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Fuel flexibility is the future of the maritime industry
Fuel fexibility is the future of the maritime industry
LAST YEAR, ADS VAN STIGT CELEBRATED ITS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. OVER THE YEARS, THE COMPANY HAS GROWN INTO A STRONG SALES AND SERVICE ORGANISATION THAT HAS DEVELOPED FROM REPRESENTATIVE OF FOREIGN MANUFACTURING COMPANIES TO AN INDEPENDENT IMPORTER, distributor, and maintenance expert. ADS van STIGT is a supplier of propulsion systems and electronic control and monitoring systems from pleasure to mega yachts, from fshery to commercial shipping, dredging, ofshore, and industry.
ADS van STIGT became the A-specialist for reverse reducton gearboxes, planetary gearboxes, clutch reducton and conventonal gearboxes, controllable pitch propellers, fexible couplings, and electronic control and monitoring systems. As complete propulsion packages can be supplied, system responsibility is accepted by the company. In short, ADS van STIGT is the name of a natonally and internatonally operatng company ofering maritme knowledge, an extensive state-of-the-art programme and a large warehouse with thousands of fnal products and parts, supported by efciently equipped workshops, and a 24/7 service organisaton. Together, they guarantee an optmal care for each product once it has started its long operatng life afer it has been put into service.
Recently, the enterprise has seen that the interest in hybrid and electric propulsion is startng to get serious in the market and that all its customers within the shipbuilding industry are focused on sustainability. Not only for the company, but for all suppliers that are part of the powertrain on board of a vessel, it is very important to grow and to be able to deliver according to customer’s demand. This is why ADS van STIGT emphasises on expanding the package that they deliver on board. Hybrid propulsion optmises the fuel efciency of vessels that have a fexible power demand such as fshing vessels and tugs. The combinaton of mechanical power from diesel engines and electrical power from electric motors guarantees the vessels a broad operatonal capability. The electric power source can consist of what is available today, but it can also be a source currently in development and available in the coming years, and is thus fexible.
Some recent innovatve projects that ADS van STIGT has collaborated on are:
New push boats for Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe Push boats Thyssen I and Thyssen II of Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe needed to be replaced afer ffy years of service. The steel company is therefore purchasing two new units. The vessels are built by Barkmeijer Shipyards. Voith supplied two Voith Schneider Propellers that are driven via a Katsa reducton gearbox type L700 and a Geislinger Gesilco shafline in combinaton with a Carbotorq coupling with the 780kW electric motor. The new push boats are based on a modifed design and the modern propulsion will be a lot more efcient.
Delivery by ADS van STIGT per push boat:
• 2x Katsa gear box reducton type L700 – Rato: 3,19:1 – suitable for 800kW at 1,800rpm • 2x Geislinger Gesilco shafline +
Carbotorq coupling
This type of Masson Marine gearboxes is perfect for a vessel with electric propulsion, partly because of the built-in thrust bearing.

Masson Marine W4400 NC gearboxes for Barkmeijer Shipyards These non-clutchable gearboxes are installed in a pusher boat with electric propulsion. The project entails the delivery of six gearboxes for three vessels. This type of Masson Marine gearboxes is perfect for a vessel with electric propulsion, partly because of the built-in thrust bearing. Due to the selected reducton, a high-speed electric motor with lower torque was selected, which gives the opton of a smaller size electric motor.
Delivered by ADS van STIGT per vessel:
• 2x Masson Marine non-clutchable reducton gearbox type MM W4400 NC -
Rato: 4,448:1 – suitable for 972kW at 1,800rpm

Two patrol vessels for the Port of Antwerp Kooiman Marine Group has obtained a contract from the Port of Antwerp to design and build two aluminium patrol vessels by the end of 2020. In ordering the hybrid >>
Masson Marine W4400 nonclutchable gearbox on board.
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Phone: +49 54 39 94 16 - 0 • E-Mail: info@culimeta.de Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 9 • 49593 Bersenbrück Germany • Member of Cuylits Holding Group
Kooiman Marine Group has obtained a contract from the Port of Antwerp to design and build two aluminium patrol vessels by the end of 2020.

ZF marine clutchable reduction gearbox.
enforcement vessels, the Port of Antwerp emphasises the port’s sustainability and safety ambitons. The innovatve hybrid vessels were developed by Kooiman Engineering and are built by Scheepswerf Gebr. Kooiman. The vessels have three power modes; full electric on a batery pack, full diesel propulsion, and hybrid propulsion. A unique system that in, combinaton with the hull
Weight reduction is a key factor in this project.
design, results in lower fuel consumpton and hence a reducton in CO2 emissions. The diesel partculate flter and integrated exhaust gas treatment system also ensure that fewer harmful substances (SOx/NOx) are released. Weight reducton is a key factor in this project, because the lightweight ZF design and ultra-light Geislinger carbon shafs are taking part in the fuel reducton of the vessels.
Delivered by ADS van STIGT per vessel:
• 2x ZF marine clutchable reducton gearbox type ZF 3000 V NR– Rato: 2,520:1 – suitable for 836kW at 2,100rpm. • 2x Geislinger Gesilco shafline +
Carbotorq coupling – Length: 1,200mm – Weight: 21kg (per vessel).