Karndean is invested in providing high-quality products that you can stake your reputation upon, including our new Korlok Select rigid core products. From ease of installation to award-winning designs, there’s now another reason that everything clicks with Korlokcorresponding trim pieces can now be added directly to your Karndean product order.
The official magazine of the World Floor Covering Association
2 Let Your Voice Be Heard
Scott Humphrey, CEO, WFCA
4 Metroflor Adds Domestic Inventory of Popular Déjà New Commercial LVT
6 Women of the Flooring Business Expands Education Program to Include Installation Inspection and Product Knowledge
Lisbeth Calandrino, Flooring Specialist, Associate Publisher and Director of Social Media for Fabulous Floors Magazine
10 An Hour Well Spent
Tom Jennings, Retail Training Expert
12 Elevate Your Floors
16 Be Aware of Certain Contract Clauses — Or Pay the Price
On the Cover:
Korlock Select in the color Coastal Fog RKT3004-G From Karndean DesignFlooring.
Jeffrey W. King, Outside General Counsel for the WFCA
22 How to Choose Between Hardwood or Laminate Flooring
Jason Wright, Wagner Meters
28 Is Your Business Digital?
Lewis Davis, Senior Director of Technology and Research, WFCA
Retail Smart Checklists
How Flooring Software is Like A Bicycle (and why that mattters during an econmic turndown)
Chad Ogden, Co-founder, QFloors
Healthier Choice: Eco-friendly, Sustainable, Healthy, Durable Luxury Flooring with Style
The Calibu Vineyard Foyer and Den/Study is Now Virtually Revealed
Creative Magnetic Flooring is the Featured Flooring Product as Featured on the New Netflix® Series “Instant Dream Home”
Margo Locust, Publisher PFR Magazine
Survey: No Matter Your Company's Size, Customers Will Hold You Accountable for Ethical Lapses Rebecca Deczynski and Carl Phillips
More Professional Training… More Professional Installation Craftsmen!
Do You Know Why Your Area Rugs Aren't Selling?
Customer Expectations in Today’s Demanding World
Freida Staten, V.P. of Marketing, Communications & Membership
Republic Floor: Using Technology to Enhance Flooring
Risk Strategies Transportation Practice
Building Long Lasting Relationships
As we near November and another opportunity to politically make our voice heard, I want to remind you that you have an opportunity to make your voice heard in our industry. In the same way you exercise your right to vote, your actions have the opportunity to change your future and your potential for success every day. This is one of the primary benefits of being part of an association like the WFCA. When we combine our voices and our efforts, we become increasingly difficult to ignore. In this age of social media dominance, our words are so important. Still, they pale in comparison to our actions. So, the question becomes, “Where do I make my voice heard?” What are the issues negatively impacting your success? What is true of our industry today that if it remains the same, it will negatively impact your oppor tunity to succeed?
I recently finished a book called Atomic Habits, by James Clear. It is a must read. This amazing book focuses on how small incremental changes can combine in our lives and our businesses to bring about dramatic change. The book begins by shar ing the impact of this mindset on the British cycling team — a team that was so bad bicycle manufacturers discouraged them from using their bikes. They didn’t want the negative publicity. A new coach was hired, and rather than focusing on simply training harder, he began to implement small incremental changes. He redesigned the bike seat. He experimented with different massage gels to speed recovery. He even customized the mattresses the cyclist slept on to accomplish optimum sleep and recovery. A plethora of small improvements was his focus. The result was a Brit ish cycling team that dominated world competition, the Olympics, and the Tour De France for the first time ever. None of these efforts alone would have accomplished success, but combined they made winning possible.
What are the changes that will lead to success for you and others in our industry. Unlike the small changes implemented in the story above, we face several monumen tal issues that if not addressed will change our industry and specifically independent flooring retail forever. Let me say that again. If we do not address these major issues, flooring retail as we know it today will be forever changed. Now that I have your attention, let me discuss these major challenges and your role in changing our destiny.
Combining our voices — as I laid out above, we must be heard. Many of you are part of the WFCA or some other industry association, but you are simply on the roll. Healthy associations are measured on many criteria, but two of the most prominent are size of membership and engagement. The WFCA now represents some 90% of all independent flooring retailers in North America. We appreciate your partnership and encourage any who are not yet members to join. Our bigger challenge is engage
When we combine our voices and our efforts, we become increasingly difficult to ignore. In this age of social media dominance, our words are so important. Still, they pale in comparison to our actions.
ment, and it is the challenge of any growing association. We are constantly doing our part, but we also need you to do yours. Read our communications. Look for ways to get involved. Take advantage of resources designed to help you achieve success. Let us know of issues impact ing your success. Combine your voice with ours on industry and political issues so we can affect change.
Embracing technology — The industry has fought to protect the old way of doing business for way too long. Think about how you shop. Chances are that technol ogy is involved at some stage in the process. The more we resist this while others, including the Big Box stores and online retailers embrace it, the more antiquated we appear to today’s consumer. We must embrace tech nology as a part of the retail flooring shopping pro cess. WFCA’s foresight of this issue is what lead us to bring fcB2B under our umbrella of entities and ser vices. Our desire to embrace this for our members is the reason we attend trade shows like the ones I have attended including RFMS, Q Floors, and the upcom ing Floorcon conference in November where I will sit on a panel discussing this very issue. You have a major role to play in our industries’ adoption of B2B. You can encourage manufacturers you do business with to be a part of fcB2B and fully engaged in its efforts to make the B2B process simple and fluid for all involved. Ask if they are members of fcB2B. Make sure they are not sim ply members but are fully participating by providing up to date product catalogue information. You begin to make a difference simply by asking the questions that make them realize the importance you place on B2B and technology in our industry.
Finally, Solving the Installation Crisis — Like many others before us, we have set out to solve one of the biggest challenges ever to impact our industry. Instal
lation and service are differentiators to the indepen dent flooring retailer. If we do not solve the problem of bringing new installers into our industry, manufac turers will be forced to produce product that does not need professional installation. That is not a knock on manufacturers. Their goal is to produce product that will sell. If they can’t get product installed due to the lack of professional installers, it won’t sell. We must solve this blight on our industry.
Among other steps to accomplish this goal, the WFCA pledged $1 million to start the FCEF — Floor Covering Education Foundation. Several major man ufacturers including Shaw, Mohawk, and Engineered Floors immediately joined forces with us — proving their commitment to you, the independent flooring retailer. Many of you have heard of the FCEF and the great work that Jim Aaron, Kaye Whitener, and Tiffany Ketchum are doing along with a dedicated Board of Directors. But if you are simply following what is hap pening and not getting involved, you are not part of the solution. Contact the FCEF. Get involved on the local level in high schools and trade schools. Help promote the trade. Give to the FCEF at Add your voice to the growing chorus that is addressing this issue.
In the end, a chorus is always stronger than an indi vidual voice. You have the opportunity to determine with whom you will do business. Join the chorus of dealers who are uniting with the WFCA and manufac turers who are committed to your success — those who have proven that commitment by their involvement in fcB2B and their dedication to supporting the FCEF in their efforts to solve the installation crisis. The future is in your hands. ■
We must embrace technology as a part of the retail flooring shopping process. WFCA’s foresight of this issue is what lead us to bring fcB2B under our umbrella of entities and services.
With a 20 mil wear layer, a variety of plank and tile sizes, and a 15-year Commercial Warranty, Déjà New is engineered for the commercial market and is suitable for virtually any commercial project.
CT, Aug. 23, 2022 — Metroflor Corporation announced that it now has domestic inventory in Compton, CA, and Calhoun, GA, for Déjà New, the company's leading commercial collection of flexible glue down LVT. This inventory is in addition to distributors’ local inventory. According to Gary Keeble, Vice President of Marketing for Metroflor, this development will give retailers the confidence that Déjà New will be available whenever it is sched uled for their projects.
Said Keeble, “Déjà New is available nationwide from the greatest distributor net work in the country. Now with inventory on both coasts, in Compton and Calhoun, if contractors or retailers have concerns about product availability, especially on short notice, they have a viable alternative with Déjà New being available for them to complete an installation on time and within budget. In addition, by backing up the Metroflor distributors' inventory with our domestic inventory, our distributors can go deep and wide on a local inventory of the products they sell day in and day out.”
Since Metroflor introduced Déjà New in 2018, it has become the company’s flagship glue-down collection and its best-selling 2.5mm glue-down LVT product ever. With a 20 mil wear layer, a variety of plank and tile sizes, and a 15-year Com mercial Warranty, Déjà New is engineered for the commercial market and is suit able for virtually any commercial project.
From corporate, education, and hospitality to healthcare and beyond, Déjà New marries versatility and a beautiful design aesthetic with the superior performance required by commercial specifiers and end users. ■
Metroflor invites retailers to get to know their distributor and Metroflor sales representatives.
Tri-West Ltd. 800-669-6696
Herregan Distributors, Inc. 800-325-2625
Ohio Valley Flooring 800-955-7224
The Belknap White Group 800-283-7500
William M. Bird 800-922-2287
Adleta Corporation 800-423-5382
Reader's Wholesale Distributors, Ltd. 800-766-0001
Metroflor Representatives: Keith Kannapel Tri-West, Herregan, Ohio Valley Flooring (812) 406-8188
Kevin Parker Wm. Bird, BWA — Haines (706) 296-1886
Tommy Johnson Adleta, Reader’s Wholesale (682) 300-9132
Michelle Esposito Metroflor Sales Support (203) 523-2784
Press Contact: Susan Bang 917-991-9714
At Metroflor: Gary Keeble gkeeble@ 706-217-8356
Women of the Flooring Business continues to grow in membership and course offerings. The Weekly Executive Program provides a forum to discuss rele vant issues with our executives, Michelle Winters, Rachel Berlin, and Lisbeth Calan drino. Topics range from how to hire to plan all types of training. In addition, we have Workshop Wednesday, where we bring in various speakers from within and outside the industry.
Lisbeth Calandrino Flooring Specialist and Associate Publisher and Director of Social Media for Fabulous Floors Magazine
We continue to grow; our members are excited and committed to our mission — helping women succeed and grow through education. We’re dealing with bigger issues such as childcare. We’ve learned from COVID that the childcare business model doesn’t work and that 1.2 million women were out of work because of child care issues.
“Planning weekly education programs presents challenges as well as being time consuming, says Michelle Winters, Education Director of WofB. However, our mem bers tell us it's extremely important, so we make the trainings meaningful and short. In addition, we provide video recordings of all the interviews for our members, put them on our YouTube channel, and distribute them throughout our social media platforms and in other flooring groups.
Developing our training programs has been very exciting. Everyone wants train ing, and it’s not always a floor-covering topic. So instead, we experiment with differ
ent topics, from sexual harassment to product knowledge and flooring inspections. The idea is to keep people up to date with short and interesting topics. Our programs are usually a half-hour to 45 minutes, and then they are archived.
We have added a newsletter, which will include our sponsors. Bella Flooring Group, Karndean Design Flooring, and QFloors. Of course, we archive the inter views so our members can view them; we also put the interviews on YouTube, which we upload to our social media platforms.
The importance of installation can’t be overlooked, and flooring inspections and product knowledge go hand and hand with installation. Unfortunately, the industry doesn't include many female installers, but one of our members, Melissa Bender, recently wrote in FCN about her experience of being a long-time flooring installer in our industry. To read the article on Melissa Bender, click on this link:
“As an industry, we rely heavily on manufacturer’s reps to provide prod uct knowledge, but we can’t expect them to know everything, says Mark Farn sworth, author of flooring product knowledge book, Your Complete Flooring Guide,
Scott Humphrey, Chief Executive Officer
Freida Staten, VP of Marketing, Communications & Membership
Steve Abernathy, Chief Financial Officer
Kay Wiley, Executive Assistant to the CEO
Margo Rodgers Locust, Publisher
Karen George, Managing Editor
Stan Michelson, Communications Director
Toelke Associates/Ron Toelke, Creative Director/Amelia Toelke, Project Designer
Editorial and Advertising Offices:
Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC
Phone: 678-761-5002
Rebecca Deczynski and Carl Phillips
Chad and Trent Ogden, QFloors
Jason Wright, Wagner Meters
Stacey Lynn Wells, Editor, Fabulous Floors magazine
Contributing Columnists
Lisbeth Calandrino, Lewis Davis, Scott Humphrey, Tom Jennings, Jeffrey King, Stacy Eickhoff, Freida Staten
The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA)
Phone: 855-330-1183
Premier Flooring Retailer is a joint initiative of the World Floor Covering Association and Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC.
All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be repro duced in any way without written consent from Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC or the WFCA.
Change of Address: in order to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of Premier Flooring Retailer, notice of change should be made at least 5 weeks in advance.
Premier Flooring Retailer is published quarterly in print and digital by Fabulous Floors Magazine, LLC located at 572 Main Street, Andrews, NC 28901 and the World Floor Covering Association located at 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721.
Postmaster: Please send address changes to WFCA, 855 Abutment Road, Suite 1, Dalton, GA 30721.
The importance of installation can’t be overlooked, and flooring inspections and product knowledge go hand and hand with installation.
“As an industry, we rely heavily on manufacturer’s reps to provide product knowledge, but we can’t expect them to know everything...”
My interview with Mark Violand, IICRC Approved Instructor and Flooring Inspector, provided insight into the field of inspection. Members don’t usually have an opportunity to speak with flooring inspectors unless they have a claim, and then they may only see a written report.
( On the other hand, the floor covering professional must know everything if they’re going to answer consumer questions”. See my interview with Mark Farnsworth as we discuss his book and the need for learning product knowledge:
My interview with Mark Violand, IICRC Approved Instructor and Flooring Inspector, provided insight into the field of inspection. Members don’t usually have an opportunity to speak with flooring inspectors unless they have a claim, and then they may only see a written report.
“These classes will help you avoid costly claims and improve customer satis faction, says Mark Violand, as well as deescalate claims and what we call height ened awareness syndrome, flooring inspector lingo for “customers get worse as the job goes on.” We are offering two l-hour classes through Women of the Flooring Business. First, there is a $99.00 three-hour Zoom class regarding flooring products, understanding moisture levels, floor prep, and maintenance. The second class is a 13-hour Zoom class for installers on install issues and how to avoid claims. You can sign up for these classes by going to:
To buy Mark’s book, click on:
Tom Jennings is a lifelong member of the flooring business. Since selling his family’s retail business in 2006, he has served the industry as an educator and speaker. He is a past board chairman of the WFCA and is currently the board chairman of WFCA Services, Inc. He may be reached at
most supervisors, managers, officers, or owners are asked why their busi ness is successful, they will tell you that the strength of their organization is the quality of people that work with them. So my question is this: while you'll freely tell everyone else how you feel about your staff members — when was the last time you told them?
A great challenge and a great opportunity are for managers to show they value all team members. While this was always the case in recent times, doing so is even more critical in today’s extremely tight employment market.
To this end, I would like to offer those in the flooring business a suggestion: insti tute a monthly “take an installer to lunch day!” Please notice that I didn't say “buy his lunch” or “provide lunch,” but instead, “take him to lunch.” Why do this, you ask?
Managers need to get to know their team beyond just their names and work responsibilities. Are they married? Do they have children? What are their outside interests and hobbies?
Each member of your team is unique. The group will become more cohesive and effective by taking the time to learn about one another. Management needs to trust their representatives’ judgment. It’s hard to trust someone that you barely know!
Most importantly, getting to know the people that work with you allows you to check on your investment. Visiting the people doing the work of your business can provide insight into how your customers are being treated, if you are using the best practices for efficiency and what improvements you can make to increase profitabil ity. These are the people doing the job. They are in the best position in the company to report to you how your staff is doing.
I would also extend this offer to support staff as well, as they regularly interact with your customers and suppliers. Depending on the size of your staff, you may need to schedule more than one day per month. So be it! Just make sure that you don't make it a group outing. Doing so will eliminate much of the candor that you need to experience.
This experience may be somewhat uneasy at first, as the installers will naturally wonder, “what's up?” Don't be deterred. Once they become assured that you both have common goals, my bet is that it will be a lunch that each of you will look forward to.
There is a saying that states we spend time on what is important to us. How many of you are proving your staff’s value to you personally by spending quality time with each and every team member? If you are not doing so regularly, this would be a great week to start! ■
There is a saying that states we spend time on what is important to us. How many of you are proving your staff’s value to you personally by spending quality time with each and every team member? If you are not doing so regularly, this would be a great week to start!
Managers need to get to know their team beyond just their names and work responsibilities. Are they married? Do they have children? What are their outside interests and hobbies? Each member of your team is unique. The group will become more cohesive and effective by taking the time to learn about one another.
Soft and hard surfaces. Residential and commercial. New construction and remodels.
INNOVATION REINVENTED Our innovative technology refines flooring for the modern world.
DreamWeaver is Engineered Floors residential flooring brand, serving our retail ers and their customers with beautiful soft and hard surfaces featuring exceptional warranties.
New Standard Plus is the latest hard surface offering from Engineered Floors. Building on the vast success and popularity of New Standard II, New Standard Plus boasts 12 new colors with clean grain visuals, a painted bev eled edge, and a 12mil wear layer. New Standard Plus is also aligned with current consumers desiring a wider 7”x48” plank. New Standard Plus meets the needs of today’s active households with its inherent scratch and dent resistance and waterproof properties. From design to installation, New Standard Plus delivers a quality and value with which consumers are sure to be thrilled.
New Standard Plus meets the needs of today’s active households with its inherent scratch and dent resistance and waterproof properties. From design to installation, New Standard Plus delivers a quality and value with which consumers are sure to be thrilled.New Standard Plus, Grace Bay
DW Select continues to grow in popularity and has become a favorite among consumers. Engineered Floors has developed styles based upon the consumer desire for carpet that meets the demands of the style conscious, active household. Inspired by the natural landscape, these styles bring textural nuances, reminiscent of natural materials, into the home. The tailored fabrication of our products offers timeless design elements coupled with functionality for the style conscious, yet active household. We are very excited for two of our most recent introductions, Davos and San Lucas.
Featuring Engineered Floors’ proprietary twistX technology, we use a patented process to provide industry leading wearability for synthetic fiber. This technology utilizes a blend of multiple fiber com ponents resulting in performance once reserved for premium car pets. TwistX consists of 50% higher bundle sizes, meaning there is more carpet and higher density in each square yard than traditional carpet. DW Select is truly carpet without compromise! ■
A customer claims there is a problem with their new flooring. You agree to make the needed repairs, but the customer insists they are due an additional $10,000 for loss of use of the home while the repairs were being made. Are you liable for the loss of use?
And what about the situation where you have completed the installation of the flooring in a condominium development, there are no claims or any problems, but the general contractor refuses to pay you claiming it has not been paid by the devel oper. Can they withhold your payment?
Outside General Counsel for the for the WFCA
Jeffrey King has more than 35 years’ experience in complex litigation with a focus on contracts, employment, construction, antitrust, intellectual property and health care. He serves as legal counsel for WFCA and other trade associations, and is a LEED Accredited Professional. For more information, contact him at (561) 278-0035 or
The answer depends on what is in your contract. Whether contracting directly with the customer, working as a subcontractor, or contracting with an installer, it is important to understand the terms in your contracts and what terms are needed. There are many forms a contract can take. Some companies use a standardized form, such as the American Institute of Architects (AIA) or ConsensuDOC forms, while others have their own custom versions. Either way, there are some important con struction contract clauses to which you will need to understand to avoid problems. Discussed below are some of these key clauses,
1. Scope of Work: A scope of work, also commonly referred to as a Performance Duties Provision, is meant to provide you with a clear description of the work that is to be performed by you, the general contractor, and other subcontractors. The most common issue with this provision is that it will contain incomplete descriptions. For example, who is responsible for moisture testing—the foundation subcontractor, the flooring contractor, the installer or the general contractor. Similarly, is there a contin
Whether contracting directly with the customer, working as a subcontractor, or contracting with an installer, it is important to understand the terms in your contracts and what terms are needed. There are many forms a contract can take.
gency for unforeseen site problems, such as water intrusion or mold when the existing floors are removed, These issues should be worked out and set out in the contract to avoid problems after the work begins.
2. Reasonably Inferable: In construction contract, the term “reasonably inferable” is used in the general conditions portions of contracts. This means that you agree that the design documents are not perfect, and you must reasonably construct a project that substantially matches design intent. Problems come up when the design docu ments are incomplete, materials not sufficiently identified or are not appropriate for the intended use or otherwise require too many inferences. For example, does the design specify the mastics to be used? If not, are you required to use the mastics rec ommended by the flooring manufacturer? The result is the contractor starting to con struct with materials and methods that might not match the intent of the design, or the contractor begins relying on change orders to cover mounting unforeseen costs.
The best defense against falling prey to the “reasonably inferable” clause is to do a thorough review of the design documents looking for completeness and materials that are appropriate. It is better to clear these matters up before beginning the job.
3. Payments: It is important to include a description of the payment process in the contract. This should include the timing, documents required, approval process, and the terms of final payment. This clause should specify how often payments are to be made on an on-going project. Important dates, such as the invoice due date and when payment is due, should also be included in this clause. These dates are important for all parties to be aware of, as penalties such as interest and lien rights are dependent on them.
One of the most common issues with the payment provision is that it leaves out how the owner or general contractor will certify what amount of the work has been completed to warrant payment. There is no easy solution other than agreeing to a third-party to inspect the status of the work. One partial solution is to require the owner or general contractor to pay for all the work done that is not in dispute.
4. Right to Withhold Payment: These clauses usually refer to withholding payment for delays, potential liability claims, work that does not meet contract specifications, and other risks. Owners and general contractors may already have some protection in the form of retainage. Accordingly, the right to withhold payment should be limited to very specific situations. Contractors should also make sure that contract language does not allow withholding payment for “anticipatory breach of the contract.”
The best defense against falling prey to the “reasonably inferable” clause is to do a thorough review of the design documents looking for completeness and materials that are appropriate. It is better to clear these matters up before beginning the job.
5. Change Orders: Terms will include details about general contractor and subcon tractor markup on changes, how long the contractor has to notify the owner of any changes, how that notification is to take place, and what to do if there is a disagree ment. Failure to understand and follow the process can result in you not being paid for work you did, but did not receive proper prior approval.
6. Waiver of Consequential Damages: Consequential damages, sometimes called special damages, are damages that are a foreseeable consequence of the actions of a defendant. For example, if you are in a car accident, your direct damages are the repair of the car and your medical bills. The consequential damages could be for lost wages while you were out of work as a result of the accident.
In a contract for the installation of flooring, the most common consequential damages are for the loss of use of the premises while the repairs or replacement of defective floors are being completed. If it is a commercial property, it can be for lost profits, increased overhead, and similar damages. If it is a home, consequential dam ages can be for rental value of the home. What consequential damages are allowed will often depend on your state laws, but consequential damages can often exceed the cost of replacing or repairing the floors.
Accordingly, floor retailers, contractors, and installers should check to ensure the contracts they sign include a waiver of consequential damages. For example, such a clause can provide:
In no event shall either party be liable for consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profits, interruption of business or any incidental, special, indirect, exemplary, consequential or punitive damages of any kind arising out of or relating to this agreement.
Be aware, however, that the waiver of consequential damage will mean that the flooring dealer, contractor, or installer also cannot collect damages for delays or other events that may make a job more expensive.
7. No Damages for Delay: Akin to and a possible alternative to a waiver of conse quential damage waivers, a no-damages-for-delay clause typically provides that, if there is a delay caused by the owner or others, the subcontractor will not be entitled to any additional compensation for that delay. It is a clause that owners and general contractors insert because it limits their liability for delays on the project.
The flooring dealer, contractor, and installer need to carefully read these clauses. First, they should make sure that the clause also protects them if they are delayed in completing the installation of the flooring. This is especially important now when there may be a delay in getting flooring and materials from manufacturers and sup pliers. Second, a delay by the owner or general contractor can cause problems and costs to the flooring contractor. If the contract includes a no damages for delays clause, try to limit the delays for which you will not get paid to those which you have control over.
In a contract for the installation of flooring, the most common consequential damages are for the loss of use of the premises while the repairs or replacement of defective floors are being completed...
What consequential damages are allowed will often depend on your state laws, but consequential damages can often exceed the cost of replacing or repairing the floors.
8. Indemnify, Defend, and Hold Harmless: It is important to review the indemni fication clause to see what it covers, If you agree to “indemnify”, it means you will reimburse the other party to the contract when there is loss or damage. When you agree to “defend” another party, you are agreeing to pay what it costs to defend them against a suit brought by a third party, including their attorney fees. You are immedi ately on the hook for these fees when a third-party files a claim. When you agree to hold harmless, you are saying that you will not make a claim against the other party.
The two most important things about “indemnify, defend, and hold harmless” clauses is: (1) that you would only indemnify risks that you have control over; and (2) that it also protects you, that is, the other party agree to indemnify, defend, and hold you harmless for anything that it has control over, That way, you are not offering to pay for losses and damages that someone else caused.
9. Pay If Paid or Pay When Paid: These provisions are generally understood to shift the risk of an owner not paying from the prime contractor to the subcontractor. The fact, however, is that there may be a significant difference between a paid-when-paid and a paid-if-paid clause.
The courts in most states consider a “pay-when-paid” clause as simply a timing mechanism and generally will not excuse the prime contractor from paying the sub contractor, whether or not the owner pays the prime contractor. The risk of non-pay ment is on the prime contractor and the courts will generally require payment to the subcontractor within a “reasonable time” after the work is completed.
If you are a subcontractor, your contract will often refer to and incorporate the general contractor’s agreement with the property owner or developer. It is advisable to determine whether any of your rights and responsibilities in the subcontract are affected or modified by the terms in the master or prime contract.
In contrast, courts generally have found that a “pay-if-paid” clause constitutes a condition precedent to the subcontractor’s payment. A pay-if-paid provision means exactly what it says: the prime contractor has no obligation to pay subcontractors unless the owner first pays the prime contractor. This can create a dilemma for a subcontractor. Since the subcontractor has no contract with the owner, court will generally hold that the subcontractor cannot claim a breach of contract against the owner. Some courts have held the subcontractor’s sole remedy is against the prime contractor, who is not obligated to pay until the owner pays it.
10. Master Contract: If you are a subcontractor, your contract will often refer to and incorporate the general contractor’s agreement with the property owner or developer. It is advisable to determine whether any of your rights and responsibilities in the sub contract are affected or modified by the terms in the master or prime contract.
11. Governing Law: This provision is often overlooked, but it can have a significant impact on your rights, remedies, and liabilities. First, the state law that governs the contract will determine what are your obligations, rights, remedies, and liabilities. For example, some states allow loss of use claims only if the entire premises are not able to be used, while others allow a claim for the partial loss of use. Second, many governing law provision state where any lawsuits can be filed, and that could be in another state or location within your state. This could add to the cost of pursuing or defending any lawsuit arising from the contract.
Second, many governing law provision state where any lawsuits can be filed, and that could be in another state or location within your state. This could add to the cost of pursuing or defending any lawsuit arising from the contract.
12. Dispute Resolution: The dispute resolution clause will determine how conflicts are settled if the parties cannot agree on an issue. Arbitration, mediation, and liti gation are the three main types of dispute resolution. The AIA and other contracts often designate the project’s architect to initially resolve disputes. Many contractors and subcontractors do not believe the architect should not be responsible for han dling disputes due to their close relationship with the owner and project developer. If possible, you should opt for a neutral third party, such as a construction expert or a certified flooring inspector, to review the issues.
These construction contract clauses should be reviewed in every contract. The con tracts provide the basis of the relationship between the owner, the general contrac tor, and the subcontractor. The contract should properly lay out responsibilities and expectations. It is often the first document reviewed if a dispute arises, and will gen erally determine the outcome of the dispute. Given the potential liability, every floor ing retailer, contractor, and installer should review its contracts BEFORE you sign them with competent legal counsel to ensure that risks are fairly allocated and that the potential costs are minimized. ■
Notice: The information contained in this article is abridged from legislation, court deci sions, and administrative rulings and should not be construed as legal advice or opinion and is not a substitute for the advice of counsel.
Given the potential liability, every flooring retailer, contractor, and installer should review its contracts BEFORE you sign them with competent legal counsel to ensure that risks are fairly allocated and that the potential costs are minimized.
What if you’ve just made the important decision to spruce up your home with new flooring? It means it’s time for your next big decision: which type of flooring to buy.
Are you drawn to the warm, inviting look of wood? Installing a hardwood floor might make sense. But what about laminate flooring? You may have heard it looks a lot like wood. Perhaps you’d be just as happy with it, but how can you know?
The key is to consider which type of flooring — hardwood or laminate — is going to be a better fit for your home and your budget.
Jason Wright brings more than 30 years of flooring industry experience with particular specialization in hardwood floor products and installation.
Beginning in 1986, with a small sundry distributor in Medford, Oregon, Jason ascended through positions in Regional Sales, Product Development, Business Development, and Marketing programs within different flooring companies.
Jason brings a wealth of experience, from starting new companies to supporting the flooring industry within the wholesale and retail sectors. Over many years, the flooring industry has come to rely upon Jason’s extensive experience. Contact him by email at
Which one will you enjoy more? Which will be easier to care for? Which will last longer? Which is the most affordable? With all these questions to consider, how do you decide which to buy?
Let’s take a closer look at both hardwood and laminate flooring so the right deci sion for your home can become clearer.
Solid hardwood planks are produced in a mill from genuine hardwood. Many dif ferent species of hardwood make great choices for flooring. Some of the most popular are oak, hickory, maple, and cherry. Each type of wood gives its own dis tinctive appearance, hardness, hue, and texture of the grain. The boards are usu ally ¾-inch thick and milled with tongue-and-groove edges that interlock together. Hardwood planks can be purchased either unfinished or prefinished.
A laminate floor is not actually wood, but it’s typically made to closely imitate the look of wood or some other material, such as stone or marble. It’s a multilayer product with a core composed of high-density fiberboard or plywood and a “design” layer with a high-resolution photographic imprint that gives the floor’s surface appearance. On top is a transparent “wear” layer that helps protect against fading, stains, or other damage.
Left: As a durable material that can be sanded and refinished multiple times, hardwood flooring is an invest ment that can last a lifetime; Above: Laminate flooring can be an attractive, affordable option for attaining the look of a wood floor.
The key is to consider which type of flooring — hardwood or lam inate — is going to be a better fit for your home and your budget. Which one will you enjoy more? Which will be easier to care for?
Which will last longer? Which is the most affordable? With all these questions to consider, how do you decide which to buy?
Many types of hardwood make great choices for flooring, each one giving its own distinctive color and grain pattern.
Realize that no type of flooring will be perfect in every respect. Plus, in most situations, you’re not going to make a bad choice when you go with either hardwood or laminate...
Either hardwood or laminate flooring can make a great choice for anyone’s home. Each has unique characteristics with notable pros and cons. Realize that no type of flooring will be perfect in every respect. Plus, in most situations, you’re not going to make a bad choice when you go with either hardwood or laminate — especially if you’re seeking the look that wood offers.
Hardwood flooring, because it’s the genuine thing and not an imitation, looks more attractive than laminate flooring. It’s a solid, dense material, so it’s extremely durable and lasts a long time. Even after it starts showing a lot of wear and tear, it can be sanded and refinished — more than once — to look like new. A hardwood floor is also quite easy to care for. Consider it a true investment that adds value to any home.
Nevertheless, hardwood has certain disadvantages as a flooring material. Depending on the type of wood, the cost of the wood could overwhelm some one on a tight budget. Also, in high traffic areas, hardwood may show some signs of use as it is susceptible to scratches and moisture damage. Where moisture is bound to occur regularly, such as in a bathroom, a hardwood floor is probably not the right choice.
In general, laminate flooring is more affordable, at least initially, so it may be the way to go for someone looking to save money up front. Consider, also, that the appearance of laminate flooring doesn’t change over time. It holds up reasonably well to wear and tear, is easy to clean, and because of its top “wear” layer, it won’t scratch as easily.
On the other hand, laminate flooring has several significant drawbacks. It will never look as good as natural hardwood flooring. It cannot be repaired easily if damage occurs. If moisture gets into the joints between planks, it can cause the edges and the fiberboard to swell. And unlike real wood, it can’t be sanded and refinished; Once it shows significant or unacceptable signs of wear, it’s probably time to spring for a new floor. ■
In general, laminate flooring is more affordable, at least initially, so it may be the way to go for someone looking to save money up front. Consider, also, that the appearance of laminate flooring doesn’t change over time. It holds up reasonably well to wear and tear, is easy to clean, and because of its top “wear” layer, it won’t scratch as easily.
Hardwood flooring, because it’s the genuine thing and not an imitation, looks more attractive than laminate flooring. It’s a solid, dense material, so it’s extremely durable and lasts a long time.
Now that you’ve learned a bit about the pros and cons of hardwood and laminate flooring, how do you sort it all out and make your final selection?
Now that you’ve learned a bit about the pros and cons of hardwood and laminate flooring, how do you sort it all out and make your final selection? Again, you can’t go wrong with either one. They’re both good options.
Your choice will likely boil down to this: If you have your heart set on the attractive look and durability of real wood and your budget can handle the up-front investment, hardwood flooring is almost cer tainly the right choice for you. But for anyone looking for a less expensive, yet still quite attractive option, laminate flooring can be a great choice, too.
Visit for more information about the selection and care of wood flooring. ■
Do you still deal with paper processes? If so, WHY? Many retail businesses no longer automatically print a receipt but will ask if you want a paper copy. Oth ers provide an electronic version only. Do you still require a physical signature to close a deal, or has your company moved to electronic signatures? These are just a few examples of how business has changed over the last few years. So, is your busi ness digital?
Lewis Davis
Senior Director of Technology and Research
Contact Lewis Davis at 706-217-1183 ext. 132 or via email at:
Since the desktop computer first became affordable, companies have looked for ways to automate their processes. They were moved from paper accounting to spreadsheets, then to applications like QuickBooks. Around the beginning of the 21st century, the fcB2B standards were released and began to be adopted. The suppliers that participate and provide the price catalog have helped their customers move to a digital catalog. Why is this important? I recently spoke with a retailer that indicated he had someone that spent fifteen to twenty hours a week maintaining prices in his system for non-fcB2B suppliers. He was able to maintain prices for fcB2B suppliers in ten to fifteen minutes a day. Imagine the cost and time savings by reducing a manual process from twenty hours to less than one and a half hours a week. That’s just one process that is supported by the fcB2B standard.
Placing orders is another process that can be automated using fcB2B. No matter if you submit ten purchase orders a week or one hundred, there are efficiencies to be gained. Think about how long it takes to either call your order in or navigate to your supplier’s website. You must enter the order and then update your system with the reference number and status. Using fcB2B can reduce that time typically to less than 2 minutes and provide a digital trail of the PO being generated, submitted, the acknowledgment being received, and updating your system. Several suppliers pro vide the order status web service so the software can provide the most up-to-date status of your order.
The receiving process can also be digitized using the fcB2B Advanced Ship Notice (ASN). This detailed bill of lading will help with the receiving process and provide a digital copy of what was included on the truck. In addition, most systems will match
Many retail businesses no longer automatically print a receipt but will ask if you want a paper copy. Others provide an electronic version only. Do you still require a physical signature to close a deal, or has your company moved to electronic signatures?
the POs, ASN, and receiving information to confirm if the PO has been fully received or if certain products are still on order.
Are you still receiving paper invoices, or are you receiving a PDF of all invoices for a given day? Are you saving the paper or digitizing it to have a digital copy for reference later? How long does it take to match the paper invoice to the PO and receiving to confirm you were correctly invoiced for products received? What if this process could be automated, so an electronic copy of the invoice was downloaded to your computer, matched to the PO, and received and automatically verified that everything was correct? When done manually, this entire process can be completed in minutes instead of hours. If you use the fcB2B invoice, this can be a reality, and you will have an audit trail of when it was received and what was on the invoice.
Are you not using fcB2B because only a few of your suppliers support it? Your voice is powerful and has a bigger impact than you may think. Use the fcB2B form letter at or visit and select the Resources tab, then Files. Look for the “fcB2B Form Letter to Suppliers”, download and send it to your suppliers. This is a tool to help get your suppliers involved in fcB2B. Suppliers need to know this is important to their customers and not just another project to add to their list.
Visit our website at and click on the Resources tab to learn more about fcB2B. The Members > Connections tab lists the members who support fcB2B.
Do you B2B? If not, why? Contact me to find out how to be more efficient in your business. ■
Are you still receiving paper invoices, or are you receiving a PDF of all invoices for a given day? Are you saving the paper or digitizing it to have a digital copy for reference later? How long does it take to match the paper invoice to the PO and receiving to confirm you were correctly invoiced for products received? What if this process could be automated...?
As WFCA’s newest endorsed partner, CHIPD provides cost-effective, and timesaving, state-of-the-art online payment solutions to leverage technology to accelerate payments, increase cash flow, decrease accounts receivables (AR), and reduce office interruptions and administrative costs.
With over 20 years of experience in merchant payment processing, CHIPD understands how to navigate high transaction volumes, chargebacks and other factors affecting the flooring industry.
Giving your customers different payment options allows you to accept payments easier and faster. This solution allows for payments at the front desk, over the phone, across
+office locations, the ability to set up recurring payments AND customer payments from your website, allowing them to pay anytime, at their convenience, 24/7! The CHIPD Gateway also allows multiple businesses to have credit card processing funds deposited into separate checking accounts through one system. All your reports in one spot!
CHIPD makes it as easy as possible to get your new account up and running quickly. Credit card processing is a banking product, therefore sponsoring banks and processors are required to meet certain federal mandates. As part of the USA Patriot Act, passed in 2001, banks are REQUIRED to get certain information, like social security numbers and financial information.
As a WFCA member, CHIPD offers you a payment processing program tailored to your business needs:
The ability to accept credit, debit and mobile wallet payments
• Competitive processing costs
• Extremely competitive processing rates
• No long term contract
• 24/7 customer support
• Businesses can use existing equipment
• Cutting edge credit card hardware available to purchase or lease
• Variety of add-on services available including gift card and loyalty card programs
Members can save an average of $8,000 in fees per year.
Call 1-866-249-1237 or visit wfca today for a free cost analysis of your current processing program and see how we can help add dollars to your bottom line.
FLOOR EDFLOORKeep aisles wide and uncluttered. Customers feel awkward if they have to move and step over sam ples on the floor.
Can customers reach your samples? Customers are put off by items out of their reach. Remember, most women are shorter than men.
Keep your showroom clean — period! Dust the racks, pick samples off the floor and keep them in the racks. We think that if there are samples on the floor we look like we’re busy, to the customer we look like we’re disorganized and sloppy.
Perhaps your samples are numbered on the back to keep them in proper color sequence. Samples arranged in correct color sequence command more money. Think about your high priced clothing stores, all the same colors are together. Proper color sequence gives the perception of higher value.
Check samples daily for torn or missing back labels or damaged bindings. Repair or replace these samples.
Have dirty samples? If they can’t be cleaned, throw them out and replace with new ones. It’s possible that the samples do not contain adequate stain and soil resistance.
Do you want to make your carpet samples look really good? Buy a clothes steamer and steam them monthly. Steaming plumps up the sam ples and shows customers why steam/hot water extraction is so important.
Do you lend samples and have trouble getting them returned? Try calling them display pieces rather than samples. The word “sample” often means free. If so, why would I return it? Ask for a credit card deposit on the samples and make an appointment to meet with the customer after they have seen the samples in their home. Like the
video stores, if the displays aren’t returned on time, there will be an extra charge.
Clean fingerprints from the glass doors and windows. Do you have old and outdated stickers on the doors? Remove them with a razor blade.
Do you have a kids play area? Let parents know you’re concerned about germs and wash and dis infect the toys every week.
Make sure that toys aren’t small enough to be swallowed, objects aren’t sharp or tom. Get rid of shabby or broken toys.
Buy used videos at the Dollar Store for your kids comer.
Don’t throw your lunch papers or leftover food in the showroom trash cans. Who wants to smell old pizza all day?
If you offer your customers coffee in china cups, make sure the cups are clean when you offer the coffee. Don’t offer the coffee and then wash out the cup.
Bathrooms are more than bathrooms. Bathrooms are an important room in the house. Keep them complete with a decor that your customer could purchase for their home. Have paper towels, toilet paper and perhaps a place to change the baby. Do you have baby powder, baby wipes, extra diapers and spray disinfectant available?
Check for price and financing tickets. Are tickets legible? Computer printed tickets are better than handwritten tickets. It looks more professional.
Check your outside signage, are bulbs or letters out? Do all bulbs have the same wattage and same color?
Chad Ogden is CEO/ President at QFloors, one of North America's leading providers of floor covering software. QFloors’ mission is to help flooring dealers achieve operational and financial success. As the product of three generations of flooring experience, Chad has worked in the industry for more than 30 years. Chad can be reached at
Ihave been active in sports my whole life. Football was my passion growing up. Then I switched to playing basketball 3 times a week, which I did pretty consistently for 25 yrs. Then, several years ago, I switched from basketball to biking, as getting older also increased the risk of injury. Gradually over the last 5 years, I have become more proficient in biking and recently completed an 80-mile race, which was a pretty big accomplishment for me. I didn't know I had that in me.
Since most people have had the experience of learning to ride a bike, I would like to use a biking analogy to help me explain a somewhat complicated concept within the flooring technology space.
As children, we typically learn how to ride a bike on pretty basic bikes. The bike is one gear purchased from the local Walmart (or equivalent) and can get us to and from our friend's house down the street. As years pass and we become more expe rienced, we may upgrade to a more sophisticated road bike or mountain bike with more gears, better brakes, shocks, etc.
A bike with only one gear limits you quite a bit. You can go only so fast and far, and getting anywhere entirely depends on your strength and stamina.
A bike with multiple gears helps us get to where we are going more easily, quicker, and with less effort. In addition, these bikes are of higher quality, more advanced, and are manufactured to help us to perform better.
By Chad Ogden (and why that matters during an economic downturn)
So using the right bike (or the right tool) can make all the difference as you become a more advanced rider.
Every flooring business has to have some tool to run its business operations. When we say “operations,” we are referring to things like: Tracking leads; creating customer proposals; invoicing; sales tax; customer payments; purchase orders; job costing; installer payments; sales commissions; inventory management; vendor/supplier payments; checkbook (checks/deposits/rec onciliation); accounting; profitability recording; and a lot of other reports. The software used to manage these things is called business man agement software, or an ERP software system. ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and is a common term used outside the floor ing industry.
Some flooring businesses use business software or ERP systems that only have “one gear. “These types of systems would include
Some flooring businesses use business software or ERP systems that only have “one gear .”...These “one gear” systems will only allow you to go so fast or far, and the business owner will eventually wear out trying to keep up as their business grows and becomes more complex.
A bike with only one gear limits you quite a bit. You can go only so fast and far, and getting anywhere entirely depends on your strength and stamina.
Flooringspecific ERP systems can provide efficiencies allowing the dealer to do more business with less cost, providing a more profitable business. And the automation saves time and effort, allowing you to go home at night.
...”one gear” systems will only allow you to go so fast or far, and the business owner will eventually wear out trying to keep up as their business grows and becomes more complex.
things like pen & paper, excel spreadsheets, or generic business software (like Quickbooks). These “one gear” systems will only allow you to go so fast or far, and the business owner will eventually wear out trying to keep up as their busi ness grows and becomes more complex.
Other business management and ERP tools in our industry have “more gears,” which can help the dealer run their businesses more efficiently. These tools are often referred to as Flooring Specific ERP systems. You can get a pretty compre hensive list of these tools by doing a google search on “Flooring ERP Software.”
Flooring-specific ERP systems can provide efficiencies allowing the dealer to do more business with less cost, providing a more profitable business. And the auto mation saves time and effort, allowing you to go home at night.
One caveat is that when using a multi-geared tool, you must ensure you can use the extra gears you are being given. What I mean by this is that in some cases, even though you are getting more gears, if you can’t figure out how to use the tool, you always stay in the same gear. So the software tool needs to have the sophistication of offering multiple gears and simplicity so that riding the bike is fairly intuitive.
With the uncertainty of the future, it's more important than ever to ensure you are running your business at peak efficiency. The right multi-geared tool can help you get where you want to go and save you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in the process. ■ tool needs to have the sophistication of offering multiple gears and simplicity so that riding the bike is fairly intuitive.
Healthier Choice has been creating premi um-quality flooring products for residen tial and commercial applications that are safe for humans and the environment for over 25 years. Our line of waterproof luxury flooring, ChoiceVinyl, is GREENGUARD Certified, made with the most durable cores: rigid core, Wood-Plastic Composite (WPC) and Stone-Polymer Composite (SPC), at an affordable price, with remarkable styles.
Easy Maintenance
Scratch Resistant
& Easy Installation
Resistant Core
Grade Wear Layer
Micro-Beveled Edge
Premium Attached Underlayment
Country Road is a waterproof, rigid core flooring featuring ultra-wide 9-inch planks with painted bevels for an authentic wood floor appearance. These beautiful hardwood visuals fill the room with rustic charm. The Coun try Road Collection is manufactured to the highest standards and features a UniClic™ locking system and a com mercial-grade wear-layer for lasting durability and scratch resistance. Per fect for the busy family with children and pets.
Jones Street Dalton, GA 30720-8464
Healthier Choice has been creating premium-quality flooring products for residential and commercial applications that are safe for humans and the environment for over 25 years.
Santa Monica is a collection of coastal wood visuals available in eight beautiful styles. It is 100% water proof, and made with an SPC core for added dura bility. It features a 12 mil wear layer and a UNICLIC Locking System for ease-of-installation. It has an IXPE attached underlayment for added acoustical benefits. Designed with 7-inch plank widths, a matte finish, and a painted bevel to complement current design trends.
Vineyard is a waterproof, rigid core flooring featur ing 7-inch planks with painted bevels for an authen tic wood floor appearance. The beautiful hardwood visuals fill the room with warmth and character. The Vineyard Collection is manufactured to the highest standards and features a UniClic™ locking system and a commercial-grade wear-layer for lasting durability and scratch resistance. Perfect for the busy family with children and pets.
Stone Reflections is a waterproof, rigid core flooring in a 12-inch by 24-inch tile format with painted bevels for an authentic natural stone appearance. These beauti ful stone visuals fill the room with elegance. The Stone Reflections Collection is manufactured to the highest standards and features a UniClic™ locking system and a commercial-grade wear-layer for lasting durability and scratch resistance. Perfect for the busy family with children and pets. Saves time and money compared to traditional grouted tile installations. ■
September 24 & 25 Malibu Hills, California
September 24 & 25 Mailbu Hills, California
After 18 months of construction, it was finally time to step inside the one-of-a-kind SURFACES Calibu Vineyard Celebrity Showhome and experience incredible architecture, products, and design first-hand. This 7,300 square foot Malibu Hills Estate, developed by celebrity designer and TV host Jennifer Farrell fed the appetites for contemporary interiors and offered an up-close and personal look into design at its finest.
The custom oak stairs ascend to a catwalk bridge clad in TecWood Coastal Couture hardwood floors by Mohawk.
The two-story Foyer makes a grand statement at the entry of Calibu. Most notable is the ephemeral mural by artist Charlotte Terrell, that dramatically adorns the entire stairwell wall. The mural is printed on art-quality wallpaper with a magnetic backing from Creative Magnetic Flooring, making for ease in installation. Surprising avant garde elements appear, like an oversized pendant provided by Lamps Plus that hangs like a giant tumbleweed floating through the sky. Faux wood tile from Emser laid in a herringbone pattern runs throughout, giving a touch of Montauk-inspired traditionalism to the contemporary space. The custom oak stairs ascend to a catwalk bridge clad in TecWood Coastal Couture hardwood floors by Mohawk. The original wall beneath the stairs was removed and replaced with a glass wine cellar custom designed by Jennifer Farrell, which allows sparkling views through the wines all the way to the vineyard beyond.
Want to source and buy these products in the space? Plan to tour this home in-per son next summer or online in our virtual sourcing and shopping experience! Join the journey to get event and tour updates!
The Calibu Vineyard living room features the following brands:
Emser Tile Pocono Oak 6” x 24” Faux Wood Tile Herringbone Pattern
Lamps Plus Troy Lighting Sierra 50” Pendant
Charlotte Terrell Wall Mural Art Comissioned for Calibu Vineyard
Creative Magnetic Flooring Wall Mural Mag netic Wallpaper
Andressi Flooring Stairwell and Railings
Custom Designed Wine Cellar by Jennifer Farrell
Cowhides International Cowhide
Universal Iron Doors Black Entry Doors
The Primary Suite features a cozy Den/Study, offering a private, quiet spot to wind down the day. Coastal Couture White Cap Oak hardwood flooring from Mohawk sets the tone, accented by a luxurious Karastan rug. A Lamps Plus ceiling fan keeps the space cool, with a Monogram refrigerator at the coffee and wine bar to keep the Calibu rose chilled. The existing fireplace gets a facelift with Emser Tile textured porcelain slabs. The furniture is inspired by relaxed elegance, and knurled brass door handles from Baldwin Hardware add a bit of drama to the gunmetal gray doors. But the biggest drama comes from a custom magnetic wallpaper mural by Creative Magnetic Flooring, featuring an overscaled horse head portrait by photog rapher Tess Hunt. The Calibu Den/Study is adjacent to the already revealed primary bedroom suite, view now!
Want to source and buy these products in the space? Plan to tour this home in-per son later this year or online in our virtual sourcing and shopping experience! Join the journey to get event and tour updates! ■
Calibu Vineyard Den/Study features the following brands:
Tile Fireplace Surround, Large Format Porcelain, Expanse Network White
Plus Ceiling
“The evolution of flooring is constantly changing to fit new aesthetics, larger plank widths and easier installation. Here is a brand new product that fits this bill to a tee.” –Chip Wade, Instant Dream Home Producer
Now because there’s no glue, there’s also no VOC’s. You could pick this up later, re-use it or give it away if you’d like as well now because it’s magnetic.
Our Magnetique technology is a revolutionary building system that utilizes the MBS underlay system with our unique collection of ferrite backed LVP to create interchangeable magnetic flooring.
A team of rapid-fire renovators takes big risks and makes painstaking plans to transform families' homes from top to bottom in just 12 hours“The evolution of flooring is constantly changing to fit new aesthetics, larger plank widths and easier installation. Here is a brand new product that fits this bill to a tee.”-Chip Wade, Instant Dream Home Producer
Instant Dream Home ©2022 is a property of Netflix® and all images and videos are used with permission of the Instant Dream Home productions. Magnetique™ and all other assets are property of Creative Magnetic Flooring, LLC.
Led by: Scott Humphrey CEO, WFCA
Led by: Stacy Eickhoff, Senior V.P., Risk Strategies
Led by: Steve Abernathy CFO, WFCA
Led by: Cheryl Acierno, Acierno & Company, LLC.
Code and
Led by: Typhannie Watson Owner, Carpeting by Mike
Led by: Jeff King General Counsel, WFCA
out a profile:
As a flooring business owner, you are faced with unique challenges and decisions every day. The best advice for tackling your most challenging problems often comes from peers. G.R.O.W. groups allow our members from non-competing markets to connect monthly with like-minded professionals who share their values, understand their challenges, hold them accountable, and encourage them to reach their goals.
Companies of all sizes have a responsibility to do the right thing--according to their customers, at least.
When it comes to ethical concerns — namely, human rights — consumers hold large corporations and small businesses to virtually equal standards, according to a new report by Harvard Business Review. This finding comes from a survey of 2,420 Americans, who were asked to react to a series of hypothetical situations involving fake businesses. Their answers revealed how likely U.S. consumers are to negatively perceive businesses based on their alleged ethical violations.
Given the survey's findings, it may be in the best interest of all companies, small and large, to do their due diligence, especially when it comes to potential human rights violations.
Given the survey's findings, it may be in the best interest of all companies, small and large, to do their due diligence, especially when it comes to potential human rights violations. Transparency in this regard can help companies in the court of public opinion. The survey found that customers were more willing to favorably view companies that undertook measures like impact assessments to minimize or address negative consequences, regardless of whether or not those companies actually suc ceeded in mitigating potential human rights abuses.
Early responses to the war in Ukraine are a recent example of how public opin ion regarding human rights violations can impact companies: An April 2022 survey
Business Evaluation Services was founded by the current President, Charles Stiles. Charles comes from a background in retail; owning several retail gour met food and gift stores in national malls for over 8 years. Quickly realizing the only way to differentiate his stores and stand out from the competition was to develop a consistent service culture and create a process for measuring the success of the training that was implemented. Through this process in 1996, Business Evaluation Services was founded. Today, BES is an International Mys tery Shopper Company with over two decades of experience, serving a variety of industries.
A new report from 'Harvard Business Review' shows how a company's perceived ethical violations can impact public opinion.
found that customers believed brands shared a responsibility to combat misinfor mation about the war and to “bring people together.” Public opinion may have also been a contributing factor to many companies, even small businesses, pulling Rus sian-made products earlier this year.
But consumers don't view all potential ethical violations equally, the HBR survey also found. U.S. consumers overwhelmingly viewed companies associated with child labor as committing human rights violations, but they were less likely to feel as neg atively towards businesses associated with partners who failed to pay a living wage, contaminated a community's environment, or engaged in discrimination.
Customers may not be monolithic, and some may feel more strongly towards some perceived ethical violations than others. HBR's survey found that customers' perceptions are more driven by their individual moral reasoning than existing legal structures, like the United Nations Human Rights Council. There may not always be a clear right way to act to satisfy all customers, but due diligence and transparency can go a long way for businesses, big and small.
Here's a thought: Understanding your customers is as easy as asking their opin ion. Using our survey tools can get you the insight you need to keep your business customer focused. Need help in creating a stronger service culture? Give us a call. ■
The survey found that customers were more willing to favorably view companies that undertook measures like impact assessments to minimize or address negative consequences, regardless of whether or not those companies actually succeeded in mitigating potential human rights abuses.
One of the contributing factors leading to the enormous lack of quali fied flooring installers is the absence of any structured training program within the technical and community college systems. Other trades, with which we compete for talent, have long been present in these vital community-based education centers. The Floor Covering Education Foundation (FCEF) is work ing to change that.
One of the contributing factors leading to the enormous lack of qualified flooring installers is the absence of any structured training program...
“We need every retailer in the industry to step up and donate monthly like DeGraaf Interiors. That support allows the FCEF to build local trade school programs AND raise awareness about the flooring craftsman career. I’m stepping up...are you?”
STEP UP today by signing up to donate monthly online at
In partnership with the Technical College System of Georgia, FCEF launched a pilot program at Geor gia Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) in Janu ary 2022 as a 10-week non-accredited course. That program has now been accredited making it easier to replicate throughout Georgia and the entire coun
try. The program was developed in collaboration with the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF), Certified Flooring Installers (CFI), and the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) ensuring that this training program meets the high standards of these organizations.
Job Fairs and High School Career Days are a great opportunity to share the flooring craftsman career. We have the entire kit ready for
to raise
FCEF has already made connections with technical colleges in seventeen states. To learn more about this initiative and see where FCEF is currently working, please visit impact.
With a program developed and students already benefitting from a solid start to their flooring careers, the next step is to replicate this program across the nation.
FCEF has already made connections with technical colleges in seventeen states. To learn more about this initiative and see where FCEF is currently working, please visit You can help by connecting FCEF with your local technical colleges and by supporting FCEF financially.
FCEF is making progress and finding solutions to one of our industry’s biggest problems. Will you STEP UP to help? ■
Recruits can’t choose flooring installation as a career if they don’t first consider it. They can’t consider it if they aren’t aware of it. And our industry has an enormous awareness issue.
Local Job Fairs and High School Career Days are a great opportunity to share the flooring craftsman career and they happen in every retailer’s local market. Want to make a difference? To be a part of the solution? Then be our ambassador in your community. We have the entire kit ready for you to raise awareness with potential recruits all for a donation that’s less than it would cost you to purchase on your own.
Pop Up Display $300.00 Included in Donation Tablecloth $50.00 Included in Donation Video Loop $1,000.00 Included in Donation Counter Card + Certificate $200.00 Included in Donation Handout and Digital Download $250.00 Included in Donation Digital Assets $500.00 Included in Donation Landing Page $100.00 Included in Donation Best Practices Guide $100.00 Included in Donation
TOTAL COST $2,500.00 $500
Retailers either do well with area rugs or they don’t. I think the mistake with area rugs is to see them as a separate category...To sell them, you have to think like a customer.
Retailers either do well with area rugs or they don’t. I think the mistake with area rugs is to see them as a separate category.
Yes, consumers come in looking for area rugs but the area rug has a purpose. A salesperson, who understands how area rugs are used, has a much better chance of selling them. To sell them, you have to think like a customer. What is the customer trying to achieve? How it will be used?
1. Will it be the focal point of the room? Like a magnificent vase or picture, an area rug can stand on its own. You will need to know more about the room to determine the purpose of the room.
2. An area rug can create pockets of intimacy in a room. It can pull a sofa and chair together and build a cozy space in the room.
3. It can link rooms as well as colors and patterns. An area rug containing colors of two rooms will make the rooms feel friendlier.
4. Used with a hard surface floor, an area rug can be ground cover for a floor. Hard wood floors can be made more striking by adding area rugs. The eye will enjoy moving from the wood to the area rug making both more interesting.
5. Area rugs define an area, making it seem more formal or informal.
6. You might want to purchase scale furniture cutouts to help visualize what is presently in the room. Include watches of wall paper, paint and drapery sam ples as well as floor samples. Determine the walk around and moving space where the rugs will go. What is necessary to accommodate sitting, standing and working? You may not want them in heavy traffic lanes. Although they certainly can be walked on, you don’t want them to become a place to wipe your feet on as you come in from the outside.
7. If the customer is buying hard surface, suggest the possibility of adding an area rug at the same time. As elegant as wood floors are, they can be very dull; an area rug can make them pop. ■
Though arguably the oldest floor covering, area rugs are always fresh and new. These days they’re as much about style, art and fashion as they are about protecting our floors.
Rugs provide what’s called eye relief, offering interesting colors and textures, creating special-use spaces like conversation areas, and breaking up large expanses.
The colorful nature of area rugs means you can quickly change the feel of a room by changing accessories to pick up different colors, shades and tones and especially effective technique for redec orating homes seasonally.
Rugs are extremely versatile. They’re at the top of the list for making instant do-it-yourself luxuri ous makeovers. Because they are portable they can begin in one room and move to another as your tastes evolve, you can take them with you.
But the true function of the area rug is fashion. They’re colorful and patterned to be intriguing. They break up an expanse of flooring like wood, ceramic, laminate and resilient, and the trend among designers these days is to use them in a lay ered fashion—often with pillows or tapestries, even over wall-to-wall carpet to create a focal point or make a personal fashion statement.
Area rugs define an area, making it seem more formal or informal... As elegant as wood floors are, they can be very dull; an area rug can make them pop.
Customer expectations are defined by how your customers believe each interaction with your company should go. This holds true for any part of the customer journey, from how long they wait to what channels they can use to communicate. Customers want (and expect!) the absolute best, and if you do not give it to them, they are happy to look elsewhere.
What customers want and what they get do not always align, but the stakes are getting higher for any business that falls short of meeting customer expectations. According to the 2022 Customer Experience Trends Report, 61 percent of consum ers will switch to a company’s competitor after just one negative experience — a 22 percent increase from the previous year. On the other side, 91 percent of buyers are willing to spend more with companies that provide good experiences. Those are numbers that should have most companies paying attention. Why? Because those numbers highlight a significant shift in customer demand.
Freida Staten V.P. of Marketing, Communications & MembershipThis is a continuation of a trend, an extension of a market reality accelerated by technology. It started with Amazon when they transformed retail through their e-commerce platform and set the bar for delivering convenience, speed, and selec tion. Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix are other notable examples of companies that created on-demand businesses based on what consumers wanted. In response to a global pandemic, customers have grown accustomed to on-demand customer service. Like it or not, the customer will judge your business by the service they received elsewhere. When businesses take innovative leaps forward, they drive new (higher) expectations among customers.
What caused the shift in customer expectations this last year? The global pan demic accelerated technology and highlighted values consumers already had — convenience, ease, and personalization. As a result, customers had to adjust their buying habits, and businesses had to adapt and evolve, reexamining the systems and strategies that have shaped the industry for years — overnight. In many ways, these challenges have opened the door for a long-overdue great retail reset which can help move retailers into more stable — and potentially more profitable — posi tions than ever.
Like it or not, the customer will judge your business by the service they received elsewhere. When businesses take innovative leaps forward, they drive new (higher) expectations among customers.
Communication. The importance of communication to a great customer experience is rooted in technological advances. Investing in technology and digital platforms will be critical to addressing consumer demands for flexibility, timeliness, and convenience. That means “always being open” and communicating with customers how they want to be talked to, whether via email, text, chat, phone call, or even through social media channels.
Personalization. Look to personalize the experience throughout the customer journey, whether pre, during, or post-purchase. Focus the service experience on the customer's unique needs. Ask the customer their preference on communication. Be clear about the ways they can reach you. Meet your promises of availability. This could be as simple as using the customer's name in conversation or targeted discounts tailored to their buying preferences.
Shared Values. Customers want to buy from companies that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in their communities and workplaces. They also want to buy from companies that are socially responsible.
The customer experience has always set the independent retailer apart from its competi tors, but it is a new world with new expectations. So, take notice and take action to stay ahead of the market and always have a happy customer. ■
How do you adapt your customer experience to these evolving expectations? Look to personalize the expe rience through out the customer journey, whether pre, during, or post-pur chase.
Republic Floor specializes in what they call “PURE SPC flooring.”
This is an advanced form of flooring that has a luxurious look with the warmth of vinyl, and the strength of solid stone.
flooring was once the standard for a high-quality home design, but the material is prone to difficulties and is expensive to replace. Com mon accidents, or even the slightest inconsistencies in your wood floor, could mean replacing the entire thing. Flooring companies such as Republic Floor are now working to create engineered alternatives that offer the upscale vibe of wood flooring without its shortcomings.
Republic Floor specializes in what they call “PURE SPC flooring.” This is an advanced form of flooring that has a luxurious look with the warmth of vinyl, and the strength of solid stone.
“Our PURE SPC flooring is the most elegant engineered floor design on the market,” explains Rotem Eylor, Founder of Republic Floor. “Combining the best qualities of several different flooring types, our floors are the modern, durable, and sustainable option homeowners are looking for when designing or remodeling their homes.”
Many consumers tend to worry about engineered flooring products' environ mental impact, but Republic Floor meets or exceeds any applicable environmental standards or regulations.
The team at Republic Floor holds themselves to a consistently high level of envi ronmental accountability.
Republic Floor's PURE SPC flooring is designed to emulate the look of wood flooring without any of its drawbacks.
Republic Floor's PURE SPC flooring is designed to emulate the look of wood flooring without any of its drawbacks. Offering a variety of designs ranging from Great California Oak to Western North Woods, Republic's PURE SPC line comes in many colors and patterns, offering precisely what you will need to match the rest of your home's interior design.
While the PURE SPC line is its signature product, Republic Floor also offers plenty of other flooring solutions, giving homeowners several options to find the best solution for their home. “The interior design of your home represents your identity,” says Eylor. “Of course, you want your floors to be in line with that identity you created for yourself, but you also need them to last. That is the importance of a durable flooring solution such as those offered by Republic Floor.”
For Republic Floor, the most important factor regarding its products is their qual ity. They want to provide something that looks beautiful and is virtually identical to natural wood flooring, but without sacrificing the durability of vinyl. Republic Floor is so confident in the quality they provide that the company offers a limited 25-year res idential warranty and a limited 10-year commercial warranty on all of its products. ■
“The interior design of your home represents your identity,” says Eylor. “Of course, you want your floors to be in line with that identity you created for yourself, but you also need them to last. That is the importance of a durable flooring solution such as those offered by Republic Floor.”
Stacy Eickhoff, Sr. Vice President, has specialized in providing insurance programs for the Floor Covering Industry for over 25 years. Risk Strategies is a top national broker providing comprehensive risk management advisory services.
We can probably all agree that Workers’ Compensation is not any business own er's favorite topic. There always seem to be more questions than answers, including whether I need it, who it covers, and why is it so expensive?
In fact, no form of insurance causes so much misunderstanding and confusion as this important piece of coverage that affects such a large slice of your revenues. Whether you already pay large premiums or are just waiting for the premium ham mer to fall, most floor covering dealers and contractors know that the stakes are high.
Workers' Compensation (WC) was designed over seventy years ago to ensure that workers injured on the job receive reimbursement for medical expenses and lost income. In return, businesses are shielded from what otherwise would be unlimited liability for this, plus pain, suffering, and punitive damages. Therefore, workers Com pensation is considered a sole remedy.
While we strive to limit the cost of WC, we should not forget the substantial benefits we receive as business owners.
A few words of caution are in order, though. First, Workers' Compensation is a state-by-state affair. General principles may apply to the majority of jurisdictions, but each state's particular statutes and regulations ultimately govern. Indeed, your WC insurance policy says little other than to promise that your carrier will follow the terms of your state's statutes.
Second, laws and regula tions never predict every situ ation. When disputes or ambi guities arise, administrative
hearings must resolve the dif fering interpretations. Results are inherently unpredictable and not always consistent. By staying well within the bounds of established practice, you can minimize — though never elim inate — the chance of finding yourself at the mercy of the qua si-judicial system.
States require almost all businesses to procure a Workers' Compensation policy. In many cases, having even one employee is enough to trigger the statutes. Generally, the fact that your installers may be independent contractors does not excuse you. If your business does not comply, you face not only fines but you lose the protections that workers compensation as a sole remedy affords. In short, if you are caught without WC, the system will do its best to make your business life miserable — even if you shut your doors and try to start fresh.
Correct classification of employees is critical, and misclassifying employees as independent contractors can create surprises at audit, generating large premiums that you may be unable to pay. Therefore, it is imperative that you know your local rules and work with a broker that specializes in your industry.
Risk Strategies and Stacy Eickhoff have worked with the floor covering industry for over 25 years. We work with industry professionals of all shapes and sizes nation wide, specializing in the full range of insurance and risk management solutions for this industry: property & casualty, alternative risk solutions, employee benefits, IC risk programs, key person risk management, safety and accident prevention, execu tive and family risk, and financial services.
The contents of this article are for general informational purposes only, and Risk Strat egies Company makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein. Any rec ommendations contained herein are intended to provide insight based on currently available information for consideration and should be vetted against applicable legal and business needs before application to a specific client. ■
States require almost all businesses to procure a Workers' Compensation policy. In many cases, having even one employee is enough to trigger the statutes.
Correct classification of employees is critical, and misclassifying employees as independent contractors can create surprises at audit, generating large premiums that you may be unable to pay.
Q: How long will FCIF help my family?
A: Grants can be up to six months,dependent on your need. You may reapply every six months if you still meet qualifications.
Q: Is there an income limit?
A: No, there is not an income limit,but you must be in financial need.
Q: Does the applicant have to work in the flooring industry?
A: No, but a household family member must have worked 5+ years in the flooring industry.
The Floor Covering Industry Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit that provides financial assistance grants to industry workers who are battling life-altering illness, catastrophic injuries, and severe disabilities.
rent/mortgage, transportation, utilities, doctor visits, medical care, house modifications, medical supplies, prescriptions, etc.
Applications and Inquiry forms can be found at Have questions? Contact us at 855.330.1183 or
“Without FCIF, I would not have been able to make it. The grant helped my family with household bills, plus gas to and from my doctor appointments.”
“This grant saved my home, lowered my stress level, and gave me peace of mind. If it were not for the grant, I might have been homeless.”
“There are very few industries that have a non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to workers who have been critically injured on the job or have suffered some other hardship.”
● Send the customer a birthday card because you know it’s their birthday. It’s not your job, but it says we like you.
● Give the installer a little gift to leave with the cus tomer after the installation. Perhaps it’s a scented candle, or even a lottery ticket with a note that says, “Thanks a Million for being our customer!”
● Giving the customer a special gift because the floor ing was for a special occasion-housewarming
● Calling the customer and suggesting that they mea sure the rest of the house. This will save time if and when they need more flooring.
● Have the installer do a walk through after the instal lation with the customer. It says we want it right before we leave.
● Call the customer and remind them that it is time to have the carpet cleaned. If you’re in the carpet clean ing business, give them a discount or send the clean ing solutions with additional spot cleaner.
● Explain to the customer that their floorcovering is an investment for their home and possibly for the resale of their house. This gets them to rethink or concen trate on their purchase. ■
● Find a quiet place to talk with the customer. Customers do NOT need an audience.
● Explain that you understand how the customer feels about what happened. If it happened to you, wouldn’t you understand? Put yourself in the customer’s shoes.
● Don’t make excuses or offer explanations. The most important thing is to let the customer vent. Acknowledge that you are hearing the customer.
● Be sure to give nonverbal signals that you are listening. Arms relaxed, open stance, arms uncrossed. When offering a solution, extend arms with hands out, palms up.
● Never laugh at the customers dilemma. It may sound funny to you but it’s never funny to the cus tomer.
● Maintain eye contact. Do not answer the phone or talk with anyone else.
● Offer to provide some solutions. If you don’t know what the solutions might be, tell the customer that you will get back to them. Provide a time limit. Be responsible and follow your words with actions.
The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a program created in response to the COVID19 pandemic and economic shutdown, which incentivizes businesses with a refundable tax credit for maintaining their payroll during 2020 and 2021. Qualifying employers can claim up to $26,000 per employee. Employers who took PPP loans may be eligible.
The maximum claim per employee is $5k. This credit can be claimed retroactively.
You can claim $7k per employee per quarter for the first three eligible quarters of 2021.
Eligibility depends upon the size of the employer. You cannot double dip by taking into account wages paid with PPP funds, WOTC, employer sick and leave credits, research tax credit wages (for 2021). Qualified wages include wages paid from 3/13/20 through 12/31/20 for the 2020 credit and 1/1/21 and 9/30/21 for the 2021 credit.
• You experienced a significant decline in gross receipts
• Your business had to close (partially or fully) due to COVID-19
• You may be now even if you were not in 2020
• This credit can be claimed retroactively
• Leyton has been named an exclusive partner to the WFCA for the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Program
• Keep your business compliant with program rules and regulations
• Reconcile attribution between the PPP and ERC payroll wages
• Provide you all of the necessary paperwork to file with the IRS
• Provide audit-ready documentation
• The legislation surrounding ERC changes frequently and Leyton’s team of tax attorneys will support your claim and ensure you will be filing correctly
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Thanks to all our members, sponsors, and attendees who joined us in Orlando this year to help us make our Convention & Expo such an amazing success. We look forward to seeing you next year!
We have ongoing professional training and certification for flooring installers. Click here for a complete schedule of training and certifications.