ANC Tabloid 2011

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ANC Tabloid, May 2011



hen we examine the state of city affairs it is important we as residents take a broad and holistic view of our city and the progress made since the advent of democracy. After 1994 our City along with others faced a number of clear political imperatives. It was absolutely necessary to extend services to those sectors of our community who never enjoyed them in the past. This was and is clearly in the interests of our society as a whole. Besides being morally untenable, living on an island of

prosperity in a sea of poor living conditions and poverty, is a recipe for disaster for Pietermaritzburg and the country as a whole. Many citizens of our city, up and until today, fail to understand this. There is no magic wand to solve our city’s problems and operating in an environment of limited funding, tough choices had to be made. In some instances this invariably meant delaying our programme of infrastructure maintenance. We are now starting to feel the consequences of this. The other imperative faced

Mayor Mike Tarr, City Administrator Sibisiso Sithole, Deputy Mayor Jabu Ngubo and Speaker Babu Baijoo

by municipalities was to ensure that we reversed apartheid employment practices and employed people from all communities so that we didn’t have a senior administration that was lily-white and that our staff reflected the diversity of our city. We gained some good people in this process and inevitably some were appointed who did not have the necessary skills In order to look at the road ahead it is useful to remind ourselves of where we come from: • In 1994, our City had a population of some 180 000 and a rates base of some 30 000 properties; • In 1996, the Edendale and Imbali areas were added to the City which increased our population to 390 000 but our rates base only went up to 31 000. • In 2000, Vulindlela, Ashburton, Claridge and Bishopstowe were added to the City and our population increased to 620 000 persons with only a small increase in our rates base to 35 000 properties. Our current population is some 700 000 and our rates base remains very much the

same as the 2000 level. Compounding the above problems was a city structured on apartheid lines where the poorest in our community were forced to live long distances away from their work places. In order to compensate for the additional burden placed on the municipal coffers the City does receive a number of grants from central Government such as the Municipal Infrastructure Grant and various other conditional grants. These total R432 million for 2011 financial year which is only some 13% of our total budget of R3,357 billion. This is not adequate to meet the massive demands emanating from the bulk of our community who lack water, electricity, roads and sanitation. In this environment proper controls broke down and the City went backwards with regard to meter reading, credit control, maintenance, supply chain, overtime and many other issues. This created an environment where corruption could flourish, and where there was often collusion between members of the public and members of our staff on matters such as Supply Control and Credit Control. It is also worth noting that in


The honourable Premier Dr Zweli Mkhize Together we can do it. Since 2000 the ANC has been developing a new non racial, democratic and developmental local government system The ANC led government has closely monitored the progress

of municipalities and has continued to tweek up the systems and structures during the last ten years. In 2006 the ANC led government realized that some municipalities were unable to provide services effectively and efficiently. Project consolidate was launched and national government sent in support to strengthen managerial deficiencies in many municipalities. As an on- going assessment the ANC government once again in 2009 realized that more needed to be done to improve the performance of municipalities. The government launched the local government turnaround strategy which will ensure the following. • That properly functioning

ward committee system will promote efficient public participation in local government issues • That quarterly and annual reports of the work of the municipality be made public.. • That a municipal public accounts committee is established with the a clear mandate to oversee the work of the executive and administration

• That the supply chain management process be made more transparent and accountable, to prevent corruption in tenders and thereby improving the quality of goods and services procured by councils. SUKUMA SAKE

the absence of proper controls members of the public were quite happy to rob their own City blind which occurred on a massive scale and sadly continues to occur. We have now reached a situation where the City has been stabilised, a Turn Around Strategy is in place and we have a balanced Budget together with an Integrated Development Plan. For the first time in the city’s history we have now implemented a process where the public and other city stakeholders can monitor for themselves progress on achieving our goals. Monthly management accounts will be published on our website and a quarterly report on our IDP will also be published were it will be possible to gauge progress achieved on our stated goals. People ask why vote for the ANC? No other party could realistically have faced and dealt with the problems of our City. Yes, there have been mistakes, but, they are now being put right as will be seen from other articles in this publication. The problems we faced were not as a result of ANC policy but as a result of individuals who let the ANC down and who let the residents of the city down. We condemn their actions and have taken action at the highest levels to hold them accountable. When one considers our journey since 1994 and the anxiety many people felt at the time, it is remarkable to look back and reflect on our overall progress as a country, a province and as a city, despite the many challenges. It is a pity that so many people see only what is wrong but fail to acknowledge the overwhelming good. It is a pity that some prefer to devote their energy to throwing stones from the sidelines instead of contributing to the effort of building a better city and country for all.




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