Despite the importance of football in our society, many teachers usually express a reluctance to include it in our physical education classes. Why do you think this is so? What could be the causes? What is your opinion about it?
The main objective about this unit of football is that we all have both learned and enjoyed a satisfactory experience in our classes, regardless of our skill level. Do you think this objective has been achieved? What factors have made it easier? What factors have made it more difficult? Give a logical answer.
Do you think the measures of grouping people by skill levels and changing some rules when playing in mixed groups helped to enhance your participation in the game, the fun and your learning? Why? Give some examples.
Do you believe that your football skills level has improved? What other things have you learned?
Using the answers given to the questions above, write a text as a sort of diary. It must include your expectations about the classes before starting the unit and how you have lived the experience. The extension should be between 100-150 words.
OPTION B SOCCER... MORE THAN A GAME FAIR PLAY is a concept used to denote the ethical behaviour in sports, regardless of the level (professional sport, school sport‌). It concerns the perspective of the player himself, but also to the behaviour towards the opponents, with the referees and all the people involved in the game (coaches, audience‌) On the other hand, nowadays sports are so important in society that we cannot forget to take into account the mass media, clubs, federations, even the governmental institutions. In other words, when talking about sports we refer to high performance but also to the sport base. Similarly, we refer to what happens on the pitch, but also to what is happening outside. Here you can read the 10 golden rules of fair play established by Pierre de Coubertin (creator of the Modern Olympic Games): 1) Make every sport meeting a special moment, a kind of celebration. 2) Comply with the rules and the spirit of the sport being played. 3) Respect my opponents as I respect myself. 4) Accept the decisions of umpires and referees, knowing that, like me, they have the right to make mistakes, but do all they can to avoid making one. 5) Avoid unpleasant intentions and aggression in what I do, say and write. 6) Do not cheat to achieve success. 7) Keep my dignity in victory, as well as in defeat. 8) Help everybody with my presence, my experience and my understanding. 9) Give aid to any person involved in a sport event who is injured or who is in danger. 10) Be a true example of the sport, helping everyone to respect these principles.
Task 1 Once you have read these rules, watch the video of this link called “L’Equip Petit” and answer the following question: Does this team comply with the fair play rules? Why? Use some examples to justify your answer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcunvHlzuqg
Task 2 Read the news in these links... http://www.elconfidencial.com/el-palco/2013/02/05/el-futbol-espanol-sigue-sintomarse-en-serio-el-racismo-114262/ http://www.levante-emv.com/deportes/2013/02/19/arbitro-17-anos-pierde-bazoagredirle-policia-jugaba-mislata/975685.html http://www.marca.com/2015/09/08/futbol/1441705191.html What do you think about the facts related? Do people always use sports in a right way?
Task 3 You must look for one piece of current news relating to positive values associated with soccer. Can you give another one referring to the negative values? Copy the links below.
Task 4 Taking these two points of view, write an essay which gives an answer to the following question: Is sport a good tool in the transmission of values? The extension of the text should be between 100-150 words.