Lifestyle Photography Sty ling
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Table of Contents All For Color Spring 2012
RIU Spring 2011
Research and Planning Finished Photos
Research and Planning Finished Photos
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012
RIU Holiday 2010
Research and Planning Finished Photos
Outfit Planning Model Fittings Props Finished Photos
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 Research and Planning Outfit Planning Model Fittings Props Finished Photos
RIU Back to School 2010 Outfit Planning Model Fittings Props Finished Photos
RIU Holiday 2011 Research and Planning Props Finished Photos
RIU Back to School 2011 Research and Planning Outfit Planning Model Fittings Props Finished Photos
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012
All For Color Spring 2012 Goals To capture images that evoke our newly renamed brand All For Color. To create lifestyle images that encapsulated the new name and fresh direction. To create in studio shots to use as a campaign for our new brand. To use images in catalog, on the website, in all marketing pieces, and for tradeshow ads and booths.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos and searched for and purchased all props and clothing while staying within the budget. Created shot list for photographer. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Assisted in making the multiple shoots run smoothly. Helped strike a balance between lifestyle imagery and product focused imagery.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Research and Planning Lifestyle Photoshoot
Pulled inspiration images for model and photographer’s reference. Collaborated with creative director and photographer on location, look, and budget of shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images Lifestyle Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Research and Planning In Studio Photoshoot
Pulled inspiration images for model and photographer’s reference. Collaborated with creative director on outfits for models and specific imagery needs.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images In Studio Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images In Studio Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images In Studio Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
All For Color Spring 2012 Final Images In Studio Photoshoot
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012 Goals To capture images of our new products while keeping within our established look. To integrate these new images into a Spring catalog and other marketing initiatives. To feature new products, but keeping the focus on the model.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all clothing and props while staying within the budget, created outfits, and fit model. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Helped style the model and assisted in making the shoot run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012 Research and Planning
Pulled inspiration images for model and photographer’s reference. Collaborated with creative director and photographer on location, look, and budget of shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Spring 2012 Final Images
The final photos have been used in the catalog, on the website, and for all types of marketing initiatives. To view the entire collection go to docs/sp2012_catalog_12.8.11_2 *Note: I did not create the catalog, but wished to show how the images have been used.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 Goals To create the identity of the new Sloane Ranger brand through photography and styling. To accurately depict our brand through imagery and establish our brand identity.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all clothing and props while staying within the budget, created outfits, and fit models. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Helped style the models and assisted in making the day run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 Research and Planning
Pulled inspiration images to set the stage for the Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 launch. Collaborated with creative director and photographer on location, look, and budget of shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 Outfit Planning
Searched for and purchased clothing and accessories while staying within budget. Paired pieces together to create outfits for models and documented the outfits.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 Model Fittings
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Sloane Ranger Fall 2011 Props
Used a vintage VW bug and van and my personal vintage bike to add interest to the shots. Other than these items we wanted to keep things simple and feature the models as much as possible. We wished to showcase the lifestyle rather than focusing on product.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
The final photos have been used in the catalog, on the website, and for all types of marketing initiatives. To view the entire collection go to docs/sloanerangercatalog_final_rev *Note: I did not create the catalog, but wished to show how the images have been used.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2011
RIU Holiday 2011 Goals To feature our new holiday assortment in a fresh way by attempting our first in studio styled shoot. To showcase my prop making capabilities by creating a Christmas tree and presents out of carboard and crepe paper. To use images in holiday catalog, all holiday marketing pieces, and web imagery.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all props while staying within the budget, created props, and styled models. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Assisted in making the day run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2011 Research and Planning
Pulled inspiration images for prop direction and styling. Collaborated with creative director and photographer on look and budget of shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2011 Props and Styling
Constructed Christmas tree and fringe boxes. Purchased pom poms, balloons, confetti, and other various decorative items to create a festive scene.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011
RIU Back to School 2011 Goals To showcase our new Back to School 2011 product assortment through fresh imagery. To capture photos to use in all Back to School 2011 marketing campaigns, catalogs, and website. To use unique props and styling to add interest to shots and make the shoot more exciting.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all clothing and props while staying within the budget, created outfits, and fit models. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Helped style the models and assisted in making the day run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Research and Planning
Pulled inspiration images for model and photographer’s reference. Collaborated with creative director and photographer on location, look, and budget of shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Outfit Planning
Searched for and purchased clothing and accessories while staying within budget. Paired pieces together to create outfits for models and documented the outfits.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Model Fittings
Fit models prior to photoshoot date. Organized outfits for easy accessibility during shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Props and Styling
Used a vintage VW van and a pair of glitter roller skates to add interest to the shots. Had the models wear sequins headbands to give the shoot a retro vibe.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Spring 2011
RIU Spring 2011 To showcase our new Spring 2011 product assortment through fresh imagery. To capture photos to use in all Spring 2011 marketing campaigns, catalogs, and website imagery.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all clothing and props while staying within the budget, created outfits, and fit models. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Helped style the models and assisted in making the day run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Research and Planning
Scouted location for specific spots to shoot. Pulled inspiration images for model and photographer’s reference. Collaborated with creative director and photographer on location, look, and budget of shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Spring 2011 Model Fittings
Fit models prior to photoshoot date. Organized outfits for easy accessibility during shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Spring 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Spring 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Spring 2011 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010
RIU Holiday 2010 Goals To showcase our holiday gift items for our first ever holiday catalog. To capture photos to use throughout the holiday season for marketing campaigns and the website. Also styled and shot our stationery items for our license company Capri Designs.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all clothing and props while staying within the budget, created outfits, and fit models. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Helped style the models and assisted in making the day run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010 Outfit Planning
Searched for and purchased clothing and accessories while staying within budget. Paired pieces together to create outfits for models and documented the outfits.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010 Model Fittings
Fit models prior to photoshoot date. Organized outfits for easy accessibility during shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Spring 2011 Research and Planning
Scouted location for specific spots to shoot. Pulled inspiration images for model and photographer’s reference.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010 Props and Styling
Set up a Christmas tree and decorated it with our RIU printed ornaments. Wrapped 30 presents in various colors to place under tree and use throughout photoshoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010 Final Images
This was one successful shot that was used for our stationery line with Capri Design.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Holiday 2010 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2010
RIU Back to School 2010 Goals To pinpoint the demographic we intend to reach by adding models to our images. To showcase all of our back to school items for use in our back to school catalog, all marketing, and website images.
Roles Pulled inspiration photos, searched for and purchased all clothing and props while staying within the budget, created outfits, and fit models. Coordinated transportation of props and product to and from the photoshoot site. Built relationship with new photographer and worked closely styling shots and prepping models and product. Created shot list for photographer and assisted in making the day run smoothly.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2010 Outfit Planning and Model Fitting
Searched for and purchased clothing and accessories while staying within budget. Paired pieces together to create outfits for models and documented the outfits. Fit models prior to photoshoot date. Organized outfits for easy accessibility during shoot.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2010 Shot List
Created shot list for photographer and tried to keep everything on schedule.
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2010 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2010 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling
RIU Back to School 2010 Final Images
Lifestyle Photography Styling