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HELD IN ABU DHABI FROM 15 TO 18 NOVEMBER 2021 AND HOSTED BY THE ABU DHABI NATIONAL OIL COMPANY (ADNOC), ADIPEC IS THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL MEETING PLACE where oil, gas and energy companies and professionals will convene inperson, safely and securely, to engage and identfy the opportunites that will unlock new value in an evolving energy landscape.
ALL PHOTOS COURTESY OF ADIPEC. The world-renowned ADIPEC conference programme educates, provides knowledge transfer, and ofers unparalleled networking opportunites. The exhibiton provides opportunites for buyers and sellers to meet, learn, network, do business and discover new products, solutons, and technologies from over 2,000 exhibitng companies, which includes over 51 NOCs, IOCs and IECs, as well as 26 internatonal country pavilions, providing a world-class environment for trade across the industry’s full value chain. The conference programmes provide both strategic and technical insights as more than 1,000 leading Ministers, CEOs, policy makers and infuencers debate and share their insights on the latest developments that shape the industry across the strategic programme and over 800 technical experts from around the world, deliver 127 sessions across 4 days of business-critcal knowledge-exchange.
Here’s an event overview of this year’s unrivalled global platorm for oil and gas professionals:
Atractng more than 2,000 exhibitng companies, 51 NOCs, IOCs and IECs from around the world and 26 country pavilions, the ADIPEC exhibiton provides an unrivalled opportunity for companies to launch new products, source new technology and strengthen existng relatonships.
Offshore & Marine zone
Co-located alongside ADIPEC, the Ofshore & Marine Zone is one of the world’s foremost meetng places for the ofshore, marine, maritme, shipping and logistcs sector to understand the latest developments in technology, meet new buyers and develop new business opportunites. The ADIPEC Ofshore & Marine exhibiton will bring together the full range of the upstream and downstream fuel value chains along with government organisatons to engage in dialogue and make investments required to accelerate the shif to zero-carbon fuels for the shipping industry and create a deeper understanding of the producton and supply >>
of the zero-carbon fuels that will pave the way for shipping’s decarbonisaton.
Digitalisation In Energy Zone
The dedicated Digitalisaton In Energy Zone will be a global showcase of the technological solutons that can help the oil, gas and energy industry unlock untapped value and opportunites as digitalisaton becomes more deeply integrated into all aspects of operatons.
Smart Manufacturing Zone
Co-located alongside ADIPEC 2021, the newly launched Smart Manufacturing Zone will provide a unique platorm for the manufacturing industry to gain insights into the energy transiton and identfy the challenges and opportunites for manufacturing in the drive to net zero carbon energy.
Hostng more than 160 conference sessions comprising of Strategic, Technical and Downstream Technical sessions, the ADIPEC Conferences atract more than 8,000 conference delegates and 1,000+ expert speakers including energy ministers, global CEOs and leading decision makers from the energy industry.
Middle East Energy Club
The Middle East Energy Club is a unique business-focused members’ club targeted at industry leaders, innovators and infuencers and is the perfect place in which members can spend their tme networking, exchanging ideas and enjoy inspiring conversatons.

Young ADIPEC is designed to win the hearts and minds of today’s youth and highlight the wealth and diversity of career opportunities in the energy sector.
Now in its 11th year, the ADIPEC 2021 Awards will recognise, honour and celebrate the people, projects and ideas that will help shape the future of the oil, gas and energy industry.
Aimed at high school students aged between 14 and 17 years old, Young ADIPEC is designed to win the hearts and minds of today’s youth and highlight the wealth and diversity of career opportunites in the energy sector.
Golf Day
The ADIPEC Golf Day ofers an exclusive opportunity to engage with more than 100 key industry players and build important relatonships in a relaxed social atmosphere prior to the ofcial opening day of ADIPEC.