The name of my child is Emmanuel Tyson Sodium. His Nick name is Na He was born 1807 The Birth weight of Emmanuel was 22.990 The Birth height of Emmanuel was 11. The race Of my element is Metal The attending physician of my baby was Sir Humphry Davy My baby’s gender is a solid My little sodium was born in England. My little boys has emotions, his boiling point is 883 degrees Celsius. His melting point is 97.72 degrees Celsius.
Emmanuel Tyson Sodium
Was born to the great parent‌
Matthew Whiting
The Sodium Poem Sodium's birth height is eleven, It was born to Matthew in 1807, It has sibling, five to be exact, If you mix it with water they will quickly react, It lives on Davy court number three, This great poem was made by me!
Bohr Model Picture
Sodium can purify other metals very well. This use has made it very popular.
Pure sodium has very few uses since it is so reac@ve.
Sodium can be used to make ba7eries. Most people are familiar with lithium ba7eries and since they are sibling sodium can be used as well.