April - June 2014 Volume 1 Issue I
Mahalia Jackson Apartments Residents Quarterly Mahalia Jackson Apartments Computer Lab Is Techtastic!
In this issue...
Computer Lab is TECHTASTIC!.
Meet and Greet “BINGO.”.
Don’t Sell Your Life Insurance Policy.
Seniors and The Internet.
Legal Help for Seniors.
Atlas Senior Centre.
A Good Neighbor.
7th Annual Prayer Breakfast.
January 22, 2014, Mahalia Jackson Senior Apartments created a bridge between the digital divide, by launching a computer lab for residents. Residents learn to conduct online bill payment, go shopping, complete homework assignments, and other digital needs. Mr. Ron Sorrells (Resident Service Cocoordinator) registered fifty-
eight students for the “Grand Opening of The Computer Lab.” It is the largest and fully serviced among WDC Managed buildings. Sunday thru Saturday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. The five month, hands on class instructions, are taught by technology extraordinaire; Mr. Danyea Darren Jones; using Microsoft Program Technolo-
gy. Volunteer instructors are also on hand. Most residents have never taken a computer course and are excited. Upon completion; they receive a “Certificate of Completion in Computer Technology.” Mr. Richard Thompson (resident) said; “I am happy for such progress and I look forward to obtaining knowledge that will help make life easier.”.-MJ.
Ald. Natasha L. Holmes Hosts Meet & Greet Bingo!
Special points of interest:
On Wednesday February 12, 2014; Alderman Natasha L. Holmes of the 7th ward; hosted a meet & greet “Bingo” game at Mahalia Jackson Senior A p a r tm e n t s in th e “Golden Diner”, for all res-
Good Neighbor Salute We Miss You Ms. Lee
Welcome Ms. Burney Thank You Under Construction Humor
idents. Comm. Stanley Moore, made an appearance in support of Ms. Holmes. There were great prizes for both men & women winners (special games) and great prizes for winners of the regular
bingo games. Ald. Holmes danced with residents to the steppers delightful music being played and also expressed an opendoor policy to her office, for all concerns of her constituents. -MJohnson
All Residents Are Encouraged To Contribute Information To This Newsletter”