Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda
Wednesday 16 July 2014
Ordinary Meeting Dimbulah Community Centre Date: Wednesday 16 July 2014 Time: 9:00am
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ORDER OF BUSINESS MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL BUSINESS BEREAVEMENTS/CONDOLENCES DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ..............................................................................5 REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING .............................................................................................. 5 ITEM-1 Extension to Relevant Period Wong Lau Developments Pty Ltd Reconfiguring A Lot - Subdivision (2 into 10 Lots) - Lot 174 & 175 On NR5801- Fantin Road, Koah - REC/07/0091 .......................................................... 5 GRANTS AND CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY PLANNING................................................... 19 ITEM-2 Financial and In Kind Support ............................................................................... 19 Finance ........................................................................................................................................ 29 ITEM-3 Financial Statements for the Period Ending 30 June 2014 ................................... 29 GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE .......................................................................................... 39 ITEM-4 Operational Plan Quarterly Assessment with attachment ..................................... 39 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ..................................................................................................51 TECHNICAL SERVICES.............................................................................................................. 51 ITEM-5 Mareeba Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Membership and SubGroups .................................................................................................................. 51 ITEM-6 2014/2015 Capital Works Programme - Infrastructure Services Groups .............. 73 ITEM-7 2014/2015 Bitumen and Asphalt Reseal Programme ........................................... 77 ITEM-8 FNQROC Road Construction & Maintenance Services for 2014/2015 Extension of Contract FNQ003 ........................................................................... 101 ITEM-9 Traffic Advisory Committee - Minutes of Meeting held 24 June 2014 ................. 111 WATER & WASTE ..................................................................................................................... 125 ITEM-10 Expression of Interest for Alternative Waste Cover System at Mareeba Landfill................................................................................................................. 125 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ...................................................................................................135 ITEM-11
Sale of Lots 1 & 2 Caroona Street, Kuranda ....................................................... 135
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Corporate and Community Services
APPLICATION PREMISES Wong Lau Developments Pty ADDRESS Fantin Road, Koah Ltd 16 June 2014 Lot 174 & 175 on DATE REQUEST RPD NR5801 FOR EXTENSION OF RELEVANT PERIOD LODGED Development Permit TYPE OF APPROVAL Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (2 into 10 Lots) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT
Lot 174 - 74 hectares Lot 175 - 74 hectares Wong Lau Developments Pty OWNER Wong Lau Ltd Development Pty Ltd Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (amendment no. 01/11) AREA
Rural zone Code Assessment n/a
1. 2.
Decision Notice dated 16 October 2007 Applicant’s request to extend relevant period dated 11 June 2014
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council approved a development application described in the above application details at its Ordinary Meeting held on 16 October 2007, subject to conditions. A subsequent request for a Negotiated Decision Notice was refused by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 20 November 2007. On 7 December 2007 a Planning and Environment Court Appeal was lodged by Miller BouSamra Lawyers on behalf of the applicant (Appeal No. 336 of 2007). The Planning and Environment Court denied the applicants appeal and the development approval took effect on 13 August 2008. At its Ordinary Meeting held on 15 August 2012 the Tablelands Regional Council approved a request to extend the relevant period for a further two (2) years. The relevant period is set to expire on 13 August 2014. The original application was code assessable and was therefore not required to undergo public notification. To date, no development works have commenced in relation to the approved development. The applicant has subsequently lodged an application to extend the relevant period for a further four (4) years from 13 August 2014 to 13 August 2018. The applicant's justification for not having completed the development thus far is due to the global financial crisis and subsequent standstill in the property market. The extension is sought to allow sufficient time for the market to improve and to allow for the development works to be completed. Under the previous Council, an informal policy position was established by Council officers whereby uncommenced developments would be recommended for a maximum two (2) year extension and commenced developments recommended for four (4) year extension. A two (2) year extension has previously been granted for this development approval. Whilst there is no objection to a second extension in this instance, it is suggested that Council expand the informal extension policy so that any extension/s beyond the initial extension be granted for a maximum of one (1) year. A one (1) year extension would encourage the developer to act on the approval and also allow Council reconsider the appropriateness of uncommenced development approvals on a more regular basis. It is recommended that the relevant period be extended for a period of one (1) year, from 13 August 2014 to 13 August 2015. Notwithstanding the officer's recommendation, Council may approve the four (4) year extension if it chooses.
That in relation to the application to extend the relevant period for the following development approval:
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APPLICATION PREMISES Wong Lau Developments Fantin Road, Koah ADDRESS Pty Ltd 16 June 2014 Lot 174 & 175 on DATE REQUEST RPD NR5801 FOR EXTENSION OF RELEVANT PERIOD LODGED Development Permit TYPE OF APPROVAL PROPOSED Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (2 into 10 Lots) DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT
and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009: (A) 2.
The relevant period be extended for one (1) year from 13 August 2014 to 13 August 2015.
A Notice of Council’s decision be issued to the applicant advising of Council’s decision”.
THE SITE The subject site is located along Fantin Road, Koah and described as Lot 174 and 175 on NR5801, Parish of Formartine, County of Nares. The subject site has a combined area of 148 hectares and is zoned Rural under the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme. Both allotments are severed by Fantin Road, containing approximately 2.5 kilometres of frontage to Fantin Road which is constructed to an unsealed gravel standard. The western boundary of the smaller, severed portions of both lots 174 and 175 abut the Clohesy River. The subject site is relatively undeveloped, with the exception of a Caretaker's residence and ancillary buildings located on Lot 175. The land was formerly used for grazing purposes and is vegetated. In terms of topography, the subject land is characterised by well vegetated variable sloping hills and gullies. All surrounding allotments are zoned a mixture of Conservation and Rural.
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Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.
Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.
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BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 16 October 2007, issued a development permit for the application made by Charles O'Neill Pty Ltd Surveyors on behalf of Wong Lau Developments Pty Ltd for Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (2 into 10 Lots) on land described as Lot 174 & 175 on NR5801, situated at Fantin Road, Koah. The approval was granted subject to various conditions, including the upgrading of Fantin Road. On the 31 October 2007, Charles O'Neill Pty Ltd Surveyors, on behalf of Wong Lau Developments Pty Ltd wrote to Council making representations in relation to the approval and seeking the issue of a negotiated decision notice. Council, at its ordinary meeting held on 20 November 2007 resolved to confirm the original conditions. On 7 December 2007 Miller Bou-Samra Lawyers, on behalf of Wong Lau Development Pty Ltd lodged an appeal with the Planning and Environment Court (appeal No. 336 of 2007) seeking an amendment to the decision notice, in particular, the deletion of Condition 3 - Frontage Works. An attempt was made by Miller Bou-Samra Lawyers to settle the matter out of the P & E Court; however, their proposed changes were rejected by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 16 July 2008. The Planning and Environment Court denied the applicants appeal and the currency period commenced on the 13 August 2008. At its Ordinary Meeting held on 15 August 2012, Council approved a request to extend the relevant period of the approval for a further two (2) years. The relevant period is set to expire on 13 August 2014. To date, no development works have commenced in relation to the approved development. The applicant has subsequently lodged an application to extend the relevant period for a further four (4) years from 13 August 2014 to 13 August 2018 (Attachment 2). The applicant's justification for not having completed the development thus far is due to the global financial crisis and subsequent standstill in the property market. The extension is sought to allow sufficient time for the market to improve and to allow for the development works to be completed. Under the previous Council, an informal policy position was established by Council officers whereby uncommenced developments would be recommended for a maximum two (2) year extension and commenced developments recommended for four (4) year extension. A two (2) year extension has previously been granted for this development approval. Whilst there is no objection to a second extension in this instance, it is suggested that Council expand the informal extension policy so that any extension/s beyond the initial extension be granted for a maximum of one (1) year. A one (1) year extension would encourage the developer to act on the approval and also allow Council reconsider the appropriateness of uncommenced development approvals on a more regular basis. It is recommended that the relevant period for REC/07/0091 be extended for a period of one (1) year, from 13 August 2014 to 13 August 2015.
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ASSESSMENT AND DECISION REQUIREMENTS Assessment rules Section 388 of SPA requires that Council must have regard to:
the consistency of the approval, including its conditions, with the current laws and policies applying to the development, including, for example, the amount and type of infrastructure contributions, or charges payable under chapter 8, part 1. If a new application was lodged for this proposal it would be assessed generally against the same planning instruments as was the original development application. On 2 December 2013, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning introduced the single State Planning Policy (SPP) to replace the various State Planning Policies previously in place. Development approval REC/07/0091 is not in conflict with any relevant aspect of the SPP. Applicable Infrastructure Charges Development Approval REC/07/0091 is not subject to fixed headworks/contributions. The external road network contribution is payable at the rate applicable at the time of payment.
the community’s awareness of the development approval The original development application was Code Assessable and was therefore not subject to public notification.
whether, if the request were refused – (i) (ii)
further rights to make a submission may be available for a further development application; and the likely extent to which those rights may be exercised;
A further development application would be Code Assessable and therefore not subject to public notification.
the views of any concurrence agency for the approval given under section 385. The original application did not trigger referral to any Concurrence Agencies.
Date Prepared:
2 July 2014
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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Community Development Officer DEPARTMENT:
Corporate and Community Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Financial and In-Kind Support Program (FIKS) policy was reviewed at a workshop on 18 June 2014 and the policy has been amended based on outcomes from the review. The updated policy aims to deliver a sustainable and streamlined program that will enable Council to provide affordable targeted assistance to community groups and sporting clubs and includes strategies to assist specific clubs and groups to become more self-sufficient. The updated FIKS policy refocuses Council assistance on those community events, activities and initiatives that demonstrate exceptional community, economic and/or environmental benefits which are aligned to Council's Corporate Plan goals and strategies. The list of applications previously approved as "ongoing" was reviewed at the workshop as part of the budget planning process, and the list of approved applicants for 2014/15 is presented for endorsement. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council: 1. Endorse the updated Financial and In-Kind Assistance Program Policy attached. 2. Approve the following assistance to be provided in 2014/15 under the Financial and In-Kind Assistance Program: a) $43,296 for the following Major Events: $21,372 Mareeba District Rodeo Association $ 8,910 Tourism Kuranda (Easter Festival and Kuranda Festival) $ 9,612 Mareeba Multicultural Festival $ 3,402 Dimbulah Lions Festival b) $25,500 for the remittance of rates for eligible and approved organisations in accordance with the Rates Remittance Policy. c) $5942 for the remittance of water consumption for sporting fields as follows: $2,450 Mareeba United Football Club (includes $450 for interest free loan) $2,000 Dimbulah Football Club $1,492 Chillagoe Bushman's Carnival Association d) $5,458 cash and in-kind assistance for 2014/15: $2,000 Barron River Challenge (Tinaroo Canoe Club) $1,680 Mareeba Arts Society (Annual Exhibition) $ 578 Rotary Club of Mareeba (End Polio Project) $ 350 Nugget of the North (Campdraft & Bush Races) Page 19
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$ 350 Mareeba Gymnastics Club (Local and Regional Competitions) $ 300 Julatten & Mt Molloy Association of Residents and Ratepayers (Environmental Management) $ 200 Cairns Four Wheel Drive Inc (Mt Mulligan & Thornborough Cemeteries Maintenance)." 1.
A framework for reviewing FIKS was developed in order to create a sustainable and streamlined program that includes a plan to reduce the reliance on Council assistance by specific clubs and groups, but will still enable Council to provide affordable targeted assistance to community groups and sporting clubs that is clearly aligned to Council’s Corporate Plan goals and strategies. Officers have commenced initial negotiations with sporting clubs and community groups regarding the proposed new arrangements for Council assistance and to discuss ways they can become more self-sufficient and community feedback has been favourable. 2.
The following questions and issues were considered when reviewing the FIKS program. 2.1
Does the project/event/activity that Council is asked to assist with really make a difference? Does it make the community a better place to live? and/or Does it help grow the economy? and/or Does it improve or protect the environment? These questions about community impact also assessed how closely the project/event/activity helps achieve Council’s Corporate Plan goals and strategies. 2.2 Club/Group Sustainability Is the assistance from Council absolutely necessary? What will happen if Council no longer provides this assistance to the sporting club, community group, school or young person competing in a state or national event? Will the project/event/activity stop or are there other sources of assistance or will it be modified in some acceptable way without this Council assistance? Will the club or group not be sustainable without this ongoing assistance from Council? Where the impact of withdrawing Council assistance is considerable, Council has decided to continue to provide this assistance while working with the group/club to find ways it can be more self-sufficient and less reliant on Council assistance. 2.3 Extent of Council Assistance The FIKS assistance received or requested by a club or group was considered in the context of the total amount of Council assistance received eg. rates remittance, parks and gardens assistance, Council maintenance of buildings etc. The work to collate and present this data is still in progress and will result in the development of a Facilities Register. However, Council considered the other types and levels of assistance that FIKS applicants are receiving where that data is readily available.
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The review identified those groups and clubs receiving high and multiple types of council assistance as well as those with a history of requesting assistance. Officers will engage with these organisations to find ways to reduce their reliance on Council and help them become more self-sufficient. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time. CONSULTATION Internal Manager of Works Coordinator Parks and Gardens Manager Community Wellbeing Stores Coordinator Coordinator Transport Infrastructure External NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS FIKS policy to be reviewed and updated FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget and 2014/15 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION All FIKS applicants will be contacted to discuss the new arrangements for 2014/15 and advised in writing with interviews or meetings held as required. ATTACHMENTS 1.
Financial and In-Kind Support Program Policy
Date Prepared:
02 July 2014 Page 21
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Manager Finance
Corporate Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an overview of financial matters for the period 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the financial report for the period ending 30 June 2014." BACKGROUND Financial Summary Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against budgets. For the period ending 30 June 2014, Council shows an operational deficit of $1,696,916 compared to a budgeted YTD surplus of $1,704,019. These results do not reflect the accrual adjustments to be processed for the June period. Final results for the six month period will be available on or around 20 August 2014. One-off de-amalgamation costs are not yet finalised but for the purpose of this report are excluded. These costs are funded from the Queensland Treasury Corporation Working Capital Facility which has a repayment term of twelve months (30 June 2015). It should be noted that Council's cash position is currently $9,919,313 and this represents an initial transfer of $14,000,000 from TRC. A final cash transfer (including interest) will take place on finalisation of the 31 December 2013 financial statements and will be based on the methodology provided in the Crowe Horwath report. Work has commenced on finalising the 31 December 2013 financial statements and a proposed draft should be available by end of July.
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June 2014 - Snapshot Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenditure Operating Deficit Total Capital Income (grants, developer contributions)
$ $ $ $
Net Result - Surplus
19,276,408 20,973,324 (1,696,916) 1,772,985 76,069
Capital Expenditure Total capital expenditure of $6,938,477 (including commitments) has been spent against the $10,796,350 budgeted for the six month period. The graph below illustrates actual YTD expenditure and committed costs against the annual budget.
Variances to note are; 1. Community Services – included in this category is the Facilities Capital Budget. Projects that have not commenced will be reviewed to ascertain which items should be carried over to the 2014/15 capital works budget for Facilities. The remainder of the projects have just had the contracts awarded late June. 2. Wastewater - outstanding expenditure is the planning amount allocated by Council towards the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant. Page 30
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3. Waste - allocation is for the day cover upgrading. 4. Workshop - The $1M allocated towards plant replacement has been committed with the plant replacement program fully in place. Orders were raised early May for the replacement plant. 5. Parks and Gardens – outstanding issues are: Bi- Centennial Lakes Mareeba Repair Pavers Cemetery Improvements Dredge lakes at Bicentennial lakes Automation of sprinklers various parks stage one Julatten - New playground equipment Automate manual irrigation Parks (5)
Scheduled for completion 11/07/2014 Scheduled for completion 25/07/2014 dependent on statue availability Completed Completed Removed from Capital Works Program Completed
6. Construction and Maintenance – outstanding issues are:
Bump Track Causeway
Scheduled for completion 10/07/2014
Wrights Creek Lookout Ootann Road
Funds diverted to Morton Street project in Kuranda. Awaiting design Project sealed 18-19/06/2014. Line marking to be carried out late July when volatiles have dropped Scheduled for completion 16/07/2014
Springmount Road Pinnacle Creek Causeway Black Mountain Bridge
Tenders have been sought that are in excess of funding allocation. Propose to re-consider during 2014 / 2015 budget process Scheduled for completion 10/07/2014
Marinelli Drainage
Allocation of $210,000. Dependent on progress of subdivision. Unlikely to be required 2013 / 2014.
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Income Analysis Total income (including capital income of $1,772,985) for the period ending 30 June 2014 is $21,049,393 compared to a YTD budget of $29,502,794. The graph below shows actual income against budget for the period ending 30 June 2014.
Description Net Rates & Utility Charges Fees & Charges Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions Interest Received Works for Third Parties Other Revenue Capital Income
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
11,876,684 627,777
12,358,821 569,141
1,822,469 289,946 2,789,813 1,869,719 1,772,985
2,770,833 902,256 9,316,401 1,627,405 1,957,937
2 3 4 5
Variances to note are: 1. Rates were levied on 17 February for the six months January to June 2014 with discount period closing on 20 March 2014. The variance relates to the difference between budgeted and actual rates levied.
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2. The variance for Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions relates to the Financial Assistance Grant ($889k). This is one area yet to be resolved in terms of agreed methodology for allocation between TRC and MSC. This will be finalised as part of the final 31 December balance sheet split. 3. Council's management reports do not provide interest revenue until such time as it has been earnt. Investments are generally renewed on a six monthly cycle in line with cashflows relating to rates levies. A $5M term deposit was invested in April for 6 months. Interest is lower than anticipated due to the final allocation of cash not being finalised and interest rates being so low. 4. Existing RMPC contracts are to remain with TRC until 30 June 2014. Once Main Roads approve the monthly claims submitted by TRC, MSC will receive its share of profit and reimbursement of expenditure. An invoice has been sent to TRC for Claims 10, 11 and 12 for a total value of $535,402.37. An income budget of $7.7M for the six months was adopted for MRD flood damage projects. Due to delays in approval from Main Roads this project did not commence this financial year. This resulted in a variance of $7.7M. (This is also reflected in the expenditure below). 5. Variance relates to Roads to Recovery. The grant remained with TRC and once MSC has completed the projects, expenditure will be reimbursed. Also included in the $1.7M received to date are developer contributions ($681k).
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Expenditure Analysis Total expenses for the period ending 30 June 2014 are $20,793,324 which is lower than the YTD budget of $25,840,838. The graph below shows June 2014 actual expenditure compared budget.
Description Employee expenses Materials & Services Depreciation expenses Finance & Borrowing costs
Actual YTD
Budget YTD
7,850,433 9,443,718 3,526,564 152,609
8,174,613 14,257,342 3,371,333 37,550
Note 1 2 3
Variances to note are: 1. Savings are due to vacant positions in the organisational chart. 2. Aligned with the actual income being lower than budget, expenditure items relating to MRD flood damage is lower being that works have not commenced ($6.3M). 3. Due to the finalisation of asset revaluations, depreciation expenditure is higher than anticipated budgeted amount.
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Loan Borrowings Council's loan balances as at 30 June 2014 are as follows: QTC Loans De-amalgamation working capital facility
$2,135,472 $4,600,469 (pending adjustments)
Rates and Sundry Debtors Analysis Rates and Charges The total rates and charges payable as at 30 June is $1,969,427.78. Collection House collected $114,704 for the month of June. The outstanding amount for properties currently with debt collection is $671,861.19.
Sundry Debtors The total outstanding for Sundry Debtors as at 30 June is $4,179,601.81 which is made up of the following: Current $1,670,297.10
30 days $2,234,445.95
60 days $63,857.61
90 + days $211,001.15
$2,036,454.83 or 81% of outstanding debtors 30 days or greater relate to government departments.
Procurement Council's Procurement Policy sets out provisions regarding the acquisition of goods and services and provides the criteria which must be followed by all Council employees for purchasing. The procurement thresholds outline specific requirements for quotations and tenders and outlines exceptions for particular situations which entitle the purchase to be made without first inviting quotations or tenders including - where there is only one supplier reasonably available; a genuine emergency exists; the goods are purchased at auction or are second-hand; or the contract is made under a Local Buy arrangement. In the situation that a purchase is classified as an 'emergency' the Procurement Policy determines that retrospective Council approval is required. There were no transactions classified as 'Emergency' purchases during the month of May 2014. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time.
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CONSULTATION Internal Director Corporate Services External NIL LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL RISKS) Section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 requires the financial report to be presented to local government‌if the local government holds its ordinary meetings more frequently (than once per month) - to a meeting in each month. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Information has been provided to achieve compliance with Council's Procurement Policy. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL ATTACHMENTS 1. Financial Statements - June 2014 (DWS#2977044) Date Prepared: 08/07/2014
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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Manager Development & Governance DEPARTMENT:
Corporate & Community Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with section 174(3) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the Chief Executive Officer must present a written assessment of the local government's progress towards implementing the annual operational plan at meetings of the local government held at regular intervals of not more than 3 months. The attached report provides advice on progress in implementing the adopted 6 month Operational Plan (2013/14) for the April to June 2014 quarter. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the progress report on implementation of the 2013/14 Operational Plan for the April to June 2014 quarter." BACKGROUND The Local Government Regulation 2012 provides that a local government must prepare and adopt an annual operational plan for each year. The Operational Plan is a statement of specific works to be undertaken and services to be provided in order to progress the goals and objectives set out in a Council's Corporate Plan over a period of one year. The Chief Executive Officer must present a written assessment of the local government's progress towards implementing the annual operational plan at meetings of the local government held at regular intervals of not more than 3 months. An Operational Plan for the six month period January to June 2014 was adopted by Council at its budget meeting held on 30 January 2014. The attached document provides a progress report on what action has been taken during the April to June 2014 quarter with respect to the items and projects listed in the Operational Plan.
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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN The Operational Plan details those items or projects that can be carried out within a 12 month budget period to progress the goals and objectives set out in the Council's Corporate Plan and is therefore relevant to all strategies contained within the Corporate Plan. However, as a result of legislative amendments, new local governments created by de-amalgamation were not required to link their Operational Plan to a Corporate Plan for the 2013/14 financial year. CONSULTATION Internal Director Corporate & Community Services Director Infrastructure Services All Managers External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) It is a statutory requirement for an assessment of progress in implementing the Operational Plan to be presented to Council at least on a quarterly basis. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION N/A ATTACHMENTS 1.
Operational Plan 2013/14 - Quarterly Assessment - 30 June 2014.
Date Prepared:
7 July 2014
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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Section 29 of the Disaster Management Act 2003 requires local governments to establish a Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) for the local government's area. Section 30 of the Act details the functions of the LDMG (see Attachment 2 LDMG Terms of Reference). The LDMG is required to develop a functional operational planning scheme which includes mitigation, preparation for, response to, and recovery from disaster events. In this context, a review of the structure and membership of the Local Disaster Management Group for the Mareeba Shire Council was undertaken. This report details the outputs of that review and makes a number of recommendations. The structure of the LDMG is depicted diagrammatically at Attachment 1. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council: 1. approve the proposed structure and membership of the Mareeba Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG). 2. endorse the proposed Terms of Reference for the Mareeba LDMG and associated sub groups. 3. assign a Councillor as Advocate for each Sub Group." BACKGROUND In undertaking this review, disaster management legislation and guidance as well as the conditions and circumstances relevant to the Mareeba Shire Council (MSC) have been considered. Additionally, discussions have been held with key disaster management stakeholders including MSC employees and the relevant officer from Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES - EMQ) regarding specific operational needs and solutions. The
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information provided below is to demonstrate the logic and assumptions supporting the recommended LDMG structure and operational planning model. LDMG Members Membership of the LDMG must reflect the key agencies responsible for providing appropriate and adequate response and recovery operations to a disaster event in the Mareeba Shire Council area. The proposed membership reflects the traditionally accepted roles and responsibilities of various agencies and their representation on LDMGs throughout the State. Some of those roles are enshrined in legislation while others have developed through practice or in response to community expectations. The proposed structure addresses immediate and ongoing operational needs and statutory requirements of the LDMG. Chairperson: This position must be fulfilled by a Councillor of local government. It is recommended that the Mayor assume the role and responsibilities of Chairperson of the LDMG. As the spokesperson for the Mareeba Shire Council, the Mayor needs to be fully conversant with LDMG Operational Plans and able to confidently address community issues prior to a potential disaster event, as well as report on response and recovery operations after an event. The reporting arrangements inherent in the proposed LDMG structure and operating environment provide the Mayor with that assurance. The Chairperson of the LDMG is also the District Disaster Management Group (DDMG) representative. Deputy Chairperson: It is recommended that this position is undertaken by a Councillor. This position is the nominated Deputy for the LDMG Chairperson and will undertake their duties in their absence. The Deputy Chairperson is also nominated as the Recovery Chairperson to lead the recovery process in the event it is required. Local Disaster Coordinator: The Local Disaster Coordinator must be an employee of Council. This can be the Chief Executive Officer or another person nominated by the CEO to undertake this role. The CEO must be satisfied that the person nominated has the necessary skills, experience and knowledge to undertake the responsibilities of a Local Disaster Coordinator under the Disaster Management Act 2003. Deputy Local Disaster Coordinator: This person deputises for the Local Disaster Coordinator in their absence. The Chairperson and the Local Disaster Coordinator (or their nominated deputies) form the Executive of the LDMG. The LDMG should authorise the Disaster Management Executive to make initial operational response coordination decisions on its behalf. The Disaster Management Executive has an exclusively operational response coordination function, and will not at any time replace the policy decision-making role of the LDMG. Additionally, it is recommended that the LDMG include one representative from each of the following agencies and sectors:
Queensland Police Service Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES – Urban) Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES – Rural) Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES – EMQ) Queensland Ambulance Service Queensland Health Social Support Sub Group Chairperson Economic Sub Group Chairperson Page 52
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Public Health & Environment Sub Group Chairperson Built Environment & Infrastructure Sub Group Chairperson Membership of the LDMG should be limited to key sector representation, and each member should be authorised to speak on behalf of their sector and make decisions accordingly. Under the Disaster Management Act 2003, quorum requirement for LDMG meetings is equal to 50% + 1 of the members. In the case of the Mareeba Shire Council, this will equate to 7. LDMG Advisors The following agencies should be appointed as Advisors to the LDMG. Advisors are not able to vote at meetings and do not count towards quorum.
Ergon Telstra Queensland Health Tropical Public Health Unit MSC Media and Communications Officer GIS Officer Department of Employment, Training & Education (DETE) Recovery Coordinator
LDMG Sub-Groups The formation of sub-groups allows a wider representation of relevant agencies and sector representatives in decision-making appropriate to operational issues relating to disaster management. LDMG Sub Groups are required in the recovery phase of disaster management. However, this structure can also support planning and preparation whilst allowing for a transition to recovery. The following Sub Groups are recommended: Social Support Sub Group – including but not limited to agencies capable of providing social support, welfare assistance, outreach work and management of assistance centres during response and recovery. This group also promotes resilience initiatives and ensures effective community engagement during planning, response and recovery operations. Economic Sub Group – including but not limited to agencies capable of providing financial management support, and industry assistance during planning, response and recovery. Public Health and Environment Sub Group – including but not limited to agencies capable of providing public health advice and assistance and managing rehabilitation of the natural environment. Built Environment and Infrastructure Sub Group – including but not limited to agencies capable of identifying, protecting and recovering critical infrastructure, providing public works and engineering and conducting impact assessments. The Chairperson of each Sub Group is considered as a full member of the LDMG and counts towards quorum. It is recommended that MSC assigns a Councillor to each sub-group in the role of advocate to ensure a wider and informed understanding of disaster management issues and attendant resourcing needs. The response and recovery phase of disaster management requires flexible arrangements that best suit local circumstances. Membership of LDMG Sub Groups should include, directly or indirectly, a number of Councillors to ensure that the LDMG is able to effectively plan, prepare for, and implement response and recovery arrangements. This is Page 53
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particularly pertinent to the annual budget and asset management processes when decisions need to be cognizant of potential disaster management demands on resources. See Terms of Reference for each Sub Group at Attachment 3. Task Groups In addition to the sub-groups, the LDMG may elect to progress various work-streams through Task Groups. Task Groups will be established in response to a need to deal with a specific issue and will comprise relevant members and agencies to achieve the desired outcomes. Task Groups report to the LDMG and on completion of the agreed tasks, these groups will cease to function. LDMG Reporting Arrangements: The LDMG is the highest level coordinator and decision-maker at the local level in relation to disaster management matters. The LDMG is an official committee of Mareeba Shire Council and will report LDMG activities to Council on a regular basis. Where Council is required to make a decision or to commit funds, the Chairperson of the LDMG will organise for the necessary reports to be prepared and presented. The Chairperson should direct all operational tasks to be coordinated through the LDMG with the relevant member initiating action through their agency, sub-group or other appropriate arrangement. Reporting arrangements should also allow efficient and effective information flow between the Mareeba Shire Council, the LDMG, the sub-groups and the local community. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN This links directly to the following priority issues within the Interim Corporate Plan. "A Vibrant and Healthy Community" - Support a safe living environment for the community through a proactive response to public safety matters. "A Sustainable Environment" - Reduce the community's risk and exposure to the adverse impacts of natural hazards through disaster management planning and response. CONSULTATION Internal Mayor Chief Executive Officer Director Infrastructure Services Director Corporate and Community Services External Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES – Urban) Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES – Rural) Queensland Fire & Emergency Services (QFES – EMQ) Queensland Police Service Queensland Ambulance Service
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LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Section 30 of the Disaster Management Act 2003 requires Mareeba Shire Council to establish a Local Disaster Management Group. POLICY IMPLICATIONS This proposal has wide ranging implications for a number of Council areas. Key stakeholders have been consulted on this proposal and no major objections have been received. Feedback obtained has been incorporated into this report. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Once approved, the LDMG Sub Groups will need to convene to determine membership and commence key tasks. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3.
Proposed structure of Mareeba Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG). Proposed Terms of Reference for the MSC LDMG. Proposed Terms of Reference for the MSC LDMG Sub Groups a) Built Environment and Infrastructure; b) Community Support; c) Economic; d) Public Health Environment.
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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2014/2015 Capital Works program for Infrastructure Services was adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 2 July 2014. Infrastructure Services staff have now developed timeframes for delivery of all projects listed under the Transport, Water, Wastewater, Waste, Parks & Gardens, Aerodromes, Survey and Design and Plant and Fleet sub- programs. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the report and endorse the timeframes for the delivery of all projects listed in the attached Infrastructure Services delivery Gantt chart." BACKGROUND The 2014/2015 Capital works program comprises of ten (10) sub-programs including Transport, Water, Wastewater, Waste, Parks and Gardens, Aerodromes, Depots, Plant and Fleet, Survey and Design and Land and Facilities. This report provides information on the proposed delivery timeframes for projects listed under all sections other than Depots and Land and Facilities. While the timeframes for the delivery of individual projects can be determined from the attached Gantt Chart a summary of the sub-program delivery timeframes is as follows: Transport
Start Date Completion Date
01/07/2014 15/12/2014
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01/07/2014 30/06/2015
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01/07/2014 15/12/2014
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04/08/2014 01/05/2015
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Parks and Gardens
Start Date Completion Date
18/08/2014 15/01/2015
Start Date Completion Date
01/07/2014 10/11/2014
Plant and Fleet
Start Date Completion Date
11/08/2014 15/01/2015
Survey and Design
Start Date Completion Date
11/08/2014 15/10/2014
CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Manager Works Manager Water and Waste External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Yes
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Infrastructure Services Gantt Chart
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Technical Officer Projects Investigation
Infrastructure Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council Officers submit details of a proposed $2.3M dollar budget 2014/2015 Bitumen and Asphalt Reseal Programme for Council comment and approval. It is intended that Mareeba Shire Council continue to utilise Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) regional bitumen reseals arrangements with approval required to facilitate the MSC programme submission to FNQROC for finalisation of 2014/2015 contract details on behalf of its member Councils. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolve to: 1. approve the provisional Bitumen and Asphalt Reseal Programmes proposed to be delivered in the 2014/2015 financial year subject to Council input and comment; 2. endorse the FNQROC member recommendation to accept the second year contract option for PAN Materials to undertake the 2014/2015 Regional Bitumen Reseal Programme in accordance with the terms of the previously awarded FNQROC Tender FNQ003; 3. delegate the CEO the authority to negotiate with Cairns Regional Council and its preferred supplier Pioneer North Queensland for the delivery of the 2014/2015 Asphalt Programme taking advantage of preferred supplier arrangements applying to FNQROC member Councils." BACKGROUND Council's annual bitumen and asphalt reseal renewal programme is designed to protect and extend the life of the existing road assets. The pro-active approach to asset management is effective in minimising ongoing maintenance requirements and a proven strategy for the maximisation of pavement life and the enhancement of road safety. The typical life expectancy of a bitumen chip seal pavement is 7-12 years dependent on road base properties, environmental conditions, prevailing traffic volumes and percentage of heavy vehicle activity. Asphalt is a more durable and long-term treatment with an average life expectancy of 20 years but with a cost approximately five (5) times more than a bitumen chip seal to achieve. The bitumen and asphalt reseal programme is generated from the asset management system that prioritises criticality or need in relation to existing pavement condition and age. The output data is then confirmed and proofed through a further risk and need based visual road inspection
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process. Development of the reseal programme gives some consideration to the proportionate distribution of sites across the Council region. BITUMEN PROGRAMME In 2013/2014 regional Council's combined under the banner of FNQROC to tender and undertake a joint, regional bitumen reseal programme. The arrangement providing Councils with economy of scale benefits and resulting in lower bitumen seal delivery rates and the ability to leverage improved prioritisation of programme delivery which had been an ongoing issue for all Councils in the past. PAN Materials was successful in winning the contract with very competitive rates for full service supply and delivery of the regional programme and have a second year extension option to undertake the 2014/2015 Bitumen Programme. FNQROC are currently in the process of negotiating the 2014/2015 contract extension based on Councils proposed bitumen reseal programmes and PAN providing revised delivery rates for member Council consideration. PAN Materials require finalisation and approval of the MSC Programme in order to provide revised bitumen and aggregate supply and delivery rates. Cairns Regional Council (CRC) and Cassowary Coast Regional Council have been in a position to provide PAN with their 2014/2015 programmes. Cairns and Cassowary Coast have advised member Councils that the revised 2014/2015 PAN delivery rates have remained very competitive with minimal increases to delivery rates attributable to general materials and labour cost rises. It is the consensus of the FNQROC member Councils that PAN is engaged to undertake the 2014/2015 bitumen programme pursuant to the terms of two (2) year contract option. It is estimated that the bitumen component of MSC reseal programme will account for $1.56M of the total the $2.3M budget allocation. Refer to the proposed 2014/2015 Bitumen Reseal Programme attached. ASPHALT PROGRAMME Officers have compiled an $820,000 asphalt programme for Council consideration. Many of the programmed sites compliment and extend onto existing asphalt pavement completed during recent asphalt programmes. The current FNQROC contract arrangements for bitumen reseals does not extend to asphalt overlay works. A number of Councils will not be running asphalt overlay programmes this financial year with CRC and Douglas locked into the second year of a two (2) year asphalt supply contract with Pioneer North Queensland. Mareeba Shire Council has two (2) options available regarding procurement and engagement of an asphalt provider to undertake its 2014/2015 Programme: 1. MSC to undertake its own Tendering and Procurement process 2. Enter into arrangements with Cairns Regional Council (CRC) to operate under the terms and conditions of the CRC preferred supplier contract arrangements and in accordance with section 235 (f) of the Local Government Act.
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Cairns Regional Council (CRC) has offered FNQROC member Councils the opportunity to take advantage of existing preferred supplier arrangements under its current contract with Pioneer North Queensland. Under section 235 (f) Mareeba Shire Council can negotiate with the CRC preferred supplier under the terms and conditions of CRC’s current preferred supplier arrangement; No.2424 - Supply, Delivery and Laying Of Asphaltic Concrete. The Local Government Regulations 2012 Section 235 (F), Delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 to negotiate, finalise and execute any and all matters associated with entering into contracts under this arrangement. Local Government Regulation 2012 Clause 235 (f); Section 235 Other Exceptions A local government may enter into a medium-sized contractual arrangement or largesized contractual arrangement without first inviting written quotes or tenders; if (a) the local government resolves it is satisfied that there is only 1 supplier who is reasonably available; or (b) the local government resolves that, because of the specialised or confidential nature of the services that are sought, it would be impractical or disadvantageous for the local government to invite quotes or tenders; or (c) a genuine emergency exists; or (d) the contract is for the purchase of goods and is made by auction; or (e) the contract is for the purchase of second-hand goods; or (f)
the contract is made with, or under an arrangement with, a government agency.
Pioneer North Queensland has provided Mareeba Shire Council with full service supply and delivery rates for the 2014/2015 programme to apply should Council elect to enter into preferred supplier arrangements with Cairns Regional Council. The tonnage weighted asphalt supply rates provided by Pioneer are very competitive in comparison to full service asphalt supply rates tendered for recent programmes. Preliminary assessment of the Pioneer asphalt rates indicate that the cost of asphalt per square metre will prove to be less than in previous years overall. Refer attached asphalt programme and Pioneer full service supply rates. CONSULTATION Internal Assets Technical Officer Manager Infrastructure Services Manager Works Coordinator Transport Infrastructure
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LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Annual Bitumen and Asphalt Reseals programme - $2.3M dollar budget allocation approved Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Yes If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NA IMPLEMENTATION/ COMMUNICATION Once Council has approved the budget and works programme the MSC bitumen reseal programme will be forwarded to FNQROC for PAN Materials assessment and provision of revised supply rates for inclusion under the regional bitumen reseal contracts two (2) year extension option. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2.
Proposed 2014/2015 Bitumen and Asphalt Reseal Programmes Full service supply rates provided by Pioneer North Qld
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7 July 2014
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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Technical Officer Projects Investigation DEPARTMENT:
Infrastructure Services, Technical Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Far North Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) has previously established a register of pre-qualified suppliers for the supply of Road Construction and Maintenance Services valid until 30 July 2014 with an option to extend the arrangement at Council’s discretion for a further period of twelve (12) months. The previous Tablelands Regional Council report and tender details are attached for Council consideration. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolves to approve a twelve (12) month extension option applying to FNQROC member council pre-qualified supplier arrangements for the provision of Road Construction and Maintenance Services for the 2014/2015 financial year." BACKGROUND Refer to the attached Tablelands Regional Council Report of 1 August 2013 relating to the FNQROC pre-qualified suppliers register. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services External FNQROC Regional Infrastructure Coordinator LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil
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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/ COMMUNICATION Contact FNQROC and advise Council's position. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2.
Tablelands Regional Council Report of 1 August 2013; Summary of Tenders FNQ003.
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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Director Infrastructure Services DEPARTMENT:
Infrastructure Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Minutes of the Mareeba Shire Council Traffic Advisory Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 are presented for Council’s information. The action items presented in the minutes of the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) are recommendations to Council. Council's endorsement or contrary view of the recommendations is required. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council notes the TAC meeting minutes of June 2014, and resolves to: 1. In respect to Item 14.06-03, write to the Department of Transport and Main Roads forwarding Mr O’Brien’s letter of request for comment; 2. In respect to Item 14.06-04, investigate the installation of “No Standing” signs on Lerra Street, Mareeba at statutory distance to the Byrnes Street intersection.” BACKGROUND The Traffic Advisory Committees (TAC) is a consultative committee of Council established to raise community and other representative body concerns in relation to traffic conditions with Council and the Department of Transport and Main Roads. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil Page 111
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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Internal resources for investigation and follow up actions. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION
Minutes of the Mareeba Shire Council Traffic Advisory Committee Meeting held 24 June 2014
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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Environmental Compliance Officer and Water and Waste Engineer DEPARTMENT:
Infrastructure Services
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Alternative day cover systems for the Mareeba Landfill have now been investigated through an Expression of Interest process. The submitted expressions of interest have been assessed against the selection criteria, pricing comparisons, referee checks and a comparison against Mackay Regional Council's experience. The spray application alternative day cover system has been found to be the most cost effective solution to achieve compliance with the environmental license, to improve workplace health and safety outcomes and to improve the efficiency and the profitability of the landfill. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council resolve to invite three written and sealed quotes for a spray application alternative day cover system in accordance with section 5.2 of Mareeba Shire Council's Procurement Policy." BACKGROUND Council resolved at its Ordinary Meeting on 05 March 2014 to undertake an Expression of Interest process to source information about current landfill day cover systems. Information sought was for products, specifications, sustainability and cost estimates for budgeting purposes. Expressions of Interest have now been sought and reviewed. It was also decided to provide a comparison of the submissions against another alternative system ("Tiled Belt Blanket") that is currently being utilised by Mackay Regional Council (MRC). This was undertaken as a way of providing a "reality check" to the assessment process as the Tiled Belt Blanket is an internally sourced product as opposed to the submissions which are externally sourced. Two submissions were received by Council by the closing date 17 April 2014. These were compared to the MRC Tiled Belt Blanket system. 1. Avantz environmental products: Avantz submitted details regarding the Posi-Shell Environmental Coating system. This system involves the spray application of a hydro - proprietary blend mineral emulsion coating to the Page 125
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active waste face. The unit is versatile in that it may also be used for interim cover, erosion control and hydroseeding. Upfront costs include the purchase of a hydroseeding trailer, sprayer and Posi-Shell Base Mix. Ongoing costs include product and maintenance of the unit. Photo 1 shows the Posi-Shell system in use. 2. Superior Environmental Services: The Tarpomatic system is a unit that mounts onto the front of a landfill compactor which comprises of a hydraulic drive motor and engaging system to unwind and rewind a tarp off a spool with variable speed control. Upfront costs for this unit include the automatic tarping machine, spool and three tarpaulins. Ongoing costs involve repair to tarps, replacement of tarps about every four years and maintenance of the machinery unit. Photo 2 shows the Tarpomatic in use. 3. MRC Tiled Belt Blanket: MRC periodically receives used conveyor belts generated from local mines. MRC decided to trial recycling these belts as an alternate day cover. The belts are attached together like tiles to assist stormwater run off. One side of the belt "blanket" was attached to a steel bar which was used to tow the blanket on and off the active waste face. The blanket is very heavy. Earth is still used to cover the edges of the system to ensure all waste is covered. MRC advise that the belt blanket has deteriorated considerably over the past two years. The tiled belt blanket makes use of a waste product that is available from time to time. This Council does not receive conveyor belt waste or similar at its landfill. The conveyor belts would need to be transported from Mackay. Photo 3 shows the Tile Belt Blanket ready for use. Assessment of Submissions: The submissions were assessed against the documented Expression of Interest's selection criteria, referee checks, comparative pricing and the "tiled belt blanket system". A summary of the findings are presented in Table 1. Table 1 Summary of Expressions of Interest analysis Posi-Shell
Tiled Belt Blanket
Qualitative Criteria
Compliance Criteria
Comparable except PosiShell also offers other beneficial uses.
Comparable - does not meet other operational needs.
NA Not an EoI submission. The tiled belt blanket does not meet minimum requirements.
Referee Checks
All interviewees were satisfied with their product
All interviewees were satisfied with their product
Interviewee was partially satisfied with product.
Comparative pricing
Upfront and ongoing costs significantly less than Tarpomatic and fits into the allocated fund in the approved Capital Works Program.
Upfront costs and tarp renewal costs are significantly more expensive than Posi-shell.
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Qualitative Criteria. The standard qualitative criteria were used; relevant experience, key personnel, respondents' resources, demonstrated understanding. The difference in results can be attributed to Tarpomatic providing a more refined submission and included details about the Company's resources. The Tile Belt Blanket system was not assessed against these criteria as it was not a formal submission under the Expression of Interest process. Compliance Criteria The compliance criteria includes compliance with the specification contained in the Expression of Interest documents, terms and conditions, lodgement by closing time and inclusion of a price schedule. Of special note is the assessment of compliance with the specification as it contains the mandatory requirements of environmental authority EPPR01792213. The specification sets the minimum standard that the product must achieve. The assessment of the products against the Specification are summarised in table 2. Table 2 Assessment of product against compliance criteria. Posi-Shell
Tiled Belt Blanket
Minimise landfill odours Control litter Prevent the spread of fire Control disease vectors Minimise stormwater infiltration Ensure that the landfill is trafficable Visual appearance is not detrimental to amenity of the area. Cost effectiveness compared to traditional day cover methods. Cover is able to be used daily Sufficient material available at tipping face
Partial (flame retardant)
Partial X X Partial
The cover does not create perched water conditions in the landfill profile. Desirable: Product meets other operational needs
Not able to be determined.
(Interim cover and erosion control)
Both Avantz Posi-Shell and Tarpomatic are able to meet the compliance criteria. The Avantz Posi-Shell system offers the added benefit of being able to provide interim cover, erosion control and hydroseeding. Erosion control at the landfill is a requirement of environmental authority EPPR01792213 that is currently in noncompliance. The Posi-Shell system may also be able to be used on local civil works projects when required. The Tiled Belt Blanket System does not meet the minimum requirements for a day cover system for the following reasons: The method of connection between the belts allows gaps to open when the blanket is pulled over an uneven surface. This allows for stormwater infiltration, disease vectors and odour emission. The conveyor belt source is dependant on waste material from the mining sector. This is an unreliable source for this Council. Tears in and between the belts are expected as the material is already degraded and is likely to "snag" on any protruding waste.
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The belt blanket system would not be cost effective compared to the other products as a number of blankets would need to be constructed; the blankets are dragged over the active waste face and would require manoeuvring into position; and the outer edges need to be covered with earth. There are no apparent time efficiencies to be obtained from this methodology. Referee Checks A number of references were sought for the alternative day cover systems submitted under the Expression of Interest process. References were provided in telephone conversations and written submissions. All referees were satisfied with their system. The MRC operator was partially satisfied with the Tiled Belt Blanket and indicated that they may not continue using the product. MRC's Tiled Belt Blanket is not considered further as it does not meet the minimum specifications. Comparative pricing Three options, including a "do nothing" option, were priced comparatively and extrapolated out over the remaining life span of the landfill to assess cost effectiveness. The "do nothing" option was based on utilising the current system of applying a layer of earth over of the active waste face and then removed the following day. Whilst both submissions offer very significant savings compared to utilising the current methodology, the Avantz Posi-Shell system is the least expensive system available. Upfront and ongoing operational costs were considered. Contingencies or abnormal situations were not considered.
Landfill Cover Cost Camparison (Capital plus Operating) $250 Do Nothing $200
Posi‐Shell Tarpomatic2
$0 1
Figure 1 Alternative Day Cover System Comparative Pricing
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Alternative Day Cover System Comparative Pricing Option analysis results 1
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Do Nothing
$72,919 $74,742 $76,611 $78,526 $80,489 $82,501 $84,564
$52,032 $17,605 $18,401 $19,220 $20,063 $20,931 $21,824
1 2
Tarpomatic2 $220,811 $2,227 $2,283 $2,340 $32,754 $2,459 $2,520
Year 8 9 10 11 12 13
Do Nothing $86,678 $88,845 $91,066 $93,343 $95,676 $98,068
Total $1,104,028 rate of inflation/discount rate of 2.5% there is an arbitrary allowance for one new tarp every four years. The life of a tarp includes many factors as indicated by the variation in tarp life given by referees: varied from 18 months to 7 years. there is a refurbishment cost of $5,000 (today's value) approximately every 10 years
$22,743 $23,689 $24,663 $25,664 $26,695 $27,755
$2,583 $36,154 $2,714 $8,8743 $2,851 $39,907
Conclusion Two submissions were received in response to the Expression of Interest. The findings were as follows: Both systems offer significant cost savings versus the current day cover methodology. The Tarpomatic has a significant upfront establishment cost and the added cost of repairs and replacement of tarpaulins. Both systems appear able to meet the requirements of the environmental authority and offer improvement in WPHS for the landfill operators. The Posi-Shell System can also be used to meet erosion control requirements onsite and on local civil works projects. The Tarpomatic system has inherent risks of tearing and ripping based on operator ability. The assessment process has found that the Posi -Shell System is the most cost effective and suitable alternative day cover system for the Mareeba Landfill. Procurement Policy Under Section 228(6) of the Local Government Act 2009, if Council invites Expressions of Interest, the local government may prepare a shortlist and invite written tenders from shortlisted parties. Council is not obligated to use the tender process to procure the Posi-Shell System. Rather, Council may use the afforded discretionary power to procure for a medium sized contract. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN The investigation into the day cover system for Mareeba Landfill links to the Corporate Plan outcome of "A Sustainable Environment". A suitable day cover system will directly minimise the impact that waste generated by humans has on the environment. This is a key strategy to achieve the specified outcomes of environmental protection and responsible environmental management for our Shire.
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Wednesday 16 July 2014
CONSULTATION Internal Internal consultations have occurred between the Landfill Supervisor, Operators, Technical Officer, Environmental Compliance Officer, Coordinator Waste and Chief Executive Officer. External The following consultations have occurred in relation to the assessment of the submissions: Water and Waste Engineer and referees: Posi-shell Awabba Waste Management Veolia Env. Services Ballina Waste Management Gunnedah Regional Council Broome Landfill Bunbury-Harvey Regional Council RedHill Waste Mangement Facility
Tarpomatic Mindarie Regional Council Toowoomba Regional Council Gosford City Council Cessnock City Council Hawksbury City Council Sita Environmental Solutions City of Marion
Water and Waste Engineer and Odour Control Systems International Ltd Similar alternative day cover system as Posi-Shell. Late submission. Environmental Compliance Officer and DEHP - Verbal discussion about the appropriateness of Tarpomatic and Posi-Shell in relation to meeting compliance with the environmental authority and future conditions. DEHP advised that as long as the systems meets the compliance criteria, it would be suitable. DEHP were supportive of any measures taken to achieve compliance. Water and Waste Engineer and Mackay Regional Council At the request of this Council's CEO, Mackay Regional Council's (MRC) Waste Coordinator was contacted to discuss and compare their alternative day cover system. LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) The environmental authority currently requires either: inert earthen material, biodegradable plastic sheeting or shredded green wastes to be used as day cover materials. The submitted day cover systems do not fit within these descriptions. This condition is outdated and not consistent with the DEHP's model landfill licence conditions and Landfill Operational Guideline. Council is currently in discussions with DEHP about moving towards the more outcome focused model licence conditions.
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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Yes Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes. The current operational budget for the landfill holds monies for environmental compliance measures. The Tarpomatic system's upfront cost would not be covered by the amount allocated. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1.
Date Prepared:
23 May 2014
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Photo 1: Avantz - Posi-Shell
Photo 2: Superior Environmental Services - Tarpomatic
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Photo 3: Mackay Regional Council - Tile Belt Blanket
Photo 4: Awaba Landfill Site, left view uncovered, right shows alternate day cover Page 133
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Photo 5: Applying Posi-shell day cover
Photo 6: Applying Posi-shell day cover
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SALE OF LOTS 1 & 2 CAROONA STREET, KURANDA Ordinary 16 July 2014
Office of the Chief Executive Officer
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is to obtain Councils endorsement of the previous resolution to sell Lots 1 & 2 Caroona Street, Kuranda and to delegate authority to the Mayor and CEO to set the reserve price and to negotiate and finalise the disposal of the land at or following the auction scheduled for 2 August 2014. The said lots were obtained when the Council acquired the old school site in Kuranda. The balance of the site is being converted into the Kuranda Community Precinct. These two (2) lots are superfluous to Councils needs and the funds raised by their sale will be used to defray expenses being incurred in developing the precinct. Attached is a copy of the previous resolution. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council approves the sale of Lots 1 & 2 Caroona Street, Kuranda and delegates authority to the Mayor and CEO to set the reserve prices and to negotiate and finalise the disposal of the land at or following the auction scheduled for 2 August 2014." BACKGROUND The said lots were part of the old school site in Kuranda which Council acquired from the State. The property, which is in the process of being developed as the Kuranda Community Precinct, has two (2) street frontages, the main entrance being on Arara Street and the other on Caroona Street. Along Caroona Street there is the old Kindergarten building which has now being split from the main lot as Lot 1 (1275 m2) and the adjoining vacant parcel as Lot 2 (965m2). The balance of the site is being developed as the Kuranda Community Precinct and will house the Library and other community facilities, along with some open space. There is in place a committee who are providing advice and direction on the development of the Precinct. It is the intention that the funds raised by the sale of these lots be used to defray expenses being incurred in developing the precinct. A local Real Estate agency has been appointed to conduct the auction of these two (2) lots on 2 August 2014. Officers have obtained a market valuation for lots. Page 135
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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Com 4 Encourage vibrant and active community participation in arts, culture and natural heritage activities to enrich lifestyle and encourage tourism. CONSULTATION Internal Councillors, Executive Management, Community Wellbeing External Kuranda Precinct Advisory Committee LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital The funds raised by the sale will be used to defray expenses incurred at the Precinct Operating Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION The auction is currently being advertised. ATTACHMENTS 1.
TRC resolution regarding the Kuranda Precinct
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