Agenda Mareeba Shire Council Meeting 19 March 2014

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Ordinary Meeting Council Chambers Date: 19 March 2014 Time: 9:00am



Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 19 March 2014

ORDER OF BUSINESS MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL BUSINESS BEREAVEMENT/CONDOLENCES DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS DEPUTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS 9:30am Presentation from Margaret Barker from Barron Catchment Care 9:45am- Presentation from Joe Moro President of Mareeba Chamber of Commerce DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES.............................................................................5 REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING ............................................................................................. 5 ITEM-1 Extension to Relevant Period - Landgold Pty Ltd - Material Change of Use - Motel and Drive Through Fast Food Outlet - Lot 1 on RP725711 Situated at Cnr Kennedy Highway, Mareeba Connection Road & Kenneally Road Mareeba - MCU/08/0063..........................................................5 GRANTS AND CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY PLANNING .................................................. 37 ITEM-2 Financial and In Kind Support Review..............................................................37 ITEM-3 Online Access in Public Libraries (OPAL) Program .........................................51 COMMUNITY WELLBEING ........................................................................................................ 53 ITEM-4 Mareeba Youth Unified Consultancy Group Report March 2014 .....................53 CORPORATE SERVICES...............................................................................................................57 Finance........................................................................................................................................ 57 ITEM-5 Financial Statements for the Period Ending 28 February 2014 ........................57 ITEM-6 Wheelbarrow Race 2014 Sponsorship .............................................................66 GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE ......................................................................................... 70 ITEM-7 Reef Guardian Council Representation............................................................70 ITEM-8 Adoption of Councillor Expenses Policy ...........................................................72 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES.....................................................................................................84 TECHNICAL SERVICES............................................................................................................. 84 ITEM-9 Chillagoe New Water Bore and Water Main Infrastructure Upgrade ................84 ITEM-10 Mareeba Industrial Park - Water Infrastructure Upgrade..................................86 ITEM-11 Mareeba Water Supply - Potential Bore Fields ................................................88 ITEM-12 Preparation of NDRRA Restoration Submission 2014 - North-East Queensland Monsoonal Rainfall and Flooding .................................................94 ITEM-13 Permit to Occupy - Adjacent Lot 3 RP735327 - Unnamed Road off Bilwon Road, Biboohra.................................................................................................98 ITEM-14 Local Government Association of Queensland, Roads and Transport Alliance Membership ......................................................................................102 WORKS..................................................................................................................................... 106 ITEM-15 Register of Roads to be Maintained - Unsealed Extension of Douglas Track East, Speewah .....................................................................................106 ITEM-16 Mackay Sugar - Request for Extension of B-Double Operations on Local Roads .............................................................................................................110 ITEM-17 Infrastructure Services, Construction and Maintenance - Progress Report, February 2014 ................................................................................................128

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Infrastructure Services, Parks and Gardens - Progress Report, February 2014................................................................................................................136 ITEM-19 Wolfram Road, Dimbulah - Road Realignment ..............................................140 Water & WASTE........................................................................................................................ 144 ITEM-20 Infrastructure Services, Water and Wastewater Group - Monthly Operations Report - February 2014................................................................144 ITEM-21 Infrastructure Services, Waste Operations - Progress Report - February 2014................................................................................................................156 ITEM-22 Barang Street, Kuranda - Sewerage Pump Station ........................................162 ITEM-23 Renewal of Contracts - Waste Transfer Station Operators CONFIDENTIAL .............................................................................................166 FOR INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................168 SUBJECT:

LAWMAC Workshop and Meeting Held in Townsville 20-21 February 2014................................................................................................................168

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19 March 2014


Planning Officer


Development & Community Services


APPLICATION Landgold Pty Ltd


6 February 2014



PREMISES Cnr Kennedy Highway, Mareeba Connection Road & Kenneally Road, Mareeba 1RP725711

Development Permit Material Change of Use - Motel and Drive Through Fast Food Outlet Note: 'Drive Through Fast Food Outlet' component refused



MCU/08/0063 1.389 Ha AREA Landgold Pty Ltd Landgold Pty Ltd OWNER Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (amendment no. 1 of 2007) Residential Impact Assessment Nil

1. 2. 3.

Decision Notice dated 9 February 2010 Applicant’s request to extend relevant period dated 3 February 2010 Concurrence Agency response dated 10 March 2014

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council, at its Ordinary Meeting on 3 February 2010 approved in part only a development application made by Peter Robinson Planner on behalf of Landgold Pty Ltd for Material Change of Use - Motel and Drive Through Fast Food Outlet. The 'drive through fast food outlet' component of the development application was refused by Council. The approval in part was granted subject to various conditions. The application was impact assessable and no properly made submissions were received in response to public notification of the application. The applicant has subsequently lodged an application to extend the relevant period for a further four (4) years from 9 February 2014 to 9 February 2018 (Attachment 2). The applicant's justification for not having completed the development thus far is due to the global financial crisis and the general reluctance of banks to finance commercial development. The applicant has requested the extension to allow for the successful completion of the development. Under the previous Council, an informal policy position was established by Council officers whereby uncommenced developments would be recommended for a maximum 2 year extension and commenced developments recommended for 4 year extension. In keeping with this informal policy position, it is recommended that the relevant period be extended for a period of two (2) years only, from 9 February 2014 to 9 February 2016. Notwithstanding the officer's recommendation, Council may approve the 4 year extension if it chooses.


It is recommended that, in relation to the application to extend the relevant period for the following development approval: APPLICATION Landgold Pty Ltd APPLICANT


6 February 2014



PREMISES Cnr Kennedy Highway, Mareeba Connection Road & Kenneally Road, Mareeba 1RP725711

Development Permit Material Change of Use - Motel and Drive Through Fast Food Outlet Note: 'Drive Through Fast Food Outlet' component refused

and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, as amended, the following (A)

The relevant period be extended for two (2) years from 9 February 2014 to 9 February 2016.

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A Notice of Council’s decision be issued to the applicant and the Department of State Development Infrastructure and Planning, State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) via email (reference: SPD-0214-005441) advising of Council’s decision”.

THE SITE The subject land has an area of 1.389 hectares and is described as Lot 1 on RP725711, Parish of Tinaroo, County of Nares. The land has a triangular shape and is bounded on its three (3) sides by roads. The northern boundary of the land fronts the Mareeba Connection Road. The south-eastern boundary fronts the Kennedy Highway and the south-western boundary fronts Kenneally Road. The subject land remains flat and fully cleared and grassed. The subject land is positioned at the eastern entrance to the Mareeba Township, approximately 2.3 kilometres from the Mareeba Post Office. To the immediate north of the site, across the Mareeba Connection Road, are a reserve for school purposes and a residential subdivision (The Edge subdivision), which are both zoned Residential under the Planning Scheme. Land to the south and south-east of the subject land has been developed for single dwelling residential allotments. Land to the south-west has been developed as a caravan park. The subject land is able to connect to town water supply and town sewerage on the northern side of Mareeba Connection Road and is capable of being serviced by all other urban infrastructure including telecommunications, electricity, refuse disposal, drainage and road access.

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Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Council, at its Ordinary Meeting held on 3 February 2010, approved in part only, a development application made by Peter Robinson Planner on behalf of the applicant for a Material Change of Use - Motel and Drive Through Fast Food Outlet on land described as Lot 1 on RP725711, Parish of Tinaroo, situated at corner of Kennedy Highway, Mareeba Connection Road and Kenneally Road, Mareeba. The 'drive through fast food outlet' component of the proposal was refused by Council. The in-part approval was issued subject to various conditions in a Decision Notice dated 9 February 2010. To date, no works have commenced on site in relation to the approved development, nor has the applicant paid any of the required infrastructure charges/contributions. The applicant has subsequently lodged this application to extend the relevant period of the approval for a further four (4) years from 9 February 2014 to 9 February 2018 (Attachment 2). The applicant's justification for not having completed the development thus far is due to the global financial crisis and the general reluctance of banks to finance commercial development. The applicant has requested the extension to allow for the successful completion of the development.

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ASSESSMENT AND DECISION REQUIREMENTS Assessment rules Section 388 of SPA requires that Council must have regard to: 

the consistency of the approval, including its conditions, with the current laws and policies applying to the development, including, for example, the amount and type of infrastructure contributions, or charges payable under chapter 8, part 1. If a new application was lodged for this proposal it would be assessed against essentially the same planning instruments as was the 2008 development application, with the exception of the single State Planning Policy (SPP) which commenced on 2 December 2013. A new application for this proposal would not be in conflict with the intent of the SPP. Applicable Infrastructure Charges/Contributions Development Approval charges/contributions.









the community’s awareness of the development approval The original development application was Impact Assessable and subject to public notification. No submissions were made in relation to the original development application.


whether, if the request were refused – (i) (ii)

further rights to make a submission may be available for a further development application; and the likely extent to which those rights may be exercised;

A further development application would be Impact Assessable and subject to public notification. No submissions were made in relation to the original development application. 

the views of any concurrence agency for the approval given under section 385. The original application triggered referral to the Department of Transport and Main Roads as a Concurrence Agency. On 1 July 2013, the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) commenced. Under these changes, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning is the assessment manager or referral agency for all relevant development applications and has become the single lodgement and assessment point where the State has a jurisdiction under SPA. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (SARA) advised in a letter dated 10 March 2014 that they have no objection to the proposed extension to the relevant period (Attachment 3).

Date Prepared:

11 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Acting Manager Community Wellbeing DEPARTMENT:

Development and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Financial and In-Kind Support Policy has been amended, as detailed below, after workshops and discussions held with Councillors and Council officers. Ongoing applications for assistance and major projects were reviewed at a workshop with Councillors on 5 March 2014 and recommendations totalling $67,180 are listed for Council’s endorsement. A workshop will be held in April 2014 to discuss major project applications for the remittance of fees for water consumption. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council 1) Adopt the amended Financial and In-kind Support Policy attached; 2) Approve ongoing major projects totalling $42,651 being Mareeba District Rodeo Association ($25,531), Tourism Kuranda ($8,660), Mareeba Multicultural Festival ($8,010) and Mareeba United Soccer Club ($450); 3) Approve major projects applications for the remittance of water fees to a maximum of $2000 per group totalling $4,000; 4) Approve on-going in-kind, cash donation and remittance of fees applications totalling $20,529 listed in this document, effective until 30 June 2017, to be reviewed annually; 5) Not approve ongoing application JAMARR Julatten and Mt Molloy Association of Residents and Ratepayers ($300 – English Park maintenance); and 6) Not approve ongoing application Mitchell River Watershed Management Group Inc ($1,300 – towards cost of newsletter)." BACKGROUND 1.

Policy Amendment

The following amendments have been made to the previous policy: 1) Section 3.2 Assessment The final two dot points were added being:  The level of contribution by the applicant towards the event/project/activity Page 37

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 Description and level of funding sought from sources other than Council. 2) Section 6.4 Cash Donation Towards Property Rates The text in this section was changed to reflect the MSC Rate Rebate and Remissions Policy. 3) Section 6.5 Water Consumption Fees The title of this section previously read “Water Services Fees” and was changed to clarify the content. 2.

Major Projects

Recommend approve the following ongoing Major Projects: Mareeba District Rodeo Association Tourism Kuranda Mareeba Multicultural Festival Mareeba United Soccer Club

Mixed Request Mixed Request Mixed Request Interest Free Loan Total

$ $ $ $ $

25,531 8,660 8,010 450 42,651

Recommend approve the following to the value of $2000. A workshop will held in April to reevaluate fee remission for water consumption by sporting clubs:

Mareeba United Soccer Club Dimbulah Football Club


Mixed Request Remittance of Fees Total

$ Requested $ Recommended $ 8,119 $ 2,000 $ 3,067 $ 2,000 $ 11,186 $ 4,000

Ongoing Financial and In Kind Support Applications

Recommend approve the following ongoing applications: Applicant In-Kind Assistance

Request Summary

Total Approved

North Queensland Warbirds Pty Ltd

Annual Air Show road closure



Irvinebank School of Arts & Progress Association

John Moffat Festival tables, chairs, bollards, mesh, delivery & collection, 1 carton toilet tissue



Mareeba Gymnastics Club

Gymnastics Competitions & Extravaganza marquees, barrier mesh, tiered seating, chairs, delivery & collection



Mareeba Turf Club

chairs, tables twice a year, cleaning, put up & take down banner



Mareeba Art Society Rotary Club of Mareeba Inc Cairns Four Wheel Drive Inc

Annual Art Exhibition - staff, truck, set up and take down exhibition End Polio Signage Maintenance at Mt Mulligan cemetery Sub Total - In-Kind

$ $ $ $

680 89 200 5,386

Applicant Cash Donation

Request Summary

Total Approved

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Far North Qld Country Music Festival

Annual Music Festival



Mareeba Art Society

Prizes / purchase of artwork



Julatten Edna Head Community Library

Purchase of books



End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony End of Year Awards ceremony, Bursary as per policy Sect 6.8 End of Year Awards ceremony, Bursary as per policy Sect 6.8 End of Year Awards ceremony, Bursary as per policy Sect 6.8

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100






1,100 2,000 125 11,025

St Thomas of Villanova Parish School St Anthony Parish School Julatten State School Mutchilba State Primary School Mareeba State Primary School Mount Molloy State School Irvinebank State Primary School Dimbulah P-10 state School P&C Chillagoe State Primary School Candlenut Steiner School Biboohra State School St Stephens Catholic College Mareeba State High School Kuranda District State College Julatten Initiative Group Inc Cairns & District Junior Eisteddfod

Towards pest control, carpet cleaning, sandpit sand, playground soft-fall Junior Eisteddfod Sub Total – Cash Donation

$ $ $

Applicant - Remittance of Fees

Request Summary

Total Approved

Mitchell River Watershed Management Group Inc

Waste, mulch



Mission Aviation Fellowship Mareeba Envirocare

Annual registration certification fee Mulch

$ $

784 420

Chillagoe Bushman's Carnival Assn Inc

Water rates: 2011/12 - $1,212, 2012/13$658



North Queensland Warbirds Pty Ltd Men's Shed - Tablelands - Mareeba Rotary Club of Mareeba Inc Our Saviour Lutheran Church

Annual Air Show - Landing fees Waste - bin collection at Lloyd St Food Licence Footpath Signage - sale of goods on footpath Sub Total - Remittance of Fees

$ $ $ $ $

300 224 277 131 4,118

Total Ongoing Approved



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Recommend not approve: JAMARR Julatten & Mt Molloy Assoc of Residents and Ratepayers

Cash Donation – maintenance of English Park and Bobbler Hill



This contribution towards the overall estimated cost of $900 assists JAMARR to provide ongoing maintenance of trees and shrubs planted by the group at English Park, Julatten and with general maintenance at Bobbler Hill, Mount Molloy. Maintenance has included labour, weedicide spraying, brush cutting, weed control, fertilising, planting and mowing / slashing. It is recommended that one-off applications be requested from JAMARR so that their ongoing maintenance needs can be re-assessed. Mitchell River Watershed Management Group Inc

Cash Donation - towards cost of newsletter



This contribution assists with the publishing, printing and distributing of the group’s quarterly newsletter. It is recommended that one-off applications be requested from the Mitchell River Watershed Management Group so that this can be re-assessed. 4.

Total Ongoing Approvals 2014/15

Major Projects



Remittance of Fees for Water Consumption by Sporting Clubs



In-Kind Support



Cash Donations


Remittance of Fees

$ Total $


11,025 4,118 67,180

FIKS 6 Month Budget Summary 1/1/14 to 30/6/14

Financial & In-Kind Support Budget



Funds Committed as Ongoing Applications



Funds Committed as Rate Reimbursement



Funds Approved to Date One-Off (including staff approvals)



Balance Available for Distribution 2013/2014



LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN A Vibrant and Healthy Community: A community that proudly supports a sense of place and identity within the region and contributes towards an enjoyable, active, healthy and safe living environment.

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A community that supports equity and inclusiveness enabling all people to participate in regional events, cultural activities and celebrations. CONSULTATION Internal Mayor Tom Gilmore Deputy Mayor Jenny Jensen Councillor Edward (Nipper) Brown Councillor Karen Ewin Councillor Mary Graham Councillor Allan Holmes Councillor Alan Pedersen Glenys Pilat, Interim Director Development and Community Services Jennifer McCarthy, Director Corporate Services Shane Bisseker, Coordinator Parks and Gardens Julie Theakston, Community Development and Engagement Officer External NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS Amendments to the Financial and In-Kind Support Policy are proposed in this report. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating As per the Financial and In-Kind Support budget Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL

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6 March 2014

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Development and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Under the Online Access in Public Libraries (OPAL) program, funding of $200,000 has been made available to support libraries to implement projects that position public libraries as places to actively engage with new technology and support access to online information. Up to $25,000 (excl GST) is available for individual projects which support, through the agency of public libraries:  the community’s access to online information  the creation of new online content for and/or with the community  increasing online community engagement  strengthening digital literacy skills of public library staff or the local community. Applications are now open, and will close on 31 March 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council endorse a funding application to the OPAL program which includes an in-kind contribution of Mareeba library staff assistance and printing resources." BACKGROUND The Mareeba Library have created a plan for implementing a ‘Get Mobile – Learn to drive at the Library’ project in consultation with youth and indigenous service organisations. The project involves providing practical, professional and technological support to eight indigenous youth while they attain their drivers licence. Participants will become familiar with online technologies including Government databases, CD Roms and advanced functions such as tutorial making for social networking media. The funding application will try and secure five additional tablets for the Mareeba library, engage a driving instructor to provide hands on training for participants and also seek costs to cover licence fees, a tutor and a video editor to create a series of YouTube tutorials about the experience of attaining a driving licence. As part of the application, library staff have indicated that they will provide up to three hours of administration assistance over the term of the project and also provide printing of resource materials. Throughout the project the additional tablets will provide an asset which will benefit all library users. Once completed the online tutorials will benefit all youth, especially those with learning difficulties, who need to go through the process of attaining a driving licence. Page 51

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This project will engage indigenous youth and link them to the library network and resources. CONSULTATION Internal Kellie Ayre, Coordinator Libraries Michael Haendel, Youth Support Worker External NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating NIL Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? NIL If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL

Date Prepared:


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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Acting Coordinator Community Support Services DEPARTMENT:

Development and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mareeba Youth Unified Consultancy Group (MYUCG), a committee with a diverse representation of community leaders, meets on the second Thursday of each month at the PCYC to advocate for the needs and aspirations of young people in the Mareeba district. Prior to de-amalgamation, the former Mareeba Divisional Councillor chaired the MYUCG as a representative of Tablelands Regional Council. The MYUCG committee has requested the Mareeba Shire Council nominate a Councillor as the Council's representative who will also take on the role of MYUCG Committee Chair. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council appoint a Councillor to the Mareeba Youth Unified Consultancy Group (MYUCG) as the Council representative who will also chair the MYUCG Committee". BACKGROUND Mareeba Youth Unified Consultancy Group (MYUCG) membership is diverse, reflecting and representing the needs of youth in the community. The MYUCG committee aims to advocate for the needs and aspirations of young people in the Mareeba district by encouraging youth development and participation. The Committee maintains a strong commitment to:  Coordinate and plan youth activities across Mareeba. This may include developing a calendar of events and identifying gaps  Reach out to the youth community to develop a youth strategy to promote young people engaging in the community  Help develop a strong positive image and profile of young people within the community  Increase young people's participation within the community  Increase young people's involvement in the creation of strategies which improve services to young people in the Mareeba and district community  Identify topics that are important to young people and deliver related projects  Acknowledge success and achievements  Create change within the community Page 53

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 Ensure the views of young community members are heard when decisions are made  Work collaboratively with youth services and young people in the Mareeba district Geographic Area of the Group: Mareeba district Membership: Committee members shall be self nominated and / or invited by existing members. Committee Operations: The committee will appoint a Chairperson and Minute Taker. The members are as follows:  Councillor to be appointed by MSC - Chair  Robert Larkin Deputy Chair : MSC - Acting Coordinator Community Services  Michael Haendel: MSC - Community Support Services - Youth Support  Kellie Ayre - MSC - Libraries  MP David Kempton - Member for Cook  Chris Keating - Qld Education - Mareeba State High School  Jo Soothill - Qld Education – Mareeba State High School  Nyree Burton - Qld Education – Mareeba State Primary School  Russell Barlow - Qld Education – Mareeba State Primary School  Shirley Gallo - Qld Education – Mareeba State Primary School  Mrs Ida Pinese - St Stephens Catholic College  Derek Garner - Qld Police Service  Mark Elliott - Qld Police Service  Raimund Heggie - Dept of Justice & Attorney-General – Mareeba Courthouse  Tracey O'Connell – Dept of Justice & Attorney-General - Youth Justice  Eddie Hastie - QITE  Persia Westropp-Hill - Kuranda Social Justice  Tom Gallaway - PCYC  Allison Harries - Community Services Tablelands Meetings:  The committee will meet once a month, being the second Thursday of each month at the PCYC Hall, 136 Walsh Street Mareeba QLD 4880, between 9.00am and 11.00am.  Meetings will follow standard meeting procedures. Quorum: Eight members constitute a quorum. If at any meeting of the committee a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting will not be able to make any binding decisions. The notes from this meeting can be made available to committee members.

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN A Vibrant and Healthy Community: A community that proudly supports a sense of place and identity within the region and contributes towards an enjoyable, active, healthy and safe living environment.

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A community that supports equity and inclusiveness enabling all people to participate in regional events, cultural activities and celebrations. CONSULTATION Internal Glenys Pilat, Interim Director Development and Community Services Judy Burness, Acting Manager Community Well Being Group Michael Haendel, Youth Support Officer, Community Well Being Group External Mareeba Youth Unified Consultancy Group LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating NIL Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? NIL If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL ATTACHMENTS 1.

Not applicable

Date Prepared:

4 March 2014

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19 March 2014


Acting Manager Finance


Corporate Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an overview of financial matters for the period 1 January 2014 to 28 February 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the financial report for the period ending 28 February 2014 and endorse the emergency procurement transaction below: Order Number PAD00382

Supplier Name

Pumping Irrigation and Machinery Services

Order Amt


BACKGROUND Financial Summary Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against budgets. For the period ending 28 February 2014, Council shows an operational surplus of $7,858,216 compared to a budgeted YTD surplus of $8,481,366. This variance is not significant and relates mostly to timing differences. As only two months have passed, there are no major issues to discuss or areas of concern at this stage. As each month goes past, there will more financial data to analyse and any areas of concerns will be highlighted. One-off de-amalgamation costs are excluded from this report and will be funded from the Working Capital Facility. Repayment terms of this facility are currently based on the agreed twelve months (31 December 2014).

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It should be noted that Council's cash position is currently $11,404,300 and this represents an initial transfer of $14,000,000 from TRC. A final cash transfer (including interest) will take place on finalisation of the 31 December 2013 financial statements and will be based on the methodology provided in the Crowe Horwath report. February 2014 - Snapshot Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenditure Operating Surplus Total Capital Income (grants, developer contributions)

$ $ $ $

13,592,781 5,734,565 7,858,216 81,443

Net Result - Surplus



Capital Expenditure Total capital expenditure of $1,509,494 (including commitments) has been spent against the $10,796,350 budgeted for the six month period. The graph below illustrates actual YTD expenditure and annual budget.

Income Analysis Total income (including capital income of $81,443) for the period ending 28 February 2014 is $13,674,224 compared to a YTD budget of $17,433,690. The graph below shows actual income against budget for the period ending 28 February 2014. Page 58

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Description Net Rates & Utility Charges Fees & Charges Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions Interest Received Works for Third Parties Other Revenue Capital Income

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Actual YTD

Budget YTD


12,334,782 114,340

12,358,821 156,172


525,816 95,748 66,963 455,132 81,443

386,376 298,167 3,105,467 543,021 585,666

2 3 4 5 6

Variances to note are: 1. Rates were levied on 17 February for the six months January to June 2014. 2. Timing differences between budget and actual affects the variance. The quarterly Financial Assistance Grant was received in Feb ($361k), while the budget is set for March. Funding of two community services support programs ($51k for Homestay & $204k for Street to Home) were due to be paid in February however the Department advises that these payments have been processed in March. 3. Due to de-amalgamation, no cash has been invested in term deposits during this period. Finance will look into investing money once the rates discount period is over. 4. Existing RMPC contracts are to remain with TRC until 30 June 2014. Once Main Roads approve the monthly claims submitted by TRC, MSC will receive their share of profit and reimbursement of expenditure.

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An income budget of $7.7M for the 6 months was adopted for MRD Flood damage projects. Council is awaiting approval from Main Roads as to whether this project will commence this financial year. In terms of year to date, this results in a variance of $2.5M. (This is also reflected in the expenditure below) 5. February invoices of $138k for SITA (Waste fees) were raised in March; this amount is not reflected in these figures. 6. Capital Grants & Subsidies for Roads such as Roads to Recovery and TIDS have been budgeted proportionately each month. To date, no claims have been submitted. Council have two current TIDS projects and are working towards having both these projects completed & claimed by the end of June 2014. The $81k received to date relates to developer contributions. Expenditure Analysis Total expenses for the period ending 28 February 2014 are $5,734,565, which is lower than the YTD budget of $8,366,658. The graph below shows February 2014 actual expenditure compared budget.

Description Employee expenses Materials & Services Depreciation expenses Finance & Borrowing costs

Actual YTD 2,249,882 2,358,968 1,123,778 1,937

Variances to note are: Page 60

Budget YTD 2,742,799 4,487,564 1,123,778 12,517

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1. Savings are due to vacant positions in the organisational chart. 2. Aligned with the actual income being lower than budget, expenditure items relating to MRD Flood damage are lower being that works have not commenced ($2.3M). 3. Finance and Borrowings costs are lower as actuals will not be reflected until March when Council pays its quarterly debt repayment. Loan Borrowings Council's loan balances as at 28 February 2014 are as follows:

QTC Loans De-amalgamation working capital facility

$1,579,393 $3,771,728 (pending adjustments)

Rates and Sundry Debtors Analysis Rates and Charges The total rates and charges payable as at 28 February is $12,275,488.35. Rates were levied on 17 February for a net total of $12,948,451.07. The discount period ends on 20 March. Sundry Debtors The total outstanding for Sundry Debtors as at 28 February is $844,978.18 which is made up of the following:

Current $348,302.80

30 days $224,084.56

60 days $9,239.10

90 + days $263,351.72





$48,162.35 or 9% of outstanding debtors 30 days or greater relate to government departments. The 90 days and over balances includes an amount of $158,358.06 for Kagara Zinc Ltd.

Procurement Council's Procurement Policy sets out provisions regarding the acquisition of goods and services and provides the criteria which must be followed by all Council employees for purchasing. The procurement thresholds outline specific requirements for quotations and tenders and outlines exceptions for particular situations which entitle the purchase to be made without first inviting quotations or tenders including - where there is only one supplier reasonably available; a genuine emergency exists; the goods are purchased at auction or are second-hand; or the contract is made under a Local Buy arrangement. In the situation that a purchase is classified as an 'emergency' the Procurement Policy determines that retrospective Council approval is required.

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There was one transactions classified as 'Emergency' purchases during the month of February 2014. Order Number

Order Date


Supplier Name Pumping, Irrigation and Machinery Services

Order Amt





Development and Community Services

Land and Facilities

Breakdown of old emergency fire pump – Mareeba Aerodrome

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN NIL CONSULTATION Internal Jennifer McCarthy, Director Corporate Services External NIL LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL RISKS) Section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 requires the financial report to be presented to local government…if the local government holds its ordinary meetings more frequently (than once per month) - to a meeting in each month. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Information has been provided to achieve compliance with Council's Procurement Policy. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating NIL Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? NIL If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL

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ATTACHMENTS 1. Financial Statements - February 2014 (DWS#2942195) Date Prepared:


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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Acting Director Corporate Services DEPARTMENT:

Corporate Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2014 Wheelbarrow Race Sponsorship request for team of Council employees OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council 1. Sponsor Council's team entered for the 2014 Wheelbarrow Race up to an amount of $2,000; and 2.

Approve of the team seeking appropriate external sponsorship provided the sponsors and amounts are fully disclosed to the Chief Executive Officer."

BACKGROUND Mareeba Shire Council will host the annual Wheelbarrow Race on the 16-18 May 2014. Council employees have been supporting this event since its' inception in 2004 and have put together a team of enthusiastic racers to partake in this years event. This event offers staff a fantastic opportunity to team build and form relationships which in turn enhance communications across the workforce to better serve Council and the community. In recognition of the benefits identified across Council, both the former Mareeba Shire Council and Tablelands Regional Councils have traditionally contributed financially towards the cost of entering teams. External sponsorships are a consideration in terms of fundraising, however due to the fact that this team represents council, there are a number of restrictions in terms of accepting sponsorship from certain businesses or industries. This can be seen as council favouring or supporting particular interests and is otherwise referred to as a probity risk. Given the past successes of previous council staff teams and the benefits it has provided across the workforce, the MSC Wheelbarrow Race team is requesting financial support for this event. The team has committed to provide any funds raised throughout the course of the race to charity.

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CONSULTATION Internal Jennifer McCarthy Director Corporate Services External NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Probity risk POLICY IMPLICATIONS NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating To be considered under the HR budget (as per previous years) Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? NIL If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL ATTACHMENTS 1. Letter from Wheelbarrow Race Team requesting sponsorship from Council Date Prepared:


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25 February 2014

Chief Executive Officer Mareeba Shire Council MAREEBA QLD 4880

Dear Sir,

THE GREAT WHEELBARROW RACE 2014 On behalf of this years combined team of enthusiastic racers from Council's workforce; I wish to formally request Council's financial support. The anticipated cost of participation is approximately $3450.00. This includes Nomination Fees Bus Hire Diesel Food and rehydration Team Shirts

$ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 250.00 $ 300.00



The competitors will take appropriate leave for Friday 16 May 2014 and as such there will be no cost to Council with lost time. Over the last five years Council has financially supported the team/s that have entered in to this great race, however we do understand the position that Council is facing. As we are a team representing Council, we must be conscious of accepting external sponsorship for reasons relating to probity. Any contribution Council can make towards the above costs would be greatly appreciated. This year the team comprises of a mixture of both male and female staff.

Yours faithfully

Shellina McKellar

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Governance and Compliance Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the meeting held on 5 March 2014, Council resolved to accept the invitation issued by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and become a Reef Guardian Council. Council now needs to appoint a representative to attend and represent Council at meetings of the Reef Guardian Councils Steering Committee. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council appoint a representative to the Reef Guardian Councils Steering Committee." BACKGROUND Following a presentation to Council's meeting on 19 February 2014 by representatives of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), Council resolved at its meeting held on 5 March 2014 to become a member of the Reef Guardian Council Program. There is now a requirement for Council to appoint a representative to attend meetings of the Reef Guardian Councils Steering Committee. Meetings can be held up to three times a year and if the appointed representative is unable to attend, a proxy can attend in his/her place. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not applicable at this stage CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer External Bev Packman, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

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LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Council will be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with GBRMPA which sets out the requirements and responsibilities of each party with respect to the Reef Guardian Program, however, there is no legal impediment to this and minimal risk involved. Council can, in any case, withdraw from the Program at any time if any significant legal or risk management issues arise. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Operating costs will be mainly staff/Councillor time in attending Reef Guardian meetings and updating and monitoring of the annual Action Plan. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION GBRMPA will be advised of Council's decision following the Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Governance & Compliance Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As part of the policy review process and updating of policies carried over from the Tablelands Regional Council to make them Mareeba specific, the Councillor Remuneration, Expenses Reimbursement and Resources Policy has been reviewed and workshopped with Council on 5 March 2014. The amended Policy should now be formally adopted by Council. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That the Councillor Remuneration, Expenses Reimbursement and Resources Policy (Attachment 1 to this report) be adopted by Council." BACKGROUND In accordance with the Local Government (De-amalgamation Implementation) Regulation 2013 and the De-amalgamation Transfer Methodology, existing policies of the Tablelands Regional Council transferred over to the new Mareeba Shire Council on 1 January 2014. These policies apply to the new Council until such time as amended or a new policy is adopted by the Council. The Councillor Remuneration, Expenses Reimbursement and Resources Policy was reviewed by the Chief Executive Officer, Mayor and Governance & Compliance Support Officer and then workshopped with Council on 5 March 2014. As per the Mayor's request at the Workshop on 5 March, Section 5.12 - Mobile Phone has been amended to include the proviso that where Councillors elect to have an iPhone supplied to them by Council, an amount of $240 per annum will be deducted from any remuneration payable to them to cover the costs of any private usage of the phone, unless a Statutory Declaration is signed undertaking not to use the phone for private calls. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer

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External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) The adoption of an expenses reimbursement policy is a requirement of Section 250 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. While the intent of the policy is to ensure elected members can receive reimbursement of reasonable expenses and be provided with the necessary facilities to perform their role, there is also a requirement for accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred by Councillors. It is considered that the policy contains sufficient checks and balances to ensure that risks are appropriately managed and costs contained. POLICY IMPLICATIONS The attached document, once adopted, will become Council's policy with respect to the payment of reasonable expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by Councillors for discharging their duties and responsibilities as Councillors and the provision of facilities to Councillors for that purpose. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? N/A If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure N/A IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Once adopted, the policy will be included in the Council's electronic policy library and uploaded to the Council's website. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Councillor Remuneration, Expenses Reimbursement and Resources Policy.

Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Coordinator Water Operations DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to seek approval from Council for funding to bring forward Stage 2 of the Chillagoe New Water Bore and Water Main Infrastructure and Installation to allow for the successful installation and commissioning of the Arsenic Removal Plant at Chillagoe. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and approve the Report Chillagoe New Water Bore and Infrastructure Upgrade and approve the funding from the 2013/2014 Capital Budget to be allocated from the Water Reserve." BACKGROUND Stage 1 of the new Chillagoe Water Bore and new Water Main Infrastructure are in the current 2014 Capital Budget and works are currently underway. Council are the recipients of $295,000.00 in grant funding through the Royalties for Regions Program for an Arsenic Removal Plant for Chillagoe. To allow for the successful and timely installation and completion of the Arsenic Removal Plant, approval is sought from Council to fund Stage 2 of the new Water Bore and Water Main Infrastructure. Funding amount sought is $70,000.00. This will allow the timely completion and allow Council to abide by the conditions of the Royalties for Regions Grant Funding.

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CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Supervisor Water Reticulation External Yabbie Pond Pty Ltd SCADA Engineering LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital New Water Bore and Water Main Infrastructure $70,000.00. Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Increase the Capital Budget by $70,000 to be funded from the Water Reserve. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Consultation with Director Infrastructure Services Supervisor Water Reticulation ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Coordinator Water Operations DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This purpose of this report is to seek approval from Council for funding to complete the Mareeba Industrial Park Water infrastructure upgrade. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and approve the Report Mareeba Industrial Park - Water Infrastructure Upgrade and approve the funding from the 2013/14 Capital Budget to be allocated from the Water Reserve." BACKGROUND The business owners at the Mareeba Industrial Park are unable to acquire adequate insurance cover on their properties due to insufficient water pressure resulting in a lack of Fire Fighting Capabilities. Council began to upgrade the water infrastructure in the 2012 - 2013 financial year. To enable the completion of the water infrastructure project upgrade Council are asked to approve a further $160,000.00. This stage of works if approved would be completed by 30 June 2014. Works involved would be the installation of Booster Pumps, a Shed to house the equipment and associated equipment to be located adjacent to the Granite Creek Sewerage Pump Station. This site allows for ease of access to the water mains and power supply. DE-AMALGAMATION ISSUES Nil CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Supervisor Water Reticulation Page 86

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External Business owners Mareeba Industrial Park QFRS LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Queensland Fire and Rescue Fire Fighting Standards - 20 litres per second with 20 metres head pressure POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital New Booster Pumps, Shed and associated works $160,000.00 Operating It is anticipated there will be a slight increase in operational costs effective from July 2014. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Increase the Capital Budget by $160,000 to be funded from the Water Reserve. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Consultation with Mareeba Industrial Park Business Owners ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Coordinator Water Operations DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 5 March 2014 resolved that officers prepare a preliminary report on potential bore field to augment the Mareeba Water Supply as a Pilot Study. This report outlines the strategy and methodology that has been applied to determine the best course of action to outline options for Council. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the report regarding the potential Bore Field Pilot Study, and approve the funds in the 2013/14 Capital Budget to be allocated from the Water Reserve required to undertake exploratory drilling to be allocated initially from Capital Budget.� BACKGROUND Council's Coordinator Water Operations met with the Principal Technical Officer, Drilling and the Manager of Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNR) Mareeba to seek information on where Council could drill water bores and any restrictions and licence conditions that may be imposed on Council should Council prefer to extract bore water in the future. DNR has advised that there are no restrictions or licence requirements that Council will have to abide by, but there are minimal limitations on where the potential bores can be drilled. DNR officers have advised Council to undertake exploratory drilling on alluvial areas close to the water treatment plants at Kuranda and Mareeba and close to the water plant at Dimbulah, should Council wish to examine this option further. (Refer to Attachments) There are bores in vicinity of both the Mareeba and Kuranda Water Plants. The one close to the Mareeba Water Plant is at the Mareeba Hospital and has not been in use for approximately 20 years. The bore that is reasonably close to the Kuranda Water Plant is a small domestic bore of low flow. DNR officers have advised Council that a private drilling company should be engaged to undertake exploratory drilling as private drillers equipment is best suited to the type of bores required to be drilled. Costs to carry out the exploratory drilling are $3,025.00 per site. The independent drilling company will provide Council with an expected bore water flow report on completion of the exploratory drilling. Page 88

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Current raw water flow requirements for Mareeba Water Plant is 250 litres per second. This exploratory drilling is required for the potential use of bore water to be considered further, at Kuranda 40 litres per second and Dimbulah Water Plant 20 litres per second. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services External Department of Natural Resources & Mines Independent Drilling Company LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Initial capital cost for the exploratory drilling is $9,075.00 proposed to be allocated initially from the Capital Budget. Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Increase the Capital Budget by $10,000 to be funded from the Water Reserve. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3.

Locality Map – Kuranda Locality Map – Mareeba Locality Map - Dimbulah

Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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Infrastructure and Maintenance Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tenders calling for suitably qualified consultants to prepare Council's flood damage restoration submission for 2014 under the Natural Disaster Relief & Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) program, closed on 25 February with twelve (12) responses being received. Each of the submissions has been evaluated and ranked according to the selection criteria detailed in the tender documentation. This report provides details of the evaluation process and recommendation to engage a suitable consultant. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council engage AECOM Australia Pty Ltd to prepare the 2014 NDRRA submission on behalf of Mareeba Shire Council." BACKGROUND With the possibility of a 2014 flood event being activated under the NDRRA program, Council called tenders on 1 February 2014 for suitably qualified Consultants to prepare restoration submissions to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QldRA) on behalf of Council. An event was activated by QldRA on 18 February 2014 and tenders for the restoration submissions closed on 25 February 2014, with twelve responses being received. Each of the tender responses were evaluated using the criteria set out in the tender documentation, the criteria and their weightings included the following:     

Relevant Experience 20% Key Personnel & Experience 20% Tenderer's Resources 10% Demonstrated Understanding 40% Price 10%

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The standard of submissions was generally of a very high standard, with little separating the top four tenderers, however after completion of the evaluation process, AECOM received the highest ranking. Considerations such as AECOM’s past experience in working with Council, their familiarity with the local road network and the inclusion of key local specialists in the team, resulted in this company receiving the highest ranking score. While there will be some involvement by MSC staff in identifying potential sites, the majority of tasks including photos, site evaluation, submission forms, maps etc will all be the responsibility of the successful tenderer. This process adopted for the completion of restoration submissions is in line with QldRA Guidelines and all costs associated with this exercise are fully recoverable under the NDRRA program. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating MSC staff day labour costs associated with site identification will not be recoverable under the Guidelines, however these costs will be covered as part of normal operations. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1.

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10 March 2014

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19 March 2014


Technical Officer - Design


Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) seeks Council's views in relation to an application for a Permit to Occupy over a 1m2 area of unformed road reserve, known locally as Smith Road, locality of Biboohra, Parish of Formartine, for the purpose of a pump site. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolves to advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that it does not object to the Permit to Occupy over the 1m2 section of unformed road reserve, locality of Biboohra, Parish of Formatine, for the purpose of a pump site” BACKGROUND Application has been made for tenure of a 1m2 area of unformed road reserve for the purpose of a pump site. It is understood that the pump will be of a temporary nature for use in dry periods. A pipeline authority application pack has been forwarded to the applicant so a pipeline can be installed between the pump site and the applicant’s property on Bilwon Road. It has been communicated to the reporting officer that the necessary authorities have been contacted in regards to ascertaining all appropriate approvals associated with extraction of water from a natural watercourse. A locality map detailing the pump site and proposed pipeline has been attached to this report for reference. It is not expected that the proposed Permit to Occupy will negatively impact on any existing Council infrastructure nor affect Council’s ability to maintain its infrastructure. If approved, the proposed pipeline will be installed with accordance with all relevant specifications and all conditions adhered to. This report recommends Council do not object to the proposed Permit to Occupy application. CONSULTATION Internal Nil

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External The applicant Kaymarie Wall – CPL processing officer, Department of Natural Resources and Mines LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? N/A If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure N/A IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Notify the Department of Natural Resources and Mines of Council’s resolution following publication of the meeting minutes. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Locality Map

Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Director Infrastructure Service DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) has extended a formal invitation to Council to take up its position as a member of the Far North Queensland Roads and Transport Alliance Group. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council formally advise the Local Government Association of Queensland of its continuing membership of the Far North Queensland Roads and Transport Alliance Group.” BACKGROUND The Roads and Transport Alliance has been operating since 2002 and is a cooperative government arrangement between the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and local governments to jointly invest in and manage the State’s transport infrastructure network at a regional level. Under the Alliance, Regional Roads and Transport Groups (RRTGs) comprised of elected representatives from member Councils and the TMR regional offices, are the primary decision-making bodies at a regional level. RRTGs determine the road and transport infrastructure projects their Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) funding is allocated to in a regionally prioritised four-year continuous works program. Following the recent de-amalgamation process, the Mareeba Shire Council is one of four (4) Councils who have an opportunity to formally join a RRTG. In December 2013, the Board granted Mareeba Shire Council “interim” membership of the Far North Queensland RRTG for a period of six (6) months from 1 January 2014. As such the Board now requests that Mareeba Shire Council formally advise its ongoing membership intentions by 30 June 2014. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil

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LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1.

Letter of Invitation from LGAQ dated 24 February 2014 (ECM # 2938919)

Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Civil Engineer, Asset Management Section DEPARTMENT:

Technical Services Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A request has been received to include a section of constructed road onto the register of roads to be maintained. The road section proposed to be included is an unsealed extension of Douglas Track East, Speewah and is approximately 450m long and provides access to Lots 13 SP257000, 3 RP734546 and 12 SP257000. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council: 1.

Advise the applicant that the 450m section of Douglas Track East from where the seal ends that provides practical and legal access to Lots 13 SP257000, 3 RP734546 and 12 SP257000 will be accepted by Council on to the Road Register in accordance with its adopted policy 'Addition of Roads to the Register of Roads Maintained Policy'; and


The road be continue to be named Douglas Track East."

BACKGROUND Council has received a request from the owner of Lot 13 SP257000 M Terracall, to include a section of road that extends from Doulas Track East onto the register of roads maintained. The road is approximately 450m long and is formed and provides access to Lots Lots 13 SP257000, 3 RP734546 and 12 SP257000. The subject road is shown on the map in Attachment 2. An inspection by the writer confirms the road is contained within the designated road reserve. The road is proposed to be included on to the Road Register as per the 'Addition of Roads to the Register of Roads Maintained Policy'. As per policy, this report is to provide Council with advice of the proposed roads to be included onto the register. The costs to maintain this section of road in its current form are minimal and would be adequately covered within the current maintenance budget; however, there would be a nominal increase in future capital renewal expenses when the road requires gravel re-sheet.

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CONSULTATION Internal Manager Technical Services - Val Shannon Manager Works - Andrew Foster External Mr B Morrow and M Terracall Lot 13 SP257000 S Prettejohn Lot 3 RP734546 E Rea Lot 12 SP257000 LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Douglas Track East provides legal and practical access to Lots 13 SP257000, 3 RP734546 and 12 SP257000. POLICY IMPLICATIONS In preparing this report, due consideration was given to the following:  'Addition of Roads to the Register of Roads to be Maintained Policy'; and the  'Road Naming Policy' FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital There would be a nominal increase in future capital renewal expenses when the road requires a gravel re-sheet. Operating An estimate has not been prepared for costs associated with facilitating address changes to various data records systems. In its current form, the likely cost to maintain the road is estimated at $1,500 per annum, roadside slashing, grading and gravel patching as required. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? No. If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Adjustments will need to be made in the 2014/2015 financial year operating budget. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Should Council adopt the recommendation, the following will be actioned: 1. Internal systems will be updated to reflect the existence and naming of the road reserve; 2. Council's road register to be updated; and 3. External stakeholders to be informed of Council's decision. ATTACHMENTS

1. Letter from Mikaila Terracall dated 15 January 2014 (ECM # 2927209); Page 107

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2. Plan of the road to be added to Douglas Track East. Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

Attachment 1:

From: Mikaila Terracall [] Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2014 2:39:46 PM To: Info (Shared) Subject: Mikaila Terracall submits request for extended road maintenance on Douglas Track East Speewah - road currently only maintained to end of bitumen section - driveway access difficult beyond this point Dear Council, I would like to put a request in to the road registry to see if they could extend the road maintenance of Douglas Track East, Speewah. Currently the road is only maintained to the end of the bitumen of Douglas Track East and the track turns to dirt up to the top where my driveway starts. My neighbours also use this track and it is the only access to both of our properties so it is vital and in need of repair. Could someone please contact me to discuss. Thank You, Regards, Mikaila Terracall Lot 13 32 Douglas Track East, Speewah 0427 573 010

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Attachment 2:

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19 March 2014


Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides information for Council’s consideration in regard the imminent referral of a permit application by Mackay Sugar seeking expanded B-Double operations on local roads. Anticipated increases in the volume of heavy vehicles transporting sugar cane to Mossman Mill, the potential impacts on Council infrastructure and the implications of the recently created National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) are addressed in this report. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolve to receive this report and note its contents and await a further report to the Ordinary Meeting of 2 April 2014 providing the results of a technical investigation regarding the suitability of the routes being proposed for extended access for B-Double operations for the purpose of the transport of sugar." BACKGROUND Council officers have sought clarification from Mackay Sugar regarding its B-Double operating permit application and proposed changes to sugar cane haulage routes involving both local, Council controlled and State controlled road networks. This report provides some preliminary detail as to the nature of the proposed changes as well as general information for Council consideration aimed at providing a broader perspective of the issues that may be encountered as a consequence of any desire Mackay sugar may have to alter the existing or proposed arrangements for transport of cane to Mossman Mill. Mackay Sugar has been facilitating community workshops and stakeholder meetings to inform stakeholders and address community concerns regarding anticipated changes to sugar cane haulage routes and transport access throughout the Council region. Council Officers attended a stakeholder meeting on 17 February 2014 at Mossman Mill and discussed various issues related to the intended cane haulage operations, including; 1.

An anticipated 700,000 tonnes of cane will be delivered to the Mossman Mill from Tablelands' growers in the 2014 season. This is set to commence in early May.


Contract hauler QUBE Logistics will transport cane on a continuous 24 hr / 12 hr shift rotating basis with an application pending for the use of 24.1 metre, steerable axle, B-Double configured trucks. Page 110

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All prime movers will be fitted with global positioning systems (GPS) and speed alert technology to monitor transport operations and driver behaviour.


Both Mackay Sugar and haulage contractor QUBE hold current permits for B-Double operations on approved routes. Mackay Sugar has notified of its intention to seek expanded B-Double route access for the cane transport operations to Mossman Mill. Mackay Sugar advised that its permit renewal application has been sent to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) / Department Transport Main Roads (DTMR) for assessment.


Advice from the State Government (refer attached) states that B-Doubles reduce the impact of haulage operations with increased load capacity equating to fewer truck movements and environmental savings achieved through reduced fuel consumption. B-Doubles are promoted as providing a 33% reduction in truck movements improving productivity and minimising general disturbance to the public amenity.


QUBE Logistics have indicated that truck engines will be fitted with noise retarders and drivers will work a 6 day on, 3 day off roster to manage fatigue. An intensive 2 day driver induction is planned to include operating procedures and public awareness.


Individual identification numbers and an 1800 number for operational enquiries and complaint submission will be displayed on the engine cowling and back trailer of each truck.


Four (4) cameras will be installed in each truck to monitor oncoming and trailing traffic, rear trailer movement and driver behaviour. Footage will be available on request stored for 10 days on continuous loop recording device.


Mackay Sugar advised stakeholders of Queensland Police Service (QPS) objections to certain aspects of the expanded B-Double cane hauling operations proposal and in particular increased B-Double movements through Byrnes Street Mareeba. The QPS cited concerns about the restricted traffic environment, pedestrians and high accident rates experienced in Byrnes Street over the past three (3) years. Mackay Sugar indicated it had investigated the possibility of bypassing the centre of Mareeba but a suitable alternative was not available. QPS requested DTMR impose a condition that Mackay Sugar B-Doubles operate at 30km/hr on Byrnes Street. The DTMR representative present advised that Byrnes Street is an approved 'as of right' B-Double route and as such Mackay Sugar could operate accordingly, adding that the provisions of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Devices (MUTCD) do not allow for the imposition of a 30km/hr speed limit.

10. Mackay sugar advised that QUBE trucks would have two-way radio contact with school bus operators on the Mossman-Mt Molloy Road and Rex Range and proposed that it could have a similar arrangement with Mareeba school bus operators to limit the potential for conflict on local roads. Mackay Sugars' previous permit renewal (BD1386) for cane hauling operations and B-Double access onto MSC roads is current 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014. The cane crushing season is scheduled to commence in early May 2014. Mackay Sugar has indicated to Council officers that it will again be applying for a B-double permit replicating renewal for access to Council roads previously assessed and approved for B-Double operations. Permit approval will be through the newly established National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) setup to administer the operations of all heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass.

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Council controlled roads previously approved as B-Double routes and indicated on the current Mackay Sugar B-Double access permit are; Adil Road

Arriga Road

Kay Road

Chewko Road

Peters Road

Chettle Road

Rollinson Road

Rankin Street

Pickford Road

Springmount Road

McIver Road

Walsh Street

Coyle Road

Hansen Road

Costin Street

Constance Street

Hodzic Road

Tinaroo Creek Road

Basalt Street

Lloyd Street

Tyrconnell Road

Cobra Road

Reynolds Street

Atherton Street

Bower Road

Malone Road

Mason Street

Hort Street

Kimalo Road

Gilmore Road

Beames Street

Middlemiss Street

North Walsh Road

Leotta Road

Suhle Street

It is considered reasonable that Council offer no objection to the following Council controlled roads continuing to operate under the Mass Concession Scheme for Multi-lift (semi) trailer transport for the 2013 season. Adil Road

Mt Kooyong Road

Euluma Road

Martin Road

Rasmussen Road

McLeans Bridge Road

Wessel Road

Morrish Road

Wetherby Road

Mackay Sugar has also indicated its intention to apply through the NHVR for an extended or supplementary B-Double access permit for additional Council roads not currently approved for B-Double access. Mackay Sugar has sought to obtain a 'letter of no objection' from Council prior to applying for the second permit for extended B-Double route access planned to be in affect for the 2014-15 season (refer attached). Roads proposed by Mackay Sugar for extended B-Double permit access are; Fichera Road

Hawkins Road

Fumar Road

Lockwood Road

McBean Road

Mutchilba Road

Shanty Creek Road

Barbetti Road

Masterson Road

Ray Road

Price Creek Road

Algoma Road

Narcotic Creek Road

Metzger Road

Middle Creek Road

Healey Road

Leadingham Creek Road

Collins Weir Road

Paglietta Road

Bruce Weir Road

Borzi Road

Bryde Road

Seward Road

Springs Road

Craig Road

Euluma Creek Road

McMillan Road

Piemonte Road

McLeans Bridge Road

Rains Road

Robinson Road

Wetherby Road

Fassio Road

Walsh Road

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It is officers' current understanding that the initial Mackay Sugar permit renewal application for B-Double operations in the 2014-15 season and involving roads previously approved, may not be referred back to Council through the NHVR because the roads have been through the referral/ approval process previously. Typically the NHVR will refer the permit application for extended B-Double route access to Council to assess the additional roads suitability to sustain B-Double access. Councils are required to notify the NHVR within 28 days regarding any approval or rejection of the additional B-Double routes proposed. Council will be required to provide evidence to support its decision and advise the NHVR of any operating conditions they may wish to impose. Mackay Sugar has requested a 'letter of no objection' from Council to submit with its proposed permit application to the NHVR for extended B-double route access. The receipt of any pre-approval from Council intended to expedite the process through the NHVR. The additional routes being proposed by Mackay Sugar are in a number of cases a continuity of existing rural collector road B-Double routes extending into lower order roads that connect to current B-Double access routes. All of the additional roads proposed for B-Double approval link to farms contracted to supply cane to the Mossman Mill. Irrespective of whether Council approve the routes for B-Doubles operation or not, cane will be hauled on the roads listed. Sugar cane is currently being transported on these roads by semi-trailer combinations with some of the roads being approved for an extra 7.5% Gross Vehicle Mass limit under the terms of the Self Regulation Mass Concession Scheme that has been operating for cane transport operations to Mossman Mill, with Councils' consent since 1993. Councils' assessment of the application for extended B-Double operations will have to take into account whether B-doubles pose a greater risk of impacting on road assets, infrastructure and public amenity than traditional semi-trailer operations. Many of the roads listed in the proposal have sections of poor horizontal and/ or vertical geometry, restricted road widths and questionable road base capacities, the prevailing road characteristics not particularly ideal for sustaining either B-Double or semi-trailer operations. A report by the previous General Manager Infrastructure and Maintenance Services submitted pre-de-amalgamation to the Tablelands Regional Council 1 August 2013 ordinary meeting has been attached for consideration. The report details Mackay Sugar transport operations and Councils position in regard assessment of B-Double permit applications and precedence in relation to cane hauling operations on the Tableland. NATIONAL HEAVY VEHICLE REGULATOR (NHVR) The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) commenced operations 10 February 2014. The NHVR was created to administer one set of rules for all heavy vehicles under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL), the new legislation introduced to improve safety and productivity, minimise the compliance burden on the heavy vehicle transport industry and reduce duplication and inconsistencies across state and territory borders. The purpose of the NHVR and the HVNL to provide a consistent set of assessment rules that clearly define criteria for permit approval or rejection. Council has been delegated particular responsibilities as the 'Road Manager' under the HVNL. The NHVR will refer permit applications to Council for either consent or refusal. Written explanation of the Council decision must be provided justifying the decision based on prescribed criteria, the specified reporting requirements set-out under the national law. Should Council not consent to approving a permit application the applicant has the right to appeal via an internal review process set-out under the HVNL.

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The information provided may not be complete in outlining Council’s responsibility as Council officers are still coming to terms understanding the full ramifications of the NHVR and HVNL. The NHVR will work with road authorities and managers to have certain routes gazetted for particular freight activities. Road Managers will have the right to ask the NHVR to amend or cancel a permit or gazetted notice if they are concerned about infrastructure damage, adverse community impacts or public safety risks. The NHVR Draft Guidelines for Granting Access Section 3.4.1 Due Process The NVNL and administrative law principles provide that decisions by both the NHVR and Road Managers must: a) Be made by the responsible agency or its delegate and not at the direction of an outside body. b) Consider the relevant matters specified by the HVNL for each decision - ie. the NHVR must decide whether a proposed access decision would pose a significant risk to public safety when making an access decision. c) Be made without consideration of irrelevant factors - ie. a Road Manager could not decide to deny access only because of community dissatisfaction about the use of heavy vehicles on roads. Specific aspects of the dissatisfaction, as specified by the HVNL would need to be cited. d) Be made in the times required by the NVNL and e) Be justified with reasons (in some cases) including relevant evidence, being provided in writing. Under section 4 of the guidelines a number of high-level guiding principals are outlined to be considered by the NHVR and Road Managers when making access decisions. a) Promote vehicles offering higher productivity b) Consider strategic use of the road network c) Pro-active approach to managing access d) Use template conditions on notices (consistency) CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Manager Technical Services External Mackay Sugar Cane Supply Transport Manager LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) As the Road Manager Mareeba Shire Council are required to fulfil their referral and assessment obligations under the newly introduced Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).

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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Officers will be required to investigate and report on the B-Double route assessment process. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? No If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION A technical assessment of the proposed B-double routes suitability for access will be required and the outcomes reported to Council prior to a response letter being sent to Mackay Sugar in regard the additional routes. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mackay Sugar Correspondence Requesting B-Double Route Extensions dated 27 February 2014 (ECM # 2939280) NHVR - Heavy Vehicle Access - Local Governments Previous Report to Council Meeting of 1 August 2013, Mackay Sugar Ltd – Sugar Cane Haulage Routes and Consideration of Impacts to Council Controlled Roads B-Doubles TMR Notice to Stakeholders

Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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Ordinary Meeting


19 March 2014


Manager Works


Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report sets out works undertaken by the Construction and Maintenance Section of Infrastructure Services during February 2014 and works that are planned for March 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the Infrastructure Services, Construction and Maintenance – Progress Report, February 2014." BACKGROUND The majority of the Construction and Maintenance outside work force has returned from annual leave and operations are now progressing well for the second half of the financial year. Works in February generally consisted of maintenance activities due to weather conditions and the financial and operational risk of exposing new works to rain. Works Completed Maintenance Works Maintenance activities accruing more than $1000 in expenditure were carried out in February at the following locations; LOCATION


Barron Falls Road - Kuranda Bilwon Road - Biboohra Black Mountain Road - Bitumen Section - Kuranda Boonmoo Road - Dimbulah Bower Road - Arriga Bowers Street - Mareeba Brown Street - Biboohra Bullaburrah Creek Road - Dimbulah Carman Road - Paddys Green Chettle Road - Arriga Chewko Road - Mareeba Cobra Road - Mareeba Constance Street - Mareeba Costin Street - Mareeba

Page 128

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,650.27 2,858.29 4,193.38 3,717.38 1,484.95 2,014.40 1,239.00 1,822.94 1,176.37 1,002.24 4,803.06 1,426.46 1,165.43 9,720.80

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 19 March 2014



Emerald End Road - Mareeba Euluma Creek Road - Julatten Fassio Road - Paddys Green Fichera Road - Mareeba Ganyan Drive - Speewah George Fabris Road - Mareeba Gilmore Road - Mareeba Grievson Road - Koah Henry Hannam Drive - Mareeba Hodzic Road - Biboohra Koah Road - Koah Kowa Street - Mareeba Leadingham Creek Road - Dimbulah Loudon Street - Mareeba McLeod Road - Dimbulah Mount Kooyong Road - Julatten Mount Lewis Road - Julatten Mutchilba Road - Dimbulah Myola Road - Kuranda Oak Forest Road - Kuranda Ootann Road - Almaden Peters Street - Mareeba Pinnacle Road - Julatten Ray Road - Mareeba Rob Veivers Drive - Kuranda Speewah Road - Speewah Springmount Road - Arriga Springs Road - Paddys Green Thongon Street - Kuranda Tinaroo Creek Road - Mareeba Tyrconnell Road - Arriga Wolfram Road - Dimbulah Wrights Lookout Road - Kuranda

$ 2,947.32 $ 8,996.39 $ 2,896.32 $ 1,009.72 $ 1,444.65 $ 2,884.41 $ 1,763.15 $ 1,371.56 $ 2,445.83 $ 4,628.31 $ 4,283.03 $ 4,507.77 $ 3,891.36 $ 1,309.49 $ 7,357.89 $ 1,399.35 $ 1,308.44 $ 5,172.06 $ 2,131.99 $ 3,219.06 $ 1,239.36 $ 1,160.79 $ 2,774.58 $ 1,252.57 $ 1,253.90 $ 2,443.61 $ 1,356.28 $ 5,158.45 $ 1,232.90 $ 1,921.83 $ 1,086.80 $32,618.74 $ 2,507.42

The table below shows the current budget position of Road Maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council.

Location Mareeba Shire Council

YTD Actual $455,816

YTD Budget $342,541

Annual Budget $1,371,303

The current budget spreading will be changed to reflect actual and forecasted expenditure for rest of the year. Capital Works Program The programming of 2014 Capital Works has been adjusted to account for wet weather, delayed DTMR projects and resource availability. A copy of the Gantt chart will be distributed separately. It is proposed further Capital Works projects may be tendered for delivery by external contractors in the coming months should Council’s resources prove inadequate to complete the program. Page 129

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Capital Works Stage two of the Byrnes Street Footpath Upgrade, Mareeba commenced in late February and is progressing on time and on budget. It is programmed for these works to be completed prior to Easter.

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Capital Works Planned During March 2014 Capital Works  Bilwon Road, Biboohra - widen and bitumen seal;  Stage two of the Byrnes Street Footpath Upgrade, Mareeba;  Line marking of the 2013/14 Reseal Program;

DTMR Routine Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC) Routine maintenance activities were undertaken during February at the following locations; Road Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Mareeba – Ravenshoe) Mulligan Highway (Mareeba – Mt Molloy) Mulligan Highway (Mareeba – Mt Molloy) Mulligan Highway (Mareeba – Mt Molloy) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Burke Developmental Road

Activity Performed Tractor Slashing, Urban Slasher (Boom Slasher) Herbicide Spraying Traffic Control for Slashing Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Pothole Patching Herbicide Spraying Emergency Callout/Traffic Accident Other Sign Works Other Culvert, Pipe and Pit Work Tractor Slashing, Rural Other Roadside Work Rest Area Servicing Emergency Callout/Traffic Accident Other Sign Works Other Surface Drains Tractor Slashing, Rural Herbicide Spraying Roadside Litter Collection - Rural Other Roadside Work Emergency Callout/Traffic Accident Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Tractor Slashing, Rural Herbicide Spraying Emergency Callout/Traffic Accident Repair Guide Sign Tractor Slashing, Rural

The total claim to DTMR of the works listed above for the month of February is $77,549.

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Level Crossing Removal Denpaq Pty Ltd have been contracted by Queensland Rail to remove the level crossing between Mareeba and Atherton. The location of the level crossings within Mareeba Shire and the proposed traffic control measures are as follows; Location Basalt Street

Costin Street

McIver Road

Mines Road

Gallo Road

Vicary Road

Henry Hannam Drive

Traffic Management Proposal Denpaq Pty Ltd Road closure on the Eastern and Western sides of the level crossing, divert traffic South along Kennedy Street to Costin Street Road closure on the Eastern and Western sides of the rail crossing and divert traffic North along Kennedy Street to Basalt Street Road closure on the Western side of the Kennedy Highway and divert traffic to Costin Street Road closure on the Western Side of the Kennedy Highway and divert traffic to McIver Road Road Closure on the Western side of the Kennedy Highway and divert traffic to Vicary Road

Road Closure on the Western side of the Kennedy Highway and divert traffic to Gallo Road – Advisory signage at Gallo Road Road Closure divert to corridor

Traffic Management Proposal MSC Agree with Denpaq proposal

Agree with Denpaq proposal

Complete rail x-ing in two halves at night, must have both lanes open at peak periods ie. 7:30am to 9:00am and 2:30pm to 4:00pm Provide a sidetrack using rail corridor Complete rail x-ing in two halves at night OR sidetrack on lhs and rhs OR grade Mines Rd to reasonable standard and detour traffic - night work Road Closure on the Western side of the Kennedy Highway and divert traffic to Ray Road Sidetrack using rail corridor OR night work providing access through the job site to emergency services & local traffic if required

Currently these works are planned for late March early April. CONSULTATION Internal Infrastructure Services staff. External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil

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FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Included in 2013/2014 budget. Operating Included in 2013/2014 budget. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes. If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advice is provided to residents and businesses affected by any activities. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Capital Works

Date Prepared:

12 March 2014

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Ordinary Meeting


19 March 2014


Manager Works


Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report sets out works undertaken by the Parks and Gardens within Infrastructure Services during February 2014 and outlines works planned for March 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services - Parks and Gardens Progress Report, February 2014." BACKGROUND The on-set of the wet season has heralded the start of the busiest period of the year for the Parks and Gardens Group. Vegetation growth regularly out strips available permanent resources and coupled with wet weather delays will inevitably cause a backlog in the Groups cyclic vegetation management programs. WORKS COMPLETED Maintenance Works Parks and Gardens Maintenance activities accruing more than $1000 were carried out in February at the following locations; LOCATION Chillagoe Basalt Gully and Bi-Centennial Lakes - Mareeba Mary Andrews Gardens - Mareeba Arnold Park - Mareeba Centenary Park - Mareeba Byrnes Street Medians - Mareeba Council Office & Library - Mareeba Jensen Park - Mareeba Molloy Road Approaches - Mareeba Anzac Park - Mareeba Rotary Park - Mareeba

Page 136

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

COST 2,939.26 3,712.67 4,571.06 1,287.09 1,908.68 3,064.98 2,381.20 2,438.08 2,084.07 1,623.74 1,030.50

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LOCATION Kuranda Parks, Library, CBD and Streets Old Kuranda Depot/Amphitheatre Town Hall Park - Dimbulah Borzi Park - Mareeba Davies Park - Mareeba Brady Park - Mareeba Firth Park - Mareeba Mareeba Racecourse (Road Reserve) - Mareeba Vains Park - Mt Molloy Mareeba Streets Mowing Nursery Mareeba Tree Removal MSC Sunbird Park - Mareeba Anzac Avenue, Mareeba Corrective Services Labour - Supervision

YTD Actual

Location Mareeba Shire Council


YTD Budget $184,272

COST $ 5,880.90 $ 3,046.72 $ 1,023.40 $ 1,214.12 $ 4,548.22 $ 1,878.03 $ 2,283.11 $ 2,716.07 $ 1,543.83 $17,403.83 $ 2,249.41 $ 2,572.73 $ 2,107.51 $ 1,008.35 $ 3,595.47

Annual Budget $552,817

Actual costs are over budget due to extra mowing required during wet season. Budget spreading to be adjusted to replace actual and forecasted expenditure. Burial Operations  Mareeba


Street Sweeping Council’s street sweeper is currently in the workshop due to the failure of the rear motor. The Fleet Coordinator is seeking proposals for the dry hire of a similar machine. At the time of reporting no further information was available. High Pressure Cleaning  Byrnes Street, Mareeba - As per schedule  Shelter sheds in parks, Mareeba  Mareeba Bus stop  Mareeba Cemetery  Vains Park Tennis Courts, Mt Molloy  Mt Molloy Cemetery  Kuranda Resort and Spa Walkways  Coondoo Street and Kuranda playgrounds  Kuranda Library Cleaning/Litter Collection  Public amenities maintained daily and twice daily as required  Bin clearing daily in the CBD and weekly at other locations  Mona Mona Community Rubbish Collection as per the agreement with DATMA Urban Weed Control  CBD mediums  Kuranda footpaths  Mt Molloy and Mareeba cemeteries Page 137

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Other Works  Landscape works at the Rankin Street Council Office  New concrete beam placement at Mareeba cemetery LAND PROTECTION  Continuation of baiting activities across the shire  Gamba Grass eradication at Paddy’s Green STAFF ISSUES Recruitment The Mareeba Parks and Gardens foreman position has been filled. Andrew Davis commenced work for Mareeba Shire Council on Monday 3 March 2014. Service Providers Traditionally, at this time of year, the use of labour from labour hire companies has been used to bolster Parks and Gardens personnel to cater for the increased work load. This year the number has been reduced from seven to two. On-going issues with regards staff being unavailable for work due to illness have necessitated these arrangements. It is anticipated that by the end of March the issue will be resolved. Lump sum quotations have been sort for Park Services (mowing, herbicide application, brush cutting and blowing) from relevant service providers within the Mareeba Shire Council area. It is the intension to use these providers to cover for any resource shortfall during the wet season growing period where budget constraints allow. Construction and Maintenance Group The use of Construction and Maintenance staff on temporary secondment to the Parks and Gardens Group in lieu of hiring casual staff to cater for the increased workload caused by the wet season has proved very successful. Due to capital and maintenance work priorities the staff involved moved back to the Construction and Maintenance Group at the end of February. When weather conditions or programming allow, this arrangement will continue. Kuranda Depot A decision has been made to combine the Construction and Maintenance and Parks and Gardens staff in Kuranda at one location. Previously there were two depots of three staff each. The intent is that these staff will carry out parks and garden and construction and maintenance duties as a team rather than two separate entities. It is hoped that as a group, this team can reduce the need for contract services in the Kuranda area. CONSULTATION Internal Infrastructure Services staff. External Nil. LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil. Page 138

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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Included in 2013 / 2014 budget. Operating Included in 2013 / 2014 budget. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes. If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advice is provided to residents and businesses affected by any activities. ATTACHMENTS Nil. Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Director Infrastructure Services DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To address a matter of discontinuous road reserve from Wolfram Road through Lot 12 HG429 and through Lot 13 HG72, Council resolved on 18 May 2011 to acquire an area of approximately 3,050 m² of land from the property owner of Lot 13 HG72. Solicitors acting for Council have advised that the Resumption Survey Plan 261241 and the gazettal were registered by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines on 14 February 2014. This completes the acquisition process itself but leaves an outstanding issue for the need of a Council decision on the status of Lot 1. As the resumption was based on a discontinuity in the road reserve, Council can now dedicate Lot 1 as road. This report is presented for Council’s consideration and to confirm its decision to proceed to dedicate Lot 1 SP261241 as road reserve. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolves to dedicate Lot 1 SP261241 as road reserve for the express purpose of re-establishing the continuity of the road reserve from Wolfram Road." BACKGROUND At its Ordinary Meeting of 18 May 2011, Council resolved to proceed to acquire a parcel of land approximately 3,050 m² from the property owner of Lot 13 HG72. Council officers were of the view that the integrity of the road reserve must be preserved and that the discontinuity that existed should be addressed by resuming the subject land. After unsuccessful negotiations with the property owner, Council made formal application to the Minister administering the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 for taking of the acquisition area for road purposes. Council’s Solicitor, Preston Law advised the Resumption Survey Plan 261241 and gazettal were registered by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNR&M) on 14 February 2014. The attached copy of the Registration Confirmation Statement received from the DNR&M shows Council as the registered owner of Lot 1 SP261241. As the resumption was based on a discontinuity in the road reserve, Council can now dedicate Lot 1 as road.

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Wednesday 19 March 2014

CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Preston Law LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1. 2.

Locality Map; Registration Confirmation Statement.

Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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19 March 2014


Coordinator Water Operations


Infrastructure and Maintenance Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Water and Wastewater activities undertaken by the Infrastructure and Maintenance Services Department during the month of February 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the February 2014 Monthly Water and Wastewater Report submitted by the Coordinator Water Operations Infrastructure and Services Department." LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN The monthly report has been structured to relate to the Corporate Plan Strategies and activities as set out in the Operational Plan.

WATER Corporate and Operational Plan linkage: This section reports against the following Operational Plan tasks/activities: Water and Sewerage Management OP74 – Undertake capital water and sewerage projects in accordance with approved capital works schedule

1.0 Capital Works Projects 1.1 The water wastewater capital works projects have been prioritised and scheduled for the financial year ending June 2014 1.2 Water Reticulation - Chillagoe Water Main Extension This project will replace connect the new bore site to the existing water reticulation network that delivers water to the town reservoirs.

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 The design is complete and work has commenced and the alignment will be along the road verge connecting to the existing main delivery pipeline located at the current bore site.  Work to be completed April 1.3 Water Reticulation - Mt Molloy Main Street Augmentation  This project is to duplicate the existing water reticulation main and eliminating the water lines under the road, in particular the leaking main causing potholing in the main street.  Project now completed 1.4 Water Treatment - Kuranda WTP Replace Manually Operated Sludge Valves with Automated Valves  This project will fully complete the automation of the Kuranda Water Plant. This will reduce operator intervention and reduce running costs.  Completed 1.5 Water Treatment - Assess the Water Reservoir Storage Requirements  This project will assess the water reservoir storage requirements as determined by the Drinking Water Quality Management Plans.  To be completed June 2014 1.6 Water Treatment - Develop Clustering of SCADA & Telemetry Network  This project is to develop clustering of the SCADA & Telemetry Network as determined by the Drinking Water Quality Management Plans. Clustering will allow the main architecture of the SCADA and Telemetry network be connected to Historian Software which will provide up to date legislative reporting to comply with the Water Act 2008 and DEHP Licensing Conditions.  Clustering permits grouping of systems into a unified interface whilst largely retaining the structure of the ‘original’ systems. It is a way of leveraging existing investment in SCADA without limiting future ability to develop and work towards common standards.  Project design complete  Tender process underway  Completion expected June 2014 1.7 Water Treatment - Mareeba Integrate and Connect the Standby Generator to MWTP  This project will complete the instillation of the on site standby generator to the High Lift Pumps ensuring continuity of water supply to the Mareeba Township during power disruptions or emergency situations.  Project design completed and works underway  Expected completion May 2014 1.8 Water Treatment - SCADA & Telemetry Historian Project  This will address the requirements of the Improvement Plan Drinking of the Drinking Water Quality Management Plan. Connecting the SCADA & Telemetry Network to a Historian system is used to control and monitor physical processes, examples of which are transmission of electricity, transportation of gas and oil in pipelines, water distribution, traffic lights, and other systems used as the basis of modern society. Historian provides an integrated long term data archiving mechanism designed to store information from multiple databases.  Project design complete  Tender process underway  Completion expected June 2014

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1.9 Water Treatment - Chillagoe Inline Chlorine Analysers  To allow MSC to fully comply with the Improvement Plan of the Drinking Water Quality Management Plan we need to install an Inline Chlorine Analyser at Chillagoe. This will be the final site to have an Inline Analyser installed.  Project completed

2.0 Wastewater Reticulation - Portable Generator 

A new 25KVA standby Generator is to be acquired to connect to the Kuranda Sewerage Pump Stations during power outages and emergency situations. This will allow Council to comply with DEHP requirements to prevent overflows from its sewerage reticulation network.


Tender process underway


Expected completion date April 2014

3.0 Chillagoe Arsenic Removal Plant 

Council has received funding under the Royalties for Regions Grants program for an Arsenic Removal Plant at Chillagoe.


Preparation of functional design brief and technical specifications for the water filtration system (and ferric dosing), including sketch plans of system layout. Documentation are being prepared for Council to request quotations from select suppliers for package treatment plant for manufacture, supply and delivery only;


Preparation of functional design brief and technical specifications for the new bore, bore pump and installation of the package water treatment plant.


Documentation is being prepared for Council to request quotation from select contractors for this installation contract;


Anticipated project completion June 2014 dependent on availability of equipment

4.0 Environmental Monitoring - Treatment 

Mareeba STP effluent continues to show improvement post desludging. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Suspended Solids (SS) are compliant and appear stable. Faecal Coliforms were noncompliant in the first week and then in compliance the second.


Kuranda STP remains compliant with licence conditions.

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5.0 Budget - Water Financial Operational Budget Information per budget Section water Graphical - Revenue

Graphical – Expense

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6.0 Budget - Wastewater Financial Operational Budget Information per Budget Section Wastewater Graphical – Revenue

Graphical – Expenditure

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7.0 Chlorine Residual Readings

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Mareeba TRC Rankine St Wylandra Drive Mareeba Gregory Terrace Kuranda Mason Rd PS Kuranda Chillagoe Dimbulah

Mon 3rd Wed 5th Fri 7th Mon 10th Wed 12th Fri 14th Mon 17th Wed 19th Fri 21st Mon 24th Wed 26th Fri 28th Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) 0.98 1.18 1.11 1.08 1.02 1.03 0.71 0.70 0.66 1.53 1.46 1.12 0.59 0.39 0.48 0.69 0.68 0.59 0.61 0.50 0.35 0.26 0.36 0.50 0.35 0.53 0.39 0.41 0.51 0.39 0.54 0.35 0.39 0.31 0.40 0.30 0.75 1.04 0.88 0.91 0.85 0.96 1.09 0.84 0.96 0.86 0.87 0.96 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.26 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.25 0.35 1.33 1.41 1.38 0.84 0.79 1.03 0.85 0.76 0.82 1.11 1.80 1.03


February 2014

Chlorine Residual Readings 2013

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Maximum 5mg/L

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8.0 Mareeba Water Supply Scheme – Operations Data







6000.00 200


Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Production


2000.00 0.00

Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14












Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

9.0 Kuranda Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data







600.00 200



200.00 0.00

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Page 151

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Production

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

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Wednesday 19 March 2014







600 200


Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection


200 0

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Mount Molloy Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data

100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00

500 400 300 200

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Production

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

100 Rainfall (mm) 0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 800

500 400

600 500


400 200

300 200


100 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data

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Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 19 March 2014

500.00 450.00 400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00

500 400 300 200

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Production


Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

400 300 200

Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Rainfall (mm)

100 0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Chillagoe Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data











Rainfall (mm)

Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Production

Kilolitres per Day


Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm) 0.00

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

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Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 500



1000 800





Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection



200 0

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Data

5000.00 4500.00 4000.00 3500.00 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00

500 400 300 200

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow

Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)

100 Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection 500



1000 800




400 100

200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Kuranda Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Data

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Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection


Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow 400.00

500 400

300.00 250.00


200.00 200

150.00 100.00

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day


Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)


50.00 0.00

Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14







600 200



200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Date Prepared: 10 March 2014

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Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection

Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Wednesday 19 March 2014






19 March 2014


Manager Waste Operations


Infrastructure and Maintenance Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Waste activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of February 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services, Waste Operations, Progress Report, February 2014 submitted by the Coordinator Waste Operations." BACKGROUND The following is a summary of the waste activities undertaken during the month of February 2014. 1.

Waste Operations All Transfer Stations and Mareeba Landfill are currently operational. A site clean-up of the Mareeba waste transfer station has been completed in preparation for an audit to be undertaken by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection at the Mareeba Waste Transfer Station and Landfill. The audit will possibly occur either late March or early April 2014. All recyclable steel material has been transported from Dimbulah, Mutchilba, Mt Carbine and Julatten to Mareeba transfer station for processing. Steel compacting will be completed in Mareeba and Kuranda by the end of March. Recycling material (mainly bottles and cans) is being brought into the Mareeba waste transfer station from outlying transfer stations. This material together with the recyclable material brought into the Mareeba waste transfer station by ratepayers is steadily building up pending a decision on what will be done with it.


Customer Service Waste Statistics The following graph displays customer requests logged in the Customer Request Management (CRM) system during the month of February 2014.

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New Service

4 1

Missed Service Repair/Replace General Enquiries



Waste Collected at Each of the Transfer Stations This is a combination of waste material collected at each of the waste transfer stations which is either deposited directly to the Mareeba landfill, recycled or transported to the SITA facility in Cairns for processing. The following pie charts are separated into waste received as whole units and waste received as accrued tonnage.

MAREEBA SHIRE WASTE (Number of Units) 4

22 Animals Batteries


Car Bodies


Page 157

Equivalent Passenger tyres

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Wednesday 19 March 2014


Building & Demolition Scrap Steel Domestic Household Waste




Waste Volume to Mareeba Landfill The waste shown as domestic in the pie chart below is the waste collected at each of the waste transfer stations within the Mareeba Shire which is transported back to the Mareeba waste transfer station. This waste together with the domestic waste generated in Mareeba is then transported via SITA trucks to the Bedminster composting plant in Cairns. The commercial waste (shown below in the pie chart) is derived from the Bedminster plant (made up of Cairns and Port Douglas domestic waste) in Cairns. The combined waste is deposited in the Mareeba Landfill.

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Revenue The income shown below in the pie graph is made up of:  Commercial disposal (predominantly SITA)  Interest earned  Interest on Constrained Works  Recycling (steel, batteries)  Rates  Un-serviced levy The expenditure shown below in the pie graph is made of:  Waste administration  Landfill management  Transfer station management

WASTE BUDGET FEBRUARY 2014 Budget Line 04.100 - Domestic Collections 04.101 - Unserviced Levy 04.102 - Scrap Metal 04.104 - Commercial Disposal 04.108 - WASTE Interest Earned 04.110 - Interest on Constrained Works 04.113 - Waste Administration 04.114 - Landfills 04.115 - Processing and Treatment Costs 04.117 - Transfer Stations 04.118 - Collection Costs 04.119 - Recycling 04.121 - Depreciation - Waste 04.122 - NCP Administration Charges 04.132 - Permit Applications Fees

Page 159

YTD Budget

YTD Actual

(890,863) (668,736) 0 (243,008) (63,333) 0 49,301 190,242 80,833 134,050 91,546 0 4,596 33,633 0 (1,281,739)

(809,372) (630,930) (1,175) (122,848) (10,059) (394) 13,007 193,013 0 83,145 (2) (21,050) 4,596 33,634 (262) (1,268,698)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 19 March 2014

CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Waste Staff External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil Page 160

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ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

6 March 2014

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19 March 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Coordinator Water Operations DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This purpose of this report is to advise Council of the overflow issues at the Barang Street Sewerage Pump Station in Kuranda. This has been highlighted as an issue requiring immediate rectification. This report is intended to advise Council of the actions that Council officers have taken during recent discussions between Council Officers and officers from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP). OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the report regarding the Barang Street Sewerage Pump Station overflow incidents." BACKGROUND Council officers are currently preparing a program, including a project plan, to further Council's understanding of the current Barang Street Sewerage Pump Station at Kuranda as there is a need to identify cost effective opportunities to reduce the environmental risk of overflows. Council will provide to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) with the findings and the operations and project plan officers have undertaken by 4 April 2014. Council has engaged a specialist consultant to undertake the preliminary investigation and options analysis work. It is anticipated that the consultant will provide the required report by 21 March 2014. Council officers will then review this report with a view to finalising a project plan with associated timeframes and to preparing a voluntary Transitional Environmental Program under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 if deemed necessary. In the interim, Council officers have arranged to permanently locate a generator at the pump station site to address overflows due to power failure. To address overflows from combined pump station flows, a SCADA interlock will also be installed at the first high level alarm at the Barang Street pump station. This will lock out flows from all other pump stations except the Myola feed. Once the level drops below the first high level mark, flows will resume from the other pump stations. The overall hydraulic balance of sewage levels in the Kuranda sewerage reticulation during an interlock activation at Barang Street is not expected to cause overflows elsewhere.

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CONSULTATION Internal Environmental Compliance Officer Director Infrastructure Services Supervisor Water Reticulation External SCADA Engineering Aurecon Consulting Engineering Mareeba Electrical Services LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) The Environmental Protection Act 1994, Sustainable Planning Act 2009 and the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 all govern the operation of wastewater facilities. The legislation imposes a duty of care on service providers, through a statutory authority (licence), to ensure that a standard of sewage treatment is met prior to release to the environment to minimise or prevent harm. Offences associated with the legislation range from minor infringement notices to substantial fines and indictable offences. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Public Relation Implications: Ensuring adequate infrastructure to meet statutory obligations will result in a minimisation of risk of complaints from the public about, nuisance odours and pollution to the receiving environment. Council will be better able to demonstrate its service to the community. Environmental Policy: The objectives of this policy are:  To acknowledge Council's obligation under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld) and other relevant environmental legislation.  To establish Council's commitment to a sustainable environment as per the Corporate Plan 2009-2013.  To outline a framework for the reduction and management of environmental risks and impacts arising from council operations and activities. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital It is expected there will be a Capital cost associated with rectifying the issues at the Barang St Sewerage Pump Station and these costs will be identified as part of the consultancy work currently being undertaken. This will be reported to a subsequent Council meeting. Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil

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If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

10 March 2014

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REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 72(1)(e) of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (e)

contracts proposed to be made by Council.

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The Local Authority Waste Management Advisory Committee (LAWMAC) is an organisation of seventeen (17) North Queensland Local Government Member Councils with an additional five (5) Corresponding Member Councils dedicated to best practice waste management aiming to provide sustainable solutions through its regional forum and interactive participation across the LAWMAC region on current and future Waste Management Practices and Technologies. LAWMAC is a 'not for profit' group comprising members from the North Queensland Local Government area from Cook Shire in the north to Mackay in the south and extending inland to Mount Isa, Burke and Cloncurry shires. LAWMAC General Meetings are held quarterly with the Annual General Meeting scheduled after the end of each financial year plus a Waste Management Conference also held bi-annually. A workshop was held in Townsville where two presentations were delivered and a guided tour of the Regional Endeavour E-Water Processing Plant was conducted on the afternoon of Thursday, 20 February 2014. In the morning of Friday, 21 February 2014 a General Meeting was held of which the draft minutes are attached for the information of Council. The presentations delivered on Thursday were:  

discussion of the Visitor Phone App Recycling Guide for North Queensland waste application for funding1, and Townsville Council’s Rub Out Rubbish Campaign2, which was presented by Heather Hausfeld and Tamara Lancaster of Townsville Regional Council. 1 2

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