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News in Brief
Lifal takes over Damen Hoistng
Lifal Hijstechniek will take over Damen Hoistng as of 1 October. For Lifal, this acquisiton represents a strategic expansion towards the Roterdam region, and for Damen a choice to keep focusing on its core business. Lifal Hijstechniek, which has been established in Vlissingen in 1998, is an expert in the feld of testng and certfcaton of hoistng and lifing equipment for maritme applicatons, the ofshore oil & gas industry, the wind industry, industrial markets, and the constructon sector. From its establishment in Vlissingen, the company operates mainly throughout the South-West Netherlands region and also in several diferent European markets, while from its Belgian establishment, the company operates in Antwerp, the Gent-Terneuzen Canal Zone, and the Belgian ports along the coast. Damen Hoistng was founded fve years ago as a business unit of Damen Anchor & Chain Factory. From the accommodaton at the Damen Shiprepair Roterdam site in Schiedam, the company serves customers from various markets that are complementary to those of Lifal.
i. liftal.com
Staying ahead of the curve
Berg Propulsion retroft cuts CO2 emissions for Vroon’s MV Indian Express. A recent retroft to optmize a container ship’s propeller blade design has brought performance and fuel efciency gains that are measurable in realworld conditons. Leading ship operator and manager Vroon recently approached Berg Propulsion to investgate the possibility of optmizing the propulsion system on its container vessel, MV Indian Express, fted with a controllable pitch propeller originally manufactured by ZF. The aim was to secure the sustainability benefts available through greater ship efciency, as part of Vroon’s contnuing strategy to fnd the best practcal answers to lowering CO2 emissions, ahead of the IMO’s Energy Efciency Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII). With performance improved at the speeds most commonly required during operatons, Indian Express would achieve an astonishing 22% fuel saving overall, as well as lower emissions that should go farther than the requirements of the IMO’s carbon Intensity Initatve goals for 2026.
i. bergpropulsion.com

Performance data from Vesper platorm has been combined with weather forecastng to optmise voyage planning and minimise cost. Weathernews Inc (WNI) has joined forces with Vessel Performance Solutons (VPS) to integrate critcal performance data from ship systems with its leading weather routng system to further optmise voyage planning. The Vesper sofware platorm by VPS records contnuous performance data from the hull and propellers, main and auxiliary engines and boilers to determine speed, RPM and fuel consumpton estmates that can be accessed seamlessly within WNI’s Optmum Ship Routng (OSR) service. “This raises the value propositon of the OSR system for ship operators as it widens signifcantly the range of data available to make well-informed routng decisions in support of lower costs, reduced emissions and improved safety”, said Henrik Faurschou, Global Product and Market Strategy Leader at WNI.
i. vpsolutions.dk

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Based on the latest carbon emissions MRV data published by the EU, it can be seen that cargo vessels using Jotun’s Hull Performance Solutons (HPS) reported a 20% lower carbon intensity on average in operatons compared to non-HPS peers in 2019 and 2020. Crosschecked statstcs also indicate lower carbon emissions than from vessels known to be sailing with some “low-fricton” foul-release silicone coatngs that claim to ofer market-leading performance. Only coatngs applied within the three years preceding the emissions report were considered. The internal study carried out by Jotun investgated major cargo vessel types, including bulk carriers, chemical tankers and oil tankers, with a dataset of almost 9,000 vessels, and the emissions report was verifed by accredited partes. The Carbon Intensity Index (CII) set to be implemented by IMO in 2023 focuses on the yearly reducton in emissions during operatons. So vessel owners cannot just rely on the “out-ofdock” efect of a hull maintenance.
i. jotun.com

BOOTH NO. 5100
42m patrol boat for Thailand

Incat Crowther announces that constructon is well underway on a 42m Patrol Vessel for operaton in Thailand. The vessel is being built by Seacrest Marine and has been developed as a soluton to a strict set of mission requirements for use in patrol, rescue and enforcement actvites within Thai domestc waters. The vessel will be the eighth Incat Crowther vessel to be built by Seacrest Marine and will accommodate 16 crew and 6 ofcers below decks with a fourteen-day autonomy. Powered by three MTU 16V2000 M86 main engines driving fxed-pitch propellers, the vessel will have a top speed of over34knots. Low draf was a key requirement, which has been addressed by the incorporaton of Incat Crowther’s highly efcient propeller tunnels. The vessel is scheduled for sea trials later this year.
i. incatcrowther.com
Europort Rotterdam 2021 2 - 5 November, 2021 Rotterdam, The Netherlands Europort.nl METS 2021 16 -18 November, 2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Metstrade.com WindEurope Electric City 2021 23 - 25 November, 2021 Copenhagen, Denmarkwindeurope.org/electriccity2021 Nor-Shipping 10 -13 January, 2022 Oslo, NorwayNor-shipping.comADIPEC 2021 15 -18 November, 2021 Abu Dhabi, UAE adipec.comMaritime EventsOffshore Energy 26 - 27 October, 2021 Amsterdam, The Netherlands offshore-energy.biz
October November January
New joint venture
Inchcape Shipping Services has rediscovered its roots by forming a new joint venture with John Keells Holdings PLC (JKH) in Sri Lanka that is positoned to ofer a full suite of services to ease voyage logistcs at a strategic intersecton of one of the world’s busiest shipping routes. The South Asian country is an important maritme hub in the Indian Ocean, with an estmated 31,000 vessels a year traversing the East-West trade route connectng the major industrial centres of North America, Western Europe and Asia, making it a vital link in the global supply chain serving a region that hosts around 35% of the world’s populaton. It is not surprising then that Inchcape’s South Asia Area General Manager Ravi Ramachandran believes, “It is long overdue that Inchcape has a presence in Sri Lanka” with the joint venture named Inchcape Mackinnon Mackenzie Shipping (Private) that was launched in July this year.
i. iss-shipping.com
Navtor opens new ofce in Gdansk
On 20 September 2021, Navtor opened a new ofce in Gdansk, Poland, dedicated to acceleratng development of cloud-based and AI solutons for customers seeking an increasingly integrated approach to optmising performance and e-Navigaton. The maritme technology frm, which delivers products and services to over 7,000 vessels worldwide, is tapping into a local IT talent pool already prized by companies such as Amazon, Boeing and Intel, all of whom have bases in the city, adding to its existng sofware development network in Houston, St Petersburg, and Egersund, Norway. Navtor CEO Tor Svanes sees the move as a contnuaton of the frm’s evoluton, as it creates a far-reaching product portolio built on the foundatons of its e-Navigaton and smart shipping expertse.
i. navtor.com
(l to r) NAVTOR’s Anders Holme, Jacek Maszota and Tor Svanes.
Shipbuilding is in our DNA
Our innovative engineering and outstanding craf smanship enables us to deliver custombuilt luxury river cruise ships that stand out.
Refi t
With sustainability and the latest regulations in mind, we can provide an eff icient and high-quality upgrade of your ships.
We are always available to provide repair procedures with a service that meets Dutch quality standards.
Flensburger Schifau-Gesellschaf and Nobiskrug under one roof
On 19 August 2021, Lars Windhorst, founder and owner of the Tennor Group, takes over the renowned superyacht shipyard Nobiskrug in Rendsburg, Germany. In the future, Nobiskrug and Flensburger Schifau-Gesellschaf (FSG) - already part of the Tennor group - will work under an integrated management and joined administraton while operatng from their proven locatons. Therefore the skills of the specialist for merchant and naval vessels from FSG will be bundled with the know-how of the superyacht builders from Nobiskrug. In partcular in the areas of design, purchasing and administraton, the total of 645 employees will work together across locatons. Close cooperaton is also to be established between the producton departments.
i. nobiskrug.com

(l to r) Philipp Maracke, Lars Windhorst, Marcus Stöcken.
Wärtsilä swappable batery containers enable operatons with zero emissions

The technology group Wärtsilä has developed and delivered a mobile batery container soluton that will enable inland waterway vessels to operate with zero emissions. The frst order, comprising three units, was placed by ZES (Zero Emission Services) BV, a Netherlands based company founded in 2020 by ING Bank, energy and technical service provider Engie, the Port of Roterdam, and Wärtsilä. The order was placed and two containers delivered in June 2021. The batery containers are installed on a 104 TEU inland waterway container vessel, which has been modifed to allow two units to be mounted onboard. The system enables the vessel to operate on full electric power alone, with no carbon emissions being generated.
i. wartsila.de
Sea Machines embarks on world’s frst autonomous, remotely commanded voyage
In a milestone moment slated to prove that the world’s waterways are primed and ready for autonomous technology, Sea Machines will circumnavigate Denmark on a mult-week 1,000 nautcal mile remotely commanded commercial voyage. On 14 September 2021, Machines Robotcs, the leading developer of autonomous command and control systems for the maritme industry, announced that it will embark on a 1,000nm autonomous and remotely commanded journey around Denmark later this month. Aptly named The Machine Odyssey, the voyage marks a landfall moment for autonomous transportaton and is slated to prove that the world’s waterways are primed and ready for long-range autonomy. The Machine Odyssey will depart from Hamburg, Germany, on 30 September, with full onboard vessel control managed by autonomous technology, while operatng under the authority of commanding ofcers located in the United States.
i. sea-machines.com

BOOTH NO. 1509
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Vard signs contracts with Norwind Ofshore
Vard is delighted to announce contracts of the design and constructon of two Commissioning Service Operatons Vessels (CSOVs) with optons for two additonal vessels, and the sales and conversion of one Platorm Supply Vessel to be converted to a Service Operaton Vessel (SOV) for Norwind Ofshore in Ålesund, Norway. The two newbuildings are of VARD 4 19 design, developed by Vard Design in Ålesund, Norway. The CSOVs are tailor-made for world-wide services and maintenance operatons at ofshore wind farms. The frst vessel will be outited and delivered from VARD in Norway in 2Q 2023, with the hull to be built at Vard Braila in Romania. The second vessel will be built and delivered by Vard Vung Tau in Vietnam, scheduled for delivery in 3Q 2024. The third vessel is a conversion and sales of one of VARD’s Platorm Supply Vessel (PSV) that will be converted to a Service Operaton Vessel (SOV). The vessel has been in operaton in Asia and Australia and will now sail to Vard Bratvaag in Norway for an extensive conversion and outitng. The vessel will be delivered to Norwind Ofshore in 2Q 2022.
i. vard.com

AkzoNobel’s hull management system sets new standards
Ship owners can now make unrivalled fuel and emission savings afer AkzoNobel’s Internatonal brand launched the marine industry’s most environmentally sustainable hull management package. Intertrac HullCare ofers operators unprecedented control by combining remote inspecton, advanced cleaning technologies and big data monitoring into a system which sets new standards for operatonal efciencies. By ensuring that smooth, clean hulls are maintained, customers who choose the opton of a ten-year scheme could achieve step-change reductons in CO2 emissions of up to 34,000t and fuel savings of EUR 4.6million. “Tackling the environmental impact of the shipping industry, and in partcular hull performance, is an abiding priority we share with feet operators and shipyards worldwide, and Intertrac HullCare exemplifes how we’re actvely collaboratng with our customers to provide new solutons which further their operatonal efciencies, fnancial performance and sustainability ambitons”, explains Jean-Michel Gauthier, Director of AkzoNobel’s Marine and Protectve Coatngs business.
i. international-marine.com

BOOTH NO. 4300
Alphatron Marine Inland goes big at Europort 2021!
Afer a period of Corona and no exhibitons, Europort is the trade fair where we can meet again afer a long tme. JRC/Alphatron Marine is very pleased to show you its new innovatons at Europort. In the recent weeks, their demonstraton bus, equipped with inland shipping products, has fnally visited a large number of locatons again. A distance of 6,000km has been covered through almost all countries where their products are used, and the interest was high. But you don’t have to drive 6,000km for a personal meetng and a demonstraton of their products, because in the city where they started 30 years ago, namely Roterdam, they are ready to welcome you again at their stand, 5 days a week. Meet Alphatron at Europort 2021.
i. alphatron.com

BOOTH NO. 3408
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ECOsubsea strengthens long-term partnership with AzkoNobel
ECOsubsea, the sustainable robotc end-to-end biofouling soluton welcomes the announcement of an innovatve hull management tool “intertrac Hullcare” from leading marine coatngs manufacturer AkzoNobel. A clean hull will glide through the water when a vessel is underway a lot more smoothly than one with fouling which will increase fricton and therefore require more engine power to meet desired speeds. AkzoNobel has identfed the need to further support the maritme industry’s carbon neural roadmap and the huge opportunity that can be achieved with sustainable and well-planned but fexible hull maintenance. The use of high-performance coatngs, big data analytcs and the ECOsubsea system allows owners to meet and exceed industry standards, providing customers a full sustainability soluton in every step of the value chain.
i. ecosubsea.com

Final preparatons for Europort in full swing

Europort 2021 is getng closer and closer. With only a few weeks to go, all fnal preparatons for Europort are in full swing. Everyone involved is looking forward to the 40th anniversary editon of the Europort exhibiton, where safety and successful networking will go hand in hand. Since rules and regulatons in regard to physical distancing are no longer in place, Europort can take place with full capacity: visitors and exhibitors can move around freely without the 1.5m limitatons. When entering Roterdam Ahoy, the coronavirus entry pass system will apply. There has also been a relaxaton of entry requirements for internatonal travellers. For example, visitors from the US and UK are no longer required to self-quarantne on arrival. This means that there is litle holding the industry back to engage and connect in person with business relatons during Europort.
i. europort.nl
Three new Liebherr Megamax STS for Maher Terminals LLC
Liebherr Container Cranes have been awarded the contract for the supply of three ship to shore (STS) container cranes for Maher Terminals LLC at the Port of New York & New Jersey. The cranes will take their place alongside the existng eight Liebherr STS cranes at Maher’s terminal. The frst two cranes were supplied in 2012 with a further two in 2014 and four in 2016. Maher’s positve experience with the Liebherr STS for the best part of a decade has reinforced the decision to once again purchase Liebherr cranes. With a span of 30.48m, a back reach of 22.9m, an outreach of 69.5m and a lif height over rail of 53.34m, the megamax cranes are designed to handle the world’s largest container vessels.
i. liebherr.com

BOOTH NO. 1115
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