Council Meeting Agenda 21 May 2014

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Ordinary Meeting Council Chambers Date: 21 May 2014 Time: 9:00am



Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014

ORDER OF BUSINESS MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL BUSINESS BEREAVEMENTS DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS DEPUTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS 9:30am - Lara Wilde CEO of Gulf Savannah Development will discuss the purpose of Gulf Savannah Development, the advantages of being a member and the levels of membership available. CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES .................................................................................5 REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING ............................................................................................ 5 ITEM-1 2014/2015 Financial Year Cost Recovery Fees For Urban And Regional Planning ......................................................................................................................5 ITEM-2 Change of Development Approval - Sibi Girgenti Holdings PTY LTD Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 lot into 63 lots in 6 stages) - Lot 208 on RP744274 - Malone road, Mareeba - REC/09/0016 .................................................17 ITEM-3 Sustainable Planning (Infrastructure Charges) Amendment Bill 2014 ......................147 BUILDING AND PLUMBING SERVICES................................................................................. 153 ITEM-4 2014/2015 Cost Recovery Fees for Building and Plumbing Services.......................153 COMMUNITY WELLBEING ..................................................................................................... 161 ITEM-5 RADF Program 2014/15............................................................................................161 FACILITIES .............................................................................................................................. 181 ITEM-6 Kuranda Village Cleaning Contract ...........................................................................181 ITEM-7 Extension of Tenancy Agreement of Mt Molloy lease of house 12 Fraser Road CONFIDENTIAL......................................................................................................187 FINANCE.................................................................................................................................. 189 ITEM-8 Financial Statements for the Period Ending 30 April 2014........................................189 ITEM-9 2014/2015 Fees and Charges for Cemeteries and Finance .....................................197 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES...................................................................................................201 TECHNICAL SERVICES.......................................................................................................... 201 ITEM-10 Kuranda Pedestrian, Traffic and Parking Study ........................................................201 WORKS.................................................................................................................................... 211 ITEM-11 Tender Evaluation TMSC2014-15 Supply and Delivery of Sull Service Seal Including Traffic Control - Ootann Road .................................................................211 ITEM-12 Infrastructure Services, Construction & Maintenance - Progress Report - April 2014 ........................................................................................................................213 Water & WASTE....................................................................................................................... 219 ITEM-13 Application for Adjustment of Water Consumption - 92 Wolfram Road, Dimbulah ...219 ITEM-14 Infrastructure Services, Waste Operations - Progress Report - April 2014...............223 ITEM-15 Infrastructure Services, Water and Wastewater Group - Monthly Operations April 2014................................................................................................................229 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ......................................................................................................241 MEDIA AND EVENTS .............................................................................................................. 241 ITEM-16 Mareeba Shire Logo..................................................................................................241

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BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE ....................................................................................................246 NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL.....................................................................................................246

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the recommended 2014/2015 cost recovery fees for Urban and Regional Planning activities for Council's consideration and endorsement. The process costs as calculated for the cost recovery fees for 2014/2015 are outlined. The fees listed include current fees, calculated or process costs and the proposed fees. The underlying basis for the proposed fees and charges is cost recovery and as such, a methodology similar to that used by the former Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) for the 2013/2014 fees and charges has been used. In general, a minor increase equivalent to the Council Cost Index (CCI) or below is proposed for most fees. Infrastructure assessments undertaken as part of the preparation of the draft TRC Planning Scheme (Priority Infrastructure Plan) have established that the current infrastructure charges for Mareeba are approximately 67% of what is actually required to fund current and future development infrastructure needs. Continuing to charge for infrastructure at lower than actual cost is unsustainable over the long term. It is also acknowledged that applying a one off increase to address the shortfall is likely to have a negative impact on development. It is therefore recommended that Council spread the necessary increase over a five (5) year period. For the 2014/2015 financial year, a 10.03% (2.6% CCI + 7.43% PIP parity adjustment) increase is proposed to the 2013/14 base infrastructure charge of $3,790.00. The proposed 2014/15 base infrastructure charge is $4,170.00. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the proposed fees for Urban and Regional Planning for 2014/15 as per the schedule attached."

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BACKGROUND The basis for the cost recovery fees has been to calculate actual costs to provide the service. Section 97 of Local Government Act 2009 prescribes the circumstances where a Local Government may set a cost-recovery fee. This section also prescribes that a cost- recovery fee must not be more than the cost to the local government of taking the action for which the fee is charged. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time. CONSULTATION Internal Finance Officer, Finance Manager External NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Council must be able to demonstrate that the cost recovery fees are no more than the cost of providing the service. Council is able to set a fee that is lower than the calculated cost where it is deemed appropriate. POLICY IMPLICATIONS NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION On adoption of the 2014/2015 fees, the schedule of cost recovery fees will need to be updated. The charge controls in the Council's corporate system (Property & Rating) will need to be updated prior to the commencement of the 2014/2015 financial year. The website will also need to be updated to reflect the new fees. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Cost Recovery Fees Urban and Regional Planning

Date Prepared:

12 May 2014

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Corporate and Community Services

APPLICATION PREMISES 58 Malone Road, Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty ADDRESS APPLICANT Mareeba Ltd 28 March 2014 Lot 208 on SP261005 DATE REQUEST RPD (formerly Lot 208 on FOR CHANGE TO RP744274) DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL LODGED Development Permit TYPE OF APPROVAL PROPOSED Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 Into 63 Lots) in 6 Stages DEVELOPMENT REC/09/0016 28.84 ha AREA Jim Papas Drafting Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty Ltd OWNER Pty Ltd Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (amendment no. 1 of 2007)



Rural (Preliminary Approval - Rural Residential) Code Assessment N/A

1. 2. 3. 4.

Notice of Decision on Request to Change a Development Approval dated 12 September 2013 Applicant’s request to change development approval dated 26 March 2014 Applicant’s request to change development approval dated 12 May 2014 Concurrence Agency response (DSDIP) dated 30 April 2014

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council approved a development application described in the above application details at its meeting held on 18 August 2010, subject to conditions. A request for a Negotiated Decision Notice was approved by Council at its meeting held on 16 March 2011. Subsequent requests to Change the Development Approval were approved on 6 December 2012 and 11 September 2013. The application was code assessable and was not required to undergo public notification. Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd, on behalf of the applicant has lodged a further application to change the development approval. The change sought is to amend the approved lot layout by reducing the number of lots from 63 lots to 12 lots. The typical lot size would increase from 4,000 square metres to approximately 2 hectares and allotments would be serviced by on site water supplies rather than connections to the Mareeba reticulated water network. Consequential amendments are necessary to multiple conditions to reflect the planning scheme's different (lesser) infrastructure standards for two (2) hectare rural residential allotments. The applicant has also requested that the value of the Malone Road frontage works (Condition 4.4) be credited towards the external road contribution and the open space infrastructure charge payable for each allotment be reduced because of the generous size of each allotment and the dedication of the Cobra Creek drainage area. Statutory Guideline 06/09 (Substantially different development when changing applications and approvals) provides assistance to the assessment manager in determining if a proposed change constitutes a substantially different development. It is considered that the proposed changes will not result in a substantially different development and constitute a permissible change under section 367 of SPA. It is recommended that several existing conditions be amended, and an amended Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice for the reduced number of lots and reduced infrastructure (deletion of reticulated water), be issued. It is not recommended that Council agree to the applicant's request to reduce the open space infrastructure charge or to credit the value of the Malone Road frontage works towards the external road contribution.


In relation to the application to change the following development approval:

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APPLICATION PREMISES Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty 58 Malone Road, ADDRESS Ltd Mareeba 28 March 2014 Lot 208 on SP261005 DATE REQUEST RPD (formerly Lot 208 on FOR CHANGE TO RP744274) DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL LODGED Development Permit TYPE OF APPROVAL Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 Into 63 Lots) in 6 Stages PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT

and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, as amended: (A)

The details of the approval of Council's Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 1.

Details of the approval This Decision Notice approves a Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot – 1 Lot into 12 Lots in 3 stages made assessable by the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004.


The details of premises and approved use of Council's Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 3.



58 Malone Road, Mareeba

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo



31.2 hectares


Stage 1 - creating 5 rural residential lots Stage 2 - creating 3 rural residential lots Stage 3 - creating 4 rural residential lots

The approved plan/s of Councils Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 3.



The approved plans and/or documents for this development approval are listed in the following table:

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Plan/Document Number 1114-SK3 Amdt A 1114-C40 Amdt B 1114-C41 Amdt B 1114 - SK16 Amdt C 1296-SK1 Amdt D


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Plan/Document Title


Belleview Estate Bellevue Estate - Stage 5A Bellevue Estate - Stage 5A Bellevue Estate - Stage 1 (Amended Staging Plan) Bellevue Estate

May 2009 July 2012 July 2012 July 2012 12.05.14

Condition 3.8 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 3.8 Bushfire Management (i)

Buildings and Structures (Lots greater than 2, 500m2): -



are sited in locations of lowest hazard within the lot; achieve setbacks from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; are 10 metres from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation; are sited so that elements of the development least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard.

Firebreak to Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve A 10 metre wide firebreak must be maintained within proposed Lots 307, 308, 309 and 310 adjoining and along the full length of their common boundary with the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve.


Condition 4.2 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 4.2 Access Access must be constructed to each allotment in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer.


Condition 4.4 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 4.4 Frontage Works The developer is required to upgrade the frontage to Malone Road in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Prior to works commencing, plans for the works described above must be approved as part of an Operational Works application.


Condition 4.5 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: Page 20

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4.5 Roadworks – Internal – All Stages Internal roads must be constructed to Rural Road standard in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. A temporary turnaround area, with gravel surface, must be provided at the end of the new road construction adjacent to the balance area of the overall subdivision to allow traffic manoeuvring. (H)

Condition 4.6 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 4.6 Water Supply The developer must provide each allotment with an adequate water supply in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 1 Water Supply (outside reticulated water supply area) or via a supply from a watercourse, provided the following can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer: -

the watercourse has sufficient flow and is perennial in all but the driest years; and the site has a riparian boundary to the waterway; OR the applicant can demonstrate that the Department of Natural Resources and Mines is prepared to grant a water licence for the proposed lot.

The developer must demonstrate that any water supply can satisfy the standards for drinking water set by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2004 (National Health and Medical Research Council and the National Resource Management Ministerial Council). (I)

Condition 4.8 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 4.8 Electricity provision/supply The applicant/developer must ensure that an appropriate level of electricity supply is provided to each allotment in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Written advice from an Electricity Service Provider is to be provided to Council indicating that an agreement has been made for the provision of power reticulation.


Condition 4.12 of Council’s Negotiated Decision Notice issued on 22 March 2011 be amended as follows: 4.12 Agricultural Buffering – Stage 3 4.12.1

A 20 metre wide vegetated buffer is to be planted within the approved drainage and recreation reserve (Lot 313). The buffer shall be landscaped in accordance with a professionally prepared landscaping

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plan which must be submitted to Council for approval by Council's delegated officer prior to planting commencing. At a minimum, the additional vegetation planting must consist of at least two (2) rows of additional vegetation planted on either side of Cobra Creek. The landscaping plan must also include FNQROC Development Manual standard pathways within the drainage and recreation reserve and road reserve back to the cul-de-sac head, for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The pathways must be constructed by the applicant prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. The vegetation must have a minimum height at maturity of four (4) metres. All trees and shrubs planted as part of the buffer must achieve a minimum average height of 800 mm above ground level prior to Council's endorsement of the survey plan for the first stage. The vegetation buffer must be maintained by the applicant and must achieve a minimum average height of two (2) metres prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. 4.12.2

Vegetation planting carried out as per Condition 4.12.1, shall be maintained for all areas, as follows:   

replacement of trees / shrubs / plantings as required site maintenance shall include mowing / slashing Vegetation buffer maintenance is to be continued throughout the Defects Liability Period until date of Final Acceptance

Contrary to Section D9.23 Paragraph 7 of the FNQROC Manual, the maintenance period for the vegetation buffer shall be a minimum of two (2) years. 2.

That an amended Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice be issued for the following infrastructure Charges for:

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Current Amount of Charge

Augmentation of the Road Network Contributions (Mareeba East)




Open Space Contributions




Infrastructure Charge Stage 1: 5 lots

Total Stage 1 Charges


Stage 2: 3 lots Augmentation of the Road Network Contributions (Mareeba East)




Open Space Contributions




Total Stage 2 Charges


Stage 3: 4 lots


Augmentation of the Road Network Contributions (Mareeba East)




Open Space Contributions




Total Stage 3 Charges




A Notice of Decision on Request to Change a Development Approval be issued to the applicant and referral agencies advising of Council’s decision.�

THE SITE The subject site is situated at 58 Malone Road, Mareeba, and described as Lot 208 on SP261005, Parish of Tinaroo, County of Nares (formerly Lot 208 on RP744274). The site is irregularly shaped with a balance area of 26.96 hectares and is zoned Rural under the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme. Access to the site is obtained off Malone Road. The subject site has a total frontage of 412 metres onto Malone Road which is currently constructed to bitumen sealed standard for the entire frontage. The initial 655 metres of Malone Road is constructed to a sealed width of 7.2 metres before reducing to 6 metres width for the remaining frontage. The majority of the site has been cleared of remnant vegetation and is partly used for farming (fruit plantation). Small tracts of 'not of concern' remnant vegetation remain along Cobra Creek which bisects the south-western end of the subject site. At the time of the initial approval, the subject land contained a dwelling house and large farm shed, however both structures have since been excised onto separate Lot 63 on SP217451. Page 23

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Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability

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in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

Allotments adjoining the south-eastern and north-western boundary of the subject land are zoned Rural Residential.

BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 22 October 2008 resolved that in relation to the application lodged with Council on 5 February 2008 by Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd on behalf of S Brischetto for Material Change of Use and Reconfiguring a Lot in respect of Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo, located at 58 Malone Road, Mareeba, to issue a Preliminary Approval overriding the Planning Scheme to allow development of Lot 208 on RP744724 in accordance with the Rural Residential Zone. On the 18 August 2010, Council approved the subsequent reconfiguration application made by Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd, on behalf of S & R Brischetto for the issue of a development permit for Reconfiguring a Lot - Subdivision (1 into 63 Lots) in 5 stages on land described as Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo, situated at 58 Malone Road, Mareeba. The decision notice was issued on 24 August 2010. A subsequent request for a negotiated decision notice was approved at Council's Ordinary Meeting held on 16 March 2011. The negotiated decision notice was issued on 22 March 2011. Two (2) further requests for change of development approval were approved on 6 December 2012 and 11 September 2013 respectively. Jim Papas Drafting Pty Ltd has now lodged a further request to change the existing approval on behalf of Sibi Girgenti Holdings Pty Ltd, the current land owner (Attachments 2 & 3). The change sought is to amend the approved lot layout by reducing the number of lots from 63 lots to 12 lots. The typical lot size would increase from 4,000 square metres to approximately two (2) hectares and allotments would be serviced by on site water supplies rather than connections to the Mareeba reticulated water network. Consequential amendments are necessary to multiple conditions to reflect the planning scheme's different (lesser) infrastructure standards for two (2) hectare rural residential allotments. The applicant has also requested that the value of the Malone Road frontage works (Condition 4.4) be credited towards the external road contribution and the open space infrastructure charge payable for each allotment be reduced because of the generous size of each allotment and the dedication of the Cobra Creek drainage area.

ASSESSMENT AND DECISION REQUIREMENTS Permissible change for a development approval The requested changes to the development approval must constitute a permissible change under section 367 of SPA. For deciding whether a change is a permissible change the planning instruments in force at the time of the request apply. A permissible change to the approval would not:ď€

result in a substantially different development

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Statutory Guideline 06/09 (Substantially different development when changing applications and approvals) provides assistance to the assessment manager in determining if a proposed change constitutes a substantially different development. The following list provided in the Statutory Guideline identifies changes that may result in a substantially different development and would therefore not be a permissible change under SPA. The list is intended as a guide and is not intended to be exhaustive. A change may result in a substantially different development if the proposed change: Involves a new use with different or additional impacts Results in the application applying to a new parcel of land Dramatically changes the built form in terms of scale, bulk and appearance Changes the ability of the proposal to operate as intended Removes a component that is integral to the operation of the development  Significantly impacts on traffic flow and the transport network, such as increasing traffic to the site Introduces new impacts or increases the severity of known impacts  Removes an incentive or offset component that would have balanced a negative impact of the development Impacts on infrastructure provision, location or demand It is considered that the proposed change will not result in a substantially different development. 

require referral to additional concurrence agencies The proposed change does not result in a development requiring referral to additional concurrence agencies.


for an approval for assessable development that previously did not required impact assessment – require impact assessment The proposed change does not result in a change to the level of assessment.


for an approval for assessable development that previously required impact assessment – be likely, in the responsible entity’s opinion, to cause a person to make a properly made submission objecting to the proposed change, if the circumstance allowed The proposed change does not give rise to matters which may have attracted further submissions. Nor does the proposed change lessen or delete conditions which were imposed to mitigate impacts of the development.


cause development to which the approval relates to include any prohibited development. The proposed change does not include any prohibited development.

The proposed change to the development approval constitutes a permissible change to the approval. Assessment rules Section 374 of SPA requires that Council must assess the proposed change having regard to:

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the information the person making the request included with the request The details of the request to change the approval were provided by the applicant in letters to Council dated 26 March 2014 and 12 May 2014 (Attachments 2 & 3). The proposed changes and response are addressed in the body of this report.


the matters the responsible entity would have regard to if the request were a development application Relevant Planning Instruments If a new application was lodged for this proposal it would be assessed against generally the same planning instruments as was the original development application. Applicable Planning Instruments 

Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 The application was assessed and approved under the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004. This Planning Scheme remains in force.


Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 The State Regulatory Provisions for the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 20092031 placed the subject land into the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area. Development Approval REC/09/0016 was inconsistent with this designation. These State Regulatory Provisions were repealed in 2012.


Draft TRC Planning Scheme The draft TRC Planning Scheme was publicly notified in early 2013. planning scheme places the subject land into the Rural Residential zone.

The draft

Development Approval REC/09/0016 is consistent with the draft planning scheme. 

State Planning Policies State Planning Policy - December 2013 consolidates most of the former separate state planning policies into a single document. The areas of state interest that would be applicable to a new development application are not significantly different to those applicable to the original development application. The changed development is not considered to conflict with State Planning Policy December 2013.

Infrastructure Charges/Contributions An Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice (AICN) has been issued for development approval REC/09/0016. Should Council agree to the change proposed by the applicant, the AICN will require amendment to reflect the reduced lot numbers and stages. Page 27

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All infrastructure contributions will remain payable at the rate applicable at the time of payment. 

if submissions were made about the original application – the submissions The original development application was Code Assessable and therefore was not subject to public notification.


any notice about the request given under section 373 (notices from Concurrence Agencies) to the entity The original application triggered referral to the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Department of Natural Resources and Mines as Concurrence Agencies. Following recent State Government planning reforms on 1 July 2013, the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) was introduced in order to better manage the State's involvement in the assessment of development applications for which a state agency has jurisdiction (Concurrence and Advice Agencies). Under these changes, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning became the single assessment manager or referral agency for these development applications. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning advised in a letter dated 30 April 2014 that they have no objection to the proposed change (Attachment 4).


any pre-request response notice about the request No pre-request response notices were received.

REQUEST TO CHANGE THE DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Description of approved development 1.

Details of the approval This Decision Notice approves a Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot – 1 Lot into 62 Lots in 5 Stages made assessable by the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004.

Comment The amended lot layout reduces the number of proposed lots from 62 to 12 lots. The amended development will proceed as a rural residential (2 hectare) development in accordance with Section 4.46 Reconfiguring a Lot, Probable Solution PS1 of the Rural Residential Zone Code. It is therefore recommended that the description of the approved development be amended as follows: 1.

Details of the approval This Decision Notice approves a Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot – 1 Lot into 12 62 Lots in 3 stages 5 stages made assessable by the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004.

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Details of Premises and Approved Use 3.



58 Malone Road, Mareeba


Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo


31.2 hectares


Stage 1 - creating 22 rural residential lots Stage 2 - creating 11 rural residential lots Stage 3 - creating 9 rural residential lots Stage 4 - creating 11 rural residential lots Stage 5 - creating 10 rural residential lots

Comment The amended lot layout reduces the number of proposed lots from 62 to 12 lots. The amended development will proceed as a rural residential (2 hectare) development in accordance with Section 4.46 Reconfiguring a Lot, Probable Solution PS1 of the Rural Residential Zone Code. It is therefore recommended that the description of the approved development be amended as follows: 3.



58 Malone Road, Mareeba


Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo


31.2 hectares


Stage 1 - creating 5 rural residential lots Stage 2 - creating 3 rural residential lots Stage 3 - creating 4 rural residential lots Stage 1 - creating 22 rural residential lots Stage 2 - creating 11 rural residential lots Stage 3 - creating 9 rural residential lots Stage 4 - creating 11 rural residential lots Stage 5 - creating 10 rural residential lots

Approved Plan/s 3.



The approved plans and/or documents for this development approval are listed in the following table:

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Plan/Document Number 1114-SK3 Amdt A 1114-C40 Amdt B 1114-C41 Amdt B 1114 - SK16 Amdt C

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Plan/Document Title


Belleview Estate Bellevue Estate - Stage 5A Bellevue Estate - Stage 5A Bellevue Estate - Stage 1 (Amended Staging Plan)

May 2009 July 2012 July 2012 July 2012

Comment The amended lot layout reduces the number of proposed lots from 62 to 12 lots. The amended development will proceed as a rural residential (2 hectare) development in accordance with Section 4.46 Reconfiguring a Lot, Probable Solution PS1 of the Rural Residential Zone Code. It is therefore recommended that the details of the approved plan should be changed as follows: (B)

Approved Plans The approved plans and/or documents for this development are listed in the following table:

Plan/Document Number 1114-SK3 Amdt A 1114-C40 Amdt B 1114-C41 Amdt B 1114-SK16 Amdt C 1296-SK1 Amdt D

Plan/Document Title


Belleview Estate Bellevue Estate - Stage 5A Bellevue Estate - Stage 5A Bellevue Estate - Stage (Amended Staging Plan) Bellevue Estate

May 2009 July 2012 July 2012 04.07.2013



Condition 3.8 - Bushfire Management 3.8

Bushfire Management (i)

Buildings and Structures (Lots greater than 2, 500m2): -


are sited in locations of lowest hazard within the lot; achieve setbacks from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; are 10 metres from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation; are sited so that elements of the development least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard.

Firebreak to Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve A ten (10) metre wide firebreak must be maintained within proposed Lots 10 - 14 adjoining and along the full length of their common boundary with the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve.


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A minor amendment to Condition 3.8 is required due to the revised lot layout and lot numbers. The provision and maintenance of a 10 metre wide fire break adjoining the proposed Cobra Creek drainage and recreation reserve is required as a component of the agriculture buffering for this development. It is therefore recommended that condition 3.8 be amended as follows: 3.8

Bushfire Management (i)

Buildings and Structures (Lots greater than 2, 500m2): -


are sited in locations of lowest hazard within the lot; achieve setbacks from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; are 10 metres from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation; are sited so that elements of the development least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard.

Firebreak to Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve A ten (10) metre wide firebreak must be maintained within proposed Lots 307, 308, 309 and 310 Lots 10 - 14 adjoining and along the full length of their common boundary with the Cobra Creek Drainage and Recreation Reserve.

Condition 4.2 - Access 4.2

Access Access must be constructed to each allotment in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. A bitumen sealed driveway shall be provided within any battleaxe lot access handle. The driveway will:-

have a minimum formation width of 3 metres be constructed for the full length of the access handle be formed with one-way crossfall to cater for stormwater drainage such that any stormwater runoff is contained within the access strip Conduits within access strip - service and utility conduits are to be provided for the full length of the concrete or sealed driveway constructed within the access handle of the battle axe allotment(s).

Request by Applicant This condition refers primarily to battle axe allotments and access across Cobra Creek. These aspects are no longer required. Only the first sentence of this condition should remain as follows: 4.2

Access Access must be constructed to each allotment in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Page 31

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Response Agreed. Condition 4.2 can be amended to the shortened version proposed by the applicant. Access to the proposed drainage reserve is covered in Condition 4.12. It is recommended Condition 4.2 be amended as follows: 4.2

Access Access must be constructed to each allotment in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. A bitumen sealed driveway shall be provided within any battleaxe lot access handle. The driveway will:-

have a minimum formation width of 3 metres be constructed for the full length of the access handle be formed with one-way crossfall to cater for stormwater drainage such that any stormwater runoff is contained within the access strip Conduits within access strip - service and utility conduits are to be provided for the full length of the concrete or sealed driveway constructed within the access handle of the battle axe allotment(s).

Condition 4.4 - Frontage Works - Stage 1 4.4

Frontage Works - Stage 1 The developer is required to construct the following works, designed in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer: (a)

The applicant must widen Malone Road, on the development side only, for the frontage of proposed Lots 24 to 31 on Drawing No 1114-SK16 Amdt C to a constructed width of 5 metres from the existing Malone Road centreline in accordance with the Mareeba Shire Planning Policy No. 4 Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council's Delegated Officer.


The applicant must provide layback kerbing and channelling along Malone Road, on the development side only, for the frontage of proposed Lots 24 to 31 on Drawing No 1114-SK16 Amdt C in accordance with the Mareeba Shire Planning Policy No. 4 - Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council's Delegated Officer.

Prior to works commencing, plans for the works described above must be approved as part of an Operational Works application. Request by Applicant This condition should be amended to remove the reference to Stage 1 and the condition should read as follows: Page 32

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Frontage Works The developer is required to upgrade the frontage to Malone Road in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Prior to works commencing, plans for the works described above must be approved as part of an Operational Works application. The value (as agreed by Council's delegated officer) of the external works required under this condition shall be credited towards any contribution required under Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme Policy No. 6: Augmentation of the Road Network Contribution.

Response The proposed change from 4,000 square metre rural residential allotments to two (2) hectare rural residential allotments means that the planning scheme would no longer trigger kerb and channelling as part of the development. Accordingly, the applicant's proposed amendment to Condition 4.4 to remove the requirement for kerb and channel is appropriate. The works would need to be completed during the first stage of the development. The applicant's request to include the additional clause to allow the value of these frontage works to be credited towards the external road contribution is not acceptable. These works will consist of the widening of Malone Road by approximately one (1) metre for the frontage of the subject land. They are not external works and crediting them as such would be inconsistent with the way in which Council has conditioned previous developments. It is recommended Condition 4.4 be amended as follows: 4.4

Frontage Works - Stage 1 The developer is required to upgrade the frontage to Malone Road in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. The developer is required to construct the following works, designed in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer: (a) The applicant must widen Malone Road, on the development side only, for the frontage of proposed Lots 24 to 31 on Drawing No 1114-SK16 Amdt C to a constructed width of 5 metres from the existing Malone Road centreline in accordance with the Mareeba Shire Planning Policy No. 4 - Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council's Delegated Officer. (b) The applicant must provide layback kerbing and channelling along Malone Road, on the development side only, for the frontage of proposed Lots 24 to 31 on Drawing No 1114-SK16 Amdt C in accordance with the Mareeba Shire Planning Policy No. 4 - Development Manual, to the satisfaction of Council's Delegated Officer. Page 33

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Prior to works commencing, plans for the works described above must be approved as part of an Operational Works application.

Condition 4.5 - Roadworks 4.5

Roadworks – Internal – All Stages Internal roads must be constructed to Residential Street standard in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. A temporary turnaround area, with gravel surface, must be provided at the end of the new road construction adjacent to the balance area of the overall subdivision to allow traffic manoeuvring.

Request by Applicant As the proposal is for substantially fewer lots, the condition should be amended to reflect the appropriate road construction standard. Internal roads must be constructed to Rural Residential Road standard in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Response The proposed change from 4,000 square metre rural residential allotments to two (2) hectare rural residential allotments means that the planning scheme would no longer trigger residential street standard as part of the development. Accordingly, amendment of Condition 4.5 to reference the Rural Road Standard instead of Residential Street Standard is appropriate. Due to the staging of the development, it is appropriate to retain the temporary turnaround provisions. It is recommended Condition 4.5 be amended as follows: 4.5

Roadworks – Internal – All Stages Internal roads must be constructed to Rural Road Residential Street standard in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) for the applicable planning scheme area to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. A temporary turnaround area, with gravel surface, must be provided at the end of the new road construction adjacent to the balance area of the overall subdivision to allow traffic manoeuvring.

Condition 4.6 - Water Supply Page 34

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Water Supply 4.6.1

Where the existing reticulated water supply does not currently service the site or is not at an adequate capacity, the developer is required to extend the reticulated water supply infrastructure to connect the site to Council's existing infrastructure at a point that has sufficient capacity to service the development in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended).


The following reticulated water supply infrastructure upgrades must be undertaken by the developer: Option A (i)

A connection into the existing 375 mm diameter water main in Lloyd Street (at the corner of Constance Street). This connection must be a DN300 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line A) to a point where the cross river boring commences (Line B).


The cross river pipe must be a PE DN400 (Line B) which is to be directionally drilled under the Barron River, flanged at each end and extended to the eastern side of the Hastie Road reserve; a flanged Tee must be provided by the applicant to connect the cross river pipe to the DN300 pipe to the left and the DN200 pipe to the right at the outlet on the eastern side of the Hastie Road reserve.


From Line B, a DN200 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line C) must extend to the current western end of the DN150 main on Hastie Road.


Installation of a PVC DN200 main (Line D) from the current eastern end of the DN150 main on Hastie Rd to the proposed water pump station within the Godfrey Road road reserve.


From the proposed water pump station within the Godfrey Road road reserve, a DN200 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line E) will extend in an easterly direction along the Godfrey Road road reserve to the intersection of Malone Road and the Kennedy Highway.


From Line E, a DN150 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line F) will extend along Malone Road to Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo.

(vii) Lines A, B, C, D and E are in excess of the DN150 pipes required to service the proposed development and as such Council will be responsible for the agreed cost differential in accordance with (viii) and (ix). (viii) The amount of Council's contribution shall be: (a)

The difference in agreed cost only between Page 35

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Line A and the DN150 water main required to service the proposed development only;


Line B and the DN180 SDR9 (PN20) Polyethylene pipe water main required to service the proposed development only;


Line C and the DN150 water main required to service the proposed development only;


Line D and the DN150 water main required to service the proposed development only; and


Line E and the DN150 water main required to service the proposed development only.

The cost difference between a flanged Tee to connect DN180 SDR9 (PN20) Polyethylene pipe with DN150 PVCO (or equivalent), and a flanged Tee to connect the PE DN400 pipe with the DN300 pipe to the left and the DN200 pipe to the right at the outlet on the eastern side of the Hastie Road reserve.

The cost and the amount of Council's contribution must be agreed with the General Manager Infrastructure and Maintenance Services prior to the commencement of construction based upon three (3) quotes.

OR Option B (i)

Prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 1, the developer must enter into an infrastructure agreement requiring the developer to contribute per additional allotment created (currently $487.00 per lot) towards the construction of the following water infrastructure upgrades: 

A connection into the existing 375 mm diameter water main in Lloyd Street (at the corner of Constance Street). This connection must be a DN300 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line A) to a point where the cross river boring commences (Line B).


The cross river pipe must be a PE DN400 (Line B) which is to be directionally drilled under the Barron River, flanged at each end and extended to the eastern side of the Hastie Road reserve; a flanged Tee must be provided to connect the cross river pipe to the DN300 pipe to the left and the DN200 pipe to the right at the outlet on the eastern side of the Hastie Road reserve.

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From Line B, a DN200 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line C) must extend to the current western end of the DN150 main on Hastie Road.


Installation of a PVC DN200 main (Line D) from the current eastern end of the DN150 main on Hastie Rd to the proposed water pump station within the Godfrey Road road reserve.

The amount of the contribution shall be adjusted on 30th June each financial year in accordance with the Consumer Price Index. Council will complete the stated water infrastructure upgrades within six (6) months of the issue of the Development Permit for operational works for Stage 1 of Bellevue Estate. (ii)

From the proposed water pump station within the Godfrey Road road reserve, a DN200 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line E) will extend in an easterly direction along the Godfrey Road road reserve to the intersection of Malone Road and the Kennedy Highway.


From Line E, a DN150 PN16 PVCO (or equivalent) pipe (Line F) will extend along Malone Road to Lot 208 on RP744274, Parish of Tinaroo.


Line E is in excess of the DN150 pipe required to service the proposed development and as such Council will be responsible for the agreed cost differential in accordance with (v) and (vi).


The amount of Council's contribution shall be the difference in agreed cost only between Line E and the DN150 water main required to service the proposed development only.


The cost and the amount of Council's contribution must be agreed with the General Manager Infrastructure and Maintenance Services prior to the commencement of construction based upon 3 quotes.

(vii) The plan of survey for Stage 1 of Bellevue Estate will not be signed by Council until the water infrastructure upgrades specified in (i) are completed by Council. 4.6.3

A water service connection must be provided to each proposed lot in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer.

Request by Applicant As the proposal is for 12 lots there is no requirement for connection to Council's reticulated water supply. The attached report by Rob Lait & Associates confirms that there is sufficient water, at sufficient quality and sufficient volumes (pressure) to supply the proposed development. Page 37

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The condition should be amended to read: The developer must provide each allotment with an adequate water supply in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 1 Water Supply (outside reticulated water supply area). Response The proposed change from 4,000 square metre rural residential allotments to two (2) hectare rural residential allotments means that the planning scheme would no longer trigger a reticulated water supply as part of the development. Accordingly, amendment of Condition 4.6 to reference a water supply in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 1 Water Supply (outside reticulated water supply area) is appropriate. The amendment would allow the water supply for each allotment to be provided either via water bore or riparian access to a perennial water course (Cobra Creek). It is recommended Condition 4.6 be amended as follows: 4.6

Water Supply The developer must provide each allotment with an adequate water supply in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 1 Water Supply (outside reticulated water supply area) or via a supply from a watercourse, provided the following can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer: -

the watercourse has sufficient flow and is perennial in all but the driest years; and the site has a riparian boundary to the waterway; OR the applicant can demonstrate that the Department of Natural Resources and Mines is prepared to grant a water licence for the proposed lot.

The developer must demonstrate that any water supply can satisfy the standards for drinking water set by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2004 (National Health and Medical Research Council and the National Resource Management Ministerial Council).

Condition 4.8 - Electricity provision/supply 4.8

Electricity provision/supply The applicant/developer must ensure that an appropriate level of electricity supply is provided to each allotment in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Written advice from an Electricity Service Provider is to be provided to Council indicating that an agreement has been made for the provision of underground power reticulation. Page 38

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Response The proposed change from 4,000 square metre rural residential allotments to 2 hectare rural residential allotments means that the planning scheme would no longer trigger underground power reticulation. Accordingly, amendment of Condition 4.8 to delete the word underground allows the developer to provide either overhead or underground power reticulation. It is recommended Condition 4.8 be amended as follows: 4.8

Electricity provision/supply The applicant/developer must ensure that an appropriate level of electricity supply is provided to each allotment in accordance with FNQROC Development Manual standards (as amended) to the satisfaction of Council’s delegated officer. Written advice from an Electricity Service Provider is to be provided to Council indicating that an agreement has been made for the provision of underground power reticulation.

Condition 4.12 - Agricultural Buffering 4.12 Agricultural Buffering – Stage 1 4.12.1

A 20 metre wide vegetated buffer is to be planted within the approved drainage and recreation reserve (Lot 71). The buffer shall be landscaped in accordance with a professionally prepared landscaping plan which must be submitted to Council for approval by Council's delegated officer prior to planting commencing. At a minimum, the additional vegetation planting must consist of at least two (2) rows of additional vegetation planted on either side of Cobra Creek. The landscaping plan must also include FNQROC Development Manual standard pathways within the drainage and recreation reserve for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The pathways must be constructed by the applicant prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. The vegetation must have a minimum height at maturity of four (4) metres. All trees and shrubs planted as part of the buffer must achieve a minimum average height of 800 mm above ground level prior to Council's endorsement of the survey plan for the first stage. The vegetation buffer must be maintained by the applicant and must achieve a minimum average height of two (2) metres prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3.


Vegetation planting carried out as per Condition 4.12.1, shall be maintained for all areas, as follows: Page 39

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replacement of trees / shrubs / plantings as required site maintenance shall include mowing / slashing Vegetation buffer maintenance is to be continued throughout the Defects Liability Period until date of Final Acceptance

Contrary to Section D9.23 Paragraph 7 of the FNQROC Manual, the maintenance period for the vegetation buffer shall be a minimum of two (2) years. Request by Applicant This condition can be deleted as: a.

The condition relates to the internal buffering of Stage 1 to the orchard within the site.


There is a 30m (minimum) drainage reserve along Cobra Creek, which separates the subject site from the neighbouring farm to the south.

Response The requirement for effective agricultural buffering between the development and adjoining agricultural land to the south is still considered relevant. The lack of existing vegetation within the proposed drainage and recreation reserve warrants the inclusion of additional conditioning requiring the revegetation of the proposed drainage and recreation reserve to a point consistent with the SPP Guidelines for agricultural buffering (10 metres cleared, 20 metres planted, 10 metres cleared). The requirement for 10 metre cleared sections on either side of the drainage and recreation reserve has been satisfied by conditions requiring the provision and maintenance of 10 metre wide firebreaks under the boundary realignment development approval DA/13/0121 and Condition 3.8 of this development approval. It is recommended that Condition 4.12 be amended as follows: 4.12 Agricultural Buffering – Stage 3 Stage 1 4.12.1

A 20 metre wide vegetated buffer is to be planted within the approved drainage and recreation reserve (Lot 313 71). The buffer shall be landscaped in accordance with a professionally prepared landscaping plan which must be submitted to Council for approval by Council's delegated officer prior to planting commencing. At a minimum, the additional vegetation planting must consist of at least two (2) rows of additional vegetation planted on either side of Cobra Creek. The landscaping plan must also include FNQROC Development Manual standard pathways within the drainage and recreation reserve and road reserve back to the cul-de-sac head, for maintenance and pedestrian access purposes to the satisfaction of Council's delegated officer. The pathways must be constructed by the applicant prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3.

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The vegetation must have a minimum height at maturity of four (4) metres. All trees and shrubs planted as part of the buffer must achieve a minimum average height of 800 mm above ground level prior to Council's endorsement of the survey plan for the first stage. The vegetation buffer must be maintained by the applicant and must achieve a minimum average height of two (2) metres prior to the endorsement of the plan of survey for Stage 3. 4.12.2

Vegetation planting carried out as per Condition 4.12.1, shall be maintained for all areas, as follows:   

replacement of trees / shrubs / plantings as required site maintenance shall include mowing / slashing Vegetation buffer maintenance is to be continued throughout the Defects Liability Period until date of Final Acceptance

Contrary to Section D9.23 Paragraph 7 of the FNQROC Manual, the maintenance period for the vegetation buffer shall be a minimum of two (2) years. Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice Request by Applicant "We understand that the state government is currently reviewing the developer contributions calculation methods with the intended outcome to work with councils to achieve a reduction in the amount of infrastructure charges for development. With this in mind we suggest that the requirement·for Open Space Contributions for this project is inappropriate and we request that the condition for payment of this contribution be deleted or at least reduced. Our reasons for this request are: 1.

Larger lots of over two (2) Ha each such as proposed in this development offer the equivalent recreational opportunity to a local park without any Council capital investment or on-going maintenance costs.


The dedication of land associated with Cobra Creek (1.17 Ha) at the rear of the lots can be considered an open space contribution to council's wider green space network and as such forms the basis for a reduction in the level of contributions.


The contribution amount is genuinely out of scale with the development and the way that residents of the estate are likely to use the land and given that the site is a relatively long distance from any existing recreational facilities.


While we acknowledge that there are local and district level open space across the Shire and that Council may deem that some payment is necessary, we suggest that a reduced amount of $379 per lot for open space contributions, being 10% of the proposed amount, is reasonable."

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The reduction in lot numbers and the removal of reticulated water requires the issue of an amended Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice. With respect to the applicant's request to delete or reduce the open space contribution, the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme clearly states that an open space contribution is applicable for two (2) hectare sized rural residential allotments. If Council was to accept the applicants argument that the area of these proposed allotments is sufficient to meet recreation needs on site, this would be inconsistent with how Council has conditioned all previous rural residential developments under the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004. The dedication of Cobra Creek as a drainage and recreation reserve was accepted by Council in response to the applicant's request to keep this area available for the development's stormwater detention needs. This area was never intended to offset all or part of the development's open space contribution. Finally, the applicant is correct that the State government is currently reviewing the developer contributions calculation methods with the intended outcome to work with councils to achieve a reduction in the amount of infrastructure charges for development across Queensland. Based on the preliminary advice available to Council, the State's reduced charges will be approximately 66% higher than Council's current charges. It is recommended that an amended adopted infrastructure charges notice for the following be issued:



Current Amount of Charge

Augmentation of the Road Network Contributions (Mareeba East)




Open Space Contributions




Infrastructure Charge Stage 1: 5 lots

Total Stage 1 Charges


Stage 2: 3 lots Augmentation of the Road Network Contributions (Mareeba East)




Open Space Contributions




Total Stage 2 Charges


Stage 3: 4 lots Augmentation of the Road Network Contributions (Mareeba East)




Open Space Contributions




Total Stage 3 Charges




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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning has announced changes to Queensland's infrastructure charges framework which will come into effect on 1 July 2014 (Attachment 1). At the time of writing this report, the Queensland Parliament is still to pass the new legislation and as such there has been no official release of any detailed information. Features of the new infrastructure charges framework will include: 

The maximum regulated infrastructure charges cap will remain;


A non compulsory Fair Value Infrastructure Charges Schedule (10% -15% lower than maximum regulated charges) will be introduced;


Councils who decide to apply Fair Value Infrastructure Charges Schedule can make application to the State to have key infrastructure works identified as Priority Development Infrastructure which could then attract State co-investment;


Any State co-investment may be recovered by the State through future infrastructure charges as development proceeds;


Councils who do not use Fair Value Infrastructure Charges Schedule will not be considered by the State for co-investment.

Council officers will continue to monitor the proposed changes and will provide additional advice to Council when further information becomes available. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note this report." BACKGROUND Mareeba Shire Council has resolved to adopt an Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution. In accordance with that resolution, the following Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme policies and infrastructure charges may apply to assessable (code and impact) development:

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FNQROC Development Manual Policy 2 – Headwork’s Charges for Water Supply and Sewerage Policy 5 – Open Space Contributions Policy 6 – Augmentation of Road network Policy 7 - Carparking Contributions The base charge for each type of infrastructure is established in Council's Schedule of Fees and Charges. These base charges are typically reviewed each financial year and have been increased by CPI since 2006. For the 2013/2014 financial year, the total infrastructure charge for a fully serviced allotment in Mareeba is $15,160.00. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not applicable at this point in time. CONSULTATION NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS Unofficial information provided to Council indicates that the Fair Value Infrastructure Charges Schedule will set $25,200.00 as the infrastructure charge for a typical residential allotment. If this is correct, the following infrastructure charging options (for a typical residential lot) will be available to Council: 

Maximum regulated infrastructure charge - $28,000


Fair value infrastructure charge - $25,200


The draft Mareeba Shire PIP Charge - $22,636


Proposed 2014/15 Mareeba Shire Charge - $16,680

Should Council decide to use the fair value infrastructure charge, this would equate to a 66% increase in infrastructure charges for a new residential allotment in Mareeba. It is unclear if the State will consider co-investing in priority development infrastructure where Council's continue to charge below the fair value infrastructure charge schedule. If Council charges the fair value infrastructure charges schedule, it is also unknown if there is a realistic prospect of the State actually co-investing in Mareeba Shire infrastructure. There is little detail currently available to define what key infrastructure works will actually meet the State's Priority Development Infrastructure test although it will be limited to selective infrastructure projects that will generate or facilitate major economic development.

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FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Council officers will continue to monitor the proposed changes and will provide additional advice to Council when further information becomes available. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning letter received 28 April 2014. State Government media release 17 April 2014.

Date Prepared:

12 May 2014

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21 May 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Senior Building and Plumbing Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the recommended 2014/2015 cost recovery fees for Building and Plumbing services for Council's consideration and endorsement. The process costs as calculated for the cost recovery fees for 2014/2015 are outlined. The fees listed include current fees, calculated or process costs and the proposed fees and charges. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the proposed fees for Building and Plumbing Services for 2014/15 as per the schedule attached." BACKGROUND The basis for the cost recovery fees has been to calculate actual costs to provide the service. Section 97 of the Local Government Act 2009 prescribes the circumstances where a Local Government may set a cost-recovery fee. This section also prescribes that a cost-recovery fee must not be more than the cost to the local government of taking the action for which the fee is charged. Additionally, section 38 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 prescribes that undertaking building certifying functions by the Mareeba Shire Council is a business activity for section 47(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009. Therefore, the Local Government Act requires that Mareeba Shire Council must apply the code of competitive conduct to this prescribed business activity. Application of the code of competitive conduct requires the full cost pricing of the business activity so that the total projected revenue from providing all of the activity's goods and services is enough to cover the projected total costs of conducting the activity. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time.

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CONSULTATION Internal Finance Officer, Finance Manager External NIL LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL RISKS) Council must be able to demonstrate that the cost recovery fees are no more than the cost of providing the service. Council is able to set a fee that is lower than the calculated cost where it is deemed appropriate. Council must also apply the code of competitive conduct to its Building Certifying business activity. POLICY IMPLICATIONS NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating NIL Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015? NIL If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION On adoption of the 2014/2015 fees, the schedule of cost recovery fees will need to be updated. The charge controls in the Council's corporate system (Property & Rating) will need to be updated prior to the running of the renewal notices. The website will also need to be updated to reflect the new fees. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Cost Recovery Fees Building & Plumbing Fees

Date Prepared:

12 May 2014

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21 May 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Community Development and Engagement Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report seeks endorsement from Council to implement the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Program in the shire. The RADF Program is a state and local government partnership that supports professional artists and arts practitioners living in regional Queensland and promotes cultural vibrancy in communities. At a workshop on 5 February 2014, Council decided to implement the RADF program and submit an expression of interest to Arts Queensland for $30,000 under the 2014/2015 RADF Program. The RADF program requires Council to cocontribute $12,857 to provide a total of $42,857 for the shire, establish an RADF advisory committee and develop a Cultural Plan. In April and May, Council called for expressions of interest from the community for the RADF Advisory Committee and 10 nominations were received. The former TRC Cultural Plan needs to be updated to reflect the Mareeba Shire Council area. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council: 1.

Endorse the submission to Arts Queensland for funding of $30,000 through the Regional Arts Development Fund in 2014-2015 and co-contribute $12,857 which will provide a total of $42,857 in RADF funding for the shire, should the submission be successful.


Approve the nomination of the following persons to the RADF Committee: Melissa Waters, Susan Doherty, Tom Cosic, Toni Rogers, Danny Simony, Sandy Mablethwaite and AnnMarie Keating.


Request the RADF Committee and Council Officers to undertake a thorough review of the current Cultural Plan to ensure its relevance to the Mareeba Shire with appropriate community consultation."

BACKGROUND Expression of Interest for RADF Funding 2014 / 2015 Council was requested to submit an Expression of Interest for funding from Arts Queensland in 2014/2015. The expression of interest is for $30,000 in grant funding and requires Council to cocontribute $12,857 which will provide a total of $42,857 for the Mareeba Shire's RADF program. Page 161

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The grant funding and co-contribution amounts are set by Arts Queensland based on a formula that takes into account the size of the council. The proposed RADF program is based on Council’s current cultural and community plans and aligns with the principles and priorities of the Arts for All Queenslanders Strategy 2014-18. RADF funds of $42,857 are proposed to be used in 2014-15 in the following areas: 1. Training ($4857) The Mareeba Shire is newly established and is setting up a new RADF Committee. Funds have been allocated to assist the new committee members with RADF training and conference attendance to improve skill sets, and encourage positive community networking, promotion and development of the Mareeba Shire Council RADF program. 2. Strategic Initiative ($5,000) The Partners in Recovery Forum was held on April 1 in Mareeba which highlighted the value of arts to mental health recovery. Mental Health was identified as a growing concern in all regions and often stigmatised by many. A partnership was initiated between the Partners in Recovery team, mental health providers, communities and Councils from Mareeba, Etheridge, Croydon and the Tablelands. Mareeba Shire Council is proposing to partner on a project aimed at mental health recovery by creating a project to develop skills in the arts in each of the four regions. Community based, but with a focus on health recovery, it is envisaged that the four groups will collaborate at appropriate events and opportunities, helping to build a support network and improving participants' self-esteem. One concept is to showcase projects within and between regions. The details of this strategic initiative have yet to be finalised as it is in the early planning stages. The project will be jointly funded and resourced from the Commonwealth Government funded Partners in Recovery Program and RADF. 3. Two Funding Rounds ($30,000) Two rounds of $15,000 funding will be made available to the community. Round 1 will close on 1 November 2014 for projects commencing from 1 January 2015. Round 2 will close on 2 May 2015 for projects commencing after 30 June 2015. As part of the Tablelands Regional Council's (TRC) RADF program in 2013- 2014 the Mareeba Shire has attracted a strong interest in arts and culture. The cultural mapping project has substantiated the ongoing demand for arts and cultural development and support, as well as introducing new applicants to the RADF Program. The Mareeba Shire will be informed by the extensive community consultation that was conducted through 2010-11 for the award winning Community Plan 2021. This long term plan developed goals and aspirations for each community in the MSC, as well as sector specific ones. Twenty of these sector specific goals are identified under the Cultural Vibrancy category, and will be used as a resource for the RADF committee. 4. Out of Round Funds ($3,000) These funds have been made available for quick response funding. Historically in the region this has proven beneficial to allow flexibility and to ensure opportunities have not been missed. If this is not required it will be added to the second round of funding budget. Some of these funds may be used for outlying areas that have not previously applied for funding or Page 162

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aboriginal groups who have expressed the desire to initiate collections or capacity building projects. RADF Committee 2014/ 2015 Council has been fortunate to receive 10 nominations for the RADF Committee from community members. Six applications were from Kuranda and four from Mareeba. Selection was based on achieving a range of art form expertise for the RADF Committee, the applicant's field of expertise and location. The areas of art form expertise demonstrated by the successful applicants include: visual arts, craft, design, theatre, music, festivals, multimedia, dance, museums and cultural heritage, writing, and community cultural development. It is recommended Council approve the following committee members based on their experience, field of expertise and location:  Melissa Waters  Susan Doherty  Tom Cosic  Toni Rogers  Danny Simony  Sandy Mablethwaite  Ann-Marie Keating There are no applicants from outside Mareeba or Kuranda so it is recommended that the new committee seek interest for other committee members from outlying areas of the shire. Cultural Plan The Cultural Plan entitled ‘Embracing our Cultures, Our Communities, Our Lands’, was adopted by Tablelands Regional Council on 21 November 2013. This plan was developed and implemented after extensive community engagement and consideration by Council. Under the de-amalgamation arrangements, this plan transitioned to the Mareeba Shire Council. However, the plan needs to be comprehensively reviewed to make it relevant to the Mareeba Shire and only minor adjustments have been made to the previous TRC plan, such as re-badging. It is recommended that the updating of the Cultural Plan becomes a project of the incoming RADF Committee. The Committee, with the assistance of Council Officers, can then assess the relevance of this plan to Mareeba Shire Council and may undertake cost-effective community engagement to update and amend the plan. The draft MSC Cultural Plan would then be presented, by the end of 2014, to Council for approval. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not applicable at this point in time.

CONSULTATION Internal Manager Community Wellbeing Councillor Karen Ewin External Mark Both - TRC RADF Officer Page 163

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Arts Queensland

LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS MSC Cultural Plan and Policy to be updated FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating Council Contribution for 2014/2015 RADF Program $12,857 Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION 1. Community members nominating for the RADF Committee to be advised of outcome, and if appointed to the committee, to be advised of meeting dates and times 2. Reports to be signed by CEO 3. Reports and attachments to be posted to: Ms Suzanne Matulich, Arts Queensland, GPO Box 1436, BRISBANE QLD 4001

ATTACHMENTS 1. ECM# 3550189 Mareeba Shire Council Cultural Plan

Date Prepared:

9 May 2014

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tenders were called for the provision of cleaning services for Council Facilities in the Kuranda Village which include the Kuranda Library building and surrounds (Monday-Friday); the toilet facility in Centenary Park (twice daily Monday-Sunday); and the collection and disposal of litter from parks and street bins in Centenary Park (weekends and public holidays). The tenders required suitably qualified and experienced contractors to provide a cleaning service, based on a detailed work specification. The tender requested a fixed contract price for a 24 month period with an option of a further 12 months. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council award the cleaning of Council Facilities in the Kuranda Village which includes the Kuranda Library building and surrounds; the toilet facility in Centenary Park; and the collection and disposal of litter from parks and street bins in Centenary Park on weekends and public holidays, to Biniris (Aust) Pty Ltd for the lump sum of $58 389.24 (inclusive of GST) per annum for a 24 month period with an option of a further 12 months to commence 1st June 2014." BACKGROUND Brian Towning has had the Kuranda Village Cleaning Contract for the cleaning of the Kuranda Village since 2007. The calling of this tender is in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Regulation 2012. Tender submissions were received from six (six) companies and individuals. Tender submissions were assessed and evaluated on the following five (5) criteria: a) Relevant Experience - Respondent’s experience in completing /supplying requirements similar to the requirements stated in the Specification; b) Key Personnel Skills and Experience - Information of proposed personnel to be allocated to this project; c) Respondents' Resources - Demonstrate their ability to supply and sustain the necessary plant and contingency measures; d) Demonstrated Understanding - Detail the process they intend to use to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Specification; Page 181

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e) Price. Biniris submitted a tender which best met the above five key elements to successfully manage contracts. Biniris has 28 years experience in servicing commercial properties and in particular Council facilities. Biniris has a Cairns Office which has been established for over ten years and currently has 40 direct employees (not franchised or sub-contracted). Currently Biniris provide cleaning services to Cairns and Rockhampton City Councils and has just been appointed as the cleaning service provider for Mackay City Council. Their submission has shown absolute commitment to safety, quality and the Environment. Biniris also demonstrated a detailed process to achieve compliance required for the cleaning of the Kuranda Facilities. The process defined in their submission was the instigation of a 'Transition Plan' which would identify key processes necessary for the transition and operations including;           

Reliable service delivery Rapid response Effective occupational health and safety procedures Pre-commencement observations of the operations Staff on-site training Enhanced supervision (eg: daily, during the first month, weekly as required) Issue of description forms, standard operating procedures, performance assessment criteria Regular analysis: measurement of Service Levels against KPI's Regular communication with the client for the duration of the contract Quality Management Systems and Procedures Regular Site Inspections and Reporting

The tender from Ngoonbi Cooperative Society Ltd was received after the closing deadline so was not considered. Price Listed below (as shown Table 1) are the submissions received per respondent, address and price (exclusive and inclusive GST).

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Table 1 - Kuranda Village Cleaning Contract Price

Kuranda Village Cleaning Contract Price







Respondent 1

Carl Bianchi

14 Fairyland Road KURANDA QLD 4881

$89 299.60

$98 229.96

Michael John Hennessy

1/28 Butler Drive KURANDA QLD 4881

$135 113.64

$148 625.00

Respondent 3

TJS Cleaning Services Pty Ltd


$61 925.24

$68 119.06

Respondent 4

Brian Towning

17 Greenhills Road KURANDA QLD 4881

$69 0580

$76 538.00

Respondent 5

Biniris (Aust) Pty Ltd

17 Prospect Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

$53 080.56

$58 389.24

Respondent 6

Ngoonbi Cooperative Society Ltd

36 Coondoo Street KURANDA QLD 4881

$85 214.40

$93 735.84

Respondent 2

Council’s Facilities Officer has adhered and followed the Mareeba Shire Council's Procurement Policy Sound Contracting Principles (SCP) as mandated in the Act and as follows:     

Value for Money; and Open and Effective Competition; and The Development of Competitive Local Business and Industry; and Environmental Protection; and Ethical Behaviour and Fair Dealing.

Council’s Facilities Officer has also adhered to 4.1.2 Open and Effective Competition which states: 'Purchasing should be open and result in effective competition in the provision of goods and services. Council must give fair and equitable consideration to all prospective suppliers'. In the assessment of the Kuranda Village Cleaning contract, the decision making incorporated the Local Business Preference where local suppliers are allowed certain concessions in respect to contracted arrangements (e.g. price and local business development) as the following indicates:

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 The local suppliers were evaluated as price comparable (the local supplier price is less than or equal to the non-local supplier price, excluding GST + 10% and where the 10% margin is less than $5,000).  The score weighting applied to the local business preference criteria was no more than a 10% weighting within the overall criteria (100%). Non Local Comparison Price In respect to the Mareeba Shire Councils Procurement Policy, it was found that Biniris (Aust) Pty Ltd's tender price (shown in Table 2), was significantly lower than the current cleaning contractor and other local Tableland businesses. Table 2

Local - Non Local Comparison Price

Kuranda Village Cleaning Contract Price RESPONDENT Biniris (Aust) Pty Ltd (Cairns) Brian Towning (Kuranda) Michael John Hennessy (Kuranda) Carl Bianchi (Kuranda)

Price (ex GST)


10% (inc GST)

$53 080.56

$58 389.24


$69 580.00

$76 538.00

$135 113.64

$148 625.00

$89 299.60

$98 229.96


Summary In summary, Biniris was assessed as the superior tender on the following basis:    

Provided a very comprehensive application that satisfactorily addressed all criteria Demonstrated well developed policies and procedures including work place health and safety Provided strong referee comments from reputable and relevant organisations Delivered the lowest price

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time. CONSULTATION Internal Manager Community Wellbeing Senior Land & Facilities Officer Procurement Officer LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil

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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating $53,080.56 (ex GST) for a full operational year, this is $16,500 lower than present contract Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advise successful tenderer of Council decision and draft contract for signature. Advise all unsuccessful tenderers of Council decision and offer feedback. ATTACHMENTS NIL Date Prepared:


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This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 275(1) (e) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (e) Contracts proposed to be made by council

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21 May 2014


Manager Finance


Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an overview of financial matters for the period 1 January 2014 to 30 April 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the financial report for the period ending 30 April 2014." BACKGROUND Financial Summary Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against budgets. For the period ending 30 April 2014, Council shows an operational surplus of $2,869,786 compared to a budgeted YTD surplus of $5,232,678. At this stage, there are no major issues or areas of concern to bring to Councils' attention. One-off de-amalgamation costs are not yet finalised but for the purpose of this report are excluded. These costs are funded from the Queensland Treasury Corporation Working Capital Facility which has a repayment term of twelve months (31 December 2014). It should be noted that Council's cash position is currently $16,284,021 and this represents an initial transfer of $14,000,000 from TRC. A final cash transfer (including interest) will take place on finalisation of the 31 December 2013 financial statements and will be based on the methodology provided in the Crowe Horwath report. Work has commenced on finalising the 31 December 2013 financial statements and a proposed draft should be available early June.

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April 2014 - Snapshot Total Operating Income Total Operating Expenditure Operating Surplus Total Capital Income (grants, developer contributions)

$ $ $ $

14,726,415 11,856,629 2,869,786 435,374

Net Result - Surplus



Capital Expenditure Total capital expenditure of $2,554,357 (including commitments) has been spent against the $10,796,350 budgeted for the six month period. The graph below illustrates actual YTD expenditure and committed costs against the annual budget.

Variances to note are; 1. Community Services – included in this category is the Facilities Capital Budget. Approximately $386,800 or 12.6% of this Budget is not likely to be required or spent by 30 June 2014. These projects will be reviewed to ascertain which items should be carried over to the 2014/15 capital works budget for Facilities. The remainder of the projects are expected to be completed or contracts awarded by end June 2014. Page 190

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2. Water - outstanding expenditure is the Arsenic removal plant for Chillagoe. This has now been approved by Council and an order has been raised in early May 2014. 3. Wastewater - outstanding expenditure is the planning amount allocated by Council towards the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is unlikely to be expended this financial year. 4. Waste - allocation was for the day cover upgrading. Expression of Interest process for specialised day cover is to be reported to Council on 4 June 2014. 5. Workshop - The $1M allocated towards plant replacement has been committed with the plant replacement program fully in place. Orders have been raised in early May for the replacement plant. 6. Parks and Gardens – Delivery of the allocation is scheduled for May/June. 7. Construction and Maintenance – Outstanding issues are:

Bump Track Causeway Wrights Creek Lookout Peters Street Springmount Road Pinnacle Creek Causeway Black Mountain Bridge Marinelli Drainage

Contractor to commence work second week in May. Order to be raised. Council crew will mobilise to this site on completion of Byrnes St footpath. To be completed mid May To be commenced on completion of Peters St Tenders have been sought that are in excess of funding allocation. Propose to re-consider during 2014 / 2015 budget process Units under fabrication in Kowa St depot prior to installation in June 2014 Allocation of $210,000. Dependent on progress of subdivision. Unlikely to be required 2013 / 2014.

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Income Analysis Total income (including capital income of $435,374) for the period ending 30 April 2014 is $15,161,788 compared to a YTD budget of $22,436,422. The graph below shows actual income against budget for the period ending 30 April 2014.

Actual Income V Budget Income

Apr-14 Budget 13/14

$14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $Net Rates & Utility Charges

Fees & Charges

Description Net Rates & Utility Charges Fees & Charges Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions Interest Received Works for Third Parties Other Revenue Capital Income

Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions

Interest Revenue

Actual YTD

Works for Third Parties

Other Revenue

Budget YTD

Capital Income


11,852,394 330,804

12,358,821 312,594


917,537 171,348 253,694 1,200,638 435,374

1,758,500 600,212 6,210,933 1,087,227 108,135

2 3 4 5

Variances to note are: 1. Rates were levied on 17 February for the six months January to June 2014 with discount period closing on 20 March 2014. The variance relates to the difference between budgeted and actual rates levied. Page 192

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2. The variance for Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions relates to the Financial Assistance Grant. The difference of $444k is not the final position as this is one area yet to be resolved in terms of agreed methodology for allocation between TRC and MSC. This will be finalised as part of the final 31 December balance sheet split. Also contributing to the variance is all the Community Support Services programs, in which Council has not received the quarterly grant. Funds were received 7 May. 3. Council's management reports do not provide interest revenue until such time as it has been earnt. Investments are generally renewed on a six monthly cycle in line with cashflows relating to rates levies. A $5M term deposit was invested in April for 6 months. 4. Existing RMPC contracts are to remain with TRC until 30 June 2014. Once Main Roads approve the monthly claims submitted by TRC, MSC will receive their share of profit and reimbursement of expenditure. An invoice has been sent to TRC for Claim 7 ($50k) and Claim 8 is expected to be approved within the next few days and an invoice raised for $87k. An income budget of $7.7M for the 6 months was adopted for MRD Flood damage projects. Council is awaiting approval from Main Roads as to whether this project will commence this financial year. In terms of year to date, this results in a variance of $5.1M. (This is also reflected in the expenditure below) 5. Capital Grants & Subsidies for Roads such as Roads to Recovery and TIDS have been budgeted proportionately each month. To date, no claims have been submitted. Council have two current TIDS projects and are working towards having both these projects completed and claimed by the end of June 2014. Included in the $435k received to date relates to developer contributions ($354k) and the quarterly State Library book grant ($29k). Expenditure Analysis Total expenses for the period ending 31 March 2014 are $11,856,629, which is lower than the YTD budget of $17,095,609. The graph below shows April 2014 actual expenditure compared budget. Actual Expenditure V Budget Expenditure

Apr-14 Budget 13/14

$10,000,000 $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000


$4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $Employee Expenses

Materials and Services

Depreciation expenses

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Actual YTD

Description Employee expenses Materials & Services Depreciation expenses Finance & Borrowing costs

Budget YTD

4,711,657 4,851,222 2,247,556 46,194


5,450,609 9,372,411 2,247,556 25,033

1 2

Variances to note are: 1. Savings are due to vacant positions in the organisational chart. 2. Aligned with the actual income being lower than budget, expenditure items relating to MRD Flood damage is lower being that works have not commenced ($5.1M).

Loan Borrowings Council's loan balances as at 30 April 2014 are as follows: QTC Loans De-amalgamation working capital facility

$2,210,812 $4,014,99 (estimate $5.5 million)

Rates and Sundry Debtors Analysis Rates and Charges The total rates and charges payable as at 30 April is $2,512,242. The discount period ended on 20 March. First reminder notices were generated on 7 April 2014. On 30 April 2014, 149 properties were sent to Collection House for a total value of $257,932, which brings the total properties to 287 with a total value of rates outstanding of $823,393. Collection House collected $22,049 for the month of April. Sundry Debtors The total outstanding for Sundry Debtors as at 30 April is $873,074 which is made up of the following: Current $499,049

30 days $73,541

60 days $37,318

90 + days $263,166





$85,485.35 or 22% of outstanding debtors 30 days or greater relate to government departments.

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Procurement Council's Procurement Policy sets out provisions regarding the acquisition of goods and services and provides the criteria which must be followed by all Council employees for purchasing. The procurement thresholds outline specific requirements for quotations and tenders and outlines exceptions for particular situations which entitle the purchase to be made without first inviting quotations or tenders including - where there is only one supplier reasonably available; a genuine emergency exists; the goods are purchased at auction or are second-hand; or the contract is made under a Local Buy arrangement. In the situation that a purchase is classified as an 'emergency' the Procurement Policy determines that retrospective Council approval is required. There were no transactions classified as 'Emergency' purchases during the month of April 2014. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time. CONSULTATION Internal Director Corporate Services External NIL LEGAL IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL RISKS) Section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 requires the financial report to be presented to local government‌if the local government holds its ordinary meetings more frequently (than once per month) - to a meeting in each month. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Information has been provided to achieve compliance with Council's Procurement Policy. FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS NIL IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NIL ATTACHMENTS 1. Financial Statements - April 2014 (DWS#2961827) Date Prepared:


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21 May 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Cemeteries Officer, Manager Finance DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report details the proposed 2014/2015 fees and charges for:  Cemeteries. These charges were previously workshopped on Wednesday 7 May 2014.  Finance. These charges cover Rate Searches and Dishonoured Cheque fees. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the proposed Cemeteries and Finance fees and charges for 2014/15 as per the schedule attached." BACKGROUND Cemeteries: Council currently operates at a loss with its provision of cemetery services. In line with Council’s resolution to improve operating efficiencies, the calculation of the proposed fees and charges has been derived from the true cost of providing the relevant services. In many circumstances, this has resulted in a significant variance, typically an increase, from previous years. It is also proposed to introduce new fees to cover the provision of shelters and chairs at interments. Currently shelters are provided at no cost, while there is no provision for the supply of chairs. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not applicable at this point in time CONSULTATION Internal Cemeteries Officer Customer Service Coordinator Director Corporate Services Manager Information Systems Page 197

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Manager Parks and Gardens Manager Finance External Funeral Directors – Guilfoyles and Tableland Community Funerals LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL POLICY IMPLICATIONS NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital N/A Operating Expenses exceed income IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Update schedule of fees and charges displayed on Council's website and advise relevant funeral directors. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2.

Proposed fees and charges – Cemeteries Proposed fees and charges – Finance

Date Prepared:

7 May 2014

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21 May 2014


Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The steady increase in self drive tourism combined with the growth in the number of visitors arriving by Rail, Skyrail and coaches has created difficulties with traffic, parking and pedestrian movements within the Kuranda Village. Tablelands Regional Council engaged traffic Engineers Bitzios Consulting to undertake an analysis of the current situation with regard to lack of parking, conflicts with local and tourist traffic and conflicts with pedestrians and traffic. Following the completion of the detailed analysis phase, an action plan was developed to address all the issues highlighted in the study. The study was completed in April 2012 and while 62 improvements were listed for consideration, at the time of de-amalgamation a limited number of these had been actioned by Tablelands Regional Council. Following completion of the study in April 2012 a report to Council was presented on 4 October 2012 which resolved to "… consider an increase in the budget by $395,900 to be split equally over 2012/13 and 2013/14 financial years with funding sourced from the General Fund" however no record of any follow up action has been found. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council authorise Council Officers to address Action Plan Strategies listed in the Kuranda Pedestrian, Traffic and Parking Study by: 

preparing the necessary documentation to enable projects listed as "Immediate" and estimated to cost below $50,000 to be delivered; and


consider for inclusion in the 2014/15 budget $340,000 for projects as identified in the report, to be funded from the Kuranda Car Parking Developer Contributions Reserve."

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Wednesday 21 May 2014

BACKGROUND The Kuranda Pedestrian, Traffic and parking Study was completed by Bitzios Consulting in April 2012 and to date only a small number of these recommended strategies (projects) have been addressed. The extract from the report (refer "Action Plan Implementation" attached) shows 62 recommendations which have been grouped as follows:  By category including Traffic (20), Parking (14), Pedestrian (17), Public Transport (5) and Service Vehicle (6);  By suggested timing of delivery including Immediate, Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term;  By cost grouping ie less than $10,000, $10,000 - $50,000, $50,000 - $100,000 etc Projects listed with a timing for delivery as "immediate" and estimated to cost under $50,000 are suggested by Council Officers as a suitable starting point in the delivery of the program. here are approximately 33 projects which fall into this category for an estimated total cost of $303,000. It should be noted that there are a further three (3) projects listed in the Immediate category however fall into a cost grouping of between $100,000 to $250,000. These include:  ID 2.07 which is listed as "Increase Parking Enforcement" - Cost $131,000. This will require further internal consultation and discussion before proceeding.  ID 3.02 which is listed as "Pedestrian facilities at Rob Veivers Drive / Therwine Street / Thooree Street Roundabout" - Cost $129,000. These works will be included in the Therwine Street upgrade as part of the Kuranda Infrastructure Project.  ID 3.04 which is listed as "Toilet and Drinking Fountain Facilities" - Cost $250,000. The suggestion is for a prefabricated small toilet facility and drinking fountain to be located at Moorong Street near the Police Station. However this project will require further investigation and consultation prior to proceeding. Should Council agree with proceeding on the delivery of this first round of minimal risk low cost projects, detailed design and documentation will commence in early June 2014 and expected implementation/ construction to commence in August 2014. This will be subject to Council approval for the 2014/15 budget. A CD of the complete Kuranda Pedestrian, Traffic and Parking Study has been provided to Councillors. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services External Extensive consultation was undertaken in the Kuranda Village by Bitzios Consulting as part of the development of this plan. LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil

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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital An estimated cost of $285,000 is suggested in the Study to cover these immediate projects, however a further 20% contingency should be allowed to cover cost escalation, design, documentation etc, which will raise the estimate to $340,000. Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2013/2014 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Recommend that the estimated cost of $340,000 be funded from the Kuranda Car Parking Developer Contributions Reserve and be considered for inclusion in the 2014/15 budget. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Subject to Council adoption in the 2014/15 budget, necessary communication eill be provided to the Kuranda community on the proposed works. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Action Plan Implementation extract from the Kuranda Pedestrian, Traffic and Parking Study

Date Prepared:

13 May 2014

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Ordinary Meeting


21 May 2014


Manager Works


Infrastructure Services, Construction and Maintenance Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tender TMSC2014-15 is for the supply and delivery of full service seal including traffic control to the Ootann Road project located approximately 33km from the Ootann Road / Burke Development Road intersection. The report provides a comparison of tenders received and makes a recommendation on the preferred tenderer. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council awards Tender TMSC2014-15 Supply and Delivery of Full Service Seal including Traffic Control, on Ootann Road to Boral Asphalt (QLD) Pty Ltd for the amount of $248,525.45 (Inclusive of GST).” BACKGROUND Tender TMSC2014-15 is for the supply and delivery of full service seal to Ch 33km Ootann Road. Five (5) conforming offers were received in relation to the tender. A summary of the tenders received is set out below. The tender from Boral Asphalt is the most advantageous supply arrangement for Council.


Boral Asphalt Pioneer NQ SPA FGF Bitumen Pan Materials



$248,525.45 $326,830.00 $301,625.02 $343,705.89 $272,870.68

Including GST Including GST Including GST Including GST Including GST

Boral Asphalt is able to meet specification requirements with respect to bitumen surfacing quality. Page 211

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Wednesday 21 May 2014

CONSULTATION Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Included in 2013 / 2014 budget. Operating Included in 2013 / 2014 budget. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advice is provided to residents and businesses affected by any activities. ATTACHMENTS Nil

Date Prepared:

13 May 2014

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Ordinary Meeting


21 May 2014


Manager Works


Infrastructure Services, Works Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report sets out works undertaken by the Construction and Maintenance Section of Infrastructure Services during the month of April 2014. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services, Construction and Maintenance Progress Report for April 2014." BACKGROUND Capital and maintenance works progressed well in April despite the interruptions caused by Cyclone Ita.

Works Completed Maintenance Maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in April at the following locations: Location

Activity Performed

Abbott Street, Mareeba

Grading unsealed roads, road furniture, road inspections

Barron Falls Road, Kuranda

Mowing, bitumen patching, grading unsealed roads, road inspections Mowing, grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads, road inspections General operations Slashing Grading unsealed roads, road inspections Administration and supervision Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads, slashing, road furniture, road inspections Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads Bitumen patching, grading unsealed roads, clean inlet/outlets culverts, slashing, road furniture, road inspections Bitumen patching, slashing, road inspections Grading unsealed roads, slashing, flood damage repairs

Bilwon Road, Biboohra Black Mountain Road, Kuranda - Bitumen Section Cemetery Road, Irvinebank Clohesy Street, Koah Coondoo Street, Kuranda Copine Road, Mareeba Daniel Place, Kuranda Glendon Street, Biboohra Grievson Road, Koah Hodzic Road, Biboohra Koah Road, Koah Leafgold Weir Road, Dimbulah Mount Misery Road, Irvinebank

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Mt Mulligan Road, Dimbulah Myola Road,Kuranda Oak Forest Road, Kuranda

Road furniture, road inspections General Operations Bitumen Patching, slashing, road furniture, road inspections, CR - slashing, CR - road inspections Bitumen Patching, slashing, road furniture, road inspections, CR - Road Inspections Bitumen patching, slashing, road furniture, road inspections, cement footpath maintenance CR - Grading unsealed roads Grading unsealed roads General repairs and maintenance Grading unsealed roads Bitumen patching, cement footpath maintenance Grading unsealed roads, slashing, road furniture, road inspections Bitumen patching, slashing, CR - Grading unsealed roads

Ootann Road, Almaden Rob Veivers Drive, Kuranda Speewah Road, Speewah Walsh Street, Mareeba Wetherby Road, Mount Molloy Windy Hollow Road, Kuranda Black Mountain Road, Julatten Kuranda Pre School Access, Kuranda Contract Cleaning Account, Chillagoe

The table below shows the current budget position of road maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council.

Location Mareeba Shire Council

YTD Actual $908,093

YTD Budget

Annual Budget



Capital Works Bilwon Road, Biboohra The Bilwon Road widening project was sealed 11 April, 2014. The project was completed under time and under budget.

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Byrnes Street Footpath Upgrade The Byrnes Street Footpath Upgrade is progressing slower than initially programmed. It is now estimated that these works will be completed by the end of May. A combination of difficult site conditions at the Hort Street/Byrnes Street corner, extended break over Easter and Anzac Day and the need to wash and seal the previous two sections, constructed by TRC in 2013, has extended the proposed finish date by approximately one month. The project remains on track to be completed within budget.

Cyclone Ita Emergent Works The Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services, The Hon Jack Dempsey MP activated the Commonwealth/State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA). The area defined for receipt of the NDRRA relief measures is "Communities within North Queensland affected by Tropical Cyclone Ita and associated rainfall and flooding, 11 April 2014".

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The following lists of roads and streets are where counter disaster operations took place in the wake of Cyclone Ita. Council’s Construction and Maintenance staff commenced the counter disaster clean up on Sunday, 13 April 2014 and provided access to all areas with the exception of several isolated or flood bound locations by COB 17 April 2014. Kuranda Transfer Station Green Waste Molloy Transfer Station Green Waste Julatten Transfer Station Green Waste Leadingham Creek Road, Dimbulah Mt Haren, Kuranda Barron Falls Road, Kuranda Black Mountain Road, Kuranda Monaro Close, Kuranda Windy Hollow Road, Kuranda Myola Road, Kuranda Oak Forest Road, Kuranda Monty Street, Kuranda Weir Road, Kuranda Barron Falls Road, Kuranda Costin Street, Mareeba Springmount Road, Mareeba Springs Road, Mareeba Morrish Road, Julatten Euluma Creek Road, Julatten Warril Drive, Kuranda Barang Street, Kuranda Harriman Street, Kuranda High Chapparal, Kuranda Morton Street, Kuranda Silkwood Avenue, Kuranda Vievers Street, Kuranda Koah Road, Koah Bolton Road, Koah Greivson Road, Koah Kanervo Road, Koah Barron Street, Koah Mahogany Avenue, Speewah Smith's Track, Speewah Speewah Road, Speewah Black Mt Road, Julatten McDougall Road, Julatten Nine Mile Road, Julatten Pinnacle Road, Julatten Mt Kooyong Road, Julatten Boyles Road, Kuranda Fairyland Drive ,Kuranda Green Forest Road, Kuranda Hickory Road, Kuranda Jarrawee Road, Kuranda Kingfisher Road, Kuranda

Kuranda Heights Road, Kuranda Leilas Way, Kuranda McCorry Road, Kuranda East Mary Road, Mt Carbine Pickford Road, Biboorha Hodzic Road, Biboorha Davies Creek Road, Mareeba Mt Lewis, Julatten Butler Drive, Kuranda Remove Tree - McCrohan Park Douglas Track, Speewah William Smith Drive, Kuranda Scenic Drive, Kuranda Fallon Road, Kuranda Fallon Close, Kuranda Mason Road, Kuranda Saddle Mountain Road, Kuranda Salomone Drive, Kuranda Gregory Terrace, Kuranda Shiva Close, Kuranda Spear Road, Kuranda Green Lane, Kuranda Bangalo Place, Kuranda Victor Place, Kuranda Arara Street, Kuranda Meeroo Street, Kuranda Kullaroo Close, Kuranda Greenhills Road, Kuranda Punch Close, Kuranda South Street, Kuranda Rosewood Road, Kuranda Cadagi Drive, Kuranda Thongon Street, Kuranda Barnwell Road, Kuranda McKenzie Street, Kuranda Kuranda River Walk, Kuranda Kuranda Esplanade, Kuranda Kuranda Esplanade Access Road, Kuranda Dimbulah Transfer Station Green Waste Mutchilba Transfer Station Green Waste McLeans Bridge Road, Julatten Wetherby Road, Julatten Kuranda Crescent, Kuranda Gamboola Road, Gamboola

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DTMR Routine Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC) Routine maintenance activities were undertaken during April at the following locations: Road Name Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Kennedy Highway (Cairns – Mareeba) Mulligan Highway (Mareeba – Mt Molloy) Mulligan Highway (Mareeba – Mt Molloy) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mulligan Highway (Mt Molloy – Lakeland) Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mossman – Mt Molloy Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Mareeba – Dimbulah Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road

Activity Performed Rest Area Servicing Pothole Patching Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Repair/Replace Guide Markers Pothole Patching Surface Correction with Premix/Asphalt (Manual) Traffic Control for Slashing Job truck 1-8 tonne - no operator Ganger/Grader Operator Tractor Slashing, Rural Roadside Litter Collection - Rural Sub-contractor Road Steward and Vehicle Pothole Patching Roadside Litter Collection - Rural Tractor Slashing, Rural Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Other Surface Drains Repair/Replace Guide Markers Pothole Patching Tractor Slashing, Rural Administration of RMPC (Costing and Engineering management) Pothole Patching Surface Correction with Premix/Asphalt (Manual) Other Sign Works Medium Formation Grading (Western) Tractor Slashing, Rural Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs)

The total claim to DTMR (Department of Transport and Main Roads) for the works listed above for the month of April was $127,970.48. DTMR Emergent Works A westward moving surface trough, combined with an active monsoon, resulted in heavy rainfall and flooding occurring between 7 – 9 February 2014 in North-East Queensland. The Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services, the Hon Jack Dempsey MP, activated the Commonwealth/State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) over the Mareeba Shire Council area on 18 February 2014. DTMR has requested that Mareeba Shire Council undertake emergent restoration of the Burke Developmental Road (BDR) on their behalf. The works will commence in April. DTMR have applied to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority for an extension of time. The extension was granted and the emergent period now expires 30 June 2014 with the submission of emergent works claims now due 30 September 2014.

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CONSULTATION Internal Infrastructure Services staff. External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Included in 2013 / 2014 budget. Operating Included in 2013 / 2014 budget. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advice is provided to residents and businesses affected by any activities. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

7 May 2014

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21 May 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Coordinator Water Operations DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the issues surrounding an Application for Adjustment of Water Consumption submitted by the property owners of 92 Wolfram Road, Dimbulah and why Council should consider approving the application. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council approve the adjustment of the water consumption charges by 50% for the property situated at 92 Wolfram Road, Dimbulah, in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Policy Water Leaks." BACKGROUND Council has received an Application for Adjustment of Water Consumption for the property at 92 Wolfram Road, Dimbulah. The damaged water meter and service are located within the road reserve near the intersection of Stephen and Argyle Streets, Dimbulah. (Refer to site plan attached.) This damage occurred while a Council tractor was slashing the reserve. The damaged water service overlapped two water meter reading periods. The first was in July 2013 and the second was the water meter reading period of January 2014. The applicant’s consumption for the July 2013 period has been adjusted, however, there is still a further adjustment required for the January 2014 period. The applicant’s water charges for this second period are $4,068. Consideration by Council is sought in approving the applicant’s request for water adjustment in accordance with Council’s Dispute Resolution Policy. This would result in an adjustment to the applicant’s current water charges by $2,034. All criteria as set by the policy have been met.

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Site Plan

Date Prepared:

22 April 2014

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21 May 2014


Coordinator Waste Services


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Waste activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of April 2014.

OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the April 2014 Monthly Waste Operations Report."

BACKGROUND The following is a summary of the waste activities undertaken during the month of April 2014. 1.

Waste Operations All transfer stations were open and available to assist with the Tropical Cyclone Ita clean-up. A 30 cubic metre bin of recycled material has been transported by JJ Richards from the Mareeba waste transfer station to Cairns material recycling facility for processing. This will periodically re-occur in the future as the recyclable material builds up. Cairns Mulch will process the green waste stockpiles at both Kuranda and Mareeba Waste transfer Stations this month. Gas monitoring of the Mareeba waste transfer station and landfill has been conducted this month with high methane and other gases detected within the landfill area. Signage will be erected and an action plan is currently being devised. All transfer stations and Mareeba landfill are currently operational.

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Customer Service Waste Statistics The following graph displays customer requests logged in the Customer Request Management (CRM) system during the month of April 2014.


Waste Collected at Each of the Transfer Stations Waste material collected at each of the waste transfer stations is either deposited directly to the Mareeba landfill, recycled or transported to the SITA facility in Cairns for processing. The following pie charts are separated into waste received as whole units and waste received as accrued tonnage.

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Waste Volume to Mareeba Landfill The transfer station waste shown in the pie chart below is the waste collected at each of the waste transfer stations (Mareeba included), and deposited directly to the Mareeba landfill. The commercial waste shown below is derived from the SITA Bedminster plant in Cairns and deposited into the Mareeba landfill.


Revenue The income shown below in the pie graph is made up of:  Commercial disposal (predominantly SITA)  Interest earned  Interest on Constrained Works  Recycling (steel, batteries)  Rates The expenditure shown below in the pie graph is made of:  Waste administration  Landfill management  Transfer station management

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Please note that at time of submission the April invoice from JJ Richards had not been processed.


Financial Operational Budget Information per budget Section Overall

Graphical – Revenue

Graphical – Expenditure

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9 May 2014

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21 May 2014


Coordinator Water Operations


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Water and Wastewater activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of April 2014.

OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the April 2014 Monthly Water and Wastewater Report.”


Capital Works Projects    


Arsenic Removal Plant at Chillagoe Engineering design is underway on the Mareeba Industrial Park Water Infrastructure Upgrade Work has commenced on Stage 1 of the Historian Project (Water Wastewater & Waste SCADA & Telemetry Recording and Reporting) Stage 2 of the Chillagoe new bore water main almost complete

Environmental Monitoring - Treatment

 Mareeba STP effluent continues to show improvement post desludging. Biological Oxygen 

Demand (BOD) and Suspended Solids (SS) are compliant and appear stable. Faecal Coliforms were noncompliant in the first week and then in compliance the second. Kuranda STP remains compliant with licence conditions.

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Budget - Water

Financial Operational Budget Information per budget Section water Graphical - Revenue

Graphical – Expense

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Budget - Wastewater

Financial Operational Budget Information Per Budget Section Wastewater Graphical - Revenue

Graphical – Expenditure

Page 231

Mareeba TRC Rankine St Wylandra Drive Mareeba Gregory Terrace Kuranda Mason Rd PS Kuranda Chillagoe Dimbulah

April 2014

Chlorine Residual Readings 2014

Wed 2nd Fri 4th Mon 7th Wed 9th Fri 11th Mon 14th Wed 16th Fri 18th Mon 21st Wed 23rd Fri 25th Mon 28th Wed 30th Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) 1.19 1.31 1.35 1.36 1.34 1.50 1.22 1.35 1.25 1.58 1.39 1.43 1.30 0.35 0.81 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.87 0.81 0.92 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.94 0.86 1.08 1.12 0.91 1.10 0.98 1.13 0.61 0.58 1.12 0.91 0.90 0.71 0.97 1.22 1.36 1.14 1.35 1.17 1.27 0.77 1.13 1.36 1.15 1.18 0.90 1.29 0.27 0.28 0.31 0.33 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.31 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.28 0.29 1.24 1.44 1.06 1.15 1.21 1.14 1.02 1.19 1.71 1.11 1.48 1.40 1.01


Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Maximum 5mg/L

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda Wednesday 21 May 2014

Chlorine Residual Readings

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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Mareeba Water Supply Scheme – Operations Data







6000.00 200


Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Production


2000.00 0.00

Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14












0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Page 233

Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Kuranda Data












600.00 200


Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Production


200.00 0.00

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14







600 200



200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Page 234

Rainfall (mm)

Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Litres per Day per Connection


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Mount Data


Wednesday 21 May 2014






Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Production 160.00

500 400

120.00 100.00


80.00 200

60.00 40.00

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day



20.00 0.00

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 500



1000 800




400 100

200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data

Page 235

Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014


500.00 450.00 400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00

400 300 200

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Production


Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0

400 300 200 100 0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Page 236

Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Chillagoe Data

















Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Production

Average Daily Production (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 1400




1000 800




400 100

200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Page 237

Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Mareeba Data







5000.00 4500.00 4000.00 3500.00 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00

400 300 200

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day

Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow

Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)

100 Rainfall (mm) 0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection 1400




1000 800




400 100

200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Page 238

Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection


Wednesday 21 May 2014

Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Kuranda Data


Wednesday 21 May 2014





Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow 400.00

500 400

300.00 250.00


200.00 200

150.00 100.00

Rainfall (mm)

Kilolitres per Day


Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)



Rainfall (mm)


0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14







600 200



200 0

0 Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Date Prepared: 5 May 2014

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Rainfall (mm)

Litres per Day per Connection

Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection

Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014







21 May 2014

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Chief Executive Officer

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With the establishment of the new Mareeba Shire Council on 1 January 2014, it is important that a Council logo be adopted. A logo is an important item of corporate imagery and allows people to immediately identify the organisation. A plant, Acacia Purpureopetala, with a distinctive purple/pink puff ball flower, was identified as one which is only found in this region and it is proposed that this be adopted as our floral emblem and that a stylised version of this be used as our Council logo. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt Acacia Purpureopetala as Mareeba Shire's floral emblem and that the stylised version, as attached, be adopted as the new Mareeba Shire Council logo." BACKGROUND As a result of the recent de-amalgamation, Council requires a new logo and branding to reflect the communities it represents. After considerable discussion and feedback, a design has been recently agreed upon by Council, using the local wattle, Acacia Purpureopetala, as the floral emblem for the Shire logo. The plant is unique to a very limited area in Far North Queensland with the majority of its’ distribution in the Mareeba Shire. The species is listed as Critically Endangered on the Commonwealth EPBC Act and vulnerable under the QLD Nature Conservation Act.

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014


From north to south there are five general locations where this species is found: Mt Emerald south of Walkamin; Stannary Hills; Irvinebank; an area north-east of Mt Garnet. There are two sites outside the shire boundary both of which are along the southern boundary; these are near Herberton and along the Mt Misery-Coolgara Road (Queensland Herbarium 2009). The species' extent of occurrence and area of occupancy estimated to be 902 km2 and less than 0.1 km2 respectively (Queensland Herbarium 2009). HABITAT Acacia purpureopetala grows on steep rocky slopes, usually at altitudes of 780-880 m above sea level in eucalypt woodland (Orchard & Wilson 2001; Queensland Herbarium 2009). Near Mt Emerald, south-west of Walkamin, this species is found in a mosaic of heathland and woodland. Associated species are Ramornie Stringybark (Eucalyptus tindaliae), E. pachycalyx, Range Bloodwood (Eucalyptus abergiana), Homoranthus porteri and Leptospermum amboinense (Queensland Herbarium 2009). At Stannary Hills, A. purpureopetala is found on the hilltop, on very steep loose rocky slopes and excavated rock surfaces on metamorphics, in open woodland with eucalypt woodland and sparse herbaceous flora (Queensland Herbarium 2009). In the Irvinebank area, it occurs on roadsides and disturbed situations within woodland where the associated species are Gympie Messmate (Eucalyptus cloeziana), White Bloodwood (Corymbia trachyphloia), Acacia calyculata, A. humifusa and A. leptoloba and steep rocky slopes carrying Narrow Leaved Ironbark (Eucalyptus crebra) woodland (Queensland Herbarium 2009). At the Herberton site, this species occurs on steep rocky hillsides and stone slopes in open forest of Eucalyptus rhodops and E. medicris woodland (Queensland Herbarium 2009). Along the Mt Misery to Coolgara road it occurs in disturbed eucalypt woodland on rocky outcrops on low granite hills (Queensland herbarium 2009).

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014

The Acacia purpureopetala

The concept of developing a new Logo was discussed with Council over a number of occasions in workshop settings. Preliminary designs were developed and considered against Logo Guidelines with considerable effort by a number of staff. The design selected is one that is distinctly different and will be clearly recognisable. It will be able to be used on Stationery, Flags, Uniforms and a wide range of applications. A full style guide will be developed to ensure uniform use. The Proposed Logo

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014

The proposed Logo in can also be used in Greyscale or Black and White, examples of this are set out below Greyscale

Black And White

CONSULTATION Internal Mayor and Councillors CEO and Executive Management Team ICT and Governance Staff Media and Events Officer External NIL LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) NIL FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital NIL Operating NIL

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014



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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 21 May 2014


NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL The next meeting of Council will be held at 9:00 am on Wednesday 4 June 2014

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