Architecture Portfolio 2020 - Mariana Morales

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M M MARIANA MORALES Architecture Portfolio 2020

July 27, 2019 Re: Letter of Reference for Mariana Morales July 27, 2019 To Whom it May Concern, Re: Letter of Reference for Mariana Morales It is with pleasure and great enthusiasm that I am writing this letter of reference for Mariana. I have had the To Whom it May Concern, opportunity to work with Mariana over the past year on a series of diverse projects at the Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Mariana provided a diverse range of skills and team collaboration efforts on It is with pleasure and great enthusiasm that I am writing this letter of reference for Mariana. I have had the these projects. Her energy and work ethic was a model for the team. opportunity to work with Mariana over the past year on a series of diverse projects at the Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Mariana provided a diverse range of skills and team collaboration efforts on Sasaki provides support and a major commitment to the development of its internship program. these projects. Her energy and work ethic was a model for the team. Consequently, we are exposed to between 15 and 20 intern employees each year. I would start this commentary with the honest evaluation that Mariana has positioned herself at the top of our intern alumni Sasaki provides support and a major commitment to the development of its internship program. group. Her performance was as strong as I have seen in my 14 years with the firm. Consequently, we are exposed to between 15 and 20 intern employees each year. I would start this commentary with the honest evaluation that Mariana has positioned herself at the top of our intern alumni With respect to the work that we were involved with at Washington and Lee, the firm was contracted to group. Her performance was as strong as I have seen in my 14 years with the firm. provide a series of planning and design studies on 9 potential building projects as part of a strategic initiative by the university over the next 10 years, including projects for a Student Center, a Library, a Science Center With respect to the work that we were involved with at Washington and Lee, the firm was contracted to expansion, Housing projects and several significant landscape projects. This work was both at a campus provide a series of planning and design studies on 9 potential building projects as part of a strategic initiative master planning level, but also at a conceptual design level for the individual projects. by the university over the next 10 years, including projects for a Student Center, a Library, a Science Center expansion, Housing projects and several significant landscape projects. This work was both at a campus Her work constantly ‘bridged’ the gap between campus planning strategies and building design concepts. master planning level, but also at a conceptual design level for the individual projects. Mariana was completely comfortable in supporting this range of tasks. Her skills became quickly evident to the team in multiple computer software platforms (sketch up, CADD, illustrator and more). She quickly Her work constantly ‘bridged’ the gap between campus planning strategies and building design concepts. became the ‘go to’ team member in support of our team’s digital graphics and illustration. What impressed Mariana was completely comfortable in supporting this range of tasks. Her skills became quickly evident to me most was her speed and efficient approach to the work. It was a unique balance that provided a strong the team in multiple computer software platforms (sketch up, CADD, illustrator and more). She quickly skill set with a focused work ethic. At the same time, her perspective as a designer was always present. became the ‘go to’ team member in support of our team’s digital graphics and illustration. What impressed me most was her speed and efficient approach to the work. It was a unique balance that provided a strong Mariana appeared to be very comfortable with this role and level of responsibility. I was continually skill set with a focused work ethic. At the same time, her perspective as a designer was always present. impressed by her willingness to take on tasks. If she was not sure of an approach, she reached out to other team members for advice. She had an opportunity to participate in video conferences with the client and Mariana appeared to be very comfortable with this role and level of responsibility. I was continually became a recognized team member. She was socially sophisticated in her willingness to engage. At the same impressed by her willingness to take on tasks. If she was not sure of an approach, she reached out to other time, she was always circumspect and a great listener. team members for advice. She had an opportunity to participate in video conferences with the client and became a recognized team member. She was socially sophisticated in her willingness to engage. At the same In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed having Mariana on my team. The best commendation I can offer is that time, she was always circumspect and a great listener. she will be missed very much…….in fact, very difficult to replace. This is an unusual attribute for a young professional and suggests enormous potential for her future growth. In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed having Mariana on my team. The best commendation I can offer is that she will be missed very much…….in fact, very difficult to replace. This is an unusual attribute for a young I would be happy to discuss any questions you might have. professional and suggests enormous potential for her future growth. Sincerely, I would be happy to discuss any questions you might have. Sincerely,

S. Fiske Crowell, Jr., FAIA Principal S. Fiske Crowell, Jr., FAIA Principal 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472


p 617 926 3300

f 617 924 2748

64 Pleasant Street


p 617 926 3300

f 617 924 2748

Watertown, MA 02472


JulyAugust 27, 2019 15, 2019 It May Concern, for Mariana Morales Re: To Whom Letter of Reference July 27, 2019 Curious. Team Player. Friendly. Gracious. Thorough. Confident. Articulate. To Whom it Poised. May Concern, Re: All areLetter of Reference for Mariana Morales qualities which immediately come to mind when describing Mariana Morales.


It is with pleasure and great enthusiasm that I am writing this letter of reference for Mariana. I have had the Marianait arrived at Sasaki, a firm which receives resumes and applications from the To Whom May Concern, opportunity to work with Mariana over the past year on a series of diverse projects at the Washington and Lee brightest of students from the strongest schools and firms across the country, with talent, University inattitude Lexington, Mariana provided a diverse range of skills and team collaboration efforts on open andgreat aVirginia. willingness to take the profession call architecture. It is an with pleasure and enthusiasm thatonI am writing thisweletter of reference for Mariana. I have had the these projects. Her energy and work ethic was a model for the team. opportunity to work with Mariana over the past year on a series of diverse projects at the Washington and Lee She delivered. University in Lexington, Virginia. Mariana provided a diverse range of skills and team collaboration efforts on Sasaki provides support and a major commitment to the development of its internship program. these projects. Her energy and work ethic was a model for the team. The first thing you to about Mariana her20 humanity. Mariana is one the most Consequently, wethat arestrikes exposed between 15 isand intern employees eachofyear. I would start this thoughtful, generous and decent human beings one is likely to encounter. The second is of our intern alumni commentary with the honest evaluation that Mariana has positioned herself at the top Sasaki provides support and aand major commitment toShe theisdevelopment ofincapable its internship program. her competence, diligence, overall work ethic. fundamentally of group. Her performance was as strong as I have seen in my 14 years with the firm. Consequently, we are exposed to between 15 and 20 intern employees each year. I would start this giving less than her all. commentary with the honest evaluation that Mariana has positioned herself at the top of our intern alumni With respect to the work that we were involved with at Washington and Lee, the firm was contracted to group. Her performance was as strong have seenon in amy 14 years with the firm. As Mariana and I worked together during as herI internship variety of projects at Sasaki. provide a series of planning and design studies on 9 potential building projects as part of a strategic initiative we grew to know each other, I quickly could see how, even as a young designer, her by the university over the next 10 permeated years, including projects forthe a Student Center, a Library, a Science Center and to herthe sparks wisdom andwith subtly design. to was contracted Withideas respect workofthat we were involved atcrafted Washington and Not Lee,afraid the firm to expansion, Housing projects and several significant landscape projects. This work was both at a campus speaka up, sheof offered insights her team with aon respect and responsibility beyondasher provide series planning andtodesign studies 9 potential building projects part of a strategic initiative master planning level, but also at a conceptual design leveland for the individual projects. years. Soon, I was her more and more responsibility and staffing on by the university overgiving the next 10 years, including projects for atrust, Student Center,her a Library, a Science Center all of my projects. expansion, Housing projects and several significant landscape projects. This work was both at a campus Her work constantly ‘bridged’ the gap between campus planning strategies and building design concepts. master planning level, but also at a conceptual design level for the individual projects. She was and curious and thorough. She was incredibly the Mariana waseager completely comfortable in supporting this rangeorganized of tasks. yet Herstretched skills became quickly evident to boundaries of creativity. She developed ways of speeding development of design the team in multiple computer software platforms (sketchup up,the CADD, illustrator and more). She quickly Her options. work constantly ‘bridged’ the gapand between campus planning strategies renderings and building design concepts. programs suggested of enhancing became theShe ‘go learned to’ teamnew member in support of our clever team’sways digital graphics and illustration. What impressed Mariana was completely comfortable in supporting this range of tasks. Her skills became quickly evident to and visualizations she was developing. She dug in and leaned in, and made things me most was her speed and efficient approach to the work. It was a unique balance that provided a strong the team in multiple computer software platforms (sketch up, CADD, illustrator and more). She quickly happen. skill set with a focused work ethic. At the same time, her perspective as a designer was always present. became the ‘go to’ team member in support of our team’s digital graphics and illustration. What impressed Whenwas project wanted to see approach three options, shework. gave them five, but that’s not the that provided a strong me most herleaders speed and efficient to the It was a unique balance Mariana time appeared Mariana to be very comfortable with thisShe roledid and level day of responsibility. I was continually went above andsame beyond. it every in more subtle was skillonly set with awhen focused work ethic. At the time, her perspective as a designer always present. impressed by her to take on tasks.theIfmateriality she was not an approach, ways, when shewillingness was interested in exploring of asure newofbuilding or whenshe shereached out to other teamdecided members for advice. She had an opportunity to participate in video conferences with the client and to look at shadow of massing Mariana appeared to be very studies comfortable withschemes. this role and level of responsibility. I was continually became a recognized team member. She was socially sophisticated in her willingness to engage. At the same impressed by herthings willingness to take on tasks. If will, she and was her notown sureintellectual of an approach, she reached out to other She didwas these on her own accord, own curiosity time, she always circumspect and a her great listener. team members for advice. She had an opportunity to participate in video conferences with the client and about the built environment and its impact on the community became evident. became a recognized team member. She was socially sophisticated in her willingness to engage. At the same In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed having Mariana on my team. The best commendation I can offer is that time, shethe was circumspect andreturned a great listener. Over lastalways few weeks, after Mariana to school for her final semester, the gap she will be missed very much…….in fact, very difficult to replace. This is an unusual attribute for a young left on her teams has become evident. The ease in which Mariana new ideas and 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 USA p 617 926 3300 f 617 924 2748 grasps 1 of 2 professional and suggests enormous potential for her future growth. tackles new tasks is unparalleled, and filling the role she carved out on her teams has In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed having Mariana on my team. The best commendation I can offer is that she is largelyfact, missed. she proved will bechallenging, missed veryand much…….in very difficult to replace. This is an unusual attribute for a young I would be happy to discuss any questions you might have. professional and suggests enormous potential for her future growth. There is a professional and personal excellence about Mariana that one doesn’t see every

day. Even in the early stages of her career, it is visible and obvious to those around her – Sincerely, I would happyfor to greatness discuss any you she isbe destined andquestions has the drive to might make ithave. happen. It is with great pleasure and great confidence that I offer my recommendation for Mariana. Please feel free to

Sincerely, contact me if you have any questions, and I will be delighted to speak with you.

S. Fiske Crowell, Jr., FAIA Sincerely, Principal Stacey Chapman, S. Fiske Crowell, Jr., AIA, FAIALEED AP BD+C Senior Associate Principal 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 USA p 617 926 3300

f 617 924 2748

64 Pleasant Street

f 617 924 2748

Watertown, MA 02472


p 617 926 3300

16 April 2020 July 27, 2019 Re: Letter of Morales Reference for Mariana Morales Ref: Mariana July 27, 2019 Intern at Sasaki (summer 2018 to summer 2019) To Whom it May Concern, Re: Letter of Reference for Mariana Morales It is with pleasure and great enthusiasm that I am writing this letter of reference for Mariana. I have had the To To whom Whom itit may May concern, Concern, opportunity to work with Mariana over the past year on a series of diverse projects at the Washington and Lee University into Lexington, Virginia. Mariana provided a diverse range of skills andas team collaboration efforts on IIt am writing offer my strongest support Morales a former intern I I have had is with pleasure and great enthusiasm thatofI Mariana am writing this letter of reference for Sasaki. Mariana. the had pleasure of energy working with Mariana in several institutional Master Plan projects of thesethe projects. Her and work ethic was a model for the team. opportunity to work with Mariana over the past year on a series of diverse projects at the Washington and Lee mine including UC Berkeley, Washington and Lee University, and Wabash University, University in Lexington, Virginia. Mariana provided a diverse skills and team collaboration efforts on and I cannot emphasize enough how crucial her to role inrange all of of those Sasaki provides support and a major commitment thewas development of itsprojects. internship program. these projects. Her energy and work ethic was a model for the team. Consequently, we are exposed to between 15 and 20 intern employees each year. I would start this Mariana was part architecture internship program at Sasaki and therefore sheof our intern alumni commentary with of thethe honest evaluation that Mariana has positioned herself at the top Sasaki provides support and a major to the development internship program. initially joined the Master Plan teamscommitment to support building 3D models of foritsthe campuses group. Her performance was as strong as I have seen in my 14 years with the firm. Consequently, we Sketchup. are exposed to between and 20 intern employees each year. both in Revit and However, her15 attention to detail when executing herI would job as start this well as her ability to represent the models drawings that are easy to understand commentary with the honest evaluation thatinto Mariana has positioned herself at the top ofand our intern alumni With respect to the work that westarted were involved with at Washington andbecame Lee, thean firm was contracted to aesthetically compelling really to stand out. Mariana quickly group. Her performance was as strong as I have seen in my 14 years with the firm. intern provide a series planning there and design studies onneed 9 potential building projects as part of a strategic initiative that I could trustofwhenever were tasks and to be done. by the university over the next 10 years, including projects for a Student Center, a Library, a Science Center With respect to the work that we were involved with at Washington and Lee, the firm was contracted to expansion, Housing and several significant landscape projects. This work was both at a campus Mariana also showedprojects great talent and passion for areas beyond architecture – she was provide a series of planning and design studies on 9 potential building projects as part of a strategic initiative more willinglevel, to jump intoat and learn aboutdesign otherlevel aspects of the Master Plan projects masterthan planning but also a conceptual for the individual projects. by the university over the next 10 years, including projects for a Student Center, a Library, a Science Center such as landscape architecture and the realm of urban design. Mariana ended of expansion, Housing and entry-level several significant landscape This work was at a campus performing the rolesprojects of a typical urban designer orprojects. landscape at both Her work constantly ‘bridged’ the gap between campus planning strategies architect and building design concepts. master planning level, but also at a conceptual design level for the individual projects. Sasaki, many of the urban design framework illustrative plans, and quickly evident to Marianaleading was completely comfortable in supporting thisdiagrams, range of tasks. Her skills became closely working with me to propose a schematic landscape plan for one institution. the team in multiple computer software platforms (sketch up, CADD, illustrator and more). She quickly Her work constantly ‘bridged’ the gap between campus planning strategies and building design concepts. became the ‘go to’ team member in support of our team’s digital graphics and illustration. What impressed Mariana was completely in supporting range ofattitude. tasks. Her skills became Above all, I would like tocomfortable praise and highly supportthis Mariana’s She listens veryquickly evident to me most was heralways speed come and efficient approach to the work. It was a unique balance that provided a strong well and would back with appropriate and up, thoroughly explored questions the team in multiple computer software platforms (sketch CADD, illustrator and more). She quickly skill was set with a focused worktoethic. At the same time,She herwas perspective as a designer was present. that always a pleasure discuss more about. always hard-working andalways became the ‘go to’ team member in support of our team’s digital graphics and illustration. What impressed approached and madetothe of the team assuredbalance that it could me most washer hertasks speedwith andpositivity efficient approach therest work. It was a unique that provided a strong Mariana appeared to bea very comfortable with and this role and level of responsibility. I was continually be done. Mariana was true joy to work with we here at Sasaki miss her a lot! skill set with a focused work ethic. At the same time, her perspective as a designer was always present. impressed by her willingness to take on tasks. If she was not sure of an approach, she reached out to other Please accept this with highest support oftoMariana andindo not conferences hesitate to with the client and team members for letter advice. Shemy had an opportunity participate video Mariana appeared to be very comfortable with this role and level of responsibility. I was continually contact if you haveteam anymember. questions.She was socially sophisticated in her willingness to engage. At the same becameme a recognized impressed by her willingness to take on tasks. If she was not sure of an approach, she reached out to other time, she was always circumspect and a great listener. team members for advice. She had an opportunity to participate in video conferences with the client and became a recognized team member. She was socially sophisticated in her willingness to engage. At the same In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed having Mariana on my team. The best commendation I can offer is that time, she was always circumspect and a great listener. Sincerely, she will be missed very much…….in fact, very difficult to replace. This is an unusual attribute for a young professional and suggests enormous potential for her future growth. In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed having Mariana on my team. The best commendation I can offer is that she will be missed very much…….in fact, very difficult to replace. This is an unusual attribute for a young I would be happy to discuss any questions you might have. professional and suggests enormous potential for her future growth. Chanwoo Kim, LEED AP ND Sincerely, I wouldAssociate be happy&toUrban discuss any questions Senior Designer, Sasakiyou might have. Sincerely,

S. Fiske Crowell, Jr., FAIA Principal 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 USA p 617 926 3300 f 617 924 2748 S. Fiske Crowell, Jr., FAIA Principal 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 USA p 617 926 3300 f 617 924 2748 64 Pleasant Street

Watertown, MA 02472


p 617 926 3300

f 617 924 2748

MARIANA MORALES 15/03/1996 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico +52 8115182623

EDUCAT I ON 2014 - 2019 2018 Summer 2011 - 2013

Tecnológico De Monterrey / Monterrey, Mexico Bachelor of Architecture Degree Steel & Construction Management / Valencia, Spain Tecnológico De Monterrey / Monterrey, Mexico Multicultural High School Diploma

PR O F ESS I O NAL EX PER I EN CE 2018 - 2019 Sep - Aug

Sasaki Associates / Boston, U.S.A One Year Design Intern • Developed project representation such as; diagrams, renders, plans and presentations for meetings with clients. • Participated in client meetings and architectural design proposals. • Managed graphic design of proposals and presentations. • Developed models and design proposals in architectural, urban and landscape projects.

2017 Oct - Dec

AM Arquitectura / Monterrey, Mexico Summer Design Intern • Managed graphic design of proposals, presentations and client correspondence. • Developed design proposals and design solutions. • Realized project representation such as; diagrams, renders, plans and presentations for meetings with clients.

2017 Summer

Distrito Tec / Monterrey, Mexico Summer Design Intern • Developement of conceptual and explanatory diagrams. • Case study data analysis. • Categorization of information for master plans. • Management and revision of master plan analysis documents.

2015 Summer

AM Arquitectura / Monterrey, Mexico Summer Design Intern • Developed architectural models and drawings for residential and commercial projects. • Participated in firm’s architectural design and plan drawings. • Managed presentations and client documents.

C O NT ES T S 2019

Orange Investments Annual Competition / Local


Barrio Colonia Obrera Conservation Plan / Regional


ENEA National Student Competition / National


Bienal N.L. School Of Architects / Regional


Pape Observatory Tower / International


Rome Contemporary Chapel / International


Citizen Park / Regional


Hyde Park Library / International


Highest GPA in Architecture School / Graduation Honorific Mention


National Finalist / ENEA National Student Competition


National First Place / ENEA National Student Competition


DUAL Master Plan 2016 - 2018 2017 2015 - 2017

Proyecta Exhibition / Tecnológico de Monterrey Regional Finalist / Citizen Park Competition Highest GPA in Architecture School / Panorama Tec Publication


Highest GPA Oxford School / Tecnológico de Monterrey Scholarship


Real State Workshop / Tecnológico de Monterrey


Photography Workshop / Tecnológico de Monterrey


Architectural Illumination Workshop / Tecnológico de Monterrey


Food Factory Design Workshop / Tecnológico de Monterrey


Digital Illustration Workshop / Cannaletto’s Firm


Adaptation Workshop / Analysis and Improvement of a Local School


Accessibility Workshop / Adaptation of Spaces for Disabled People


S K I LLS Language


Spanish / Native


Sketching / Painting

English / Fluent

Model Making / Laser Cutting

French / Basic


AutoCAD / Advanced

Graphic Design

Revit / Advanced Enscape / Advanced


Creative Problem Solving

Sketchup & Vray / Advanced

Time Management

Photoshop / Advanced

Team Work & Leadership

Illustrator / Advanced


Ms Office / Advanced Rhinoceros / Intermediate


Architectural Design

InDesign / Basic

Landscape & Urban Design

3D Max / Basic


CONTENT Architecture Portfolio 2020

The present compliation includes academic and competition projects developed from 2017 to 2020. Each project represents the creator´s personality, each of them has its own nature and purpose and presents the whole design process, starting from the concept design to the final floorplans, diagrams and renderings. Also, a professional work section is included which shows the most relevant projects made in a year-long internship program at Sasaki Associates in Boston, MA.









Mixed Use/ T heoric Design / Mty, Mexico p. 10-21

Spiritual / Architectural Competition / Rome, Italy p. 22-31

Academic / Architectural Design / Mty, Mexico p. 32-43

Professional Work / Boston, United States p. 44-73

FUG COMPLEX Mixed Use T heoric Design Typology: Mixed Use Location: Monterrey, México Size: 65,000 m2 Year: 2018 Project Type: Academic The project responds strongly to the surrounding context by incorporating two main site factors to its form definition. At first, the pedestrian and vehicle’s flows generate a dinamic context. Then, the project also responds by merging into the existent buildings and metro line by appling a transect, which generates a gradual growth of height. Both factors are then involved in an experimental design methodology, which consists in manipulating such factors and results in a curved surface. The F.U.G. Complex intends to generate a new kind of urbanism, a urbanism in which exterior and interior spaces are merged and complemented with one another. It’s program involves a mixed use program including housing, offices, commerce and a cultural center.










The project responds to the surrounding context by incorporating existing pedestrian flows, vehicle flows and context heights. The flows are considered to enter the site and bounce by reflecting in same angles.

A centroid is taken from every reflected line and then projected to the surfaces, generating different heights. Then, an average surface is created.



1 . P U B L I C S PA C E


The project provides public space to reactivate the surrounding community. Cultural and artistic activities are inserted into these spaces to generate a new interest point in the area.

In response to the floor plans, atria are generated by creating an offset to the exterior contour to let more light and ventilation enter the project.



The surface is transformed to create public space and entrances. Also, it´s streched up to add the height needed to meet the program needs.

Slabs are added to the resultant surface. The final form of the project meets context, programatic, social and ergonomic needs.



The main circulation cores are located in strategic points of the project to provide mobility and connect different levels on the most dense and interesting points.

The project contains a conventional structural system, which allows modulation.


INTEGRATION The site is located in the center of Monterrey, a highly occupied area within the city, but including mainly low height constructions. The project is inserted and integrated in the main connection node, in which four main streets, a school and the metro line converge.






Public space and access allows commerce and cultural activities to flourish. This is one of the most powerful program element to reactivate the community.

The cultural program includes expositions on the public space and a Cultural Center with a total of 5,000 m2. This program element intends to add interest to the area.


Commerce is located o with a total of 20,500 m2 reactivate the economic commerce in the area.

PUBLIC - PRIVATE The mixed use program responds to the required m2 and created a public to private transition within the ascending levels.


Offices Commerce




on the first two levels, 2. The project intends to c activities by providing



Offices are located on the third level (a semi-public area), with a total of 8,800 m2. This program element responds to the project location and high occupation.

Housing is located on level four to fourtheen with the most private spaces and best views to surrounding mountains.






Site Plan


Commerce Level

CULTURAL CENTER Multipurpose area for art expositions and recreational activities.

Offices Level

Housing Level

PUBLIC SPACE Shops, green areas and multipurpose platform.


COMMUNITY REACTIVATION The project reactivates the zone by providing a mixed use program which includes commerce, offices, housing, public space, cultural and artistic activities. There´s a link between the theorical methodology by which the project is adapted to its surrounding and how it reactivates the community in which it´s inserted.



AJAR CHAPEL Architectural Design Competition Typology: Spiritual Location: Rome, Italy Size: 730 m2 Year: 2020 Project Type: Competition Ajar stands for an slightly open or unclosed space, which allows free access to whom is willing to enter. As the world becomes more advanced and inclusive, the concept of church becomes extensively redesigned in order to create a different approach to the new standards of religious reconciliation. The Ajar Chapel is a statement of inclusiveness through religious phenomena, a journey that leads to a disconection from the world to enhance instrospection and spiritual connection. The chapel is perceived at first as an open space which then leads to an underground level that provides niches for individual experience. These different niches are placed around the same circle aming for unity.












Circle as a whole, spiritual divinity.

The circle generates a journey to a spiritual connection.

The center peacefully unites individual´s beliefs.

The circle and its center generate an interconnected ethos.


Disconnection from the world

Contemplation through procession

Reflection at the exterior plaza



Introspection by entering the underground level

Revelation through an oculus, evoking ethernal light

Confession / Meditation for all religions in different niches





Ground Level

Underg round Level



Site Plan

ENTRANCE HALL Disconnection from exterior world through procession sur rounded by nature.

LONGITUDINAL SECTION Relationship between exterior and interior that leads to instrospection and a spiritual connection.


U N I T Y. D I V E R S I T Y. The project responds to the human necessity of diversity, unity, intospection and a spiritual connection. Ajar Chapel generates an exterior and interior journey that leads to a peaceful coexistence of all religions.



ITESM DESIGN HUB Architectural Design Typology: Academic Location: Monterrey, MĂŠxico Size: 19,100 m2 Year: 2017 Project Type: Academic The project is located within the Campus Tec Monterrey, in Monterrey Nuevo LeĂłn. Its main objective is to provide a variety of spaces that satisfy academic, social and urban needs, within the campus. Itesm Design Hub takes in consideration the most important variants of the district regeneration plan tec which are; use of facade that minimizes the increase of temperatures and the energetic consumption, green roofs, orientation elements, access to public spaces, promote pedestrian flows thus reducing road distances and the creation of outdoor public spaces. Likewise, for the formal design three fundamental factors where taken in consideration; adequate pedestrian flows, spatial experience that produces pleasant views and conservation of trees. These three factors give a unique identity to the project, generating benefits, not only to students, but also to the environment.







PROCESS The form of the project is created by cutting a general volume to generate views, pedestrian flows and to conserve existing trees. VIEWS TREE CONSERVATION PEDESTRIAN FLOWS




Str ucture

Ter races

Public - Private Prog ram


Green Strategies


PROGRAM The program is distributed in a way that public activities are in the lower levels while activities that require more concentration are located on the highest levels.



Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1



Level 2


Level 1

Level 3

Level 4


GREEN PLAZA T he project g enerates bridg es and ter races that enhace g reen public space and natural light.


SIMULTANEITY Ter races, cor ridors, exposition areas and classrooms g enerate a integ ral space.


STUDENT LIFE The project responds to the necessity of creating a node composed by academic, artistic and social activities, everything in the same place to provide students and teachers with a multidisciplinary, interesting and livable space.




The next section of the portfolio includes the most relevant projects developed in a year-long internship at Sasaki Associates. This international firm is well known for its multidisciplinary and integral projects that combine architecture, landscape and urbanism. The projects donde during the internship encompassed those three disciplines.








Architecture / Conce ptual Design / Prog ram Design p. 46-55

Landscape Design / Proposal Analysis p. 56-63

Master plan Re presentation / Proposal Analysis p. 64-73



Facade Propo Univers 46

osal Rendering sity, NY 47


Prog ram Org anization Diag ram

Conce ptual University, P 48

Prog ram Org anization Diag ram

l Rendering Pennsylvania 49


3D Modeling/Diag ramming University, Lexington


Librar y Prog ram Elevation

Music School Prog ram Elevation

Academic Hub Prog ram Elevation 51


Librar y Renovation Proposal University, Lexington




Librar y Prog ram Proposal Floor Plan


Librar y Prog ram Proposal Floor Plan

Librar y Demolition Proposal Floor Plan

Librar y RCP Proposal Floor Plan




Before / Landscape Proposal University, Lexington

After / Landscape Proposal University, Lexington



Landscape Proposal University, Lexington




Landscape Proposal Axonometric University, Lexington




Circulation Analysis


Main Area / Exterior Classrooms Relation Analysis

Plaza / Facade Relation Analysis

Relationship between Buildings Analysis




Accesibility Master plan Analysis

Road Master p University,

plan Analysis Lexington

Pedestrian Master plan Analysis




Master plan University,

n Proposal Lexington




Master plan University

n Proposal y, Indiana


U Bplan RANISM Master University, Califor nia


Master plan University,

n Existing Califor nia




Master plan Exist University,

ting Axonometric Califor nia



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