The Express Newspaper 22 March 2023

Page 1

Kids learn the gift of giving

STUDENTS in Grade 5 at St Joseph’s School, Atherton are supporting peers from Lahir Island, Papua New Guinea by creating Care Bags full of schooling essentials.

The special project, which took off during Lent, is a part of the school’s efforts to “Pray, Fast, Give”, whilst teaching their students compassion towards others and giving them awareness that others are less fortunate.

Currently the students are bringing in items

such as school bags (or bags suitable to be used at school), water bottles, lunch boxes, stationery items (eg. pencils, easers, scissors, rulers), books for completing schoolwork, and fun items such as hair ties, handballs, tennis balls and small toys to fill the care bags.

The students are also writing letters to the students that will be placed inside the bags.

Kate Daniels, an expatriate currently living in Lihir, was the inspiration behind the idea af-

ter she bought the conditions students learn in to light.

“The kids need pens, paper, lunchboxes, old school bags. Anything really that they may need for school. They basically have nothing,” she said.

“There is no running water or electricity. The teachers are trying their best but have very little to work with. They are grateful for anything that they may receive.”

The project will continue until the Easter break, whereupon donations will be boxed up ready to send to Lihir Island.

They will be distributed to the many island schools for the benefit of the students. Through participating in this special project, the Year 5 students are hoping to deepen their understanding of the needs of others and the importance of giving.


M o n - F r i | 1 0 a m - 3 p m B y A p p o i n t m e n t A n y t i m e S h o p 3 , 2 - 8 K a r o b e a n D r A m a r o o V i l l a g e follow us on socials RYLEY 0409 321 000 Prime commercial space FOR LEASE FOR LEASE EXPRESS The Delivering news across our region WEDNESDAY 22 MARCH, 2023
Grade 5 students (from bottom left clockwise) Finley Atkinson, Orran Foster, Buster McArthur, Carter Cole, Isabela Valle, Layla Wallace, Georgia Field and Summer Wadley with donated school supplies.

Steam train trips are on

VOLUNTEERS of the Atherton Herberton Historic Railway are excited to announce that the trips using its fully restored 1905 Peckett Steam Locomotive along with its 1910 historic wooden passenger carriage will commence this weekend.

The train takes passengers from the old Herberton Railway Station to the Herberton historic village and has been made possible after the volunteers completed a major upgrade of the bridge.

Patrons can now book online via the website (, or can just turn up at the railway station, however, booked customers have priority.

The steam train will operate on the second and fourth weekends of each month, both Saturday and Sunday. There will be other special days during which the train will run but they will be advised in the near future.

Another new vet surgery approved

HOT on the heels of an approval for a larger Tablelands Veterinary Surgery in Atherton, another vet service is expanding.

Tropical Vets has been given the green light by Tablelands Regional Council to construct a new premises on a vacant block on the corner of Cook and Mabel Streets. The service currently operates out of a small Queenslander in Louise Street.

The veterinary clinic will consist of consultation rooms, utilities, grooming and kennels for overnight hospitalisation and treatment of animals.

Superheros run to Chillagoe for Cole

A TEAM of family and friends are dressing up as superheros in honour of their hero, Cole Wyatt, for the 20th anniversary of the Great Wheelbarrow Race this year.

The theme for the team was a choice between two of Cole’s favourite things in the whole world, Pokémon or the Avengers.

Avengers ended up winning and now all the race members have chosen a superhero from the Avengers to dress up as.

The To Chillagoe for Cole team is raising money for the Cole Wyatt Resilience Fund, an annual award given to junior students of Mareeba State High School who have aspirations in the theatrical arts, one of Cole’s biggest passions.

The team will also be adorning one of Cole’s favourite pastimes, crazy socks, as they tackle the 140km Great Wheelbarrow Race this year.

Team captain Tom Wyatt said some of his favourite memories of his brother during the race was when he first crossed the line in his first race in 2018 with Scrambled Legs, dressing up as Clinger from M*A*S*H the following year and his face when entering the ice bath in Almaden.

Tom said it was important to run in this year’s race to honour the memory of his late brother and he knows, that if he was still here, he would be running right alongside them.

“This year is an opportunity for family and friends to honour Cole, as he ran in 2018 and 2019 and was tragically taken in 2020,” he said.

“Now at the 20 year anniversary we are running to Chillagoe for Cole, as we know if he was still here with us he would have been too.

“Cole had been in the Wheelbarrow Race many times in a supporting role, he knew how much fun it was and just wanted to give it a go himself.”

The team has been training hard for the race, Tom hopes, as many of the team members are family who live further south.

“All reports are that the team members are training, running on treadmills, running up hills and pushing sleds with weights on them,” he said.

“Some members of the team are in Brisbane and Townsville, so we hope they are.”

The Great Wheelbarrow Race will be kicking off on 12 May in Mareeba and continue for three days, ending in Chillagoe.

PAGE 2 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Guilfoyle Funeral Services Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013 Established in 1942. Owned and Operated by the Chaffey Family since 1998. Local Staff, Local Families, Local Knowledge. Pre plan your perfect funeral your way, for peace of mind. BOOK NOW CALL 4091 1689 CAIRNS I ATHERTON I INNISFAIL I MAREEBA I TULLY I SMITHFIELD CLINIC 3/3 COOK ST ATHERTON VISITING CLINIC 2 LLYOD STREET MAREEBA YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING EXPERT TAKE IT FROM THE LOCALS... “After putting up with machinery deafness for years, the excellent staff at AUDiOHEALTH have helped my hearing loss, with both compassion and understanding.
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CIRCULATION 14,000 The Express is published by Portasea Pty Ltd, 141 Constance St, Mareeba QLD 4880. ACN: 141 250 213 Printed by Townsville print centre, 623-645 Flinders St. Townsville QLD 4810 (07) 4092 3464 @ 186 Byrnes St, Mareeba  EXPRESS The PAPER MANAGER Natasha Srhoj JOURNALIST Rhys Thomas MARKETING Darryl Day CADET JOURNALIST Ellie Fink MANAGING DIRECTOR Carl Portella EDITOR Robyn Holmes
Joe - Tablelands
Family and friends of Cole Wyatt Cody Holmes, Cameron Turner, Danelle Cunningham, Isabel Gear, Stephen Gear and Tom Wyatt (in wheelbarrow). Absent is Jack Wyatt, Jess Correa, Rae Gear, Erin Phillott, Liam Westecott, Shaun Harrison, Rhys Westecott and Liam Murray. Cole Wyatt (back centre) with his 2018 Great Wheelbarrow Race team, Scrambled Legs.

Green light for $40m shopping complex

Warning on rail trail use

TABLELANDS police will start enforcement activities on Atherton’s Rail Trail to stop motorbikes, cars or any other motorised modes of transport from using the track.

Signs have been erected along the trail advising of the rules and police have advised they will start enforcement very soon.

A police spokesperson said the Rail Trail through Atherton was a public reserve and was for the use of pedestrians and pushbike riders only. Mobility scooters, electric bikes and scooters were also able to use the path.

RESIDENTS are waiting with bated breath for a third shopping centre for Mareeba, with the $40 million project getting approval last week amid hopes it will begin construction before the end of the year. With six approvals granted by councils over the past 23 years for the site, on the corner of Byrnes and Rankin Streets, and none coming to fruition, Mareeba councillors and residents are hopeful the project will go ahead this time.

“Council has issued several approvals for this particular site, including three shopping centre approvals and two subdivision approvals,” Mayor Angela Toppin said.

“It is up to the applicant to now progress with the development.”

Cr Wyatt said she was aware many people were looking forward to another shopping centre.

“I'm very excited, I know the community is very excited for something new and fresh on that block,” she said.

"Council has approved some sort of development

on that site on previous occasions - hopefully we're going to see something happening this time.”

Cr Mario Mlikota was also supportive of the project, saying he hoped the first sod would be turned on the project soon, "so we're not waiting for a lengthy amount of time”.

Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Davies said he was thrilled that a national supermarket chain had “the confidence in Mareeba” to commit to the new shopping complex.

“Let's just hope it does come to fruition,” he said.

Both Sphere Group Development’s directors Greg Ritchie and Bevacque, along with project manager Kris Wilson, attended the meeting last week to witness the decision being made by council.

“For us, this is just another process in the procedure and the whole project – we have ticked that off and have the planning behind us,” Mr Ritchie said.

“There is still a lot of work to do and we still have to get all the pre-construction approvals and permits in place.

“We are just glad to have the planning behind us and we can finally move onto the construction (phase).”

Mr Ritchie said the centre will take roughly a year to construct and locals could be shopping in the new complex by the end of 2024.

Woolworths has already signed on for 3,655sqm of the 4500sqm centre and there will also be approximately seven tenancies, amenities, a drive through fast food outlet and 230 on-site car parks.

While the development was approved unanimously, some councillors raised concerns over traffic.

The developers will be required to provide new RV and large vehicle carparks within the Frew Street Road, in close proximity to Byrnes Street as the existing RV spots and carparks will be removed to avoid traffic conflicts.

Cr Davies also asked for some reassurance about how stormwater generated from the site would be managed.

“I'm just concerned that it's going towards Brynes and Rankine streets, which already have problems, so we don't want to make it worse,” he said.

Senior planner Brian Millard told council investigations were underway and options were being considered to divert the water toward the gully.

“Whilst we understand that there also seems to be large quantities of land in the area that are vacant and seemingly not in use, everyone must remember that the land is owned by someone,” the spokesperson said.

“That someone, may be the Government, a local council, a business, a developer, or a private individual.

“Landowners do not need to have signs telling you it is private property; however, we encourage landowners to have their land signed with ‘no trespassing’ signs, on property that is not fenced to make it clear that it is private land.

“Just because you can’t see a “no trespassing” sign, does not mean you have an excuse to enter the land.”

Police warn that if people do not have permission to enter a property, it equates to trespassing and they can be prosecuted.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 3 Passenger, SUV & 4WD Tyres Latest wheel alignment equipment & mechanical services at all branches. NOBODY BEATS OUR 4 STORE BUYING POWER MAREEBA 4092 2290 ATHERTON 4091 1122 MALANDA 4096 5300 MOSSMAN 4098 1502 BUY A FULL SET OF TYRES AND GET A FREE ROTATE, BALANCE & PUNCTURE REPAIR FOR THE LIFE OF THE TYRES! TABLELAND DISTRIBUTOR FOR:  100% Local  25+ Years Experience  Competitive Prices Call Darrell & Lisa Turner 0408 174 791 WE CAN HELP! Are cockies, ants or spiders driving you insane? Worried about termites? 4091 5388 We can help you... Contact John Bottoms today! Does your sister really know what’s best for Mum? Elder abuse can be a problem, we can help you! SIMON’S VEHICLE HIRE Phone 4091 2739 or Mobile 0419 700 109 Offering Free Atherton/Tolga Pick Ups! 21 Comet Avenue, Atherton (Behind Harvey Norman)
An artist’s impression of the new shopping centre that was approved for the corner of Byrnes and Rankin Streets in Mareeba.

Teenhood cancer

AFTER being diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma at only 16 years of age, Georgia Santucci spent every day wondering if it would be her last.

Now almost six years on and after conquering cancer, she is sharing her story of misdiagnosis, struggling with identity, and fighting to be heard.

Whilst in high school, Georgia began to notice swelling around her neck which caused extreme discomfort and profuse sweating.

Being a normal, happy and healthy teenager, she didn’t think too much of it at first until her neck swelled more and more to the point it caused excruciating pain when she moved.

“I was in and out of hospital and doctors’ offices for over a year and no one really had answers, they would just send me away with antibiotics saying I had some kind of infection,” she said.

“My white blood cell count was way high but that often is parallel with the flu or a minor underlying infection so for about a year I was misdiagnosed and kind of dismissed.

“They all said, ‘you’ll be right, you’re just a healthy 16-year-old girl, nothing to worry about’ but in that time it got worse and my neck got so swollen I felt like I was being suffocated.”

Determined to figure out what was wrong, Georgia kept going back to the hospital to beg the doctors for answers, yet no one knew what the problem was.

After 12 months of begging and demanding, she finally found a doctor who would listen to her.

The doctor immediately ordered a biopsy and it came back as Stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma – a type of blood cancer.

After learning of her terrifying diagnosis, Georgia and her mother travelled to Brisbane with hopes to tackle her cancer.

A PET scan quickly showed how much cancer was in her body and Georgia flew to Brisbane with hopes to have it surgically removed.

After being referred to an oncologist, she soon learned it wasn’t as easy as “remove and back

home we go” and she was admitted to the Brisbane hospital for six months of treatment.

Six months in Brisbane, hundreds of kilometres away from her friends and family and tackling an aggressive cancer at such a young age truly impacted Georgia’s mental and physical health as she continued to fight for her life every day.

The first round of chemotherapy was an experience she will never forget, recalling a time when she felt so weak and hopeless, she didn’t think she would make it.

“It was scary, and I think the scariest part was the unknown and not knowing what was going to happen next,” she said.

“The chemo was horrific, and it was obviously worse on the first round because my body isn’t used to being pumped with all those chemicals.

“I had quite an intense level of chemo and I would have reactions to all the different chemicals. Some days were okay but other days I could barely move, barely open my eyes or speak because I was tired and was stuck in bed all day.

“I was so nauseous all the time and smells made me feel so sick – like I was pregnant. I just remember my mum having to hold me up in the shower and just crying thinking ‘I can’t do this’.”

Over time, chemotherapy became easier for Georgia as her body became used to the chemicals.

Georgia continued to keep her head up and fight the cancer with her mum supporting her every step of the way.

“There were moments during treatment where I would just sit there and think ‘I could literally die tomorrow’ or ‘I could have a bad reaction’ and it was just scary how weak my body was,” Georgia said.

After six long months, she was able to head home where she has continued regular treatment and PET scans every two months.

Trying to figure out who you are as a teenager is hard enough, but battling cancer whilst discovering yourself is something that Georgia mentally struggled with the most.

Losing her hair to chemotherapy affected her self-confidence as a young woman and she found

herself wearing wigs to hide her bald head.

At only 16, Georgia also went into menopause during her treatment and had to face the fact she may never have children.

Through the support of her friends and family, she has been able to overcome the “scary moments” throughout her cancer journey and begun encouraging people to listen to their body.

“My body knew something was up and it was showing me that and giving me that gut feeling,” Georgia said.

“Look after your body and look after your mind – go to several doctors and advocate for yourself because, especially living in rural and remote areas, we don’t have the resources they have in Brisbane or Sydney and a lot of health problems are kind of swept under the rug.

“During my time in and out of hospital, not once did someone think it could be cancer and they just ‘band-aided’ it, and that’s really scary it went unnoticed for almost a year and I guess that’s why I am such a big advocate for listening to your body.”

Now 21 years old, Georgia is studying education at university and is living her life to the fullest in Cairns whilst spreading awareness on Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

To this day, she is grateful for the support of her friends and family that were by her side every step of the way.

“At the moment, I assume I am all good based on my last scan, so I am just going to take that and roll with it,” she said.

“The only thing I can do now is just more health conscious and look after myself and continue living my best life – studying, working and just moving forward.” Call us now for more information: 4092 5442 46-48 Byrnes Street, Mareeba QBCC 1268102 Tired of paying rent on your gas cylinders? Own them instead with... YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS OF • Acetylene • Argon Mix 5/2 • Oxygen • Nitrogen • CO2 • Argon • Available sizes: D, E and G WE CAN NOW ACCEPT NON-RENTAL CYLINDERS FOR EXCHANGE! In this session you will learn: •the different types of social media tools available •what each of them actually do •which platform could be the right one for you
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Georgia Santucci has spoken out about on misdiagnosis, struggling with identity, and fighting to be heard after defeating cancer as a teenager.
How battling Stage 4 cancer at the age of 16 changed Georgia’s life forever...
ABOVE: A PET Scan showing the cancer in Georgia’s body from 2018. Georgia was only 16 years old when she began chemotherapy.

Have your say on new look Lakes

MP push for funds for bone marrow registry

MEMBER for Kennedy


Katter is pushing for the allocation of funding towards the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) and to kickstart a national university college campaign which could potentially save the lives of thousands of Australians living with blood cancer.

In February, Mr Katter raised the alarm during Federal Parliament of Australia’s shortfall in bone marrow donors, gaining the attention of Health Minister Mark Butler who acknowledged it was an area of healthcare that had “moved too slow” and had fallen behind in technology including the use of at-home cheek swab kits which assess DNA for potential matches.

Mr Katter then visited St Leo’s College at the University of Queensland where he successfully supplied 200 swabs to students with the assistance of the ABMDR.

Now, Mr Katter is calling for the kits to be delivered to all Australian university colleges, however this can only be achieved with sufficient funding

for the ABMDR to launch a campaign and produce the swabs.

He said he had been advised there was $12.8m “locked up” from Australia’s international cord blood exports, which was yet to be allocated for any purpose.

“We have 100,000 people, I’m informed, on the (bone marrow donor) register. To be in line with other countries, we should have 200,000. I can't see any reason why we can't get to one million,” Mr Katter said.

“When I heard about this, my mind went straight back to my university college days. I was president of the university college, and we were approached about blood donations.

“I couldn't see anyone in the college objecting to it. We put it to the college council, everyone agreed and nobody disagreed. It was that simple to get blood donations from 200 university students.

“But (ABMDR chief executive) Lisa Smith has got to approach some 300 or 400 university colleges in Australia, and she needs personnel to do this.”

First Nations career day

THE Mareeba community is being asked what they think of a concept design released for the long-awaited facelift for the Bicentennial Lakes precinct, with a public survey starting next week and information sessions to be held in April.

The project promises to deliver a complete revitalisation of the recreational area, giving families a great place to go close to town.

Mayor Angela Toppin explained there would be quite a few changes and additions to the area during the two stages of the project and council wanted feedback from residents to help prioritise which elements were more important to the community.

“Is a pump track the most important element, or a new adventure playground? We can’t do it all, but with the community’s help we will build a wonderful modern space for Mareeba families and visitors to enjoy,” she said.

Mayor Toppin said a focus of the works would be to tackle water flow issues for the lakes.

“The Bicentennial Lakes were created to celebrate the bicentenary in 1988 when the council of the day received federal government funding to create a water feature in Mareeba’s Basalt Gully,” she said.

“This clever use of the natural terrain converted a seasonal gully into a series of lakes that was well- utilised by many generations of Mareeba locals.

“Always known as Basalt Gully by

Mareeba’s early families, this area became affectionately known as the Lakes after the redevelopment in the 80s.

“In this time, there have been significant changes with water supply and the seasonal rain has not been enough to keep the lakes flowing. Council cannot rely on Sunwater overflows now, as it did when the lakes were built.”

Work on the project will commence in the southern section between Rankin Street and Keeble Street, with some earthworks in the northern section between Keeble St and Granite Creek to improve the movement of water.

“The weirs will be removed to enhance water flow, and this will mean that the look of the lakes will be very different,” Mayor Toppin said.

“In the southern section, the weirs will be removed, and the lakes will be filled to allow for more parkland. A watercourse will remain, although it will be narrower to encourage seasonal rains to flow through into the northern section. Water will no longer stagnate in a series of weirs.”

In the northern section, earthworks will improve the flow of water.

“While the look of the lake in the northern section won’t change dramatically, residents will notice the removal of one of the islands with this material used to change the alignment of the embankment,” Mayor Toppin said.

“The island which is a refuge for the

ducks will be retained.

“We would love to redevelop the entire parkland at once, both the southern and northern portions, but we are constrained by the budget. This approach allows council to create a beautiful active recreation space in the southern section, without any additional cost to ratepayers.”

Council obtained funding for the detailed design for the Lakes from the Queensland Government 2022-24 Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program and is seeking further funding to allow for footpath enhancements throughout the parkland.

The arched bridges will be replaced with all-access walkways.

“We know that some people will rejoice at this news, and others will be concerned,” Mayor Toppin said.

“Unfortunately, these bridges are at the end of their useful lives, and they simply do not meet contemporary outdoor design standards. We want this parkland to be well utilised by all people, and the design is focussed on removing barriers to access.”

The biggest investment in the redevelopment of the southern section will be the adventure playground and outdoor facilities that are installed.

“A toilet block will be constructed on the Mason Street side, and we will be seeking community input to prioritise the other potential improvements,” Mayor Toppin said.

A FIRST Nations career event will be held in Atherton later this month. The event seeks to connect attendees with local employers and find out about employment opportunities, apprenticeships and how to access training, university, industry and community programs.

The Atherton event will be held on Friday 24 March from 10am to 12 noon in the Coordination Centre, Vernon Street.

If anyone is seeking a lift to the event, they can contact Tablelands Community Justice Group on 0488 212 441 for pick ups in Herberton, Malanda or Mt Garnet.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 5 CLEALL’S BUTCHERY 75 BYRNES STREET, MAREEBA PHONE & FAX ORDERS WELCOME PH: 4092 1006 ~ FAX: 4092 3353 SMOKEHOUSE SPECIALS ALSO AVAILABLE! CORNED SILVERSIDE $15.99 KG WHOLE BUDGET RUMPS $16.99 KG T-BONE STEAK $24.99 KG RIB ROASTS $15.99 KG CRUMBED STEAK $20.99 KG BBQ STEAK $20.99 KG BEEF SAUSAGES $15.99 KG BEEF MINCE $15.99 KG BEER STICKS $22.99 KG SPECIALS AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST! COUNTRY ORDERS WELCOME! NOW IN STOCK: BEEF JERKY... $10 FOR 100 GRAMS SMOKED PORK CHOPS... $17.99KG THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS "We keep you Flying!" A: 229 Byrnes St, Mareeba - 26 Eclipse Dr, Atherton P: 4092 2255 BOOK NOW: OPEN 5 DAYS Like Us On Facebook At Performance Physio, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for all our patients using the latest evidence based techniques to get the results that you need. We can help you with: • Lymphatic Drainage Massage • Joint & Muscular Rehabilitation • Post Op Rehabilitation • Sports and Spinal • Specialising in Shoulders Michelle Du, Physiotherapist » SPECIALISING IN ACUTE & REHABILITATION BODY CARE NEED TO PROTECT YOUR PRIDE AND JOY? TALK TO YOUR LOCAL BUILDER! Contact your local builder 4092 7668 M & S France Pty Ltd QBCC 15408840 Mount Garnet Assembly of God RESURRECTION CAMP MEETING 2023 Good Friday 7th April Easter Saturday 8th April Resurrection Sunday 9th April Easter Monday 10th April Free camping, hot and cold showers on the church grounds; Copper Street, Mount Garnet. All meals provided free. For more information please contact Lyndell Hill: 0428 129 088 Adrian Hill: 0407 179 398 Email:
The Bicentennial Lakes redevelopment will soon be open for community consultation.

Boost for book campaign for sick kids

A TROPICAL Games night held at Kairi State School on the weekend has raised $2500 to enable a book that explains cancer to kids to be distributed to children in hospitals throughout Queensland.

The “Book Angels” campaign was founded by author Crystal Leonardi, who was motivated by her son’s brain cancer diagnosis in 2020. She hopes to raise a total of $5000 for the campaign this year to provide 500 books to kids in hospitals.

“Book Angels” funds the production and distribution of her book “My Brother Sebastian” which explains cancer to primary school-aged kids in a safe, loving, and supportive way.

“Providing families with this special resource is my way of

helping families like mine, who feel lost and scared when a child is diagnosed with cancer. Communication is key to making kids feel safe and supported, and this book is an ideal way to bring a family together during a really tough time,” Crystal said.

She said a team of passionate organisers, led by Prep/1 teacher Sandi Troncone, worked tirelessly to bring the event together.

“I feel immensely grateful and overwhelmed by the generosity of the Kairi community,”

Crystal said.

In the lead-up to the event, Kairi State School rallied together on a beautification project, ensuring the school was ready for the event.

Crystal also read to the 100 Kairi State School students and

answered questions and talk to the students about cancer which sparked much interest.

“After reading ‘My Brother Sebastian’, the children were engaged and willing to share their experiences with hospital visits and family members who live with a serious illness,” she said.

Crystal encourages individuals to offer their suggestions for recipients of “My Brother Sebastian”.

“If you know a family affected by a childhood cancer diagnosis, please get in touch at,” she said.

Donations to “Book Angels” are always welcome. To find out more, head to the Book Angels tab on www.crystalleonardi. com

PAGE 6 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 TUESDAYS FROM 6PM FREE TO PLAY • PRIZES TO BE WON For Lunch & Dinner 7 DAYS 11.30am till 9.00pm 77 Main St, Atherton • 4091 1139 We take responsible service of alcohol seriously. It is an offence to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years. THURSDAY PARMAGEDDON $26 Your Choice of Toppings. Served with Chips & Salad. INCLUDES a Pot of Tap Beer or Glass of House Wine! For ON MONDAY NIGHTS SPORTS BAR • POKIES • TAB KENO • KID’S PLAYGROUND XXXX GOLD 30 X 375ML CANS GET CARRIED AWAY WITH... TUXWORTH & WOODS CARRIERS SERVICING: • Cairns • Mossman • Port Douglas • Cooktown • Croydon • Normanton • Karumba • Coen • Musgrave • Archer River • Weipa ESTABLISHED 1972  BODY TRUCKS  SEMI TRAILERS  REFRIGERATED VANS  DROP DECK TRAILERS 4035 4022 AFTER HOURS: 0418 183 399 • FAX: 4035 4021 25 REDDEN ST, CAIRNS • EMAIL: For further information on any of these services please visit: Or phone 3036 2070 during office hours *This service travels via Caravonica, Trinity Bay High and TAFE, school days only. SATURDAY 25TH MARCH at Mareeba Leagues Club • Doors Open at 10am • Calling Starts 1pm • Lucky Door Prize & Raffles • $5 Entry Supporting the 65 Roses and the Royal Flying Doctors Service. Aerial Outreach Post
Author Crystal Leonardi with Kairi Prep/1 teacher Sandi Stewart-Troncone and children attending the school.

Region first rehab facility opens

THE region’s first fully inclusive residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility was opened last Wednesday outside of Mareeba, allowing people to access treatment closer to home.

Mission Australia hosted the opening ceremony of the new facility and named it Djindigal, which means healing place in the language of the Djabugay people, the traditional landowners.

It is a purpose built, 10-room facility which provides treatment over a 12-week holistic program and will be able to help roughly 40 people over the course of a year.

Residents who live in Cairns, Atherton Tablelands and Far North Queensland are prioritised for admission to the facility, while it is self-admission people can also be referred by their doctors.

Construction started in January last year and was completed in December and the first resident joined in January of this year.

Mission Australia CEO Sharon Callister said she was delighted to finally open this vital service and thanked those who advocated for the project.

“It’s called Djindigal, which in the language of the traditional landowners the Djabugay people, means healing place,” she said.

“Djindigal has been designed to provide a home-like environment for people recovering from substance use concerns.

“This new facility is situated on 22 acres which provides the peace and privacy for people to access the support they need, when they need it.”

This facility is the first of its kind in the region as all the other existing rehabilitation facility are geared specifically towards Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal peoples.

“It important for locals in Cairns, the Atherton Tablelands and surrounds to have alcohol and other drug services

nearby because access is a vital element for people to get the support they need,” Ms Callister said.

“We are grateful for the community and government support and to those who have championed this facility.

“We know Djindigal will provide incredible support, not just for the residents but also for their families.”

The program includes a further six months of practical and therapeutic aftercare support for individuals when they return to the community.

The service aims to provide a way for people 18 and over to take control of their substance use and reduce the negative impacts on their life.

It will empower and equip them to achieve their individual goals relating to their substance use, and to be able

Police kept busy

A POLICE officer was struck in the head by a Bluetooth speaker during an incident involving two women in Mareeba earlier this month.

Around 7.30pm on 11 March, officers observed what appeared to be a disturbance in the refuge island area of Byrnes Street. Officers observed a 19-year-old Mareeba woman running across the road chasing another woman.

Officers spoke with the woman and advised her she was under arrest for public nuisance. During the arrest she became agitated and non-compliant, and the group with her began abusing and threatening officers.

While placing the 19-year-old woman into the police vehicle, a 16-year-old Mareeba girl allegedly threw a Bluetooth speaker, striking one officer in the back of the head.

In another incident on the same day, a 38-year-old Papua New Guinea man was charged with one count each of assault occasioning bodily harm domestic violence offence, choking suffocation strangulation domestic relationship, and unlawful stalking.

The incident occurred when a man and a woman were drinking with family members at address in Alice Street, Atherton when the 38-year-old allegedly became jealous of her talking to family members. Police were called to the property around 10.30pm.

It will be alleged the man approached the woman who was visiting the address and started to swear at her. It will be further alleged he attended her home address uninvited on several occasions and she received a large volume of unwanted phone calls.

to continue their recovery journey after they leave the residential rehabilitation setting.

“Unfortunately, there is a critical shortage of residential rehabilitation facilities in regional Australia, which is why we are opening Djindigal,” Ms Callister said.

“The recovery program is broad and encompasses many aspects of life to give the resident the best chance with their fresh start.

“Everyone deserves the chance of a new beginning and no one should have to battle their addiction alone.

“There is a growing demand for such services, and we hope these service models can be expanded to other locations, including in rural, remote, and regional areas.”

The 19-year-old woman was charged with committing public nuisance, assaulting police and wilful damage. She is scheduled to appear at the Mareeba Magistrates Court on 27 March. The 16-yearold girl was charged with assault occasioning bodily harm and is scheduled to appear at the Mareeba Children’s Court at a later date.

Meanwhile, police officers intercepted a 50-year-old Highgate Hill woman on Byrnes Street, Mareeba around 8.30pm on 11 March for failing to stop at a stop sign.

As a result of a breath test, she was transported to Mareeba Police Station for further testing. It will be alleged she returned a reading of 0.157 per cent BAC.

Witnesses to assault sought

POLICE want to talk to anyone who witnessed the assault of a woman in Cook Street, Atherton earlier this month.

Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident which occurred in front of a car dealership around 7pm on Tuesday, 7 March.

The initial investigation suggests two women assaulted a third woman outside that location. The victim fell to the ground and was allegedly continually kicked by the other two women.

Police are seeking any motorist that may have dashcam footage that was travelling through that area to contact police and quote QP2300399183.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 7
Product of Australia Dr Phil Flint and Yolonde Entsch at the entry to Mission Australia's new rehabilitation centre "Djindigal", the local First Nation's word for a place of grounding, reconnecting and healing.
PAGE 8 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 AND THE AWARD GOES TO... Ford Everest Discover why it’s a winner Ford Ranger Raptor Discover why it’s a winner Ford Puma Best Light SUV 3 years in a row 279 Byrnes Street, Mareeba 4092 9400 | Andrew Ford: 0417 633 002 | Claude Formoso: 0477 229 949 | Drew McKenzie: 0400 068 700 Hansen Ford

No joy for small town pool users

DIMBULAH Pool users have had no joy in getting opening times extended or entry fees reduced after Mareeba Shire Council opted to stay with the status quo while it considers expressions of interest from four companies to manage its public pools and the Dimbulah Caravan Park.

A petition signed by more than 200 people called on council to reconsider a 65 per cent increase in entry fees which came into effect on 1 January. They also wanted extended operating hours and better facilities at Dimbulah, similar to those enjoyed at other pool complexes in Mareeba and Kuranda.

But a report to council advised that the entry fees of the three pools in the shire were reviewed in 2021 after a request by the contractor managing the facilities, and a decision was then made to standardise the fee structure across all of the three complexes.

“The operational cost of operating the Dimbulah pool is considerably higher than the Mareeba and Kuranda pools,” the report stated.

“Over the last three years, the average cost per swim for Dimbulah pool compared with Mareeba and Kuranda is 9 and 3.3 times respectively.”

Council was also advised that the Dimbulah pool had always had limited hours of operation, in large part due to the “very small patronage numbers and the associated cost of keeping the pool open”.

Figures showing use at all pools reveal that Dimbulah only had around 3000 users in 202122, compared to more than 10,000 for Kuranda and more than 20,000 at Mareeba.

In relation to opening hours, council was told a trial, proposed by the current leasee, for increasing those times had been underway since February.

“The trial hours of operation took effect 27 February 2023 and will deliver additional hours

with an improved ‘spread’ to account for the various types of pool user. This trial should provide a measure of the Dimbulah community’s appetite for increased access to the pool facility,” the report stated.

Chief executive officer Peter Franks said that with the Expression of Interest (EOI) process underway, the operating methods of all the pools were under consideration.

“That may mean we can change things as well but it’s going through this process. We will see what happens once this new EOI has been dealt with and we go out to tender,” he said, adding that would determine what the management arrangements would be.

“But again, it gets down to the cost factor and the arrangements with the leasee.”

Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Davies said he believed any consideration of extended opening hours should come down to “cost versus usage”.

“You can have a cost there as long as the usage is there – there’s no use having someone sitting there from 10am to say 3pm and not one single person turns up,” he said.

Cr Davies said it was important to ascertain what hours would attract the most usage, suggesting it could be blocks such as 6am-10am and 3pm-6pm.

Officers said that was the driving factor behind the trial and recommended no changes to hours of operation be made until after the EOI process had been completed.

Council has received four responses to its EOI request to manage the three pool facilities and the Dimbulah Caravan Park, with interim managers, Marlin Coast Swimming & Fitness, due to end its contract on 30 June.

Mr Franks will now short-list the EOIs, consult councillors, then invite them to provide a written tender. The winning tender will then be determined by the full council.

Students shoot for stars at NASA visit

STUDENTS at Mareeba State High School had the opportunity recently to be inspired by Vanessa Zepeda, who is currently working with NASA on the Perseverance rover searching for evidence of life on Mars.

Vanessa has worked with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory where she looked for evidence of life preserved in rocks and meteorites and is currently a junior scientist on the Mars Perseverance Rover mission that is looking for signs of life on Mars.

Organised by the Business Liaison Association, the 30 minute presentation by Ms Zepeda allowed STEM students in grade 9, 10 and 11 to get insight into STEM in university and the pathways it can take you on.

“Vanessa was visiting a number of schools

to share her story about her journey from high school, to University and to working with NASA on the Perseverance rover searching for evidence of life on Mars,” head of department for science Jason Richardson said.

“She also explained to the students the science concepts behind her work and gave students advice about STEM pathways after high school.

“Giving regional students the opportunity to hear from working Scientists about the really interesting careers possible in STEM is really important to inform and inspire students to pursue their talents and interests.

“Students were really engaged by Vanessa’s story of growing up and how she ended up working with NASA on the Mars rover.”

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 9 5 Start Resort Living. Care When you need it GORDONVALE THE INTERNATIONAL CLUB, ATHERTON YOU’RE INVITED TO AN INFORMATION SESSION AT: When: Friday 31st March 11am Arrive 10.30am start RSVP: Reserve your free ticket at or call (07 4249 3775) From $325,000 Resort Facilities Pet Friendly Flexible Care
Mareeba State High School students Nikita Tatti and Eve Davies attended a presentation by Vanessa Zepeda, who is currently apart of NASA’s mission to find signs of life on Mars.

Mareeba’s much-loved Bicentennial Lakes will receive a long-awaited face lift under Mareeba Shire Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Action Plan.

About the project

The Bicentennial Lakes Project will completely revitalise the Lakes, starting in the southern section between Rankin Street and Keeble Street, with some minor work in the northern section between Keeble Street and Granite Creek to improve the movement of water

In the southern section, the weirs will be removed, and the lakes will be filled to allow for more parkland A watercourse will remain, although it will be narrower to encourage seasonal rains to flow through into the northern section Water will no longer stagnate in a series of weirs The increased parkland will allow for the addition of a playground and outdoor facilities

Concept design

Community engagement

Council would like to invite residents, businesses and stakeholders to take part in the upcoming community engagement planned for the project The engagement will consist of on-site meetings and a survey seeking resident input to help prioritise the play and outdoor elements in the park.

We can't do it all, but with your help we will build a wonderful modern space for Mareeba families and visitors to enjoy For more information, visit Council's website and search, Bicentennial Lakes

Project benefits

Scan the QR Code for more information.

PAGE 10 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 1300 308 461 4086 4606 0400 490 493 Mayor 0408 871 420 0467 304 744 4092 1030 0428 402 015 0447 757 336 Visit Council's Customer Service Centres: 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba or 18-22 Arara Street, Kuranda COMMUNITY UPDATE
Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Davies Cr Lachlan (Locky) Bensted Cr Daniel (Danny) Bird Cr Mary Graham Cr Mario Mlikota Cr Lenore Wyatt
Angela Toppin

Flying home with Bonza

BONZA airline’s first flight from the Sunshine Coast to Cairns will be bringing two Mareeba locals cabin crew members with them, with Jacqueline Caspersen and Jade Lankester excited to touch down on home soil.

The flight, taking off on 27 March, has been dubbed a “Bonza homecoming” for the two local women as they return home for the first time in several years.

Ms Caspersen and Ms Lankester have both grown up in the Mareeba community, with many fond memories of their time “in the bush” before taking on roles with the new budget flight group.

Growing up on a tobacco farm in Paddy’s Green, Cabin Supervisor and Inflight Customer Experience Trainer Ms Caspersen recalls her love for the rural area.

“I remember hour and a half daily bus rides to school, bush walk adventures, late afternoon golf games at the Mareeba Golf Course with my golf-nutty family and sundowners with my neighbours overlooking the Barron River,” she said.

“A truly wonderful and unique tradition was the big Mareeba Rodeo and the Friday night procession was always an annual highlight when I was a kid.

“(I don’t visit Mareeba and Cairns) as often as I would like. I get homesick and follow the local Mareeba Facebook His-

tory Groups with keen interest.”

Working with Bonza is something Ms Caspersen enjoys immensely, with some of her highlights being listening to grandparents “going for a quick trip to visit the grandkids”.

Ms Lankester, who has taken on the role of Cabin Supervisor and Cabin Crew Line Trainer and Checker, was inspired to work in airlines after growing up near the Mareeba Airport.

Watching the annual air show was a highlight when living in Mareeba and she is excited to return home and reconnect with her roots.

“Growing up I lived across from the Mareeba Aerodrome, so some of my childhood memories are of the annual air show,” she said.

“Further to this I lived on a plantation property, so a lot of my weekends were spent riding ATVs around the farm.

“(I don’t visit home) often enough! Maybe twice a year if anything… but I’m so excited to get home more often now with direct Sunshine Coast to Cairns return services!”

Chief Commercial Officer at Bonza Carly Povey said Cairns is proving to be a top destination for Bonza patrons, with flights quickly selling out after being released in January.

She stated Bonza has already sold well over 10,000 seats across their route map and are excited be the trusted flight group taking locals to their des-


“Cairns is proving to be a top destination for Bonza customers as families and travellers look to spend time in the Tropical North Queensland city where the Great Barrier Reef meets World Heritage Listed rainforests,” she said.

“Bonza went on sale with its Sunshine Coast base on 27 January and after just a few days had sold well in excess of 10,000 seats across our route map.

“Today, that figure is in the tens of thousands showing a real appetite from Aussie travellers to see more of their backyard in-

Big funding for groups

COMMUNITY groups throughout the region are the beneficiaries of more than $360,000 in grants, thanks to the latest round of Gambling Community Benefit Funding.

Fifteen groups have been awarded varying amounts of funding for a variety of projects including Mareeba Bowls Club which has been given $35,000 for a shade structure, Mareeba Motorcycle Club $34,000 to construct a bore, Atherton Rugby League Football Club $$31,955 to upgrade its canteen and purchase appliances, and Atherton Tableland Agricultural Society $26,218 to purchase a grandstand and install stage lighting.

Club ($8397) to purchase swimming training equipment; Tableland Roller Derby League ($3828) to purchase equipment; the Creche and Kindergarten Association of Mossman ($22,780) to buy play equipment; and the QCWA Atherton Tablelands Division ($4968) to purchase IT equipment.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Shannon Fentiman congratulated all of the successful organisations who received a grant for a variety of projects.

cluding Cairns, which is proving a popular option for long weekends out of the Sunny Coast with the Friday to Sunday route.

“Cairns is also proving in demand as an April school holiday destination, and with five flights per week to and from Cairns to the Sunshine Coast starting at $79 per person one way, it’s no surprise locals are seizing the opportunity.”

The first Sunshine Coast to Cairns flight is on 27 March with flights from Cairns to Mackay taking off on 29 March.

Among the grants was $35,000 to the Irvinebank School of Arts and Progress Association to replace roofs on workers’ cottages, and the Julatten State School P&C Association which will receive $35,000 to construct a play, historical and culture area.

Other successful recipients were: Atherton Bowls Club ($12,179) to upgrade a kitchen; Atherton Tennis Club ($21,340) to install a fence; Cape York Motorcycle Club ($27,713) to upgrade its facility and purchase equipment; Cooktown Bowls Club ($35,000) to install air-conditioning; Cooktown Creative Arts ($29,970) to upgrade its facility; Malanda Swimming

“It’s fantastic to see these grants are going to a diverse range of organisations across every corner of our State, where they can provide a real benefit to their local communities,” she said.

“This includes organisations in Cooktown in the far north, in Mount Isa out west, Barcaldine in the heart of the state, right down to the southern Gold Coast.”

“I encourage all not-forprofit community groups to keep an eye out for upcoming GCBF rounds to assist with their work.”

In 2023, four funding rounds will be available through the GCBF program, including Round 117, which will open for submissions in April.

For more information on how to apply for a GCBF grant, and to view recipients from Round 115, visit http://

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 11
Bonza airline cabin crew and Mareeba locals Jacqueline Caspersen and Jade Lankester will be returning home from the Sunshine Coast during the budget airline’s first flight to Cairns. REWARDS CLUB REWARDS CLUB visit

Record turnout tipped for Field Days

ONE of the biggest events in the region will be back better than ever in May, with organisers expecting a record turnout to the Rotary FNQ Field Days.

Run by the combined Atherton and Mareeba Rotary Clubs, the three-day event attracts around 16,000 through the gates at the Mareeba Rodeo Grounds, all keen to take part in a broad range of activities including the popular tractor pull, the health and wellbeing pavilion, working machinery displays and kids area.

With more than 600 sites available for exhibitors, the event is the largest Field Days in northern Australia, having tripled in size over the past 10 years, outgrowing its original site at Walkamin.

With a theme this year of “A Celebration of Agriculture”, event marketing coordinator Jeanette Sturiale says everyone is upbeat about what’s in store in 2023.

“We launched the sites in December and sold 85 per cent of them in the first four days – we have released another 50 sites and they are nearly sold out now,” she said.

“I think this really reflects the reputation of the event – the most important measures of success are return customers, the amount of new people who want to come, and the speed of the bookings.”

One of the most popular events is the cattle auction and that, too, has been in great demand.

“Pens for the cattle always sell fast but this time, they sold out in a week,” Ms Sturiale said.

And while many people go just to see the big machinery and agricultural products on display, exhibitors report that the business side of the event is also significant.

In terms of sales, Ms Sturiale said it was all about making a connection with companies who could show and demonstrate the latest products. With buyers often living in remote or regional ar-

Yaseen wins at district finals

MALANDA’S public speaking champion

Yaseen Al Kahlout has taken out overall winner at the Lions Youth of the Year District Final held in Townsville on the weekend.

The Lions Youth of the Year quest is a public speaking competition open to students in Grades 11 and 12 and is designed to foster, encourage and develop leadership qualities as well as other citizenship qualities that will benefit them as they enter adulthood.

Yaseen went head to head with students across Far North Queensland for the title of District champion on the weekend, with his

speech on stress inspiring the local judges and those in attendance.

The Community Award, which is a special award unique to the District Q2 final, was also awarded to Yaseen for having the most outstanding community service and community involvement.

The public speaking winner was Meghan Connolly from St Patrick's College. She was sponsored by the Mackay Host Lions Club.

Yaseen will be heading to Brisbane on 16 April to compete against some of the best public speakers in Queensland.

If he succeeds, he will head to the National Finals in the Gold Coast on 1 May.

eas, it was the perfect opportunity to see new products up close.

“I think people like to see the variety on show, and touch and feel the products, and the Field Days gives them the chance to do that in one spot,” she said.

“Some exhibitors will use the event to launch new products and demonstrate the latest technology - something farmers and graziers would not get to see in reality because they are on their property most of the time.

“Our exhibitors tell us it’s all about making that connection with buyers at the Field Days, and they are still getting sales for up to two years after the event.”

Ms Sturiale said the Field Days also provided farmers and producers a chance to socialise with each other and talk to like-minded people.

“I think it brings people together and they get that opportunity to catch up and talk,” she said.

2023 Rotary FNQ Field Days chair Kevin Davies said the event was so successful and economically beneficial for the region because of the number of people behind the scenes making it happen.

"Field Days is on every two years and for that one week, the economic benefit this brings to the region is enormous as well as allowing locals to see what new technologies are available to industry sectors and grab a bargain from one of the 400 plus exhibitors," he said.

“There’s a level of passion and dedication amongst the committee, and there’s knowledge within the ranks of how to run an event of this size successfully.

“But it could not happen if not for the efforts of around 250 volunteers as well.

“The event provides a big incentive for anyone who wants to volunteer because they can actually earn money to go towards their chosen charity – and that certainly keeps them coming back.”

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 13 313-315 Byrnes Street, Mareeba | Phone 4092 5100 After Hours: David Mete 0408 793 050, Peter Acha 0417 006 698 or Adrian Madrid 0413 745 247 MAZDA BTḋ50 XS DUAL CAB 4X2 AUTO ICE WHITE For Immediate Delivery $49,950 Drive Away MAZDA BTḋ50 XTR DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO RED, GREY For Immediate Delivery $59,990 Drive Away MAZDA BTḋ50 SP DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO WHITE, RED For Immediate Delivery $67,990 Drive Away MAZDA MXḋ30 G20E EVOLVE FWD AUTO CERAMIC METALLIC For Immediate Delivery $38,667 Drive Away MAZDA BTḋ50 XT DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO ICE WHITE For Immediate Delivery $53,990 * Drive Away *Price does not include tray. MAZDA BTḋ50 GT DUAL CAB 4X4 AUTO SILVER, GREY For Immediate Delivery $62,990 Drive Away MAZDA CXḋ3 AKARI PETROL AWD AUTO POLYMETAL GREY METALLIC For Immediate Delivery $40,500 Drive Away MAZDA 2 G15 EVOLVE FWD HATCH AUTO WHITE, GREY For Immediate Delivery $29,000 Drive Away
District winner of Lions Youth of the Year Yaseen Al Kahlout from Malanda State High School with the District Governor Michael MacLaren.

COMMUNITY housing rent will increase by 6.1 per cent after Mareeba Shire Council completed a review of the fees.

Under State legislation, the council must review rents annually, comparing what tenants of community housing pay with rent paid for private market properties of similar standard and median rent data provided by the Residential Tenancies Authority.

The State Government sets the maximum affordable rent for community housing tenants at

25 per cent of assessable income plus Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA).

“Council's responsibility is to establish the market rent which is used to determine whether a tenant pays 25 per cent of their income plus Commonwealth Rent Assistance or market rent, whichever is the lesser,” a council report stated.

“This means that the income generated by the service is capped.”

The 6.1 per cent rise is in line with the increase adopted by council last year.

Community housing rents to rise Shock over road damage

CREWS are working hard to inspect and repair roads throughout the Mareeba Shire, with one officer telling council he had seen more damage to the area’s roads this wet season than in the past decade.

At last week’s meeting, councillors were told that so far this year, crews had used approximately 121 tonnes of blade mix and 2,500 litres of cationic bituminous emulsion to patch potholes that were occurring due to the persistent

wet weather.

“Ongoing rain is hampering temporary and immediate repair efforts and in numerous cases repair works have had to be redone, particularly in the Almaden, Watsonville and Irvinebank areas,” a report stated.

“To date, more than 155 roads across the shire have been inspected and photographed and crews are working hard to undertake emergency repairs where required.”

Sewer tender awarded

A $3.7 million contract for the upgrade of the Bicentennial Lakes trunk gravity sewer main has been awarded.

The job, which was awarded to FGF Developments Pty Ltd, will address capacity issues associated with the existing sewer, according to Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin.

“The alignment connects the section of the sewer main that has been upgraded under the Mason Street sewer upgrade project, completed in 2021 at Rankin Street, with the Granite Creek pump station at Byrnes Street,” she said.

A section of the water main at Keeble Street and Jacobsen Street will also be relocated.

The project is required to be practically completed by June 2024 and council officers will now proceed into entering pre-contract negotia-

Groups benefit from fundraising night

A FUN Night out at the theatre has translated into three organisations getting a funding boost from the Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands.

who have additional needs.

tions with FGF Developments Pty Ltd to finalise the project start date.

“Works will generally be limited to the road reserve between the edge of the road and property boundary, and residents will be advised accordingly, when the project details are finalised,” Mayor Toppin said.

“I would like to thank residents for their patience while we complete this important infrastructure project. The new sewer pipeline will have the capacity to meet the needs of Mareeba now and into the future.”

The project is being funded by the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund (QRRRF), administered through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

Do your family a

The local group is part of the international Inner Wheel women’s service organisation and has been donating money to charities for the past seven years.

The money usually comes from several fundraising events throughout the year, and this time, it was raised at a preview night for the Malanda Theatre Group’s performance of “Mamma Mia”.

Benefiting to the tune of $1000 each from the theatre night were the following groups:

Access Place – a “one stop shop” that offers a multi-disciplinary service to people aged 16 and over experiencing homelessness and

Tablelands Sexual Assault – provides no cost specialist sexual assault counselling to all children, young people, and non-offending women and men before during and/or after sexual harm event or concern with a strong focus on prevention.

Kairos – A Kairos Outside weekend gives women the opportunity to meet, listen to and talk with women who have struggled with similar issues resulting from having a relative or friend in prison. There is an open and supportive environment and the freedom to be themselves. The weekend helps the women build self-esteem so that they can feel worthy again.

Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Atherton International Club at 11.30am.

Woman’s Day event gives back

FUNDING is now available for First Nations organisations to employ 46 new sea and land rangers throughout the State.

The additional positions being funded will boost the program further, with 154 Indigenous rangers already employed through 37 Indigenous land and sea ranger teams across Queensland.

The program supports opportunities for First Nations people to care for Country, protect the environment and pass on important cultural knowledge.

rangers wanted

The rangers’ activities include a wide range of conservation services including cultural burns, feral animal and pest plant control, soil conservation, cultural heritage site protection and biodiversity monitoring. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations, councils and incorporated non-profit organisations working with Traditional Owners can apply for funding to employ new rangers.

Applications close on 24 April. Visit www.qld. for more information.

PAGE 14 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 A DONATION of $1238 has been presented to Tablelands Sexual Assault Services (TSAS) thanks to those who attended and sponsored The Express Newspaper’s inaugural International Women’s Day breakfast on Wednesday 8 March. All profits from ticket and raffle sales were donated directly to the community organisation’s newest programs to help support women, men and children as they navigate sexual violence across the Tablelands.
The Express cadet journalist Ellie Fink and office manager Kat Child (pictured) presented Tracey (centre) from TSAS the cheque last Friday. Kairos Prison Ministry Aust Joan Comino, Tablelands Sexual Assault Service representative Tracy, Inner Wheel’s Gill Birch, Access Place coordinator Heather Johnson, and Access Place Chairman John Whyte.
More sea,
favour. Community Spirit Call us find out how you can pre-plan & save today for tomorrow’s peace of mind. MAREEBA 180 Walsh St 4092 4774 ATHERTON 112 Main St 4091 1199 WHERE ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH
The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 15 BLACK UREA® CUT WASTAGE AND RUN-OFF SO MORE NITROGEN REACHES YOUR CROPS. UP TO 30% MORE. SPECIALLY FORMULATED TO GET MORE NITROGEN INTO YOUR CROPS Cut input costs • Fertilise less often • Boost Urea use efficiency Reduce wastage and run-off • Optimise your Nitrogen levels Improve yield on low-fertility soils IT’S TIME TO PUT YOUR FARM IN THE BLACK YOUR BENEFITS: 10.05.2018 06:57 News Corp Australia Proof © INNISFAIL & TOLGA 07 4061 4917
Trevor and Alison Wilson won Couple of the Day in the St Patricks’s Day themed Fashions on the Field. Hayley Gargan, Tylah Koulouvi and Taylah Wells enjoyed a day at the races . Grace Malliff was runner up in the girls category with Sylvie Ellison winning the title. Kristine Fraser, Jem Marsh and Wendy Smart. Rachael Kidcaff was named Young Lady of the Day.

Supporting community for 60 years

FROM humble beginnings in 1963, the Cater family has been dedicated to providing only the best when it comes to menswear, a fact which has been recognised on the 60-year anniversary of Claude Cater Mensland, Mareeba.

For the past six decades, Pam, Raymond and Robert Cater alongside their passionate team have provided locals with essential men’s, western and work wear and school supplies whilst also offering in-store alterations and delivery across the region.

The business has grown to be Mareeba’s most trusted clothing store, providing uniforms for local sporting clubs, high schools and businesses as well as safety and western wear for station workers across the Far North.

Cater’s are celebrating the lifelong legacy left behind by its founder, father and husband, Claude Cater.

Although Claude passed away in 2001, his memory and passion when it came to his business has been deeply ingrained into the way business is run today and his wife Pam believes if he were here today, he would feel a great sense of pride.

“He would be amazed at how much stock we have today and how well the businesses has grown,” she said.

“When he passed, the two shops were separate, but our sons (Raymond and Robert) have integrated it together.

“I am very proud of the boys and (Claude) knew I would still be here doing the financials and alternations.”

To celebrate its birthday, Claude Cater Mensland will be putting together lucky draw prizes. Those who shop in store will have the opportunity to win products from the store.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 17 A: 199 Byrnes Street, Mareeba | P: 4092 1133 CELEBRATING 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS A full month of celebrations throughout March & April! Lots of Giveaways - Spend $50 Plus and go into the draw for various raffles. Celebrating 60th Anniversary
Cater’s are celebrating the lifelong legacy left behind by its founder, father and husband, Claude Cater.
Raymond, Pam and Robert Cater have been providing quality service and giving back to the community for the past 60 years at Claude Cater Mensland, a business started by their father and husband the late Claude Cater. RIGHT: Pam and Claude celebrating 30 years in business.

Friendly faces at Claude Caters

WHEN walking into Claude Cater Mensland in Mareeba, you will be met by highly qualified local staff with a passion for helping the community and helping you.

Louise Taylor, Annie Sheppard and Katrina Whiteley are just some of the friendly faces on the floor ready to help you find whatever you need.

How long you have worked at Caters: 17 years. What do you like most about working at Claude Cater Mensland: The customer and the different type of people you get to work with. Western wear is my favourite section of the store.

How long you have worked at Caters: 8 years. What do you like most about working at Caters: Customer service and chatting to the people who come in. I work for an incredible family, and I find it a great environment to work in.

How long you have worked at Caters: Just over a year. What do you like most about working at Caters: Everyone I meet is super friendly and I like meeting different people in the community and getting to know each product that we sell.

PAGE 18 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Celebrating 60th Anniversary
ANNIE SHEPPARD Sales assistant LOUISE TAYLOR Shop assistant KATRINA WHITELEY Sales assistant Raymond, Pam and Robert Cater with Lina Cater, Katrina Whiteley, Leah Cater, Annie Sheppard, Louise Taylor. Kiyah Iacutone, Caitlyn Parsons, Aiden Russo and Keoni Whiteside.

Business stands the test of time

SETTING up on the “wrong side of the street” in 1963, Claude and Pam Cater began their small business only $6000 and a mission to provide quality menswear to locals.

With experience in both menswear and business, the couple knew all they wanted to do was open their own store.

“Claude was working at Jack and Newells in the menswear section, and I was in finances at Hansen Ford and he said he wanted to work in the police force,” Pam said.

“I said ‘no, our family has shifted a lot’ and I didn’t want to shift again so he said, ‘the only other thing I want to do is have my own store’ so that is how it started.”

At the time, there were already several menswear stores set up along the main strip of Mareeba but through their connections in the community, they soon earned a loyal customer base.

Their store at 188 Byrnes Street, which is now My Mareeba Dentist, served them well and Claude and Pam worked endless hours to keep up with supply and demand.

After 10 years of doing it themselves, the couple could confidently say they were a successful business and began working on ways to expand.

Working 50 to 60 hours a week, the workload became too much for the couple which pushed them to employ their first staff member, Cathy Bolen.

“We took stock home at nighttime and checked it and priced it and brought it back the next day,” Pam said.

“And back in the day when the riders came into town from the stations to get their jeans, they would be very stiff… I would take their clothes home and wash and neatly iron them so they were soft and ready to go for the rodeos.

“Those were just some of the things we did for our local customers, especially those who worked out on the stations.”

The business continued to expand and in 1983 they made the big move to 199 Byrnes Street, where they have remained since.

Only three years later, they joined the Mensland group, giving the small business

many opportunities to grow and learn more about the retail world.

Supporting local sporting clubs and schools with their uniforms was a huge driving factor behind the store’s success, fulfilling its legacy of “locals supporting locals”.

Claude and Pam raised their sons, Raymond and Robert, within the shop and today, they still run the store with the same

passion and dedication as their parents.

Pam still spends every day at the store, working either on the floor with customers or behind the scenes doing alterations from her sewing room or in the office.

Claude sadly passed away in 2001, leaving behind the successful business in the hands of his sons who implement his legacy of “good old fashion service” every day.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 19 Congratulations to Caters Mensland Mareeba on your 60th Anniversary! Celebrating 60th Anniversary

60 years of workwear evolution

CLAUDE picked the perfect opportunity to kick off his workwear store in the shop he owned next door.

The shop, although separate from main store, attracted business from workers of all kinds, whether they were corporate or labourers.

“The workwear store back in 1995 was opened because Claude thought that Mareeba needed a workwear store and he wanted to compete more with the workwear stores in Cairns,” Robert said.

In 2003, Raymond and Robert Cater decided a walkway between the two stores would benefit both parts of the business, knocking down a wall to create one big store.

Although Claude was unable to see the transition from two separate stores to one, both Robert and Raymond believe their father would be amazed by the way it has benefitted business and how it has allowed it to grow.

Since starting out in the workwear industry there have been massive changes as a new generation of workers come through.

Where it used to be just your basic workwear back in the 70’s with two or three leading brands, now with a new generation coming through there is a heap of variety and different ranges.

Now you can get styles with ventilation or cargo pockets that the younger generation tend to prefer but we also still have that traditional work wear, fit and style that was worn years ago.

The two brothers believe as the trends and

The western wear trend

STOCKING quality Akubra, Thomas Cook, RM Williams, Wrangler, Ariat and all in between, western wear has been a stable at Claude Cater Mensland for the past six decades.

Proving to be the trusted store for station owners across the Far North, the western selection of Claude Cater has proven more and more popular as the era of western everyday fashion begins.

“Claude had a very good relationship with the station people in the Gulf, Cape and west and that has been continued through to this day,” Raymond Cater said.

“It has been generational, those station workers are now grandparents and parents, and their children now shop here.

“Claude loved the bush, loved the people from the land, he made it very easy for us to follow as he set down the foundations needed to be successful.

“He always said when you make a house, you set the foundations first and if you do it right, it will stand the test of time.”

The modern western fashion trends have done great justice to the business, with more locals choosing the style as their everyday fashion.

With events such as the Mareeba Rodeo and Savannah in the Round in Mareeba promoting country music amongst locals, the Cater family has seen in influx of festival goers stopping in to find their perfect outfit for the occasion.

eight hours from Laura or four to five hours from Chillagoe and nowadays it’s only an hour and a half drive to get to Mareeba,” Raymond said.

“Back then, people used to come to Mareeba once a year to do their tax, go to the rodeo, see doctors and dentists and spend a week in town but now with better quality roads and cars they can come into town more often.”

brands change, Claude Cater Mensland will continue to keep to date with the latest available workwear.

The biggest time to buy western wear used to be April to late July, but Claude Cater Mensland has seen western wear being purchased at a steady pace all year round.

“In the early years, people used to travel

As the western wear trend continues to get bigger across the country, Claude Cater Mensland will continue to stock top quality brands for western lovers of all walks of life.

Time to celebrate!

BIRTHDAY celebrations kick off at Claude Cater Mensland this week and staff are inviting all customers to come and join the party.

The team will be putting together lucky draw prizes consisting of some of their best products in store.

To enter, pop in at 199 Byrnes Street, Mareeba and purchase from their wide range of menswear, western wear, work wear, surf wear and more!

Kiyah Iacutone getting ready to celebrate 60 years of Claude Cater Mensland.

PAGE 20 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 CONGRATULATIONS ON 60 YEARS IN BUSINESS Congratulations on your 60th Anniversary! Celebrating 60th Anniversary


Local produce is the flavour focus

WITH a focus on using locally grown food products as the main ingredients in her desserts, one local pastry chef is hoping to open people’s eyes to just how good gluten-free desserts can be and aims to one day make them indistinguishable from normal everyday treats.

Sareeta Zandbergen has spent close to a decade in the kitchen refining her craft but always felt her true calling was creating desserts.

She was able to begin walking down the path to her dream late last year when she opened Sweet N Sanity, a gluten-free dessert business running out of a converted refrigerated container on her property.

The business has only been open since November last year after Sareeta completed a pastry chef course in Brisbane in 2021 and gained her qualification.

It was in Brisbane where she first had the inspiration for Sweet N Sanity as her and her husband found themselves buying produce to bring back home that is already grown and readily available on the Tablelands.

“We were buying the things that were grown up here because we knew the brand, so we knew the quality,” she said.

“I was always going to return to the area and do desserts so my biggest push was to make all the flavours be local and to encourage everyone to support local businesses and buy their fruit from their local farmer rather than buy something from down south.”

To achieve this, Sareeta has incorporated several local growers’ produce in her business including Skybury’s papaya, Pinata’s pineapples, Golden Pride mangoes, Devine Vanilla beans, local citrus and much more.

“All of the flavours are locally sourced, if it is a mango cheesecake it is the mango if it is a passionfruit cheesecake it is the passionfruit,” Sareeta said.

“All the flavours incorporate something grown in our Tablelands area.”

Sareeta said she is happy to be a wholesaler of her desserts and have them sold in Tablelands shops and doesn’t have any current plans to open her own store, however she still does orders.

She hopes to one day master her craft and be able to make gluten free desserts that will taste

QCA to review irrigation prices

IRRIGATION prices set by Sunwater and Seqwater will be reviewed and farmers are being asked to participate in the exercise.

The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) will review irrigation prices for in a bid to ensure the costs are reasonable, transparent and efficient.

To allow time for the businesses and QCA to consult with irrigators, the State Government is extending a 15 per cent water discount to 202425.

The government has also confirmed that as part of this process, irrigation prices will soon be capped at the QCA’s assessed cost reflective level, often referred to as the lower bound price.

“The independent regulator will undertake detailed review, talking to irrigators and other stakeholders so that we strike the right balance between the interests of customers and water providers,” Minister for Water Glenn Butcher said.

just like their gluten-filled counterparts, so people won’t be able to tell the difference.

“It is so hard to get gluten free desserts that you like and don’t have a sandy consistency or is not dry, where people taste it and immediately know it is gluten free,” she said.

“For me, my goal is to make gluten free desserts that anyone can enjoy not just people who need it.

“If it is your birthday and you are celiac, I want you to be able to order a birthday cake and share it with your friends and family and they won’t be able to taste the difference.”

RECENTLY reaching their first year in business, locally owned and family operated Marsh Electrical FNQ is quickly becoming the go-to provider for rural electrical services across the Tablelands.

Owner Brentan Marsh is a Tablelands born and bred local and brings over 16 years of experience across a range of fields within the electrical industry, with specialised skills and strong interest in the agricultural industry.

Brentan has experience providing a multitude of electrical services, specialising in meeting the needs of the smallest grower to large-scale farming enterprises.

His passion is providing innovative solutions for Tablelands growers – whether this be within irrigation controls, pump controls, automation, variable frequency drives (VFDs), control boards or processing and packaging machinery.

“I love working with a grower to install a system that reduces their workload or electricity costs,” he said.

“Sometimes this is through a VFD, other times through automation and control.”

Whatever your rural electrical needs are,

“Queensland is one of Australia’s major food bowls, so we owe it to our growers to ensure they’re getting a good deal, for what they contribute to the Queensland economy.

“The government will consider the QCA review, including the views of customers and stakeholders, before making a decision on prices.”

The review will inform prices to apply from 2025-26 to 2028-29

Sunwater and Seqwater own and operate more than 30 water supply schemes which supply water to around 6,000 irrigation customers throughout Queensland including Tinaroo Falls Dam.

Marsh Electrical FNQ has you covered, working closely with automation distributors and motor manufacturers to provide tailored solutions and direct access to quality products.

Brentan has dedicated his career to specialising in the agricultural industry, having not only worked extensively across the Tablelands but also for irrigation specialists in SEQ – strengthening his skills and expertise with all models of pumps and irrigators.

The business has recently brought on board a third-year apprentice, Ethan, cementing their commitment to providing local employment and upskilling next generation rural electricians.

“We are proud to celebrate our first year in business and look forward to continuing to provide high- quality electrical solutions to growers within the Atherton Tablelands region and beyond,” Brentan said.

To learn more about their services visit their website at You can also get in touch by phoning Brentan on 0437 973 016 or emailing

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 21 Over 15 years experience in rural electrical installation & repairs. INNOVATIVE RURAL ELECTRICIAN CELEBRATES FIRST YEAR IN BUSINESS Servicing the Atherton Tablelands, Mareeba and beyond! Follow us on Facebook 0437 973 016 Licence Number: 89227 Marsh Electrical FNQ • Pivot & lateral irrigators • Pumps & control boards • Variable Frequency Drives • Remote monitoring, control and automation • Processing & packaging machinery • Electric motors • Shed wiring and fit-outs New
third-year apprentice Ethan Ryan with Marsh Electrical FNQ owner Brentan Marsh.
Sareeta Zandbergen with a box full of all the local products she uses to create her gluten-free desserts.


Low yarding, high quality at sales

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The MF 5700 S Series tractors have the versatility to get it all done. With upgraded design, a high performance driveline and high levels of comfort and reliability at its core, the MF 5700 S Series is the ultimate all-rounder for a more productive working day.

HEAVY rainfall put a dampen on last week’s Mareeba Sales numbers, with only 121 head going up for auction, yet despite low numbers, quality cattle saw a yard averaged 322.12c/kg or $ 1028.72/head.

Recent flooding in the region has left several graziers stranded, unable to bring their cattle to yard.

This time last year (1 March 2022), Mareeba Saleyard had 880 head in attendance and recorded some of its highest prices, smashing a new record for average $/head at $1703.20/head and sale record ox at 508.2c/kg.

Comparatively, as a result of unpredictable weather, the price of cattle has dropped by 186.96c/ kg (average) less than March 2022.

Property owner Chad Posselt purchased several heifers for southern cattle traders LPC and commented on the lack of head in the yard and how he also struggled to get his own cattle in due to weather.

“It was a very small yarding and wasn’t much cattle to choose from so not all commission buyers were active,” he said.

“I think the weather was a huge factor because cattle just can’t get to the sale. I know myself we couldn’t get cattle in that were due to come to the sale so I guess we will have to wait out the weather from here.

“The market is on a downward trend and falling with all other cattle sales in the state so we just have to try and keep our finger on the pulse and

watch it.”

Duty agent and saleyard livestock specialist for Queensland Rural Luke Hickmott echoed Mr Posselt’s comments on the weather and the effect it has had on the current sales.

Although small in size, he believes the yarding offered high quality beef and believes there’s a possibility for the money to rise.

“Obviously it was a little bit slower and quieter than usual but I think that it is still on par with the money,” he said.

“I think it was fairly good actually even with the cow money, store money, store feeder steers and heifers – everything sort of held its own.

“It’s a hard one because we haven’t had to many sales to gauge on for some time but I think it was a reasonable day for Mareeba.

“It could have been a lot worse.

“I think we will keep cruising along for a little bit until mid-year, with the current weather we are probably not going to get a lot of cattle out for another month or four to six weeks for first round musters,” he said.

“We are going to be running small sales for a lot of it and then I think we will get going as cattle starts coming up from the south.

“I think the money might hold or maybe even go a bit higher towards the end of the year – it’s a gamble though.”


Get in touch with Ellie – Email ellie@

PAGE 22 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023
to Australian Health & Safety regulations, amorphous silica (MaxSilTM) poses no threat to human health. MaxSilTM has been officially approved for use as a powder as-well as a pellet.
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Although a small yarding, there was quality cattle present at last week’s Mareeba Sales.
2023) • Total yarding 121 head including 0 sold open auction • Yard Averaged 322.12c/kg or $ 1028.72/head • 0 Bulls averaged 0c/kg selling to a top of 0c/kg • 2 Steers averaged 358.2c/kg selling to a top 358.2c/kg • 39 Heifers averaged 317.1c/kg selling to a top of 350.2c/kg • 31 Cows averaged 228.5c/kg selling to a top of 264.2c/kg • 22 Yearling steers averaged 434c/kg selling to a top of 440.2c/kg • 13 Yearling heifers averaged 318.4c/kg selling to a top of 340.2c/kg • 14 Yearling mickeys averaged 362.5c/kg selling to a top of 364.2c/kg


AVOCADOS Australia

is very excited to have achieved market access for Australian Hass avocados to India, with chief executive officer John Tyas describing the move as a “game changer” for the industry.

“With the industry now capable of producing a strong supply of Hass avocados, having access to an overseas market such as India will be a ‘game changer’ for our industry,” he said.

“We acknowledge that final approval of the protocol will be dependent on 10 successful trial shipments, and we are very confident we can achieve that.

“We believe there are great opportunities for Australian avocados in India and it is a market with enormous growth potential.”

Knuth wants action on feral pigs

MEMBER for Hill Shane Knuth has hit out at the Queensland Government for “falling asleep on the job” when it comes to eradicating feral animals, despite continual calls to action from the Katter’s Australian Party, local councils and property owners in North Queensland.

His comments followed the announcement by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek that culling of feral animals were being ramped up, as populations had gone “through the roof” since aerial culling was halted in Kakadu National Park in 2019.

“No kidding. They finally realise what we have been warning both governments about for more than a decade,” Mr Knuth said.

“We have 130,000 square kilometres of National and State parks in Queensland, which takes up about 7.5 per cent of the total land area in the state, yet we are severely undermanned, underfunded and held back by bureaucratic red tape, when it comes to dealing with feral pests.

“The KAP has been very vocal on this issue and have constantly called on the State Government to immediately implement a number of measures to tackle the massive threat feral pigs pose to the environment, the great barrier reef, turtle and cassowary populations and the agriculture industry.”

In 2020, a study by Australia Pork was conducted as part of the Federal Government’s Feral Pig Action Plan.

Study coordinator Dr Heather Channon stated that 70 per cent of feral pigs needed to be culled annually to keep the population size from expanding. She also said that if culling of feral pigs stopped there would be an increase of up to 85 per cent in the feral pig population each year.

“There is no chance we are culling 70 per cent of feral pigs each year. We would be flat out culling half that number,” Mr Knuth said.

“If numbers are not kept in check, we will continue to see widespread devastation to all farming industries, the continued spread of Panama (TR4) and destruction to native fauna and flora.”

Mr Knuth also pointed to research from the University of Queensland in 2021, which revealed the environmental threat from feral pigs was far greater than previously thought.

The research showed that by uprooting carbon trapped in soil, it is estimated feral pigs are causing emissions to the equivalent of more than 1.1 million cars globally each year, with the bulk coming from Australia and New Zealand, who have massive feral pig populations.

Lead author of the study, Dr Christopher O'Bryan, believed this was a conservative estimate and could be three to four times higher.

“This research verifies what the KAP has been saying for years,” Mr Knuth said.

“Feral pigs have absolutely zero positive

impacts on the environment. It is difficult to understand why so little is being spent by both the State and Federal governments to eradicate this invasive pest in our state.”

He said old estimates show that over 24 million feral pigs inhabit Australia, with a large chunk located in North Queensland, however this was likely to be substantially more as feral pigs produced two litters of up to 4-10 piglets per year.

“We have more feral pigs in this country than humans and they are causing uncontrolled environmental damage,” he said.

Mr Knuth said the KAP has fully backed recreational hunters to be able to apply for permits to access national and state parks.

The KAP has also lobbied for bounty and aerial pig shooting programs, farmers to access grants and a substantial increase in funding for more indigenous rangers to combat feral pigs.

“Right now, recreational hunters are our last line of defence. They hunt feral pigs on their own time and money, while the State Government ignores every funding proposal and advice we have presented,” Mr Knuth said.

“This research should be a wakeup call to our State and Federal governments.

“If they don't listen, they will be responsible for turning a blind eye to one of the biggest and longest running environmental disasters in our state’s history.”

Avocados Australia believes that Australia’s proximity to the Indian market is very favourable when compared with their competitors.

The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA)

entered into force on 29 December 2022 and, with it, came the new trade opportunity for the Australian avocado industry.

“The recently agreed tariff reductions for Australian avocados also strengthens our competitive position in this market,” Mr Tyas said.

“Avocados Australia believes that access to this large and growing market will bring renewed optimism for many Australian avocado growers.”

Mr Tyas commended the Australian Government on its efforts in achieving the outcome for the Australian avocado Industry.

“The Australian Government has worked very hard and closely with industry to achieve a commercially viable and workable protocol that all Australian Hass avocado growers will be able to use,” he said.

“Avocados Australia would also like to acknowledge the efforts of industry players who have supported the government through this process.”

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 23 Specialist provider of technical advice and expertise across:  Pumping  Irrigation  Filtration  All aspect of water and fluid management Mareeba (07) 4092 1622 8 Reynolds Street, MAREEBA Q.4880 Serving Mareeba, Far North QLD, Northern Territory & Torres Strait since 1978.
Member for Hill Shane Knuth and Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter inspecting damage done by feral pigs on a property.
Avo market access to India a ‘game changer’

Two great movies on show

TWO spectacular movies are showing this week on the Majestic big screen in Malanda.

The new eagerly awaited action crime thriller “John Wick: Chapter 4” starts in Malanda on the same day as the rest of the country.

In this film, John Wick uncovers a path to defeating The High Table. But before he can earn his freedom, Wick must face off against a new enemy with powerful alliances across the globe and forces that turn old friends into foes.

The great DC universe production, the action adventure comedy “Shazam! The Fury Of The Gods” with a great cast, including the well-known Helen Mirren, Zachary Levi as Shazam and Lucy Liu, continues for another great week.

Music Lovers plug in for Rock On night

TABLELANDS Music Lovers is gearing up for their first big gathering of musicians of the year and is inviting locals to come along to Herberton for the Herberton Rock On event on 25 March.

Locals will be able to enjoy performances from both the A Street Band,

comprised of Alice Street Medical Centre doctors and staff and Winging it, a three-piece folk music band fronted by Neville Condon with Nicole Willinger and Robyn Pearson.

The evening is set to start at 7pm with food and drinks available, there

will also be a raffle on the night. Tickets are $20 and are available both at the door or through trybooking at

This event is a fundraiser for both Tablelands Music Lovers and the Atherton-Herberton Historic Railway.

Chance for singers to shine

THIRTEEN talented singers will perform at the finals of the Atherton Show’s Talent Quest on 1 April, with the winners given the opportunity to appear on stage at the annual show and at this year’s Carols by Candlelight.

Three categories – Bambinos (kids aged up to 11), Youth (12-17 years), and Open Solo (25 years and over) – will be decided at the talent quest finals which will be held at the Merriland Hall from 6pm.

Contesting the Open Solo category are Robert Carolos Merino Chavez, Neville Condon, Breanna Horsfield, and Lawrence, who

will be vying to win the prized of $100 cash, $120 worth of Buzz Music lessons, a recording session and trophy, while Kate Hunter, Becky Purt, Tara Davis and Yindali Sharp will compete in the Youth category in a bid to win $50 in cash and a trophy.

In the Bambino category will be Jessica Reeve, Emma Reeve, Leah reeve, Evanah Horsfield and Allyriah Horsfield.

Winners of all categories also receive a Atherton Tablelands Agricultural Society family membership.

Doors open to the event at 5.30pm, with entry only $5.

New events for festival

NEW events have been added to Cooktown’s popular Discovery Festival, with Cook Shire Mayor Peter Scott happy more community groups are getting involved with the annual event.

The festival, which will be staged from 16-18 June, is based on the landing of Captain James Cook, with the re-enactment of the moment one of the most popular components of the festival.

“The Cooktown Discovery Festival is a celebration of our community's rich cultural heritage and the special place Cooktown has in Australian history. It is a time for us to come together and celebrate all that makes Cooktown and this region so special,” Mayor Scott said.

This year’s schedule features festival favourites including: the re-enactments of Cook’s Landing – faithfully retold from an Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspective – and the first recorded act of Reconciliation; the Street Parade; Saturday night Sunset Soiree and fireworks; amusement rides; art and craft workshops and exhibitions; cultural activities, tours and demonstrations; live music and dancing; community markets and, the highly-anticipated return of the Cape York Automotive Muster.

New events to the schedule include the Cooktown Little Athletics “Big Run” fun run, a community mural painting at Elizabeth Guzsely Gallery and a Bush Dance at the Shire Hall.

“It’s so great to see the groups like Cooktown Little Athletics coming on board to host and organise their own events,” Mayor Scott said, adding that the festival weekend attracts record crowds of tourists every year, providing a huge boost to businesses in Cooktown.

“We’d really love to see all the businesses in town getting behind this year’s festival so we’re really encouraging venues to host their own events, activities and entertainment.

“Regulations can make it challenging for Council to host certain events and activities, so it’s always wonderful to see local businesses and community groups stepping up and organising their own events.

“What’s good for small businesses is great for our community.”

For more information, visit the Cooktown Discovery Festival website or contact Cook Shire Council via email to mail@cook.qld. or by phoning 4082 0500.

PAGE 24 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 187 Byrnes St, Mareeba P: 4092 2588 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Fourex Gold 24 Pack Stubbies: $49 Available at Cellarbrations Bottleshops: Centre Cellars Mareeba, Mareeba Plaza Cellars and the Graham Hotel Drive Thru. JOKER JACKPOT 7.00PM Friday Nights TAB LUCKY LOSER 4pm Saturday Afternoon BISTRO SPECIALS Southern Chicken Cordon Bleu with Salad & Chips $28.90 Rump with BBQ Pork Rib Topper, Salad & Chips $31.90 Seafood Basket, Chips & Tartare Sauce $35.90 EVERY THURSDAY Lunch & Dinner MONSTER CRUMBED STEAK With Chips & Gravy $1790 400G
Members of the A Street Band practice in the lead up to this weekend’s performance at the Herberton Rock On event. Photo courtesy of Tablelands Music Lovers.


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Prime commercial space for lease

AMAROO are excited to offer an opportunity for a new or existing business to establish themselves at Amaroo Village with Suite 2/28 Karobean Drive now available for leasing. This tenancy is ideally suited to allied health services, barbers, hairdressing, beauty shops, professional offices and more.


• A new modern and sophisticated premises

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22 Main Street, Atherton Phone: 4091 7111

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• Ideally suited to allied health services, barbers, hairdressing, beauty shops, professional offices and more.

Pop into the Amaroo Land Centre to enquire today or call Ryley on 0409 321 000 if you would like to arrange an inspection, at a time that best suits you. Follow us on our socials or check out our website www. for all updates regarding our upcoming stages and leasing opportunities.


LOCATION IS KEY | 140-142 Herberton Rd, Atherton

OPEN TO VIEW: Saturday 25th, 11.00am – 12.00pm

• Set on 4,161m2 across 2 titles

• 3 bedroom block home - needs work

• 2 bay shed with power + high clearance

• 2nd shed with bathroom and mezzanine

• Town water and sewage

• Potential multi-use zoning

• Fenced and close to town

Suzey Whitby 0438 090 306

Expressions of Interest close 13th April at 12pm. All offers must be submitted in writing by date and time of closure.




• Set on 8.03 hectares

• 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 kitchen home

• Fenced into 3 paddocks

• 3 bay machinery shed

• Rainwater + bore

• Mains power + solar (6.25kw) $1,550,000

Morgan Brennan 0407 730 450


Morecambe Station

• Set on 20,112 hectares* leasehold

• Runs up to 1800 breeders

• 23 tanks and troughs + bore

• 11 paddocks, yards, crush

• Homestead, quarters, sheds

• Coverage of seca stylo



Morgan Brennan 0407 730 450

Margaret Black: Principal

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 25
Medical • Tenants covered parking area • PWD Facilities and car parks

Low maintaince living in Lillypilly

SIMPLISTIC but offering a low maintenance lifestyle is this very loveable rendered block home in the renowned township of Yungaburra.

The home features 3 good sized bedrooms with build in robes and a modern style bathroom.

The floorplan is completely tiled with security screens installed and has an open kitchen with breakfast bar, living and dining room which is serviced with a reverse

cycle air-conditioning unit. Sliding doors open to a back entertainment patio which overlooks farmland and captures the afternoon sunset.

The laundry is located in the double bay remote garage and there is a second roller door providing access to the backyard.

Retaining walls are in place, and gardens are established on the 1,075m2 allotment which is 500m from the Main Street of Yunga-

burra, including the primary school and the popular Yungaburra Markets. Location is superb, there is nothing to do but move in.

To arrange your inspection, contact Exclusive Marketing Agent Kaydee Chatfield 0417 468 941 at Main St Real Estate today.

Address: 3 Lillypilly Lane, YUNGABURRA

Price: Offers Invited

Contact: 0417 468 941

PAGE 26 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals PROPERTY KAYDEE CHATFIELD 0417 468 941 DAIMIN KOCHI 0448 916 246 Phone 4091 6246 • PERFECT BLOCK, HOME OR INVESTMENT • 802m2 benched vacant allotment • New retaining wall on the southern boundary • All town services including undergound power • Allotment is NBN ready (fibre to the premises) • Rural outlook from the front of the allotment • Sitting on the outskirts of the Atherton township $175,000 MASONRY BLOCK HOME ON 1,169M2 • Low maintenance property in Lakeside Estate • Open plan living, kitchen & dining with aircon • 3 bedrooms, 2 with built-ins & aircons • 4th bedroom /study accessed via verandah • Updated bathroom with shower & 2 toilets • 9m x 9m Colorbond shed with high roller doors $620,000 3 LILLYPILLY LANE, YUNGABURRA • Rendered block home on 1075m2 allotment • 3 large bedrooms with built-in robes • Open plan kitchen, living & dining with aircon • Fully tiled throughout, security screens installed • Double bay garage, 2nd roller door, access to backyard • 500m from main street, school & Yungaburra markets OFFERS INVITED IMMACULATE & SPACIOUS HOME • Situated on a large 1,079m2 block • Open plan kitchen, living/dining with aircon • 4 bedrooms with built-ins, master with walk-in robe • Enclosed patio with stunning views • Separate laundry has bench space and storage • Remote double bay garage with storage OFFERS OVER $549,000 CLASSIC BEAUTY WITH VIEWS • Masony block lower level & clay brick upper level • 4 bedrooms, 3 with built-ins, master with deck access • Kitchen gas stove/oven, pantry and breakfast bench • Renovated bathroom, 2nd toilet off laundry • Large downstairs rumpus /2nd living room • Double lock up garage, fenced backyard with access $498,000 OPENHOME: Saturday25thMarch 9.00amto9.45am
Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Main Street Real Estate Kaydee Chatfield

Perfect for extended family

JUST once in a while a unique property comes along that can't be compared to any other. Situated in a quiet tucked away close on a generous 1,075m2 allotment this 4 bedroom home has all the privacy and space you need as well as multiple living areas and is only 2 minutes from town centre.

The home offers beautiful polished timber floors, a generous floor plan throughout and a huge entertainment/ breezeway area that will comfortably house even the largest family party.

It also enjoys the unique aspect of having 2 of the bedrooms positioned privately on the other side of the entertainment area with their own bathroom, toilet & living area and individual access to the carport – perfect for teen-

agers or extended family Extensive list of features:

• Beautiful polished timber flooring & stunning raked ceiling

• Air-conditioning to the living areas & 3 bedrooms

• Generous bedrooms plus master with WIR

• Well-appointed kitchen with quality stainless steel appliances

• 2 living areas plus an enormous, tiled Breezeway/ entertainment area

• Energy efficient inclusions such as a 5kw solar

power system

• Built-in cupboards, security screens

• Rear timber deck overlooking the above-ground Magnesium/Chlorine pool

• 6m x 8m steel frame shed/lean-to

• Privacy of no immediate rear neighbours

This home represents the lifestyle you deserve.

For further information or to arrange a private inspection please call Joe Torrisi on 0417 700 468.


The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 27 houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
• Two separate living zones • 2 kitchens • Inground pool and entertainment zone with outdoor kitchenette • 8 generous size bedrooms with built-in wardrobes • Study downstairs and upstairs • 2 laundries • 3 bathrooms with three separate powder rooms • 3 bay lock up garage plus handyman’s workshop
Separate entrances downstairs and upstairs
No Body Corporate fees
Plus much, much more!
Price 3.5 Million: Submit all offers
any enquiries and inspections please contact: Steve Cordenos 0418 774 994 Email: 203 ESPLANADE CAIRNS Premier Waterfront Address Only 11 Houses on the Cairns Esplanade A 5 Kilometre Stretch Motivated Sellers!
Address: 19 Maria Close, MAREEBA
Joe Torrisi
exceptional results
SOLD MORE LISTINGS WANTED! Do you have di iculty reading from your Phone, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop Computer? Try it today! The Express has introduced cutting edge technology with the Ad Auris Media Player. You can now listen to each article with a simple click.
Price: Offers Over $610,000 Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Joe Torrisi
Real Estate Contact: 0417 700 468
0417 700
knowledge, dedicated
give Joe a call!
The Express website and you can listen to each article with a simple click!


Tableland Community Housing are seeking new properties to lease

If you are a private property owner and would like:

• A secure long-term tenant

• Guaranteed rent for full period of lease, regardless of tenant vacancies or arrears

• Market rent is paid to you one month in advance

• No management fees, regular inspections of property and management of repair issues

Contact the friendly Staff at Tableland Community Housing on 07 4091 5356 or to discuss further.

Lifestyle acreage – welcome home

THIS 20 acre lifestyle acreage block is located in Danbulla, less than 20km from Yungaburra and approximately half hours drive to Gordonvale.

Being located in a sought after area for Cairns commuters makes it a desirable lifestyle block to escape to the country and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the Atherton Tablelands.

The two bedroom home is nestled from the south easterlies and elevated to take in the tremendous views of the rural outlook and distant mountains which create a spectacular backdrop over Danbulla.

Having seven fenced

paddocks, fully workable yards, a horse arena and several livestock sheds, this property presents itself as the perfect hobby farm.

An amenities block equipped with gas hot water compliments the two large sheds nearby which are powered and have water connected for convenience.

The bore feeds the high tank with simplicity of gravity feed to the troughs for the livestock, with a seasonal dam to the front boundary and 5 water tanks on the property gives reassurance of your water supply.

Features of the property include:

• 19.76 acres

• 2 bedroom home

• Open plan

• 1 bathroom; separate toilet

• External laundry

• Large outdoor living area

• Huge carport

• Dog Kennels

• Chook Pen

• Horse Arena

• Cattle Yards

• 2 Large sheds

• Amenities block



• Livestock Shelters

• Seasonal Dam

• Bore

• Rain water tanks

A very quiet and peaceful neighbourhood and located on a no through road, to arrange an inspection or for further information

Call Elders Exclusive Marketing Agent Shellie Nightingale on 0429 966 038.

PAGE 28 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Zoners Pty Ltd ABN 59097345474 trading as Elders Insurance Tablelands AR No. 254599 is an Authorised Representative of Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026, AFSL 340965. Insurance is underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035 AFSL 239545. Visit to consider the Product Disclosure Statement and any applicable Target Market Determination to decide if the product is right for you. Contact Dee Cuda on 4095 6677 today Elders Insurance Tablelands Insurance starts with a chat We take the time to work out what cover you need. A: 21 James Street, Malanda | P: 4096 5666 | W: TOLGA OR MALANDA 2-3 bedroom home on minimum 800m2 , minimal stairs, timber floors preferred, suitable for an elderly couple. ATHERTON OR TOLGA 2-3 bedroom home, good living area, outside patio with good sized garden, garage or undercover parking for a Troopie. BUDGET $375,000 TO $425,000 TINAROO, BARRINE, YUNGABURRA, PEERAMON, CARRINGTON, TOLGA, ATHERTON OR MALANDA Open
Shellie Nightingale 0429 966 038 Michelle Raso 0428 116 136 Tablelands houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
plan home with character, 3 bedrooms, preferably separate living or granny flat, no close neighbours, nice sized yard. UP TO $700,000
Contact Agent
to Shellie Nightingale Elders Real Estate Malanda
0429 966 038



A beauty inside and out! This near new, established home features a lovely modern interior with peace, privacy and views.

Lovingly designed to make use of each space and capture the stunning outlook, you will enjoy not only the home but the close proximity to the Yungaburra Village.

The stunning kitchen is a true entertainer's delight, showcasing a big island bench, ample amounts of storage plus modern appliances & finishes. There is a glass splash back & bi-fold windows so you can enjoy the gardens and views.

Flowing from the kitchen is the open plan living & dining areas which are illuminated by the large windows/ sliding doors perfectly framing the rural outlook onto the deck.

Enjoy the beautiful sunrises and sunsets or entertaining guests on the expansive deck which also flows to an

additional pergola. There are 3 bedrooms, all featuring built-ins and air con with the master & one of bedrooms housing stylish ensuites.

The third bedroom which is located at the front of the home can be locked from the rest of the home, becoming a fully self-contained studio with kitchen, modern bathroom, open shower & luxurious bathtub. Private deck and private access is a bonus. Ideal for Air BnB, elderly parents or some extra income.

Beautifully established trees and gardens create the upmost privacy for you to lavish in the surrounding farmland.

Contact Exclusive agent Suzey Whitby at Ray White Atherton today on 0438 090 306 for further information. 21362939




Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Suzey Whitby Ray White Atherton

Contact: 0438 090 306 or 4091 7111



MALANDA ARCADE is a well known landmark building at 15 Catherine Street, Malanda. Chris Gay Real Estate is proud to present a wonderful chance to secure a fine commercial building to start or expand your investment portfolio.

Built in 1991 on a 776m2 block with its primary land use as ‘small shopping group’. The complex features a lettable floor area of 370m2 divided between 8 individual shops/offices. Of these 7 are with current long-term tenants in place.

The current owners have meticulously maintained the ‘Arcade’ for nearly 3 decades and their attention to detail shows in the property’s presentation.

All tenants show that same pride in their individual premises which augurs well looking into the future.

There is no doubt ‘Malanda Arcade’ offers a fantastic opportunity for the astute buyer.

The complex will be offered for sale by Auction with offers able to be presented prior to.

Chris Gay and his team will be on-site from 10:30am on Saturday the 25th of March, 2023 unless sold beforehand.

Inspections of the property are to be appointment only due to the operating circumstances of the current tenants.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 29 For further information please contact Chris on 0418 773 702 or:
houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l

Tablelands acreage with nothing but the best

THIS unique acreage property of 10 acres has amazing views overlooking the green hills surrounding the Atherton tablelands and is just 10 Minutes from Atherton CBD.

The residence has an immaculate 4 bedroom plus office home that has been cleverly designed with the Tablelands weather and lifestyle in mind, and is surrounded by manicured lawns and gardens.

This solid home offers a well designed entertainers kitchen with red cedar timber and stone bench tops, has multiple open plan living areas giving easy access to dining, living, pool area with wood-burning fireplace.

There are four generous bedrooms plus separate office, main bathroom having separate shower and spa, laundry with built-ins and spacious master bedroom with a very generous builtin robe and direct access to pool area.

This home also features a second tiled outdoor area to take in the tablelands rural views and sheds won't disappoint with two fully enclosed high clearance sheds with plenty of workshop space with one having shower and w/c with both sheds having income potential as storage

sheds. To compliment your tranquil country living there are very well manicured vegetable and herb gardens.


• Quality built home featuring solid block rendered internal walls

• Multiple open plan living areas with fire place and cork tiles throughout

• Quality kitchen with red cedar and stone bench tops

• Four bedrooms all with built-ins plus a Separate office

• Master bedroom with ensuite, spa and direct access to the pool

• Fully tiled out door patios

• Laundry with built-ins

• Very generous tiled lockup garage

• Domestic and livestock bore water connected along with 2 X rain water tanks

• 12m X 9m shed with power, water, shower and w/c

• 18 X 10m shed with power connected and workshop area

• Cattle yards, loading ramp with the property being fenced into 3 separate paddocks

• Very well stablished pastures

• Fully sealed driveway for all weather access

• Tropical gardens with established vegi gardens and chook pen.

• Creek access

• Income potential from letting sheds and agisting pastured paddocks

To discover the benefits of this truly immaculate acreage property for yourself, contact marketing agent Rino Gava on 0427 779 086 at Raine and Horne Atherton.

Address: 9695 Kennedy Hwy, UPPER BARRON

Price: Offers Invited

Agent: Rino Gava Raine & Horne Atherton

Contact: 0427 779 086

4091 1177

Renovator’s Delight - 104 Herberton Road, Atherton 4 1 1

Located only a short drive from Atherton’s main street, you’ll nd this renovator’s delight. Bene tting from a huge 1,619m² block of land, this home started life as a timber cottage, however the rigours of age have caught up with it. In the backyard we nd a 8m x 9m block studio which could be the perfect canvas for a workshop or even converted into a granny at with ease.

OPEN HOME: Saturday 25th March, 9:30am - 10.00am

PRICE: $195,000

Exclusive Agent Zach Reid 0427 683 023

PAGE 30 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Looking to Sell? Call us for a Free Market Appraisal. Atherton | 4091 1611 | 24 Main Street, Atherton WEEKENDS EVERY DAY 6 Eden Drive WONDECLA RETREAT 40 Elms Road Sale $309,000 NEG Web ID 16733714 Sale $810,000 Web ID 18333859 • 1 acre situated at Tinaroo Rise Estate • Power & water ready to be connected • Close to Tinaroo Dam • Benched house pad • 10,000m2 / 2.5 acres • Newly built 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home • 3 bay Colorbond shed • Massive deck overlooking the seasonal creek Colle e Rowston 0419 733 712 Rino Gava 0428 779 086 houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals PROPERTY Boutique Property Management Service provided by a local for locals INTEGRITY, TRANSPARENCY, RESULTS Property is a people business. I work hard to deliver what we agree, acting in a respectful and trustworthy manner from start to finish. It’s as simple as that. Linda Snart  0439 491 357  
Do you have di iculty reading from your Phone, Tablet, Laptop or Desktop Computer? Try it today! The Express has introduced cutting edge technology with the Ad Auris Media Player. You can now listen to each article with a simple click. LISTEN ONLINE Visit The Express website and you can listen to each article with a simple click!

SUNSET Ridge is the new pre-eminent neighbourhood in Atherton.

This impressively spacious home site of 860m², presents you with an opportunity to create something special without the obstacle of a pre-existing house.

The land comes ready to be connected to services such as town water, underground electricity and sewerage.

The allotment offers stunning mountain views. For fun and fitness, included in

the Sunset Ridge estate is a 3 acre open space park reserve with access to the tree lined Mazlin Creek. A children’s playground is located in the nearby Collins Park. Property covenants apply to protect the value of your home.

The only limit is your imagination

For more information, call Trisha Jackson at Professionals Atherton. Phone 4091 3955 or 0419 183 145 anytime. To view more photos of this home site, visit athertonrealestate.


Price: $155,000

Agent: Trisha Jackson Professionals Atherton

Contact: 0419 183 145

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 31 Contact Peter MacPherson for further information Centrally located in the midst of the world renowned Atherton Tablelands. 36.52 Ha prime farming land with 127 meg Water Licence. Level Northerly aspect with room for further planting. Approx. 3200 Shephard Avos and 900 Lime trees. MUTCHILBA | FAR NORTH QLD Land Size: 36.52 Ha - 90.24 Ac E.O.I
with excellent infrastructure and packing shed Very comfortable home, staff accommodation and ancillary shedding. Owners are genuinely committed to selling. Peter MacPherson P: 0447 941 110 E: pmacpherson@qldrural com au Scott Hart P: 0428 371 659 E: shart@qldrural com au Written Expressions of Interest are invited Closing Friday 28th April LIVESTOCK & RURAL PROPERTY AGENTS ID: L22150222
houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals PROPERTY


Sophisticated living on Danzer Drive

LOCATED peacefully at 53 Danzer Drive, Atherton sits this immaculately presented, quality family home.

With comfort, relaxed living, and accessibility in mind this home has been designed to suit those with a busy lifestyle. Carefully designed for the avid entertainer nothing has been missed with gorgeous colour schemes and quality fixtures and finishes throughout.

This home oozes street appeal with a gorgeous feature entry way, manicured landscaping, and an oversized timber door, on a 915m2 allotment.

The gourmet kitchen has all your catering needs covered with a suite of high end appliances, including a dishwasher, microwave, and electric oven. The waterfall island bench overlooks the open plan living, dining and kitchen space, perfect for entertaining family and friends.

The dining space has plenty of room for an oversized dining table, and the large living space opens

seamlessly onto the rear patio through double sliding glass doors.

All four bedrooms are a good size, with built-in cupboards. The master suite is spacious, with a walk-in robe that leads through to the ensuite bathroom. The family bathroom is convenient to the bedrooms and living room, and has a shower, tub and separate toilet. The internal laundry has no shortage of bench or storage space, with built-in cupboards along one wall.

The rear patio is your perfect outdoor entertainment spot as it overlooks the fenced rear yard. The property backs onto Mazlin Creek, a peaceful permanent creek with a walking track and bird watching platform, providing the perfect spot to relax.

• Immaculately presented, quality home

• 4 bedrooms, all with built-ins, 2 bathrooms

• Master suite with walk-in robe & ensuite

• Gourmet kitchen with dishwasher, microwave & island bench

• Open plan living, dining & kitchen

• Internal laundry, 2 car garage

• 915m2 allotment, fenced rear yard

• Rear patio overlooking back yard

• Backing onto Mazlin Creek

With so much to offer, this home is a must to inspect. To arrange your Private Inspection contact exclusive Agent Vince Costas on 0419 926 691 today.

Address: 53 Danzer Drive, ATHERTON

Price: $650,000

Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Vince Costas Central Realty Mareeba

Contact: 0419 926 691

Brand new home in a prestige estate

WANT a new home but don’t want to wait? then this home is perfect for you.

Secure a brand new 3 bedroom quality built home, built by a renowned local builder without the wait.

This beautiful home is the best option for those that simply will not compromise on style, low maintenance living and a superb location. With a long list of features, you will come to love everything that this home has to offer.

Features Include;

• Brand new rendered block home

• Air-conditioned open plan living

• Modern kitchen with electric appliances, pantry, and a breakfast bar

• Master bedroom features a generous ensuite, walk-in robe & air-conditioning

• Bedrooms (2) & (3) with built-in robes

• Tiled main bathroom with a walk-in shower & vanity. Separate toilet

• Ceiling fans, quality fixtures & fittings and vinyl plank flooring throughout home

• Aluminium screens to all windows & sliding glass door

• Large entertainment patio overlooking the green junior rugby field

• Low maintenance 613m2 fully turfed allotment

• Fenced on 2 sides of home

• Coloured concrete foot-

paths & drive-way

• Walking distance to the Atherton Golf Course

Whether you are looking to downsize, looking for a low maintenance investment, looking for your first home or for a new home and don’t want to wait for the build process, place this property on your inspection list- you will not be disappointed!

For further information or to arrange an inspection, call exclusive marketing agent Raquel at Sommerset Realty on 0408 983 879.

Address: 12 Driver Close, ATHERTON

Price: $525,000

Agent: EXCLUSIVE to Raquel Cunzolo Sommerset Realty

Contact: 0408 983 879

PAGE 32 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 84 Main Street, Atherton QLD. 4883 Phone: 0408 983 879
No Obligation Appraisal
IS YOUR PROPERTY WORTH? Call Raquel today to find out!* houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals
Vince Costas 0419 926 691 Remo Esposito 0401 969 473 THE MARKET HAS CHANGED Before you make your next move – call me for sound and professional advice Karen Ranie 0458 408 540

Link Australia Day to constitution changes

THERE is a case to change the date of Australia Day celebration from 26 January to 10 August each year.

The results of one (of two, the other failing) part of the National Referendum of 27 May 1967 was a landmark achievement for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (herewith referred to as “First Australians”) that resulted in formal changes to the Australian Constitution.

These changes were enacted by Parliament on 10 August 1967.

When 90.77 per cent of those eligibly voted “Yes” to these Constitutional changes in this May 1967 Referendum, it was – and still is – the highest percentage “Yes” vote ever recorded in a Federal referendum.

These changes proposed alterations to Section 51 (xxvi) and Section 27 of the Constitution and were referred to as the “Constitutional Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967”.

Put simply, these alterations removed references in the Constitution discriminating against First Australians, allowed the Federal Parliament to “make laws for peace, order and good government” for ALL Australians (where previously First Australian peoples had been specifically excluded) and to include First Australian people in the national census confirming that finally all First Australians were now members of, and counted as part of, the official Australian population.

So 10 August 1967, more than 50 years ago, was the first official day when, regardless of race, gender or ethnic background, all those eligible were formally acknowledged as Australian citizens and, thus, Australia became a true and fairer nation in its own right.

This is surely an occasion worthy of national celebrations by all citizens. I firmly believe that 10 August would be a very popular and widely accepted date to celebrate Australia Day annually by all Australians.

Once accepted, this date would shift a public holiday from the over-subscribed first half of the year to the less gazetted public holidays in the second half of the year and to a relatively quiet month. August is when the northern tropical areas are often experiencing their best weather and the more temperate southern areas their most difficult weather.

As a 75-year-old residing in Cooktown, where approximately 25 per cent of the local population is described as indigenous, I am most passionate about this logical date and am so embarrassed about the current extremely controversial date of 26 January that I neither acknowledge, or feel sufficiently comfortable with, to join in on any celebrations.

With limited experience, knowledge and funds, I plan to distribute this “common sense” suggestion to the appropriate State and Federal politicians and to the general media as the current date, which can bring on violent demonstrations and references to “Invasion Day” makes us Australians a global laughing stock!

Perhaps, we should vote on various dates on which to celebrate Australia Day at the upcoming referendum on the “Voice?

I welcome others’ response to this “winwin” proposition – a date that would provide a strong cause for all Australians to celebrate with zest. Think about it please.

Fake climate science part of UN agenda

The modern warm period has offered some of the best weather of the current interglacial period.

Civilisations have thrived and millions have been lifted from poverty and slavery.

However, we’re constantly told that western civilisation, but not China’s, is “destroying the climate”.

If CO2 “trapped heat” as UN climate

science claims, many alarmist predictions would now be reality.

Ice would’ve melted and seas would’ve risen.

Large sections of the world’s coastal communities would be waist-deep each high tide.

But seas haven’t risen. No predictions have eventuated. The science is not “settled”, it’s fake.

Your power bills are skyrocketing because of renewables imposed to fight a fake climate problem.

The UN wants world government. Fake climate science is the fear campaign they’re using to get it.

As their mates at the WEF have often told us, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”.

Nobody in any democratic country has been asked if they want world government.

The climate fear campaign is intended to trick you into demanding it.

All Greens, Teals, and Labor politicians, most Liberals, and some Nationals support the fake science.

If they’re done their expected due diligence, then by extension they support world government.

What does that say about their view of you?

Love your newspaper!

I AM an 89-year-old mother whose daughter lives in Mareeba.

When she sends my ration of your refreshingly newsy Express newspaper, I am delighted.

I see why she is happy living there.

Keep up the good work, I especially like “Vocal Local”.

What a shame my area in Melbourne hasn’t a paper like yours,

This makes me angry for people who are good renters, makes it harder for the honest people. – Janet Beetson. Similar thing happened to me with my property on the tablelands a few years ago. They stopped paying rent, had to through courts etc. I would never rent it again. – Carly Starr.

Sold ours for the same reason could not do this anymore. – Dawn Teece.

And people wonder and whinge that landlords are selling their properties and renters have nowhere to live. I know there are mostly good people out there needing somewhere to live but the head and heartache isn't worth it. – Andrea Duffy.

That's so appalling. – Ros Serginson.

This is why landlords put rent prices up, not greed like the media would like everyone to believe. – David Norton. The reason we sold our rental properties. It’s soul destroying. – Simone Morse.

Been there, still fighting our insurance, sold the property as it was too hard to keep going through this. – HeidiMaree Blake.

People should learn to have some gratitude. – Trudie


The Express posts news stories on our Facebook page every week. We appreciate your comments which may be used in this column.

EXCESSIVE noise from amplified music, motors, generators and guests is the number one reason why police are called to an address where excess noise is being made.

It is your responsibility to keep noise levels to a minimum. The below information sets out what you need to know about noise abatement directions and some handy hints.

Noise abatement direction

Excessive noise can be reported to police, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and once reported will be investigated by police.

Do not confuse this with council bylaws related to noise.

If the police are reasonably satisfied the noise is excessive in the circumstances police have the power to enter the

premises and give the person responsible for the noise a noise abatement direction.

The noise abatement direction will direct the person to immediately stop the excessive noise and to cease making ‘any’ excessive noise for 96 hours after the direction is given.

What if the excessive noise continues?

If police have been called to your property because of excessive noise and issued you with a noise abatement direction.

And excessive noise continues within the noise abatement period. Police may, issue the person responsible for the excessive noise an on-the-spot fine or a notice to appear in court.

The property that is being used to produce the noise maybe remove, lock away or render inoperable.

The seized property can be collected

from police once the noise abatement period has expired.

It does not matter that the noise being made is not at the same level or of the same nature as the excessive noise for which the original noise abatement direction was originally given. Handy hints to avoid getting a noise abatement direction

• Let your neighbours know about your party in advance, as this may reduce concerns about parking or noise later.

• Keep music indoors and move guests inside as the night gets late.

• Make sure that your sound system speakers are not facing directly towards a neighbour.

• Turning down bass controls or turning off subwoofers can help to control noise levels.

The chosen theme for the weekly challenge was “Summer Garden” and therefore this image of two Brown Honeyeaters enjoying the nectar produced by this beautiful tropical flower. It is a Strelitzia and commonly known as the bird of paradise flower – Photo by Joan Baker

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 33 Email
to the edito
OF THE WEEK Enter your photo on Facebook at the Tablelands and Surrounds Photography Group page
Locals were quick to comment about their own personal experiences and heartaches with renting after a story revealed the extent of damages tenants had done to a property in the time they were living and then squatting at the residence…
Download for FREE from iTunes or Google Play Atherton Tablelands & Mareeba 96.7FM Amrun 94.1FM • Aurukun 107.7FM Coen102.7FM • Cooktown 96.9FM Doomadgee 105.3FM Kowanyama 107.7FM Lakeland 100.5FM Lockhart River 107.7FM Mapoon 101.3FM Mornington Island 107.7FM Pormpuraaw 106.1FM Napranum/Weipa 94.5FM Normanton 98.5FM • NPA 91.9FM Woorabinda 99.7FM Wujal Wujal 107.7FM Yarrabah 92.9FM Excess noise and your responsibilities



17 a corner on a road or racing track that bends to the right (5-7)

20 a family of Italian violin makers, active in Cremona in the 16th and 17th centuries (5)

21 the internal organs in the main cavities of the body, especially those in the abdomen, e.g. the intestines (7)

22 in an intelligent, original, or skilful way (8)

23 remain in the same place (4)


1 a campaign undertaken by a political, social, or artistic group (8)

2 a powder made from roasted and ground cacao seeds (5)

4 consider or regard in a specified way (6)

Puzzle Solutions

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column,


1 small rodents that typically have a pointed snout, relatively large ears and eyes, and a long tail (4)

3 a street in the entertainment section of New York City where there are many theaters, or the theater in this area (8)

9 relating to or consisting of a vowel or vowels (7)

10 the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet, transliterated as ‘th’ (5)

11 afraid to speak frankly or straightforwardly (5-7)

13 a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments (6)

15 extremely unpleasant; repulsive (6)

5 adopt or express a particular attitude or attitudes, typically just for effect (12)

6 to what place, purpose, or end (7)

7 the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun (4)

8 to take foolish risks (4,4,4)

12 the quality or state of being subjected to equal pressure from every side (8)

14 in zoology, any mammal of the group that includes the lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans (7)

16 move (coal, earth, snow, or a similar substance) with a shovel. (6)

18 put together and set upright (a building, wall, or other structure) (5)

19 a white, grey, or pale green soft mineral with a greasy feel, occurring as translucent masses or laminae and consisting of hydrat-


Mar 21 - Apr 19

This week, you have an opportunity for a new beginning. At work you might need to call a hail mary’s to get a project across the line, what can you let go of to achieve the goal. Beginnings, fruition and new things are all starting too bloom andd bear fruit.

JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, help is on the way. Someone might step up to help you this week. This mentor can help guide your steps. There could be a new beginning in your career, learning something new, stepping into a new role or moving on completely. Enjoy the fresh start

sep 23 - oct 22

This week, one small change could have a massive impact. You could learn some information that is life changing when you apply it to your daily routine. A small change or habit could really take hold and make a lasting impact. Time to take control.

Dec 22 - Jan 19

This week, you’re getting things together. You could be feeling very responsible, getting some financial things in order or even just working out the details of your routines. Reviewing security and safety is advised. Later in the week something new could arrive.

apr 20 - may 20

This week, you have the means to accomplish you goal. You could be tested, figuratively or literally. This could be the last step in a process. Celebrate being one step closer to it being complete. You might run into someone new, who just feels so familiar.

JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week, you’re learning to work smarter not harder. You could figure out a productivity hack that saves hours each week. Soon you’ll be able to set time aside for leisure instead of feeling quite so much pressure at work. Travel plans are favoured this week.

oct 23 - nov 21

This week, something new has your attention. You could become obsessed with a new hobby, not just actively participating in the hobby, but learning about it. You could become fully immersed. Just remember to come up for air and spend some time in real life too.

Jan 20 - Feb 18

This week, a financial opportunity is in front of you. You might find a financial opportunity is offered thats just outside of your comfort zone. This opportunity is one worth considering. Later in the week you might find yourself having an impromptu family gathering.

May 21 - Jun 20

This week, you could be in line for extra perks. You could be looking into investing, it’s a positive time to work towards long term financial goals. Take that first small step. You could be celebrating a milestone, you might enjoy yourself so much you schedule another.

Aug 23 -Sep 22

This week, new resources become available. If you’re single, you could meet someone thats a fresh breeze, if you’re already loved up your relationship could experience a fresh breeze, maybe a new perspective that makes you cherish your love even more.

nov 22 - dec 21

This week, home is your sanctuary. You might find peace and contentment is best found in your four walls. You might spend some time tidying and decluttering and making your house a home. You might recognize just how much your home gives you.

Feb 19 - Mar 20

This week, there are many opportunities around you. You might wake up with more energy than usual earlier in the week. A weight has lifted recently and you might find it was heavier than you realised. Later in the week keep your eyes open for an opportunity.

PAGE 34 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th Sunday 26th Monday 27th Tuesday 28th 28° 19° 27° 22° 26° 22° 27° 20° 27° 21° 29° 23° 33° 22°
Time m 0308 0.48 0934 3.27 1539 0.65 2148 2.92
O Anchor Apron Areas Banjo Bar Blacklight Board Cable Call Cans Caster Cheat Cloth Come down Corner Cross CSI Cue Cut-out DAT DBO Deck Desk Dim Dips Dry DSL DSR ERS Fade Flat Flood Fly FoH FX Gate Gauze Gel Go Up Gobo Grid Grip Hanging House Iron Jack Jog Lamp Left Legs Leko Lime Lines LORT LX Mask Mic Mixer Mr Sands Notes OP Pace Patch Pin Rail Pit Plot Prompter Rake Rigging Rostrum Run Scrim Set Side Spill Spot Stage Right State Strip lights Strobe Swatch Tabs Trap Trim Turntable USL USR Way XLR Time m 0348 0.73 1003 3.01 1615 0.76 2230 2.80 Time m 0430 1.07 1032 2.67 1650 0.93 2315 2.60 Time m 0513 1.46 1057 2.30 1725 1.15 Time m 0011 2.38 0607 1.81 1040 1.96 1758 1.37 Time m 0353 2.30 1409 1.59 1621 1.62 2106 1.57 Time m 0503 2.48 1318 1.43 1738 1.77 2240 1.46
The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 35 AIR CONDITIONING AIR-CONDITIONER CLEANING  All Brands  Prompt Service  We also install Aircons! Servicing the Tablelands, Cooktown, Mossman, Dimbulah and everywhere in-between. DAVE’S COOL AIR Phone DAVID AVOLIO on 0409 924 006 Lic. No. LO21176 Breath clean cool air where hygiene comes first! CHILDCARE 3 CENTRES IN MAREEBA: Constance, Dunlop & Hastie Streets EARLY LEARNING • KINDERGARTEN OUTSIDE SCHOOL & VACATION CARE BUILDING Call Doug anytime, he’s a friendly bloke! ROOFS: • Repairs • Re-Roofing • New Roofs • Awnings • Gu�ers • Pain�ng QBCC: 1109288 FREEQUOTES! AllWorkFullyGuaranteed! BUILDING: • Extensions • Pa�os • Carports • Renova�ons • Decks • Fencing DOZOCO BUILDING SERVICES DOUG R OLFE 0418 760 644 E: W: Facebook @dozocobuildingservices Authorised Fujitsu Service Agent Shop 4, 276 Byrnes St, Mareeba PO Box 1034, Mareeba Q.4880 P: 4092 3019 M: 0409 648 403 F: 4092 1629 ABN 80 179 825 363 QBSA 59712 ARC License AU24014 Electrical License No: 78958 CABINET MAKER Come and see Daniel and the team at B&C Cabinets for all your cabinetry needs! P: 4092 2671 • E: • QBCC 1209087 Serving Mareeba & Tablelands Areas • Residential & Commercial • Kitchens • Vanities & Wardrobes • Offices & Retail ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL SOLAR & BATTERIES AIR CONDITIONING PHONE: 0408 764 850 Lic. No. 77513 DO YOU NEED A RELIABLE ELECTRICIAN? • Ravenshoe • Herberton • Millaa Millaa • Tarzali • Topaz • Malanda • Yungaburra • Atherton • Tolga • Walkamin • Mareeba Do you need a RELIABLE Electrician who shows up on time, CLEANS up after himself, and completes your work CHEERFULLY, without charging the earth? Call TODAY! Lic No 69788  Farms  Sheds  Shops  Houses  Maintenance  Renovations  Installations  New Homes  Repairs Call DANIEL 0433 158 941 284 Byrnes St, Mareeba | 4092 1659 | | SOLAR: • OFF GRID • ON GRID • HYBRID MOBILE COVERAGE SOLUTIONS LICENCED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR LICENCED CCTV INSTALLERS Electrical Licence: 86387 Security Licence: 4162579 DEMOLITIONS CLEANING SUPPLIES AUTO ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS • LOG BOOK SERVICING MOBILE SAFETY CERTIFICATES FOR CARS, TRAILERS & MOTORCYCLES 95 Grove Street, Atherton | Phone 0484 649 201 Chris’s Auto Repairs & Spares DENTAL PH/FAX: 4092 2464 • MOB: 0402 809 556 • Email: Paul Johnstone DENTAL TECHNICIAN DENTAL PROSTHETIST Registration No. 931417 • Full and Partial Dentures • Relines and Repairs • Mouthguards Private Health Fund Rebates Apply Veteran Affairs Provider MAREEBA DENTURE SERVICE 4 Warren Street, Mareeba Q.4880 DIRECTORY 4092 3464 Kat Child “GOTTA CALL COXENS” Custom made spill kits Safety storage showers and eyewashes Workshop cleaning products Cleaning machinery Sales and Service COXEN CLEANING SUPPLIES 38 Years, we must be doing it right! | Phone: 07 4051 9355 Email: cleaning OUR SHOWROOM IS SITUATED ON JUBILEE STREET, CAIRNS CITY, 50 METRES FROM CAIRNS CENTRAL CLEANING TABLELANDCleaning Services For all your interior & exterior cleaning! FULLY INSURED LOCAL FAMILY BUSINESS • Bond Cleans • Mould & Mildew Treatments • Pressure Cleaning, Roofs & Exteriors • Gutter Cleaning • Contract Cleaning Phone: David or Julie 0428 993 205 | Email: EXPRESS
PAGE 36 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 IRRIGATION ENGINEERING 124 Mason Street, Mareeba  (07) 4092 2433 QBCC No. 1275266 GENERAL ENGINEERING All types of welding, lathe work and milling. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED FLOORING LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED • Polished Concrete • Dust Controlled Grinding • Ceramic, Vinyl, Carpet Removal • Supply & Installation of Vinyls • Vinyl Planks & Carpets • Commercial & Domestic Phone Darrin 0428 917 539 Email: Northern Floors Pty Ltd IRRIGATION DESIGN AND SUPPLY • Pumps Sales & Repairs • Filtration • Water Treatment • Water Tanks & Troughs • Pool Treatments • Solar Pumping Systems • Reinke Centre Pivot and Lateral Move Irrigators 50 BYRNES STREET, MAREEBA • PHONE 4092 7788 HARDWARE RAVEN SHOE HARDWARE 19 Wormboo Street 4097 6208 • Hardware • Plumbing • Flat Pack Kitchens • Paint • Nursery • Giftware • Jaycar • Building Materials • White Goods PAINTER M. HARTLEY PTY LTD PAINTING CONTRACTORS BELL HARTLEY & CO. TRADING AS PO BOX 1414, MAREEBA QBCC 1115490 P: 4092 1176 M: 0418 184 147 E: NO OBLIGATION FREE QUOTES! PEST MAXIMUM PEST MANAGEMENT 100% Locally Owned & Operated! Max & Jodie Turner  DOMESTIC  COMMERCIAL  TERMITES Pre-Construction | Pre-Purchase Inspections MAREEBA OFFICE: 1 Vaughan Street ATHERTON OFFICE: 30 Main Street W: P: 4092 1999 M: 0418 150 759 DIRECTORY 4092 3464 Kat Child EXPRESS IT SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS IN-STORE AND ON-SITE BURRATRONICS Shop 3, 203-215 Byrnes St, Mareeba P: 4092 7038 • Laptops, Tablets & Towers • Custom Systems • Phone & Tablet Repairs • Networking Solutions 0415 579 019 QBCC 1531 9397 Domestic | Commercial CONTACT DANTE AVOLIO FOR A FREE QUOTE! E: FNQ Platinum Painting HANDYMAN Building Maintenance & Handyman Walls and Ceilings Framed & Finished PHONE DAVE 0417 202 409 QBCC 1117987 MOWING Address: 9 Costa Street, Tolga Q. 4882 | Postal: PO Box 541, Tolga Q. 4882 | Email: Phone: (07) 4235 7887 | Mobile: 0483 281 712 | Facebook: FNQ Water Pty Ltd | Website:  Irrigation  Sales  Design  Stock Water  Filtration  Pumping Systems  Treatment  Install  Repairs HOME HELP Expert Help and Support for: Downsizing • Decluttering Packing for Moving 0457 487 777 Project Manager and Professional Organiser Alison Eaton
The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 37 PRODUCE Home & workplace delivery from $7.50 TABLELANDS TREELOPPING • Treelopping • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding • Bobcat Hire • Pensioner Discounts • Fully Insured FREE QUOTES! Call Jon Lambert | P: 4091 5008 | M: 0407 575 916 SAND BLASTING & PAINTING 124 Mason Street, Mareeba  (07) 4092 2433 QBCC No. 1275266 SANDBLASTING & PAINTING Farm Machinery, Ute Trays, Trailers, Structural Steel, Rims and more. QUALITY PAINT PROTECTION GUARANTEED Lukas Portelli 0427 189 227 • Tree Removal • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding • Firewood DIRECTORY 4092 3464 Kat Child REMOVALISTS Jorge 4091 2601 or 0451 971 708 RatesExcellentQuotes!Free Specialising in the local area, no job too big or too small... let us take care of your every move. TREELOPPING P: 4095 4595 | E: PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE SERVICING NORTH QUEENSLAND TRANSPORT Advertising has never been more affordable! YOU CAN AFFORD TO ADVERTISE IN THE EXPRESS DIRECTORY WITH PRICES STARTING AT JUST $50 PER WEEK!! Call Kat today on 4092 3464 or email: to find out more! DIRECTORY Certain work defined as “building work” in the QBCC legislation may only be undertaken by licensed contractors, or if undertaken by unlicensed contractors, only to the value of $3,300. However, work falling outside that definition may be performed by unlicensed contractors and is not subject to any value limit. To check whether a Contractor holds a QBCC Licence visit: Or call the QBCC on 1300 272 272 EXPRESS POOL 71 BYRNES ST, MAREEBA ALL POOL SUPPLIES INCLUDING FREE WATER TESTING & EXPERT ADVICE “WE OFFER A COMPLETE ON SITE POOL SERV ICE” P: 4092 1443 or 0413 013 297 LICENSED POOL SAFETY INSPECTOR POOL MAINTENANCE & POOL SHOP PLUMBING  RURAL  DOMESTIC  COMMERCIAL  ROOFING  PLUMBING  DRAINAGE Excellence Through Perseverance and Diligence Wally Amory - Mareeba Depot Manager - 20-26 Martin Tenni Drive, Mareeba Phone: 0421 839 353 |


Vanessa Arena and Daniel Clarke


Congratulations on your Wedding Day.

May today mark the first of the rest of your life, filled with love and happiness.

Lotʼs of love, Mum, Dad, Margarita, Angelo, Mateo, Damon, Nicola, Angela, Ray, Isabel and Anton.

Aunty Vanessa & Uncle Dan

Thank you for letting us share in your special day. We wish you all the happiness in the world.

Lots of love, Mateo, Damon, Nicola, Isabel and Anton.




~ 26-03-2010

Sadly missed and forever loved by your family. Lovingly remembered by Jenny, Leanne, Raelene and families.

Betsy Ward Chew (nee Watson)

12/08/1923 - 22/03/2022

Loving Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother

Much loved and sadly missed by her family.

Colin Dow

Thank you to all of the amazing staff and volunteers at Carinya Aged Care for your devotion to and patience with Colin and the caring people at Community Funerals. Thank you to our friends and family for all of your support.

Please accept this as our personal thanks.

Maureen Dow & Family.



Jeffrey Charles Snelling

Wish to sincerely thank all who attended Jeff ʼs funeral, sent flowers, cards and food, phoned and paid visits during the past few traumatic weeks. We have been overwhelmed by the love, care and support given by the whole community.

To the Police, SES, Ambulance and Special Divers, and all those who assisted at Lake Tinaroo, and NQ Tractor Pull members a very special thank you. Please accept this as our personal thanks, the Snelling family.


McLAREN, Brian

Late of Atherton. Passed away on Monday 13th March, 2023. Aged 70 years

Beloved Husband of Grace. Much loved Father of Brett, Shaun, Kylie, Deane & families. Funeral to be held at the Rocky Creek Igloo, Frazer Road, Tolga on Friday 24th March, 2023 commencing at 11.00am.

In lieu of flowers, donations to Royal Flying Doctors would be appreciated. Donation and livestream details available through Guilfoyle Funerals.


Guilfoyle Funeral Services

Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens

Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013 Local Family Owned & “Entrusted for over 70 years”


GARAGE Sale Peaks Gully Rd, Atherton SAT 25 March, 9am onwards. NO EARLY BIRDS

GARAGE Sale 40 Koah Rd, Koah. SAT 25 March, 10am onwards. NO EARLY BIRDS

In loving memory of VICKTOR KAZIM


~ 6 Years ~

You will forever be remembered for your laughter, your charisma, your smile and your outgoing personality.

We miss you everyday Dad xxx

In Loving Memory of my Husband, our Father, Father-In-Law, Grandfather and Great Grandfather Carlo


19th March, 1995

We think about you always, We talk about you still. You have never been forgotten, And you never will. We hold you close within our hearts, And there you will remain. To walk and guide us through our lives, Until we meet again.

Presbyterians meet in Mareeba for worship each Sunday 10am, QCWA Hall, Wilkes Street (behind Meals on Wheels). All welcome.

Easter Season continues on Sunday 26 March, 2023:

Characters Caught up With the Cross #4: Pontius Pilate:

Cavorting with Cowardice

“So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified.” (Mark 15:15)

From your loving wife Antonia, Daughters Jeanette and Rene, Son-in-Law Luch, Grandchildren Melissa, Michael, Natalie, Sheree and Jacinta.


Happy 9th Birthday WILLIAM!

Love from Mum, Maddi, Ash & Charlee

Main duty will be driving concrete Agitator Truck including cleaning and maintenance of the truck. May also be required at times to drive truck and dog bringing in materials and body tipper.

Training on Agitator Truck can be provided but experience would be highly advantageous. Must be an experienced driver with minimum HR Licence and willing to get HC Licence, and experience with trucks with non-syncro gear box.

Quick learner and team player, must be able to do Saturdays on rotation as required, White/Blue Card, immediate start.

Contact Steve to discuss 0408 764 763 or Email resume:

Chief Executive Officer

Cape York NRM is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity with a mission to help people work to care for the natural environment while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in Cape York Peninsula.

They are staffed by an experienced and dedicated team who work with individuals, groups and communities across Cape York to care for Country through various activities that promote and support the organisation’s inclusive mission. Through significant community engagement, they proactively enhance activities based on the core principles of sustainability, ongoing regional development across land and sea and also work to protect threatened plant and animal species and improve fire management.

Your new role:

As the new CEO, you will be responsible for the overall leadership and management of the activities of Cape York NRM and will be accountable to the Board. The position is based in Cairns with travel required to regional offices in Atherton and Cooktown and has a core focus on ensuring the organisation continues to operate effectively to ensure onward growth, effective governance and strong financial stability whilst investing in significant stakeholder engagement and commercial relationships.

What you’ll need to succeed:

We are seeking an effective and inclusive leader for this critical position. Your previous leadership experience easily evidences your inclusive, open style of management coupled with an inherent ability to develop relationships and identify opportunity. Whilst not for profit experience would be advantageous, we are open to considering individuals with a significant background and genuine interest and experience in Cape York and land and environmental issues. Naturally, you will be an inquisitive and effective executive with confidence in strategic development, corporate governance, risk management and financial performance. You will also be open to a significant amount of travel required to be successful in the role.

What you need to do now:

Applications must be submitted online at:

To find out more, download the application kit at:

The closing date for applications will be 4.00pm, Wednesday 5 April, 2023.

PHONE: 4096 5190

PCYC Mareeba is currently seeking a passionate Program Coordinator Community Foundation Skills (Fixed Term, Part Time, 25 Hours Per Week, Until December 2023)

To apply go to:

Note: Blue Card ‘No Card, No Start’ Laws Apply. Must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

PAGE 38 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 4092 3464 Kat Child Classified Deadline: 4pm every Friday Classified deadlines 4pm Friday prior to the next week’s publication ADVERTISING works. Call us on 4092 3464. ADVERTISE TODAY! Ph 4092 3464. BILL Black Mobile Butcher. Hang up to 7 days. 0408 922 812. BUTCHER LOCAL Mobile Farm Butcher - will travel. Ph Bryan 0407 691 752. MOBILE farm butcher. Ph John Hales 0409 638 882. E XPRESS
Must have own vehicle and tools. Full time
Immediate start. Experience required. Please Call 0418 791 096 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Permanent / Casual
for Malanda
work available.
area, MR licence required and able to obtain driver authorisation.
Agitator Truck Driver Wanted





Mareeba Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified tenderers for the construction of the Mareeba Water Treatment Plant Booster Station Project.

Tender documents are available on Council’s online e-procurement system, VendorPanel- https://www.

All enquiries or clarifications must be via the online forum which will close 7 days prior to closing time. Council officers are unable to respond to verbal or emailed enquiries.

The closing time for electronic lodgement of Tenders is 11:00am Tuesday, 11 April 2023.

Regulation 228(7) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 may be applied.

Tender(s) will not be opened publicly. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Peter Franks

Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880

The applicant for all permits is: Aurum Vale Pty Ltd 100%

ML 100321 is undertaken for the mining/purpose of Living quarters/ camp, Processing plant, Tailings/settling dam, Garnet, Gold, Ilmenite/leucoxene, Monazite, Rate Earths, Rutile, Silver Ore and Zircon on the following land parcels within the Cook Shire Council: Lot 233 on PH1796 (Mt Mulgrave Station), Lot 2367 on SP284117 (King Junction Station) and USL River (Palmer River).

This application is located at approximately 101 kilometres south west of Laura.

Date & Time Applications Lodged: 9 August, 2022 - 9:21AM

Mining activities to be carried out include: Alluvial Mining

ML 100322 is undertaken for the mining/purpose of Living quarters/ camp, Processing plant, Tailings/settling dam, Garnet, Gold, Ilmenite/leucoxene, Monazite, Rate Earths, Rutile, Silver Ore and Zircon on the following land parcels within the Cook Shire Council: Lot 434 on SP136214 (Strathleven Station), Lot 2367 on SP284117 (King Junction Station) and USL River (Palmer River).

This application is located at approximately 105 kilometres south west of Laura.

Date & Time Applications Lodged: 8 August, 2022 - 3:23AM

Mining activities to be carried out include: Alluvial Mining

ML 100323 is undertaken for the mining/purpose of Living quarters/ camp, Processing plant, Tailings/settling dam, Workshop/machinery/storage (infrastructure only) on the following land parcels within the Cook Shire Council: Lot 2367 on SP284117 (King Junction Station).

This application is located at approximately 104 kilometres south west of Laura.

Date & Time Applications Lodged: 9 August, 2022 - 10:32AM

Mining activities to be carried out include: Alluvial Mining

Mining Lease Application Documents

Notice of a non-claimant application for determination of native title in Queensland

Notification day: 5 April 2023

A ‘non-claimant’ application has been made to the Federal Court of Australia (Federal Court) seeking a determination that native title does not exist in the area described below. The Applicant has a non-native title interest in the area, which is set out in their application and summarised below.

Under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), there can be only one determination of native title for an area. Unless there is a relevant native title claim, as defined in section 24FE, over the area described below on or before 4 July 2023, the area may be subject to protection under section 24FA and acts may be done which extinguish or otherwise affect native title

A person who claims to hold native title rights and interests in this area may wish to file a native title claimant application or become a party to this non-claimant application. These may be the only opportunities to have those rights and interests taken into account in the Federal Court’s determination. Any other person may also wish to become a party.

If you want to become a party to this application, you must file a Form 5 (Notice of Intention to become a Party) with the Federal Court, on or before 4 July 2023. Further information regarding how to file a Form 5 is available from After 4 July 2023, you will need to seek leave from the Federal Court to become a party.

Applicant’s name: Gunther Family Holdings Pty Ltd (ACN 609 773 819)

Federal Court File No: QUD53/2023

Non-native title interest: The applicant is the registered lessee of the application area



Mareeba Shire Council is seeking written submissions and competitive rates from a variety of suitably qualified and experienced Suppliers for Appointment as a Pre-Qualified SupplierInfrastructure Maintenance Services. The Request for Tender outlines categories of Trade and Services.

Tender documents are available on Council’s online e-procurement system, VendorPanel- https://www.

All enquiries or clarifications must be via the online forum which will close 7 days prior to closing time.

Council officers are unable to respond to verbal or emailed enquiries.

The closing time for electronic lodgement of Tenders is 11.00am Tuesday 11 April, 2023.

Regulation 228(7) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 may be applied.

Tender will not be opened publicly. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Peter Franks Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880

Proposed Development

Make a submission from 16th March 2023 to 2nd May 2023

Preliminary Approval Including Variation Request for a Material

Change of Use to Vary the Effect of the Planning Scheme & Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot

Where: 42 Mabel Street, Atherton

On: Part of Lot 2 on NR7968

Approval Sought: Preliminary approval for a variation request and development permit for reconfiguring a lot

Application Ref: MCU22/0026

You may obtain a copy of the application and make a submission to:

Tablelands Regional Council PO Box 573, Atherton Qld 4883

1300 362 242

Copies of the application are available at TRC customer service centres in Atherton, Herberton, Malanda and Ravenshoe.

Public notification requirements are in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.

The application documents consist of the Application for Mining Lease, copies of or extracts from the application documents, and the endorsed Mining Lease Notice detailing the location and description of the land applied for (including surface area and access), may be downloaded from the Departments website resources/public-notices-tenders or may be inspected at the Department of Resources office: Level 9, Verde Tower, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville Qld 4810 or may be obtained by contacting the local mines assessment hub on

Environmental Authority Documents

The application documents for the proposal consist of the following:

A-EA-NEW-100301785 (ML 100321) Standard Application for a new environmental authority for a resource authority and A-EANEW-100391030 (ML 100322 and ML 100323) Variation application for a new environmental authority for resource activity.

Copies of, or extracts from, the application documents may be inspected at the Department of Environment and Science, 5B Sheridan Street, Cairns Qld 4870 or may be obtained by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 or by email on

Copies of the standard conditions and eligibility criteria for a resource activity can be obtained by accessing the Department of Environment and Science website or by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 (select option 4) or by email on palm@

Making A Properly Made Objection / Submission

It is advised that any person/entity may make an objection to the grant of the mining lease, and/or a submission about the application for the environmental authority. The objection/submission period, during which objections/submissions can be given, concludes on 24 April, 2023 at 4.30pm (AEST).

A properly made objection and/or submission must be received on or before

4.30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection/submission period. It must be lodged with the chief executive in writing in the approved form, addressed to the relevant Assessment Hub:

Mineral Assessment Hub Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810 PO Box 1752, Townsville QLD 4810 Email:

Objections To The Mining Lease Application:

A copy of the objection must also be served upon the applicant/s on or before the last day of the objection period at the following address:

Aurum Vale Pty Ltd

C/- Avoca Tenement Consulting Pty Ltd

P.O. Box 706, Mareeba QLD 4880

Objection for the mining lease application:

A properly made objection in respect to the grant of the mining lease is one that:

• Is lodged, on or before the last objection day for the application with the chief executive in writing in the approved form;

• States the grounds of the objection and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds;

• Is signed and dated by each person/entity (i.e. signatory) making the objection; and

• States the name and address of each signatory.

Intending objectors should either contact the relevant assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230 and obtain the approved objection form (MRA-20) or obtain the approved objection form from the department’s website: https://www. applications-compliance/forms-fees.

Submissions for the Environmental Authority application:

A properly made submission must meet all of the following requirements:

• Be written or made electronically;

• State the name and address of each submitter;

• Be made to the administering authority stated above;

• Be received on or before the last day of the submission period;

• State the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds.

Intending submitters may contact the Department of Environment and Science on 1300 130 372 (select option 4) to obtain a submission form or obtain a copy from the departments website:

Order sought by Applicant: The applicant seeks a determination that native title does not exist

Description: The application area comprises of Lot 11 on Crown Plan 896922, Lot 219 on Survey Plan 285559 and Lot 43 on Survey Plan 219915, covering an area of about 60 sq km and is located in the vicinity of Mount Garnet

Relevant LGA: Tablelands Regional Council

For assistance and further information about this application, call Lisa Carlsen on 07 4257 5704 or visit

Proposed Development

Make a submission from: 22nd March, 2023 to 14th April, 2023

Material Change of Use for Tourist Park & Function Centre

Where: Kennedy Highway, Millstream

On: Lot 13 on RP749588

Approval Sought: Development Permit for Material Change of Use for Tourist Park & Function Centre

Application Ref: MCU22/0018

You may obtain a copy of the application and make a submission to:

Tablelands Regional Council PO Box 573, Atherton, Qld 4883

1300 362 242

Public notification requirements are in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.



Mareeba Shire Council invites tenders for Mareeba Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified tenderers for the construction of the Mareeba Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Pump Station Upgrade.

Tender documents are available on Council’s online e-procurement system, VendorPanel- https://www.

All enquiries or clarifications must be via the online forum which will close 7 days prior to closing time. Council officers are unable to respond to verbal or emailed enquiries.

The closing time for electronic lodgement of Tenders is 11:00am, Tuesday 18 April, 2023. Regulation 228(7) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 may be applied. Tender(s) will not be opened publicly. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Peter Franks

Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880

• Saturday, 1 April and Sunday, 2 April 2023

Almaden, Irvinebank and Mt Molloy Transfer Stations:

• Saturday, 1 April and Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Mt Carbine Transfer Station:

• Thursday, 30 March and Sunday, 2 April 2023

Mutchilba Transfer Station:

•Wednesday, 29 March and Saturday, 1 April 2023

Chillagoe Transfer Station:

• Thursday, 30 March and Saturday, 1 April 2023

For more information, please phone 1300 308 461 or visit:

Peter Franks Chief Executive Officer PO Box 154, MAREEBA QLD 4880

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 39 CLASSIFIEDS PRIVACY POLICY The Express collects personal information to assist us in providing goods and services which you have requested to process competition entries, giveaways and to improve our products and services to you. We may be in touch by phone, mail, fax or internet to inform you of any services and promotions which may be of interest. If you would prefer us not to do so, please write to us at: The Express, PO Box 2243, Mareeba QLD. 4880 Access to your personal information can be obtained by calling (07) 4092 3464. MARRIAGE Celebrant - Cheryl Tonkin. T/lands - Rural - Remote. Ph 0407 670 954. Wedding Funeral DEBBIE BOARDMAN Funeral Celebrant Final farewells with respect. Phone 0410 328 357 Public notice MAKE YOUR AD STAND OUT A D D C O L O U R FREE GREEN WASTE DISPOSAL DAYS
Shire Council Free Green Waste Disposal Days
– April, 2023.
Mareeba, Kuranda, Dimbulah and Julatten Transfer Stations:
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Speedway action returns to Tepon

Big season ahead for netball

MAREEBA Netball is gearing up for a big season with hundreds of young netballs flocking to the courts as its junior competition kicks off this Saturday.

Currently there are five U16 and four U12 teams registered and 31 Net Set Go players ready to get on the courts.

The club even hosted coaching and umpiring workshops recently with Netball Queensland representative Richanda Kasman, as the club strengthens its volunteer base by providing them with more training and support.

The club is up about 60 nominations compared to last season and club president Michelle Cifuentes said it is good to see the club grow.

“Last year we had a growth of about 30 nominations and this year it is 60,” she said.

“If more people put up their

hands to play senior netball that would be good.

“We had our social night two weeks ago and we had about 10 teams there so if that translates into people playing that would be good.”

Social netball has been running since the beginning of March and has been well attended with 10 teams currently joining in on the fun, the social games help entice new players to the senior competition and also rise much needed funds for junior players that are travelling away.

The club is currently preparing for its U16 representative team to travel to the Sunshine Coast for the Senior State Age Carnival from 1-4 April.

In preparation for State Age the team competed in a carnival held by the Cairns Netball Association last Sunday.

Schools race at mountain bike challenge

STUDENTS with a need for speed competed against each other at the recent Mareeba Mountain Goats Interschool Mountain Bike Race.

This is the first time the competition has been run since 2019, with 86 students from schools across the region flocking to Davies Creek for the big event.

The purpose for the event was to create an opportunity for young people to participate in mountain biking as either a beginner or as an experienced rider.

“We tried to cater for all skill levels and ages, as well as including the girls and giving them a go,” co-ordinator Travis Cummings said.

“We were worried that it was going to be rained out, but we were lucky. Was a hot day but the course was running fast.”

The winner for the 10-12 year old boys was Khy Allen with a total time of 14:52.66 and the girls winner was Alexis Wood with a time of 18:28.62.

Logan Lockyer took out the number one spot for the 13-15 year old boys with a time of 40:52.12 whilst Taylor Stevenson won the girls with a time of 57:30.96.

In the open’s category, Finn Slade flew into first with a time of 52:35.75 over four laps.

The next interschool race will kick off in term two at the Atherton Mountain bike park.

“A massive thankyou to Mareeba Mountain goats for all the work they did, without them it wouldn’t happen. Also, Prince Cyclery in Malanda who came and helped with bike repairs on the day,” Travis said.

RESULTS: D Grade: 3rd – Emma Ross 30 Pts, 2nd –William Jonsson 37 pts, 1st – Harrison Jonsson 49 pts. C Grade: 3rd – Mark & Daniel Toohey 23 pts, 2nd - Sophie Jonsson 39 pts, 1st – Ezra Bartholt 43 pts. B Grade: 3rd – Daniel Weller 29 pts, 2nd – Geoff Schulz 30 pts, 1st –Josh Dotti 34 pts. A Grade: 3rd – David Shade 38 pts, 2nd – Owen Jonsson 39 pts, 1st – Cameron O’Flynn 40pts.

PAGE 40 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Mareeba netballers Isabella Teasdale, Summer Johnston, Jordan Koljin and Taylah Harris running drills at a recent training session. Andrew McCreath. David Shade. Mick Brook. Daniel Toohey.
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Ezra Bartholdt.


Boorman-led Thunder crash through big bash

FROM taking the wooden spoon last season, the Twomey Schriber Thunder led by Atherton Agrade captain Tom Boorman have climbed their way to the top in this year’s Barrier Reef Big Bash.

The Thunder now lead this year’s ladder with a record of four wins and one loss with their only loss coming on Saturday against the Piccones Badgers.

Boorman believes the Thunder have the best and most effective bowling line-up and at one point, his five top bowlers were the five highest wicket takers in the competition.

“We have batted first in the four wins that we’ve had and our experience with the ball has meant we’ve just had that X factor,” he said.

“We seem to gel well and have a good mix of youth and experience with Matty Wilkins and Aidan Firman probably being the two most exciting young cricketers in the comp.

“Then you’ve got the likes of Michael Salerno, Wade Matthews and Jacob Stanton who have

been in the competition for over 10 years and then some.”

There is only one weekend left in the regular season before the finals are due to be played over the last weekend of March and Boorman is confident his side can remain in the running however as it is a T20, it is anyone’s game.

“All four teams are strong so on any given day anyone can hurt you – if Roachie (Jake Roach) gets going there is probably no stopping him,” he said.

“Everyone has got strong players who can hurt you, so we just need to turn up on the day and our bowling attack needs to keep doing what they are doing.

“We are not relaxed in anyway and we are pumped up to continue what we have been doing and perform when it matters.”

The Thunder have one more match this weekend against Halpins Hurricanes this Saturday before the finals next weekend.

Atherton secure second shot at premiership

IN a rain plagued and reduced overs semi-final, Atherton second grade has managed to claw away a win against Norths Spicy Bite at Griffiths Park on Sunday to secure their spot in the finals and another chance at a premiership for the second year in a row.

As rain plagued the region and rained out the first semi-final against Mulgrave Kerala and Barron at Walker Road, Atherton and Norths Spicy Bite managed to get on for 25 overs each in a game that went down to the wire.

St Patty’s Day races success in Mareeba

IT was a well-attended first race meet of the season for the Mareeba Turf Club as a special Saint Patrick’s Day Races was held on Saturday as race goers enjoyed green themes and a five race card.

In the first race of the day Evil Woman trained by Ralph Baker and ridden by Nathan Day crossed the line first followed closely by Filly Slater and Bowtie Betty in second and third.

The QTIS Maiden Plate was the second race on the card and Miss Bossy trained by Janel Ryan crossed the line first, jockeyed by Rachel Shred. Bohemian Flyer and Miss Daurian were close behind.

For the Open Handicap it was Sylvester trained by Sharlee Hoffman and jockeyed by Isabella The that crossed first with love on Sunday and Macedon Flyer coming in close behind.

In the following race, Rose of Athens trained by Scott Cooper and ridden by Nathan Day finished first with Masared and I Love Rock’n’roll coming in second and third. For the final race of the day, Whitterick trained by Janel Ryan and jockeyed by Rachel Shred took first while Swanky Blue and Female Officer trailed in behind for second and third.

Mareeba bows out of finals race

MAREEBA third grade went down swinging in their semi-final against the Douglas Muddies in Port Douglas.

As Mareeba finished fourth on the table they had to face off against the number one placed Douglas Muddies on their own home turf for a shot at a premiership.

Douglas won the toss and sent Mareeba in to bat, striking early and removing opener Ross Ferguson for naught.

The wickets flowed for Douglas as they continued their assault on Mareeba’s line-up with the other opener, Grant Hanlon, proving to be Mareeba’s only saving grace after he fought his way to 60.

After Hanlon was dismissed Mareeba only managed to put on 16 more runs before they were all bowled out for a total of 110 in the 27th over.

Douglas never looked troubled in their chase with only the top four batsman needing to make their way out to the middle.

Ben Jones and Ross Ferguson were the only two bowlers to take wickets as Douglas chased down Mareeba’s score in good time, ended on 2/111 off 26.1 overs.

Mareeba’s senior cricket season has now come to an end with its’ second, third and fourth grade sides not managing to make it through to the finals.

Second win of season for Bulls

THE Mareeba Bulls premier men’s have secured their second win of the season going 4-1 up against the Stratford Dolphins at home on Saturday night.

The Bulls lead the game right through to the second half, scoring two goals before the break and two after.

The Dolphins managed to get one back roughly halfway into the second half however it was too little too late and the Bulls secured their second win.

Coach Kane Alderton said while he is happy with how the team is performing a key aspect of their game that needs to be worked on is focus.

“Last year we sort of struggled to score

goals but this year we seem to be creating a lot of chances and scoring goals which is good,” he said.

“So as long as we can stop conceding silly goals and keep scoring goals and play for 90 minutes, we will be alright.

“It is just reminding the boys that it is a 90-minute game, we can’t play for 20 minutes and switch off for 20 – other teams like Edge Hill and Leichhardt will punish us if we switch off.”

The Mareeba Bulls will now travel down the hill to play against the Redlynch Strikers at Calanna Park with the game set to kick off at 7pm.

Norths won the toss and put Atherton in to bat as openers Alex Nasser and Mason Blaney set the precedent, putting on a 87 runs partnership with Blaney making 52 before being dismissed.

Nasser made 40 before being dismissed while the rest of the order struggled to make it into

double figures – Atherton managed to make it to 8/162 off their 25 overs.

Norths gave Atherton a good run for their money as their middle order managed to fire and make good scores including one half century.

The game went down to the wire as Norths made it to 153 in their final over before losing their final wicket in a run out.

After claiming the win Atherton will now face off against Mulgrave Kerala at Walker Road this Sunday.

Atherton has been in this exact position before and was set to play Mulgrave Kerala at Walker Road in last year’s finals, however it was rained out and Mulgrave took the throne as they were placed first.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 41
Twomey Schriber Thunder and Atherton A-grade captain Tom Boorman is excited about the Thunder’s performance during the Barrier Reef Big Bash and hopes to continue it into the finals. Race one winner Evil Woman with jockey Nathan Day.


Paddlers ready for first regatta King to be crowned

HUNDREDS of paddlers are expected to race onto the waters of Lake Tinaroo this Saturday as The Dam Outrigger Canoe Club and the Cairns Beaches Outrigger Canoe Club host the first regatta of the 2023 North Queensland Zone Grand Prix season.

Last year’s event gathered over 500 participants and the hope is that number will be dwarfed this year with the dam level currently over 100 percent and some added new additions for spectators and racers to enjoy.

In a welcome change this year the regatta will also have multiple coffee, food and ice cream vans available as well as live music.

Club’s from across Queensland are expected to make the journey to Tinaroo this Saturday as they vie for the top place in a range of different divisions.

Dam Outrigger Canoe Club coach Ralph Seed said the regatta is a great chance for members of the community to come out and enjoy the lake, racing, food and music.

“This regatta is not only the first Northern Zone Outrigger Regatta of the season, but one of the best attended drawing eight clubs from Torres Strait in the North to Whitsundays in the south,” he said.

“It should be a great spectacle and a chance for all to enjoy the excitement of a packed sprint and short course program containing 28 different races.”

The regatta begins at 7am and will run until 4pm at 15 Tinnaburra Drive Yungaburra.

THE Muay Thai “King of the North”

is due to be crowned over the weekend as Tableland fighters make the journey down the hill to fight in Explosive Fight Promotions latest event, King of the North at Brothers Leagues Club in Cairns.

Spirit Muay Thai in Mareeba has put forward Chris Obodin and Harry Stewart with the former set to fight for a title.

Rayzor Muay Thai based out of Total Health and Fitness (TFIT) in Malanda have Blaire Duesbury and Stephen Zsombok stepping into the ring for their first professional fight and first fight respectively.

Chris Obodin has been hard at work over the past few weeks as he prepares to face off against James Lowe of Power Up MMA for his 69kg title fight this Saturday.

Lachlan McWaters, another fighter from SMT, was also due to fight but has since been forced to bow out due to an injury while Harry Stewart has only recently made the decision to step into the ring on the night.

While Stewart has been training in Muay Thai for a number of years, the local Biboohra man only started fighting competitively over the past few months.

“I started training for fitness about three years ago and now I have been really taking it seriously over the past few months,” he said.

He used to train in Cairns and since deciding to train in Mareeba, his passion for the sport has been reignited as he

joined old mates and new teachers Ross and Salvatore Signarino.

Stewart will be fighting against Ashton Ryan of ATG Muay Thai in the 65kg division.

“This fight will be my first time back in the ring since July last year and I am feeling good, very strong,” he said.

“My endurance could get a bit better but I feel like my fine tuning is a bit more sharp after training with Sal and Ross.

“I am feeling confident and if I am sharp, I believe I can finish him.”

On the same night, Duesbury will be going up against Ricky Hammond from Fight Firm Thaiboxing in the 90kg pro bout while Zsombok prepares for his first ever fight against Darcy Dayles from Fusion Fight & Fitness in a 78kg bout.

Both fighters have been training hard in the newly established gym and they have been honing their skills to compete at the highest level under the guidance of experienced coaches Raymond Seres and Trevor Madin.

They are determined to make a mark in this fiercely competitive arena and with their dedication and commitment, they are sure to put up a good fight and make their gym and community proud.

Owner of Total Health & Fitness in Malanda Tegan Wilson said she has been overwhelmed by the amount of support and enthusiasm she has received from the community.

Doors to the event open at 6pm and tickets can be purchased by contacting Corey on 0491 011 148.

PAGE 42 The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Spirit Muay Thai fighter Harry Stewart will be fighting in Explosive Fight Promotions’ King of the North competition this weekend. He is pictured with trainer Salvatore Signarino. Stephen Zsombok and Blaire Duesbury are eager to step into the ring on Saturday night. Pictured with trainer Raymond Seres (middle).


Roosters claim trial match win

THE Atherton Roosters have proved they are neither down nor out of this year’s FNQ Rugby League after a close 32-30 win in their A-grade trial match against town rivals, the Mareeba Gladiators at Davies Park on Saturday night.

The Gladiators had already chalked up one win in their trial matches after winning against the Tully Tigers the week before away, however this weekend’s match was the one and only trial match Atherton was able to secure.

The Roosters looked well in control of the match during the opening minutes and well into half-time, leading 22-6 at the break.

The Gladiators mounted a fierce counterattack and managed to claw their way back to just a few points shy of Atherton’s score however the damage had already been done and at 32-30, the final siren blew.

Now both teams will prepare for their first games of the FNQ Rugby League Agrade season with the Roosters set to face Brothers at Mungalli Creek Dairy Stadium while the Gladiators play host to the Edmonton Storm.

Club seeks funds for major upgrade


and being able to host larger competitions will be possible if Mareeba Tennis Club is successful in obtaining government grants to undertake a $546,000 upgrade of its playing courts.

According to a report to Mareeba Shire Council, Tennis Queensland undertook a comprehensive audit of the Mareeba facility in 2017 and recommended the courts be rebuilt.

The club is now seeking to secure the funding to carry out the upgrade, applying for a $250,000 grant from the Queensland Government’s Minor Infrastructure Program and $100,000 in funding under the Bendigo Bank’s Community Grant program.

If it is successful, Mareeba Shire will provide a $50,000 interest-free loan so the project can go ahead.

Mayor Angela Toppin said it was a great way for council to support sporting clubs, with the loan from council able to save the club nearly $10,000 in interest.

“Tennis Queensland has done an assessment and the courts are okay for smaller competitions, but not for larger ones,” she said.

Cr Locky Benstead said without the courts being upgraded to a higher standard, the club was missing out on opportunities to host large competitions.

According to the report, the Mareeba Tennis Club currently has a membership of between 180200 with strong potential to further expand their membership and events into the future.

If it does secure the interest-free loan, the report said the club was in a strong financial position and had proposed a re-payment amount of $5,000 each July and $5,000 each December for the next five years.

The Express, Wednesday, March 22, 2023 PAGE 43
Rooster Tom Cuda during Saturday night's trial match against the Gladiators. LEFT: Ex-Atherton Roosters Ty Grogan donning the green and gold in his second trial match for his new team, the Mareeba Gladiators.
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Articles inside

Club seeks funds for major upgrade

page 43

SPORT Roosters claim trial match win

page 43

Paddlers ready for first regatta King to be crowned

page 42

SPORT Boorman-led Thunder crash through big bash

page 41

Speedway action returns to Tepon

page 40


pages 34, 38-39

Brand new home in a prestige estate

pages 32-33

Sophisticated living on Danzer Drive

page 32

Tablelands acreage with nothing but the best

pages 30-31


page 29


page 29

Perfect for extended family

page 27

Low maintaince living in Lillypilly

page 26

New events for festival

page 24

Chance for singers to shine

page 24

Music Lovers plug in for Rock On night

page 24

Two great movies on show

page 24

Knuth wants action on feral pigs

page 23


page 23

ON LANDthe Low yarding, high quality at sales

page 22

QCA to review irrigation prices

page 21

ON LANDthe Local produce is the flavour focus

page 21

The western wear trend

page 20

60 years of workwear evolution

page 20

Business stands the test of time

page 19

Friendly faces at Claude Caters

page 18

Supporting community for 60 years

page 17

Do your family a

page 14

Groups benefit from fundraising night

page 14

Sewer tender awarded

page 14

Community housing rents to rise Shock over road damage

page 14

Yaseen wins at district finals

pages 13-14

Record turnout tipped for Field Days

page 13

Big funding for groups

pages 11-12

Flying home with Bonza

page 11

No joy for small town pool users

pages 9-10

Police kept busy

pages 7-8

Region first rehab facility opens

page 7

Boost for book campaign for sick kids

page 6

First Nations career day

page 5

MP push for funds for bone marrow registry

page 5

Teenhood cancer

page 4

Warning on rail trail use

page 3

Superheros run to Chillagoe for Cole

page 2

Kids learn the gift of giving

pages 1-2
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