Phenomena magazine november 2014

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EDITORIAL A big hello to all our readers. November is here again as we head into the Christmas season and New Year. First up… as you glance through our issue this month you will quickly notice that we have gone under some massive changes in format and style. We believe the magazine looks a little more professional now. I met up with Stephen Cameron of ‘Into Creative Integrated De‐ sign Solutions’ whilst attending the Scottish Paranormal Festival who offered some excellent advice. So… A big thank you to Stephen! This month has been rather challenging. You will find a comprehensive review of the Scottish Paranormal Festival in this issue. This is the biggest event of its kind in the UK and took place over a four day period, it was created by Peter Broughan and his team. An amazing enterprise that was located at numerous venues around Stir‐ ling, Scotland. We would like to thank Peter and his team for allowing Phenomena Magazine to sponsor the event and for the wonderful hospitality we were shown whilst attending. We hope there are many more events to come… Well Done! Some big changes on their way in regards the magazine. In the near future we will be charging a minimal £1.00 fee for each monthly issue. This means that it will also be available for Kindle and other similar devices. We are also planning to charge for advertising in Phenomena now that our circulation is well over two million a year throughout the world, this includes India where we are also now being distributed. So… watch this space for further details. I also met up with good friend and col‐ league Gary Hesletine and his lovely wife at the Paracon UK conference in Derby. An excellent venue with many stalls featuring paranormal groups, tours and of course UFO Truth Magazine. It was also good to catch up with historian Richard Felix. Gary Heseltine presented an interesting lecture on UFO sightings by pilots. The audience were amazed at the amount of evidence there is in regards such mat‐ ters and rarely heard or distributed to the public. Don’t forget to check out The 3rd International UFO Truth Magazine conference in September next year. Tickets can now be obtained. An event you won’t want to miss! Last but not least… Brian Allan and I have been assisting with a new documentary series called (coincidentally)… ‘Phenomena’. The series covers the scientific investigation of alleged paranormal incidents. For the first time science meets the paranormal and provides hard evi‐ dence to suggest… that things really do go bump in the night! The show can be followed on the ‘ParaDox files’ Facebook Group. A new advertising section along with upcoming events and community notice board has been added to our issue this month, including some excellent articles. We will be back in December with more of what you want. In the meantime. Enjoy!

Phenomena Magazine: October 2014 - Issue 67:

EDITORIAL Have you ever noticed that when debunkers either dismiss or discredit anything supernatural, the weapon of choice is nor‐ mally the ‘straw man’. They take a subject which is easy to dis‐ prove and use it to discredit the entire phenomenon... Simple, right?? Well no, it’s not! There is an easy way to wrong‐foot the debunkers and it’s this: the believer has no need to prove any‐ thing; it’s up to those who make the challenges to either dis‐ prove your paradigm or substantiate what they say. Just be careful of the subject you choose to promote though, because some border on the lunatic and can leave you with egg on your face. Just remember that a scep‐ tic might be capable of change but a debunker never will, they dare not because their tight‐laced world would collapse…


Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT do everything in their power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine. Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’.


Construction & Design: Founder Steve Mera ‐ Editor Contact: Brian Allan ‐ 41, Keith Street, Kincardine‐on‐Forth, Alloa, Clacks, Scotland, FK10 4NB Spanish Editor Contact: Dario Fernandez‐ info@e‐ PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE 17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, United Kingdom. Tel: 07866 685835 WWW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.CO.UK The PM Team: Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Robert Snow, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Dario Fernandez at e‐nigmas / portal de lo paranormal. Rockstand Distributors ‐ India, Tim at UFOTV, Main Distribution Steve Mera & Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer Rodney How‐ arth & Australian Correspondent & Reporter Dan Monroe.

THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Jackie Heighway, Dan Monroe, Rodney Howarth, Ellis Taylor, Robert Carson, Sean Casteel, Jason V. Francis, Philip Mantle, Anthony Beckett, Jack Crone, John Shammas, Don Philips, John Hall, Lee Swettenham, Chris Richards, Rebekah Holliday, ReKatrina Tweedie,, Ian Hughes,,, Leslie Kean and Cher Thornhill.

PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE 17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH, United Kingdom Tel: 07866 685835 Distribution: United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Russia, Australia and India.



Also Featured: Latest paranormal news from around the World... Book and dvd reviews. Events and Conferences, Astronomical news, Advertisements and much more.


By Steve Mera

By Sean Casteel

By Philip Mantle

By Robert Carson

By Steve Mera & Brian Allan

By Dan Monroe

By Jason V. Francis

Phenomena Magazine would love to hear your views and opinions, please let us have your feedback. Also, If you have an interest‐ ing article, we would love to hear from you. Please contact either the Managing Editor Steve Mera or the UK Editor Brian Allan.

Phenomena Magazine: October 2014 - Issue 67:

Page 3: The Scottish Paranormal Festival Review. Stirling, Scotland is a place of beauty, rich in history, and plenty of paranormal reports… It was a suitable location for the biggest event of its kind in the country. The Scottish Paranormal Festival stretched over a four day period, offered a multitude of events for all the family, welcomed guest speakers from around the world and was situated at several different venues within the heart of Stirling. Steve Mera was on location to review the event. An amazing event created by Peter Broughan and his team. Page 23: The UMMO Affair: Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us? The UMMO phenomenon is an anomaly unto itself in the world of UFOlogy. It is as yet a still unsolved mys‐ tery and cannot be easily dismissed in spite of how unlikely it would appear to be on the surface. Is this a genuine case of extraterrestrials reaching out to make contact with mankind in terms humans can under‐ stand? Something more direct and open than New Age channeling or the searching through by regressive hypnosis of people claiming to be abductees? Sean Casteel investigates... Page 29: Hoaxing The Hoax: The Alien Autopsy film rises once more. For those not familiar with the story behind the Alien Autopsy film, I will recap in brief its origins and even‐ tual downfall: Ray Santilli’s controversial film hit TV screens around the world in August 1995. In the USA it was broadcast on the Fox Network in the hugely successful show ‘Alien Autopsy – Fact or Fiction’. For those who don’t know the story behind the film it was released by London businessman Ray Santilli. And now it would seem it is raising its head once more... Philip Mantle reveals... Page 35: The Great Pyramid: The key to its construction. In the late nineties I was very fortunate to discover the key to how all the pyramids of large, stone block con‐ struction on the west bank of the Nile had been constructed, including those on the Giza Plateau. I had spent decades trying to discover how the Great Pyramid had been constructed before I made this breakthrough and finally discovered the key to how this structure had been pieced together. Little did I realise, that it would take me a further ten years to discover the true purpose of its construction. Robert Carson explains... Page 41: Phenomena: News Item. How often does a parapsychologist get asked to work along side a paranormal researcher?… Not very often I assume. Seldom do science and the paranormal meet on common ground. A new five part series currently under production is set to turn the scientific community upside down. Steve Mera has been working and studying the subject of parapsychology for 31 years, and now he has joined up with long term paranormal researcher Don Philips to cast a scientific eye on the subject of the paranormal. Watch this space! Page 43: Australia’s Area 51: Pine Gap, one of the world’s most secret facilities. Pine Gap is the commonly used name for a satellite tracking station approximately 18 kilometres (11 miles) south‐west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia which is operated by both Australia and the United States. Since 1988, it has been officially called the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap; previously, it was known as Joint Defence Space Research Facility. Dan Monroe, Phenomena Magazine’s Australian cor‐ respondent and reporter casts an eye over the notorious military complex... Page 49: The Cosmic Brotherhood: An interview with Gerard Aartsen: By Jason V. Francis (Part 1). Gerard Aartsen is an educator at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, in the Netherlands. He is the author of “George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers” (2010) and “Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers” (2011). Having been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for over thirty years Mr. Aartsen is able to take a spiritual look at the UFO phenomenon. Jason V. Francis had the privilege of interviewing Gerard Aartsen about why he believes the people behind the UFOs are our “Space Brothers”...

Steeped in history and paranormal occur‐ rences, Stirling, Scotland was the setting for the biggest event in the UK. The Scot‐ tish Paranormal Festival fell upon this small city like a phantom in the night, for the duration of four days from October 30th to November 2nd. The event consisted of lecturers from around the world, descending upon the Albert Halls and the Smith Museum, along with events held at the Tolbooth, Cowane’s Hospital and Macrobert Cinema. Also included were a few paranormal vigils, a UFO skywatch, creepy Ghost Tours and much more. This amazing event for all the family was a major success thanks to the director Peter Broughan, Nick Kyle, the production team, the crew and all the wonderful helpers. A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR HELPING BRING THIS EVENT TO FRUITION. The Scottish Paranormal Festival kicked off in style with a lecture by Archie Lawrie. Archie was a Head‐ master for 30 years and, he is cur‐ rently President of The Edinburgh Society for Psychical Research and the Vice‐President of The Scottish Society for Psychical Research. He has a proven track‐record of meet‐ ing and examining paranormal phenomena, e.g. between 1999 and present, this man has person‐ ally investigated, examined and recorded over 700 psychic cases. Archie Lawrie is an accomplished author and has already pub‐ lished several works to reflect his research. To date, this author has published three books and has a further four awaiting publi‐ cation (including an encyclopaedia). He has a life‐long interest in his chosen topic hav‐ ing worked with various film and TV pro‐ duction companies. He has been an official Advisor to the BBC in psychic program‐ making and is a regular magazine columnist on psychic topics. Archie works on volun‐ tary basis to head up the PRI unit within the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, and works with a small group of knowledgeable volun‐ teers to handle investigations, to write up

reports and assist with the organisa‐ tion of meetings/conferences, etc. Archie talked about some of the investi‐ gations he has conducted into paranor‐ mal phenomena, and explained that around 2% of paranormal cases consist of

apparitions and that those living in such environments are often able to sense the presence of a male or female spirit. He also discussed psychic smells which can sometimes be very localised. Those that report psychic sounds often report their names being called by something unseen. Archie went on to discuss the phenomena of poltergeist infestations and object ma‐ nipulation, along with the sighting of ap‐ paritions that are missing limbs etc. Archie described his own sighting of an appari‐ tion… In fact, it was just the head he saw. An investigation carried out at a family home revealed a number of reports of an apparition, that was seen to be dressed in what looked like a soldier uniform. 03

DID YOU MISS OUT ON THE BIGGEST EVENT IN THE UK? He was occasionally spotted sitting on the stairs. After conducting research Archie believed the appa‐ rition was that of Dividus Young, a soldier that died during the second world war. Archie believes that spirits do not like to show themselves when incomplete or if their body is damaged in some way. He also believes that poltergeists are a form of spirit and often tend to be young; mostly children. Another investigation that Archie had been involved in consisted of poltergeist type activity that dem‐ onstrated amazing technological talent. The spirit was responsible for sending text messages to the witnesses phone. On one occasion around 200 texts were received in 2 hours and it does not stop there. Around 84 phone calls were also made and over 200 e‐mails re‐ ceived. Archie believes the spirit world consists of a layer system and that such poltergeists are in fact between our dimension and the spirit dimension. Archie finished his lecture by talk‐ ing about some strange distur‐ bances that had taken place at a petrol station where witnesses reported the cash till operating on its own, and e‐mail com‐ munication for a female spirit, that when asked how she did it, she explained that she did not need to be near the computer to do it… Archie described an unusual incident that took place one day at the petrol station when an alarm was heard sounding and yet could not be heard by the other wit‐ ness. A female who had just put fuel in her car entered the petrol station to pay and was clearly uncomfortable due to the loud sound from the alarm, yet still.. It could not be heard by other witnesses. A very strange occurrence.

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Amongst the disturbances were also un‐ usual manifestations. A pack of chewing gum was often found on the doorstep and rice would somehow mysteriously manifest and fall on your head. Even eggs would suddenly hurtle across the room and smash against the wall, but exactly where these eggs came from was never established.

Gordon Smith, an al‐ leged psychic medium took to the stage to finish off the first day of the Scottish Paranor‐ mal Festival. And again in usual fashion deliv‐ ered a deluge of psy‐ chic information to specific members of the audience. He of course did not want any pho‐ tography to be carried out during his presenta‐ tion! So… swiftly moving on to day 2… A packed day full of events and lectures, starting with Cryptozoologist Jonathan Bright who had travelled from Greece to present his intriguing lecture. Jonathan talked of his investigations into strange creatures and paranormal events, starting with some interesting photographs taken with a full spectrum camera.

Further spirit communication took place by means of 620 text messages plus 118 phone calls and over 300 e‐mails to family mem‐ bers. Can spirits really communicate in this manner? There have been many reported incidents of communication taking place through electronic devices. It was estab‐ lished that this spirit was a young girl. On one occasion a mobile phone call came from someone they know. When they lis‐ tened they could clearly hear that the owner of the mobile phone was not aware his device was being used for this purpose. The phenomena took place from 2006 ‐ 2012 and apparently the spirit of a little girl was responsible. One of her favourite tricks was swapping the contents of sweet bags around, so when you opened a bag of Chocolate Éclairs, they turned out to be Liquorice Allsorts, and vice‐versa. Archie managed to obtain some clear recordings of spirit communication and showed a video clip showing a heater moving across the floor on its own. Very interesting.

loch. Jonathan had visited the location of Loch Ness to conduct some research into the many reported incidents of Nessie! Unknowingly, Jonathan managed to snap an unusual photograph, showing what looks like a head of a strange creature. Some believe it looks like the head of a hippopotamus, however… I assure you there are ‘NO’ hippo’s in Loch Mess lol. Some believe it is just an unusual wave causing pareidolia. Whatever it is… it’s certainly an interesting photograph! Next speaker up… was myself. I had de‐ cided to talk about the work that I have been involved in with city councils, housing associations and businesses in regards alleged paranormal disturbances.

An image shown caught what looked like a strange creature popping its head around a doorway. Could this be the infamous screaming Banshee? Jonathan went on to play some recordings he had managed to capture of something screaming or screeching in the distance… Interesting. The pinnacle of his lecture was a mysteri‐ ous photograph Jonathan had captured on November 2nd 2011 whilst taking a boat ride on Scotland’s most famous I have been working in a confidential man‐ ner with such establishments for over 20 years. Investigating on behalf of numerous businesses around the country including supermarket chains, public houses, hotels, corporate buildings, shops, rented homes and even football and rugby grounds, mu‐ seums, factories plus some work for the Ministry of Defence, police authorities, crime units and CID departments. My pres‐ entation started with some of the investi‐ gations carried out whilst working with a number of TV shows both in the UK and overseas, along with unusual findings from analysis carried out on some water mani‐ festations during an investigation into a poltergeist infestation at bungalow in Rochdale during 1996.

Hello… Are you there?


The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

This particular investigation in Rochdale changed my belief about the existence of such phenomena. My lecture also consisted of details per‐ taining to some of the many UFO reports and photographs sent to me over the years and further investigations for private land‐ lords that involved families being allegedly tormented by paranormal disturbances. A paranormal lecture would not be such if I was to leave out the Chingle Hall Scream! Chingle Hall is located in Preston, and is a moated manor building constructed in 1260 by Adam D’Singleton and is allegedly haunted. In fact, Chingle Hall was once referred to as England’s most haunted building, boasting thousands of witnessed incidents. The Chingle Hall Scream is a recording that was captured by investiga‐ tors. A scream that was thought to gener‐ ate from each room of the building simul‐ taneously and when later analysed by Manchester University revealed some in‐ teresting details… The scream consisted of many voices at once, all except two were identified as non‐human??? Oh!, just in case you are wondering what made the other two screams that had been identi‐ fied as human… They came from two fe‐ male investigators, who had panicked at the time. I finished my lecture with numerous inves‐ tigations into disturbances at supermar‐ kets. I have worked with numerous super‐ market chains in regards problems of a paranormal kind. Even one not too far away from Stirling, Scotland. (See News Item Above). The next speaker was Geoff Holder. Polter‐ geist activity has baffled paranormal inves‐ tigators for centuries. Focusing on Scotland, Geoff discussed the earliest recorded Scot‐ tish poltergeist reports, a witchcraft episode from Stirling, and an Aberdeenshire example kick‐started by young lust. A canvas of com‐ mon sense defying mys‐ teries that stretches from the year 1635 to the present day. Geoff is author of 31 books in‐ cluding ‘Poltergeist over Scotland’, and ‘What is a Poltergeist’? Geoff had delivered a fascinating lecture about polter‐ geist reports and inci‐ dents and provided details on how to obtain

The last speaker of the day was Peter McCue and his lecture was entitled ‘Orchestrations of the Trickster’. An Ex‐ amination of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots. Peter McCue worked for many years as a clinical psychologist in the Na‐ tional Health Service in the UK and lives in Scotland. His qualifications include a Ph.D., from the University of Glasgow, awarded for a thesis based on research into the nature of hypnosis. His interest in psychical research goes back decades. He believes that paranormal phenomena occur, and that many UFO experiences are genuinely anomalous. He contends that if we want to obtain a comprehensive un‐ derstanding of ourselves and the nature of reality, these enigmatic phenomena can't be ignored. Peter is the author of entitled ‘Zones of Strangeness: An Exami‐ nation of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots’. An number of Peter McCue’s articles have appeared in previous issues of Phenomena Magazine entitled ‘The Bigfoot / UFO Overlap part 1 and 2’. A fascinating concept that suggests some of the many UFO experi‐ ences, paranormal incidents and even crypt type cases may in fact be linked to one profound phe‐ nomena… ’The Trick‐ ster’. (Above Right ‐ Photo of Peter McCue (left) and Steve Mera) at the Scottish Paranormal Festival. 05

Lecturer Nick Kyle presented a talk about the Scole Experiment, certainly an eye‐ opener. The Scole Experiment chronicles the extraordinary results of a five‐year investigation into life after death. At the beginning of 1993 four psychic researchers embarked on a series of experiments in the Norfolk village of Scole in the United King‐ dom. The subsequent events were so astounding that senior members of the prestigious Society for Psychical Research asked to observe, test and record what took place. The investigators... encountered evidence favouring the hypothesis of intelligent forces... able to influence material objects, and to convey associated meaningful mes‐ sages, both visual and aural. Nick introduced his wife to the stage as she and Nick had both been invited to experi‐ ence the Scole experiments themselves and that they had witnessed paranormal phenomena first hand. Nick’s wife ex‐ plained how she touched the arm of a spirit whilst sat in a darkened room, and when she ran her hand up the arm, it sim‐ ply just ended, as if nothing existed beyond the elbow. This of course shocked her at the time. Nick confirmed this amazing occurrence.

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

The paranormal phenomena of ‘The Scole Experiment’ occurred around two medi‐ ums, Alan and Diana Bennett. They were the apparent ‘catalysts’ for the phenom‐ ena as all the paranormal events that oc‐ curred required their presence. The Scole Experiment began in 1993 and ceased in 1998. Alan and Diana began the new ex‐ perimental work – which is now called ‘The Norfolk Experiment’ – in early 2005. Grant and Jane Solomon, authors of ‘The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death’, are now joining Alan and Diana at experimental sessions in order to participate in the on‐going experiments and to report the results and record the events as they happen.

(Above ‐ Steve Mera and Nick Kyle: the president of the Scottish Society for Psychi‐ cal Research). The experiment captured many unusual photographs. Some of the images simply appeared on unused film…

Some traditional Scottish dances and a few drinks with some fellow researchers, it was time to shoot off and meet at a reception taking place at the Cowane’s Hospital where guest’s and speakers met with the provost of Stirling. A great way to end the night… Day 3 of the Scottish Paranormal Festival started off with a great lecture performed by Dave Hodrien of the Birmingham UFO Group. His lecture was entitled ‘UFOs and the Music Industry’. Dave gave an over‐ view of the links between UFOs and the music industry, including how the subject has been portrayed, bands who regularly include UFOs in their song lyrics, and sing‐ ers who have a passion for the subject or even claim to have had actual experiences themselves. He provided a lively talk with plenty of audio and video samples. Clearly some bands take their inspiration from the subject of UFOs. The first of

Just a handful of strange images that turn up on unused camera film that had been checked be‐ fore hand. One of the photographs depicts an alien looking face that was nicknamed ‘Blue’. Some details on Malcolm Robinson obtained from UFOINFO

Nick’s lecture was truly fascinating, and though myself and colleagues have many questions about the methodology of the experiment, the results seem to have been witnessed by many credible researchers. The last event of the day 2 of the Scottish Paranormal Festival was a befitting Hallow‐ een extravaganza. The Caledonian Vampyre Ball kicked off at the Albert Halls with some great music provided by none other than the festival director Peter Broughan and his band. Peter provided some great songs from the Rolling Stones and of course it wouldn’t be Halloween if he hadn’t per‐ formed the Monster Mash.

which was the Buchanan Brothers 1944‐ 1947 who on July 16th 1947 wrote ‘You see those Flying Saucers’. Of course, the sound coincided with the Kenneth Arnold sighting of 9 strange objects and the al‐ leged UFO crash in Roswell. Dave went on to talk about sci‐fi themed albums of 1956 and ‘Flying Saucer Rock ‘n’ Roll in 1957. The most recognised band for its interest‐ ing subject related music is that of CEIV who have written and performed many songs about the subject of UFOs. Other groups that produced songs about our alien visitors were… Element 115, an American group and Unidentified Funk Object. 06

(Above photo: Brian Allan (left), Dave Ho‐ drien (center) and Steve Mera). Dave talked how UFOs may have influ‐ enced the lives of well known singers like John Lennon, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Dickinson and Robbie Williams. Not to mention such groups as the Troggs, UFO, Klaatu and the Foo Fighters. An excellent presentation full of musical clips and photos. Its quite obvious that the UFO subject has become intertwined with human consciousness and our lives... Up next, one of Scotland’s most prolific UFO and paranormal investigative re‐ searchers Malcolm Robinson with a lecture that quite simply, sends a chill down your spine. Malcolm is a founder member of Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI), which carries out much active UFO & Para‐ normal research and has been holding regular public meetings since 1989. A pro‐ lific lecturer, Malcolm is famed for his lively and sometimes theatrical presenta‐ tions on UFO and other inspirational top‐ ics. He has spoken extensively in England, Scotland and Ireland. Malcolm was the first Scotsman to give a lecture on UFOs in America when he spoke at the 18th Annual International UFO Conference in Laughlin Nevada 2009. He was also the first Scots‐ man to lecture in both Utrecht, Holland at a UFO Conference in 2009 and at another conference the following year in Stras‐ bourg France. Malcolm was formerly the assistant Editor of Britain's now defunct UFO MATRIX magazine. He is one of only a handful of people on this planet who can say that they have been down to a depth of over 400 feet when he went down in a submarine in Loch Ness back in 1994. Movie mogul Steven Spielberg wanted to help him catch the Loch Ness Monster (but that's another story!). Malcolm is due to release his new book in early 2015 cover‐ ing his research into sightings of the Loch Ness beast and the mysteries of the Loch itself... It’s one thing seeing a ghost but quite another to capture a ghost on film. In this enthralling lecture Malcolm Robinson

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

presents some of the most incredible ghostly photographs captured on camera from all over the world. He discusses dif‐ ferent categories of spirit apparitions, plays a chilling sound tape, and other spooky stuff.

But what about the thousands upon thou‐ sands of other world wide, captured using every feasible camera manufactured, under all conditions? Is there any truth to them…? Here are just a few discussed by Malcolm.

Malcolm shown a stunned audience a large number of photographs that seem to have captured ghostly manifestations. As Mal‐ colm described the photos, you could have heard a pin drop! Some of the photographs are certainly food for thought and could be captured evidence of elusive paranormal apparitions. For many years, since the birth of the camera, strange things have been caught on film. Understandably, some of the early spirit photographs of the early 1900s were obviously fake, constructed via use of double plate exposures.

Malcolm gave a first class lecture that cap‐ tured the audiences imagination. Mal‐ colm’s presentation was well applauded… The next speaker to take to the stage was none other than James Fox. In 2007 James helped orchestrate the most credible civil‐ ian effort of disclosure on UFOs in history. He assembled 14 speakers, including two retired generals, a former governor of Arizona, civilian pilots and government scientists from seven countries at the Na‐ tional Press Club in Washington, D.C., to give first‐hand testimonies on their UFO encounters. In his study, James proudly displays a framed letter from Steven Spiel‐ berg (who called his last film “compelling,”). If “The X‐Files” fictional character Fox Mulder were real, he would undoubtedly be documentarian and ecolo‐ gist James Fox. Director/Producer James began his journalism career early in life as an assistant to his writer father Charles Fox, a quadriplegic with MS. He has di‐ rected and produced three films on the subject of UFOs.

(Above photo ‐ Steve Mera and good friend James Fox at the Scottish Paranor‐ mal Festival, Stirling, Scotland). The above photograph was taken around 1971 in a back garden in Alloa, Clackmannan‐ shire, central Scotland. A lady had taken this photo of her son, and many years later a medium apparently told her that she had in fact a spirit photo and to check her photo collection. On arriving home she got out an old tin of photo and was shock to find the photo of her son along with another mysterious face just behind him. Allegedly some time later the mysterious boy alongside her son was identified as a young boy who had lived on the same road and had died. Very strange...

James Fox is certainly well known to the UFO community. Responsible for bringing two excellent UFO documentaries to our screens. The first ‘Out of the Blue’ and its revamped Directors Edition and ‘I Know What I Saw’. Now, James is working on a new project… ‘701 The Movie’.

The above photo shows an elderly lady who’s husband had recently died from illness. What’s interesting about this pho‐ tograph is that it shows some type of smoky mist in shot. Apparently the elderly lady did not smoke nor allow smoking in her house. Odd...

701 is the number the government does not want you to know. The United States Air force had a serious problem. Starting in the late 1940′s, technological devices were invading our airspace with total impunity. Glinting metallic disks which could acceler‐ ate and maneuver in ways hard to imagine

This photo was taken of a family grave‐ stone whilst visiting the cemetery and an unusual bright light was captured. Could it be some type of reflection, cast back from the camera flash? The light is very promi‐ nent. Could it be a camera fault? The photo remains a mystery...

Some details on Malcolm Robinson obtained from UFOINFO


The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

July 6th 2009. To Larry from S. Spielberg: With great curiosity I watched the documentary you sent over and found it compelling. Personally I would like to think that we are not alone and even though I have de‐ voted a generous percentage of my movies to the ET related theme, I for one have never seen a UFO. That is so unfair! I hope you will continue to pursue this topic on your program and that someday our government will reveal a total disclosure about what they know about Unidentified Flying Ob‐ jects and their true and natural ori‐ gins. I continue to enjoy watching you and all of your guests. All my best. SS/sb

Photo taken from the U.S. TV show:

Chasing UFOs. were being seen in incredible numbers by reliable witnesses – many of them pilots. We had just exploded the atomic bomb and interestingly, the state of New Mexico seemed to be highly targeted by these de‐ vices. The X‐files told millions that the truth was out there but what is the truth about UFOs? As the forties turned into the fifties, many believed they were simply a space aged myth, just errant balloons and the planet Venus. Others were equally convinced that the government knew we were being moni‐ tored or invaded and the Pentagon was hiding the great secret from the public. What if BOTH sides were wrong? What if the truth was something else – something equally unexpected? 701… For more information visit:

James lectured about how he was met with difficulties producing his last two documentaries and the huge efforts in‐ volved in bringing these completed docu‐ mentaries to our screens. What helped was when James was asked to visit Russia, he was told that they could not afford to pay him but that they would provide op‐ portunities to meet and discuss the UFO subject with some prominent military figures.

James revealed a letter from Steven Spiel‐ berg in regards his thoughts about the documentary ‘I Know What I Saw’. The letter was sent to Larry King after it being sent to Spielberg’s office. It read:...


James went on to say that Spielberg’s of‐ fice would not allow him to use the letter to endorse his second documentary. Shame… His latest project, 701 the Movie covers the most significant cases in the subject of UFOs, such as the Socorro incident, the UFO landing at a school in RUWA, the Kenneth Arnold case, the Brazil incident and the Chupacabra, and much more… Check it out via visiting the website. James Fox delivered an excellent and infor‐ mative lecture. Keep a look out for his new documentary... Meanwhile, just down the road from the Albert Halls, lecturer Ellis Taylor was speak‐ ing at the Smith’s Museum.

(Above Photo ‐ Brian Allan, Steve Mera and Ellis Taylor). Ellis Taylor is a West Australian born Brit‐ ish writer and mystic. In his work he is an outspoken, acknowledged and

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

uncompromising consciousness explorer and commentator who combines his stud‐ ies and observations with insights and knowledge gained through his much‐ authenticated intrinsic lifetimes’ interac‐ tions with Otherworlds and the ‘Others’. Ellis is a 7th generation Australian; he was born in Bridgetown on the banks of the Blackwood River in the south west. The ancestry of both parents derives from the (so‐called) Celtic regions of the British Isles ‐ Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall and Devon. Ellis’s named ancestors and rela‐ tives include Scottish rebel lairds and mar‐ tyrs, a Provost of Edinburgh, a pirate cap‐ tain, ship’s captains, lairds and other aris‐ tocracy, priests, advocates, explorers, a prime minister, lord mayors. He is an au‐ thor of three books: Living in the Matrix, In These Signs Conquer and Dogged Days. Ellis works as a writer, hypnotherapist, tarot practitioner, healer and a maverick numerologist. Since 1996 he has been developing and practicing a new analytical technique that combines numerology, symbology, etymology and phonetics. His life‐long encounters and interactions with Otherworlds and the Others, inform and colour everything he does. Ellis has given talks in England, Ireland, Wales and Austra‐ lia and has been interviewed on several TV and radio stations across the world, as well as newspapers and magazines. Ellis is avail‐ able for workshops, consultations, inter‐ views and lectures. Ellis can be contacted via his website at:

Ellis started his lecture by talking about his distant relatives and his connection with Scotland and his visit to Fortingall, where an ancient yew tree stands. Whilst visiting the location Ellis mentioned about the strange energies there. The European yew stands in the church‐ yard in the Perthshire village of Fortingall, a short distance from Aberfeldy. A legend on the path alerts walkers to the tree, if they haven’t seen it already. It reads: ‘Up ahead stands Fortingall’s oldest resident, a 5,000‐year‐old yew tree; Imagine those who have passed this way before.” Scien‐ tists now agree that the tree probably isn’t quite that old ‐ it is widely thought to be between 1,500 and 3,000 years old.

Many people have explored the gauze‐thin membrane separating the nuances of reality that surround us, but very few of them have done it well, and even among those few there are charlatans, fools and the merely deluded. However, one man that does not fit any of these categories is Ellis Taylor, who has for decades tried to bring a genuine and sympathetic understanding of the messages and knowledge that lie beyond this nebulous curtain. Ellis is a genuine and first hand ex‐ periencer of what really does lie in the ‘beyond’ and in his lectures and books he succeeds where many before have failed in presenting this information in a sensible, coherent and accessible manner.

Even this lower estimate would see the Fortingall Yew recognised as Europe’s oldest tree. The tree itself is ringed by a stone wall whose purpose soon becomes apparent when the series of pegs marking the Yew’s previous size come into view. Ellis continued, demonstrating esoteric symbolism in numerous coats of arms and relating some of the many unusual experi‐ ences he has had. One of which was an early childhood memory of being out with friends and seeing a landed helicopter and man stepping out of it and approaching them. The strange man asked Ellis and his friends if they wanted to take a trip. Un‐ derstandably the boys declined. Years on, Ellis recalls the event and ponders as to what it was all about. It was unusual that he and his friends, for some reason, never talked about their unusual encounter. Taking into consideration, Ellis has had numerous UFO experiences, was the heli‐ copter he saw as a child, really a helicop‐ ter? And, who was the strange man? Similar incidents have been reported in the past with UFO contactee’s, believing that the objects and people that they see are in fact screen memories. An alleged method of planting images into your mind, so you believe your are looking at, say… a helicopter, when in fact the strange man and aircraft is a landed UFO and an alien being. Ellis showed some interesting photos of unusual marks found on his body after walking up in the morn‐ ing. Strange marks that resembled some type of pattern and what looked like fin‐ ger marks on his arm. Even after visiting


In his quest to convey the information to a wide audience Ellis has repeatedly arranged conferences featuring experts in every field that comprises this multifaceted subject and in every case these confer‐ ences have been a success. In addition to the confer‐ ences Ellis, who is a seasoned international speaker, has been invited to attend prestigious venues world‐ wide where his presentations have invariably been well received. I consider it a privilege to know Ellis and to have shared his thoughts and dreams, if fact, in every sense of the word this man is a shaman for the modern world and the world would be a poorer place without him. Brian Allan

his doctor, he could not find an explana‐ tion. Ellis also talked about his psychic ability and how he had obtained accurate information pertaining to homicides. Elis finished his lecture talking about some of his UFO experiences and recalled seeing strange beings that had skin like a dolphin. Ellis Taylor’s lecture was one of the most fascinating throughout the whole event, packed full of strange and profound inci‐ dents. A must see if you are considering visiting one of his talks… Excellent! Up next, one of the most recognised names in British Ufology… Nick Pope, with a lecture entitled ‘What If ET Phones Our Home’? If we detect a signal from an extra‐ terrestrial civilization, would we be able to decipher it? Should we send a reply? Who truly speaks for planet Earth? How would this change our science & technology, poli‐ tics and religious beliefs? And what if the media uncovered a UFO‐related conspiracy on the scale of the Watergate scandal? Nick talked about when the Royal Society held a two‐day meeting in 2010 to work out a "scientific and societal agenda" on extraterrestrial life, following up on a simi‐ lar meeting in January 2011. The discus‐ sions generated controversy, conspiracy theories and a little bit of acrimony. It seems that scientists are searching for extraterrestrial life in a number of different ways and places. One aspect of this is the search for extrasolar planets, on the basis that an Earthlike planet around a sun‐like star might be a good place to look. The first super‐Earths have been discovered,

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

and the longer‐term goal will be to under‐ take spectral analysis of the atmospheres of such exoplanets, looking for oxygen, ozone, water and other potential indicators of life. The recent excitement over a planet that has been named Gliese 581g brings such work into focus, though even the very exis‐ tence of this world is now the matter of some debate.

The SETI Institute's "Earth Speaks" project has attempted to engage the public on this and asks for suggestions on what we might transmit. The messages range from the poignant to the amusing, with my

favorite being "Hi, be careful, we are deadly and it’s pretty boring here anyway so don’t bother coming." Such are the debates that bedevil the SETI community, where scientists speculate about things which they can’t study and don’t even know if they exist.

Other scientists believe our best chance of discovering alien life will be a human or robotic mission in our own solar system, probably to Mars, targeted at detecting extraterrestrial microbial life. But the con‐ troversy begins with the small but vocifer‐ ous group of scientists who use radio tele‐ scopes to search the sky for a signal from other civilizations. The lack of SETI results has led to a reassessment of search strate‐ gies. Some exotic ideas about where to look and what to look for were discussed at the Royal Society meeting. Clement Vidal, a researcher at the Free University of Brus‐ sels, speculated that advanced civilizations might migrate toward black holes, not least because they represent the ultimate energy source. Steven Dick, formerly NASA’s chief historian, speculated that we might be liv‐ ing in a post‐biological universe, dominated by artificial intelligence, on the basis that intelligences would be driven to improve and perpetuate. So what happens if SETI find a signal? Do we reply? Though not present, the shadow of Professor Stephen Hawking loomed large over that meeting. Hawking warned bluntly that contacting aliens could have catastrophic consequences for the human race. He likened this to the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World, and pointed out that matters didn’t turn out too well for the Native Americans. This echoed a remark made at the Royal Society’s January 2013 confer‐ ence, when Professor Simon Conway Mor‐ ris, a Cambridge University palaeontolo‐ gist, said "if the cosmic phone rings, don’t answer."

One of the speakers that was at the Royal Society meeting was Professor Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist who is director of the U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs. Just before the meeting, numer‐ ous media outlets carried a story that she was being appointed an “alien ambassa‐ dor”, a spokeswoman for Planet Earth if E.T. comes calling. Rumors flew around the UFO and conspiracy theory communi‐ ties that an alien signal had been detected and that an announcement was imminent. The Royal Society meeting itself was seen as being part of this process, and when the alien ambassador story was denied, this started rumors of a cover‐up.

(Above Photo ‐ Steve Mera and Nick Pope). At the meeting, Othman made it clear that the story was false and derived from a mistaken interpretation of the point she 10

did make – that is, that her U.N. office and the U.N. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, or COPUOS, might be ap‐ propriate forums for managing the global response to the discovery of extraterres‐ trial life. So… what do you think? If Et calls, should we really pick up the phone? Nick’s lecture was interesting, thought provoking, and at times… a little worrying…

Meanwile… whilst the audience at the Albert Halls were pondering if we should make contact with ET’s if they should call… A stone’s throw away at the Smith Mu‐ seum, another audience was growing. A much anticipated lecture and open discus‐ sion by the 3am Club. Listed as a ‘Ghosthunters Workshop’, I was intrigued… The 3am club had previously conducted the ‘Ghosthunters Roundtable’ earlier in the day which was also a success. The work they conduct is enhanced on location with input from their own me‐ dium and they also make use of spiritual experiments as they try to present a bal‐ anced view between unexplained activity and those with a logical explanation. They have some really exciting venues for you to explore. These are open to the public and you can book either as an individual (don't worry about coming by yourself ‐ they will look after you!) or as a group. Investigations are open to believers and sceptics alike and they don't differenti‐ ate! When working, they use a range of equip‐ ment. Nothing is set up in advance, so what you see, is what you get. Of course, like other organisations, they cannot

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

guarantee paranormal activity, but they do assure you that you'll have a great time! They operate within their own professional code of conduct, terms and conditions and they have full public liability insurance. Although they subside some location visits with ticket sales, they also conduct private investigations in homes and places of work.

inoffensive can increase the possibility of capturing voices and unusual sounds on digital recorders. Lee talked about investi‐ gations that took place at Stirling arcade and theatre, where a pile of heavy metal seemed to move, hang in the air for a short duration before crashing to the floor. The team attempted to find a ra‐ tional explanation by replicating the

Steff informed me that his mother runs such a group in Manchester called… wait for it… Shadow Seekers. I was shocked! Steff’s mother is none other than Susanne Taggart who runs the UK Shadows Seekers group along with her husband Steve, who are both close friends of mine. You may have seen their regular advert in our maga‐ zine for their radio show, which… you should listen to as they have had some big names on their show and obtained a lot of interest.

(Above Photo ‐ Steff, Steve and Jan).

They do not charge for this service and it is taken seriously and with sensitivity. If you've got any questions or want to know more, feel free to contact them or get in touch via their Facebook or Twitter pages. I have come across many organisations throughout my years of work in this field and it was a refreshing experience to see such an organisation conducting them‐ selves with such openness and profession‐ alism. Their presentation was very interest‐ ing, Lee Dunn of the 3am Club shown sev‐ eral photographs and video pieces, one of which showed a bed moving on its own during an investigation, but as Lee stated, it was not considered hard evidence as often so many things we see of similarity on the internet could very well be faked.

incident. But they could no find such a rational explanation. Very odd… Again, as many an investigator will tell you, their team have also experienced unexplained battery drainage, and on one occasion all their recording cameras turned off at the same time around 2 hours and 37 minutes into the investiga‐ tion. An enthusiastic, honest approach to the subject. The 3am Club did a fantastic job at keeping the audience mesmerized and with a little help from good friend Richard Lawrence, it made the short trip to the Smith Museum well worth taking. A great bunch of guys that are doing their bit for paranormal investigation through‐ out Stirling and other locations in Scot‐ land.

Lanarkshire Paranormal are a dedicated team of paranormal researchers. Based in Scotland, they also investigate both private locations and organise many nationwide events. With the latest in hi‐tech equip‐ ment and over 16 years experience, Lan‐ arkshire Paranormal are at the forefront of paranormal investigations. They are solely driven to find the truth behind the sight‐ ings and reports that have been debated for centuries. Lanarkshire Paranormal ar‐ range and coordinate exciting paranormal investigations throughout the country for people to experience the unexplained realms of the paranormal. They are a non‐ profit organisation, raising funds for many charities throughout the UK. If you would like to take part on an investi‐ gation or have any queries, feel free to get in touch with them at:

Also, check out the UK Shadow Seekers Paranormal Investigation group and the KTPF Talk Show run by Susanne and Steve Taggart…

(Above Photo ‐ Steve Mera and members of the 3am Club). Lee went on to show a strange photograph of a dark mass snapped by an investigator at an alleged haunted location. A rather unusual photo… He also mentioned that when attempting to capture EVPs, the process of calling out, enticing communica‐ tion does not often produce good results. Sometimes, just remaining quiet and

Now… If you believe strongly in coinci‐ dences not always being coincidences, then you’ll know where I coming from. Also assisting with the 3am Club presenta‐ tion was Steff Murdoch‐Richards and his wife Jan from Lanarkshire Paranormal group. At the end of the presentation I decided to have a chat with them both. 11

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Up next was our very own Brian Allan with probably the most extensively researched lecture of the whole event. Brian’s fascinat‐ ing lecture was entitled ‘Truth, Lies and Ufology’, and consisted of how the intelli‐ gence services created the modern UFO myth… Did many icons of modern Ufology originate on alien worlds, or were they based on pioneering German technology captured at the end of WWII? Also did U.S. intelligence use Ufology as a smokescreen to hide its own technological wonders. As most will know… Brian is the UK Editor of Phenomena Magazine, researcher and au‐ thor of twelve books on the paranormal. Knowing how methodical and thorough Brian is in regards his research I knew what the audience was in for… A truly educational presentation filled with facts and a few disappointments for the ufolo‐ gists who are convinced that every UFO is extraterrestrial in origin. Brian opened fire on the audience with his scientific and accurate accounts of techno‐ logical advancements in aviation. He dis‐ cussed early German technology and how the American’s not only attempted to dupli‐ cate but also continued research into flying wing designed aircraft and many others. He explained how Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of 9 strange looking objects were most certain advanced exotic experimental aircraft. Brian looked at the convoluted subject of Ufology and re‐examined some of the piv‐ otal cases that have served as touchstones. While recognising that we are visited by non‐earthly beings, he also convincingly showed that many sightings have very earthly explanations and went on to exam‐ ine the myths and legends surrounding one of the most bizarre pieces of technology ever to have emerged from this era, the sinister and mysterious object known as 'Die Glocke' or 'The Bell'.

The next speaker to take to the stage was Dr. Lorn Macintyre. In the Gaelic‐speaking areas of Scotland, where the veil between reality and the supernatural is thinner than the width of a hair on a kelpie’s mane, there exists a long set of traditions and a wealth of folklore relating to the super‐ natural. Lorn considers ‘second sight’ through the paranormal experiences of his own family, & also examines the wider historical traditions of these phenomena.

It’s also important to note the similarities between the Nazi Bell and the Kecksberg Acorn UFO. (See Photo Above). Brian concluded his lecture with a look at how the National Security Agency, the CIA, the Department of Defense and other American intelligence agencies ruthlessly exploited and ultimately destroyed the scientist Paul Bennewitz, an American businessman and UFO investigator who originated UFO Conspiracies in the 1980s.

Brian’s lecture was very well received and was applauded by the now educated audience. This is by far one of the most informative UFO lectures currently circu‐ lating the conference circuit.

Lorn discussed James Hutchison, a doctor on the west coast of Scotland, who took into his house a consumptive young man called Dòmhnall MacDiarmid on the eve of the Second World War because MacDiar‐ mid, a fisherman, appeared to have re‐ markable psychic gifts. With a psychoana‐ lyst friend from St. Andrews, Hutchison decided to hold séances with his protégé. The doctor’s niece Alison, who succeeded him in his practice, spent most of each summer with her uncle. But one summer she falls in love with Dòmhnall, and is drawn into the remarkable and sometimes terrifying paranormal phenomena sur‐ rounding him, with the local minister pub‐ licly accusing Dr. Hutchison of helping to raise the dead.

Lorn also talked of a poltergeist infesta‐ tion over 70 years ago, in a mansion house near Kingsbarns, Fife, in Scotland, terrifying phenomena which have fasci‐ nated those interested in the paranormal ever since. The occupants of Pitmilly House were subjected to spontaneous outbreaks of fires, airborne objects and other occurrences which indicated the activities of a malicious poltergeist. The story of Pitmilly, which involves a gambler disgraced by royalty, and a connection with Harry Price, the flamboyant psychic investigator of Borley Rectory, ‘once known as the most haunted house in Eng‐ land. The inexplicable events in Pitmilly House inspired a 1947 play, The Polter‐ geist, made into a film, Things Happen at Night, the following year. In closing Lorn covered several other fascinating paranor‐ mal cases. A very good presentation… To finish off the third day of the event in a befitting manner. Christina Stewart pre‐ sented 'Haunting', a spine‐tingling evening of selkies, fairies, spirits, enchantment and second sight. Captivating songs in Gaelic, Scots and English are set to


The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

sensitive acoustic accompaniment and interwoven with tales and oral traditions spoken in English, including lore from her own family reflecting her Highland roots.

and the results were… seeing something visual (57%), then followed by the feeling of a presence (45%), then unusual sounds (34%), a feeling of being touched (23%),

Christina and her ensemble of singers, instrumentalists and storytellers explored an eerie otherworld, spanning Scotland from the northern isles to the Borders, drawing on our nation’s parallel and inter‐ connected traditions of song and spoken word. A great night for all the family that took place at Albert Halls.

mysterious items that have been discov‐ ered to have moved (20%), apportations (15%) and unusual smells (13%). Caroline also mentioned that females reported having more unusual experi‐ ences than males, around 58%, and around 18%reported having experiences during an alert state, about 45% during a relaxed state and 29% during an auto routine and finally, most reports obviously coming from those that were investigating phenomena such as ‘ghosthunters’.

Morning had broken on the fourth and final day not with the sound of a cockerel but the sound of bagpipes playing from another location nearby. Emanating from my slightly opened hotel window. Probably the best way to wake up in the morning whilst visiting Scotland. A quick shower, some breakfast and I headed off to the Albert Halls again. I was looking forward to seeing the first lecturer of the day. Dr. Caroline Watt of the Edinburgh Parapsy‐ chology Department. I have, for quite some time followed her work with interest and have much admiration for her efforts in the field of parapsychological research. Caroline’s lecture was entitled ‘Things that Go Bump in the Mind: The Psychology of Ghostly Experiences’. Have you ever seen a ghost? If not, you probably know someone who has. What lies behind these strange and compelling phenomena? Are they glimpses of the afterlife? Or are they con‐ jured up by our amazing brains..? A found‐ ing member (in 1986) of the Koestler Para‐ psychology Unit (KPU) at the University of Edinburgh, Caroline is closely involved in academic writing, teaching and research. Her research focus is paranormal beliefs and experiences and she is a Past President and International Liaison for the Parapsy‐ chological Association. Caroline talked about her online parapsy‐ chology courses and the subject of the paranormal and how the human brain can be sometimes be responsible for the ex‐ perience. A survey carried out showed some interesting statistics. Subjects who believe they have had a paranormal ex‐ perience were asked a series of question

Caroline went on to talk of how our brain manages perception and information and how top down processing works as well as bottom up processing. I’m not going to go too much in depth about how such psy‐ chological things take place, you could always Google it.

(Above Photo—Caroline Watt and Steve Mera). Caroline discussed how prior knowledge and expectation can cause your percep‐ tions to trick you into believing you have had a paranormal experience. Something I wholeheartedly agree with. She also talked about schemes, a collection of ex‐ pectations around a theme, apophenia, pareidolia, and quasi sensory experiences. 13

A thoroughly enjoyable lecture. At the end I had the opportunity to ask about her current work in regards precognitive ex‐ periences and she informed the audience that one particular subject had a dream that the probes on her head that were measuring her brain wave activity during sleep could not be taken off and were stuck on, and after the test was carried out, that particular subject found herself in that very same situation due to the lifting solution that helps lift the probes off the head couldn’t be located. Could this be evidence of precognition? I cannot help think what she may think of a subject I have been working with for over 10 years under the Scientific Establishment of Para‐ psychology (SEP) named Steve Johnson, who seems to demonstrate some amazing talents for precognitive dreams and that the dream information is sent to my office via recorded time stamped e‐mails prior to the events taking place… An excellent lec‐ ture... A short break and then the second lecturer of the fourth day of the event started his presentation. And boy was it a fascinating one… Anthony Peake talked about a inter‐ esting and quite common occurrence in most of our lives. Déjà Vu is known to be the most common “altered‐state” of con‐ sciousness. Anthony presented a radical new explanation of the phenomenon that is rooted in modern science. This “world premiere” presentation was quite literally, a life‐changing experience, and in it he discussed his research for his forthcoming book “Opening The Doors of Perception”. Anthony Peake is the author of eight highly acclaimed books and many maga‐ zine articles. He is a research fellow at The Centre for Advanced Studies and his co‐ authored book, “Making Sense of Near‐ Death Experiences” was nominated for Psychiatric Book of the Year at the British Medical Association book awards in 2012. A highly original thinker in the field of noetic sciences, his latest book is “The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continu‐ ity of Consciousness beyond the Brain” co ‐authored with twice Nobel‐Prize nomi‐ nated author Professor Ervin Laszlo. Anthony went on to talk about life after death, par amnesia, restricted par amne‐ sia, cerebral miscommunication, optical pathways and evidence to support the parapsychologists and psychologists may be wrong in a findings called ‘normal pat‐ terns of déjà vu experience in a healthy blind man’. The case of a 25‐year‐old healthy, blind male, MT, who experiences normal patterns of déjà vu. The optical pathway delay theory of déjà vu formation assumes that neuronal input from the optical pathways is necessary for the for‐ mation of the experience.

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Surprisingly, although the sensation of déjà vu is known to be experienced by blind individuals, we believe this to be the first reported application of this knowledge to the understanding of the phenomenon. Visual input is not present in MT, yet the experiences he describes are consistent with reports in the literature of déjà vu occurrence in sighted people. The fact that blind people can experience déjà vu chal‐ lenges the optical pathway delay theory, and alternative causes are briefly discussed.

Trying not to be too technical, Anthony went on to talk about the ‘changing optical pathway delay theory’, and those that had vivid dreams about the 911 incident. This was further demonstrated by painting and drawing that done prior to the 911 event which showed a plane flying into the tow‐ ers, flames and other 911 images which were later shown by television networks around the world. One such image ap‐ peared on the Coot Album…

Anthony argues the point that our brains know what to do before you think to do it and separated by around 6seconds. As if the brain is some type of hard‐drive which may explain why people often report their lives flashing before their eyes at a point of death. It could be that the brain suddenly becomes confused and seems to slow down time for the observer so it can process what is hap‐ pening and run a few checks which could in turn could result in such life images

being experienced as the brain rewinds and fast forwards as part of a process of making sense of the situation you are in.

(Above Photo ‐ Anthony Peake and Steve).

Other demonstrations or precognition was presented such as drawings made of the Concord aircraft on fire prior to the event happening.

Anthony continued to deliver his presen‐ tation talking of Jamais‐Vu which is when people forget what we shouldn’t, like a form of temporary amnesia. He also briefly touched on ‘zero point field’, the work of professor Roger Penrose who is a world leading expert on physics and mathematics. Anthony believes the brain is a holographic generator which projects information to our sensory preceptors. He also talked of the affects of DMT and hal‐ lucinations, and believes a natural source of DMT is released in our brains at the time of death and that Deja‐Vu could be evidence of having past lives. An amazing and informative lecture. Watch out for Anthony Peakes new book... 14

Up next was not your usual UFO lecture. This was performed by the Navajo Rang‐ ers… Yes! You heard me right! ‘Real’ Na‐ vajo Rangers from Monument Valley in the U.S. Lt Jon Dover & Sgt Stanley Milford Jr. talked about investigating cases that can only be described as “paranormal” which happen on the iconic landscapes of the Native American Reservation territories. Their own experiences are also mind‐ stretchingly strange & fascinating… They work for their Navajo Nation community. Recognised as federal officers, they have high skillsets and varied and fascinating caseloads – including the 1% of their work which is seriously off‐the‐grid.

This active police enforcement in Arizona covers 27.000 miles of open desert and rocky mountain ranges. Before they started into their incredible lecture, they had to show a disclaimer due to their pro‐ fession, explaining that what you were about to see and hear was their own infor‐ mation and perceptions of their experi‐ ences and that not of the American en‐ forcement department… So with that out the way… They moved on... They started their presentation by showing photographs of the expanse of land they regularly monitor and some beautiful locations of fresh water streams as well as the worst weather conditions such as 6 feet of snow during a harsh win‐ ter season along with sandstorms. Photos of ruins and huge caverns were also shown of which are investigated by such law en‐ forcement officials. The officers had been called out to numerous types of incidents, some of which involved people reporting Bigfoot type creatures that had apparently left large clear footprints in the ground. There had also been reports of what is referred to ‘Skinwalkers’. Some people believe skinwalkers are half‐breeds of ly‐ canthropes, or that they share some slight version of the curse of those creatures. Skinwalker shamans say they are chosen by nature or the gods to be a bridge be‐ tween the world of humanity and the ani‐ mal world. The truth may lie somewhere between these two ideas. For indeed, skin‐ walkers are those with a lycanthrope crouching somewhere in the branches of

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

their family tree. These distant progeny of monstrous werewolves and other crea‐ tures of the night have special talents unlike those of most civilized peoples, and they arise randomly among remote hu‐ manoid populations as well as within their own secretive sects. A pair of humans may give birth to a skinwalker ‐ the dormant lycanthropic ancestry making itself known in a child neither beast nor human ‐ or a pair of skinwalker parents may produce a skinwalker child, though these couplings can sometimes produce human children as well. Skinwalkers resemble humans much of the time, but they possess the uncanny ability to transform into bestial human‐ oids who combine the most fearsome aspects of flesh and fur. Even changing into large wolf type animals with red glowing eyes. The officers reported tracks and hair sam‐ ples of these strange beasts. On one par‐ ticular occasion, one of the officers were driving home late one night in his car, when something caught his eye to the left of him. What he saw chilled him to the bones, a large white coloured wolf type creature with a long snout and glowing red eyes pacing his vehicle. He clearly was panicked by this. He crouched down fur‐ ther into his seat and pressed his gas ped‐ dle down to the floor and never looked back…

his door. Watching from a window he saw the balls of light approach his home and saw four small beings around three and a half feet tall mooching around his prop‐ erty. The witness recalled seeing his solar powered lights flick off when the beings went near them. This seemed to cause great curiosity with them. The creatures had some type of light beam in their hands which they would fire down to the ground. The light looked like a laser, pen‐ cil thin and about a one inch beam came from them. He watched the beings as they walked near his home and then up a path and away into the distance. The witness eventually contacted the rangers who visited the location and noted numerous child size flat footprints in the ground heading up the pathway and off into the distance. The Mutual UFO Network were alerted by the case and rangers assisted an through investigation. No rational explanation was discovered and the owners dog that did return the following day mysteriously died about a week later. Another strange incident was reported to the rangers in regards a young woman who was heading home that watched a large orb of light move across the sky so fast it seemed like a shooting star. It then suddenly descended towards her car. She panicked and tried to outrun the object, but when she turned to look the object

before. He vehicle was checked over thor‐ oughly and strangely enough, Sodium Hy‐ drate was discovered in her oil filter. A very odd substance to find inside a car engine…

Even the office building where the rangers are situated have strange occurrences such as coins falling out of thin air, and unusu‐ ally when tossed the coin ‘always’ lands on ‘heads’, though the chance of this is hap‐ pening is 50%, its yet to land on ‘tails’. Other oddities also take place from time to time… As so how and why is unknown, some have speculated that the location where the buildings stand has some type of mystical or paranormal hotspot in there locality. During a quiet evening the rangers re‐ ceived a frantic call from a woman who had witnessed a large bright UFO on the ground in a desert clearing whilst driving past near her home only to pull up her drive and be faced with a strange large white rabbit sat on her driveway. The rab‐ bit was certainly out of place as nothing is ever seen like this in that part of the coun‐ try. The most alarming thing about this rabbit was how it behaved and its size. It was huge… around 3 to 4 feet tall and it was not startled or bothered by her vehicle pulling up in front of it only about a meter away. It was at that point the rangers re‐ ceived the frantic call. ‘It’s just stood there starring at me’ the woman cried…

The rangers have witnessed numerous UFOs flying across the night sky, one such strange object was red in colour and quickly zig‐zagged through the sky whilst being pursued by two military jets which simply could not keep up with the fast moving object. In what is referred to as the Ol’Man Case, a UFO, bright like the sun around 25 feet wide was seen firing beams of light down to the ground by witnesses in a remote location. The owner’s dog, often found sitting outside the home yelped and took off which drew the attention of the wit‐ ness, who then went outside and was shocked to see the strange object firing beams down to the ground and out of which came several large balls of light which were heading his way at great speed. The witness ran inside and locked

was right next to her car. This cat and mouse chase continued for about a mile until the object suddenly shot skyward and out of sight. The panic stricken woman telephoned the rangers when she arrived home. The following day, rangers discovered a large magnetic anomaly on the left hand side of the woman’s vehicle which passed right through the drivers seat area. The lady went on to have sever migraines though she had never suffered from them 15

The rangers eventually got the woman to open her car door slowly and run to the safety of her home. Sometime later rang‐ ers attended to home and could clearly see unusual marks on the ground about a me‐ ter in front of the woman vehicle. The ground was very hard and should not have

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

been easy to mark, yet the odd markings were visible. A mystery that was never solved. The rangers have received numer‐ ous profound reports from large UFOs the size of an 18 wheel truck to large orbs of light carrying what is described as a Skin‐ walker. A location known as Satan Butte, a large volcanic rocky outcropping has been the focus of many a MUFON investigator and rangers in regards the consistent reports of UFOs seen in the sky above it. There were even reports of a cylinder shaped UFO land‐ ing on top of the Butte back in June 2010. Several photographs of the object seen at night were taken…

An Arizona man living on the Navajo Res‐ ervation and three miles from Satan Butte reports a series of recent UFO activity involving a "cylindrical sphere with red blinking lights" that descends into the area, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The most recent sight‐ ing occurred on June 7, 2010. "I ran into the house and grabbed my sister‐in‐laws camera and my binoculars," the witness stated. "I could not get a clear picture but watched the UFO cylindrical sphere with red blinking lights descend into the butte." Two days later, the wit‐ ness saw the object moving toward the

grabbed my sister‐in‐laws camera and my binoculars. I could not get a clear picture but watched the UFO cylindrical sphere with red blinking lights descend into the butte. Two days later the even repeated ‐ I yelled to my unbelieving wife but by the time she got outside it had already descended. Last Friday we went to Flagstaff and I bought a "good" camera. Last night at 10:46pm we both witnessed the UFO ‐ I took pictures and now have a witness and pictures! My wife admits she thought I was seeing things but I took pictures and she watched through the binoculars. The Navajo are a reticent people but talk amongst them‐ selves ‐ they have seen this many times over the years… Due to the numerous UFO sightings and interest by MUFON investigators, Bigelow Aerospace President Robert Bigelow swooped in and purchased the land, just as he did with Skinwalker Ranch. As to what is going on there and why there is so much UFO activity is anyone’s guess. Now Bige‐ low calls the shots at that location, its not so easy to visit, again… just like Skinwalker ranch. A geological survey of Satan Butte has been carried out by the American Govern‐ ment and their results seem to show noth‐ ing out of the ordinary:

ground, but by the time he alerted his wife, the object had already gone down into Satan's Butte. Then at 10:46 p.m. on June 7, he and his wife both witnessed the object in the same area moving toward ground level. He also reports that the Na‐ vajo people see UFOs on a regular basis, but that the reports are made among themselves. He is married to a Navajo woman. The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON: AZ, June 7, 2010 ‐ Third time this object has descended in Satan's Butte this week. MUFON Case # 23660.

Roger Marsh, a reporter for the examiner had this to say about the UFO seen over Satan Butte… (Dated ‐ July 9th 2010).

I am white with a Navajo wife living on the Navajo Reservation. For many years I have heard many stories about Satan's Butte ‐ all stories revolve around UFO's and Snakes. While I believe in the likelihood of UFO's ‐ I never really believed in some‐ thing this close to our home. A week ago I was outside at 9:46pm and looked toward Satan's Butte and saw a spaceship hover‐ ing above the butte. (The butte is about three miles away.) I ran into the house and 16

The location encompasses approximately 314 km2 (123 mi2) within Navajo and Apache Counties of northern Arizona and is bounded by lat 35°37'30" to 35°30' N., long 109°45' to 110° W. The location lies within the southern Colorado Plateau geologic province and within the north‐eastern por‐ tion of the Hopi Buttes (Tsézhin Bií). Eleva‐ tions range from 1,930 m (6,330 ft) at the top of Satan Butte to about 1,787 m (5,860 ft) at Pueblo Colorado Wash where it exits the southwest corner of the Greasewood quadrangle. The only settlement within the map area is Greasewood, Arizona, on the north side of Pueblo Colorado Wash. Na‐ vajo Highway 15 crosses both quadrangles and joins State Highway 264 northwest of Ganado. Unimproved dirt roads provide access to remote parts of the Navajo Reser‐ vation.

Again… nothing out of the ordinary was discovered, yet the locations seems to have Importance to the UFO occupants… The sightings continue to take place at that location.

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Glasgow University, Archie Roy founded the Scottish Society for Psychical Research in 1987, based on the Society for Psychical Research, founded in London in 1882. He founded the SSPR to respond to two needs: provide students of his night‐class ‘An Introduction to Psychical Research’ and provide a rapid response team to attend and assist those reporting paranormal problems.

An interesting fact I discovered, is that Satan Butte and the Utah Skinwalker Ranch more or less lie on the same Longitude? 109.8546 and 109.8650 – Coincidence?

On the night before the Phoenix Lights were seen, a string of bright objects were spotted moving across the sky by residents of Monument Valley. Farm animals seemed to be distressed at the time. An 8mm film recorded the incident and was later sent to the American Air Force for identification. When the film was not re‐ turned the Air Force claim that the film had gone missing??? Some of the continued sightings of bright orbs seem to be getting near and near to residents. A farmer that heard something upsetting his animals was shocked to see a bright round object close to his fence. He rushed in and grabbed his gun, loaded it and shot at the object. He could clearly hear that his bullets had made contact as they ‘pinged’ off it. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, the object was quarter of a mile away. The farmer watched it for several minutes before it shot off at an incredible speed. Similar to what Peter McCue talked about in his presentation… The Rangers believe that the UFOs are connected somehow with the Bigfoot and Skinwalker sightings. It would seem that the vast location is somewhat of a hotspot for unusual activ‐ ity. Back at the Rangers office buildings, coins continue to simply drop out of thin air. One minute your sat there, then sud‐ denly a coin falls to the floor… again, al‐ ways on their ‘heads’. On one particular occasion, 65 coins fell out of thin air in just two days. Such sudden manifestations have a paranormal ring to them… Amongst other strange things... finger marks have been found on the inside of a window when the building was locked up and empty. Such marks are often discov‐ ered first thing in the morning when the office is opened and… a ball has been seen to move on its own, around 50 feet in to‐ tal. This has apparently been witnessed several times by other officers and staff. Small child like tracks have also been

discovered in the vicinity of the building, as to who or what they belong to is un‐ known. Due to the many reported UFO incidents, the rangers have noticed the occasional government men in black around the area. The rangers presentation was one that kept my atten‐ tion. I found the incidents they talked of fasci‐ nating. Though they work in a beautiful location in Arizona, the strange and profound inci‐ dents that seem to encompass the para‐ normal, ufological and possibly cryptozo‐ ological are quite perplexing. The sinister side of Monument Valley… For anyone interested in the subject of UFOs, you won’t be disappointed with their presen‐ tation… I guarantee it! The next speaker was Nick Kyle, the presi‐ dent of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research. Nick talked about his work at the (SSPR). The society is the largest or‐ ganisation dedicated to studying all as‐ pects of the paranormal throughout Scot‐ land and they have an excellent lecture programme attracting world‐class speak‐ ers on paranormal topics. They also offer a free & confidential investigation into paranormal experiences.

The Emeritus Professor of Astronomy at

Nick talked about the necessity to investi‐ gate alleged paranormal events in a scien‐ tific manner. He also discussed terminol‐ ogy and that the word ‘Paranormal’ simply means, ‘beyond our current understanding at this time’. No talk would be complete without men‐ tioning pareidolia and electronic voice phenomena. Paredolia comes in all shapes and sizes… Carl Sagan hypothesized that as a survival technique, human beings are "hard‐wired" from birth to identify the human face. This allows people to use only mini‐ mal details to recognize faces from a distance and in poor visibility but can also lead them to interpret random images or patterns of light and shade as being faces. The evolutionary advantages of being able to discern friend from foe with split‐second accuracy are numerous; people who accidentally identify an enemy as a friend could face deadly consequences. A 2009 magnetoencephalography study found that objects incidentally perceived as faces evoke an early (165 ms) activation in the ventral fusiform cortex, at a time and location similar to that evoked by faces, whereas other common objects do not evoke such activation. This activation is similar to a slightly ear‐ lier peak at 130 ms seen for images of real faces. The authors suggest that face perception evoked by face‐ like objects is a relatively early process, and not a late cognitive reinterpretation phenomenon. An fMRI study in 2011 similarly showed that repeated presen‐ tation of novel visual shapes that were interpreted as meaningful led to decreased fMRI responses for real objects. These result indicate that interpretation of ambiguous stimuli depends on similar processes as those elicited for known objects. These studies help to explain why people identify a few circles and a line as a "face" so quickly and with‐ out hesitation. Cognitive processes are activated by the "face‐like" object, which alert the observer to both the emotional state and identity of the subject – even before the conscious mind begins to process – or even receive – the information. The "stick figure face", despite its simplicity, conveys mood informa‐ tion (in this case, disappointment or mild unhappi‐ ness). It would be just as simple to draw a stick figure face that would be perceived (by most people) as hostile and aggressive. This robust and subtle capabil‐ ity is hypothesized to be the result of eons of natural selection favoring people most able to quickly iden‐ tify the mental state, for example, of threatening people, thus providing the individual an opportunity to flee or attack preemptively. In other words, proc‐ essing this information subcortically (and therefore subconsciously) – before it is passed on to the rest of the brain for detailed processing – accelerates judg‐ ment and decision making when alacrity is para‐ mount. This ability, though highly specialized for the processing and recognition of human emotions, also functions to determine the demeanor of wildlife. Combined with Apophenia (identifying meaningful patterns in meaningless randomness) and hierophany (a manifestation of the sacred), pareidolia may have helped early societies organize chaos and make the world intelligible. Wikipedia


The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Incidents. And so… this is where Malcolm comes in. I’d been waiting all day in antici‐ pation of this lecture, though I am familiar in all the incidents Malcolm talked of, I wanted to see it being delivered in the unique way that only Malcolm can de‐ liver… He’s an exceptional lecturer I’ve known for many years. Back when Mal‐ colm had a ‘moustache’ like my own lol.

In the above photo you can see the clear profile of a giant bearded man with closed eyes. It does resemble common representations of a fellow named Jesus. Even though that enormous Jesus head doesn’t quite fit into the rest of the image. In the photo below (now with coloured areas to help you see what your really looking at) is a Victorian cou‐ ple, with a small child sitting on the knee of the man. A good example of Pareidolia.

Nick went on to show further demonstra‐ tions of pareidolia thought to be fairies and ghostly manifestations. Also, some photos of dust particles often mistaken for orbs. Nick played some interesting EVPs, one of which was described as being paranormal in nature. The sound of a growing mob associ‐ ated to a location where a woman was burnt for practicing witchcraft. An interest‐ ing piece of audio, but also a little disturb‐ ing as well...

Nick finished by showing some intriguing photographs allegedly taken during the Scole experiment, showing normal pho‐ tography with infrared and thermal pho‐ tography. A educational lecture that the audience found most satisfying… My good friend Malcolm Robinson was up next. As Scotland’s leading ufologist, the festival would have been seriously lacking if it hadn’t covered Scottish UFO 18

After a short introduction about how Mal‐ colm founded SPI‐UK and has wrote three books, two I’ve read and found them fasci‐ nating, he started his main presentation. ‘UFO Over Scotland’… Malcolm pulled no punches and quickly launched the audi‐ ence into a world of strange UFO sightings and experiences. First up, the Livingston UFO incident often referred to as the Lo‐ thian UFO Case that involved Robert Taylor on November 9th 1979, who whilst out with his dog witnessed an unusual craft close to the ground that seemed to be appearing and disappearing as if fading in and out of our visual reality. Robert stood in shock as he watch two unusual looking objects that resembles second world war sea mines drop from the craft and move quickly towards him. Before he knew it, the objects were on top of him and at that he lost consciousness. When he awoke, the craft and objects had gone, only leaving some unusual track marks in the ground. Robert was confused and disorientated as he picked himself up and headed home to tell his wife of his shocking ordeal. Robert noticed that his trousers had been mysteri‐ ously ripped in two places and he recalled this was where these two strange objects that had approached him, grabbed his trousers in an effort to lift him up…

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Malcolm finished his lecture with the Fife UFO Case that took place on September 23rd 1996 which involved the sighting of a flying triangle and strange alien type crea‐ tures in the family’s home. Malcolm is to have his third book released in the new year in regards his extensive investigation he has carried out on Loch Ness. A book well worth getting your hand on… More on that nearer the time. Robert reported the incident to the police who investigated the incident. On visiting the location, officials came across the strange marks in the ground.

No rational explanation could be found to explain the tracks and Robert’s experience. Malcolm who was the principle UFO inves‐ tigator had obtained Robert’s ripped trou‐ sers after analysis had been conducted on them and he had them with him for the audience to see… Malcolm then went on to talk about the A70 abduction case of Gary Wood and his friend Colin who witnessed a strange ob‐ ject hanging above the A70 in Scotland shining a light down to the road surface and as they drove underneath it they sud‐ denly found themselves in complete dark‐ ness before finding themselves further along the road and having no recollection of events though some time had past. Mal‐ colm went on to talk about how the wit‐ nesses had discovered strange scars on them and had unusual dreams. Gary even‐ tually got in contact with Malcolm and went under hypnotic regression by Helen Walters, a qualified hypnotherapist and an alien abduction story unfolded. A truly fascinating case. Malcolm also talked of the Grangemouth Incident and showed photographs of a flying disc shaped craft along with news clippings.

The last involvement for the lecturers on the fourth and final day was the speaker panel. The session was entitled ‘The State of Ufology Today’ and was hosted by well respected researcher Ron Halli‐ day accompanied by James Fox, Nick Pope, Malcolm Robinson and Steve Mera. This session was opened to the audience to ask questions in regards the subject of UFOs. A very funny and enjoy‐ able event.

The last event at the Albert Halls was a paranormal comedy double bill with Ian D. Montfort and Paul Gannon. From what I heard their acts were a scream… ‘no pun intended’ lol. A number of other events took place at different locations over the four day festival. One of which was the showing of the hit documentary ‘The Af‐ terlife Investigations’, directed by Tim Coleman. Tim Coleman is an award win‐ ning documentary filmmaker, journalist and photographer. He has worked in press, radio and TV. He co‐directed the UFO‐related documentary, Out of the Blue, which was broadcast on the Sci‐Fi Channel, both in the US and UK. The Af‐ terlife Investigations documentary ex‐ plores some of the most unusual evidence for life after death ever presented. He is also making two follow‐up documentaries on this subject. Tim concluded his event with a question and answer session. I was lucky to meet up with Tim and have a chat. He was good enough to hand me one of his DVDs of The Afterlife Investiga‐ tions and when I got chance, I grabbed a cup of tea and settled down for a watch of it. I have to say, it was one of the most compelling documentaries I had ever seen in regards spirit communication and the paranormal. I thoroughly enjoyed it… I fascinating journey into the world of the unknown and the results of the Scole Experiments. A very well produced and directed documentary. A must see! 19

Also, on a wet and windy evening a crowd of around 30 people descended on the Albert Halls car park in anticipation of the Bonnybridge UFO skywatch. The event was hosted by Malcolm Robinson and Dave Hodrien from Birmingham UFO Group. A magnificent convoy of vehicles headed off on the short journey, first stopping off at Bonnybridge town center to meet up with Billy Buchanan, Bonnybridge’s well known local councillor and UFO enthusiast. Billy has gone to great lengths over the years trying to obtain answers and to press gov‐ ernment members for an official investiga‐ tion and explanation to the many UFO experiences throughout Bonnybridge. Un‐ fortunately he was met with opposition and ignorance. Malcolm Robinson has taken part in such ventures with Billy on more than one occasion.

Billy addressed the skywatchers and ex‐ plained how he became involved with the subject of UFOs and how he has tried to obtain government assistance in an at‐ tempt to find answers. Some time later we headed back to the cars and travelled a little further to the hard standing car park where the skywatch commenced. Though for the duration we were there, nothing unusual was spotted in the sky, but the visitors were kept amused with a number of short talks by Malcolm Robinson, Dave Hodrien, Ellis Taylor and Steve Mera. Even‐ tually due to poor weather we called it a night and headed off back to the comforts of our hotels. An excellent and enjoyable night… but cold, wet and windy…

The Scottish Paranormal Festival: Review ‐ By Steve Mera

Other features of the Scottish Paranormal Festival included a marathon of spooky and enjoyable UFO movies at the Tolbooth and the Macrobert Cinema. They featured such movies as Shadow of the Vampire, Mur‐ nau’s Nosferatu, I Know What I Saw, Under The Skin, Memoirs of a Sinner, The Afterlife Investigations, The Orphanage, The Woman in Black, Rosemary’s Baby, Only Lovers Left Alive, The Shining, Room 237, Don’t Look Now and for the kiddies… Frankenweenie, and Paranorman. There was also Fresh Blood Screenings, some terrifying shorts from new filmmakers. Not too far away at Cowane’s Hospital, storytelling for the youngsters took place by Tapsalteerie. There was also chance to record your own strange experience for posterity. You could choose to do it anonymously (i.e.without the camera rolling) or with full sound & picture. You could do it by yourself, or you could have one of the sympathetic assis‐ tants talk you through your story. You could be the star here, in your own para‐ normal picture… prepare to amaze the world! This was carried out using the Ghost Box and was completely free. A great idea that visitors to the events en‐ joyed. Fear, Fun and Frights for Boys and Ghouls of all ages! Jock Rankin, the ‘Happy Hangman’ conducted a tour of the strange sites and stranger tales told of Stirling’s Historic Old Town. It was an unique mix of comedy, drama and storytelling. Hallowe’en is a busy time for Stirling’s spooks, so be sure to check out further spooky tours of the fan‐ yastic location... or suffer the tingly‐shivers of disappointment. Walks start at the gates of the Old Town Jail, St John Street. Shows are on Fridays & Saturday, September‐to‐ June ‐ Tuesday‐to‐Saturday in July & Au‐ gust, with private bookings throughout the year. Explore the website and discover more…

Paranormal Vigils also took place at three different locations. All of which were com‐ pletely sold out and a great success. The locations consisted of the Darnley Coffee House, the Bastion and Bottle Dungeon and Cowane’s Hospital for which I was lucky enough to visit during a festival presenta‐ tion which included guest speakers and the provost of Stirling...

There were also a number of stalls at the event where you could purchase video tapes, DVDs, books and numerous other things. Geoff Holder and Anthony Peake had also brought along some of their ex‐ cellent books to sell. Reporting centers for people who wanting to talk about their UFO and or paranormal experiences were constructed by Dave Hodrien of Birming‐ ham UFO Group and Steve Mera from MAPIT: Manchester’s Association of Para‐ normal Investigation & Training. MAPIT also featured their British Investigators Training Course and provided samples of the basic and advanced courses.

(Above Photo ‐ Nick Kyle and TSPF Direc‐ tor Peter Broughan). 20

Just to note, this amazing event, (the big‐ gest in the country) could not have taken place if it wasn’t for the outstanding effort from the director Peter Broughan, Nick Kyle, Tam, the sponsors, assistants and staff. A special thanks to all lecturers and partners… The exclusive, limited‐edition Festival T‐shirts are now available to purchase!

Upcoming Events

Yes, coming up in 2015, it's the 25th… Glastonbury Syposium: Investigating Signs of our Times. An annual three‐day conference of mys‐ teries, truth and new frontiers, truth issues, earth mysteries, crop circles, new physics, conspiracies, UFOs, metaphysics, spirituality, consciousness studies, sacred geometry, astrology, music and more. Friday‐Sunday, 24th‐26th July 2015. Town Hall, Glastonbury, UK. Online booking starts in January 2015

It's one of Britain's longest established and most acclaimed 'alternative' confer‐ ences. For further information visit: The International UFO Congress is returning to Fountain Hills, Arizona this February 18‐22, 2015! This five day event features over 20 speakers, a film festival, parties, skywatching, vendors, experiencer sessions, and more! For further details visit: Welcome to New Horizons! The friendly meeting‐place for free‐ thinking people. Based in St. Anne’s‐on‐ the‐Sea, Lancashire, UK. Entrance only £3, which includes refreshments. Open 7.30 PM for 8.00 PM start ‐ (Usually finishing at about 10:30). A new speaker every week on an amazing variety of topics: Conspiracy Theories... true or not? / The Global Economy / Hidden News / The Paranormal / Complementary Health / Alternative History / Self‐ empowerment / Alternative Science and Technology / Ancient Mysteries / The Legal Rights of the Individual... and more! For further details visit: Also, New Horizons Preston at: Cornwall UFO Research Group presents their 19th Annual UFO Conference on Saturday 10th October 2015. Venue: Truro College (Lecture Theatre), Fal Building, College Road, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3XX. For further information nearer the time visit: www.cornwall‐ The 58th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association will be held at the University of Greenwich, 16‐19 July. Further details can be found on the PA website:


ASSAP: Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena have their next conference on 7 March 2015, Goldsmiths College, London. Exorcisms, stigmata, possession, demons and more. Further details to appear at: htmlfiles/News.html


The UMMO Affair The UMMO phenomenon is an anomaly unto itself in the world of UFOlogy. It is as yet a still unsolved mystery and cannot be easily dismissed in spite of how unlikely it would appear to be on the surface. Is this a genuine case of extraterrestrials reaching out to make contact with mankind in terms humans can understand? Something more direct and open than New Age channeling or the searching through by regressive hypnosis of people claiming to be abductees? Timothy Green Beckley of Global Communications currently offers a book on the subject called “UMMO and the Extraterrestrial Papers,” which he also edited. The nearly 300 pages of the book contain a thorough, almost encyclopedic examination of the UMMO mystery, most likely the most complete treatment of the subject to be had anywhere. Longtime UFO journalist Antonio Huneeus opens the book with a very informative introduction in which he explains, “A vast number of technical and sometimes philosophical communications have been mailed in manila envelopes to no less than 20 and probably many more Spanish and French UFologists. There are allegedly also networks of correspondents in Canada, Austria, Yugoslavia, and other countries, although there is no concrete proof of this.” In other words, established UFOlogists in various parts of the world have been receiving what are essentially letters in the mail from extraterrestrials. How is that for open and direct communica‐ tion? But Huneeus cautions that the exact origin of the UMMO papers has never been solved. “This means,” Huneeus continues, “that it was never proven with the slightest degree of certainty that they were either fabricated by some ‘earthly’ intelligence agency or by an extremely persistent and well‐informed hoaxer; or for that matter, were what they purported to be: communiqués from intelli‐ gent beings from the planet UMMO, who, according to their own admission, have been visiting Earth incognito since 1950.” The aliens in question claim that their planet orbits a star which we catalog as Wolf 424, located 14.6 light years from our sun. Wolf 424 is named after one of its discoverers, a French astronomer named Etienne Wolf, who worked in conjunction

with fellow Frenchman Pons Rayet. The Spanish writer and UFOlogist, the late Antonio Ribera, is credited as being the main source of the UMMO belief system. He wrote a classic book, called “A Perfect Case,” which chronicled two UFO landings in the mid‐1960s near Madrid. The pair of UFO incidents spearheaded the UMMO affair by showing for the first time its characteristic emblem, which is similar to our astronomic symbol for the planet Uranus. The symbol was visible in a series of controversial photos taken of the al‐ leged UMMO ships, and also turned up in eyewitness descriptions of one of the landings. The first of the landings took place on February 6, 1966, at about 6 PM. Half a dozen witnesses in the outskirts of Madrid observed the flight path and land‐ ing of a perfectly round saucer with three legs and a diameter of approximately 33 feet. One of the witnesses closest to the craft clearly saw the Uranus‐like symbol of UMMO, which none of the witnesses were familiar with at the time. It was around this same time that a Span‐ ish UFO buff named Fernando Sesma be‐ gan to receive by mail a number of techni‐ cal papers relating to and supposedly written by the OEMMI, the inhabitants of UMMO. The second landing incident, which took place on June 1, 1967, was actually predicted several days before it happened in a written message mailed to Sesma and two other correspondents. Even the precise geographical coordinates 23

Are aliens mingling with our of the landing population? were provided. All of the details Have they established a of the 1966 “Breakaway Civilization” right here on Earth? sighting were repeated, to Have they actually gone so include the size, far as to construct cities of shape and symbol their own in isolated areas? on the object. “Seven clear photos of a classic flying sau‐ cer with a large UMMO symbol,” Huneeus writes, “were taken by Antonio Pardo and another amateur photographer.” Although the photos were later labeled as a hoax by both Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and Ground Sau‐ cer Watch (GSW) in Phoenix, Arizona, the Spanish UFOlogist Ribera still stood by them. In the wake of the pair of sightings, the network of correspondents quickly grew to include about 20 people residing in several Spanish cities. The envelopes con‐ tained no return address, which meant the correspondence was only one‐way. But a steady stream of highly technical papers, some dealing with the nature of the uni‐ verse and the basis for intelligent life in the cosmos, continued for some time. Huneeus is careful to point out that the content of the UMMO material is different from that of most contactee cases because they don’t contain messianic messages of doom and salvation. The method used is always by mail and not direct or telepathic contact. Unlike George Adamski and count‐ less other “cosmic souls” trying to convert our confused human species, the authors of the UMMO papers write things like, “In no way do we wish – and we sternly warn you about this – to see you fall into the temptation of switching your religious, scientific and politico‐economical ideas for ours. It would be a mistake for you to adopt our ideas, concepts and statements at face value.” One must admit that Huneeus is quite correct on this point. That doesn’t sound like the words and attitudes of any previ‐ ous “voice from beyond the stars,” as the contactees sometimes characterize the Space Brothers. These particular alien com‐ municants don’t seem to want to change us at all. “What are we to make of all this?” Huneeus asks. “Are we dealing with a clever and long‐range social experiment conducted by some earthly intelligence agency or a think‐tank like the Rand Corpo‐ ration, as was considered by Ribera? Or are we instead being manipulated by a cryptic cabal of industrialists and scientists, like

The UMMO Affair: Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us? ‐ By Sean Casteel

James Bond’s ‘SPECTRE’? Or should we in‐ stead take the papers as true renderings of an advanced alien civilization from UMMO which is trying to impart some real knowl‐ edge without upsetting too much the world’s political and cultural ‘status quo’? Whatever the answer, there could be little doubt that UMMO is a complex affair.” Huneeus says we must rule out the possibil‐ ity that it is a simple hoax in view of the duration and complexity of the material involved. A secret conspiracy or experiment is perhaps more believable, but again we must consider the length of time, interna‐ tional resources and the sophistication of the material itself. What could be the mo‐ tive for such a group, given that it exists, to go to such trouble? One must remember that some of the papers on advanced phys‐ ics, cosmology, biology, and space propul‐ sion actually baffled a number of respected Spanish and French scientists and engi‐ neers. As the well‐known computer expert and UFO researcher, Dr. Jacques Vallee, put it, “If these concepts were not of extrater‐ restrial origin, then they must have origi‐ nated with people who knew perfectly the ultimate advances of modern physics and had extrapolated beyond them.” Huneeus says that he has never been satis‐ fied with any of the answers offered. He doesn’t seen proof for UMMO being either a long‐term disinformation experiment or actual ET messages. He did, however, once receive an UMMO letter himself, sent from New York City in 1985. “The letter had the characteristic UMMO symbol,” he writes, “and was obviously a photocopy. Unlike the original technical papers, however, this could have been a put‐on, since it was now stressing political views of an almost sub‐ versive nature.”

The letter to Huneeus read, in part: “The recognition of the UFO phenomenon refutes the authority of the State as the ultimate power on this planet. The ignorant masses are being sent to fight senseless and need‐ less wars to sacrifice their own lives in the name of Nationalism, an outmoded concept based upon arbitrary and imaginary lines

which represent artificial boundaries that do not exist in Nature. Nationalism is the modern‐day extension of primate mam‐ malian territorialism.” Meanwhile, in France, the UMMO phe‐ nomenon took on a life of its own. Several scientists, such as Jean Pierre Petit, ex‐ pressed a serious interest in the material that had been collected from various sources. Petit, an astrophysicist, says he was much inspired by the UMMO letters and considered them to be of “high cali‐ ber.” He maintains that his research into fluid mechanics – as well as other highly technical academic theories – was at least partially a result of digging into what the extraterrestrials had revealed in their letters. For several years, a select group met on a regular basis to discuss what practicalities could be gleaned from this correspondence with off‐planet intelligen‐ ces that are now making their home here. Petit’s endeavors have resulted in several postings on the Internet in which the case is discussed in vigorous detail. Readers who wish to sink their teeth into the UMMO affair even farther can follow this YouTube link: v=DtSTw67c_cY One of the statements from the UMMO aliens about their relationship with earth‐ lings involves the idea that the human life form is spread throughout the universe and is not the sole province of humankind on this planet. The UMMO aliens obvi‐ ously blend in with normal human beings to the extent that they can put letters in the mail, or at least hire earthlings to do it for them, but their grip on our planet might be much stronger than that. One particularly interesting chapter in the Global Communications book “The Secret Space Program: Who Is Responsible?” includes an interview with Richard Dolan, the hugely respected author of “UFOs and the National Security State,” in which he puts forth the idea of a possible 24

“Breakaway Civilization,” a secret cabal of highly advanced humans who possess new technologies the mainstream world has yet to dream of and who also have no inten‐ tion of sharing their knowledge with the rest of the world, at least for now. Dolan theorizes that this breakaway civilization most likely took shape in the years after World War II, which would be consistent with the UMMO aliens claiming to have come to Earth in 1950. It is a given that the breakaway civilization may include aliens among its membership, especially human‐ looking aliens. These same human‐looking aliens most likely congregate in groups together, per‐ haps even building cities of their own and establishing small colonies throughout the Earth. “At the beginning of their history,” Antonio Ribera writes, “they would have to live in burrows, like rabbits. Later, they would have to build a complex under‐ ground architecture.” As they arrived on Earth, they quickly chose to locate in a semi‐wild region, to avoid being discov‐ ered too soon. They found a hill near the small town of Digne in the south of France. At first, seeing the local buildings, they assumed them to be part of a scientific complex and were very surprised to learn the constructions were just for people to live in. During their first days on Earth, the UMMO aliens were extremely anxious, expecting immediate attack from Earth’s inhabitants and fearing they would have to rush out from their underground habita‐ tions and flee if their presence was some‐ how made known to the nearby earthlings.

The UMMO Affair: Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us? ‐ By Sean Casteel

Another group of UMMO aliens was located in Australia, near the town of Adelaide. One of the interlopers attempted to drive a car in their new home ‘Down Under’ and died in an accident. The aliens are also said to be “hemeralopic,” meaning they have im‐ paired vision during the daytime, so they live essentially during the night. In the day, they simply sleep, like owls. “UMMO and the Extraterrestrial Papers” also includes some exchanges between a Canadian – given the pseudonym “Tony” to protect his privacy – and his UMMO correspondent, who calls himself “Mr. X.” It began when Tony was spending a particularly hot night in the summer of 1993 sleeping outside his home under the stars. Around 2 to 3 AM, he was awakened by a high‐pitched hum‐ ming sound. After first thinking a high ten‐ sion line near his house had snapped, he saw something that made his hair stand on end: about 50 to 100 yards away, a re‐ markably bright light was hovering in the sky. Then the object dimmed and headed out over a nearby clearing directly behind his house. Soundlessly, the UFO took off straight up into the sky and Tony never saw or heard it again. Tony received his first UMMO letter two days later. The letter writer said that he knew all about Tony’s low‐level UFO sight‐ ing and that he had been onboard at the time of the encounter. The letter writer also said that he and his fellow aliens had examined Tony’s “vibrations” and con‐ cluded that he posed no threat to their continuing operations in the vicinity of Tony’s home and that basically he was a kind person at heart who really cared about other people and wished to see those around him be prosperous and live in har‐ mony. The letters Tony received were all delivered by his friendly rural mail carrier, but his case was different in one important aspect: he was invited to ask Mr. X direct questions by return mail. Tony is told to send his letters to an address that is “checked every day,” but the address is withheld from readers, like Tony’s real name. What follows is a fascinating dia‐ logue between a typical earthling and a correspondent claiming to be from the planet UMMO. One of the first replies from the UMMO letter writer addresses Tony’s question, “What is the future of the human race? Are we destined to die on this planet? Please be specific, and please, no vague prophecies.” Mr. X says, “The future of the human race is unfolding on many worlds throughout this galaxy. The true human race, that is. You see, Tony, Earth is like the black sheep of the family. The immediate concern is for mankind to become civilized. To be honest, quite a few up there believe the particular breed of human on this planet has been too badly damaged by genetic interference to

ever achieve true civilization.” As with the works of the late Zechariah Sitchin, Mr. X explains that man was created 52,000 years ago to be a slave race working the mines of the Earth for precious metals. The aliens genetically altered the indige‐ nous pre‐human animals existing here at the time. Mr. X admits it was an evil thing to do, but pleads that he and his alien race were “only human.” War broke out between two factions of the alien group, with the female side being the victors. The alien females then resolved to train the Earth people in the art of civilization. Various teachers were sent throughout history to introduce a progressive system of moral and social guidelines, to mixed results. Currently, there is a rapid deterio‐ ration in mankind. A small percentage appears to be trying to advance while the majority is rapidly digressing. “If left un‐ checked,” Mr. X warns, “the world would soon be inhabited by two species. Poten‐ tial human beings and animals that walk on two legs and have the power of speech. Tony, if this sounds callous, remember they see mankind as a whole. They look down and see five hundred million people slowly starving to death when there is enough to feed everybody twice over. They do not consider this civilized behav‐ ior, do you? So what to do? If they do nothing, mankind will suffer by his own hand. If they interfere again, the karmic debt would be heavy indeed. It is at this particular juncture that we find our‐ selves.” The focus of Mr. X then moves on to dis‐ cussing the Gray aliens, who are said to be conducting a cross‐breeding program in order to create a species that is a bridge between them and Earth humans. “The intent is to create an interface being,” Mr. X says, “which will help in bringing the two races together. The Earth will be their joint home.” There is a downside, however. The Earth is too populated and the genetic pool must be stabilized before the 25

merging can take place. “The current strat‐ egy,” according to Mr. X, “is to reduce the population by a minimum of two thirds. This is to be accomplished by the introduc‐ tion of certain genetically engineered be‐ havior and mutation‐specific viruses. As a safeguard, the viruses will be easily pre‐ vented by correct responsible behavior. In other words, it will be easy for a human being to prevent contraction.” When this process is complete, the Grays will arrive. What do you have to do to en‐ sure your survival? “Act like a human be‐ ing,” Mr. X says. “It’s as simple as that. Stop killing each other over the most trivial of matters. If you survive, then the future you asked about is more wondrous than you can imagine.” Tony angrily replies to Mr. X’s statements, saying, “I’m not sure I like the idea of us ‘black sheep’ changing into ‘hybrids.’ Yes, we’re violent, but, Christ, who said anything about merging genetically with ETs? Who agreed to this? What agreement are you talking about? Did the White House sign documents with these Grays, or the Elohim people? I like to think of myself as a decent person and I like to stay human. If I want to see the universe, must I become a hybrid?” In taking this adversarial attitude, Tony actually pleases Mr. X. “Some people would have viewed my statements,” he says, “as a fulfillment of their most dark and hidden desires. They could easily ac‐ cept the annihilation of any amount of people if they believed the cause to be a just one. Others would feel outrage at the very thought of it. One is a HUMAN re‐ sponse and the other isn’t. Had you chosen the other, we would not continue this dis‐ cussion. Compassion is a higher order emo‐ tion not found in the animal kingdom. Con‐ gratulations.”

Perhaps it is appropriate to mention at this point some verses from the book of Zecha‐ riah in the Old Testament. Chapter 13, verses 8 and 9 say: “In the whole land, says the Lord, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and only one third shall be left alive. And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name and I will answer them.”

The UMMO Affair: Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us? ‐ By Sean Casteel

Like Tony, we shudder and grind our teeth at the thought this prophecy might be ful‐ filled, the “eradication” of two thirds of mankind, but it is nevertheless significant that Mr. X’s statements are matched by a Biblical passage that Tony himself was most likely not familiar with. When the Lord speaks of “refining and testing” his one third remnant, this can be seen as a meta‐ phor for the Grays’ process of evolving cho‐ sen humans to a level closer to themselves. All of which does indeed paint a morally complex picture that can’t be taken in with a single glance. Along with the dialogue between Tony and Mr. X, “UMMO and the Extraterrestrial Papers” contains the com‐ plete text of Antonio Ribera’s book, “UFO Contact From Planet UMMO: Fourteen Light Years Away – A Perfect Case?” Also included is “The UMMO Dictionary,” a list‐ ing of 403 UMMO words and their English translation. Never before has such com‐ plete and exhaustive information about the alien presence been put on offer. Even if the alien information is not genuine, then Ribera and the other UMMO correspon‐ dents have still somehow conjured a com‐ pletely new world and provided lessons on physics and philosophy that were many years ahead of their time. While the UMMO phenomenon continues to be relatively obscure, even within the UFO community, it is in any case a necessary component to add to one’s general education on the sub‐ ject of extraterrestrial life. [If you enjoyed this article, please visit Sean Casteel’s “UFO Journalist” website at to read more of his articles and to purchase his books.]

SUGGESTED READING UMMO AND THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL PAPERS‐Extraterrestrial‐Papers‐Antonio‐Ribera/dp/1606110586/ref=sr_1_1? s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1356866922&sr=1‐1&keywords=UMMO THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM: WHO IS RESPONSIBLE?‐Space‐Program‐Responsible‐Civilization/dp/1606111094/ref=sr_1_13? s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1356867020&sr=1‐13

Phenomena Magazine’s News clipping Library: Now available on Facebook & Official Website

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‘I believe this document has huge implications not only for the Rendlesham Forest incident but Ufology in general: An absolutely MUST READ’. ‐ Steve Mera.



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Hoaxing The Hoax For those not familiar with the story behind the film I will recap in brief its origins and eventual downfall: Ray Santilli’s controver‐ sial Alien Autopsy film hit TV screens around the world in August 1995. In the USA it was broadcast on the Fox Network in the hugely successful show ‘Alien Autopsy – Fact or Fiction’, hosted by Jonathan Fraikes and produced by Robert Kiviat. For those who don’t know the story behind the film it was released by London businessman Ray Santilli. Santilli claimed he had stumbled across a former US military cameraman in l992 while in Cleveland, Ohio looking for archive film of old rock and roll stars. It is claimed by Santilli that it shows the autopsy of a dead alien recovered from the crash of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico in l947. It’s a long story so I’ll not go into it all here, but save to say it was hugely controversial. Controversy was not a bad thing as far as Santilli was concerned as it made him a lot of money. The film was debated around the world in many different forums and the search was on to try and find the answers to it. The Alien Autopsy film soon became en‐ grained in popular culture and it was men‐ tioned in the US comedy show Seinfeld, The Simpson’s and of course The X‐Files. It has become an icon in its own right. In 2009 for example an item that was widely circulated on the internet was a recipe to bake your own Alien Autopsy cake for Halloween. Of course the ultimate in popular culture has to be the movies. In 2006 Ray Santilli’s con‐ troversial film did just that and Warner Bros released the big screen movie ‘Alien Au‐ topsy’. Made in the UK by Qwerty Films it starred two British TV performers known as Ant & Dec. They played the parts of Ray Santilli and his business partner Gary Shoe‐ field. US actors were Bill Pullman and Harry Dean Stanton. The movie version now depicted a different version of the story originally told by Ray Santilli. He still claimed to have bought the footage from a former US military camera‐ man, but now when he got it back to the UK it had deteriorated almost beyond repair. Having borrowed the money to buy it from someone in the criminal underworld Santilli & Shoefield set about ‘recreating’ it. Dum‐ mies were made and it was filmed in an apartment in London.

The gangster fell for it but was then acci‐ dentally killed so Santilli & Shoefield re‐ leased the ‘restoration’ as they called it and it raked in the money. Santilli & Shoe‐ field even made a documentary in the UK backing up their claims to coincide with

the movies release. Part of the plot in the movie is that the alleged ‘real’ film foot‐ age that was damaged was taken to a film lab to see if they could do anything with it. As the movie progressed this part of the storyline is forgotten until right at the end of the movie. Here, a shaken film lab tech‐ nician turns up on his motorcycle at Ray Santilli’s house and hands back a large canister of film. Santilli & Shoefield close the curtains; fire up the film projector and on the screen appears a short black & white sequence of film in poor condition showing the recovery of the dead alien at Roswell in l947. Having been at the centre of the whole alien autopsy circus from then very begin‐ ning I was determined to get to the bot‐ tom of it. Little did I know then that it would take me fourteen years to do so. Down those years little evidence had emerged that could conclusively prove the film a fake, nor did Ray Santilli do anything to verify its authenticity either. Around 2003 I was tipped off that the man who actually made the dummies for Ray Santilli was a UK sculptor by the name of John 29

Just when I thought I had Humphries. John rid myself of the Alien initially was keen Autopsy Film it has man‐ to go on the record aged to resurface once but eventually again. This time though not via Ray Santilli. backed out when he was signed up I published my book to work on the ‘ROSWELL ALIEN AUTOPSY’ almost two years ago de‐ movie ‘ALIEN AUTOPSY’. He did tailing my fourteen years of investigation into this most though give us one controversial film. Upon lead. He said the publication I had hoped to man we should be lay the ghost of this film to rest, but just recently it has talking to was come back to haunt me Spyros. But Spyros once again. (Philip Mantle). who? It would be another few years before Spy‐ ros Melaris, came forward. He is a magi‐ cian, film maker and businessman in the UK and he was the man who led the team that faked the alien autopsy. He eventually told me all I wanted to know, showed me his evidence to support this and all was published in my book ‘ROSWELL ALIEN AUTOPSY’. For me that was CASE CLOSED. Out of the clue on August 12th 2013 I re‐ ceived an email from a chap called ‘Kaleb’ stating the following:“Hello there, my name is Kaleb and I just came across your site. I have something which I think you might want; it’s what appears to be some Alien Autopsy film cells! Around 4 of them on 1 small strip, they do appear to be genu‐ ine and I figured that you might want them? I live in Benidorm but it won’t cost me much to send them to you for free, I have your address on your other site, is it still the same one? A friend of mine gave them to me some time ago, and he stated that they too were genuine but he wasn’t into the whole "alien ufo" subject, so I took them off him. Maybe once and for all you can get down to the bottom of this whole mystery? Feel free to let me know; regards.” Curious I asked to see these film frames & later the same day a scan of them were sent via email.

Hoaxing The Hoax: The Alien Autopsy Film Rises Once More ‐ By Philip Mantle

I conformed my postal address with Kaleb and to be honest I never thought they would arrive but to my surprise a few days later an envelope from Spain dropped through my letter box and there was the film cells in question. Kaleb gave me the permission to publish and also gave me the contact details of his friend in the Republic of Ireland from whom he alleged he had received them from I’ll not mention this man’s name as I do not have permission but I wrote to him and he did reply. The contact in Ireland did indeed reply to me but had a different story to tell. He stated quite categorically that it was Kaleb that had sent him the film cells. He even showed me a short youtube video where he’s talking about them and stating clearly that his friend Kaleb had sent them. When challenged about this Kaleb was not too pleased I can assure you. He insisted the film was authentic. On pointing out that the Youtube film that his friend had supplied giving clear information that Kaleb was the source of the film cells, his emails became somewhat ‘abusive’ shall we say. In the meantime I had circulated a scan of the film cells to a number of colleagues still interested in the alien autopsy film. The film cells in question are 9.5 cm by 3.5 cm. In other words they are 35mm film. The first clue of course that they were not what Kaleb claimed them to be. Even Ray San‐ tilli’s fake film was filmed in 16 mm. There is a stereo soundtrack on it, another give away that it a modern film. It also resem‐ bles a still shot from the Alien Autopsy movie version. Irrespective of this there is no doubt that they are a hoax, a fake just like Ray Santilli’s original 1995 Alien Au‐ topsy Film. The last I hear from Kaleb was that he was going to consult his lawyer. I advised him to be careful as he was going to tell his lawyer that he attempted a hoax and wanted him to take possible legal ac‐ tion against me. Just when I thought I’d heard it all concerning the alien autopsy film something else fell into my lap. Will I ever be able to lay this ghost to rest?..

A searching, in‐ sightful and much needed examina‐ tion of the truths and lies behind the famous alien au‐ topsy film. It shines light into the shadows sur‐ rounding this w o r l d ‐ f a m o u s piece of film. Is it a fake or not? This engaging mystery story takes the reader in some very surpris‐ ing directions. A provocative book...

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Plane passenger records flying disc beneath the jet he was in as it flies over Iran.


By John Hall The incredible footage shows a mysterious circular object moving at a steady pace through heavy clouds somewhere over the centre of the West Asian country. The shape and movement of the object suggests it could well be a drone ‐ possibly operated by the Iranian military ‐ although the clip has led to speculation that it may be an extraterrestrial craft. The 34 second clip was filmed out the window of a passenger plane as it travelled over Iran. It shows a large white object flying several hundred feet below the aircraft, moving steadily through the clouds from right to left. Shaped like a disc, the fast‐ moving object does not resemble another plane, nor could it be mistaken for a helicopter. It also doesn't appear to have any of the markings or lighting systems other aircraft have.

Is it a bird? is it a plane? Mystery saucer shaped object pictured floating in the sky over Manchester. Peculiar oval‐shaped flying object was spotted in sky over the Pennines. John Hindley took photo after feeling 'magnetic pull' towards phenome‐ non. He said: 'I am a rational man, but definitely think it could have been a UFO'.

A mysterious saucer-shaped object has been photographed floating in the sky above Manchester. By Jack Crone The peculiar outline was captured by craftsman John Hindley ‐ who claims he took the picture of what looked like a 'glitch' in the clouds after feeling a 'magnetic pull' towards it. The 35‐year‐ old insists he is a perfectly rational man but after zooming in on the photo be‐ lieves what he saw could have been a UFO. Mr. Hindley was staying at a friend's house in Middleton, Manches‐ ter, on November 7 when he woke at around 10am. After getting up he recalls feeling a 'pulling sensation' that led him to look up into the sky where he spotted the paranormal‐looking shape drifting over the Pennines around two miles away. Standing by the window on the third floor of the maisonette he took a pic‐ ture using his mobile phone. Mr. Hind‐ ley said: 'I just got up from the sofa and I felt this pull to take a picture out the window there and then. Something drew me to the window. 'Two days after I remembered feeling I had. It was like that pull I had had be‐ fore. 'Normally when you take a photo there is no emotion so I remembered that feeling I had ‐ and so I thought I would take a look at the photo. It had it again when I looked at the photo. He added: 'It was like a magnetic pull ‐ a lunar pull. I felt the same pull at when I took the picture. 'I am a rational man. I have never felt that feeling before. With the feeling I had and what it looks like, I don't think it was a Chinook helicopter.

As it moves across the sky, the mysterious object appears to grow fuzzy around the edges before disappearing out of shot. Despite speculation that the object may be an alien craft, the most likely explanation is that it is high tech drone being operated by the Iranian military. Earlier this week Iran carried out the first test flight of a drone aircraft it copied from a U.S. craft captured in 2011. 'We promised that a model of RQ‐170 would fly in the second half of the year, and this has happened. A film of the flight will be released soon,' Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh told the state‐run IRNA agency. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also expressed content at the test flight, describing it as 'sweet and unforgettable' in a video published by the semi‐ official Tasnim news agency. Photographs of Iran's high‐tech RQ‐170 drone ‐ which is white and disc‐shaped ‐ were first revealed in August. See the footage at:‐2831269/ Plane‐passenger‐records‐speeding‐circular‐UFO‐zooming‐beneath‐jet‐flies‐ Iran.html

hour before disappearing. Nigel Wat‐ son, author of the Haynes, UFO Investi‐ gations Manual, claims there has been a progressive build up of sightings in the UK this year. He said: 'Only recently a blue light was seen and filmed flying over Liverpool, and a BBC local news crew captured two nebulous fast mov‐ ing lights moving over Walton‐on‐the‐ Naze in October. 'As with most UFO photographs it is hard to tell what created these images. The majority tend to be of Chinese lanterns that always give off an orange or red light. 'In this case the lights are tightly packed together so it is doubtful lanterns were responsible for this. 'An added mystery to this sighting is that the photographer felt magnetically attracted to the object.

Real alien autopsy photos: 'Roswell' image of extra-terrestrial body dated to 1947. By John Shammas UFO expert Tom Carey claims to have been given the images by an agent from a US intelligence agent who operated during the Second World War. A UFO researcher claims to have been given an authentic image of an alien, supposedly taken after an autopsy in the top‐secret Area 51. The photo, taken on film, was sent to Tom Carey and has been verified to date back to 1947 by Kodak, the same year of the infamous Roswell 'crash' in New Mex‐ ico. Mr. Carey has now contacted Kodak historians to seek further confirma‐ tion on the date the image was taken. He said: "‘What’s interesting is, the film is dated 1947. "We took it to the official historian of Kodak up in Roches‐ ter, New York, and he did his due diligence on it, and he said yes, this film‐ strip, the slides are from 1947. "It’s 1947 stock. "And from the emulsions on the image, it’s not something that’s been Photo‐shopped like today.

'In many cases people have viewed UFOs and experienced a loss of time or felt an impulse to signal to the object. It could be just a subjective factor or en‐ ergy radiating from the object interact‐ ing with the witness.' Just two months ago a dark grey, disc‐like object was spotted in the sky above Portsmouth. After weather experts ruled out the possibility that the shape was a cloud, many of the town's residents were left wondering exactly what it was that passed over their homes. The man who took the photo said: 'My initial thought was that it was a plane, but it was just moving too quickly. 'I was the only one that saw it but was quick enough to take the picture. "It’s original 1947 images, and it shows an alien who’s been partially dis‐ sected lying in a case." Carey believes that the creatures are four feet tall, and added: "The head is almost insect‐like. "The head has been severed, and there’s been a partial autopsy; the innards have been removed, and we be‐ lieve the cadaver has been embalmed, at least at the time this picture was taken." But not all are convinced by the photo. Nigel Watson, author of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, said: "Usually when people make prom‐ ises that they have the smoking gun of ufology – positive evidence of their existence – they come to nothing or they produce rather underwhelming evidence. "However, if aliens were retrieved it would be a world changing event and I can’t imagine they could keep the lid on such an event through‐ out the 50s and 60s."

'I definitely think it could have been a UFO. I think people more people are realising that we are not the only peo‐ ple floating around the vicinity. 'I mean the photo shows the lights shining through the clouds. I really don't think it is a reflection ‐ look at the saucer shaped object and the lights and the two lines coming out of the bottom.' The object ‐ which is oval shaped with lights emanating from it ‐ remained in the same position in the sky for half an



UFOs: Rosetta mission comet 'is ALIEN craft attempting to make contact with humans.


By Chris Richards Ufologists claim the celestial body contains "alien structures" and that its "mystery song" is an attempt to make communicate with Earth. Space probe Philae is actually a UFO attempting to make contact with humans, conspiracy theorists are claiming. Ufologists claim the European Space Agency's (ESA) craft, which on Wednesday completed the extraordinary feat of landing on a speeding comet, is of alien origin. An email published on the website claimed the agency had joined forces with NASA to "cover‐up" the celestial body's true extra‐terrestrial nature. The email, pur‐ portedly written by a secret whistle‐blowing ESA employee of the ESA, reads: “Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12‐year jour‐ ney to simply take some close‐up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space.”

Colourful craft flew fast across the sky in Liverpool, sparking speculation among residents about what it was. The multi‐coloured 'UFO' was caught on camera soaring through the night sky. First it was bright blue, then red and then amber ‐ causing Giedre Misiunaite to wonder what on Earth was flying overhead.

Mum catches 'UFO' on camera and proclaims: "It was unbelievable, I've never seen anything like it." By Rebekah Holliday

“Comet 67P is NOT a comet. “Some 20 years ago NASA began detecting radio bursts from an unknown origin out in space. "It would later be known that these had likely come from the direction of the now named comet 67P. "It does show signs on its outside of machine like parts and unnatural terrain.” Ending on an ominous note, it adds: “Whatever this object is, it did not ask to be found or scrutinised.” Ufologist Scott Waring said he believed the signals being emitted from the comet were a “greeting” to humans. He added: “If it was a warning, they would not allow the ESA craft to have landed. “I believe the landing of the ESA craft was the equivalent of a first handshake. "They will make another move soon probably. "Alien structures are on the comet. "I don’t believe it’s natural.” ESA has confirmed that the comet is emitting a "mystery song" ‐ however, this has only fuelled theories that it is a UFO at‐ tempting to make contact with Earth. Mr. Waring added: “In my opinion this is not a code. "It is how a species of aliens communicate to one another without speaking. "A form of telepathy put into primitive radio signals. "It's the only way this species can communi‐ cate to us. "This is their thoughts. "They don’t talk.” He concluded: “Getting a copy of the full message and then translating it should be of utter impor‐ tance. "Is it a message of greetings? "Or is it a warning of what’s to come? "We, the people of the world, need to find out.” The £173million European space agency (Esa) probe, which has already sent back detailed pictures, made history by landing on two‐and‐a‐half‐mile‐wide 67P/Churyumov‐ Gerasimenko after a 10‐year voyage on the Esa's Rosetta satellite.

Readers speculate on cause of 'massive bang' across Salford and Manchester. By Lee Swettenham Manchester Evening News readers are speculating wildly about what might have caused the blast ‐ here's a selection of their theories… The mystery surrounding a reported explosion heard across Manchester and Salford has been the talk of the town since it happened last night. The mysterious bang was reported by residents from Rusholme to Eccles at around 10.30pm on November 24th. Firefighters were scrambled to Hessel Street in Salford ‐ a small industrial estate ‐ to investigate the sound. A fire service spokesman said that after an hour of searching for the source of the noise, they found no evidence of an explosion or fire. They only received one report of an explo‐ sion, he added. But that didn't stop M.E.N. readers from speculating wildly about what might have caused the blast ‐ here's a selection: Man City Fan: "UFOs. The same bangs were heard across Arizona a few years ago, believed to be spacecraft crashing. If it was our own Roswell, expect top secrecy. Thus no reports of anything." UFO Watcherz: "If it is visitors from outer space, the military will pretend it is just regular military spacecraft. The picture most clearly seems to show the smoke trails of an airborne disaster, whether man made or not. If something has crash‐landed in Manchester, there must be debris." NeilT: "Probably a small meteorite burning up and exploding as it passed through the atmosphere, causing a sonic boom. The Mystery Continues...

The 28‐year‐old mum and her husband were left stunned by the strange phe‐ nomenon. "We were standing there in the backyard having a smoke and my husband said, 'look at that!' the Liver‐ pool Echo reports. "It was bright blue and then it was staying still – like it was floating – and then it went really, really fast backwards and forwards. "And then it went amber and then red. "Then it just stood still and then disappeared but it came back about 10 minutes later. "I'm sure other people must have seen it because we went for a drive and we saw other people standing outside in their pajamas."

Giedre, from Old Swan, Liverpool, added: "I'm sure it wasn't a plane, it was 100 miles too fast for a plane ... It was just unbelievable – I've never seen any‐ thing like that in my life." And she was‐ n't the only resident to spot the mysteri‐ ous UFO. Heather Prescott told the Echo via Twitter that she saw something strange overhead but assumed it was a lantern. "Just an orange light out of (the) living room, botanic park, Little‐ woods , Edge Lane direction but again presume lantern," she wrote. Mrs. Misiunaite said she had no idea what the mysterious light was. Watch the video at: news/weird‐news/mum‐catches‐ufo‐ camera‐proclaims‐4626834

Loch Ness Monster? Amazing new images captured on video. By ReKatrina Tweedie Richard Collis, 58, spotted something strange in the water as he drove along‐ side the west shore of the loch ‐ so he pulled over and took some video foot‐ age and photographs on his mobile phone. Amazing new images claiming to show the Loch Ness Monster have been captured on film and video. Richard Collis, who runs a tree planting com‐ pany near Drumnadrochit, on the west shore of Loch Ness spotted something unusual as he drove alongside the loch last week. He pulled his car over and using his mobile phone managed to take some video footage and photographs of the sight. "I was travelling along the side of loch Ness, saw something out the corner of my eye, pulled over and went down to the Loch and took some photo‐ graphs," said Richard, 58, who runs a tree planting company in the area. "As I was watching, I was thinking what the hell is that! "The loch was quite rough and I wanted to get as best a picture that I could possibly get because I knew it wasn't going to last forever. "It was about roughly 150‐200 metres out in the water on a stretch about a mile from Fort Augustus heading towards Invermoriston. "It's quite difficult to know how long it lasted but it felt like a couple of minutes." Richard's video footage taken on November 6 at 11am shows what appears to be a neck stick‐ ing out of the water, staying up despite the choppy waves. Richard, 58, who was born and bred in the Highland village of Drumnadrochit immediately called his Danish‐born wife Vibeke after the inci‐ dent. "She thought I was having a joke


and I said 'No no, I've got mobile phone footage of it' then when she saw it she said 'that's strange'. "It's similar to the Surgeons photo, that's what I thought was weird. "To me it looks like a long neck and a small head. "Like a serpent ‐ the old highland name of it was sea serpent or water horse. "What do I make of it? "I just think it's an anomaly that I can't really explain. "I'm a bit of a doubter of a lot of things until I see it myself and I wouldn't have believed what I saw if someone else was telling me. "I've fished the loch man and boy and I haven't ever seen anything like that. "As I say I don't really believe in anything like that until I see it but what I saw was obviously what the Loch Ness Monster is ‐ I'm not saying it was a fire breathing dragon and I never saw teeth or anything like that, but I must have thought there was something there if I stopped to take pictures. "It's like seeing a UFO or something like that. "I've seen what potentially could be the Loch Ness Monster. "I'm excited about seeing it and I'd like to see it again." Richard's wife Vibeke, 60, added: "I've been here 37 years and my husband has been here his whole life, so we are completely aware of how unique this is. "I couldn't believe it and laughed when he showed me because I knew he could never set that up. "He's not very technical or not very computer wise either. It does even look like a floating log. It’s a bit of a mystery. See the video at: http://‐news/ loch‐ness‐ monster‐a mazing‐ new‐ 4596358


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences to investigate UFO claims.


By The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) Institute for Space Studies recently held its first official conference on the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence, Prof. Lachezar Filipov told the Nova TV breakfast show. “Until now this topic was sort of banned among the scientists,” he said. “But the growing public interest, not only in Bulgaria, but abroad, made BAS believe that we must respond to such phenomena.” According to Filipov, the confer‐ ence was prompted by the claims of “a serious man” that he saw a “large saucer of platinum colour, with no windows, hovering over Sofia's Kremikov‐ tsi district” in mid‐October. The witness told Filipov no one else around seemed to have noticed the flying object, or at least no one reacted. “He found me and told me the story, but wishes to remain anonymous, because he is a serious man with large business enterprises and is afraid the people will make fun of him,” Filpov said. “He only told his wife and me.”

The two‐minute clip echoes the 1973 horror film the Exorcist as the woman can be heard shouting and swearing. Could it actually be footage of the real‐life exor‐ cism of a woman possessed by the devil? The alleged ousting of a bad spirit was carried out in the Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in the Czech town of Vranov nad Dyji.

Secret exorcism of screaming woman possessed by devil is secretly filmed through church keyhole. By Ian Hughes Church officials have now 'confirmed' the footage is genuine. Daniel Trochta, 26, sneaked up to the door after hearing the screaming of an unknown woman. He then filmed the secret process through a keyhole of the church. He captured people standing close to the church’s altar and the very loud scream‐ ing and crying woman ‐ including vulgar words shouted in Czech. The video, posted on YouTube by Tro‐ chta in February, was largely ignored until the church confirmed it was genu‐ ine. The author wrote: "I filmed it through a keyhole. I suggest that you use headphones while watching it." Catholic Church priest Marek Dunda confirmed that the exorcism was genu‐ ine but declined to comment further. "If something is filmed through a keyhole, there is nothing more to say about it.

"We were asking God to protect and to liberate the person. We used a Latin prayer asking for a help." The exorcist also declined to reveal the identity of the woman, saying details about her condition were private. But locals are unhappy that exorcism rituals are being carried out in the church, saying noises from those affected including shouting and screaming is terrifying. Local Iveta Pecharova, 51, said: "I don’t agree with it. It has happened more than once and the noise has been heard very far from the church." However another, Marie Brozkova, 36, said: "I am a believer, I go to church and I believe that if our priest does it then it must be right." Mayor of the town of Vranov nad Dyji, Lubomir Vedra, said: "I have asked about it. The priest has not done anything illegal. "See the video at:‐ news/secret‐exorcism‐screaming‐ woman‐possessed‐4649314

Mystery as century-old Swiss watch discovered in ancient tomb sealed for 400 years. By Cher Thornhill Archaeologists are stumped after find‐ ing a 100‐year‐old Swiss watch in an ancient tomb that was sealed more than 400 years ago. They believed they were the first to visit the Ming dynasty grave in Shangsi, southern China, since its occupant's funeral. But inside they uncovered a miniature watch in the shape of a ring marked 'Swiss' that is thought to be just a century old. The mysterious timepiece was encrusted in mud and rock and had stopped at 10:06 am. Watches were not around at the time of the Ming Dynasty and Switzer‐ land did not even exist as a country, an

expert pointed out. The archaeologists were filming a documentary with two journalists when they made the puzzling discovery. 'When we tried to remove the soil wrapped around the coffin, suddenly a piece of rock dropped off and hit the ground with metallic sound,' said Jiang Yanyu, former curator of the Guangxi Museum. 'We picked up the object, and found it was a ring. 'After removing the covering soil and examin‐ ing it further, we were shocked to see it was a watch,' he added. The Ming Dy‐ nasty ‐ or the Empire of the Great Ming ‐ was the was ruling dynasty in China from 1368 to 1644. A profound mystery that fails to find a rational explanation...

According to Filipov, there have been other documented cases where only one person among many, saw the UFO. Filipov told Nova TV that the witness claims that after the “flying saucer” flew away, he experienced “a time warp” incident. “This is why we want to set up a working group within our insti‐ tute,” Filipov said. “There have been such reports previously, but no one seemed to take them very seriously. We need to investigate those claims and see how reliable they are. There are people who make things up, there are people who see things but tell nobody, there are people who find me and tell me what they saw. But most people are afraid everyone will think they're crazy. If they see that the scientists investigate such incidents, they might come out and tell us.”

Amy Bruni shares ghostly apparition of old lady in her family photos. By Amy Bruni, former paranor‐ mal investigator from “Ghost Hunters”, recently shared a family photo with the ghostly image of an old woman in the background. According to Bruni’s Nov. 18 Facebook post, she took the picture of her younger sister 28 years ago. Her sister is posing in front of the door, but it’s what lurks on the other side of the door that fascinates Bruni. The image of an old lady can clearly be seen on the porch. Bruni explains that there was no one on the porch at the time. According to Bruni, her mother showed the picture to a neighboring photogra‐ pher at the time. The neighbor was puzzled by the strange ghostly figure on the porch. The neighbor told Bruni’s mother that before the Bruni family moved into the home an elderly couple lived there. The woman reportedly stood on the porch and waited for her husband to return from from work, or whenever he ran errands. According to the neighbor, the old woman had recently passed away. Bruni points out that the figure on the porch does not cast a shadow. She says that she has viewed many ghost pictures over the years, but only a handful of them stood out to her. She claims this picture is one of those that stood out. Amy says the family photo has been misplaced for the past decade and was just recently found. The photo album was packed away in her mother’s house. Although Amy Bruni did not indicate whether she believed the ghostly apparition in her family photo was a residual ghost, it seems likely. Residual ghosts often appear in the same place, doing the same thing at regular intervals. According to Jason Hawes, lead investigator on “Ghost Hunters” and co‐founder of The North Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS), a residual haunting occurs when the energy of a person or event is somehow imprinted on the environment and replays at regular intervals. Although you can see or hear the ghost, it really isn’t there.

Paris tiger: After massive hunt for 'maneater’, police decide it is just a regular pussycat. By Two hundred police and animal experts, soldiers, trackers, a helicopter, gen‐ darmes on motorbikes in French search.. but it's not a tiger – it's a regular cat. After inspecting animal tracks, the authorities have “ruled out the pres‐ ence of a tiger” and have called off the operation. The extraordinary hunt began after a woman reported seeing the 'beast' prowling near a supermar‐ ket car park. Though reports caused quite a stir. Authorities are more in‐ clined to believe the mystery animal was nothing more than a fat cat.



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The Great Pyramid The perfect formula height of the pyramid including the missing apex is 5813.2355653763+ PI, calculated from perimeter of base.

The exact number of stones was originally estimated at 2,300,000 stone blocks weighing from 2‐30 tons each with some weighing as much as 70 tons.

Computer calculations indicated 40,745 casing stones were used averaging 40 tons each before the face angle was cut.

The average casing stone on the lowest level was 5 ft. long by 5 ft. high by 6 ft. deep and weighed 15 tons.

Center of Land Mass: The Great Pyramid is located at the center of the land mass of the earth.

There are supposedly 144,000 casing stones, all highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing about 15 tons each with nearly perfect right angles for all six sides.

The mortar used is of an unknown origin. It has been analyzed and it's chemical composition is known but it can't be reproduced. It is stronger than the stone and still holding up today.

Computer calculations indicated 40,745 casing stones were used averaging 40 tons each before the face angle was cut.

Computer calculations indicate 590,712 stone blocks were used in its construction. Its area cov‐ ers 13.6 acres with each side greater than 5 acres.

The casing stones for the Great Pyramid were cut in quarries from Tura and Masara located on the east bank of the Nile on out‐ skirts of Cairo.

Its interior temperature is constant and equals the average temperature of the earth, 20 Degrees Celsius (68 Degrees Fahrenheit).

The cornerstone founda‐ tions of the pyramid have ball and socket construction capable of dealing with heat expansion and earthquakes. The four corner sockets are at different heights.

Aligned True North: The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned struc‐ ture in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error.

In the late nineties I was very fortunate to discover the key to how all the pyramids of large, stone block construction on the west bank of the Nile had been constructed, including those on the Giza Plateau. I had spent decades trying to discover how the Great Pyramid had been constructed before I made this breakthrough and finally discovered the key to how this amazing structure had been pieced together... 35

The Great Pyramid: The Key To Its Construction ‐ By Robert Carson

Little did I realise then though, that it would take me a further ten years to discover the true purpose of all its chambers and pas‐ sageways, and to discover how all three principal pyramids at Giza had been con‐ structed (not to mention the west wall at Baalbek).

Although I was initially puzzled as to why the internal layouts of the chambers and passageways of the three principal pyra‐ mids at Giza varied so much it was, in fact, this variation that was the key to discover‐ ing the true purpose of all of the spaces within these structures. Once I had discov‐ ered that all the masonry used to construct all of these pyramids had to be taken into the structures before it was transported to its final destination – including the casing stones – then it became glaringly obvious as to why these internal features had to be created. In a nutshell, the internal space in all of these structures constitutes the infra‐ structure that was needed to enable their construction from the inside, for all of the masonry to construct these pyramids had to be transported internally to its final des‐ tination. This, as I discovered, was the only way to build pyramids of such size for it was utterly impossible to install the smooth outer casing stones after the inner stepped levels of the structures had been built up. That is why the ancient pyramid builders took the vast bulk of its masonry into the heart of the Great Pyramid through its grand doorway on its north face, for the Great Pyramid could not have been con‐ structed any other way. The Great Pyramid has at long last given up most of its secrets. In doing so, it has pro‐ vided the answers to all of those puzzling questions we had about its internal fea‐ tures, for when we discover how it was constructed, we discover that each one of

those features played its part in its con‐ struction. Each chamber, passageway, shaft and corridor was created to enable the construction of the next and all subse‐ quent sections of the structure. The plain truth of the matter is that the Great Pyra‐ mid had to be constructed from the in‐

side. It was our failure to discover this one simple fact that scuppered all of our ear‐ lier efforts to discover how the Great Pyramid – and all of these pyramids of large, stone block construction – had been constructed. There are many reasons as to why the internal chambers, passageways, etc vary so much in these structures and some of it is just down to good old fashioned evolu‐ tion, for the ancient pyramid builders were on a fast learning curve when they set out to construct these wonderful monuments. But there are many other reasons as to why the internal layouts of these structures vary so much; such as their location; the elevation and overall dimensions of the structures, etc. There are, of course, also many chambers and passageways that have yet to be discov‐ ered within many of these structures. Fortunately, having discovered the true purpose of the internal features that we currently know about, we can now clearly determine where many of these hidden features are most likely to be located. In my book, The Great Pyramid – The Inside Story, I have indicated where some of the more obvious of these features can be discovered easily – within a few hours – without the need for extensive or destruc‐ tive excavation. Most of the clues to how the Great Pyra‐ mid was constructed were hiding in plain sight, we just didn’t recognise them for what they were as we couldn’t read the 36

language of the structure – we didn’t have the key. Fortunately, there is now no need for Egyptolo‐ gists – or anyone else – to specu‐ late as to how the pyramids at Giza were constructed for we now have a Robert’s excellent book is very clear picture available to purchase on of how these Amazon UK for just £12.92 in paperback. structures were pieced together – ISBN‐13: 978‐1482787344 Grab your copy now! and of how their internal features played their part in this process. The pyramids at Giza simply wouldn’t exist in their present form if all of the chambers, passageways and shafts that we see within them were not there, for the ancient pyramid builders had no other options – they simply had to take the limestone and granite blocks into the structures at a fairly low level, then trans‐ port them to their final destinations inter‐ nally. We did not realise earlier that the pyramid builders had created an entrance tunnel on the north side of each of these structures (although we should have done, given the glaring evidence). This, and the fact that these entrance tun‐ nels were completely sealed along their length by the builders as they withdrew from the structures, greatly hindered our understanding and interpretation of these pyramids also. (The Great Pyramid is the only pyramid that I am aware of to have had a double width entrance tunnel to accommodate two‐way traffic.) However, once we discover that the pyramid builders took the masonry through these entrance tunnels and on into the heart of the struc‐ tures, it changes our whole perception of their inner spaces (the chambers, shafts and passageways). When we then begin to visualise how the structures would have been built up from the inside, we begin to see why the builders had to create these internal features at specific locations. And although the internal layout of the various chambers, shafts and passageways within these structures vary greatly from one another, the builders were adhering to the same construction formula with all of these pyramids. Unfortunately, the com‐ plexity and variation in the layouts of the inner spaces within these structures also misled us as to their true purpose, simply because no two internal layouts are alike. Although this may come as a shock to many, there is no King’s Chamber or Queen’s chamber within the Great Pyra‐ mid; the ascending and descending corri‐ dors are not corridors; the horizontal pas‐ sageway was not a passageway; the ante‐ chamber was not an antechamber of the

The Great Pyramid: The Key To Its Construction ‐ By Robert Carson

much larger King’s Chamber next door. And as for the so called portcullis blocks, these were simply a figment of someone’s imagi‐ nation at some time in the past – someone who had no understanding of the Great Pyramid. Egyptologists will finally discover this for themselves when they eventually gain access to the corresponding chamber in the middle pyramid, for they have still to discover the grand gallery, the antecham‐ ber and the upper chamber (King’s Cham‐ ber) in this structure. It is these chambers and spaces that have yet to be discovered within the three principal pyramids at Giza that will prove conclusively that I truly have discovered the secret of pyramid construc‐ tion at Giza, for I have been able to identify where most of these chambers and shafts, etc. are most likely to be found. I simply could not identify these locations if I had not discovered the key to how these pyra‐ mids were constructed and come to fully understand them. The discovery of these inner spaces will therefore prove conclu‐ sively that we truly have discovered the secrets of the ancient pyramid builders that had eluded us for so long. Egyptologists have never been able to ex‐ plain how all the component parts of the Great Pyramid had been pieced together, for their understanding of the various chambers, passageways and shafts within this structure is simply wrong – a fiction that has been cobbled together over many decades by a succession of Egyptologists. In order for us to discover the true purpose of all of its internal spaces, however, we must first look at what the builders needed to achieve. We must also keep in mind that the smooth outer casing blocks could not have been installed after the core of the structure had been built up, for the pyramid builders had no means of getting those casing blocks up to all levels of the struc‐ ture later. This fact alone compelled them to take these blocks into the structure, and to transport them up to all levels of the struc‐ ture internally. And although this was also the case with most of the core masonry we need only concern ourselves with the outer casing blocks here, for logic dictates that there had to have been some internal infra‐ structure to facilitate the transportation of all of this masonry up to all levels of the structure. That was the true purpose of all of the internal spaces that we see within the Great Pyramid. The true capabilities and ingenuity of the ancient pyramid builders (whoever they were) were absolutely amazing – they were way beyond anything we ever believed possible (a number of ingenious lifting de‐ vices were employed within the Great Pyra‐ mid during its construction and there is a great deal of evidence still to be found within the pyramid to prove that such lifting

devices existed). However, no matter how fantastic it may sound at first, as I mentioned earlier, you must always keep in mind what the builders needed to achieve at each stage of the construction. We simply can’t ignore the matter of how the pyramid builders transported all of those huge blocks and slabs of granite up beyond the fiftieth course of the structure – as Egyptologists are wont to do. Neither can we ignore the fact that they con‐ structed a free‐standing granite edifice beyond the top end of the gallery, and then installed nine granite slabs on five levels above the upper chamber (King’s Chamber), before putting a pitched roof on the structure. There was only one force on the planet capable of transporting and raising these granite blocks in such con‐ fined spaces, and once one comes to terms with this fact one quickly realises that they could not have achieved what they needed to achieve beyond the top end of the gallery by any other means. Indeed, the configuration of the granite blocks that comprise the walls of the up‐ per chamber confirm this. In my book, I describe how the ancient pyramid builders constructed the Great Pyramid, based on the physical evidence that is still to be found within the struc‐ ture. Most of this evidence has been avail‐ able to Egyptologists since the very birth of Egyptology itself. However, in the last few decades Egyptologists, rather than focus on the practicalities of building the structure, seemed to put most of their efforts into trying to understand the pos‐ sible use to which these chambers and shafts had been put after the structure had been completed. Their greatest error was the belief that the Great Pyramid had been constructed in order to house the various chambers and passageways within it, when in fact, these passageways and chambers had been created in order to 37

facilitate the construction of the pyramid. In other words, they set off in the wrong direction and never realised their error. They continued on this path, and along the way, they named all of the internal spaces of the structure, based on their belief sys‐ tem. But it was all a fantasy, for there was never any evidence to back‐up any of their theories (there was a great deal of evi‐ dence to show that they were wrong, but this was ignored). The beginning of the end came in the late nineties when I discovered the key to un‐ derstanding all of these pyramids of large, stone block construction. I knew then that it was only a matter of time before the Great Pyramid gave up all of its secrets and revealed the true purpose of all of its chambers, shafts and passageways. In 2013 I self‐published my account of how the Great Pyramid had been constructed, based on more than ten years of research. My hope now is that it doesn’t take Egyp‐ tologists as long to accept that this was the only way to construct the Great Pyramid as it did for them to come to all the wrong conclusions about its construction. It has been speculated on many occasion that Extraterrestrials built or assisted in the building of the pyramids. However, though there is little evidence to support the pyramids were built to house the mummies of Pharaohs and that there are secret chambers, star shafts that seem to align themselves to star constellations and its amazing construction and shear magnitude, there is not much to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The cut‐ ting of such stones may remain a mystery along with the special mortar used by the Egyptians, but it would seem we may be edging towards a theory on how they were built...



Book Reviews Phenomena Magazine regularly receive books from publishers and authors and we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have your book reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your book direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: Dead Funny: Horror Stories by Comedians. Editors: Robin Ince and Johnny Mains Publisher: Salt Publishing ISBN: 978‐1‐907773‐76‐1 Price: £8.99 If you ever wondered whether comedians really do have dark side, then look no further. In this new book from Salt Publishing, editors Robin Ince and Johnny Mains draw together sixteen tales of original material from well known stand‐up comedians like Phill Jupitus, Rufus Hound, Al Murray, Reece Sheersmith and Richard Herring send shivers down out spines with this collection of truly terrifying tales dredged from the deepest and darkest corners of their collective imaginations. Reece Sheersmith’s ‘Dog’ and Al Murray’s ‘For Everyone’s Good’ are especially effective with Rufus Hound’s ‘Fixed’, Michael Legge’s ‘The Dream of Nightmares’, Neil Edmunds ‘All Warm Inside’ and Charlie Higson’s ‘Filthy Night’ not far behind. A splendid trawl through places of terror and nightmare inhabited by people and things best not met on dark nights when you are far from home. One to read if you intend to sleep with the lights very much on: great stuff.

Title: The Motherless Oven. Author/Illustrator: Rob Davis Publisher: Self Made Hero ISBN: ISBN: 9781906838812. Price: £12.99 In this is truly remarkable and entertaining book from publisher ‘Self Made Hero’, the author/illustrator Rob Davis describes the surreal world inhabited by the teenager, Scarper Lee. It is a world where parents do not make the children, the children make the parents (yes, you read that right). It is also a world where there are no birthdays, and in a faint dystopian resonance with the iconic film ‘Logan’s Run’, there are only ‘deathdays’. It also rains knives and household appliances have souls, so it makes a bizarre kind of sense to learn that Scarper’s mother is a bakelite hairdryer. On the other hand Scarper’s fathers is a strange contraption made of brass replete with billowing sails (Scarper is really proud of him) and when he goes missing, Scarper (who has only three days to go until his own ‘deathday’) sets off to find him and this means going to the very source of creation, no, not ‘God’, but the titular ‘Motherless Oven’. This book admirably conveys the dark, dystopian and scary nature of a world as seen through the eyes of a teenage boy and it is a cleverly constructed tale that, although coming under the heading of science fiction, successfully manages to encompass several genres. If you are a fan of graphic novels with off‐ beat stories then this is ideal for you.

Title: Strange Electro Magnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable. Author: Louis Proud Publisher: New Page ISBN: 978‐1‐60163‐327‐9 Price: £10.62 We live in an environment permeated by both natural and artificial sources of electromagnetic energy, while we ourselves are electromagnetic beings. As we continue to pollute and, thereby, alter our electromagnetic environment, we are, also, altering ourselves. In particular, these changes infringe on the psychic side of our being. This exciting and controversial new title shows how all things, from the mundane to the mysterious, are tied together by a vast ‐ and largely invisible ‐ electromagnetic web. It examines ESP, poltergeist disturbances, psychokinesis, spontaneous human combustion and other paranormal phenomena from an electromagnetic perspective. It, also, reveals how the artificial, alien energies we've been introducing into our environment shape the way we experience the paranormal. A fascinating and well written book that covers some extremely profound incidents that leaves you scratching your head. Well worth getting hold of.

Title: The FBI CIA UFO Connection. Author: Dr. Bruce Maccabee PHD Publisher: Richard Dolan Press ISBN: 1502317214 Price: £10.40 Dr. Bruce Maccabee has written an intelligent, concise and lively history of the UFO phenomenon, which includes his own fascinat‐ ing relationships to CIA staff and others from the official world. Written with tremendous authority and insight by one of the lead‐ ing scholars and luminaries of the field, The FBI‐CIA‐UFO Connection is meticulously researched and reflects decades of involve‐ ment by the author. Everything in this book is documented fact, presented in a straightforward, no‐nonsense style which is easy to read. Maccabee tells a riveting story of an unfolding and building UFO reality in conflict with now‐transparent government at‐ tempts to explain them away and deny their possible interplanetary origin. He dispenses with irrelevant and peripheral material that clog so many other books on the topic, using once secret official documents, investigated sightings and newspaper reports as the basis for a crisp and fast‐paced narrative. I recommend the book highly to anyone interested in UFOs. ‐ Leslie Kean.


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amation of Formed originally from an amalg uals, our regional UFO societies and individ es, investigaarchiv , history subject encompasses across the tions and research and is well known U.K. and also internationally. sations which BUFORA works with other organi ch to investigashare a similar ethos and approa facts through a tions and research. We seek the approach and scientific and factually evaluative gators are our fully trained team of investi in all types of course gh thorou a required to pass the sky, vehicle sightings, whether it is lights in cases. eness strang high or effects



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Phenomena ‐ News Item

As a parapsychologist you can well imagine that I'm not often asked to take part in any form of paranormal investigation. I assume this is due to my ability to rationalise many alleged paranormal disturbances, for which I have been called 'Abrupt' and a 'Sceptic' on many occasions. Of course... that is not the case. I can admit to disproving many reported incidents and have freely distributed that information which has not been beneficial for those involved. Seldom do para‐ psychologists and paranormal researchers meet on common ground. So, you can imagine my surprise when I was contacted by Don Philips, a paranormal re‐ searcher who has been involved in subject for numerous years. I have been aware of Don for quite sometime, and noted his efforts from the sidelines. I admit to having rubbed noses and moved in certain circles that I have laughed at Don's research into his field of spirit communication. To be completely honest, I have found myself smiling at their comments and never considered for a minute that I would find myself working along side this researcher. I assumed we were worlds apart.

After which I believe I can look at such cases objectively with an acute eye for detail and rational explanations, be them physiological, psychological or environ‐ mental. Working alongside Don was easy. During my first investigation with him, I had expected to have discovered a non‐paranormal explanation within the first hour or so. However, over ten hours later, I still found myself struggling to find an appro‐ priate scientific explana‐ tion. I'm not often stuck for words, nor left scratching my head, but it would seem that I simply could not conclude as to what and how Don was obtain‐ ing. I'm not going to spoil it for you and reveal findings at this stage as it gives me chance to go over the results another dozen times in hope of finding anything that might assist my preconclusions.

Don had asked me to participate in a number of investigations pertaining to the paranormal. I immediately informed Don that it may not be beneficial for him to have my involvement as I would clearly, 'say it as it is', and if I was to discover any hoaxing, my efforts to discredit him would certainly be substantiated. At that, I thought Don would simply retract his offer like many others I have en‐ countered throughout my years. In fact, he did the opposite. He said 'Fine, that's exactly what I want'. Really... I thought... I don't often here that. His quick re‐ sponse kind of caught me on the hop, I was not expecting it. OK, I said, if that's what you want then I'll be glad to assist. So it was then my involvement began...

For those who are reading this, I do not expect you to believe in the possibility of spirit communication, as belief should 'Never' come into it... It’s about the 'Evidence'... Replicated Evidence, even after several scientific experiments car‐ ried out that would cripple some of the best hoaxers out there. I have found myself using a word recently that I never use to describe my thoughts... I'm sim‐ ply Perplexed! I can only suggest to other researchers in this field... Never judge a book by its cover. Though a rarity, I have made this mistake myself on more than one occasion. Forget about who conducts the research, forget about how they may portray themselves or even appear. If you’re a true researcher like myself, then you’re quite happy to be an integral part of that investigation and to dis‐ cover the truths or lies as it may be, before judging, before laughing, and before concluding. My efforts at this time have failed to come up with a rational expla‐ nation. I continue to strive to obtain one, hoping to put all this to bed, you could say... Is my methodology flawed, my approach to rationalising? I doubt it... What‐ ever the answers are, I'll try my best to discover them. One last word on the matter... Want to know more, then feel free to jump into my shoes and see for yourself... Its quite amazing.

Now... I am aware that there are a number of researchers in the field that mock Don's work, as he regularly distributes video footage of his investigations. At this point I have to say that I do sympathise with the general public as they are clearly fed up with all the fake and hoax ghost type TV shows on our screens. The popu‐ larity of such shows have left the public a little dazed as to what is real or not and the 'I've seen it all before principle' comes to pass. Unfortunately credible work is lost amongst the surge of internet rubbish, and after a short time, it all seems to blend together in somewhat of a sour cocktail of misleading, misconception's, misidentification's, and none scientific endeavours to prove some paranormal occurrences are real. For me, I got involved in this subject 31 years ago and after studying sociological sciences I was intrigued about witnesses of unusual events and how they may have impacted on their lives. I found myself suddenly thrown into the subject of ghostly sightings, strange objects in the sky and other profound experiences. I realised very quickly that human perception can be varied and much can be rationalised due to human psychology. A requirement of knowledge is a neces‐ sity in this field of study, therefore I completed my Psychology Degree and went on to study several varied parapsychology courses.

Steve Mera: Founder ‐ (SEP) The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology: Est 1996.


Phenomena ‐ News Item

Don Philips is the owner of TimeStream FX Productions and is involved in a num‐ ber of his own projects. He has been approached for advice and assisted with many commissioned TV projects for a number of major networks as well as being featured himself in regards the subject of the unknown for radio and TV broad‐ casts. He has also produced TV pilots for the United States and his latest project 'Phenomena' sees Don teaming up with leading parapsychologist Steve Mera in what is an (initially planned) 5 part series for TV although nothing is definite at this time. Don is very well established his dealings strange and paranormal and has been directly involved with the unexplained for 40 years. Steve Mera is the founder of SEP: The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology, an associate member of the Unifaculty of London Parapsychology Department and a member of the Office of Parapsychological Studies, Steve has been following Don's work for a number of years with interest. For the first time, Science meets Paranormal Research in an attempt to prove such phenomena may or may not exist. The duo join forces using scientific methods, employed during each investigation. Steve brings his 31 years of expertise on a direct head to head collision course with Don's own expertise in his field of spirit communications. There is no doubt that Don has produced a considerable body of evidence and attracted much attention since going public 3 years ago with his work.

Test Procedures… Don Philips has agreed to participate in all forms of test procedures during the filming of ’Phenomena’. Steve Mera acting on behalf of (SEP) ‐The Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology will be conduct‐ ing such experiments. All data and results will be made available to the public on completion. It will also be neces‐ sary to replicate test procedures periodically and note any results. Replication of all tests will be monitored by a third party and documented on camera so the audience can see the procedures first hand and as they happened…

On the morning of November 29th at approximately 11.00am, Steve Mera whilst alone in his office prepared the experiment by putting three pictures wrapped up in a sheet of paper and placed in sealed envelopes marked up as ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. Whilst conducting the experiment on Don Philips the following day, Don was asked to obtain details from the ‘spirits’ in hope of selecting a particular enve‐ lope and then naming the picture inside. Don attempted the experiment which lasted for a duration of approximately 45 minutes. In that time Don asked for assistance from the ‘spirits’ and recorded their responses using two digital re‐ cording devices. Don listened carefully to the recordings and after a short time picked envelope ‘C’. The next part was the tricky bit… Don asked the spirits to tell him what the picture was inside envelope ‘C’. After about 30 minutes Don said that he had got it! ‘It is a Kite’, Don said… The experiment was stopped and enve‐ lope ‘C’ was opened revealing… A picture of a Kite! This event was witnessed by a third party and video documented. Quite simply… Don Philips demonstrated that he had knowledge as to what was in the selected envelope. As to how he did this remains unknown. Further replicated tests are to be carried out. Can Don obtain information from the spirits… At this time… It would seem so. Amazing!!!

It's almost two years ago that I came across his work and described Don as a breath of fresh air in an already saturated market place. But will Steve Mera, known for pulling no punches and using science ultimately manage to prove or disprove that real phenomena is actually taking place? Steve Mera utilises the most current methods of experimentation in hope of rationalising phenomena. Will this fascinating joint venture result in some remarkable conclusions in sup‐ port of Don's claims and unearth new information bringing something real and tangible to the forefront of paranormal research and the parapsychological es‐ tablishment? Steve Mera said "no stone will re‐ main unturned in this quest for an‐ swers". A fascinating alliance... that could simply 'Blow the lid off one of the best kept secrets in the scientific community".

Follow the progression of the series at the ‘ParadoX files’ Facebook Page.

Brian Allan: Investigative researcher and author of 8 books.

Don Philips The first prominent experiments using hidden pictures or symbols was employed at the Rhine Parapsychological Unit at Duke University USA over 60 years ago. Such experiments have been referred to as 'hidden object tests' in association with forms of clairguscience and alleged mediumistic abilities. Though you do occasionally come across claims that some tests have been extremely successful, it is often difficult to obtain credible results and conclusive evidence. Most of the well know tests procedures show a less than 1% success rate. This test procedure is rather thorough and are required to be carried out over a period of time in hope of documented and conclusive replicated results being positive. Most subjects fail the preliminary tests...


Australia’s Area 51 Pine Gap is the commonly used name for a satellite tracking station approximately 18 kilometres (11 miles) south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia which is operated by both Australia and the United States. Since 1988, it has been officially called the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap; previously, it was known as Joint Defence Space Research Facility.


Australia’s Area 51: Pine Gap, One of the world’s most Secret Facilities ‐ By Dan Monroe

Throughout the history of Ufology, there are certain cases which have become so intertwined with the subject that the men‐ tion of them is used as shorthand to illus‐ trate the nature of new forthcoming cases. The Roswell Incident of 1947 has become a common reference point for researchers wishing to draw attention to new cases sharing similar characteristics. We’ve seen Brazilian Roswell’s, Russian Roswell’s and Chinese Roswell’s. Even Britain’s most fa‐ mous and documented UFO case at Rendel‐ sham Forest was for a time dubbed ‘The British Roswell.’ So too Nevada’s Area 51 has become a byword for certain areas of the world where the military keep themselves hidden in the wilderness, public scrutiny is lacking, discouraged or even denied and from time to time, stories of exotic technologies, sightings of strange and mysterious craft and rumours of alien intelligences come to the fore. Sites such as Menwith Hill in York‐ shire was dubbed Britain’s Area 51, Suffield Base was Canada’s Area 51 and lying some 93 miles south of Alice Springs in the heart of the Australian desert lies Pine Gap, a joint US/Australian military base which has been pinned with the dubious label of Aus‐ tralia’s Area 51. This month’s article looks into the mysteries of Pine Gap, what is really going on whether prosaic or phenomenal, its dubious history as a focal point for US military activity, its controversial place in Australian politics and its links with UFO’s, Extra‐terrestrial bases and mind blowing new technologies. Does Pine Gap truly deserve the title of Austra‐ lia’s Area 51? As it currently stands, Pine Gap is firmly placed in the context of global Unites States security and according to Richard Tanter of the Asia Pacific Journal ‘Australia is now more deeply embedded strategically and militarily in US global planning, especially in Asia than ever before.’ There are a number of military bases across Australia that are classified as joint US/Australian facilities, the crown jewel is Pine Gap which Tanter states is ‘the most important US intelli‐ gence base outside the US itself.’ Pine Gap’s role in global US foreign policy cannot be understated as it forms part of the US global signals intelligence system, monitors movements of missiles in Russia and China, forms part of the surveillance network Echelon that monitors global inter‐ net, email and mobile phone traffic, pro‐ vided intelligence in the Iraq and Afghani‐ stan wars and more recently facilitated drone strike targeting in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. Further information was brought to light courtesy of whistle blower Edward Snowden who revealed that Pine Gap is the primary base where the NSA’s

PRISM spying programme operates. These recent revelations have reignited long held antipathy towards Pine Gap from some members of the Australian public who have long seen Pine Gap as a symbol of excessive US integration and control of Australia’s foreign policy. Protests at the remote base have been going on since the 1970’s and continue to this day as those opposed to the base are concerned about the US monitoring Australian citizens pri‐ vacy (via PRISM), intelligence support for the US in the Iraq/Afghanistan conflict and what is seen by some as direct Australian culpability for the innocent deaths caused by the controversial US drone strike pro‐ gramme. Resistance to Pine Gap in Australia has not been limited to anti‐war protestors, for‐ mer Australian PM Malcolm Fraser states that Australia ‘is too closely intertwined with US strategies and plans. Australian facilities are too heavily involved.’ He sees any potential US conflicts (possibly with Russia or China) in the future would leave Australia hampered and perceived as a surrogate of US foreign policy and drawn into potential conflicts when he feels Australia should be seen as ‘strategically independent.’ Fraser sees the closure of Pine Gap with its real time involvement in US weapons systems as key to protecting Australia from future US led conflicts. The recent death of former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (who in the 1970’s raised the ire of US President Richard Nixon) brought stories back to the fore of conspiracies that it was the CIA who engineered Whitlam’s termination as PM, the source of the tension being Whit‐ lam’s desire to make Australia independ‐ ent of the ANZUS alliance (that binds US, 44

Australians and New Zealand security is‐ sues into a common focus). Part of the problem was the encroachment of US de‐ fence facilities on Australians soil with Pine Gap being the primary example. David Rosenberg (of more later), the only ex‐ employee to write a book on the base has suggested that the facility is run by the CIA, no doubt they would be concerned should Australian politics prove a threat to one of its key installations. Certainly in the recent popular news, Pine Gap has not maintained the low profile that Area 51 has. Despite the avalanche of suspicion that cascaded upon the Nevada base in the wake of the Robert Lazar reve‐ lations of extra‐terrestrial craft being test flown and ‘back engineered’ in the late 1980’s and court cases from ex‐employees suffering unusual health problems that made the news, since the launch of the Stealth aircraft Area 51 has not been at the fulcrum of global events in the way that Pine Gap has. Their exoteric purposes are similar but not identical, with Pine Gap a communications hub rather than a test ground for new aircraft technologies. Yet Pine Gap’s remote desert location and inter connectedness with the darker areas of US military policy has inevitably led to similar rumours about what goes on be‐ hind closed doors such as secretly testing new technologies, deep underground bases, UFO activity and an extra‐terrestrial presence.

After Pine Gap’s opening in 1964 it didn’t take long for rumours to surface of strange goings on at the base. Noted Australian UFO researcher Bill Chalker has looked in depth at many facets of the Pine Gap

Australia’s Area 51: Pine Gap, One of the world’s most Secret Facilities ‐ By Dan Monroe

mystery and cited an article from Australia’s Nation Review in May 1974 which sug‐ gested that Pine Gap was the site of re‐ search into electromagnetic propulsion. Stan Deyo who claimed to have worked on exotic technologies in Australia, also quoted the Nation Review article in his 1978 book The Cosmic Conspiracy. This new technol‐ ogy was to be based at Pine Gap and Rich‐ ard Nixon intended to use the technology to propose a solution to the energy crisis. According to Deyo, Pine Gap had all of the inherent high voltage; low frequency power broadcast stations to literally send elec‐ tronic magnetic power around the world providing electricity free of fossil fuel crea‐ tion to any machine (cars, submarines etc.) tuned to its frequency. Deyo also investi‐ gated the ideas that Pine Gap might be a ‘Noah’s Ark’ in the event of an nuclear strike on US assets and that nearby to the ‘visible’ Pine Gap lies an underground facil‐ ity capable of withstanding a nuclear attack and sheltering key US personnel. Deyo also documents reports from wit‐ nesses who say they saw ‘white disks about 30 feet in diameter with 'U.S. Air Force' markings have been ferried into Australia inside large, military air transports.’ This suggests what many critics of an ET solution to the UFO mystery purport, namely that UFO’s are the latest flight technologies being tested covertly. This argument has long been made in relation to Area 51, with numerous video and personal testimony of peculiar lights in the sky around the facility being evidence of a new military (not ET) technology, but it has to said that such a

technology though long muted has yet to be revealed. Interestingly in later inter‐ views, Deyo cites a number of physicists involved in different countries around the world as part of electromagnetic propul‐ sion research, the name he puts forward in the US is Dr Edward Teller who is the man Robert Lazar would claim recruited him to work on the ET anti‐gravity propul‐ sion systems at Area 51. Alfre Labremont Webre in a detailed arti‐ cle for put together a de‐ tailed report on alleged UFO/ET activity at Pine Gap. A number of UFO sighting re‐ ports came in the form of the leaked re‐ port sent to Rumour Mill News anony‐ mously in 1996 that detail a number of UFO sightings from the history of Pine Gap. One case that did receive publicity and was also referenced by Bill Chalker in his summary was an incident involving three kangaroo hunters in 1989. Around 4.30 am they witnessed a large camou‐ flaged door open in the side of a low hill, out of which a metallic disc slowly emerged and then flew off at tremendous speed. The camouflaged door closed and nothing further could be seen. Other sightings quoted by Webre include a sight‐ ing from 1975 from a passenger plane that observed a large white object 18 miles from the base before it too disap‐ peared into the distance at great speed. The report also alleges that in 1980 two Northern Territory policemen in the midst of a missing persons search witnessed another incident in the area of a camou‐ flaged door as three bath tub shaped 45

objects flew over the base and then disap‐ peared into a hill side. The mystery deepens further in a story told by Bill Chalker about a ‘man who claims not only alien contact and abduction, but to have been taken aboard a UFO and flown into a base beneath Pine Gap, where evidence of "alien liaison" between aliens and the military and government was oc‐ curring on a cosmic scale!’ Using the pseu‐ donym ‘Greg’ the man claims to have had encounters with ‘imaginary friends’ during his youth which throughout his adoles‐ cence soon began to morph into encoun‐ ters with strange beings aboard alleged ET craft. Later in his life he claimed that these craft began to take him to secret bases and claimed that underneath Pine Gap lay a joint human/extra‐terrestrial facility and was witness to people being subjected to cruel abduction procedures and began to fear for his own safety. Not long after “Greg’ had relayed his story to Bill Chalker, Chalker lost contact with the man and could later find no trace of his presence. ‘Greg’ was not the only one to allege that ET’s were involved with the underground facility at Pine Gap. Webre’s report tran‐ scribes a roundtable discussion involving whistle blowers Command Sgt Major Robert Dean (who has been on record for many years regarding ET presence on Earth following his posting at SHAPE HQ) and Arthur Neumann (who was for some time going under the pseudonym ‘Henry Dea‐ con’ whom sensationally claims that there are teleportation stations underneath

Australia’s Area 51: Pine Gap, One of the world’s most Secret Facilities ‐ By Dan Monroe

underground bases one of which he used to transport to Mars in clandestine operations for the US government). Neumann claimed that there are teleport bases underneath both Area 51 and Pine Gap and travel be‐ tween the two sites is common for those active in secret operations. Robert Dean would go further in elaborating the claims of extra‐terrestrial activity at the Pine Gap underground base:

follow up the claims but received no re‐ sponse. The 1996 report discussed by Alfred Webre though incredibly detailed was submitted anonymously without source and the story of ‘Greg’ though fascinating and clearly relates to a real person’s story, amounted to no informa‐ tion on the record that could be subse‐ quently substantiated and verified. The one Pine Gap whistle blower who has

However it is worth noting that in an inter‐ view with Rosenberg stated that ‘I was under a lifetime agree‐ ment with the Agency (NSA) to have all written material screened prior to publica‐ tion.’ This essentially means that the book has been given the green light by the secu‐ rity services so any potential controversial content would likely never have made to print. (For an excellent review of this sort

‘One of the largest national security agency facilities in the world is at Pine Gap, but what most people have no under‐ standing of is that underground at Pine Gap is one of the largest extra‐terrestrial facilities on the planet! Our remote view‐ ers have been looking in on that place for years and years and years…that facility in Australia at Pine Gap apparently is an extra‐terrestrial R & R centre. And people say: What do you mean, R & R? It’s a mili‐ tary term meaning rest and relaxation.’ One thing that becomes apparent when looking at the reports of UFO’s and exotic technologies in relation to Pine Gap and Area 51 is the authority of the witnesses who put forward testimony. For Area 51 we have multiple witnesses who put their names forward, have given interviews and put their testimony on the record. These witnesses may be controversial and some of their histories and motives have been questioned, but the likes of Robert Lazar (the scientist who famously claimed to have been recruited to back engineer ET space‐ craft and was amongst the first to reveal what was behind the Area 51 curtain), Bill Uhouse (who claimed to have worked di‐ rectly with an ET at Area 51 to assist in fig‐ uring the working of ET spacecraft) and Dan Burisch (who claimed to be have been inti‐ mately involved with the ET/human rela‐ tionship at Area 51 and that the ET’s were actually time travellers from different time‐ lines) all at least are on the record with their claims and backgrounds open to scru‐ tiny. The Pine Gap witnesses or reports all some to have come from dubious sources, Bill Chalker suggested that the Nation Re‐ view article might be an inside joke and Stan Deyo tried to contact the author to

gone on the record is ex‐employee David Rosenberg whose 2011 book Inside Pine Gap: The Spy Who Came In From The Desert, is a personal account of a US citi‐ zen who spent many years working at Pine Gap and was unforthcoming in revealing any further mysteries surrounding exotic technology and UFO’s/ET bases. He states “despite the countless stories involving UFOs and Pine Gap offered up by the internet, the aliens must have kept a very low profile during my eighteen‐year ten‐ ure in Operations, as I ... never saw any evidence of aliens at or around Pine Gap.” Bill Chalker reviewed the book and inter‐ viewed Rosenberg in the hopes of glean‐ ing any further information regarding some of the UFO stories and concluded ‘the conspiracy driven will probably not accept that David Rosenberg is giving an honest and personal accounting of his time at Pine Gap, I found him to be very forthcoming, within the limits of his secu‐ rity restrictions.’

of tension, I highly recommend Peter Rob‐ bins recent work published by this maga‐ zine – Deception.)


Australia’s Area 51: Pine Gap, One of the world’s most Secret Facilities ‐ By Dan Monroe

Inside Pine Gap: The Spy Who Came In From the Desert. By David Rosenberg.

As with many superficial labels allowing for an easy communication of an idea, Pine Gap as Australia’s Area 51 is more mislead‐ ing than inaccurate, especially in a ufologi‐ cal context. Whilst they share remote loca‐ tions and deep connections to the US mili‐ tary industrial complex, their purposes are different with Area 51 focussing on new flight technologies and Pine Gap a crucial part of a wider global communications net‐ work. They do share in the mystery of be‐ ing locations where new exotic technolo‐ gies have been tested but as discussed, the evidence for that is stronger at Area 51 than at Pine Gap. It is the lack of ‘on the record’ witness testimony indicating strange activity where Pine Gap truly strug‐ gles to equate with Area 51. As much as the veracity of Area 51 witnesses has been debated, the testimonies of Lazar, Uhouse and others are at least there to investigate. On the contrary Pine Gap’s mysterious sto‐ ries though fascinating have little to sup‐ port them and the one public whistle blower who is on the record paints a very sedate and uncontroversial picture of Pine Gap’s true purpose. Perhaps Pine Gap’s most glaring contrast to Area 51 is where it sits in a geopolitical context. Apart from the revelations regard‐ ing ET craft, Area 51 has not been newswor‐ thy since the launch of the Stealth pro‐ gramme in the late 1980’s. Pine Gap has been in the news over the last few years with revelations over its links to the surveil‐ lance of the public and its role in the Middle Eastern conflicts and more recently its di‐ rect involvement in the US Drone strike programme. It is arguably of great strategic importance to the global balance of power and US foreign policy; it is certainly of

significant importance to Australian for‐ eign policy and its unwavering support for US interests. Its role in the drone strike raises harsh moral questions that we in the western media all too often ignore, as well as severe questions about the integ‐ rity of Australian national sovereignty. In this context Pine Gap might not so much Australia’s Area 51 as its Achilles heel, especially if Australia ends up embroiled in a future conflict with Russia and China at the behest of US military interests.


Stan Deyo, The Cosmic Conspiracy, 1978.‐treaty‐new‐zealand‐ discloses‐ufos‐as‐u‐s‐hides‐possible‐et‐ufo‐base‐at‐pine‐gap‐ australia‐says‐get‐us‐forces‐out‐of‐ northern‐australia‐and‐close‐pine‐gap‐25980‐how‐much‐ does‐former‐spy‐rosenberg‐reveal‐in‐his‐book/‐ better‐slave‐than‐dead/‐affairs/defence/ pine‐gap‐supports‐us‐drone‐hits/story‐e6frg8yo‐ 1226923350422‐gap‐reality‐ check.html Peter Robbins: Deliberate Deception.


In the middle of the Australian outback, 1000 miles from the closest city, the world’s most advanced satellite ground station quietly listens. Shrouded in mys‐ tery for more than 40 years, the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap has been an enigma to those who have patiently waited to discover its secrets. Inside Pine Gap takes the reader on a compelling journey that tells of the facility’s central intelligence role during the transitions of three United States presidencies, four Australian Prime Ministers, and interna‐ tional conflicts spanning the end of the Cold War, two wars in Iraq, war in the Balkans, the ‘War against Terror’, and the emergence of North Korea as a nuclear‐ armed nation. Now, Inside Pine Gap provides an insider’s account of what really goes on behind the closed doors of one of the largest and most closely guarded intelligence collec‐ tion facilities in the world. It is a true ac‐ count of the author’s 23 year career with the NSA ‐ including his 18 years in the Australian outback ‐ and it marks the first time a long‐serving former NSA employee with a Top Secret security clearance and full access to Pine Gap’s operational areas has spoken out. Published 27 June 2011 by Hardie Grant Publishers, Melbourne Australia. Avail‐ able as an e‐book on Amazon. Publisher: Hardie Grant ISBN: 13: 978‐1742701738 Price: £34.08

November - Rosetta Comet Landing. The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft is scheduled to release its Philae lander some time in November. Philae will attempt to land on the surface of a comet known as 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The lander is named after Philae island in the Nile river, where an obelisk was found that was used to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics along with the famous Rosetta Stone. The Philae lander will spend about a week studying the comet. It will send back images from the surface and try to determine what the comet is made of. November 5, 6 - South Taurids Meteor Shower. The Taurids is a long-running minor meteor shower producing only about 5-10 meteors per hour. It is unusual in that it consists of two separate streams. The first is produced by dust grains from Asteroid 2004 TG10. The second stream is produced by debris left behind by Comet 2P Encke. The shower runs annually from September 7 to December 10. It peaks this year on the the night of November 5. Unfortunately the full moon this year will block out all but the brightest meteors. Those with patience may still be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing will be just after midnight from a dark location far away from city lights. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Taurus, but can appear anywhere in the sky. November 6 - Full Moon. The Moon will be directly opposite the Earth from the Sun and will be fully illuminated as seen from Earth. This phase occurs at 22:23 UTC. This full moon was known by early Native American tribes as the Full Beaver Moon because this was the time of year to set the beaver traps before the swamps and rivers froze. It has also been known as the Frosty Moon and the Hunter's Moon. November 17, 18 - Leonids Meteor Shower. The Leonids is an average shower, producing an average of up to 15 meteors per hour at its peak. This shower is unique in that it has a cyclonic peak about every 33 years where hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. That last of these occurred in 2001. The Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1865. The shower runs annually from November 6-30. It peaks this year on the night of the 17th and morning of the 18th. The waning crescent moon will not be much of a problem this year. Skies should be dark enough for a good show. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Leo, but can appear anywhere in the sky. November 22 - New Moon. The Moon will be directly between the Earth and the Sun and will not be visible from Earth. This phase occurs at 12:32 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere...

DVD Review

Movie & Documentary Reviews

Phenomena Magazine regularly reviews DVDs from producers and distributers and we provide a review of the material by promoting and advertising them within our magazine. If you would like to have a DVD reviewed and advertised, simply contact Phenomena Magazine via our website or send your DVD direct to Phenomena Magazine Head Office. Title: Penny Dreadful Director: Various Man cast: Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton, Billy Piper, Rory Kinnear and Eva Green Genre: Fantasy/Horror Format: DVD and Blu‐Ray Price: £19.00 Amazon UK In this major new TV series, which is a joint British/American production, the Victorian era in which it is set is perfect a backdrop for its dark, gothic ingredients of werewolves, vampires, and Frankenstein’s monster. In some ways, due to the era and plotting with a varied group of peo‐ ple fighting supernatural forces, I was vaguely reminded of another also excellent film, ‘The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but this series is in no way a rip‐off and stands alone on its own merits.

The title, in keeping with its original meaning, i.e. "penny dreadful" was an term used to describe cheap and lurid 19th century serial fiction, is perhaps a bit unfair be‐ cause the production values in each episode are excellent, but it best serves describe the kind of high‐energy and excitement that packs each episode. Of the eight epi‐ sodes on offer, perhaps ‘Séance’, ‘Resurrection’, ‘What Death Can Join’ and ‘Grande Guignol’ are the stand outs, but all of them have their own attraction. It is perhaps a sign of the times, (Game of Thrones has lot to answer for), but it now seems as if a TV show now has to be more explicit in its nature (in fact Penny Dreadful has been called ‘psychosexual’) and this TV series is no exception and includes needless sex scenes which is a pity, because in this case it adds absolutely nothing to the drama or tension and only feeds into a worrying undercurrent that infects society in general. However, that gripe aside this is a first class piece of horror TV and well worth a look and (unsurprisingly) a second series has just been commissioned.


A Cosmic Brotherhood There are many schools of thought concerning the authenticity of contact with non-terrestrial beings. In this fascinating article (the first of two parts) Dutchman Gerard Artsen contributes his two pennyworth about the concept of the ‘Space brothers’.

Gerard Aartsen is an educator at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. He is the author of “George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers” (2010) and “Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers” (2011). Having been a student of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for over thirty years Mr. Aartsen is able to take a spiritual look at the UFO phenomenon. I had the privilege of interviewing Gerard Aartsen about why he believes the people behind the UFOs are our “Space Brothers” and their purpose in coming to Earth.


The Cosmic Brotherhood: An Interview with Gerard Aartsen (Part 1) ‐ By Jason V. Francis

Jason Francis (JF): Who are the Space Brothers? Gerard Aartsen (GA): The Space Brothers are the people from other planets in our solar system who come to Earth to assist us, not just humanity as a whole, but our elder brothers, the Masters of Wisdom in a major transition in consciousness, a realiza‐ tion or reawakening to the spiritual realities of life, to our real spiritual nature that we have lost sight of. I am aware that there are many reports of people who claim to be in contact with people from outer space. A lot of people say that they come from out of this solar system because our science tells us the other planets in our system are uninhabited and even uninhabitable. According to the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, and this is the background from which I speak and write, life is universal. You cannot go anywhere where there is no life because life is the underlying principle of everything that ex‐ ists. It’s just that because we are so condi‐ tioned by life on the solid physical plane, and we do not have etheric vision, which is the ability to see the higher planes material reality above the dense physical, liquid and gaseous physical, that we take for granted that other planets are uninhabited. So most contactees say the space people in the UFOs must be from out of the solar system. However, based on my study and research of the Ageless Wisdom, I believe that the Space Brothers are from within our solar system. They are here with their advanced technol‐ ogy and advanced ethics and morals to assist us mostly discretely and in the back‐ ground. But they have begun to make themselves increasingly visible, even since the 1940s and 1950s. So it is becoming harder and harder for the authorities to deny their existence. JF: What is the Ageless Wisdom? GA: The Ageless Wisdom has been defined as “the means by which humanity is kept informed of its essential divinity and of its journey of evolution toward perfection.” It is the sum total of mankind’s spiritual tradi‐ tion and the source from which all major religions have sprung. JF: Could you tell us about your book “George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers” (2010)? GA: It’s interesting because now that I have a book out I am invited to speak and give interviews. It seems that a lot of people have forgotten about George Adamski. In the 1950s he was one of the very first peo‐ ple to speak out about his contacts. He wrote a very famous book he coauthored

George Adamski

with an Anglo‐Irish gentleman, Desmond Leslie, called Flying Saucers Have Landed, which was published in 1953. It’s mainly a historical overview, a study by Desmond Leslie, of the flying saucer phenomena. When Desmond Leslie was looking for a publisher he heard about George Adam‐ ski’s experience in the California desert in November 1952. George Adamski had written it up and was looking for a way to have his report published, which was in‐ cluded as the second part in the same book, Flying Saucers Have Landed. That’s where he first became famous. Also, he had the most detailed photographs of flying saucers. Even until now because I really don’t know about clearer or more detailed photographs of flying saucers. After Adamski’s fist encounter with some‐ one who came out of the flying saucer that landed in the California desert in 1952, in 1953 he had further contacts and was taken aboard flying saucers that took him to mother ships—larger spacecraft that usually carried lots of people and numerous saucers or “scouts”, as they are called. He spoke to the people on those mother ships and some of those people were revered even among the space peo‐ ple aboard those mother ships. 50

I think they could be compared to our Mas‐ ters of Wisdom that we know about through people like Helena Blavatsky and Baird T. Spalding. He received a lot of seri‐ ous and inspiring teachings about the na‐ ture of life. That became the topic and content of his second book Inside the Space Ships that was published in 1955. In the meantime he was lecturing, especially in the USA and Mexico at the time. He became world famous in fact because of his book. Flying Saucers Have Landed was translated into no less than ten languages. Mind you, this is the mid 1950s. Within a short number of years he was giving talks and by 1959 he was on a world tour that took him to South America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. He drew huge crowds that came to listen to him. That really worried the authorities. They set in motion a campaign to discredit Adamski. It has been so effective that in the late 1950s and in the early 1960s until his death in 1965 he was generally seen as a hoax or a crackpot. The thing that I think he should be remembered and given credit for is the amazing teaching that he pro‐ vided through his contacts with the space people. What I do in my book is find the parallels between those teachings and the teachings that have come to us through

The Cosmic Brotherhood: An Interview with Gerard Aartsen (Part 1) ‐ By Jason V. Francis

people like Alice Bailey and Helena Blavat‐ sky that are known as the Ageless Wisdom teachings. It is so interesting to see that the space people actually have the same view of life as the great teachers on Earth. JF: Could you tell us about the Amicizia contact case that you mention in ‘Here To Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers’? GA: The Amicizia, or Friendship, Case in Italy was a case of mass contact between hundreds of Italians and space people who lived and worked in underground bases in Italy. Actually, similar contact cases seemed to be going on in other European countries at the same time. In Italy the Friendship Case started in 1956 and while in most con‐ tact cases people are invited on board ex‐ traterrestrial space craft, in this case they were invited into the underground bases of the space people. The case involved quite a number of well‐known Italians too, such as university professors, one or two journal‐ ists, a painter and a consul, Alberto Perego. The true scale of Amicizia only became known through the account of psychologist Bruno Sammaciccia whose story was in‐ cluded in a book titled Mass Contacts by Stefano Breccia, that came out in 2009. Apart from the fact that the various partici‐ pants all talk about very human‐looking space people, what stands out in this case is the focus that the space visitors put on the importance on right human relations – friendship and understanding as they called it. This coincides exactly with the stated aims of George Adamski’s Get Acquainted Program, which he set up in 1957 on the suggestion of his space contacts. And given that we also know about branches of the Friendship community in South America since 1985, this points to a worldwide, sus‐ tained effort on the part of the space peo‐ ple to emphasize the importance of living by the Golden Rule that can also be found at the basis of every major religion. JF: What is the impression of the Space Brothers by those who have met them? GA: It is interesting to see that in all the serious cases of contacts with space people that I have researched, some historical, some more recent, they are seen as morally far advanced compared to ourselves, work‐ ing and living according to the highest ethi‐ cal standards. This was reported not only by the early contactees of the 1950s, but also by the people in the Friendship case in Italy and South America, more recent contactees such as Giorgio Dibitonto from Italy and Carlos Diaz from Mexico, as well as by high‐ profile individuals who have testified about their encounters. When you look at it closely, it is astounding to find so many people talking about the goodness and wisdom of the people from space.

JF: The idea of beneficent Space Brothers stands in stark contrast to nasty “aliens” abducting and examining people. Do the Space Brothers abduct individuals? GA: That’s why it is so important to get this message out. I believe it also shows how effective the whole disinformation campaign has been ever since George Adamski became so well known in the 1950s. Unfortunately, there have been covert government operations with some secret agencies that even our administra‐ tions and presidents didn’t know about, which have increasingly got their own way by giving the space visitors a bad name by depicting them as malicious: responsible for cattle mutilation, beaming people into their ships to have objects implanted into them and subjected to nasty experiments. None of that is true according to Benjamin Creme, who is in constant contact with one of the Masters of Wisdom. You don’t even need to believe the claim that he is in contact with a Master of Wis‐ dom because if you go back through the stories of the early “contactees”, none of them ever mentioned having been 51

abducted. More interestingly, more recent testimony of people of high standing (dignitaries and officials), when they speak about their experiences with people from outer space, none of them talks about any of these nasty things. For instance there have been other early contactees who never mentioned abduc‐ tions. Pope John XXIII, also known as the “Good Pope”, in the early 1960s had an experience in the garden of his summer castle—the Castel Gandolfo. There was a scout ship or saucer that landed at the south end of the garden. The Pope asked his assistant, who was there as well, to stay put as he went over. The assistant later related that he saw someone come out of the saucer. The Pope kneeled down and got up again and had a conversation for fifteen to twenty minutes. The Pope came back and told his assistant that our brothers are everywhere but sometimes we have difficulty recognizing them. In 1997 there was the president [Kirsan Ilyumzhinov] of Kalmykia, a southern Rus‐ sian state, who has been quite open about his experiences when he was invited into a

The Cosmic Brotherhood: An Interview with Gerard Aartsen (Part 1) ‐ By Jason V. Francis

cylindrical‐shaped craft. It became headline news again just last year in the UK and he never talks about being “abducted”. So it really shows how effective the military and government’s cover up has been. And, of course, Hollywood has had its share in how extraterrestrials are depicted.

more viable and more peaceful ways of living together as one human race. JF: Some people think full disclosure will eventually be the governments of the world coming forward and admitting that we are indeed being visited by highly ad‐

JF: Does the idea of people being “Space Brothers” enlarge upon the idea of a uni‐ versal humanity that not only transcends national borders but also transcends our own world? GA: Exactly. We are everywhere. The hu‐ man experience is a universal experience because it is an essential stage in the evolu‐ tion of consciousness. There may be slight differences between different races and populations on different planets just like there are differences between races on Earth, but they are relatively minor. There are no three‐legged beings with just a giant head and one eye walking around or any other crazy depiction. The human experi‐ ence, form and kingdom are a universal occurrence. JF: When I think “cover‐up” I think fear. What are the governments, militaries and other institutions and people of power around the world, who are “in the know” about the UFO issue and seeking to keep it covered up, frightened of when it comes to disclosure? GA: Well, I think it is quite obvious that the whole purpose of the cover up by the mili‐ tary and economic interests is to maintain their control over society. I mean, as soon as the general populace would know about alternative ways of living, of relating, ways that are not based on competition and greed for fear of ‘the other’, but rather on empathy, sharing and justice for all, I am sure that would spell the end for the exist‐ ing powers. Until now people have been led to believe that the only way to survive in this world is to fend for yourself, your own community, your own country. But it does‐ n’t have to be that way, and the space peo‐ ple are living proof that there are other,

vanced civilizations from other planets. Other people have suggested that disclo‐ sure will be more gradual and organic; generations being brought up with infor‐ mation about UFOs on television and in print will eventually create an overall con‐ sensus that the phenomenon is real. What form do you think disclosure will take and do you anticipate it soon? GA: To be sure, I think disclosure is no longer in the hands of our governments. They have been given the opportunity, especially in the 1950s, to announce to

the world their knowledge of and contacts with the people from space, but have cho‐ sen to keep it to themselves for reasons of self‐interest. At the same time, the space visitors are showing themselves more and more openly, with ever more spectacular and concrete sightings that cannot be ex‐ plained away anymore. At the same time the world has now arrived at the point where the Masters of Wisdom, and the World Teacher as their head, are ready to emerge into full public view at this crucial stage of our evolution. Once this has hap‐ pened, very soon now, the space people will be introduced by these, our Elder Brothers, and they will be landing openly for everyone to see and acknowledge. Gerard’s research into the work of George Adamski, arguably the most famous of the early contactees, uncovers the true signifi‐ cance of the coming of the UFO's. He ar‐ gues that this ‐ or the imminent disclosure by governments of their knowledge about the extraterrestrial presence is not an event in itself, but that the Space Visitors are here in support of developments on Earth that signal the awakening of hu‐ manity to its rightful place in the cosmic brotherhood of consciousness. In his talk, Gerard looks at the compelling parallels that he found between the teachings of the Space Visitors through Adamski, and those of our Elder Brothers, the Men of Wisdom with whom Adamski studied as a teenager in preparation for his mission to inform humanity of our interplanetary brotherhood...

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