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Spotlight on Learning: Early Excellence
Claire Turner, Associate Executive Director of Education
I would like to shine a spotlight on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) education in our Trust. This is where curriculum excellence truly begins.
Development Matters, statutory guidance for EYFS highlights ‘No job is more important than working with children in the early years’ and at the Marches Academy Trust we wholeheartedly agree. This is where the awe and wonder of learning is fostered and talents are grown, where children learn to communicate and form relationships, where they learn to make decisions and ask questions. The environment in which this happens is a critical component. Our Early Years teams are always busy setting up learning activities that will foster curiosity and creating environments that will spark and ignite interest and excitement.
Development Matters sets out three characteristics of effective teaching and learning. These are;
Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’. Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.
Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things.
Here are some ways in which staff at Oakmeadow CE Primary School, Tilstock CE Primary School, Lower Heath CE Primary School and Grange Primary School bring learning to life for our youngest learners.