Callie Calcium's baby book!
Nishali Naik Shannon Morgan
Callie Calcium When Callie Calcium was born in London, England of 1808 it was the happiest day of our lives. Callie Calcium weighed 40.078 and had a height of 20. When Sir Humphry Davy introduced us to our solid little baby, we cried tears of joy for adopting such a cutie. We began to call her Ca for short and make sure we wouldn’t mess with her melting point of 1115K (842C) or her boiling point of 1771K (1464C). Our baby was just perfect. Our physician: Sir Humphry Davy
Calcium, how do you say it?
????? (Um)
Birth certificate!
Callie Calcium solid 1808 England London Shannon Morgan, Nishal Naik
London blessed
Our beautiful baby!
Number of head:20 Number of body:20 Number of legs:40
Poem A beautiful metal from this earth, Our milk loving baby amazing from birth. Its atomic number is 20, That is why she is our little honey.
Born on the date of 1808, She is great with a weight, Of 40.078.
Our Family We are the Aunt Betty Alkaline Earth metals, and we are Uncle Matt- Gabe (Magnesium) a very loving family. If you find Grandma Stacey this baby book please return it to Grandpa Bob us at the Rocky following address: (Brother/Radium) 4 Davy Drive.
Callie’s first x-ray screening
Callie’s first x-ray image. This image was taken from the Bohr model.
Doctor who did the screening
Callie all grown up Callie Calcium is all grown up and she spends her days working very hard to keep bones happy and healthy, as well as volunteer to remove traces of gases in vacuums.