ANC Tabloid 2009

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April 2009

Vote ANC for the future of your city, province and country Fellow residents


n April 22, 2009 our country goes to the polls to vote in the fourth democratic elections. It is indeed a momentous moment for all South Africans as it is a celebration of our democracy and our quest of building a better life for all South Africans. Today, despite our bitter and fractured past, South Africa is one of the most peaceful countries in the world. South Africans of all races and creeds are working together to ensure a better future for our children, a future of peace and hope. The right to vote in free and democratic elections is a right that cannot be taken lightly, and, voters undoubtedly have many issues to deliberate over before casting their votes. In essence voters must focus on two questions: What has been achieved thus far and what remains to be achieved from here onwards? We cannot underestimate the impact that decades of apartheid and international isolation, has had on our country and its econ-

omy. Yet today, South Africa is a peaceful and economicallyrobust African country. Those who predicted and expected our economy would flounder, have been proven wrong. Today our economy is one of the best-managed in the world. So much so that our country has been relatively insulated from the global economic meltdown affecting countries around the world. The ANC led government had the vision and foresight to implement strict credit control and fiscal regulatory measures, that today has protected our financial institutions and our citizens from the catastrophic global economic crisis. Our banks are safe. The pension and retirement funds belonging to our workers are safe. In terms of education, healthcare and housing, the ANC government has made huge strides in eradicating backlogs and delivering quality services to our citizens. Basic human requirements such as housing, access to water, electricity and sanitation are being provided to more and more South Africans. In terms of social welfare,

the ANC-led government has consistently widened the welfare safety net, providing a lifeline to the elderly, the disabled and frail, to single mothers and to children. This year social welfare grants have increased to R1010-00; The child support grant has increased to R230 per child; The ANC is painfully aware that crime levels are unacceptably high. The ANC election manifesto clearly spells out government’s determination to deal harshly with those that abuse the law and spread fear and anxiety amongst our people. Within the province of KwaZulu-Natal, the ANC has been at the forefront of creating a calm and peaceful province. Since 2004 the province has shed its once tarnished image and is today considered an international destination of choice for both tourists and investors. Investments in the Dube Trade Port, new King Shaka International Airport, the Moses Mabhida Stadium, the Harry Gwala Stadium, improvement to our road and transportation networks, roll-out of housing,

water and sanitation provision, all speaks highly of a government committed to creating a better life for all citizens. Residents in Pietermaritzburg will remember very clearly that it was the ANC that led a motion in 2002 for the city to be unequivocally declared the capital of the province. The IFP rejected this motion, and, the DA who were the IFP’s coalition junior partners, were powerless to do anything about it. When the ANC won the 2004 election it declared Pietermaritzburg the sole capital of the province. The outcome of the ANC’s decision to declare Pietermariztburg the provincial capital is plain for everyone to see. The city’s economy boomed. 1000s of government workers relocated here. The property market lifted. Business gained from downstream access to government’s huge spend. 100s of additional jobs were created. City retailers enjoyed unprecedented growth in sales prompting expansions and new developments. Today the IFP has categorically confirmed that, should it

gain control of the province, it intends re-opening the issue of the capital, as it believes Ulundi has a rightful claim to the title. We urge city voters to ignore the constant smear campaigns against the ANC and remember that it was the ANC that delivered capital status to Pietermaritzburg. It was the ANC that relocated all government departments to Pietermaritzburg creating jobs and boosting the local economy. As was said earlier, the right to vote in free and democratic elections is a right that cannot be taken lightly, and, voters undoubtedly have many issues to deliberate over before casting their votes. In under just two decades the ANC has transformed our country into a vibrant democracy, an economic powerhouse with a growing economy. There is peace and harmony amongst all our people. Vote ANC. Together we can create a better life for all our people.



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