Final draft of mahalia jackson quarterly (1)

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April - June 2014 Volume 1 Issue I

Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly Mahalia Jackson Apartments Computer Lab Is Techtastic!

In this issue...

Computer Lab is TECHTASTIC!.


Meet and Greet “BINGO.”.


Don’t Sell Your Life Insurance Policy.


Seniors and The Internet.


Legal Help for Seniors.


Atlas Senior Centre.


A Good Neighbor.


7th Annual Prayer Breakfast.


January 22, 2014, Mahalia Jackson Senior Apartments created a bridge between the digital divide, by launching a computer lab for residents. Residents learn to conduct online bill payment, go shopping, complete homework assignments, and other digital needs. Mr. Ron Sorrells (Resident Service Cocoordinator) registered fifty-

eight students for the “Grand Opening of The Computer Lab.” It is the largest and fully serviced among WDC Managed buildings. Sunday thru Saturday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. The five month, hands on class instructions, are taught by technology extraordinaire; Mr. Danyea Darren Jones; using Microsoft Program Technolo-

gy. Volunteer instructors are also on hand. Most residents have never taken a computer course and are excited. Upon completion; they receive a “Certificate of Completion in Computer Technology.” Mr. Richard Thompson (resident) said; “I am happy for such progress and I look forward to obtaining knowledge that will help make life easier.”.-MJ.

Ald. Natasha L. Holmes Hosts Meet & Greet Bingo!

Special points of interest:

On Wednesday February 12, 2014; Alderman Natasha L. Holmes of the 7th ward; hosted a meet & greet “Bingo” game at Mahalia Jackson Senior A p a r tm e n t s in th e “Golden Diner”, for all res-

 Good Neighbor Salute  We Miss You Ms. Lee

 Welcome Ms. Burney  Thank You  Under Construction  Humor

idents. Comm. Stanley Moore, made an appearance in support of Ms. Holmes. There were great prizes for both men & women winners (special games) and great prizes for winners of the regular

bingo games. Ald. Holmes danced with residents to the steppers delightful music being played and also expressed an opendoor policy to her office, for all concerns of her constituents. -MJohnson

All Residents Are Encouraged To Contribute Information To This Newsletter”

Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly

Volume 1 Issue I

Page 2

Don’t Sell Your Life Insurance Policy For Cash Unfortunately; there is another scam floating around and seniors or disabled citizens are the target. Scammers promise a manual of instructions to recalibrate a better lifestyle for the victims, if they sell their life insurance policies. Scammers, promise to double their retirement fund by making payments into it. And the victim makes the scammer their new beneficiary. Law-

Welcome All New Residents to Mahalia Jackson Senior Apartments.

makers in several states recently passed legislation to outlaw this practice by thieves toward the elderly/disabled or any other victims. This is known as STOLI (Stranger oriented life insurance practice). The essence of STOLI practice is: An investor entices a consumer, to sell their policy and take out another life insurance policy that often exceeds $1million. The investor sweet-

ens the deal by telling the victim they are paying the premiums for them, in exchange, the victim agrees to sell their original policy and make the investor beneficiary of the new policy; coupled by an upfront cash-fast cut of what was paid for sale of the original policy. “If you have been approached about this, report to building management. ”Life Insurance is very important to you.”—Anon. Contributor

Legal Help for Seniors and Disabled. Elder Law is a sub-specialty within the practice of law. This focuses specifically on issues valuable to seniors and disabled citizens. Areas that fall under the umbrella of elder law is: assisted living issues, claims and appeals for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, SSI, disability, pen-

sion, insurance, living wills, long-term care, nursing homes, probate, trusts, elder abuse and fraud. If you decide to go with an elder law attorney; keep in mind that you need to choose an attorney who has the expertise that matches your needs. Mahalia Jackson Senior apartments has

done a wonderful job in securing attorney’s who come on the building site to address your legal needs. If you have any questions or need additional info about these Legal Services please contact: Mr. Ron Sorrells (Resident Service Coordinator) 9141 South Chicago Ave. #507

Seniors On The Internet (CNN) -- It's looking like the digital divide may have less gray hair than it used to but it's still a big issue for U.S. seniors. E-mail is especially popular with Internetusing seniors. Social networking sites are far less popular: Just 34% of seniors use these at all, and only 18% on a typical day. Meanwhile,

the Internet has become a key tool for accessing news, information and services that affect or can benefit seniors' lives daily. Only 39% of seniors have broadband at home. This means a substantial number of seniors access

the Internet only from shared or public computers (such as at libraries, Internet cafes or seniorcenters), or by bringing a laptop to a location with open Wi-Fi. Just under one-third of U.S. seniors own a laptop computer. –LThompson

Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly

Volume 1 Issue I Page 3

ART: Tues. & Wed. 9:30am to 12:30pm. Enhance your life. Learn to paint and draw. It's relaxing, fun. Instructor: Edward Strong. BOWLING: Mon. 10:30am Thurs. 10:00am, recrea-

tion and exercise helps you to control your blood pressure, sharpen your balance and memory. 

SILK PAINTING & CRAFTS: Mon. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. with Vivian Visser. Reg. with Kalyna at (312)747-

Mission of OUR Newsletter Our mission is to produce a quality newsletter that gives our readers local and national news, humorous content, and resources about seniors and for seniors; in a easyread format. Publishing is based on years of news writing experience by The Editor. We hope your experience of reading ‘The New Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly newsletter”; is enjoyable. We ask all residents to contribute, a poem, information, an event or a story; to the editor. All names and information will be kept confidential and will not be sold, traded or published without the writers consent. If you would like to make a love donation that ensures this publication is printed without a hitch, please contact the editor. Happy Reading!

0189 ext. 103 

MAY 22, 2014 9:00AM Church View Supportive Living Community 2626 West 63rd St.

Get out and about, mingle with others, meet new friends and enjoy life!-MJ

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Marie Johnson-Editor 9177 South Chicago Ave. Suite 415 Chicago, Illinois, 60617

Phone: 312-480-8367 Email:

“All Residents Are Encouraged To Contribute Information To This Newsletter”

Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly

Volume 1 Issue I

Page 4

Being A Good Neighbor—All The Time Looking Out for the Needs of Others? All of us, at one time or another, have been in need of someone else's help. And when we were in that situation, we wanted help. Perhaps we were too proud to ask for it, but we knew we needed help.

“In order to be a good neighbor, we must take action. Perhaps the need is simply opening a door for someone whose

The famous parable of the Good Samaritan is a lesson about being a good neighbor. So let's look at that parable and other relevant scriptures that tell us how to be a good neighbor. Loving your neighbor as yourself is the second great commandment. Christ says we are to treat others the way we want to be treated. When dealing with people, we need to stop and think how we would want to be treated, then treat them that way.

hands are full.”

The last six of the Ten Commandments are sum-

marized in this second great commandment. A person must have compassion if he or she wants to be able to genuinely help others. Human beings have a natural compassion, but too often we learn to shut our eyes and hearts to the needs around us. God gives us His love and the deeper compassion that comes through His Holy Spirit. Anyone and everyone is our neighbor. We are to treat them all the way we want to be treated. The Samaritan saw someone in need and had compassion. He could have easily continued on his way like the other two people did, but he stopped when he saw the man in need. Next, the Samaritan put his needs on hold so he could assist this man who needed help now. The

Samaritan sacrificed his time and money to help this stranger. Finally, the Samaritan departed after he helped, and told no one about the good deed he had done (Matthew 6:1-4). Humility is needed to be a good neighbor. We can't be selfish. We can’t be disturbing. We need to think about others and their needs. Perhaps the need is simply opening a door for someone whose hands are full or offering an encouraging word when someone is depressed. Maybe some widow needs some company. Whatever the need, lets show by our actions that we care about our neighbor. Others will be grateful when we take time to help. –LThompson

The Good Neighbor Salute Goes To: Sometimes we see or meet people who are exceptionally caring, giving...Just Plain Nice! They go to various stores and food outlets, haul their donations from tiring miles away, rain, cold or blistering sun; continuing on because the end result for this person, is that an-

other human being is in need. Without any selfish regard or sought after compensation; this person steps outside of themselves on a regular basis; to assure that others are cared for and has enough food to eat. Shy in demeanor and soft spoken in speech, is

Ms. Randy Mims of Mahalia Jackson Apartments at 9177 South Chicago Ave. The residents and staff of Mahalia Jackson Apartments bow and tip our hats to her outstanding generous nature. Ms. Randy Mims, we salute you! MJohnson

Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly

Volume 1 Issue I Page 5

Thanks to GOD On most days upon waking up; we do our hygiene and get ready for a cup of coffee or tea. Through our day; GOD just might cross our mind, perhaps when we hear a catchy gospel song or someone will say, “Good morning, GOD bless you. Because we are courteous; we say, GOD bless them.” Still not

blessing the one responsible for OUR waking up. So, I want to take this time and ask GOD’s forgiveness for this. “My Dear Father of Heaven and Earth; please forgive my ingratitude; I want to repent of all my sins and ask you to have mercy on my soul. For you are Lord of Lords and DE-

SERVE TO BE PRAISED. Hear my prayer O Lord and give ear to my supplication and in THY faithfulness answer me. Teach me to do thy will, for thou are my GOD, thy spirit is Good. Quicken me, O Lord for thy names sake, that I may never forget to praise thy Holy name.” Amen— Psalm 143.

7th ANNUAL PRAYER BREAKFAST-MAY 3, 2014 Time to sign up for the 7th Annual Prayer Breakfast. From 8am.-12pm. noon; sponsored by Dr. Mildred Harris, PhD, at The Conrad Hilton Hotel located 720 South Michigan Ave. in Chicago’s Loop. Waiters serve

a full breakfast with all the trimmings; not a continental breakfast. The tickets are on a first come-first serve basis. Free tickets Free transportation

Please R.S.V.P. with Ms. Doris Riley Building Vice President. 773-930-9041

The bus departs at 8:15am. SHARP!

BAD CORNY Humor While studying our wedding photos; my six-year old asked; “Did you marry Dad cause he was good-looking?” “Not really, I replied. “Did you marry him for his money?” Definitely not, I laughed. “He didn’t have any.” So, “ “he said, “I get it, you just felt sorry for him.” (Linda Watson)-

“Everything’s starting to click for me!” said my Father-in-law after dinner. “My knees, my elbows, my neck, hell I’m clicking in places I never knew I had!” (Anonymous)My four-year old daughter watched in fascination when Grandma took out her teeth, cleaned them and put them back in her

mouth. She then said, “Cool Grandma, now take off your arm and put it back on!” (Readers’ Digest) [Send your jokes to the editor, to be considered in next issue. -MJohnson

“Got a joke, poem, information, recipe or story, please submit it to the newsletter for publishing.”

Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly

Volume 1 Issue I

Page 6

Thank You! “Special Thanks to Our Building Reps, Security, Maintenance and Tenant Patrol for an Outstanding Job!”

The residents of Mahalia Jackson Senior Apartments, would like to thank our Resident Service Cocoordinator; Mr. Ron Sorrels, for putting the needs, safety and comfort of residents on the front burner by securing the following services are available to the residents on specific dates at our building site: 

Secretary of State

City Clerk of Chicago Medical ID’s

Commodity Boxes

Special Event Trips

Voter’s Registration

Special Health Service

Computer Lab

Resident Birthday Celebrations

Just to name a few. Again we thank you for being an advocate connection that makes your work as Resident Service Cocoordinator outstanding..

Ms. Sharon Lee, Mahalia Jackson Residents want to say: “We Miss You!” and to Ms. Burney: Mahalia Jackson Residents, “ Welcome You”, with open arms!

Mahalia Jackson Senior Apartment Building at 9141-77 South Chicago Ave. is under construction; from the apartment building to the administration staff. All changes are

vital for the comfort, safety of residents, administration and visitors. Please be careful when walking or visiting areas of the building being constructed, for your safety.

We also have established a residential newsletter that will be published and distributed quarterly. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the management office.MJ

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