March8 Magazine - November 2022

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I nfluencer Culture


How She Got There







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From the entire team here at March8, welcome to our fifth issue. We are proud to represent a community continuously aiming to educate, motivate and elevate women in business and society. From young girls considering their career paths, to established CEOs at the helm, we are a platform ensuring that each story is heard, recognised and celebrated. We champion women from all walks of life and career paths, including outstanding athletes pushing their bodies to the absolute limit, to fearless females advocating women’s rights and gender equality across the globe. Through our social media platforms, bi-monthly magazines, short films, quarterly events, mentorship programmes and MarchH8 Academy, we are here to unite girls and women with one community, one voice and one aim. We are March8, and we are here to make a change!

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HELLO AND WELCOME As the year is drawing to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the amazing women to have made history this year. Justice Ayesha Malik became the first female ever to be appointed and sworn into the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Soon after, 62-year-old democratic socialist Xiomara Castro was appointed as the first female president of Honduras. Preet Chandi completed a groundbreaking trek across Antarctica to the South Pole and England’s Lionesses won the UEFA Women's EUROs – a historic moment for women’s football. 2022 has been an exceptional year. We hope you continue to enjoy championing women with us in this issue, and throughout 2023. As always, enjoy the issue and keep in touch.



12 Column

A holistic approach to the menopause

16 8 minutes with...

Lakshmi Devan, mental health and LGBTQIA+ advocate



Elizabeth Moku, Alice Cho, Katherine Lowe, and Hilda Van Gieso

14 Racial Equity

Normalising the conversation

26 Monetising social media

Influencer Culture with Carly Rowena

46 How She Got There

Supriya Iyer's inspirational journey to Google

60 Rising Star

Amelia Sordell


How to...

Overcome the fear of failure

52 Trailblazers

Trailblazers pioneering male-dominated industries

70 Cover Story

Jeanette Mwendwa Gitobu, empowering the next generation

88 Top 8

Women pioneering the European tech industry

102 March8 Academy: The future depends on young girls getting into STEM


Pink Tax

The cost of being a woman

96 Sport in the Spotlight

Simona De Silvestro, Porsche works driver

112 The Last Word

What piece of advice do you wish you could give to your 15-year-old self?

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Although the exact date and whereabouts of this image is unknown, the four women present are said to be firefighters practising during a training exercise at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, during World War II. The original image caption reads: “On that fateful December 7 1941, these girls of Pearl Harbor helped extinguish the flames that were raging at the naval base. They were the first women defence workers of America.”

Elizabeth Mok Mok Alice Ch Cho, Kat and Hilda Van

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A hol holis isttic ap approach to the menopause As one in ten women leave their careers due to menopausal symptoms, certified health and hormone coach Lorraine Miano shares her tips on how to take a holistic approach to menopause

uring the perimenopause years, women are often left feeling that, if they choose not to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT), they are going to be left to suffer through the symptoms of hormone imbalance. This could not be farther from the truth. Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. During this time, ovaries are shutting down and hormones fluctuate. As we are each bio-individuals, this stage of reproductive life could last anywhere from two to fifteen years. The choice to avoid HRT may be due to possible side effects, or a personal or familial history of female cancers. Women choose holistic options for managing symptoms, whether using HRT or not. A great way to begin is to pay attention to what I refer to as the five Ms of menopause: Meals: Add in foods that support your body and mind. Eating hormone-balancing foods such as cruciferous veggies, good fats, complex carbs, magnesium-rich, and gutsupporting foods will help to ease symptoms. Mood: Emotional health is determined by a life/work balance as well as taking time to 14


practise self-care. Put time for yourself on your calendar and keep appointments to attend yoga classes, get massages, or practise deep breathing exercises – these can all be wonderful ways to support your emotional wellbeing. Movement: Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and help regulate your hormones. Some of the best exercises for menopausal women are high-intensity interval training (HIIT), pilates, yoga, Tai Chi, rebounding, and walking for at least 20 minutes each day. Mindset makeover: Perception will often determine how we individually experience menopause. Western culture does a great job of demonising what could be the best years of our lives. If you think it is going to be awful, it will be! Research shows that our health is significantly affected by our mindset, so start transforming the quality of your life with your thoughts. Manifestation: In Tony Robbins’ new book, Life Force, he says: “It’s not our conditions, but our decisions that determine the quality of our lives”. It’s also important to remember that menopause is not an ending. It is a new beginning. Celebrate!






Normalising the conversation Camille Dundas

Linda Calvin

Amarachi Rachel Nwokoro

Tony Nabors

Co-founder & Editor-in-Chief,

Founder, BlackMind

Tech Diversity & Talent Consultant, Transcend Consulting

Founder & CEO, Racial Equity Insights

Black, Indigenous, and people of colour are four times more likely to experience workplace discrimination related to race and ethnicity, compared to white workers. Employers urgently need to prioritise creating environments free of racial disparities, so we spoke to four experts who shared their opinions on how this can be achieved MARCH8.COM



n order to solve a problem, we first need to understand it – an idea that couldn’t ring more true when striving to achieve racial equity in the workplace. Deep racial inequalities are prevalent in workforces across the globe, disproportionately impacting Black, Indigenous, and people of colour (BIPOC). Although business leaders are recognising the crucial importance of racial equity – with 79% of 600 respondents sharing that they see it as a top priority, according to Flair – intent doesn’t always correlate with corrective action. As a result, white men are eight times more likely to hold executive positions than Black women, and white women are 4.5 times more likely to obtain leadership positions than Black women. To put this into perspective, the latter group only hold 4.4% of managerial positions and 1.4% of C-suite positions in the US, despite being 7.4% of the population. Currently, only two Black women sit at the helm of S&P 500 companies: Thasunda Brown Duckett and Rosalind Brewer. In comparison, BIPOC workers are overrepresented in lowerlevel positions, particularly in healthcare, retail, accommodation, and food service industries, according to McKinsey.

Microaggressions in the workplace Microaggressions refer to subtle or overt verbal or non-verbal exchanges that are ‘put-downs’ of systemically excluded groups of people. “I think the ‘micro’ in this term 18





is a bit of a misnomer, because they don’t feel very micro when they’re happening to you. And the impact is certainly not insignificant. It’s better if we think of microaggressions as acts of exclusion,” Camille Dundas, Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of says. “These acts of exclusion never exist in isolation. Think of each act of microaggression as a paper cut. One won’t kill you, but it hurts – and when you experience several cuts a day over the life of your career, real damage occurs. Making fun of someone's accent, hair or ethnicity is not a joke. The intent might not be malicious, but they reinforce differences that are not welcome.” 20


As Black women, we often feel like we’re too much, we’re inconveniencing, or that we’re out of place in some way – AMARACHI RACHEL NWOKORO

Data indicates that racial microaggressions are linked to low self-esteem, increased stress levels, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, Camille continues, explaining that people of colour who experience microaggressions are more likely to feel sadness, anger, and hopelessness. “I’m a big believer in trusting your intuition and your own personal power,” Amarachi Rachel Nwokoro, founder of BlackMind, says. “As Black women, we often feel like we’re too much, we’re inconveniencing, or that we’re out of place in some way, so we end up building masks to act as shields to protect us. This is exhausting because we are trying to create an image of ourselves that the world wants to see.

“So, for this reason, I encourage Black women and women of colour to trust themselves – even though it’s the hardest thing in the world – and to be themselves.”

Starting the conversation Unfortunately, there’s no hard-and-fast solution to reaching racial equity. There are, however, many different approaches that can be taken – for example, by considering hiring practices and job descriptions. “I know it may sound radical,” Camille says, “but you can actually just remove requirements like university degrees and years of experience. MARCH8.COM



“These aspects seem less radical once you examine how arbitrary they are as requirements and how they are intentional barriers to equity. Higher education is a huge barrier to equity because it’s expensive and out of reach for many people.” Linda Calvin, a Tech Diversity and Talent Consultant at Transcend Consulting, recognises that hiring is a great place to start, but insists that it’s just an answer, not a solution. “Employers think hiring and investing in more youth of colour are the answer. Yes, they both work, but hiring means nothing if you cannot retain the talent,” Linda says. “Today, the hot button words are ‘authentic culture’, ‘we have a diversity officer’ and ‘inclusive workplaces’. These are all good things. But we continue to not hear organisations talk about what they are doing to create accountable cultures. “An accountable culture is one that says we are committed to diversity, so we are taking steps to address issues of bias and racism, and will hold employees accountable for the creation and sustainability of an inclusive culture.” And that’s exactly why Tony Nabors, Founder and CEO of Racial Equity Insights, works with organisations looking to embed racial equity into their identity, developing meaningful and effective, long-term strategies that can be integrated. With almost 20 years of experience, Tony works with clients to “flip the script” in terms of mentality as to how racial equity and anti-racism can be approached. “Most organisations tend to work with linear processes – for example, by following a series of steps to complete a task. They then bring this mentality into racial equity work, but unfortunately, that’s not an effective approach,” Tony says. “Adaptive leadership has become a core foundation 22


Know the difference Equality: Ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities and receives the same treatment and support. Equity: Giving more to those who need it, which is proportionate to their own circumstances, in order to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities. To reach full equality, we need to focus first on being equitable and accountable as a society. SOURCE: SOCIAL -CHANGE.ORG

to my approach to racial equity work, which addresses people's beliefs, loyalties, emotions, and identity.” But, of course, to encourage an inclusive culture, responsibility needs to start at the very top of the organisation and be fed down to the rest of the company’s employees via modelling and encouragement. “Any leadership figure in a position of power needs to have their own process of self-awareness,” Rachel says. “I prioritise this through check-ins that go beyond the ‘how

are you?’ questions. Sometimes we can get so lost in the goal, the vision or the to-do list, that we lose ourselves. We need to create spaces for ourselves in the workplace to celebrate what we have achieved and just the fact that we’re still here continuing to show up.”

It’s not just the right thing to do Most of us know about the racially segregated Jim Crow laws in the US – born from the abolishment of slavery as a way

to control and limit the newly-free Black population – where certain areas, such as swimming pools, were reserved for white people only. Camille sees these laws as a metaphor for racial equity in the workplace, explaining: “When towns started facing integration orders from the courts, many simply drained the pool rather than allowing Black people to swim in them. “This sparked an increase in backyard pools and private membership swim clubs, which only a small percentage of people MARCH8.COM





Black women having the same opportunity does not rob others of the opportunity – LINDA CALVIN

could afford to swim in – including white people. This works as a visual metaphor for the importance of an inclusive workplace. It’s a reminder that when we decide to drain the pool – of resources and opportunities, for example – it impacts everyone. Likewise, when the pool is open, it benefits all races. So, would you rather have no pool or a pool that everyone can swim in?” Opening up pools – and workplaces – to ensure everyone is welcome isn’t just the right thing to do; it also creates stronger, more knowledgeable teams. “Organisations that are homogenous don't tend to challenge assumptions,” Tony says. “Whereas those that are diverse and inclusive are more innovative. They are faster problem solvers. Staff are happier. Clients have a higher level of trust. There's better staff retention. The list is endless.” But the perks of prioritising racial equity go even further than that. Of course, every company wants a harmonious culture – but they also want profits. Linda explains: “From a workforce perspective, diversity increases the bottom line. It’s proven. “A 2015 McKinsey report of 366 public companies found that those in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity in management were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their industry mean. Those in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above industry means. Now, let’s talk about that bottom line: more diversity equals more money, better performing organisations and more opportunities for employees. Thus, a better life for all. “Black women having the same opportunity does not rob others of the opportunity. It means we all have opportunities. There’s a t-shirt that I just love that says: ‘Equal rights for others doesn’t mean it’s less rights for you. It’s not pie’.” MARCH8.COM



LAKSHMI DEVAN MENTAL HEALTH and LGBTQIA+ ADVOCATE By day, Lakshmi Devan is the Brand and Communications Advisor for Vortle. By night, she is a fierce online voice normalising conversations around mental health and LGBTQIA+ rights in the workplace 26





e’ve all had periods in our lives where everything seems to be going wrong. Maybe we didn’t get the promotion we wanted, our finances are a mess or we’re continuously falling out with loved ones. Life throws us these curveballs, yet, even during the most challenging stages of life, we’re often expected to continue on at work while ‘being professional’. Lakshmi Devan challenges this notion of professionalism, in a bid to create inclusive and supportive places where people can openly talk about their mental health while feeling comfortable with their sexuality.

Hi Lakshmi! Please tell us what started your journey as a voice for mental health and the LGBTQIA+ community. When I started my professional journey, I had long, thick hair. I used to work in a digital media agency and we’d often do outdoor shoots in the middle of nowhere – there was no food or water and we barely got any sleep. Because my hair was hot and difficult to manage, I chopped it off, but soon after, I realised people were treating me differently. All of a sudden, I was one of the guys – I was taken more seriously. It was heartbreaking to realise, but I definitely think I’ve had more growth opportunities because I’m not as ‘effeminate’ – all because of my hair! This is what made me realise that there are inequalities in the workplace. 28


How did you become an active voice for mental health? I found that there’s a big stigma around mental health medication. People are afraid to talk about it because they feel it makes them look unstable or unreliable – this is not the case. I started talking about mental health on LinkedIn – anxiety, depression, OCD, and bipolar, for example – because I wanted to normalise the conversation. At first, people would only reply via direct message, usually explaining that they didn’t want their friends, colleagues or managers to see their comments. When I started out, I was angry. I was livid by a lot of unethical things that kept happening to women at my workplace, with no accountability. So I would share the stories on LinkedIn, and consequently get called back into the HR office time after time. Once, I was asked what kind of example I was setting as a leader to others – “that we need to stand up for ourselves,” I said. Now, I speak about everything and I’ve created a community of people who can share their experiences so they no longer feel alone. Now, I try to be as unfiltered as possible. Yes, that gets me in trouble, but it’s worth it. MARCH8.COM


What do you mean when you say you want to ‘redefine professional’? Sometimes I get criticised for sharing harassment or mental health stories on LinkedIn – a ‘professional’ platform. When this happens, I ask the person whether they believe that these issues occur in the workplace – because they absolutely do, they’re often just not spoken about. I also believe that the definition of ‘professional’ is everything that a human is not. To some, professional means not carrying our emotions and leaving behind our struggles; it’s almost become synonymous with robots. 30


It’s understanding that everyone makes mistakes and has bad days. It’s redefining the idea that professionals don’t make mistakes and don’t have challenges. We’re humans, not robots!

How can businesses create environments where people can talk openly about their mental health and feel supported when doing so? I talk a lot about my personal experiences because I think it helps to humanise these challenges that we face. For example, I talk openly about being pansexual because a lot of people don’t know what it is, and if they do,


they can misunderstand it. To counter this, I make sure that I answer every question as openly and honestly as possible, and I encourage employers to do the same. It’s important to understand that sexuality is a spectrum and we can be anyone we want to be. Another way is to normalise pronouns, which is so basic yet so essential. Nonbinary folk often struggle with identity because everything in society is male or female – there’s often no third option. This can be hard enough in everyday life, so it definitely doesn’t have to be made worse in the workplace. Safe spaces to have these conversations are therefore

paramount in helping people feel included and comfortable, and it will also ensure that employees remain engaged. If employees don’t feel engaged, they’re less likely to feel psychologically safe and will therefore leave the company. So, if employers don’t want to change for the LGBTQIA+ community, they should want to change because it helps their bottom line.

Why is it so important that companies respect pronouns? I once got asked why I have my she/her pronouns bracketed on my LinkedIn when I looked clearly like a woman. I think this is MARCH8.COM





so don't feel pressured to tell anyone how you identify or the mental health challenges you’re facing until you’re absolutely ready. Secondly, if you’re discovering your identity or sexuality, good for you! Own it! Don’t feel uncomfortable stating your pronouns – it can be as simple as “Hi, I’m Lakshmi, these are my hobbies and these are my pronouns.”

On a similar note, what would you say to your younger self?

It’s important to understand that sexuality is a spectrum and we can be anyone we want to be a common question that has a simple answer: I may identify as a woman, but just because you assume someone’s gender, doesn’t make it correct. Showing our pronouns demonstrates that people can feel comfortable specifying their gender, normalising the conversations to create an inclusive culture where everyone has their needs met.

What advice would you give to those experiencing challenges with their mental health or expressing their sexuality in the workplace? Before you talk about it, you have to be ready. These are deeply personal things,

I went to an all-girls school, but I grew up thinking I was a boy because I was attracted to my peers, and I believed that only boys could like girls. I was also a late bloomer, so I would lie awake at night wondering whether I was a boy or a girl – this made me feel like an imposter for most of my life. Because of this, I would tell myself that I am weird, I am different and I have a lot of energy, but that’s perfect. Don’t carry the weight of what others think of you, because that’s something I’ve struggled with my whole life. My life would have been a lot happier and freer if I focused on my own happiness, rather than the opinions of others.

Finally, what has been the secret to your success? Kindness, without a doubt. I am who I am today because of the kindness of others, and that’s why I’m so passionate about spreading positivity. The more digitally connected we become, the lonelier we feel. We look at people’s perfect lives on Instagram and wonder why our lives aren’t like that, but the truth is, you have no idea what's happening behind the scenes. MARCH8.COM




Influencer CULTURE In a world where more children aspire to be YouTubers than astronauts, we’re left questioning whether social media influencing is a viable and attainable career path. Carly Rowena, who has built a social media empire over nine years, shares how to make money from a life online

olling out of bed late morning, Instagramming a breakfast that looks better than it tastes and running 15km without breaking a sweat – a morning routine that only someone with hundreds of thousands of online followers could achieve. Although they’ve become a big part of modern-day culture, being an influencer has been made to look so glamorous and easy that it’s become one of the most desirable career paths for children, overtaking teacher, lawyer and veterinarian roles. To put this in perspective, 32% of children said they would consider becoming an influencer, according to a report from the House of Commons.

With so many individuals setting their sights on growing their following rather than securing an internship or a place at college, you may wonder whether there’s room to accommodate all these bold, brave and beautiful influencers. The answer is both yes and no. Influencing – otherwise known as content creation – may seem like a saturated market, but, in 2021, it was estimated to be worth $13.8bn. The market has therefore created jobs for 300,000 individuals aged 18 to 26, with content creation being their sole method of income. To truly make it big, however, you need to stand out – and competition is fierce. MARCH8.COM



Instagram sees 1,074 new posts every second (equating to 95 million each day), while YouTubers battle against 500 other videos that are uploaded to the site every hour. So, although influencers have a knack for capturing the most breathtaking moments of their lives, many don’t share the hard graft, early mornings, and hours of editing that take place in between. “People often think they’re going to make millions through monetising social media,” Carly Rowena says, “and, although it’s possible, it’s unlikely and a lot of work. At first, it starts off as ‘tip’ money, until you’re getting a lot of views – by this I mean 200,000+. When you start getting 1mn+ views, you’re getting more into the realms of full-time job money.”

Which type of influencer are you? There isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ when it comes to influencing, and those aspiring to bag the most sought-after brand deals will have to climb the online ladder – which (if you squint) resembles the corporate ladder. And, according to Find Your Influencer, there are four steps that individuals must climb. Those first starting their careers as content creators are known as nano-influencers. These accounts usually have between 1k-10k followers and are ideal for collaborations with small to medium-sized businesses. “Nano-influencers are most likely to be open to product exchange or receiving ‘gifts’ as an initial way to monetise social media,” Carly says. “However, as most people grow their following, they prefer to be paid for their services and buy the products themselves if they wish. This is just part of figuring out your worth, as everyone has their own individual rates.” 36


About Carly Rowena

Being an influencer is like spinning lots of different plates, capturing life’s moments and sharing them with the world


When an influencer breaks the 10k mark and begins the climb to 100k, they’ll be classed as a micro-influencer. Contrary to what the name would suggest, microinfluencers still generate great engagement rates and usually work with specific brands, allowing them to create focused content. Micro-influencers tend to have the highest engagement rate as they usually have a niche following and, more often than not, come across as more sincere and approachable than those with massive followings. “To encourage brand collaborations, micro-influencers should join an agency that will reach out to you if they have any suitable opportunities. So, brands such as NIKE will contact an agency and ask whether they believe they have potential influencers; the agent will then put particular names forward. “Likewise, brands may also find influencers organically through posts and videos. These are more ‘rogue’ leads – more inexperienced – as direct messages tend to get flooded, so they can be easily missed.”

Now, we’re reaching the really big numbers – we’re talking a following of 100k-1mn. These macro-influencers are often social media celebrities, ranging from those who showed slow but steady growth to those who shot to fame overnight. These influencers are typically less niche and are able to use content creation as a full-time job. “Nowadays, people presume opportunities, growth and experiences only come from huge numbers – but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, nano and micro-influencers are offered some of the best opportunities, because they have a more focused following,” Carly says. Finally, we have the mega influencers. This, of course, is the step right at the very top of the ladder that few make it to. To earn a rightful place as a mega influencer, you’d need to rack up 1mn+ followers. “Influencing is an incredible job,” Carly concludes, “but it’s important to identify where on the scale you are and where you MARCH8.COM



want to be. For example, you may strive towards being a nano-influencer, where you work with brands and get gifts – this is especially useful for those who want a bit of extra cash. On the other hand, if you want to gain millions of followers, to partner with Dior and travel around the world – this is definitely something to aim towards, but it’s the less ‘normal’ option now.”

Gaining the all-important brand deals Just as there are different levels of influencing, there are different levels of getting paid. In the House of Commons’ Influencer culture: Lights, camera, inaction? report, Three types of brand collaborations are identified: gifting, endorsement and affiliation. •

• •

Gifting: As mentioned earlier, gifting is when brands will offer free products in exchange for content Endorsement: The method is traditional, paid-for adverts Affiliated: Influencer’s will post including URL links and will be paid per click or cost per purchase arrangement. This is somewhat in between gifting and endorsement

“To make content creating a full-time, or even a part-time, role you need to attract the right brands to sponsor you. So, if you want to attract NIKE, wear their products in your videos,” Carly says. “By doing this, companies may share your videos, or they could reach out to you to discuss collaborations. Just be cautious not to give them everything. Although you want to show them what you can do, you need to give them a reason to support your content with payment.” 40



18% 18 % Doctor

17% 17 %

Social media influencer

14% 14 %


13% 13 %




7% Actor

6% Pilot

5% Chef


Online fame, free products and collaborations with some of the world’s greatest brands – sounds like the perfect job, right? Although influencing has got some major perks, it is important to be mindful of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes – which some may not expect. “I love influencing, but it certainly isn’t easy,” Carly says. “Being an influencer is like spinning lots of different plates, capturing life’s moments and sharing them with the world. At times, it can be very lonely.

“You spend a lot of time on your phone or attending events trying to make them look amazing, so you’re not really enjoying the moment – kind of like a wedding photographer. You have to constantly change to keep up with new trends and be thinking of new ideas. “It’s also a 7-days-a-week job, where you’re generally expected to post daily and at certain times, regardless of what’s happening in your personal life.

This can make it hard to switch off, whether you’re on holiday or you’re off sick. “So to anyone who wants to get paid for creating content on social media, I would encourage them to consider what they want from their online presence – do they want a few gifts, to partner with their favourite brands, or to become a mega influencer?” Carly says. “From there, find your niche, find your audience, and get used to spinning plates!” MARCH8.COM


Accreditation S H OW YO U R business C A RES A B O U T equality




It’s about doing more C L I C K H E RE




OVERCOME the FE AR OF FA ILURE When we look back at failure, we realise that it’s what helped us through our life. But when we look forward from failure, we often see uncertainty. Here’s how to embrace those uncomfortable feelings by tackling the fear of failure head on MARCH8.COM



e’ve all experienced failure several times, whether that's not passing an exam, not getting the job or not impressing the boss. So, in theory, we should all be used to failure by now, right? Unfortunately, this isn’t the case, as Stanford University sociology professor Shelley Correll perfectly demonstrates. In a study, she found that women in STEM disciplines hold themselves to higher standards than their male peers. The women felt that they were being assessed on attributes that were more favourable to men and therefore became more anxious about failing – proving these stereotypes right. Similar studies litter the internet, highlighting the many ways in which women are filled with doubt, contributing to them adopting a perfectionist mindset, while deeply fearing failure. This is particularly prevalent in the workplace, with the fear of failure actually being proven to be more common than other typical fears, such as spiders and the paranormal. But it doesn’t have to be like this – so when you’re experiencing moments of doubt, try these tips.





Make failure a safe space It’s human nature to fail – even the brightest minds in history have experienced recurring failures. Thomas Edison, for example, was faced with numerous failures when he was testing lightbulbs. But when asked if he regretted any, he famously responded with: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Although not all of life’s failures can be met with the same level of optimism, the positive outlook must be admired. Embracing a mindset that allows you to positively welcome failure will create a safe space for when you inevitably do so. In fact, individuals at successful organisations are more than twice as likely than their peers elsewhere to strongly agree that their employer would reward appropriate risk taking, according to McKinsey research.

Set the right goals


Goal setting is one of the most fundamental aspects you can implement to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success. Firstly, understand the difference between approach goals and avoidance goals. Psychologists have found that approach goals, which will motivate you to achieve a positive outcome, are significantly better for our wellbeing and set us up to succeed. On the other hand, avoidance goals are more likely to fill us with dread and consequently influence us so we’re less likely to succeed. An example of an approach goal may be to move company because you want a greater challenge, whereas an example of an avoidance goal would be to move company because you dislike your colleagues. Supporting research has suggested that people who have a fear of failure were often left in a strong negative mood after being asked to visualise goals and goal attainment.




Understand that you’re not alone Fear of failure washes over us all from time to time – whether we know it or not. For example, research has shown that women will only apply for a job if they meet 100% of the job criteria, whereas men will apply if they meet just 60%. The fear of failing has been described as the second greatest reason why women don’t apply for these jobs – they don’t want to put themselves in a position that sets them up for failure. Understanding that you’re not the only one who experiences these self-doubting feelings can be comforting. In fact, social network Linkagoal found that 31% of 1,083 respondents felt fear of failure – a larger percentage than those fearful of spiders (30%), the paranormal (15%) and being home alone (9%).






Learn to understand your fears Whatever your fear may be – speaking up in a meeting, applying for a promotion or starting a side business – there is a reason why you’re feeling doubtful. Author Tim Ferriss has suggested writing a list of what makes you fearful of a situation, to then follow it up with descriptions of why. This exercise will not only help you understand the root of your fears, but it will help you understand that the fear is only false evidence – it hasn’t actually happened. Your mind is therefore telling you a story that simply isn’t true. To change the narrative, ask yourself the following questions: What could I learn from the situation?

Speak to someone If the fear of failure is impacting your professional performance and your personal life, one of the best things to do is to talk about it. Although it may feel like a difficult conversation to bring up with your boss or an HR representative, it’s important that your workplace understands the way in which you are feeling, so they can provide the right support. For example, if you feel that micromanagement is contributing to your fear of failure, an HR representative will be able to handle this accordingly. In fact, micromanagement and ineffective delegation from leaders has been shown to stifle employee creativity, decrease productivity and create huge costs for businesses, according to McKinsey.








upriya Iyer Director of Global Networking Supply Chain and Commerical Operations at Google


rom growing up in India to working in Australia and the US, Supriya Iyer has faced numerous challenges on her road to a successful career in Supply Chain and Operations. Today, she shares her journey of resilience, leading with empathy, and supporting others.

This is the story of how she got there. MARCH8.COM



Age 0–21 More than half a century ago, India was one of the first countries in the world to elect a woman as prime minister. Yet, in domestic settings, Indians tend to say men should have more prominent roles than women. Research found that nine-in-ten Indians agree with the notion that a wife must always obey her husband, including nearly two-thirds who completely agree with this sentiment. Growing up in India, Supriya faced the challenges of living in a society that rarely valued independence and leadership in girls. “Growing up, it was never a level playing field for girls in India,” Supriya says. “Girls in India were expected to do well academically but could not dream of being a CEO. They were expected to follow more than lead, and obey more than anything else. The double standards and traditional expectations made it difficult for girls to listen to their inner voice and strike their own path. When I chose to study Engineering, there were many who asked my parents about the advisability of spending money on a daughter’s education. This regressive mindset only made me more determined to succeed in my chosen path and be a role model for others like me.”

Supriya’s self-confidence came from the support that her parents gave her and her sister. Their parents imbued values of hard work, honesty, service and humility above everything else. “Besides my parents, I have been fortunate to have teachers who encouraged me to take up leadership roles and serve the school and broader community. There were several opportunities at school to lead and volunteer and I took full advantage of those opportunities. Every opportunity taught me something new and I was eager to learn. Sometimes, it also attracted criticism and ridicule and I learnt to take that in my stride. “After school hours, I tutored less privileged children. Teachers in my high school along with some students provided support for leprosy patients who were generally shunned by society. Stigma against the disease due to its disfigurement causes its victims to be shunned and patients were impacted in every area of their life. There was a huge outcry against the school, teachers and students for doing this work but we knew it was the right thing to do.” Incidents like these taught Supriya to stand up for what she believed in and do the right thing.


Growing up, it was never a level playing field for girls in India

“I chose to study Mathematics and Information Systems at one of India’s premier Engineering institutions: Birla Institute of Technology and Science (B.I.T.S) Pilani. The next five years (Double Masters in Mathematics and Information Systems) shaped my thinking and confirmed my desire to pursue a career in technology. However, it wasn’t a straightforward path. There was a sense of freedom being surrounded by other like-minded girls who were passionate about science and learning. I formed friendships that endured the test of time and learning that transcended the classroom. While there were many professors who opened our eyes and minds, there were also a few who thought women studying Engineering was a waste of time as they would get married and not work another day of their lives. “It was hard not to feel dejected in the face of such perceptions but my dreams made me even more determined to prove the naysayers wrong. Learning to ignore those who say you can’t has helped me step into new spaces and bring others with me. I faced backlash and resistance because I was smart, opinionated and a woman.”


Soon after, Supriya met and married a fellow engineer Sadha Kameswaran and they soon moved to New South Wales, Australia.

Age: 22–43 The move to Taree, New South Wales brought new adventures and experiences. Supriya started working in the supply chain team for an Automotive supplier. Here, she was fortunate to have an excellent mentor and extensive support from the leadership team. Her rapid growth raised some concerns with the long-term employees who were suspicious of an educated foreign woman. “It would have been easy to dismiss it as jealousy or even racism but I chose to engage with my peers more and got to know them really well,” Supriya says. “I had to do the lion’s share of work in building those relationships but it was worth it. To this day, the burden of creating awareness, educating the dominant groups about inclusion, diversity and equity falls on the shoulders of the underrepresented groups.” That experience taught Supriya the value of building trust and leading with empathy. “The unconscious biases may be different in different situations but the struggle for equity and inclusion is the same all around the world.” Supriya and her husband Sadha moved from Taree to Melbourne with new jobs and soon thereafter their first daughter Tanya was born. Supriya says: “The challenge of every working parent is having a reliable support system. Luckily for me in addition to childcare, my parents were also willing to help and this meant my husband and I could focus on our careers while bringing up a child. Not everyone is as lucky and it is important that organisations and leaders 56


I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me

support working parents. As a people manager, I have consistently tried to support my team to achieve their life goals.” Three years later, the couple welcomed their second daughter Divya into the family. Being a mother to two daughters made Supriya more determined to create and support equitable workplaces and communities. Managers can play a pivotal role in ensuring women come back to the same or higher level roles post parental leave. “When I started working at General Electric (GE), I saw high-achieving and ambitious women who were choosing both – a successful career and a fulfilling personal life.” Having these role models at work empowered Supriya greatly and inspired her to be a positive role model to her daughters and other women. Role models affect the way people view themselves and the world around them, and ultimately affect their decisions about how to conduct their lives. Often, girls do not see enough role models in STEM and therefore they hesitate to pursue careers in these fields. “I started actively reaching out and supporting women at work and in the community. It would be as simple as helping someone craft a resume or helping them prepare for interviews or a crucial conversation at work.” In 2006, Supriya moved from GE to Orica (one of the world’s leading mining and infrastructure solutions providers) seeing the potential to enable cultural change and drive operational excellence. Unlike GE, Orica was only starting its journey of cultural transformation and operational excellence. Here, Supriya was instrumental in coaching high-potential team members to leverage Lean Six Sigma and change management approaches to solve critical business problems.


Under the sponsorship of Orica’s CEO and Executive Global Head of HR Trisha McEwan, Supriya spearheaded emerging talent programmes that helped to create a strong pipeline of diverse talent into strategic roles. The number of women taking up these roles in key markets increased and their diverse perspectives helped to drive innovation and a more inclusive culture. Again, these young leaders had to stand up against systemic sexism in the workplace and supporting them was key to their success and the future of the organisation. At Orica, Supriya was also part of the CEO-led Diversity group. Their work resulted in greater diversity at the Orica Board and leadership levels and accelerated the hiring and growth of more female engineers. As Maya Angelou once said “I realised my mission in life 58


is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style to quote”

Age: 43–Present After over two decades in Australia, Supriya and her family moved to the Bay Area in California. It was a family decision driven by her husband’s role shifting to the US and Supriya’s interest in working in Silicon Valley. It became harder to sustain this enthusiasm when she was rejected by all the big tech companies as her experience did not fit the conventional tech mould and her resume never reached a hiring manager. About this time, Supriya says: “In the words of Maya Angelou, I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do


is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself and others like me.” Practising self-advocacy meant that Supriya shared her experience with people she met in the valley and sought their guidance. It was gratifying to see the number of people who extended a helping hand and even made the critical introductions which landed her first role at VMware. A year later Google approached her for a role in Google Cloud and Supriya was delighted to accept it! Her first role was in the Google Cloud Platform Professional Services team and three years later, she took her current role of leading Supply Chain and Commercial Operations. Being part of the Networking DEI Board and Co-chair of Women in Networking at Google enables Supriya to work on her purpose of increasing the impact of women in technology.

Supriya says: “Leading the Supply Chain team during a time of unparalleled constraints and COVID has meant that I need to be more mindful of my team’s wellbeing. Ensuringthat they are engaged, optimistic and enabled has been top of mind for me.” Google’s inclusive culture, policies and leadership mindset enable managers to develop resilient teams that thrive in ambiguity. “Working in supply chain and operations has also taught me the value of partnerships and why building trusted relationships is critical. Growing Google leaders in the supply chain, operational excellence and programme management is my top priority. Similarly, continuing to support the growth and development of underrepresented groups especially women will be my lifelong purpose.” MARCH8.COM



Why is it that some careers have been silently and inexplicably reserved for men? Technology, aviation and construction are examples of sectors that desperately need a greater representation of women, so we spoke to three pioneering figures who are doing their bit to diversify their industries 60



omen are forced to dodge bullets of misogyny, sexual harassment and the beloved ‘mansplaining’ at each turn of the career path, but it goes without saying that some paths have sharper corners than others. Technology, aviation and construction are just three examples of industries that have seemingly been set up to ensure men thrive, leaving women scrambling to get a seat at the table – or, in aviation’s case, in the cockpit. These industries are examples of occupational segregation, which has been proven to be a major contributor to the gender pay gap. MARCH.COM



Of course, there are a number of industries that are predominantly dominated by women – nursing, administration, teaching and clerking, for example. But in this day and age, women should not – and will not – be constrained to these sectors alone. Although most of us know that occupational segregation exists, there are certain women who are fighting back, pioneering the path to equality for future generations. Our job? To show you exactly what they’re up against. 62


Challenging the patriarchy Let’s start off with the technology sector, which falls under the infamous STEM bracket. Although you don’t have to be a rocket scientist (see what we did there?) to be aware of the almighty efforts being made to close the gender gap, there’s still a long way to go. Women may account for approximately 32.9% of roles in large-scale tech firms, yet only 25% of these are technical roles, according to Deloitte. Likewise, 71% of women report working


in a tech company with a strong “bro culture”, while 50% share that they have faced gender inequality, discrimination or sexual harassment. Likewise, in the aviation industry, there were approximately 64,979 female pilots in 2021 – a number you may think is impressive until you realise it equates to only 9% of the sector. Of this statistic, only 1.42% are captains. Female fighter pilots are also few and far between, totalling only 7.7% of military pilot positions.

And what about the construction industry? Currently, only 14.5% of overall construction workers in the UK are female – a 5% increase from 2021. Women occupy 14% of executive positions in the industry, while only 13% of construction companies worldwide are owned by women. But, of course, it’s not just women who will benefit from increasing the diversity within the sector: companies that employ women have a 25% greater chance of achieving above-average profitability compared to firms without women. But the world shouldn’t be this way. MARCH8.COM






TECHNOLOGY Anna Brailsford CEO, Code First Girls

s in any industry, a lack of diversity amongst employees causes a oneminded way of thinking, resulting in decreased productivity and a lack of creative and innovative solutions when it comes to problem-solving. In the technology sector, diversity is crucial in the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems that replicate human decision-making. As AI only learns what people show it, a lack of diversity can really limit its effectiveness. In prioritising diversity, algorithms learn better and more accurate information that’s useful for real-world applications. But of course, there are huge opportunities for girls and women, too. Tech jobs offer higher starting salaries than many other industries and independent analysis suggests tech as a profession offers more social mobility than medicine and law. We should be doing everything we can to help women access these professional opportunities. Code First Girls recently organised a survey that found 80% of respondents said that a career in tech was neither mentioned nor encouraged when they were at school. That’s why we provide free, virtual and accessible coding education, which means our learners can fit their studies flexibly around their

lives – removing barriers for those in full-time education, work or with caring responsibilities. Code First Girls partner with more than 100 businesses including Rolls-Royce, NatWest, and GCHQ to get more women into an industry that is facing a major skills gap and desperately needs more diversity in the workforce. And it’s not just gender diversity that Code First Girls is tackling. Whilst women make up 21% of the tech industry, Black women make up less than 3%. There are also economic and regional inequalities, with 27% of our community eligible for free school meals. Although it’s hard to ignore the glass ceiling we face as women, it’s important to put aside any fear. Whilst coding, technology and STEM may be entirely new and unknown to women considering a career change, there’s no need to be afraid. There are many transferable skills that can help when it comes to coding, including innovative thinking, attention to detail, patience and communication. It’s also important to take advantage of coding communities and network with like-minded women to get the support you need. Whether it’s a technical question or an industry query, speaking to other women can help you to boost your learning and achieve your career goals, as they are likely to have experienced some of the same issues. MARCH8.COM



AVIATION Michelle "Mace" Curran Former Thunderbird Pilot & Combat Veteran, US Air Force

y big life plan was to study Criminal Justice so I could pursue a career with the FBI – I initially joined the Air Force to pay for my tuition. But halfway through college, I saw a fighter aircraft fly for the first time – I was blown away. I remember saying: “Forget the FBI, I want to do that!” As I was already enrolled in an Air Force college programme as a candidate, I was already headed down the right path to pursue a career as a pilot, so all I had to do was be brave enough to raise my hand. At first, the fear and hesitation that came with being a fighter pilot had nothing to do with being a woman; though it did become apparent to me later, the initial nervousness stemmed from knowing it was a very difficult path to excel in. But I did excel, and I was on active duty flying F-16s for 13 years – three of which were as a solo pilot for the Air Force Thunderbirds. Moments of self-doubt did creep in though. When I first became an F16 pilot, we got straight into tactics and technical data – that’s when I realised I was in way over my head. I was one of two women in a squadron with 50 pilots, and I felt a lot of pressure to fit into the distinct fighter pilot culture. I was put under a microscope and there were a number of people waiting to see if I would fail; I knew I had to prove myself. 66


When asked about being a female fighter pilot, I usually say: “It doesn’t matter what your gender is, the enemy can’t tell, the jet can’t tell.” However, when I joined the Thunderbirds, our mission was to inspire. At that point, I was the fourth woman to fly in the demonstration in almost 70 years, so I knew I was in a unique position to be able to inspire little girls and young women. For this reason, I emphasised to young girls that I was just like them – I had my own struggles and doubts, too. I was shy, awkward and I got bullied in school, but eventually realised I had the power to create the life I wanted and achieve the goals I had. When I was a new fighter pilot, I was so afraid of failing and showing weakness. But I learnt that if you can go after the things that you want, but that also scare you, it starts to become who you are. So when those big, life-changing chances come your way, you can grab them with both hands and with no hesitation.









Co-Chair, National Association of Women in Construction (Yorkshire Region)

onstruction had a presence in my family, with my dad working in scaffolding and my grandad being an electrician, but despite this, I never saw myself working alongside them due to the lack of visible females in the sector. When applying for trainee Quantity Surveyor roles, I was told ‘no’ so many times that I knew I had to find a different route into the role. Changing my tactic, I started working in construction sales, hoping that someone would see my potential – and I was right! Now, I’m a full-time Quantity Surveyor and work with The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) to promote the positive aspects of the construction industry, while celebrating women’s achievements. I love the construction industry – people are friendly and personable. I enjoyed the mix of being in the office and working on-site, and it’s a sector that offers huge potential for women. That being said, I have faced a lot of adversity during my 12-year-career. I have been laughed at and belittled by male colleagues, talked over in meetings I was Chairing, told to stick to what I knew (which

was apparently making the coffees) and told to leave meetings when discussing money. The biggest obstacle I have faced without question, though, was being told I wasn’t good enough over and over again. From my research, one of the key issues concerning women joining male-dominated industries is that they are seen as intimidating environments – and understandably so. The key to changing this stereotype would be to ensure male colleagues understand what equality means and to create an inclusive work environment for everyone to feel comfortable. To other women hoping to join the industry, l would give three pieces of advice. Firstly, never let anybody tell you what you are capable of – focus on your abilities and nothing else. Secondly, use every experience – both positive and negative – as a learning experience. And, finally, if you are the only woman present, be confident and show them exactly why you deserve to be there. I have been told repeatedly throughout my career by men that I couldn’t do what they do, and I proved them all wrong every time. That fire and drive has stuck with me to this day, and I will carry that into my future. MARCH8.COM



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Starting her business alone in her bedroom during the global pandemic, Amelia Sordell has now created the personal branding empire that is Klowt. Yet she’s only at the very beginning of her entrepreneurial journey

ith over 120,000 LinkedIn followers, Amelia Sordell clearly has a knack for marketing. So much so that she decided to go it alone and launch Klowt, an agency that brands people, not businesses. We sat down with Amelia to hear her honest insight into being a start-up founder, as well as her greatest successes, challenges and advice for other women. MARCH8.COM


Hi Amelia! Please tell us about yourself and how you became the founder of Klowt I started off my career as a job hopper. I’ve been a headhunter, a PR, and I’ve done events, but all roads seemed to lead me back to marketing. When I was in the headhunting ecosystem, I found that the most effective way to get a client's attention was to run marketing campaigns – which sounds ridiculous, I know. I quickly learned that I could market to a specific part of society that I wanted to sell to without making 100 calls a day. My boss saw that I had a talent for this and hired me as the company’s Marketing Manager – so that’s what sparked my passion for marketing, particularly personal branding. Now, I’m the founder of Klowt, a personal branding agency. We work with senior leaders and make their social media platforms ‘boom’. This could be anything from getting them on a podcast or creating websites – basically, anything that falls in between the branding spectrum, but for people rather than businesses.

So, what makes Klowt unique? We practise what we preach – and we’re always told this by our clients. Every Klowt employee has built on their own personal brand and has continued to learn by doing, so they can acquire their own skills, rather than only inheriting mine. I’m a big believer in this technique, as if you’re going to sell something – say a cupcake for example – you need to know what it feels like, what it tastes like and how to make it before you can sell it to someone. Personal branding is no different.





You launched Klowt in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. That must have been tough, right? For the first four weeks, I was running on fumes – I was exhausted! But I had a great combination of luck and hard work; a lot of people don’t like acknowledging luck, but I think it’s incredibly important to understand that it doesn’t reduce an individual’s hard work. When Klowt started out, I already had around 15,000 LinkedIn followers, so I asked my network for help and found my first two paying clients. I didn’t have any investment or capital – every single piece of growth came from generating sales, which I think is quite unique for an agency.

From your experience, what’s the reality of being a start-up founder? This is something I wish more people were honest about! Online, you see a lot of business owners preaching boundaries, which is great, but from my experience, it’s simply not true. People that have already become successful find it very easy to tell others to only work 9-5, for example, but when you’re trying to get your business off the ground it needs much more than that. It’s late nights, early mornings, and a lot of hard work; the reality is if you want extraordinary results you need to put in extraordinary effort. Sometimes, this leads to burnout, not having holidays and feeling like it's all too much. You give your life, blood, sweat and tears to a start-up. It’s not pretty and it’s not sexy, but it is worth it.

Through the blood, sweat and tears, what has been your favourite ‘pinch me’ moment since launching Klowt? Hiring people. It was the scariest decision I have ever made – knowing that someone else was depending on the success of the business. Luckily, I have a f*** it attitude, and I went ahead with it because I knew it was the right thing to do. I also can’t believe we have an office in Covent Garden, London! We came from a tiny little box in north London, moving to Soho and now we’re well and truly in ad-land, which is something I still can’t really get over.

On the flip side, what’s been your greatest challenge? I really struggle switching off. Even though I like to take holidays and go on spa days, for example, my brain is always working and I’m constantly dumping notes on my phone. I call it ‘high-performance syndrome’ and there’s one particular girl on my team that also has it. I find myself looking at her calendar and reminding her to take annual leave because I wish someone had done that for me. On a similar note, it’s hard to find the right employees. I’m passionate about only employing staff and clients that have the same values as me and Klowt, but finding that is like a needle in a haystack. MARCH8.COM



You give your life, blood, sweat and tears to a start-up. It’s not pretty and it’s not sexy, but it is worth it

What advice would you give to other girls or women who want to launch a start-up? Firstly, don’t listen to your friends and family. They only want the best for you and they’ll be very concerned that you’ll fail, so they may offer overly cautious advice. They’re also probably not your audience, so seek people out who have achieved what you want to achieve and ask for their logical advice. Secondly, don’t let your lack of confidence stop you from reaching your potential. A lot of women are people pleasers, so we worry about pushing back or asking for pay rises, for example. It’s like we’ve been socially conditioned to fit into a conformist box of what a woman should be like. We need to find a way to muddle through that self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Selfdoubt makes you human,

but it also makes you competitive because you know where your weaknesses are and what you need to do to improve them. Thirdly, your mind is so much more important than your weight. I wish that someone had told me to stop worrying about what I looked like when I was 21 and to just focus on being happy, healthy, and doing what I love. I was so desperate to seek validation from other people based on my external appearance that I never did any internal work. It's taken me 32 years to get to the point where I love my life, I love my body, my head, my hair – everything! Only you care how skinny you are, but it doesn't make any difference to your career or your quality of life, so you may as well eat the cake and enjoy your life. Finally, just f***ing do it. You can come back from anything. My first business failed dramatically and I consequently lost a lot of money. But here I am now, better than ever.

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MWENDW GITOBU, EMPOWERING the NEXT GENERATION From finance to oil and gas to renewable energy, Jeanette Mwendwa Gitobu shares how she changed the trajectory of her career to choose a path that safeguards our planet – hoping to inspire others to do the same 78







e only have 89 months until 2030 – the year in which the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC) has set the deadline for gas emissions to be halved to avoid catastrophic impact on our climate. If we don’t collectively act to slow climate change, the impacts will be irreversible and devastating, affecting everyone around the globe. Jeanette Mwendwa Gitobu, Director of Women in Wind Global Leadership Program and Policy Advisor in Africa at Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), has emerged as an inspirational leader, focused on encouraging others – especially girls and women – to join the renewable energy sector. “If the world begins warming beyond 2°C, it’s a death sentence for many countries, especially those in the global south,” Jeanette shares. “As I’m based in Kenya, I’m incredibly passionate about climate change because I have skin in the game – it’s not just my life on the line, but the lives of my future children, too.” As a renewable energy advocate, Jeanette is on a mission to not only fight the climate crisis but to also empower women to become the next thought leaders. To do so, Jeanette uses her voice and platform to spark discussions about the responsibilities each and every one of us has in safeguarding the planet, while helping individuals recognise and refine the essential skills needed to pursue a prosperous career in the sector. MARCH8.COM



I was never afraid to reach out to people I admire and ask to hear their stories and wisdom Transitioning into the renewable sector Although Jeanette has carved a successful career in the renewable energy industry, it wasn’t the career she envisioned for herself when growing up. “I had a huge drive and desire to enter the finance sector,” Jeanette shares. “I grew up as a missionary child, meaning I lived in Cambodia for 17 years. I later secured a scholarship to pursue an undergraduate degree in New York State, meaning I was in an environment that promoted using finance as a solution to drive change in the world.” Jeanette loved the idea of making a difference through finance, so she decided to study a degree in economics, which opened doors for her in the private equity sector. “This experience greatly helped me arrive at where I am today,” she says, “as it built on my analytic skills and strengthened my understanding of how we can work collaboratively to create change.” From finance, Jeanette moved to the oil and gas industry, before finally finding her feet in renewables. Having shifted careers twice, you may be wondering how she managed two successful transitions – but it was simple: networking. “I was never afraid to reach out to people I admired and ask to hear their stories and wisdom,” Jeanette says. “They helped me navigate my way to finding my own success. 82



“One of the greatest pieces of advice that I received was: ‘Every risk is a risk, regardless of what it looks like’. This has always stuck with me when I’m making big decisions, as I assess whether I’m willing to make certain moves considering both the good and bad consequences they may bring.” Other than seeking advice from professionals, Jeanette also encourages those considering transitioning into the sustainability sector to exercise their transferable skills. “When you’re moving from one industry to another, it's best to equip yourself with a set of skills that can serve you across multiple industries,” Jeanette says. “These could be soft skills – such as how you talk, present information or analyse documents – or you can also focus on technical skills, such as having a strong knowledge of the industry you’re in. I always believe it’s a combination of opportunity meets preparation.”

Encouraging more girls and women into the sustainability sector The opportunities within the renewable energy sector are immense. The Global Wind Energy Council market intelligence has recently projected that the wind industry alone will generate over 3.3 million newjobs between now and 2025. “This is opening up an amazing range of opportunities for everyone,” Jeanette says, “but I really encourage girls and women to pursue careers in this sector. It’s an industry that will challenge you professionally to utilise all the skillsets you have, while also allowing you to make an impact on the world around you.” But what really motivates Jeanette is empowering the next generation. “Essentially, if we’re looking to drive change, we need to empower the next generation,” she says. MARCH8.COM



“Young people need to be incorporated early on, to ensure they’re able to step up and take full ownership of these projects when the time comes. “To anyone considering transitioning to the renewable industry, my main message is that the wind sector welcomes you,” Jeanette says. “There’s going to be challenges that you have to overcome, but I can definitely say the support is there. That’s exactly what we try to achieve at Women in Wind – to ensure we’re cultivating an inclusive environment to encourage more women to join the sector. “To achieve this, we provide mentorship and networking opportunities so women can drive their careers forward. Today, for example, I saw that one of the mentees from this year's cohort received a promotion – so there are definitely opportunities, challenges and help out there, but it’s down to the individual to ask for what they need and to express interest in the industry.” “Climate change is a real thing,” Jeanette continues, “and, through flying across the globe while growing up, I was able to see the effects it had first-hand on different countries. Although I didn’t realise I wanted to pursue a career in the energy sector, I knew I wanted to emulate my parent's mission to have a positive impact on the world. “Even now, I can look out the window here in Kenya and see that the rains are coming later and later. So, personally, my passion comes from being the change we want to see, and the only way we can do this is by each and every one of us doing our part.” “We have the mentality that climate change will never happen to us, but for the first time in human history, we can no longer project responsibility onto the next generation,” Jeanette says. “There is no next generation if we don’t all act now.” 84


What would you say has been the secret to your success? Firstly, I would say having gratitude – especially to those who have enabled me to stand on their shoulders. A lot of doors have been opened for me through having the right connections. Secondly, trust is built by consistency. I found that once I had quality work, people would say my name in rooms that I was not in, which, in turn, leveraged my career. Finally, I’ve had a very clear vision of where I wanted to go. When people do come to help you, you need to be able to tell them where you are and where you want to be with conviction.




THE WORLD HAS CHANGED. HAVE YOU? Is it time to rethink how procurement delivers on your organization’s objectives? The world’s leading businesses trust Proxima.

Accelerating purposeful and profitable change

PURPOSEFUL AND PROFITABLE CHANGE WITH PROXIMA Proxima COO, Dan Collings discusses how suppliers are now finally being see as the “external enterprise” and why it is now or never for procurement Whilst the current economic environment is challenging, even today there is enormous value to be had in spending wisely and well. “Around seventy percent of company spend is on supply,’’ says Dan Collings, COO of Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Proxima. ‘Getting that spending right is a valuable differentiator for businesses in the good but especially in the not so good times. It is more critical than ever to ensure that suppliers are perfectly aligned to the rhythm of a business, and that every cent is working in pursuit of objectives”. “And objectives evolve”, adds Collings. “Early in my career, nearly every client was asking us to focus on driving savings, something that we still excel at. Today, the definition of value can be much broader, aligned to the realization that suppliers are the ‘external

enterprise’. Whether it’s a question of cost, risk, resilience, ESG or innovation, invariably supplier networks are part of the answer”. Walgreens is a perfect example of how Proxima partners with businesses, and ambitious CPOs. “We want to help CPOs to put procurement at the heart of driving profitable and purposeful change. With Walgreens this means helping them to achieve ambitious financial targets while at the same time supporting the transformation of procurement”. “We were originally involved in assessing Walgreen’s property portfolio - everything from signage to snow clearing to the dayto-day operations of a Walgreens store. We are now into year seven of our partnership, and it’s one that we deeply value, based on trust and results delivery. What started in property now extends across a significant breadth of procurement and supply chain topics including sourcing, complex transformation and the deployment of deep subject matter expertise”. And what of savings, are these a thing of the past? “Absolutely not, although perhaps today the job of procurement is more ‘Commercial Architects’ than savings chaser. There is still enormous financial value to be had in most organizations, if you know where to look”.







Nitasha Mehta

Former Senior Director, CPG Brand Partnerships, Boxed

Sandra Witzel

CMO of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) enabler, SkedGo

Paying extra for products because they’re marketed for women doesn’t seem fair – but unfortunately, this is what’s known as ‘pink tax’. With Nitasha Mehta and Sandra Witzel, we discover the impact of these hidden fees, which touch almost every industry, from personal care to transport MARCH8.COM



elieve it or not, it costs more to be a woman. And no, not because women buy more, but because the products specifically marketed to us have a hidden ‘pink tax’ – even if they’re made in the exact same way, with the exact same ingredients as what’s sold for our male counterparts. Now, it’s important to clarify that pink tax isn’t a literal tax, but is in fact gender-based discrimination from companies that inflate prices for products specifically targeted at women. And examples can be found everywhere, from more ‘obvious’ products such as shampoos and razors to slightly more obscure places, such as children’s toys and transport.

Unboxing the problem Not convinced on pink tax? Luckily, a study from the US researching 800 gender-specific products from nearly 100 brands can back us up. On average, personal care products that were targeted to women were found to be 13% more expensive than similar products for men. Likewise, adult women's clothing and accessories were 8% and 7% more expensive, respectively. As a result, the study concluded that “women are paying thousands of dollars more over the course of their lives to purchase similar products as men”. Across the pond in the UK, a second study found that women’s deodorant was 8.9% more expensive and women’s facial moisturiser was 34.2% more expensive compared to those targeted for men. 90



Nitasha Mehta, former CPG Brand Partnerships Senior Director at Boxed, is one woman who made it her mission to fight pink tax. A few years into Nitasha's career at Boxed, an ecommerce wholesale store, she learnt about pink tax and began to compare the company’s own pricing. “I found that many products that we receive from companies such as Unilever and P&G – specifically marketed for women – were set at a much higher price than those targeted at men,” Nitasha says. “So I explained the issue to the Boxed CEO and co-founders – who are men, may I add – and they were equally as shocked as I was.” Two weeks later, Nitasha launched the #RethinkPink campaign through Boxed, which discounts women’s items to ensure they are the same price as products for men on a per unit or per ounce basis.

“It ended up being good for business, as we acquired tens of thousands of new customers, who have now become longstanding, loyal customers,” Nitasha adds. “It obviously wasn’t the point of the initiative, but it goes to show how many people resonate with this issue.”

Travelling around pink tax Pink tax isn’t just confined to the four walls of our shops and supermarkets – it’s found its way into other areas of everyday life, including the transport sector. “One of the main reasons for the gender-based transportation cost difference is the varying travel patterns of women and men,” Sandra Witzel, Chief Marketing Officer of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) enabler SkedGo, explains. MARCH8.COM


Shampoo 13 fl oz Shampoo 15 fl oz

$10.97 $7.17

Razor with two refills Razor with two refills

$14.97 $11.97

Laxative (25 tablets) Laxatives (25 tablets)

$7.27 $6.54

Earplugs (50 pairs) Earplugs (50 pairs)

$9.98 $8.99

Pink calculator Blue calculator

$10.68 $6.32

Pink face masks (50) Blue face masks (50)

$9.89 $7.50

Shaving foam (7oz) Shaving foam (10oz)

$2.18 $1.34

Basic summer t-shirt Basic summer t-shirt

$21.99 $16.33




“While men are more likely to travel directly between home and work, research shows that women often carry out shorter trips involving multiple tasks. This can include dropping off children at school, taking them to after-school activities and running errands. “As women are also still more likely to be the main caregivers, it often leaves them struggling to navigate through transport systems with pushchairs, elderly relatives or shopping bags,” Sandra adds. “As a result, women are forced to switch to alternative transport options which can be longer, more costly and less efficient.” Reducing the impact of pink tax in the transport sector isn’t just a matter of saving a few pennies and easing life’s inconveniences. By advocating change, Sandra explains that we can support women’s access to education and employment opportunities, remove an avoidable financial burden and promote social and economic growth. “By putting in place more inclusive policies and strategies, we will make transport more accessible, equitable and safe for everyone,” Sandra adds.

It’s so important to spread awareness and to make sure other women know that they’re being unnecessarily overcharged for product


It’s not just a few dollars There will of course be the pessimists out there that believe that issues such as the pink tax are just another obstacle that women should silently shrug off. “Discussing pink tax attracts a certain amount of naysayers,” Nitasha says, “but it’s hard to argue against something that is so blatantly obvious. All it takes is a trip to your local store to see how the prices vary between genders – in some cases, I’ve seen women’s razors that cost 100% more than the male equivalent.”

Even for those who do only see the price differences as marginal, it’s important to remember how pink tax feeds into our old friend: the gender pay gap. Women typically make $0.82 for every $1 a man earns, meaning we’re earning less and paying more for the same work and the same lifestyle. Different companies provide different excuses as to why they’ve let this slide, but one of the most common answers is that either the scents or ingredients differ in male and female products – those in women’s products just happen to be costlier. “We've put products side-by-side to compare these aspects, but in most cases, they’re essentially the same,” Nitasha says. Another excuse is that it costs more to market to women, as they are typically the main household purchasers and there is higher competition, so brands, therefore, pass that fee back onto women. Whether these are legitimate reasons or not, it’s hard to see the logic behind any of these arguments, especially as shampoos, shower gels, socks, and so on, are not luxury items. But this leads us to one product that is often classed as a luxury item, even though they’re a result of Mother nature’s call. The concept that women pay – or, in some cases, have paid – a tax enforced by the government that classifies tampons and sanitary products as ‘luxury items’ is far from fresh news. This phenomenon, known as ‘tampon tax’, was abolished in the UK in 2021, but is still very much prevalent in in 30 US states. Tampon tax therefore teaches us that women are not only paying more for everyday items that can be used across genders, but for fundamentally essential items that women across the globe rely on every month, too. MARCH8.COM



Cheating the tax Although it may feel as though we’re in a powerless position, there are a number of actions that we, as women, can take to ‘cheat the tax’. To make the world of transport more equitable, Sandra explains that we need to explore the various tools at our disposal to make the industry more inclusive and accessible. She says: “Reducing the impact of the pink tax requires a fundamental change in transport policy and planning that is informed by the requirements of women.”





The same mindset goes for those who want to dodge the pink tax we see in our homes and workplaces, for example, by price comparing and shopping around. “Give the men’s alternative a try,” Nitahsa says. “Personally, I prefer using men’s razors because they’re cheaper and they’re sharper. There are also a lot of brands that are launching to take a stand against pink tax, for example, Billy’s Razors, so you can choose to support those brands that align with your own mission and values. “Likewise, consumers can take a proactive approach by challenging legislation,” Nitasha

shares. “But all dimensions of pink tax need to be raised. It’s so important to spread awareness and to make sure other women know that they’re unnecessarily being overcharged for products. By doing this, we’ll be applying pressure on manufacturers, and ultimately retailers too, to update their pricing.”



WOMEN PIONEERING THE EUROPEAN TECH INDUSTRY From blockchain platforms to at-home cervical cancer tests, we take a look at eight amazing women who are making waves in the European tech market 96







Anne-Marie Imafidon CO-FOUNDER & CEO Stemettes

Zoe Adamovicz


After studying Computer Engineering, Cultural Science and Informatics at university, Zoe Adamovicz went on to co-found Neufund, a blockchainbased platform for investors, which has raised $14mn to date. Zoe is also a co-founder of blockchain platform Founders Bank and sits on the Innovation Board advising the Minister of Digitalization in Germany.



At the age of 11, Anne-Marie Imafidon passed her computing A-Level. By 20, she was one of the youngest to ever receive a Master’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Oxford. Now, Anne-Marie is the co-founder and CEO of Stemettes, an organisation that introduces girls to STEM role models, concepts and careers in fun, informal and relevant ways.


Chantelle Bell



Elina Berglund CO-FOUNDER & CEO Natural Cycles Elina Berglund is the CEO and Co-founder of Natural Cycles – the world’s first and only app to be certified as a form of contraception both in Europe and in the US. Elina’s mission is to pioneer women’s health with research and passion by empowering every woman with the knowledge she needs to be in charge of her health.

CO-FOUNDER Syrona Women

Alongside Anya Roy, Chantelle Bell co-founded Syrona Women, a pregnancytest-style device that allows women to self-check for cervical cancer at home. The duo, who met while studying Bioscience at Cambridge University, have won a number of awards for Syrona, including AccelerateHER Scotland, Tata and Bethnal Green Ventures. So far, the start-up has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. MARCH8.COM




Professor Sue Black

FOUNDER #techmums

On a mission to empower mothers, Sue Black founded #techmums, a charity educating women on basic tech through online and offline classes. Professor Sue is also well known for campaigning to save Bletchley Park – the former home to the World War II codebreakers – and going on to publish a book about the experience, which became the fastest crowdfunded book of all time.



6 Anne Boden

FOUNDER & CEO Starling Bank Welsh entrepreneur Anne Boden is founder and CEO of Starling Bank, a mobile banking app used by 2.7mn customers. Through Starling, Anne has raised more than $70mn and received an MBE for services to FinTech. Previously, Anne held a string of top financial positions, including Head of EMEA at RBS and COO at Allied Irish Bank.


Eileen Burbidge



Galia Benartzi CO-FOUNDER Bancor

Technology entrepreneur Galia Benartzi is a Co-founder of Bancor, a cryptocurrency conversion company. She began building the software startups after graduating college in 2005 and has since processed a billion and a half conversions across 120 Ethereum-based currencies to date. Last year alone, Bancor raised $153mn through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

PARTNER Passion Capital

Eileen Burbidge is a Partner at Passion Capital, the pre-eminent early-stage technology venture fund based in London. Since Passion Capital’s launch in 2011, the VC fund has made 70 tech investments worth $134mn. Eileen also serves as non-executive Director at a number of fast-growing SMEs – including Monzo Bank, Marshmallow and Butternut Box, among others. MARCH8.COM




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E D , A O R T S E V care r e , ut h r o r e e b v ar a ring art driv rks dri e i h p s o an a ld go-k e wo estro t l a m fem e Silv Fro r-o t a s e r y i f D four rsche’s imona o S to P oke to p we s





otorsports is primarily dominated by men – even though it’s one of the few sports permitting men and women to compete against each other as equals. Although there are a number of reasons why there are fewer female faces on racing tracks, we wanted to speak to Simona De Silvestro, reserve driver for the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team, to see how she broke into the industry and why other girls should do the same.

Hi Simona, what first made you fall in love with racing? My passion for racing came from my dad. When I was growing up, he had a car dealership back in Switzerland and the Formula 1 would be on in the family home every Sunday – he used to say I was only quiet when the racing was on. When I was four, he held a go-kart demonstration around the car dealership. He drove me around on his knee, but I hated that I couldn’t drive myself so much that I cried for the rest of the day. To calm me down, he said that he would buy me a go-kart when I was taller. So, every month, I would ask and ask, until I was six years old and he finally gave in. 104






I don’t think things will change until a really big team gives a female driver the chance to compete in big championships – that’s what I’m fighting for After I was gifted my go-kart, the dealer advised my dad to enter me into a race. He didn’t really expect much because I was a girl and the motorsport industry is heavily dominated by males, but he did it anyway. And I won!

So what steps did you take to go from being a girl in a go-kart to a woman in a Formula E car? Up until the age of 16, I raced in go-karts, but at 17, I moved to race cars. I had competed in a number of championships, including the Italian Championship in Formula Renault, but unfortunately, we didn't quite have the sponsors to stay in Europe – racing is an expensive sport! Luckily, I found a sponsor in America so I moved countries and competed in Formula BMW. I ended up living there for eight years. It was quite daunting to move countries for racing, but the team around me was so supportive – they became like a family to me. I also knew it was my best and probably only chance to get into racing, so I wanted to give it everything I had – even if it didn’t work out. 106



But, as I won races, I attracted more sponsors so I could take the next step to Indy Lights, which is like Formula 2 here in Europe. After three years, I transitioned to Indy Cars and it just kept going from there!

Through these experiences, did you find that you were often the only woman? When I started, there were actually quite a few girls who would compete, though we were always against a lot of boys. But, when it came to the actual racing, I was often the only girl. Many things have to fall into place in the motorsport industry, but luckily I was always in the right place at the right time, with the right people around me. In the beginning, it was clear that I had to prove myself – once I was able to show the male drivers that I was quick, they accepted me. But whenever you go to a different championship, women definitely feel the pressure to earn their stripes.

Would you say that you faced more challenges because you’re a woman? It’s difficult to say because I only know my journey. There are definitely a lot of ups and downs in motorsports, but if you’re striving to reach a really high level, such as Formula 1 or Formula E, you have to make a lot of sacrifices. The biggest challenge I would say that I have faced – and still face, even now – is getting the right opportunity at the right time. That being said, I have had some truly great opportunities – for example, becoming Porsche’s first female driver – so things are definitely headed in the right direction. It’s definitely become a more open and inclusive industry over the past, say, 10 years, but there’s still room for improvement. MARCH.COM






Girls approach me now and tell me I’m their role model – but I never had any of that Did you have feelings of self-doubt, and, if so, how did you deal with them? I never saw myself as a female racing driver, but rather just a driver. It was only later in my career that I realised I was often the odd one out. Girls approach me now and tell me I’m their role model – but I never had any of that. I just wanted to put my helmet on and race. A lot of it comes with time and encouraging more girls to enjoy the sport, but now, I still fight for it because I believe I’m capable of driving a race car fast.

Do you see the W Series as a positive, or would you prefer for all drivers to race against each other, regardless of sex? To me, there’s no difference between male and female drivers, but the W Series does open the door for girls – especially young girls – to get into racing. The issue I'm seeing now is drivers, such as Jamie Chadwick, are winning and getting great times, but she’s still not getting a seat, in say, Formula 3 or Formula 2. I don’t think things will change until a really big team gives a female driver the chance to compete in big championships – that’s what I’m fighting for. MARCH.COM



So what do you say to girls who express that you’re their role model? There are a lot of programmes out there, for example, the FIA’s Girls on Track, which is so cool because girls can now actually experience racing. I look back at my journey, and I realise that I was very lucky 110


to have parents who let me try racing and encouraged me to pursue it as a passion. To young girls, I tell them that the road is not easy, but you always have to believe in yourself. It’s also really important to communicate your dreams, what you want to do and what you want to achieve, so hopefully others around you will offer support while you achieve it.

Finally, what can we do to get more women competing in motorsports? Keep raising awareness. Initiatives like Girl on Track are great because they show girls all the amazing opportunities available in the motorsport industry – it’s not just about being a race driver, there are careers as engineers, mechanics, journalists and so on.

We also need more sponsors to back girls and women. In some sense, you’d think that they’d want to back women as there aren’t many of us, but some see it as a risk. We want to earn our spots on the team – we don’t just want to be a token sponsor – so it’s really important that we show that there doesn’t need to be a gender divide in motorsports. MARCH.COM












The future depends on young girls getting into STEM Natalia Nicholson Founder, Women in Digital Business

STEM is everywhere in the modern world, yet girls and women are still majorly underrepresented in the industry. Natalia Nicholson explains how we can encourage more young girls to pursue STEM subjects in school and why it will benefit everyone very day, we rely on countless inventions and discoveries that have been made possible by scientists and engineers. From the cars we drive to the phones we use, science and technology impact every aspect of our lives. And yet, women have long been underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In fact, a study from the Higher Education Statistics Agency has shown that girls in higher education in the UK only make up 35% of the STEM population. I see this is a problem for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it means that we're losing out on half of the population

when it comes to developing the next generation of innovators and leaders in STEM. When there are fewer female students studying STEM, it furthers the idea that these subjects are not meant for women, which can discourage girls from pursuing these fields in the future. Secondly, this imbalance in women's representation in STEM courses in schools not only perpetuates gender disparities in these fields, but also limits the potential of our economy and stifles innovation. A lack of diversity in STEM – and in any field – can lead to groupthink, where everyone is coming from the same perspective and not challenging ideas. This can limit creativity and prevent new solutions from being found. MARCH8.COM


Why girls and young women? There's no question that the world of STEM needs more young women who will bring a fresh perspective into the field. Young women are not mired in the same ways of thinking that have been passed down for generations. Instead, they view the world with new eyes and are not afraid to challenge the status quo. In addition, young women, or women in general, share a unique perspective that can help make technology more human and relevant. Women tend to build technology with a heart to it, combining machine 114


intelligence with emotional intelligence. As a result, technology has become more responsive to human needs and more user-friendly. This is vital in our increasingly digital world, where technology is becoming ever-more embedded in our everyday lives. By bringing more young women into the world of STEM, we can ensure that technology is developed with people at the centre. And that's something everyone can benefit from. At Women in Digital Business, we're committed to helping young girls close the gender gap in STEM. Our Tech


If we want more young girls to pursue STEM careers, then we need to change how these disciplines are being taught

Upskill Programme for girls aged 15-18 offers a range of topics and activities designed to help girls build confidence and skills in STEM. The programme covers five topics that will be delivered across five days in the following areas: 1. Collaboration, communication and how to ideate in the digital age 2. UX 3. Cybersecurity 4. Digital marketing 5. Building a prototype app MARCH8.COM


It's time for women to take their rightful place in these vital fields




By the end of the programme, girls will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of, and the confidence to pursue, a wide range of exciting STEM careers that are both personally and financially rewarding. In fact, STEM careers are some of the most in-demand and well-paid occupations out there. One way to get more young girls interested in STEM is to offer classes and programmes that focus on upskilling them in these areas, such as the Women in Digital Business Tech Upskill Programme.

Changing education’s approach to STEM It’s time for us to face the facts: if we want more young girls to pursue STEM careers, then we need to change how these disciplines are being taught in primary and secondary schools. This means investing in educational programmes that show girls how they can use their creativity and imagination in STEM pursuits. With more role models of successful women in STEM professions, and with teaching methods that engage students of all genders, we can make progress towards ensuring that our next generation of leaders is evenly represented across all fields – including those traditionally considered ‘male’ domains. Encouraging more girls to pursue careers in STEM would also send a powerful message to young girls everywhere: that they are just as capable as boys when it comes to science, technology, maths and engineering. We need more young girls in STEM disciplines not only because it's essential for innovation and progress, but also because it's time for women to take their rightful place in these vital fields. MARCH8.COM


We took to our social media platforms to ask the MARCH8 community their thoughts on some of today’s most current topics

This month’s question:

What piece of advice do you wish you could give to your 15-year-old self? “Everything is temporary: cherish the good times with people you love and don’t despair during difficult moments. Give before you take. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stay focused and you’ll make it happen.”

Carlotta Zorzi

“Be yourself. Many people – in business and in your personal life – will tell you how you’re supposed to behave, feel, and look. But all of this is subjective, and the most important judge for how you should be is yourself.”

Pauliina Tornqvist

“Have ambitions, dream big, take actions and chase them relentlessly. Everything begins with the seed of an idea – and you can achieve it, no matter what comes your way!”

Ridhi Agrawal



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