portfolio EN

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CITY AS ... urban analysis TU/e, NL 2012

APARTMENT RENOVATION PŘÍPOTOČNÍ st. private commission 2014



urbanistic project FA CTU 2013

competition entry


CABINET 12,5 m2


school project FA CTU 2013

competition entry



summer school RAVB, NL 2011

school project FA CTU 2010



00420 728 264 637 marek@marek-zacek.cz www.marek-zacek.cz www.issuu.com/marek-zacek

Bc. Marek ZACEK

5th year student Architecture and Urbanism

Řepčická 1314, Prague 15, 102 00 Czech Republic born 1990 in Hradec Kralove 2012 - now  2012  2009-2012

2014  2013  2011  2012

Master’s programme Architecture and Urbanism FA CTU design studio Císler - Oth, design studio Jan Jehlík Erasmus study exchange - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL, Dpt. of Built Environment - Urban Design and Planning Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism, FA CTU diploma project Prague Archaeological Museum, studio Koucký design studios Koucký; Šrámková; Brožová

Erasmus Intensive Programme CITYGREENING / Politecnico di Torino, IT Proměna Negrelliho viaduktu, workshop / CCEA MOBA, Prague, CZ Delta Dynamics, summer school / Academie van Bouwkunst, Rotterdam, NL cooperation with office Dům a město, Prague, CZ

English language - excellent - TOEFL iBT score 110 German, French - intermediate Dutch - passive Czech - native language SW  advanced knowledge in CAD, 3D, Graphic visualization Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper Autodesk Autocad, Revit Adobe CS, Corel GS ESRI ArcGIS MS Office

2013/2014 studio Jan Jehlík tutor assistants Lenka Burgerová, Jaromír Hainc, Jan Šteflíček collaboration with Klára Pohlová and Jana Horecká

WESTERN TOWN FRESH BREATH FOR PRAGUE Expansion of the cities and construction of infrastructure have resulted into interruption of historical routes, water ways and created an artificial barrier in the landscape. The topic of our work is recovery of rational harmony between Prague and its western periphery - restoration of transparency of the area and finding the balance of urban development on one side and preserving the traditional cultural countryside on the other side.

What is the development perspective of Prague periphery with the dimension of the half of inner city?

Western town surrounded by water-sheds

Western town and Prague 13 in the metropolitan area Western town and Prague 13 and “green fingers� of Prague Ring of villages around the Western town

layering of input elements

layering of the proposal


1 2

3 4 5


How to relate to highway ring? How to cross it? What is the role of Jeremiášova street in the town/landscape interface? Shall it act as the border of the build-up area or shall the town spread over it? Path networking, permeability. What is the desired image of a village in the metropolitan area? What is the development perspective of a village in the metropolitan area? How should new estates look like? Western town as a palimpsest. Layering of forces and elements, contributing to its image. We set up a clear key to describe each of the places. Surfaces, lines and points on x-axis, continuous scale built/unbuilt on y-axis. Given the topics we choose four specific interventions, whereby we demonstrate design principles for the whole territory. The overall plan then covers the area with acupuncture spots, interconnected by newly designed path network and have positive impact onto the future development.

spatial layout of the proposal


Jeremiášova street

Ořech (suburban village)

CONCERT HALL FOR PRAGUE 2013 studio Ondřej Císler and Tomáš Oth

New house for Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, firstclass concert hall in the capital city. The main objective is acoustical quality for symphonic performance. The layout of big auditorium - vineyards - brings more intense experience for visitors but also poses a very specific spatial form. The complex shape of the auditorium mass, expressive but fully rational, is the HEART of the building. This is enclosed by subtle skin of foyer and facade. Wide slabs hanging around allow for a circulation of the visitors and offer views into the surrounding trees.

northern elevation


2× zkušebny


šatny dle nástrojů




plan of 3rd floor

area of the building 12 710 m2 + 10 400 m2 parking layout of auditorium vineyards capacity of auditorium 1820 seats volume of auditorium 19 200 m3 capacity of 2nd auditorium 328 seats eastern elevation

CHARACTERISTICS vineyards acoustic approx. 1800 seats stage for a large symphonic orchestra 1,8 - 2 s reverb early reflections after 20 ms 2/3 stage visibility PRINCIPLES visibility curve applied to every section auditorium volume 10-11 m3 per seat 6 to 10 rows in each section focus point at 1/3 of the auditorium length spatial concept of the auditorium

longitudal section

The building is the center point of Karlovo Square. Its position articulates the large park but the axis of the square is not limited due to transparent section and open ground floor. In the diverse context, the hall sticks to an original appearance. Constructivist concept is crowned with a shining lacework of the roof structure. context cross section



Cartography as a tool for urban analysis and mean 2012 dec Kralove as a symbolic space Urban Analysis of communication. Hradec Kralove a mobile space Map SPACE depicting the city as Rutgers a shows GREEN SPACE ove asMap a of SOCIAL of Hradec Kralove as aelements, Pas HYSICAL SPACE orientation points and tutoring Reinder main traffic flows and changing points in the city. is focused on the layer of city green. Due “City as ... ” is a series of 5 maps of Hradec Králové. Each and their spread over sons how the city and space inside is experienced circulation through the Universiteit town Technische Eindhoven is elaborated in a different manner in order to illustrate to terrain conditions, city’s historical only real center, ms of accessibility -ranging both physical virtual Individual car transport is and concentrated in development the erience. The Netherlands different fields and suggest different meaning. The topics andradial generous modernistic planning, natural rough extension ). 2nd modern and motorways to various directions; are: Social, Physical and Symbolic space, Green city and specificring by regular radial structure greenery issegments present throughout the whole city Mobile in e civic life follows similar traffic in individual and the city center city. hlocated plot, district or zone is classified for on a single hill. Therefore unusually high amount. It is present in various is spread over smaller streets. al character [1] built, [2] unbuilt but enclosed ywhere else long-distance views treeisalleys following roads, public dings andmerged [3]forms: unbuilt. dimension Public transport servicingaremain the whole n, often with Second mainwell access carvisible / public transport / distant transfer distantly landmarks parks, housing areas with (visually accessible) ofwhole usagetraffic regime - [A] private, [B]enough semi- to each urbanized area with stops close ,vels the network poses gardens andpublic. also broad meadows along rivers , [C]other semi-public andleading [D] Intersection with other means: central car / public ure, thatand it interconnected is the mean local landmarks, nodes transport transfer reaching close to the center. e creates 12 values and 5 of them, relevant train and bus station in the northwest and several - ring with radials determining public main axestransport of sight / distant transfer The elementsshades are depicted s map, are then of grayas surfaces (either P+R around theassigned town. built area more intense and fine continuous or rather general and depicted. Bicycle andaround create public transport stop ce visual axespaths spread the mesh all over the local axes of sight and diffuse) and lines. trees, significant cent of local coverage in areasSingle then park areas area, partially main car flows (with tower; axesfollowing aredifferent to bethe found enclosed semi-public area public car park at the whole city level, are currently not present. distantly visible fronts variations in structure and character dedicated lanes), partially utilizing the river banks odernistic expansions. amenities, social attractors open private open land, meadow areas e. Difference is visible for example between and filled with network of small streetscivic offering bicycle path / bicyclearea friendly road main paths fluencing rivers act as important western gardenbicycle city traffic. with relative small undisturbed ertheless not very efficient (semi) private partially green areas inner parks open city semi-public area motorway / main road space and south-eastern block houses innercity compact area ng directions (due to their with practically no private space at all. alley lines walking distance from PTtree stop city area 34/35 compact centre open public area 36/37 38/39 32/33


three of the maps: Social space, Physical space and Green city

PRAGUE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM 2011/2012 bachelor’s diploma project studio 1+xx Roman Koucký and Edita Lisecová

Archaeological museum, meeting current standards first class exhibition spaces, supplemented with archives, study rooms and offices. Project is situated at Prague - Těšnov, on a site vacant since the 1970’s highway construction. New building will get in direct touch with the former neo-reinassance house.

expozice exhibition

research zázemí services provoz

Programme of the building is set by Prague Municipal Museum. Besides that, an underground capacity parking is designed in order to utilize the proximity to main railway station, bus terminal, metro station and urban highway, together with city center at a walking distance.

3.NP 1.PP

Rich collections are taken out of depositories and become the focus of attention. The most precious artifacts are on display in the very center of the capital city. Permanent collections are vitalized by catching demonstrations and attractive temporary exhibitions Visitors are offered a rest in the café or a shop, or they can get further insight in a library. Prague Archaeological Museum is the place of amusement and education for the whole family.


Composition of the building reflects the site and outer elements. Edges are oriented towards neighboring houses and create two “V” shaped spaces - monumental entrance at one side and more intimate park at the other one. In between two wings is enclosed atrium into which is the building oriented into. Dividing the building equates the duality of the programme an exhibition space and research space under one roof. The atrium is crossed by several bridges, connecting the halves into one complex. 4.NP

exposition expozice visitor services služby pro návštěvníky library, auditorium, workshop knihovna, sál, dílny offices, archives pracovny, zázemí, sklady communication, bridges chodby, můstky, schodiště

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BĚCHOVICE LOOP 2013 competition entry “Old Post office Běchovice”

New centre for Běchovice village - former post office courtyard transformed into a permanently accessible public space. Loop as a variation of an athletic track, reference to traditional long-distance running race.

collaboration with Klára Pohlová and Jana Horecká



In the first phase, we propose to re-open access gates, reconstruct the courtyard surface and create an access towards the pond at the north through unused wing of the building. The space is used also as the restaurant garden.






Second phase includes relocation of the post office and info-center back to the complex. Empty buildings and a new extension are used for various purposes. New path connects the yard with bus stop and the pond at the other side.

festival layout

market layout

CABINET 12,5 m2 2013 competition entry “Cities without smog”

We propose universally functional and easily movable furniture for the space of 1 parking lot 5×2,5 m - 12,5m2. Chair, table, chaise, book shelf, flower pot/hanger and trash bin.

collaboration with Klára Pohlová

Six pieces of furniture, which can be used for various scenarios. It is not a definitive set but rather an open and flexible platform to be used under different conditions. Prefabrication as fiberglass concrete shell using the TX Active technology makes each piece stable, robust and durable. Elementary forming is true to the material, increases the utility and acts as a simple mediator of spontaneous human activities. Furniture is equipped with wheels and holes for easy manipulation, water draining or standing a bicycle.

1. low spatial requirements 2. easy manipulation 12,5 m2


4. air filtering


Parametric design of pavilion roofing is an algorithm building symmetrical vaulted structure upon given input (ground plan shape). Final shape follows two principles: sine-curve along the longitudal axis and statically efficient parabola in cross section. Using the interval of a sinecurve gives the pavilion dynamics in the shape and modify the general disposition - different part of interval generate completely different spatial layout. Planar elements folded along the ribs are based on origami techniques. Besides their attractive visual appearance, they also allow opening of the side walls and contribute to overall structural rigidity.

ložnice pokoj

16 m2 22 m2

APARTMENT RENOVATION PŘÍPOTOČNÍ ST. 2014 private commission ložnice pokoj

collaboration with Klára Pohlová

Renovation and merging of two units in an 1930’s apartment block in Prague Vršovice. Result is a comfort home for young family, with living zone oriented to the 16 m 6,9 m south, bedrooms on the northkoupelna and services around the 22 m WC 1,5 m předsíň & chodba 12,3 m central air shaft. přenesené 2






1,65 m2


Proposal includes enlargement of previously small rooms and providing specific atmosphere by using both traditional and modern materials: original terrazzo and wooden floor, nostalgic glass bricks and fresh linoleum in bright colour. okno The project is currently under realization. z izolačních

bedroom 1

16 m2

2 bedroom ložnice 16 m2 pokoj 22 m2

22 m2

bathroom koupelna WC WC corridor předsíň & chodba komora closet

6,9 m2 1,5 m2 12,3 m2 1,65 m2


6,9 m2 1,5 m2 12,3 m2 1,65 m2

living room & kitchen

obývací pokoj & kuchyňský kout 37,2 m2

37,2 m2

marmoleum (vyhřívané) původní parkety

přenesené parkety sprchová příčka z luxferů



okno z izolačních luxferů 2

obývací pokoj & kuchyňský kout 37,2 m2



sprchov příčka z luxferů

16 m2 22 m2

refurbished wooden floor

insulated glass brick window

grandpa’s ornament paint



6,9 m2 1,5 m2 & chodba 12,3 m2 1,65 m2

pokoj & kuchyňský kout 37,2 m2

original wooden floor

heated linoleum

renovated terazzo carpet

glass brick shower partition

cement filling linoleum

new wooden floor

Singer sewer

DELTA DYNAMICS 15 - 29. 8. 2011 workshop/summer school Rotterdam Academie van Bouwkunst participation in workshop was supported by Stanislav Hanzl scholarship, CTU

Strategic vision for a part of Dutch Delta, elaborated under guidance of Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design in collaboration with authorities. In reaction to catastrophic flooding of 1953 was the coast enclosed into complex of dams and basins. Artificial ecosystems tend to decay and the area stagnates. Dam opening and technological interventions need to be accompanied by residential, recreational and agricultural projects. Two week long workshop of international students and young professionals was to work out a vision, a complex strategic plan of sustainable development of this unique territory in 21st century.


Brouwersdam area – first hub – support for strong touristic potential, capitalization of North Sea coastal conditions for all-year round activities; strengthening the role of the hub and connection with the ocean

Grenvelingendam area – second hub – capitalization of “3 waters border” – salt lake, Rhine estuary and next Delta’s bay; strengthening the role of the hub

Inland area – connecting the lake with next bay with a channel, improving water management by creation of network of freshwater channels; capitalization of present hospital

Central area – capitalization of new wetlands by construction of innovative Eco-farming and aqua-farming facilities

hub as a starting place for experiencing the lake and respective activities

cycling paths, nature trails, spontaneous access to wild nature

creation of channel network, improvement of water management, enabling communication and leisure, support of agriculture and agro-tourism

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