Partt 4 4.1
Local gov vernme ent infra astructu ure plan n
Prelim minary
This Priority y Infrastructure Plan (PIP) for the Marreeba Shire Council C has been b prepare ed in accordance with the requirements off the Sustain nable Plannin ng Act 2009.
The purpose e of the Priorrity Infrastruccture Plan is to: (a) Integrrate and coordinate land use planning g and infrasttructure plann ning; and (b) Ensurre that Trunkk Infrastructu ure is planned d and provided in an efficcient and ord derly mannerr.
The Priority Infrastructurre Plan: (a)
(b) (c) (d)
s in Section 4.2 (Planning Assumptio ons) the proje ections of futture urban grrowth and the e States assum mptions of de emand for ea ach trunk infrrastructure network, n whicch have inforrmed the prepa aration of the e Priority Infra astructure Plan Identifies in Sectio on 4.3 (Prioriity Infrastructure Area) th he prioritised area to acco ommodate urban n growth for 10 1 to 15 years States s in Section 4.4 (Desired d Standards o of Service) fo or each netw work of develo opment infras structure the desired stan ndard of perfo ormance of infrastructure e Identifies in Sectio on 4.5 (Planss for Trunk In nfrastructure) the existing g and planne ed trunk infras structure for the t following networks: (i). water supply (ii). wastewaterr (iii). stormwaterr (iv). transport (v). public parkss and land fo or communityy facilities
Planniing assum mptions
The planning assumptions that unde erpin this Prio ority Infrastru ucture Plan (PIP) form a logical and b for the planning p of the trunk infra astructure ne etworks and the determin nation of the consistent basis Priority Infra astructure Area (PIA).
The planning assumptions for the Prriority Infrastrructure Plan (PIP) have been b develop ped in accordance with the land d use planning provisionss of the Mare eeba Shire Council C (SPA A) Planning d the anticipa ated growth in population n, dwellings, non-residential GFA and d employmen nt Scheme and within the Lo ocal Governm ment Area. The T Planning g Assumptions form a log gical basis fo or the plannin ng of the infrastructure netw works and ide entification of o the ‘require ed’ Trunk Inffrastructure necessary n to mands in the anticipated timeframes of o this PIP. service dem
The Plannin ng Assumptio ons that unde erpin this PIP P are based on the workss completed by Mareeba Shire Counccil and the da ata received from the Offfice of Econo omic and Sta atistical Rese earch (OESR R) ‘medium’ se eries growth projections p (2008) for the e Mareeba Shire S Council localities. This T information and data forms the basiss for the ultim mate demand d assumption ns for the ultimate deman nd nk infrastructture network k, supporting a consistentt basis for ne etwork planning and the for each trun determinatio on of the PIA A.
Mareeba a Shire Council pla anning scheme QP PP version 3.1 27 7 June 2014
Part 4 — 1
4.2.1 (1)
Dwellings,, non-reside ential floor space s and la and area The distribution and timing of future developmen nt (residentia al dwellings, non-residen ntial floor spa ace ea) to accom mmodate projjected population and em mployment growth have been b estimatted and land are taking into account a the following f facttors: (a) physical constrain nts on the lan nd u planning g provisions of o the plannin ng scheme (b) land use (c) curren nt development applicatio ons and app provals (d) development trends e provvision of infra astructure (e) cost efficient (f) avera age occupanccy rate proje ections (g) avera age floor space to land arrea ratios (h) existin ng level of de evelopment
Geographiical areas
The projecttions about residential and a non-residential deve elopment are e prepared at a level th hat allows re-a aggregation of data into areas to support infrastructure planning fo or the service catchments of different trunk t infrastrructure netwo orks.
The PIA loccalities referre ed to in Tables to t provides p a ge eographical o overview of the t growth proje ections for residential r an nd non-resid dential devellopment in the Mareeba a Shire Coun ncil localities of Mareeba, Ku uranda, Chillagoe and Diimbulah.
4.2.3 (1)
Time Periods The plannin ng assumptio ons have be een prepare ed for the fo ollowing time e periods to align with the t Australian Bureau B of Sta atistics (ABS) census yea ars: (a) 2008– –mid 2011 (b) mid 2011–mid 2 2016 (c) mid 2016–mid 2 202 21 (d) mid 2021–mid 2 202 26 Information gathered byy the Mareeba Shire Co ouncil sets out o the expe ected growth h in populatio on, dwellings, occupancy o ra ates, anticipa ated employyment numbe ers and non--residential floor f space etc e over these periods. p
4.2.4 (1)
Existing le evel of deve elopment The existing g level of devvelopment (b base year for PIP) has be een estimated d at 2008.
4.2.5 (1)
Developm ment potential of land The net devvelopable are ea is land de esignated forr urban purpo oses under the t planning scheme min nus land require ed for infrastructure, easements whicch constrain developmen nt and land that t is affectted by the follow wing site constraints: (a) 1% AEP A flood inundation (b) nature e conservatio on overlay (c) catchment protecttion overlays s (d) any re esumption pllans
Part 4 — 2
Mareeba Shire Council plann ning scheme QPP P version 3.1 27 Ju une 2014
Assumed Scale S of Dev velopment
The assume ed scale of developmen nt for purposses of the PIP has been n determined d to reflect the t realistic leve el (scale and d intensity) off development having reg gard to the la anduse planning provisio ons of the Plann ning scheme, site constra aints and devvelopment trrends. These e assumption ns are reflectted in Tables 4.2 2.6.1 & 4.2.6 6.2.
Table identifies the assume ed scale of development d t for residen ntial zones expressed e as s a d perr net develop pable hectare e number of dwellings Table 4.2.6..1
Assum med scale of o developm ment for resid dential zone es
Planning scheme s area a identificattion Zone
Emerging Community Medium denssity residential
Low density residential r
Low density residential r Rural Residential Rural Residential Rural Residential
Unsewered 2ha Precinc ct 1ha Precinc ct 2 4,000m Pre ecinct
Planning scheme use type Dwelling Hou use Dwelling Hou use Dual Occupa ancy Multiple Dwe elling Community Type T Activities Dwelling Hou use Dual Occupa ancy Dwelling Hou use Dwelling Hou use Dwelling Hou use Dwelling Hou use
Assumed d density (dwellings s / net developab ble ha) 7.5Dw per Ha Max 22 Dw per p Ha
7.5Dw per Ha 6.0Dw per Ha 0.5 Dw per Ha H 1.0 Dw per Ha H 2.1 Dw per Ha H
Table identifies tthe assumed d density (sca ale) of develo opment for non-residentia n al zones expressed as a floor space per net dev velopable he ectare. Table 4.2.6 6.2 Assum med scale of o developm ment for non--residential zones Planning scheme s area a identificattion Assumed density Planning scheme (floor spa ace / net use type Zone Precinct developab ble ha) Centre
Commercial Activities
6,240 m GFA A/net ha
Trades and Services Precinct
Industrial Ac ctivities
5,200 m GFA A/net ha.
General Indu ustry Precinct
Industrial Ac ctivities
5,200 m GFA A/net ha.
Heavy Indus stry Precinct
Industrial Ac ctivities
5,200 m GFA A/net ha.
Community Facilities F
Community Activities A
4,500 m GFA/net ha
Recreation & Open Space
Sport & Recrreation Activities
1,000 m GFA/net ha
Mareeba a Shire Council pla anning scheme QP PP version 3.1 27 7 June 2014
Part 4 — 3
4.2.7 (1)
Occupanc cy rates Table outlines th he average re esidential occcupancy rate es for differen nt types of re esidential dwellings. Table 4.2.7..1 Mareeba Kuranda Chillagoe Dimbulah
4.2.8 (1)
Avera age residenttial occupan ncy rates in the various s PIA Localitties PIP Proje ection ersons/dwellling) Occupancy Rate (pe Category y 2011 2016 2021 2 2026 Single Dw welling Multiple Dwelling D Other Dw welling Total
2.34 1.68 1.73 2.28 2011
2.27 1.63 1.68 2.21 2016
2.20 1.59 1.63 2.14 2021
2.14 2 1 1.54 1 1.58 2 2.07 2 2026
Single Dw welling Multiple Dwelling D Other Dw welling Total
2.09 1.95 1.63 2.05
1.98 1.84 1.54 1.93
1.87 1.74 1.45 1.83
1.80 1 1 1.65 1 1.38 1 1.74
Floor area a and jobs Table outlines th he average number of job bs per floor area a for differrent types of nonresidential development . We note th d hat the assum mptions are uniform u acro oss the Maree eba Shire Council area a. Avera age job num mbers per GF FA Table 4.2.8..1 PIP projecttion categorry R Retail Commercial Industrial O Other
4.2.9 (1)
Employment ratio (M2 per Em mployee) 20 25 110 N/A
PIP Projec ction Catego ories Tables 4.2.9 9.1 and 4.2.9 9.2 identify th he relationship between the t residentia al and non-re esidential planning sch heme land uses and the PIP projectio on categoriess used in Tables 1,, and d Table 4.2 2.9.1 PIP prrojection ca ategories an nd residentia al planning scheme s land uses PIP projjection category Queensland Planning Pro ovision use Single dw welling Carretakers Acccommodation n Dw welling House e Dw welling Unit Multiple dwelling Dua al Occupanccy Mu ultiple Dwellin ng Rellocatable Ho ome Park Rettirement Faccility Other dw welling Com mmunity Ressidence Hos stel Hottel Non n-resident Workforce W Acccommodation Res sidential Carre Facility Sho ort-term Accommodation n Res sort Complexx Rettirement Faccility
Part 4 — 4
Mareeba Shire Council plann ning scheme QPP P version 3.1 27 Ju une 2014
Roo oming Accom mmodation Rurral Workers’ Accommoda ation
PIP prrojection ca ategories an nd non-resid dential plann ning scheme e land use
PIP projjection category Retail
Industria al
Commun nity Purposes
Qu ueensland Planning P Pro ovision use Ad dult Store Ma arket Ro oadside Stall Service Station n Shop Shopping Centtre Ag gricultural Sup pplies Store Bar othel Bro Bu ulk Landscapiing Supplies s Ca ar Wash Food and Drinkk Outlet Fun nction Facilitty Fun neral Parlourr Ga arden Centre e Ha ardware and Trade Suppllies Ho ome Based Business B Ind door Sport & Recreation Nig ghtclub Enterrtainment Fa acility Offfice Ou utdoor Sales Ou utdoor Sport & Recreation n Sales Office Showroom Theatre on Tourist Attractio Tourist Park Veterinary Servvices arehouse Wa Wh holesale Nurs rsery Win nery Aq quaculture Extractive Indu ustry Hig gh Impact Ind dustry Inte ensive Animal Husbandry ry Inte ensive Horticculture Low w Impact Ind dustry Ma arine Industryy Me edium Impact Industry Special Industrry esearch and technology t In ndustry Re Ru ural Industry Service Industrry ansport Depo ot Tra n Parking Station emetery Ce Ch hild care centtre Co ommunity Residence Co ommunity Use Cre ematorium Ed ducational Esstablishment
Mareeba a Shire Council pla anning scheme QP PP version 3.1 27 7 June 2014
Part 4 — 5
Em mergency Serrvices He ealth Care Se ervices Ho ospital Ma ajor Sport, Re ecreation and Entertainm ment Facility ace of Worsh hip Pla Tellecommunica ations Facilitty Airr Services Animal Husban ndry g Animal Keeping opping Cro De etention Facillity Environment Fa acility nding Lan Ma ajor Electricity ty Infrastructu ure Mo otor Sport Fa acility Na ature-based Tourism T Ou utstation Park Permanent Plantation Port Services enewable Ene ergy Facility Re Su ubstation Utiility Installatio on
4.2.10 0 Population n and emplo oyment (1)
Projections of population n and employ yment growth expected to t occur within local gove ernment area a ed in Tables –, thesse projectionss are a direc ct transfer fro om the 4 form mer are containe Shire Counccil's Planning g Assumption ns and Priority Infrastructture Areas th hat have bee en previously y signed off by y the State Government G (Attachmentts 1 - 4).
Part 4 — 6
Mareeba Shire Council plann ning scheme QPP P version 3.1 27 Ju une 2014
Table 4.2.10..1 PIA locality
Existting and projectted population Existiing and projecte ed population PIP projecttion category 20 008 2011 1 2016
Total PIA
Total outside e PIA (serviced or to be serviced)
Total for area of Planning Scheme
Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total Single dwelling Multiple dwe elling Other dwelliing Total
Mareeba Shire Cou uncil planning scheme QPP Q version 3.1 27 June e 2014
22 20 11 6 23 37 37 77 19 11 40 07 1,5 595 8 80 4 45 1,7 720 6,7 747 33 37 19 92 7,2 276 8,9 939 44 47 25 54 9,6 640 -
250 12 7 269 421 21 12 454 1,731 1 87 49 1,867 7 7,646 6 382 218 8,246 6 10,04 48 502 286 10,83 36 8,061 1 421 214 8,696 6 18,10 09 923 500 19,53 32
263 13 7 283 440 22 13 475 1,783 89 51 1,923 8,040 402 229 8,671 10,526 526 300 11,352 8,211 388 209 8,808 18,737 914 509 20,160
276 14 8 298 458 23 13 494 1,835 92 52 1,979 8,428 421 240 9,089 10,997 550 313 11,860 5,154 400 205 8,759 16,151 950 518 20,619
293 15 8 316 481 24 14 519 1,903 95 54 2,052 8,921 446 254 9,621 11,598 580 330 12,508 8,121 400 210 8,731 19,719 980 540 21,239
Ultimate dev velopment (capac city) 293 3 15 8 316 6 481 1 24 14 519 9 2,80 09 141 1 80 3,02 29 12,65 59 638 8 373 3 13,67 70 5,67 71 396 6 223 3 6,29 90 -
Part 4 — 7
Table 4.2.10..2 Existing and d projected dwelllings and land area a Existing and projected dwellings d and land area (net dev velopable ha) PIP P projection PIA locality cattegory 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026
Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal
Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal
Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal
Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal
Total PIA
Total outside e PIA (serviced or to be serviced) Total urban (above ( categories)
Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal Sin ngle dwelling Mu ultiple dwelling Oth her dwelling To otal
91 6 4 101 (16.8ha) 157 11 6 174 (29ha) 662 46 25 734 (261.9ha a) 3,270 227 126 3,623 (580.1ha a) 4,180 290 161 4,632 -
107 7 4 118 (19.7ha) 180 13 7 200 (33.3ha) 740 51 28 820 (291.8ha) 3,543 246 136 3,925 (628.5ha) 4,570 317 175 5,063 4,974 324 209 5,507 9,544 641 384 10,570
116 8 4 128 (21.3ha) 194 13 7 215 (35.8ha) 786 55 30 870 (307.5ha) 3,826 266 147 4,239 (678.8ha) 4,922 342 188 5,452 5,118 333 216 5,667 10,040 675 404 11,119
125 9 5 139 (23.2ha) 208 14 8 230 (38.3ha) 833 58 32 923 (324.2ha) 4,183 290 161 4,634 (729.3ha) 5,349 371 206 5,926 5,346 361 224 5,931 10,695 732 430 11,857
137 10 5 152 (23.4ha) 226 16 9 250 (41.7ha) 892 62 34 989 (328.1ha) 4,416 308 175 4,899 (496.9ha) 5,671 396 223 6,290 5,432 358 217 6,007 11,103 754 440 12,297
Ultimate devellopment (capacity) 137 10 5 152 a) (23.4ha 226 16 9 250 a) (41.7ha 1,221 94 53 1,368 (456ha) 5,943 414 236 6,593 (496.9ha a) 5,671 396 223 6,290
Please note: In nfill development in n already developed areas have been n factored into all of the above projecttions, however, if exceeding e the demand generation rates (Table 1), then an adjusted rate will be appliccable for contributions. Part 4 — 8
Mareeba Shire e Council planning scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Table 4.2.10..3 Existing and d projected employment PIA loc cality PIP projection n category 2008 CHILLA AGOE
Total PIA
Total outs side PIA
Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses Other Total Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses Other Total Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses Other Total Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses Other Total Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses Other Total Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses
Mareeba Shire Cou uncil planning scheme QPP Q version 3.1 27 June e 2014
52 17 0 11 0 80 88 29 16 18 0 151 371 122 8 78 0 579 1,576 516 798 331 0 3,220 2,087 684 822 438 0 4,030 0 0 0 0
Existing and projected employees e 2016 2021 2026
56 18 0 12 0 86 94 31 18 20 0 162 398 130 9 84 0 621 1,689 553 855 354 0 3,452 2,237 732 882 470 0 4,320 0 0 0 0
57 19 0 12 0 88 96 32 18 20 0 166 408 134 9 86 0 636 1,729 567 876 363 0 3,534 2,290 752 903 481 0 4,424 0 0 0 0
59 19 0 12 0 90 98 32 18 21 0 170 417 137 9 88 0 651 1,769 580 896 371 0 3,616 2,343 768 923 492 0 4,527 0 0 0 0
60 20 0 13 0 93 101 33 19 21 0 175 430 141 10 90 0 671 1,824 598 924 383 0 3,728 2,415 792 953 507 0 4,667 0 0 0 0
Ultimate devellopment (capacity y) 60 20 0 13 0 93 101 33 19 21 0 175 430 141 10 90 0 671 2,188 624 1,200 398 0 4,410 NA NA NA NA NA NA 509 81 313 30 Part 4 — 9
PIA loc cality
Total pla anning scheme e area
Part 4 — 10
PIP projection n category
Existing and projected employees e 2016 2021 2026
Other Total Retail Commercial Industrial Community purposses Other Total
0 0 2,087 684 822 438 0 2,087
0 0 2,237 732 882 470 0 2,237
0 0 2,290 752 903 481 0 2,290
0 0 2,343 768 923 492 0 2,343
0 0 2,415 792 953 507 0 2,415
Ultimate devellopment (capacity y) 0 933 -
Mareeba Shire e Council planning scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Table 4.2.10..4 Existing and d projected non--residential floorr space and land d area Existing and projected non-residential n f floor space and land area (net developable d ha) PIP projection PIA locality Ultimate devellopment ca ategory 2008 2011 2016 2021 2026 (capacitty) Re etail 1,043 1,118 1,145 1,172 1,208 1,208 Co ommercial 427 458 469 480 495 495 Ind dustrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co ommunity purpos ses NA NA NA NA NA NA CHILLAGOE E Otther NA NA NA NA NA NA
To otal
Re etail Co ommercial Ind dustrial Co ommunity purpos ses Otther
1,753 718 1,810 NA NA
1,879 770 1,940 NA NA
1,924 788 1,986 NA NA
1,969 806 2,032 NA NA
2,029 831 2,095 NA NA
2,029 831 2,095 NA NA
To otal
Re etail Co ommercial Ind dustrial Co ommunity purpos ses Otther
7,429 3,043 905 NA NA
7,964 3,262 970 NA NA
8,154 3,339 993 NA NA
8,600 3,522 1,047 NA NA 13,170
8,600 3,522 1,047 NA NA
To otal
8,343 3,417 1,016 NA NA 12,776
13,170 0
Mareeba Shire Cou uncil planning scheme QPP Q version 3.1 27 June e 2014
P 4 — 11 Part
PIA locality
Total PIA
Total outside e PIA
PIP projection ca ategory
Re etail Co ommercial Ind dustrial Co ommunity purpos ses Otther
31,511 12,905 87,765 NA NA
33,778 13,834 94,079 NA NA
34,585 14,164 96,325 NA NA
35,386 14,492 98,558 NA NA
36,479 14,940 101,601 NA NA
To otal
132,182 2
Re etail Co ommercial Ind dustrial Co ommunity purpos ses Otther To otal Re etail Co ommercial Ind dustrial Co ommunity purpos ses Otther To otal
Total plannin ng scheme area
Existing and projected non-residential n f floor space and land area (net developable d ha)
Re etail Co ommercial Ind dustrial Co ommunity purpos ses Otther To otal
41,736 17,093 90,480 N/A N/A 149,310 0 0 0 N/A N/A
44,739 18,324 96,989 N/A N/A 160,051 0 0 0 N/A N/A
45,808 18,760 99,304 N/A N/A 163,872 0 0 0 N/A N/A
46,870 19,195 101,606 N/A N/A 167,671 0 0 0 N/A N/A
48,316 19,788 104,743 N/A N/A 172,847 0 0 0 N/A N/A
41,736 17,093 90,480 N/A N/A 149,310 0
44,739 18,324 96,989 N/A N/A 160,051
45,808 18,760 99,304 N/A N/A 163,872
46,870 19,195 101,606 N/A N/A 167,671
Ultimate devellopment (capacitty) 43,758 8 15,589 9 131,380 0 NA NA 190,727 7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12,141 3,446 57,605 5 N/A N/A 73,192 2
48,316 19,788 104,743 N/A N/A 172,847
Please note: In nfill development in n already developed areas have been n factored into all of the above projecttions, however, if exceeding e the demand generation rates (Table 1), then an adjusted rate will be appliccable for contributions. Part 4 — 12
Mareeba Shire e Council planning scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
4.2.11 Dema and generation (1)
Demand rattes
Table 4 stipula ates the level of a average demand each use type ha as on trunk infras structure networkks.
Table 4.2.11..1.1 Demand rattes for the Maree eba Shire Planning schem me Demand rate identification Zone Precinct Water Supply Sewerage (EP/net dev (EP / net dev ha) ha)
Rural Residential
4000m Precinct 1ha Precinct 2ha Precinct
4.7EP/ha 2.1EP/ha 1.05EP/ha N/A
Stormwater (Imp area / net dev ha)
No Worsening N/A
Transport (trips /net dev ha)
18.9 /dev ha 9.45/dev ha 4.75/dev ha
Public Parks and Land for Community Facilities (Persons / net dev ha) N/A
Demand Rates co onsistent with Low den nsity residential (sew wered) or in accordance with approved Structure Plan
Emerging Community Low density residential
All Sewered Precincts
71 trips/dev ha
Low density residential
All Unsewered Precincts
71 trips/dev ha
Medium density residential
All Sewered Precincts
82 trips/dev ha
All Precincts
624 trips/dev ha
Trades & Services
260 trips/dev ha
260 trips/dev ha
Mareeba Shire Cou uncil planning scheme QPP Q version 3.1 27 June e 2014
P 4 — 13 Part
Community Facilities Recreation & Open space Conservation
260 trips/dev ha
No Worsening
180 trips/dev ha
No Worsening
No Worsening
N/A Deve elopment and demand d generatiion rates Table identifies the e assumed demand generation rattes for reconfigurring a lot, a material change of usse of premises, orr carrying out buiilding work. Table 4.2.11..2.1
Demand generation g rates s Planning sch heme area identiffication & land us se
Water W s supply u units of d demand
De emand Ra atio
Impervious area a/ha
Public c parks and la and for comm munity facilities units of dema and Dema and Ratio o
Planning g scheme use u type
Use intensity i
Residential uses
Low dens sity residentia al
Detached d house
Detac ched house and lot l
5000 0m2
Medium density residentia al
Attached d House Duplex
1 bed d unit 2 bed d unit 3 bed d or more
0.5 0.7 1.0
0.6 0.8 1.0
5 7 9
6000 0m2 6000 0m2 6000 0m2
0.5 0 0 0.7 1.0
Attached house retirem ment village e
1 bed d unit 2 bed d unit 3 bed d or more
0.5 0.7 1.0
0.6 0.8 1.0
5 7 9
6000 0m2 6000 0m2 2 6000 0m
0.5 0 0 0.7 1.0
Part 4 — 14
Demand D R Ratio
Assumed de emand generatio on rates Se ewerage Tra ansport Storrmwater un nits of units of unitts of de emand dem mand dem mand
Mareeba Shire e Council planning scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Attached d house Conventiional multi-unit
Industrial use es Retail uses Commercial uses
Mareeba Shire Cou uncil planning scheme QPP Q version 3.1 27 June e 2014
1 bed d unit
6000 0m2
0 0.5
2 bed d unit 3 bed d or more
0.7 1.0
0.8 1.0
7 9
6000 0m2 6000 0m2
0.7 0 1.0
0.03 1.0 1.0
0.03 1.0 1.0
100 0m2 use area 100 0m2 use area 2 100 0m use area
5 10 10
80 000m2 85 500m2 95 500m2
0.03 0 1.0 1 1.0 1
P 4 — 15 Part
4.3 3
Priorrity infra astructurre area
(1) The Prio ority Infrastru ucture Area (PIA) is the area where Council hass determined d that suitable and adequa ate developm ment infrastru ucture exists, or where it can be provvided most effficiently. ority Infrastru ucture Area (PIA) identifie es the area where w Maree eba Shire Co ouncil (2) The Prio gives priiority to provide trunk infrrastructure fo or urban development up p to 2026 (3) The Prio ority Infrastru ucture Areass (PIA) are limited to the following urrban areas within w the Mare eeba Shire: Chilla agoe Dimb bulah Kuranda Mare eeba
4.4 4
Desirred Standards of Service (DSS)
(1) The desired standard d of service details the sttandards tha at comprise an a infrastructture network most suitable for the loccal context. d of service is supported by the more e detailed network design n (2) The desired standard standard ds included in planning scheme policiies, legislatio on, statutory guidelines and a other rellevant contro olled docume ents about de esign standa ards identified d below. 4.4..1
Water supply netwo ork desired standards of service
Table 4.4.1: Wa ater Supply Network N DS SS Measurre Reliiability / Con ntinuity Supply of S
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) All developm ment receive a reliable supp ply of potable e water, with minimal m interruptionss to their servvice.
Appen ndix 2 — 16
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) All sectio ons of the reticulation network shall receive a re esidual presssure of at least 22m during g the mand, ‘maximum hour’ dem and the system should d be w capable of supplying water for six (6) conseccutive ‘maximum hours’. m should have The system sufficient ca apacity to reffill all reservoirs frrom empty to o full within 5 day ys of continuous operation during d ‘ave erage day’ demand d conditions. Each reserv voir in the sysstem should have e a net possitive inflow, and should be capable of continuous uring ‘mean day operation du maximum month’ dem mand conditions. Developm ment FNQROC a Manual, as amended. Wet Tropiccs Managem ment Plan 1998.
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Measurre Ade equacy of Su upply
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) All developm ment is provid ded with a waterr supply whicch is adequate for the intende ed use. Minimum sta atic pressure e (meters head) and/or flow (liters/secon nd) at connecction.
Qua ality of Supp ply
Env vironmental Impacts
Provide a un niform water quality in accordance witth recognised standards s wh hich safeguards community c h health and is free frrom objectionable taste and od dour.
The environmental impa acts of upply networkk are the water su minimised in n accordance e with community expectations e s.
Pres ssure and Leakage L Man nagement
The water su upply networrk is monitored and managed d to maintain the e reliability an nd adequacy off supply and to
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) The reticu ulation sysstem should be e capable of providing simultaneoussly a fire fighting flow of 30L/S S for 4 hours in commercial c a areas and 15L/S for 2 hourrs in residential areas. a During fire fighting f dema ands the residual pressure att any point in the reticula ation network sh hould not drop below 12m. The Av verage D Daily consumption n and pea aking factors for the design n of Water Supply Schemes shall be as follows s: Avera age D Daily (AD) Consu umption 500 littre/person/da ay Mean Day max M Month (MDM MM) 1.50 x A AD Peak Day (PD) 2..25 x AD Peak Hour (PH) 1/12 x PD The Maximum M hea ad in the re eticulation syystem should d be limited to below w 60 metres. National Hea alth and Med dical Research Lo ocal Governm ment Australian Drinking D Wate er Guidelines ater should d be Drinking wa clear, colorlless, adequately aerated and a have no discernible taste t or odour. It should be e free from matter suspended or genic pathog turbidity, and harrmful organisms chemical substances. Compliance with all environmenttal licenses and environmenttal managem ment plans underr the Waterr Act 2000 and th he Environmental Protection Act A 1994. Wet Tropiccs Managem ment Plan 1998. System Leakage Managemen nt Plan (Chap pter 3, Part 3, Division 1A Wa ater Act 2000)
Appendix 2 — 17
Infra astructure Design D / Plan nning Stand dards
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) minimise environmental impacts. Design of the water supp ply network will comply with established codes and standards
Appen ndix 2 — 18
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) A.S.C. System m Loss Managementt Plan Water Servicces Associattion of Australia – WSA 03 – 2002 – Wate er Supply Co ode of Australia D Wate er Australian Drinking Guidelines - National He ealth and Medical Research Council uidelines for Planning Gu Water Supply and Sewerage nt of Natural - Departmen Resources and a Water FNQROC Development a Manual, as amended.
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Sewerag ge network desired stan ndards of se ervice
Table 4.4.2: Sew werage Netw work DSS Measurre Reliiability
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) All lots have e access to a reliable sewerage collection, conveyance, treatment and a disposal sys stem.
Qua ality of Treattment
Ensures the health of the e a the safe and community and appropriate level of treattment and disposa al of treated effluent.
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) The “averag ge dry wea ather flow” (ADW WF) shall be limited to 27 75 L / EP / da ay. The design n flow ado opted shall be limited to (4xADWF). The sewer capacity at w should not design flow exceed 0.75 5 x diamete er of sewer. FNQROC Development Manual, as amended. a Compliance with w all environmental licenses an nd environmental manageme ent plans under the t Water Act 2000 and the e Environmen ntal Protection (W Water) Policy 1997 Queensland Water Qualityy Guidelines 2006 – Environmental Protection Agency National Watter Quality Guidelines – National Watter Quality Mana agement Strategy.
Env vironmental Impacts
The environmental impa acts of the sewerag ge network are minimised in n accordance e with community expectations e s.
Compliance with w all environmental licenses an nd environmental manageme ent plans under the t Water Act 2000 and the e Environmen ntal Protection (W Water) Policy 1997
Inflo ow / Infiltration
Ensure infiltrration and inflow in the sewerrage collectio on and transportation system remains with hin industry acceptable limits
Compliance with w all environmental licenses an nd environmental manageme ent plans under the t Water Act 2000 and the e Environmen ntal Protection (W Water) Policy 1997
Efflu uent Re-use e
Reuse efflue ent whereverr possible.
Compliance with w all environmental licenses an nd environmental manageme ent plans under the t Water Act 2000 and the e Environmen ntal Protection (W Water) Policy 1997 Guidelines for fo Sewerage e Systems – Reclaimed R W Water – February 2000 2
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Appendix 2 — 19
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards)
Infra astructure Design D / Plan nning Stand dards
Design of the sewerage network will comply with established codes and standards
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) Queensland d Water Recycling Guidelines G – December 2005 2 Section D7 Sewerage S System Des sign Guideline es of the Development Manua al Planning Scheme Policyy. Department of Natural Resources Planning P Guidelines fo or Water Sup pply and Sewerage Water Servicces Associattion of Australia – WSA 02 – 2002 – Sewe erage Code of Australia Water Servicces Associattion of Australia – WSA 04 – 2005 – Sewe erage Pumping Station Code e of Australia a FNQROC Development a Manual, as amended.
Stormwa ater networrk desired sttandards of service
Table 4.4.3: Sto ormwater Ne etwork DSS Measurre Qua antity
Qua ality
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) Collect and convey the design storm m event in na atural and enginee ered channels, a piped draina age network and system of ovverland flow paths to a lawful point of discharge anner that in a safe ma minimises th he inundation n of habitable roo oms and pro otects life. The water quality of urba an catchments and waterwa ays are managed to protect a and enhance envvironmental values and pose p no health risk to the co ommunity, an nd water qualityy of urban catchments and waterwa ays ovision of consider pro sufficient spa ace in waterw way corridors to accommoda a ate wetlands and stormwate er ovement devvices. quality impro
Appen ndix 2 — 20
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) Department of Natural Resources and a Water – Queensland d Urban Drain nage Manual Developm ment FNQROC Manual, and Rainfall Australian Runoff, esign Natural Channel De Guidelines. Provide suffficient spacce in to waterway corridors ate wetlands and accommoda stormwater uality qu improvemen nt devices. Design cross road structtures priate to provide the approp level of flood d immunity. Queensland Water Quality 2 – Guidelines 2006 Environmental Protection n Agency Queensland Waterway Guideline ater Quality National Wa Guidelines – National Water Quality Management Strategy
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Env vironmental Impacts
Adopt waterr sensitive urrban design practtices and on site water qualityy manageme ent to achieve EPA A water quality objectives
Infra astructure Design D / Plan nning Stand dards
Design of the stormwate er network will comply with established codes and standards
Fisheries Ac ct 1994 and Fisheries Re egulation 200 08. Fish Habitat Guideline FHG 003 – Fisherries Guidelin nes for Fish Hab bitat Buffer Zo ones Environmental Protection n Agency requ uirements (section 42 Environment E tal Protection (W Water) Policyy 1997) Fisheries Ac ct 1994. Queensland Waterway Guideline Employ w water senssitive urban design criteria a to maximise on-site o qua antity and qualityy treatment and limit discharg ges off site. Employ (NO O net-worsen ning) new criteria o on all or developmen nt redevelopme ent site. FNQROC Development Design Stan ndards Design Guid delines set ou ut in Sections D4 4 and D5 of th he Developmen nt Manual Planning Scheme Policyy. nage Queensland Urban Drain Manual - De epartment of Natural Reso ources and Water FNQROC Development Manual, R and Australian Rainfall Runoff, and Natural Channel Design Guidelines requirements r s.
Transpo ort network desired stan ndards of se ervice
Table 4.4.4: Tra ansport Netw work DSS Measurre Roa ad Network Design D / Plan nning Stand dards
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) The road ne etwork provid des a functional urrban and rura al hierarchy an nd freight rou utes which suppo ort settlemen nt patterns and d commercia al and economic acctivities.
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) FNQROC Development Manual Road Planniing and Desiign Manual - De epartment of Transport an nd Main Roa ads Australian Standards AUSTROAD DS guideliness
em Design of the road syste w establish hed will comply with codes and standards s Pub blic T Transport Des sign / Plan nning Stand dards
New urban developme ent is t achieve safe designed to walking disttance to exxisting
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Design acc cords with the Performance e Criteria se et by Department of Transportt and
Appendix 2 — 21
Cyc cleways Path hways Des sign / Planning Stan ndards
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) or potentia al bus stop ps or existing or prop posed p public demand-responsive transport rou utes. and
Cycleways and a pathwayys provide a sa afe and convenient network n whicch encourages walking and d cycling as accceptable alternatives..
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) Main Roads AUSTROADS gguides for road‐ based public transport and high occupancy vehicles Australian Standards ‘AUSTROAD DS Guide to Road Design n – Part 6A: Pedestrian and a Cycle Pa aths’ Queensland d Cycle Strate egy 2011-2021 ‘Complete Streets’ S
w Design of the network will comply with established s codes and standards. p and lan nd for comm munity facilities networrk desired sttandards of 4.4..5 Public parks serv vice Table 4.4.5: Pub blic Parks and a Land forr Communitty Facilities DSS Measurre Fun nctional Netw work
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) A network off parks and community land is or the established to provide fo full range of recreational and sporting actiivities and pursuits.
Acc cessibility
Land Quallity / Suittability Area / 1000 persons Minimum siize Maximum grade g Flood immu unity
Emb bellishments s
Appen ndix 2 — 22
Public parkss will be located to ensure adeq quate pedesstrian, cycle and ve ehicle accesss. Public parks s will be provvided to a standard which supp ports nge of a diverse ran recreational, sporting and es to health promoting activitie unity meet commu expectationss. This includ des ensuring lan nd is of an appropriate size, configuration n and slope a and has an acce eptable level of flood immun nity.
Public parks s contain a ra ange of embellishments to complementt the type and use of the park.
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) Parks and Community C La and is provided at a a Local, District and LGA Wide e Level Parks and co ommunity land addresses th he needs of both recreation and sport. servation is also a Nature cons provided for but not part of g regime. the charging
Accessibilityy criteria are identified in Table
The rate of public p park provision is identified in Table
The size for public parkss is identified in Table
um gradient for f The maximu public parks is identified in Table
m flood immunity The minimum for public pa arks is identiffied in Table 4.4 4.5.5.
Standard em mbellishmentts for each type off park are identified in Table
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Measurre Infra astructure Design D / Perfformance Sttandards
Planning Criteria (qualitative standards) Maximise op pportunities to t colocate recrea ational parkss in proximity to other community infrastructure, transport hubs and valued environment al e and cultural assets.
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Design Criteria (quantitative e standards) Australian Standards; FNQROC Development Manual
Appendix 2 — 23
Table Accessibility A y standard Infra astructure Type T Reccreation park
Sport park
Acce essibility Sta andard Loca al District Park or node1 Park or no ode n 500 m within 2-5 km. within safe walking distance. No fo ormal Sporting Park P proviision within 5-10 0 km of residential and eas. village are
Area of Planning Schem A me P Park/precinct based on specific feature or location n– serves whole of planning scheme area.. 1-3 Parks serrves whole off a area for regio onal competittion o is base for competition or w within area.
Table Rate R of land provision Infra astructure Type T
Rate of provision (Ha/1000 people) Lo ocal Dis strict
Reccreation park Sport park
1..5 Ha N//A
Area of o Planning Schem me 0.5 Ha a 0.4 Ha a
1.0 Ha 1.0 Ha
Table Size S of parks s and comm munity land Size (Ha) Infra astructure Type T Lo ocal Dis strict Reccreation park
1..5 Ha (2.0 Ha a if a no ode) No formal provvision
Sport park
2 Ha H usable are ea
Area of o Planning Schem me More than t 5 Ha
5 Ha H minimum
5-10 Ha H
M de esired grade e Table Maximum Maximum Gradient Local
Infra astructure Type T Reccreation park
1:20 for ma ain use area 1:6 for rem mainder
Sport park
District 1:20 for main m use area, variable for er remainde 1:50 for field and court area as 1:10 for remainder r
Area of Planning P Scheme 1:20 for use u areas Variable for f remainde er 1:50 for all a playing surfaces
M des sired flood immunity i fo or parks Table Minimum astructure Infra Type Floo od Imm munity Reccreation parkk Sport park
Minimum flood f immun nity (%) Local District >20% >2% % >1% >20% >2% % AEP AEP AE EP AEP AEP 25% 75% % 0% 0% 90% %
>1% AEP 10%
Area of Pla anning Sche eme >20% >2% % >1% AEP AEP AEP P 50% 40% % 10%
90% %
40% %
No ode is an area within a highe er level park or within other open space (e e.g. a waterwa ay corridor) that is deve eloped for play y and picnic usse.
Appen ndix 2 — 24
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Table Standard S fac cilities/embe ellishments for parks Emb bellishmen t typ pe
Recreation parks p
Inte ernal Roa ads Park king
On street
Off stree et unless nt onsufficien street available
Fencing/Boll ards s
Bollards to prevent car access
Bollardss to prevent car access
Ligh hting
Safety lighting provided by street lights
Path hs (ped destrian/c ycle e) Sha ade stru uctures
Seating, tablles and BBQ Q
Sport parks
Are ea of Pla anning Scheme If needed n
Offf street or ded dicated on stre eet parrking, posssibly in sevveral loccations Range of fen ncing, bou undary deffinition styyles as app propriate to location l
Off street parking provided as central hubss to facilities
For car park, toilets, youth y space and a picnic area
Forr car park, toilets, picnic eas and are acttive reccreation faccilities
Generally no ot provided
Usually provided d
ovided Pro
On footpath and providin ng access to boundary Shade from trees or structures provided forr play areas and picnic node
Paths and links to park and with hin park Built sha ade for play and d picnic fa acilities if insufficient s natural shade
ernal links Inte to facilities f
For car parkk, toilets, security lighting for buildings. g Field lighting responsibilitt y. Provided if not being provided as part of club facilities Bikeway links to parkk. Internal links s to facilities Perimeter shade from appropriate tree speciess.
1-2 tables 2+ seats BBQ’s normally nott provided
2+ shelttered tables 4+ seatss BBQ’s usually u provided d
Shade for piccnic faccilities and all use des. nod Combination n of natural and d built. Mu ultiple piccnic nod des, BB BQ’s and she elters pro ovided
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Bollards to prevent car access
Not provided except as recreation nodes. 2-4 perimeter seats
Area of Planning g Scheme e Network as required Off stree et parking d as provided central hubs h to facilitie es
Fencing and bollards to control access to site as well w as limitin ng internal traffic access to fields and facilities.. For car park, p toilets, security f lighting for buildingss. Field ligh hting responsiibilit y. d by Provided clubs as part of club facilities Internal links es to facilitie
Perimete er shade fro om appropriate tree speccies.
Not provvided except a as recreatio on nodes. eter 2 perime seats pe er field
Appendix 2 — 25
Emb bellishmen t typ pe
Recreation parks p
Tap ps/irrigati on
1-2 drinking taps/fountain s
2+ drinkking fountain ns for picnic areas. ear Taps ne active recreatio on areas.
Bins s Landscaping (inc cluding eartthworks, irrig gation, and d reve egetation )
Provided Ornamental plantings. Shade species. Buffer plantings with other nodess.
Provided Enhancement planting gs and shade gs planting along with w screenin ng and buffers.
Play ygrounds
1 play eventt provided
Larger playgrou und multiple e play events provided d. Youth active a facilitiess provided dcourt, bike y tracks, youth space etc. e
You uth active and d informal facil ilities
4.5 5
Sport parks
In ground g irrig gation for lan ndscaped are eas. Drinking fou untains and d taps pro ovided at piccnic and acttive nod des. Pro ovided Sig gnificant works inccluding pla antings, fea atures and pub blic art.
Larrge pla aygrounds and d possibly mu ultiple loccations. Youth active faccilities pro ovided cou urt, bike traccks, youth spa ace etc.
Taps located on built facilities and d near fields.
In ground n for irrigation fields. Taps loccated on built facilities and 1 per field
Provided Planted buffer areass adjacent to residential areas. b Screening/b uffer plantings for recreation nodes. Not provided except as part of recreation node. Not provided except as public access to sporting fields
Provided d Planted buffer arreas adjacentt to residentiial areas. ng/b Screenin uffer plantingss for recreatio on nodes. Not provvided except a as part of on recreatio node. Not provvided except a as public access to sporting fields or as dedicate ed facility (e e.g. skate pa ark)
Planss for trun nk infrasstructure e
(1) The pla ans for tru unk infrastru ucture identtify the exiisting and proposed trunk t infrastru ucture networks intended d to service the t assumed d developme ent at the dessired standard d of service stated s in the PIP. (2) The Pla ans for Trun nk Infrastruccture are id dentified in Schedule 1 of the Prriority Infrastru ucture Plan (PIP) alon ng with the respective PIA areas s and identified infrastru ucture works schedules. E ma aterial Edittor’s note - Extrinsic The documents identified in the following g table assistt in the interp pretation of th he PIP, and a are al under the Statutory S Instruments Actt 1992. extriinsic materia
Appen ndix 2 — 26
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Table 4.5.1: Exttrinsic mate erial Title e of docume ent
Table elands Regional Coun ncil ‘Adopted Infrasstructure Charges Reso olution
“Tabllelands Sport an nd Recre eation Plan” (Final Repo ort).
Author or o organisa ation who prepared d documen nt
Other relev vant information
Tablelands Regional Council (TR RC)
The Council re esolution was m made due to the recommendations made by the Infrastrructure Chargess Taskforce.
Strategic Le eisure Group
The study/report was used to o assist in the fo ormulation of the e DSS & the PF FTI for Public pa arks and land for co ommunity facilitties.
24 June 2011
June 20 010
Table elands Transporrt netwo orks Plan
Decemb ber 2009
Flanagan Consulting C Group (FCG G)
Prepared on behalf b of the Department off Transport and Main Roads (DTMR R)
“Mare eeba Shire Plann ning Scheme Prioriity Infrastructure e Plan Assumptions an nd Prioriity Infrastructure e Area”
Version 1.2
Tablelands Regional Council
Mareeba Plan nning Assumptio ons and Priority Infrastructure Are eas were signed off o by the Ministe er 1 June 2011 and d used within th his document.
Mare eeba STP Plann ning Repo ort
26 June 2007
Maunsell / Aecom A Pty Ltd
The study/report was used to o assist in the fo ormulation of the e Mareeba Wasste water investigations.
Mare eeba Retail and Busin ness Strategy (Fina al Report)
April 200 09
Access Eco onomics Pty Ltd
The study/report was used to o anning assumptions. inform the Pla
Mare eeba Water & Wasttewater Invesstigations, Netw work Mode els & PFTI
Jan 2011
The study/report was used to o directly inform m the PFTI
TRC PIP - Report on n blishment costs for Estab PFTI and economic analyysis for completiion Mare eeba, Atherton & Each ham PIP's
April 2011
The study/report was used to o m the PFTI directly inform
(22 Julyy 2010)
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Appendix 2 — 27
4.6 6
Defin nitions
Table 4.6.1: Deffinitions Term m
Base e date
The date frrom which a local govern nment has esstimated its projected infrastructure e demands and a costs.
Dem mand unit
Demand units provide a standard unit u of measu urement to emand on a trunk t infrastrructure netwo ork. express de
Net d developable area
The area of o land availa able for deve elopment. It does d not include lan nd that canno ot be develop ped due to co onstraints such as accid sulphate soils, s conserrvation land, flood affecte ed land or ste eep slope. Note – Forr the purpose e of a PIP ne et developable area is hectares (ne usually me easured in he ectares, net developable d et dev ha).
Netsserv Plan
A distributo or-retailer’s plan p about its s water and wastewater w networks and a provision n of water se ervice and wa astewater service pursuant to secction 99BJ off the South East E Queenslan nd (Distributo or Retailer Re estructure) Water W Act 2009.
Plan nning assump ptions
Assumptio ons about the e type, scale,, location and d timing of future grow wth.
Proje ection area/ss
Area or are eas within a local government area fo or which a local governmen nt carries outt demand gro owth projections.
Servvice catchme ent
A service catchment c is an area serv rviced by an infrastructure e network. An A infrastructure network is made up of o one or mo ore service cattchments. Se ervice catchm ments are de etermined byy the networrk type and how h it has be een designed d to operate a and provide service to the urban u areas. ple: For examp sto ormwater nettwork service e catchmentss can be deline eated to align n with watersshed bounda aries op pen space ne etwork servicce catchmentt can be determ mined using local govern nment accesssibility standards wa ater network service catc chments can be established as the e area servicced by a particular reserv voir.
Ultim mate develop pment
The realisttic extent of development d t anticipated to be achieved when w a site (or projection n area or infra astructure service cattchment) is fully f develope ed.
Urba an purposes
Urban purp poses includes residentia al (other than n rural residential), retail, com mmercial, indu ustrial, comm munity and nt related purposes. governmen
Appen ndix 2 — 28
Mareeba Shirre Council plannin ng scheme QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
4.7 7
Abbrreviation ns
Table 4.7.1: Abb breviations DSS S
desired standard of service
plans fo or trunk infras structure
priority infrastructure i e plan
priority infrastructure i e area
4.8 8
Sched dule 1 – Table T of Maps (PIA A & PFTII)
Chillagoe 1 2 3 4
PFTI forr Chillagoe – Water supply network plan for infrasstructure PFTI forr Chillagoe – Stormwater network plan for infrastructure PFTI forr Chillagoe – Transport network plan for infrastruccture PFTI forr Chillagoe – Public parkss and land fo or community y facilities
Dimbulah 5 6 7 8
PFTI forr Dimbulah – Water supply network plan for infras structure PFTI forr Dimbulah – Stormwaterr network pla an for infrastrructure PFTI forr Dimbulah – Transport network plan for infrastruc cture PFTI forr Dimbulah – Public parkss and land fo or communityy facilities
anda Kura 9 10 11 12 13
PFTI forr Kuranda – Water W supplyy network pla an for infrastructure PFTI forr Kuranda – Sewerage S ne etwork plan ffor infrastruc cture PFTI forr Kuranda – Stormwater S n network plan n for infrastru ucture PFTI forr Kuranda – Transport T ne etwork plan fo or infrastructture PFTI forr Kuranda – Public P parks and land forr community facilities
Mare eeba 14 15 16 17 18
PFTI forr Mareeba – Water supply network pla an for infrasttructure PFTI forr Mareeba – Sewerage network plan for infrastruccture PFTI forr Mareeba – Stormwater network plan n for infrastru ucture PFTI forr Mareeba – Transport ne etwork plan for f infrastructture PFTI forr Mareeba – Public parkss and land for community y facilities
Maree eba Shire Council planning scheme e QPP version 3.1 27 June 2014
Appendix 2 — 29