin Cutts

was a relatively rational explanation to all of this somewhere in the mystery of our minds.

but a very, very rewarding walk, to listen where languages are not talked and verbalization is not used”.

But I couldn’t completely let go of the idea there was some significance here. For the past two years I have been working on “The Lockheed Conundrum” – a UFO related article regarding the Lockheed Martin organization. For various reasons, it is now highly unlikely that this will ever see the light of day, but I’d like to take a look at a few things regarding former employees of Lockheed that makes for interesting reading and may be relevant here. The late Ben Rich was the former director of Lockheed’s infamous and highly secretive Skunk Works. In a supposed death bed revelation reported in the MUFON Journal by NASA systems analyst, Tom Keller, Rich supposedly blew the whistle on quite a few top secret subjects during his eleventh hour. When asked how UFO propulsion worked, Rich said “let me ask you this, how does ESP work?”. The questioner then answered “all points in time and space are connected?” to which Rich added “that’s how it works”. Rich is also quoted as saying “Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” In isolation this second, third, fourth or more hand account doesn’t seem so significant, but it becomes more interesting when we take into consideration the remarks of a couple of other Lockheed employees.

made up of consciousness that we interact with? Or is this some external influence on our consciousness and reality? Considering how little we really know about our universe and how our brains work, I think it would be sensible to keep an open mind. My time synchronicities continue to ebb and flow. As I wrote this article my housemate came into my studio to tell me that she looked at the clock for the first time since getting home from work at 4:44. Yesterday I can claim to have looked at the clock at 11:10, only to see it instantly change to 11:11; then at 2:21, only to see it change that next second to 2:22; then at 2:34 and finally – of course! – at 3:33.

John D. Riley. John D. Riley runs Zero Point Research in Santa Monica, Los Angeles. I first came across John’s name while talking with James Gilliland at ECETI. John recently confirmed to me that he had indeed been with Lockheed, where he had worked with “special technology”. Curiously, John now posts a love heart to all of his Facebook friends daily, at 11:11 each morning and most evenings. In fact the love heart is positioned just so: 11♥11. When I asked John about my experiences and why he posts his love heart and numbers at that time, his reply was as ambiguous as Bushman’s quote before him. “I post for the same reason as to why you see those numbers. The first step the guardian numbers are here for us is to look deeper and to become aware of what is. Shifting consciousness and realization allows life to be amazing and yes… true Love reveals.”

But now, far from seeing this as something sinister, I choose to see this as life affirming, proof positive that I am awake and alive and experiencing the wonders of the here and now, quite literally. Am I being allowed to glimpse a hint that there is more to life than what we see in front of us? And isn’t this exactly how the UFO subject operates? Staying on the periphery of our vision and displaying a calm subtlety, yet giving us enough to question and wonder about our world, our universe, and what exactly is behind the thin veil of our reality? In one final act of cosmic comedy seemingly tailor made for this article, my housemate poked her head into my studio during the final hour of completing this article to tell me something. Last night she had a dream that there was something wrong with her bedside clock – the clock that has formed the centerpiece for much of this article. She awoke in the night with a start, only to see her digital clock displaying, for the first time ever, a non-existent time: 18:68

So let’s join the dots. Taken at face value, it doesn’t take a rocket-scientist (no pun intended) to work out that something potentially amazing may be happening at Lockheed, and most likely within quantum physics. Will we all have the last laugh and find the mighty men of the military-industrial complex war machine figuratively putting flowers in their own guns? Boyd Bushman. Boyd Bushman is another Lockheed old timer who now talks more like a new age hippy with a PhD than someone who worked on top secret black projects for the military-industrial establishment. To quote Bushman: “What we always have to do.. is walk.. kind of a lonely walk… Page 15

Is it possible that the universe – far from being the complex and confusing place that we assume it to be – is really quite simple? Is everything simply energy vibrating at varying frequencies? Is it possible that our consciousness interacts with the universe in ways we have yet to understand? Is the universe actually

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The clock no longer keeps time... Find Lorin Cutts’s writing in UFO magazines and websites including: UFO Matrix Magazine, Phenomena Magazine, UN-X Magazine, UFO Reality Magazine,, and many more.

LORIN CUTTS In 2006 Lorin developed tinnitus. Western medicine couldn’t provide any relief for his condition, so he turned to frequency healing as both a personal interest and as a way of alleviating the ringing in his ears. Having trained as a sound engineer this path seemed the perfect way of blending his interest in sound with his love of more esoteric subjects. Now based in Portland, Oregon, Lorin splits his time between music production, writing, researching UFOs and frequency healing. He has spent the last few years specializing in high strangeness UFO related reports and, more recently, lifetime “alien” abduction/ contactee cases. He is currently writing two books on the UFO subject “None Of The Above”, and “Unearthly Child: The Brigitte Barclay Story” with foreword and additional research by Nick Pope. Lorin is an executive partner of Eyewitness Radio and hosts the monthly “High Strangeness” show there. He is currently developing several TV projects relating to the UFO subject in the USA.

Close Encounters? Six UFOs are snapped just 30 miles apart in Kent & Essex. Mystery ... bright lights in sky over the road. Could mystery lights be a UFO?

CREEPY video taken from the dashboard of a mountain rescue car shows lights in the sky

By Louise Gray DNA tests to solve big cat mystery find a fox. DNA tests commissioned by the National Trust to find once and for all if there is a big cat on the prowl in Gloucestershire have confirmed it is a fox. Even after the DNA tests came back negative, experts insist there could be big cats in Britain. The tests on saliva found on two deer carcasses were carried out by the University of Warwick and followed closely by conspiracy theorists around the country, who insist that big cats have been breeding in the wild since the 1970s when they were released from private zoos. However the extensive tests found that both carcasses, found near Woodchester Park, had been eaten by a fox, or possibly a dog. The roe deer, which showed puncture parks on the neck, could have even been brought down by a large fox, prompting questions about the nature of the new canine ‘beast of Woodchester’. Dr. Robin Allaby, Associate Professor at the School of Life Sciences, took 45 samples in total from the wounds of the deer carcasses and carried out hundreds of tests.

By Ryan Sabey: Published: 17 Jan 2012

“We did not detect cat DNA on either deer carcass,” he said. “Other than deer, by far the strongest genetic signal we found... was from a fox." John Bryant, an expert on foxes, said even a large fox could not have brought down a fully grown deer. He said it was much more likely both deer were killed or injured by dogs and then the meat scavenged by foxes. David Armstrong, Head Ranger for the National Trust in Gloucestershire, said people were never scared of the big cat and many remained convinced that there is an “interesting” creature in the wood,.

SIX suspected UFOs were captured in these two astonishing snaps taken in neighbouring counties. The sightings — looking remarkably similar — were just 30 miles apart in the UK's UFO hotspot. Close encounter No1 came in Chatham, KENT, ten days ago at 1pm as Ernestas Griksas, 21, snapped a cherry-picker outside his window.

“The story of the investigation of the dead deer has really sparked off local curiosity with a lot of people coming out to Woodchester Park to explore. People love a mystery like this and although we haven’t found a wild cat, many of our visitors clearly believe there might be something interesting living quietly hidden in Woodchester.” Rick Minter, author of a new book on big cats reported in Britain, insisted there is still plenty of evidence of big cats through sightings, photographs and even video and the hunt is not over yet. "We should not be complacent about possible big cats in the UK, but considering these animals living secretly in our landscape can fire people's imaginations and help us consider all of the wild nature around us. Our outdoors can still hold surprises - maybe." Big cat Britain: the sightings. A flurry of sightings of big cats emerged after the Dangerous Wild Animals Act of 1976 made it illegal to keep untamed pets. Many owners of exotic cats such as pumas or lynx simply freed their untamed pets into the countryside. Here is a round up sightings: Hazel Grove, Manchester February 2012. Kent ... Saturday 1300hrs When he looked at the pic afterwards he spotted strange objects in the sky. He said: "There are two white discs I can't explain. I'm nowhere near a flightpath. One is slightly fainter as if it is further away or going at a different speed." Close encounter No2 was last Friday at 7am when car salesman Josh Cummins spotted four bright objects hovering in pairs as he drove to work through Loughton, ESSEX. Josh, 21, said: "I nearly crashed. I stopped to take this picture with my mobile. It was like the UFOs were surfing the clouds. They were there for 15 seconds then vanished. "I wasn't a believer in UFOs but this made me think again." Expert Nick Pope said: "The South East is now the hotspot for UFO sightings." MAPIT and UPIA members Steve Mera and Jackie Heighway conducted preliminary analysis on both photographs and concluded that photograph 1 at the top of the page was taken through a double glazed window with indoor lights reflecting in the glass, thus the reason the alleged UFOs are not centre to the photo, obviously not seen at the time and the reason for the photograph was so to take a snap of a beautiful red sky. As for the second photograph., further analysis suggested a possible hoax, constructed to give more relevance to the first photograph. Such a photo could easily have been manipulated. Very coincidental seeing that the two photos were taken miles apart.

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Semi-retired businessman Peter Jackson told the Manchester Evening News that he had spotted the ‘mountain lion’ type creature in the back garden of his Longnor Road home. The 54-year-old was woken by the barking of his pet dog on January 16 and spotted what he described as a ‘large black cat’. Police later issued a warning saying that anyone seeing it should not approach it. Jean Bruckshaw, 80, of Grendale Avenue, contacted us to say she had seen the cat the day before Mr Jackson. She said: “At the time I was washing the dishes and looked out of the back window and saw a large black cat prowling in a neighbour’s garden. “ It had a big tail similar to a fox but not a brushy one, and I can say I have never seen such a huge cat before. “My neighbour also said that she had seen it.” Mrs Bruckshaw said she thought the cat made its escape onto a railway embankment behind her street. The UPIA have been working with Greater Manchester Police in regards a number of large cat sightings not only in Hazel Grove, but other locations throughout the Stockport area. Details of forensic findings will be revealed at a later date due to data protection. Principle investigator Kirst D’Raven.

Mystery 'marbles' fall from sky in Dorset

Demolition Team Spot Ghost? Bizarre ... Steve Hornsby, 61, shows one of the 'marble-like' balls that fell on him in Bournemouth. By Bella Battle : Published: 30 Jan 2012. A STUNNED Dorset man was forced to run for cover when bizarre blue balls — that looked like MARBLES — began falling from the sky. Steve Hornsby, 61, was walking to his garage last Thursday when the sky turned a peculiar dark yellow colour. A freak hail storm then hit and he rushed to shelter under the eaves. Only after the intense downpour had finished did he notice the odd, silicone-like balls that had dropped on to his lawn in Bournemouth. The transparent, marblesized objects had a blue tinge and were too slippery to pick up by hand so Steve scooped some into a jar for a closer look. He estimated that about 20 had come down and while most were broken some remained intact. Each one is about an inch across and no one has any explanation as to what they are. Steve believes they are some sort of pollution in the atmosphere that blew across from the continent. A scientist at his local university suggested they may be eggs that were taken from the sea by a bird that dropped them over Steve's house in the hail storm. Mystery ... the jelly-like balls do not melt like hailstones.

January 27th 2012 A team of demolition workers has discovered a ghostly image while knocking down a former boarding house. They were destroying an old property in Kendal, when they noticed something strange lurking in one of the windows. Demolition worker, Robert Johnson said: "We take photographs of buildings before we demolish them, this was just a routine picture." Son of the former landlady, David Grimshaw, believes the image is that of his late mother.

UFO Chase over Kent?

But this seems unlikely as they are transparent and there are no signs of eggs or an embryo inside. Steve, an aircraft engineer, said: "I was just about to pop into the garage to get some logs for the fire when the sky went very dark and then a strange yellow colour. "There was then a short, sharp hail storm that lasted for about 20 seconds. "I rushed to stand by the wall out of the way and it was all over very quickly. I had seen the hail come down and it looked like rock salt. "But then I spotted something on the lawn and it looked like broken glass and I thought it must be the kids. "But then I put my foot on it and it disappeared and I thought it was strange. Then I looked around and there were lots of others. Strangely beautiful ... Steve scooped up the 'marbles' where they fell in his garden…? "They were definitely not there before the storm. They are circular and must have broken on impact. "They were almost impossible to pick up, they were very jelly-like. I had to get a spoon and flick them into a jam jar. They had an exterior shell with a soft inside. "They only landed in our garden in an area of a couple of hundred square metres. I've checked the neighbours' gardens. "It is the most peculiar thing I have ever seen there must be about 20 complete spheres. "They don't smell and they don't float. I've been an aircraft engineer for many years and I've never seen anything like it. "I thought it could have been some kind of atmospheric pollution like a chemical that has been released into the atmosphere, got sucked into a storm cloud and solidified and then released in droplets with the hail stones. "The winds that day were blowing from the east. "Ideally I'd like to get them chemically analysed to find out what they consist of." The Met Office has said the jelly-like substance was "not meteorological". MAPIT Response: There have been numerous unusual falls from the skies over the years. Some of which have been termed Star Jelly. An apparent jelly type substance, sometimes tinged in colour, often with a potent odour of Sulphur, rarely seen to fall from the sky. It is presumed to be meteorological in nature, some believe extraterrestrial in make-up. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be enough evidence to suggest this is fact, but there have been some rather fascinating cases throughout the world. As for the globular anomalies that allegedly fell in Bournemouth, we believe there could very well be a rational explanation. For now… they remain a mystery...

North Kent -- Rachel Hovenden writes, People have reported seeing UFOs in the sky after hearing fighter jets flying above north Kent at the weekend. People across Gravesend and Dartford reported hearing the low-flying fighter jets on January 27, 2012, apparently chasing UFOs with bright lights. Adrian and Jessica, from Istead Rise reported, It was moving in an unusual pattern (unlike conventional aircraft) and did a tight abrupt circle before shooting off in such a fast fashion that the two jets that appeared were too late to catch up with it." Matt, from Dartford, also posted, saying: "I see LOTS around 50. What appeared to be bright lights / stars, at first glance in the sky? "We looked out on the patio toward the sky and saw a reddy orange shaped object (which was very low in the sky) and was an oval shape but quite large. An as yet unconfirmed is that it was an RAF training exercise Page 18

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

Ghosts and Murder: The Bloody History of Samlesbury Hall. By Matt Forde.

Nestling amid leafy boughs, a short distance from the meandering waters of the River Ribble, Samlesbury Hall stands as a reminder of England’s turbulent religious past. While the hall’s long history tells of religious persecutions, unrequited love, premeditated murder and even decapitation, its recognisable black oak and white quatrefoils thankfully now stand in mute witness to far more peaceable goings-on... Page 19

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

Ghosts and Murder: The Bloody History of Samlesbury Hall. By Matt Forde.

Samlesbury Hall is an historic house in Samlesbury, a village in Lancashire, England. It was built in 1325 by Gilbert de Southworth (1270) and was the primary home of the Southworth Family until the early 1600s. Samlesbury Hall was built possibly to replace an earlier building destroyed during a raid by the Scots in 1322. The Hall has been many things in its past including a public house and girls boarding school, but since 1925, when it was saved from being demolished for its timber, it has been administered by a registered charitable trust, the Samlesbury Hall Trust. This Grade I listed medieval manor house attracts over 50,000 visitors each year. The Hall was built with its solar end windows facing east, as was the practice. When the chapel was constructed 140 years later, it too was built to face east. However, when the chapel was connected to the main hall a further 60 years later, the angle of connection was less than 90° because of the solstice change in the sun's position over the years.

A dwelling of some kind has existed on the current hall’s site since at least the early 1300s, and large sections of the existing house date back to the 1400s when the site was the residence of the Southworth family. The Southworths prospered for many years, winning favour for military service under various kings of England and fighting at such great battles as Agincourt.

As soon as young de Hoghton arrived, Dorothy's murderous sibling sprang forth from his hiding place and killed her lover on the spot along with his two retainers. The trio of corpses were hastily buried under the cover of darkness within the grounds of the Hall’s chapel. Dorothy witnessed her lover’s violent death. Legend says that she was inconsolable and had to be sent to a convent overseas where she descended into grief-fuelled madness.

But their happy days were destined to fall by the wayside when the protestant Elizabeth I assumed the throne in 1558. Being staunch Catholics, the Southworths refused to abandon their faith and so began many years of discomfort and hardship. They endeavoured to keep their worship a clandestine affair, with secret Masses taking place in the surrounding woods and the installation of at least three priest holes around the house by the diminutive Nicholas Owen. Owen found a degree of fame as a builder of ingenious priest holes and, despite taking precautions (such as working alone at night), he himself was arrested in early 1606 after four days without food or water spent in one of his own constructions.

Sources state that three bodies were unearthed in the late 1800s when a "land drain or road works necessitated excavation". Could this have been the luckless trio slain by Dorothy’s ruthless brother? As grisly as the priest’s end may have been, there is a Samlesbury spectre that enjoys far more infamy – the lady in white. Thought to be Lady Dorothy (or Dorothea) Southworth, her tale is one of romance and tragedy. Lady Dorothy fell in love with a dashing young man from the de Hoghton family. Unfortunately, the de Hoghtons were as strongly Protestant as the Southworths were Catholic and neither house wished a union with the other. Consequently, Dorothy and her young beau were refused permission to marry. Defying their families, the lovers continued to see each other in secret, meeting along the Ribble’s winding banks or amid the shade of nearby woods, and it was there that they concocted a daring plan to elope. They hoped that once they were married their families would be forced to respect their vows and their love for one another. Alas, the naïve arrangement was not to be made good, for their scheme was overheard and the tale relayed back to Samlesbury Hall. On the night of the planned elopement, Dorothy’s brother waited in ambush for the rendezvous to take place.

A Veiled Bust. It seems that Lady Dorothy’s spirit has lingered on at Samlesbury Hall, perhaps tethered to the grounds by her tragic torment. Many witnesses have claimed to have had numerous encounters with a white lady flitting across the estate on clear nights, or floating down one of the hall's many corridors, heard to be sobbing for her lost love.

Steps Leading to The Eerie Priest's Room


Another unfortunate fellow would not be saved by Owen’s cleverly disguised hiding places. In the mid-1500s a priest was followed to the hall by soldiers and discovered secreted in one of the priest holes. He was dragged out and beheaded on the spot. Legend has it that the illfated priest’s blood stained the floor of his small room so intensely that nobody was able to wash it away – no matter how hard they scrubbed. As such, the room was bricked up for some 200 years until it was reopened in 1898. Even then, servants refused to remain in the house until the floorboards were replaced. What's more, to this day the blood stain is said to occasionally reappear. Page 20

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

Ghosts and Murder: The Bloody History of Samlesbury Hall. By Matt Forde.

For centuries there have been many reports of the white lady, weeping and wailing, and even walking solemnly through the grounds to meet a “young knight who receives her on his bended knee, and he then accompanies her along the walks. On arriving at a certain spot, most probably the lover's grave, both phantoms stand still and as they seem to utter soft wailings of despair they embrace each other, and then the forms rise slowly from the east and melt away into the clear blue of the surrounding sky.”

eyes. It may be then that the ghost story first emerged.”

Indeed, so often is the white lady encountered that she has garnered widespread infamy. But, perhaps there is a more rational explanation as to the origin of the white lady’s story:

The Fireplace in The Parlour.

“The Hall contained many items of papistry, which were eventually discovered by the authorities in 1592. So it was about the time Dorothy died that there was, perhaps, a 'need' for a ghost in the Hall and its grounds, to deter prying

Lady Jane Braddyll’s bridge - a raised corridor. Alas, while the real truth behind the hauntings and their origins shall undoubtedly remain lost in the shadows of history, Samlesbury Hall remains a beautiful and much-loved medieval property, and it isn’t difficult to see why this Grade 1 listed building attracts over 50,000 visitors each year.

Therefore Samlesbury Hall reflects the building styles and religious beliefs from the 14th century to the present day. The house is reputed to be haunted by the ghost of Lady Dorothy Southworth amongst others. Samlesbury Hall is open to the public daily except on Saturdays.

While this idea does provide an interesting angle on the legend’s origin it doesn’t explain away the myriad sightings of the white lady in the years hence. Indeed, even in our modern age of silicon and cynicism there have been countless reports of motorists meeting (and even picking up) the white lady while travelling down the busy A59 that passes close to the hall.

Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Price:

Haunted Dundee Geoff Holder The History Press 978-0-7524-5849-6 £9:99

The History Press steps back into the fray once again with a new title in its ‘haunted’ series, this time with Haunted Dundee. The author, Geoff Holder, digs into the supernatural history of this Scottish city to unearth a fascinating series of tales which range from centuries old accounts to much more recent sightings. One particularly interesting mention must go to one of folklore’s more curious manifestations, the near urban legend that is ‘Spring Heeled Jack. This strange being is normally associated with England, but here was have an account placing something very similar to the semi-mythical entity in Dundee. The book is divided into eight chapters plus a bibliography and an index and the chapters are helpfully headed in categories ranging from ‘White Ladies’ in chapter one to Historic Hauntings in chapter eight. In between there is a decent compendium of tales dealing with everything from contemporary encounters with the supernatural to more traditional manifestations of the strange and ghostly. My own particular favourites involve the ship ‘The Discovery’ which is moored in Dundee’s Victoria Docks and the chapter entitled ‘Malevolent Entities’ which induces a few shivers down the spine. The Discovery was constructed in Dundee so it is fitting that it should be located here and it is a well known local tourist attraction at Discovery Point. It is notable in that it took captain Robert Falcon Scott on first expedition to the Antarctic, (not the one he failed to return from) and is an obvious choice for ghostly sightings, although nothing that might be directly attributed to the unfortunate Captain Scott and his crew. There is the usual collection of ghostly noises reported by visitors to the tourist attraction and of course shadowy figures sometimes glimpsed flitting around the passageways and decks and there are reports of loud footsteps being heard. The ‘Malevolent Entitie’s chapter is, I promise you, guaranteed to cause feelings of unease in the readers of this well produced and well illustrated book and the events recorded in 2010 at the Dundee Backpackers Hostel are absolutely unnerving. A face that emanated a aura of ‘absolute evil’ is graphically described as are the events surrounding a young woman in the same year. This young lady checked in and promptly checked out again, reporting that she could not possible stay in the room that had been assigned to her as it, quote, ‘creeped her out’. There were no more vacant rooms so she had to leave to seek accommodation elsewhere. In the same chapter we find an account entitled ‘The Ghost Through the Wall’ and ‘The Cragie Poltergeist’, in fact that one chapter on its own makes the book worth buying. The rest of the book goes on to talk about the many old haunted buildings and castles in the area and the many ghosts that are said to haunt them and includes a chapter devoted to ‘Fakes, Frauds and Folklore (it includes the mention of Spring Heeled Jack). In this chapter we find one possible explanation for this particular figure from folklore in the unlikely form of a drunken mischief maker who dressed up in a white sheet in an attempt to scare passers-by. The evidence makes it unlikely though, so this, like many enigmas, remains unexplained. The book is unusual in that it contains reports of ghostly sightings in Dundee and would find a safe haven in the visitors centres in that city. It would be an ideal purchase for anyone who wanted to learn more about the hidden and mysterious side of Dundee, or indeed for anyone who enjoys the frisson of unease that ghostly tales bring. A thoroughly enjoyable book well worth the read: Steve Mera: PM Editor. (Special Thanks to Bryan Allen). Page 21

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

TITLE: Walking Through Walls. AUTHOR: Natalie Osborne-Thomason. PUBLISHER: Janus Publishing Company, 76 Great Titchfield Street, London, W1N 7RE. PRICE: £6:95. ISBN: 1 85756 3457. This is Natalie’s first book that she has written on the subject of ghosts, (I reviewed her second book last year) and we can see why she has received rave reviews for her writing. Natalie’s style of writing gives the reader a sense of ‘being there’ within those cases that she describes and one can almost feel the strangeness from each and every case that she goes into. This book is a pot pouri of case after case of weird and wonderful ‘happenings’. Natalie breaks down these ‘happenings’ into specific chapters, for instance she has chapters on Recording Type Ghosts, a chapter on Poltergeists, then chapters on Ghosts Seen By Children, Crisis Apparitions, Ghosts In The Workplace, Animal Ghosts, then finally cases that really fall into no specific category and that is events concerning ghosts in many unusual circumstances ! Natalie says in her introduction that she is not setting out to prove that ghosts exist to anyone, rather, she is more concerned with getting this information out to the public and letting them decided for themselves and this book clearly does that. We have case after case where ‘ghosts’ has intruded into peoples lives, sometimes when they least expect it ! and no book would be complete without tales of ghostly activity occuring in pubs, and a few weird tales are to be found regarding these ghosts. All in all, ‘Walking Through Walls’ is a fascinating read of ordinary peoples experience with ghosts. Cases like these, go a long way to showing, (particularly the sceptics of the world) that we can’t ignore events such as these that we must accept that something is going on. Some of these cases of ghosts may not mean that they are spirits and that they have survived death, the recording type of ghost has somehow been impregnated onto the ‘ether’ of space and time for those who are perhaps more psychically gifted to see them. At the end of the day, this book continues to ‘inform’ those who would say that these things don’t happen, believe you me, when you finish reading this wonderful book you can come to no other conclusion that ghosts (whatever category they fall into), are most certainly real. Reviewed by Malcolm Robinson, Strange Phenomena Investigations.

PROFESSIONAL COURSES PRESS RELEASE New Paranormal EMF Meters available in the UK The Mel Vibe (£129.99) has all the features of the original Mel Meter but is also highly sensitive to measure vibrations. The Mel REM ATDD (£189.99) features a hot and cold spot alarm, red flashlight, EMF radiating antenna and glow in the dark buttons. What makes the Mel REM ATDD Model so uniquely different from other EMF meters is that it can detect AC/DC EMF fluctuations and ambient temperature changes using the special Radiating EM Field (REM) and Ambient Temperature Deviation Detection (ATDD). TomsGadgets is proud to announce the addition of two new models of the Mel Meter to their EMF product range. The Mel 8704R Vibe and the Mel 8704R REM ATDD are made in the USA and are designed exclusively for paranormal use. The original Mel Pro Navigator Meter 8704R (£89.99) is the only meter that can measure both EMF and temperature simultaneously. The Mel Meter 8704R was first developed by Gary Galka of DAS Distribution Inc as a way of communicating with his daughter Melissa, following her death. The Mel was even named after her; the year of her birth (87) and the year of her death (04) hence the name Mel 8704.

“TomsGadgets is the paranormal one stop shop for paranormal and ghost hunting equipment and we are the only stockists of the MEL meters in the UK.” Tom Cook, Managing Director of Mel 8704R Pro Navigator, Mel 8740R Vibe and Mel 8704R REM ATDD are available from TomsGadgets is the gadget store with a difference, supplying a full range of quality corporate products all under one roof. For further press information, please contact: Alex Woodfield TomsGadgets 0845 456 2370

Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal? By Richard Holland

The Beast of Brymbo.

Richard Holland is the editor of the ghosts and folklore website Uncanny UK and the former editor of Paranormal Magazine. A journalist of more than 20 years’ experience in newspapers and magazines, he is the author of five books, including ‘Haunted Wales: A Survey of Welsh Ghostlore’ which is to be republished by the History Press in October. To read more of his articles, and those of other authors on the subject of the supernatural in Britain, please visit:

In 1987 a friend, Wendi Clough, told me a very strange story. The child of a young mum she knew had come home in tears one afternoon after being frightened by what he described as ‘a cow standing up like a person with smoke coming out of its nose’. He and his little friend had both seen this fiendish shape and had run home in terror. Childish imagination? A trick played on two small children? Something like that, I thought – but the eerie image of this ‘cow’ on its hind legs stayed in my memory. There was something so medieval about it, so devilish. Unfortunately, Wendi had lost touch with the informant and because she had heard the story a year or two previously, she couldn’t remember where exactly it was supposed to have taken place. All she could tell me was that it was ‘somewhere near Wrexham [in North-East Wales] and that it was on a path that goes up a hill in the middle of the village and acts as a short cut’. Come forward two decades and I happen to mention this odd anecdote to another friend, Jonathan Edwards, who told me: ‘That sounds like Brymbo. The village is split into two levels, with a big sandstone outcrop dividing them. There’s a path called the Red Path which goes up it.’ Jonathan was brought up in Brymbo and knows the village well, but had never heard of it being haunted by such a spectre. His mother, however, had heard something about it. When Jonathan mentioned it to her, she recalled that two women she knew had spoken of encountering something very similar. And this is how I met Mrs J and Mrs S (both names on record) and was introduced to one of the weirdest spooks on record – and one that appears not in some obscure 19th century book but which was seen as recently as the 1980s. The two witnesses’ encounter with what I can’t resist calling ‘The Beast of Brymbo’ took place one bright, moonlit night in December, 1985. Mrs J told the story, with occasional corrections or added details from Mrs S. This is a précis: ‘We were walking up the Red Path at about midnight. When we got near the top, we paused for a breather, leaning on the railings. Then [Mrs S] said: “What’s that looking at us?” ‘I looked up and there it was, standing on the bank. It was cow-like, standing

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

In the way-back-when of my time editing Paranormal Magazine, I jokingly coined the term ’spookology’ in one of my editorials. I’ve started using ‘spook’ as a handy word for any really weird and inexplicable ghostly phenomenon. At a time when the supernatural, an area of research in which we still understand very little, is becoming increasingly codified, the bizarre nature of the spooks recalled in this column may serve as a reminder that it’s way too soon to start normalising the paranormal... on its hind legs and at least 6ft tall. It was a light brown colour and smooth haired. There were two little bumps where you might expect horns. We could see it clearly because it was illuminated by the moon and the streetlights.

Otherbeast BLACK DOG: Artist’s impression of the huge lurcher-dog like thing seen on a lane into Brymbo in the 1970s. © Eliza Illustration. ‘It just stood there, frowning down at us with its eyes wrinkled up. Its hooves were sort of dangling down in front of it. We ran up the Red Path but then realised it could easily cut us off at the top. When we got there, though, it had vanished.’ Mrs. S continued: ‘I realised I had dropped my scarf on the path, so I had to go back for it. I was so frightened. The thing didn’t appear again but I didn’t dare use that path for a whole month’ When Mrs S recalled this incident, tears sprang into her eyes – the memory of it frightened her again. I have no doubt both women were telling the truth and that what they had seen confirmed the sighting by the two children. They may even have taken place in the same year. I was also delighted to be introduced to Jonathan’s brother-in-law Malcolm who told me of his brush with a more traditional Black Dog-type spook elsewhere in Brymbo. He saw it at twilight on a summer evening in the early 1970s, as he was walking back from a neighbouring village. A ‘big thing’ emerged from the hedge on his righthand side. ‘At first I thought it might be a cow,’ said Malcolm, ‘but it wasn’t. It was the wrong shape: too tall with long, thin legs. It had a similar silhouette to a

lurcher dog but it was a bigger animal: not as big as a cow, perhaps, but certainly bigger than a dog. It had shaggy hair. ‘It didn’t make a sound, just stopped in the middle of the road and seemed to stare at me, although I couldn’t see its eyes. Then it lost interest and carried on walking across the lane, where it disappeared into the vegetation on the other side.’ Malcolm is an excellent witness. He doesn’t believe in ghosts, had never heard of Black Dogs and isn’t convinced the thing he saw was supernatural. However, he admitted that there was something ‘spooky’ about it and that he’s never been able to get it out of his head.

RedPath1 LAIR OF THE BEAST: The two witnesses stand on the Red Path in Brymbo, looking up to where they saw the weird, demonic-looking apparition. © Richard Holland He said: ‘Apart from looking weird, it didn’t behave like an ordinary animal. The way it looked at me, as if it was weighing me up. It wasn’t fazed by a human presence and most animals are.’ As he was speaking, the hairs on Malcolm’s arms rose up. The memory still gives him the creeps. Do we have here two different manifestations of the same thing? It seems likely. At any rate, meeting convincing witnesses of such strange apparitions encourages me to think that we shouldn’t dismiss reports of similar encounters recorded centuries ago as merely folk tales. I believe people really were seeing these things and, it seems, still are...

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The Ancient Ram Inn: Britain’s Most Haunted House? By Robert Young BSc.

Is the Ancient Ram Inn in Wotton Under Edge in Gloucestershire Britain’s most haunted house? Originally the title belonged to Borley Rectory in Surrey, which was extensively investigated by early Parapsychologist Harry Price in the early 40s. The title then moved to Chingle Hall in Preston, Lancashire. But is the Ancient Ram Inn the most haunted building in Britain? I think that the house is a good contender! Although some of the reports below are brief, anyone wishing to view the full papers please contact me at the email address below. From time to time, I also refer to any supposed contact with ghosts or entities I termed as: External Paranormal Agencies, (EPAs). These could refer to either alleged discarnate spirits or external PSI phenomena being transferred or transported from the subconscious mind by a human agent, but is still termed paranormal, but incorporates various possible theories...

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

Photo Copyright: paganmay

The Ancient Ram Inn: Britain’s Most Haunted House? By Robert Young BSc. The Ancient Ram Inn is a Grade II listed building and a former pub located in Wotton-under-Edge, a market town within the Stroud district of Gloucestershire, England. It is believed to be one of the most haunted hotels in the country. This famous inn is owned by and the home to John Humphries. It has been owned by many people since 1145 to present date. Many people lived here either as a tenant or over night guests. This inn was said to have also been owned by the local St. Mary's Church when first built.

EARLY HISTORY AND ITS GHOSTS. The house possesses a genuinely chilling and oppressive atmosphere as soon as you walk into the building. It has a reputation that is so menacing that local people won’t even walk past it at night! The Inn is said to date from around 1145 and it has been suggested that the workmen who built the parish church opposite were lodged here. It served for a time as a priests house before converting to an inn. It is said that the Inn also was used as a mortuary for a time. It’s last pint was pulled in 1968. Once it had closed for business John Humphries, who is now the sole permanent living occupant, who is now in his 80s, purchased the building from the brewery. He has been battling to save the house ever since. John told me that when he purchased the Inn in the 1960s he was hoping to turn it into a bed and breakfast which he did for a time until his customers would run out in the middle of the night never to return! He told me he only slept in The Bishops Bedroom once until he was pulled out from the bottom of the bed by his feet! He now sleeps downstairs in cold room covered with crucifix’s and a bible in hand. The house has also seen its fair share of Murder, Suicide, witchcraft and black magic sacrifices. In the Bar Area, there is an open excavated pit, which is thought to be a pagan burial ground, where the bodies of sacrificed children were found. The moment you enter the house an aura of foreboding and oppressiveness envelopes you. I have to say that when I entered the building I have never felt such an atmosphere in an alleged haunted building as I did here. The bare walls, creaky floorboards, steep stairs and mysterious shadows are sufficient to elicit the coldest of shivers; while the legions of ghost stories that come marching from its mist shrouded past can chill the blood of even the most steadfast sceptic! Such as myself. One visitor who once visited the Ancient Ram stated ‘The atmosphere was awful, I can only describe it as pure filth, dark and heavy’. Some of the ghosts that allege to haunt the building is the sound of a baby crying that is heard in the Men’s Kitchen.


People who ascend the staircase up to the first floor have been thrown up the stairs by an invisible force. In a photograph taken in June 1999 a mysterious white form, the size of a human is seen ascending the staircase. On the first floor, and in the Witches Bedroom a ghost that allegedly goes by the name of Elspeth Grant is said to be heard in this room, which was also heard by myself and the team of researchers.

Across the landing is allegedly Britain’s most haunted room known as the Bishops Room, a demonic entity known as a incubus or succubus is said to haunt the room which if one is to believe gave myself and my team experiences that we will never forget on several occasions! On one occasion, an alleged medium pushing open its door was once lifted off the ground and flung across the corridor! The atmosphere in this room is absolutely oppressive and disturbing. Has ghostly cavalier has been seen to materialize by the dressing table in the room and stride purposefully across to the opposite wall. Two monks have also been seen in one corner of the room. Witnesses have heard the terrifying screams of a man who was reputably, murdered here by having his head thrust into the fire. A phantom shepherd and his dog have been seen near the door and the ghost off a young boy has also been heard in the room. Climbing into the attic and crouching beneath the wattle and daub roof timbers, a feeling of intense melancholy appears to hang in the air. An innkeepers daughter is said to have been murdered here by a highwayman in the early 1500s and people attempting to sleep in the Bishops Room below have often heard the sound of something heavy like a body being dragged across the floor above their heads. The ghost of the highwayman has also been heard walking across the floor. Whilst I was talking to John myself he showed me his diary which is very interesting to read. It contains notes of occurrences he has witnessed and heard during his time here which goes back several years. He told me he often hears footfall coming from upstairs on the first floor and the sound of furniture being dragged across the floor. He told me, when he goes to investigate in case he is being burgled (the first floor is on level with the path walkways outside as the building is several feet below) nothing is disturbed! The diary provides quite a fascinating read.

FIRST INVESTIGATION: On the 6 October 2007, My team from The Office of Parapsychological Studies began its first in a series of five investigations at the Ancient Ram Inn. This first investigation on the 6 October tested my scepticism. The phenomena heard and witnessed was unparalleled and has not been equalled before or since, but was it due to ghosts or PSI phenomena? Ill review my conclusion at the end of the paper. There was six researchers present on this first investigation, the first strange occurrence happened to researcher, Scott Warrener who reported being stroked on the head whilst in the Witches Room (also known as the Beaufort Room) during a tour of the building before the investigation started. During our first vigil in the Witches Room, we had three video cameras set up at various places around the room, as well as digital voice recorders and natural Tri-Field Meters (which monitor natural electromagnetic fluctuations). We were conducting response experiments to try and provoke an alleged response from external paranormal agencies (ghosts etc) but proved to be exceptionally quiet. So, I decided to try an alternative method! I asked all four researchers in the room (including myself), to turn off all electrical equipment in the room (camcorders etc) apart from audio recording equipment. My theory was that if these so called ghosts are allegedly intelligent, then just maybe they are intelligent enough to know that they are being filmed! As we sat quiet we heard the meow of a cat come from somewhere inside the room. There were no cats inside the inn at all, but there have been reports of a phantom cat being seen in and around the building. Was this the spirit familiar of alleged spirit Elspeth Grant? After this incident we began to hear shuffling footfall, as if someone was wearing slippers and was walking across the floor! As we began asking questions, using two knocks for yes and once for no the shuffling Page 26

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The Ancient Ram Inn: Britain’s Most Haunted House? By Robert Young BSc.

footfall responded to questions being asked. At this time rapping noises began also in response to questions. Because of the constant activity we seemed to be witnessing, we asked the second team to join us to see if they could verify what we were hearing. The second team of researchers also witnessed the sounds of shuffling feet and rapping sounds coming from within the room. As my wife Sharon sat between me and researcher Nicky Bryant, she let out a blood curdling scream. She stated that she had felt as though her ponytail had been tugged hard from behind her head! It was neither myself nor Nicky that had touched her, but was allegedly Elspeth Grant according to the intelligent Rapping’s. This proved enough for Sharon as she could not continue the investigation. From this vigil we moved into the alleged most haunted part of the house, the Bishops Room. As we sat down and started filming, again there was no response so I decided yet again to extinguish all electrical equipment apart from audio recording equipment.

as if it was being lifted and then dropped with force onto the floor which could account for the loud bangs which were being heard.

wanted to leave, just as he finished speaking, a stall was thrown to floor with an almighty bang. Richard decided to sit with us, so we sat back down and

As we started asking out to any paranormal agencies to make themselves known by a series of two knocks for yes and once for no we started hearing footfall and the sound of shuffling feet coming from within the room. We also began to hear again the sound of raps in response to questions. We asked if this alleged entity was the demonic force said to haunt the house and it allegedly said yes by shuffling its feet across the floor. Some of the questions we asked seemed to antagonize it. All of a sudden a tremendous bang which shook the floor occurred in response to a question and we all jumped out of our seats with fright! We turned on the lights to calm down a bit then turned them off again to resume the vigil.

We continued our investigation downstairs, so we went into the Mayflower Barn where John keeps his stuff which he does not use which is almost stacked towards the ceiling! And rather treacherous to walk through. Myself, Brendon (pseudonym) and Scott started asking out responsive questions whilst the cameras were rolling. Again, a pattern was forming, there was no response to questions whilst the cameras were filming, so once again we switched them off. This time I asked if any external paranormal entities to manifest themselves by whistling in response to questions being asked and to my astonishment it did! And continued to whistle for us. Whilst the whistling was happening, the sound of shuffling and walking of feet was heard yet again. Brendon (pseudonym) said he also felt that his ear was pinched and his trouser leg tugged.

continued to ask out questions. As I did so a small round pedestal table in front of me moved and was still shaking side to side as I switched on my torch! As I asked another question, a glass which was on the table slid into my lap followed by the table which I felt being tilted and pushed in between my legs trapping me against where I was sitting, but not maliciously. I moved the table back into its original position. I asked out another question. As I did so, a candlestick moved across a barrel which it was sitting on!

We started asking more questions and asked if it was a non human spirit, a loud bang was the answer which shook the floor, startling us all again. I asked if it was born from witchcraft or sorcery, there was no response. I then asked if it was born from pagan worship, another loud bang which shook the floor was the response, I then asked if it was a demon, then there was the loudest bang of all bangs which shook the floor which absolutely terrified us all! We turned on the lights and went downstairs for a drink to calm down. The banging sounds we heard from within the room sounded as if someone was stomping there foot down on the old creaky floorboards as hard as possible and could hear the whole floor vibrate from the force of the bangs! Brendon Whitchurch (Pseudonym) another researcher on the team, stated that as he was sitting down in the chair as the loud bangs were being heard, he said the bed which was touching his leg felt

The whistling continued and we moved into the hallway at the bottom of the stairs. We asked responsive questions yet again and then heard two distinct loud bangs come from upstairs. At this point we knew that there was nobody up there as the other researchers couldn’t bare to face any more investigating as the place really disturbed them so they stopped downstairs in a small room with a fire and each other for company. We moved into the Bar Area to continue our investigation. We sat down and started asking out if anything was present to make themselves known. All of a sudden we heard a loud scraping sound as if a stall next to us had moved across the floor, we all got out of our seats as it made us all jump! We switched on the torches and found that a stall had indeed moved. We sat down asked out and again another stall scraped along the floor. Richard, one of our researchers came in and told us that Nicky, another member of our team

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At this point I could not believe the poltergeist activity we were getting it was un-nerving but fascinating all the same. We wrapped up the last vigil for the night in the attic. As we made our way into the attic and sat down and started asking out responsive questions, we almost immediately began hearing the sound of shuffling of feet as well as scratching sounds, which we did not attribute to rats as they were intelligent answers to our responsive questions. When we analysed the audio from the first investigation. We found a remarkable EVP that seemed to come from a young boy which said, ‘Why do you scare me?) The audio equipment was locked off in the Bishops Room with a video camera. Although the video camera was recording at the same time as the audio equipment, the EVP was not picked up on the video camera. This was probably because the video camera microphone was not as sensitive as the microphone on the audio equipment. We also picked up the staggering audio of most the bangs, raps and stomps during the investigation and subsequent investigations. SECOND INVESTIGATION: On the 12 January 2008, we returned for our second investigation at the

The inn has been investigated by many paranormal researchers, that include MAPIT and many others. Some for television shows like Ghost Adventures and Most Haunted. One paranormal investigator in particular is Kieron Butler from the UK Paranormal Study. The group led by Kieron to study in the Ram Inn consisted of seven people, including photographers and medium/ spiritual advisors. The Ghost Club (the oldest paranormal research organisation in the world) investigated the inn in 2003, but like MAPIT didn't find any evidence to suggest the location was haunted.

The Ancient Ram Inn: Britain’s Most Haunted House? By Robert Young BSc. Interested in visiting the Ancient Ram Inn. To learn more visit the website below… w-u-e/the_ram_inn.htm

Ancient Ram Inn. As before, nothing alleged paranormal occurred during filming, but as soon as the cameras were turned off, the phenomena began again! In the Witches Room (Beaufort Room) we heard the shuffling of feet which again sounded as if someone was walking around the bedroom in their slippers. It would respond by shuffling of feet in respond to questions and also intelligent raps to questions was also heard yet again. A small piece of glass which was on a table before hand and photographs proved that it was there, seemed to have been thrown. Whilst in the room we heard footfall walking above our heads directly in the attic above. It moved from one end of the attic to the other and seemed as if whatever was up there had boots on. We also heard tings from crockery in the room, but we de-bunked this as blustery conditions outside would simultaneously ‘ting’ some ornaments on the window sill due to the window pane banging against the ornaments. In the Bishops Room whilst conducting a vigil, we again heard the startling tremendous bangs in response to questions. On a number of occasions the sound of the middle bed lifting and then being dropped was heard with an almighty bang! The sound of shuffling footfall was again heard as well as two instances where a cuddly gorilla toy and another cuddly toy that was on a bed in the room had been thrown to the floor. Neil, who was a guest for the evening had been sat on a bed, said that he felt as if somebody had sat down on the bed beside him. He also felt as if somebody had blown in his ear twice as he sat down in a chair next to the bedroom door. Also in the room, as I sat down on a bed with Brendon (pseudonym) and whilst asking out questions we all heard distinct intelligent raps to questions which seemed to be coming from under the bed we had sat on! The bed itself also seemed to be trembling. On one occasion during the night John Humphries walking stick he uses when entering the Bishops Room seemed to throw itself on the floor, but this could just as easily have fallen over! We went into the attic and on this occasion we experienced the throwing of coins. I threw certain coins into the darkness and they each were thrown back! This proved very intriguing! On the next vigil we went into the Mayflower Barn, again, as in the previous investigation we heard distinct whistling in response to questions as well as the shuffling of feet across the concrete floor. We went back into the Witches Bedroom and all was quiet until a small candle nightlight flung itself near a guest of ours!

We went back into the Bishops Room where we all settled down under blankets as the room was absolutely freezing! While asking out if there are any external paranormal agencies present, we allegedly got in contact with a monk by very distinct two raps for yes and once for no, the conversation lasted for quite sometime. We next conducted an investigation in the Bar Area where last time we experienced some amazing poltergeist phenomena. On this occasion, Brendon (pseudonym), said he felt his chair dragged backwards which we all heard and a small round table shook from side to side by itself as we put a torch on it. Also, an armchair in front of us was dragged twice on two occasions.

it! The sound again, of shuffling footfall was heard in the room in response to questions. Whilst Scott was using the Ultrasonic sound amplifier, he said he picked up the sound as if some furniture had been dragged in the Bar Area. And sure enough, on checking the furniture which was drawn around with chalk, a stool and chair had indeed been moved! The amazing part of the experiment was when we looked at the table with the flour dusted on. To our amazement and in the flour was what seemed to have been a finger dragged through the flour, leaving an imprint, it seemed to be about the size of a child’s finger mark!

THIRD INVESTIGATION: On the 26 July 2008, my team of researchers conducted our third investigation at this active location. On this occasion, only myself, researcher Scott Warrener and Brendon Whitchurch (Pseudonym) were the only investigators present on this occasion. The reason being to eliminate any other possible external factors. On this occasion we also drew around stools and tables in the Bar Area, so if any physical phenomena occurred we know exactly which furniture allegedly moved. Also on one of the tables I placed a light dusting of flower in case any physical markings could be seen as imprints. We conducted our first vigil in the Witches Room (Beaufort Room). On this occasion we allegedly got in contact with an entity who supposedly is the ghostly cavalier who is seen in the house. Although a few rapping’s were reported on this occasion, some new phenomena presented us with some unusual audible phenomena. The entity would communicate by gasps, breaths and strange popping and clicking sounds as if someone would put their finger in the side of the cheek and pop

We conducted our next vigil in the Bishops Room, where we supposedly made contact with a number of external paranormal agencies. We allegedly made contact with monk by a series of two knock for yes and once for no and also with a ghostly child. We also made contact with the supposed demonic entity who would pound and knock loudly which would shake the floor as in previous investigations.

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Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

The Ancient Ram Inn: Britain’s Most Haunted House? By Robert Young BSc.

Rob Young BSc is a Parapsychologist based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. He is also the founder of TOPS, The Office of Parapsychological Studies. For more information on investigations and research please contact Rob Young directly on: 01623650462 or at his email address: or alternatively contact him through his organisation and website address:

We next conducted a vigil for the first time on the landing at the top of the main staircase. I asked out if anything spiritual could make its presence known and we all heard distinct footsteps making its way up the stairs. This proved quite eerie and I was expecting somebody to appear at the doorway, which nobody did! Also the sound of shuffling footfall was heard walking about on the landing area with us. FOURTH INVESTIGATION: On Saturday 18 October 2008, we conducted our fourth investigation at the Ancient Ram Inn. Brendon Whitchurch (Pseudonym) and investigator Charlotte Farrah reported that whilst in the Witches Bedroom and conducting their vigil, they reported movement around the bed as well as small candle which seemed to have been thrown. Myself, Scott Warrener, Charlotte and Brendon (pseudonym) conducted an investigation together in the Witches Room, and more phenomena began to manifest. Whistling in the room began to be heard frequently as well as heavy footfall of some invisible entity walking around the room. Extremely large banging raps began manifesting in response to questions. The alleged ghostly cavalier began to make its presence known to us again, by using his invisible stomping feet which would shake the floor with each stomp. It sounded as if each response was made by boots of some sort.

spirit could read our thoughts and also count by rapping, how many fingers we were holding up in the darkness, especially if the spirit could see us, unfortunately each count was wrong, was it deception? Or was the poltergeist playing tricks? When we were conducting our investigation in the infamous Bishops Room, the usual raps in response to questions was heard from one of the alleged monks said to haunt the room. In the same room later on during the night, Rappings began again, this time allegedly from the spirit of a young child. Because the lack of phenomena reported on this investigation from the previous ones we conducted, we decided to provoke the alleged demonic presence to make itself known if indeed it did exist to see what happens. Brendon (pseudonym) began to swear and mock it. All of a sudden while we remained quiet, an almighty bang occurred startling all of us. The bedroom door had been hit or kicked ferociously out of anger, which opened from outside the door! We herd bed linen being shuffled and movement on the floor was heard. We also saw a bed move from right to left as a light from an EMF meter (the meter was on the bed) illuminated the bed in a dull glow.

same phenomena seemed to reoccur, again around him. Since he left as a researcher not much in the way of phenomena was reported during scientific investigations. I don’t believe he was a fraud, if he was he was very clever, because if he could accomplish the phenomena that was reported without being caught, he ought to be a member of the Magic Circle! No, what I believe he was, was an unconscious agent for the phenomena of PSI called Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis (RSPK). RSPK is the unconscious psychic ability believed by parapsychologists such as myself, where the unconscious emotions and feelings manifest in the environment causing macroscopic PK, are being projected by a troubled agent such as Brendon Whitchurch (pseudonym). Brendon fitted in with the typical poltergeist disturbance. His wife had left him for another man several months before the first investigation. He lost his business as a mechanic. He was not allowed to see his young daughter as his wife would not let him and we found out he had been in trouble with the police!

All these built up emotions and feelings such as stress, anxiety, tension, anger and fear could have been projected into the environment by his subconscious mind.

FIFTH INVESTIGATION: On the 23 May 2009, the team investigated the Ancient Inn once more but on this occasion nothing paranormal was reported at all! On this occasion some new team members joined us, But Brendon Whitchurch (pseudonym) wasn’t present, some researchers began to suspect Brendon (pseudonym) was the culprit but for different reasons than I thought!

The Ancient Ram Inn is also believed to be located in the middle of a cross section of two ley lines which some parapsychologists believe that high geomagnetic energy from the earth like ley lines may amplify PSI phenomena such as ESP, PK and precognition etc. we are due back for another investigation at the Ancient Ram Inn in February 2012. I will keep you updated with what happens!


Photos Copyright to: J. Powell & Southern Ghost Society

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We decided to try an experiment by using telepathy and also our fingers in the darkness to see if the supposed

Phenomena Magazine: February 2012 - issue 34:

Some of my researchers began to think that Brendon (pseudonym) was a fraud, the activity seemed to centre around himself or around him or to him. On many other different investigations the


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Contact ‐ Neil McDonald ‐ 07799 061991 ‐ 01772 728181 ‐ Follow up Tour ‐ Five days in the lake District from Monday 12th March Stalls available. Speakers Information Page Timetable Saturday 09.30 ‐ Doors open / 10.20 ‐ 10.30 ‐ Opening Welcome / 10.30 ‐ 11.30 – Kevin Goodman – The Warminster UFO Phenome‐ non 11.30 ‐ 12.00 ‐ Coffee Break / 12.00 ‐ 13.00 – John Turkington ‐ Long Meg from the Antiquarians to Geophysics 13.00 ‐ 14.00 ‐ Lunch Break / 14.00 ‐ 15.00 ‐ Marcus Allen – Technology of Ancient Egypt / 15.00 ‐ 15.30 ‐ Coffee Break 15.30 ‐ 16.30 ‐ Neil McDonald ‐ The Lake District, A Megalithic Journey / 17.30 ‐ Doors Close Timetable Sunday 09.30 ‐ Doors open / 09.55 ‐ 10.00 ‐ Opening Welcome 10.00 ‐ 11.00 – Mary Frankland ‐ Sacred North: the Nosterfield Ritual Landscape (Yorkshire) / 11.00 ‐ 11.40 ‐ Coffee Break 11.40 ‐ 12.40– Rev Lionel Fanthorpe ‐ The Mystery of Rennes‐le‐Chateau and the Cromlechs of Rennes‐les‐Bains 12.40 ‐ 13.45 ‐ Lunch Break / 13.45 ‐ 14.45 ‐ Duncan Harpur ‐ The prophecies of 2012 and their astrological symbolism 14.45 ‐ 15.50 ‐ Coffee Break / 15.50 ‐ 17.00 ‐ Lindsay Campbell. BA (oxon) ‐ Earth Energies & the Web of Consciousness 17.30 ‐ Close

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