Council Meeting Agenda 06 05 2015

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Ordinary Meeting Council Chambers Date: 6 May 2015 Time: 9:00am



Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 06 May 2015

ORDER OF BUSINESS MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE/ABSENCE ON COUNCIL BUSINESS BEREAVEMENTS/CONDOLENCES DECLARATION OF ANY MATERIAL PERSONAL INTERESTS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING DEPUTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ............................................................................... 5 REGIONAL LAND USE PLANNING ............................................................................................ 5 ITEM-1 JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd - Material Change of Use Freight Depot - Lot 63 on SP217451 - 94 Malone Road Mareeba - DA/14/0044....... 5 GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE ........................................................................................ 37 ITEM-2 Operational Plan quarterly assessment .................................................................. 37 ITEM-3 Koorboora and Dulbil Town Reserves .................................................................... 49 ITEM-4 Steggles Easement CONFIDENTIAL .................................................................... 57 FINANCE .................................................................................................................................. 59 ITEM-5 Banking Services .................................................................................................... 59 ITEM-6 Mareeba Shire Council Brochure Display Fees and Charges 2015-16 Report ........ 63 ITEM-7 Library Fees and Charges 2015-2016 .................................................................... 69 ITEM-8 2015-16 Strategic Tourism Partnership Funding Report ......................................... 73 ITEM-9 Aerodrome - Fees & Charges Schedule 2015/2016 ............................................... 79 ITEM-10 Hall Hire - Fees & Charges Schedule 2015/2016 .............................................. 83 ITEM-11 Rural Addressing - Fees & Charges Schedule 2015/2016 ................................ 87 COMMUNITY WELLBEING....................................................................................................... 91 ITEM-12 Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) - Strategy and budget for 2015/2016 .............................................................................................................. 91 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES .................................................................................................. 97 TECHNICAL SERVICES ........................................................................................................... 97 ITEM-13 Tableland Mill - Self Regulation Mass Concession Scheme.............................. 97 ITEM-14 Davies Park Lighting ....................................................................................... 109 ITEM-15 Road Rail Interface Agreement - Queensland Rail.......................................... 113 ITEM-16 SBS Self-Help Retransmission Subsidy Scheme - Mareeba & Dimbulah........ 119 ITEM-17 Infrastructure Services - Technical Services Monthly Activities - March 2015 . 123 ITEM-18 Kenneally Road, Mareeba - African Mahogany Street Trees .......................... 131 ITEM-19 Application for Permanent Road Closure being an Unused Portion of Sabin Road East Abutting Lot 190 on RP749629 ........................................................... 135 WORKS................................................................................................................................... 143 ITEM-20 Infrastructure Services - Works Section - Progress Report - March 2015 ....... 143 WATER & WASTE .................................................................................................................. 153 ITEM-21 Water Infrastructure Across Mareeba Shire Area ............................................ 153 ITEM-22 Mareeba Landfill - Operational Review CONFIDENTIAL ................................ 157 ITEM-23 Refurbishment Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant - Progress Report May 2015 ............................................................................................................. 159

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ITEM-24 Infrastructure Services - Waste Operations Report - March 2015 ................... 165 ITEM-25 Infrastructure Services - Water and Wastewater - Monthly Report - March 2015 ..................................................................................................................... 171 BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE .................................................................................................. 179 NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL .................................................................................................. 179

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6 May 2015


Corporate and Community Services APPLICATION DETAILS

APPLICATION PREMISES ADDRESS JAT Refrigerated Road 94 Malone Road, Services Australia Pty Ltd Mareeba DATE LODGED RPD 27 August 2014 Lot 63 on SP217451 TYPE OF Development Permit APPROVAL PROPOSED Material Change of Use - Freight Depot DEVELOPMENT APPLICANT


AREA DA/14/0044 2.354 hectares RPS Australia East Pty Ltd OWNER S & R Brischetto Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (amendment no. 01/11) Rural Residential Zone (established under Preliminary Approval REC/08/0014) Impact Assessment



One (1) Submission Received

1. 2. 3.

Proposal Plan - RPS Australia East Pty Ltd (DWS VS# 3610944) Submitter letter Automotive Holdings Group Limited letter dated 17 April 2015.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council is in receipt of a development application described in the above application details. The application is impact assessable and was therefore required to undergo public notification. Public notification of the application attracted one (1) submitter who was generally in support of the development. The applicants propose the continued operation of a small scale fresh produce freight depot operating out of part of the existing shed on the subject site. The facility would be used by JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd (the applicant) approximately three (3) days per week as a holding and cooling facility for local fresh produce prior to being transported via semi-trailer to JAT's Tully depot. Should an approval be granted, the applicants intend to operate the freight depot from the subject site for a period of three (3) years only, from the date the approval is granted. The subject site (Lot 63) once formed part of a larger Rural zoned allotment (Lot 208 on RP744274), however, in 2008, Council approved an application for material change of use preliminary approval overriding the planning scheme (REC/08/0014) which allowed Lot 208 to be developed for rural residential purposes. This approval allowed Lot 63 to be created and balance Lot 208 on SP261005 (immediately to the west). Both Lots are considered to be zoned Rural Residential for the purposes of the Planning Scheme. A development approval exists over adjoining Lot 208 on SP261005 for subdivision into 12 rural residential allotments (Bellevue Estate). The application and supporting material has been assessed against the relevant statutory planning instruments, including the FNQ Regional Plan, the State Planning Policy, and the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme (including codes and policies), and is considered to be in conflict with the Rural Residential Zone code. The Planning Scheme identifies freight depots as an inconsistent use within the Rural Residential Zone and the development of such a use on the subject land is considered to represent poor town planning and raises the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict between the freight depot and rural residential residents. The continued operation of the freight depot from the subject site serves to benefit the applicant and land owner only, with no identified benefit to the immediate surrounding locality. The Mareeba Township contains a significant supply of industrial zoned land which is intended to accommodate this type of land use. Approval of the proposed freight depot in a rural residential area, even for a time limited period, is likely to set a negative precedent for similar development in the future. If Council was prepared to consider a time limited approval, stringent conditions would have to be placed on the development in order to minimise potential noise and air emissions. These conditions include but are not limited to: the full sealing of internal driveways/access crossovers, restrictions in truck movements and hours/days of operation, landscape buffering, and the cessation of the use upon occupation of the first dwelling in the adjacent Bellevue Estate. Conditioning the development to this extent will no doubt impact on the ongoing operation of the freight depot and prove relatively costly for the applicant. The limitations and the cost to comply with the conditions which are necessary to minimise the risk of land use conflict are not considered particularly reasonable given the need to time limit the approval.

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Considering the above, and the fact that any approval would temporarily postpone an inevitable move to a more suitable location, the application is recommended for refusal. Supplementary Report - 6 May 2015 Ordinary Meeting At its Ordinary Meeting held on 1 April 2015, Council received a presentation from JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd proposing the issue of a twelve (12) month time limited approval for the freight depot in accordance with the applicant's suggested conditions in Attachment 3. Council deferred consideration of this application until the 6 May 2015 ordinary meeting to allow sufficient time to consider the applicant's proposal for approval. Approval of the development application on a time limited basis leaves open the possibility for the time limit to be challenged in the future. The recommendation to refuse this development application remains unchanged.


That in relation to the following development application:


APPLICATION JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd 27 August 2014 Development Permit


PREMISES 94 Malone Road, Mareeba Lot 63 on SP217451

Material Change of Use - Freight Depot

and in accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, the applicant be notified that the application for a development permit for the development specified in (A) is: Refused by Council for reasons set out in (B). (A)


Development Permit for Material Change of Use Freight Depot


ASSESSMENT MANAGER’S REASONS FOR REFUSAL: That Council consider the following:1.

The proposed development conflicts with Part 3 Desired Environmental Outcomes (c), (f) and (r).


The Rural Residential Zone Code tables of assessment identifies 'freight depot' as an inconsistent use within the Rural Residential Zone.


The proposed development is in conflict with Part 4, Division 8, 4.44 Overall Outcomes for Rural Residential Zone Code:

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where very low density housing prevails, with some rural pursuits that are compatible residential living;


which makes effective use of the land and the services provided to enable the functioning of the zone.

The proposed development is in conflict with Part 4, Division 8, 4.45 Building Siting, Scale and Amenity: S5

Non-residential uses and amenity Non-residential uses are located, designed and operated to avoid significant adverse changes to the light, noise, dust, odours, traffic conditions, or other physical conditions experienced by occupants of: (i)

associated, adjoining or nearby residential uses; or


other types of non-residential uses.


The proposed development is in conflict with Land Use Policies 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 of the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009 - 2031.


That there are not sufficient grounds to justify an approval, despite the identified conflicts."

THE SITE The subject site is situated at 94 Malone Road, Mareeba, and is described as Lot 63 on SP217451, Parish of Tinaroo, County of Nares. The site is regular in shape with a total area of 2.354 hectares and is zoned Rural Residential (established under Preliminary Approval REC/08/0014). Historically the site formed part of a larger farm lot until it was split, leaving behind balance Lot 208 on SP261005 situated immediately to the west of the site. A current approval exists over adjoining Lot 208 for the creation of 12 x 2 hectare rural residential allotments (REC/09/0016). The site contains approximately 79 metres of frontage to Malone Road which is constructed to two lane bitumen sealed standard for this entire frontage and back to its intersection with the Kennedy Highway. Access is gained from Malone Road via two access crossovers located in the north-east and south-east corners of the site.

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Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

Map Disclaimer: Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Environment and Resource Management) (2009). In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws.

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The site is improved by a single dwelling and large processing shed situated at the rear of the site which were previously ancillary to the former fruit orchard on adjoining Lot 208. The processing shed includes fruit packing and refrigeration facilities and is currently being used by JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd as a freight depot for the storage and cooling of local produce, pending distribution to southern markets. A second access crossover and driveway has been constructed in the north-east corner of the site to provide JAT with direct access to the processing shed at the rear of the site. A small fruit orchard is established over the front half of the site. Lot 208 which adjoins the site to the west, is considered to be zoned Rural Residential, as are adjoining lots to the south-east, which form part of the larger Emerald Heights rural residential subdivision.

BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT In early May 2014, Council received a complaint alleging that the subject site was being used by JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd (the applicants) for the purposes of a freight depot. After witnessing JAT trucks parked on the subject site, Council officers wrote to S & R Brischetto (the landowners) on 22 May 2014 informing them that the operation of a freight depot required a development permit from Council, and to cease the use as there was no effective development permit in place to operate a freight depot from the site. The letter also stated that due to the zoning and size of the subject site, any application submitted to Council seeking a development permit for freight depot would not be supported by Council officers. The letter went on to warn the landowners that should Council receive any further complaints regarding the use of the site as a freight depot, further enforcement action would be taken by Council. In a letter received by Council on 16 July 2014, S & R Brischetto responded to the abovementioned notice confirming that JAT were attending the subject site to collect primary produce that had been pre-cooled on site for delivery to their Tully depot. On 29 July 2014 Council received a further complaint alleging that JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd were continuing to use the subject site as their Mareeba depot and were directed to the company's website which listed the subject site as the location for the JAT Mareeba depot. In response, on 30 July 204 Council officers issued a Show Cause Notice to both S & R Brischetto and JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd for carrying out assessable development (freight depot) without an effective development permit. In response to this Show Cause Notice, RPS Australia East Pty Ltd, on behalf of JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd have lodged this application seeking a development permit for material change of use - freight depot.

PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS & APPROVALS Council, at its Ordinary Meeting held on 22 October 2008, approved an application made by R & S Brischetto for material change of use - preliminary approval overriding the Planning Scheme over rural zoned land described as Lot 208 on RP744274 (REC/08/0014). Page 10

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Preliminary approval REC/08/0014 allowed Lot 208 to be developed in accordance with the rural residential zone. Under the Rural Residential zoning conferred by this preliminary approval, Council, at its Ordinary Meeting on 3 February 2010 resolved to issue a development permit for reconfiguring a lot - subdivision (1 into 2 Lots) over Lot 208 on RP744274 (REC/09/0015). This reconfiguring a lot approval resulted in the creation of Lot 63 on SP217451 (the subject site) and balance Lot 208 on SP217451. Council, at its Ordinary Meeting held on 18 August 2010, resolved to issue a development permit for reconfiguring a lot - subdivision (1 into 64 Lots) in 5 stages over Lot 208 on RP744274 (REC/09/0016) (Bellevue Estate). This approval was amended on 21 May 2014 with the number of proposed allotments reduced to 12 Lots over 3 stages. Lot 63 (the subject site) lies adjacent Lot 208 on SP261005 and are both considered to be zoned Rural Residential for the purposes of the Planning Scheme. Furthermore, development approval REC/09/0016 for reconfiguring a lot - subdivision (1 into 12 Lots) in 3 stages, remains current over Lot 208 and could be developed with little notice.

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The development application seeks a Development Permit for Material Change of Use Freight Depot in accordance with the plans shown in Attachment 1. The applicants (JAT Refrigerated Road Services Australia Pty Ltd) propose the continued operation of a small scale freight depot from the subject site, utilising part of the existing processing shed situated at the rear of the site. The large shed and cool storage facility were previously used as a mango processing shed, however this use has ceased. The freight depot operation utilises approximately one quarter of the shed, including the cool storage facility (cold room), the office, and loading dock located at the western end of the shed. Access to the freight depot operation is gained from Malone Road via a second access crossover in the sites north-west corner, then along a gravel driveway on the northwest side of the site, leading to the shed at the rear. The applicants have stated the following about the freight depot operation: "While JAT Refrigerated Services prefers to load farm produce direct from farmers to be transported to their Tully depot, currently there is a need approximately three days per week to transport produce to the cool storage facility, to be cooled prior to being loaded on a refrigerated semi for transport to the Tully depot. The use of the cool storage facility on site may vary dependant on clientele established over time." Freight depot activities operate Monday to Friday from 6am to 6pm and occasionally Saturdays. Farm produce is transported to the site and loaded into the cool storage facility, to be cooled prior to being loaded on a refrigerated semi for transport to the Tully depot. The facility currently cools and transports 10-15 tonnes of produce per day on the three days per week that the cool storage is currently used. On the days that the cool storage is used, the refrigerated semi will require two trips per day from the site. In addition to the truck

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movements, three trips per day are generally generated by two cars on site by the semi driver and office manager. A refrigerated semi is stored on-site overnight and will not be run overnight. No vehicle maintenance is conducted on-site.

REGIONAL PLAN DESIGNATION The subject site is included within the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area land use category in the Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031. The Regional Plan Map 3- ‘Areas of Ecological Significance’ does not identify the site as being of any significance.

PLANNING SCHEME DESIGNATIONS Strategic Framework designation:

Mareeba Dimbulah Irrigation Area


Rural Residential (under preliminary approval used to create Lot 63 on SP217451)


Natural Disaster Bushfire Overlay Natural & Cultural Heritage Features Overlay Airport & Aviation Facilities Overlay

Planning Scheme Definitions The proposed use is defined as:Freight depot means the use of premises for a purpose in connection with the transportation of goods by air, road or water including the reception, loading, unloading, transfer, distribution and collection of such goods. The term includes a carrier’s depot and a delivery depot and where carried out in association with the above it includes the garaging, cleansing and servicing but not repair of road transport vehicles with a capacity of two (2) tonnes or less. RELEVANT PLANNING INSTRUMENTS Assessment of the proposed development against the relevant planning instruments is summarised as follows:(a)

Far North Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031

Assessment against the Regional Plan is required because the plan is not reflected in the planning scheme. The following Desired Regional Outcome Land Use Policies are relevant to the assessment of the application:

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DRO 1.3 Air and Acoustic Environment Protection Land Use Policy 1.3.1

Urban design, industrial and residential subdivision layout, building design and operational practices are adopted that act to minimise air and noise emissions and the impacts of emissions on sensitive land uses.




The subject site forms part of a developing rural residential area. The freight depot use (currently operating unlawfully from the site) is considered to be an industrial land use and one which has the potential to cause dust and noise nuisance to adjoining and future rural residential allotments. The loading and running of refrigerated transport trucks is likely to cause a noise nuisance, regardless of operating times, while the use of the 260 metre long gravel access driveway by semi-trailer trucks is likely to cause a dust nuisance, as witnessed by Council officers during a drive-by inspection of the site in December 2014. Given the intention to only operate the depot from the site temporarily (maximum 3 years), the applicants have stated that they are unwilling to invest in mitigation measures that could limit the air and noise emissions such as bitumen sealing of internal driveway/truck manoeuvring areas as well as noise buffering. The applicants have proposed to restrict heavy vehicle speed along the access driveway as well as implement a dust suppression sprinkler system over the access driveway/truck manoeuvring areas. However, these mitigation methods have proven ineffective in the past and their ongoing operation is difficult to enforce. The applicants have also stated that refrigerated trucks will not be run outside business hours, contrary to standard practice by other fresh produce freight depots. The applicants have stated that a refrigerated truck will be kept on the site overnight. If the truck is not run overnight, it will mean earlier start-up times in order to cool the transport container prior to loading fresh produce for transport. Although the operation of the freight depot has not generated any complaints from nearby residences to date, should the business's clientele steadily grow, and the use intensifies over the proposed 3 year operating period, the likelihood of land use conflicts occurring will also increase, especially if dwelling densities increase in the immediate vicinity due to the approved rural residential subdivision immediately adjacent the site (Bellevue Estate) which currently has a number of lots for sale off the plan.


Development that generates


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The development is in conflict with Land Use Policy 1.3.1. As above, the applicants propose the operation

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda emissions must be adequately separated or planned, designed, constructed and operated to ensure the impacts of air and noise emissions on sensitive land uses meets the objectives of the Environmental Protection (Air) Policy and the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy.


of a freight depot in a developing rural residential area. Freight depot is identified as an inconsistent use within the rural residential zone and would represent an illogical use of the land resulting in the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict, especially if dwelling densities increase within the immediate vicinity (Bellevue Estate). The proposed development is likely to cause noise and dust nuisance to surrounding and future sensitive receptors (dwelling houses). Furthermore, the applicants have indicated that, given the temporary nature of the development (3 years), they would not be willing to implement noise and dust mitigation measures suggested by Council officers as a means to limit potential land use conflicts.


Sensitive land uses should be separated from activities that generate noise and air emissions including commercial, recreational activities such as motor sports, intensive agricultural land uses, major transport facilities and industrial developments to ensure that existing air and noise emitters are not affected by the encroachment of sensitive land uses.


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The development is in conflict with Land Use Policy 1.3.2. As above, the applicants propose the operation of a freight depot in a developing rural residential area. Freight depot is identified as an inconsistent use within the rural residential zone and would represent an illogical use of the land resulting in the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict, especially if dwelling densities increase within the immediate vicinity (Bellevue Estate) over the life of the development (3 years). The proposed use would be more appropriately sited in an industrial area, or at the very least reasonably separated from rural residential uses. The development is in conflict with Land Use Policy 1.3.3.

State Planning Policy

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning has introduced a single State Planning Policy (SPP) to replace the various SPP's previously in place. As such, this State Planning Policy is not reflected in the Planning Scheme and is therefore applicable to the assessment of the application. An officer assessment of the proposed development against the provisions contained within the SPP has been undertaken and it is not considered to be in conflict with any relevant aspect of the SPP. Queensland State Planning Policy State Interest Natural hazards

Complies ďƒź

A development application for a material change of use, reconfiguring a lot or operational works on land within: (1)

a flood hazard area, or


a bushfire hazard area, or

Assessment Requirements & Comments For all natural hazards: Development: (1) avoids natural hazard areas or mitigates the risks of the natural hazard, and (2) supports, and does not unduly burden, disaster management response or recovery capacity and

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a landslide hazard area, or


a coastal hazard area.

Wednesday 06 May 2015 capabilities, and

(3) directly, indirectly and cumulatively avoids an increase in the severity of the natural hazard and the potential for damage on the site or to other properties, and (4) avoids risks to public safety and the environment from the location of hazardous materials and the release of these materials as a result of a natural hazard, and (5) maintains or enhances natural processes and the protective function of landforms and vegetation that can mitigate risks associated with the natural hazard, and Comment The Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 does not include mapping for landslide or flood hazard purposes. The draft TRC Planning Scheme does include mapping for both of these hazards and the subject land is not identified as being impacted by either hazard. The Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 Bushfire Hazard Overlay mapping places the majority of Lot 63 into the low hazard category. A small sliver of Lot 63, adjacent to Malone Road, is mapped as medium hazard. The draft TRC Planning Scheme bushfire mapping shows the entirety of the subject land as low hazard. The proposed development would comply with this aspect of the SPP.


Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004 (amendment no. 01/11)

Relevant Desired Environmental Outcomes DEO





The applicants propose the operation of a freight depot in a developing rural residential area. Freight depot is identified as an inconsistent use within the rural residential zone and would represent an illogical use of the land resulting in the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict, especially if dwelling densities increase within the immediate vicinity (Bellevue Estate).

Adverse effects from development on the natural environment are minimised with respect to the loss of natural vegetation, soil degradation, air and water pollution due to erosion, dust and chemical contamination, dispersal of pollutants, effluent disposal and the like.

The proposed development is likely to cause noise and dust nuisance to surrounding and future sensitive receptors (dwelling houses). Furthermore, the applicants have indicated that, given the temporary nature of the development (3 years), they would not be willing to implement noise and dust mitigation Page 15

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The amenity and safety of land uses adjoining industrial estates and agricultural areas adjoining urban centres are protected from potential noise and air pollution.



The identification and protection of the amenity of noise sensitive development and liveability of residential areas.


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measures considered both reasonable and relevant by Council officers. The proposed development is considered to be a light industrial land use and will be sited within a developing rural residential area. Should dwelling densities increase within the immediate surrounds over the life of the development (3 years), land use conflicts are likely to occur. The proposed development benefits the applicants and landowners only, with no identified benefit to the immediate surrounding locality. As above, the applicants propose the operation of a freight depot in a developing rural residential area. Freight depot is identified as an inconsistent use within the rural residential zone and would represent an illogical use of the land resulting in the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict, especially if dwelling densities increase within the immediate vicinity (Bellevue Estate). The proposed development is likely to cause noise and dust nuisance to surrounding and future sensitive receptors (dwelling houses). Furthermore, the applicants have indicated that, given the temporary nature of the development (3 years), they would not be willing to implement noise and dust mitigation measures considered both reasonable and relevant by Council officers.

Relevant Development Codes The following Development Codes are considered to be applicable to the assessment of the application: Part 4, Division 8 Part 5, Division 8 Part 6, Division 5 Part 6, Division 15 Relevant Codes Rural Residential Code

Rural Residential Zone Code Natural Disaster - Bushfire Overlay Code Car Parking Code Landscaping Code Comments


The application is in conflict with the following acceptable/probable solutions/performance criteria contained within the code:  Specific Outcome S5 - Non-residential uses and amenity Page 16

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Refer to planning discussion section of report. Natural Disaster Bushfire Overlay Code Car Parking Code Landscaping Code


The application can be conditioned to comply with the relevant acceptable/probable solutions contained within the code. The application can be conditioned to comply with the relevant acceptable/probable solutions contained within the code. The application can be conditioned to comply with the relevant acceptable/probable solutions contained within the code.

Planning Scheme Policies

The following planning scheme policies are relevant to the application: No. 4 - Development Manual Should the application be approved against the recommendation, a condition should be attached to any approval requiring all development works to be designed and constructed in accordance with the FNQROC Development Manual. (f)

Additional Trunk Infrastructure Condition - Road Infrastructure (Section 650 of SPA)

The proposed development will result in an increase in both light and heavy vehicle traffic along the Council controlled Malone Road. As such, in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 - Augmentation of the Road Network Contribution, a contribution will be payable towards the upgrade of Malone Road. The application is recommended for refusal. Should Council wish to approve the application against this officer's recommendation, a supplementary report will be presented to Council which will include Augmentation of the Road Network Contribution calculations. REFERRALS Concurrence This application did not trigger referral to any Concurrence Agencies. Advice This application did not trigger referral to any Advice Agencies. Internal Consultation Development Engineering - Access Environmental Health - Noise and dust nuisance, mitigation strategies PUBLIC NOTIFICATION The development proposal was placed on public notification from 12 January 2015 to 4 February 2015. The applicant submitted the notice of compliance on 6 February 2015

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advising that the public notification requirements were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Act. One properly made submission was received which generally supported the application; however one concern was raised as outlined below. The grounds for objection/support are summarised and commented on below: Objection 1.

The submitter raised concerns regarding the current condition of the Malone Road/Kennedy Highway intersection and Malone Road itself, and the ability of the intersection and road to sustain increased light and heavy vehicle traffic generated by the proposed freight depot. Planning Officer Comment: Malone Road is constructed to two lane bitumen sealed standard with a seal width of approximately 6.5 metres and the intersection of Malone Road with the Kennedy Highway is a State controlled intersection and contains a decelerating lane to accommodate vehicles turning onto Malone Road. The proposed light and heavy vehicle traffic associated with the proposed development is considered to be minimal when compared to existing light and heavy vehicle traffic using both the road and intersection, including cane hauling trucks and household vehicles. Notwithstanding this, vehicle traffic along Malone Road will slightly increase as a result of the development, and therefore an augmentation of the road network contribution is payable in accordance with Planning Scheme Policy 9. Should Council wish to approve the application against the officer recommendation, a supplementary report will be presented to Council which will include Augmentation of the Road Network Contribution calculations.

Submitters Name of principal submitter 1.

Warren Cotter

Address 1 Emerald Heights Road -

PLANNING DISCUSSION Noncompliance with the relevant acceptable solutions or probable solutions/performance criteria of the following Codes are summarised as follows: Rural Residential Zone Code 4.40 Uses Consistent or Inconsistent with the Outcomes Sought for the Rural Residential Zone (1)

In accordance with section 4.47, a defined use that is inconsistent with the outcomes sought for the Rural Residential zone is noted in column 1 of table 7.

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The tables of assessment for the Rural Residential zone (table 7), list a freight depot as an inconsistent impact assessable use within this zone. A freight depot use is considered to be, at minimum, a light industrial land use and should therefore be located within the ample industrial land available within the Mareeba Township, as are other similar freight depot operations. Approval of such a development would represent an illogical use of the land, as well as poor town planning resulting in the real prospect of ongoing rural residential land use conflict, especially if dwelling densities increase within the immediate vicinity (Bellevue Estate) over the three year life of the development. This particular land use, even at the intensity and scale proposed, has the potential to cause noise and dust nuisance, impacting on the amenity of the rural residential area. The proposed use is inconsistent with the intent of the Rural Residential Zone. 4.44 Overall Outcomes for Rural Residential Zone Code (1)

The overall outcomes are the purpose of the Rural Residential zone code.


The overall outcomes sought for the Rural Residential zone code are to achieve an area: (b)

where very low density housing prevails, with some rural pursuits that are compatible with residential living;


which makes effective use of the land and the services provided to enable the functioning of the zone.

Comment The subject site and all adjacent allotments are zoned Rural Residential and are either already developed or approved for development into 2 Ha (approx.) rural residential allotments. As outlined in the Rural Residential zone's Overall Outcomes, the zone allows for very low density residential development as well as rural pursuits (tree cropping, animal keeping) that are of a scale and intensity compatible with the amenity of the rural residential zone. The applicants propose the operation of a light industrial land use (freight depot) which is not considered to be compatible with the amenity of the rural residential area. Allowing the freight depot operation to continue to operate from the subject site would represent an illogical use of the land as well as poor town planning, and would create an opportunity for future land use conflict to occur. Despite the fact that the business has been operating from the site without complaint, as the business's clientele steadily grows over their proposed 3 year operating period, the likelihood of land use conflict occurring will no doubt increase, especially considering that the applicants have no control over the timeframes for development of the adjoining "Bellevue Estate" rural residential subdivision.

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The development conflicts with the Overall Outcomes contained within the Rural Residential zone. 4.45 Building Siting, Scale and Amenity S5

Non-residential uses and amenity (a)

non-residential uses are located, designed and operated to avoid significant adverse changes to the light, noise, dust, odours, traffic conditions or other physical conditions experienced by occupants of: (i)

associated, adjoining or nearby residential uses; or


other types of non-residential uses.

Comment The proposed development is impact assessable and is therefore assessable against the entire Planning Scheme; including the codes specific outcomes irrespective of whether or not the application can comply with the probable solution/s associated with that specific outcome. The applicants propose the operation of a freight depot in a developing rural residential area. Freight depot is identified as an inconsistent use within the rural residential zone and would represent an illogical use of the land resulting in the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict, especially if dwelling densities were to increase within the immediate vicinity over the three year life of the development (Bellevue Estate). The proposed land use has the potential to cause ongoing noise and dust nuisance as well as increase heavy vehicle movements along Malone Road. The development has the potential to adversely impact on the amenity of the surrounding rural residential area and is therefore in conflict with specific outcome S5. Conclusion Approval of such a development within a developing rural residential area is likely to result in the real prospect of ongoing land use conflict, in particular, from noise and dust nuisance created by the use. The applicants have stated that they are not willing to seal the internal driveway and truck manoeuvring areas, or establish any noise buffering, due the use being proposed for a maximum period of three (3) years. The applicants have proposed a sprinkler system be incorporated over the existing gravel driveway and truck manoeuvring areas as a dust prevention measure, however, past experience with this method of dust suppression has proven unsuccessful in fully mitigating dust nuisance and can become quite difficult and time consuming for Council to enforce. If Council was prepared to consider a time limited approval, stringent conditions would have to be placed on the development in order to minimise potential noise and air emissions. These conditions would include:  

Bitumen sealing all internal driveways, parking areas and truck manoeuvring areas. Bitumen sealing access crossover/s Page 20

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Planting of landscape buffering or construction of solid screen fencing along the site's western boundary. Restricting hours of operation, including the running of any refrigerated transport trucks to the hours of 8am - 6pm. Limiting the maximum days of operation to three days per week with four truck movements per day. Strictly no running of refrigerated transport trucks outside the hours of 8am - 6pm. The automatic cessation of the use on site upon occupation of the first dwelling in the adjacent approved rural residential estate.

The continued operation of the freight depot from the subject site serves to benefit the applicant and land owner only, with no identified benefit to the surrounding locality. The Mareeba Township contains ample industrial land suited for, and currently accommodating this type of land use, and approval of such a development within a rural residential area is likely to set a negative precedent for the planning of similar development in the future. Conditioning the development to this extent will no doubt impact on the ongoing operation of the freight depot and prove relatively costly for the applicant. The limitations and the cost to comply with the conditions which are necessary to minimise the risk of land use conflict are not considered particularly reasonable given the need to time limit the approval. Considering the above, and the fact that any approval would temporarily postpone an inevitable move to a more suitable location, the application is recommended for refusal. Date Prepared:

20 April 2015

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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Manager Development & Governance DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with section 174(3) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the Chief Executive Officer must present a written assessment of the local government's progress towards implementing the annual operational plan at meetings of the local government held at regular intervals of not more than 3 months. The attached report provides advice on progress in implementing the 2014/15 Operational Plan for the January to March 2015 quarter. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the progress report on implementation of the 2014/15 Operational Plan for the January to March 2015 quarter." BACKGROUND The Local Government Regulation 2012 provides that a local government must prepare and adopt an annual operational plan for each year. The Operational Plan is a statement of specific works to be undertaken and services to be provided in order to progress the goals and objectives set out in a Council's Corporate Plan over a period of one year. The Chief Executive Officer must present a written assessment of the local government's progress towards implementing the annual operational plan at meetings of the local government held at regular intervals of not more than 3 months. The 2014/15 Operational Plan was adopted by Council at its meeting held on 2 July 2014. The attached document provides a progress report on what action has been taken up to and including the January to March 2015 quarter with respect to the items and projects listed in the Operational Plan.

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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN The Operational Plan details those items or projects that can be carried out within a 12 month budget period to progress the goals and objectives set out in the Council's Corporate Plan and is therefore relevant to all strategies contained within the Corporate Plan. CONSULTATION Internal Director Corporate & Community Services Director Infrastructure Services All Managers External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) It is a statutory requirement for an assessment of progress in implementing the Operational Plan to be presented to Council at least on a quarterly basis. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION N/A ATTACHMENTS 1.

Operational Plan 2014/15 - Quarterly Assessment - 31 March 2015.

Date Prepared:

10 April 2015

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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Manager Development & Governance DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Contact was recently made with Department of Natural Resources and Mines in relation to an outstanding land issue that dates back to 2013. The issue concerns trusteeship of the Koorboora Town Reserve which at present has no registered trustee. Council was requested by DNRM in 2013 to accept trusteeship of the Reserve but the matter was never submitted to Council for consideration. In following up with DNRM in relation to this matter, they advised that they have discovered another township reserve at Dulbil on Tinaroo Creek Road which also has no registered trustee and they would like Council to also consider accepting trusteeship of this reserve. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That, in relation to correspondence received from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) regarding Council accepting trusteeship of township reserves at Koorboora and Dulbil, Council advise DNRM that it does not wish to accept trusteeship of the reserves for the following reasons: 1. The reserves have no strategic importance in terms of future development within the Mareeba Shire and are designated as rural land within the current and proposed Mareeba Planning Schemes; 2. While it appears that gravel may have been sourced from at least one of the reserves in the past for road construction and maintenance purposes, this is not a future requirement of Council due to the abundance of existing quarries that service the Mareeba Shire and there is therefore no operational benefit to Council in having control of the reserves; 3. There may be future management costs associated with trusteeship of the reserves eg pest and weed control, for which Council does not have the funding available. AND FURTHER that it be suggested to DNRM that if the State Government has no further use for the reserves, it give consideration to disposing of them on the open market." BACKGROUND A letter was received from DNRM in April 2013 (copy attached) requesting Council's agreement to accept trusteeship of the Petford Town Reserve R78 being Lot 20 on Crown Plan K4931. The reference to Petford is incorrect and should be the Koorboora Town Page 49

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Reserve. The letter advised that should Council not be agreeable to accepting trusteeship of the reserve, it would need to provide specific reasons and justification. DNRM also advised that Mr James O'Shea had approached the Department in relation to use of the balance of the reserve for grazing purposes. As no action had been taken in relation to the above letter, DNRM was contacted to ascertain whether they still wished Council to provide a response to their letter. DNRM's response was that, yes, they would like Council to consider the matter. They also advised that they have located another township reserve showing as "unknown trustee", being Lot 50 on SP151300 and Lot 578 on SP159910 at Dulbil on Tinaroo Creek Road. They would like Council to also give consideration to accepting trusteeship of this reserve. Both reserves are located in the rural area and have no strategic importance in terms of the future development of the Shire. It appears that the large portion of land at Dulbil (Lot 578 on SP159910) has been used in the past to obtain gravel for road construction and maintenance purposes, however, Council's Works Manager has advised that with the abundance of quarries in the Mareeba Shire and the cost involved in extracting gravel and then remediating the site, Council does not require the land for future gravel purposes. Overall, it appears that there is no operational benefit to Council in accepting trusteeship of the reserves and could end up costing Council in terms of maintaining the reserves free of noxious weeds and pests. As DNRM have indicated that a local grazier is interested in leasing the balance of the Koorboora reserve for grazing purposes, DNRM should be requested to give consideration to offering the land for sale on the open market. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ENV 1: Prepare an appropriate planning scheme focused on sustaining good agricultural land and farming land as well as encouraging population growth and protecting the natural environment. CONSULTATION Internal Senior Planner Manager Works External DNRM, Cairns LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil

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FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating There may be some operational costs involved should Council decide to accept trusteeship of the reserves eg pest and weed management. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION DNRM will be formally advised of Council's decision. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3.

Map of Koorboora Town Reserve Map of Dulbil Town Reserve Letter from DNRM dated 10 April 2013

Date Prepared:

28 April 2015

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REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 275(1)(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (f)

starting or defending legal proceedings involving Council.

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a summary of applicable fees and charges as a result of recently called quotes for banking services. The quotation process excludes Term Deposits and other investments held by Council and relates only to transactional bank accounts. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council accept the written quotation for the provision of Banking Services as submitted by the National Australia Bank for a period of three (3) years with an option to extend for another three (3) years." BACKGROUND Council currently banks with National Australia Bank however, the previous three (3) year agreement has expired and as a new Council it was timely to invite quotes for transactional banking services to achieve the following objectives:  Secure the services of a financial institution with the necessary expertise and capacity to accommodate Council's current and future banking requirements  Review current bank fees and charges to obtain the lowest price possible Council extended an invitation to all banking institutions within the Shire and evaluated the three (3) applications received based on six (6) criteria including price, services and location of branches. The applications received came from: National Australia Bank (NAB), Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) and Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (Bendigo Bank). Each bank offered similar services (especially on-line services), and banking options in each service centre location. The final recommendation was therefore determined by the most competitive fees and charges rates. After an extensive comparison of the pricing schedules from all three (3) applicants, NAB had the adequate advantage across the board especially for merchant and Bpay biller fees which makes up approximately 90% of Council's banking fees and charges.

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It is considered appropriate to let this contract for a period of three years and provide for an extension of an additional three years, subject to the agreement of both parties and with the approval of Council. We must also recognise the substantial work necessary to establish new electronic transfer protocols and operating procedures when changing between financial institutions. The additional benefits provided to the community groups with the Mareeba Shire by the Mareeba and Dimbulah Community Banks was noted as a qualitative factor unmatched by competitor institutions, however the additional cost to Council outweighed these benefits. In accordance with Council's Investment Policy, Council will continue to support the Bendigo Bank (Mareeba and Dimbulah Community Banks) where possible with investments. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV 5: Conduct a work management systems and procedures review to develop an efficient organisation supported by cost effective work practices and systems. CONSULTATION Internal Director Corporate and Community Services Financial Accountant External National Australia Bank (NAB) Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (Bendigo Bank) LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating New pricing schedules include some slight increases in various bank fees and charges. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Yes

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IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION NAB will be notified however there will be no procedure or transactional change as the current banking systems will remain the same. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

21 April 2015

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the recommended 2015/16 fees for Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display for Council's consideration and endorsement. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display Fees and Charges for 2015/16 as per the attached Schedule at Attachment 1." BACKGROUND On the 18 June 2014, the Mareeba Shire Council (MSC) decided to: “Continue to support the regional network of Visitor Information Centres including the Brochure Display policy”. This was one of nine (9) items in the Council resolution regarding Economic Development and Tourism Promotion. On the 17 December 2014, the Mareeba Shire Council adopted Visitor Information Centre Brochure Display Fees and Charges for the Mareeba and Kuranda VICs and agreed to a tiered pricing structure and to trial the guidelines for six (6) months from December to June 2015, with a review conducted in June 2015. To align with Council's budget and fee setting processes, the review has been brought forward. During the workshops, Councillors requested that Officers investigate the feasibility of adopting a regional cooperative approach to the display of brochures in VICS across the area of both MSC and Tablelands Regional Council (TRC). This proposal for 2015/16 reflects this regional cooperative approach which was workshopped with Council on 31 March 2015 Council VIC Tourism Brochure Display Fees and Charges Rationale The 2015/16 Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display Fees and Charges, as per Attachment 2, outline options for tourism operators. Operators would have the option of joining TTT directly for regional brochure display or purchasing regional brochure display via MSC or TRC service outlets.

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Regional VIC brochure display pricing would be matched annually to TTT's Bronze membership price, which is currently $130. Fees collected via Councils would then be shared between the Councils, with TRC collecting $75 and MSC collecting $55. 100% of MSC's portion of the fee would be retained for MSC VIC marketing. A charge of $35 for additional brochures (e.g. translations or special offer brochures) would also apply unless operators were Platinum Tropical Tablelands Tourism members. This fee would be split by the Councils on the same ratio as the brochure display fee which would result in $20 for TRC and $15 for MSC. Operators could choose to have their brochures displayed at a single VIC however the fee would remain at $130. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 2: In partnership with local business, industry groups and economic and regional development organisations, continue to develop strategies to assist, strengthen, develop and promote existing and new businesses and industries. CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer Manager Community Wellbeing Executive Officer Tourism Kuranda Senior Kuranda Information Centre Officer Senior Mareeba Information Centre Officer Councillors Tourism Kuranda Committee Council workshop 31 March 2015 External Tablelands Regional Council's Tourism Coordinator Tropical Tablelands Tourism (TTT) LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Administrative operating costs will be recovered through implementation of the policy. Page 64

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Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Council's Visitor Information Centre Officers will:  coordinate the implementation of the policy in Council's Visitor Information Centres;  advise operators of new policy in writing; and,  coordinate display and distribution of Tropical Tablelands Tourism's members' brochures. ATTACHMENTS 1. Schedule of Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display Fees and Charges 2015/16 2. Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display Options for Tourism Operators Date Prepared:

9 April 2015

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Attachment 1 - Schedule of Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display Fees and Charges 2015/16

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Attachment 2 Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display Options for Tourism Operators

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the recommended 2015/2016 fees for Library Services for Council's consideration and endorsement. The process costs for 2015/2016 outlining current fees, calculated and process costs and the proposed fees were considered at a Council workshop on 31st March 2015. The underlying basis for the proposed fees and charges is to support cost recovery within the stipulations of the Service Level Agreement for Public Library Services, and by doing this Mareeba Shire Council maintains eligibility for the annual Public Library Grant. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the proposed Fees and Charges for Library Services for 2015/16 as per the schedule attached." BACKGROUND Methodology Review of actual cost of fees and charges Current Library fees and charges were reviewed and benchmarked against libraries which are of a similar size and geographically close to Mareeba. A number of library fees were increased to reflect increased process costs for 2015/16. All fees and charges were based on the actual cost to Council of delivering the service for 2015/16. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN Not relevant at this point in time. CONSULTATION Internal Director of Corporate & Community Services Manager Community Wellbeing Councillors – Council Workshop 31 March 2015

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External State Library of Queensland, Director, Regional Access and Public Libraries. LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Adopting the proscribed inter-library loan fee of $2.50 will maintain Council's eligibility for the Public Library Grant administered by the State Library of Queensland. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION On adoption of the 2015/16 fees, Library Management Systems will need to be modified to reflect the additional charges to goods sold, internal flyers and Library guides will be edited and fees and charges listed on the Mareeba Shire Council website will be altered. ATTACHMENTS 1.

2015/16 Library Services Fees and Charges Schedule

Date Prepared:

24 April 2015

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Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report considers Council's strategic tourism partnerships with key regional tourism marketing organisations, provides an overview of the purpose and goals of each organisation, and recommends arrangements for 2015/16 for the following organisations:  Savannah Way Ltd.(SW)  Tropical Tablelands Tourism (TTT)  Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ) OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council approve strategic tourism partnerships with Savannah Way, Tropical Tablelands Tourism and Tropical Tourism North Queensland and include these memberships for consideration in the 2015/16 budget" BACKGROUND On 18 March 2015, Tropical Tablelands Tourism made a presentation to Council, which was followed by a workshop with Council to discuss 2015/16 priority funding for strategic tourism partnerships. Whilst Council acknowledges the contribution to tourism promotion by the respective regional bodies, Council's overall consideration is to ensure Council receives value for money and that respective regional bodies demonstrate the return on Council's investment. Consequently Council is requesting annual presentations on the outcomes and achievements by regional bodies receiving Council membership funding in 2014/15; and requiring Tropical Tablelands Tourism to provide satisfactory quarterly performance reporting prior to quarterly payment from Council.

1. Savannah Way (SW) As the Local Tourism Organisation (LTO), for the Savannah Way region (3,700 km from Cairns to Broome via Mareeba) Savannah Way manages destination marketing for the region.

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SW is a not-for-profit company formed to market quality visitor experiences along the drive route for the economic and social well-being of communities in the region. It has a part time manager funded via membership and grant projects, and additional special projects. Membership is open to tourism and other businesses, government agencies, organisations and individuals. SW assists small businesses and communities along the Savannah Way route with sustainable tourism and network support, including: tourism promotion, road signage, brochure and merchandise distribution, agent and media contact. It also assists with regional development through research, projects, training and consultation. It has linkages with the Savannah Guides Network (same manager). Parts of the Mareeba Shire fall within the Savannah Way route and Kuranda, Mareeba, Julatten and Mount Molloy destinations are currently promoted by SW. There are additional opportunities to work with SW to develop a special project to actively promote the Wheelbarrow Way as a loop of the Savannah Way route, as well as highlight the Ootan Road alternative route to Chillagoe, and potentially the Lappa to Mount Garnett route. This would benefit the small townships of Chillagoe, Almaden, Petford and Dimbulah. SW is also interested in collaborating with marketing of the Great Wheelbarrow Race to assist with strategically growing the event. An annual formal presentation to Council will be implemented. 1.1 Savannah Way Membership As SW is membership based, Council is able to become a member by paying an annual membership fee. SW has recommended Gold membership in line with other regional councils, at a cost of $900 GST exclusive. This will be a new strategic tourism partnership for Council. 1.2 2015/16 Contribution (SW) Council recognises the benefits of leveraging off the Savannah Way destination marketing strategy and developing a strategic partnership to promote the Wheelbarrow Way as a loop off the Savannah Way route. Therefore, it is recommended that Council purchase Savannah Way (SW) Gold membership in line with other regional councils, at a cost of $900 GST exclusive, with an annual presentation to Council on regional outcomes and achievements.

2. Tropical Tablelands Tourism (TTT) Tropical Tablelands Tourism (TTT) is a not-for-profit, membership based, company limited, destination marketing organisation that represents the local tourism industry. It is the official Local Tourism Organisation (LTO) for the Atherton Tablelands, with a strategic focus on pre-arrival destination marketing based on established consumer trend data which demonstrates that visitors finalise their holiday planning and holiday choice prearrival. TTT uses funding provided to date for destination marketing and promotion.

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TTT is run by a voluntary Board of Directors who are supported operationally by professional contractors for administration services, marketing, and public relations to meet its corporate and strategic functions including its annual marketing plan. TTT works in partnership with Tropical Tourism North Queensland as the Regional Tourism Organisation (particularly for the Drive North Queensland campaign), other LTOs, Tourism Kuranda and the Tablelands Visitor Information Centre regional network to deliver some areas of their marketing plan. The Discover magazine is fully funded via advertising and achieved by a contracted publishing team. In early April 2015, TTT launched the 2015 edition of Discover and a digital software application. 2.1 TTT Funding Request TTT has requested a contribution of $32,400, as per 2014/15 funding, and acknowledged that this is "an effective 'increase' bearing in mind Council's desire to reduce funding gradually". TTT have also requested funding support from the Tablelands Regional Council. Council funding will apply to strategically identified projects from the Tropical Tablelands Tourism Marketing Plan. Additionally, as TTT is membership based, Council can continue to be a member by paying an annual membership fee. TTT have recommended Platinum membership in line with other regional councils, at a cost of $800 GST exclusive. 2.2 2015/16 Contribution (TTT) Council recognises the importance of taking a regional approach to destination marketing and is willing to continue to collaborate and partner with TTT. Council acknowledges that TTT have been responsive to addressing performance concerns raised by Council regarding the outcomes achieved by TTT in the northern area in 2014/15. Council has been working with TTT to improve service delivery, and particularly local tourism industry membership and community engagement. On 21 January 2015, Council determined that ongoing funding support for TTT was: not guaranteed; subject to satisfactory quarterly performance and reporting; and would decrease incrementally with an expectation that by the 2017/18 financial year TTT would be selfsufficient and not reliant on Council funding. Subsequently, a quarterly performance reporting template is being jointly developed to streamline reporting. Additionally, a scheduled program of an annual formal presentation to Council and quarterly meetings with Councillors has been implemented. Considering these factors, including Council's concern that TTT clearly demonstrates its ability to deliver a good return on Council's investment, the following recommendation is proposed. It is recommended that Mareeba Shire Council:  Purchase Tropical Tablelands Tourism (TTT) Platinum membership in line with other regional councils, at a cost of $800 GST exclusive.  Continue to fund its strategic tourism partnership with Tropical Tablelands Tourism (TTT) to an annual total of $25,120 GST exclusive, for identified projects from the Tropical Tablelands Tourism Marketing Plan. Funding to be provided to TTT via quarterly payments of $6,280 (being for the quarters ending Sept, December, March and June 2015) subject to satisfactory quarterly performance and reporting. Page 75

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 Council continues to support Tropical Tablelands Tourism's membership by adoption of a complementary pricing structure for Visitor Information Centre Tourism Brochure Display and active promotion of the benefits of Tropical Tablelands Tourism's membership for tourism operators  Maintains Councillor representation and Officer ex-officio representation on the TTT Board. 3. Tropical Tourism North Queensland (TTNQ) Tropical Tourism North Queensland (TTNQ) is the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) for Tropical North Queensland, and manages tourism destination marketing including regional branding. The peak tourism organisation is a membership based, industry funded, incorporated private company that is limited by guarantee. TTNQ membership ensures the Tablelands tourism industry is represented at the table on regional issues, branding and marketing campaigns and support from TTNQ, Tourism and Events Qld for funding applications is crucial. An annual formal presentation to Council has been implemented. 3.1 TTNQ Membership As TTNQ is membership based, Council can continue to be a member by paying an annual membership fee. TTNQ have recommended Silver membership in line with other regional councils, at a cost of $3,052 GST exclusive. Council's TTNQ membership will include the continued strategic partnership with Tourism Kuranda and the involvement of the Tourism Kuranda Executive Officer in TTNQ's Local Tourism Organisation forums. 3.2 2015/16 Contribution (TTNQ) Council recognises the benefits of leveraging off better known destinations and regional, state, national and international marketing strategies and to having a voice in the development and implementation of such strategies. Therefore, it is recommended that Council purchase Tropical Tourism North Queensland (TTNQ) Silver membership in line with other regional councils, at a cost of $3,052 GST exclusive with an annual presentation to Council on regional outcomes and achievements. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 2: In partnership with local business, industry groups and economic and regional development organisations, continue to develop strategies to assist, strengthen, develop and promote existing and new businesses and industries. CONSULTATION Internal Mayor and Councillors Chief Executive Officer

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Director, Corporate and Community Services Manager, Community Wellbeing Executive Officer, Tourism Kuranda Senior Kuranda Information Centre Officer Senior Mareeba Information Centre Officer External Manager, Savannah Way Ltd. Tourism Coordinator, Tablelands Regional Council Directors of Tropical Tablelands Director Corporate Services, Tourism Tropical Tourism North Queensland LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating $25,120 allocated to TTT $800 allocated to TTT membership $900 allocated to SW membership $3467 allocated to TTNQ membership Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Council will work closely with the respective regional bodies to partner and collaborate as appropriate to drive the best possible return on Council's investment. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

9 April 2015

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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The setting of the Fees & Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year has been the responsibility of each relevant department and has been set either based on a set percentage increase or based on cost recovery of actual activity costing and is presented for Council's consideration and endorsement. Aerodrome current charges, actual costs and the proposed fees were considered at a Council workshop on 16 April 2015, where it was agreed to simplify the descriptions of the various categories, but to maintain existing charges with some minor changes. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the Aerodromes Fees & Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year." BACKGROUND Council as part of its budgetary process and under the legislation of the Local Government Act is required to adopt a Schedule of Fees & Charges. For the purpose of legislation these Fees and Charges need to be identified as either regulatory or non-regulatory. Each relevant department has been responsible for the recommending of the Fees & Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year. The fees and charges have been recommended on either full cost recovery, discounted community service obligation by direction of Council or based on a set percentage increase. At the Council workshop on 16 April 2015, aerodrome fees and charges relating to landing and parking of aircraft were reviewed against actual running costs of the two aerodromes at Mareeba and Chillagoe. A decision was made to leave the fees generally unchanged at this time, apart from the applying a charge to the landing fees for aircraft less than 2000kg which currently has no charge levied. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV 1 - Develop an achievable long term financial plan that underpins Council's long-term financial sustainability.

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CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Local Government Act 2009 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION On adoption of the 2015/2016 Fees and Charges, advise Customer Service Officers and update Council's website to reflect the changes and alter associated documents. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Mareeba Shire Council Aerodrome Fees & Charges for 2015/2016.

Date Prepared:

2 April 2015

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2015/2016 Aerodrome Fees & Charges

Landing Fees (Mareeba and Chillagoe)


GST applies

Approved Fees 2015/16

Fixed Wing Aircraft and Helicopters (empty weight) less than Tonne Yes $4.00 2000kg Fixed Wing Aircraft (empty weight) greater than 2000kg and Tonne Yes $8.00 less than 5700kg Helicopters (empty weight) greater than 2000kg and less than Tonne Yes $6.00 5700kg Fixed Wing Aircraft and Helicopters (empty weight) greater Tonne Yes $14.00 than 5700kg Note: *Repetitive operations charged at one landing per hour (where an aircraft makes more than one landing per hour)

Parking & Tie-downs (Mareeba Only) Mareeba Bitumen / Tie-down - per year less that 5700kg. On application to be paid in advance for 12 month period direct to TRC




Mareeba Bitumen / Tie-down less than 5700kg.




Day or part thereof



Mareeba Parking of aircraft above 5700kg

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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The setting of the Fees and Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year has been the responsibility of each relevant department and has been set either based on a set percentage increase or based on cost recovery of actual activity costing and is presented for Council's consideration and endorsement. Current charges for the hire of Council's Halls were considered at a Council workshop on 16 April 2015, where it was agreed to retain the existing fees without change. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the Council Hall Hire Fees & Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year." BACKGROUND Council as part of its budgetary process and under the legislation of the Local Government Act is required to adopt a Schedule of Fees & Charges. For the purpose of legislation these fees and charges need to be identified as either regulatory or non-regulatory. Each relevant department has been responsible for the recommending of the Fees & charges for the 2015/2016 financial year. The fees and charges have been recommended on either full cost recovery, discounted community service obligation by direction of Council or based on a set percentage increase. At the Council workshop held on 16 April 2015, fees and charges relating to the hire of Council Halls were reviewed and it was agreed that the current fees and charges should remain unchanged. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV 1 - Develop an achievable long term financial plan that underpins Council's long-term financial sustainability. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Page 83

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External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Local Government Act 2009 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION On adoption of the 2015/2016 Fees and Charges, advise Customer Service and Facilities Officers that fees are to remain unchanged. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Mareeba Shire Council Hall Hire Fees & Charges for 2015/2016

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2 April 2015

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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The setting of the Fees and Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year has been the responsibility of each relevant department and has been set either based on a set percentage increase or based on cost recovery of actual activity costing and is presented for Council's consideration and endorsement. Current charges for the installation of a Rural Address were reviewed by Council Officers according to actual costs of installation, materials and map updating, where it was agreed that an increase in current fees is required to recover actual costs of delivery. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council adopt the Rural Addressing Fees & Charges for the 2015/2016 financial year." BACKGROUND Council as part of its budgetary process and under the legislation of the Local Government Act is required to adopt a Schedule of Fees & Charges. For the purpose of legislation these fees and charges need to be identified as either regulatory or non-regulatory. Each relevant department has been responsible for recommending the Fees & charges for the 2015/2016 financial year. The fees and charges have been recommended on either full cost recovery, discounted community service obligation by direction of Council or based on a set percentage increase. Fees relating to Rural Addressing were investigated by council officers to determine whether current charges reflect the actual cost of installation, materials and map updating. The process of installation of a new rural address involves responding to a customer request, travel and installation of post with sleeve and number, recording chainage, obtaining GPS coordinates/photos, adding the coordinates to update the GIS mapping system and emailing the details of the new rural address to the relevant stakeholders including emergency services, the electoral office, Australia Post and Telstra. A detailed costing of the time and materials was conducted. The actual costs were greater than what is currently charged (Table 1). In particular, the previous cost of a replacement rural address was less than the reviewed cost. No council workshop was held but it was agreed that fees be increased for the 2015/2016 financial year in line with cost recovery. Page 87

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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV 1 - Develop an achievable long term financial plan that underpins Council's long-term financial sustainability. CONSULTATION Internal Senior GIS Officer Budget Officer External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Local Government Act 2009 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION On adoption of the 2015/2016 Fees and Charges, advise Customer Service and update Council's website. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Mareeba Shire Council's Proposed Rural Addressing Fees & Charges for 2015/2016;

Date Prepared:

27 April 2015

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Table 1 Rural Address proposed Fees & Charges for 2015/2016


New Rural Address

Per Item

2015/16 Actual Cost (incl. 40% on-costs)

2014/15 Fees

Proposed 2015/16 Fees

Replacement Numbers

Rural address post, sleeve, digits, installation, response to customer request & GIS Rural address post, sleeve, digits, installation & response to customer request Per digit




Number Sleeve

Sleeve 2 digit




Sleeve 3 digit




Sleeve 4 digit







Replacement Rural Address

Replacement Post


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6 May 2015

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Community Development and Engagement Officer DEPARTMENT:

Corporate and Community Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Arts Queensland has implemented a number of changes to the guidelines for the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). From 2105-16 Councils have more flexibility to create and deliver a locally-relevant RADF program to ensure RADF creates valuable outcomes for local communities. Council's application for RADF funding for 2015-16 must be submitted by 8th May 2015 and key issues for consideration include:  how investment in arts and culture can be used to best meet local needs, aspirations and priorities  the model for the best use of RADF investment to achieve specified outcomes i.e. funding rounds or identified priority projects  the amount of funding Council will contribute towards the application for RADF funding in 2015-16. These issues were workshopped with Councillors on 31 March 2015 and further discussions were held with Councillors and the RADF Committee to develop the elements of the 2015/16 RADF Strategy which are presented for Council's consideration in this report. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council implement an RADF Strategy for 2015/16 with a budget of $42,857 and the following elements: 1. Apply for $30,000 from Arts Queensland with a council contribution for $12,857 for 2015/16 RADF 2. Contribute $5000 towards conducting community engagement and planning to provide the opportunity for communities to identify arts and cultural priorities 3. Conduct one RADF funding round of $15,000 per year targeting identified priorities 4. Contribute $19,857 to implement major projects/initiatives identified from the community engagement and planning process

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5. Provide $3000 towards training and resourcing the RADF committee to build community capacity regarding the community - based arts and cultural decision making." BACKGROUND During 2014, Arts Queensland undertook significant consultation with local council's to ensure RADF works to create the best outcomes. From 2015 the Fund will be delivered flexibly, and local councils can implement locally tailored RADF programs based on priorities determined by them and their communities. This means that RADF may look different from place to place as to the best way to respond to the unique characteristics, priorities and aspirations of local communities 1. Types of activities RADF could support under the new guidelines:  development and delivery of diverse, exciting and accessible arts and cultural activities, projects and initiatives for, by and with local communities  value adding arts and culture into existing non–arts projects or events that could support growing new audiences or markets  leveraging RADF investment to entice other funding partners to support more strategic arts and culture initiatives in local communities (for example, increasing amenity, community pride and liveability of local areas through infrastructure, public art, placemaking projects)  regional pooling of RADF investment towards regional initiatives or programs to deliver cross–regional arts and cultural–led outcomes  professional, career and capacity development opportunities for local artists and arts workers  engagement of key target groups such as young people or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CASD) communities or programs targeting particular geographic locations  recruitment of specialist expertise to support, develop and /or produce arts and cultural– driven outcomes 2. Applications for RADF Funding will be considered on how well they meet the following assessment criteria: Quality  RADF invests in quality arts and cultural initiatives based on locally identified priorities  RADF contributes to strengthening the professional and commercial capacity of the local arts sector  Enterprising, effective, entrepreneurial and innovative approaches to RADF delivery are demonstrated Reach  Locally-determined RADF program supports investment in outcomes that meet local priorities  RADF activities/projects support engagement of diverse local audiences/participants/target groups  Community members are actively engaged in RADF decision making and evaluation Impact  RADF initiatives grow public engagement in - and value of - the arts  RADF demonstrates good return on investment through cultural, social and economic outcomes

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 RADF contributes to the prosperity, diversity, community cohesion and pride of local places and communities  RADF contributes towards growing cultural tourism Viability  Effective use of RADF funding  Strong governance and management of RADF operational delivery and program at a local level  Local partners are engaged in supporting RADF activities/projects  RADF leverages additional investment including financial and in-kind contributions by Council and others. 3. RADF Budget How much funding can Mareeba Shire Council apply for? Based on Mareeba Shire Council's population, Arts Queensland will provide 70% of the RADF funds with Council required to provide 30% of funds. The capped contribution from Arts Queensland is $30,000 for a council contribution of $12,857. Council may consider applying for funding above their allocated capped amount with additional contribution from Council or other community partners. Therefore the proposed RADF budget for 2015/16 is $42,857. This is the same amount contributed for 2014/15. 4.

2015/16 RADF strategy

A Community Led RADF Program ($5,000) Mareeba Shire Council will undertake further community engagement and planning to develop a new community plan and identify priorities for the RADF 2015-16 funding. This will be completed by December 2016. The process will involve community engagement with residents and stakeholders in towns and districts across the shire to identify the communities' priorities and aspirations. Common issues and issues of shire wide significance will be recorded as higher level shire goals and strategies. $5000 in RADF funds will be used to top up Council's community engagement budget to enable communities to identify arts and cultural priorities for specific towns and districts and the shire as a whole. These community-led priorities will inform the implementation of the RADF program in the Mareeba Shire for the next five (5) years, with smaller community consultation activities conducted to review and refresh the communities' priorities over time. Comprehensive community engagement conducted from 2010-12 for a long term community plan identified youth cultural and arts activities as a priority in the shire. Kuranda is one town/district that identified the need for street art, arts workshops, youth leadership programs in the current community plan. This has more recently been re-confirmed by community networking and feedback to Council Officers and Councillors by community organisations. Annual RADF Funding Round ($15,000) Council will conduct one round per year of RADF funding targeted to the identified priorities. This round will be open February 2016 and will be for projects commencing from February2016 that are >$1000. The total funding for this round will be $15K. Applications will be open to artists, groups and organisations to address identified arts and cultural priorities outlined in the community plan.

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Major project/strategic initiative ($19,857) Council will set aside $21,857 in 2015/16 to implement priority project/s identified in the community plan. Building Community Capacity in Arts and Culture ($3,000) Council will allocate $1000 to resource committee members to build their capacity to become more involved in arts and culture decision-making and project delivery. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN COM 3: Encourage the building of strong partnerships with community , private sector and government so as to build community capacity and develop strategies to encourage and support leadership and self-responsibility in the community. COM 4: Encourage vibrant and active community participation in festivals and events, arts, culture and natural heritage activities that celebrate the community and its cultural diversity and enrich lifestyle and encourage tourism. CONSULTATION Internal Manager Community Wellbeing

External RADF committee Arts Queensland LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2015/2016 budget? Yes

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21 April 2015

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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FNQ Sugar Services Pty Ltd trading as Tableland Mill has written to Council requesting permission to haul sugar cane on Council controlled roads under the Self Regulation Mass Concession Scheme during the 2015 sugar cane harvest season. Tableland Mill is required to seek Council approval for an annual permit to carry-out cane haulage operations under the Self Regulation Mass Concession Scheme. The scheme was previously administered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads and will now operate under the umbrella of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council grant approval to FNQ Sugar Services Pty Ltd to operate cane hauling trucks, under the Department of Transport and Main Road's Self Regulation Mass Concession Scheme, on Council controlled roads as listed in its correspondence of 26 April 2015." BACKGROUND Attached is correspondence from FNQ Sugar Services Pty Ltd listing the roads proposed to be used for cane hauling operations in the forthcoming 2015 cane harvesting season. The request is for a continuation of transport arrangements that have been in place for a number of years. The scheme permits road transport operators to operate heavy vehicles with an additional 7.5% Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) concession above the normal legal limit for the particular haulage equipment. The scheme specifies cumulative tonnage compliance parameters to account for payload variations associated with loading directly from the paddock. FNQ Sugar Services Pty Ltd advised that the transport contractor will be operating tri-axle group semi-trailer configured prime movers fitted with air bag suspension. Tableland Mill has been utilising the Mass Concession Scheme for cane haulage operations on Council controlled roads since 1993. Page 97

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The Self Regulation Mass Concession Scheme requires FNQ Sugar Services Pty Ltd to self impose penalties for failure to comply with designated conditions. Department of Transport and Main Roads monitor and undertake random audits of companies operating under the Scheme. The routes being requested for access under the concession scheme have been previously approved by Council for cane hauling operations to the Tableland Mill. FNQ Sugar Services Pty Ltd has advised it intends to commence cane haulage operations when the crushing season starts in early June 2015. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil

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Letter from Tableland Mill dated 26 April 2015 (ECM # 3054032); TMR Axle Mass Limits Definition - Tri -Axle (back) Semi Trailer Arrangement.

Date Prepared:

28 April 2015

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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Investigations on existing electrical infrastructure at Davies Park Mareeba revealed a major electrical fault to the underground electrical cables that service two light towers at the northern end of the main football playing field. The electrical contractor notified council and deemed the two light towers unsafe and isolated the towers from the electricity supply. The electrical contractor provided a quote of $26,400 (GST inclusive) to install new conduit and cable to reconnect the two (2) lighting towers. Due to safety and time constraints, Bertoldo Electrical has been engaged to rectify the electrical problem and have the two (2) light towers operational prior to the next scheduled Cairns and District Rugby League (CDRL) match scheduled for Saturday 9 May 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council endorse the engagement of Bertoldo Electrical to undertake emergency electrical repairs to rectify the unsafe lighting towers at a cost of $26,400 (GST inclusive) to be funded from Parks Developer Contributions Fund." BACKGROUND Davies Park Mareeba is the home ground for the local rugby league teams and also hosts a number of functions throughout the year including the Relay for Life, Christmas in July, touch football, junior rugby league and school activities. Bertoldo Electrical Contractors were engaged to rectify a malfunction at the token box that operates the lighting to both football fields at Davies Park Mareeba. Investigating the cause of the malfunction and testing of the existing electrical infrastructure revealed a major fault in the underground electrical supply to the two (2) light towers at the northern end of the main football field. Due to the high risk of electricity transfer, the contractor deemed both services unsafe and disconnected the electricity supply to the two (2) light towers. To make the two (2) light towers safe, new trenching, conduits and cables will be required to each pole from the existing switchboard located under the grandstand stairwell.

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Due to the lack of field lighting, the last CDRL home fixture game had to be brought forward to a time earlier in the day to ensure all games were completed in the daylight. This is not ideal as most senior games are played in the evening / night to avoid the heat of the day. The second oval lighting has also been disconnected because of unsafe electrical infrastructure. An amount of $60,000 is proposed for Council consideration in the 2015-2016 budget to replace faulty electrical cables for field two. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Chief Executive Officer Mayor Director Infrastructure Services External President Senior Rugby League Cairns District Rugby League LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) The faulty underground electrical cable posed a high risk of injury or death to persons coming in close contact with the steel infrastructure. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating $24,000 (GST exclusive) will need to be sourced from the Parks Developer Contributions Fund. Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil

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IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Mareeba Senior Rugby League to be advised on completion of the work. ATTACHMENTS 1.

Locality Map

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2 April 2015

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REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Director Infrastructure Services DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council is in receipt of correspondence from the Department of Transport and Main Roads relating to the Road Rail Interface Agreement between Mareeba Shire Council and Queensland Rail. Queensland Rail has been asked to review the concerns raised by Council and to recommence negotiations with Mareeba Shire in an effort to resolve the issues. This report is presented for Council's information. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note correspondence received from the Department of Transport and Main Roads dated 15 April 2015 regarding Road Rail Interface agreements." BACKGROUND An extract of the correspondence received from Mr Peter Cumming, Executive Director (Rail Regulation) with the Department of Transport and Main Roads is below: I have now met with all local and regional Councils to gain an understanding of the concerns around road rail interface agreements. On 2 April 2015, I met with Queensland Rail to provide a summary of the concerns raised by all local and regional Councils. The concerns are consistent across Councils and relate to:   

The method in which risk assessments have been conducted, The inclusion of a works program, and The cost to implement the work programs.

I have asked Queensland Rail to review these concerns and recommence negotiations. I expect an update from Queensland Rail on the progress of discussions with Councils at the end of April 2015. I encourage you to continue with negotiations with Queensland Rail in an effort to resolve the interface agreements. If I am not satisfied that Queensland Rail and/or Mareeba Shire Council are making reasonable efforts to negotiate or enter into an interface Page 113

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agreement, I will issue both parties with an interim direction under section 77(2)(a) of the Transport (Rail Safety) Act 2010. The interim direction will allow three months for Queensland Rail and Mareeba Shire Council to resolve the issues or report on outstanding matters. After that period, under Section 78(2) of the Act I may decide the arrangements of the interface agreement and will direct both parties to implement the arrangements. I look forward to Councils and Queensland Rail finalising road rail interface agreements as soon as is practicable. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) The requirement to enter into an “Interface Agreement� is legislated under the Transport Rail Safety Act 2010 and as such local authorities will be compelled to comply in due course. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil

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If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS 1.

Letter dated 15 April 2015 from the Department of Transport and Mains Roads

Date Prepared:

22 April 2015

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Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2011 Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) applied for the SBS Self-Help Retransmission Subsidy Scheme to assist with the cost of delivering SBS radio for Chillagoe, Mareeba and Dimbulah. This funding was approved for two (2) locations - Mareeba to receive $18,239.10 and Dimbulah to receive $19,889.10 (GST inclusive). This report is to advise Council of the funding available and whether it wishes to proceed with the installation of SBS to the two (2) sites. Should Council decide to accept this funding the works will need to be commenced by May 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council does not proceed with the delivery of the new SBS radio services for Mareeba and Dimbulah, allow the subsidy to lapse and negotiate any required refund with N-Com." BACKGROUND Since July 1999, the Federal Government has provided SBS with funding to establish a subsidy scheme for SBS installations achieved via the Self-Help Retransmission Scheme. The SBS Self-Help Retransmission Subsidy Scheme is to be used to provide financial assistance to eligible communities for some of the establishment costs of Self-Help radio and/or television services for SBS programs. These funds and the subsidy scheme are administered entirely by SBS. The main objective of the Subsidy Scheme is to assist with the cost of delivering SBS radio National FM services to multicultural communities that are not able to receive broadcast transmissions from a fully funded Australia Federal Government installation. Three (3) sites were listed in the original submission in 2011, including Chillagoe, Mareeba and Dimbulah, however Chillagoe was not approved because of the low population base and the estimated costs being too high. However SBS advised Council it can resubmit an application when further funding comes available. N-Com who are a leading supplier of television, radio, telemetry and communications equipment and who specialise in regional installations were approved to make submission for the SBS Funding and then contracted to carry out the installation works under the TRC. The Company had prepared the successful submissions to SBS for the funding and now

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advise that if Council choose not to proceed it requires reimbursement of its fees to date of $1,620 (GST exclusive) per site. When the initial applications were prepared by TRC, sites had not been securely identified. If the SBS funding is to proceed, Council will need to work with N-Com to identify suitable sites. Details of possible sites are as follows: Mareeba Site Option 1 NBN is currently constructing a new 60 metre tower at the existing transmission site at Speewah to replace the existing 25 metre tower, which could be relocated to a suitable site in Mareeba. The construction forecast date for the 60 metre tower is set for 1 June 2015; however the current SBS application expires on 30 June 2015 and will need to be extended if Council proceeds with this option. Extension of time is unlikely to be approved by SBS as the application has already been extended. An approximate cost to relocate and reinstall the 25 metre tower is $10,000 (GST exclusive) which is not included in the funding and will need to be met by Council. Option 2 Discussions have been held with the Manager Water & Waste, to determine if the water tower located at Constance Street Mareeba, which currently houses Optus equipment, would be available. It is not considered that there are any issues with the use of the water tower; however detailed investigations have not been undertaken to verify if this site will meet the necessary standards. N-Com has advised that it believes that this site is suitable but have not undertaken a detailed assessment. The cost to install at this location is included in the funding application. Dimbulah site Discussions have been held with the Manager Water & Waste, to utilise the water tower located at Hambling Street, Dimbulah and no objection has been raised to the use of this site. N-Com has advised that it believes that this site is suitable but have not undertaken a detailed assessment. The cost to install at this location is included in the funding application. EXPENDITURE If Council chooses to proceed with the SBS Funding the following expenditure will need to be considered:  Annual Licence - The licence fee is not covered by the subsidy but is in the vicinity of $500 - $1,000 per site per year.  Annual maintenance for the two sites will be included in the current yearly maintenance for Speewah and Chillagoe retransmission towers which currently stands at $5,600 (GST Exclusive). However should specific problems relating to the SBS radio transmission occur, then an extra cost over and above this amount will be incurred.

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ď‚ˇď€ Costs to relocate and reinstall the 25 metre tower is approx. $10,000 (GST Exclusive) (see Option 1 Mareeba site) If Council chooses to not proceed with the SBS Funding the following expenditure will need to be considered: Council will be required to reimburse N-Com for the submission preparation of the funding application of $1,620 per site (GST Exclusive). Since the digital TV installation/upgrade to the Chillagoe Retransmission site in 2013 and the recent re-tune to the Speewah site in 2014, Council continues to receive ongoing complaints from the Community in regards to technical and poor reception issues. When these complaints are received, Council has had no option but to engage technical engineers that have the in-depth knowledge of both satellite and terrestrial delivery of digital television, as the expertise does not exist in Council. Council Officers have concerns that the delivery of the SBS radio would further impact budgets and time spent on addressing any issues received from this service. Furthermore, due to servicing issues, potential problems with site location and installation costs over and above the subsidy amount, it is not recommended Council proceed with this funding. If the subsidy is to lapse, SBS has advised that if future funding was available, applications will need to go through the approval process as per their guidelines. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Manager Technical Services Manager Water & Waste External SBS Transmission Engineer N-Com Pty Ltd Broadcast Engineer N-Com Pty Ltd Engineering Manager LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil

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FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Possible installation costs which will not be known until a suitable site has been finalised. Operating Annual licence Annual maintenance Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? No If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Operating budget IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Should Council decide to proceed with the installation a public information release will be required ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

24 April 2015

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06 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Technical Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report summaries Council's Technical Services activities undertaken by Fleet, Design, Soils Lab, Survey and Quality Sections of Infrastructure Services during the month of March 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services, Technical Services Monthly Report for the month of March 2015." BACKGROUND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION Design Past Month (March)  As Constructed Plans for both Internal and External Customers  Site Maps/Evacuation Plans - Various Areas  Traffic Guidance Scheme Maps - Wheelbarrow Race and Anzac Day Parade  Bitzios Report, Kuranda Current (April)  Long Distance Bus Stop, Arnold Park Mareeba  Long Distance Bus Stop, Kennedy Highway Kuranda  Site Maps/Evacuation Plans - Mareeba Landfill  Parking Investigations - Kuranda  Georgetown Road, Chillagoe - Road Design Future Works (May)  Long Distance Bus Stop, Arnold Park Mareeba  Long Distance Bus Stop, Kennedy Highway Kuranda  Parking Investigations - Kuranda  Brickley Street, Dimbulah - Bitumen Seal  Georgetown Road, Chillagoe - Road Design

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Soils Lab Past Month (March)  TRC Tully Falls Road Investigation  TRC Jue Sue Road, Tolga Investigation  TRC Channel Road, Walkamin Investigation  TRC Millaa Millaa / Malanda Road Roller Patten  HEH Randazzo Road, Mareeba Field Tests  HEH Kimalo Road, Mareeba Field Tests  HEH Bryde Road, Mareeba Field Tests  HEH Orchid Close, Bilwon Field Tests  HEH Studt Road, Mareeba Field Tests  Geo-Stabilise Rifle Range Road, Atherton Field Tests Current (April)  MSC - MSC Mossman / Mt Molloy Mill and Fill (TMR) PEND-1926 - MSC Mulligan Highway Mill and Fill (TMR) PEND-1926  External Contractors - EarthTech NQ - Various aggregate tests and concrete tests EarthTech is unable to undertake within their NATA Registration. - Mt Carbine & Mossman Quarries - Various quality control tests carried out on aggregates, cover aggregates and road base. - The Dirt Professionals - Various aggregate tests and quality tests The Dirt Professionals are unable to undertake within their NATA Registration. - HEH Intersection Tolga - Kairi & Tinaroo Falls Dam Road Field Tests - Kidner Concrete Quality testing of concrete - TRC Wongabel Road, Atherton Field Tests Future Works (May)  Chewko Road Construction Field Tests  Costin Street Construction Survey Past Month (March)  Georgetown Road, Chillagoe - Survey  Grantie Creek, Mareeba - Rising Sewer Main to MSTP Survey  Mareeba Landfill - Monthly Survey  Traffic Control for Construction Current (April)  Watsonsville Rural Fire Brigade - Lease  Kuranda Pony Club Lease  Mareeba Industrial Park - Reconfiguration  Oakey Creek Road - Volumetric Survey  Brooklyn Station - Road opening/closures  Doyle Street, Mareeba - 3 Reserves Reconfiguration  Chillagoe Industrial Estate - 50 Block Reconfigure  Raleigh Street, Dimbulah - Reserves amalgamation  Mareeba Landfill - Site Survey Update

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          

Wednesday 06 May 2015

Riverside Caravan Park - Survey Mulligan Highway - TMR Molloy / Mossman Road - TMR Greenhills Drive, Kuranda - Bus Stop Chewko Road - Rehabilitation MIP Lot Configuration Aerodromes Leases Overview Plan Mt Molloy Transfer Station - Boundary Pick Up Anzac Avenue and Ceola Drive Intersection Survey Therwine Street, Kuranda - Extra Survey Mareeba Sewerage Treatment Plant

Future Works (May)  Kuranda Pony Club Lease  Oakey Creek Road - Volumetric Survey  Kuranda Men's Shed - Lease  Chillagoe Aerodrome - Setout  Coronet Drive - Survey  McIver Road, Mareeba - Causeway and road survey Quality Past Month (March)  Temporary Road Closures  TMR Mulligan Highway PEND-1926 Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)  Chewko Road Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)  Soils Lab audits and reports  Investigate and develop Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) for Byrnes/Rankin Street round-a-bout approaches  Grove Creek - Speewah Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) and permits  Rotary Youth Driver Awareness Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) and permit  Follow up Cardiac Challenge Bike Race traffic requirements Current (April)  Wheelbarrow Race Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) and road closure permits  Anzac Day Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) and road closure permits  Mareeba Rotary Field Day Traffic Guidance Scheme  Mulligan Highway project (PEND-1926) Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS) and permits  Cositn Street Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)  Mareeba Aerodrome Airside access procedure Future Works (May)  Wheelbarrow Race Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)  Mareeba Rotary Field Day Traffic Guidance Scheme  Soils Lab internal audits  Temporary road closures

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GIS Past Month (March)  Rural addressing;  Updating water, sewerage and roads MapInfo GIS layers using as-constructed ;  Producing GIS files with chainage for road condition photos;  Producing weed maps;  Internal maps: Drought affected areas map, Banana farm locations map, Water extraction points map (Environmental);  NDRRA enquiries;  Fire maps;  External maps and data CRs;  Field collection of GPS coordinates of Kuranda bins (Parks & Gardens). Current (April)  Budget Maps;  Updating benefitted areas GIS layers;  Producing GIS layer of Kuranda bins;  Report for GIS fees and charges;  Creating aerodrome leases GIS layer. Future Works (May)  Budget maps;  Updating benefitted areas GIS layers;  Updating water, sewerage & roads MapInfo GIS layers as required;  Producing GIS files with chainage for road condition photos;  Producing weed maps and updating weeds layers;  Creating GIS layers for footpaths, stormwater drainage, kerbs;  Merging GIS information with assets registers;  Installing rural addresses;  NDRRA queries;  Fire maps. Project Management Past Month (March)  Kuranda - One Mega Litre Reservoir;  Kuranda Heights Water Main;  Granite Creek Mareeba, Booster Pump for Mareeba Industrial Estate;  Kuranda Men's Shed;  MSC Transfer Station: - Fuel Bunding Upgrade - Roof over Oil Recovery - Hoist Installation  Davies Park, Mareeba - Lighting Upgrade;  2014/15 Asphalt Programme;  2014/15 Bitumen Reseal Programme;  Level 3 Bridge Inspections;  Mareeba Swimming Pool - Retractable Shade Sail;  Therwine Street, Kuranda Redevelopment;  Mareeba Sporting Precinct Master Plan;  Mareeba Gymnasium - New Extension; Page 126

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 Kuranda Community Precinct - Car park;  Mareeba Industrial Park - Highway Signage. Current (April)  Kuranda - One Mega Litre Reservoir;  Kuranda Heights Water Main;  Granite Creek Mareeba, Booster Pump for Mareeba Industrial Estate;  Kuranda Men's Shed;  MSC Transfer Station: - Fuel Bunding Upgrade - Roof over Oil Recovery - Hoist Installation  Davies Park, Mareeba - Lighting Upgrade;  2014/15 Asphalt Programme;  2014/15 Bitumen Reseal Programme;  Mareeba Swimming Pool - Retractable Shade Sail;  Therwine Street, Kuranda Redevelopment;  Mareeba Sporting Precinct Master Plan;  Kuranda Community Precinct - Car park;  Long Distance Bus Stop - Arnold Park;  Long Distance Bus Stop - Kuranda;  2015/16 Bitumen Programme - Tender Procurement. Future Works (May)  Kuranda - One Mega Litre Reservoir;  Kuranda Heights Water Main;  Granite Creek Mareeba, Booster Pump for Mareeba Industrial Estate;  Kuranda Men's Shed;  MSC Transfer Station: - Fuel Bunding Upgrade - Roof over Oil Recovery - Hoist Installation  Davies Park, Mareeba - Lighting Upgrade;  2014/15 Asphalt Programme;  2014/15 Bitumen Reseal Programme;  Mareeba Swimming Pool - Retractable Shade Sail;  Therwine Street, Kuranda Redevelopment;  Mareeba Sporting Precinct Master Plan;  Kuranda Community Precinct - Car park;  Long Distance Bus Stop - Arnold Park;  Long Distance Bus Stop - Kuranda;  2015/16 Bitumen Programme - Tender Procurement. Investigations Past Month (March)  Mareeba Aerodrome - Fencing Installed;  Speed Limit Reviews;  Installation of Traffic Counters;  Deployment of CCTV Camera;  Subdivisional Works: Page 127

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   

Wednesday 06 May 2015

- Operational Works; - Development Applications; - On/Off Maintenance Inspections; Driveway Application Inspections; Signage Audits; Road Openings and Closures; Gates and Grids.

Current (April)  Speed Limit Reviews;  Mareeba Aerodrome - Upgrading of Lights;  Disaster Management - Sub Plans;  Installation of Traffic Counters;  Deployment of CCTV Camera;  Maintenance of PPT;  Subdivisional Works: - Operational Works; - Development Applications; - On/Off Maintenance Inspections;  Driveway Application Inspections;  Signage Audits;  Road Openings and Closures;  Gates and Grids. Future Works (May)  Speed Limit Reviews;  Mareeba Aerodrome - Upgrading of Lights;  Disaster Management - Sub Plans;  Installation of Traffic Counters;  Deployment of CCTV Camera;  Subdivisional Works: - Operational Works; - Development Applications; - On/Off Maintenance Inspections;  Driveway Application Inspections;  Signage Audits;  Road Openings and Closures;  Gates and Grids. FLEET & WORKSHOP SECTION Current (April)  Finalise sale of Asset no 200 Komatsu Landfill compactor;  Evaluation of Panel of Providers, Expressions of Interest for Occasional Plant Hire;  Finalise Request for Quotation document for GPS fleet management system and submit to the nominated suppliers;

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Future (May)  Delivery of new Dual cab tipper from Ireland Isuzu;  Evaluate Requests for quotations from suppliers for GPS Fleet management system;  Evaluation of Panel of Providers, Expressions of Interest for Occasional Plant Hire;  Organise Fleet vehicles for Wheel Barrow Race 2015. FACILITIES SECTION Current (April)  SBS Subsidy Report;  Review Quotations submitted for Julatten/Mt Molloy Cleaning and awarded;  Review Quotations submitted for Mareeba Cleaning Services - pending;  Review Quotations for Swimming Pool Maintenance - pending;  Mareeba Cenotaph - completed;  Mareeba Leagues Club - Maintenance review (Lease) - ongoing;  PCYC - Maintenance review (Lease) - ongoing;  Julatten Cottages (demolish) - outstanding;  Julatten Men's Shed - Plumbing and Drainage to be completed; Future (May)  SBS Subsidy;  Julatten Men's Shed to be finalised;  Julatten Cottages to be finalised;  Wheelbarrow race (general maintenance on facilities to be used for the event);  Arnold Park Electrical upgrade to be finalised ;  Swimming Pool shut down maintenance to commence. FIRE MANAGEMENT  Meeting with QFES, urban fire brigade and rural fire brigades to determine if they may become involved in assisting with hazard reduction burning  Meeting with Dimbulah Fire Brigade, Wolfram Rural Fire Brigade and MSC Foreman to identify risk areas in and around the town of Dimbulah and establish where fire breaks may be installed  Meeting with Mutchilba Rural Fire Brigade and MSC Foreman to identify risk areas in and around Mutchilba and establish where fire breaks may be installed  Meeting with QFES (Thursday 30 April) to priortise and develop a management plan which will include rural and urban fire brigades, to conduct the hazard reduction burning. AERODROMES  Arranging and monitoring the slashing of the Mareeba aerodrome;  Monitoring the serviceability inspections of Mareeba aerodrome;  Re-introducing the bi-annual electrical inspections of the Mareeba aerodrome and ensuring sufficient replacement parts are kept in the store;  Preparing monthly aircraft parking report and forwarding to Avdata;

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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Nil External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

27 April 2015

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06 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Technical Services Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Complaints regarding African Mahogany street trees in Kenneally Road have been received by Council from three residents who live on that road. The complaints relate to leaves entering the property and to a lesser extent some damage to the pavement from root infiltration. The residents have requested the trees be removed and possibly "replaced with more suitable neighbourhood friendly trees". OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council not remove the trees at this time and if further deterioration of the road pavement occurs then extend the existing root guard." BACKGROUND A letter was received in October 2014 from three residents on Kenneally Road requesting Council remove the African Mahogany street trees, as they were dropping leaves into the residents yards as well as the roots causing damage to the road pavement. The shedding of leaves from these trees is a once yearly occurrence and while this can be considered a nuisance in certain locations, these trees have been recommended as suitable for dry tropic environments due to their hardiness and shade characteristics. While it may be possible to replace these trees with a variety that will not shed as many leaves, the hardiness and shade characteristics may be compromised with other varieties. However should Council decide to replace these trees with another variety then further investigations will need to be undertaken. With regard to damage to the road pavement, Council officers inspected the pavement adjacent to the trees and were not convinced that the roots were the cause of some cracking in the bitumen pavement. However at the time of the complaint, a residential development was under construction in Kenneally Road and the developer agreed to install root guard to the frontage of the development as a preventative measure against any possible future road damage. Page 131

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There still remains approximately sixty metres without root guard and this section will be regularly inspected to determine if root guard should be installed in the future. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Parks & Garden Coordinator External Residents at Kenneally Road LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Should root guard be considered in the future then an approximate cost will be $2,000. Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Should it become necessary to install more root guard then it is recommended that funds be sourced from developers contributions. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Residents in Kenneally Road to be advised of Councils decision ATTACHMENTS 1.

Locality Map.

Date Prepared:

27 April 2015

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6 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Technical Services Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This application requests to permanently close an unused section of the Sabin Road East reserve abutting Lot 190 on RP749629, covering an area of 1.84 ha referred to as Lot B. The purpose is to use the road reserve for agricultural purposes. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that it has no objection to the permanent road closure of an area of about 1.84 ha (Lot B) being an unused portion of Sabin Road East abutting Lot 190 on RP749629, Locality of Mareeba, Parish of Tinaroo as shown on the Department of Natural Resources and Mines Preliminary Plan TSV2013-068 dated 16 October 2013 subject to the condition that the width of the remaining road reserve is not less than 20 metres and fully contains the existing road formation." BACKGROUND Lot 190 RP749629 is a 110.098 ha rural allotment that abuts an unused portion of the Sabin Road East reserve. Currently the road reserve (Lot B) is being used for agricultural purposes by the owner of Lot 190. Council at an Ordinary Meeting of 21 November 2013, considered an application to temporarily close Lot B resolving "That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that it does not object to the temporary road closure of Sabin Road East road reserve adjacent to Lot 190 RP749629, Locality of Mareeba, Parish of Tinaroo, subject to the distance from the boundary of the proposed temporary road closure to the road centreline remaining not less than 20 metres." An application has now been received to permanently close Lot B. Nothing has changed since the application for temporary closure has been approved, however the wording should have been "subject to the condition that the width of the remaining road reserve is not less than 20 metres and fully contains the existing road formation." There are no current plans to use this section of road reserve.

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LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans development for all infrastructure asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Manager Technical Services Senior Planner External Land Administration Officer, Department of Natural Resources and Mines LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? N/A. IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Following publication of Council minutes prepare and send communication to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines advising of Council’s decision. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3: 4:

Letter from DNRM dated 1 November 2013; Plan of road reserve to be temporarily closed; Letter to DNRM from former TRC; Senior Planner's comments.

Date Prepared:

28 April 2015

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Darren, I don't know of any changes. A 30 metre wide road reserve would remain following the closure. Regards Brian Millard Senior Planner Planning Section, Development & Governance Group

Phone: 1300 308 461 | Direct: 07 4086 4657 | Fax: 07 4086 4733 Email: | Website: 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba | PO Box 154, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia, 4880 ďƒ˝ Go green, keep it on screen - think before you print From: Darren Lierkamp Sent: Monday, 13 April 2015 10:06 AM To: Brian Millard Subject: Temporary Road Closure - Sabin Road East Brian This has been to council in 2013 and they had no objections‌has anything changed? Regards Darren Lierkamp Civil Engineer Technical Support Section, Technical Services Group

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Ordinary Meeting


06 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Works Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report sets out works undertaken by the Transport Infrastructure, Parks and Gardens and Bridge Sections of Infrastructure Services during the month of March 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services Transport Infrastructure, Parks and Gardens and Bridge Sections Progress Report for the month of March 2015." BACKGROUND Works Group Maintenance Activities Maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in March at the following locations:

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Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda Road Name Ootann Road, Almaden Bower Road, Arriga McBean Road, Arriga Fossilbrook Road, Barwidgi Pickford Road, Biboohra Narcotic Creek Road, Chewko Contract Clearing Account, Chillagoe Bruce Weir Road, Dimbulah Hyde Street, Dimbulah Leadingham Creek Road, Dimbulah Leafgold Weir Road, Dimbulah Raleigh Street, Dimbulah Wolfram Road, Dimbulah Churchill Creek Road, Julatten Clacherty Road, Julatten Highland Drive, Julatten Nine Mile Road, Julatten Cedar Park Road, Koah

Activity Grading Unsealed Roads, Road Inspections Slashing Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Grading Unsealed Roads Slashing Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing General Operations Bitumen Patching, Culvert Repairs, Slashing Line marking, Prep Work for Reseals Bitumen Patching, Culvert Repairs, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Culvert Repairs, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Slashing Road Furniture, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Grading Unsealed Roads, Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Clean Inlet/Outlets culverts, Slashing Slashing, Road Inspections, Slashing Grading Unsealed Road, Slashing

Road Name Barnwell Road, Kuranda Black Mountain Road, Kuranda Masons Road, Kuranda Myola Road, Kuranda Rob Veivers Drive, Kuranda Emerald End Close, Mareeba Emerald End Road, Mareeba Fichera Road, Mareeba Gilmore Road, Mareeba Hastie Road, Mareeba Kovacic Road, Mareeba Malone Road, Mareeba McGrath Road, Mareeba McIver Road, Mareeba Ray Road, Mareeba Roiko Road, Mareeba Shanty Creek Road, Mareeba Studt Road, Mareeba Trimble Road, Mareeba Walsh Street, Mareeba Watkins Place, Mt Molloy Wetherby Road, Mt Molloy Mutchilba Road, Mutchilba Fassio Road, Paddy's Green Bischoff Mill Road, Watsonville Walsh River Road, Watsonville

Wednesday 06 May 2015

Activity Grading Unsealed Roads, Road Inspections Grading Unsealed Roads, Pavement Repairs, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Grading Unsealed Roads, Road Inspections, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Concrete Footpath Maintenance, Road Furniture, Slashing Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Slashing Bitumen Patching, Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Slashing Prep Work for Reseals Grading Unsealed Roads Slashing Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Prep Work for Reseals Slashing Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Prep Work for Reseals, Road Furniture, Slashing Grading Unsealed Roads Slashing Prep Work for Reseals Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Slashing Bitumen Patching, Mowing, Prep Work for Reseals, Slashing Slashing Grading Unsealed Roads Grading Unsealed Roads

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The table below shows the current budget position of road maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council. Location Mareeba Shire Council

YTD Actual $2,162,588

YTD Budget $2,156,453

Annual Budget $2,875,271

Currently there is $26,864 of expenditure for preparation and line marking work for the 2014/15 reseal and asphalt program to be credited to the maintenance budget. Capital Works Kuranda Community Precinct Car Park Works commenced at the Kuranda Community Precinct Car Park in Arara Street in late January. The works include drainage improvements, concrete footpaths, sealed asphalt car parking, line marking and solar lighting The car park was asphalt sealed during the first week of March, 2015. Line marking is scheduled for late April

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Costin Street Pavement Rehabilitation Works commenced in March on the Costin Street Rehabilitation Project with the installation of subsoil drains. The scope of works involves the installation of subsoil drains, the replacement of damaged kerb and channel and concrete driveways, the milling out and replacement of 250mm of pavement material, irrigation repair, landscaping work and an asphalt seal. Works are programmed to be completed by mid May.

Third Party Works PEND-1926 Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Pavement Rehabilitation Works continued during March on the eleven sections of pavement rehabilitation on the Mossman, Mt Molloy Road. The total area of rehabilitated pavement is 13,200m2. The project is estimated to cost $1.426M and will take 63 working days to complete. Claims submitted to the end of March total $667,512.51 excluding GST for works completed.

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DTMR Routine Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC) Routine maintenance activities were undertaken during March at the following locations;

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Primary Location Kennedy Highway, Cairns, Mareeba Kennedy Highway, Cairns, Mareeba Kennedy Highway, Cairns, Mareeba Mulligan Highway, Mareeba, Molloy Mulligan Highway, Mareeba, Molloy Mulligan Highway, Mareeba, Molloy Mulligan Highway, Mareeba, Molloy Mulligan Highway, Molloy, Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy, Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy, Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy, Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy, Lakeland Mulligan Highway, Molloy, Lakeland Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Mossman, Mt Molloy Road Herberton, Petford Road Herberton, Petford Road Herberton, Petford Road Herberton, Petford Road Mareeba, Dimbulah Road Mareeba, Dimbulah Road Mareeba, Dimbulah Road Mareeba, Dimbulah Road Mareeba, Dimbulah Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road Burke Developmental Road

Wednesday 06 May 2015

Activity Name Tractor Slashing, Boom Mower Traffic Control for Slashing Rest Area Servicing Emergency Call Out Activities- Place Signs Other minor culvert pipes and pit work Other Sign Work Tractor Slashing, Rural Herbicide Spraying Roadside Litter Collection, Rural Other Roadside Work Rest Area Servicing Traffic Control for Herbicide Spraying & Tractor Slashing Tractor Slashing, Rural Other Bituminous Surface Work Roadside Litter Collection, Rural Other Vegetation Control Works Clean and/or Paint Guide Markers Traffic Control for Vegetation Control Works Other Sign Work Other Furniture Repairs Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Other Roadside Work Other minor culvert pipes and pit work Medium Formation Grading (Western) with Extras & 1 Water Cart Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Other Bituminous Surface Work Other minor culvert pipes and pit work Other Sign Work Pavement Repairs, Gravel (Mech. < 500m2 per 1km) Other Sign Work Repair Signs (excluding Guide Signs) Other Vegetation Control Works Other minor culvert pipes and pit work Tractor Slashing, Rural

The total claim to DTMR for the works listed above for the month of March was $96,962.32. Parks and Gardens Section Maintenance Activities Parks and Gardens maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in March at the following locations:

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Location Parks and Gardens, Chillagoe Basalt Gully and Bi-Centennial Lakes, Mareeba Mary Andrews Gardens, Mareeba Byrnes Street Medians, Mareeba Council Office & Library, Mareeba Mulligan Highway Approaches, Mareeba Vaughan Park, Mareeba Eales Park, Mareeba Kuranda Parks, Library, CBD and Streets Tom Mahon Park, Biboohra Borzi Park, Mareeba Davies Park, Mareeba Brady Park, Mareeba Mareeba Racecourse (Road Reserve), Mareeba Vains Park, Mt Molloy Junior Soccer Reserve, Dimbulah Dimbulah Pony Club Mareeba Streets, Mareeba Anzac Avenue, Mareeba Corrective Services Labour, Mareeba Irvinebank Mowing and Maintenance Biboohra Streets

The table below shows the current budget position of Parks and Gardens maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council. Location Mareeba Shire Council

YTD Actual $1,188,199

YTD Budget $1,081,187

Annual Budget $1,437,983

Bridge Section Maintenance Activities Bridge maintenance activities accruing more than $1,000 in expenditure were carried out in March at the following locations:

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Location Font Hill Road Mitchell River Hales Siding Road Chinaman Creek Bridge Hillview Road Boggy Creek Bridge Kanervo Road Rocky Creek Bridge Leadingham Creek Road Leadingham Creek Bridge Ray Road Atherton Creek Bridge Roiko Road Atherton Creek Bridge Speewah Road Groves Creek Bridge Speewah Road Hurley Creek Bridge Springmount Road Oakey Creek Bridge Springmount Road Bridge (Walsh River)

The table below shows the current budget position of Bridge maintenance for Mareeba Shire Council.

Location Mareeba Shire Council

YTD Actual

YTD Budget

Annual Budget




LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3, Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Infrastructure Services staff External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Included in 2014/2015 budget

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Operating Included in 2014/2015 budget Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Advice is provided to residents and businesses affected by any activities. ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

8 April 2015

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6 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Water & Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to seek approval from Council for funding for the Electrical Control functions to allow for Manual Override, Water Backwash Reuse and Conversion from Liquid Chlorine to Gas Chlorine at the Dimbulah Water Treatment Plant and address the legislative requirements at both the Dimbulah and Kuranda Water Plants and the installation of a standby generator at the Chillagoe Water Plant. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council approve the balance of funding out of the Water Reserves Funds required to undertake the works for the Control System Upgrade, Water Backwash Reuse and Conversion from Liquid Chlorine to Gas Chlorine at the Dimbulah Water Treatment Plant and address the WH&S compliance issues at the Kuranda Water Plant and installation costs for the standby generator set at the Chillagoe Water Plant." BACKGROUND The Dimbulah Water Treatment Plant is a fully automated site. To allow the operational staff to run and produce water manually at the Dimbulah Water Plant in an emergency situation, changes are necessary to the electrical and control system at the water plant. The proposed changes will also comply with the Drinking Water Quality Management Plans for risk management. Council officers investigated the reuse of the backwash water at its water treatment facilities to reduce operational and bulk water purchase costs. It is proposed to make the modifications to the Plants operations during the electrical and control system upgrade. Reuse of backwash water will save on bulk water purchases and will also address the issue of discharging the backwash water to the environment. The electrical and control system upgrade changes will affect the conversion from liquid chlorine disinfection to gas chlorine disinfection. Council has purchased the gas chlorine dosing equipment through the 2014-2015 capital budgets. The installation of the equipment can now be incorporated to the proposed operational upgrade. Costs for the recommended works at the Dimbulah Water Plant are $65,603.63.

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The changes to the electrical and control system will allow Council to meet its legislative and safety requirements under the "Water Act 2008". The generator previously located at the Rankin Street office was offered for sale by tender and the pricing response was not adequate to allow a sale to proceed. The generator was then made available to the W&W Section for use on any of its sites where it could be utilised. The most appropriate site for this unit is the Chillagoe Water Plant. The costs for the site set up are $33,000.00, and works include a concrete bunded pad and enclosure and electrical and telemetry installation works. It was noted during the recent WH&S audit that the chemical bund at the Kuranda Water Plant does not comply with legislative requirements. Council is asked to approve funds for the proposed remedial works to allow Council to comply with WH&S requirements. The cost for the bunded chemical storage area which also involves altering of the building roof structure to comply with delivery requirements is $10,000.00. The amount of $10,000.00 has been allowed for as a contingency to cover all projects if there are variations to prices on materials from time of quoting to commencement of proposed works. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Department Engineer Water and Waste Supervisor Water Treatment SCADA/Telemetry Officer External Mareeba Electrical Services Parasyn Controls LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 Water Act 2000 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil

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FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Proposed Project Capital Funding Costs Dimbulah Water Plant $65,603.63 Chillagoe Water Plant $24,739.00 Kuranda Water Plant $10,000.00 Contingency $10,000.00 Total $110,342.63

Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Nil If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Consultation with finance, administration staff and operational staff ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

28 April 2015

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Wednesday 06 May 2015


REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with Section 275(1)(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (a)

the appointment, dismissal or discipline of employees.

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06 May 2015

REPORT OFFICER’S TITLE: Director Infrastructure Services DEPARTMENT:

Infrastructure Services

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Council has in place a Transition Environmental Program with the Department of Environment and Heritage for the refurbishment of the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant. Council has commissioned Hunter Water to assist with the Process Design for the refurbished plant. In undertaking that Process Design, it has been found that the current licence cannot be achieved by current plants with respect to the required Ammonia levels. It has therefore been necessary to propose to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection an alternative licence which is proposed to be staged over the life of the refurbished plant. This report sets out the actions and discussions with the Department. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council note the May 2015 Progress report on the refurbishment of the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant." BACKGROUND Council will be aware that it has commissioned Hunter Water to undertake the process design and documentation for the refurbishment of the Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant. In undertaking that work Hunter Water and Council officers have determined that it would not be possible to meet the existing licence conditions in relation to ammonia levels within the final effluent. The licence for the existing plant is as follows:

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QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/l)

Suspended Solids (mg/l)

pH (pH Units)

Wednesday 06 May 2015


80th percentile (long term) 80th percentile (short term) maximum

30 60 90

80th percentile (long term) 80th percentile (short term) maximum

6.5 to 8.5

Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)


Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/l)

range minimum


Free Residual Chlorine (mg/l)






Total Oxidised Nitrogen (mg/l)

tbs tbs

50th percentile maximum

Total Phosphorus as P (mg/l)

tbs tbs

50th percentile maximum

Oil and Grease (mg/1)



Faecal Coliforms (receiving waters) (Organisms/100 ml)


1000 5000


median (4) 80th percentile

Table 1 Environmental Authority EPPR01792213 Water Quality Characteristic Limits Notes:

“tbs” (1) (2) (3)


means to be specified following consideration of the results of studies yet to be carried out. Measured at the inlet to the polishing lagoons. ANZECC standards for stock watering Median for this quality characteristic must be based on the results of at least five samples, with individual samples being collected at intervals of not less than thirty (30) minutes. “80th percentile” for this quality characteristic means that the measured values of the quality characteristic must not be greater than the release limit for any more than one out of five consecutive samples.

The above Ammonia levels are not practicably achievable and are not consistent with limits imposed elsewhere in Queensland such as the South Burnett Regional Council's, Kingaroy Wastewater Treatment Plant or Townsville Regional Council's Mt St John Plant. Refurbishment measures to achieve a maximum of 1mg/L Ammonia are not cost effective. As such, Council is seeking an amendment to the current release limits to facilitate the best practicable refurbishment outcome that minimizes environmental harm and is cost effective. Currently, the release limits are not consistent with the current model operating conditions for ERA 63 - Sewage Treatment. That is, the license does not reflect the more holistic approach to setting water quality objectives for receiving waters nor does it reflect the better understanding of treatment process systems. Setting release limits that are consistent with

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current Queensland licensing and process design targets, will drive a positive outcome for nutrient concentrations in the receiving waters. It has been proposed to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection that a staged replacement of the current release limits be granted as follows: Surface Water Release Limits by December 2017 Release Long Quality Point Unit Minimum Term Characteristic *1 Name Median W3 BOD5 mg/L 5 W3 Total Suspended Solids mg/L 10 W3 Ammonia mg/L 1 *2 W3 Total Nitrogen mg/L 10 *2 W3 Total Phosphorus mg/L 3 W3 pH 6.5 3 W3 Faecal Coliforms Org/100 ml 1000 5 W3 Free Residual Chlorine mg/L W3 Dissolved Oxygen 2 Table 2 Proposed Release Limits that apply to fully treated flows up to 132L/s

Long term th 80 4 percentile




25 30 5 30 9 8.5

Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Monthly Fortnightly Fortnightly

4000 0.7

*1 Median based on a minimum of 26 consecutive samples with the exception of faecal coliforms. *2 *3

TN and TP result based on a 24 hour composite sample. Determined by a minimum of 5 grab samples taken on a day at regular intervals of not less than 30 minutes apart. Four out of

the 5 samples taken on the day shall have a Faecal Coliform count of less than 4,000 org/100ml. The median of the samples taken on the day shall have a Faecal Coliform count less than 1,000 org/100 ml. *4 *5

Long term 80%ile is based on a minimum of 26 consecutive samples with the exception of faecal coliforms. Determined by onsite colorimeter test kit. Not a NATA method to avoid chlorine decay. "

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Surface Waters Limits by December 2025. Limits apply for full treated flow only (excluding bypass) up to 132 L/s Release Quality Point Characteristic Name W3 BOD5 W3 Total Suspended Solids 2 W3 Ammonia *2 W3 Total Nitrogen *2 W3 Total Phosphorus W3 pH 3 W3 Faecal Coliforms 4 W3 Free Residual Chlorine W3 Dissolved Oxygen Table 3 2025 Proposed Release Limits


Minimu m

mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

Long term *1 median 5 10 1 5 2

Long term 80 3 percentile


6.5 Org/100 ml mg/L




25 30 4 15 5 8.5

Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Fortnightly Monthly Fortnightly Fortnightly

4000 0.7


*1 Median based on a minimum of 26 consecutive samples with the exception of faecal coliforms. *2

Ammonia, TN and TP result based on a 24 hour composite sample.


Determined by a minimum of 5 grab samples taken on a day at regular intervals of not less than 30 minutes apart. Four out of the 5 samples taken on the day shall have a Faecal Coliform count of less than 4,000 org/100ml. The median of the samples taken on the day shall have a Faecal Coliform count less than 1,000 org/100 ml. *4

Determined by onsite colorimeter test kit. Not a NATA method to avoid chlorine decay. "

In requesting an alteration to the Ammonia levels, it has been necessary that alterations to other parameters be proposed. This is particularly the case in the staged approach to the levels proposed for total nitrogen and total phosphorous. Current modern plants are able to meet these requirements. The above staged approach has been proposed to the Department in a formal licence amendment application which is expected to be agreed to during May / June 2015. This will then allow the documentation to be finalised for Council to invite design and construct tenders in July / August 2015. Based on current indications, the Council will be asked to consider a recommendation for a design and construct contractor in late November 2015. This timeframe still adheres to the Transition Environmental Program with the Department. LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 - Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. CONSULTATION Internal Wastewater and Environmental staff.

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External Hunter Water Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Council has in place with the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection a Transition Environmental Program (TEP). POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Design work included in current budget. If not you must recommend how the budget can be amended to accommodate the expenditure Nil IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

27 April 2015

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06 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Waste activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of March 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Services, Waste Operations Progress Report, March 2015." BACKGROUND The following is a summary of the waste activities undertaken during the month of March 2015. 1.

Waste Operations  Recycled materials transported from outlying waste transfer stations to Mareeba waste transfer station this month.  All drains have been cleaned.  9 tonnes of recycle material transported to Cairns MRF (including chemical drums).  All transfer stations and Mareeba landfill are currently operational.


Customer Service Waste Statistics The following graph displays customer requests logged in the Customer Request Management (CRM) system during the month of March 2015.

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MAREEBA SHIRE CUSTOMER REQUESTS (Number of Requests) New Service

12 Missed Service Repair/Replace General Enquiries


7 1




Waste Collected at Each of the Transfer Stations Waste material collected at each of the waste transfer stations is either deposited directly to the Mareeba landfill, recycled or transported to the SITA facility in Cairns for processing. The following pie charts are separated into waste received as whole units and waste received as accrued tonnage.

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Batteries Car Bodies


Equivalent Passenger tyres




Building & Demolition Scrap Metal Domestic Household Waste Oil

0.7 45



Waste to Mareeba Landfill The Mareeba Shire waste shown in the pie chart below is the waste collected at each of the waste transfer stations (Mareeba included), and deposited directly to the Mareeba landfill. The commercial waste shown below is derived from the SITA Bedminster plant in Cairns and deposited into the Mareeba landfill.


5,895 Sita Waste

Mareeba Shire Waste to Landfill (Domestic & Commercial) 377

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Revenue The income is derived from:  Commercial disposal (predominantly SITA)  Interest earned  Interest on Constrained Works  Recycling (steel, batteries)  Rates The expenditure is derived from:  Waste administration  Landfill management  Transfer station management


Financial Operational Budget Information per budget Section Overall Graphical – Revenue

MSC Waste Income to Month of March 2,000,000.00

1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Domestic Collections

Unserviced Scrap - Non Commercial Levy Ferrous Metal Disposal Annual Budget

YTD Budget

WASTE Interest Earned

Interest on Constrained Works

YTD Actual

Graphical – Expenditure

MSC Waste Expense to Month of March 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Waste Administration

Transfer Stations Annual Budget

YTD Budget

Page 168

Recycling - Scrap Ferrous Metal YTD Actual

NCP Administration Charges

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 06 May 2015

LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN ECON 3 Undertake the management of Council's assets in accordance with the long term asset management plans developed for all infrastructure asset classes to ensure the Shire's infrastructure networks are maintained and renewed to maximise their long term benefit to industry and the community. GOV 3 Undertake a whole of council service level review to establish sustainable operational costs across core local government business and consult with communities. CONSULTATION Internal Director Infrastructure Services Waste Staff External Nil LEGAL AND RISK IMPLICATIONS (STATUTORY BASIS, LEGAL AND RISKS) Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL & RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Capital Nil Operating Nil Is the expenditure noted above included in the 2014/2015 budget? Yes IMPLEMENTATION/COMMUNICATION Nil ATTACHMENTS Nil Date Prepared:

8 April 2015

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06 May 2015


Infrastructure Services, Water and Waste Group

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to summarise Council’s Water and Wastewater activities undertaken by the Infrastructure Services Department during the month of March 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION "That Council receive and note the March 2015 Monthly Water and Wastewater Report." LINK TO CORPORATE PLAN GOV 3 Undertake a whole of Council service level review to establish sustainable operational costs across core local government business and consult with communities. 1.

Capital Works Projects  Mareeba Industrial Park Water Booster Station - Completion of all works expected Tuesday, 28 April.  Kuranda Water Reservoir - critical infrastructure equipment on order.  Mareeba STP Process Design - underway, initial workshop held with Council officers on Tuesday, 24 February  Mareeba STP Critical Infrastructure Upgrade - Rising Main project design awarded to Jacobs Consulting Engineering. Design work commenced Monday, 23 February 2015.


Environmental Monitoring - Treatment  

Mareeba STP non-compliant. Exceeded the Ammonia maximum limit. Kuranda STP remains compliant with licence conditions.

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Budget - Water Graphical - Revenue

MSC Water Income to Month of March 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Water Rates

Water Water NCP Water NCP Water 3rd Interest Internal Community Party Works Earned Revenue Service Const Wks Obligation

Annual Budget

YTD Budget

Water Sundry Income

YTD Actual

Graphical – Expense

MSC Water Expense to Month of March 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00

1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Water Treatment Water Reticulation Plant Op/Mtce Op/Mtce Annual Budget

YTD Budget

Page 172

Water Depreciation YTD Actual

Water NCP Admin Charges

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Wednesday 06 May 2015

Budget - Wastewater Graphical - Revenue

MSC Wastewater Income to Month of March 4,500,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 Wastewater Rates

Wastewater Interest Earned Const Wks

Wastewater NCP Wastewater NCP Wastewater 3rd Wastewater Sundry Internal Revenue Community Service Party Works Income Obligation

Annual Budget

YTD Budget

YTD Actual

Graphical – Expense

MSC Wastewater Expense to Month of March 1,800,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 800,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant Op/Mtce

Wastewater Reticulation Op/Mtce

Annual Budget


YTD Budget

Wastewater Depreciation

Wastewater NCP Admin Charges

YTD Actual

Chlorine Residual Readings Chlorine Residual Readings 2015 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines Maximum 5mg/L

March 2015 Mareeba Rankine St Wylandra Drive Mareeba Gregory Terrace Kuranda Mason Rd PS Kuranda Chillagoe Dimbulah

Mon 2nd Wed 4th Fri 6th Mon 9th Wed 11th Fri 13th Mon 16th Wed 18th Fri 20th Mon 23rd Wed 25th Fri 27th Mon 30th Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) Free Cl (mg/L) 1.21 1.02 1.40 1.23 1.27 1.27 1.47 1.10 1.47 1.21 1.25 1.15 1.40 0.41 0.38 0.62 0.75 0.63 0.56 0.96 0.78 1.15 0.91 0.84 0.78 0.85 0.76 0.65 0.74 0.80 0.76 0.84 0.72 0.63 0.83 0.76 0.70 1.02 0.88 0.91 0.80 1.00 0.98 1.15 1.08 0.91 1.40 0.89 0.95 0.98 1.41 1.13 0.40 0.48 0.36 0.35 0.37 0.37 0.48 0.54 0.56 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.97 1.11 1.08 0.85 0.91 0.92 1.19 1.42 1.08 1.35 1.20 1.16 1.20

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Mareeba Water Supply Scheme – Operations Data Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Production 2015










Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Rainfall (mm)




2,500 2,000








Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

Kuranda Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data 2015


700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

1,000 750 500 250

Page 174














Rainfall (mm)

Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Production Kilolitres/Day


500 Rainfall (mm)


Mareeba WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 06 May 2015


Kuranda WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 2015


700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

1,000 500 250 Dec













Rainfall (mm)

125 100 75 50 25 0












400 300 200 100 0

Rainfall (mm)

Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Production 2015 500



Mount Molloy Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data

Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mt Molloy GS - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 2015










Page 175











0 Feb


Rainfall (mm)






Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Wednesday 06 May 2015

Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data












Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Rainfall (mm)


Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Production

Dimbulah WTP - Average Daily Consumption by Connection 2015









Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

Chillagoe Water Supply Scheme - Operations Data

Page 176




500 400 300 200 100 0 Sep










250 200 150 100 50 0

Rainfall (mm)

Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Production Kilolitres/Day


250 Rainfall (mm)



Average Daily Production (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda

Wednesday 06 May 2015



500 400





Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Average Daily Consumption per Connection (L per Day)

Mareeba Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Data


7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

300 Rainfall (mm)

240 180 120


Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day)

Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow

Mareeba STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection 2015

300 240 180 120 60

Page 177














Rainfall (mm)

1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 0




Rainfall (mm)


Chillagoe BF - Average Daily Consumption by Connection

Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

Mareeba Shire Council - Agenda


Wednesday 06 May 2015

Kuranda Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Data Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow 2015










Average Daily Inflow (kL per Day) Rainfall (mm)












0 Jan


Rainfall (mm)














Date Prepared:

27 April 2015

Page 178












0 Jan


Rainfall (mm)


Kuranda STP - Average Daily Inflow by Connection Average Daily Inflow per Connection (L per Day) Rainfall (mm)

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Wednesday 06 May 2015


NEXT MEETING OF COUNCIL The next meeting of Council will be held at Mareeba 9:00 am on Wednesday 20 May 2015

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