Council Meeting Agenda 18 November 2015

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Ordinary Meeting Council Chambers Date: 18 November 2015 Time: 9:00am



Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 18 November 2015

ORDER OF BUSINESS MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL BUSINESS BEREAVEMENTS/CONDOLENCES DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ............................................................................... 5 REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING................................................................................................ 5 ITEM-1 Kula Park Trust - Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 2 Lots) Lot 2 on RP745863 - 60 Tye Road, Southedge - DA/15/0037 ................................................ 5 ITEM-2 Change of Development Approval - Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty Ltd Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 12 Lots in 3 Stages) Lot 208 SP261005 - 58 Malone Road, Mareeba - REC/09/0016 ......................................... 21 GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE............................................................................................ 71 ITEM-3 Closure of Chewko Road - McLeod Street Laneway............................................... 71 ITEM-4 Silver River Enterprises Permit Request ................................................................. 75 FINANCE ...................................................................................................................................... 87 ITEM-5 Financial Statements for period ending 31 October 2015 ....................................... 87 ITEM-6 Three Month Capital Review .................................................................................. 95 COMMUNITY WELLBEING .......................................................................................................... 99 ITEM-7 Revised 2015-2016 RADF Strategy........................................................................ 99 ITEM-8 Community Partnership Requests ........................................................................ 107 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ................................................................................................ 111 TECHNICAL SERVICES............................................................................................................. 111 ITEM-9 Infrastructure Services - Technical Services - Monthly Activities - October 2015 .. 111 ITEM-10 Non-Year Specific Capital Works Projects - Additional Projects (Cobra Road & Seary Road) ......................................................................................................... 120 ITEM-11 Contract TMSC2015-23 NDRRA 2014 Mt Lewis Road Slip Remediation ............. 125 ITEM-12 Chillagoe Patrolman CONFIDENTIAL ................................................................. 129 WORKS ...................................................................................................................................... 131 ITEM-13 Infrastructure Services - Works Section Progress Report - October 2015............. 131 ITEM-14 Pest Management Plan 2015-2020 ...................................................................... 141 WATER & WASTE ...................................................................................................................... 143 ITEM-15 Infrastructure Services - Waste Operations Report - October 2015 ...................... 143 ITEM-16 Infrastructure Services - Water and Wastewater Group - Monthly Operations October 2015 ....................................................................................................... 149 ITEM-17 TMSC2015-12 Supply and Delivery of Type 3.3 Roadbase (Day Cover Mareeba Landfill) .................................................................................................. 157 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ................................................................................................... 163 ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 163 ITEM-18 Employment Contract CONFIDENTIAL .............................................................. 163

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BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE .................................................................................................. 164 NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL .................................................................................................. 164

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18 November 2015


Corporate and Community Services APPLICATION DETAILS



PREMISES ADDRESS 60 Tye Road, Southedge RPD Lot 2 on RP745863


27 July 2015 Development Permit


AREA DA/15/0037 41.73 Ha OWNER R Morcom Kula Park Trust Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (Amendment No. 01/11)


Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 2 Lots)

Rural Zone Code Assessment n/a

1. 2.

Proposal Plan/s Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning Referral Agency Response dated 28 September 2015

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council is in receipt of a development application described in the above application details. The application is code assessable and was therefore not subject to public notification.

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The applicants propose the subdivision of the site into two allotments, excising a 4.8 hectare parcel of currently leased land from the front of the site (Proposed Lot 1), and leaving a 36.93 hectare balance (Proposed Lot 2). The lessee's intention for proposed Lot 1 is to develop the lot into a self-sufficient block rather than a conventional commercial farm, which will include a 300 tree mixed orchard (established), and other animal keeping including poultry, goats and pigs on a domestic scale. The application and supporting material has been assessed against the relevant statutory planning instruments, including the FNQ Regional Plan, the State Planning Policy, and the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme (including codes and policies) and is in conflict with the rural subdivision provisions contained within both the Planning Scheme and the Regional Plan. A report tabled at Council's Ordinary Meeting on 4 November 2015 recommended that the application be refused. At this meeting, Council resolved that it intended to approve this development application and instructed officers to prepare suitable conditions for approval and provide a report to the 18 November 2015 meeting. The proposed conditions are presented below.

OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "Council's reasons for not adopting the assessment officer's recommendation are: 

Council considers that the subject land is not suitable for intensive agricultural production, is not mapped as good quality agricultural land, and there is little likelihood of any adjoining properties being developed with incompatible land uses.


Proposed Lot 1 (4.8 Ha), is consistent in size with a number of other allotments in the immediate locality.

The following set of conditions are proposed given Council's decision to approve this application. Conditions 1.

That in relation to the following development application:




27 July 2015 Development Permit


PREMISES 60 Tye Road, Southedge Lot 2 on RP745863

Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 2 Lots)

and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the applicant be notified that the application for a development permit for the development specified in (A) is: Approved by Council in accordance with the approved plans/documents listed in (B), subject to assessment manager conditions in (C), assessment manager’s advice in (D), concurrence

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agency conditions in (E), relevant period in (F), further permits in (G), and further approvals from Council listed in (H); (A)

APPROVED DEVELOPMENT: Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot Subdivision (1 into 2 Lots)


APPROVED PLANS: Plan/Document Number -


Plan/Document Title Plan of Lease A in Lot 2 on RP745863

Prepared by Robin Trotter Surveyor


Dated 20/10/2012


Development assessable against the Planning Scheme


Development must be carried out substantially in accordance with the approved plans and the facts and circumstances of the use as submitted with the application, subject to any alterations:



found necessary by Council’s delegated officer at the time of examination of the engineering plans or during construction of the development because of particular engineering requirements; and


to ensure compliance with the following conditions of approval.

Timing of Effect 2.1


The conditions of the development permit must be complied with to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey, except where specified otherwise in these conditions of approval.

General 3.1

The development approval would not have been issued if not for the conditions requiring the construction of infrastructure within the conditions of approval.


The applicant/developer is responsible for the cost of necessary alterations to existing public utility mains, services or installations required by works in relation to the proposed development or any works required by condition(s) of this approval.


All payments or bonds required to be made to the Council pursuant to any condition of this approval or the Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice must be made prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey and at the rate applicable at the time of payment.


The developer must relocate (in accordance with FNQROC standards) any services such as water, sewer, drainage, telecommunications and electricity that are not wholly located within the lots that are being

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created/serviced where required by the relevant authority, unless approved by Council’s delegated officer. 3.5

Where utilities (such as sewers on non-standard alignments) traverse lots to service another lot, easements must be created in favour of Council for access and maintenance purposes. The developer is to pay all costs (including Council’s legal expenses) to prepare and register the easement documents.


Prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey the applicant must provide a letter from any Concurrence Agencies confirming that their conditions have been complied with and/or that they have no objection to Council's endorsement of the plan of survey.


All works must be designed, constructed and carried out in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual requirements (as amended) and to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer.


Flood Immunity All new buildings must be located such that the freeboard of the floor levels of all habitable rooms is a minimum of 300mm above the 100 ARI year level.


No filling is to occur below the 100 ARI flood level unless approved as part of a subsequent development application for operational works.

3.10 Bushfire Management 3.10.1 Any new dwelling erected on Lot 1 shall: (i)

Achieve a setback from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is greater.

(ii) Include on-site water storage of not less than 5,000 litres, with a 50mm male camlock fire brigade fitting where necessary, to be provided at the same time the dwelling is constructed. 3.10.2 A Bushfire Management Plan will be prepared to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The approved use must comply with the requirements of the Management Plan at all times. 3.11 Rural Addressing The applicant must pay the relevant fee per lot for provision of rural addressing at the rate identified in the Fees and Charges Schedule at the time of payment. 3.12 Charges All outstanding rates, charges and expenses pertaining to the land are to be paid in full. Page 8

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Infrastructure Services and Standards 4.1

Access The existing access crossovers (servicing Lot 1 and 2) must be upgraded/constructed (from the edge of Tye Road to the property boundary of both lots) in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer.


Stormwater Drainage 4.2.1 The applicant/developer must take all necessary steps to ensure a non-worsening effect on surrounding land as a consequence of the development. 4.2.2 All stormwater drainage from the site must be discharged to an approved legal point of discharge.


On-Site Wastewater Management At the time a dwelling house is constructed on Lot 1, any on-site effluent disposal system must be constructed in compliance with the latest version On-Site Domestic Wastewater Management Standard (ASNZ1547) to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer.


Additional Payment Condition/s (section 650 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009) 5.1

The additional payment condition has been imposed as the development will create additional demand on trunk infrastructure which will create additional trunk infrastructure costs for council.


the developer must pay $4,315.00 (per additional lot) as a contribution toward trunk infrastructure with the amount of the contribution increased on 1 July each year in accordance with the increase for the PPI index for the period starting on the day the development approval takes effect, adjusted by reference to the 3-yearly PPI index average to the date of payment.


The trunk infrastructure for which the payment is required is: 

The trunk transport network servicing the land ($4,315.00)


The developer may elect to provide part of the trunk infrastructure instead of making the payment.


If the developer elects to provide part of the trunk infrastructure the developer must:   

Discuss with Council's delegated officer the part of the works to be undertaken; Obtain the necessary approvals for the part of the works; Indemnify the Council in relation to any actions, suits or demands relating to or arising from the works; Page 9

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    (D)

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Take out joint insurance in the name of the Council and the developer in the sum of $20,000,000 in relation to the undertaking of the works; Comply with the reasonable direction of Council officers in relation to the completion of the works; Complete the works to the standards required by the Council; and Complete the works prior to endorsement of the plan of subdivision.


A number of other charges or payments may be payable as conditions of approval. The applicable fee is set out in Council’s Fees & Charges Schedule for each respective financial year.


Endorsement Fees The applicant is advised that Council charges a fee for the endorsement of a Survey Plan, Community Management Statements, easement documents, and covenants. The fee is set out in Council’s Fees & Charges Schedule applicable for each respective financial year.


Compliance with applicable codes/policies The development must be carried out to ensure compliance with the provisions of Council’s Local Laws, Planning Scheme Policies, Planning Scheme and Planning Scheme Codes to the extent they have not been varied by a condition of this approval.


Notation on Rates Record A notation will be placed on Council’s Rate record with respect to each lot regarding the following conditions:     


conditions regarding bushfire management an approved bushfire management plan conditions regarding flood immunity At the time of dwelling construction a 22,500L rainwater tank is to be provided in accordance with the Dwelling House Code to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer (Lot 1 only). At time of dwelling construction, any on-site effluent disposal system must be constructed in compliance with the latest version On-Site Domestic Wastewater Management Standard ASNZ1547 (Lot 1 only).

Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 The applicant is advised that referral may be required under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 if the proposed activities are likely to have a significant impact on a matter of national environmental significance. Further information on these matters can be obtained from

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Cultural Heritage In carrying out the activity the applicant must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that no harm is done to Aboriginal cultural heritage (the “cultural heritage duty of care”). The applicant will comply with the cultural heritage duty of care if the applicant acts in accordance with gazetted cultural heritage duty of care guidelines. An assessment of the proposed activity against the duty of care guidelines will determine whether or to what extent Aboriginal cultural heritage may be harmed by the activity. Further information on cultural heritage, together with a copy of the duty of care guidelines and cultural heritage search forms, may be obtained from


CONCURRENCE AGENCY CONDITIONS Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning conditions dated 28 September 2015.


RELEVANT PERIOD When approval lapses if development not started (s.341) 


Reconfiguring a Lot not requiring Operational Works – two (2) years (starting the day the approval takes effect);



OTHER APPROVALS REQUIRED FROM COUNCIL  Access approval arising from condition number 4.1 (Please contact Planning Section to obtain application form and applicable fee).

Date Prepared:

9 November 2015

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18 November 2015



Corporate and Community Services APPLICATION Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty Ltd


27 August 2015


REC/09/0016 U & I Town Plan


Insert Zone Code Assessment



PREMISES 58 Malone Road, Mareeba Lot 208 on SP261005

Development Permit Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 12 Lots in 3 Stages)


26.96 Ha Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty Ltd Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (amendment no. 01/11)

N/A - Code Assessment only

1. 2. 3. 4.

Decision Notice/Negotiated Decision Notice dated 22 March 2011. Applicant’s request to change development approval dated 20 August 2015 Proposed amended Plan/s - Jim Papas Civil Engineering Designer Pty Ltd dated January 2014 Concurrence Agency response - DILGP dated 22 October 2015

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council approved a development application described in the above application details at its meeting held on 18 August 2010, subject to conditions. A request for a Negotiated Decision Notice was approved by Council at its meeting held on 16 March 2011. Subsequent requests to Change the Development Approval were approved by Council on 6 December 2012, 11 September 2013 and 21 May 2014. As it stands, the approval allows the subdivision of the site into 12 x 2 Ha allotments over 3 stages. The application was code assessable and was therefore not required to undergo public notification. U&I Town Plan on behalf of the applicant have subsequently lodged a further request to change the development approval. The requested change seeks to achieve a more practical lot layout and provide several of the allotments with access to Cobra Creek which flows through the rear of the site. Under the existing approval, a portion of the rear of the site (generally covering Cobra Creek and its riparian areas) is required to be dedicated as a Reserve (drainage and recreation purposes). The requested changes include the removal of this requirement, and instead, the establishment of several easements over this same area. Statutory Guideline 06/09 (Substantially different development when changing applications and approvals) provides assistance to the assessment manager in determining if a proposed change constitutes a substantially different development. It is considered that the proposed change/s will not result in a substantially different development and constitute a permissible change under section 367 of SPA. It is recommended that the requested changes, as well as additional common sense changes recommended by this officer be approved in full.

OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That in relation to the application to change the following development approval:


APPLICATION Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty Ltd



27 August 2015

PREMISES 58 Malone Road, Mareeba Lot 208 on SP261005

Development Permit Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 12 Lots in 3 Stages)

and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009; (A)

The approved plan/s of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows:

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Plan/Document Number


Plan/Document Title

1296-SK1 Amdt D

Bellevue Estate

1296 - SK1 Amdt F

Bellevue Estate

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Prepared by

Dated 12.05.14

Jim Papas Civil Engineering Designer Pty Ltd

January 2014

Condition 3.8 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 3.8

Bushfire Management (i)

Buildings and Structures (Lots greater than 2, 500m2): -



are sited in locations of lowest hazard within the lot; achieve setbacks from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; are 10 metres from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation; are sited so that elements of the development least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard.

Firebreak to Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve A ten (10) metre wide firebreak must be maintained within proposed Lots 307, 308, 309 and 310 adjoining and along the full length of their common boundary with the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve.



A Bushfire Management Plan will be prepared to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The approved use must comply with the requirements of the Management Plan at all times.

Condition 4.12 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 4.12 Agricultural Buffering – Stage 3 4.12.1

A 20 metre wide vegetated buffer is to be planted within the approved drainage and recreation reserve (Lot 313) the Cobra Creek riparian area (Easements B - F). The buffer shall be landscaped in accordance with a professionally prepared landscaping plan which must be submitted to Council for approval by Council's delegated officer prior to planting commencing. At a minimum, the additional vegetation planting must consist of at least two (2) rows of additional vegetation planted on either side of Cobra Creek.

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The landscaping plan must also include FNQROC Development Manual standard pathways within the drainage and recreation reserve and road reserve back to the cul-de-sac head, for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The pathways must be constructed by the applicant prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. The vegetation must have a minimum height at maturity of 4 metres. All trees and shrubs planted as part of the buffer must achieve a minimum average height of 800 mm above ground level prior to Council's endorsement of the survey plan for the first stage any lot in Stage 3. The vegetation buffer must be maintained by the applicant and must achieve a minimum average height of 2 metres prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. 4.12.2

Vegetation planting carried out as per Condition 4.12.1, shall be maintained for all areas, as follows:   

replacement of trees / shrubs / plantings as required site maintenance shall include mowing / slashing Vegetation buffer maintenance is to be continued throughout the Defects Liability Period until date of Final Acceptance

Contrary to Section D9.23 Paragraph 7 of the FNQROC Manual, the maintenance period for the vegetation buffer shall be a minimum of two years. (D)

Condition 3.11 of Council's Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 should be amended as follows: 3.11 Cobra Creek Drainage Easements Easements for the purpose of drainage are to be established over the Cobra Creek riparian area generally in accordance with those shown on Drawing No. 1296 - SK1 Amdt F prepared by Jim Papas Civil Engineering Designer Pty Ltd dated January 2014 (Easements B - F). The applicant/developer is to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the easement documents, using Council's standard form of easement. The easement documents must be submitted to Council for review at the same time the applicant/developer seeks endorsement of the plan of survey for any lot in Stage 3 or Lot 306 and must be lodged and registered in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines in conjunction with the plan of survey.

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A Notice of Decision on Request to Change a Development Approval be issued to the applicant and the Department of State Development Infrastructure and Planning, State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) via email (reference: SPD-0815-020677) advising of Council’s decision”.

THE SITE The subject site is situated at 58 Malone Road, Mareeba, and described as Lot 208 on SP261005, Parish of Tinaroo, County of Nares (formerly Lot 208 on RP744274). The site is irregularly shaped with a balance area of 26.96 hectares and is zoned Rural under the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme. Access to the site is obtained off Malone Road. The subject site has a total frontage of 412 metres onto Malone Road which is currently constructed to bitumen sealed standard for the entire frontage. The initial 655 metres of Malone Road is constructed to a sealed width of 7.2 metres before reducing to six (6) metres width for the remaining frontage. The majority of site has been cleared of remnant vegetation and is partly used for farming (fruit plantation). Small tracts of 'not of concern' remnant vegetation remain along Cobra Creek which bisects the south-western end of the subject site. At the time of the initial approval, the subject land contained a dwelling house and large farm shed, however both structures have since been excised onto separate Lot 63 on SP217451.

Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

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Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 22 October 2008 resolved that in relation to the application lodged with Council on 5 February 2008 by Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd on behalf of S Brischetto for Material Change of Use and Reconfiguring a Lot in respect to Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo, located at 58 Malone Road, Mareeba to issue a Preliminary Approval overriding the Planning Scheme to allow development of Lot 208 on RP744724 in accordance with the Rural Residential Zone. On the 18 August 2010, Council approved the subsequent reconfiguration application made by Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd, on behalf of S & R Brischetto for the issue of a development permit for Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 63 Lots) in 5 stages on land described as Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo, situated at 58 Malone Road, Mareeba. The decision notice was issued on 24 August 2010. A subsequent request for a negotiated decision notice was approved at Council's Ordinary Meeting held on 16 March 2011. The negotiated decision notice was issued on 22 March 2011. Subsequent requests to Change the Development Approval were approved by Council on 6 December 2012, 11 September 2013 and 21 May 2014. As it stands, the current approval allows the subdivision of the site into 12 x 2 Ha allotments in three (3) stages. The application was code assessable and was therefore not required to undergo public notification. Page 26

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U&I Town Plan on behalf of the applicant have subsequently lodged a further application to change the development approval. The requested change seeks to achieve a more practical lot layout while providing additional allotments with access to Cobra Creek which flows through the rear of the site. Under the existing approval, a portion of the rear of the site (generally covering Cobra Creek and its riparian areas) is required to be dedicated as a Reserve (drainage and recreation purposes). The requested changes include the removal of this requirement, and instead, the establishment of a series of easements over this same area.

ASSESSMENT AND DECISION REQUIREMENTS Owner's consent (delete if applicant is the owner or owners consent provided) In accordance with section 371 of SPA, owner’s consent was required to be submitted with the application. Taking into consideration the nature of the proposed change it is considered that owner’s consent is not required pursuant to section 371(d) or (e) of SPA. Permissible change for a development approval The requested changes to the development approval must constitute a permissible change under section 367 of SPA. For deciding whether a change is a permissible change the planning instruments in force at the time of the request apply. A permissible change to the approval would not:

result in a substantially different development Statutory Guideline 06/09 (Substantially different development when changing applications and approvals) provides assistance to the assessment manager in determining if a proposed change constitutes a substantially different development. The following list provided in the Statutory Guideline identifies changes that may result in a substantially different development and would therefore not be a permissible change under SPA. The list is intended as a guide and is not intended to be exhaustive. A change may result in a substantially different development if the proposed change:         

Involves a new use with different or additional impacts Results in the application applying to a new parcel of land Dramatically changes the built form in terms of scale, bulk and appearance Changes the ability of the proposal to operate as intended Removes a component that is integral to the operation of the development Significantly impacts on traffic flow and the transport network, such as increasing traffic to the site Introduces new impacts or increases the severity of known impacts Removes an incentive or offset component that would have balanced a negative impact of the development Impacts on infrastructure provision, location or demand

It is considered that the proposed change will not result in a substantially different development.

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require referral to additional concurrence agencies The proposed change does not result in a development requiring referral to additional concurrence agencies.


for an approval for assessable development that previously did not require impact assessment – require impact assessment The proposed change does not result in a change to the level of assessment.


for an approval for assessable development that previously required impact assessment – be likely, in the responsible entity’s opinion, to cause a person to make a properly made submission objecting to the proposed change, if the circumstance allowed The proposed change does not give rise to matters which may have attracted further submissions. Nor does the proposed change lessen or delete conditions which were imposed to mitigate impacts of the development.


cause development to which the approval relates to include any prohibited development. The proposed change does not include any prohibited development.

The proposed change to the development approval constitutes a permissible change to the approval. Assessment rules Section 374 of SPA requires that Council must assess the proposed change having regard to: 

the information the person making the request included with the request The details of the request to change the approval were provided by U&I Town Plan on behalf of the applicant in a letter to Council dated 20 August 2015 (Attachment 2). The proposed changes and response are addressed in the body of this report.


the matters the responsible entity would have regard to if the request were a development application Relevant Planning Instruments If a new application was lodged for this proposal it would be assessed against generally the same planning instruments as was the original development application. Applicable Planning Instruments 

Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 The application was assessed and approved under the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004. This Planning Scheme remains in force.

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Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 The State Regulatory Provisions for the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 placed the subject land into the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area. Development Approval REC/09/0016 was inconsistent with this designation. These State Regulatory Provisions were repealed in 2012.


Draft MSC Planning Scheme The draft MSC Planning Scheme (previously TRC Planning Scheme) was publicly notified in early 2013. The draft planning scheme places the subject land into the Rural Residential zone (4,000m2 Precinct). Development Approval REC/09/0016 is consistent with the draft planning scheme.


State Planning Policies State Planning Policy - July 2014 consolidates most of the former separate state planning policies into a single document. The areas of state interest that would be applicable to a new development application are not significantly different to those applicable to the original development application. The changed development is not considered to conflict with the State Planning Policy - July 2014.


if submissions were made about the original application – the submissions The original development application was Code Assessable and therefore was not subject to public notification.


any notice about the request given under section 373 (notices from Concurrence Agencies) to the entity The original application triggered referral to the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines as Concurrence Agencies. Following recent State Government planning reforms, on 1 July 2013 the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) was introduced in order to better manage the States involvement in the assessment of development applications for which a state agency has jurisdiction (Concurrence and Advice Agencies). Under these changes, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning become the single assessment manager or referral agency for these development applications. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning advised in a letter dated 22 October 2015 (Attachment 4) that they have no objection to the proposed changes subject to the following: 

the applicant applies for and is successful in obtaining a Property Map of Assessable Vegetation from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines Page 29

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that corrects the extent of Category B vegetation which is currently mapped on the lot; or 

the applicant applies for a permissible change to the department, as a responsible entity, to update the plan of development that is currently conditioned for the reconfiguration permit.

Council has been advised by the Department that U&I Town Plan, on behalf of the applicant have submitted their request to the DNRM for a Property Map of Assessable Vegetation. The Department has further advised that Council can proceed with deciding the request to change. 

any pre-request response notice about the request No pre-request response notices were received.


Plan/Document Number 1296-SK1 Amdt D

Plan/Document Title


Bellevue Estate


Request by Applicant In particular we refer to Condition 1 & 3.11 of the approval which relates to the Approved Plans and also the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve associated with the proposed development. The plan of development has been amended slightly to include changes resulting from condition 3.11, along with some other minor changes to lots 306 to 310 for the provision of access and water supply requirements. A summary of the changes include the following:      

The internal boundaries of Lots 305 to 308 have been realigned to the existing orchard rows; Lot 306 now extends down to Cobra Creek where it did not before; Legal access is now provided to Emt A on SP217451 via the cul de sac head; The proposed 'Drainage and Recreation Reserve' has been replaced by proposed Drainage Easements B – F, across Lots 306 to 310 respectively; The boundaries of Lots 306, 307, 308, 309 and 310 have been extended across Cobra Creek to mesh with the common boundary of Lot 2 on SP261005 to allow access to Cobra Creek; and Proposed Lots 305, 306, 307 and 308 will be encumbered by registered Emt A on SP217451 (Water Supply to Lot 63 on SP217451).

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The developer is also seeking to substitute the requirement to transfer the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation from a reserve as per the condition 3.11 and creating a Drainage Easement instead. The requested amendment to the condition will remove the unnecessary lengthy process involved in creating easements within reserves. Response No objection is raised to the requested changes to the proposed Lot layout which will achieve a more efficient lot layout as well providing additional lots with access to Cobra Creek via a series of access handles. The requested changes to the drainage and recreational reserve are discussed later in this report. It is recommended that the table of approved plan/s be amended as follows:

Plan/Document Number

Plan/Document Title

1296-SK1 Amdt D

Bellevue Estate

1296 - SK1 Amdt F

Bellevue Estate

Prepared by

Dated 12.05.14

Jim Papas Civil Engineering Designer Pty Ltd

January 2014

Condition 3.8 - Bushfire Management 3.8

Bushfire Management (i)

Buildings and Structures (Lots greater than 2, 500m2): -



are sited in locations of lowest hazard within the lot; achieve setbacks from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; are 10 metres from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation; are sited so that elements of the development least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard.

Firebreak to Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve A ten (10) metre wide firebreak must be maintained within proposed Lots 307, 308, 309 and 310 adjoining and along the full length of their common boundary with the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve.

Request by Applicant Nil Response As discussed later in this report, the requirement for the Cobra Creek area to be dedicated as a Drainage and Recreation Reserve is being recommended for removal.

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Instead, that portion of the site that was proposed to form this reserve will now form part of proposed lots 308 and 309 under an easement arrangement. As such the requirement for firebreaks is no longer considered necessary. It is however considered necessary to require the applicant submit a Bushfire Management Plan which is a standard requirement for rural residential development. It is therefore recommended that Condition 3.8 be amended as follows: 3.8

Bushfire Management (i)

Buildings and Structures (Lots greater than 2, 500m2): -



are sited in locations of lowest hazard within the lot; achieve setbacks from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; are 10 metres from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation; are sited so that elements of the development least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard.

Firebreak to Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve A ten (10) metre wide firebreak must be maintained within proposed Lots 307, 308, 309 and 310 adjoining and along the full length of their common boundary with the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve.


A Bushfire Management Plan will be prepared to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The approved use must comply with the requirements of the Management Plan at all times.

Condition 3.11 - Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve 3.11 Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve The drainage reserve detailed on the approved plan Drawing No. 1114-sk16 Amendment C, dated July 2012, prepared by Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd must be transferred to Council free of encumbrances and must be dedicated as public use land (drainage and recreation purposes), at no cost to Council. The transfer of the drainage and recreation reserve is to occur upon the applicant's compliance with Condition 4.12 of this development approval and no later than Stage 3 of this development. Request by Applicant In particular we refer to Condition 1 & 3.11 of the approval which relates to the Approved Plans and also the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve associated with the proposed development. The plan of development has been amended slightly to include changes resulting from condition 3.11, along with some other minor changes to lots 306 to 310 for the

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provision of access and water supply requirements. A summary of the changes include the following:       

The internal boundaries of Lots 305 to 308 have been realigned to the existing orchard rows; Lot 306 now extends down to Cobra Creek where it did not before; Legal access is now provided to Emt A on SP217451 via the cul de sac head; The proposed 'Drainage and Recreation Reserve' has been replaced by proposed Drainage Easements B – F, across Lots 306 to 310 respectively; The boundaries of Lots 306, 307, 308, 309 and 310 have been extended across Cobra Creek to mesh with the common boundary of Lot 2 on SP261005 to allow access to Cobra Creek; and Proposed Lots 305, 306, 307 and 308 will be encumbered by registered Emt A on SP217451 (Water Supply to Lot 63 on SP217451).

The developer is also seeking to substitute the requirement to transfer the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation from a reserve as per the condition 3.11 and creating a Drainage Easement instead. The requested amendment to the condition will remove the unnecessary lengthy process involved in creating easements within reserves. Response The applicants propose the removal of Condition 3.11 which requires the dedication of the sites Cobra Creek area as a Drainage and Recreation Reserve. The original development approval required the establishment of an environmental covenant over this Cobra Creek area as it is mapped as containing Remnant Vegetation of Least Concern Regional Ecosystem. In subsequent changes to the development approval, Council resolved to remove the requirement for the environmental covenant and instead, require the dedication of this land as a Drainage and Recreation Reserve (to be maintained by Council). The applicant has now requested that this requirement be removed, and instead a series of drainage easements be implemented over this area. As outlined in the Departments (DILGP) response to the requested changes (Attachment 4) the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) have confirmed that the vegetation over the sites Cobra Creek riparian area was incorrectly mapped as Regulated Vegetation. In light of this advice from DNRM, and considering that a series of easements over this area will serve the added purpose of restricting building work in this area which is Council's desired outcome, no objection is raised to the requested change. It is therefore recommended that Condition 3.11 be deleted. An additional condition will need to be included regarding the drainage easements (see below). Condition 4.12 - Agricultural Buffering - Stage 3 4.12 Agricultural Buffering – Stage 3 4.12.1

A 20 metre wide vegetated buffer is to be planted within the approved drainage and recreation reserve (Lot 313). The buffer shall be Page 33

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landscaped in accordance with a professionally prepared landscaping plan which must be submitted to Council for approval by Council's delegated officer prior to planting commencing. At a minimum, the additional vegetation planting must consist of at least two (2) rows of additional vegetation planted on either side of Cobra Creek. The landscaping plan must also include FNQROC Development Manual standard pathways within the drainage and recreation reserve and road reserve back to the cul-de-sac head, for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The pathways must be constructed by the applicant prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. The vegetation must have a minimum height at maturity of 4 metres. All trees and shrubs planted as part of the buffer must achieve a minimum average height of 800 mm above ground level prior to Council's endorsement of the survey plan for the first stage. The vegetation buffer must be maintained by the applicant and must achieve a minimum average height of 2 metres prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. 4.12.2

Vegetation planting carried out as per Condition 4.12.1, shall be maintained for all areas, as follows:   

replacement of trees / shrubs / plantings as required site maintenance shall include mowing / slashing Vegetation buffer maintenance is to be continued throughout the Defects Liability Period until date of Final Acceptance

Contrary to Section D9.23 Paragraph 7 of the FNQROC Manual, the maintenance period for the vegetation buffer shall be a minimum of two years. Request by Applicant Nil Response Condition 4.12 will need to be amended to reflect the recommended deletion of Condition 3.11 (Drainage and Recreation Reserve) and the alternative inclusion of a series of drainage easements along the Cobra Creek riparian area. Condition 4.12 also included the requirement for sealed pathways to be constructed within the proposed Reserve and back to the cul-de-sac head for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes. This section of the condition will also need to be removed to reflect the above changes. It is recommended that Condition 4.12 be amended as follows:

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4.12 Agricultural Buffering – Stage 3 4.12.1

A 20 metre wide vegetated buffer is to be planted within the approved drainage and recreation reserve (Lot 313) the Cobra Creek riparian area (Easements B - F). The buffer shall be landscaped in accordance with a professionally prepared landscaping plan which must be submitted to Council for approval by Council's delegated officer prior to planting commencing. At a minimum, the additional vegetation planting must consist of at least two (2) rows of additional vegetation planted on either side of Cobra Creek. The landscaping plan must also include FNQROC Development Manual standard pathways within the drainage and recreation reserve and road reserve back to the cul-de-sac head, for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The pathways must be constructed by the applicant prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. The vegetation must have a minimum height at maturity of 4 metres. All trees and shrubs planted as part of the buffer must achieve a minimum average height of 800 mm above ground level prior to Council's endorsement of the survey plan for the first stage any lot in Stage 3. The vegetation buffer must be maintained by the applicant and must achieve a minimum average height of 2 metres prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3.


Vegetation planting carried out as per Condition 4.12.1, shall be maintained for all areas, as follows:   

replacement of trees / shrubs / plantings as required site maintenance shall include mowing / slashing Vegetation buffer maintenance is to be continued throughout the Defects Liability Period until date of Final Acceptance

Contrary to Section D9.23 Paragraph 7 of the FNQROC Manual, the maintenance period for the vegetation buffer shall be a minimum of two years. Additional Drainage Easement Condition As mentioned above, it is recommended that Condition 3.11 be removed and a condition be added requiring the creation of a series of drainage easements over this same Cobra Creek riparian area.

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It is recommended that an additional condition be added to replace condition 3.11 as follows: 3.11 Cobra Creek Drainage Easement/s Easements for the purpose of drainage are to be established over the Cobra Creek riparian area generally in accordance with those shown on Drawing No. 1296 - SK1 Amdt F prepared by Jim Papas Civil Engineering Designer Pty Ltd dated January 2014 (Easements B - F). The applicant/developer is to pay all costs associated with the preparation and registration of the easement documents, using Council's standard form of easement. The easement documents must be submitted to Council for review at the same time the applicant/developer seeks endorsement of the plan of survey for any lot in Stage 3 or Lot 306 and must be lodged and registered in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines in conjunction with the plan of survey. Date Prepared:

10 November 2015

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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Manager Development & Governance DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A request was received from a McLeod Street resident to close the laneway that links the McLeod Street cul-de-sac with Chewko Road. This matter has been investigated and it has been determined that the erection of a solid barrier within the laneway would achieve the desired effect of preventing pedestrian access through the laneway. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That, in accordance with the provisions of section 69 of the Local Government Act 2009, Council close the laneway that links the McLeod Street cul-de-sac with Chewko Road to pedestrian traffic and for this purpose approve the erection of a solid barrier type fence across the laneway from the south western corner of Lot 5 on M3564 to the north western corner of Lot 6 on M35684, subject to the owner of Lot 21 on M35684 accepting responsibility for the maintenance of that section of the laneway adjacent to his property." BACKGROUND A request was received from the owner of Lot 21 on M35684, which is situated within the McLeod Street cul-de-sac, to close the laneway that links the cul-de-sac with Chewko Road. The request was made as a result of theft and vandalism that has occurred within that area and the ability of offenders to gain access to properties via the laneway. As a result of the above request, a letter was sent to all property owners within the McLeod Street cul-de-sac as well as the owners of the two properties that front Chewko Road either side of the laneway and a further two properties that front Smith Street. A total of 10 property owners were consulted. Responses were received from the two property owners fronting Chewko Road either side of the laneway who use the laneway to gain vehicular access to their properties. They would therefore object to any closure of that section of the laneway that provides access to their properties, however, they understand the problem that exists and would not have any objection to a solid barrier being erected across the laneway between the south western and north western corners of their two respective properties to prevent pedestrian access through the laneway. Page 71

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A discussion was also held with the owner of Lot 21 on M35684 in relation to his request. It is agreed that the erection of a solid barrier fence in the location suggested should overcome the problem, however, the maintenance of that section of the laneway within the cul-de-sac would need to be considered. The owner of Lot 21 on M35684 verbally indicated that he would be prepared to maintain this section as it adjoins his house yard. It is therefore recommended that subject to the owner of Lot 21 on M35684 agreeing to accept responsibility for maintenance of that section of the laneway adjacent to his property, Council agree to the erection of a solid barrier fence across the laneway between the north western and south western corners of the two properties fronting Chewko Road. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ENV 2: Maintain a proactive response to public health and safety matters including incorporating CPTED principles in town centres and commercial developments. CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer Manager Technical Services External Residents of McLeod Street, Smith Street and Chewko Road LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) The laneway in question is considered to be road. Under section 69 of the Local Government Act 2009, a local government may close a road (permanently or temporarily) to all traffic, or traffic of a particular class, if there is another road or route reasonably available for use by the traffic. The local government must publish notice of the closing of the road, in the way that the local government considers appropriate (including on its website, for example). The local government may do everything necessary to stop traffic using the road after it is closed. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating There will be some cost involved in erecting a section of fencing across the laneway and possibly a 'No Through Road' sign on Chewko Road - estimated to be no more than $1,500.

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Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Expenditure would need to come from existing budgets - road maintenance or possibly parks and gardens. If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure If sufficient funds are not available in existing budgets, provision would need to be made in the budget review. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Notice of Council's decision would be forwarded to all residents previously contacted in relation to this matter and discussions would also be held with the owner of Lot 21 on M35684 regarding the maintenance of the area of laneway adjacent to his residence. A notice will be published in the local media and on Council's website advising of the closure of the laneway. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Map showing the laneway proposed to be closed.

Date Prepared:

6 November 2015

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18 November 2015

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Manager Development & Governance DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A request has been received from Silver River Enterprises Pty Ltd of Kuranda for the issue of a permit to operate guided rainforest interpretive tours over part of Scenic and Recreational Reserve R165 which is located across the river from the Barron River Esplanade jetty at Kuranda. A similar permit was previously held by the former owners of Kuranda Rainforest Tours and the Kuranda Riverboat from 1983 to 2005. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That a permit be issued to Silver River Enterprises Pty Ltd under the Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads provisions of Council's Local Law No 1 (Administration) to operate guided rainforest interpretive tours over part of Scenic and Recreational Reserve R165, Kuranda, with the permit to be renewed annually and subject to the conditions contained in the attached Schedule." BACKGROUND The attached letter from Silver River Enterprises Pty Ltd seeks the issue of a permit to operate guided rainforest interpretive walking tours over part of Scenic and Recreation Reserve R165, Kuranda. Silver River Enterprises Pty Ltd have recently purchased Kuranda Rainforest Tours and the Kuranda Riverboat from Mr Brian Clarke of Paradise Queensland Pty Ltd and the permit they are seeking is the same as that held by Mr Clarke between 1983 and October 2005. Council can issue a permit to operate the guided tours under the Commercial Use of Local Government Areas and Roads provisions of its local law No 1 (Administration), or can issue a Trustee Lease or a Trustee Permit under the provisions of the Land Act 1994. The two latter options, particularly a Trustee Lease, would involve DNRM approvals and possibly a requirement to prepare a Land Management Plan for the Reserve, and it is therefore considered more practical to issue a permit under the local law that is renewable on an annual basis. As will be noted in the attached correspondence, the rental figure that was set when the original permit was renewed in 1993 was $726.47 (which would not have included GST) and

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that it was subject to annual CPI increase. Increasing the figure of $726.47 by the relevant CPI increases over the period 1993 to June 2015 gives a figure of $1,281.86. The current application fee for an approval under Local Law 1 (Administration) is $260.00 and it is therefore suggested that the starting annual fee be set at $1,360.00, comprising the application fee of $260 plus rental of $1,000 plus GST of $100. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN COM 4: Encourage vibrant and active community participation in festivals and events, arts, culture and natural heritage activities that celebrate the community and its cultural diversity and enrich lifestyle and encourage tourism. CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Council has the authority under its Local Law No 1 (Administration) to issue approvals for the commercial use of Council controlled areas and roads. The approval sought in this instance is the same as what has previously been granted by the former Mareeba Shire Council between 1983 and 2005. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating There will be a small amount of revenue received annually from the issue of the permit. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? N/A IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Silver River Enterprises Pty Ltd will be formally advised of Council's decision.

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Letter dated 15 October 2015 (and attachments) from Silver River Enterprises Pty Ltd. Map showing proposed permit area edged green. Schedule showing conditions of approval.

Date Prepared:

6 November 2015

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an overview of financial matters for the period 1 July 2015 to 31 October 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the financial report for the period ending 31 October 2015." BACKGROUND Financial Summary Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against budgets. For the period ending 31 October 2015, Council shows an operational surplus of $8,119,882 compared to a budgeted surplus of $4,155,357. The budget reflects the 2015/16 Budget as adopted by Council at the 3 June 2015 meeting. There are no major issues to discuss or areas of concern at this stage. A four (4) month budget review is currently underway and will be presented to Council in December. It should be noted that Council's cash position, after the repayment of the de-amalgamation loan, is currently $29,450,618 and this represents an initial transfer of $17,000,000 from TRC. The Deputy Premier (Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Trade) made a decision on 8 April regarding the cash split. MSC is to receive a sum total of $26,053,002 of the total cash of $52,077,050 which results in MSC receiving a further $9,053,002 plus interest from TRC. On 22 May 2015, TRC made a part payment of $1,719,752. Tablelands Regional Council commenced legal action with a new trial date set for 14 & 15 December 2015.

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October 2015 - Snapshot Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenditure Operating Surplus Total Capital Income (grants, developer contributions)

$ $ $ $

21,843,593 13,723,711 8,119,882 1,060,324

Net Result - Surplus



Capital Expenditure Total capital expenditure of $5,278,770.18 (including commitments) has been spent for the year ending 30 June 2016 against the annual budget of $10,871,000. Excluded in these figures are two projects which will span over two (2) financial years; the Mareeba Sewerage Treatment Plant upgrade ($12.8M) and the Mareeba Airport upgrade ($13M). The graph below illustrates actual YTD expenditure and committed costs against the annual budget.

Any 2014/15 capital projects that did not commence or finish by 30 June 2015 will be carried over into the 2015/16 budget. A list of these carry overs and any new capital projects will be presented to Council in a separate report at this same meeting (18 November 2015).

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Income Analysis Total income (including capital income of $1,060,324) for the year ending 31 October 2015 is $22,903,917 compared to the budget of $18,407,906. The graph below shows actual income against budget for the year ending 31 October 2015.

Description Net Rates & Utility Charges Fees & Charges Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions Interest Received Works for Third Parties Other Revenue Capital Income

Actual YTD

Budget YTD

13,105,964 552,253

13,053,133 532,054

6,027,488 271,186 704,192 1,182,510 1,060,324

2,166,746 180,371 675,363 1,329,635 470,605


1 2 3 4 5

Variances to note are: 1. Income from fines, penalties and infringements are higher than anticipated to date and have already exceeded the annual budget ($10k). In addition, animal renewals (dog registrations) are higher than anticipated and have also already exceeded the annual budget ($11k).

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2. Council received a prepayment of the Financial Assistance Grant in July of $3,140,081 and its first quarterly payment in August of $830,180. The prepayment was not anticipated and therefore not reflected in the budget. Council will receive three more quarterly payments which will be slighter above the budgeted amount. Also contributing to the favourable variance are grants for two community services funds that were not included in the original 2015/16 budget as we did not receive confirmation they were extending until after the budget had been finalised. These community service grants will be entirely offset by expenditure and changes reflected in the 4 month operational review. 3. No major third party works have commenced. 4. RMPC claim for October is estimated to be $384k and will be submitted in November. 5. Suez waste charges for October were raised in November for $171k. 6. $170k relates to developer contributions. Capital grants received totals $889k mainly relating to Kuranda Water, Mareeba Wastewater and TIDS. Expenditure Analysis Total expenses for the year ending 31 October 2015 is $13,723,711 compared to the YTD budget of $13,781,944. The graph below shows actual expenditure against budget for the year ending 31 October 2015.

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Actual YTD

Employee expenses Materials & Services Depreciation expenses Finance & Borrowing costs

5,155,391 5,570,709 2,933,387 64,224

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Budget YTD 5,860,292 5,082,294 2,782,477 56,911

Note 1 2

Variances to note are; 1. 74% of the reported savings in employee expenses relate to staff involved in construction/capital projects. This budget will be reviewed as part of the four month operational budget review. 2. As mentioned above in Operating Grants, a significant portion of the reported overspend relates to community services funds that were not confirmed until after the 2015/16 budget was adopted. Similarly, Council Flood Damage (2014 event), has also been expended and claimed in excess of budgeted amounts. These corrections will be reflected in the four month review. Loan Borrowings Council's loan balance as at 31 October 2015 is as follows: QTC Loans


Rates and Sundry Debtors Analysis Rates and Charges The total rates and charges payable as at 31 October 2015 is $2,720,685.46 Rates were issued on 18 August for the six (6) months July to December 2015, with the discount period closing on 18 September 2015. Total Gross Rates & Charges levied for the 6 month period was $15,011,060.65. Collection House collected $38,288.29 for the month of October. The outstanding amount for properties currently with debt collection is $349,340.59. Sundry Debtors The total outstanding for Sundry Debtors as at 31 October 2015 is $992,493.87 which is made up of the following:

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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Nil CONSULTATION Internal Director Corporate & Community Services Financial Accountant External Nil LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL RISKS) Section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 requires the financial report to be presented to local government if the local government holds its ordinary meetings more frequently (than once per month) - to a meeting in each month. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Information has been provided to achieve compliance with Council's Procurement Policy. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1. Financial Statements - October 2015 Date Prepared:

9 November 2015

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a review of the capital budget for 2015/16. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the proposed changes to the capital budget as listed in this report." BACKGROUND The capital budget review was undertaken across all departments and reflects adjustments since Council's adoption of the 2015/16 budget. Carry overs and new projects are listed below. Carry Overs from 2014/15 budget



GENERAL FUND 1 Bitumen Reseal Program (Urban and Rural) 2 Costin Street Mareeba, pavement rehabilitation Black Mountain Road, Flaggy Creek Bridge, Kuranda 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Budget Amount $

57,446 158,417 6,813

Upgrade drainage west side Chillagoe aerodrome Kuranda Pedestrian Traffic & Parking implementation Arnold Park bus stop, Walsh St Mareeba Kennedy Highway bus stop, Kuranda Replacement of existing footpath and driveway, Walsh Street, Mareeba (IGA) Kuranda Depot Upgrade Erect Awning in front of Mt Molloy Depot Dimbulah Depot - Construct 3 new concrete bays

42,200 110,000 35,550 37,883 18,217 42,675 5,283 6,450

Kuranda Recreation Centre - build new external amenities block Julatten Cottages Geraghty Park - demolish Mareeba Sporting Complex Page 95

100,000 8,200 7,415

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Mt Carbine Sports Ground Public Amenities Mareeba Gymnastics Hall Extension Kuranda Community Precinct/Kuranda Library and Customer Service Office relocation Mareeba Swimming Pool cover - Cool Project

WATER FUND nd 19 Kuranda 2 water reservoir - Myola Road 20 SCADA and Telemetry upgrades, Mareeba 21 22 23

26 27


522,584 20,093

Water main replacement Rob Vievers Drive, Kuranda 134,442 Dimbulah Water Treatment Plant - control system upgrades 59,546 Chillagoe Water Treatment Plant - backup generator and fencing 13,739

WASTE FUND Old Mareeba Landfill Post Closure or Concept Plans 24 25

53,585 38,000 303,048


Design & construct Mareeba WTS Recyclable materials shed Design and construct bunding for fuel storage Construct concrete lined bunded hoist for draining fuel and oil from vehicles


84,500 25,200 37,100


Funding sources for the above projects were accounted for in 2014/15 and consists of:  Depreciation $425,158  Developer Contributions $459,302  Grants & Subsidies $380,747  Revenue $7,415  Reserve $775,171

New projects for 2015/16 Ref


GENERAL FUND 28 McIver Road Mareeba- extension on CP00005 (Causeway to Tilse Street) 29 Martin Ave - Vehicle Barriers (Mareeba West) 30 Koah Road - widen and seal 31 Stanton Road - Seal 780m from ch.04 to 1.2km 6.5m wide x 200mm pavement 32 Springmount Rd - Walsh River Bridge 33 Arnold Park Electricity upgrade 34 Concrete slab and open carport at soils lab 35 Mareeba Aerodrome AFR Unit 36 Replace multi function device printer 37 Replace steps and pavers aged cottages (Barang Street, Kuranda) Page 96

Budget Amount $

150,000 8,000 250,000 120,000 890,000 27,120 15,000 18,650 8,000

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38 39

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7,000 6,840 35,000

CommVault ESXi Proxy Server Replace line marking machine

WATER FUND 39 Standpipe Management System 40 New water main line to install fire hydrant as per safety audit

25,000 15,000


Kuranda Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Management upgrade 400,000

WASTE FUND 42 Erosion and Sediment Control works 43 Old Mareeba Landfill rehab and final capping - Stage 1 44 Mareeba Landfill - day cover material

150,000 1,000,000 50,000

BENEFITTED AREA FUND 45 KIP - Therwine Street re-development




There are also a few adjustments to the original capital budget projects. New budget amounts are listed below;



46 47 48

GENERAL FUND Tyrconnell Road, Arriga - Widen and Seal Kay Road - Widen Grove Creek Bridge, Speewah

49 50

Drainage at Ceola Drive, Mareeba Mareeba Davies Park - Replace electrical cables - Field 2

51 52 53

ECM 4.03 upgrade Technology One - GIS mapping/asset reconciliation Cement paths and driveways 1-5 Fuelling Street, Mareeba 2E and 2F James Street, Mareeba 1-5 Dickenson Close, Mareeba

54 55

56 57 58

Refurbish 9 Close Ave Mareeba (incl replacing all floor covering, wet areas and removing asbestos) Kuranda Community Precinct/Kda Library and Customer Service Office relocation WATER FUND Kuranda 2nd Water Reservoir - Myola Rd WASTEWATER FUND Mareeba WWTP Inlet works Mareeba Wastewater Reticulation Network Extension to WWTP Page 97

New Budget Amount $ 340,000 85,000 897,000 65,000 120,000 45,000 25,000


16,000 373,049

622,584 810,000 815,000

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Funding sources for the above new and amended projects consists of:  Depreciation Reserve $537,046  Developer Contributions $485,120  Grants & Subsidies $1,444,794  Revenue (Waste Fund) $50,000  Reserves $2,953,400 LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV - Sound decision-making based on the understanding and confidence of the community, reflected in responsible long-term financial sustainability and clear strategic direction built around core local government business and affordable levels of service. CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer Directors Managers Management Accountant External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Revised 2015/16 Capital Works budget Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION The budget review amendments will be communicated to the relevant Directors and Managers. Date Prepared:

4 November 2015

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18 November 2015

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Community Development and Engagement Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As a result of a reduced Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) grant and changes in guidelines by Arts Queensland, this report presents a Revised RADF Strategy 2015/16 for Council's endorsement. Three (3) Outcome Reports from the 2014/15 Community Grant Round 2 are also presented for approval. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council: 1. Endorse the Revised RADF Strategy 2015/16 at Attachment 1. 2. Approve the recently received 2014/15 Outcome Reports and grant acquittals for the "On and Off" the page writing workshops, Ukelele Festival, and the Dimbulah photographic workshops." BACKGROUND Revised RADF Strategy 2015/16 The revised strategy has been developed in consultation with the RADF Advisory Committee and community stakeholders and was approved in principle by the RADF Advisory Committee on 29 October 2015. The 2015/16 RADF funding also requires Councils to develop their own guidelines and application forms for community grant rounds. The Strategy consists of four (4) main components: (1) Community Consultation - MSC will undertake community consultation to update the Community Plan and update the Shire's Cultural Plan. Arts and cultural priorities identified will inform the implementation of the RADF Strategy for the next 3-5 years. The 2014/15 carry over will be used to fund community consultation. Arts Queensland has approved the use of any 2014/15 RADF savings for this purpose. Local priorities for 2015/16 major initiatives and community grants have been identified through previous consultations and feedback from successful 2014/15 RADF funded community projects: (a) improving community wellbeing through arts and culture, Page 99

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(b) connecting young people with community through arts and culture. (2) Annual Community Grant Round - One (1) community grant round will be opened in February 2016 for projects addressing local priorities and commencing after 30 April 2016. Eligibility criteria, grant conditions and application processes are outlined in Council's Guidelines for RADF Community Grant Applications 2015/16. Applications will be assessed by the RADF Advisory Committee. Due to smaller RADF grant from Arts Queensland, a reduced amount of funding has been allocated to the annual community grant round. This will ensure quality outcomes from major strategic initiatives whilst retaining opportunities for individual artists and groups. (3) Council led Major Initiatives - Two (2) major initiatives addressing the local priorities are proposed: (a) Kuranda Youth Arts Project - A suitable service provider will be contracted to implement a youth arts program during the school holiday period (January 2016). The program will target at risk young people and aims to address recent public behavioural problems by engaging youth in productive arts and self-development activities and enhancing links with existing service providers. (b) Arts and Cultural Skills Development Workshops - Contractors will be identified to run art and / or cultural workshops in four identified areas: Mareeba, Dimbulah, Mount Molloy and Julatten. These workshops will build on the success of similar 2014/15 RADF funded projects and respond to community demand. On recommendation from the RADF Advisory Committee a Mareeba workshop will be developed to specifically target and engage the Indigenous community. It is proposed that RADF funds the following community skills workshops in arts / culture in 2015/16: Dimbulah: a photographic skills workshop Mt Molloy: a mosaic skills workshop Mareeba: a photographic skills workshop and an Indigenous cultural workshop Julatten: a community arts skills workshop with the topic to be decided through community consultation. The aim of these workshops is to enhance community wellbeing as well as producing public art or town beautification outcomes. The feasibility of holding a public exhibition of the works produced by participants at the Multicultural Festival will be explored. (4) Building Community Capacity - Capacity building funds will be directed to assisting event organisers and other community groups to build sustainability so they are not reliant on RADF funding. Funds will also be allocated to training and resourcing the RADF committee. The MSC RADF Advisory Committee will be retained to assess community grant applications, assist with community consultation and promote RADF in the community. Revised 2015/16 RADF Strategy Budget 1. Community engagement 2. Annual community grant round 3. Major initiatives 4. Community capacity building

Page 100

Revised RADF Strategy 2,204 10,000 24,857 3,000 40,061

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Outcome Reports 2014/15 On 29 October the RADF Advisory Committee recommended that Council approve the recently received 2014/15 Community Grant Outcome Reports and grant acquittals: 1. Kate Costigan - On and Off the page writing workshops Writing workshops were held in Dimbulah, Julatten and Kuranda to develop writers' knowledge about: writing trends, genres and techniques; editing and critiquing; promotion and publication; and enhance public presentation of work. The workshops attracted 20 diverse participants and feedback was highly positive. The project has resulted in a local writers e-network. The RADF grant of $2508 were used to cover presenter fees, travel expenses and supporting material was provided. 2. Daniel Siddhartha - Ukelele Festival & BBQ The Ukelele Festival and BBQ was held in Kuranda on the 4-5 July 2015 featuring performances, educational and open mic sessions. The Festival attracted approximately 850 attendees and 103 performers from diverse backgrounds and regions. Audience feedback was positive and the Festival resulted in a number of new contracts for the organisers. The RADF grant of $3924 was used to cover the sound engineer fee and lead artist fees and travel. Supporting material was submitted. 3. Sandy Hablethwaite - Dimbulah photographic workshops. A series of photographic workshops were held in the Dimbulah Community Centre for 10 participants. The workshops developed participants photographic skills (e.g. techniques, use of various media, framing) as well as allowing participants to tell a story through photography. An exhibition of photographs was held in the Dimbulah Library. The local community has requested additional workshops be offered. The RADF grant $2460 covered the facilitator fee, travel expenses and project materials. Supporting material was submitted. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Key Strategic Priority - Community - Strategy Com 4 - Encourage vibrant and active community participation in festivals and events, arts, culture and natural heritage activities that celebrate the community and its cultural diversity and enrich lifestyle and encourage tourism. CONSULTATION Internal RADF Advisory Committee External Arts Queensland LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil

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FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION 1. 2014/15 Community Grant holders will be notified of successful acquittal of their grant. 2. The 2015/16 Community Grant Round will be widely promoted in January 2016. ATTACHMENTS 1. Revised RADF Strategy 2015/16 Date Prepared:

6 November 2015

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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Community Engagement & Development Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Two new requests for assistance from Council under the Community Partnerships Program for 2015/16 are presented for Council's approval:  ASDOGS (NQ) Inc.  Kuranda Amphitheatre The community partnerships approach promotes collaboration and contributions by multiple partners to community programs, thereby resulting in achievements that might not have been possible alone. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council approve the following contributions to community partnerships in 2015/16 under the Community Partnerships Program (total $8,477): 1. ASDOGS (NQ) Inc - $1,000 cash donation to support the delivery of an accredited dog assistance training program for eligible people with a physical disability. 2. Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee - $7,477 in-kind assistance to support the completion of the Community Development Programme to upgrade the car park facilities at the Kuranda Amphitheatre." BACKGROUND The two new community partnership requests were workshopped with Councillors on 4 November 2015. 1. ASDOGS (NQ) Inc. (CPP #146) Operational since 2000 in Mareeba, ASDOGS (NQ) Inc has accredited over 130 assistance dogs. ASDOGS is a not-for-profit organisation, operated by a team of volunteers. The trained assistance dogs are supplied free of charge to persons with a physical disability who meet specific criteria.

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The accredited training program involves the following components:  Cert IV in Companion Animal Services through Open College (online) = $4,300  Internet connection and data @ $50 per month/12 months = $1,200  Purchase of 2 puppies to commence 2015/16 training schedule ensuring pups are available for the Cert IV training (pups undergo 18 months training prior to placement with a recipient) = $1,000. History of assistance The Association currently operates out of 35 Hickling Avenue, Mareeba and in the 2014/15 budget received a rate & charges rebate for this property amounting to $78.60. Recommendation It is recommended that Council provides a cash donation of $1,000 to assist ASDOGS with the delivery of a Certificate IV dog assistance training program for eligible people with a physical disability. The funding support aligns with the Community Partnership Program Policy by:  Contributing to community wellbeing by enhancing the independence and quality of life for people living with a physical disability;  To-date, CPP has provided little support to the disability sector;  ASDOGS (NQ) Inc are a not-for-profit organisation, operated solely by volunteers;  Alignment with the MSC Corporate Plan 2014-2019 - Encourage inclusiveness and partnerships within communities and a sense of common identity. 2. KURANDA AMPHITHEATRE (CPP #148) Kuranda Amphitheatre CDP Project The Community Development Programme (CDP) is delivered in 60 Australia-wide regions, characterised by weak labour markets which make it difficult to find work or gain work experience and skills. A CDP provider has been appointed in each of the 60 regions. Jobfind Centre is the provider for the Western Tablelands region. From 1 July 2015, the term 'work for the dole', and any employment projects or community development projects, will be known as Community Development Plan projects or activities. Over the last 12 months under the RJCP/CDP, Jobfind Centre has been engaged in delivering work for the dole/CDP projects at the Kuranda Amphitheatre. Jobfind Centre states to have spent in excess of $150,000 on the Kuranda Amphitheatre premise through training and upskilling job seekers, renovating the car park, bar area and grounds in general. Two (2) other Jobfind Centre projects are running concurrent to the Amphitheatre activity, Creative Industries and K Town. All of these activities aim to positively contribute to the upgrade of the premises and beautifying the community of Kuranda. In the last financial year (2014-15) the service had a larger budget and a substantial amount of money to spend prior to the end of the financial year. This funding was used to purchase materials to support projects in the following financial year to ensure the projects could continue.

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Under the new CDP contract, Jobfind state funding has been dramatically reduced and a new approach directed to an engagement paid model. Jobfind are now paid on participation (currently 50% but aiming to increase to 75%). This has resulted in projects being operated on a shoe-string budget. Jobfind Centre unable to complete project Jobfind has reported that this change leaves them without adequate funding to complete the Kuranda Amphitheatre car park upgrades as required. The Amphitheatre has been the largest CDP program delivered in the Kuranda community and has received a lot of positive feedback and media. The car park has been cleared with approximately 350 tonne of timber removed. This work was done in addition to the contracted work and was a verbal agreement with the Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee. The Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee are now concerned that the car park is very exposed to erosion with the trees removed. Council have attended to erosion issues each year but the risk has now increased and the consequences could potentially be much more significant in the upcoming wet season. The Committee also state the car park entrance now looks unsightly and the exposed tree stumps are a hazard. Request for Council assistance The Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee proposes a collaborative approach with the Mareeba Shire Council to complete the project for the community. Jobfind Centre is willing to contribute the labour; however Council support is required to cover machinery costs and labour for machinery operation. The Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee is seeking in-kind support from Council to complete the car park works at the Kuranda Amphitheatre. The car park scope of works includes the removal of existing tree stumps, benching for a proposed rock retaining wall, installation of a table drain and minor bulk earthworks to improve access and manoeuvrability for buses and commercial deliveries. Council staff have viewed the site and provided the scope of works at a cost of $7,477. Council staff identified the work is mainly required to provide effective drainage to the car park area. If the work is not completed the car park will become very muddy when it rains and potentially inaccessible in wet season. Jobfind Centre has confirmed they have the materials required to complete the car park upgrade. Recommendation It is recommended that Council provides in-kind assistance to the Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee (total $7,477) to support the completion of the Community Development Programme to upgrade the car park facilities at the Kuranda Amphitheatre. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN COM 3: Encourage the building of strong partnerships with community, private sector and government so as to build community capacity and develop strategies to encourage and support leadership and self-responsibility in the community.

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CONSULTATION Internal Manager Community Wellbeing Manager Works External Jobfind Centre, Kuranda Kuranda Amphitheatre Committee Members LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Community Partnerships Policy 2015/16 FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Approval of both requests is within the CPP 2015/16 budget IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Follow-up letters and arrangements required for all approved applicants. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:


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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report summaries Council's Technical Services activities undertaken by Fleet, Design, Soils Lab, Survey, Quality, GIS, Project Management and Investigation Sections of Infrastructure Services during the month of October 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services Technical Services Monthly Report for the month of October 2015." BACKGROUND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION Design  2015/16 Capital Works - Anzac Avenue and Ceola Drive, Mareeba - On hold, awaiting response from Ergon with regards to relocating an existing power pole - Anzac Avenue, Mareeba - Proposed Easement and Stormwater Upgrades - Meetings on site with Works Crew - Tyrconnell Road, Arriga - Pavement and Seal widening. Design complete - Monaro Close, Kuranda - Draft design prepared and being reviewed - High Chaparral Road, Kuranda - Draft design prepared and being reviewed - Stanton Road, Arriga - Plans being drafted - Koah Road, Koah - Drafted and being reviewed  As constructed Plans - Third Party Requests  As Constructed Plans - Internal Requests  WW&W Mareeba Landfill Site layout plan  Evacuation Plans being prepared for WHS  Therwine Street, Kuranda - Redevelopment Project - Civil design 85% complete Page 111

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- Street and public lighting plans received for review - Ergon Service plan produced for Works  As Constructed information for Capital Works Completion and Donated Assets Soils Lab  MSC - Brickley Street, Dimbulah - Construction field tests completed - Kay Road, Mareeba, Widening - Completed - MSC Landfill Cell investigations - Completed - Stanton Road, Mareeba - Design field tests - Tyrconnell Road, Mareeba, Widening - Construction field tests - Lawson Street, Mareeba, Footpath Works - Construction field tests - Grove Creek Bridge, Speewah - Construction field tests - Stanton Road, Arriga, Bitumen Seal - Design field tests - Koah Road, Koah, Widening and Seal - Design field tests - Sunbird Parade, Mareeba, Drainage - Construction field tests  External Contractors - EarthTech NQ - Various aggregate tests and concrete tests EarthTech are unable to undertake within their NATA Registration - Mt Carbine & Mossman Quarries - Various quality control tests carried out on aggregates, cover aggregates and road base - The Dirt Professionals - Various aggregate tests and quality tests the Dirt Professionals are unable to undertake within their NATA Registration - Kinder Concrete Quality testing of concrete - Kidner Contracting testing of quarry products - Mossman Quarries Various Quality Control tests NDRRA Job Douglas Shire - TRC Truck Pad Tumoulin - TRC Channel Road, Walkamin - Completed - M&G Crushing Pickford Road Sand Pit Quality Control - MCQ NDRRA Quality - Remondis Springmount Waste Facility - Leachate Pond 2 - Cook Shire Council - Battle Camp Road investigations completed - Cook Shire Council - Airport Taxiway - HEH Audit Testing for Douglas Shire NDRRA Survey  2015/16 Capital Works - Monaro Close, Kuranda. Bus Park Survey completed - High Chapparal Road, Kuranda. Intersection Survey completed - Tyrconnell Road, Arriga - Construction setout - McIver Road, Mareeba - Design survey - Koah Road, Koah - Construction setout - Grove Creek Bridge, Speewah - Construction setout - Seary Road, Mareeba - Survey  Brooklyn Station - Road opening/closures. All field work has been done. Plans currently being checked by Roger Twine for accreditation  Chillagoe Industrial Estate - 50 Block Reconfigure. All field work has been done. Plans currently being checked by Roger Twine for accreditation.  Mareeba Landfill - Monthly Survey  Mareeba United Football Club - All field work has been done. Plans currently being checked by Roger Twine for accreditation

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 Kuranda Depot boundary adjustment - All field work has been done. Plans currently being checked by Robert Bass for accreditation  Bicentennial Lakes Survey completed  Cater Road, Mareeba - Survey for design and associated works being undertaken  Davies Park, Mareeba - Survey for Sporting Precinct completed  Mareeba Cemetery - Survey plan adjustment completed  Sunbird Park, Mareeba - Drainage setout for construction completed  Barang Street, Kuranda - Rising main 'As Constructed' plan completed  Dimbulah Soccer Club - Survey for lease area being undertaken  Mareeba Landfill Drainage - Survey setout Quality  Review and amend RMPC Environmental Management Plan after desktop audit  Site visit Tyrconnell Road, Therwine Street and Grove Creek  Tyrconnell Road Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) and Prestart  TGS's for Durston Street, Brickley Street, Lawson Street and Grove Creek and prestarts.  Follow up the use of example Traffic Guidance Schemes in the MUTCD Part 3 with TMR.  Temporary Road closure permits, Remembrance Day and Dimbulah Halloween Party.  Prepare audit check lists for RMPC management plans  Modify Truck Tally Worksheet and issue for construction  Review Traffic Management Plans for Grove Creek Bridge and Mareeba Rising Main Connection.  Review requirements for the Soils Laboratory next NATA surveillance audit  Aerodrome Reporting Officer duties GIS  Emergency Alert Polygons  MapInfo internal training and queries  Updating GIS infrastructure layers, roads, sewerage, water  Producing Maps for internal requests ie requests from Councillors - Cyclone track map - Ootann Road sites for Beef Roads grant - Aerodrome remnant vegetation management layer - Drought maps  Producing Maps for external requests ie Australia Post map book of lots and roads  Creating road imagery GIS files  Weed Maps for Park and Gardens  Producing Maps for grants submissions  Rural Addressing  Reviewing allroads data layer for QRA  Convert TMR chainage and traffic text file into GIS Tab file for MapInfo Project Management  Building - Kuranda, One Mega Litre Reservoir. Completed - Julatten Rural Fire Brigade. Installation of water tanks. Purchase order issued to contractor and Works order created for MSC Water Services - Kuranda Community Precinct - Completed Page 113

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Mareeba Gymnasium, Lighting Upgrade to Existing Hall. Purchase order issued to LM Engineering and Cliff Bertoldo. December start Assisting Facilities with Project Management Work Mausoleum Wall, Mareeba Cemetery - Report to Council on successful tenderer Dimbulah Park, Waste Water Disposal installation - Quotes called Kuranda Recreational Centre, Fallon Road - Quotes called for replacement of roof Rising Main, Mareeba - Installation of new line to the WWTP Pensioner Cottages, Mareeba - Fencing installation Pensioner Units, Kuranda - Insulation in ceiling Mareeba Pool retractable sail. Safe Workplace Method Statements being put together

 Civil - 2015/16 Asphalt Reseal Program - Out for tender - Tender registered local preferred suppliers for Civil construction projects - Therwine Street, Kuranda Redevelopment. Compilation of tender documents - Long Distance Bus Stop - Arnold Park. Completed - Long Distance Bus Stop - Kuranda. Completed - 2015/16 Bitumen Reseal Programme - Defects liability, contract closeout and pavement marking - Queensland Rail Interface Agreement works on-going Aerodromes  Mareeba Aerodrome - Serviceability Inspections - Electrical inspections - Periodic Inspections - Prepare monthly aircraft parking report for Avdata - Fence constructed along Beaufort Road  Chillagoe Aerodrome - Permanent NOTAM issued - Drainage works on Western side of runway programmed to start in November Disaster Management  GIS creating Emergency Alert Polygons around an area of Mareeba. First polygon tested  Exercise planned for Aimms and Guardian training in November/December Fire Management  Hazard Reduction Burning Programmed for Mt Molloy  A management plan for hazard reduction with QFES developed  Permit obtained for Barron River Burning Subdivisions  Operational Works -

Current Bellevue Estate


On Maintenance Rhane (Keegan Road) Kimalo Feedlot Page 114

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O'Brien (Anzac Av) Gateway Development (Landgold) Jill Fisher (Henry Hannam Dr) Amaroo, Stage 6 Sunwater (Costin St) Bright Acquisitions (Tinaroo Creek Road) Blacks Road Metzger Road (Mutchilba) Kuranda Springs, Stage 3B -

Off Maintenance Kanjini (Emerald Falls Road)

 Development Applications - DA/15/0044 (Boundary realignment - Querin Road, Biboohra - DA/15/0046 (MCU - Donlen Street) - DA/15/0047 (MCU - 7 Admore Park, Kuranda)  Driveway Application Inspections Asset Management  Maintenance of various registers  Installation of Traffic Counters  Maintenance of PPT  Estimating costs for various projects as a result of customer requests Investigations  Footpath issues with regards to construction from shop owners  Gates and Grids Applications / installations/issues  Dealing with Pipeline Authorities  Dealing with CR's in General. Ongoing  SunWater Sewerage Realignment completed  Installation of traffic counters within the shire  ECM - Dealing with Telstra, Ergon and Mining Leases  Processing NHVR referrals  Mackay Sugar B-Double Route Assessments FLEET & WORKSHOP SECTION  The monitoring and updating of the BigMate Fleet management system  Fleet Allocations officers monthly report to Director of Infrastructure services external plant hire and external services  Hiring of internal and external plant and the processing of purchase orders and invoices  Monitoring and checking of internal timesheet and plant and equipment booking Mareeba Workshop  Routine Vehicle/Plant Services  Planned routine maintenance

22 51

 Breakdowns < 8 hrs Downtime

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Warranty Claims  Asset 639 Mitsubishi Tipper faulty air compressor, repairs by a warranty recall Fabrication Works completed By Mareeba Workshop  Fabricate tool box for Asset 4052 Reported Damage and Repairs  Unit 5004 - Fix bent L/H door frame on tractor  Unit 400 - Replace hydraulic hose on the dipper. Hose hit by a stick  Unit 14 Cat Grader Replace L/H door glass stick come up while grading  Unit 401 New Holland Excavator Fix Hyd steel hose leak, Stick hit hydraulic hose  Unit 400 Cat Excavator Remove rear R/H door panel, straighten and refit. Minor Plant purchases <$5,000


FACILITIES SECTION Caravan Parks Dimbulah Caravan Park In October 2015, 394 total bookings were recorded for Dimbulah Caravan Park, while in October 2014 the total was 881, showing a decrease by nearly half for this year. October figures have also decreased since September 2015 which had 472 bookings.


Dimbulah Caravan Park Comparision October 2014 to September 2015 and October 2015

500 400 Oct-14





100 0 Un-powered sitePowered Sites


Cabins Permanents in house

Figure 1. Monthly comparison Dimbulah Caravan Park

Mareeba Riverside Caravan Park In October 2015, 2,692 bookings were recorded. Comparing figures to this time last year Riverside had recorded 2,493 which shows the park has attracted more visitors to stay this year. During October Riverside was 98% booked with the numbers increased from last month by 240.

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Riverside Caravan Park Comparision Octoberber 2014 to September 2015 and October 2015

1200 1000 800






200 0 Un-powered site

Powered Sites

Permanents in house

Figure 2. Monthly comparison Mareeba Riverside Caravan Park

Public Halls The total number of hall bookings in October 2015 was 69 which the highest number of hall bookings recorded for the past 2 years. In September 2015 Dimbulah Hall recorded 22 bookings, the highest number compared to the other public halls. In this hall many recurring sport activities are being held. No bookings were made for the Almaden hall. Bookings are now being taken for Kuranda Precinct. Koah Community Hall recorded 10 hall bookings for the month October 2015. Chillagoe Hall had 11 bookings for the month.

Monthly Comparison Halls 25 20 15 10 Oct-14





Figure 3. Monthly comparison halls

Swimming Pools Mareeba Swimming Pool usage has increased from September to October by 5,114. These figures have included school lessons commencing and carnivals held. Kuranda figures show there has been a slight increase from September to October 2015. However figures are still a decrease in usage for this time last year, due to the pool Page 117

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being too cold and lessons were cancelled. Dimbulah Pool figures show a large increase from September to October 2015. They too have commenced school lessons and club swimming has increased as the months get warmer. These figures are a decrease from October 2014.

Monthly Comparison Swimming Pools 10000 8000 6000

Oct-14 Sep-15


Oct-15 2000 0 MAREEBA



Figure 4. Monthly comparison swimming pools

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil

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7 November 2015

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18 November 2015


Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council at their Ordinary Meeting held on 1 July 2015, endorsed a list of six (6) non-year specific capital works projects to be funded from Developer Contributions. The report advised that these projects would be delivered during downtime between capital works projects and third party works and be funded without impacting on the endorsed and funded annual Capital Works program. This report requests Council include a further three (3) projects to this approved list. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council endorse the inclusion of Cobra Road widening, Kenneally / Seary Road table drain improvements and the extension of the pathway at Sunbird Park in the non-year specific list of projects and that funding be sourced from Developer Contributions." BACKGROUND Council, on 1 July 2015, endorsed a list of six (6) non-year specific infrastructure projects to be delivered utilising funds from Developer Contributions. As per the previous report, these two (2) new projects if approved would be constructed during the downtime between the normal capital works program and third party works. The proposed works on Cobra Road include widening of the first 500m from the intersection of Tinaroo Creek Road, to two (2) lane bitumen standard and is ranked number one (1) on the Project Prioritisation Tool (PPT). This section of Cobra Road is single lane bitumen and requires constant maintenance on the gravel shoulders due to the increased traffic from the nearby rural residential subdivision and semitrailer traffic from the nearby banana farm. As it is necessary for passing vehicles to use the gravel shoulders on this section of Cobra Road, there are three (3) houses and two (2) packing sheds which are experiencing dust problems. The dust issue has worsened in recent times due mainly to the increased banana operations in the area and is impacting on packing operations. It also creates a safety issue due to decreased visibility for vehicles when accessing Cobra Road at this location. Page 120

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It is estimated that this work on Cobra Road will cost in the order of $75,000 and it is recommended this project be funded from Developer Contributions (Mareeba East Roads). The Kenneally / Seary Road table drain improvement work involves the concrete lining of the existing open table drain at the intersection of Kenneally, Seary and Torrisi Roads. Stormwater from the Marinelli Estate discharges into this drain causing erosion to the drain and road shoulders as well as creating ponding problems which encourages mosquito breeding during the wet season. This project is estimated to cost approximately $25,000 and it is recommended that these funds be sourced from Developer Contributions (Mareeba South Roads). This project is ranked number four (4) on the PPT and due to the high costs associated with the first three projects and the relatively low cost of this project, it is suggested that this work could be undertaken prior to the other three. The third project on the list for inclusion is the extension of the footpath at Sunbird Park to complete the missing link of pathways in the area. The estimated cost to undertake this project is $100,000 and will effectively link the existing pathway from Ceola Drive to the end of Sunbird Parade creating a walking and exercise circuit for the area. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Manager Works External Owner of properties on Cobra Road LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Developers Contributions have been identified to fund these projects to ensure that the adopted Capital Works budget from year to year is not affected.

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Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1. 2.

Site Plan of Seary Road; Site Plan for Cobra Road.

Date Prepared:

09 November 2015

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Ordinary Meeting


18 November 2015

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Director Infrastructure Services DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council has received grant funding approval from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to undertake restoration works to essential public assets in the Council area as a consequence of the 2014 NDRRA declared event. Contract TMSC2015-23 NDRRA 2014 Mt Lewis Road Slip Remediation is for the restoration of a slip on Mt Lewis Road to be restored under the 2014 NDRRA Programme. The report provides a comparison of tenders received and makes a recommendation on the preferred tenderer. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolves to award Contract TMSC2015-23 NDRRA 2014 Mt Lewis Road Slip Remediation to GEO Stabilise Pty Ltd for the amount of $111,909.13 exclusive of GST." BACKGROUND Council will be aware of the slip on Mt Lewis Road that has been approved for restoration by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority under the 2014 NDRRA event. Tenders have recently been invited for the restoration works. Tenders for the works have been received as follows: GEO Stabilise Pty Ltd Heavy Equipment Hire Pty Ltd Earthtec Pty Limited NCP Contracting Pty ltd Northern Civil Earthworks Pty Ltd LDI Constructions (QLD) Pty Ltd Enviropacific Services Pty Ltd

$111,909.13 $128,300.00 $150,938.50 $154,771.50 $173,566.83 $248,221.00 $262,389.39

All prices are exclusive of GST.

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In addition to the above, three (3) non-conforming offers were received as follows: Heavy Equipment Hire Pty Ltd NCP Contracting Pty Ltd Earthtec Pty Limited

$93,000.00 $120,595.50 $134,348.50

All prices are exclusive of GST. TENDER ASSESSMENT Overview The tender documents advised tenderers that all tenders would be assessed on the following criteria and weightings: Tender Price Work Methodology and Approach Relevant Experience Local Content Key Personnel Skills, Experience and Resources

40% 15% 15% 10% 20%

Price is a calculated formula dependent on the actual tender received against the median of all prices received. Scores for the other criteria are subject to knowledge of the tenderers performance on previous projects. Scores for each criteria are out of 5. All local Tablelands tenderers are allocated a score of 5 out of 5 for Local Content with Cairns based tenderers being allocated a score of 4.5 out of 5 for the same criteria. This has been consistent for previous NDRRA Programs on the Tablelands The tender assessment provided the following results: GEO Stabilise Pty Ltd Heavy Equipment Hire Pty Ltd Northern Civil Earthworks Pty Ltd Earthtec Pty Limited LDI Constructions (QLD) Pty Ltd NCP Contracting Pty Ltd Enviropacific Services Pty Ltd

3.59 3.57 3.40 3.37 3.34 3.10 2.67

The non-conforming offers were reviewed given that the companies had included a conforming offer for the contract. None of the non-conforming offers provided a solution that was considered superior to the proposal as adopted by Council, and in fact required Council to proceed to undertake significant engineering design assessment. As this would delay the implementation of the works, given that the works need to be in place prior to the wet season, it is consider prudent not to accept any of the non-conforming offers. GEO Stabilise Pty Ltd has previously successfully undertaken slope stability works as part of the various recent NDRRA events on the Tablelands. Funding for the works has been approved by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority with the actual final approval amount being set after the open tender process and consideration of site constraints when works are undertaken. Page 126

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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council’s assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Council officers. External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Included in the approved 2014 NDRRA event works IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION It will be necessary that Mt Lewis Road be closed for the duration of the works. Consultation will occur with users - Birdwatching Groups, National Park, James Cook University, WTMA about this closure. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

9 November 2015

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REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 275(1)(e) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (e)

contracts proposed to be made by Council.

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Ordinary Meeting


18 November 2015


Infrastructure Services, Works Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report sets out works undertaken by the Transport Infrastructure, Parks and Gardens and Bridge Sections of Infrastructure Services during the month of October 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services Transport Infrastructure, Parks and Gardens and Bridge Sections - Progress Report for the month of October 2015." BACKGROUND Works Group Maintenance Activities Maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in October at the following locations:

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Bilwon Road, Biboohra Blacks Road, Mareeba Bolton Road, Koah Cameron Court, Julatten Cedar Park Road, Koah Churchill Creek Road, Julatten Clohesy River Road, Koah Copland Road, Koah Euluma Creek Road, Julatten Fantin Road, Koah Grievson Road, Koah Highland Drive, Julatten Kanervo Road, Koah Monaro Close, Kuranda Mount Spurgeon Road, Mount carbine Myola Road, Kuranda Oak Forest Road, Kuranda

Bitumen patching Bitumen patching Grading unsealed roads, road furniture Grading unsealed roads, culvert repairs Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads, culvert repairs, slashing Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads General operations, bitumen patching, grading unsealed roads, slashing, road furniture, prep work for reseals Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads Culvert repairs, slashing Grading unsealed roads Bitumen patching Grading unsealed roads Bitumen patching, pavement repairs, slashing, road furniture, line marking for reseals Bitumen patching, slashing, line marking for reseals



Springmount Road, Mutchilba Streil Road, Koah Wolfram Road, Dimbulah Black Mountain Road, Julatten Contract Clearing Account, Chillagoe Two Chain Road, Koah Riley Road, Julatten

Slashing Grading unsealed roads Bitumen patching Bitumen patching, grading unsealed roads, slashing General operations Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads, slashing, road furniture

The table below shows the current budget position of road maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council.

Annual Budget $3,230,322

Year to Date Budget $1,073,058

Year to Date Actual $820,846

Grading of unsealed roads during October was undertaken at the following locations. Road


Bolton Road, Koah

Mount Perseverance Road, Julatten

Cameron Court, Julatten

Mount Spurgeon Road, Mount Carbine

Cedar Park Road, Koah

Palm Valley Road, Koah

Clohesy River Road, Koah

Streil Road, Koah

Copland Road, Koah

Tapiola Road, Koah

Fantin Road, Koah

Black Mountain Road, Julatten

Grievson Road, Koah

Wright Road, Mareeba

Kanervo Road, Koah

Two Chain Road, Koah

Riley Road, Julatten

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Capital Work Brickley Street Dimbulah, Seal to Existing Kerb and Channel Works commenced in late August at Brickley Street, Dimbulah. The project involves the removal of the existing shoulder material and replacing it with 200mm of Type 2.2 Road Base followed by a two coat bitumen seal over the new works. Proof roller during the trimming phase of the works indicated some pavement movement. Council's Soils Laboratory investigated the movement and advised the road should be left as is and allowed to "bake out" prior to sealing. Brickley Street was re-trimmed late in October with only slight movement detected. The decision was made to proceed with the sealing.

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Sunbird Parade - Concrete Drain Works continued on the installation of a concrete lined drain in Sunbird Parade in September. The existing earth drain is being replaced with 225m of two metre wide concrete drain on a base of 100mm compacted road base. Also included is a concrete apron on the downstream side of the existing culverts and grading the surrounding batters. Works are expected to be completed early November.

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Tyrconnell Road - Widen and Seal Works commenced in late October at Tyrconnell Road, Arriga. The project involves the extension of several culverts and the widening and sealing of 2.2km of Tyrconnell Road commencing approximately 190m from the intersection of the Mareeba - Dimbulah Road to the intersection of Bower Road. Additional sealing will be provided at the intersection of Tyrconnell Road.

Kay Road - Widen and Seal In October the following sections of Kay Road were widened and sealed to two lane road standard. Start Chainage 380 715 1000

End Chainage 602 890 1470

An increase in agricultural activity in the area has seen a significant rise in traffic volumes, particularly relating to Banana Farm workers. The sections were selected to allow traffic to travel in a dedicated lane whilst cresting hills and turning at right angles and to continue previous widening works. The project was sealed late in October and will be line marked in the near future.

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Durston Street Drainage Stormwater drainage works being undertaken on Anzac Avenue and Durston Street will prevent future localised flooding of the property at 20 Anzac Avenue. These works will contain stormwater discharge from Durston Street and Anzac Avenue within the new underground system and reduce the overland flows which were the source of the flooding. Work commenced in late October and are expected to be complete by mid-November.

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TMR Routine Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC) Routine maintenance activities were undertaken during October at the following locations; Primary location Kennedy Highway, Cairns to Mareeba Mulligan Highway, Mareeba Molloy Mulligan Highway, Mareeba Molloy Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy Lakeland Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman - Mt Molloy Road Mossman - Mt Molloy Road Mossman - Mt Molloy Road Mossman - Mt Molloy Road Mossman - Mt Molloy Road Mareeba Connection Road Mareeba - Dimbulah Road Mareeba - Dimbulah Road

Activity Name Rest Area Servicing Other Roadside Work Herbicide Spraying- Includes Traffic Control Clean Earth and Concrete Surface Drains, Includes Traffic Control Heavy Shoulder Grading Rural, Includes Traffic Control Roadside Litter Collection, Rural Rest Area Servicing Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Pothole Patching, Includes Traffic Control Heavy Shoulder Grading Rural, Includes Traffic Control Gravel Supply, Heavy Shoulder Grade Other Roadside Work Roadside Litter Collection - Rural Repair or Replace Guide Markers Other Roadside Work Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Pothole Patching - Includes Traffic Control Clean and/or Paint Guide Markers Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Install New and/or Relocate Old Signs Standard B Size(800x600) & 1 post Other Roadside Work

Primary location

Activity Name

Mareeba - Dimbulah Road

Pavement repairs, gravel (Mech. <500m² per 1km) (includes traffic control)

Mareeba - Dimbulah Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road

Surface correction isolated depression (Includes traffic control) Heavy formation grading Other formation work Repair guide signs Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Pothole patching - includes traffic control Medium Formation Grading (Western) with Extras and 2 watercarts Excludes Traffic Control

Burke Developmental Road

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The total claim to DTMR for the works listed above for the month of October was $342,658.96 Parks and Gardens Section

Maintenance Activities Parks and Gardens maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in October at the following locations: Location Parks and Gardens, Chillagoe Mary Andrews Gardens, Mareeba Arnold Park, Mareeba Centenary Park, Mareeba Byrnes Street Medians, Mareeba Parks, Library, CBD and Streets, Kuranda Town Hall Park, Dimbulah Maintain Avenue Tree Planting, Dimbulah Borzi Park, Mareeba Davies Park, Mareeba Street Mowing, Mareeba Furniture and Playground Equipment Sunbird Park, Mareeba Pressure Cleaning CBD Footpaths, Kuranda Fig Tree Management Plan, Kuranda

The table below shows the current budget position of Parks and Gardens maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council. Annual Budget $1,616,639

Year to Date Budget $536,986

Year to Date Actual $448,544

Bridge Section Maintenance Activities Bridge maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in October at the following locations: Location Butchers Creek Bridge, Mount Carbine John Doyle Bridge, Mareeba Leadingham Creek Road Bridge, Dimbulah Atherton Creek Bridge, Mareeba Sandy Tait River Culvert

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The table below shows the current budget position of bridge maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council. Annual Budget $537,318

Year to Date Budget $177,862

Year to Date Actual $141,280

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Infrastructure Services staff External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Included in 2015/2016 budget Operating Included in 2015/2016 budget Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advice is provided to residents and businesses affected by any activities. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

09 November 2015

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18 November 2015


Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mareeba Shire Council was advised by the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries that the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has reviewed the Local Area Pest Management Plan 2015 to 2020 and Council may, by resolution, adopt the Pest Management Plan in accordance with the Act. The Plan will be available in hard copy at the Council Meeting and be placed on the website once adopted. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the Local Area Pest Management Plan 2015 to 2020 as Council's Pest Management Plan, developed under the Far North Queensland Regional Pest Management Plan." BACKGROUND The Land Protection (Pest & Stock Route Management) Act 2002 requires Local Governments to develop, adopt, and implement local pest management plans as part of an integrated planning framework for managing pest plants and animals across the State. The general principles of planning, prevention and partnerships underpin the process in developing this plan as well as the actions identified in the agreed strategies. Mareeba Shire Council's Local Area Pest Management Plan has been developed in close consultation with the MSC Pest Management Advisory Committee within a regional template shared with neighbouring councils across the FNQ region. The Draft Local Area Pest Management Plan 2015-2020 was sent to all Councillors for comment and placed on Council's website for interested members of the community to provide their input. The plan was forwarded to the State Government on 13 August 2015 for approval. The State has approved the plan and it has been returned to Council for adoption. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ENV 4 - Develop strategies to ensure a coordinated approach to fire management and the management and control of pests, weeds and feral animals and other bio security threats.

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CONSULTATION Internal Infrastructure Services staff External Department of Agriculture and Fisheries LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Council is required under the Land Protection Act to undertake control of declared plants and this Land Protection Management Plan 2015-2020 outlines Council’s action and priorities in this regard. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

29 October 2015

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18 November 2015


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report summarises Council’s Waste activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of October 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services, Waste Operations Progress Report, October 2015." BACKGROUND The following is a summary of the waste activities undertaken during the month of October 2015. 1.

Waste Operations           

4,390 vehicles entered Mareeba waste facility (to drop off or pick waste) 531 vehicles deposited waste to Mareeba Landfill (total) 318 Suez vehicles deposited waste to Mareeba Landfill 47 Suez vehicles removed waste from Mareeba WTS to recycling facility in Cairns 190m³ of mulch sold (60 in bulk sales and 130 in small lots less than 1m³) 7.58 tonnes of recyclable material transported to Cairns MRF (including chemical drums) Six new water bores placed around perimeter by Golders Car lift used for the first time, no issues Camera was set up at Kuranda and Almaden transfer stations (tyre dumping observed at Almaden) Spray trailer being used successfully to cover landfill embankments All transfer stations and Mareeba landfill are currently operational

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Customer Service Waste Statistics The following graph displays customer requests logged in the Customer Request Management (CRM) system during the month of October 2015.


New Service 27 12

Missed Service Repair/Replace General Enquiries Recycling Related

5 9



Waste Collected at Each of the Transfer Stations Waste material collected at each of the waste transfer stations is either deposited directly to the Mareeba landfill, recycled or transported to the Suez facility in Cairns for processing. The following charts are separated into waste received as whole units and waste received as accrued tonnage.

MAREEBA SHIRE WASTE (Number of Units) 86


Animals Batteries Car Bodies Equivalent Passenger tyres 50


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Commercial & Industrial Domestic Household Waste Oil Building & Demolition Scrap Metal

193 14




Waste to Mareeba Landfill The Mareeba Shire waste shown in the chart below is the waste collected at each of the waste transfer stations (Mareeba included), and deposited directly to the Mareeba Landfill. The commercial waste shown below is derived from the Suez recycling plant in Cairns and deposited into the Mareeba Landfill.

WASTE TO MAREEBA LANDFILL (Tonnes) 5,671 Suez Recycling Waste Mareeba Shire Waste to Landfill (Domestic & Commercial) 329


Revenue The income is derived from:  Commercial disposal (predominantly Suez)  Interest earned  Interest on Constrained Works  Recycling (steel, batteries)  Rates

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The expenditure is derived from:  Waste administration  Landfill management  Transfer station management 6.

Financial Operational Budget Information per budget Section Overall Graphical – Revenue


MSC Waste Income to Month of October $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 MGB Service

Unserviced Levy

Scrap -All Metal

Annual Budget

Commercial Waste Interest Interest Disposal Const. Works

YTD Budget

YTD Actual

Graphical – Expenditure


MSC Waste Expense to Month of October $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 Waste Admin



Annual Budget

MGB Costs Recyc.Scrap Depreciation NCP Admin Metal (Fe) Charges YTD Budget

YTD Actual

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. GOV 3 - Undertake a whole of council service level review to establish sustainable operational costs across core local government business and consult with communities.

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CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Waste Staff External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

3 November 2015

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18 November 2015


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Water and Wastewater activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of October 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the October 2015 Monthly Water and Wastewater Report." LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV 3 Undertake a whole of Council service level review to establish sustainable operational costs across core local government business and consult with communities. 1.

Capital Works Projects  Kuranda Water Reservoir - official opening ceremony Thursday, 29 October  Mareeba STP Refurbishment Design and Construct Tender closed Tuesday, 27 October and now under review  Mareeba STP Critical Infrastructure Upgrade - Rising Main and new Inlet Works tenders awarded and contract documents issued  Kuranda Sludge Management Project issued for tender


Environmental Monitoring - Treatment  

Mareeba STP non-compliant. Continues to exceed the Ammonia maximum limit Kuranda STP remains compliant with licence conditions

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Budget - Water Graphical - Revenue

MSC Water Income to Month of October 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00

Annual Budget

YTD Budget

YTD Actual

Graphical – Expense

MSC Water Expense to Month of October 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Water Treatment Plant Op/Mtce

Water Reticulation Op/Mtce

Annual Budget

YTD Budget

Water Depreciation

Water NCP Admin Charges

YTD Actual

* Depreciation costs are now part of the operational expense

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Budget - Wastewater Graphical - Revenue

MSC Wastewater Income to Month of October 4,500,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Wastewater Rates

Wastewater Interest Earned Const Wks

Wastewater NCP Wastewater NCP Wastewater 3rd Wastewater Sundry Internal Revenue Community Service Party Works Income Obligation

Annual Budget

YTD Budget

YTD Actual

Graphical – Expense

MSC Wastewater Expense to Month of October 2,000,000.00

1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00

Wastewater Treatment Plant Op/Mtce

Wastewater Reticulation Op/Mtce

Annual Budget

YTD Budget

Wastewater Wastewater NCP Depreciation Admin Charges YTD Actual

* Depreciation costs are now part of the operational expense

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Chlorine Residual Readings Chlorine Residual Readings 2015 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Maximum 5mg/L

October 2015

Fri 2nd Mon 5th Wed 7th Fri 9th Mon 12th Wed 14th Fri 16th Mon 19th Wed 21st Fri 23rd Mon 26th Wed 28th Fri 30th Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) 1.14 1.20 1.10 1.15 1.18 0.99 1.09 1.66 1.14 1.20 1.13 1.23 1.00 0.68 0.76 0.86 0.97 0.82 0.87 0.84 1.35 0.89 0.91 0.89 1.02 0.77 0.95 0.67 0.72 0.79 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.77 0.69 0.78 0.71 0.74 0.69 0.94 1.05 1.00 1.10 1.00 0.98 0.91 1.05 0.80 0.94 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.82 0.79 0.82 0.88 0.81 0.80 0.86 0.79 0.81 0.80 0.76 0.77 0.72 1.26 1.07 1.03 1.13 1.08 1.31 1.11 1.16 1.17 1.33 1.02 0.94 0.87

Mareeba Rankine St Wylandra Drive Mareeba Gregory Terrace Kuranda Mason Rd PS Kuranda Chillagoe Dimbulah


Mareeba Water Supply Scheme – Operations Data Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Production 500









Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)















Rainfall (mm)


2015 10,000






Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

Kuranda Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Production 2015 1,500

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

1,250 1,000

750 500


Page 152
















Rainfall (mm)


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

















Rainfall (mm)

2015 2,500



Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 18 November 2015

2015 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Rainfall (mm)











Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

Mount Molloy Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data

500 400

300 200 100

Rainfall (mm)

250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)















Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Production 2015

Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 2015 400

300 200 100

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Rainfall (mm)


1,650 1,500 1,350 1,200 1,050 900 750 600 450 300 150 0





1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0



Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Wednesday 18 November 2015

Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Production

200 150 100


Rainfall (mm)

250 Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)















2015 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

200 150 100


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)













Chillagoe Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Production 300






150 200


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Rainfall (mm)

2015 Kilolitres/Day


Rainfall (mm)




2015 2,500 2,250 2,000 1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 18 November 2015



400 300

1,000 200

Rainfall (mm)








Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Data Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow 300

240 180 120


Rainfall (mm)

7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)
















Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection 1,500






750 120


Page 155

















Rainfall (mm)












Rainfall (mm)

2015 2,000



Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Wednesday 18 November 2015

Kuranda Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Data Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow


Rainfall (mm)


Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)























2015 500

Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection

Date Prepared:

3 November 2015

Page 156


Rainfall (mm)
























2015 1,250

Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Wednesday 18 November 2015






18 November 2015


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

Note: At the Council Meeting held 4 November 2015 it was resolved that this tender be reviewed by the Probity Auditor and then be brought back to Council. The Probity Auditor will provide a confidential report to the Councillors prior to the Council Meeting. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council has limited supply of soil cover material for use at the Mareeba Landfill site. The soil material is required for the effective daily covering, capping and final profiling at the Mareeba Landfill site, meeting both community expectations as well as satisfying Council's legislative requirements. Current standards imposed by DEHP require cover to be applied at least daily and more often if receiving large amounts of waste for disposal such as in the case of Mareeba Landfill which receives regional waste. The day cover material is required as a cover soil which enables the site to be developed in an orderly manner providing a trafficable surface for customers to traverse. Use of this product, in conjunction with the alternate daily cover system utilised by Council, enables Council to satisfy licensing requirements and the mitigation of potential environmental impacts from the operation of a landfill facility. Stockpiled material of this nature is almost depleted and additional material is required to enable the site to operate in an effective and efficient manner. Based on the results of the tender run by Council from 29 July 2015 to 20 August 2015, it is recommended that the tender amount of $300,000 by Wallace Quarrying Pty Ltd with an initial quantity of 5,000t be accepted for delivery in the current financial year. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council approve the procurement of the Day Cover material from Wallace Quarrying Pty Ltd and approve funds of $300,000.00 (including GST), with an initial amount of $50,000.00 in the 2015 / 2016 financial year with the balance of funds to be made available in the 2016 / 2017 financial year."

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Wednesday 18 November 2015

BACKGROUND Council operates the Mareeba landfill site which receives approximately 70,000 tonnes of waste per annum. The new Mareeba Landfill has been in operation since 2007, with Development Approval for a material change of use for an Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) issued to the then MSC on 21 March 2007. The landfill currently operates under approval for the following ERA, issued under the now repealed Integrated Planning Act 1997: ERA 75(a)(vii): Waste disposal – Operating a facility for – disposing of only general waste or limited regulated waste, if the facility is designed to receive waste at the rate of more than 75,000 t but not more than 100,000 t per year. This ERA correlates with Item 60, Part 12, Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 as it currently stands. Daily operations at the landfill include receiving and placing waste, compacting and covering of waste with day cover. Daily application of day cover is preferred in the situations where the waste stream is untreated municipal solid waste (MSW) or MSW with a significant fraction of putrescible waste. Otherwise, day cover can be applied every alternate day (in accordance with the Environmental Authority) where generally inert waste is received. Waste deposition is conducted in adherence with proven sanitary landfill principles of spreading, compacting and day covering of waste. To achieve this, the landfill working face is kept to a minimum, difficult waste managed effectively and the waste area enclosed by cover material on each alternate operating day (or daily for putrescible wastes). In doing so, operations expose as little waste as possible to rainfall and the environment, and compaction levels are maximised. Cell filling is progressed in a terraced manner to minimise the risk of fire and erosion. The top waste surface is covered with 200mm of soil every lift to facilitate terracing as opposed to the use of the Posishell day cover for the end of day active waste face. The side slopes of each sub-cell are covered with either soil or an alternate daily cover. Intermediate cover is applied in areas not utilised for an extended period of time (12 months or more), where intermediate cover is placed at minimum thickness of 300mm. Where practicable, cover material on top of previously placed material is removed from the floor of the sub-cell is stripped back by cutting a ‘window’ before deposing the day’s waste, to prevent the formation of perched liquid tables within the waste body and to ensure the unobstructed flow of methane gas within the landfill. Golder Associates has been engaged to undertake a cut and fill balance looking at small requirements for the landfill facility. A Cut and Fill Balance Report provided by Golders indicates that approximately 55,850 m³ of soil is required for use as daily cover, covering the top surface of the waste after placement. This assumes that the alternate daily cover is used on all side slopes. Council had called a tender prior to the Cut and Fill Balance Report being made available to Council for the supply and delivery of 30,000 tonnes of day cover material which equates to approximately 20,000 m³ of material.

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Wednesday 18 November 2015

Excavated soil material from the construction of Cell 5 was stockpiled on site for use as cover material on the landfill site. This stockpile is almost exhausted. Options exist to either excavate into the surrounding land to generate additional cover material or to import soil from the surrounding area. Initial investigations into sourcing material from on-site indicates that due to the shallow nature of the surrounding land minimal excavations can be undertaken without causing potential stormwater issues. As further work would be required to develop on site excavations as a feasible option, the import of material is required to address short to medium term site requirements. These materials are necessary to ensure compliance with the Environmental Authority, that the landfill is trafficable; allow for a stable foundation to raise the height and profile, to ensure the visual appearance is not detrimental to the amenity of the area.

To meet the above need, a tender was recently invited for the replenishment of the stockpile. Details of TMSC2015-12 Tender Request:  Tender Requests were called 29 July 2015 and closed 11.00am Thursday 20 August 2015  Respondents were: Table 2

Respondents and Tendered Pricing Summary

Tableland Earthmoving and Raw Materials M & G Crushing & Materials


Tonnage Available 30,000




Wallace Quarrying Pty Ltd (Tender 1) Wallace Quarrying Pty Ltd (Tender 2) Wongabel Quarries N Concrete










Redcorp Quarry




Submission From


Rate per tonne $11.88

Additional Information Including GST Test Results Submitted Including GST Test Results Submitted Including GST Test Results Submitted Including GST Test Results Submitted Including GST Test Results Submitted Including GST Test Results Submitted

The Tender 2 offer from Wallace Quarrying Pty Ltd was seen as financially beneficial by Council officers as the material in essence is only to be used as day cover. While the Tenderer submitted the tender #2 under the impressionit may be non conforming, Council officers requested Wallace Quarrying supply samples of the material in Wallace Quarrying's offer #2 be made available for independent testing., and the tests results indicate the materials in the tender #2 meet the specification as specified in the tender documents. Officers recommend Council accept the lowest offer from Wallace Quarrying Pty Ltd as it presents value for money to Council. Funds are available in the Waste Reserve fund to adequately meet the costs of the material.

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Wednesday 18 November 2015

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to the industry and community. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Department Manager Works Engineer Water and Waste Senior Environmental Foreperson Waste Services

External Golders Associates Waste and Management Services Probity Auditor LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital $300,000 (inclusive of GST).

Operating Yes Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Waste Reserves IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil

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Photo of existing stock pile area

Date Prepared:

26 August 2015

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Wednesday 18 November 2015



REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 275(1)(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (a)

the appointment, dismissal or discipline of employees.

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 18 November 2015


NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL The next meeting of Council will be held at 9:00 am on Wednesday 2 December 2015

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Wednesday 18 November 2015

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