Xp3 Fuel Upgrader Introductory Presentation

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Introductor y Presentation

Background Histor y Competitive Advantages 1-800-507-4107

w w w. X p 3 C a n a d a . c o m

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ”Multi-Functional Fuel Upgrader ”

Xp3 is a multi-functional fuel upgrader which provides multiple benefits to treat and upgrade fuels. As a combustion improver, Xp3 extracts more BTU energy out of fuels resulting in increased power, efficiency and less pollution. • • • • • • • • • • • •

Provides an Instant Positive R.O.I. Increases Torque and Horsepower Adds Protection in Cold Weather Operation Lubricates the Entire Fuel System & Upper Cylinders Prevents Corrosion, Rusting and formation of Sulfuric Acid Improves Fuel Economy (4% - 8% or more, depending on the application) Extends Engine Life, Maintenance Intervals & Oil Life Cleans out Carbon, Varnish, Soot, Sludge & other Deposits Extends Diesel Particulate Filter life and reduces DPF regenerations Stabilizes Fuels for Storage, Standby and Mission Critical Equipment Counters Negative Effects of Bio-Diesel, Ethanol and Winter Blended Fuels Disperses Water & Moisture and Controls Microbial Growth & Algae

DEALER DYNO TESTED M o re Po w e r & L e s s Po l l u t i o n

One of our Canadian retail & bulk distributors commissioned Walls Rod Custom to conduct dyno testing on Xp3 to validate Xp3’s claim of producing more power out of fuels. DYNO test results showed increased power when adding Xp3 to diesel. More engine power allows for more distance travelled using less fuel, and less unburnt hydrocarbons coming out of the exhaust as pollution.

ORIGIN & HISTORY 1 9 8 9 - P re s e n t

Xp3 is manufactured by Xp Lab Inc., a privately held research & development company in San Diego, California specializing in manufacturing fuel additives, greases, lubricants, detergents, cleaners, fuel ID protection and anticorrosion coatings for commercial and industrial clients around the world. As of 2015, Xp Lab has 28 master distributors in 28 different countries. Xp3 is safe on all equipment and is warranty safe, with a 100% zero-loss claim track record since Xp Lab’s inception.


a n d Te c h n i c a l Fa c t s Xp3 upgrades over 4 Billion litres of fuel globally, every year. Xp3 is used by many large multi-national companies around the world.

Repstar Agencies Inc. 2 0 1 0 - P re s e n t

Repstar Agencies Inc. is a Wholesale Distribution Firm based out of Ile Des Chenes, MB. In January 2014, Repstar Agencies acquired Master Distribution rights for Xp3 in Canada with a go to marketing strategy of distributing through; 1. Warehouse Distributors in major Canadian cities 2. BULK Resellers for Industrial and Commercial market segments, and 3. Retail Dealers in retail consumer markets

COMPARATIVE TESTING Against other additives The following tests helps determine the effectiveness of an additive’s most important functions. Here are typical results you will find when comparing Xp3 with other off-the-shelf additives. WATER & MOISTURE DISPERSION TEST







BURN & RESIDUE TESTING Against other additives Unlike most other additives, Xp3 burns cleaner, more completely and does not leave behind unburnt residues like soot, sludge, carbon and gums.

COMMERCIAL GRADE CONCENTRATE P u r i t y, C o n c e n t r a t i o n & Po t e n c y Typically, industrial-strength concentrated formulations are only offered to large scale commercial users and to fuel refiners. The chart below shows where Xp3 rates among other fuel additive products for purity & concentration. Xp3 contains no fillers or diluting compounds and retains the same purity and concentration for retail customers.


250:1 or less

3200:1 BETTTER









400:1 or less


TREATMENT COST COMPARATIVE C e n t s p e r l i t re t o t re a t f u e l The chart below shows the range of treatment costs of several additives. Most other additives DO NOT offer a full range of benefits and multi-functions that Xp3 provides and a user would have to purchase 3 or 4 different additives to come close to achieving all of the benefits that Xp3 offers.



(Pricing is based on consumer retail sizes and regular retail selling prices.)

{ ------ 1¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 3¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 6¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 9¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 12¢ / litre +++ }

{ ------ 1¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 4¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 8¢ / litre ------ } { ------ 12¢ / litre ------ { ------ 16¢ / litre +++ } }

quick links references resources Facebook: fb.Xp3.ca Presentation: info.Xp3.ca Videos: videos.Xp3.ca R a d i o : ra d i o . X p 3 . c a Va l i d a t i o n Te s t : v a l i d a t e . X p 3 . c a Te c h n i c a l I n f o : t e c h . X p 3 . c a


w w w. X p 3 C a n a d a . c o m

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