Idea context

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Idea competition “A Metaphor for Social Networks” Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, etc., are the new digital habits of many of us and our imaginary landscape is crowded with icons and suggestions originated from the participation in these environments. How can the nature of these tools be expressed metaphorically? To answer this question and in connection with the special issue on the theme “Social Networks in formal and informal learning”, the TD­TecnologieDidattichejournal(, edited by the Institute for Educational Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (ITD­CNR) at Genova, promotes the idea competition “A metaphor for Social Networks”.

How to apply 1)

The participation is free and with no limits as to the number of proposals by a single citizen.It is open to all Italian, EC e non­EC citizens with no age limits. ITD­CNR staff is excluded.


Proposals from under­18 citizens must include a disclaimer from at least one parent.


The proposals on the theme should be original and must be sent in the form of (a) images, i.e. drawings or pictures (14,5x13 cm and 300 dpi resolution); (b) short texts (max 100 words).


Property and copyright belong to authors who are not entitled to benefits of any kind. Such intellectual property includes the right to promote their work with any publisher and on the Web.


Each proposal must be sentthrough the specific form (available at, completely in all its parts, and must be sent by November 1st 2011 to


Proposals will be examined by TD­TecnologieDidatticheEditors and Editorial Board under the supervision of Stefania Manca, guest editor of the special issue. Originality and creativity will be the criteria used for the selection. Decisions will be final and will allow for awards ex­aequo. All participants will be informed via email on awards winners by December 1st 2011.


Winners in the two categories (images and texts) will be awarded a50,00 euro coupon for online purchases (e.g. at IBS,, and a one­year subscription to TD­TecnologieDidattichejournal. The selected image will be used for the issue cover. The selected text will be published in the issue. In the case of ex­aequo awards the image to be used for the cover will be chosen by the special issue editor and the remaining one will be included in the issue.


Participation in the competition entails the acceptance by participants of all mentioned paragraphs. In case of plagiarism the author will be considered the only person responsible for violating the copyright (Civil Code, par. 156 and following, par.171 and following and Law no.633/1941), thus releasing ITD­CNR from any responsibility in any possible prosecution.

As to the protection of personal data, according to Law no.675/96, par.10, personal data of participants to the contest will be exclusively used for the purposes of the selection. ITD­CNR states that, according to par.13, the author can ask the person in charge of the procedure, i.e. to Stefania Manca, for cancellation, modification or update of their personal data. For further information please write to or contact Stefania Manca (; voice +39106475325).

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