Women have always been at a disadvantage in the workplace, but now is time to focus on how we can reframe the business environment with women’s needs in mind.
With women leaders stepping down in staggering numbers from careers they have spent decades achieving, it’s hard not to feel like we’re regressing. The workplace has always been structured for men, and has only recently begun to focus on women’s needs, such as menopause considerations, period leave, or understanding mother’s need for flexibility through remote working.
Women have different biological needs and different expectations for a work/life balance, as often, despite both partners being in full time employment, women are still disproportionately burdened with household chores and child care.
This is before we even scratch the surface of the experiences women face at work, such as, questions regarding competency, assumptive delegating of hospitality tasks, emotional labour, unfair expectation to lead mentoring and diversity initiatives, all on top of performing their core roles.
We tend to ignore the exceptional burden placed on working women both in the workplace and at home. That has to change. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the business world can adapt to anything. So, it’s time for women to start putting their needs first and cultivating an inclusive environment for all.
SAMMIE EASTWOOD Event Content Manager MARCH809:55 - 10:00
Welcome to March8 LIVE
10:00 - 10:25
Women in Leadership
10:30 - 10:55
Overcoming Barriers
11:00 - 11:45
Women in the Workplace
Priyanka Gangishetty
12:00 - 12:25
Jenny Saft - Apryl
Jo Painter - Career Confidence Coach
Molly Johnson-Jones - Flexa
Navigating Career Change
12:30 - 13:00
Befriend your Imposter Syndrome
Rebecca Leppard
Kirti Daryanani
13:15 - 14:00
Diversity: Finding your Voice
14:00 - 14:05
Thank You for joining us at March8 LIVE
Chloe Gillard - Version 1
Sevi Marshall - Candour
Roselyn Mutongerwa - WEMVision
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