Phenomena Magazine - January 2013 - Issue 45

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EDITORIAL Hello and welcome to the year 2013... Yep... We are all still here despite all the fear mongering 2012 fanatics that jumped on the proverbial band wagon, as Brian Allan’s excellent article in this issue demonstrates. You may have noticed a few new changes to our magazine. A slightly different front cover, and font layout. All in hope of bringing you a bit of a breath of fresh air as we venture fourth into 2013 and the strange and profound experiences and reports it may bring. So... A happy New Year to all and we hope you enjoy this issue...

SUB-EDITORIAL One of the articles in this months issue looks at the extremely vexing subject of exorcism and its evil conjoined twin, possession. I speak as someone who has actually been exorcised (I don’t mean baptism either, because anyone who has been baptised has automatically been exorcised). My own exorcism was pretty low key stuff and was entirely unrehearsed and impromptu and occurred at 2.30am at my then place of work. I don’t have the time for a blow by blow account in this short editorial, but at some point I might put what occurred in the magazine, because it gives real food for thought. What I can say however is that ‘something’ occurred while the ritual was taking place and ‘something else’ occurred immediately after it concluded. These events only served to reinforce my outlook on the truly bizarre universe that is the paranormal and also pointed to the fact that we really are surrounded by invisible presences that can and will latch on to us if they can…and not for our benefit. In my case this ‘thing’, whatever it was, latched on to me because of what was in effect carelessness on my part when involved in investigations and I suspect that I actually know when it occurred. This should prove a salutary lesson to all those who indulge in these misleadingly named ‘leisure pursuits’. They are not for the thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies; they are potentially dangerous and can cause lasting harm to those involved…and that goes for Ouija boards too!! Oh, and one more thing, in connection with the above a new(ish) TV show on the ‘Really’ digital channel is an American import called ‘Ghost Adventures’ and it succeeds in plumbing new depths of awfulness. This show is really that bad and actually makes the stage-managed nonsense on ‘Most Haunted’ look respectable, so that should give you an idea of how dire it is. That’s not a kind of back-handed compliment either, so check it out and be amazed at the appalling manner in which the subject of the paranormal is treated; you almost expect Jeremy Clarkson in full smirk to appear!

Editorial Contact: Steve Mera - Sub-Editorial Contact: Brian Allan - Spookology Columnist: Richard Holland - Also... Tune into Planet X Radio Show on City Talk 105.9fm every Sunday evening from 8.00pm to 10.00pm. Featuring guest speakers on all subjects of the strange, profound and unexplained. Older shows are available on Youtube. Look for ’Planetxtra’ shows. Visit the Planet X Facebook Page, Follow us on Twitter and listen to the show live at:


Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Terry Stokes, Richard Holland, Neal Atkinson, Robert Benjamin, Stunner, Neil McDonald, Thinkstock, James Beal, Gerard O’Donovan, Rick Romancito, Don Collins, Obaidur Rahman, Ryan Spague, Terry Stokes, KTPF & Planet X Radio.

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45

CONTENTS Page 2: Cattle Mutilations Cattle Mutilations really started taken off in the 1960's and continues to present day. The cows are found dead with all of the blood re‐ moved. Precise "laser‐precision" cuts are observed in the mutilated cattle. They have had certain organs surgically removed from their bodies. Often their reproductive and rectal organs have been re‐ moved. Robert Benjamin Investigates...

Page 5: Back to the Drawing Board. I am a very, very lucky man, no, really, genuinely fortunate in fact, those who are religious might even call me blessed, however I am not religious, so lucky will do just fine. Why am I lucky? Well, I have lived through the end on the world at least three times (depending on which organisation was making the prediction). Brian Allan looks into the 2012 Doomsday Predictions... Page 11: Spookology ‐ Who put the Norm in Paranormal? Some years ago I was enjoying a chat with the well‐known ufologist Margaret Fry. Knowing my interests tended more towards the ghostly than the cosmic, Margaret mentioned an odd incident that had occurred to her and her husband. Richard Holland is the editor of the ghosts and folklore website Uncanny UK. Join Richard in an‐ other fasciating Spookological article... Page 17: The Legend of the Elmore Ghost Rider. The normally quiet small town of Elmore, Ohio is a hotbed of alleged paranormal activity during the last week of March 2012, A headless ghost rider is said to prowl the dark streets of town searching for a victim to join him in his eternal ride on the road to Hell. The author and agents of Fringe Paranormal traveled to this sleepy town to in‐ vestigate the tale of this lost soul. Don Collins Reports... Page 21: Secrets of the Moon. While the sun has proven superiority, it is the moon that the species of earth sincerely like to confide in. That's why she is a major aes‐ thetical inspiration for mankind while the creatures of the wild in‐ stinctively howl at her aura, which only strengthens her mysterious nature. However, despite such adornments, the moon has given away very little about her dark side. Obaidur Rahman explains... Page 25: Attack and Exorcism A close friend and his new girlfriend (he a chiropractor and she a psychologist) contacted me about some strange goings‐on at their home; I thought little of this until his angry ex‐girlfriend also con‐ tacted me. She claimed that she was psychic and that she could harm people and that for my own good I should not get involved. Of course I could not leave it at that. Terry Stokes reveals... Page 28: Why do so many want to believe in Aliens? Most of us will be aware that it has been 30 years since the release of Spielberg’s famous movie ‘ET‐The Extra‐Terrestrial’. Numerous TV shows and documentaries have been recently shown celebrating the movies success. It would seem that many people want to believe in the existence of such extra‐terrestrials and some even long for such an encounter. The author explains why that might be...

Also Featured: Latest paranormal news from around the World... Book, ITEMS and dvd reviews. Events and Conferences. Advertisements and much more... If you have an interesting article, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Phenomena Magazine Editor Steve Mera: or Phenomena Magazine Sub-Editor Brian Allan:

Cattle Mutilations, Blood Sacrifices and the reason for Wars and Battles By Robert W. Benjamin

Cattle Mutilations really started taken off in the 1960's and continues to pre‐ sent day. The cows are found dead with all of the blood removed. Precise "laser‐precision" cuts are observed in the mutilated cattle. They have had certain organs surgically removed from their bodies. Often their reproductive and rectal organs have been removed. Scavengers such as coyotes and even birds such as crows will not touch the carcass, and owners of horses that have been ridden for years, report that as they near the dead cattle, the horses react violently and tend to shy away from the cows. The same is often reported by dogs, they often bark, and growl, and shy away as if the dead cow is giving off some presence of fear. There are no footprints leading to or from the cows. Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked, black helicopters coincide with many cattle mutilation cases, as well as reports of Bigfoot sightings in the same areas, and often other creatures of cryptozoology are sighted in areas of cattle mutilations. Purpose of Cattle Mutilation (animal sacrifice): Dr. Bill Lanning, of the University of Houston says the following about what the word 'Sacrifice' means: 1. Sacrifice usually entails the giving up or destruction (burning) of something, animate or inanimate, human, animal, or vegetable in order to cause it to pass from human possession to that of the divine 2. Original sacrifices seem to have in‐ volved animal and/or human sacrifices, because the spirits as well as humans need the vitality and strength present in life and blood 3. Sacrifice may be performed to seek reconciliation with a divinity 4. Sacrifice may be performed to pla‐ cate the gods; thus considered to be propitiatory. I believe that UFOs are physical mani‐ festations of interdimensional or spiri‐ tual beings (fallen angels and demons) that are absolutely in the antithesis to God and good. These beings have tech‐ nology and science far superior to our own, in fact they can quite probably

manipulate the normal laws of physics, through quantum physics, and angelic powers. Sacrifice of a live animal with the shed‐ ding of blood is used, as a practice in non‐Judaic religions for the purpose of enabling the manifestation of spirits into the physical realm. The power or aura given off by the abducted cows fear and the blood shedding helps fuel the alien (fallen angels and demons) manifestation into the physical realm. This leads to many questions, such as why cattle? Sacrifice does seem to involve animals that are preferably without blemish or pure. Much of the mutilation phenomena often involves high‐end animals that have been bred to be pure in the sense of physical form. High end cattle are specifically selected to be free of genetic disease and possess superior “blood.” Since sacrifice and cattle mutilations involves the removal of blood, blood seems to play a strong role in the ac‐ tion of this mechanism to create a portal from the spiritual to the physi‐ cal. Remember that old Christian song 'There is Power in the Blood', it starts out, 'Would you be free from the bur‐ den of sin? There's power in the blood, power in the blood; Would you over evil a victory win? There's wonderful power in the blood.' That's quite a statement right there against the forces of evil isn't it, and as this song is talking about the saving power of Jesus Christ in the blood that he shed for man. There are two other similarities that show that there is a

force, energy or power giving off in the presence of shed blood, what happens at most murder scenes, or scenes of a suicide, these are the hot spots for future hauntings, ghost and or de‐ monic sightings. I believe its because these spiritual beings feed off the en‐ ergy left behind from the murder vic‐ tims great fear right before death, or the anger of the suicide victim, and the bloods power in its‐self. If this is true, then this is a great reason why there have always been wars and battles on our planet, there's no better source for the Luciferic control of the planet and his demonic forces then to constantly feed off the shed blood, and fear emit‐ ted from constant wars and battles. This was also quite possibly the true purpose for the 9/11 attack, most of the country and in fact the worlds population was emitting great fear, and there was a lot of bloodshed, this was a great satanic ritual to power (feed) the satanic forces. The Bible even states that there is a power or energy given off, in the shed‐ ding of blood, take a close look at this passage where Cain killed his brother Able; Holy Bible: Genesis 4: 8‐11: "One day Cain suggested to his brother, "Let's go out into the fields." And while they were together there, Cain attacked and killed his brother. But afterwards the Lord asked Cain," Where is your brother? Where is Abel? How should I know?" Cain retorted. "Am I supposed to keep track of him wherever he goes? But the Lord said, "Your brother's blood calls to me from the ground. What have you done? You are hereby banished from this ground

SENSATIONAL declassified FBI files reveal how the White House was sent into a panic by suspected alien sacrifices of COWS. More than 8,000 cattle were snatched by mystery aircraft, mutilated, then dropped from the skies above the US south west in the late 1970s, special agents told their directors. Terrified farmers in New Mexico, Nebraska and Colo‐ rado feared they would be ripped apart by extraterrestri‐ als in flying saucers. Details of the probe are spelled out in internal memos released by the FBI online. The cattle killers took sick TROPHIES including tongues, lower lips, sex organs, eyes and ears. In some cases the doomed animal was drained entirely of its BLOOD. One investiga‐ tor set out his theory: “These animals are picked up by aircraft, mutilated elsewhere and returned and dropped from aircraft. “Identical mutilations have been taking place all over the south west. Whoever is responsible is well organised with boundless technology, financing and secrecy.” The feared alien sacrifices sparked alarm in Washing‐ ton’s corridors of power. FBI Records can be viewed at: %20Mutilation

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Cattle Mutilations, Blood Sacrifices and the reason for Wars and Battles By Robert W. Benjamin

In January 1979, then US Attorney General Griffin Bell wrote to spooked senator Harrison Schmitt, saying: “The materials sent to me indicate one of the strangest phenomenon in my memory.” Mr Schmitt represented New Mexico — where, from 1976 to 1978 there were numerous mysterious incidents at a ranch in Dulce. One chilling police report detailed a feared alien sacri‐ fice there: “This 11‐month‐old bull was dropped by some type of aircraft north of Mr Manuel Gomez’s ranch house. The sex organs had been removed with a sharp and precise instrument. The bone had also been removed. “The bull sustained visible bruises around the brisket seeming to indicate that a strap was used to lift and lower the animal from the aircraft... flesh underneath the hide was pinkish in col‐ our. “A probable explanation for the pinkish blood is a control type of radiation used to kill the animal... both the liver and the heart were mushy. Both organs had the texture and consistency of peanut butter.” The bull had been seen alive the previous day but during the night a low‐ flying craft had been heard near where the remains were found. FBI agents were sent to remote farms across rural America to probe the killings. A police report of another incident at the Dulce farm, dated June 13, 1976, told how an odd craft visited another animal mutilation. “A suspected aircraft of some type had landed twice, leav‐ ing three pod‐marks in a triangular shape. The diame‐ ter of each pod was 14inches.” The Mysterious Phenomenon Continues to date...

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which you have defiled with your brother's blood." Notice that Abel's ghost or presence didn't cry out to the lord, but a force in his shed blood, cried out, and this act of murder with the shed blood, actu‐ ally defiled the ground and area. The word defiled can mean: Morally blem‐ ished; Made to make foul, dirty, or unclean and/or Ritually unclean....... sounds just like words or terms used to define fallen angels, demons or un‐ clean spirits doesn't it? Another reason I believe the cows (livestock) are being abducted and mutilated is, they were part of the curse God placed against the serpent in the garden of Eden for causing humans to sin, and develop the sin nature. Note this passage in the Holy Bible that mentions livestock (cows) in the curse: Genesis 3:14, "So the LORD God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the live‐ stock (cattle ‐ cows) and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.’” In both quantity and genetic quality there is no more common source for good blood than a large cow. This availability and trait would make thema common source “for the tak‐ ing.” The removal of certain organs,

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

especially the reproductive organs is mysterious. Certain organs may be pivotal in this transformation, as we have seen with the specific references in Judaic sacrifice to the use of the rump. It is also possible that these beings may be using the tissue for some harvesting or genetic manipula‐ tion purpose as well, just as they did in the days of the Nephilim of old. There is a website that has information on angels, fallen angels, ufos, secret groups, aliens, alien abductions, NWO, one world government, and much more, the website is called: The Great Deception, and can be found at this url: http://www.great‐

About The Author. Robert W. Benjamin has been in the software business on the internet since 2001, and has been producing low‐cost and free software for numerous years. He first released public domain prod‐ ucts on the AMIGA and C64 computer systems in the late 1970's‐80's. He is author of Unknown Creatures ‐ Over 50 of the most documented creatures of Cryptozoology, and has written re‐ ports and articles related to the Biblical end times, and other subjects. Check out: http://www.unknown‐ http://www.great‐

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Back to the Drawing Board: The End of Days that Never Were! By Brian Allan.

I am a very, very lucky man, no, really, genuinely fortunate in fact, those who are religious might even call me blessed, however I am not religious, so lucky will do just fine. Why am I lucky? Well, I have lived through the end on the world at least three times (depending on which organisation was making the prediction) and I’m still here. This includes the most recent based on one dubious interpretation of the Mayan calendar that stopped on the 21st of December 2012. Mind you so is the rest of the human race which, dictators and murderous despots aside, must also mean that they, and indeed you, dear reader are lucky too. However, one might of course legitimately ask whether it was luck or were the people making their wild eyed claims of Armageddon just plain wrong. Over the years, end of the world prophesies have been a genuine if sporadic growth industry, especially for those whose inflated sense of self importance was such that they took it upon themselves to share their dire predictions with the rest of us‌or at least those of us gullible enough to actually believe them and this does not come cheap... Page 5

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Back to the Drawing Board: The End of Days that Never Were! By Brian Allan.

Those who heeded the call of the doomsayers felt the need to give way (or contribute) all their worldly goods and possessions to either the unfortu‐ nates who would be left behind, or sometimes to their new found messi‐ ahs on the understanding that they and they alone would be saved. Since the end of the world has not arrived (so far) and the various dates of global annihilation such as the one just past came and went, it has yet to be discov‐ ered whether or not those whose sav‐ ings were enthusiastically given away ever got their money back. The answer is probably not, especially since the various messianic leaders of these doomsday cults usually received some kind of private divine update on Arma‐ geddon and the date for global de‐ struction was normally revised to some later and equally spurious date. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have a splen‐ did track record for failed end time predictions including those made in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975 and 1994, mind you this does not prevent the followers of this Christian schism from eagerly embracing the rest of their beliefs. Actually, the re‐ markable and wholehearted appetite for destruction displayed by the Wit‐ nesses should come as no great sur‐ prise; William Millar, from whose Mil‐ lerite movement the Witnesses emerged, was an enthusiastic propo‐ nent of the End Times and he originally assured his followers that Christ would return on the 21st of March 1843; re‐ grettably (for them) this did not hap‐ pen. However, never one to be put off by such a minor setback the Rev Miller then confidently predicted that the Second Coming would occur on Octo‐ ber the 22nd 1848; this too was failure, so much so that it became known as ‘The Great Disappointment’; and in‐ deed it was! Unfortunately in the run up to this non‐event, true to form many of his followers had sold all their worldly goods including the businesses that brought them a living and were ruined, which did tend to cause some annoyance within the ranks who, un‐ surprisingly, left in their droves; indeed a Great Disappointment all round. Before leaving this group we should look at one of the early leading lights of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell and his helpful and


insightful thoughts about the Great Pyramid. In 1910 Pastor Russell, who actually helped found the Jehovah’s Witnesses as they are known today, declared that God caused the Great Pyramid to be built as testament to the accuracy of biblical chronology. This was changed in 1928 when they changed their minds (again) and de‐ clared that it was actually build by Satan: well, if nothing else it makes a refreshing change from ET, but hey; maybe God is an ET! Undeterred by the conspicuous failures of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, other splinter faiths like the Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) and the Church of the Latter Day Saints (i.e. The Mormons or LDS) also had flirtations with End Times predictions. Founder of the SDA, Ellen White, made a prediction at an SDA conference held in 1856 when she averred that she had a vision of an angel who told her that of those at‐ tending the conference; “Some would be food for worms, some subjects of the seven last plagues, some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the coming of Jesus.” This was interpreted to mean that some of those present would die naturally; some would die of disease during the

Last Days, but others would still be alive when the Messiah returned. How‐ ever, some 45 years later in the early 1900’s when all of the conference at‐ tendees had died, the SDA authorities had the rather tricky problem of ex‐ plaining away the discrepancies. The most popular candidates currently relishing the prospect of the end time (in their case any time is ok, but the sooner the better) are groups of evan‐ gelical Christians who believe in the curious concept of ‘The Rapture’. It is these groups who accept The Bible as the literal and revealed word of God rather than the mixture of history, allegory, metaphor, magick, fear and fable that it actually is. Unlikely as it might seem, these true believers are absolutely convinced that when the End Times come and the Antichrist emerges, they, and they alone, will be literally raised up bodily into the air to remain safely in a kind of heavenly holiday camp while the rest of human‐ ity suffers in what they call ‘The Tribu‐ lation’. The number designated for salvation is, for reasons best known to the believers, remarkably specific at 144,000. Continuing on the perverse themes of

Brian Allan is a Scots born author and is currently the editor of Paranormal Maga‐ zine. He is a lifelong ‘hands on’ researcher into the mysteries and contradictions posed by paranormal phenomena and has devoted his life to seeking answers to some of these anomalies. Brian has recently joined the Phenomena Magazine team as Sub‐Editor. Find out more about Brian and the books he has written at: www.brianjallan‐

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Back to the Drawing Board: The End of Days that Never Were! By Brian Allan.

The well known and interest‐ ing magazine ‘Skeptic’ cer‐ tainly put their readers to rest when they introduced an article explaining that nothing unusual was going to take place during December 2012. An excellent article... He is a short exert from that article... ‘As this hoax spreads, many more doomsday scenarios are being suggested, mostly unre‐ lated to Nibiru. These include a reversal of the Earth’s mag‐ netic field, severe solar storms associated with the 11‐year solar cycle (which may peak in 2012), a reversal of Earth’s rotation axis, a 90‐ degree flip of the rotation axis, bombard‐ ment by large comets or asteroids, bombardment by gamma rays, or various un‐ specified lethal rays coming from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy or the “dark rift” seen in a nearby galactic spiral arm. A major theme has be‐ come celestial alignments: supposedly the Sun will align with the galactic center (or maybe with the Milky Way Dark Rift) on December 21, 2012, subjecting us to mysteri‐ ous and potentially deadly forces’... The author, Dr. David Morrison is the Director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute and Senior Scientist in the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Dr. Morrison received his Ph.D. in astronomy from Harvard University (where Carl Sagan was his thesis advisor) and has spent most of his career work‐ ing in planetary science and astrobiology. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the California Academy of Sciences. He is recipient of the Dryden Medal for research of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Sagan Medal of the American Astronomical Society for public communication. Morrison is a leading skeptic and proponent of improving science education and literacy. Asteroid 2410 Morrison is named in his honor. Search2012 at:

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war and eventual salvation, shortly after The Tribulation comes Armaged‐ don when the armies of heaven battle the forces of Satan and the Antichrist on the plains of Megiddo in Israel. The forces of light win and Satan is safely locked away and those who had been ‘Raptured’ return to live in a ‘heaven on earth’. However there is still more to come and one thousand years after Armageddon Satan escapes from cap‐ ture and once again challenges the forces of light. This time the very earth itself is destroyed, but fortunately a new one descends from the heavens and at long last there is everlasting and eternal peace. After this mayhem with its precursor of mass levitations it might be reasonable to ask about the mechanism that brought it all about? Unfortunately, as with other erstwhile miracles of whatever sort the answer is ‘the power of God’, which needs no absolutely explanation whatsoever. This is good news for the harbingers of doom who claim that they are com‐ pletely vindicated and this it is indeed ‘The revealed word of God’. Other groups with strong messianic inclinations are those for whom the UFO is an allegory for Christ. This par‐ ticular belief tends to blur the bounda‐ ries between religion and some of the more left field versions of Ufology where the believers are sure that the Rapture is a misinterpretation of their own technology based paradigm.

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Dimensional Forces’ (ODF) and were created by one Orville T. Gordon. Mr Gordon, or ‘Nodrog’ as he affection‐ ately known, believes that the United States is headed for major problems which are largely of its own making. According to the indefatigable ‘Nodrog’, the ODF (again for reasons that are far from clear) was attacked by the CIA some 20 years ago, but their allies in heaven currently remain poised to flood the United States in retribution (or spite depending on how you view such an act). Fortunately for the ODF, also known by the rather more exotic title of ‘The Armageddon Time Ark Base Operation’, they will be speedily removed to the safety of their isolated Texas compound. Is it just me or does anyone see a general trend here? To be fair though, in spite of the spec‐ tacular, although failed, apocalyptic prophecies there is always the frisson of real unease generated by predic‐ tions of Armageddon. The question has to be asked; what if some of these predictions really are correct, what if there really is a comet or asteroid in‐ exorably headed for planet Earth? It would not take a particularly large asteroid to cause a major worldwide catastrophe on Earth, one that would dwarf the spectacular collision that wiped out the dinosaurs. A very Big Bang for sure, but one that would her‐ ald the destruction of our planet and

us with it, not the birth of the universe. Statistically speaking though this does give at least some cause for concern, because although the odds against are still high it is the most rational of all the doomsday scenarios. With each passing century the high(ish) odds are become smaller against such a collision actually occurring with the dire conse‐ quences that would indeed ensue. In the meantime, although doom laden prophecies continue to proliferate it is extremely unlikely that they will prove true, for if they do then we finally would all be in it together. Me? Hey, I still feel lucky and I’ve made plans for a family holiday later this year, so see you all in Majorca, right? Statistically speaking though this does give at least some cause for concern, because although the odds against are still high it is the most rational of all the doomsday scenarios. With each passing century the high(ish) odds are become smaller against such a collision actually occurring with the dire conse‐ quences that would indeed ensue. In the meantime, although doom laden prophecies continue to proliferate it is extremely unlikely that they will prove true, for if they do then we finally would all be in it together. Me? Hey, I still feel lucky and I’ve made plans for a family holiday later this year, so see you all in Majorca, right?...

Don’t Believe, Don’t Disbelieve, Think!

The Other Sides of Paul Kimball is one of Canada’s leading UFO and paranormal researchers, both through his work as an award-winning documentary filmmaker (2005 EBE Awards for Best UFO Film and Best Historical Documentary for Aztec: 1948, 2007 EBE award for Best Historical Documentary for Best Evidence; nominated for a total of seven other EBEs from 2005 to 2007), and as a researcher, writer, and speaker. He has appeared on television, radio (Coast to Coast, CBC Morningside, Binnall of America, Strange Days Indeed, The Paracast) and in person at conferences and symposiums in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to discuss the UFO phenomenon and the paranormal. Paul also stars with Holly Steven's in the TV series 'Ghost Cases', assisted by UPIA.

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Megalithic Tours Mysterious Earth Conference 2013 April 13th & 14th 2013, Grimsargh Village Hall, Preston Road , Grimsargh, Preston, Lancashire , PR2 5JS £16 per day in advance ‐ £17 on the day (£32 for the weekend) (£34 for the weekend)

Timetable Saturday John Turkington ‐ Long Meg from the Antiquarians to Geophysics. John has degrees in philosophy and education but more importantly a wide ranging interest in cultural matters including a fascination with stone circles and megaliths. He has spoken to many different groups on a variety of subjects. Geraldine Beskin ‐ The Ancient British Tradition of Beating the Bounds. Geraldine is the owner of the famous ‘Atlantis Bookshop’, the World's oldest esoteric bookshop, situated in the heart of London's West‐End, next to the British Museum. Over the years many famous people have been customers at the Atlantis, including Aleister Crowley. Geraldine is keen on most aspects of the Western magical and mystical paths. She particularly enjoys researching and giving Talks on her current discoveries. Ross Hemsworth ‐ 'Mysterious Encounters' The day to day life of a strange phenomena researcher! Ross is well known to anyone who has an interest in paras‐ cience, having hosted and appeared in numerous TV shows such as Now THAT'S Weird, Ghost Detectives, Haunted Halloween Live and the BBC's Ghostwatch (Tower of London) and in this new talk, he discusses some of his stranger encounters, many of which he has NOT been able to rationally and logically explain. Some of the pictures and video he will show at the conference, may even make the hardened sceptic think again about their beliefs." Neil McDonald ‐ The Isle of Man, A Megalithic Journey. Neil has run Megalithic Tours for nine years and this Mysterious Earth Conference for five years. He has appeared on Edge Media TV, BBC Radio 4 and Glastonbury Radio's Now That's Weird' and Mysterious West. Neil is also the author of the 'Megalithic Jour‐ ney' series of books.

Timetable Sunday Stephen Mera ‐ Paranormal Sites and Household Disturbances. Steve has been involved in the subject of the paranormal for 30 years. He started out as a Ufologist and trained with BUFORA. He became a regional investigative co‐ordinator for BUFORA and joined NARO (Northern Anomalies Research Organisa‐ tion). Steve runs Manchester's Association pof Paranormal Investigation & Training (MAPIT) and foundered SEP (The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychol‐ ogy in 1995) and trained and qualified in Psychology and Parapsychology. He is an associate member of the Unifaculty of London's Forensic Parapsychology Department and also the UK consultant for PSI Applications in the U.S. Steve is the author of Strange Happenings, the A‐Z of the Unknown and Paranormal Insight and lecturers and tutors of the British Investigators Training Course in Anomalous Phenomena, the UKs most recognised course of its kind. He is now editor of Phenomena Magazine, the UKs leading internet magazine of its type. He conducts radio presentations as well as TV host and presenter of Fright Night. Steve has been involved in over 90 TV shows including the 13 part TV series Ghost Cases. He is an Investigator, Researcher and Freelance Journalist and currently working with Planet X Radio on 105.9fm. Brian Allan ‐ The Heretics, Can We Now Explain the Unexplainable? Brian is an internationally renowned researcher of the esoteric, a fascinating speaker and author of many books. He is also the Sub‐Editor of Phenomena Magazine and a well‐known and popular paranormal investigator. Brian has appeared in many documentaries and TV shows in Britain, Europe and America and runs the 'Paranormal Encounters Group'. John Lamb ‐ Lancashire's Sacred Landscapes. Paul Bennett ‐ The Megaliths and Rock Art of Ilkley Moor.

Contact ‐ Neil McDonald, 01772 728181 ‐ 07799 061991,

More information at -

Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal? By Richard Holland

Richard Holland is the editor of the ghosts and folklore website Uncanny UK and the former editor of Paranormal Magazine. A journalist of more than 20 years’ experience in news‐ papers and magazines, he is the author of six books, including ‘Haunted Wales: A Guide to Welsh Ghost‐ lore’ and ‘The Horror of Gyb Farm’. He is currently developing Smart Phone apps, including Ghost Finder London and Ghost Finder Edinburgh. To read more of Richard’s articles, and those of other authors on the subject of the super‐ natural in Britain, please visit

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Continuing my exploration of the sur‐ prising number of ghosts of modes of transport, I come inevitably to ghost trains – and not the fairground variety. The celebrated chiller by Charles Dick‐ ens, ‘The Signalman’, and Arthur Ridley’s popular play ‘The Ghost Train’ are fictional versions of this usually steam‐powered spook but ‘genuine’ apparitions have also been reported. The best‐known ghost train is reput‐ edly from the United States. Following his assassination in Ford’s Theatre, President Abraham Lincoln’s funeral was held on April 15, 1865. In a spe‐ cially prepared funeral train, his body was taken from Washington DC to his home in Springfield, Illinois, a distance of 1,700 miles. Mourners waited at railroad stations all the way along the route to pay their respects to their dead leader. The final car in the train was the one Lincoln had used in life and it was heavily draped in black. The car contained two coffins, those of Lincoln himself and the other of his son Willie, whose body had been exhumed to be reinterred in the family burial plot. In the decades following 1865 there have been numerous reports of a phantom funeral train being seen mak‐ ing its mournful and silent way through the Hudson Valley on its way to Illinois. The more elaborate descriptions state that not only is it draped in black crepe, it is also tended by skeletal guards and drivers. Of course, Britain too has its ghost trains. Precisely opposite in its (super‐) nature to Lincoln’s funeral train was that seen in Carmarthenshire in the 19th century. At midnight, a Mr James was walking him when he saw a train, heading towards Llandeilo, pass through Nantgaredig railway station. He knew no train was due to pass through at that time so the next morn‐ ing he asked the stationmaster about the ‘special’ he had seen. This worthy told him he had ‘either been dreaming or seen the spirit of a train’ for none had gone through that night at that time. A few days later, though, a spe‐ cial train booked out for the funeral of a VIP did pass through Nantgaredig on its way to Llandeilo. Mr James was convinced he’d seen the ‘toili’ or ghostly portent on this melancholy

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

In the way-back-when of my time editing Paranormal Magazine, I jokingly coined the term ‘spookology’ in one of my editorials. I’ve started using ‘spook’ as a handy word for any really weird and inexplicable ghostly phenomenon. At a time when the supernatural, an area of research in which we still understand very little, is becoming increasingly codified, the bizarre nature of the spooks recalled in this column may serve as a reminder that it’s way too soon to start normalising the paranormal.

BLACK COMEDY: A poster advertising a revival of Arthur Ridley’s 1940s comedy thriller ‘The Ghost Train’. loco. In North Wales, a huge ball of fiery light was said to occasionally be seen hurtling down a railway line at Abergele. This is supposed to be the paranormal reminder of a terrible train wreck that occurred here in the 19th century. Two visitors to BBC websites have re‐ vealed more recent ghost train sight‐ ings in the UK. A Mr Neil Hayden wrote: ‘Anybody who knows

Birkenhead [Wirral] will know that Green Lane train station is said to have a ghost train that passes through it. This I believe, as my dad used to work, long ago, on the trains, and both him and his work mates frequently heard it, although in the early hours no trains would be running.’ He adds: ‘My dad was no story teller.’ The second account refers to a location near Louth in Lincolnshire.

Spookology - Who Put The Norm in Paranormal? By Richard Holland

Mary Tomlinson Harrison wrote: ‘I was stationed at RAF Manby in1961‐63. I went down to the chip shop one eve‐ ning at approx 11pm and on my way back had to wait at the level crossing for a train to pass. The gates were not closed and in a bad state of repair. I stood there and a steam‐engined train with two carriages passed by. There were no lights on that train except for the glow of the fire in the engine. I was a bit scared of the noise and the lack of lights on the train and the open gates. ‘I fled back to camp and the sergeant at the guard‐room asked me if I was OK. On hearing my story, he told me Grimoldby Station [just north of Manby] had been closed for at least two years and the track lifted for quar‐ ter of a mile from the level crossing.’ Railway stations, including those on the London Underground, seem par‐ ticularly prone to hauntings, but this tends to be of bygone passengers or staff rather than of the locomotives themselves. There are numerous books devoted to railway ghosts of which one of the best published recently is David Brandon & Alan Brooke’s Shadows In The Steam (History Press 2009). Their copious research reveals just two ghost trains, however, which demonstrates

Man looking for 'ghost train’ killed by the real thing.

PRESIDENTIAL: An old postcard of the magnificent steam locomotive that pulled Abraham Lincoln’s funeral train in 1865. what a rare phenomena they are. Re‐ ferring to Greater London, the authors state: ‘Since the 1970s there have been occasional reports of a ghostly steam locomotive which manifests itself on the Northern Line between East Finchley Station and nearby Wellington Sidings.’ The second example, which ends this necessarily brief round‐up, is unusual in that it is the apparition of a

more modern engine, dating from after the days of steam. It is a Deltic‐class D9020 Diesel engine believed to haunt Hadley West South Tunnel in Hertford‐ shire in the United Kingdom. This very precise identification suggests that sightings have been made by no ordi‐ nary members of the public but by that special breed of men, the train‐ spotters!...

A man searching for a legendary “ghost train” was killed when a real locomo‐ tive came down the tracks and hit him. Christopher Kaiser, 29, had gathered with around 12 others on the anniversary of a crash that happened near States‐ ville, North Carolina at 3am on Aug 27, 1891. The crash 119 years ago saw seven carriages fall off a rail bridge into a ravine and 30 people died. According to local legend the sounds of the accident, including the whistle of the train and the screams of passengers, can be heard again on the anniversary and each year people go to listen. On the centenary of the crash in 1991 more than 150 people turned up. Mr Kaiser was waiting on a trestle at 2.45am when the real train, which consisted of three locomotives, came round a bend. The ghost hunters began running back along the trestle and most of them made it the 150ft to safety. According to wit‐ nesses Mr Kaiser pushed a woman to safety before being hit by the train him‐ self. So… Exercise caution always. By Nick Allen

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Tarot Card Reviewer Wendy Stokes ISBN: 978 1 59474 5690 ‘Zombie Tarot – Mystical Prediction Oracle is also known as ‘Your Weapon of Choice’ and ‘An Oracle of the Undead’. This is a novelty tarot card pack published by Quirk Books. It consists of 78 cards which are illustrated by Paul Kepple (author of ‘The Housewives’ Tarot’) and Ralph Geroni of Headcase Designs. In addition here is a 96 page instruction booklet written by Sta‐ cey Graham (author of ‘The Girl’s Ghost Hunting Guide’), offering three key words and a brief explanation of the energy. The deluxe, precision made, black velvet lined box has a close fitting lid and is suitable for keeping silver tipped bullets or cremation ashes! I overcame immense reluctance to work with this deck and having placed my prejudices to one side, I studied the collages which are created from 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s American newspapers with additional artwork. I soon began to be entertained by the gruesome elements of this deck. The card backs are black with the image of a zombie in a sultan’s hat, which is adorned with a jewelled brooch and feather. Wands are represented by limbs, pentacles by bio‐hazard symbols, cups by skulls and swords by hatchets. Suggested are five spreads; for ‘The Beginner’, ‘The Broken Heart’, ‘The Gravestone’, ‘The Eyeball’ and ‘The Severed Head’. Take the card of 5 of Wands as an example. It depicts a man lying on the floor, covered in blood and shouting because both his legs have been hacked off at the knees. Above him, two men, looking unwell and wearing ripped clothes are on their knees fighting over an amputated leg. Key words provided are ‘Quarrels’ ‘Strife’ ‘Competition’ and the information is as follows: ‘Even zombies will fall prey to an occasional petty squabble. But while you and your buddy argue over who gets to eat the leg meat, it’s possible the rest of the corpse is mounting a swift escape! So remember: next time you find yourself in a quarrel, take a mo‐ ment to consider what’s really important. Even if you win this battle, you may ultimately lose the war’. This deck is described as ‘Insight and Ammunition for Surviving the Undead Uprising’! It’s an ideal deck for ‘Night of the Living Dead’ fans or as a Halloween party gift for someone who lacks regular sensitivities! UFO’s Attack Earth: The Out of Control Universe of Harold T. Wilkins Author: Harold T Wilkins; edited by Sean Casteel Publisher: Global Communications ISBN: 978‐1‐8920‐6298‐7 Price: $20 or £12.95 This remarkable book, which is published by Timothy Green Beckley who provides the foreword, is extrava‐ gantly subtitled; ‘Accompanied by Warriors from Atlantis, Lost Cities, Living Dinosaurs and a Bloody Arsed Pirate or Two’ and, thankfully, does exactly what it says on the cover. The book is carefully edited by the extremely capable and knowledgeable Sean Casteel and represents a distillation of the writings of the late Harold T Wilkins who helped usher in the current wave of interest in all things magickal and strange. This reviewer is old enough to actually have heard of Wilkins while he was still alive and has seen a few of the books he wrote and not just as mysterious works referenced by other authors either. It has a welcome and deliciously old fashioned feel to it (e.g. the word, ‘queer’, means strange or odd and not its unfortunate modern interpretation) and is delightfully wide‐eyed and enthusiastic about the wonders it reveals. This collection of writings by Wilkins stems from what was surely a re‐emergence of a long stifled sense of wonder that finally seemed to crystallise during the 1960’s and perhaps the contents of this book were part of that: fortunately that same ‘sense of wonder’ still continues unabated to this very day. This book is genuinely Fortean in nature rather than truly paranormal and provides a unique glimpse into the nature and personality of the man who collected the strange, bizarre, anomalous and sometimes genuinely alarming accounts and tales that populate the pages. The book is double attractive in that it is immensely ‘dippable’ and does not need to be read in any particular order, because although the various subjects are categorised under different headings each page reveals its own item of wonder. The subjects it contains represent a real menagerie of the strange and consist of subjects such as ‘Atlantis’, ‘Cryptozoology’ (before it was called Cryptozoology), ‘Fearsome Creatures’, ‘Teleportation’, ‘Alien Death Rays’, ‘Flying Saucer Humanoids’, ‘Ancient Flying Saucers’ (long before von Daniken appeared), ‘The Magic Venusians’, ‘Quantum Physics and Bizarre Animals’ and ending appropriately enough with ‘The Great ‘Unknown’, (and yes, there is also a ‘Bloody Arsed Pirate’ in the mix). This book is a marvellous and immensely readable retrospective on the work of one of the true originals in the conjoined subjects of Ufology and the paranor‐ mal and it is to the eternal credit of Sean Casteel and Tim Beckley that they have joined forces in its timely re release: highly recommended.

Title: Matrix of The Mind Author: Commander ‘X’ et all Publisher: Global Communications ISBN: 978‐1‐6061‐1136‐9 Price: $20 or £12.95 If you thought that you has a handle on the way the world worked, then think again; because his book in one of the best researched and readable examples I have ever seen on exposing just how we are continually sub‐ verted, manipulated and influenced completely without our knowledge or consent. This deeply worrying and important work is a combined work from the ever mysterious Commander ‘X’, Tim Green Beckley, Scott Corrales, Sean Casteel and Tim Swartz and demonstrates just how dangerous governments throughout the world have become in their insatiable desire to learn, manipulate and ultimately control our very thoughts. That is bad enough and I suppose in these ex‐ tremely dangerous times perhaps just about justifiable to a point, but this desire for covert information also stretches to the multinational companies who now have the technology to monitor (and if they wanted to direct) what you buy and where you buy it. After reading just one section in the book that deals with interactive digital media and how it works (including the PC I’m writing this on) I had to think twice about switching it on. Forget all about the now notorious CIA sponsored ‘MK ULTRA’, disregard the use of ‘stimoceivers’ and how they can be used to directly control human (and animal) behaviour, (yep, it’s all in this comprehensive book), ignore the dubious psychological techniques employed to make consumers consume. People, it’s time to get seriously worried: the reality of the ‘Stepford Human’ is upon us and in this case the cause is sitting right there in your living room. That digital decoder or satellite TV box (or internet connected PC or MAC) is a two way device and can be used to make you do whatever the programmers and peo‐ ple who control it want you to do. There is also a section in the book dealing exclusively with electromagnetic and bio‐electromagnetic weapons: and these are the ones we know about, so what else is buried out of sight in the ‘deep black’ and the subsequent chapter on patents taken out on equipment in this area also makes for troubling reading. This may be one of the most important books ever written on this subject and deserves to be required reading for anyone who thinks that we live in a free society or that the choices we make are necessarily our own. Read it and be very concerned, but read it!! Title: Grimm Series 1 Distributor: Universal Format: DVD & BlueRay Extras: Bloopers, Making Monsters and the World of Grimm Price: £31.77 This is a 22 episode TV series based on the tales of the Brothers Grimm, but it most certainly not for kids, because when things get bad they get very, very bad indeed. A young average homicide cop suddenly starts having bi‐ zarre and frightening visions where apparently normal human beings start shape shifting into very strange creatures indeed. At first I was reminded of an older film called ‘They Live’, but that’s no bad thing. His aunt Marie pays him a sur‐ prise visit complete with camper van and reveals that she is dying (hence the strange visions) and he now is the last of the ‘Grimms’, a family (or perhaps a species of humanity, it’s not all that clear) descended from the brothers Grimm, who have been charged with keeping the rest of the human race safe from the evil forces that continually surround it. When his aunt dies (actually she has been murdered by one of these entities) he starts having more of alarming visions until he has no choice other than to start confronting some of the creatures and destroy them. She has a comprehensive library on these creature stored in her campervan and her nephew is able to glean important information from it. There is no shortage of material either, because the Brothers Grimm created a whole menagerie of supernatural creatures and the series producers soon pre‐ sent the viewer with some really choice examples. Just about everything you can think of is here from werewolves to witches and everything in between so there is something for everyone. Another plus point is that the production values are decent too, which makes for good viewing and the writers have used the old tales to springboard off and make then ever more entertaining (and in some cases genuine spooky. Highly recommended. Title: House at The End of the Street Director: Mark Tonderi Genre: Psychological thriller Main Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Max Thieriot, Gil Bellows, Elisabeth Shue

Distributor: Relativity Media Price: Cinema Only This relatively harmless contribution to the psychological thriller genre has a faint resonance with ‘Psycho’ and the more recent ‘Silent House’. It is, I suppose, generally OK. A newly divorced mother (Sarah) takes her daughter (Elissa) to live in an idyllic setting in the country little knowing that there is a dark secret attached to the area. Years before their move, in the house next door, a mentally disturbed girl murders her parents, runs into the woods and was presumed drowned. Her brother, (Ryan) who was not present during the attack but was responsible for his sisters mental state, still lives in the house and seems friendly, but, as one might expect, all is not what it seems: far from it! He forms a relationship with Elissa, but it soon turns out that he is as messed up as his sister. There are a few thrills, but not too many shocks and although it hits its desired teen market as intended (it did a decent return on the initial investment) it could have been a lot scarier.

British Professor: ‘Space rock proves UFOs exist and Aliens may have started life on Earth’!

British UFO Hacker Gary McKinnon released. The British hacker Gary McKinnon not to be prosecuted in Britain. The Prosecution has came to that decision. Because the chances of a conviction are “not big”. The United States tried to get a extradition for McKinnon, who had broken into U.S. government computers, but these turned out unsuccess‐ fully. McKinnon’s mother, Janis Sharp, said: “I feel fantastic, it’s just wonderful. The next thing I would like to get, impossible though it seems, would be a pardon from President Obama. “I think it’s possible because I think Obama seems like a good person and so does his wife.” She continued: “It’s amazing because it’s my birthday. Gary was tearful because of the relief – he was so scared. It’s going to be such a nice Christmas not to have everything hanging over us. “I feel the 10 years have been gruelling, it’s been life‐destroying. It’s difficult to explain how bad it’s been”.

By James Beal. A BRIT scientist claims to have found proof that ALIENS do exist ‐ after cracking open a lump of rock which fell to earth. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe found seaweed fossils inside the two‐ inch wide meteorite after it crashed down from outer space in a spectacular fireball in Sri Lanka. He believes it proves that UFOs are out there and may have even started life on earth. The Cardiff University boffin said: “These finds are crushing evidence that human life started from outside our earth.” Villagers picked up the smoking meteorite fragments shortly after they landed near a village a few miles from the city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka.

Computer Expert McKinnon fought for years against his extradi‐ tion to the U.S.. In October, the British Government gave up that he would be extradited because there is a high probability that he would commit suicide. McKinnon suffers from Asper‐ ger’s syndrome, an autistic disorder. According to the prosecution in Britain, a lawsuit is a time consuming process because many documents and witnesses are in the United States. “The chances of a conviction that is consistent with the supposed crime is not big,” said a statement. McKinnon says he broke into U.S. computers because he was looking for evidence of UFOs. If he was extradited to the U.S., he could have gotten sixty years. Mckinnon claims to have hacked into NASA and viewed photographs of UFOs in near earth orbit, found details of U.S. Ships that do not exist in the US Naval Fleet and most shockingly, a list of Extraterrestrial Officers...

Has Russian Prime Minister Confirmed Aliens?

Found inside meteorite. Discovered ... seaweed fossils found inside meteorite. They were sent to Cardiff University’s School of Earth Sciences where they were examined under a scanning electron microscope and fossils of algae ‐ which make up seaweed ‐ were found. They are similar to micro‐organisms found in fossils from the dinosaur age 55million years ago. Prof Wickramasinghe, 74, of Cardiff University’s Centre for Astrobiology, believes they show how the first “seeds of life” were deposited on our planet from space 3,800 million years ago. He claims that life forms from outer space arrived on our planet on comets which then “multiplied and seeded”.

Close‐up of meteorite. Microscopic images ... He said: “The algae organisms are similar to ones found in Earth fossils but the rock also has other organisms we have not identi‐ fied. “We are all aliens ‐ we share a cosmic ancestry. “Each time a new planetary system forms a few surviving microbes find their way into comets. These then multiply and seed other planets. “These latest finds are just more evidence to point to the over‐ whelming fact that life on earth began on other worlds.” Prof Wickramasinghe and his late colleague Sir Fred Hoyle champi‐ oned the “life from outer space” theory from the 1960s.

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

The Telegraph reported on Dec. 8, 2012 how Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s supposed off‐ camera remarks concerning his government’s secret files on extraterrestrials described an “absolutely secret special service” exerting control over ETs operating under cover in northern Asia. The London‐ based newspaper, once owned by Canadian‐born Conrad Black, reported that the former Russian presi‐ dent cited “Men in Black,” (a 1997 Hollywood movie glamorizing domestic black operations and govern‐ ment UFO cover‐ups), as a source for “more detailed information” concerning the status of ETs in his country today. If Prime Minister Medvedev intended for his comments to inspire laughter (as reported by the Associated Press) he would not be the first major international political figure to reveal a penchant for black humor. Inspired by NASA's 'Gradient Sun', this video re‐envisions images of a Dallas UFO recorded near the Addison, Texas Airport in October, 2010 by using a gradient filter. Gradient filters reportedly help scientists to trace light emis‐ sions from luminous bodies by intensifying the contrast between foreground and back‐ ground objects. A gradient represents a change in value over distance in one direction such as the slope of a curve appearing on a graph. The soundtrack was produced using Mutable Instruments' Shruthi‐1, Korg Monotribe and Monotron synthesizers. Film editor and sound designer Walter Murch once told how, "[Synthesized tuned helicopter blade sound used in] the beginning of the film [Apocalypse Now] was a trigger for the psychic dimension." In his March 20, 2009, interview on CBS Television’s “60 Minutes,” U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama explained to correspondent Steve Kroft that interjections of laughter during their discussion of the then and still‐dire domestic economy were intended to invoke a little “gallows humor to get you through the day.” However, the prime minister’s remarks actually follow in the wake of far more in‐depth discussions con‐ cerning UFOs and ET‐related phenomena, including the transfer of videos and photographs to a team of international civilians by Russian military and intelligence operatives that took place in 1997. This is just one of the top UFO news stories covered on this morning’s UFOAM, a live broadcast over You‐ Tube that also featured reports of UFOs from New Zealand and Malta.

Alien Investigations, Channel 4, review. Gerard O'Donovan reviews Alien Investigations, a Channel 4 documentary which examines four "alien sightings" from the last five years. On Channel 4, Alien Investigations (Channel 4) was more successfully exploring another murky recess of the human brain ‐ the one that encourages some people to believe aliens not only exist but even make occasional visits to planet Earth. The aim was to explore four separate incidents in Mexico, Peru, Panama and Long Island, New York, where the remains of supposedly alien beings have been discovered in last five years, with a view to uncovering… the truth. The Panamanian case was discovered to be a rumour put about by some teenage boys and was swiftly dismissed. But the other three incidents had already received international media attention and were un‐ doubtedly intriguing. Especially the case of a tiny, vaguely humanoid creature discovered in a rattrap on a farm in Metapec, Mexico. DNA tests, we heard, had been inconclusive; the debate as to its true origins still raged. Elsewhere, a skeletal “mummy” with a cone‐shaped head found in the Andes was declared an Inca alien by the man who discovered it; on a Long Island beach, photos taken of the bloated corpse of an uni‐ dentified quadruped were dubbed the Montauk Monster (despite the creature being less than two feet long) and instantly declared extraterrestrial by the local media, whereupon the body mysteriously disap‐ peared. Perhaps the biggest surprise of this film was the degree to which Alien Investigations was intent on debunking rather than perpetuating these stories. In every case it succeeded in doing so in fine style, gain‐ ing impressive access where possible and proving – through the appliance of some forensic science, expert opinion and journalistic inquisition – that all the remains were of undeniably earthly origin. In the Mexican case they even secured something of a good old‐fashioned scoop: an on‐camera admission that it had all been a prank, by a bored taxidermist with too much time and a rare breed of marmoset monkey on his hands...

A shockingly good bargain! Grade‐II‐listed folly 'haunted by the ghost of Charles I's executioner' went on sale and sold for just £75,000.

By Phil Vinter. Local legend says folly is haunted by John Mayne who lived in a nearby cave in the 17th century. Folly was built in 1769 by former owner of Dinton Hall, Sir John Vanhattem and was used to store fossils and some are incorporated in the limestone walls. Almost 250 years old the Grade II listed building has been described by estate agents as a folly ‐ a building in the form of a castle or temple originally constructed to satisfy a fancy or conceit. The ruins, in the village of Dinton, near Aylesbury, in Buckingham‐ shire are rumoured to be haunted by the ghost of John Mayne. This alleged haunted ruin where the ghost of King Charles I's executioner is said to roam at night went under the hammer for £75,000.

A Taos ghost story? By Rick Romancito I found out today (Jan. 21) that something unusual happened last weekend at Moby Dickens Bookshop. Apparently at some point on Friday evening (Jan 18th) a book titled “Started Early, Took My Dog” by Kate Atkinson inexplicably fell off a top shelf and landed on the middle of the hallway. No one was working at the time. The sound of the book hitting the floor apparently was enough to set off the store’s alarm, which is how the store’s management discovered it. The title of the book doesn’t seem to be significant, but the date it hopped off the shelf could be. On Jan. 18, 1847, Territorial Gov. Charles Bent was at‐ tacked at his home and murdered in front of his family. This incident sparked what has become known as the 1847 Taos Revolt. Many others died that violent day. Gov. Bent’s home is right across the road (now called Bent Street) from the John Dunn House where Moby Dickens is now located. The 1847 revolt is a painful incident from Taos’ past. A few months earlier, on Aug. 18, 1846, Gen. Stephen W. Kearny and his Army of the West had seized Santa Fe from the Mexican government, and in so doing sparked terror in the hearts of citizens who feared the new government would forcibly take their land and resources, in effect ripping up the centuries old land grants assured by the Spanish crown. Nowhere was this fear more intense than in Taos, where both Native Americans and Hispanos shared these concerns. Once Kearny had Santa Fe, he appointed the well known trader from Taos, Charles Bent, to be Territorial Governor. Bent moved into the Governor’s Palace, but on Jan. 14 he travelled home for a brief visit, ac‐ cording to historian Marc Simmons writing for the Santa Fe New Mexican April 24, 2009. Simmons writes: “All arrived at Taos late on a cold Jan. 18. Early the next morning, a rampaging mob composed of Taos Indians and Taos town residents went on a killing spree, slaying in a horrible manner Gov. Bent and all his traveling companions. On receiving word of the tragedy, Col. Price and his troops started for Taos, van‐ quishing on the way opposing forces at Santa Cruz and Embudo. On Feb. 3 they attacked the Taos Pueblo, where Hispano and Indian rebels joined to make their stand. The battle continued on the following day, the American artillery blasting away at the thick‐walled adobe church where most of the defenders were con‐ centrated. On Feb. 5 Taos Pueblo fell to the attackers. It had lost 154 men, a devastating blow for such a small place.” The ruins of that church still remain to this day, and for a long time served as the tribe’s cemetery. This was a tragedy of monumental proportions. No one is saying the book falling off a shelf has anything to do with ghosts or haunting or Charles Bent. It's just an odd thing that happened. Many people believe the ghosts of Taos become active around dates of particular significance. This is a very old place and the footsteps of generations overlay those of even older journeys. You might not believe in such things and you may be right not to, but somewhere deep inside the shudder of recognition may ring when such a coincidence comes to the surface. Do the ghosts of Taos rise at this time of year to remind us of the horror that happened that week 166 years ago? Only you can decide.

The ruins, in the village of Dinton, near Aylesbury, Buckingham‐ shire are rumoured to be haunted by the ghost of John Mayne. Mayne, who was also known as the Dinton Hermit, used to live in a nearby cave in the 17th Century. He was once secretary to Oliver Cromwell and local legend has it that he executed Charles I on January 30, 1649. Mayne fell out of favour with Charles II during the restoration and was stripped of his wealth. His ghost is now said to shelter within the crumbling walls of the octagonal folly constructed on a Saxon burial ground. The octagonal folly was built on a Saxon burial ground by Sir John Vanhatten in 1769 to store his collection of fossils. The octagonal folly was built on a Saxon burial ground by Sir John Vanhatten in 1769 to store his collection of fossils. Originally the folly was three storeys high with a newel staircase in the east tower, a fireplace on each floor in the west tower and was used by servants. The building stands in about two thirds of an acre so well worth developing. The sale was held by public auction at on November 26th of last year at the Holiday Inn, New Road, Aylesbury. Lets hope the new owners have an interest in the subject of the para‐ normal and allow research and investigation to take place in close vicinity to the building...

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

The Legend of the Elmore Ghost Rider By Don Collins.

The normally quiet small town of Elmore, Ohio is a hotbed of alleged paranormal activity during the last week of March 2012, A headless ghost rider is said to prowl the dark streets of town searching for a victim to join him in his eternal ride on the road to Hell. The author and agents of Fringe Paranormal traveled to this sleepy town to investigate the tale of this lost soul. Did the team survive the horror of this phantom menace or did someone wind up as roadkill compliments of the Elmore Ghost Rider? The Author Don Collins has had a lifelong interest in all things unexplained and has been actively investigat‐ ing the paranormal for over five years. He is currently the Director of Fringe Paranormal based in Toledo, Ohio. In addition, he oversees the team website and writes many of the articles and case reports. Don and the Fringe team constantly strive to uncover new evidence and introduce revolutionary concepts and theories in the field of paranor‐ mal investigation.

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The Legend The legend of the Elmore Rider is quite familiar to the residents of the town of Elmore. Every year on March 21, the alleged anniversary of the motorcyclist's death, residents and visitors from outlying areas converge at one of several bridges hoping to catch a glimpse of the headless rider. The story is simple yet intriguing and has been around for at least forty years. Our story begins during the Second World War as a sol‐ dier dreams of returning to the arms of his sweetheart. While he serves his country his thoughts linger on his love waiting for him back home. Finally, the day comes when he receives his discharge papers. Soon he they will be together again and make plans for a family and live out the rest of their days in happiness. Alighting from his ship he mounts his motorcycle and starts his drive home. On the way his thoughts again turn to the woman wait‐ ing for him. Approaching her house he notices two peo‐ ple engaged in an intimate kiss. He smiles, knowing the love that the two must surely share for each other. But his smile quickly fades as he nears the couple, for he knows the female quite well. It is his betrothed! Unable to think or to speak, he violently turns a corner on a dirt road leading away from the couple. His mind full of con‐ fusion and anger he races down the road at blinding speed oblivious to any danger. He does not know what is happening around him, he is lost in the torture of be‐ trayal. He hears an agonized scream and realizes it is coming from his own mouth. Rain starts to fall making the narrow road even more treacherous. Then suddenly there is a curve ahead and beyond that a narrow bridge: speeding over the bridge the anguished rider loses con‐ trol and is killed as his bike plunges into the deep ravine below the bridge. Later the authorities find his mangled body lying lifeless and a short distance away they find something else: his decapitated head. The Road (Head)Less Traveled While this story utilizes some dramatic poetic license, a search for other stories of the Elmore Rider turns up

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

more or less similar tales with some differences. In one account our intrepid rider is decapitated by a wire strung across the bridge as a prank and returns to the scene every year looking for the person or persons responsible. Other accounts have him plunging over the side of the bridge to his death, minus a head of course. There seems to be no consensus as to the time period of this accident. Tales put the occurrence as either during World War I or World War II. Sightings of headless motorcycle riders are not limited to Elmore, Ohio though. Tulare, California also has its own headless rider. In this story, a cyclist is beheaded by a rope strung across a bridge as a practical joke. The pranksters apparently misjudged the height of the rope leading to the rider's demise and beheading. This incident allegedly took place in 1950's after which the ghost of the victim can be seen as well as heard driv‐ ing down the road. This legend is also a subject of debate. Some of those among the living claim to have been closely associated with the victim and place its occurrence in the 1960s. There are also tales of a headless rider traveling the roads of Ojai, California on his vintage 1940s motorcycle. Stories relating to headless motorcycle riders are not culturally bound to the U.S. In the U.K. we have a poor soul who is beheaded while riding behind a lorry carrying a load of steel plates. As the rider attempts to pass the vehicle, one of the steel sheets falls from the lorry and decapitates the poor fellow. The forward momentum of the cycle carries it along with his headless body, past the lorry driver's window. Looking over, the driver sees the headless rider and has a heart attack. One of several things happens to the driver according to different ac‐ counts. He runs off the road and dies; he runs into a crowd of people; or he runs off the side of the road takes out a mother and her baby. The aforementioned tales have been passed down for years from person to person and have become part of local legend. It is rare to have an actual firsthand account from some‐ one who has actually witnessed one of these headless

The Legend of the Elmore Ghost Rider By Don Collins.

Myths & Legends.

riders. However, here is a tale from India which is told by someone who actually claims to have experienced such a sighting. Kasara Ghat is a valley in India with nar‐ row winding roads. This well‐traveled area is well known as it is the route to the Shridi Temple. This holy temple was built for the spiritual guru "Sai Baba". Thousands of people visit this site every year. The narrow road leading to the temple is very dangerous and cars cannot pass each other safely so one must back down the road so that the other can pass safely. Two cars passing on the road can lead to disaster as one bad turn would find one crashing into the valley below. One early morning at about 1:00 am a driver noticed a cycle behind him honk‐ ing so as to get him to move aside. The driver ignored the biker; only a fool would try to pass on so narrow a road. The honking continued and finally the frustrated driver slowed with the intent of cursing out the biker as he passed. Imagine his surprise as a headless rider sped by and disappeared into thin air in front of him and his passengers. Upon reaching the temple the astonished witnesses told a villager about their experience with the headless entity. The villager informed them that years ago a biker was killed while trying to overtake a truck. Since that day people who traveled that road often saw this headless biker. Legend has it that if you do not let him overtake you, you your‐ self will have a horrific accident. Perhaps one of the most well‐known local stories relat‐ ing to Elmore's headless rider involved Richard Gill. A former teacher, Mr. Gill had heard the legend of the ghost rider and decided to investigate for himself.

On the evening of March 21, 1969 he and a friend drove out to what is suspected to be THE bridge. Now, legend has it that in order to witness the rider one must per‐ form a certain ritual. Park your vehicle at the bridge, flash your lights three times (some accounts instruct you to honk your horn as well), and soon the rider will ap‐ pear coming towards you. Mr. Gill and his cohort performed the ritual and allegedly found success; the single headlight appeared and passed them by. They attempted the ritual a second time but this time had a string tied across the road. Again the headlight appeared and passed them by, seeming to pass through the string leaving it unbroken. Excited, the pair decided on a third attempt to summon the rider. This time Gill's friend would stand in the middle of the bridge as Mr. Gill performed the procedure yet again from a distance away. As Gill did his part the headlight ap‐ peared. When Gill went back to see his friend he noticed that he had disappeared. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending upon how you look at it, he found his partner lying in a nearby ditch semi‐conscious. His friend could not remember what had happened to bring him to such a state. The Information Highway Now that we have explored the stories about the ghost rider let's take a look at the facts. Let's start with the most obvious question: Who is this ghostly rider? No one knows. During a fact checking visit to the Elmore Public Library the author, the director of Fringe Paranor‐ mal, discovered that there is no evidence that there even

The Headless Horseman is by far the most famous paranormal figure from American literature, and although a fictional story it was based on an actual ghost story from century's ago. An unearthly and spectral vision of a headless horseman, riding a dark horse and waving a rapier, some‐ times with a jack o‐lantern (as a head) was reportedly seen in the Eighteenth Century. The legend of the Headless Horseman begins in a town near North Tarrytown, New York named Sleepy Hollow. The Horseman was supposedly a Hessian soldier of unknown rank; one of many such hired to sup‐ press the American Revolutionary War. During the war, the Horse‐ man was one of 548 Hessians killed in a battle for Chatterton Hill, wherein his head was sev‐ ered by a cannonball. He was buried in a graveyard outside an Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow. Thereafter he appears as a ghost, who presents to nightly travelers an actual danger (rather than the largely harmless fright produced by the majority of ghosts), presumably of decapita‐ tion. He carries his own head on his person or that of his horse and uses it as a weapon, though he also carries a sword. The headless horseman has appeared in many forms of literature throughout history and throughout the world. Many different countries have their own unique version of the legend in which some form of the head‐ less horseman appears. In the United States, various states have their own version of a headless horseman tale; Texas' version of the legend, written by Thomas Mayne Reid in 1865 or 1866, tells of ghosts of beheaded horse thieves, who roam the country‐ side. An informative website:

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

The Legend of the Elmore Ghost Rider By Don Collins.

Myths & Legends. The more noted and recognizable headless horseman of today imitates the one that appears in Washington Irving's short story, which was published in 1820. The story is set in America, within a 1790's Dutch settlement that residents nicknamed "Sleepy Hollow". Its protagonist is a schoolteacher named Ichabod Crane, whose apparent demise results from a meeting with the horseman. The horseman himself is allegedly a Hessian soldier from the Revolutionary War who was decapitated by a cannonball and now roams Sleepy Hollow on the back of his horse, with his sev‐ ered head resting upon the pommel of his saddle. He is therefore covalently called the 'Galloping Hessian'. The Horse‐ man is said to be incapable of crossing the bridge (a possible reference to the belief that ghosts cannot cross water), although he is shown throwing his head across a river to strike down Ichabod Crane. Ichabod's fate is left ambiguous; some of the background characters allege that he has been "carried off" by the Horseman, while others suggest that he has been fright‐ ened out of the county by the ghost and by the prospect of facing his landlord, later to be‐ come a lawyer in Philadelphia. It is implied later that the Horse‐ man was in fact Brom Bones, Ichabod's rival for the hand in marriage of the local beauty Katrina van Tassel, who imitated the legend of the Galloping Hessian on purpose to kill or frighten away his competitor. The fact that a shattered pumpkin is found beside Ichabod's aban‐ doned hat supports this, in that the pumpkin may easily have been used to simulate the Horse‐ man's severed head. Intriguingly, there is no mention of a severed head in the story heard by Ich‐ abod, though it is prominent in his own encounter with the Horseman.

Above: Elmore Bridge.

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was such an accident in Elmore involving a motorcycle. Past interviews with Mr. Gill reveal that he may have stumbled upon evidence of a similar accident in a nearby community but evidence of this cannot be located. One of the easiest questions to answer about the legend is whether this tragedy could have happened during either of the World Wars. We find that yes it is possible as the motorcycle was invented in the latter part of the 19th century and was in production within the early part of the 1900's, before either war broke out. Most people hoping to see the ghostly rider in Elmore, Ohio head (no pun intended) to the small bridge that crosses Mud Creek on Fought Road. This is generally thought to be THE bridge where our doomed cyclist met his demise so many years ago. We must also call into question the alleged location of this legend. No one is quite sure of the exact location of the alleged accident which produced the legend. There are several bridges in the area frequented by those looking for the headless rider. The bridge in question which is thought to be “the spot” was built in 1874 and crosses Mud Creek at a loca‐ tion which spans about twenty feet across. The bridge crosses the creek at a height of about ten feet. Now that we know the stats of the bridge the question becomes “Is it possible for someone to be decapitated in a motor‐ cycle accident?” Total decapitation resulting from an accident is rare but is possible. Take the following infor‐ mative examples from the website: ‘This is a rare case of complete decapitation involving a 20‐year‐old motorcyclist. The motorcyclist sustained a heavy blow in the region of the neck against the right‐ side edge of a car compartment which resulted in his complete decapitation. The head of the motorcyclist was 37.5 m away from the car in the direction of the motorcy‐ cle movement. The collision speed of the motorcycle was about 133 km/h. Literature survey and the examination of injuries in this case have allowed us to conclude what the decapitation causing mechanism was and the force necessary to have complete decapitation. In our case the basic mechanism for decapitation was the direct trauma in the cervical region. The force needed for the complete decapitation ranges between 400 kgf and 800 kgf’. ‘We describe a case of complete decapitation following a motorcycle accident in which the victim was wearing a full face helmet. A young man lost control of his motorcy‐ cle and was thrown about 20 m, hitting his head against the barrier separating a tramline from the road. The resulting trauma caused his decapitation, the only fatal wound ascertained by the various forensic investigations. The authors present this rare case and compare it against the other two cases reported in the literature, providing some observations on the ways in which this injury can come about. The absence of abrasions or signs that the wound edges came into contact with a metal structure, the presence of signs of impact on the side of the helmet and the finding of a transversal fracture at the base of the skull point to the violent action of a side‐ to‐side opposite force, due to the resistance provided by the lower edge of the protective helmet’. ‘An 18‐year‐old male driving an off‐road motorcycle died from complete decapitation when his motorcycle tore a roadblock chain from its attachment. The decapitation injuries of the head and the torso corresponded perfectly,

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

without apparent loss of tissue. The severance plane passed horizontally through the upper cervical region and C4, which sustained a comminuted fracture. The sharply delineated severance edge had a band‐like abra‐ sion. The decapitation resulted from the rotational move‐ ment of the unstrung chain, which struck and strangled the driver's neck. We were able to explain the movement of the chain and the decapitation mechanism. This case emphasizes the importance of discussing dynamics with experts to clarify a causal mechanism’. End of the Road So let’s sum up what we have discovered during our trip down Hell’s highway. During our investigation we have found evidence that it is possible for a person to be de‐ capitated in a motorcycle accident. We have also con‐ firmed that the bridge commonly thought to be THE bridge was in existence during the time period our anti‐ hero is thought to have perished. Motorcycles were available to the public during the time period in ques‐ tion. What we do not have, however, is evidence of a deadly accident involving a motorcyclist during this same period. Current details of the bridge such as reflecting markers, which may be mistaken for lights from a dis‐ tance, also add to skepticism as to the ghost rider’s exis‐ tence. During the author's investigation at the main bridge and several other locations he did not witness any sort of unexplained activity. While we have found no hard evidence to support his existence, the Elmore Ghost Rider will continue to enthrall those who hear his deadly tale.

More information can be found at the following web‐ sites:

Whew!! So we made it through another attack of the End Times, well, we have had plenty of practise at it considering that there have been dozens over the years. Anyway; here’s what lies in store in the heavens for January. Oh and A Happy New Year! January 3, 4 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower. The Quadrantids are an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on January 3 & 4, but some meteors can be visible from January 1 - 5. The near last quarter moon will hide many of the fainter meteors with its glare. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Look for meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes. January 11 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 19:44 UTC. January 27 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 04:38 UTC.

The Secrets of the Moon By Obaidur Rahman.

While the sun has proven her superiority, it is the moon that the species of earth sincerely like to confide in. That's why she is a major aesthetical inspiration for mankind while the creatures of the wild instinctively howl at her mesmerising aura, which only strengthens her mysterious nature. However, despite such spiritual adornments, the moon, since her creation 4.5 billion years ago, has given away very little about her dark side…. What many are not aware of is that there are two sides of the moon and the tidal forces between earth and moon have slowed down the latter's rotation in such a way that the same side of the moon is always facing the earth. This synchronous rotation of the moon ‐‐ rotating on her axis in about the same time that it takes her to orbit the earth ‐‐ keeps a particular side of the lunar hemisphere permanently turned away from the earth at all times. The side of the moon that earthlings can see is called the “near side” and the opposite side, which is never visible in its entirety from earth, is known as the “far side” of the moon and rather popularly, “The dark side of the moon”! For thousands of years, humankind's curiosity towards this “dark side” eventually lead to the exploration where this mystifying far hemisphere of the moon was first photographed by the Soviet probe, Luna 3 in 1959 and directly observed by the human eye during the orbital mission of Apollo 8. The official verdict was the “far side” is the same as the “near side” covered with craters and highlands. But rumour has it that there is an Alien Base on the “far side of the Moon…” Many would doubt this because by now almost everyone has seen the photographs of both sides of the moon taken so nicely by the western satellite probes and evidently their information showed no signs of life or intelligent structures on the surface of the moon. Then again, their information also evidently showed that there were WMD's in Iraq too! But before all this, since the time Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon on July 21, in 1969, there was speculation that during their stay on the moon's surface the crew of Apollo11 was never all by themselves. The following conversation between Apollo11 and NASA Mission Control that took place still mystifies people to date: Apollo11 (Armstrong & Aldrin): What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know. These babies were huge, sir…Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it… NASA: What…What the hell's going on? Apollo11: They're here, under the surface. NASA: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo11. Apollo11: Roger, we're here, all three of us. But we've found some visitors… They've been here for quite a while judging by the installations…I'm telling you there are other spacecrafts out there. They're lined up in ranks on the far side of the crater edge…They're on the moon watching us! According to noted Russian UFOlogist and Professor of Mathematics of Moscow University, Dr Vladimir Azhazha, this encounter took place shortly after the landing of Apollo11 but the report of this encounter was never heard by the public as NASA censored it. According to Otto Binder, a former NASA employee, amateur radio enthusiasts on a classified channel, reserved for high security messages, overheard the conversation. In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, NASA's communications expert who also helped design Apollo spacecrafts publicly stated that the encounter between Apollo11 and the UFOs was “common knowledge within the NASA”. One might wonder what Neil Armstrong and “Buzz” Aldrin had to say about this. Both of them publicly admitted later in life that they did encounter UFOs on the moon and Armstrong, the first human to walk on the moon, said during a NASA symposium “their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology‐Boy, were they big!...and menacing”! He went on saying that there is indeed an alien base on the moon. Another former NASA astronaut and fifth man to walk on the moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14, in a radio interview in 2008 ad‐ mitted to the existence of alien life forms describing the beings as “little people who look strange to us” and in his own words “I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real”. Page 21

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

The Secrets of the Moon By Obaidur Rahman.

In between 1969 to 1972, a total of six manned missions explored the moon including Apollo11 and altogether a total of 12 astronauts walked on the surface of our sole satellite. Every single mission encountered mysterious anomalies during their stay on the moon. Numerous conversations between these Apollo astronauts and NASA Mission Control confirmed that the ambassadors of earthlings did come across some strange structures and there have been further sightings of UFOs both in the atmosphere and while on the surface of the moon. Some of these structures were referred to as blocked field, benches, beaches, terraces, watermarks, domes, tunnels, constructional ridge and strange tracks. The official claim is that these are just metaphoric terms used to describe un‐ usual natural formations on the moon but then again there were several occasions where astronauts were told to switch to classified radio frequencies and use prearranged special codes like “Condorcet Hotel” (used by Apollo17) and “Barbara” (by Apollo16) in order to describe objects that were of great substance and clearly not meant for public knowledge. The question is, if the moon truly is lifeless and ordinary, then why so much secrecy about these findings?

Surprisingly, the affirmation on the concealment of the findings on the moon and unusual encounters by the astronauts out there came from none other than the NASA supreme Dr Farouk El‐Baz. Few words on Dr El‐Baz are in order as he is the Egyptian‐American Geologist who, during the Apollo programme years (1967 to 1972) was the supervisor of Lunar Science Planning at Bellcomm Inc. which worked with NASA extensively, secretary of the Landing Site Selection Committee to the moon, principal investigator of visual observations and photography and chairman of the Astronaut training group. Don Wilson, author of Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon says in his book, Dr El‐Baz did admit “not every discovery has been an‐ nounced”! The noted NASA scientist admitted during an interview that there were secret searches for various things on the moon and in his own words, “a huge bridge‐like structure in Mare Crisium (a region on the moon) has been reported…That is all I can say about it”. When asked if they were intelligently placed artifacts of extra‐terrestrial origin, Dr El‐Baz, although did not say yes, nevertheless went on to say, “Almost anything is possible”. Even though numerous findings from the lunar explorations were meant to be kept under lock and key forever, the popu‐ lar belief amongst the extra‐terrestrial enthusiasts and UFOlogists is that there is an extra‐terrestrial base on the “far side” of the moon which is secretly acknowledged and referred to as “Luna” by the intelligence communities of the world. There is also a strong belief that all forms of earthly scientific, exploratory as well as orbiter missions that were aimed at the moon by different nations picked up images of ruined lunar cities, transparent pyramids, castles, domes, mines along with the most speculated about pictures of the alien base. Chances are, these are all far‐fetched ideas about the moon and her dark side since it is human nature to speculate on matters that are unfamiliar. But here is where doubt actually steps in. The moon holds great mystery for many reasons. First and foremost, how it was formed is still in obscurity and scientists only hypothesise about how it could have happened. Secondly, the princi‐ ples of her revolving around the earth exposing only one particular side at all times is still a wonder for all astronomers. Thirdly, why were the missions to the moon stopped so abruptly? The talk is again on the table about sending manned missions by 2020 and con‐ structing a permanent outpost on the moon from here on. But what caused the one during the era of 1969‐1972 to be put on hold? Had it continued, by now there would have been a proud space station set up by human beings on the moon instead of one that is constantly dangling in space. As for the reason behind staying off the moon, Neil Armstrong says, “We were warned off”! If this is true, then we must ask ourselves, by whom and why?...

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

The Rendlesham Incident Soon to Hit the New York Stage Frequent Phenomena Magazine contributor, Ryan Sprague, isn’t just an investigative writer. His literary origins began in the theatre. And he has now found a very interesting to way to mix his passions for the UFO phenomenon and the stage. He is currently working with Peter Robbins, co-author of the British BestSelling Book, 'Left at East Gate', to bring the story of the Rendlesham Forest Incident of 1980 to an audience that rarely, if ever, thinks about the UFO phenomenon. “The idea of writing a play about UFOs sounds risky at the surface, but I honestly feel that it is a fresh topic in a medium that evokes more thought than most. We have endless amounts of movies of alien invasions. We have paintings, comic books, and television programs showing us flying saucers visiting earth in hoards. But I ask you...” Ryan ponders, “When has the topic of UFOs been addressed in a dramatic and serious manner in the world of theatre?” And so we have a play that is currently being developed in Ryan's native home of New York City. Not only is he working with a prominent UFO researcher on the play, but he is also working closely with Larry Warren, witness to the amazing events that transpired on the final of three nights that make up the very controversial Rendlesham Forest Incident(s). “The play itself will chronicle the ten year journey of Larry Warren and Peter Robbins in writing their book.” Ryan continues, “After reading the book several times, my first inclination was that not only was it wrought with dramatic potential, but it was a very human story. The events of 1980 were extraordinary to begin with, but the aftermath was all that more interesting.” Not only is the Rendlesham case hitting the stage, but in preparation, an independent film company has approached the playwright about penning a short film based specifically on Larry Warren's experience in the forest on that fateful night. The piece aptly titled, 'In a Forest' will film in Long Island, NY, this Spring and will premiere around the Halloween season. More information can be found at the official Rendlesham Play Page on Facebook at Ryan has been actively seeking out any other witnesses that may have been involved in the case, and asks that if anyone wishes to come forward with their own personal accounts, he would be more than willing to speak with them in private. Those interested in learning more about the project can follow its development at the Facebook page above or can always reach the playwright personally at

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Attack and Exorcism By Terry Stokes.

A close friend and his new girlfriend (he a chiropractor and she a psychologist) contacted me about some strange goings-on at their home; I thought little of this until his angry ex-girlfriend also contacted me. She claimed that she was psychic and that she could harm people and that for my own good I should not get involved in the squabble between her and the new girl. My pal then told me he had dumped this girl because she had problems and she was threatening both him and the new girl in his life, and his new girl then phoned me to say she was emotionally exhausted with weird feelings and thoughts and scary nocturnal happenings; and would I be cognisant of any goings on?

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Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Attack and Exorcism By Terry Stokes.

The next night I was disturbed by odd noises in my home. I assumed the family cat was exploring and thought no more about it…until I was woken in the early hours by my son who called out " get away from me!" in his sleep. Now he has always slept soundly, so concerned, I went and knocked on his door and on opening it was met with a thick fog that immediately dissipated and he wak‐ ing up and not aware that he had called out. I intentionally slept lightly for the remainder of the night scanning any impressions that came in to my mind. This is technically called a ‘lykewake’, from the old English of watching over a dead body for four days after the death until the astral had dissipated, but nothing occurred. The next day my pal’s new girlfriend told me she had been psychically attacked and was exhausted and at the end of her tether. I used an old secret trick used by distance healers. Where the astral and physical bodies connect they are held to‐ gether by a vibrating silver cord. When people are old or sick this becomes sparse, white, and even grey, hers showed someone with very little re‐ serves; so by concentrating my silver cord into a tube I was able to give her a kind of energy injec‐ tion by breathing deeply in through the heart chakra while thinking protective and healing thoughts, and I breathed this out along my cord to her and surrounded her with healing vibes which were a lovely pale blue colour and I felt would help her. I then as my body slept went astrally to see my friend the chiropractor. As I approached his home I was surprised to see it covered by a fine lumi‐ nous web and as I looked on I became conscious of two big eyes watching me. The distance be‐ tween the eyes suggested that something big and unpleasant was lurking in the darkness and as I backed away I could see a huge spider. Using a flaming torch that I often carry on my astral trav‐ els at night I set the web alight and threw the torch onto the awful creature.

Now, when a beast is created and sent out to harm, but does not fulfil its intention it begins to return home, this is one of the most awful and destructive aspects of black magic, and such a returning thought form has to be digested by its conjuring host and I know of several black magi‐ cians who have perished in the night by this means, one I knew quite well indeed.

When one of these creatures is dissolved or fa‐ tally attacked the face of the sorcerer is often seen and I recognised the girl who was the chiro‐ practor’s ex. These creatures are created by brooding over and concentrating from the lower chakras; as the breath of life is breathed in to give it life it takes from the ‘exuviae’ dark thoughts and faecal mat‐

hermetically sealed with due magical process, and I suddenly realised I had recently had a small con‐ servatory put on the back, and this would have allowed free access for lower realm entities, so I fasted for several hours ritually bathed and at the appropriate time went through every access and entry point ‐ what the Intel Services call the "eyes of the house" ‐ and blessed and sealed them, I scrubbed the floor in the conservatory and

ter, the saying "as a man thinks so is he" is very true, if people only knew what damage drug’s smoking, excessive alcohol, and loveless or same sex does to the person on all levels; just watching violence or porn has subliminal influences and lowers important inner thresholds, allowing strange life forces to get a grip that can be very hard to loosen. One expert I studied under was Joyce McDougall who was for some years the top psychiatrist and sex therapist at the world famous London Maud‐ sley Psychiatric Hospital, she often told me that sexual disturbances and perversions were behind most crimes on both the astral and physical planes. Joyce gave me counselling after I became depressed after a long exorcism at the home of mass killer Dennis Nilsen. I realised I now had a battle on my hands which I was not happy about, a ‘Hebtobad’ is an ancient sacred cleansing which should take seven days, I did this in abbreviated form over 7 hours to rush to be ready for what may come. My chiropractor friend, in his worried state, had sought advice from the Spiritualist Association and they had told him that opinions vary and that they did not strictly agree with exorcism, or what they call spirit release, saying this was interfering in god’s work. However they did give him my phone number, but when he said he was already in contact with me the lady just abruptly hung up the phone. The next morning I considered how any entity could enter my home at night as it was

‘pentacle‐ised’ all apertures and did something else, which I must not speak of, as a strong astral antiseptic. Later that day I was shocked to receive a barrage of insulting emails from my friends ex. these were hateful, and I replied I would not be speaking to her, so she said she had help and would take my life, I mulled this over and decided regretfully to give her a taste of her own medicine. Many magi‐ cians, and by that I mean real magicians not chil‐ dren’s entertainers who call themselves that, don’t like retaliating and this was forbidden by the now defunct Demonologists Association but my friends new girlfriend was now on the verge of a serious breakdown, and I felt I had little choice, this had to stop and stop fast. The exit point from the body can be determined by how you lay; each chakra is an entrance and exit to the body. Without giving away too many occult secrets, I astral travelled from a different exit from usual to her home where I found her on her PC with all manner of daft pseudo occult para‐ phernalia on the wall behind, I then sent my etheric body along the silver cord to my astral as this gives it some solidity. The astral body has a very wide molecular struc‐ ture and this is how it can pass through walls (as the molecular structure of the wall is also quite wide). The etheric body with the astral can even be seen with human sight, this doubling or treb‐ ling of the bodies is one of the secrets of how Page 26

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Attack and Exorcism By Terry Stokes.

magicians move things in locked rooms and also explains the phenomena of bi‐location of people such as Padre Pio. (Some years back a young mother consulted me at her wits end, of how her son, who was badly autistic, could appear in two places at once. One day she got a phone call from the kindly Asian man at the newspaper shop who phoned her to say her four‐year‐old was in his shop and he was anxious the handicapped boy could not cross the road to go home, she ran down to pick him up only to be told by the shop‐ keeper that the boy ‘just disappeared?’ she then rang the crèche to be told her boy had been there all morning and had never left.) So while forming a semi‐solid body in my friend’s ex‐girlfriend’s room I grabbed her by the throat and shook her while shouting in her face to back off…she fell terrified across the floor as I began to call my bodies home. These past few days things have gone very quiet; this could be the lull before the storm…I don’t know, but the purpose for me sharing is to say this: people today are too single minded, they read the Murdoch press and watch not very good TV and they fill up with junk food. However be aware that it’s true what they say, the body is a temple, and if you experience any odd feelings or thoughts which are not yours, then spend time outdoors away from built up areas and regain the feel of how your body and mind and spirit should really be.

Two days later my friends new girl friend was attacked again at night by a visit from a spirit lady who smelt of talcum powder, she was dressed in old fashioned clothes and came and put her face to hers menacingly, luckily she shot out of bed and out into the bathroom, and when she came back with a blaze of lights the apparition was gone. Begging me for help I decided to astrally be in her room that night, as soon as something began to materialise I was there and as it escaped I was after it, following it back to its ‘Libken’, or lair, but after a frantic struggle it gave me the slip. Next day this appeared on my doorstep, the photo shows it beside a matchbox for size and the little wooden coffin it was placed in, the figure was roughly like me with its arms bound in thread and a large iron nail through its heart. It was well made and I was tempted to throw it in the fire, but sat in my armchair and tried to psy‐ chometrise it. The feeling I got was that several people led by two women, one old and one young one were involved, so what you do on these occa‐ sions is you split them up and take them one by one. Later that day my shoulders and arms began to ache, I realised that the night would be tough so I slept during the day, which is standard proce‐ dure for psychic battles, and blessed my little home and exorcised all corners and laid some herbs and grasses in strategic places and that

night although I could feel my heart rate altered I waited and sure enough the smell of talcum pow‐ der came into my room and I was up and at it with my flaming torch, the creature had huge teeth and tried to bite me but was repulsed, as I followed it back hacking at the silver cord that attached the thought form, then I saw the woman asleep, and made noises in her room to shock her awake and let her know I knew who was behind it. The doll was meant to kill me so I was not gentle in handling her: I wait with trepidation for the next exchange which I sense is growing increas‐ ingly malevolent...

BUFORA 50th Anniversary Conference DVD BUFORA are pleased to announced that the DVD of the 50th Anniversary conference is now available covering all the lectures from this two-day event. £20.00 which included post and packing in the UK. Overseas please email for rates. Payment can be made by paypal to "" please use "Conference DVD as reference" or cheques payable "BUFORA" along with a covering letter and posted to:- BUFORA, PO Box 241, Business House, Herts, SG6 9A. Also available are: BUFORA Reports: Vehicle Interference Report 1944-2006. £10.00 which included post and packing in the UK. Overseas please email for rates. Payment as above and please use "VIR" as reference when ordering. BUFORA Digital Archives 1959-2005 £20.00 which included post and packing in the UK. Overseas please email for rates. You can also purchase online: Payment as above and please use "Archives" as reference when ordering. Page 27

Phenomena Magazine: January 2013 - Issue 45:

Why do so many want to believe in Aliens? By Stunner: Intro By Steve Mera.

Most of us will be aware that it has been 30 years since the release of Spielberg’s famous movie ‘ET‐The Extra‐Terrestrial’. Numerous TV shows and documentaries have been recently shown celebrating the movies success. Also, the movie came to DVD throughout UK stores... I remember watching the movie when it first came out and pondered upon the real possibility of such life‐forms out in space visiting us. It would seem that many people want to believe in the existence of such extra‐terrestrials and some even long for such an encounter... Science has no problem with the concept of alien intelligent life. Quite the oppo‐ site in fact. Most scientists would accept that it is highly probable that we are not alone in the universe. The reason for thinking this is straightforward. Science be‐ lieves that life arose on earth almost four billion years ago from lifeless chemicals and understands how it evolved from that original simple single form into the myriad forms of life, including human life, that presently populate the earth. There is no reason in principle therefore to think that equivalent events have not happened on earth‐like planets elsewhere in the universe. For the last 70 odd years, human civilisation has been broadcasting evidence of its existence to the universe at large in the form of radiowaves. These waves, emanating from our radio/television newscasts and entertainment programmes, shoot off into outer space at the speed of light. We have also deliberately sent radio messages into space, giving basic information about life on earth, hoping to contact alien civilisations. And, since we are doing this, we expect that alien civilisations elsewhere in the universe who are at least as technologically capable as ourselves, will be doing likewise. A widely known scientific enter‐ prise has been established, called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), that actively scans the skies for incoming radio messages from alien civili‐ sations. No messages have been detected to date. In 1977, Voyager 1 and 2 space probes were launched. They carry special golden records that bear re‐ cordings of life on Earth ‐ pictures of people, scenery, plants, the song of a whale and greetings from Earth in 55 languages. They also locate Earth in our solar system, and our solar system in the galaxy. The records bear instructions for how they should be played. The physicist Dr Frank Drake has estimated the likely number of alien civilisations in our own Milky Way galaxy that may be attempting to contact other civili‐ sations and he has expressed his calculations in an equation called the Drake Equation. This takes into account the rate of formation of stars like our sun, the proportion that have orbiting earth‐like planets, the proportion of these on which life arose, and so on. Drake estimates that our Milky Way contains 10,000 civilisations interested in making communications with others. Scientists believe that by far the most likely way an alien civilisation on another planet might learn of our existence would be by detecting and deciphering our radio signals. Having detected our signals they might then be moved either to signal back to us or to physically come to visit us, or both. We have detected no intelligent radio signals yet and it also seems extremely unlikely that physical visitations could have occurred. Intelligent radio signals have emanated from earth only for the past 70 years. Even if aliens made a beeline for earth, travelling at the speed of light, immediately on receipt of our signals, only aliens from the few nearest star systems to earth could be involved and the probability that these star systems harbour intelligent life is remote. The best known "alien visitation" incident occurred in the desert near Roswell, New Mex‐ ico in 1947, where members of the public witnessed something crashing to earth. Wit‐ nesses also saw "alien bodies" being removed from the wreckage. The US airforce was quickly on the scene and took away the debris. An army press officer first described the object as a flying saucer, but this was quickly denied and it was claimed that the object was an army weather balloon. This confusion was seized on by unidentified flying object (UFO) supporters who claimed that the whole thing was a huge cover‐up. The US airforce conducted a comprehensive investigation of the incidence in 1994 and confirmed that the object that crashed was a weather balloon and the "alien bodies" were test dummies on board the balloon. UFO enthusiasts continue to believe that an alien craft crashed at Roswell in 1947 and that the US government covered the whole thing up. The Roswell incident inflamed interest in UFOs around the world and this interest persists. Belief in alien visits to earth is now widespread. A US National Science Foundation poll in 2001 found that 30 per cent of people believe that some of the many UFOs "sighted" every year come from alien civilisations. Sixty one per cent of British teenagers believe that aliens visit earth. Why are people so willing to believe that aliens are visiting earth? It's not that the evi‐ dence amounts to much. Despite the hundreds of thousands of UFOs that have been sighted over the years I don't think there is even one clear photograph of a craft that cannot be clearly identified as an earthly creation. The weight of evidence that exists doesn't seem to weigh more than the evidence for the existence of Big Foot, Nessie or The Abominable Snowman. The reason so many are willing to believe in current visitations by aliens is probably psychological. We are social animals and fear solitude. Deep down we fear the idea that we may be alone in the universe and we would wish it otherwise. We don't want to be alone. Page 28

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