Sb unit 3 1st eso

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UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD In this unit you will: -Learn animal names and routines -Practice Present Simple and adverbs of frequency This will help you to: - Read an article and a blog entry - Listen to and understand a quiz and conversation - Describe and animals and talk about routines - Write a report about animals

REAL ANIMALS Look at the pictures. Which animals are typical pets? What do you know about each animal?



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD ANIMAL WORLD QUIZ How much do you know about animals? Guess the correct answers 1. How long do wolves usually live? a. About 5 years b. About 15 years c. About 50 years 2. Which animal sleep standing up? a. Monkeys and chimpanzees b. Pigs, sheep and cows c. Giraffes, elephants and horses 3. Which animals sleep during the day? a. Hamsters b. Gorillas c. Eagles 4. Which of the following animals have got very bad eyesight? a. Mice b. Rabbits and foxes c. Lions and tigers 5. What have frogs, mosquitoes, sharks and snakes got in common? a. They have got teeth b. They eat meat c. They like water



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD Vocabulary 1. Listen and repeat the animals in red in the quiz above. Do you know the singular form of wolves, sheep, mice and foxes? 2. Which of the animals in red are‌? Birds Mammals Reptiles Fish Insects Amphibians 3. Which other animals do you know in English? Classify them according to activity 2 4. Read the definitions and complete with the correct animal DOLPHINS WHALES PARROT GIRAFFE ELEPHANT CHEETAH DOG OSTRICH TIGERS 1. This animal has a very long neck. 2. This bird has a very long neck. It cannot fly. 3. These animals have orange and black stripes. They eat meat and live in the jungle. 4. These animals are the largest animals in the ocean. They are not fish, they are mammals. 5. This animal makes a good pet. It can also protect your house. 6. This animal can run very fast. It lives in Africa. 7. This animal is the largest land mammal in the world. 8. These animals live in the ocean. They are very intelligent and playful. 9. This bird has beautiful feathers. It lives in the Amazon Jungle.



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD 5.Put the animals in order from very small to very big. chimpanzee • elephant • fox • gorilla • hamster • horse • mosquito • eagle mosquito ....................................................... 1. ....................................................... 2. ....................................................... 3. ....................................................... 4.

.......................... 5. .......................... 6 .......................... 7. elephant .......................... 8.

6.Which animal is it? cow • shark • mice • frog • wolf

cow 1.This is a farm animal. It gives us milk. ………………… 2.They’re very small animals. They like cheese.mosquito They’re sometimes pets. ………………… 3.This fish is a hunter. It’s big and it can be dangerous. ………………… 4.It’s in the dog family. It lives in a group. It sleeps during the day and hunts at night. ………………… 5.This animal is an amphibian. It hasn’t got a tail. It’s a carnivore and it eats insects. …………………

7.Look at the animal and complete the sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4.

monkey It’s got the feet of a ………………… . mosquito It’s got the head of a ………………… . It’s got the legs of a ………………… . It’s got the body of a ………………… . 4


UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD 5. 6. 7. 8.

It’s got the horns of a ………………… . It’s got the ears of a ………………… . It’s got the nose of a ………………… . It’s got the tail of a ………………… .

Listening and Speaking 8.Listen to Janet and Tom doing the animal quiz. CD 1, Track 37 9.Listen again. How many correct answers has Tom got at the end of the quiz? 10.Describe an animal from the Animal quiz from page 2 to your partner. Can your partner guess the animal?

11.Speaking time:

        

Do you have a pet? How old is it? Where did you get it from? Who takes care of it? What does it look like (color, breed, etc.)? What do you feed it? Do you play with it? What is it's name? How did you choose this name? If you don't have a pet, why not



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD Reading WHO’S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF? Do you remember the wolves in “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The three Little Pigs”? Wolves are usually the bad characters in books and films. There are hundreds of stories about wolves attacking cows, sheep and pigs, and eating little children, too. But what are wolves like in real life? 1

Fiction Wolves often kill people


Wolves kill for fun. They sometimes kill groups of sheep


Wolves are evil, frightening creatures.


Wolves howl because that want to frighten people


Some people become wolves at night. We call them werewolves.

Fact In real life, wolves almost never kill people. In fact, they are afraid of us! Wolves only hunt for food. They don’t kill for fun. They sometimes kill sheep, but they usually eat wild animals and birds. In real life, wolves aren’t very good hunters. They can run after 15 different animals but in the end, they only catch one of them Wolves sleep during the day and hunt at night. It can be very frightening to see an animal’s yellow eyes at night, but wolves aren’t evil. They are just animals with a different timetable! Wolves are very social animals. They live in groups, and they howl to talk to each other. Each wolf has got a different voice-just like people Werewolves don’t exist. But the stories about them are really exciting!

12.Read the factual article above about wolves. Find the names of four other animals 13.Look at the facts 1-5 in the article. Which is about….? -

Communication between wolves The sleeping habits of wolves An imaginary creature The eating habits of wolves Wolves’ feelings about people



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD 14.True or false? -

Wolves are frightened of people Wolves never kill sheep Wolves are excellent hunters Wolves usually hunt all day Wolves live together with other wolves

15.The article mentions two stories with wolves. What other stories and films with wolves and other animals do you know?

Watch and enjoy! “The wolf and the seven little goats”

Grammar Present Simple We use the Present Simple to talk about general habits and routines. Before going to sleep I always brush my teeth She sometimes reads the paper How do we form the Present Simple?



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD Affirmative In the 3rd person singular (he, she, it) we add “ s / es “ to the verb We add “-es “ when the verbs end in : s, z, sh, ch, x, o, y (consonant+y= consonant+i+es) The structure we follow is: subject + verb + complements We live in a very big house in Valencia My sister lives in a very big house in Madrid They watch tv every night from 9 pm to 10 pm John watches tv every night from 9 pm to 10 pm Negative In the negative form we need an auxiliary verb -

Don’t + verb in infinitive (I, YOU, WE, YOU THEY) Doesn’t + verb in infinitive (HE,SHE, IT )

The structure we follow is: subject+ don’t / doesn’t + verb in infinitive + complements We don’t live in a very big house in Valencia My sister doesn’t live in a very big house in Madrid They don’t watch tv every night from 9 pm to 10 pm John doesn’t watch tv every night from 9 pm to 10 pm Interrogative In the interrogative form we still need the auxiliary verb but it comes at the beginning of the question



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD The structure we follow is: do / does + subject + verb in infinitive + complements + ? Do we live in a very big house in Valencia? Does my sister live in a very big house in Madrid? Do they watch tv every night from 9 pm to 10 pm? Does John watch tv every night from 9 pm to 10 pm?

Adverbs of Frequency in Present Simple The adverbs of frequency are those words we use to show the frequency in which we do something. They always come between the subject and the verb except when we have the verb “ to be “ Structure of Adverbs of frequency: Subject + adv. Frequency + verb + complements You always play tennis on Monday and Wednesday You do not always play tennis on Monday and Wednesday Do you always play tennis on Monday and Wednesday?

Subject + to be + adv Frequency + complements She is often late to school She is not often late to school Is she often late to school?



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD Some of the most common adverbs of frequency are: Always Usually Often Sometimes Rarely Never 16.Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple affirmative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

we / buy / bread / at the supermarket We buy bread at the supermarket. ................................................................................................................................ James / walk / to school / at 7.45 ................................................................................................................................ Sue and Ann / go / to the cinema / on Sundays ................................................................................................................................ my dad / wash / his car / every Saturday ................................................................................................................................ the children / watch / TV / in the evenings ................................................................................................................................

17.Choose the correct answer. 1. A tiger / Tigers live in Asia. 2. Our cat / cats don’t often catch mice. 3. Their new baby / babies weighs three kilos. 4. Wolves / A wolf live in groups. 5. She / They doesn’t usually sleep for seven hours every night. 6. Do mice / a mouse like cheese? 18.Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verb in brackets. talk 1. We rarely ………………… (talk) on mobile phones at school. 2. Nelly ………………… (not study) French at school. 3. Preston often ………………… (do) his homework in the afternoon. 4. ………………… mother chimpanzees ………………… (kiss) their babies? 5. Lions ………………… usually ………………… (not hunt) at night. 6. ………………… your snake ………………… (eat) mice?



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD 19.Number the daily routines in the order you do them. ..... do my homework ...... watch TV ..... have a shower ...... have breakfast 1 ..... get up ...... clean my room ..... go to school ...... meet friends ..... go to bed 20.Write the routines under the pictures. 1


feed the dog





21.Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Use always, never, sometimes, usually, often or rarely. 1. I ………………… play computer games. 2. I ………………… go to bed after 11.00. 3. My father ………………… cooks dinner. 4. I ………………… have a shower at night. 5. My friends and I ………………… send text messages. 6. I ………………… have breakfast with my parents. 7. I ………………… do sport. 8. My parents ………………… go to the cinema.



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD 22.Write questions for a quiz about gorillas. Use the words below. 1. gorillas / live / in the jungle Do gorillas live in the jungle? ................................................................................................................................


a gorilla / sometimes / weigh / 500 kilos ................................................................................................................................


gorillas / usually / eat / meat ................................................................................................................................


a young gorilla / often / play / with other gorillas ................................................................................................................................

23.Complete the text with the correct Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. do know What 1………………… you ………………… (know) about gorillas? 2………………… you ………………… (like) them, or are you frightened of them? Don’t be frightened. Gorillas rarely 3………………… (hurt) people. Gorillas are very clever animals. They 4………………… (live) in the jungles of Africa. Large gorillas sometimes 5………………… (weigh) about 180 kilos. A gorilla is usually a vegetarian: it 6………………… (eat) fruit and other parts of plants. It 7………………… often ………………… (not eat) meat or insects, and gorillas rarely 8………………… (drink) water. You 9………………… usually ………………… (not see) a gorilla alone. Gorillas are social animals and they 10………………… (like) living in groups. A young gorilla often 11………………… (play) games with other young gorillas. Its mother sometimes 12………………… (watch), but she 13………………… (not play) with them. 24.Answer the questions from activity 22 according to the text in Exercise 23 Yes, they do. 1. ………………… 2. ………………… 3. ………………… 4. …………………

Extra Practice 25. Write the negative and interrogative form of these sentences as in the example. I read the newspaper on Mondays I don’t read the newspaper on Mondays Do you read the newspaper on Mondays? 12


UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD My husband cooks dinner brilliantly.

Lucy leaves work early every day.

She buys candies for her kids.

Peter gets up late at the weekend.

You wash your hair every night.

She comes here on Thursdays.

26.Put the words in the correct order. 1. usually I to school by go bus--- I usually go to school by bus 2. she eats never pizza 3. sometimes Sara basketball plays 4. often hard they work 5. gets my brother early never up 6. hardly watch I TV ever at night 7. foot go school always we to on 27.Complete the sentences with the Present Simple negative form of the verbs in brackets. 1.Harry …………………………… (like) sharks. 2.I …………………………… (walk) to school. 3.We …………………………… (see) lions here. 4.A giraffe …………………………… (eat) fish. 13



28. Look at the picture and complete the sentences about the morning routine at Lenny’s Zoo. Use the affirmative or negative form of the Present Simple.


ZOO CAFÉ Dan Jenny Mark

Every morning at 9.00: 1. Students …………………………… (come) to Lenny’s Zoo. 2. The monkeys …………………………… (go) to sleep. 3. Fred …………………………… (give) food to the lions. 4. Jenny …………………………… (have) breakfast. 5. Dan and Mark …………………………… (visit) animals. 29.Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the picture in Exercise 4. 1. the monkeys / sometimes / play / with a ball ................................................................................................... 2. where / Jenny / work ................................................................................................... 3. Jenny / wear / a hat / for work ................................................................................................... 4. what / people / buy / for the birds ...................................................................................................



UNIT 3 ANIMAL WORLD 30.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. Use the Present Simple. live • ride • not see • use • swim 1. ………………… a turtle ………………… for 100 years? 2. In Thailand, people ………………… elephants. 3. ………………… sharks ………………… in oceans? 4. We ………………… snakes here in the winter. 5. Squirrel monkeys ………………… their tails to take food. 31.Complete the information about the Monkey Sanctuary. Use the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. About 37 monkeys 1. ………………… (live) at the Monkey Sanctuary in Cornwall, England. Where 2. ………………… the sanctuary ………………… (get) them from? People in England sometimes 3. ………………… (buy) monkeys from other countries and 4. ………………… (keep) them as pets. A pet monkey often 5. ………………… (stay) in the house and it 6. ………………… (not eat) the correct food. Then, after a short time, the people 7. ………………… (not want) it any more. So what 8. ………………… they ………………… (do)? They take it to the Monkey Sanctuary in Cornwall. Tanya is one of the monkeys at the sanctuary. She 9. ………………… (not like) visitors, but she’s very happy at the sanctuary. 32.Complete the questions with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions about the Monkey Sanctuary in Exercise 31. 1.………………… hundreds of monkeys ………………… (live) at the Monkey Sanctuary? ................................................................................................... 2.Where ………………… people in England ………………… (get) pet monkeys from? ................................................................................................... 3.………………… pet monkeys often ………………… (go) outside? ................................................................................................... 4.What ………………… Tanya ………………… (think) of visitors? ................................................................................................... 5.………………… Tanya ………………… (like) her new home? ...................................................................................................




33. Read the text about Jenny Webb and her special pet. Baby Moses Mothers often get up during the night for their babies. But they don’t usually get up for an elephant! Jenny Webb lives in Malawi, Africa, with a baby elephant called Moses. Moses weighs about 100 kilos and he needs 24 litres of milk a day. At night, he doesn’t sleep outside. Moses and Jenny sleep on the floor in the house. Jenny doesn’t sleep well. She gets up every two hours to feed Moses. In the mornings, Jenny watches TV and Moses stands behind her. He puts his long nose on her arm and his head next to hers. Moses also likes walking with the family dogs. Does Jenny enjoy looking after Moses? Yes, she does, but it’s hard work. Now Jenny wants to

34.Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of the Present Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jenny and Moses ………………… (live) in the same house. Moses………………… (drink) cola. Moses ………………… (eat) during the night. Moses and Jenny ………………… (sleep) in beds. Moses ………………… (go) for walks with the dogs.

35. Write questions with the words below and the Present Simple. Then answer the questions. 1. where / Jenny and Moses / live ........................................................... 2. what / Jenny / do / during the night ........................................................... 3. what / Jenny and Moses / do / in the mornings ........................................................... 4. how / Jenny / want / to help / big animals ...........................................................


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