Despedida de Matthew

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NÚMERO ESPECIAL DESPEDIDA DE MATTHEW, NUESTRO AUXILIAR DE CONVERSACIÓN Querido Matthew, este año hemos tenido la suerte de tenerte como Asistente lingüístico. Desde que me dijiste que preferías vivir en Palma en lugar de en Córdoba capital, supe que eras alguien muy especial, y no me equivocaba. Me consta que has disfrutado del sol y de todas las bibliotecas de Palma y de Fuente Palmera. Pero lo que no sabía aún era que tenías estudios en biología y ciencias y que por consiguiente me venías como caidito del cielo. Los compañeros de ANLs del equipo de Bilingüismo han podido sacar partido de ello. Muchas gracias por ser tan amable y por hablar siempre en inglés con el alumnado y el profesorado bilingüe tanto en clase como por los pasillos. Todos hemos aprendido mucho este año contigo. Espero haberte sido de ayuda a ti y a tu hermano cuando lo has necesitado. Puedes contar conmigo en el futuro si necesitas apoyo lingüístico en castellano, yo no dudaré en recurrir a ti cuando me surja una duda existencial en mi inglés. Lástima que no puedas volver a estar el próximo curso con nosotros. I wish you all the best in your life!! Take care!! Hasta siempre Mateo!!!!!!!

Inmaculada Guadix

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n Fuente Palmera, there are lots of shops of bridal dresses. This year the wedding fair is celebrated from the 5th to the 8th of October. This fair is very famous and tourists from all over Spain come. At the fair, parades are held so that tourists can see all the dresses. This year it is believed that the fair can exceed 15.000 tourists. The shop that most tourists visit every year is Higar Novias which has shops all over the world and was founded in Fuente Palmera. Dedicatoria: Gracias, porque hemos aprendido mucho inglés de una forma más divertida y nos hemos reído mucho. Ana Cepedello


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Fuente Palmera: Fuente Palmera a Spanish municipality of the province of Cordoba, Andalusia. At present, it is known for having a large industry and for its trade, dedicated to the activity of wedding dresses. Typical dances in Spain: Spain has a lot of dances ,but here in Andalucia the most typical is flamenco ,but here has a lot of dance . Bolero: One of the oldest and most traditional dances of the history of Spanish dance, the bolero is a quick Spanish dance boasting sudden pauses and sharp turns. Fandango: At one point the most famous dance of Spain, the fandango is a lively, happy Spanish danced in two's.

In the year 2017 had a population of 10.871 inhabitants, adding the inhabitants of the villages that make up the colony of Fuente Palmera.It is accepted that the term Fuente Palmera comes from the historical source next to which the population nucleus was founded and from the presence of palms in the area. Historical documents, such as the Ensenada Cadastre, testify to the existence of the place name before the colonization of Carlos III.

Paso doble: A quick one-step Spanish dance. Flamenco: A passionate dance hailing from gypsies, flamenco is internationally Bueno Mathew llegó el momento de irte a tu país ,te echaremos de menos .He aprendido mucho contigo y espero que algun dia nos volvamos a ver . Sigue así estudiando . De Carmen Martín

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Bueno Mathew,hoy se separan nuestros caminos. Quiero decirte que me alegro que tú nos explicases las siguientes asignaturas:Ingles,Biologia y Mates. Espero que te vaya bien en la vida y que nos volvamos a ver. Thank you for teaching us all about




parties, etc.

¡Hasta la próxima!

Thank you for teaching us to


speak English better I hope a future not far back to palm tree to see how the

Thank you for your interesting classes

students are going and I hope

about Biology, Maths and English. Me lo

you speak well of us when

he pasado muy bien contigo por tu

you're with your family

iphone 10 no quiero que te vayas porque

Manuel Caro

te echaré de menos. Espero vernos pronto Álvaro Fernández

Bueno Mathew nos has enseñado muchas cosas como el móvil y el juego de spiderman. Aunque sólo comes verdura nos has enseñado una receta tuya, un arroz con todas las verduras. Me has ahorrado muchos negativos porque cuando vienes a clase no corregimos. Gracias. Álvaro Algaba


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1º ESO A TYPICAL FOOD OF ANDALUCÍA 1 Gazpacho: Probably, the most representative dish of Andalusian gastronomy. It is a cold soup typical of summer in which the tomato is the main ingredient, and which are accompanied by others such as pepper, cucumber, garlic, onion, bread, olive oil and vinegar. A refreshing and very healthy dish. 2 Salmorejo: It is a variant of the own gazpacho of Córdoba. It shares several of its ingredients, although more bread is added, making it thicker. It is usually served with strips of serrano ham and chopped hard-boiled egg. 3 Pescaíto frito: Varied fish dish, very typical of Andalusia. The fish is fried in olive oil after coating it in flour. Squid, anchovies, squid and whitebait are some of the most used to prepare this dish. 4 Rabo de toro: It has different varieties, although the most traditional one can be found in Córdoba. The oxtail is a very tasty meat that is served stewed, with various vegetables, such as carrot, tomato and onion, and usually accompanied by chips. 5 Tortillitas de camarones: This elaboration comes to us from Cádiz, from one of the great marine treasures of its sea: the shrimps. It consists of a very thin and crunchy tortillita prepared with a mass of shrimp, wheat flour and chickpeas, onion and parsley. DEDICATORIA: Querido Mathew llego el momento de la despedida, gracias por tantas clases y lecciones contigo, espero que siempre nos recuerdes, besos desde España. NURIA GUISADO Gracias por haberme enseñado todo sobre tu país y ayudarme a aprender en nuestras actividades bilingües y espero que nunca nos olvides. Thanks Matthew Página 5



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TYPICAL SPANISH TRADITIONS In Spain there are so many typical traditions that we do in that special days.I’m going to tell you a few traditions that I consider the more special: Semana Semana


Santa is the Spanish name for Easter. Members of my local Fuente Palmera, decorated floats depicting the Passion of Christ into the city cathedral. El baile de los locos:

Is a very popular traditions in Fuente carreteros. Its dance all the of december , the innocents day.


Carnaval: This is one is my favorite. all the people dressed up of what they want a very funny tradition.

to. Its

Dedicatoria en español : Mathew llego el dia en el que vuelves a tu casa .Espero que te lo hayas pasado muy bien en españa y gracias por enseñarnos junto a las maestras esas clases en inglés que nos ayudaron mucho en cada asignatura . Saludos y buen viaje. CARMEN MARÍA CARABALLO


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TYPICAL FOOD FROM SPAIN The ham: It is part of the Spanish cold cuts Paella: It is one of the best known dishes of Spanish cuisine The tapas: two glasses of wine accompanied by a cheese and bread sticks Tortilla de patatas: it is one of the best known dishes nationally and internationally Salmorejo: a cream that is usually put on first course is made by oil, bread and tomato. Migas: It is a culinary preparation that has been customary to the people who dedicate themselves to the cattle, elaborated mainly with crumbs of bread pieces of meat and vegetables. Dedicatoria Gracias Mathew por enseñarme cosas de tu país y a mejorar inglés,contigo me lo he pasado muy bien pero es hora de que te vayas aunque no quiero que te vayas, te voy a echar mucho de menos y espero que vuelvas a visitarnos muy pronto. Virginia García

Matthew I hope that you have liked our country and that you Thank

you for being



have enjoyed a lot with our culture and meals, even if you don’t


know much Spanish nothing happens because thanks to that we

Matthew and thank

have tried hand to speak with you in English and have a

you for teaching us

conversation, I hope that you too you have felt good with use


we will miss you so much.



country how to do black rice, etc. We



liked being with you besides



games that we do the



thank you!!! JAVIER LUCENA

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Fuente Palmera is not a very large town, it has approximately 10,893 habitants. Fuente Palmera is known for being the town of brides, so in October there is a parade where most of the stores wear their best dresses, especially bridal. This town has several important events, one of them is the pilgrimage (Romeria), which is celebrated on May 15. On the occasion of the Anniversary of his Patron, Villar possesses San Isidro Labrador. The disguised people accompany the Saint in chariots made by themselves. Once there they will compete for the prize for the best and most original float. At the end of the journey the Saint rests under an original wooden structure. Another important event is the Fuente Palmera fair, which is celebrated on August 18. It begins with the target that blooms in the streets, then there are many activities that can be enjoyed throughout the municipality and by those who come to it, during all the days of the party. In the square a stage is set up for several orchestras to sing. It also puts attractions for children. DEDICATORIA Bueno ya llego el dia de que te vayas. He aprendido bastante sobre todo lo que nos has enseñado y me has caido bien. Suerte en tu trabajo.


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Gracias por ayudarnos a mejorar en inglés, por reírte con nosotros y espero que te vaya bien. Good luck!!! EVELYN GARCÍA Pues bueno Matthew te vamos a echar de menos aquí. gracias a tus juegos, comidas interesantes, deportes divertidos. Eres un máquina siempre jugando de cachondeo con nosotros. Espero que no nos olvides

Matthew me has enseñado muchas cosas en inglés aunque no se me dé muy bien. Me caes genial y te aseguro que la receta del arroz estaba muy rica. Gracias. ALBA BECERRA

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Matthew ha sido un placer conocerte. Daniel Matthew ha sido un placer conocerte. Espero que vuelvas ponto. Juan Matthew estoy encantado de haberte conocido y ha sido un placer que estés aquí. Jaime Matthew ha sido un placer conocerte espero que vuelvas pronto a España. Joel Espero volverte a ver por España, ha sido un placer conocerte y gracias a ti las clases en ingles son mucho más divertidas. Coral Matthew me ha encantado conocerte, gracias por poner empeño alegría y esfuerzo en tus clases. Espero que vengas por España pronto. M.ª José ¡Hola Matthew! Me lo he pasado muy bien contigo, gracias por ayudarnos en los problemas y hacernos comprender mejor el inglés. Ha sido una experiencia inolvidable, espero que te vaya bien, que vengas otra vez al instituto y que te lleves todo lo bueno de nosotros. Norah Matthew ha sido un placer conocerte, espero que vuelvas el año que viene. Muchas gracias por todo el inglés que nos has enseñado. Nuria Matthew me ha gustado mucho todo lo que nos has enseñado. Hemos aprendido cosas nuevas de Irlanda. Espero que vuelvas por el IES Colonial algún día. Juanma FUENTE PALMERA

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Espero que cuando te vayas vuelvas algún día por España. I love you. Andrea Espero que te vaya bien por allí, por Irlanda. Te echaremos de menos. Marta Gracias por enseñarnos tanto, porque contigo nos reimos mucho. Te echaremos de menos, espero que todo te vaya muy bien. Espero que vuelvas pronto por España. Your are the best! Espero que te haya gustado mucho esta experiencia.. Elena Gracias por estar ahí cuando te necesitamos, hemos aprendido muchísimo contigo y eso hay que agradecerlo por eso te digo THANKS. Que te vaya genial estés donde estés. María Espero que te haya gustado esta experiencia junto a nosotros en el instituto IES Colonial. Gracias por todo. Claudia Muchas gracias por estar con nosotros, eres muy buena persona. Esperamos que te vaya muy bien, gracias por enseñarnos. Un abrazo, Rafa Gracias por haber venido y espero que vuelvas porque lo hemos pasado genial contigo. Gracias, Jose Miguel Estoy encantada de haberte conocido, gracias a ti he aprendido más de inglés y he pasado momentos muy divertidos. Te echaremos de menos. Que tengas mucha suerte en tu vida. Aitana Muchas gracias por habernos enseñado tanto inglés. Te hemos cogido mucho cariño y espero que vengas pronto a España. Aurora Gracias por estar ahí durante tanto tiempo, por enseñarnos tantas cosas, por ayudarnos a conocer un poco de tus tradiciones. Gracias por darnos una oportunidad para aprender. Espero que hayas conocido cosas de Andalucía y que siempre nos recuerdes porque seguro que nosotros te recordaremos siempre. Esperamos que vuelvas otra vez y que estés donde estés te vaya bien. Luna Hello Matthew! Gracias por venir. Nos has ayudado mucho a comprender mejor el inglés y por ayudarnos en todas nuestras dudas y por explicarnos cosas de tu cultura. Muchas gracias Que vuelvas pronto. Manuel

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Hello Matthew, ya mismo se acaba el instituto y tú te vas. Nos has enseñado mucho y ha mejorado nuestro inglés. I will miss you! kisses LUCÍA ARROYO

Hi Mathew: The best known in Spain are the Bulls. The bullfights are found throughout the country being the most popular and well-known shows. It consists of going slowly killing the bull with a kind of sticks with the flag of Spain painted, drawn or fringed. Those that kill the bulls are called or known as bullfighters. I do not like it in fact I have never gone to a bullring and I do not want to go. Bueno Mathew espero que te lo hayas pasado bien y nada que te acuerdes de nosotros cuando estés en tu país. NEREA FERNÁNDEZ

Dear Matthew, all days you go to IES Colonial to teach me and my friends, I liked it very much. Me lo he pasado muy bien con tus explicaciones, y siempre nos has hecho reir mucho, te echaremos mucho de menos pero siempre te recordaremos. CRISTINA LÓPEZ


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Hello Matthew:

Dear Matthew:

Everyday that you have come to my class is very special because you are very nice. Although you aren’t from this country and you will go back to Ireland, we always remember you as a special friend.

The day that you came to our school we were very happy to see you. You became in our friend. You are very special for us, speak with you is very funny. We love your “booms” and your form of teaching. We learned a lot with you. We don’t want you far away.



Gracias Mathew por estar aquí todos estos días con nosotros. Me lo he pasado muy bien contigo la verdad es que eres muy divertido y supongo que enseñar a niños no será muy fácil. Hi, Thank you for

Gracias de nuevo y he aprendido muchas cosas contigo. Bye, bye. DAVID MARTÍNEZ

these smiles what you get us about all when you learnt to say: “bizcocho”, “sacapuntas”.. it’s very funny, ha,ha, ha.. You taught us about your

Hello Matthew: I like you your behaviour. I love your classes. I like you happy smile. Espero que te haya gustado este país y también nuestro instituto. Me encanta que siempre te hagas el trabajo para siempre traernos algo de tu país con presentaciones en power point. Hasta pronto. JOSÉ MANUEL OSTOS

country. Thank you!!! LAURA OREJUELA

Hello Matthew, Have you a good time with us? I hope that yes. I want you to be more time here to do much more things with you. Go back soon!!! ADRIÁN PASTRANA

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In this time that you have been with us, we have learned a lot of things. You know that you are my best friend. I hope that you don’t forget us because we love you so much. This year I really enjoy your class because you are very funny. MARTA REYES

Hello Matthew! these days in our school have been very excited. In these days, I laughed with you, about all your words: “José Manuel, bizcocho, sacapuntas”, and much more. Today is your last day in our school and we will miss you very much.



Matthew I love this year with you. I love your lessons in English and your behaviour because you are creative. I like your hair and your moustache. How many years you use your nokia??? Bye,


Hello Matthew: Thank you for the time teaching for our classes. We have a lot of fun for the bingo’s class in the Maths and the reading the vocabulary. You are nice and I hope you have a good luck in your life. Bye,


Hello Matthew: Thank you for the time with us and thank you for the smiles in Maths with the bingo. I hope you like the school. You learned funniest words like “sacapuntas, bizcocho” and only one word: BOOM!!!



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Saray Romero Parra: Thanks for everything, you are very happy and funny. I had fun with you. I like having you as a teacher. It was a very good experience with you. You help me a lot of, I love English lesson with you in my Class. I will miss you!! Bye! Manuel Jesús Onetti Navarro: Hello, Matthew. I don´t want you to go to another place, but it is very important that you go to see your family. I know that it is very difficult to live in Spain when your family lives in Ireland, but I want you to know that we, all the school, is your family, and we will never forget you. We will never forget those funny moments, you are very funny and you are the best person in the world. Thanks for helping we and make me smile. I hope that you have a safe travel and never forget us, please. Greatings. Hi Mathiew!! I'm Rubén Serrano of 1D, I Want to thank you for listening to our nounsense with a smile. I Want to wish you so much luck and hope that other children can enjoy of you repeating numbers of bingo so many times, but I'm not the only One that is thankful. Thank you very much¡¡¡ See you soon! Bye! Dear Mathiew, it was Wonderful to meet you. The classes with you were different. I liked metting you and I hope to see you soon and I will never forget you. Made By Antonio José Peña Davila


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Carlos Priego Gómez: Matthew you are a very good person and a good teacher because you help me with my questions, you are my friend from the very first day in my class. Bye my friend.

Lucía Baena Mengual: Matthew, thank for your visit in IES Colonial. I love having you as my teacher. I don't want you to leave.Thanks for everything. You are very fany. Bye, bye Matthew.

Hello Matthew! I'm Antonio Jesús for 1°D. It was nice meeting you! Thanks for everything! For all this time we had fun games with you in maths When in biology ,you made the schemes and explained them so well I hope you have had a great time in spain! Thanks for all the laughter that you provoked us and luck in your country! Bye bro!

Hello Mathew! Thank you for all things that you do for us.It was a very fun year with you,because with you,I learned a lot of new things.It was a good experience,i love having you as a teacher.This year it has been very fast ,i didn't know that you will go back to England.I love your lessons and I always will remember it, because you teach very well.I wish you well! See you! Bye! By: Rosa Romero Cano

Matthew has been one of my best teachers because he explains very well, he´s fun, he makes some boring lessons fun. But , to tell you the truth, insted of being my teacher, I consider him my friend, and the day he leaves, I want him never to forget us because we will always remember him. Samuel Moreno Díaz 1ºD


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Matthew, I wanted to thank you for everything you have taught to us during this course And especially sorry you had to endure our screams. Miss you. 2 A: Lara Adame

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I love you Matthew :) by: Javier Reyes Carmona. Thank you for being our friend although you didn´t know us. ARRIBA ESPAÑA: BY SAMUEL(THE BEST)

Thank you for all: by:Mario Reyes Flores Thank you for all that you have taugh us : by David Rivero Becerra

Thanks for those football talks and those entertaining classes. Good teachers leave traces and you have left them. Antonio Siles Reyes. I will miss you my big friend. You did a lot in a short time. Hala Madrid. by Juan Jose Machado Hidalgo Thanks for coming: Claudia Moral Romera

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It has been a pleasure to meet you, you have taught us a lot. We have met a great person. You have been very brave leaving your family so far away and coming to another country without knowing anyone. We will miss you very much. Come back soon! Rocío Munzón Moro -It is time for your return to your country! I want to thank you for all that we have learnt a lot from you! I am glad you like our country Ignacio Ruiz García


I thank the life that has given us the opportunity to share some common knowledge with you. I have learned a lot from you and I have a great friend. Guillermo Fernandez Alcántara


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Querido Matthew: Con este número especial de nuestra publicación, queremos agradecerte tu paso por nuestro instituto. Has conseguido que nuestro alumnado mejore sus conocimientos de Inglés, que mejore la pronunciación, que aprenda muchas cosas de otras culturas... Has conseguido motivarles, hacerles las clases dive rtidas y amenas, y, sobre todo, has conquistado sus corazones.


Gracias por todo el trabajo, por tu simp atía, por tu implicación profesional y personal y por toda la ayud a que has prestado al profesorado. Puedes volver a casa con la satisfacc ión de un trabajo bien hecho Nos has enseñado cosas tan bonitas de Irlanda, que no te extrañe si se nos ocurre ir a visitarte . No olvid es dejarnos tu dirección. Quién sabe cuándo puedes recibir una sorpresa . Deseamos que tengas un buen viaje de regreso, que puedas disfrutar de tu familia, de tus amigos, de tus pais ajes… Pero recuerda que, aunque vuelvas a casa, ya siempre serás de los nuestros. María José Gómez Cejas


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