From the entire team here at March8, welcome to our sixth issue.
We are proud to represent a community continuously aiming to educate, motivate and elevate women in business and society. From young girls considering their career paths, to established CEOs at the helm, we are a platform ensuring that each story is heard, recognised and celebrated.
We champion women from all walks of life and career paths, including outstanding athletes pushing their bodies to the absolute limit, to fearless females advocating women’s rights and gender equality across the globe.
Through our social media platforms, bi-monthly magazines, short films, quarterly events, mentorship programmes and March8 Academy, we are here to unite girls and women with one community, one voice and one aim.
We are March8, and we are here to make a change!
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We’re all guilty of scrolling through social media and comparing ourselves to others – but have you ever stopped to consider the impact it has on young girls? This month, we gain a deeper understanding of the challenges girls face, while discussing how we can create safer environments online.
This issue’s Rising Star, Lauren Murrell, shares the inspirational story of how her sister, Sarah, created a skincare line to ease the sores of her post-cancer skin. Now, the sisters are the co-founders of By Sarah London.
We also explore how we can encourage more women into the Web3 space with our motivational cover star, Crypto Megan.
As always, enjoy the issue and keep in touch.
LUCY BUCHHOLZlucy.buchholz@bizclikmedia.com
Are you SIX-OH or near enough?
Do you want to defy age by being, dynamic, healthy, engaged, contributing, being the BEST version of you?
Access being SENSATIONAL through:
WISDOM - innate knowing CURIOSITY - looking forward not back ENERGY - dynamic good health, and zip PURPOSE - contribution, plan and mission
nown as the world’s first Hijabi ballerina, Stephanie Kurlow found her love for dance at just two years old. Although she developed a clear talent for the sport, she was forced to abandon dancing the age of nine, as there were no studios that catered to her beliefs.
Inspired by her daughter’s love for ballet, Stephanie’s mother opened a performing arts academy offering ballet, martial arts, and aboriginal art classes for girls.
Stephanie continued dancing and began wearing the hijab full-time when she was ten years old, later going on to receive a scholarship to The Royal Danish Ballet. Now, at age 21, Stephanie uses her platform to unite people together, no matter their faith, race or belief system.
Anxiety is a natural emotion, and, like all emotions, you need to make space for it in your life. Lifestyle Medicine Physician Dr Alka Patel shares the three ‘A’s of managing anxiety to ensure it doesn’t get in the way of your life or career
s a business owner or entrepreneur, chances are you’ve experienced anxiety at some point. The restless nights spent worrying about a deadline or that unsettled feeling before an important presentation – we've all been there. And, while a certain level of anxiety can be a positive driving force, chronic anxiety can be debilitating, making it difficult to focus on the task at hand with a negative impact on your health.
So, what do you do? Remember the 3 ‘A’s to alleviate anxiety:
Awareness: Raising awareness of your emotions starts by just noticing that you’re feeling anxious. Go from thinking, “I’m so worried” to thinking, “I’m noticing the feeling of anxiety”. Be an observer of your thoughts. You are not your thoughts.
Acceptance: Let the anxiety be, give it space, and let it come and go. Remember, your mind is like the sky: it’s always there. But the clouds, they come and they go, just like your emotions and thoughts. Let your anxious thoughts drift like clouds without getting caught up in them.
Action: If you do find yourself getting caught up in your anxiety, try the following actions:
Get organised. One of the quickest ways for anxiety to escalate is when you feel like you're not in control. How do you change this? Take a few minutes each day to plan out your schedule. Use this 4D matrix to take a few minutes to decide how to prioritise your tasks: Do, Defer, Delegate or Delete. Getting your tasks out of your head and into a centralised matrix will help you feel more in control and less anxious. Take regular breaks. This doesn't mean taking an extended coffee break or browsing social media for an hour. Instead, tap into your natural productivity cycles. We all have an ultradian rhythm that runs in approximately 90-minute cycles. After 90 minutes, you’ll often notice an anxious inner voice looming. This is your signal to take a break. Step into the sunlight, fuel up, hydrate, or take a walk – 20 minutes is ideal to allow your body and mind to shift gears.
Practise relaxation techniques. Simple breathing techniques rapidly dissipate anxiety because how you breathe affects how you feel. Research has shown that slowing down your breath rate to six or less breaths a minute activates your parasympathetic (peaceful) nervous system and disarms your sympathetic (stress) nervous system. To control your nervous system, breathe in for a count of four and out for a count of six for 60 seconds.
Many of us remember a time before social media dominated our lives, though the same sadly can’t be said for up-and-coming generations. From body dysmorphia and bulimia to depression and decreased confidence, we explore how growing up scrolling, liking and tagging is impacting the mental health of young girls and teens
lawless skin. Teeny-tiny waists. Blindingly white teeth. These are just some of the attributes that flood our social media feeds daily, establishing a standard that we’re all expected to aim for – yet one that many of us feel we fall woefully short of.
But if it’s not the physical characteristics that cause you gut-wrenching jealousy, maybe it’s the endless lavish holidays, extraordinary job opportunities, or fast cars?
It’s easy to explain that we, as well as everyone else on social media, only post the best days of our lives, yet somehow always forgetting to post the worst. It’s hard to remember this as we’re looking through our feeds, though, wondering how others have everything that we don’t. This is known as comparison culture.
Comparison culture may seem harmless enough; maybe it just kills your Sunday mood or encourages you to visit the gym more regularly. But the reality is much more sinister. Social media has been linked to increased loneliness, anxiety and depression, as well as self-harm and suicidal thought – after all, there’s a reason people have started referring to it as ‘doomscrolling’.
According to research published in Nature Communications, girls generally tend to have their first negative experience with social media between 11-13 years old and boys at 14-15 years old. Those who continue using social media are predicted to feel less satisfied with their life by the age of 19, compared to those who don’t.
Negative interactions on social media have a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ effect, slowly eroding self-esteem one scroll
at a time. So much so that research goes as far as to say that social media sensitivity has been linked to developmental changes – possibly altering the structure of the brain – or to puberty, in ways reminiscent of how trauma in early childhood rewires the brain’s responses and reactions.
“Childhood and the teenage years are very important times when the brain rapidly develops,” says Dr Joanna Silver, Lead Psychological Therapist at Orri. “Social media can be very addictive and excessive use can interfere with sleep, which is particularly important for teenagers. Social media lacks regulation, meaning that some young people
become victims of cyberbullying, which can be very distressing while also catalysing other issues.”
Everyone has social media now: mums, dads, grans, grandpas – even the family dog. And it’s now far harder to find a teen that doesn’t use social media than one that does, with 90% of 13-17 year-olds sharing that they’ve used at least one platform. If that stat doesn’t shock you (and with today’s social media obsession, rightly so), how do you feel learning that teens spend an average of nine hours a day online
– not including time for homework, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
When all this time is spent looking at screens filled with lifestyles, bodies and products that we can’t afford or attain, the link between social media and mental health issues seems to become a lot more obvious.
“Studies have linked social media to increased levels of depression and anxiety, especially as many users tend to post their best pictures, not showing an accurate picture of real life,” says Dr Ann KearneyCooke, Psychologist specialising in the treatment of adolescents, eating disorders,
Dr Ann Kearney-Cooke shares her top tips on how we can work together to ensure our girls stay safe on social media
1. Limit the time children and teens spend online – ideally, no longer than two hours each day
2. Keep computers and phones out of children's rooms after a certain time each evening.
3. Tell children and teens you’ll be checking their accounts each week. Discuss with them what they like and don’t like about social media, as well as the importance of protecting their identity online.
4. Explain what isn’t acceptable online – gossiping, bullying, and spreading rumours, for example.
5. Remember, although teens often act like they don’t want to spend time with their family, doing so is vital to be a break from the chaos and demands of the world. Strong family attachments lead to better mental and physical health, so ensure you’re spending time with them and encouraging open communication.
body image and self-esteem. “This can leave teens feeling inadequate and can also lead to increased risk of cyberbullying, exposure to online predators and forming dangerous relationships with people met online.
“Adolescence is a time to create a strong sense of self while developing healthy connections with friends and family. Instead of creating their own image, teens can base their values off people they see online, influencing them to recreate the image of others they often don’t know.”
Dr Joanna supports this point, adding: “Unfortunately, the levels of mental illnesses in young people are rising and it is important that we look at the role of social media in this. The teenage years can be a vulnerable time for social and emotional development, and excessive use can interfere with this development.
“Comparing the self with an unrealistic ideal can damage young people’s selfesteem and can increase levels of anxiety and depression. Social media can be helpful for young people but the unregulated nature of it means they potentially have access to dangerous material and they may not have the skills to manage the information that they are exposed to.”
Global eating disorder statistics increased from 3.4% in 2021 to 7.8% in 2022, which equals 70 million people internationally. Eating disorders are most prevalent in young women. In fact, half of all Americans report knowing someone with an eating disorder and 1 in 50 Americans struggle with body dysmorphia.
A study of 496 adolescent girls aged between 8 and 20 found that more than 5% of the girls met the criteria for anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder, and more than 13% had experienced an eating disorder when including non-specific disordered eating symptoms.
Amelia Sordell, founder of personal branding agency Klowt, shares how she had bulimia from the age of 15 to 21, which was triggered after she was sexually assaulted at 13 years old. “The body issues I developed came from the idea that I wasn’t worthy or good enough – that’s why it happened to me,” Amelia explains. “Bulimia then became a way in which I could control these feelings. Of course, social media wasn’t the cause, but every time I posted and people would
Approximately one person dies every hour as a direct result of an eating disorder
Anorexia is the most deadly mental illness. One study found that people with anorexia are 56 times more likely to die by suicide rather than people without the eating disorder
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness
Nearly 3% of adults experience binge eating disorder in their lifetime
comment about how much weight I’d lost or how skinny I looked, it reinforced the narrative that I needed to lose more.
“I remember enjoying feeling hungry because I thought that meant I would look skinny. But now, when I see old photos, I realise how unhealthy and gaunt I looked,” Amelia adds. “We’re raised to want validation, so when friends, family members and often strangers online praise us for filling our lips, losing weight or changing our hair, we become hard-wired into believing that what society perceives to be beautiful is true.”
“Eating disorders and body dysmorphia are complex illnesses and, as Amelia says, are not caused by social media alone,” Dr Joanna comments. “However, it can contribute to
the issues as many images on social media are unrealistic or photoshopped, young girls often compare themselves negatively to a perceived-perfect body.
“Unfortunately, some people will use social media to promote eating disorders and will share stories and photos. This can glamorise eating disorders to young girls and make them unaware of their destructive natures. Even sites that are not knowingly promoting eating disorders can be triggering to young people who may be susceptible, particularly when they emphasise the importance of weight (or BMI), shape and eating food that may be labelled as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. However, some social media sites can be very helpful for people who are suffering from eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorders and can help promote recovery.”
Although social media was launched with the (inherently good) intention of allowing users to share real-life updates with their friends and family, it’s now grown a darker side, where photoshopped images, heavilyedited videos and elaborate lifestyles reside.
“Our parents used to compare themselves with ‘the Joneses’,” Amelia says. “Now, we compare ourselves to the Kardashians, who have personal trainers, chefs and millions of dollars to help them achieve their desired aesthetic. As a generation, we’ve almost normalised photoshopping images and have passed this on for young girls to follow suit. Although these might attract more likes and give us an instant dopamine hit, it slowly diminishes our self-esteem.”
Dr Joanna adds to this point, stating that it’s “imperative” for young people to be educated on photoshopping, so they are aware that these images are often not real.
“Parents can help young people by putting time limits on social media usage and encouraging young people to socialise in real life. They can also provide support to young people struggling with their selfesteem by pointing out their qualities and by not focusing on appearance.”
From Amelia’s turbulent relationship with food, she has developed a passion for ensuring her children – especially her daughter – don’t have to live the same experiences as she did. “I’ve reframed my mindset from ‘I hate parts of my body’ to ‘I’m so grateful to have it’. For example, I used to hate my nose, but now I know it lets me smell red wine, and I used to hate my belly pouch, but now I know it’s the result of having two beautiful children.
“My children are at the age where they’re learning what a balanced diet is. I want them to grow up understanding that all foods are good in moderation and that there’s no such thing as inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods.
“My take-home message is: curate the social media feeds you want to see. Now, I only follow powerful women who exude feminine beauty and are natural to the point where they look unfiltered. And, of course, learn to love yourself, because then everything else is irrelevant.”
Months of chemotherapy caused Lauren Murrell's skin to become dry, irritated and sensitive. That’s why sister Sarah made it her mission to create a product to restore Lauren’s post-cancer skin. After finding a successful formula, the sister duo decided to share it with the world, founding By Sarah London
fter Lauren Murrell was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukaemia, her sister Sarah developed natural formulations to ease her sore and sensitive skin. Lauren and Sarah are now the co-founders of By Sarah London, the UK’s first independently-owned, solely female-founded skincare brand to have achieved B Corp status. Together, they’re empowering everyone to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.
Hi Lauren, please tell us about By Sarah London and the moving story behind the brand.
During my final year at law school, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukaemia – with only a 20% chance of survival. During months of intensive chemotherapy (which didn’t work), total body irradiation and a stem cell transplant, my skin became very sensitive and reacted to many skincare ranges. My sister, Sarah, not only became my life-saving stem cell donor, but she also formulated natural skincare to help restore my sensitive, post-cancer skin.
Years later, Sarah and I teamed up to launch the business with Sarah’s original formulations, which have gone on to become our multi-award-winning collection with over 20 industry-leading awards, featured in Vogue, The Times, ELLE and more, as well as recently becoming a certified B Corporation.
It sounds as if the By Sarah London brand was a saving grace. How did the products transform your skin?
Sarah meticulously sourced and formulated with the highest quality organic, cold-pressed plant oils, which were rich in omegas and essential lipids to help restore my sensitive skin. Our Hero Facial Oil was Sarah’s first formula. Critically, she didn’t use fragrance, essential oils, or any drying alcohols or SLS, which can trigger further sensitivities.
Sarah’s formulations were a revelation for me: I could use products on my face and body that were a joy to use, with none of the itchings or stinging that had plagued my skin for months. On a scientific level, Sarah’s formulas restored my compromised skin barrier and boosted my skin microbiome, making it more resilient and healthy.
My sister, Sarah, not only became my life-saving stem cell donor, but she also formulated natural skincare to help restore my sensitive, post-cancer skin
With so many beauty and skincare products on the market, how do you ensure By Sarah London stands out?
Rooted in our authentic founding story, we formulate with the most sensitive, stressed skin in mind. We have thousands of 5-star reviews from customers sharing their transformative skin stories with us and it’s incredible to see!
We know who we serve and our natural skincare delivers on its promise of making people feel good – with naturally effective ingredients that deliver results, like upcycled raspberry seed oil in our Balancer Oil-toMilk Cleanser, which is formulated with raspberry seeds that are saved from landfill and cold-pressed into the high performing plant oil we use, with 20% more antioxidants than its standard counterpart. Better for your skin, better for the planet.
We also hear By Sarah London is B Corp certified. Why was this an important move for you?
We are the first UK independently-owned and solely female-founded skincare brand to have achieved B Corp status. Joining the B Corp family was a huge accomplishment as we have been committed to people and the planet from the very beginning, and it really is the gold standard for sustainability in business. It's independent validation that a business meets high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving, to supply chain practices and input materials. Using our business as a force for good aligns with our founding values and desire to have a positive impact on the world.
You and your sister have seen great success – what has been your secret?
We’ve been on such a journey as sisters and we are deeply motivated to make a difference. We genuinely enjoy supporting our community with the best in British skincare and making people feel good in their skin. The learning curve of being an entrepreneur is steep but we’ve leaned into that, stretching what we thought was possible and surprising ourselves with the results. It’s a lot of hard work but deeply rewarding, too!
If you could give other budding entrepreneurs a piece of advice, what would it be?
Know why you want to start the business in the first place. You’ll hear founders telling you how hard it is to run a business – and they’re right; it takes every ounce of energy, passion, resilience and determination to
keep going. So be clear on why you’re about to dedicate your life to this before you quit your day job. Once you’re clear on that, it will help ease you over all the bumps and hurdles you’ll face and, hopefully, get you to the destination you’re shooting for, whether that’s an artisan business to support your local community or the next powerhouse in global beauty.
It sounds as if this is just the start for you both. What does the future hold for By Sarah London?
Our ambition is for millions of people to feel confident in their skin and to use our By Sarah London skincare to help people achieve this. We have big growth plans in the works, starting with two new product launches, a special B Corp collaboration and expanding into retail later this year. It’s an incredibly exciting time at By Sarah London and we can’t wait to take the brand to more people around the world. We’ve only just begun!
Climate change is one of many issues intrinsically linked to gender, with girls and women in the poorest countries most at risk of its catastrophic effects. With Selin Calik and Michelle Li, we explore this link, while gaining a deeper understanding of how we can encourage more women into the sustainability sector to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those most vulnerable
hat are your first thoughts when learning that Earth has seen 20,000 years of change in the space of 170, due to global warming? Consequently, the homes of 200 million people will be below sea level in 70 years and a million species will be extinct; Fiji is currently struggling with being rapidly subsumed by the seas surrounding it. The Arctic Circle saw t-shirt temperatures in 2020, where Verkhoyansk, Russia, recorded a sweltering 38°C. Plastic pollution, extreme weather and famine are only set to increase. The positive news? We have until 2030 to limit the damage as much as possible.
Whether you live on the coast, in a scorching hot country, or one that is usually lined with grey skies and clouds, global warming affects us all. Yet the climate crisis is not gender neutral, as girls and women experience the greatest impacts, amplifying gender inequalities that affect their health, safety and livelihoods.
Climate change exacerbates the existing outcomes of entrenched gender inequality. For example, the majority of the world's poor are girls and women, who are also likely to be more dependent on natural resources, with less access.
They’re also more likely to inherit the burden of looking after children and elderly relatives while taking on the responsibilities of securing food, water and fuel for cooking and heating. As a result, girls and women walk greater distances to obtain resources, taking up valuable time that could be used for education or work.
As water shortages are increasing across the globe, women and children are likely to walk further for less water – especially in hot, arid countries.
To tackle these issues, the UN has set up a number of Sustainable Development Goals, with the sixth – Clean Water and Sanitation – focusing directly on women and climate change. “It is important to highlight that lack of access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene affects mainly developing countries, particularly in SubSaharan Africa and South Asia,” says Selin Calik, Climate Change Scientist and Green Energy Observer at the United Nations.
“Women are disproportionately affected by growing water scarcity and inadequate sanitation because of their specific hygiene needs and their role in collecting water. Tackling discrimination and social norms in relation to water management would allow societies to leverage the role of women in better-functioning water systems, wider access and inclusive economic benefits for communities.”
Worldwide, women and girls spend an estimated 200 million hours – daily – collecting water. “This is a gigantic waste of valuable time,” Selin adds. “Just imagine
– those 200 million hours add up to 8.3 million days, or more than 22,800 years. In a hypothetical scenario, it’s as if a woman started to walk with her empty bucket in the Stone Age and didn’t reach home with any water until 2022.
“All that time wasted collecting water can cause serious problems. It cuts short the hours spent caring for children, supporting families or empowering themselves with education.”
Unfortunately, the list doesn’t end here. Climate change catalyses extreme weather and natural disasters, which girls and women are less likely to survive, according
Carbon footprints are numbers, and when we make data-backed decisions, they tend to be more impactful. To make the biggest changes, we need to educate ourselves on what the biggest contributors to our carbon footprint actually are.
Clever Carbon’s two-minute carbon footprint calculator only asks the four most important questions: How much do you fly? What’s your diet? What’s your commute? What’s your home energy?
We don’t ask whether you use a reusable cup or bag because these types of questions don’t make a huge difference to your overall footprint. The biggest changes come from switching to public transportation from driving or eating a plant-based diet other than one that’s meat-based. To put this in perspective, the average vegetarian meal is 600g of CO2, whereas the average serving of chicken is 1,300g, and beef is 7,700g. So the best way to reduce your carbon footprint is by learning the data and making the necessary changes.
to research from the UN. This is a result of disparities in mobility, information, access to resources and decision-making roles. What’s more, once disaster relief has arrived, girls and women are less likely to receive assistance as men are deemed essential for labour, adding further to the cycle of vulnerability. When disasters force families to leave their homes, girls and women are likely to fall victim to rape, trafficking, adolescent pregnancy and young marriage.
Although girls and women are disproportionately impacted by climate change, they are uniquely positioned to help find the solution.
While women are less likely to be in positions of power, research has shown that climate-change solutions are more effective when women participate in national and community decision making. They also provide a strong body of knowledge that can be used in climate change mitigation, disaster reduction and in creating strategies for a more sustainable future.
In fact, billions of women across the globe make decisions that impact the environment – and, more specifically, climate change – every day, from cooking meals to their purchasing power.
“Research shows women are powerful agents of change in the fight against climate change: gender-equal representation has led to policy making with better outcomes for the environment,” the UN states.
With this in mind, we need to encourage more women to enter the sustainability space to ensure their unique viewpoints and skill sets are being utilised.
“Much of the time, when we go to conferences, we don’t see a lot of women on the stage. And, even if they are on, they don’t receive the same amount of air time as our male counterparts,” Michelle Li, Founder and CEO of Clever Carbon and Women and Climate, shares.
“There's a lot of focus on investors, VCs and the really shiny objects – such as direct air capture and green energy hydrogen technologies that will pay dividends in the future – but no real focus on what women are doing to make an instant change. For example, there are women right now who are creating their own solutions by opening zero-waste shops, but investors don’t think these solutions are as sexy.
“I tend not to look at the climate crisis through the lens of how women are disadvantaged,” Michelle says, “but rather by focusing on how we can help women thrive. I believe that a big part of this is supporting women and creating environments that enable them to exchange ideas and discuss topics.
To encourage more women into the sector, Michelle launched Women and Climate, a non-profit that aims to create a joyful, safe space for women to learn and
By taking action and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, you feel empowered and hopeful
talk about climate. “I think there's a lot of women who want to educate themselves,” Michelle says, “but they don't know where to start. Women and Climate was founded to empower women by ensuring they don’t feel alone when doing their bit to contribute to the climate crisis.”
Through Women and Climate, Michelle connects women with like-minded members to educate and inspire one another on climate issues. To set things off, she organised a dinner at a vegan restaurant and allocated space for 12 women to attend. Nine months on, the dinners now take place in different cities across the globe, including New York, London, Paris and Brussels, each of which sell out in a matter of days.
“Many people associate climate with doom,” Michelle says, “but a lot of us in the community that are taking climate action actually don't feel like that. By taking action and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, you feel empowered and hopeful. Friendships also form through these meets, so although we all have a passion for climate, we also discuss everyday topics, too, such as what we’re watching on Netflix and how we’re spending our evenings.
Although figures on climate change may seem daunting, Michelle reinforces the important role that each and every one of us plays to ensure we’re doing our bit to carve a better future.
“There’s something that everyone can do today,” she explains. “You don’t need a new degree or to switch your job, but you can join communities and take control of your own learning and carbon footprint. Personally, I find working in the sustainability sector to be incredibly empowering and it gives me the chance to do something I love every day while making a positive change. I think that’s really special.”
Moving from India to the US and then to the UK, Priyanka Gangishetty shares the incredible story of how she battled societal norms, family illness, and depression to finally find her true path and take control of her life rowing up in a small town just outside of Bangalore, India, Priyanka Gangishetty was raised in a society where women were encouraged to be demure, passive and supportive of men. But, throughout her life, Priyanka undertook an incredible transformation, gaining control of her choices and freeing herself from the clutches of patriarchy. Now, Priyanka lives in Reading, UK, and is a Senior Azure Customer Engineer at Microsoft.
This is the story of how she got there.
Age: 0-9
Raised in a joint family, Priyanka shared a home with 13 other family members, spanning her mother, father, brother, uncles, aunts and cousins. Traditionally in India, boys would be given the best opportunities in life, from investment to education, and girls would play the role of homemaker once they were married. However, Priyanka’s father had a different path in mind for her.
“My father was the first feminist I met,” Priyanka says, “I didn’t realise it at the time, but looking back, he certainly was. Although he considered my brother, too, he always made sure I had ample opportunities – which, back then, was not the norm.”
Age: 10
As a result of her father’s progressive attitude, Priyanka attended a good school and found her first love: books. “I was always very shy, and I didn’t have much ambition for the future,” Priyanka says, “but books led me into a world that I didn’t know existed. I would dream of these worlds and wonder what else was out there. I would read about burgers, milkshakes and marmalade sandwiches, not knowing what they really were – I had my first sandwich at 20 years old. But I would also read about girls going off on their own – hiking, camping, exploring – it was all very new to me. Books showed me a life that I didn’t know was possible, and they introduced me to characters that became role models.”
Age: 15
In small towns in India, families would often publicise when girls hit puberty by
I never saw a woman being the star of her own life
throwing a party, showing that they were now of marriageable age. “I thought this was so embarrassing,” Priyanka says. “Friends, neighbours and boys from my school came to see me sitting in the centre of a stage with make-up on – it was everything I hated.
“A cousin I lived with could see how uncomfortable I was, so he gave me a Nokia brick phone to play with. He told me that, by texting ‘JOKE’ or ‘NEWS’ to a certain number, I would receive either a joke or the news in return. This was the predecessor of the Internet. I thought it was wonderful and, from that day, I was hooked on technology. I felt a similar type of fascination when I started using computers and the internet. I was so intrigued as to how a posted letter would take two days to arrive, but an ecard would arrive in someone's inbox in seconds.”
Priyanka’s fascination for technology led her to study Coding at a University in Bangalore, but she soon realised that her true passion was understanding networking and the internet. To further her understanding of this area, she enrolled in a course that caught the eye of networking giant Cisco.
“The stars aligned, and I was offered a student apprenticeship,” Priyanka says. “I was earning $100 a month, which was huge, because before I was receiving $20 from my father a month for my expenses.
“The first time I stepped foot into Cisco, I was amazed. I had never been in a space like that before – glass walls, plush couches, free coffee, and great workspaces! I couldn’t understand what someone like me was doing in a place so beautiful. Usually, people feel out of place for what they can and can’t do intellectually – for me, it was the opposite. I didn’t belong in a pristine and modern world”.
As Priyanka’s education and career took off, her family were given the devastating news that her father had terminal cancer. “He was the only role model I really had, and he was still relatively young, which made the news even more shocking,” Priyanka says. “His medical bills were huge and his condition was bad, so my brother and I decided to hide his illness from my mother, who had her own set of neurological issues, as we were afraid it would worsen her condition. So, on one hand, I was telling my mother he was going to be
fine, and, on the other, I knew his days were numbered, while also juggling university and my apprenticeship.”
Sadly, Piyanka’s father passed away a year-and-a-half later, when she was a full-time employee of Cisco. “Luckily, I had a manager that was supportive, but it was still incredibly difficult to juggle my personal and professional life. Because of this, I had zero expectations of my career – I didn’t even know what a career looked like.
“Soon after, my mum and a few other members of my extended family sat me down and expressed that any father’s last wish would be to see their daughter get married and I should consider that as an option. In that world, the ‘responsibility’ of a woman transferred from one man to another, never allowing the woman to take charge of her destiny. I could not understand, no matter how hard I tried, how marriage was a solution for the grief and circumstance I was in.
“At that moment, something awoke in me. I was going through the most terrible time of my life and I was presented with a double standard: my brother was only a year-and-a-half younger than me, but no one was expecting him to get married.
“By this point, I was financially independent, earning $500 a month – still a lot of money – so I decided that I didn’t need a husband and that I would look after myself. But my father’s illness and other financial commitments had accumulated a debt of $80,000, which was now my responsibility. I didn’t even know where to start, yet I decided to embark on a new life in California to pay off the debt and pursue my American Dream.”
Despite the negative events that propelled Priyanka to the US, she describes it as the best choice she ever made. “Being free from the clutches of patriarchy and a culture that expected me to be someone I wasn’t
allowed me to write my own story – the way I wanted it this time.
“Securing a job at the University of California, Irvine and another internship with Cisco allowed me to send money back home. Soon after, I received an offer from Microsoft – a dream come true. I took the first salary offer given, although I was criticised by others for not negotiating it. For me, it already seemed like too much money, and it did help me pay back my father’s debts.”
The US had provided Priyanka with stability, a home and the opportunity to give her mother and brother a clean slate, free of debt. “My mind was finally able to slow down in the face of some semblance of routine and normalcy, but this peace caused me to face all the grief and pain I was keeping on hold for three years and plummet into a deep depression,” Priyanka shares.
“It’s easy to miss the initial signs, but those around me noticed that I was withdrawing from social engagements, barely leaving my house and unable to find joy in the things that I used to.
“My manager was the one who recommended that I visit a psychiatrist. I was a little taken aback as no one really spoke about mental health, and I had overcome so much that it was hard to understand why it was starting now. After visiting, I was diagnosed with clinical depression.
“My mind was my worst enemy, and because of this, I was unable to continue my career at Microsoft. There was a point where I was hallucinating. I would wake up from nightmares and see huge spiders on the wall. It would take me a few seconds to realise they weren’t real.”
Realising she needed to make some changes in her life, Priyanka moved to enjoy the sun and the beaches in California. “For a while, it was enough. I was working at a new company that allowed me to experience a different side of tech, and I was looking after myself more, so the fog that I felt in my brain started to go away.
“I started to travel and spend my time doing things that I never thought I would have a chance to do. When I was in India, I was conditioned to be complacent, reducing my ability to make decisions so they could always be made for me. But now even ordering a coffee, taking a walk along the beach by myself, or driving my own car – the things that a lot of people take for granted – gave me a sense of control and independence. This strengthened my sense of self and allowed me to establish my own set of likes and dislikes, which seems basic
but is a privilege for many women around the world. And with every country I travelled to and every place I visited, I could see some of the characters from the books I used to read come alive and so, too, did many aspects of my personality.”
Priyanka had well and truly caught the travel bug, which influenced her move to the UK. “I loved seeing the different ways in which people lived,” Priyanka says, “especially the lives of women and children.
“All of my career choices had been governed by my personal circumstances – for example, I took the job at Microsoft because it was well paid, and I left because of my mental health. This step in my career journey was no different – I took a place at a firm because my husband worked in the area. It just made sense. But I wanted the next two or three years to be different. I decided that I was going to put myself in the driver's seat of my career. I wanted to reach a more senior role.
Usually, people feel out of place for what they can and can’t do intellectually; for me, it was the opposite. I didn’t belong in a pristine, modern world
“Sitting down, I made a plan. I separated facts from feelings. Although I felt as though I didn’t deserve a great career and I wasn’t quite as good as my colleagues, I came to the realisation that, no matter where in the world I worked, no matter the company size, the fact was that I always received great reviews. I was good at my job.
“With that in mind, I then applied for five jobs in senior roles and received offers from all five companies. I was astonished! Years ago, I would never have thought that was possible as I always accepted the first offer presented to me without question.”
Negotiating a good offer for the first time, Priyanka accepted a role back at Microsoft, and has found herself working for a company with an inclusive culture that advocates women’s advancement and strives to create change. “Ambition was something I was afraid to have,” Priyanka says. “I always knew I wanted more out of life, but I thought I would only achieve it by supporting male figures because I never saw a woman being the star of her own life. Women were always the supporting characters. In the movie of my life, I thought I was playing a supporting role and I was constantly trying to find out who would be the star – my father, brother or husband, for example.
“The last few years have been a journey towards the realisation that this isn’t true. This is my life: I am the hero and I am the star. We often undermine the role confidence and self-belief play in our lives, but to me, it’s been everything. My mission now is to use this confidence to help elevate other women in the tech industry and otherwise, while advocating the importance of looking after our mental health.”
Web3 is the future, but knowing where to start can be a labyrinth of technologies and terminologies, littered with ‘bro culture’ and exclusive clubs. Crypto Megan shares her journey, while encouraging other women to enter the space
escribing herself as curious, persistent and optimistic, Crypto Megan – formally known as Megan Nilsson – is a high-end crypto and NFT portfolio consultant for large companies, investors and celebrities. However, Megan doesn't just have a passion for helping those with big names: she’s also focused on encouraging more women to enter the Web3 space by providing quality information that's reliable and trustworthy.
“Crypto Megan was launched because I had a deep desire to help newcomers and to advocate for those who don't see themselves in the Web3 world yet,” Megan says. “The Web3 and financial worlds can be intimidating and it’s hard to know where to start, especially as it’s male-dominated and there’s complex terminology to grasp. But it’s truly revolutionary so I wanted to empower others to keep pushing to find where their space is here.”
And, for those who are still a little unsure about what the Web3 space actually is, Megan describes it as a third, more advanced layer of the internet.
“Firstly, the most important step is to get an exchange. So if you’re in the US I’d recommend an exchange like Coinbase; if you’re in Europe I’d suggest trying Binance.
“Then, I would focus on investing in cryptos that have a very strong team behind them. These teams will be fixing things and solving problems in the world, rather than ones that are just quick cash grabs.
“Finally, I would suggest focusing on blue chips – so all the companies at the top, such as Google and Apple. I've seen people burn a lot of money trying to catch that next big thing, so sometimes it’s better to focus on the more resilient projects that have been around for a long time. And, surprisingly, they’re not always super expensive.”
“Web3 is value-based,” Megan explains, “it’s the free transfer of value and digital ownership, because there's now a way to prove that a transaction has been done without duplicating itself.”
So, in layman's terms, Web3 allows users to transfer value while having ownership of it, which is still a very novel aspect for many of us. Yet more people are warming to this ‘futuristic’ way of transfer as it gives users the freedom to operate on their own terms – cutting out the middle man.
The world of Web3 can feel like a lonely place, especially if you’re just starting out
and are yet to create connections with others – something that Megan remembers all too well. “I felt like I couldn’t talk to anyone about it when I first entered the space,” Megan says, “not even my husband. I was first introduced to Web3 when I attended a reunion for my Master’s degree. Blockchain developers attended and the concept absolutely blew my mind – it was as if they planted a seed in my brain that just kept growing. I fell down the rabbit hole, and, at first, was too unsure of talking about it because it wasn’t widely understood. Eventually, I educated my husband on the topic, he caught my enthusiasm and we kept going from there.”
My hope is that the younger girls growing up in this generation won’t have to face the resistance that I had
The world of Web3 typically has fewer female faces – mainly because it combines two male-dominated sectors: finance and technology. As a result, there’s a heavy ‘bro culture’ present, with 33% of respondents stating it’s the biggest impediment to women, according to Web3 Career Market Report.
As a member of Bored Ape Yacht Club, a top NFT collection in the US, Megan shares that bro culture rears its head in many different forms – from literally being a ‘bro’ to shops only selling shirts that come in male sizes. Although these small but noticeable factors reflect how maleorientated the space is, little by little, these aspects are being challenged to make Web3 more inclusive for women. Megan has also made it her mission to challenge and change these instances, but also highlights the unconscious self-sabotaging behaviours that hold women back.
“There are a number of reasons why we see fewer female faces in Web3, and, after having conversations with women all over
the world about this topic, most generally agree that it’s because a lot of women have a fear of failure,” Megan says. “We tend to think we have one shot to prove ourselves in an industry, but Web3 isn’t like that. There’s room for everyone to learn and grow.
“This is the greatest opportunity of our lifetime. Web3 is a financial and cultural revolution, and even companies can make so much of an impact if they start learning about this technology.”
As with every male-dominated industry, there needs to be trailblazing women that pave the way for others to follow. But having
fewer female faces in an industry can be a deterrent in itself.
“It’s great to say to others ‘I broke through these barriers, so you should, too’, but it’s not always the best way to encourage women into the environment,” Megan says. “I believe it’s important for women to network, attend events and join clubs because they make you feel like you’re part of a family, which makes the whole experience much more enjoyable.”
When Megan first started out, she had to delve into the depths of the internet to teach herself everything. As there’s no rule book on blockchain or NFTs, she found herself fumbling around the industry, making mistakes that she wants to help others avoid.
“A lot of it is about terminology,” Megan says. “For example, I’d hear many people talking about smart contracts – but what is a smart contract to a regular person?
I therefore turned to Telegram chats and forums, rather than real communities to
help solve problems and understand complex decentralised finance tools.
“To navigate through this, I found it important to tune out the noise of others,” Megan says. “The key factor that led to my success is trusting my instinct and not listening to the negativity of others. A big part of this is expanding your skill set and practising what you do.
“My hope is that the younger girls growing up in this generation won’t have to face the resistance that I had, so they have an easier path. It’s incredible how many possibilities there are in Web3 and within blockchain technology, so regardless of your occupation, there is space for everybody.”
We tend to think we have one shot to prove ourselves in an industry, but Web3 isn’t like that
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Binna Kandola Senior Partner, Pearn Kandola
Whether you’ve been a victim of unconscious bias or you’ve witnessed it happening to others, it’s important we’re all aware of the telltale signs while actively doing what we can to reduce our impact. We spoke to Business Psychologist Binna Kandola to gain a deeper understanding of the issue
t’s no secret that some people face greater obstacles in both life and in the workplace. From sexism to racism to ableism, unconscious bias comes in all manner of shapes and sizes, often impacting individuals at every turn of their career. We wanted to gain a deeper understanding of what unconscious bias really is, as well as how to tackle, spot and eliminate behaviours.
What is unconscious bias?
To understand unconscious bias, we need to look to our own beliefs and attitudes. “Most of us would never describe ourselves as racist, yet our implicit attitudes are often directly at odds with our consciously-held beliefs,” Binna Kandola, Business Psychologist, Senior Partner and Co-Founder of Pearn Kandola explains. “We might not like to believe it, but the moment we set eyes on someone, we begin to form an impression of them that is based on the colour of their skin, their gender and even their name. This is unconscious bias.”
Here, we highlight the various ways in which we can identify and eliminate these behaviours
Although we may not like to admit it, each and every one of us has unconscious biases shaped by the world around us. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of your unconscious biases, you can take a variety of online tests designed by Harvard University.
Binna explains that these biases accumulate over time, whether we’re aware of their impact or not. “We acquire stereotypes throughout our lives: from the people around us, the media, interactions with others and our personal experiences,” Binna says. “While we can consciously explore the impact and meaning of these influences, it’s naïve to think we have somehow inoculated ourselves against their power. We seem to be telling ourselves that, because we no longer consciously indulge racist or sexist attitudes, they have disappeared. In reality, at a deeper, unconscious level, bias continues to shape our world.”
Of course, completing unconscious bias training is a great place to start, but it’s definitely not a one-stop solution. As our brains have learnt bias over time, we actively and continuously have to challenge ourselves, colleagues and those in leadership positions.
“To create truly inclusive workplaces, discussions around race and gender at work need to happen continually, which means listening to the experiences of employees and implementing actionable solutions,” Binna says. “As part of this, leaders need to take accountability, fostering inclusive behaviours, setting an example when it comes to challenging stereotypical attitudes, and being open to being challenged. It also requires having effective policies and procedures in place, for example on recruitment, selection and promotion.”
Unconscious bias doesn’t just come in the form of snide comments and glass ceilings – it quite often begins before an individual has even accepted a role at a company and follows them at every turn of their career path.
“It’s important for workplaces to address unconscious bias, because it affects every stage of the employee life cycle – so much so that even before an employee has joined a business, they are likely to fall victim to bias in the recruitment process,” Binna says. “Further down the employee life cycle, bias goes on to impact factors such as promotion, partly because managers are likely to evaluate someone who is similar to them more favourably.
“In an interview scenario, for example, recruiters can be trained to ask candidates questions that help them provide as detailed responses as possible. Vague or ambiguous answers leave the door open for bias to fill in the missing details with assumptions that are based on stereotypes. Therefore, encouraging recruiters to be as factual and objective as possible in their approach will help to reduce the opportunity for bias to creep into their work.”
When it comes to breaking unconscious bias, there’s well and truly power in numbers. It’s therefore vital to call out behaviours that showcase unconscious bias to hold others accountable and demand change.
“Breaking these biases is crucial, as when bias begins to inform our decisions, fairness becomes jeopardised,” Binna says. “In the case of gender bias, this can lead to women receiving less critical performance feedback, fewer career-enhancing opportunities and unequal pay for the same roles as men.”
Employers need to therefore create safe and inclusive environments where employees feel they are supported when raising issues, while enforcing a zerotollerance approach to discrimination.
“To reduce bias, we first need to challenge it. This requires a willingness to engage with it, to own it and to be open to new ways of examining our behaviour, thoughts and feelings,” Binna adds.
Unconscious bias isn’t just something that you ‘learn’ to stop – in fact, it requires you to constantly ask yourself, and sometimes others, uncomfortable questions to ensure every decision is made on a fair and equitable basis.
“It’s possible to change our biases once we are aware of them, but that doesn’t mean that simply making people aware of their biases will empower them to manage them,” Binna says. “The reality is that unconscious biases affect most of our everyday decision making, and that what you are trying to achieve is a form of behaviour change – fairer judgements, fairer evaluations and fairer decisions. To achieve that, we have to give people knowledge and tools that actively reduce opportunities for bias.”
Lack of ambition, fear of failure and low confidence are just some of the factors said to deter women from launching startups – well, apparently. Although this may be true in some cases, it’s certainly not the sole reason why men outnumber women in the startup sphere
here’s something incredibly admirable about an individual going it alone and launching their own business. As consumers, we’d often rather use our money to support budding new companies than continue to line the pockets of multi-million-dollar enterprises dominating the markets. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a success story?
But when you think of a startup founder, are you visualising a man or a woman?'
Although women sit at the helm of 20% of new firms, they're still drastically outnumbered by men, according to research by Natwest Chief Executive Alison Rose. But, to really understand the issue, we need to look at the facts. Last year alone, we saw a whopping 409,800 allmale-led incorporations compared to 145,000 all-female-founded companies – a staggering difference.
It would be easy to pin this difference on a lack of ambition, knowledge or motivation,
but the truth of the matter is simply that women have it harder. And problems seem to start at the very get-go, with funding.
For example, at US venture capital (VC) firms, only 12.4% of those in decisionmaking positions are women, according to Axios analysis. Of the 213 asked, 61% lacked any female decision makers and only 9.7% had two or more. Why is this problematic? Well, firms with female partners are three times more likely to invest in women-led
businesses, according to the Harvard Business Review.
Of course, there are a number of other reasons that make getting a startup off the ground more difficult for women, so we spoke to entrepreneurs from three startups that are leading by example. With Sophia Parvizi-Wayne, Molly Johnson-Jones and Sophie Cowen, we discuss the various barriers women face when launching a startup while hearing their best advice to help others thrive.
have an autoimmune disease, which means that there have been periods in my life when I have found it difficult to walk. As I would often struggle to get into the office, I asked a previous employer whether I could work from home one day a week. Ten days later, I was fired.
When applying for other roles, I discovered a distinct lack of transparent, up-front information about companies’ flexible working policies. This made it impossible to find somewhere that promoted flexible working in reality, rather than advertising it but then making staff feel like a burden for actually asking to work differently. I did, however, meet a lot of people who were also reliant on flexibility, such as working mothers.
Fast forward to 2019, and I launched Flexa Careers with my two co-founders. Through a two-stage benchmarking process, Flexa Careers makes sure companies genuinely support flexible working, rather than simply paying lip service to it. As the global directory of verified flexible companies, we showcase flexible working benefits spanning everything from enhanced parental and fertility leave to dog-friendly offices – and, of course, work-from-home allowances.
The peaks and troughs of startup life are like nothing that I’ve ever experienced before. But fundraising was probably the
most challenging aspect, for so many different reasons. I realised that some people still see working from home as a ‘female’ thing – particularly because of its association with working mothers. This was an obstacle for us, as some investors thought Flexa Careers was a ‘niche’ idea.
As a woman in the start-up space, you see a lot of microaggressions. These instances may seem small in isolation, but can create a big impact after the hundredth time. For example, every question you’re asked will start with a ‘but’ – putting up an instant barrier. Or, if I answered a question, investors would reply to one of my male co-founders instead, as if I wasn’t in the room.
When researching why I was having these experiences, I came across a study that found that women are best received during VC pitches when they embody typical female stereotypes – warm, friendly, and submissive. When they demonstrated male characteristics – confident, bold and assertive – they were viewed negatively. But as a business owner, you need these traits whether you’re male or female.
That’s when I thought f*** it. Rather than changing who I am, I looked for investors who saw these traits as positives rather than negatives – and I encourage other female founders to do the same.
hen I was 15, I was diagnosed with an eating disorder, and it became obvious that no one knew it was happening until I was sick. By the time I had recovered, I realised that the school system taught children very little about mental health, so my best friend and I started a campaign to raise awareness. Eventually, it became one of the biggest mental health campaigns of its time.
So I had a long history in the mental health space, personally and professionally, before co-founding My Kanjo, which I launched to tackle the three most pressing issues surrounding children’s mental health: personalisation, prevention, and including parents.
On the front end, My Kanjo is a children’s gaming app that enables them to build on their general emotional wellbeing – so anything from empathy to emotional resilience. From this, we’re able to provide parents with personalised and recommended advice based on the child’s interaction.
Launching a startup is a fantastic opportunity. I definitely know I don’t want to be doing anything else, but it’s a lot of work and you’re forced to play 100 different roles at once. Sometimes I’m fundraising,
then writing content, other times I’m a childminder or discussing game ideas.
Being a female founder also brings a layer of challenges – mainly from a communication perspective, as well as getting people to understand and respect you. Also, as a perfectionist, I have found it difficult to accept that I won’t get everything right the first time and that it’s okay to make mistakes.
I also live, breathe and speak my startup – it’s my whole life – so it can be difficult to find a happy balance to ensure I’m still having downtime and relaxing. To enforce this, I try to do at least one thing I love every day, whether that be seeing friends or going for a run.
I’ve also realised that I’m a deep empath, which I think many women can relate to. Although that brings a number of benefits, it can mean you’re a people pleaser. So in a business setting, if one person out of 99 doesn’t like me, I feel the need to do everything in my power to change their mind.
But, through all the ups and downs, the best thing about owning a startup is knowing that my co-founder, Stefan, and I are making a difference in the mental health space by helping parents understand their children more.
first became aware of the climate crisis and the enormity of the issue in 2018. I was running the media team for Extinction Rebellion and realised the importance of collective action to make real change. But it was clear that, even though there was an eruption of the topic, it was quite difficult for people to actually take action to get involved with climate change. After all, protests aren’t for everyone.
My co-founder, Anna, and I started looking at the levers propping up climate breakdown, and it became very clear that the financial sector needed to be our focal point. We found that, since 2016, global banks and the Paris Agreement had poured £2.7tn into fossil fuels, even though they'd agreed to limit global temperature rises. Switch It Green was born to provide simple and effective climate action, making it easy for individuals and businesses to understand whether their banks are supporting fossil fuel extraction, deforestation and destructive practices. And if they are? We help them switch to a more sustainable bank.
Although launching a startup has been a fantastic experience, there have been a lot of learning points along the way. For example, in our early days, it was incredibly easy to get distracted and take on too much
in one go. As we’re so passionate about our mission, we wanted to reach every market in every country; we soon realised this wasn’t achievable.
Switch It Green was also founded by myself and Anna – two women, which is actually pretty unique. We didn’t realise it at first, but now we know this is something to be celebrated. There’s a lot of talk about the difficulties that female entrepreneurs face, but we found that we offer something unique: listening. Together, we were able to really understand the issues and what needed to be done to make a simple but effective response to climate change.
Rather than viewing things differently for men and women, I prefer to see ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ characteristics. Everyone, whatever gender, can have both in different measures, and both can be really useful, when balanced out. In the world of business, it goes wrong when anyone adopts characteristics that are toxic. And women for a long time have felt the pressure to be more dominant, blunt and resisting displaying emotion. These are exaggerated, unhealthy traits related to control, which are not sustainable in the long term for healthy individuals or businesses. I believe curiosity, kindness and vulnerability are essential – otherwise, what's the point!
From advocating trans and non-binary awareness to creating an inclusive community where everyone can be their true selves, Bobbi Pickard shares her inspirational journey and advice for the next generation
obbi Pickard, CEO of Trans in the City, came out as transgender 30 years ago. Despite this, it took almost 25 years for her to come out in the workplace. We sat down with Bobbi to discuss the crucial importance of trans and non-binary awareness in creating inclusive environments where individuals can be their authentic selves in the workplace.
Hi Bobbi! Please tell us more about yourself and Trans in the City
I started my career in the early 90s – so I feel old! I first started out at British Aerospace and moved to numerous other companies, including Kodak, Computer Weekly and bp. I came out as transgender professionally about five years ago – I say ‘professionally’ because I had come out as trans in various aspects of my life beforehand, just not in the workplace. Back then, being trans was considered to be professional suicide.
When I came out at bp, everyone was wonderfully supportive. I was given the flexibility to help train and develop people – to really upset the apple cart. From this, my confidence grew and I was able to convince five other companies to do an event during Trans Awareness Week, which ended up being a massive success. From there, I came up with Trans in the City as a way to make global corporates collaborate on trans and non-binary awareness because, although some organisations have role models or a lot of money to raise awareness, many smaller companies don’t have either.
It’s vital. Awareness training and education surrounding trans and non-binary people is fantastically low, but it’s essential for society in general. We've got such a headwind now, what with the anti-trans printed press and broadcast media that's trying to force misdirection about trans and nonbinary people, that it's essential that we can get some of the truth out there. With Trans in the City, we bring big companies, small companies and all the companies in between together to demonstrate best practices, role models and free resources to try to make an impact.
When I came out, there were hardly any trans or non-binary role models at all in business, but unless you can see someone else like you achieving, whatever you do will feel like a complete jump into the void. But it’s more than that – the emotional and mental weight that falls on the shoulders of trans and non-binary people is huge. There are not many of us and, a lot of the time, we’re talking about things that are incredibly personal. For me, it’s all worth it, because I don’t want another kid to tread the path that I had to.
I’m still learning to listen to how I feel, but for a long time, my primary method was to work. I’ve become a lot better at managing it now, but I used to work 90-hour weeks, seven days a week.
Now I know that it’s okay to feel rubbish. It can be very hard being in the trans and non-binary community – I’ve lost six people to suicide over the years, so it can seem very
emotionally heavy. Because of this weight, it’s so important to do what feels right. So sometimes you just have to shut yourself off from the world, get in bed and cry – it’s about doing what feels right for you.
It’s also important to find a support system. Find friends that you can be completely open and honest with about how you’re feeling, so you can have an ear to talk to even on the hardest of days.
This can be really difficult, but a lot of companies have employee resource groups, so I would definitely recommend joining one. If they don’t have a strong trans presence, then get in there and make one. Employee resource groups should always be pushing the boundaries of the organisation. If it’s a soft and cosy place to be, something isn’t right.
If your employer doesn’t have one, then reach out to other trans, non-binary or LGBTQIA+ employees to start one. And if you still can’t find anyone, reach out to me and I’ll find you some people from Trans in the City with whom to build an employee resource group. Anyone can join Trans in the City to meet hundreds of other trans and non-binary people – we’re all here to support each other.
It’s hard, painful and emotional, but it’s vital nonetheless, as it means people are able to be their true selves. Everyone focuses on the physical transition, but it was the social side that I found the most challenging – receiving
Everyone focuses on the physical transition, but it was the social side that I found the most challenging
scrutiny and sometimes abuse from others. But for many trans people, it's individuals around us that really make a difference.
For example, I used to get massively anxious about coming to work, so much so that a manager overheard me telling someone else in a conversation. He had a complex of different desks that were reserved for training, but he said I could have one to myself to help avoid the anxiety. I’d also be stopped on my way to the canteen as people wanted to hug me to make me feel better – it was those interactions that got me through.
It’s been a wild journey, but I’m so happy that I can now be myself. It’s given me my life, rather than giving me my life back.
On the topic of being your true self – how important is it for individuals to be themselves in the workplace?
This isn't something that's just limited to trans and non-binary people, but when we pretend to be somebody we’re not, we project an image of somebody else. So every comment and action that we say or do has to be filtered through that
projection to ensure we’re still aligning with that image. It’s exhausting! This also reinforces low self-esteem, while strengthening the idea that white, straight and cisgender is the correct way to be.
In terms of business, we know that organisations that allow individuals to be their true selves thrive. They’re more innovative and inclusive, and they tend to generate more profit. So, yes, it’s the right thing to do morally, but it’s also the right thing to do for your business.
When we look at students joining university this year, 20% identify as LGBTQIA+ and 24% identify as questioning – so almost half. We, as businesses, need to create environments that welcome these individuals, because DEI doesn’t happen overnight. These individuals will join companies that are inclusive to them, so if businesses don’t take inclusivity seriously, they’ll be cutting off half of their talent pool.
So many companies look for quick wins and low-hanging fruit when it comes to DEI. But they don’t exist, and if they did, they happened 10 years ago. There are no shortcuts to creating inclusive cultures, so businesses need to act now.
There are no shortcuts to creating inclusive cultures, so businesses need to act now
It’s about doing more
Going public is arguably one of the biggest steps a business can make. Although it can bring a number of benefits, there are also a number of roadblocks to navigate. Tony Tiscornia discusses how to prepare for IPO while assessing the current market conditions
he initial public offering (IPO) process is robust. It’s one that starts the moment a company decides that it wants to offer its shares to the public, commencing a process commonly referred to as “IPO readiness” – a thorough and comprehensive procedure.
Google, VISA, Saudi Aramco, and UBER are just some of the world’s most notable companies to have gone public, yet many of us are clueless about the process. So, to fill in the gaps, we decided to explore what it actually means for a company to be IPO-ready, as well as the pros and cons to consider in today’s market.
Companies choose to go public for many different reasons, but most are looking to raise capital to fund the next stage of growth for their business. For many, being a publicly listed company also gives them a stamp of legitimacy that helps them compete in the market.
Regardless of the motivation, the pre-IPO phase is a major stress test for any company. As such, preparation for an IPO must start long before the company is ready to sell its shares to the public.
The run-up to an IPO is the most critical period – it’s the time when the business needs to get its financial house in order and begin behaving like a public company, because it will face increased scrutiny from investors and regulators after it has listed.
This can take much longer than most realise, so it’s in the company’s interest to start earlier rather than later.
A company must consider all aspects of its business, financial operations, internal controls, accounting, and financial statement reporting before making a decision. The business needs to identify the areas requiring improvement and raising up to public company standards. Some areas of focus, can range from examining financial controls and risk management processes to evaluating whether the business meets different regulatory requirements, to considering whether the existing team has the skills needed to guide the company through an IPO and operate as a public company beyond the initial offering.
Once everything is in order, the business prepares a registration statement to file with the appropriate exchange commission. After the commission reviews the application, the company will either be accepted – perhaps subject to certain amendments – or rejected. Once approved, the company will list a number of shares that will be available for sale through the chosen stock exchange.
Prior to considering going public, it’s crucial that the business assesses whether it is realistically in a good position to support a successful public offering. There are several elements that should be considered in the decision-making process, including future growth potential, the company’s size and tangible assets, and the long-term business plan, to name but a few. Overall, it’s about whether the company’s financial processes are robust and scalable enough to support its growth, as well as able to withstand the increased regulatory and reporting burdens that come with being a public company.
It’s important for businesses to find inspiration from their recent resilience and agility
One of the most important objectives for any business anticipating increased operational and reporting demands – as well as requirements from investors and regulators – is to implement back-office finance systems that provide a single source of truth for the company’s financial position. Doing so will instil confidence in the company’s financial operations and compliance in advance of being ready
to list or seek additional funds, while also easing the burden of operating as a public company. However, Coupa’s research shows that nearly three in four (72%) highgrowth businesses recognise their financial processes are not robust and scalable enough to support their growth plans.
Setting up your company for a successful IPO is by no means a straightforward process, and there are many factors every business needs to consider as part of that. As a company that’s gone through this process ourselves and helped many
companies – such as Uber and Slack – to do so as well, we know what it takes to build for scale and successfully IPO. We share those insights in detail in our five-point IPO readiness checklist, so that business leaders can take stock and prepare to reignite their acceleration plans as soon as it’s right for their organisation.
While IPOs offer an exciting opportunity for companies, they also come with risks. Companies will face increased public scrutiny from investors, the media and regulators. They must identify all the regulations with which they’ll need to comply, ensure their financial systems can easily be accessed by auditors and regulators, and be ready and able to produce accurate financial reports on a quarterly and ad-hoc basis.
The IPO process can also be costly. Companies will be required to work with auditors and underwriters who have the potential to make or break an IPO, as they can delay or halt the IPO entirely if they find fault with a company’s financial records. One mistake can cost millions in fees and labour hours to correct.
As well as compliance risks, companies will need to manage a complex network
of relationships with multiple stakeholders including directors, new and existing investors, regulators, law firms, issuing entities and offering underwriters. There is also the challenge of managing positive relations with investors if they grow dissatisfied with the company’s performance.
Being a public company can also increase your competitive advantage in the market by giving customers and prospects a level of comfort regarding your capital position, financial stability, and overall longevity.
As the threat of a new recession looms large, IPOs are meaningfully down from last year. Having just emerged from the global pandemic, businesses now face fresh economic uncertainty. We saw a boom of IPOs in 2021 – a record year by most accounts. Yet, as we entered the second half of 2022, several companies, including BrewDog, Mishcon de Reya, and CVC, confirmed that they were stalling their IPOs.
Breaking down the insights from Coupa’s recent research further, it’s clear that 31% of UK businesses are delaying their IPO due to rising interest rates, while 31% are stalling due to supply chain shortages. What’s more,
a further 31% are holding off due to the recent stock market volatility, and 23% are halting due to rising inflation.
Managing a business's finances is no doubt a complex process, and, combined with fast growth and pre-IPO preparation, this can be a major stress test for any company. But it’s important for businesses to find inspiration from their recent resilience and agility, as well as examples from the past, to emerge stronger from this latest set of challenges.
Businesses that choose to delay their IPO may need to look elsewhere to access the capital they need to fund future growth, such as private investments or debt financing. Debt financing can be expensive, especially in an environment of rising interest rates.
It is only sensible to delay an IPO during current market conditions. But holding tight and waiting for a sunnier day simply isn’t enough. Businesses now find themselves with extra time to prepare and ensure the right team, processes, governance, and technological tools are in place to help them implement these processes more easily. This will end up proving crucial to their growth ambitions.
In the past, similar circumstances to those we face today have resulted in accomplished businesses. For instance, Airbnb, Asana, Slack, and Uber all navigated the 2008-2009 recession, yet launched and found huge success regardless. Looking even further back, both Microsoft and Apple were forged during the recession of the 1970s and launched soon after – and look where they are today.
Today’s uncertainty will also pass. When it does, the businesses that will be ready to capitalise will be the ones who lay the groundwork now.
deciding whether or not to go public, keep in mind Tony’s key aspects
There are many considerations investors evaluate with respect to companies that are going public, including why the company is going public, how it plans to use the money, what the company's prospects are for growth and profitability, and whether there is the governance and management team in place to protect their interests.
This information is made available through many channels, including the company's annual reports, investor relations materials and activities, media articles, and reports issued by brokerage houses. Investors might also compare new public companies with similar listed companies to determine whether it is the right investment.
Company culture can make or break career opportunities, which is why we’re celebrating the top large employers for women in the US, as identified by Fortune and Great Place to Work
As one of the world’s fastest-growing hospitality companies, Hilton has been awarded the number one place for women to work. With over 150,000 female employees, Hilton has prioritised cultivating a culture that encourages women to thrive, while promoting a healthy work-life balance. Employees say: “I believe the biggest driving factor of our awesome work environment is that everyone is truly embraced for who they are, the season of life they are in, and what their goals are.”
By promoting women from within the company, Pinnacle Financial Partners has created an environment that ensures women from a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives have the opportunities to thrive. “The amount of trust they have in their employees to do the right thing and execute on a professional level is so refreshing,” employees say. “Pinnacle Financial Partners allows me to be a mum first and an employee second, which is incredible.”
Technology giant Cisco looks to attract, develop, retain and celebrate talented women throughout their Women of Cisco global community. The company also has the Women Rock IT programme, which provides informative, educational programming throughout the year so that women can connect, thrive, and reach their full potential. The content gives insight into the future of IT and the expansive career opportunities that technology can offer.
3With women making up more than half of their global network, American Express has become a leading employer committed to supporting the advancement of women. To do so, the company actively promotes the growth of female employees, providing the sponsorship, tools and resources needed to succeed. They also hold the bi-annual Global Women’s Conference, which unites male and female allies from across the globe to discuss ambition, leadership and company culture.
Two decades ago, news and television entertainment network Comcast launched initiatives to identify and cultivate diverse talent in the media industry. Now, it offers the industry’s widest range of programmes designed to build a diverse pipeline of talent, while elevating women. One example is the Female Forward initiative, which provides female directors with an entry into scripted television and gives the opportunity to shadow current directors on up to two episodes of an NBC series.
A survey found that 97% of CIENCE employees felt that the company was a great place to work, exceeding the 57% average of other companies in the US. “I had never worked for a company that seems to genuinely care about its employees,” employees say. “My child has had a string of illnesses and I was afraid I would lose my job because of the number of absences. Instead, I have had so much support and care given to me that I cannot even explain the difference it has made.”
With an employee resource group, named Slalom Women, Slalom has emerged as a leading company that connects, elevates, and celebrates women to enable equitable voices to be shared throughout the business. Slalom Women provides a number of resources to help empower women – including technical certification training, mentorship programmes and book clubs – to help everyone reach their full potential and to shape the future.
7Providing quality care across New York, New Jersey, and Florida, White Glove Community Care has been named as the eighth best employers for women. Of the company's 6,000 employees 80% are women, meaning 73.3% of non-executive managers and 80% of executive managers are women. “White Glove allows you to have the flexibility of obtaining a work-life balance,” employees say. “Everyone that is involved clinically has been very respectful.”
Is it time to rethink how procurement delivers on your organization’s objectives? The world’s leading businesses trust Proxima. Accelerating purposeful and profitable change
Proxima COO, Dan Collings discusses how suppliers are now finally being see as the “external enterprise” and why it is now or never for procurement
Whilst the current economic environment is challenging, even today there is enormous value to be had in spending wisely and well. “Around seventy percent of company spend is on supply,’’ says Dan Collings, COO of Procurement and Supply Chain Consultancy Proxima. ‘Getting that spending right is a valuable differentiator for businesses in the good but especially in the not so good times. It is more critical than ever to ensure that suppliers are perfectly aligned to the rhythm of a business, and that every cent is working in pursuit of objectives”.
“And objectives evolve”, adds Collings. “Early in my career, nearly every client was asking us to focus on driving savings, something that we still excel at. Today, the definition of value can be much broader, aligned to the realization that suppliers are the ‘external
enterprise’. Whether it’s a question of cost, risk, resilience, ESG or innovation, invariably supplier networks are part of the answer”.
Walgreens is a perfect example of how Proxima partners with businesses, and ambitious CPOs. “We want to help CPOs to put procurement at the heart of driving profitable and purposeful change. With Walgreens this means helping them to achieve ambitious financial targets while at the same time supporting the transformation of procurement”.
“We were originally involved in assessing Walgreen’s property portfolio - everything from signage to snow clearing to the dayto-day operations of a Walgreens store. We are now into year seven of our partnership, and it’s one that we deeply value, based on trust and results delivery. What started in property now extends across a significant breadth of procurement and supply chain topics including sourcing, complex transformation and the deployment of deep subject matter expertise”.
And what of savings, are these a thing of the past? “Absolutely not, although perhaps today the job of procurement is more ‘Commercial Architects’ than savings chaser. There is still enormous financial value to be had in most organizations, if you know where to look”.
As young girls age, their participation in sport and exercise drops. To combat this, the charity Women in Sport has teamed up with Places Leisure, Places for People and Hey Girls to launch the Big Sister Project to help girls get active and build confidence in sport
xercise is Mother Nature’s miracle cure. We’re all raised to learn and understand the plethora of benefits that exercise brings, but, sadly, over a million teenage girls disengage from sports after primary school, according to research from Women in Sport.
Complex and deep-rooted negative beliefs around periods, body image and self-belief are affecting girls’ enjoyment of sport and exercise, with 50% of girls lacking the self-belief to participate and
The Big Sister Project has one main mission: to help teenage girls reclaim the joy of sport and exercise during puberty. To do so, free projects have been offered to girls in four areas across the UK that have been identified as deprived communities: Norwich, Norfolk; Amber Valley, Derbyshire; and Sheffield and Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
45% sharing that they don’t feel like they have the right body type.
changing this?
“Our main goal is to break down the barriers so girls aged between 9 and 15 can live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives on and off the sports fields,” says Shereen Charles, Project Administration Officer at Women in Sport. “Our programme gives girls the opportunity to get involved with sports and activities, whether that’s playing football, netball or rugby, or going to the gym,”
What are the main issues tackled?
The Big Sister Project works with real girls who face several issues growing up
Our main goal is to give girls the opportunity to get involved with sports and activities
– especially during puberty. Although research has identified that girls face a disconnect from sport as they grow up, the project aims to revive the various benefits that exercising can bring.
“When I was going through puberty, sport was a relief for me,” Shereen says. “It was such a positive experience because it was social, fun and it felt safe; I was training with girls who were going through the same experiences as me.
“But when I think about the wider network – parents and teachers, for example – I realise that it wasn’t that open. It would have been really useful to have a ‘big sister’ to talk to about the changes and challenges that I was facing, as they affect most girls in one way or another.”
The Big Sister Project welcomes a wide range of girls, supporting them with health and confidence-related issues, including period concerns, changes in the body or having low self-esteem. “The projects attracted girls who are seeking support on a variety of different issues, as well as those who want
to actually get involved to be an ambassador for others,” Shereen says. “We’ve definitely seen a need for the project, so we’re really looking forward to the future and hopefully expanding to other areas.
“We’ve all been through puberty, and lots of other young girls are going through puberty, too, with similar experiences, so hopefully the Big Sister Project can be a marker board for them to follow going forward.
To find out more about The Big Sister Project visit their website. Or, donate to the amazing Women in Sport here.
We took to our social media platforms to ask the MARCH8 community their thoughts on some of today’s most current topics
“I think getting the work/life balance right is tough for women. We try to be superwomen and sometimes the demands we put on ourselves are just impossible to live up to. I’m all for a three-day weekend and having a day a week to relax and reflect. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us all that our health is our wealth and that the world doesn’t stop if we take a minute’s pause.”
“Absolutely! Getting a work/life balance is very important. I often take time out of my day, have a day off or even have extended lunch breaks to readjust. It helps tremendously!”
“I'd love it! Really, we have such a short time on this earth, I feel that we need a better work/life balance to fully take advantage of everything the world has to offer. Mental health concerns – anxiety, burnout, stress, depression – have risen massively among both children and adults around the globe, and a lot of evidence points towards our fast-paced, results-orientated lifestyles.
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