Volume 1 Issue 2
M A H A L I A J A C K S O N S E N I O R A P A R T M E N T S R E S I D E N T S Q U A R T E R L Y NEWSLETTER June - August 2014 Volume 1 Issue 2
Mahalia Jackson Senior Apartments Residents Quarterly MJA Seniors Bridged the Digital Divide
In this issue...
In This Issue… Computer Lab Graduates 2014
Graduates Continued Summer Events Happy Birthday’s You Should Know Smart Ideas
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Special points of interest: • Welcome To MJA • Thank You • Food Pantries • Letter from The Editor • Corny Bad Humor
January 2014 began was the technological Programs, became easier In January of 2014; Mr. Ron Sorrells (Resident Service Coordinator), opened Theself-confidence MJA. and Mahalia Jackson Senior extraordinary instructor; Computer Lab to all residents and Mr. Danyea Jones (Computer Tech Extraordinaire), came on the classroom. Apartments goal oriented, Mr. Danyea Jones. From swelled board to teach computer operations. Mr. Jones was patient, professional and compassionate fully equipped computer the starting gate; this class Each day of class the in teaching our seniors how to extend their lives from regular living to become functioning class. Mr. Ron Sorrells was destined for success. students anxiously filled “TECHNOLOGY EXPLOSION” participants. (Resident Service Each student recalls the their seats. Homework and lessons were ) Coordinator) brought this nervousness at beginning class plan to fruition and over something completely completed on time and 63 resident seniors eagerly new, but were soon put to according to directions. signed up. In fact, there ease by the techniques in Perhaps it was the of the were so many prospective how they were acquiring anticipation students that an extra this new knowledge. In a students, in knowing that classroom day had to be college atmosphere, very soon each of them incorporated in the learning how to operate a would be certified in basic syllabus. The added bonus computer, using Microsoft computer operations. > 1