Part 6 6.1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Preliminary Zones organise the planning scheme area in a way that facilitates the location of preferred or acceptable land uses. Zones are mapped and included in Schedule 2. The levels of assessment for development in a zone are in Part 5. Assessment criteria for zones are contained in a zone code. A precinct may be identified for part of a zone. Precinct provisions are contained in the zone code. Each zone code identifies the following: (a) the purpose of the code (b) the overall outcomes that achieve the purpose of the code (c) the performance outcomes that achieve the overall outcomes and the purpose of the code (d) the acceptable outcomes that achieve the performance and overall outcomes and the purpose of the code (e) the performance and acceptable outcomes for the precinct. The following are the zone codes for the planning scheme: (a) Centre zone (b) Community facilities zone (c) Conservation zone (d) Emerging community zone (e) Industry zone (i) General industry precinct (ii) Heavy industry precinct (iii) Trades and services precinct (f) Low density residential zone (g) Medium density residential zone (h) Recreation and open space zone (i) Rural zone (j) Rural residential zone (i) 4,000m2 precinct (ii) 1 hectare precinct (iii) 2 hectare precinct
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Part 6 — 169
Zone codes
Centre zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Centre zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Centre zone code is to provide for a mix of uses and activities. These uses include, but are not limited to, business, retail, professional, administrative, community, entertainment, cultural and residential activities. Centres are found at a variety of scales based on their location and surrounding activities.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Centre zone code is to facilitate the orderly development of the network of centres to meet the needs of the communities throughout the shire.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Promotion of a mix of commercial, business, professional, accommodation and retail activities; (b) Industries such as service and low impact industries may be appropriate where they are for the provision of trade, service or light industries that are of a compatible scale with commercial activities and preferably do not adjoin residential areas; (c) Residential development is facilitated where it can integrate and enhance the fabric of the centre and is located behind or above commercial development; (d) Development provides a high level of amenity and is reflective of the surrounding character of the area; (e) Development is generally established in accessible, well-connected locations with access or future access to public transport, cycling and pedestrian networks; (f) Development does not compromise the viability of the hierarchy and network of activity centres.
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DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Centre zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Siting PO2 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with pedestrian spaces.
AO2.1 Buildings are built to the road frontage/s of the site. Note—Awning structures may extend into the road reserve where provided in accordance with PO5.
AO2.2 Buildings are setback and boundary treatment(s) are undertaken in accordance with Table
Accommodation density PO3 The density of Accommodation activities: (a) contributes to housing choice and affordability; (b) respects the nature and density of surrounding land use; (c) does not cause amenity impacts beyond the reasonable expectation of the planned accommodation density for the centre; and (d) is commensurate to the scale and frontage of the site.
AO3 Development provides a maximum density for Accommodation activities of: (a) 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per 120m2 site area; and (b) 1 bedroom per 60m2 site area.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Site cover PO4 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of surrounding buildings; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO4 Site cover does not exceed 90%.
For assessable development Building design PO5 Building facades are appropriately designed to: (a) provide an active and vibrant streetscape; (b) include visual interest and architectural variation; (c) maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds; (d) provide opportunities for casual surveillance; (e) include a human scale; and (f) encourage occupation of outdoor space.
AO5.1 Buildings address and provide pedestrian entrances to: (a) the primary pedestrian frontage where a single frontage lot or multiple frontage lot that is not a corner lot; (b) the primary and secondary frontages where a corner lot, with a pedestrian entrance provided on each frontage and/or as part of a corner truncation; and (c) any adjoining public place, with the main entrance provided on this boundary. AO5.2 Building frontages: (a) are broken into smaller, 10 metre wide components by doors, display windows, pillars and structural elements; (b) are articulated with projections and recesses; (c) include windows where the bottom of the window is located between 0.6 metres and 0.9 metres above the footpath level; and (d) have a minimum 40% of the building facade facing the street is comprised of windows that are not painted or treated to obscure transparency.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes AO5.3 Buildings incorporate cantilevered awnings that are: (a) provided along the full length of the building’s frontage to the street; (b) set back 0.6 metres from the face of the kerb or to match the alignment of the awning/s of the adjoining building/s; (c) a minimum of 3 metres and a maximum of 4.2 metres above the finished level of the footpath from the underside of the awning; and (d) truncated at the corner with a 2 metre single cord truncation where located on a corner site.
PO6 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the Centre zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Accommodation activities PO7 Accommodation activities are appropriately located in buildings in the Centre zone, having regard to: (a) the use of adjoining premises; and (b) the provision of an active and vibrant streetscape.
AO7 Accommodation activities are located above the ground floor.
Amenity PO8 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO8 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
PO9 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO9 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Table—Setbacks and treatments to side and rear boundaries
Where adjoining land in the Low density residential zone, the Medium density residential zone or the Rural residential zone
Where including windows facing the side boundary
All other instances
Building and structure setback
2 metres
1 metre
0 metres
Screening to windows where required to prevent overlooking or privacy impacts
Blank wall including low maintenance finishes and materials
Boundary treatment x
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Landscape strip with a minimum width of 1.5 metres; and 1.8 metre high solid screen fence
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Community facilities zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Community facilities zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Community facilities zone code is to provide for community related activities and facilities whether under public or private ownership.
These may include the provision of municipal services, public utilities, government installations, hospitals and schools, transport and telecommunication networks and community infrastructure of an artistic, social or cultural nature.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Community facilities zone code is to ensure that community facilities are appropriately located to service the communities in the shire now and in the future, through the protection, planning and development of new facilities and land for future facilities. The provision of community facilities is to ensure that any adverse impacts of these facilities are minimised.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Special uses and works that are owned or operated by Federal, State or Local Government, which may include municipal services, public utilities and transport networks, are facilitated; (b) The viability of special uses is protected by excluding development that could limit the ongoing operation of existing special uses or prejudice appropriate new activities; (c) Any expansion or redevelopment of community facilities is in keeping with the purpose and character of the facility and with community needs; (d) Community facilities are located proximate to the community they service and are consistent in scale, height and bulk with that of surrounding development; (e) Development is supported by the necessary transport infrastructure which is designed to provide and promote safe and efficient public transport use, walking and cycling; (f) Facilities are provided in highly accessible locations and are appropriately integrated with surrounding land uses.
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DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Community facilities zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Siting PO2 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with road corridors.
AO2.1 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 10 metres from a frontage to a Statecontrolled road; (b) 6 metres from a frontage to any other road; and (c) 3 metres from a boundary to an adjoining lot. AO2.2 Car parking and set down areas are set back: (a) 3 metres from the road frontage; and (b) 2 metres from side and rear boundaries.
Site cover PO3 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of surrounding buildings; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
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AO3 Site cover does not exceed: (a) 90% where adjoining the side boundary of land in the Centre zone; or (b) 50% otherwise.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For assessable development Building design PO4 Building facades are appropriately designed to: (a) include visual interest and architectural variation; (b) maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds; (c) provide opportunities for casual surveillance; (d) include a human scale; and (e) encourage occupation of outdoor space.
AO4.1 Buildings address the principal road frontage of the site through the location of windows and pedestrian access.
PO5 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the immediate surrounds, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO5 No acceptable outcome is provided.
AO4.2 Buildings do not include blank walls to road frontages exceeding 3 metres in length.
Amenity PO6 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO7 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Part 6 — 177
Conservation zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Conservation zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Conservation zone code is to provide for the protection, restoration and management of areas identified as supporting significant biological diversity and ecological integrity.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Conservation zone code is to ensure that the shire’s outstanding natural environment, ecological processes and biodiversity values are conserved, enhanced and restored.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Areas identified as having significant values for biological diversity, water catchment, ecological functioning and historical or cultural values are protected from development; (b) Low intensity development based on appreciation of the conservation value of the area, such as ecotourism and outdoor recreation, may be facilitated where a demonstrated community need exists and where it is consistent with any management plan for the area; (c) Adverse impacts on conservation values from on and off-site development or operation of development are minimised through the location, design and management of development and activities; (d) Development is reflective of and responsive to the environmental values of the area; (e) Natural features such as creeks, gullies, waterways, wetlands and native vegetation are protected and appropriate buffers are established; (f) Low-impact, small-scale rural living opportunities and rural actives are facilitated where compatible with the maintenance of conservation values.
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DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Conservation zone code — For assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the height of surrounding vegetation; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) an appropriate balance between built and natural features.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Siting PO2 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (e) relationship with road corridors; and (f) an appropriate balance between built and natural features.
AO2 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 10 metres from any road frontage; and (b) 10 metres from side and rear boundaries.
Accommodation density PO3 The density of Accommodation activities: (a) contributes to housing choice and affordability; (b) respects the nature and density of surrounding land use; (c) is commensurate to the size and frontage of the site; (d) does not cause amenity impacts beyond the reasonable expectation of accommodation density for the zone; and (e) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO3 Development provides a maximum density for Accommodation activities of 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per lot.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Site cover PO4 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) protects the ecological features and values of the site and surrounds; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of buildings in the surrounding area; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO4 Site cover does not exceed 10%.
Building design PO5 Development complements and integrates with the established built and environmental character of the Conservation zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO5 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO6 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO7 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Emerging community zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Emerging community zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Emerging community zone code is to: (a) identify land that is suitable for urban purposes and protect land that may be suitable for urban development in the future (b) manage the timely conversion of non-urban land to urban purposes. (c) prevent or discourage development that is likely to compromise appropriate longer term land use.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Emerging community zone code is to provide for the sequenced release of land to meet community need and market demand for new urban development in designated urban growth areas. Urban development may occur in the zone in accordance with an approved structure plan but the primary purpose of the zone and the code is to reserve land for future urban development, the majority of which is likely to occur beyond the life of the planning scheme. Urban growth areas are identified within the towns of Kuranda and Mareeba. These areas are subject to Local plan codes which include further provisions.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Land that has the potential for development for urban purposes although may contain pockets of land unsuitable for development due to scenic or environmental constraints is preserved until detailed planning studies have occurred; (b) Interim development does not compromise the future development potential of the land for urban purposes; (c) Development of land is based upon the provision of infrastructure, consideration of environmental constraints and desired settlement pattern for the area; (d) Development is supported by necessary transport infrastructure which is designed to provide and promote safe and efficient public transport use, walking and cycling; (e) Development is supported by an internal road network and does not compromise the safety or efficiency of State-controlled or Local government collector roads; (f) Land is developed in an orderly sequence and, for all but minor proposals, in accordance with a structure planning process; (g) Land is developed in a sustainable manner to reflect the desired land use pattern of the local government area by integrating development sites, community infrastructure, open space and important natural features; (h) Non-residential development may be supported where such uses directly support the day to day needs of the immediate residential community or the precinct is identified for non-residential uses and is planned for as part of a structure plan; (i) Significant historical, architectural, topographic, landscape, scenic, social, recreational and cultural features, as well as natural habitat areas, wildlife corridors, wetlands and waterway corridors are protected and enhanced as part of the development of the zone; and (j) Roads and other transport corridors are coordinated and interconnected to ensure pedestrian, cyclists, public transport and private vehicles have accessibility between neighbourhoods, centres and other locations.
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Part 6 — 181
DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Emerging community zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1.1 Development, except where involving industrial activities, has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level. AO1.2 Industrial development has a maximum building height of 10 metres.
Outbuildings and residential scale PO2 Domestic outbuildings: (a) do not dominate the lot on which they are located; and (b) are in scale with the character and amenity of the area.
AO2.1 On lots less than 2 hectares, domestic outbuildings do not exceed: (a) 150m2 in gross floor area; and (b) 5.5 metres above natural ground level. AO2.2 On lots greater than 2 hectares, domestic outbuildings do not exceed 200m2 in gross floor area.
Siting, where not involving a Dwelling House Note—Where for Dwelling house, the setbacks of the Queensland Development Code apply.
PO3 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with road corridors.
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AO3.1 Buildings and structures are setback from a State controlled road a minimum of 40 metres where a site is 2 hectares or larger. Note—Where on a site with an area of less than 2 hectares, the setbacks of the Queensland Development Code apply.
AO3.2 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 6 metres from a frontage to a sealed road that is not a State-controlled road; (b) 20 metres from a frontage to any other road; and (c) 10 metres from a boundary to an adjoining lot.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Accommodation density PO4 The density of Accommodation activities does not preclude the future re-development of the land for urban purposes consistent with Structure Plans approved in accordance it PO7.
AO4 Development provides a minimum density for Accommodation activities of 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per 1,250m2 site area. Note—Calculation of Accommodation density excludes areas not developed as a result of provisions of an overlay.
For assessable development PO5 Development where not involving urban purposes: (a) does not compromise the future development potential of the land for urban purposes; and (b) is compatible with residential uses. PO6 Development involving urban purposes provides: (a) residential areas with a mix of lot sizes to allow for housing mix; and (b) industrial areas with a mix of industrial uses.
AO5 Non-urban development is limited to Animal husbandry or Cropping.
AO6 No acceptable outcome provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Structure planning PO7 Development occurs as outlined in a Structure Plan that: (a) is prepared in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 8 Structure Planning; (b) takes into consideration land use need and the type, scale, density of proposed urban development; (c) includes a road network that: (i) is logically designed; (ii) can be delivered sequentially; (iii) includes an urban morphology that is consistent with the surrounding area; (iv) provides pedestrian links to centres and open space; (d) locates any non-residential development: (i) on major roads; (ii) where not introducing nonresidential traffic to residential streets; and (iii) to provide the day to day needs of the immediate residential community; (e) scales any non-residential development to: (i) be consistent with the scale of surrounding residential development; (ii) not undermine the viability of nearby centres or the centres network; and (iii) not unduly detract from the amenity of nearby residences.
AO7 No acceptable outcome provided.
Building design PO8 Development assists in the establishment of a consistent built character in the Emerging community zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
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AO8 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Amenity PO9 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO9 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO10 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO10 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Part 6 — 185
Industry zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Industry zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Industry zone code is to provide for a range of service, low, medium, or high impact industrial uses. It may include non-industrial and business uses that support the industrial activities where they do not compromise the long-term use of the land for industrial purposes.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Industry zone code is to facilitate industrial activity in order to: (a) contribute to and strengthen the economic development of the region; (b) service the needs of the communities in the shire; and (c) provide for a variety of employment opportunities.
The shire’s industrial areas will vary in their role and level of service provision and cater for different scales and types of industrial development. Three precincts are identified within the zone in order to establish a hierarchy of industrial areas catering for lower impact to higher impact industries: (a) The Trades and services precinct is intended to accommodate service industry and low impact industries. This precinct encompasses the majority of the existing smaller industrial areas which are often located in commercial areas or adjoining residential areas. The precinct is strategically located in serviced areas to provide light industry, service and trades industries to meet local needs and located. Higher impact industries may be appropriate in some locations within this precinct where it can be demonstrated that they will not have any adverse impacts on surrounding development and land uses; (b) The General industry precinct is intended to accommodate medium impact industries and existing high impact industries. This precinct encompasses the central industrial area of Mareeba. Further expansion of high impact industries is not encouraged due to the proximity of the precinct to residential areas, meaning a transition to lower impact industries is supported; and (c) The Heavy industry precinct is intended to accommodate a range of industrial uses including high impact industries and encompasses the Chillagoe industrial area, the Mareeba major industrial area and the Mareeba Airport industrial area.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Uses and works for industrial purposes are located, designed and managed to maintain safety to people, avoid significant adverse effects on the natural environment and minimise impacts on surrounding non-industrial land; (b) Development is sited having regard to its servicing capabilities in terms of transport, water, sewage, electricity, telecommunications infrastructure, proximity to other associated industries and work force; (c) Development maximises the use of existing transport infrastructure and has access to an appropriate level of transport infrastructure and facilities; (d) Development is supported by necessary transport infrastructure which is designed to provide and promote safe and efficient public transport use, walking and cycling; (e) Development is reflective of and responsive to the environmental constraints of the land; (f) The scale, character and built form of development contributes to an appropriate standard of amenity;
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(g) (h) (i)
(k) (l)
Non-industrial uses, such as offices, retail uses and caretaker’s accommodation that directly support the industrial area are facilitated; The viability of both existing and future industrial activities is protected from the intrusion of incompatible uses; Adverse impacts on natural features and processes both on-site and from adjoining areas are minimised through location, design, operation and management of development; Industrial uses are adequately separated and buffered from sensitive land uses to minimise the likelihood of environmental harm including environmental nuisance occurring; Land included in the Industry zone is to be protected from incompatible uses to ensure that industrial activities may continue and expand; and Development is appropriately coordinated and sequenced to ensure the most effective use of land within the zone. Criteria for assessment Table—Industry zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres within 10 metres of any common boundary with land in the Low density residential zone, the Medium density residential zone or the Rural residential zone; (b) 35 metres for all buildings and structures where involving a Telecommunication facility; and (c) 12 metres otherwise.
Siting PO2 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) appearance of building bulk; and (c) relationship with road corridors.
AO2 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 3 metres from any road frontage; (b) 6 metres from side and rear boundaries where adjoining land in the Low density residential zone, the Medium density residential zone or the Rural residential zone; and (c) 0 metres from side and rear boundaries otherwise.
For assessable development Site cover PO3 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of surrounding buildings.
AO3 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Part 6 — 187
Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Building design PO4 Building facades are appropriately designed to maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds.
AO4 Buildings in the Industrial zone include: (a) a main entrance which is easily identifiable and is directly accessible from the primary road frontage; and (b) any office space sited and oriented towards the primary road frontage.
PO5 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the Industry zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) building materials, colours and textures; and (c) window and door size and location.
AO5 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Non-industrial uses PO6 Development involving a non-industrial use: (a) has access to adequate infrastructure and essential services; (b) is complementary in nature to the character and amenity of the Industry zone; and (c) does not negatively impact on the operation of existing uses within the Industry zone.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO7 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
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AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
PO8 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO8 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Low density residential zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Low density residential zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Low density residential zone code is to provide for predominantly dwelling houses supported by community uses and small-scale services and facilities that cater for local residents.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Low density residential zone code is to: (a) maintain the integrity of established residential areas, which are characterised primarily by Dwelling houses and Dual occupancy development; (b) provide opportunities for other forms of residential development where existing character and amenity will not be compromised; and (c) facilitate non-residential development that directly supports the day to day needs of the immediate residential community, in new residential areas.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) The dominant form of development is detached dwelling houses, on a range of lot sizes; (b) In greenfield areas, in proximity to activity centres, a wider range of higher density residential development may occur where existing low density residential amenity is not compromised; (c) High quality Residential care facilities and Retirement facilities are located on larger sites; (d) Development provides for an efficient land use pattern and is well connected to other developments; (e) Development is designed to provide safe and walkable neighbourhoods that connect residents to desirable destinations including schools, parks, shops and community facilities; (f) Development facilitates other small-scale uses that integrate personal employment and residential activities, provided they complement local residential amenity; (g) Development maintains a high level of residential amenity avoiding uses that introduce impacts associated with noise, hours of operation, traffic, advertising devices, visual amenity, privacy, lighting, odour and emissions; (h) Development reflects and enhances the existing low density scale and character of the area; (i) Development is supported by necessary transport infrastructure which is designed to provide and promote safe and efficient public transport use, walking and cycling; (j) Development is supported by necessary community facilities, open space and recreational areas and appropriate infrastructure to meet the needs of the local community; (k) Non-residential development may be supported in new residential areas where such uses directly support the day to day needs of the immediate residential community; (l) Development takes account of the environmental constraints of the land; and (m) Any unavoidable impacts are minimised through location, design, operation and management requirements.
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DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Low density residential zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Outbuildings and residential scale PO2 Domestic outbuildings: (a) do not dominate the lot on which they are located; and (b) are consistent with the scale and character of development in the Lowdensity residential zone.
AO2 Domestic outbuildings do not exceed: (a) 100m2 in gross floor area; and (b) 5.5 metres in height above natural ground level.
Siting, where not involving a Dwelling house Note—Where for Dwelling house, the setbacks of the Queensland Development Code apply.
PO3 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; and (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with road corridors.
AO3.1 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 6 metres from the primary road frontage; and (b) 3 metres from any secondary road frontage. AO3.2 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of 2 metres from side and rear boundaries.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Accommodation density PO4 The density of Accommodation activities: (a) contributes to housing choice and affordability; (b) respects the nature and density of surrounding land use; (c) does not cause amenity impacts beyond the reasonable expectation of accommodation density for the zone; and (d) is commensurate to the scale and frontage of the site.
AO4 Development provides a maximum density for Accommodation activities in compliance with Table
Gross floor area PO5 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of surrounding buildings; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO5 Gross floor area does not exceed 600m2.
For assessable development Building design PO6 Building facades are appropriately designed to: (a) include visual interest and architectural variation; (b) maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds; (c) provide opportunities for casual surveillance; (d) include a human scale; and (e) encourage occupation of outdoor space.
AO6 Buildings include habitable space, pedestrian entrances and recreation space facing the primary road frontage.
PO7 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the Low density residential zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Non-residential development PO8 Non-residential development is only located in new residential areas and: (a) is consistent with the scale of existing development; (b) does not detract from the amenity of nearby residential uses; (c) directly supports the day to day needs of the immediate residential community; and (d) does not impact on the orderly provision of non-residential development in other locations in the shire.
AO8 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO9 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO9 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO10 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO10 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Table—Maximum densities for Accommodation activities Use Dual occupancy Dwelling house Multiple dwelling Residential care facility Retirement facility
Maximum density 1 dwelling per 400m2 of site area 1 dwelling per lot (a) 1 dwelling per 400m2 of site area; and (b) 1 bedroom per 200m2 of site area. 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per 250m2 of site area. 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per 400m2 of site area
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Part 6 — 193
Medium density residential zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Medium density residential zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the medium density residential zone code is to provide for medium density multiple dwellings supported by community uses and small-scale services and facilities that cater for local residents.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Medium density residential zone code is to facilitate medium residential densities and a diversity of housing which caters for a range of households in locations which are proximate to town centres, community facilities and open space. Small lot housing is facilitated and medium density development may include Dual occupancy and Multiple dwelling development in the form of town houses, apartments and units.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Development provides a range of residential dwelling choices including Multiple dwellings in locations clustered around or near activity centres and transport networks; (b) Development encourages and facilitates urban consolidation and the efficient use of physical and social infrastructure; (c) Development is supported by employment nodes, community facilities and services, transport and commercial hubs where appropriate; Development provides and maintains a high level of amenity in the zone and is reflective of the desired character of the area; (d) The scale and density of development facilitates an efficient land use pattern that supports safe and walkable neighbourhoods that are well connected to employment nodes, centres, open space and recreational areas, community services and educational opportunities; (e) Other small-scale development that integrates personal employment and residential activities is encouraged, provided it complements local residential amenity; (f) Development maintains a high level of residential amenity avoiding uses that introduce impacts associated with noise, hours of operation, traffic, advertising devices, visual amenity, privacy, lighting, odour and emissions; (g) Non-residential development may be supported where such uses directly support the day to day needs of the immediate residential community; and (h) Development responds to land constraints and mitigates any adverse impacts on adjacent land uses and the environment.
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DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Medium density residential zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Outbuildings and residential scale PO2 Domestic outbuildings: (a) do not dominate the lot on which they are located; and (b) are consistent with the scale and character of development in the Medium density residential zone.
AO2 Domestic outbuildings do not exceed: (a) 100m2 in gross floor area; and (b) 5.5 metres in height above natural ground level.
Siting, where not involving a Dwelling house Note—Where for Dwelling house, the setbacks of the Queensland Development Code apply.
PO3 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with road corridors.
AO3.1 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 6 metres from the primary road frontage; and (b) 3 metres from any secondary road
frontage. AO3.2 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of 2 metres from side and rear boundaries.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Accommodation density PO4 The density of Accommodation activities: (a) contributes to housing choice and affordability; (b) respects the nature and density of surrounding land use; (c) does not cause amenity impacts beyond the reasonable expectation of accommodation density for the zone; and (d) is commensurate to the scale and frontage of the site.
AO4 Development provides a maximum density for Accommodation activities in compliance with Table
Gross floor area PO5 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of surrounding buildings; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO5 Gross floor area does not exceed 600m2.
For assessable development Building design PO6 Building facades are appropriately designed to: (a) include visual interest and architectural variation; (b) maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds; (c) provide opportunities for casual surveillance; (d) include a human scale; and (e) encourage occupation of outdoor space.
AO6 Buildings include habitable space, pedestrian entrances and recreation space facing the primary road frontage.
PO7 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the Medium density residential zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Non-residential development PO8 Non-residential development: (a) is consistent with the scale of existing development; (b) does not detract from the amenity of nearby residential uses; (c) directly supports the day to day needs of the immediate residential community; and (d) does not impact on the orderly provision of non-residential development in other locations in the shire.
AO8 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO9 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO9 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO10 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO10 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Table—Maximum densities for Accommodation activities Use Dual occupancy Dwelling house Multiple dwelling Residential care facility Retirement facility
Maximum density 1 dwelling per 300m2 of site area 1 dwelling per lot (a) 1 dwelling per 150m2 of site area; and (b) 1 bedroom per 75m2 of site area. 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per 100m2 of site area. 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per 150m2 of site area
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Part 6 — 197
Recreation and open space zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Recreation and open space zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Recreation and open space zone code is to provide for a range of sporting, recreation, leisure, cultural and educational activities. It may provide for local, district and regional scale parks that serve the recreation needs of residents and visitors and may include areas for conservation of natural values. Areas such as parks, playing fields and playgrounds are generally accessible to the public. However, access may be limited in certain areas and at certain times. Where required to meet community needs, development may include structures such as shelters, amenity facilities, picnic tables, clubhouses, gymnasiums, swimming pools, tennis courts and other infrastructure to support recreational or sporting activities.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Recreation and open space zone code is to ensure that: (a) suitable areas of open space are available for the wide range of recreational activities pursued and enjoyed by the residents of the shire; (b) appropriate open space linkages are provided and maintained; and (c) the natural, environmental, scenic and recreational values of open space are protected and enhanced where possible.
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Areas are provided for active sport and recreation to meet community needs, including playing fields, equestrian facilities, outdoor cultural facilities, educational activities, public swimming pools and outdoor courts; (b) Impacts on adjacent areas from development and activities within the zone are managed through buffering to adjacent sensitive land uses and appropriate design, siting and operation of facilities and infrastructure; (c) Opportunities for sporting clubs using playing fields to establish club facilities are facilitated; (d) Open space is accessible to the general public for a range of outdoor sport and recreation activities; (e) A range of functional and accessible open spaces, including local and regional parks and linkages, are available for the use and enjoyment of residents and visitors; (f) Development is supported by necessary transport infrastructure that is designed to provide and promote safe and efficient public transport use, walking and cycling; (g) Ancillary structures and buildings such as shelters, amenity facilities, picnic tables and playgrounds are provided where necessary; (h) Where sport and recreation areas include natural habitats such as bushland, wetlands or waterways, or act as a buffer between natural and developed areas, adverse impacts on ecological values are avoided or minimised; (i) Sport and recreation areas are planned and designed to enhance community livability and scenic amenity; and (j) The use of sport and recreation areas does not affect the amenity of adjacent areas.
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DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Recreation and open space zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Siting PO2 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with road corridors.
AO2.1 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 10 metres from a State-controlled road frontage; (b) 6 metres from any other road frontage; and (c) 3 metres from side and rear boundaries. AO2.2 Car parking and set down areas are set back: (a) 3 metres from the road frontage; and (b) 2 metres from side and rear boundaries.
For assessable development Site cover PO3 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land for recreation purposes; (b) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO3 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Building design PO4 Building facades are appropriately designed to: (a) include visual interest and architectural variation; (b) maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds; (c) provide opportunities for casual surveillance; (d) include a human scale.
AO4 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO5 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the immediate surrounds, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO5 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO6 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO7 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Part 6 — 200
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Rural zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Rural zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Rural zone code is to: (a) provide for rural uses including cropping, intensive horticulture, intensive animal industries, animal husbandry, animal keeping and other primary production activities; (b) provide opportunities for non-rural uses that are compatible with agriculture, the environmental features, and landscape character of the rural area where the uses do not compromise the long-term use of the land for rural purposes; (c) protect or manage significant natural resources and processes to maintain the capacity for primary production.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Rural zone code is to recognise the importance of primary production to the economy of the region and to maintain and strengthen the range of primary industries which contribute to the rural economy. The purpose of the Rural zone code is to: (a) recognise the diversity of rural uses that exists throughout the region; (b) protect the rural character of the region; (c) provide facilities for visitors and tourists that are accessible and offer a unique experience; (d) protect the infrastructure of the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Scheme Area from development which may compromise long term use for primary production; (e) maintain distinct boundaries between the rural areas and the villages, towns and urban areas of the region; (f) provide for a range of uses, compatible and associated with rural or ecological values including recreational pursuits and tourist activities; (g) prevent adverse impacts of development on ecological values; (h) preserve land in large holdings; and (i) facilitate the protection of strategic corridors across the landscape which link remnant areas of intact habitat and transport corridors.
The purpose of the Rural zone code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) Areas for use for primary production are conserved and fragmentation below economically viable lot sizes is avoided; (b) The establishment of a wide range of rural pursuits is facilitated, including cropping, intensive horticulture, forestry, intensive animal industries, animal husbandry and animal keeping and other compatible primary production uses; (c) The establishment of extractive industries, mining and associated activities and alternative forms of energy generation is appropriate where environmental impacts and land use conflicts are minimised; (d) Uses that require isolation from urban areas as a consequence of their impacts such as noise or odour may be appropriate where land use conflicts are minimised; (e) Development is reflective of and responsive to the environmental constraints of the land; (f) Residential and other development is appropriate only where directly associated with the rural nature of the zone; (g) Low-impact tourism and recreation activities do not compromise the long-term use of the land for rural purposes;
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(h) (i) (j)
The viability of both existing and future rural uses and activities is protected from the intrusion of incompatible uses; Visual impacts of clearing, building, materials, access ways and other aspects of development are minimised or appropriately managed; Adverse impacts of development both on-site and from adjoining areas are avoided and any impacts are minimised through location, design, operation and management; and Natural features such as creeks, gullies, waterways, wetlands and bushland are retained, managed, enhanced and separated from adjacent development. Criteria for assessment Table—Rural zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1.1 Development, other than buildings used for rural activities, has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level. AO1.2 Buildings and structures associated with a rural activity including machinery, equipment, packing or storage buildings do not exceed 10 metres in height.
Siting, where not involving a Dwelling house Note—Where for Dwelling house, the setbacks of the Queensland Development Code apply.
PO2 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (e) appearance of building bulk; and (f) relationship with road corridors.
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AO2 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 40 metres from a frontage to a Statecontrolled road; (b) 10 metres from a frontage to a sealed road that is not a State-controlled road; (c) 100 metres from a frontage to any other road; and (d) 10 metres from a boundary to an adjoining lot.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Accommodation density PO3 The density of Accommodation activities: (a) respects the nature and density of surrounding land use; (b) is complementary and subordinate to the rural and natural landscape values of the area; and (c) is commensurate to the scale and frontage of the site.
AO3.1 Residential density does not exceed one dwelling house per lot.
AO3.2 Residential density does not exceed two dwellings per lot and development is for: (a) a secondary dwelling; or (b) Caretaker’s accommodation and includes building work or minor building work with a maximum gross floor area of 100m2; or (c) Rural worker’s accommodation.
For assessable development Site cover PO4 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of buildings in the surrounding area; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO4 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO5 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the Rural zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO5 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO6 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
PO7 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
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6.2.10 Rural residential zone code Application (1)
This code applies to assessing development where: (a) located in the Rural residential zone; and (b) it is identified in the assessment criteria column of an assessment table in Part 5 of the planning scheme. Purpose (1)
The purpose of the Rural residential zone code is to provide for residential development on large lots where local government infrastructure and services may not be provided on the basis that the intensity of development is generally dispersed.
Mareeba Shire Council's purpose of the Rural residential zone code is to provide for residential development on a range of larger lots which take account of the history of rural residential development throughout the region. Limited agricultural and animal husbandry activities which contribute to a semi-rural setting may be appropriate on lots with areas in the upper range of lot sizes.
The Rural residential zone has been broken into three precincts to cater for the distinct lot sizes and levels of servicing that historically occurred in this zone: (a) The 2 hectare precinct is characterised by significant clusters of larger rural residential lifestyle lots that have limited infrastructure and proximity to services. Lots within this precinct will not be reconfigured below 2 hectares in size; (b) The 1 hectare precinct is characterised by significant clusters of rural residential lifestyle lots that have limited access to infrastructure and proximity to services. Lots within this precinct will not be reconfigured below 1 hectare in size; and (c) The 4,000m2 precinct is characterised by clusters of smaller rural residential lots in proximity to activity centres, where reticulated water supply and an urban standard of infrastructure (apart from sewerage) can be provided. Lots within this precinct will not be reconfigured below 4,000m².
The purpose of the code will be achieved through the following overall outcomes: (a) The development of large rural residential lots with attendant provision of onsite infrastructure is facilitated; (b) Development within the zone preserves the environmental and topographical features of the land by integrating an appropriate scale of rural residential activities; (c) Development avoids areas of ecological significance; (d) Low-impact activities such as small-scale eco-tourism and outdoor recreation uses are permitted within the zone where the impacts of such uses are acceptable; (e) Natural features such as creeks, gullies, waterways, wetlands and vegetation and bushland are retained, enhanced and buffered from the impacts of development, with unavoidable impacts minimised through location, design, operation and management requirements; (f) Other uses may be appropriate where meeting the day to day needs of the rural residential catchment or having a direct relationship to the land in which the particular use is proposed. Any such uses should not have any adverse effects on the residential amenity of the area through factors such as noise generation, traffic generation or other factors associated with the use; and (g) Reconfiguring a lot will maintain the predominant lot size of the precinct or intended for the precinct.
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Part 6 — 205
DRAFT Criteria for assessment Table—Rural residential zone code - For self-assessable and assessable development Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
For self-assessable and assessable development Height PO1 Building height takes into consideration and respects the following: (a) the height of existing buildings on adjoining premises; (b) the development potential, with respect to height, on adjoining premises; (c) the height of buildings in the vicinity of the site; (d) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (e) privacy and overlooking; and (f) site area and street frontage length.
AO1 Development has a maximum building height of: (a) 8.5 metres; and (b) 2 storeys above ground level.
Outbuildings and residential scale PO2 Domestic outbuildings: (a) do not dominate the lot on which they are located; and (b) are consistent with the scale and character of development in the Rural residential zone.
AO2.1 On lots less than 2 hectares, domestic outbuildings do not exceed: (a) 150m2 in gross floor area; and (b) 5.5 metres above natural ground level. AO2.2 On lots greater than 2 hectares, domestic outbuildings do not exceed: (a) 200m2 in gross floor area; and (b) 8.5 metres above natural ground level.
Siting, where not involving a Dwelling house Note—Where for Dwelling house, the setbacks of the Queensland Development Code apply.
PO3 Development is sited in a manner that considers and respects: (a) the siting and use of adjoining premises; (b) access to sunlight and daylight for the site and adjoining sites; (c) privacy and overlooking; (d) opportunities for casual surveillance of adjoining public spaces; (e) air circulation and access to natural breezes; (f) appearance of building bulk; and (g) relationship with road corridors.
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AO3 Buildings and structures include a minimum setback of: (a) 40 metres from a frontage to a Statecontrolled Road; (b) 6 metres from a frontage to any other road; (c) 10 metres from a boundary to an adjoining lot in the 2 hectare precinct, 1 hectare precinct or the Rural zone or Conservation zone; (d) 5 metres from a boundary to an adjoining lot in the 4,000m2 precinct; and (e) 3 metres from a side or rear boundary otherwise.
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Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Accommodation density PO4 The density of Accommodation activities: (a) contributes to housing choice and affordability; (b) respects the nature and density of surrounding land use; (c) does not cause amenity impacts beyond the reasonable expectation of accommodation density for the zone; and (d) is commensurate to the scale and frontage of the site.
AO4 Development provides a maximum density for Accommodation activities of 1 dwelling or accommodation unit per lot.
For assessable development Site cover PO5 Buildings and structures occupy the site in a manner that: (a) makes efficient use of land; (b) is consistent with the bulk and scale of surrounding buildings; and (c) appropriately balances built and natural features.
AO5 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Building design PO6 Building facades are appropriately designed to: (a) include visual interest and architectural variation; (b) maintain and enhance the character of the surrounds; (c) provide opportunities for casual surveillance; (d) include a human scale; and (e) encourage occupation of outdoor space.
AO6 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO7 Development complements and integrates with the established built character of the Rural residential zone, having regard to: (a) roof form and pitch; (b) eaves and awnings; (c) building materials, colours and textures; and (d) window and door size and location.
AO7 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Mareeba Shire Council planning scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Part 6 — 207
Performance outcomes
Acceptable outcomes
Non-residential development PO8 Non-residential development: (a) is consistent with the scale of existing development; (b) does not detract from the amenity of nearby residential uses; (c) does not impact on the orderly provision of non-residential development in other locations in the shire; and (d) directly supports the day to day needs of the immediate residential community; or (e) has a direct relationship to the land on which the use is proposed.
AO8 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Amenity PO9 Development must not detract from the amenity of the local area, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO9 No acceptable outcome is provided.
PO10 Development must take into account and seek to ameliorate any existing negative environmental impacts, having regard to: (a) noise; (b) hours of operation; (c) traffic; (d) advertising devices; (e) visual amenity; (f) privacy; (g) lighting; (h) odour; and (i) emissions.
AO10 No acceptable outcome is provided.
Part 6 — 208
Mareeba Shire Council planning scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014